us copyright office: ar-1915

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  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: ar-1915



    ReportRegister of Copyrights

    YO. tsP

    Fiscal Year 1914-1915

    [Rcpaintcd from theReport d he L i b d m d C a ~ gm s ]



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    P U B L I C A T IO N S O F T H E C O P Y R IG H T O F F IC E

    The following 5 bulletins and circulars which have been isued bythe Copyright O&e may be had free on request to the Rsaxsm orCopy~lom, IBBAPY r Co~astnss,W A S H I W ~ N ,.C.:B~LETIN o. 14.The Copyright Law of the United %tea of Amuica, being theAct of March 4, 1909 (in force July I, 1909)~ auunded by the, 1911,March 1, 1913, nd March 18,. 1914,g s r %rI:dAor k t i e e procedure under 15.

    by the Supreme Court of the United States. sa pp. 8". 1914.B u u m No. 15.Rules and Regulations for the registrationof claims to copyright.Prepared under the authority conferred in d o n 3 of the copy-right act of 1909. a9 pp. 8 . 19x4.B v u m ~o. 16.Cop ight in E land. Act I and o Gso. S. ch. 46. An Act toamenrand Jidate the Iaw relating to copyright, passedDecember 16, 1911. [In force, JuI I, 1911. With Addendadprevious copyright acts not repeple~] ylpp. 8". 1914.INSORMATIONIRCULARO.4.International Copyright Convention. Beme, 1886,and Amend-

    ments agreed to at Paris, 1896. Also, additional pmtocol to BerlinCouvention, signed at Berne, March ao, 1914. 17pp. 4".INPORMAT~ONIRCULARO.4 A.International Copyright Convention. Revised text, Berlin,

    I @ . I1 }'P. 4".[Continued on third page ol mver.1

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    CONTENTSReceipts...................................................................Expenditures ................................... : .......................Copyright entries and f e u.........................................................................................................opyright deposits ;Copyright index and catdope. bulletins. and circulars:

    Index cards............................................ .............Catalogue of copyright entries..........................................Bulletins and circulnrs..................................................Catabgue of copyrighted dramas. 1870-~915............................

    Summary of copyright business.............................................Condition of Copyright OBIced:......................................................a ) Cu mn t work ...............................b ) Deposits received prior to July I. 1897

    (c ) Bratrch office at San Francisco......................................Copyright legislation and internationnl copyright relations:

    Legislation- ..........................................opyright bills and reportsk d i p f motio 1 pictures.......................................Pubiii printing bill................................................

    Intunat iona l copyright relations-Pan American CopyrightConvention. 1910. proclaimed July 1g.rg14Great Britain Order in Council. February 3. 1915. and Presidential

    proclamation. January I . 191 5....................................Italy. Presidential proclamation under Section I (e) May I . 1915......Countries to which the benefits o f Scc t i I ( a ) . Act o f I-. arc now

    extended .......................................................Statisticalsummaries. Exhibits A to G ......................................Addenda:

    I. Copyright bill H R.2-5. inbodwed (by request) by Hon.WillipmA.OLdficld.................................................... .........................1 British Order in Council. February 3. 1915111. Presidential Copyright Prociamations under Section I ( a ) :..............................a )Great Britain. January I . IPS( b ) Italy. May I . 1915..........................................IV. Convention on Literary and Artistic Copyright. signed Buenos Aim.

    August 11 . 1910;proclaimed by the United States July 13. 1914....................................................................ndex

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    WA SH I N G ~N ,. C., Ju l y 7,1915SIR:The copyright business and the work of tbe Copy-right Office for the fiscal year July I, 1914, to June go, rgI5,inclusive, are summarizedas follows:R E C E r n

    The gross receipts during the year were $I I5,594.55. A FOY.o*.balance of $8,332.12, representing trust funds and unfin-ished business, was on hand July I, 1914, making a total of$123,926.67 to be accounted for. Of this amount the sumof $2,746.57 received by the Copyright Offire, was refundedas excess fees or as fees for articles not registrable, la ving anet balance of $I 2 I,I&.IO. The balance carried over toJuly I, 1915, was 99,257.35 (representing trust funds,$7,65 I .61, and total unfinished business since July I, 1897-I8 years-$I ,605.74)~ eaving fees applied during the fiscalyear 1914-15 and paid into the Treasury $1 1,922.75.The yearly copyright fees have more than doubled sincethe reorganization of the office in 1897, reaching above theone hundred thousand dollar mark during the first year ofoperation under the new copyright law which went intoeffect on July I, xgog. The annual applied fees sine July I,1897, are:

    1907-8.. ........... a21387.501ys-9. ............ 83, 816751909-10.. ........... 1% 644- 951910-11 ............. 109,913.951911-11 ............. 116,685051911-13 ............. I F601913-14. . . . . . . . . . . . . 110,219.251914-1s.. . . . . . . . . . . 111,pas. 75

    Total. ...... I, s36,7&jo

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    Register of CoPpigh t s 159COPYRLGAT DEPOSITS

    Tbe various articles &positd in c o m p i i with the&~riirlu dru,copyright law which have been registed, stamped, indexed,and catalogued during the fiscal year amount t o 203,767.The number of these articles in each class for the 18 fiscalyears is shown in Exhibit G.The copyright ac t which went into force on July I , ~gog,Tnmsmucornm&Uxprovides for the gradual elimination of the amumulakd ~ m ~ r

    copyright deposits (secs. 59 and 60). During the year booksdesired for the Library to the number of 6,792 volumes(including 2,286 Foreign books and pamphlets) have beenforwarded through the Order Division. These selectedbooks were in addition to the "first" copies of copyrightbooks pent forward as received from day to day, numberingI 2,164 for the fiscal year. In addition, there has been trans-ferred upon the Librarian's order, a collection of books andpamphlets relating to American poetry and printed dramasby American authors, numbering 8,034 pieces; thus makinga total of 26,990 books and pamphlets delivered to theLibrary from the Copyright Ofke during the year. 1

    Of musical compositions 2 1,406 were deposited andregistered during the year, and of these 19,935 were trans- b r ir 1; *.(rob& d ld.f e d o the Music Division. All of the 1,772 maps regis- (co*tered were p l d n the Map Division. Out of the total of23,458 photographs, engravinjp, and other "pictorial illus-trations" entered, 8,681 were selected and forwarded to thePrints Division for permanent deposit. Of the 20 dailynewspapers registered, both copies were promptly sent tothe Periodical Division, and gog magazines and periodicals,including weekly newspapers, out of the I ,181 differentjournals received, were a h ransferred to that division;while 252 of the least important publications registered underthe designation "per idim l," have been returned during theyear to the copyright claimants.

