vegan research

Vegan Tom Armstrong

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Post on 08-Feb-2017




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Tom Armstrong

Primary research

I created a survey that asked people if they knew what veganism is and their thoughts on it. From my readings everyone knew what veganism is. The majority of people hadn't considered becoming vegan and the reasons for this was because they wouldn’t have wanted to give up the foods they enjoy, such as meats and dairy products. I then asked for peoples opinions on a vegan diet. The answers for this question were mixed with some people finding vegan foods bland and dull whereas other people felt it could be very beneficial for your health but the fact you have to watch what you eat puts off the idea of the diet. The following question I asked was why do you think people become vegan and again I got mixed answers. Some people felt that people became vegans as they are very health orientated while others felt it was because people were against the way animals are treated in the food industry. The next question I asked was regarding if you have any vegan friends or knew anyone vegan. Most people had vegans friends who were vegan because they wanted a healthier lifestyle.

Analysis From the answers I got from the surveys I gained the information I needed, but I could've added more questions to back up the questions. For example I could've backed up the question ‘ What are your thoughts on veganism?’ with a following question of ‘Have you heard any criticisms or benefits to being vegan?’. This would've allowed me to interpret answer to the replies within in my work. Questions relating animal equality could've also been added to give me a wider range of information. This could've ranged from the clothing, the testing of products upon animals and using animals for food.Questions also relating the substitutions of meat, dairy and other products could have been asked. For example ‘Do you know any substitutes of meat products?’ followed by ‘ if yes what are they and do you think you could substitute meat for this product?’ or ‘no’. This would've allowed me to gain a better understanding of peoples knowledge towards vegan foods.Overall I feel the questions I asked gave me enough information but in order to cover a larger section of veganism I could've asked question revolving around the other sections such as animal equality, Food substitutes and whether or not they could change their diet.

Secondary research

The Vegan Society 02/9/10

Summary: This article presents 4 main reasons to become a vegan. It mentions that becoming vegan would benefit your health and the environment.Firstly it mentions that becoming vegan would prevent the exploitation of animals and gives animals the right to freedom and life.Secondly It mentions the benefits to your health. “plant-based diets are rich in protein, iron, calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals.”The article then mentions the benefits to going vegan has to the environment. Mentioning points about how the production of animal meats places a heavy burden on the environment (crops and water being used).

Tags:• Vegan• Health• Veganism

• Nutrition

Quotes• “Having emotional attachments with animals may form part of that reason, while

many believe that all sentient creatures have a right to life and freedom.” (The Vegan Society, ‘For the animals’)

• “ The plant-based sources of these nutrients tend to be low in saturated fat, high in fibre and packed with antioxidants, helping mitigate some of the modern worlds biggest health issues like obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.” (The Vegan Society, ‘For your health’)

• “The vast amount of grain feed required for meat production is a significant contributor to deforestation.” (The Vegan Society, ‘For the environment’)

• “A plant-based diet requires only one third of the land needed to support a meat and dairy diet” (The Vegan Society, ‘For the people’)

• “A vegan diet is very sustainable, on average it requires 1/3 of the water and 1/3 of the land to produce a vegan based diet than it would to produce an animal based diet” ( Kerry McCarthy – Member of parliament. Appeared on ‘Making t/ connection Chp Global Food Security’ on 02/09/10 )

Tags:• Veganism • Vegan• Diet

Summary:Wikipedia is very factual in presenting the many different elements to becoming a vegan. It states the origins of how veganism was started and what its main purpose was when officiated. A wide variety of demographics are shown. These demographic inform you the estimated amount of vegans in well known countries such as the United States and The United Kingdom. “estimated that as of 2012, 2% of people in the United States self-identified as vegan”. Further along the page points are made about the comparison between being a vegan and being a vegetarian. I states the products that you may not know about that vegans shouldn’t eat. The products consist of eggs, dairy and more. It also sates that the use of fabrics made from animals should not be worn.It then states the alternatives to these products. For example a replacement for milk would be to use almond milk instead of cows milk. These replacements still have the same health benefits. The page ends with explaining the wide variety of health benefits that ensured when changing to a vegan diet.


