violetta breda portfolio

Violetta Breda

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Post on 15-Mar-2016




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Portfolio of my designes


  • Violetta Breda

  • Architectural design

  • The site of the residential buildingggg iiiis sss ananaan irregular spot, set in Via Rovello, nearby of Milanos historical citititity yyy cecc ntre.Via Rovello is a littttle road, located in in the city centrtrtrtre,eee tttthahhh t crosses the main road Via Dante and leads to the famous CaCCaC -stello Sforzesco, a castle that in the past centuries has enor-mously infl uenced the development of the entire area.

    The castle was built during 1400, committed by Francesco Sforza... ItItItIt wwwwasasasas made up to cover the structure of an alreadyexexexe isisisistitititinnngng cccaasasstltltltle.e It underwent several changes. The green zone arara ououndndd ttheehe CCCCCaaasa tltltlttt e was assigned as park and the surrounding ararareaea wasasas intteenenenendedeeddedd for housing, as it happened for Via Rovello.

    ThThee ororrigiginaaalaa ccccurrurrvilinnnenn an structure has been unchanged during ththtt e e cecec ntn uriieiiess.s... AAAAll theeee buildings in this little road have a pa-titiooo sstrtructuuuurreeee,,,, wwiw th thhehhhh typical curtain facade, as most of bu-ilildiddinngn s in MMMMMillanananano. Sinceeeee the shape of the lot allows to mantainthththisis typoloooogoo yy,y,y,, hhhhhasa beennnn decided to carry out a building, whose plplana respeeeeeectttt tttthihhhis axle, ououuutlining it even clearer. In this way the shshs ort buildid nngggg in tht e fronntt tt was born, trying to underline this roroad benttt.t

    The neiggghbbh ororrrriinngg bubuildings arrrre from different styles and times, moreoveeree ttheehe dddimimenensions of eeeeach fl oor and the total height of every buuuuuilddinggngg vvvaraaa y.y TThe volummmmes follow the setting of the ur-ban dessiign;; thtthhtheieieie r r rr lalaayoyoutu lleae ds tttto ooo a court spaze, open towardsVia Roveeeeeelloo.The roaadada is s papartrtrticcicicululululararara lyly nnnararrow annnnd defi ne a curve that opensin the ccccciircuss. Theheheh pppproororojejejej ctctc ppror viv deddd the design of building put into hhhououuusssssisinng aand sssshohohohopspspss oooor rr r otototo heheheh rs defifififi ciencies, located in the city centtrereere..Thheeeee ddededevevelolopmpmenent t starteeeddd frfrfromomomom aa histoooorical research. The the-memmmememe hhhhasasasas ffffocococo usususeddee aaroor unundd ththee iddidi eaeaeaea of a cocococourt building, whichintet gratatteses wwitiitithhhh ththththeeee neneneneigigigighbhbhbhbhbororoorhohoodododd..

    Architectural design studio I2009/2010

  • Ground Floor Planon top: elevation views

    Previous page:

    planimetry, massing plan , sketches

  • First Floor Plan

    Second Floor Plan

    Fifth Floor Plan

    Sixth Floor Plan

  • Thee arareaa iinvnvolo vevedd inin tthihis s prprprprprprprprojojojojojojojojeceecececececectttttt is part of a largegegeeeeee llllotooo now ababanandodonenedd anandd susuuuubjbjbjbjbjbjbjbjececececececece tttttt t to degradation in the block placed in frfronontt ofof tttthehehehehehehehe sssssssseeeeae t of the II Faculty of Architecture of the Politec-ninininininininicococococcococo ddddddddiii Milano in Via Durando, Milan.There are many factors that characterize this sppececifi c llotot ttthahat,, in addition to its proximity to the Polytechnic,c mmusuu t t tatakekeke iiintntnto o account, as the future passagegegeg oof f a tram linee enenenvivivv sasaaagegeg ddd bybybyy urban plplplplanaa s that crossssss tthehehe lllotot.. ThThThisisi crossing willlll mmmeaeaeaeannnn cococonsnsn e-e-equently aaaalsoso aaaa nnnnewewewew ppededesesesestrtrtrtriaiaiaiannnn pppath that will aallllowoww ffororo eeasassieer r and convvvenenieientntt ccccononononnenenenectctctctiiion to the Milano Bovisasa ttraraaininin statatitit onono ,,,,lighteninnggg tttthehehehe lllloadd during peak hours of unsuiitatatt blbblee susuuurrrrrrrrououououndndnn -inngggg ststrer ets sidewalks.AxAAxiaialiliitytytyty givivivene by the possibility of future connection to theururururbabbabann fabrrricicicc of fi nding a better comparison with ttthe facadeofofo tthehehe uuuuninnn vev rsity is so important for Bovisa. The pprrroject wasininininspspsppiiri ed by this to create a new large square as aaaa ffocal point ofofoff ttttheh entire project that is volumetrically defi nedddd by the du-ality between the seat of the Polytechnic and the new com-munity building consisting of a multifunctional hall and exhi-bition spaces. The square is then divided into smaller aaaarer as encompassing the entire new building is impossible to be ableto build on certain portions of the boundary of the lot for the presence of windowed walls. These spaces give you the oppor-tunity then to the adjacent lots to be able to reconfi gure in the future and complete the urban front.

    Architectural design studio III2011/2012

  • left: planimetry, 1:500top right: public building technological sectionbottom right: student residence structural section

  • As required by the delivery of the workshop the residential offer has been diversifi ed. Build-ing to the south of the lot,at the end adjacent to other buildings in the block is allocated a student residence while the remaining subsidized housing with two or three rooms. The building to the north instead, which conforms as a classic court house has a good variety of sizes and shapes of housing as studio fl at, fl ats from 2 up to 5 rooms and duplex from 50 to 115 square meters, for a total of 58 units. All units in the project have the possibility of car boxes in the basement.

    top: urban sections, scale 1:1000under: southern building fi rst fl oor, scale 1:500

  • top: urban sections, scale 1:1000under: public building and north court fi rst fl oor, scale 1:500

    At the extreme west edge is loaded with a canteen and new classroom teaching with study spaces outbuildings belonging to the Poly-technic. On the other sides of the square, that is, those north and south, is designed to complete the block through new urban residen-tial buildings. Given the high building index provided, the choice has been to use the maximum height allowed for residence posing as 5 fl oors above ground. Thinking about the possibility of pedestrian crowds, the ground fl oor overlooking the square and the street that bor-ders the south lot is intended for commercial spaces. For this reason and because of the extremely elongated shape of the block located to the south of the lot, the building is separated to give another point of access to the square mediated by the shopping plaza that is gen-erated inside the building.

  • Interior Design


    The project One Man Living provides for the study and design hht sisMe T pof small living spaces in an internal competition organizationeepamf mstyle. Design constraints were the maximum dimensions and uumsyle materials. The structure was to provide the use of L-shapedrerrsteel angle profi les from shelving, the skeleton carrier coupledeeaawith materials as much as possible to reuse or ecological for ssuathe cladding.d

    The module designed consisted of an area proposed for ob-aaedservation, study and care for animals. The whole project haseeherv annbeen based in Parco del Ticino, and it is specifi cally designed pppspsppsspsbeen b rsfor the big otter colony that lives in the park.aaaaappaappfor th oThe themes were we focused are integration between functiontttttttttttttmand nature. Moreover we thought about the necessity to per-hhta ousonalise the spaces.sonalise eeIt is a fl exible structure: light and versitile, to be positionedeeeeeeeeeeeeIt is a fl e ueinside the parks and wilderness. Thanks to a system of slidingoottttttttttttttttinside twebbings it is possibile to create cribs, that allows animal wa-aahhaahhaahhbbin sstching.hiThe modular composition was also chosen for the convenience he mo pdof assembly guaranteed. ass amThe materials chosen were wooden panels for fl oor plans and sse ma st sen were wooden panel ans and seatings, while for rear-end collisions for shading has beensseatings rs sions foprovided a fabric of natural hemp.provide od

