vocal tract physiology april 5, 2013 the toolkit there are four primary active articulators in...

Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013

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Page 1: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

Vocal Tract Physiology

April 5, 2013

Page 2: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

The Toolkit• There are four primary active articulators in speech.

• (articulators we can move around )

1. The lips

2. The lower jaw (mandible)

3. The tongue

4. The velum

• The pharynx can also be constricted, to some extent.

• Separate sets of muscles control each articulator...

Page 3: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

Articulatory Speed• The gold medal goes to the tongue tip...

• which is capable of 7.2 - 9.6 movements per second.

• The rest:

• Mandible 5.9 - 8.4 movements per second

• Back of tongue 5.4 - 8.9

• Velum 5.2 - 7.8

• Lips 5.7 - 7.7

• Note: lips can be raised and lowered faster than they can be protruded and rounded.

Page 4: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

1. The Lips• The orbicularis oris muscle surrounds the lips.

• Contraction compresses and rounds the lips.

• A muscle called the mentalis also protrudes the lips.

• Contraction of the risorius muscle retracts the corners of the lips...

• and spreads them.

Page 5: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

By the way...• The vowel [i] is typically produced with active lip spreading.

• “Say cheese!”

• What acoustic effect would this have?

• Lips Normal:

• Lips Spread:

• Check ‘em out in Praat.

Page 6: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

2. The Jaw• Several different muscles are used to both lower and raise the mandible.

• Primary raisers:

• Masseter

• Temporalis

• Internal pterygoid

Page 7: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

2. The Jaw• Several different muscles are used to both lower and raise the mandible.

• Lowerers:

• Anterior belly digastricus

• Geniohyoid

• Mylohyoid

• Note: in lowering, the mandible also retracts.

Page 8: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

Articulatory Control• People can produce vowels perfectly fine even when a bite block holds their jaws open. (Lindblom, 1979)

• Adults get the formants right, right from the start...

• But kids need a little time to adjust.

• Abbs et al. (1984) experimented with pulling down people’s jaws...

• when they had to say sequences like [aba] and [afa]!

Page 9: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

• Lip muscles adjust immediately for the sudden jaw lowering...

• Adjustment happens faster than electrical signals can travel to the motor cortex and back!

Abbs et al. EMG data

Page 10: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

3. The Tongue• The muscles controlling the tongue consist of:

1. Intrinsic muscles

• (completely within the tongue)

2. Extrinsic muscles

• (connect the tongue to outside structures)

• The intrinsic muscles include:

1. The superior longitudinal muscle

2. The inferior longitudinal muscle

3. Transverse muscles

4. Vertical muscles

Page 11: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

Tongue: Sagittal View• The superior longitudinal muscle pulls the tongue tip up and back.

• Instrumental in producing alveolars and retroflexes.

• The inferior longitudinal muscle pulls the tongue tip down and back.

• Helps with tongue blade articulations.

Page 12: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

Tongue: Coronal View• The transverse muscles pulls in the edges of the tongue, and also lengthens the tongue to some extent.

• Helpful in producing laterals.

• Contraction of the vertical muscles flattens the tongue.

• Interdentals?

Page 13: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

Extrinsic #1: Genioglossus• The genioglossus connects the tongue to both the mandible and the hyoid.

• Contraction of the posterior genioglossus moves the whole tongue up and forwards.

• Crucial in palatals.

• Contraction of the anterior genioglossus curls the tongue tip down and back.

Page 14: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips


Gene Simmons, of the rock band KISS, is famous for his use of the genioglossus muscle.

Page 15: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

Extrinsic #2: Styloglossus• The styloglossus connects the tongue to the “styloid process” in front of the ear.

• Pulls the tongue up and back.

• ...for velar articulations.

• May also help groove (sulcalize) the tongue.

Page 16: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

Extrinsic #3: Hyoglossus

• The hyoglossus connects the tongue to the hyoid bone.

• Pulls the tongue down and back.

• = pharyngeals

• Can also pull the sides of the tongue down.

Page 17: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

Extrinsic #4: Palatoglossus• The palatoglossus connects the tongue to the soft palate.

• Can be used to raise the back of the tongue.

• And also to lower the velum!

• Lowering the back of the tongue may inadvertently pull the velum down...

• leading to passive nasalization of low vowels.

• Note: Great Lakes vowel shift

Page 18: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

Chain Shifting• The Great Lakes Shift is called a chain shift, because first one vowel moves...

• And then a series of others follow.

• In this case, the first shift was:

• Theory: vowels have to stay distinct from one another.

• So listeners can understand what’s being said.

Page 19: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

Back to the Shift• The Great Lakes Shift was first noticed in the 1960s.

Page 20: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

The Shift, Diagrammed

Page 21: Vocal Tract Physiology April 5, 2013 The Toolkit There are four primary active articulators in speech. (articulators we can move around ) 1.The lips

4. Velar Muscles• The levator palatini raises the velum.

• (connects the velum to the temporal bone)

• The velum is lowered by both the palatoglossus and the palatopharyngeus...

• which connects the palate to the pharynx.