visual experience design · “a visual experience is the happy marriage between content and...

rEPORT Elective by: Pleun Heeres [email protected] 0859267 B2.2 Student Industrial Design, TU/e Visual Experience design

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Page 1: Visual Experience design · “A Visual Experience is the happy marriage between Content and Form.” Visual Experience design “Design is not science, it’s Relative Science. Everyone

rEPORT Elective by:Pleun Heeres [email protected] B2.2 Student Industrial Design, TU/e

Visual Experience design

Page 2: Visual Experience design · “A Visual Experience is the happy marriage between Content and Form.” Visual Experience design “Design is not science, it’s Relative Science. Everyone

“A Visual Experience is the happy marriage between Content and Form.”

Visual Experience design

“Design is not science, it’s Relative Science. Everyone looks at things differently.”

rEPORT Elective by:dr. ir. B.J. Hengeveld


#1 Collage 04. #5 size matters 12.

#2 interaction 06.

#3 styles 08.

#4 MP3-shop 10.

#7 sketch-shop 16.

#6 Infographics 14.


Visual Experience Design

02 03

Page 3: Visual Experience design · “A Visual Experience is the happy marriage between Content and Form.” Visual Experience design “Design is not science, it’s Relative Science. Everyone

“Your name should be designed also.”“Text should not be needed, everyone interpreteds differently.”“Straight, horizontal lines should have been changed, it draws attention.““good contrast and working with space.”

Personal Feedback

The core assignment for the first week was meant to learn why and how to think more abstract. Forcing yourself to think as simple as possible and think of what you ‘see’. This was practiced by dissecting examples. Pointing out features such as Visual Flow, defining contrast, design of empty spaces and playing with patterns and expectations. What helps is avoiding representation, forms/lines that suggest more movement and working with these empty spaces. All of this should be considered to be part of the story something resembles. As such was our assignment: create a visual composition by learning of musical composition. This in the form of a collage expressing the Bach piece: Prelude Cello Suite No.1 in G Major:

General Notes

#1 CollageCanvas with forms with a composition in

order to convey a story. Teaching yourself to think more abstract.

As noticed during the presentation session, everyone interpreted collages differently, as such a short justification of my choices: The mountains resemble the repeated amplitude in the composition, which is pleasing to hear. The flat horizon of industrial buildings resembles the monotone parts of the piece, with some peaks, whereas the ‘heavy part’ is more industrial and ‘boring’ and the end is in the form of older prettier buildings. The overlapping mountain, ballerina dancer and text resemble the feeling of relieve experienced at the end of the piece and urge to want more.

Justification Choices

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Page 4: Visual Experience design · “A Visual Experience is the happy marriage between Content and Form.” Visual Experience design “Design is not science, it’s Relative Science. Everyone

Visualizing interaction is a hard thing to do, mainly because most visualizations are static. In order to create an interaction by means of reaction, you have to get to know how human behavior works. Some tools and principles exist that are proven to help with the narrative of storytelling. Some common ones are arrows, storyboards and Gestalt Principles (which are focussed on the use of grouping). Though these are descriptive, not prescriptive. For example: Gibson argued that Affordance can be designed, think of handles on teacups; though Norman argues that affordance could be intended and unintended, think of Ad Hoc design. What really helps is making a story more expressive which could be learned greatly by looking and learning from comics.

General Notes

“there is too much going on, I see that you want to tell a whole story, though some elements could have been left out. Such as the arrows, numbers, and extra arm.” “the different greens and the logos are somewhat distracting”“the popped out cross section of the field is nicely used.”

Personal Feedback

#2 interaction“Everything you design tells a story, it has a Narrative. As designers we can try to guide users, through the Narrative, within our artifacts. If done with visuals, you would call this a Visual Interaction”

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Page 5: Visual Experience design · “A Visual Experience is the happy marriage between Content and Form.” Visual Experience design “Design is not science, it’s Relative Science. Everyone

#3 styles

Typography, usage of Colors, Grids & Content; all parts that could contribute to a certain (house-)style. In order to make a style work, you could design unity through recurring style elements. Also of importance is allowing your layout room to breathe, because it translates to the audience. Giving elements and text their appropriate sizes guides the reader. In order to avoid boredom planned interruptions have to be embraced. Though most of all be original and in total control of the craft.A good way to learn when to use what is to look at examples, dissect them and use the typical elements.

General Notes

The main feedback that was given focused on being exact in using your fonts. Also text should get the appropriate story and size in order to resemble a style. The importance of printing and photos is really big. Always ‘print before you print’ and find a printer that you like and get to know it.