    The act of March 4, Igog (see. 591, provides for the transfer,dydLr%to other "governmental libraries" in the District of Cdum- '"bia "for use therein" of surh copyright deposits as are notrequired by the Library of Congress, and during the presentfiscal year 8,522 books were selected by the librarians andthus transferred to the libraries of the following: Depart-

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    166 Report of the Librarian of Congressments (Agriculture, Commerce, Navy, and Treasury);Bureaus (Education, Fisheries, Mines, Standards); EngineerSchool, Federal Trade Commission, Hygienic Laboratory,Internal Revenue Office, Pension Ofice, Soldiers' Home,Surgeon General's Office, and the Public Library of theDistrict of Columbia.

    Rd'wr of &- Under the provisions of the act of March 4, rgog, authorityborilrla cowyriCrbl is granted also for the return to the claimants of copyrightof such copyright deposits asare not required by the Libraryor Copyright Office. The notice required by section 60hasbeen printed for all classes of works deposited and registeredduring the years January I , xgoo, to June 30, rgog. Inresponse to special requests, roz dramatic or musical compo-sitions and 5,475 motion-picture films have been returnedto the copyright claimants, and of the current deposits notneeded by the Library of Congress the following have alsobeen so returned: 10,332 "books" (pamphlets, leaflets, etc.) ,125 photographs, 17,729 prints, 2,929 contributions to pcri-odicals, 5,915 periodicals; a total of 42,607 pieces. Thetotal number of articles thus transferred during the year orreturned to the copyright claimants amounts to more thanone hundred and fifty thousand pieces (154,523).

    R I I * I ~ ~op In response to inquiries during the year from the Cardr o pw Section, the Order Division, and the Reading Room in regardto 470 books supposed to have been copyrighted but notfound in the Library, i t was discovered that 57 of theseworks were actually in the Library, 20 of the books hadbeen deposited and were still in the Copyright Office, IWworks were either not published, did not claim copyright,or for other reasons could not be deposited, and in the caseof 135 works no answers to our letters of inquiry had beenreceived up to June 30, 1915. Copies were received of158 works in all in response to requests made by theCopy-right OffiCe during the period of 12 months for works pub-lished during recent years.THE COPYRIGHT INDEX AND CATALOGUE, BULLETINS, AND


    lUI.'wd' The copyright registrations are indexed upon cards.The cards made are first used as copy for the printed cata-logue and after printing are added to the permanent card

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    Register of Copyrights a61indexes of the copyright. entries. The ternpokry cardsmade for the indexes to the printed catalogue (numbering87,227 during the fissal year) have been eliminated, andthe remaining cards (1g,337 for the fiscal year) wereadded to the permanent card indexes, now numberingover 2,825,000 cards. By revision and condensation 4,800cards were canceled and withdrawn from the indexes duringthe year. The printing of the catalogue of dramas, copy-righted from 1870 t o 1914 (to begin after July I) , willpermit the elimination of more than 126,000 cards and tothat extent relieve the pressure for space in the index.The publication of the Catalogue of Copyright Entries has c a C z $ ; ~ ~ fbeen continued, as required by law. For convenience ofsearch, the volumes are made to cover the works publishedand deposited during the calendar year rather than thefiscal year. Five volumes of the Catalogue of CopyrightEntries were printed for the calendar year 1914, containinga total of 7,742 pages of text and indexes.- . - -Each part of the catalogue is sold separately a t a nominal Smh8c'i'hPm f rr(J.lwannual subscription rate within thk maximum price estab-lished by law, as follows:Part I, Books, pamphlets, dramatic compositions, andmaps (two volumes), $I ; Part 11, Periodicals, 50 cents;Part 111, Musical compositions (a very bulky volume), $I ;Part IV, Prints, including chromos and lithographs, photo-graphs, motion pictures, and the descriptions of originalworks of art-paintings, drawings, and sculpture-50 cents.The price for the e n t i ~atalogue for the year is $3. Thesubscriptions, by express provisions of the copyright act,are required to be paid to the Superintendent of Docu-ments (Ofice of the Public Printer, Washington, D. C.),and all subscriptions m ~ te for the complete year foreach part desired.The judicial decisions rendered during the year 1913- 8- 81914, construing the copyright act of March 4, ~ g o ghith-erto printed as addenda to the annual report of the Registerof Copyrights), were printed as a separate bulletin of theCopyright Office. (Bulletin No. 17. Washington, Govern-ment printing office, 1915. 105 pp. 8O.)

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    Inf-Jia, &- The following Presidential Proclamations relating toa l r r Copyright were printed and distributed during the year:The Proclamation of January I , 1915, extending toBritish authors the benefits of (section I (4) of the copy-right act of I W , relating to the me ch an id reproductionof music, together with the proclamation by the Presidentof the British Order in Council, dated February 3, 1915,providing for the protection in Great Britian of unpuMishedworks by citizens of the United States (Information Cir-cular, No. 53); and the proclamation of May I, 1915, ex-tending the benefits of section I je) of the Copyright Actto the subjects of Italy (Information Circular, No. 54).

    cacm lo r= r of The copyright law authorizes the printing at intervals ofwpytiOhId d r our. 87-1014 general catalogues to cover each class of,copydght entries.With this in view, the Copyright Office record books havebeen carefully examined and verified from the earliest 'volume of entries made under the direction of the Librarianof Congress in 1870, and all registrations for dramatic com-positions have been reindexed aud a complete cataloguecampiled of dramas cogyrighted from July, 1870, to De-cember 31, 1914. This includes more than 56,000 titles,and has been supplied with a careful index of the names of'the copyright proprietors, authors, joint authors, editors,translators, etc. (approximately 70,000 references). Themanuscript copy for this catalogue was completed in Feb-ruary last, and the printing of the work will begin as soonas the appropriations for the new h l ear are available onJuly I . Considerable interest has been expressed in thiscompilation, and it is believed that it will be found usefuland of exceptional interest. It s printing should releasethe office from making searches in the case of many in-quiries received concerning entries included in the work,and will also enable the office to eliminate this large accu-mulation of cards from the manuscript index.The printing of this Drama Catalogue was begun on Sep-. tember 22, 1915. I t will include all dramas registered in ,1915. and will contain about 3,000 pages. One thousandcopies will be for sale a t $4 (two volumes, cloth). Personsdesiring to use the Catalozue as it appears can obtain theadvawe signatures as printed upon payment now of $4 fo rthe complete work, unbound. All subscriptions should be. sent to the Superintendent OF Documents, GovernmentPrinting Oftice, Washington,D. C.