    Interior design studio 2009/2010

  • 1 2 3 4

    Profili metallici a L Viti e bulloni Moschettone


    DimensioniTipo C





    Rete metallica




    Pannelli OSB


    Fettucce di stoffa




    DimensioniTipo B

    DimensioniTipo A

    3D model

  • top left: perspectivebottom left: sketches and viewsright: mass plan

  • TTTThhThheee innssppiirrrringggg thhht ememmmeeeee e waas s thththtthe sis lence. The oonlnlnllyyyy bobobobonndndnd wee hadddduuuud rriingg ttttthhheeee pproroooccceeeessssssss oooooof f dedesisssss gnggnninininingggg wawawawaass s s ththththeee mamateteteriririalll:: thhththt eee whole pppaaaavvviiillioionn hhahaddd totoo bbeeee mmmamadedee oooff f wowowoodododdenenen ssstrtrtrtripipiips.sTTThhThThT eenn wwwweee ttrtt ieeedddddd tttoooo rrrrececece reatateeeee aa paapap viviillllllllioioiooionnnn ththththatat recalallls tthehee tthehehemememee thhhhaatatttt areee mmmossssttt t rrrereerelalaaateteteted to sssssssiliii eneneneene cece and itss research.h QQuiuietet,, inintrtro-o-sppppeeeeccctioonn aaaandddd neeeaeaeatntneeess.SSSiSimmmmmpmm lee mmmmmmmasa sseesssss annddd well-n-n-nnnn-nnnnotoooticicedee typologo ies were used.TTThhhhisssss ppaaavvvavilllli lionnnnn iiiissss s loocacaaated innnnnnn PPPParco Seme pip one, in the city centrrreeeeooffff MMMMMMilannnnooo..o Thhhehe aaaarerereeeaaaaa is neeaaaaaae rbbbrby aa little lake annd a big tree.

    TTTThhhheee prproooojojooo eeeeceee tssssss idididddeaeaeaea sssstat rtedddddd ffffrom a sis mple boxoxox, that couldldd nn lclclosososeeeeannnndddddd prproooototoototeeeeece t tttststtsts ccccononnnnteteteteent, mimmmimim xixx ng with thhe e surroundinningggg nananatutuut rerere. hTTThhhhTThTT eeneen thhhihihihissssss boxxxxxx hhhaaaass bbbbebeen ooooopep ned and excavatededed,,, ccarararriririringngngng oooooutututuu

    a llilitttttttlee ccccccooooououoo rt,,,, thttthhhhthatat issss crc ossssseeeess ddd bybyyy a gangwayay,,, whwhwhereereee ttotoo wwwwalalalala kk kk orrr haaaaavveev aa ssseeeeaee t .. TTTThhhTT ee bobboboooxxxx isisss nnnnowo openeddd anannddd aaa trtrtrreeeeeeee iiissss loololoccacateteedddd inininiinnn thhhhhhhhheee e mimiddddddddddddlllee. TThThThTThheee cocooovvvev r is a single-e-slss opopopopededed roooof,f,, ssssloolooppipip ngg ttttowowowowowowards thhhhhee innssiideddeeee, trrrrrryyyiiy nngngg tttoooo unundedeeeeeeeerlrlinine e e thththeee ddidifffferenenencececece bbbbete weeeenenenenenen the sppaacccee e iinnssssiidee aaaannndnddd ooooututu sis deeee... ThThThT eee isisispirationon ccccooomes fffffffrororororororomm the ro-mmmamannnn imimmmmpppllluuviuummm.m.m. TTTTTThehhheh entttrrraaaannncn e is only y yy popooosssssss ibibbbleleleeleeee ttttthrrough a brid-gegeegegege,,,, ththtthaattatatt cccccrereeaaatatata eesessss aaaa sssssorort t ofof aa trail tthahahahat leeeleadadadadds ss ss ininini side the pavillion. ThThThTheeee brbrbrbridididdgegege iiiisss thththhthththheeeeee fififififi firsrsrsrstt t fi lttttterererer bbettetetweweenenenen ttttheheheh real world and the papapapaavivivivivivillllllllioiooioi n.n.nn. TTTThehehehe mmmmaiaiaiainnn fafaf cadedede iiiiss ththththee e e seeecccond fi lter, since is made offofo aaaa ssseqeqeqqueueueueeenccncncncncceeeeeee ofofofofofofof lllllititititittltlt eee cucuuurtrtrtrtaiaiaiaiiinnnnn oof strips, oriented at 45 degreestototowawardrdrdsss ththhe e axaxxlele oofff ff thhththhhtht eeeeeee papapapapappapavivvvvvv llion. The rest of the box is main-tatataainininedededed cccloolosesedd. In this we were inspired by the philosophy of Zen gardens, places to search for the well-being, surrounded by natural elements. The simple, minimalist look carries the essentials in search of the true values of life and gives peace of mind, thanks to the contemplation of nature.ThThe pavilion is then a simple but well-defi ned, which becomesa plplpp ace to think and refl ect, away from the noise of the world.Thhheee whw ole project has been all hand drawn.

