valuengine weekly: retail stocks, valuation warning,netflix, and the vz/aol merger

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  • 8/9/2019 ValuEngine Weekly: Retail Stocks, Valuation Warning,Netflix, and the VZ/AOL Merger


    May 8, 2015

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    The ValuEngine Weekly is an Investor Education newsletter focused on the quantitative approach toinvesting and the tools available from In today's fast-moving and globalied financial markets! it is easy to

    get overloaded with information" The winners will adopt an ob#ective! scientific! independent andunemotional approach to investing" If you are not yet a member of ValuEngine's stock analysis service!

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     VALUATION WARNING: Overvalued stocks now make up 66.!" o# ourstocks ass$%ned a valuat$on and &'.&" o# t(ose e)u$t$es are calculated to*e overvalued *+ &," or more. ALL sectors are calculated to *eovervalued--w$t( n$ne at or near dou*le d$%$ts.


    Inde /tarted week 0r$da+ A1 2(an%e 2(an%e " +td

    34IA %&%&"& %&()) 6'.&& ,.5'" &.&"

    NA/3A7 )**+"(, )*."() !.88 ,.8&" 6.9&"

    RU//LL &,,, %(+"). %(+" 9.99 ,.'&" 5.&&"

    /;< !,, (%%)"), (%(%"%% !.!! ,.&6" 5.,&"

    /ummar+ o# V /tock Un$verse

    /tocks Undervalued 55.9!"

    /tocks Overvalued 66.!"

    /tocks Undervalued *+ &," .6"

    /tocks Overvalued *+ &," &'.&,"

  • 8/9/2019 ValuEngine Weekly: Retail Stocks, Valuation Warning,Netflix, and the VZ/AOL Merger



    /ector 2(an%e 1T3 =T3 Valuat$on Last &-1Return


    Aerospace %"%*/ *",,/ )"&/ (("%(/ overvalued -("(%/ (*"%.

    Auto-T$res-Trucks *",/ %"(,/ ,"(+/ ,",/ overvalued -%"%,/ %",+

    ?as$c 1ater$als *"(/ %"))/ "+&/ (".%/ overvalued -%%"+)/ ()"+,

    ?us$ness /erv$ces %"(/ %",*/ "+,/ %*",%/ overvalued "++/ (,"(,

    2omputer and Tec(nolo%+ *",/ ("%./ ,")/ %)"&)/ overvalued ."(%/ +*")

    2onstruct$on *",)/ %"&/ ("/ ("*./ overvalued %",+/ ("(+

    2onsumer 3$scret$onar+ *"/ %"*)/ ,")/ %*"&)/ overvalued %"./ (")&

    2onsumer /taples %"*./ *"./ +",*/ %+"&+/ overvalued ",&/ ()"(,

    0$nance *"./ *")/ "(*/ "+*/ overvalued ",(/ %".


  • 8/9/2019 ValuEngine Weekly: Retail Stocks, Valuation Warning,Netflix, and the VZ/AOL Merger


    Se"t# Tal$%Retail&W'#lesaleBelow, we present the latest data on leading Retail/Wholesale Sector stocksfrom our Institutional software package (VEI. These results were filtered by marketprice and volumeno results below !"/share or less than #$$k shares/day volume.

    Top-0$ve Reta$l>W(olesale /ector /tocks--/(ort-Term 0orecast Returns

    T$cker 2ompan+ Name 1arket W(olesale /ector /tocks--2ompos$te /core

    T$cker 2ompan+ Name 1arket E? >7T9@>EA28? ,.",) -"./ %+",

    G1 =76E4T2; 523; +."% -("((/ %%"%+

    L 178?4 E8? I85 (."( -)"+(/ %"(.

    ??W >:I1?-7->E73 WB %,".. -(("+/ %".*

  • 8/9/2019 ValuEngine Weekly: Retail Stocks, Valuation Warning,Netflix, and the VZ/AOL Merger


    Top-0$ve Reta$l>W(olesale /ector /tocks--1ost Overvalued

    T$cker 2ompan+ Name 1arket

  • 8/9/2019 ValuEngine Weekly: Retail Stocks, Valuation Warning,Netflix, and the VZ/AOL Merger


    As a *onus to our Newsletter readersDwe are o##er$n% a 0R 3OWNLOA3 o# one o# our /tock Reports

    .ead our 1omplete etailed Valuation .eport on #E)F&I2 ER. 