Quotes• “There is evidence that a vegan diet aids weight loss more effectively than a

vegetarian or non-vegetarian diet.” (Ru-Yi Huang in the ‘Journal of General Internal Medicine’ 03/07/15)

• “Well planed vegan diets can reduce the risk of some typed of chronic disease including heart disease.” (Monica Dinu in Critical Reviews in ‘Food Science and Nutrition’, February 2016.)

• “It is not possible to be entirely vegan, because animal use and products are deeply and imperceptibly woven into the fabric of human society” (Gary Steiner in ‘Animals and the Limits of Postmodernism’, 2013)

• “2% aid they were vegan in a 2007 government survey, 1.05% of the UK populace; this is 3.5 times as much as the 150,000 in their previous survey of 2006.” (The Vegan Society, 17/05/16)

• “


Summary: Veganuarys website includes a wide range of information surrounding veganism. The site is separated into eight sections, each section covers a different area of veganism. The first section covers the many reasons on why you should become a vegan. The four main reasons it covers are animals, health, environment and finally nutrition. Each one of these four genres are explained in detail covering many different benefits. Secondly the site mentions the use of a vegan starter kit. This is provided by veganuary on the website. The kit consists of vegan meal guides, vegan food essential and much more. The site then proceeds to mention a wide variety of vegan recipes, these recipes consists of foods eaten all around the world. Veganuary provides over 700+ recipes on its website. The next area of the website covers a wide variety of restaurant chains that have vegan meals to choose from. Some of these restaurants unexpectedly have vegan choices, for example McDonalds and Nandos. The next section of the site is named ‘products’. This section includes a large range of vegan products that have been reviewed by other vegans. These products range from gluten-free products too clothing items.It then moves on to mention the myths surrounding veganism. The site finally mentions famous people who have become vegans and then provides a blog.

Tags:• Vegan• Nutrition • Recipes• Vegan starter kit• Vegan News

Quotes• “Cut out cholesterol, lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of diabetes

and heart disease”• “Cattle ranchers are making mincemeat out of Brazils rainforest”• “The mass production of animals for food and clothing has resulted in an industry

that cares little for their well-being, and causes them to suffer in innumerable ways”

• “1 lb beef = 200 square meters of rainforest destroyed”• “Eating a typical steak for a family of four is the equivalent, energy-wise, of driving

around in an SUV for three hours while leaving the lights on at home”• “Animals are sentient beings. They are capable of emotion and feel pain, as well as


NHS choices 15/10/15

Summary:The NHS website is full of information on the health benefits side to becoming a vegan. It states a few main points on healthy eating as a vegan, for example “eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day.” They then mention that too ensure your getting the necessary nutrients in your diet you should ensure that you are including vitamin B12, iron and calcium in your diet. It then mentions what vegans who are pregnant should be doing to ensure they stay healthy during the stages of pregnancy. The NHS then provide further information on vegan sources of calcium, vitamin D, iron, omega-3 fatty acids and most importantly vitamin B12. The site also provides information regarding vegans who are pregnant. It presents information about how you can gain the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy through pregnancy.

Tags:• Vegan • Diet• Health

Quotes • “ A vegan diet can be high in iron, although iron from plant-based food is absorbed

by the body less well than iron from meat”.• “If you follow a vegan diet you can still look after your heart by eating at least five

portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day”.• “With good planning and an understanding of what makes up a healthy, balanced

vegan diet, you can get all the nutrients your body needs.”• “Iron is essential for the production of red blood cells. A vegan diet can be high in

iron, although iron from plant-based food is absorbed by the body less well than iron from meat.”

• “The body needs vitamin D to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. These nutrients help keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy.”

• “The body needs vitamin B12 to maintain healthy blood and a healthy nervous system. Vitamin B12 is only found naturally in foods from animal sources. Sources for vegans are therefore limited and a vitamin B12 supplement may be needed.”