    2010/2011Minimal space design competition

    organized by the Politecnico di MilanoFirst Prize

  • Restoration

  • ThThThThThThThhhTThhee ee rerereeststststororororataattatattattioioiioiiioiioonnn stststststtsttss uduuuduu io hhhhasasasassas bbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeee nnnnn dededededededed veveveveveeevveeeeloloooollolloopepepepepepeppeepeppeddddddd araaarrrroouououo nd the hypypypypypypp--popopopodrdrdrdromomomommmmmmeeeeeeeee ofofofofofoooofoof MMMMMiliillilliilananananana o... TThehehehheee hhhhhypypypyppppopopopopopopop ddrdrrrommmmmommmeeeeeeee wawawwawwawwaw sssss bbubububbbuilt in 1925 5 5 555 bybby tttheheehh ararararchchchchitittitecececcccecctttttt tttt PaPPaPaPaaPaaPaaPaolololollolo o Viettttttttitittititittittiitit VVVioiooolililllii.. SiSiSiSiSiSincncncncnncn eeeeeeeeeee thththththhhthhtheenenenene rrrreaeeaeaeealll wowowwowowwoww rkrkrkrkrkrkrkkkkkssssssssss offfff bbbbbbbuiuildldinnggmmmmamamamamammaininnininnnnntetetetetetetteeteeencncncncnceeeee havennnntttttttttttt bebebebebebebeeeneen ddddononononne.e.e.e.e.e ThTThTThTThThThThThhisissisisiss wwwwwwwworoo kshop gagagaagaaagag vvevvevvv uus,s tthehe stststststssttsstststs ududududduduuduuudddenenenenenennnennntstststststsssttstt , the oppopopoopppopp rtrtrtrtrtrtrttrr unununununuu ititititititttyyyyyyyy tottotototottoto hhhhhhhhhaaavavava eeeee pprpprp ofessionalllalalall tttttooo lss aaandndd uuuuuuuuuuun-nnnnnnnnndededeedeeersrsrsrsrsrsrssrr tatatatatatatataatat ndnddd wwhahattttt rrrrrrreseseeseese tototottoorarararararararaatittititiononononoonnnn memememeeeeaaanaaa s, preseervrvvrvrvrvvrvvinininii g ththee hihihiststtststtststs ororororrricicicccicccaalalalalaa ananananananana ddddddd prrrrrpp eseesesesseseseeessenenenenenenenenent tttt hehhherirririitatatatatataagegeegeggegegeggeggg ...ThThThThTheeeee bububububuuuubub ilililililili diidiiiiingngngnggs s ss ininnnvovovovooovoolvlvlvlvvlvl ededededdddd iiiinnnn thththththththththht e e reeeerelliiiliefefefefeffefefff aaaaaaaaarereeerererererer ttttwo and cccccccaaannaaa be foundddddddddd iininin thheeeeeeee ststsststsstabaaababababa leleleelelleeeessss s s ofofofofofofoff PPPPPPPPPPPPiaiaiaiiaiaiaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaa AxAxAxxAxAxAxAAxxxumu . Lookinninnnnngggggggg at theh flooooooooorooooo plan youuuuu caccacac nnseesesesesseeseeeeeeeeee ththhthhataaatat tttttheheheeheee bbbbbbbbbatatatatatatataaa chchchch wwwwwwwwaasaaaa dividedd iiiiintntntntntnntntntn o o oooo o twwwo oo paappaaaartrtrtrtrrtrrrrrtrr ss ss s aananaanand thenennnnn hhhhhhasaaa bebebebeenenennnen mmmmmmmmmmiriririrriri rororororororrrorerererererereered,d,d,d,dd,dd ccccreerererererer ataa ing a lootttt tttt ofofoo ttwiin-n bubuuuuiliililiilii ddddiddd TTTTTTTTTheehehehehehheheeyyyyyyyyy araaaare e booththh onononneee fl flooor hihhihihihihihhhh ghghghghghghggghg aaaaaaandndndnddddn aaaaaaaaaaaarererererre useseeeeeeeedddddddd reresps ecctvvtvvvelleleleleleeee y y as stablleeee ee eee aannanaana dddd fafff rrrieeeeryryryryryryrry.

