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View Aries New Moon and its Astrological Forecast

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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View Aries New Moon and its Astrological


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The Aries New Moon is a key point in the astrology calendar. Aries being the first sign of the zodiac and New Moons being about new beginnings, there is a dynamic fresh energy associated with this time of the year. Mars, Aries ruling planet,  is located in determined Taurus and squares grandiose Jupiter in Leo. With this aspect in fixed signs, there is the potential for people to become judgemental and inflexible. Plus Pluto and Athena are both stationary, which adds further depth, passion and intensity to this New Moon.

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Page 4: View Information about the Aries New Moon by Celestial Insight. Look at the Slide

At the same time we see Mercury in Taurus and Venus in Gemini, so they are located in one another’s natural signs, an arrangement known as a mutual reception. This combination is likely to spur debate, especially around monetary policy, buying and spending, education and transport issues.On a personal level some communication difficulties could ensue as we try to collaborate and cooperate with others, especially those who do not share our views and values.It’s possible that conflict and protest could erupt as this combination is likely to divide opinions. This is perhaps even more likely because there’s a tight semi-sextile between these two personal planets, so we are likely to take things personally as dialogue becomes quite intense.

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Page 6: View Information about the Aries New Moon by Celestial Insight. Look at the Slide

Planets in semi-sextile are like our next door neighbours. Sometimes you see them in passing and make conversation, but you don’t really know what goes on behind closed doors. Your neighbours are people with whom you would not normally form a relationship. You probably don’t have anything in common, but you are in a position where you have to try to get along and understand their point of view. In the end you may have to agree to disagree. Semi-sextiles are just like this.Adjacent signs have neither polarity, nor quality nor element in common, but they do share a cusp and this proximity means they are destined to have a relationship.Mutual receptions are in fact somewhat similar to semi-sextiles. In the mid 1980s I formed the opinion that mutual receptions seem to force the two planets involved into a relationship, that each has to compromise and learn to work together to get the result they want. 

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At a government level, it’s worth noting that we are approaching budget time, so these issues are likely to be in the news. Compromises will need to be hammered out, but we could also see a complete stalemate.Meanwhile, Vesta and Neptune align in Pisces, so there is a heightened sense of the spiritual and a keen desire to connect with something meaningful that provides a sense of purpose. Neptune and Vesta share an interest in the spiritual. Pisces too is of course known for its mystery and magic.

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Things are probably not as straightforward as we think they are at this New Moon. This is an invisible Supermoon with lunar perigee on the 17th, the same day that Pluto stations retrograde, in the lead up to this New Moon psychic perceptions and intuition are amplified. This is an opportunity to reconnect with our core values and principles, but as these may differ from others, our dealings with others may require careful handling.

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