uttar pradesh presentation shastri bhawan , new delhi 09th april, 2013


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Project Approval Board Meeting 2013-14. Uttar Pradesh Presentation Shastri Bhawan , New Delhi 09th April, 2013. Structure of Presentation. Coverage of Primary & Upper Primary Schools Organizational Structure Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Action Plan 2013-14 Efforts in MDM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Uttar Pradesh Presentation Shastri Bhawan , New Delhi 09th April, 2013


Page 2: Uttar Pradesh Presentation Shastri Bhawan , New Delhi 09th April, 2013

Coverage of Primary & Upper Primary Schools

Organizational Structure


Monitoring & Evaluation

Action Plan 2013-14

Efforts in MDM

Innovations in MDM


Page 3: Uttar Pradesh Presentation Shastri Bhawan , New Delhi 09th April, 2013

PRIMARYNo of Schools (Govt. + LB + Govt. Aided + AIE) 1,14,399

Children enrolled 140.46 Lac

No. of NCLP Centres 1,284

Children enrolled in NCLP Centres 51,746

UPPER PRIMARYNo of Schools (Govt. + Local Body+Govt. Aided) 53,938

Children enrolled 60.00 Lac


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Independent Mid-Day Meal Authority under a Director

with Chief Secretary being the Chairman of State level

Governing Body

Director assisted by Additional Director, Joint Director,

Deputy Directors, Asst. Directors & Finance Controller.

Authority co-ordinates with Food & Civil Supplies, FCI,

Panchayati Raj, Health, Urban Dev. & other related


Monitors implementation of the scheme

Co-ordinates with GOI & Govt. of UP.4

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District Level Task Force headed by D.M.

Block level Task Force headed by S.D.M.

MDM Cell for each Commissionaires & District

MDM Cell comprises of:

(A) Co-ordinator

(B) Computer Operator

Responsible for implementation of scheme at field level


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Primarily Gram Panchayat in Rural Areas

Ward Members/NGOs in Urban Areas

Mahila Samakhya in selected rural areas in 16 districts


For Conversion Cost separate bank A/c at Gram Panchayat Level (Madhyanh Bhojan Nidhi)

Provision of MDM Register in every school for keeping account of food grain, Conversion cost & number of students availing MDM


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Required prescribed amount of nutrients is being provided through varied WEEKLY MENU.

A study has been commissioned to find out the ways as to how the menu can be diversified.

Move to make daily monitoring system a tool of planning also by identifying the primary reasons of default in cooking meals and accordingly of regional imbalances.


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Quality of foodgrains is inspected at FCI godown at district level by a joint team comprising of nominee of Collector, Representative of FCI & State Lifting Agency.


NGOs/Mahila Samakhya where


Fair Price Shops

Gram Pradhan


Urban Local Body

State Lifting Agency


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State Government(Basic Education Department)

District Magistrate

Madhyanh Bhojan Nidhi

Urban Local Body/ NGO


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Executive Committee of MDM Authority – Quarterly

Regular visits by Task Force

District level Task Force: 12 officers – 5 school visits

per month by each officer

Block level Task Force: 8 officers – 5 school visits per

month by each officer

Each school visited every Quarter

Monthly review at district level by DM10

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EXTERNAL EVALUATION of impact of the mid-day meal

programme was commissioned by IIM Lucknow,

Udyamita Vikas Sansthan, Lucknow and G.B. Pant

Institute of Social Science, Allahabad.

DAILY MONITORING of regularity of meals provided

being successfully done through IVRS based real-time


SPOT INSPECTIONS done for cross checking the IVRS

data as part of the concurrent monitoring.11

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According to IVRS data peak availing figures is 8851234 For PS and 3460317 For UPS including NCLP.

Food grain lifting 229706.26 MTs against 331929.89 MTs Allocation.

Conversion Cost Expenditure of Rs. 57251.51 Lac against outlay of Rs. 76457.02 Lac.

FCI payment of Rs. 8137.75 Lac. against Bill of Rs. 11383.45 Lac received.

100% MIS Annual Data Entry on TRGMDM.NIC.IN

More than 80% MIS Monthly Data Entry upto Dec, 2012 on TRGMDM.NIC.IN

Upto 3rd Qtr.

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Rs. In Crore

Approval of PAB Central Share : 1316.51 State Share : 363.36

Status of Central Assistance O.B. as on 01.04.2012 : 93.61 C.A. Received under recurring component : 1222.90 Total C.A. available under recurring component : 1316.51 C.A. received under non- recurring component : 933.25

(Kitchen Devices) Fund Released From State Budget

Under recurring costo Central Share : 1265.17o State Share : 361.91o Total : 1627.08

Under non-recurring costo Central Share (Kitchen Devices) : 933.25

Interim Expenditure till Jan’13 : 1143.76

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PRIMARYNo of Schools (Govt. + LB + Govt. Aided + AIE) 1,14,399

Children enrolled 140.46 Lac

No. of Days 243

UPPER PRIMARYNo of Schools (Govt. + Local Body+Govt. Aided) 53,938

Children enrolled 60.00 Lac

No. of Days 243


NCLPNo. of NCLP Centres 1,284

Children enrolled in NCLP Centres 51,746

No. of Days 287

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Kitchen sheds 5,833

Kitchen utensils 20,186

Cook-cum-helpers 4,32,602

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ComponentCentral Share

State Share

Total 1 2 3 4 5

1 Cost of Food Grain (100% CA) 187.09 0.00 187.09

2 Cooking Cost (75% CA) 853.84 284.61 1138.45

3Honorarium to Cook-cum-Helper (75% CA) 356.90 118.96 475.86

4Transportation Assistance (100% CA) 25.58 0.00 25.58

Cooking Gas (75% CA) 517.60 172.53 690.135 MME (100% CA) 34.94 0.00 34.94

Additional MME 13.59 0.00 13.59

6Kitchen-cum-Store (75% CA) 34.34 11.45 45.79

7 Kitchen Devices (100% CA) 10.09 0.00 10.09Total 2033.97 587.56 2621.53

Rs. In Cr.

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CONVERSION COST increased from Rs. 3.11 to 3.34 for

Primary and Rs. 4.65 to 5.00 for Upper Primary Schools

COOKING GAS component costing Rs. 690.13 Cr.

KITCHEN SHED requirement in 5833 schools.

ADDITIONAL MME for monitoring of MIS & IVRS reports

up to block level for stringent & effective monitoring.

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National Gold Award 2012 for e-Governance by GOI UNICEF Recognition for Innovation for Children Award in

NASSCOM Social Innovation Honors 2013 organized by NASSCOM Foundation.

mBillionth Award South Asia 2011 under the auspices of I.T. Department, GOI.

Special Recognition by Vodafone Mobiles for Good 2011. India Digital Award 2011 by Internet & Mobile Assosiation of India.

(I.A.M.A.I.) Manthan Award: South Asia and South Pacific 2012 for e-

Governance under the auspices of I.T. Department of GOI.

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Successful implementation of IVRS based Daily Information System

Module for sending information of fund transfer in “Madhyan Bhojan Nidhi” through System generated SMS to teachers is being rolled-out soon

Login allotted to Block Education Officers for exception report based intensive monitoring of MDM scheme

Web based online Reconciliation mechanism being proposed for Food grain payments to FCI

Training Program with co-ordination of UNICEF for Block Education Officers


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One time central assistance is required for gas


Eating Plates, Glass and Spoon for all children

(@ Rs. 100 per child)

One Computer Operator at each Block. (@ Rs. 8000 per


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