viagra patient insights report

The Secret to Bringing It Up Verilogue research insights report

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The Secret to Bringing It Up

Verilogue research insights report

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How do men who can’t get it up, bring it up?

Audio Ethnography: Surreptitiously Delicious!


[In other words, these insights were ascertained from confidential conversations between patients and their doctors during visits.]


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You know, in that way

Quantitatively… What did we find?

60% Special


65% Dr.


#5 Viagra Rx

#10 Other Rx

#8 No Rx

58% Indirectly

42% Directly

35% Patient


40% checkups

49 % Urologists

51 % PCPS

Sure, we know the W’s of bringing up ED in conversation - But we didn’t

see just numbers;

we saw types of people.

erection Firmness Impotence Arousal Desire Able to penetrate? Responsiveness

No physical Excitement

ED It’s still in my head

How can I treat this side effect?

Trouble getting intimate

Presentation Notes
Add phrases that patients used as background
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The Dude

The Dodger The Joker

The Penny Saver

Patient Personalities Each type represents a different conversation theme, and a different opportunity

The One that got away

The Indifferent doctor

Presentation Notes
Conversation clips for each theme
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The Joker



The humor in a joke lies within it’s truth. Bringing the problem up jokingly signifies insecurity,

one we should speak to and vindicate.

Patient brought up ED jokingly, as if it weren’t something he was concerned about Opportunity Missed: The doctor didn’t take him seriously or ask the question just as follow up

“And besides, that kind of keeps me out of trouble too [LAUGHING]”

Playful, not serious, indirect, nervous humor, down played the effect ED was having on his life

Presentation Notes
The pt brought it up as a joke because when they joke about it takes away from the insecurity. The doc should have used the opp, to seriously ask about it
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The One That Got Away



Bringing up a medication doesn’t solidify Script Choice Responsiveness is relative. Present Viagra as a more consistent choice

Discussion of different options was constant, patients were interested in the different kinds. Opportunity Missed: Instead of tweaking dosage or suggesting Viagra over another, the doctor often switched brands, or went with the one he had samples for (which was rarely Viagra).

Relaxed, but indirect. Light conversation, neutral tones of voice and overall flexibility in flow of discussion. Many opportunities or explore options

“ Would Viagra be an option for me?”

Presentation Notes
Lots of appeal about off label indications cialis can provide (urination control, testing for pulmonary disease) maybe docs can talk to some of viagra’s strengths and off label benefits
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have a prescription of Viagra

just in case.

“No, I don’t have a problem but I do




Hiding behind other reasons lessens the blow of dealing with ED Take initiative to identify these key statements use them to

respond to the desire to discuss ED

“I guess for the high blood pressure that would affect

the –”

Reluctant, self depreciating, “brushing it off”, a little nervous, a little hesitant, a little bit in denial- and only able bring it up as part of another condition.

Patient dodges discussing ED directly. Instead he uses every other medication and condition to bring it up Opportunity Missed: Elaborating that many men take Viagra with other meds and conditions, and that it’s ok.

“No. No, I wasn’t worried about that.

I was, um, probably a little nervous just being with a woman”

“When I was on dialysis, I was having, I was having a problem”

The Dodger

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The Penny Saver


Patients are exploring cheaper alternatives Costs is a key driver, options are about price almost more than


Curious, open minded, the explorer, relaxed, fiscal

Opportunity: The patient says that Cialis is expensive Opportunity Missed: The doctor didn’t suggest Viagra as an alternative, even when asked about directly

“Well, it is, it’s expensive” “What do you think about Canadian pharmacists?”“The Cialis you gave me worked, but uh, God was it expensive”

“Whatever will be covered, yeah”


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The Dude



The Patient brings up ED as a chore, doesn’t care, and doesn’t have high expectations.

Transform hopelessness into a realistic improvement.