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    164 Report of the Libra&* of CoccgrsssC m - M - u The greater part of the business of the Copyright Officeis done by correspondence and there is a steady increasefrom year to year in the mail matter received and dis-

    patched. The total letters and parcels received duringthe fiscal year numbered 147,538, while the letters, certifi-cates, parcels, etc., dispatched numbered 149,461. Lettersreceived transmitting remittances numbered 4,221, includ-ing money orders to the number of 30,420. During thelast 18 fiscal years the money orders received numberednearly half a million (472,828).


    co=f*d- At this date (July 7, 1915) the remittances received uprort r r k to the third mail of the day have been recorded. Theaccount books of the bookkeeping division are written up

    and posted to June 30, and the account8 rendered to theTreasury Department are settled up to and including themonth of June, while earned fees to June 30, inclusive, havebeen paid into the Treasury.

    All copyright applications received up to and includingJune 30 have been passed upon and refunds made. Theunfinished business amounted on June 30, 1915, to $I ,605.74.Of this sum, however, more than $I ,ooo represented businessfor the fiscal year, held awaiting answers to letters fromthe topyright Office in regard to informalities, etc., andnot over $600 represented the total unfinished business forthe previous 18 years from July I , 1897.

    At the close of busin.= on July 7, 1915, of the w o r edeposited for copyright registration up to and includingJune 30 all had been recorded except 43 registrations inClass A and 70 in Class B. There remained to be indexed:Class A, Books, 843; Class D, Dramas, 48; Class E, Music,804; Class G, Fine Arts, 65; Class J, Photographs, 247.

    (b) Deposifs received prior to J d y I, 1897D+*H= * During the fiscal year I 914-1 5 about 2,842 articles received

    '&" prior to July I , 1897, were handled in the work of credit-ing such mat ter to the proper entries. Of these articles

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    1,141 pieces (including 470 pamphlets and leaflets, 628periodical contributions, and 43 misceHaneous articles)were credited to' their respective entries and properlyfiled. Entries were found for I , I ~ore pamphlets, etc.,and they have been arranged for crediting. Careful searchwas made in the case of goo other pamphlets, etc., but nocorresponding entries were found. In addition, about15,150 printed titles filed prior to July 8, 1870, have beenarranged by classes (Books, Music, Prints, Labels, etc.)to facilitate examination. The examination of th is oldmaterial becomes proportionately slow and its identifica-tion more difficult as the remaining material presentsfewer clues under which search can be made for possibleentries. Meantime the pressure of the current copyrightbusiness has been so great as to oblige the transfer, fromtime to time, of the clerks from work upon the old unfinished Imaterial to the current work.

    As noted in my last year's report, the act approvedRf~*'fx,September 18, 1913, provided for the protection of foreignP .exhibitors a t the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Ex@*and for the establishment. of a branch copyright o h tSan Francisco. The preparations for this special workwere duly made, but up to June 30, 1915, no applica- .tions for copyright certificates had been received, and henceno registrations have bee? made. It is still possible thatrequests for the registration authorized by the act may yetbe received.

    The temporary transfer of Mr. Ernest Bruncken, AssistantRegister of Copyrights, to the newly organized IpgiglativeReferace Division of the Library of Congress, from Decem-ber 7, 1914, to June 30, 1915, gave opportunity to recognizethe long and valuable service rendered by Mr. ArthurCrisfield as Chief of the Application Division of the Copy-right Office. Mr. Crisfield was temporarily promoted tothe position of Assistant Register during Mr. Bruncken'sabsence.

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    166 Repovl J / lh r I.ibrarion 01 CongressCOPYR1411T LUOlRLAT10N AND INTURN ATIONAL C OPYRIGH T

    RI(I.AT10NSI . Legislation

    B'llH. u J 1 4 NO copyright legislation was enacted during the fiscal year.Thc record of proposed amendment of the copyright law isea followa:

    On August 25, 19x4, Mr. Charles B. Smith, of New York,i~itroduced in the House of Representatives a bill toamend the wisting law to include as subject matter ofcopyright "any check, voucher, certificate, or other businessform entirely or partly printed." I t is identical with the billintroduced on January 30, r g q , by Mr. Bartholdt, thetext of which was printed in the Report of the Librarian ofCongress for I903-4, pages 146-147.

    "IIH- R.lobp3 On January 8,1915, a bill was introduced in the House of .Representatives ("by request ") by Mr. Oldfield to amendsections 21 and 31 of the Copyright Act of March 4, rgog,to increase the ad interim term of protection for Englishbooks, before publication of an American edition must takeplace, from 30 days to go days, and to prohibit the irnporta-tion now permitted of one copy for private use of individualreaders or for libraries, except with the consent of theAmerican publisher. The full t&t of the bill is printed onpage 189 of this report.

    R.rrrnOn January 23, 19x5, Mr. Oldfield, Chairman of the HouseCotnmittee on Patents, reintroduced, in a modified text,the bill (H. R. 16238) originally introduced by Mr. Levy.Public heari~gs y the Committee on Patents were heldon the 1,evy bill on May 27-June 30 and September 16,1914.~ The bill (H. R. 21137)' proposes t o amend the

    19x4 (Aug 25). A bill to ammd title 63,chapter J. of he Revised Sta tu te ol theUnited States of Amerim,relating to copyright#. P-ted by Mr . Smith ol New Y a kH. R. bill No 18114 Printed. 4 pp. 40 I R c I d o theCommittee on Patentr.]3 rpx j (Jan. ). A bill to ammd sections21 and s r ol he act entitled "An act ton m d

    pnd consolidate th e acts respecting copyright." approval Mar. 4. I-. Present& byMr. OMfidd. H. R. blll No a-5. Printed. 4 pp. 40. IReIared to tbe Committee onP.tentr.18 "Secondary mapninn" right attaching afterapintbn of cowright. HearingMsxetbe Committee on Patents. House of Rep-tatives, 63d Cong.. Id w ~ . . ay SFJune so. 19x4 [and September 16, 19x41. 8.. Washhgton. Governmentprinting o f E q

    19x5. 136 p.+r I.+xj?-r?lp.1915 (Jan. 3). A bill to amend d o n 3 04 the act entitled "An act to amenddconsolidate the acts respecting copyright," approved Xu. 4 I Priant.d by Mr.Oldhld. H. R. bill No. ~ XX J ? . Printed. pp. 40. [Rdmed to the Committee 011PPtmUl

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    Register of Copyrights 1 6 7Copyright Act by adding the following patagraph to sec-tion 23:

    "Upon the expiration of the copyright of a book, or the mewalthereof should the same be renewed, there shall exist no superiw rightsof any nature whatsoever in the publisher or f m e r proprietor thereofto the matter which has been he subject of copyright or to the nameor title thereof, but both the matter wfiich has been the subject dc~pyrig ht nd its name or title shall fall into the public domain andthereafter be forever free to UK unrestricted use of the public."