B2.1 Enigmo BEL/LUX €2,40 - CAN EIL €3,10 - DUI/OOST €2,90 - MAL/GRIEK/CYPRUS €3,10 - FRA/ITA €3,10 - POR/SPAN €3,00 - MADEIRA €3,90 - TUR TL 11,00 - AUR/BON/CUR ANG 6,00 / USD 3,35 NO. 40.225 124E JAARGANG €1,85



Pleun Heeres neemt De Telegraaf over met





Enigmo is an in-house art piece that triggers faded memories, it creates me-mento. It enables people to be more selective with-in capturing and reliving moments and events. The main goal is to allow people to relive memories, happy or sad, in a surpris-ing and interactive way. Enigmo is a functional, physical and emotional art piece which is displayed within the hallway. The hallway can been seen as a place of transition, a place where you can now see your transitions in life. Enigmo is an evolving, living art piece of special memories. As you get old-er, Enigmo evolves, with you, with time.FOTO’S MARIJE/PLEUN


Where it all ‘started’

The shape hasn’t been chosen random. The pentagonal shape has the unique quality to be able to tile a plane with-out overlapping or leav-ing any gaps. For Enigmo this is an perfect feature. It causes the art- piece to become

one unibody


Defining & InspirationFrom one of ourTeammembers

Eindhoven - This project is about designing and re-searching holistic inter-active environments with interactive artifacts that adjust themselves to the rituals and performances of those being part of, and taking part in the environ-ment. It aims to operate on the overlap of the internet of things and ubiquitous computing.

Personal design goals were already formulated at the

beginning of this project.The main goals, in means of process, were: makingsomething physical, having a clear concept ready in anearly stage and a goal of ours also was to use theorybased information and make decisions upon this.Concept wise, we also had some shared interests. Thedesign should be able to be used easily by everyone. Thedesign should be a design that can be used in intuitivemanner and also creates an interaction that feels verynatural. Also the private space was more appealing.

A last important shared goal was to make this designpersonal and evoke emotions to the users. This wasinspired by the designer Daan Roosegaarde who is an interactiondesigner. He creates an inter-action,however our intention is to create an emotional


Tackling mobility and environment problems


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Page 6: Visual Experience design · “A Visual Experience is the happy marriage between Content and Form.” Visual Experience design “Design is not science, it’s Relative Science. Everyone

#4 MP3-Shop

A great tool to render 2D (or 3D) ‘product like’ representations of a design is Adobe Photoshop. With some practice and knowledge of existing tools with in the program, such as Filters, Layer Styles and blurred/sharp lines. A thing to keep in mind is that light comes naturally from the top left corner and shadow appears to be more in the right down corner. Understanding how shading and reflection work is essential.Furthermore, it is mainly about getting familiar and handy with the program and knowing when to use it.

General Notes

“Print always at, at least 300dpi.” “Printing is not to be underestimated, this looks more blue than it might have been intended. “ “the inner corners seem to not have the same radius.”“the metal knobs are quite neat.” “be careful with dropshadows, the make a render ‘float’ quite easily.”“making more perspectives would have worked a lot.”


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Page 7: Visual Experience design · “A Visual Experience is the happy marriage between Content and Form.” Visual Experience design “Design is not science, it’s Relative Science. Everyone

#5 size matters

B2 / DRP / Assisted LivingHealthy and Active Aging Enerexercise

Students: Joep van de Ven & Pleun Heeres Coach: Lu YuanExperts: Hugo Nachtzaam, Rens Brankaert & Xipei Ren

ENNA (enerexercise activator)A common phenomenon in society nowadays, is the increase of sedentary life, especially in o� ces. Although it is proven that this can lead to various health issues, it is almost inevitable that work has to be done seated. An interesting challenge therefore is � nding out how to educate o� ce workers a good sitting behavior. Technology that is based on dialogue support could be of great value within this challenge. � is research presents two di� erent approaches on using persuasive principles based, novel technologies. Quantitative research (n=48), by means of user study, over a period of 4 working days, during work hours. Qualitative research, conducting an open-ended interview (n=7), on the basis of two prototypes.

Pleun Heeres (0859267)how to Educate a Good Sitting BehavoirB2 Design Research ProjectHealthy And Active AgingIndustrial Design

To present your work the main questions arise of What is my context? and What is my audience?. You want to make the atmosphere to be part of the feeling and experience you want to express. Posters have to persuade people to come closer and have to be visible of a distance. Business Cards however have to be small and tell a story in itself. Portfolios are meant to showcase yourself. You have to stand out, though also have to ‘live up to your dress’. To do so you have to get an overview of work and skills (with accompanying images) and organize them. Polishing the visuals, creating a format and spending a lot of time are essential. Notable problems can be easily overcome by re-doing, raising contrast, realizing you are a student and showing skills/design process. A thing to always keep in mind is that people don’t have a lot of time and therefor provide a clear navigation.

General NotesGlossy paper has shown to give more contrast, though you have to keep in mind glair. Spot finish could help with this and making more contrast. What doesn’t work are grey colors. They tend to ‘suck up’ all colors to average. As so was my feedback: the dark colored background doesnt work. Also it was a shame that the printing business cards on wood didn’t work as hoped.