    ThThhhhhThTThThhe e eeee bebebbb arini gggggggg syss stemmmem cccccccooononononsisiststs offofofof ttttttttthhhhehhhh buildinggggggggg ppepeepeerririmemmeter r r r wwwwawaallllls, mamamamammmmamam dededededeeede wwwwwwwwwwititititittitthhhh brbrbricicksksksk . ThThhheee cococ atattta inininggggggggggg ofofofofof tttttheheheheee masasasasasasasaasononnnonryryryry wwwasaaa ppppppererererfofofofof rrmrmed wwiwwwiwiththhththththhhh a plaststststtststtstererereereereee .. ThTTT e eeee tottotoopspspss aarererere tttttheheheheheheheehehe tttttrararaarraa ididididdiddiititittitititititit onoonononoonalallal LLLomommmbababababaaab rrdrdrd rrrrroooooooofsfsfs, chchhaaa-a-aararararaar cterisissssssseedededededeedeed bbbbby yyyyy aaaaaa ddodododododododoububuububleeee sslooopeppepeeddd rororroofofofofo sssssupupuppu popoopop rtededeeddd bbbbbbbbbbby y yyyy aaaaaa sysyststemememm oooooooff f ffwooddododdododdddeeneneneen tttttrururururruusssssssssss esesessess..ThThThThTTThTTheeeeeeee nonononononnnnn bebebebeeearararararininininining ggggggg gg masonrn y consnnssnnsnsnsstiititittt tutututut tettes s ththhthhtheeeeeeeee inininnteteteteteeernrrnrnrnrnrrrnrnalalalalall pppppppara titions s fofofofofoofoffor rr eneneneenennenenvvivvviv rorororroronmnmnmnmnmn enenenenentststststs.. ItItItIt iiiss s ss s prpprpprprprprpp obabaa ly made iwiwwiwwiwwwiw ththththhtht bbototttthhhh hh seseseeeeesemimimmimimimm -s-s-sssssolololooo idid aandndndddndndd bbororeded brbbbrbrbrbbrbriciccccksksks... AlAlAAAAlononononononnnggggggg ththththhe e e e e bububububuiiililillili didididididingngngngngngggng rruns a base oof ff fff orororooo ananannaaa gege-p-p-ppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee leeleeleeeleeeeeddddddddd cocococoooooooncncnnnnn reretete, aatotototoot ucucucucucu hhh hh ofofofofofof eeeeeleleleleeegagagagaggancncncncncncnce,e,e,ee oooff fff f fi fi fifininninin shshshhshshinininininngggg,gg,g,gg, tttthat prprprprrprprpprprootototootto ecececececececccttttsttsts fffffrororooooooommmmmmmmmmm shshshhocococococco kskskssksksks aaaaaaandndndnndndndndndnn hhhhhhhhumumididditittitititty.yy.yy.y.y.y.y