    Horu r ep a rOn January 25, Mr. OidMd, from the Committee NO. rp rPatents, submitted a report' o accompany bill H. R. 2% 37,with the recommendation "that the bill do pass." Thisreport is as follows:

    "I t h a ome to the knowledge of the committee that publishe*thFoughout the United States, after the expiration of 56 years of copy-right monopoly, have claimed and exercised and seek to petpetuallyexercise, under the interpretation of the law by the F e d e d courts, a"secondary meaning" right which, i t is claimed, during the period ofcopyright protection attached to heir publicetions by no other circum.stance than from long-continued advertisingof their respective works.The result is that publishe~f matter on whicfi th e copyright barlong since expired are enabled to perpetuate tfrc monopoly originallygranted them under the copyright law, thus suppressing wmpeiiticm.preventing the e.xpansim of the 6eld of industry in the printing andallied trades, and adversely affecting educational conditions through-out the country by compelling the public to pay arbitrary prices forthe standard textbooks and other worlcs essential in tfrc disseminationof knowledge. In the opinion of the wmmit tee, this wndition shouldnot exist."On February IS , 1915, on motion of Mr. Martin A. Mot-

    rism, a member of the House Committee on Patents, thebill was stricken from tk House Calendar.

    In my last year's report attention was called t o the hreebills which had been introduced to establish a federalmotion-picture censorship commission. One of these (33. c ill^.^.^,,,^^R. 14895)'~ resented by Mr. Hughes of Georgia, w M a d

    1 191s (Jan. 15). Amendment d the Iawr relntinc to wpyr-ighb. Mr.Oldfield. fromtheCommitteeon Patents. submitted thfdlowing reportito ~ p p o y. R a x 1 ~ 7 ) .63d Cona.. ad ua. H. R. Bept. NO.1314. Printed. r p. 8..Feb. 16. 1br5. A bill to mete a ncn divition d the Burrnud Eduatbn. to beknownM the Federal motion-picturr canmidon. and d h i ng t s powem Md dutia.Reported by Mr. Hugha of Ceoreia. H. R. Bill No. 1-5. Printed.4 DD.. 4.. w-mittcd to theConunitteed the Whole Hovv on t ~tated theUnion aaddad toa ritcd.1

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    Register of Copyrights 169tween the United States and the Dominican Republic,Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.We are also officially informed by the Department of Sta tethat the Government of Bolivia has announced throughdiplomatic channels the adhesion of that country to theCopyright Convention of I91o.

    The full text of this important document, the first generalinternational copyright treaty agreed to by the UnitedStates, is printed on pages 197-200 of this report.

    By the British Order in Council signed on February 3, I 915, h gO rdu b C dfor the purpose of providing "protection within the British pa. . 191,dominions for the unpublished works of citizens of theUnited States," it was ordered that the British CopyrightAct of I 91 I , should apply:

    " (a)To literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works theauthors whereof were a t the time of the making of the workcitizens of the United States of America, in like manner asif the authors had been British subjects.

    (b) In respect of residence in the United States of America,in l i e manner as f such residence had been residence in theparts of His Majesty's dominions to which the said actextends."

    The order was declared to be effective from January I ,1915, but not to apply toCanada, Newfoundland, Australia,New Zealand, or South Africa,and with the express provisionthat the enjoyment of the rights conferred by the order"shall be subject to the accomplishment of the conditionsand formalities prescribed by the law of the United States,"and that the term of copyright protection in Great Britain" h d not exceed that conferred by the law of the UnitedStates." The full text of the order isprinted, pages 191-192.

    This Order in Council was made upon the understanding P r * r i d a a l i a lP I ods ' ms -that a proclama'tion by the President would be issued e x - d u w z c f l Q r

    tending to the subjects of Great Britain the benefits of Bsection I (e) of the Copyright Act to secure copyright con-

    1 0 6 1 7 - 1 6 2

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    17 0 Report of the Librarian of Conyvesstrolling the parts of instruments serving lo reproduceme-chanically the musical work, and such proclamation wasissued on January I , 1915, in behalf of "the subjects ofGreat Britain and the Biitish dominions, colonies andpossessions with the exception of Canada, Australia, NewZealand, South Africa, and Newfoundland."

    M 7 A similar proclamation by the President was issued onMay I, 1915, declaring that the subjects of Italy are entitledto all the benefits of section I (e) including such control ofthe mechanical reproduction of music. These proclama-tions are printed on pages 195-196 of this report.

    E*nbbY"du Presidential proclamations have now been issued underf f i r b) various dates extending the benefits of section I (e) to thefollowing countries: December 10 , I910, Germany; June 14,191 , Belgium, Luxemburg, Norway; November 27, 191 ,Cuba; October 15, 1912, Hungary; January I , 1915, GreatBritain and the British dominions, with the exception ofCanada, Newfoundland, Au s t d i , New Zealand, and SouthAfrica; May I, 1915, Italy.Respectfully submitted

    THORVALDOLBERGRegister of Copyrights

    HERBERT UTNAMLibrarian of Congress

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    EXHIBIT-Statement of gross r&pk, rtf unds , nat r m a p k , a d aappl ied for fiscal )ear ending JUM 30, 1915--


    I914July.. ............................... I*& t7AUg'llSt.............................. 7,791.WSeptember........................... g,a& 78OCtObel............................. 10,4t).WNovember........................... 8, IS. s8Dcamhr.. ........................ xt,*87

    19'5...........................UIUW.. . I l ,& SO 194-37Febmuy............................ 8, sp .3 0 193.March............................... g,Qs. st 165April, ............................... 9,141.38 3.61t

    .................................ay 9.073.7t r46.~1June.. . .............................. 9.5r3.61 . m31 71Bahc r hmueht fowi-ud fmm June 3% 1914................................. 88,~s. SNet rnciptn July I. 1914, to June 30, 191s:..............................................ross rcrciph. S1rs.m.55............................... ...ess amount refunded.. !. 1. 746.37 11.84?.98

    Total to he amounted la........................................ 111, I& xob r i g h t Ircrs~ plicd wly r. I V I ~ .o Junep. 191s............... Irr,prr.nBalanrr carried forward to July I, 1915:Tmst funds................................................. 7,6j1.61Unfinished business........................................ I,-. 74

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    Report of the Librarian of Conqress

    11................~ 8 ...............OcL. s................I.................I 9 I...............a6................

