vels 2.5 – 3.0 english: reading progress test

PROGRESS TEST TEACHER VELS 2.5 - 3.0 ENGLISH: READING TEST INFORMATION This test contains 30 multiple choice questions and can be administered to individuals, small groups or to a whole class of students. Practice questions are included at the start of the test to help students become familiar with the different types of responses that are required in the test. Teachers should work through the practice questions with students prior to starting the test. An answer sheet, results translation table and information on interpreting results are included. Time allocation Introduction and practice questions: 5 -10 minutes Test time: 40 minutes TEST ADMINISTRATION Make sure that each student has a pencil and an eraser. Hand out the test booklets to students, making sure that the front cover is facing them. Read through the instructions on the front cover of the test with the students Work through the practice questions with the students, ensuring that the students pay attention to the type of response that is required for each question. TEACHER SECTION: 2301VELS 2.5 - 3.0 Reading Progress Test i/iv

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TEST INFORMATIONThis test contains 30 multiple choice questions and can be administered to individuals, •small groups or to a whole class of students.

Practice questions are included at the start of the test to help students become familiar •with the different types of responses that are required in the test. Teachers should work through the practice questions with students prior to starting the test.

An answer sheet, results translation table and information on interpreting results are •included.

Time allocation• Introduction and practice questions: 5 -10 minutes Test time: 40 minutes

TEST ADMINISTRATIONMake sure that each student has a pencil and an eraser.•

Hand out the test booklets to students, making sure that the front cover is facing them.•

Read through the instructions on the front cover of the test with the students•

Work through the practice questions with the students, ensuring that the students pay •attention to the type of response that is required for each question.

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Question Correct Response Skill Descriptor1 c make links between directly stated ideas in a text

2 D make links between directly stated ideas in a text

3 B make links between directly stated ideas in a text

4 D make links between directly stated ideas in a text

5 c interpret the main idea of a text

6 B make inferences about characters’ actions

7 c locate, select or record key information from texts

8 A make links between directly stated ideas in a text

9 D make links between directly stated ideas in a text

10 B interpret the main idea of a text

11 D interpret the main idea of a text

12 A identify the main purpose of the text

13 D draw on knowledge of text organisation to interpret a text

14 A locate directly stated information in a text

15 D make links between directly stated ideas in a text

16 c locate, select or record key information from texts

17 A make links between directly stated ideas in a text

18 A make inferences about characters' actions

19 D make links between directly stated ideas in a text

20 A make inferences about plot

21 A make links between directly stated ideas in a text

22 c make inferences about characters' actions

23 D make links between directly stated ideas in a text

24 B make links between directly stated ideas in a text

25 D use contextual cues to interpret a text

26 c locate directly stated information in a text

27 D infer messages in a text

28 B draw on knowledge of text organisation to interpret a text

29 c make links between directly stated ideas in a text

30 B identify how language is used to represent events in different ways

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VELS 2.5 - 3.0 English: Reading

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PROGRESS TEST TEACHERVELS 2.5 - 3.0 English: Reading

USING THIS TEST:This Progress Test will provide only an estimated Victorian essential Learning standards (VeLs) •Progression Point. It is intended to complement and confirm other classroom assessments and teacher judgments, and should not be used in isolation.

This test is designed to measure outcomes over a limited ability range only.•

Results are limited to the expected VeLs range for a given year level.•

It is not possible to give a reliable ability estimate for students with zero or perfect scores. It is •recommended that you administer a test at a lower or higher level in these cases.

Ability estimates for students who achieve close to zero or perfect scores will not be as accurate •as those for students with results clearly within the range of the test. You may wish to administer a test at a lower or higher level to confirm results for these students.

each Progression Point covers a wide range of learning outcomes. A student’s estimated ability is •influenced by a result being at or near the bottom or at or near the top of the Progression Point. For example, an estimated Progression Point will be the same for a student with 3 correct answers and a student with 10 correct answers. However, these two students have demonstrated different ability levels.

Further information about interpreting results can be found on the VcAA website at: •

specific information about the learning outcomes for the Victorian essential Learning standards is •available on the VeLs website at:

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PROGRESS TEST TEACHERResults Translation Table

TRANSLATION TABLEThis test targets outcomes at VeLs 2.5 to 3.0. For more information about interpreting results download the Interpreting on Demand Reports document at

Number Correct

Progression Point (Standard Score) Comment

0 out of Range The ability of this student cannot be determined using this test. It is recommended that a lower level test be administered.

1 – 2 2.25 ( Below Range) This result indicates that this student is performing below the expected range for this test.

3 – 4 2.5 The result indicates that this student is performing at or just below the low end of the range for this test.

5 – 8 2.5 The result indicates that this student is performing at the low end of the range for this test.

9 – 10 2.5 The result indicates that this student is performing at or just above the low end of the range for this test.

11 – 12 2.75 The result indicates that this student is performing at or just below the middle of the range for this test.

13 – 17 2.75 The result indicates that this student is performing in the middle of the range for this test.

18 – 19 2.75 The result indicates that this student is performing at or just above the middle of the range for this test.

20 – 21 3.0 The result indicates that this student is performing at or just below the high end of the range for this test.

22 – 25 3.0 The result indicates that this student is performing at the high end of the range for this test.

26 –27 3.0 The result indicates that this student is performing at or just above the high end of the range for this test.

28 – 29 3.25 (Above Range) This result indicates that this student is performing above the expected range for this test.

30 out of RangeThe ability of this student cannot be determined using this test. It is recommended that a higher level test be administered.

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VELS 2.5 - 3.0 English: Reading

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sTUDenT’s nAMe ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

DATe ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

cLAss ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

STUDENT INSTRUCTIONSPrint your name, class and date above.1.