    HaHaHaHaHaHaHHHHHH s s ssss bebebebebebeeneneenene ddddddonononononne eeee a a aaaa tstststststudududdududdddy y yyy ananananana dddddd ananananana eeeeeeexhxhxhxhxhxhhhxhxxhaauauauauauauststststsstssts ivivivivviviivvivee eeeeeee e rerereeeseseseseseararararrarrara cccchchcc too gagathththhthththhhht eerererererereeree aassss mmum chh ininnnfofoffofoormrmrmrmrmmr aatataatiooiooonn nnn asasasa ppposososoo ssisiissiblblblbblbb eeeeeee ononononononn tttttheeheheheheeheh bbbbbbbbuiuiuiuiuuuiuildldldldl ininnnnnnngsgsgsgsgsgsggsgg ttttthahahahah ttttttt wwwwewewewwwe ccononoonnnnsisisissisisidedeedeedeedererererereddddd.ddd AAAAAAs ss aa aaa reresult ofofofffofffofof hhhhhhisisisisisistototoototootoririririir cacacacacacaac llllllll rererer seeararaarrrrrrrrchchchhhhcccch we e papapapaaassssssssedededededdedeeee fffffffffrororororoorommm aaa susus rveyy bbbbbbbbbbasasa eded oonn phototosososos aaaandnndndndn ththththththeeeee fi fi fi fi fi fi rsrsrsrsrsrst ttt t hyhyhyhyhyypoppop thhhesesessssisisisisiis oooooooooooonnnnnnnnnn ththththeeee bububb ilililddinggggngngngg cconononnnnon tsststsstststruruuruuururuuuctctctcctccctioioonn n nn n sssysysssss stemms, andndndndd fifififinnnnnalallallylylyyyllylylyyy ththtthththrororoooougugugugugughhhhh apapapppppappa prrp opopopririrrr atattatee totoooloololololo s,ss,s,s,ss, sssssssucucuccucucccuchhhhhhh hh aaasasasaaaaa mmmmmmetetetetteteteteee ere s, ribs,s,s,s, dddddououblble eee -- memmemememem tetett r ddddiiidiststsstsstananaanncececececec memememmm teter anannddd tototatt l sttattioion,n,n,n,n,n, wweeeeeeee papapapapppapapapapapaassssssssssssssedededededed tttto oo ththhhhhhththhe e ee e totototopopogrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrg apapapapapapapapapapaphhhhihihhhhihh cc c c cc susususususus rvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrveyeyeyyeyyyeeyy oooooofff f ff f tthththhe e e bububbubb ilili dingnggngs,s,s, in n thheie r indiviviiduudddd aallallalalalalal ddddddddddeteeeeee aia lsls,, ththrororroouuuguuuuuu hh ththheeeeee prprprprprprppppprepepepppepepeparara atataa ioioooooooioonnnnnnnn ofofoofo ppppplalalaal nsnsnsns,elelelelee evevevevevevatatatatioioooonsns and uguguughh the conservationon pproroororojjjejejjejj ccttct,, ititt iiss ththththenenenn aaaaabbblblblbbblbbleeee tototoototoot aaaananananaalylylylyzezzzeze tthehee bbbuiuiuu ltlt goggogogogoggogooininininning g gg tot ddeteteeteetererererrrmimimmim nenennnn cconondiditit onononono sssss aaanananaaana ddd mamateteeerriririaalalalss.s.. WWWWWWWWWererererrerere ee eeeeeee thththhthtt eneneneneneenen mmmappappepppepedddd ananddddcacacacattataataataloged alall thtthe e dididiseseseseeaasasasasassesesessesesesesss gggggoioiingngngng ttttoo oo lolololookoko fforororor ttttthehehehehehehehe ccccccccccauauauua sesesesesesses .CeCeCeCeC rtrtttttrtttainn papappapaththoologogieieesssss,ss, tto oo eaeaeeaeaeaeaeae chchchch oooof f f ththththessse e e ananandddd fofofoorr r r eaeaeeaeaeaeee chchchchchchch mmmmmatatattterererererre iaiaiaiaiaiaallll hahahahaahaaaahasss s s bebebebbeeenenenennnenen asasassasasasa siisissisigngngngngggggnggg edededededeede iiiinnnnnn aaa cococococococonsnsnsnsnsn isisisissistetett ntntntttt mmmmmmmanananaa nennener r a papapapartrtrticicicuululularaara ttttrereereeeereeatatataaaaa mememememmentntntn iiinn orded rr tto hheaeaaeeaeaaaeaae lltththththee eeeelelellelelememememememenenenenennnent ttt tt tatatattatakekekekekeken nnn ininninninintototo cononoonnononnonsssiisissis dededederatitittionononon... ThTheee fifi fi nanaallll ststststtepepepepepepepe ,, bububbbubbb t t no less imimmimmimmmpopopopopoo trttrtrtananananaant,t,t,tt wwwwwwwwasasasasasas tttttttheheheheheeheheh ppppprororororroooroojejjjejejectctctctc ooooffff reee-u-uuusessse.

