usaid iuwash infosheet - improved communal sanitation facilities in surakarta

INDONESIA URBAN WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE “KAMPUNG SANITASI”; Improving Water and Sanitation Facilities in RW 23 Semanggi Village, Pasar Kliwon Sub-District of Surakarta City In terms of sanitation, Surakarta is one of few municipalities with a sewage system and treatment plant, but it is only utilizing 50% of its capacity. The Putri Cempo Sewage Treatment Plant is located in Mojosongo Village, Jebres Sub-district (approximately five kilometers from Surakarta City) and next to a final disposal site. The Putri Cempo Sewage Treatment Plant has been managed by PDAM Surakarta City, but it has not been in operation for the past three years as the access road was blocked by garbage. As access is now reopened, the mayor of Surakarta has expressed a strong commitment to revitalize the Putri Cempo treatment facility. IUWASH will support the local government of Surakarta City and PDAM to obtain funds from the central government through the provincial Satker PPLP of Central Java (or Working Unit for Settlements and Environmental Health) to re-operate the sewage treatment plant. The existing public toilet, washing and bathing facility (MCK) and public hydrant in RW 23 of Semanggi Village which utilized by 1,750 inhabitants or 350 households in this neighbourhood. IUWASH CENTRAL JAVA Surakarta City which is also called as “Solo” is well-known as the center of Javanese culture. It is located approximately 65 kilometers northeast of Yogyakarta and 100 kilometers southeast of Semarang. The total population of Surakarta City is 536,498 people with a density of 12,182 people per kilometer square. The city has five sub-districts and 51 villages. Surakarta City is situated in a lowland area, 105 meters above sea level, and has a total area of 4,404 hectares or 0.14 percent of Central Java Province. The eastern part of the city is bordered by the Bengawan Solo River, the longest river on Java Island. Water and Sanitation in Surakarta City The water utility (PDAM) of Surakarta City has 56,686 connections, providing piped water coverage to 56% of the total population. In some peri-urban locations in Surakarta City such as Pasar Kliwon, Banjarsari and Lawiyan Sub-districts, most people do not have access to piped water. As groundwater sources are relatively shallow, many who do not have piped connections from the PDAM rely on small, shallow wells or water purchased from local vendors. Due to overexploitation of groundwater, water from household wells is becoming increasingly brackish, while the cost of water purchased from vendors is exorbitant and often of suspect quality. To expand its service coverage, PDAM Surakarta City is in the process of seeking financing (with IUWASH assistance) from the central government to build a 300 liter per second Water Treatment Plan (WTP) in Semanggi Village that targets 6,000 new connections.

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Page 1: USAID IUWASH Infosheet - Improved Communal Sanitation Facilities in Surakarta


“KAMPUNG SANITASI”; Improving Water and Sanitation Facilities in RW 23 Semanggi Village, Pasar Kliwon Sub-District of Surakarta City

In terms of sanitation, Surakarta is one of few municipalities with a sewage system and treatment plant, but it is only utilizing 50% of its capacity. The Putri Cempo Sewage Treatment Plant is located in Mojosongo Village, Jebres Sub-district (approximately five kilometers from Surakarta City) and next to a final disposal site. The Putri Cempo Sewage Treatment Plant has been managed by PDAM Surakarta City, but it has not been in operation for the past three years as the access road was blocked by garbage. As access is now reopened, the mayor of Surakarta has expressed a strong commitment to revitalize the Putri Cempo treatment facility. IUWASH will support the local government of Surakarta City and PDAM to obtain funds from the central government through the provincial Satker PPLP of Central Java (or Working Unit for Settlements and Environmental Health) to re-operate the sewage treatment plant.

The existing public toilet, washing and bathing facility (MCK) and public hydrant in RW 23 of Semanggi Village which utilized by 1,750 inhabitants or 350 households in this neighbourhood.







Surakarta City which is also called as “Solo” is well-known as the center of Javanese culture. It is located approximately 65 kilometers northeast of Yogyakarta and 100 kilometers southeast of Semarang. The total population of Surakarta City is 536,498 people with a density of 12,182 people per kilometer square. The city has five sub-districts and 51 villages. Surakarta City is situated in a lowland area, 105 meters above sea level, and has a total area of 4,404 hectares or 0.14 percent of Central Java Province. The eastern part of the city is bordered by the Bengawan Solo River, the longest river on Java Island.

