vascular review.ppt

Temporal arteritis is characterized by (A) catarrhal inflammation (B) gangrenous inflammation (C) granulomatous inflammation (D) phlegmonous inflammation (E) pyogenic inflammation

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Post on 07-May-2015




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  • 1.Temporal arteritis is characterized by(A) catarrhal inflammation(B) gangrenous inflammation (C) granulomatous inflammation(D) phlegmonous inflammation(E) pyogenic inflammation

2. A 40-year-old woman is admitted for evaluation of hematuria. In addition, the patient is noted to suffer from chronic sinusitis and ulcerative lesions are noted in the nasal cavity. Which of the following laboratory test results would be most helpful in confirming the diagnosis? (A) low serum complement levels(B) positive anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies (anti-GBM) (C) positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) (D) positive cytoplasmic - anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody (C-ANCA) 3. A 60-year-old man had a 3-month history of severe throbbing pain and tenderness over the left temple.He now presents with blindness.The most likely cause of the blindness is(A) giant cell arteritis(B) Raynaud disease(C) rheumatoid arteritis(D) syphilitic arteritis(E) thromboangiitis obliterans 4. A diagnostic feature of Wegener granulomatosis is(A) angiitis(B) eosinophilia(C) foreign body type giant cells(D) localized lesion of the lung(E) non-necrotizing granulomas 5. A cause of nutritional cardiomyopathy is deficiency of(A) thiamine(B) niacin(C) vitamin C(D) vitamin A 6. Alcoholism causes what kind of cardiomyopathy?(A) dilated(B) hypertensive(C) hypertrophic(D) restrictive 7. Which is pathognomonic of active rheumatic fever?(A) Aschoff body(B) Lewy body(C) Negri body(D) psammoma body(E) Russell body 8. In the initial attack of acute rheumatic fever, congestive cardiac failure results from(A) endocarditis(B) myocarditis(C) pericarditis(D) anemia(E) mitral stenosis 9. Acute rheumatic endocarditis follows infections with(A) alpha-hemolytic streptococci (Streptococcus viridans)(B) group A beta-hemolytic streptococci(C) coagulase +ve Staphylococcus aureus(D) Streptococcus pneumoniae(E) enterococci 10. The most frequent clinically significant residual lesion of acute rheumatic fever is(A) aortic stenosis(B) mitral stenosis(C) myocardial fibrosis(D) myocardial hypertrophy(E) pericardial adhesions 11. A young boy develops migratory polyarthritis, subcutaneous nodules and Sydenham chorea after repeated episodes of pharyngitis. What is the most likely diagnosis? (A) infectious endocarditis (B) mitral stenosis (C) rheumatic fever (D) viral myocarditis 12. What is the most common cause of isolated mitral valve regurgitation?(A) cleft anterior mitral leaflet(B) floppy mitral valve(C) idiopathic chordal rupture(D) infarcted mitral papillary muscles(E) infective endocarditis 13. The two valves most frequently involved in rheumatic heart disease are the(A) aortic and tricuspid(B) mitral and pulmonic(C) mitral and aortic(D) tricuspid and pulmonic(E) aortic and pulmonic 14. The most likely etiology of this aortic valve lesion is(A) bacterial endocarditis(B) bicuspid valve(C) degenerative calcification (D) rheumatic fever 15. A patient with this mitral valve lesion will most characteristically have(A) atrial septal defect(B) left ventricular hypertrophy(C) myocardial infarction(D) pulmonary hypertension (E) systemic hypertension 16. Severely destroyed aortic cusps with attached friable vegetations are most characteristic of endocarditis due to(A) Candida albicans(B) Streptococcus fecalis(C) Streptococcus viridans(D) Staphylococcus aureus(E) Haemophilus influenzae 17. A 32-year-old woman has the onset of fever and chills associated with small nodular hemorrhages in the palms and soles, and tender nodules of the finger pads. As a child, she had streptococcal sore throat. The current condition in this patient is most likely (A) bacterial endocarditis (B) floppy mitral valve (C) infiltrative cardiomyopathy (D) systemic lupus erythematosus (E) tuberculosis 18. A 67-year-old man presents with angina and a history of several episodes of syncope. On auscultation, there is harsh crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur and an ECG indicates left ventricular hypertrophy. Of the following, which is most likely? (A) acute rheumatic fever (B) aortic stenosis (C) infective endocarditis (D) mitral valve prolapse (E) nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis 19. The heart on the right is normal, which of the following is most likely associated with the heart on the left? (A) elevated MB fraction of serum CK (B) history of intravenous drug abuse (C) hypertension (D) mitral valve stenosis (E) uremia 20. The most likely etiology of this aortic valve lesion is(A) bacterial endocarditis(B) bicuspid valve(C) degenerative calcification (D) rheumatic fever 21. In a patient with restrictive cardiomyopathy and heart failure which is unresponsive to treatment, the most likely diagnosis is(A) diabetes mellitus(B) amyloidosis(C) gout(D) niacin deficiency(E) hemochromatosis