    Nw. n................6. ...............

    as.......... ......p................

    Dee s................7................q ................I ................18................

    191sJaa. 4................. 1183 doom8................ 1- r p a b................1 ~ a a t S , I O ~ O O................8 1 4 3,l-w. .1s................ 1306 t,so%m...............cb. I. 1334 srbOO 00s... ............. I352 SI9.9S

    8................ ISM x, joom

    ..............S... 1416 st-oo13.. .............. 1467 I 13x4 S , ~ OOQ ,I................ 3 6-65

    8................ 154.1 It9W.W15................ ISSO st,4m.oos 1613 I*-rp................ 1671 x.8oam

    h. ... ............. I710 1,400.008... ............. 1 7 SS1.1011................ 1752 .,soamI 9................ , 800 r rpmoo................6 1877 n , a n w

    3.. .............. 1- n t h6................ 9 7 ~ ~ 4 . 3 s10.. .............. ZsQ) .,.wo! m. 17................ .0(4 t,-w14............-... "0.1 l,*ooJune r................ *IS; n , h ms................ ax9. 441.1s7................ t It--14.. .............. sa4s t,PO-11................ *a78 r , h md............... as . . , ~ 0 0 0 0................uly 6 t s S 1,7&6s

    Total.................... III,~... 7s

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    174 Report of the Librarian of CotrgressExmsn D--Copyrigkt burinem (monthly cmnpon'roia). Annual rrpodfor thejinnl p r rom Ju l y I , 2924, to Juru 3q. 29r5COMPARATIVB hlONt.HLY STA TEMENT OF CROSS CASE RE CBI PIS.EXECUTED BUSINESS. NUMBER OF REGISTRATIONS. DAILY AVPR-

    I914July....................................... Sxo,abr7Au~ust . . ................................. 1,791.otSeptember.. ............................... 9, a 4 b 78OctOber.. IOv#7.pP...............................................................manber. . 8, asp.58Dcamber.. ............................... 11,e ~ b7

    19x5J.nuuy................................... XI,* 9F c b ~ u y . ................................ 8 , 5 5 0 9Much . . .................................. p,&r .5 ~....................................pril.. 9,141.38May.. ..................................... 9 , q 5 . aJam*...................................... 9, ~1 5 .

    I914Jab.. ....................................August....................................W a n b e r . ................................w...................................November.. .......... 347.C

    9,JpOh W . 5 .......... 561.1819x5

    Jmsug. . 1a8 1a9 s %,*as. 5 .......... us...........ebnuuy,. 8, s, 30 SSP*10,op%an 1, 751.45 .......... 311- 19.......... 467.75 381.16

    b y . . 8,141. IS .......... 8 p.w 5 4 9 .4..........tmc 9 , ~ h - 6 s S S ~ S O 585.87Total..




    S s t 6 o j1tpb0.0


    *u.*49sas. %415.11

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    Exrnerr D--Copyright iilcJinus (mo nthly comparison). Annual refia tfor the1E(cal year from Ju ly I , 1914,b June p,191~--Continued


    1914 iJuly.. . . .Awust. . . .September.. . . . . .oaota . . . .November.. . .Decemba. . . . . .191sJanwry . . .Febmuy.. . . . .Much .. . . . . . . .April. . . . . . . .M a y ..................................June. . .


    EXHIBIT- S t u h n t 4 gross cash r k t i p i r , businas -*d, nurnbrr ofregistrations, ate.,-for 18 fiscal years, 18W-98, 18p8-99, 1899-rpw,r900-IPZP IPZ-2 , ZPz-3, r*q, Z9q-5, rmd, 1906-7. r907-8.~ d - p ,pop-10, Z~ZO-zr,pzz-12, Z ~ Z + Z ~ , gzpz4, an d z91rqr5

    GROSS RECEIPIS-July. k. 57.PhWBt.. 4,511.17September.. s,21%87Oetoba.... 5,5$.11Novrmba.. 4, 1.88Dccemba.. 6,sxa.bJOPW. ... 6,074.03February.. . 4,606. paMarch.. . s, 138.18April.. . . s,oss. 21Yay.. . . 1,386.93Jane... 4,476.16

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    Report of t h Librariczn of C ~ s sE x mm 3%-Sfuiemnnt fl gross cash rdcsipts, bi&~les$ CYCU&~ ,numberof registrations, etc.,for 1 8 ~ b x lars, etc.--Continued

    GROSS RECEIPTS--Continued

    July.. . h, h 9 7A u ~ . ... 4 ~ 9 5 6 3 0Septcmkr.. . 5,658.40?~ t~ba . . . . 6 , 3 a 3 . ~N-kr.. 5,303.93

    ,December.. 8,581.60Jmunry.. . 7, Soa.53

    July. . $8, a& osAugust ..... 8,4~1.&SWtOlIkr.. 9,031. 45Oetokr.... 9,63519NovCIU~U.. 9, 166. 19December.. I I , ~ C O IJpnlury.... rr ,rpBosFebmuy... 8 , 4 ~ - p oMU& ...... 9,911.11April.. . R 18s. s tMay.. . 8,4rauJune.. ...... 9,471.PS

    ( S o ~ p o 9 $1o,a6..79, ~ 8 5 . 4 h WI.

    r r , o a . s s ~ a 4 8 . 7 810,IJa.05 Io,417.$98 4 159.58

    xa,65*lo ~a.o&B?Y,W.S. 11,pbCp9 .y P .u 4 5 ~ 3 01%65. 55 99hot.519,631. or 9,141.389,671. w 9,073. 791 7.8.69 9 , ~ a ~ - b

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    EXHIBXT- 4 t a t nnen t of gross cash nccipts, bun'ws e xwd e d , numberof registrations,ek., or 18jsml yarrs, eic.--Contin&d