Vegan outreach /

Summary:The vegan outreach website is full of information regarding making the switch to becoming vegan and all things a vegan does. The site then continues on to mention recipes and other vegan meals. Showing you the different meat, egg and dairy alternatives. It also shows you how easy it easy is to be a vegan with a “Being vegan in the dorms” section. This section shows how students and people from a younger age have managed to become vegan under restrictions such as work.It finally presents you with stories from other vegans and how they have made the change to become vegan and all the benefits it has given them. The first section provided is dedicated to helping you make the switch to becoming vegan. In further detail it provides you with a vegan mentor program and weekly tips. The next section solely provides you with information on why you should become a vegan and what vegans eat In replacement of meat and dairy products. The site then moves on to mention the different restaurants and stores that support veganism.

Tags:• Vegan• Veganism• Health

Quotes• “I don’t see the value in cruelty. I don’t see the value in turning beings into

products. I only see the harm, the waste, the disconnection, the environmental damage.” (Steve Pavlina, self-help author)

• “Industrial society, alas, hides animas suffering. Few people would themselves keep a hen in a shoebox for her egg-laying life; but practically everyone will eat smartly packaged, “farm fresh” eggs from battery hens… milk drinkers do not see the calves torn from their mothers.” ( The Economist, ‘what humans owe to anmals,’ 8/19/95)

• “In my opinion, if most urban meat eaters were to visit an industrial broiler house, to see how the birds are raised, and could see the birds being “harvested” and then being “processed” in a poultry processing plant, they would not be impressed and some, perhaps many of them would swear off eating chicken and perhaps all meat.” (Peter Cheeke, Contemporary issues in animal agriculture, 2004)

Forks over Knives

Summary:Forks over Knives is a company that promotes veganism. Its site includes articles, a meal planner, recipes, events, a shop and their own film. Forks over knives encourages you to become vegan by providing you with a vegan meal planner. The meal planner gives you a list of vegan meals to choose from then provides you with the ingredients required to make it. This site provides 350+ articles, these articles consist of all things vegan, from meals/recipes too news about veganism. The ‘Forks over Knives’ film focuses on the health benefits of -a plant based diet. It mentions that the main cause of diabetes and other main health issues are caused from eating meats and dairy. The site has over 340+ recipes on it, all of witch are vegan/plant based meals. Forks over Knives also has its own diet plan that Is accessible the app.

Tags:• Vegan• Nutrition• Health• Recipes • Vegan events• Articles

Quotes• “Not eating enough calories leads you to feel hungry, which over time may result in

decreased energy, feelings of deprivation, cravings, and even binges. These issues are not caused by switching to a plant-based diet—rather, they are all related to not eating enough.”

• “All whole, plant-based foods have protein. We know from our extensive review of the research and our experience in our practice that people thrive on a plant-based diet without ever going out of their way to find “sources” of protein.”(Naomi Imatome-Yun)

• “Calcium, like iron, magnesium, and copper, is a mineral. It is found in the soil, where it is absorbed into the roots of plants.” (Rosane Oliveira, DVM , PhD)

• “Replacing animal foods with whole plant-based foods is a significant change that will greatly improve your chances of achieving good health”

Animal equalitySummary:Animal equality is separated into many different factors, these ranging from using animals for entertainment, clothes, testing and food. It mentions that the use of animals for entertainment is completely wrong and animals do not belong within environments created for human entertainment and profit. It mentions that vegans should not visit circuses with animals, zoos, safari parks, aquariums, horseraces or any other place where animals are kept for human profit.Experimentation:It states that vegans should not purchase or support products that have been tested on animals , researching the product and the company who made it must be done before purchasing cosmetics, household products, soaps, perfumes etc. The trademark sunflower symbol can be found on a wide range of products guaranteeing that these products do not contain animal products, nor have been tested on animals.Clothing and furnishings:The page mentions that vegans should not wear clothes, shoes or furnishings made with the skin, hair or feathers of an animal. This also includes fur, leather, wool and silk. They must wear plant based fabrics such as cotton, linen or hemp, handmade materials such as polyester, acrylic or nylon.

Tags:• Animal equality• Veganism • Campaigns• Clothing• Products

Quotes • “Vegans do not wear or use clothes, shoes or furnishings made with the skins, hair or

feathers of other animals, including fur, leather, wool, feathers and silk.”• “Vegans do not visit circuses with animals, zoos, safari parks, aquariums, horseraces,

or any other places where animals are kept for the benefit of humans”• “The Vegan Society's Trademark sunflower symbol can be found on a wide range of

products, including soaps, shampoos, perfumes, moisturizers, cleansers, sunscreens and shower gels, guaranteeing that these products do not contain animal products, nor have been tested on animals.”