Water and Sanitation in Surakarta City

The water utility (PDAM) of Surakarta City has 56,686 connections, providing piped water coverage to 56% of the total population. In some peri-urban locations in Surakarta City such as Pasar Kliwon, Banjarsari and Lawiyan Sub-districts, most people do not have access to piped water. As groundwater sources are relatively shallow, many who do not have piped connections from the PDAM rely on small, shallow wells or water purchased from local vendors. Due to overexploitation of groundwater, water from household wells is becoming increasingly brackish, while the cost of water purchased from vendors is exorbitant and often of suspect quality. To expand its service coverage, PDAM Surakarta City is in the process of seeking financing (with IUWASH assistance) from the central government to build a 300 liter per second Water Treatment Plan (WTP) in Semanggi Village that targets 6,000 new connections.

Page 2: USAID IUWASH Infosheet - Improved Communal Sanitation Facilities in Surakarta

IUWASH Grant for “Kampung Sanitasi” Pilot Project in Surakarta City

Many areas throughout Surakarta City are classified as low-income with very limited access to clean water and adequate sanitation. The local government is acutely aware of this situation and is committed to developing an appropriate response.

On such response is in the form of a pilot project. Through a partnership between the local government and IUWASH, “Kampung Sanitasi” was developed to provide a model for future community-level water supply and sanitation development. The project is focused on the administrative unit of RW 23 of Semanggi Village, (in Pasar Kliwon Sub-district) Kampung Sanitasi which is in serious need for sanitation and water supply development. This area is inhabited by 1,750 people; of which only 10% of households own toilet at homes, while 40 percent still defecate in the open. The community also has a six-doors public toilet, washing and bathing facility (MCK) and one public hydrant for clean water supply. However, available facilities are wholly insufficient for serving the area’s population of 350 households. This results in poor hand-washing and unsafe wastewater disposal practices, which in turn lead to environmental contamination (including of groundwater and, hence, drinking water sources), as well as high rates of diarrheal disease, skin infection, and other water and sanitation borne disease.

Lembaga Pengembangan Teknologi Pedesaan (LPTP), is a non-governmental organization based in Surakarta City which was awarded a grant from IUWASH (that was issued on a competitive basis) to support the implementation of the Kampung Sanitasi program. This support targets:

Improving sanitation and hygiene-related knowledge and practices of the 350 households of RW 23 through: a campaign to “stop open defecation” programs; increasing hand-washing with soap; and ensuring proper use and maintenance of new sanitation and water supply facilities;

For further information:

Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (IUWASH)

Jl. Agung No. 38A, Gajah MungkurSemarang 50232, Jawa Tengah

T +62-24 850 4342 +62-24 850 3935

F +62-24 841 3247

[email protected] @airsanitasi

The Mayor of Surakarta, FX. Hadi Rudyatmo and the U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia, Robert O. Blake, Jr. inaugurated ‘Kampung Sanitasi’ Program in RT 05 RW 23 of Semanggi village, Surakarta on May 13, 2014. Through this program, about 100 households now have access to clean water through master meter system. A newly built six-doors MCK combined with communal septic tank also have provided adequate sanitation facilities for 250 households in this neighborhood.

Designing and constructing (together with the local community) appropriate sanitation facilities for 150 households and a master meter water supply system for 100 households; and

Substantively involving the local government and service providers in the program from which the “Kampung Sanitasi” approach can be replicated by the local government.

Activities in support of the above which has conducted by LPTP as the grantee include:• Conducting focus group discussions, social mapping

with community members and government officials to identify and select households that are willing to participate in the program;

• Mobilizing the community to assist in installation of the new facilities;

• Establishing two community organizations to manage, operate and maintain the new facilities and providing related training on finances (billing and collection, bookkeeping, etc.) and technical operation and maintenance;

• Discussing and reaching agreement with the PDAM on the water tariff to be applied;

• Conducting Behavior Change Communication programs related to open defecation free practice and hand-washing with soap;

• Constructing the public toilet facility for 150 households combined with a communal septic tank, which will also collect wastewater from additional 100 household toilets;

• Constructing a community piped water supply system for 98 households, including a master meter connected to the PDAM main pipe and distribution system to individual households (including water meters for each participating household);

• Organizing “Healthy Living” campaigns and workshops with local government, public and private sectors to disseminate results and obtain commitments for further scale-up; and

• Conducting community-based monitoring and evaluation activities with residents as a form of citizen participation from the beginning, and at mid-term and final completion stages.