Relaxed, as a matter fact, care free, I don’t really care what you give me… just something that works, please. Almost apathetic, as if he knows he’s past his prime

“I got a little muscle aches, but also some..erectile dysfunction”

Opportunity: The patient asks if Viagra is an option, but doesn’t care that much Opportunity missed: The doctor didn’t acknowledged the patient’s apathy, therefore not giving the patient a reason to care

“Sometimes I just want to you know,

get it done as fast as I can before I lose it”

“Yeah I don’t care really, I just want to be able to, you know”

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The Indifferent Doctor



Physician largely doesn’t differentiate one ED medicine from the other Because of this, having samples in the office fosters the Rx.

“All these medicines are similar…you may respond better to one of these than the other”

“They’re all good, they’re all safe”

“Yeah, there’s Viagra, there’s Levitra, and there’s Cialis, and some people can respond to one and not the other”

No preference, not really engaged, doesn’t really probe the patient, doesn't give any indication that one will work better than the other

Multiple brands and brought up, and even direct questioning from patients about the difference The doctor illustrates only minimal, subjective differences between Viagra, Cialias, and Levitra

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Dr. Apathy

DUDE Penny Saver

The Dodger

The One that Got Away

Joker Conversation Theme Summary

Physician doesn’t differentiate one ED medicine from the other. The presence of samples fosters the most amount of Rx’s.

Within every joke there is an element of truth. Vindicate the insecurity.

Brand discussion doesn’t secure script choice Responsiveness is relative. Present Viagra as a consistent choice

Talking about ED is easier when you have something to blame …like Diabetes. ID key statements as good points of ED discussion.

Cost is almost as importance as efficacy. Explaining insurance coverage will help in H2H comparison.

Low expectations or apathy fosters difficult conversation Transform hopelessness into a realistic improvement.


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Branded Discussion

Are the long term economic benefits of not giving samples of Viagra worth the short term loss of patients to Levitra and Cialis?

The most popular ED med of 2009 “I always have some Cialis Samples” 36-Hour benefit is always a discussion point

Opinion: it really isn’t that different from Viagra Talked about less, but still more samples of Levitra given

The Coke/Kleenex of ED discussion “Probably still the best of the bunch” Definitely been around the longest

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INSIGHT & Opportunity

Other conditions and medications are a vehicle

to talk about ED

Same Script Different Day

Initiation/Transition in ED conversation is ALWAYS wrapped in something

Targeted checkpoints of other patient journeys

What’s Toasted?

Talking about ED is no less manly than talking

about Cholesterol.




Performing well at the right moment isn’t just the patient’s problem.

Bringing it up is awkward. Treating it should be anything but.

Presentation Notes
Whether the conversation is wrapped in embarassment or apathy or a joke to cover insecurity or another condition, or complacency due to age and emotion – men don’t feel like talking about ED is manly… They can talk about knee problems, diabetes, cholesterols, etc, without these barriers. The opportunity is to take away the barriers in the transitions and let men know it’s okay and normal to talk about. They act like ED is no big deal, which we all know not true. But the conversation doesn’t have to be a bid deal, it can just be a real part of being a man.
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When it rains…Talk to the High Cholesterol guy

Prostate Cancer

Constricts blood flow diagnosis etc etc

High Cholesterol

Poor Diet medication etc etc

Diabetes Type 1 Poor diet/ maintenance Type 2

Nerve & artery


Mental Disorders

Depression Anxiety Epilepsy etc

Disease progression timeline

Many patients use other conditions and medication as a vehicle to bring up ED with their doctor. We should identify when these conditions cause ED and utilize those checkpoints.

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Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are largely interchangeable to doctors

What is toasted about Viagra? Issues and Motivations



What’sTOASTED? A Rose by any other name still increases blood flow…

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Real Men Shouldn’t need excuses

The Barriers are in the transitions.

Redefine what’s part of being a man, and you make it okay to talk about.

All conversation is wrapped in… ■ Embarrassment ■ Apathy ■ A joke to cover insecurity or another condition ■ Complacency due to age and emotion



They can talk about knee problems, diabetes, cholesterols, etc., no problem - because it is what it is.

Take away the barriers in transitions and let men know it’s okay and normal to talk about. They act like ED is no big deal, which we all know not true. They don’t have to be afraid the condition, because a real part of being a man.