• “Being vegan is about living a lifestyle that does not cause suffering, harm or death to animals, and allowing animals to be free to choose the way they want to live. Other animals are sentient beings like us, with their own needs, desires and interests.”

• “they are not inferior beings nor just here as resources or tools for human use. Discriminating against non-human animals or believing them to be inferior solely because they belong to a different species is known as speciesism and is as unscientific and unjust as racism or sexism.”

Jamie Oliver site includes information about being vegan. It gives in-depth information about the different aspects of being a vegan. Firstly It mentions that being vegan has many health benefits but also comes with many drawbacks. It states, like any diet, that a vegan can also be unhealthy. You have to watch what you eat even as a vegan. Even if it’s vegan, it’s just as important to look at the ingredients list and the nutrition information to see how much fat, sugar and salt something contains. It mentions that cutting out meat products from your diet has a lot of health benefits such as lowering your risk of heart disease and lowering our cholesterol levels.The site also provides you with a wide range of healthy vegan recipes that still provide you with the essential nutrients and vitamins. It also mentions the substitutes vegans can use to ensure they are getting the healthiest foods they can, for example replacing butter and cream substitutes with foods such as avocados.

Jamie Oliver

Tags:• Vegan • Health• Nutrition • Recipes• Meat alternatives

Quotes • “A recent study indicated that the average vegan diet is higher in vitamin C and

fibre, and lower in saturated fat than one containing meat. In addition, statistics show that vegans have a lower BMI (height-to-weight ratio) than meat eaters”

• “A vegan diet is naturally low in calcium, vitamin D, iron, vitamin B12, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.”

• “a diet without any meat or dairy products is likely to contain a lot less saturated fat, which is related to increased cholesterol levels and increased risk of heart disease.”

• “if someone chooses to go vegan they are more likely to care about what they are eating and therefore are more likely to educate themselves on the types of foods they should and should not be eating.”

• “Even if it’s vegan, it’s just as important to look at the ingredients list and the nutrition information to see how much fat, sugar and salt something contains.”

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 used to be found In soil, it is not a healthy or reliable supply, which is why farmed animals are given vitamin B12 supplements of their own. If meat has been taken out your diet it is very important to gain b12 through plant based foods such as plant milks, yeast extracts, whole grain bread and more. vegans using adequate amounts of fortified foods or B12 supplements are much less likely to suffer from B12 deficiency than the typical older meat eater.The body needs vitamin B12 to maintain healthy blood and a healthy nervous system. Vitamin B12 is only found naturally in foods from animal sources. Sources for vegans are therefore limited and a vitamin B12 supplement may be needed.Sources of vitamin B12 for vegans include:• breakfast cereals fortified with B12• unsweetened soya drinks fortified with vitamin B12• yeast extract such as Marmite, which is fortified with vitamin B12

Info graphics Summary:These info graphics provide a wide range of information regarding the benefits to becoming vegan. They mention the different substitute foods that vegans can eat in order to maintain a stable and healthy diet, with all the same amount of nutrients, protein, omega 3 fatty acids, iron and calcium as someone who eats meat and dairy products. The info graphics also provide measurements for a daily intake for these plant-based foods.

Tags:• Veganism• Vegan• Infograpics• Nutrients• Iron• Calcium

• Protein • Plant

based • Omega 3

fatty acids• Diet

Info graphics Some of these info graphics present information on how the production of animals is destroying your health and the environment. It mentions the amount of water used to produce meats, for example “You save more water by not eating a pound of beef than you do by not showering for six months!”. The ‘Get Vegucated’ info graphic provides information regarding the ethics around being vegan, stating facts behind the unnecessary killings of animals. It also mentions the benefits to becoming vegan, both heath and environmentally. Showing that 30% of the earths landmass is dedicated to raising animals for food. The health benefits to becoming vegan consist of an all round improved well-being, lowering many health risks such as diabetes, cancer and many more. It shows the sources to where vegans can get their vitamins and minerals without eating meat products.