    ReReReReReReReReRestsststtoroorororo aatatatataataatttioioioioioioi nnn ststststssttudududududuu ioio 20202 10101001010/2///2/2// 01010000 11

  • P7000






    P5000 P1000









    P5000 P1000



    middle: plan of the whole areabottom left: building1, elevationbottom right: building 1, plan

  • trilateration

  • top: patholical-material elevationbottom: reuse project, plan

  • top: conservative project elevation

    bottom left: reuse pro-ject, mass planbottom right: sketches

  • Urban Planning

  • IIInI UUUrrbrbbrbanan DDDDesesesesigigggnnn StStttududddududiooioioiiio tttttthehehehheh fffocususssusss wwwwwwasaaa on thhhe innnnteteteet rrmrmmmeddee iaiatete tttererere riiiitottoot ririririr eseseses ooooffff f ththhthhtheeeeeecicitytytytyty of Miilalaanonoonnon aaaandndn tthehehehe aaaacttctccttcttivivivivvvvivvitititity yyy waas sss ddddiddd vividededdd inin theheheehe ttttwowowow ssememmesesteteteerrsrsrsr ... AtAtAA fifififirststtstst wwwew studieded aaaandndndnd aaaanananan lyylylyzzezez dddd tththththe e eee laaaalandndndndndddnn scscscscsccappe,e, ttthahah nn wewe eeeeelalalalaaalaaboboboboraratetetetedddd stststssts rarararatetetetegiggigigieesesesseses aaaaandndndnd designs tototoo ppproororoduduceecee aa wwwwidididdeee ee ppprprprpp oojecececect t ttt fofor r a popop ssibi leeee ssssuuiitatablblblleeee fufuututureree.

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  • % ARE E


    Interpretative image

    Landscape analysis and lectures

  • Desirablescenario

    Contrast scenario




    Design schemes


    To the planning and setting up system of open spaces in the city overlaps the work of planning and promotion of services, activities and cultures different from each other, trying to avoid as much as possible the phenomena of spatial segrega-tion and urban enclave.

    Saturation by building in ar-eas which are not bound by Parco Agricolo Sud prevents the development of a more intimate and local level, not by decreasing the distances be-tween the different places and increasing the dependence of the smaller towns compared to the more developed ones that will keep on concentrate services. The territorial system will keep on concentrating and overdeveloping big centers that will only relate to them-selves and the city of Milan ignoring the surroundings. Small centers will keep on relying and depending on the other ones.

  • nGeneral design, scale 1:10000under: pier 2 design

    The projects area has been divided into multiple regions. The areas where expan-sion was allowed had been distributed along the edge of the natural park of the river Lambro. For their rectangular and elongated, given by the distance between the edge of the park system and the main road which serves the various surround-ings of the town of Mediglia, settlements have been baptized piers. Their role, in fact, is to reach out to the river and to the entire urbanized area, or San Donato san Giuliano Milanese, and they become attractive and magnetic spots adjacent to the entire community.Implementing and improving the road net-work, both slow and fast, will form a kind of centrality, which sees its fulcrum in the river Lambro: the areas bordering the park (binding limit the buildable) acquire signif-icant importance.For this reason the piers become a facing, a dock, from which to a large open space: the park of the River Lambro. The docks refl ect the central role that has been en-trusted by the river in urban areas that surround it and for this reason have been designed magnetic spots on the tip of all the piers. These points snap to the exist-ing fabric of the farms where they already are, which are lacking are designed from scratch. The piers, therefore, represent the metaphor that seemed more fi tting in this area, where urban and rural space looking for a compromise.

  • Pier 2 design, scale 1:1000on the left: concept view