Quantitative ResearchUser Study: 4 workday timespan, 48 participants









Attractiveness Perspicuity Efficiency Dependability Stimulation Novelty



Above Average

Below Average











Attractiveness Perspicuity Efficiency Dependability Stimulation Novelty



Above Average

Below Average



Quantitative Results (UEQ)Reminders


Qualitative Research3 Technical Probes & Open-ended Interviews

How can we use ‘Dialogue Support’ to educate o� ce workers to have a good sitting behavior?

Research Question


ENnA (Enerexercise Activator) Educating officeworkers a good sitting behavior

B2 Design Research Project

Industrial Design

ENNA (ENerexercise activator

Pleun Heeres (0859267)how to Educate a Good Sitting BehavoirB2 Design Research ProjectHealthy And Active AgingIndustrial Design

Pleun Heeres (0859267)how to Educate a Good Sitting BehavoirB2 Design Research ProjectHealthy And Active AgingIndustrial Design

B2 / DRP / HealthHealthy and Active Aging

Students: Joep van de Ven & Pleun Heeres Coach: Lu YuanExperts: Hugo Nachtzaam & Xipei Ren

ENNA (enerexercise activator)A common phenomenon in society nowadays, is the increase of sedentary life, especially in offices. Although it is proven that this can lead to various health issues, it is almost inevitable that work has to be done seated. An interesting challenge therefore is finding out how to educate office workers a good sitting behavior. Technology that is based on persuasive principles could be of great value within this challenge. This research presents two different approaches on using dialogue support based, novel technologies. Quantitative research (n=48), by means of user study, over a period of 4 working days, during work hours. Qualitative research, conducting an open-ended interview (n=7), on the basis of two prototypes.

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Page 8: Visual Experience design · “A Visual Experience is the happy marriage between Content and Form.” Visual Experience design “Design is not science, it’s Relative Science. Everyone

#6 Infographic
















We saw that Photoshop could be used for rendering product like resamples. Another tool that could also be used for this is Adobe Illustrator. It could help you say to your client: “this is what it could be like”. In order to do so, again finding out how light works and for example doing line studies. Again a lot of practice, time and effort are asked for in order to get familiar with the program, such as short keys or appliances of tools.

General Notes

This assignment was in my case getting familiar to cleanly show quite some information. Relatively grading on what I learned and how I felt like while doing so. Also some time was used to find out pleasing colors and finding ways to make them easy applicable and changed, by working efficiently in layers.

Explaination Work


Page 9: Visual Experience design · “A Visual Experience is the happy marriage between Content and Form.” Visual Experience design “Design is not science, it’s Relative Science. Everyone

#7 Sketch-shop Reflection

At the start of this semester the urge existed to get better at visually presenting my designs. As well digitally as physically. Aware of the fact that just doing was not enough, some knowledge has to be obtained in order to really get a grasp at it. This elective was chosen due to the fact that it would focus more on the digital part of visual design. Getting familiar with different techniques of visualization and creating a set of tools and skills to analyse and create interactive experiences. As this elective proceeded, more confidence was gained. More knowledge and skills were explored and finding applicable aspects was really motivating. Though at some points I found myself ‘lacking’ quality in the deliverables made with digital programs in comparison to others, which was daunting and motivating at the same time. Others probably had worked with these before, whereas I was almost completely new with them. Overall it was really nice to explore topics that I wanted to develop for a long time, though hadn’t made time for yet in my study. I had worked with illustrator and Photoshop, at some extend, for really basic purposes. Applying them differently was eye opening. Also knowledge gained on certain topics was great to apply immediately, such as use of grids and Typography. The essential part of this elective for me have been

exploring what could be used to create a more complete and more rich interaction through static visual designs. Finding out that there are multiple tools that have their strengths and weaknesses to create product like representations. A problem that I encountered is that the capabilities of working with editing programs are not my strong point, the positive side of this is that this could be improved. Which brings us back to my plans for the future. In order to get more familiar I have to practice a lot. Now that I have a wider orientation of what I could use tools for I have a broad area to explore. I found out that there are some pro’s and con’s for working (non-)digitally and I hope to improve these in my future visual experiences. Also getting better at documenting through photos and editing these properly is something that I have to get better at. Overall I learned a lot though there is always room for improvement. Until then I will have to “Stop Stealing Sheep” and find out how Visual Design works, for me.

Acting, Looking Back, Essential Parts & AlternativesAs a last in-class assignment a

demo was done upon sketching. Explaining techniques and tricks such as pressure, ‘Warm Schetsen’ and materials. After the demo quick sketches were made and the sketches were scanned in order to post-process them with Photoshop. Already familiar and some yet unfamiliar tools could be added in order to make the sketch more product like.

General Notes

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