You have 40 minutes to finish the test. 2.

You must do your own work.3.

Do not speak to other students during the test.4.

Raise your hand if you need to speak to the teacher.5.

If you make a mistake, rub it out completely and try again.6.

If a question is too hard, do the next one. You can go back to unanswered questions at 7. the end if you have time.

If you have finished the test early, spend time checking your answers before you return 8. the book to your teacher.

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PRACTICE QUESTIONS.Your answers for this section will not be marked.

Practice Question 1

The title of the text is

On Tuesday.Jesse’s Race.The First Event.School Sports Day

How did Jesse get back to school?

he walked he jumped he ran

Shade one bubble

Practice Question 2 Shade one bubble

Read the text below and answer the practice questions.

school sports Day

on Tuesday, Jesse went to the school sports. His first event was the long jump. Then he ran in a relay. After that he had lunch and then walked back to school with his class.

© copyright 2008 Victorian curriculum and Assessment Authority. All rights reserved. except under the conditions described in the copyright Act 1968 and subsequent amendments, no part of this publication may be reproduced by any process without permission in writing from the publishers.

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Page 1

Read ‘The Tunnel’ and answer questions 1 to 6

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Shade one bubble

Page 2

wanted to dig a hole. heard something unusual. wanted to play with Jade. saw Tasha over the fence.

Harry first went into the garden because he



dogs would not get muddy. dogs would stop digging holes. boys could play together more easily. boys could keep mud out of the tunnel.

The two families built a gate so that the

a bad idea that would never work. a great idea that was worth trying. a silly idea that would take too long. a good idea that had one big problem.

Mum thought digging a tunnel under the fence was


According to the passage, who heard strange noises?

Mum and Nick Nick and Jade Jade and Harry Harry and Mum

The boys decided to dig a tunnel under the fence

because the gate was broken. so they could play together more easily. because their dogs were having trouble digging. so their dogs would stop messing up the garden.



She was very naughty. She was trying to run away. She wanted to play with Tasha. She liked digging holes in the garden.

Why was Jade digging a hole under the fence?


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Page 3

Read ‘How to look after your cat’ and answer questions 7 to 11

This passage is from How To Look After Your Pet Kitten by Mark Evans

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Page 4

Shade one bubble

learn about their cat’s behaviour. spend time playing with their cat. feed and train their cat regularly. take responsibility for their cat.

All of the sections in the passage encourage cat owners to11


which food cats like best. the things cat owners need to do. how difficult it can be to train a cat. the type of exercise cats enjoy the most.

The information in the last section of the passage describes

before they purr. as they get older. if they are hungry. to show their feelings.

According to the passage, cats flick their tails and move their ears9


for the rest of her life for the rest of your life until she has kittens of her own until she is not a kitten anymore

How long will you need to look after your cat?

To understand your cat you need to

talk to her every day. groom her regularly. watch her very closely. feed her the proper food.


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Page 5

Read ‘Saving Water Week’ and answer questions 12 to 16

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the prizes will be presented the posters will be designed the winners will be announced the best posters will be displayed

What will happen in the Town Hall?15

10 May 14 May 21 May 25 May

What is the final date that students can enter the competition?14

who can enter the competition. where the posters will be shown. what the next competition will be. how winning posters will be chosen.

Dot points have been used in this text to show13

use less water. visit the Library. wear their caps in the sun. come to Morning Assembly.

The main aim of the competition is to encourage everyone to12

16 From reading the poster we know that the competition

does not have an entry fee. will be judged by Prep students. is open to all Danfield School students. does not have prizes for Year 6 students.

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Page 7

Read ‘Can you keep a secret’ and answer questions 17 to 22

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Page 8

play cricket watch videos go skateboarding go to birthday parties

What does Dad like to do on Saturdays?17

18 How did Adam know that Mum’s secret was something good?

She looked happy. She was reading the paper. She had kissed Dad goodbye. She made pancakes for breakfast.


George and Marcia were having their engagement party. Dad and George were going to help Adam with his skateboard. The family was going to help George organise food for his wedding. The family was going to watch George and Marcia’s engagement video.

What did Dad think was happening that Saturday night?

20 When was the surprise party happening?

that night in December once the invitations went out as soon as the house was ready

Adam Adam and Dad Adam and George Adam, George and Marcia

Who was Mum talking to when she said, ‘So let’s go!’?21

write invitations. make party food. tidy up the house. get ready to go out.

Mum wanted Adam to help her22

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Page 9

Read ‘Pebble Beach Music Concert’ and answer questions 23 to 26

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jazz music. bush songs. movie tunes. dance music.

The Pebble Beach Concert Band will play

it will rain. people are forgetful. it will be sunny all day. no seating is provided.

‘Don’t forget to bring your beach blanket or beach chair!’ People are told this because


24 What is ‘best of all’ about the concert?

You can buy CDs. You don’t have to pay. The concert is at the beach. The bands are from Sydney.

will run a drinks stall. is from Pebble Beach. are special guests from Sydney. has performed at the concert before.

We know from the passage that Harry’s Country Band 23

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Page 11

Read ‘Birtles and the Bean Car’ and answer questions 27 to 30

This passage is from It’s Alive! at the National Museum of Australia.

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boring. cautious. dangerous. interesting.

The way ‘v-e-e-r-r-y’ is written in the last paragraph shows that the drive was

the Bean Car could still travel very quickly. the Bean Car will soon be moved to a bigger building. the Museum wanted to keep the Bean Car in good condition. the Bean Car is the most popular thing in the National Museum.

The information in the last paragraph shows that

Which paragraph shows the link between the two parts of the title?

Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4

He gave up easily. He was interested in history. He liked travelling with other people. He liked doing different and exciting things.

Which of the following best describes Francis Birtles?

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