volume 3 no7 2010

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  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010


    NIOSH Updates : Volume 3, Number 7, 2010

    DATE : 21-22 June (2 DAYS COURCES)

    VANUE : Tiara Labuan Hotel, LabuanFEES : RM 300.00/paxSTATUS :CEP Approved and HRDF Claimable


    Register Now and receive attractive souvenir from NIOSH and Kimberly

    Clark Professional*

    * While stock last.

    Contact Us :For more details, please contact :-

    Ms. Ety (03-8769 2203) or Ms. Maya(03-8769 2202) or Mr. Nizwan (03-

    8769 2206)

    Fax Number : 03-8926 5900

    **Subject to change without notice. For latest information please visit www.niosh.com.my


    In Malaysia, the two main legal references for OSH are the Factories and Machinery Act 1967and the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994. The implementation and application of theActs may differ between organization due to the different work tasks and hazards faced in thevarious industries.

    The objective of the seminar is to raise awareness of the importance of OSH in the workplace.The seminar aims to transfer knowledge to employers and employees and provide them withthe skills to tackle and solve any current and future OSH problems. It was also designed togive advice on OSH issues related with injuries and illnesses at the workplace, commutingaccidents and others, which will benefit employers and employees in a long run.

    Who should attend?Policy makers, Managers, Safety and Health Officers, Safety and Health Committee Members,

    Supervisors and OSH practitioners and every employees/employers who wanted to improveOSH in the workplace.


    Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), Social Security Organization(SOCSO), National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and others.

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010


    News UpdatesNIOSH : Volume 2, Number 10, 2009IOSH Updates :

    Volume 3, Number 7, 2010

    SATU kajian mendapati amalan meminum susu dan pengambilan produk tenusu meningkatkan peluang seseorang wanitamelahirkan anak kembar.

    Penyelidik dari Pusat Perubatan Yahudi Long Island di New York, Gary Steinman dalam kajian yang diterbitkan Jurnal PerubatanReproduktif Steinman mendapati wanita yang banyak mengambil produk tenusu mempunyai peluang cerah lima kali ganda untukmendapat anak kembar berbanding wanita yang hanya makan sayur-sayuran.

    Susu bukan saja dikenali sebagai makanan berkhasiat yang lengkap dan penting tetapi turut membekalkan kalsium untuk membinadan mengekalkan kesihatan tulang serta membantu mencegah osteoporisis.

    Justeru, ia perlu diambil bukan pada peringkat kanak-kanak saja sebaliknya, sepanjang hayat kerana setiap peringkat usia, pelbagaizat tambahan diperlukan seperti zaman kanak-kanak, ketika mengandung, selepas mengandung dan ketika melewati usia 30-anserta pada usia tua.

    Golongan generasi muda di negara ini, tidak ramai yang meminum susu. Berdasarkan kaji selidik budaya minum susu masyarakatAsia menunjukkan, golongan utama meminum susu ialah di kalangan dewasa yang mencapai usia 40-an ke atas di samping,golongan kanak-kanak.

    Setiap bayi dan kanak-kanak memerlukan bekalan khasiat yang mencukupi untuk tumbesaran. Oleh itu, kita perlu pastikan bahawapemberian makanan bayi dan kanak-kanak mempunyai nilai khasiat penting terutama zat protein, vitamin, mineral, serat, karbohidratdan sebagainya.

    Bekalan protein yang mencukupi amat penting dalam pertumbuhan sel otak.

    Pengambilan protein menerusi susu dapat merangsang perkembangan otak pada usia dua tahun pertama bayi.

    OSH INFO : Keutamaan susu dalam tubuh

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010


    News UpdatesNIOSH : Volume 2, Number 10, 2009IOSH Updates :

    Volume 3, Number 7, 2010

    Jika tidak diberi tenaga protein mencukupi pada awal tumbesaran bayi, ia akan menjejaskan perkembangan mental pada jangka masapanjang.

    Pemakanan yang betul serta berkhasiat bagi kanak-kanak adalah faktor yang penting bagi memastikan pembesaran otak dan badanberlaku dengan sempurna.

    Pada umur enam bulan pertama, bayi hanya memerlukan nutrisi daripada susu badan atau susu formula yang diberikan kepada mereka.Susu badan atau susu formula mengandungi zat makanan bagi pembesaran.

    Bagaimanapun, selepas berumur enam bulan, makanan pejal dan jus buah-buahan perlu diperkenalkan kepada bayi di samping susu.

    Dengan menambah makanan pejal ini kepada bayi perlahan lahan, ia dapat menggantikan sebahagian daripada zat makanan, tenagadan kalori yang dibekalkan susu.

    Ada juga kanak-kanak yang tidak gemar minum susu mungkin kerana warna atau rasanya. Justeru, ibu bapa mempunyai banyak pilihankerana susu berperisa coklat dan strawberi boleh diberikan kepada kanak-kanak.