    July.... a, mAugurt.. . 4,196. mScptemk. . C S S P . ~ ~October.... 4.8m.m

    ,Nwemkr.. 4 , 0 6 1 . ~December.. s,s6a.mJanuary... 6, at gpFebruary... 4, aoa. mMuch...... 4,86s.mAD^. . 4.83s. pMay.. . 4,61c- pJune.. .. 4 , 5 1 9 . ~--2- 1 I

    M a t h , 1 . w 15 1 1 - I I* I uL I =*- ---July... $s,wz.ooAuuust. . I,-. 9Seprunber.. 5 , ~ c oOctober..... 5,pcs.aNwemba.. 5 , m pDaxdla. . . 7,441.WJanuary... I 8,xaaso~ e bun... 6,wr.soM d . . 6,14650April.. . . s,~ 3 .May... 6,163 wJune........ 6 , x s a p

    July... &,975.90A m .... 1,707.90sePt,tembet.. a,513. I 0ocbber.... 9 , 0 6 7 . ~Nwanba.. 9 , 5 8 4 . ~Dcamba.. 1o,a66&.J-uprr.. .. 9 , w . ~FebNaw... 8,138 &Much.. . . .. xo,r&&April....... %oMay.. .. 8 , 7.June .. 9 , 6 7 1 . ~ ~

    $8,471.70 $% 141.40b6t S. P 8 , ~ - 4 59 1 ~ 9 .6 5 4 ha .s o

    x o , l p ~ n 1=,8rp.6091 1a5.75 91164-sRP7.05 9,93605

    11,713. 10 11,386.808,617.60 9,1n.&

    IS307-43 I S 8 f .P1 ~ ~ 4 . 8 0 314816.~9 , 5 4 . 9 1 0 , 4 m ~ o9, a74 ro ro, a xo

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    178 Report of the Librarian of ConplcrsEXHIBIT -Staiemuni o grots cash rem'pti, bsuinrrr erauted, number

    o j registratwnr, etc., or 18 fiscal gcarr, etc.--ContinuedNUMBER O F REGISTRATIONS


    7,305 7,7715,909 7r397

    9,695 99 IPO 10,TOS9,871 12,241 12,808

    79 I4471 755 7.757 8,6638 . h 7,517 7 ,8397,443 7,pol 8,327

    9,436 14 93 6 IIt557 109163 11,00915,116 15,358 16,841 1 4~6 15 16,0797,939 at639 0 , ~ 8,ms 9,301

    10,879 9,6a8 ~o , f f o 9 . 9 ~ 5 I I , ~lo, & 9,402 lo, + ro9316 9961.8 ,4 5 . xo,411 I X , ~ I ~ 8,616 9,0169 , ~ 4 9 ~ 6 ~ 6 9,958 9,838 8,916

    115,374 r17.loq 1 a 3 . ~ 119.74s I r w h 1S


    10,388 9,915 9, 741

    . -

    lpogil---1554m - 49, 2819,651a h r e p8, @58, rpo9,-10,0988. 8a01 - 5 '--- 7,7788,059a,&D~ S *8,109~ o n t hJuly.. . .Anrut.. ..Oaokr.....Nwemba.. Irpcs-47,1077 1 77rk589r897 : p o d8, WI8,337 '9,0019~7788,317 190619,0238 1 W7*79*99*9,374

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    Report of the Librarian of CongressExmsn E - S h t e m e n t o f gross cask rdp ts, b&rurs crecuted, number

    o f rcgistrotions, c k ., or rtfiscol ~v or s , k . --Cont inuedCOMPARATIVZ STATEMENT OF GROSS RECEIPTS. YEAR LY FEES, AND



    T o w . ..........................................lass B. ~eriodi&s numben)...............lau C. Musical compositions..

    T h . Dtnmatic armpositimm.................................lassE.Mapddehrtr

    ClamP.Engravings.cuts, and prints........C h :Chromm and ithographs...........Clar,H. Photographs.......................

    Exmsn F-Tab & of registra tions made during fiscol years I p - 2 ,19-3, 19034, 1904-5, aws-4 19067, ~ 7 - 8 ,@*, 1-10,rgr+Ir, 1911-12, Igra-I3, 91 31 4, ond rgq-15, orrouged by clossa

    Class I. F i e arts Paintinaa,drawha d--.................:.... I s, I 1 . s,PU 1Gm d tsbt ........................... r,n( -,I& l13 ,srr

    - - .- - - --- ...- - -- - - - . . - -

    ClMa A. Boob(a) h k s vo9.) and pnmphlCCI.........( b ) Booklets. eaflets. drmlPn.d....(c)News~opa.ndmagntineutio.....


    8 , swI6,699

    w o e s

    16,037sr*~ 4 . 5 7

    1 l-

    10,7 ,L f8,-----IS,UP3,Jdr4s9a

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    Register of Copy+&Exmm F-Tab& of regutrations nrtrds during fisml yaars I F - 2 ,190-3, I9 03 4, 1904-5, 1905-6, 1po67r 190741 1M8-9,I9og-IOvI ~ I O - I I , Z ~ I I - I ~ ,9~2--13,191314, d p r e 1 5 , arrarcged by classes-Continued b

    CJ~MA. Book(a)M ds. ) mdLY.. .........t b ) bidets. eaflets,drmlur, ards.. ..(c) Newmaper and magazinearticles.. ..

    TOM...............................................lPII B. Periodicals (numbtrm)..............lam C. Musical ~cosi t iaos. .clp.aD. D-tic compcaitian.............Clnsr E. Maus and charts..........................lPss F. Engravings.cuts. pod prints...........fns,C. Chroma nnd litbolppbr..