    ValuEngine !orecast



    "#$onth ?6.@ $.!?A

    %#$onth ?.6@ $.56A

    $onth 5.5 $.!A

    "#'ear @$.6 6.$A

    #'ear CC.#? 5.$5A

    %#'ear 6#5.#! 5.CCA

  • 8/9/2019 ValuEngine Weekly: Retail Stocks, Valuation Warning,Netflix, and the VZ/AOL Merger


    Valuation ) RankingsValuation 5#?.!A overvalued Valuation Rank 'D+ #

    "#$ !orecast Return $.!?A "#$ !orecast Return Rank   5

    "#$ Return @@.C?A $o*entu* Rank 'D+  +harpe Ratio $.6 +harpe Ratio Rank 'D+  C@

    #' -vg -nnual Return !6.A #' -vg -nnual Rtn Rank   C

    Volatility C$.CA Volatility Rank 'D+ #

    E.pecte/ E0+ 1rowth ?.6A E0+ 1rowth Rank 'D+ C

    $arket Cap (billions !.6@ +i2e Rank   C

    3railing 04E Ratio #[email protected]@ 3railing 04E Rank 'D+ 5

    !orwar/ 04E Ratio 6!$.6 !orwar/ 04E Ratio Rank   #

    0E1 Ratio n/a 0E1 Ratio Rank   n/a

    0rice4+ales @.## 0rice4+ales Rank 'D+ #@

    $arket45ook  #?.C $arket45ook Rank 'D+  C

    5eta #.$C 5eta Rank   6

    -lpha $.66 -lpha Rank   

    W'ats -#t.

    //Valuati#n WARNIN Issue*alu0ngine tracks more than C$$$ 7S eEuities, ;3Rs, and foreign stock which

    trade on 7S e&changes as well as F#$$$ 4anadian eEuities. When 0=S estimates are

    available for a given eEuity, our model calculates a level of mispricing or valuationpercentage for that eEuity based on earnings estimates and what the stock shouldbe worth if the market were totally rational and efficientan academic e&ercise to be

    sure, but one which allows for useful comparisons between eEuities, sectors, and

    industries. 7sing our aluation :odel, we can currently assign a 0 valuationcalculation to more than 5?$$ stocks in our 7S 7niverse.

    We combine all of the eEuities with a valuation calculation to track marketvaluation figures and use them as a metric for making calls about the overall state of

    the market. Two factors can lower these figures a market pullback, or a significantrise in 0=S estimates. iceversa, a significant rally or reduction in 0=S can raise thefigure. Whenever we see overvaluation levels in e&cess of F @A for the overall

    universe and/or 5CA for the overvalued by 5$A or more categories, we issue avaluation warning.

    We now calculate that @@.#A of stocks are overvalued and 5C.5A of those

    stocks are overvalued by 5$A or more. Thus, today we issue a ;)7;T-2% W;R%-%8.-n the past, these sorts of levels have been correlated with market declines. This is atime for investors to make sure they are prepared for a move to the downside by

    taking some profits or hedging against a sell off. 2f course, this may be a blip and wemay not see a decline. We operated under a valuation warning for much of 5$#!and 5$#6 during this unprecedented rally.

  • 8/9/2019 ValuEngine Weekly: Retail Stocks, Valuation Warning,Netflix, and the VZ/AOL Merger


    //Vei#n t# A"uie Net+li3


  • 8/9/2019 ValuEngine Weekly: Retail Stocks, Valuation Warning,Netflix, and the VZ/AOL Merger


  • 8/9/2019 ValuEngine Weekly: Retail Stocks, Valuation Warning,Netflix, and the VZ/AOL Merger


    ValuEngine4"# 6#*u"ts an* Se7i"es


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