    Khasiat susu:

    * untuk pembinaan tulang

    * merangsang perkembangan otak

    * pembesaran badan

    Dipetik dari akhbar BH - May 18, 2010

    Samb OSH INFO : Keutamaan susu dalam tubuh

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010


    A C C I D E N T I N V E S T I G A T I O N & R E P O R T I N G



    An undesired and unplanned event or chain of event, which underslightly different circumstances, could resulted in harm (injury orillness) to people, damage (loss) to property (assets) or loss toprocess.Eg ; near miss, accident, fire, spillage etc

    An undesired event that results in harm to people, damageto property or loss to process.

    Usually as a results of contact with a substances or a source of

    energy above the threshold limit of the body or structure



    An event which did not result in injuries or illness to peopleand/or damage (loss) to assets and the environment.

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010



    Law (OSHA 1994) and Company requirements.

    Prevent recurrence

    Essential element in OSH Management

    Contribute to good morale and overall OSH awareness.

    Geared towards continuous OSH improvement thusincreased productivity and improved work environment.

    A C C I D E N T I N V E S T I G A T I O N & R E P O R T I N G

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010


    Book overview

    This book introduces students with little or no background in applied research toa deeper understanding of the philosophies that underlie the methodsresearchers use to acquire, verify and validate information in applied research. Itfocuses on applied research as a service to a client with a problem that researchcan solve. It seeks to help students understand how they can apply research totheir own businesses, or employ consultants to do the same in the knowledge

    that they can make informed decisions, emphasising the efficient use ofresearch resources while trying to maximise the likelihood of providing a usefulproduct. Applied Business Research is aimed at improving students?understanding of the practical application of both qualitative and quantitativeresearch methods. It provides a detailed examination of the differentmethodologies available, such as interviews, focus groups and questionnairesand how to select and apply these different techniques. It explores the variousanalytical approaches, including both constant comparative analysis andstatistics. Above all, it details the full research cycle, from the research catalystand definition of research objectives to the management of the research projectand the writing of the final report. The book emphasises a practical orientation,focusing on the development of research questions and the use of researchmethods for effective decision making in business.

    **Book for reference only: more details of this book, please refer NIOSH library and to browse list of collection please visi t, http://www.niosh.com.my

    NIOSH Updates : Volume 3, Number 7, 2010

    BOOK REVIEW : Applied business research: qualitative and quantitative methodsBy R. Y. Cavana, Brian L. Delahaye, Uma Sekaran

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010


    Title Applied business research: qualitative and quantitative methods

    Authors R. Y. Cavana , Brian L. Delahaye , Uma Sekaran

    Edition illustrated

    Publisher Wiley, 2001

    ISBN 0471341266, 9780471341260

    Length 472 pages


    BusinessBusiness & Economics / GeneralBusiness & E conomics / ManagementManagementQualitative research methods

    SPECIFIC TO AUSTRALIAN EDITION Retains the strong theoreticalframework of Uma Sekaran?s Research Methods for Business with regard tothe full research cycle Emphasises both qualitative and quantitative researchmethods Guides students through the various processes in the nine stages inthe research cycle Expands the discussion of other research methods, such aslaboratory experimentation and case study analysis Includes new material onmanaging a research project, covering issues such as topic analysis, clientbrief, guidelines for managing the process and putting together a proposalOffers broader coverage of the outcomes of the research, covering evaluating

    the implications of the findings, writing a research report and presenting resultsto different clients Contains examples of Australian and New Zealand researchprojects.

    No preview available - 2001 - 472 pages

    NIOSH Updates : Volume 3, Number 7, 2010

    ContBOOK REVIEW : Applied business research: qualitative and quantitative methodsBy R. Y. Cavana, Brian L. Delahaye, Uma Sekaran

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010


    Publication : HARIAN METRODate : 20/05/2010Page : 12AHeadline : Cedera dihempap pintu pagar

    NIOSH Updates : Volume 3, Number 7, 2010


  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010


    NIOSH Updates : Volume 3, Number 7, 2010


    Publication : UTUSAN MALAYSIADate : 22/05/2010Page : 16Headline : Pekerja binaan mati terjatuh ketika tidur di bumbung stor

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010


    NIOSH Updates : Volume 3, Number 7, 2010


    Publication : UTUSAN MALAYSIADate : 22/05/2010Page : 16Headline : Buruh maut dihempap kabin

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010


    NIOSH Updates : Volume 3, Number 7, 2010


    Publication : UTUSAN MALAYSIADate :18/05/2010Page : -Headline : Berisiko tinggi hilang pendengaran

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010


    NIOSH Updates : Volume 3, Number 7, 2010


    Publication : UTUSAN MALAYSIADate : 25/05/2010Page : 05Headline : 157 majikan didenda tidak mencarum

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010


    NIOSH Updates : Volume 3, Number 7, 2010


    Publication : UTUSAN MALAYSIADate : 24/05/2010Page : 15Headline : Utamakan aspek keselamatan di dalam rumah- Rosnah

  • 8/9/2019 Volume 3 No7 2010


    **More details of OSH newspaper cutting, please refer NIOSH website http://www.niosh.com.my/# , under online services e-sumber (NIOSH Library)

    NIOSH Updates : Volume 3, Number 7, 2010


    Publication : BERITA HARIANDate : 26/05/2010Page : 12Headline : Niosh anjur sidang keselamatan, kesihatan pekerja