    H. Photographa.. .....................C h a I. FinePrts: Pnintingl. drawin6. ptld

    eeulptm. ........................G dw...........................I-

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    182 Report of th Librarian of CongressEXRIBIT -Table oj registrations mnds during f;scal ycors r p r - 2 ,1 90 2-3 , 1 9 0 5 4, 1 904-5, W 5 d r I e 7 r 1907-88 1909-10s

    I ~ I o - I I , I ~ I I - I ~ , I ~ I A - I ~ ,9 I p I 4 , and I9I4-I5, arranged by clorrss-Continued

    CLo A. Boob including mob- 1lets. leanets. andmtri- Iibutions to pcriadids):

    (a) Printedin theUDitLdStPta 13, I IJ a 4 , b(b ) Printed abroad in a 1

    language.. ................. , s5 1 x , m(c) English boob registered Im

    ad interim copwight.. .... a74 03--d ........................ 4,740 I d, 7cUoss B. Periodicals (numbem)..... a1,6aB a 3 . mCkP C Lcerurrs. OM, ad-d ~ ................. 117 1-C b . D l ~ m ~ t i cr dnmntimmusical mmporitioas.... 3,911 3 , ~ s

    CkP E. Musical compodtimr...... w,su 15, saaClan F. Mppr...................... ., ha a,31BCkP C. Worbdart:modelordc-W.. ................. 4,341 3 , s ~ ~CkPH. Reproductionrd m h

    O f t...................... 751 111Chu I. Drawings or plutic mkn

    d a xieati6c or techniad~hPncta............... 317 S31C k a J. P h o t o m ~ b . ............ 1 3 , d 14,&CkP& Prints nad pictorial ill-t m h ................ 11,915 I 4 p a

    ClPsr L. Motion-picturephotoplaya ...............Clpp M. AIo tk picturenotphoto-

    playa...................................Rmcmlr........................... 1,- gal--

    d.. ...................... og, gq 1x5, I@~- ......... .- ..-

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    Regink of Copyrights 183E X H I B ~Table of articles deposited dun'nq 12 *a1 years, 1897-98,1898-99, 189p1900, 1 ~ x 9 0 1 ,901-2, 1902-3, 1903-4, 1904-5,I&, 1g067~1@T-8,1@-0'

    I n - . I 9 6 . . ( .% / :z I

    .......or idcntibcation. one copy&. 1 8- I 1,709 1.614 ( 1.569 1 a,&

    1. Books: ........... ......4) Books proper.. ..(b) Volumes, circulars. leaflets. etc.. ..(c) Newspaper and magazine articles..

    a. Dramatic compositions.. ..................................... Periodicah (numbas).

    4. Musical compcsitioos.....................5. Maps and charts..........................

    ............ Engraviw. cuts. and prints...7, Chmm0~nd litbgmphs.. ...............8. Photographs.. ................................iscdlaneous(undPasiEed exti&).Twompia d ach h i d e were received..

    9. Photogmphr with titla d w d ort

    G-d total.. .... .. ................ 11a.6. I ~O , I U 41.444 1 162.7.lI II. Bobs:

    ( a ) Boob propa......................(b) Voluma. cimlars. ledeta. etc.....(c) Newspaper and mamzk articles.

    a. Diamaticnrmpositions.. .................s . P a i d i c a k ( n u m b a ) ....................4. Musical comwsitioar.. ...................5. Maps andchPM.. ........................6. Engravings, cuts, and prints.. ............ 1,830 .7. Chromoa and lithoonphr .. ...............8. Photoonphr.. .............................

    5,5754,6983 , d 2



    For coptiaustiaP.I-I- caep . ~

    8 7 , i 1

    551976 I 59.217 09.915 1 79ve7 ( 83.3@-----11,952 118,434 ISP,&O I S ~ ,14 166,778I ! 1 11



    19,9761,4783,5050 07,- 14

    TWO copies of each article were received... 1 7 4 , s ~9. Photographs with titles d worksdut fa..........denti6cation. onem y ch.. 9,947

    ......................... u ~ dotal... x77.m

    I S~ SP JO m ~ , a a =7 .6 ~+--4.999 m7.494 1 n 1 . s 8

    6,550s , q 38,851

    56114,14716,5051,3533.503I .

    x i r , l l ~-----I

    7,746 :5,770 '9,010




    7,0276, a595,177




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    184 R e p d of the Librarian of CongressEXHIBITTable of articks deposited dvrinq zz fiscal years, 1897-9s.

    189s-99, 18~1900, V Z P Z , 1901-2. 2901-3, 1903-4, Ipo4-5,1g05d, 19067, 1907-8, and zp8-9--&ntinued

    a. Boob:(a ) B w hm. ................... 11.pp1(b ) Volumes.circulars,leaflets,etc.. ... 1,340(c) Newmaper and m&gazine nr tida . . 8, e s

    a. Dramatic co mp 05 iti ~. .................. I, 5683 . Periodicals (numbas). ................... 1 3 , s s r..................... Musicalcornmiticas. ~ 7 , 3 0 85. Maps and dwb. ......................... 1,5716 . Engravings, uts,andprints.............. X I , as 3.r. Chromosand lithagaphs.................. a, 5 48. Photographs.............................. 16,671p. & c d a n m s (unclassifiedmtida).

    ....wo opiesd eacharticlewered v c dForeign bwks eceivedunder act d Mar............................, 1905. . . . . . . I 58s

    9. Photographs with t it le d wm hd art oridenli6mtim, one copy each.. ......... 4,ew

    G m d 1. .......................... 117t 047

    .I d IS , 194r a , a B 8 0 ~ 9 , 5 3 613?* 959~441

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    Register of Copyr@ttsExman C-Ta ble of articles deposited during 1 9 3 ~ 1 0 ,910-11, 1911-12,1912-13, 191 p14 , and 1914-15, wilh total dejosiis in each c h or 18f i c a l pars , 1 89 7-9 8. 1 89 8- 99 , 1 8 p 1 9 0 o . I ~ O - I ~ O I ,W I - 2, I ~ O - 3 ,

    190 34, 1904-5, 1905-6 193 67 , 1~7 -3 8, @-9. I909-IO1 191*1111911-12,191e13. 191314, and 191e 15

    I. Boob:(a) PMted in the United State:

    Vo1uue.s.. .. .


    . x7,9~7


    r s , 4 r


    Ppm~hlcu,d e t s . ctc .................. .I,@s ~ ~ 2 . 1 4Contributiaa~ o nenrpnpen md pai-d&. .

    ( b ) Printed abroad in a foreign Inamege... ... .Engli i work registered for ad interimw y -right .......................................

    1m. Periodi&,. . . .. . . . .. .~ . L c e t u ~ ~ , e t r.............................4. Dramatic or dram nti ~mu sic sl omsdtionr... .5. Y u s i d compositiaas... . . . .6. Maps...............................................I . Works da r t : models or daipos.. . . .8. Repeuct ionsd worksdut. .. .... . . . . . . .9. Drawincaor plastic worksd a acienti6cor technkal '

    charmeter.. .......................................I a Photumaptu........................................X Print. and pictorial illu~tntioru.. .. ...

    TO^....... ..... .........................

    4 , 8 i r#,pa,


    1x7.5, ,

    ~ 4 r * . 6s4,583

    . I,?*.5x7.


