voice connect lone worker

Voice Connect Lone Worker You’ll Never Work Alone

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Voice Connect Lone Worker. You’ll Never Work Alone. Lone Worker Menu. Mobile Apps. Gold. Identicom Badges. Platinum. Status Screen & Alarms. VC Lone Worker. Safety and protection for lone working staff - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Voice Connect Lone Worker

You’ll Never Work Alone

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Lone Worker MenuMobile Apps

Identicom Badges



Status Screen & Alarms

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Safety and protection for lone working staff

Used by professionals in NHS trusts, councils, housing associations and utility companies

Communicate with the system via a mobile phone app, Identicom card or via any available telephone

VC Lone Worker

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Scalable - to suit any size of organisation

Flexible - to meet any lone working need

Easy - safety should be second nature

VC Lone Worker

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Scalable -

Voice Connects Lone Working solutions are designed to suit any sized organisation. You may have 2 lone workers that you need to protect or 20,000 !

Our systems are designed to grow with your organisation. You can start small and add protection as it’s needed.

VC Lone Worker

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Flexible –

Voice Connect can provide a solution for any of your lone working needs.

Site based or fully managed?.

Low risk workers maybe suited to our gold level cover?

Medium risk workers may need Platinum cover with GPS & phone apps.?

High risk workers may need identicom badges with man down facilities?

VC Lone Worker

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Easy -

It doesn’t matter which Voice Connect solution you choose, all of them are designed with the user in mind.

We understand that if the system is too complex or demanding your lone Workers won’t use the solution.

For those that need it, refresher training is always available.

VC Lone Worker

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VC Lone WorkerMobile App – Available on Android, Blackberry, Windows 7 mobile and iphone smart phones. Utilises inbuilt GPS for greater security.

Message and positional information is transferred via the data connection allowing the “trickle” of information even in low connectivity areas.

Alarm reminder is on the phone so you get a chance to cancel the alarm even if you are out of coverage on your mobile.

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Phone Connectivity - Create the job, record your message including location and job details, Cancel a job or activate an alarm all from your standard mobile phone or landline.

Identicom badge – Id card style unit with all the functions expected of a lone worker device.

VC Lone Worker

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VC Lone WorkerAgents can quickly see the status of every lone worker through the web interface.

Alarm Status


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VC Lone Worker


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Call Centre receives an alert for any lone worker that hasn’t cancelled their job.

VC Lone Worker


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VC Lone WorkerGPS location on alarmGPS tracking to show “bread crumb trail”Satellite or map based positioning


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VC Lone Worker

Alarm Audit

Message Archive

Individual Lone Worker reports

Admin reports


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o To set a job the user dials in to a pre-set phone number.

o System recognises the CLI from the users phone. o User is invited to record their name & whereabouts.

o To cancel a job the user phones the same number. o System confirms job has been completed.

o Escalationo If the user doesn’t cancel the job within the pre defined time frame an

email with the lone workers message is sent to a designated contact. o Job is then removed from the system.


Gold lone worker

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Platinum lone worker

o Full ARC Supporto Full range of LW deviceso 24/7 availabilityo GPS Trackingo Timed lone worker jobso Fully managed solution


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VC Lone WorkerLogin with your password

Set the time and record your message

You’re coveredSimply cancel when you have

finished your jobMenu

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VC Lone Worker

Designed to look like an id badge

Simple three button design

Rip cord alert

GPS available

Standard for the NHS Menu