    4 ~ ~ 7 1J, 181


    IOI4 , 1 4p, ss4.695 , ~ 6 s

    456, .j 7 :

    s s ~ o 8 j4,-top,Sl7

    --,6994,60664.3u#Mu , x 7 t

    1074,Qo . .

    IS. 1674 , MJ, nje



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    I86 Report of the Librarian of C o n p ~ s sEXHIBITTable of articlar deposited during z p p r o , I~ZC+IZ, 19-12

    z9z+13, Z~ZJ-14,and 19z~z-j--Continued

    I. Books:(a) Printed in th e United %tea:

    V O ~ U ~ W ............................ 19,952Pamphlets, leaflets,ete.. ............. ai, 184Contributions onew- andwrl-

    odicals. ................................b) Prin ted a b r d n a for- IPPOU.le.. 4,131

    English works registeral f a ad interimcopyright.. ............................. ..........

    33,1aaa. Periodicals.. ...................................46, o p3. Leaures, smnon r . e c . . ....................... 1834 Drum tic or dramati-musid compositions... 4 6 1 6........................... Musical compositions 50,4156. Maps.. ....................................... 3 , W............... Works of art;models or desbs . . 2,861-8 .Reprcdu~ionr worksdut.. ............... a6&.Chromos and lithomaplu. ............................9. Drawings or plastic mkn d a d t i e C a

    technicalch.rrta ........................... 86110. Photographs.. .....'. ......................... 23,73411. Prints and pictorid illllstratiolll. .............. 27,8wIS. Motion-picture photoplays.. .............. . I I, 74su.Motion pictures not photoplays..............4.Miscellaneous(unclassifiedutiela). ..IS. Foreionbooks eseivedunder actdMu . 3. 1pe5.

    Tow.. ...............> .................... 915,595



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    Addenda to the Report of the Register of Copyrights, 194.4-15CONTENTS

    I. Copyright bill, H. R. 20695, pagm r 8 p . 1 ~ .11. British Order in Council, February 3, 19~5,ages 191-191.111. Presidential Copyright Prodamations under section I (e):

    (a) Great Britain, January I, 1915, pages 193-IW.( 6 ) Italy, May r, 1915, pages 1%-rgb.IV . Conventi~n n Literary and Artistic Gpyright, signed Bueara

    A im, Angust 11, 1910: proclaimed by United States July 13 ,

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    COPYRIGHTILL,. . ~435[H. . 20695. In the House of Representatives. January 8,19151Mr. OLDPIBLDby request) introduced th e following bill: which wm

    referred to the Committee on Patents end ordered to be printed.A BILL To amend d o n s wenty- and thirty* d th e Act m t iM "An AcLto amend and ronsolidatt the Acta rrPpecrinncopyright,'' approved March fourtknineteeu hundredandnine.Be i f enacfed by the S e ~ bnd House of Representatives of the Unifcd

    Stales of America in Congress assembled, That sectbn twenty- of theAct entitled "An Act to amend and consdidate the Acts respectingcopyright," approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and nine, kamended to read as folbws:"SEC. 1. That in the case of a book published abroad in the Englishlanguage before publication in this country the deposit in the copyrightoffice, not later than thir ty days after it s publication abroad, of onecomplete copy of the foreign edition, with a request for the reservationof the copyright and a aa tem ent of t he name and nationality of theauthor and of t he copyright proprietor andof the date of the publicationof the said book, shall secure to the author or proprietor an ad interimcopyright, which shall have all the orce and effect given to copyrightby this Act and shall endure until the expiration of ninety days aftersuch deposit in the copyright ofice."

    SZC. 2 . Tha t section thi rty ane of th e said Act entitled "An Act toamend and consolidate he Acts respecting copyright." approved Marchfourth, nineteen hundred and nine, be amended to read as follow:"SEC. 1 . That during the existence of the American copyright inany book the importation into the United States of any piratical copicsthereof, or of any copies thereof (although authorized by the authoror proprietor) which have not been produced in accordance with themanufacturing provisions specified in eection fifteen of this Act, or anyplatesof the samenot made from type set within the limitsof th e UnitedStates, or any copies thereof produced b y lithographic or p5otoengrav-

    ' ing process not performed within the limits of the United States inaccordance with the provisions of section fifteen of this Act, shallk,and is hereby, prohibited: Provided, howawr. That, except as regardspiratical copies, such prohibition shall not apply-

    "(a) To works in raised characters for the use of the blind;" b) To a foreign newspaper or magazine, although containing matter

    copyrighted in the United States, printed or reprinted by authority ofthe copyright proprietor. unless such newspaper or magazine contaiau


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    190 Rep& of the Librarian of Congressalso copyright matter pr inted or reprinted without such authorization;

    "(c) To the authorized ed it im of a bo3k in a foreign language orlanguagesof which only a translation into English has been copy~@t edin this country;

    "(d) To any book published abroad with the authorization of theauthor or copyright proprietor when im pr te d under the circumstancesstated in one of the four subdivi sims following, that is to say:

    "First. When imported, with the consent of the proprietor of t h eAmerican copyright or his representative, not more than one copy at atime, for individual use and not for sale; bu t such privilege of impor-tation shall not extend to a fareign rcprint of a b o ~ k y an Americanauthor copyrighted in the United States;

    "Second. When impohed by t he authority or for the use of theUnited States;

    "Third. When imported, with the consent of the proprietor of theAmerican copyright or his representative, f ~ rse and not for sale, notmore than one copy of any such book in any one invoice, in g o d or lor any society or institution incorporated for educational, literary,philosophical, scientific, or religious purposes, or for the encouragementof the finearts, or for any college, academy, school, or seminary of learn-ing, or for any State, schwl, college, university, or free public libraryin the United States;

    "Fourth. When such b o ~ k sorm parts of libraries or collections pur-chased en bloc for the use of sxieties, institutions, or libraries desig-.'nated in the foregoing paragraph, or form parts of t he libraries or per-sonal baggage belonging to persms or families arriving from foreigncountries and are not intended for sale and imported into the UnitedStates with the consent of the proprietor of the American copyright orhis representative: Provided, That copies imported as above may notlawfully be used in any way to vida te th e rights of the proprietor of th eAmerican copyright or annul or limit the copyright protection securedby this Act, and such unlawful use shall be deemed an infringement ofcopyright."

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    Addendum ll


    At the Court at Buckingham P a l e , t he 3d day ol February, 1915

    The Ki d s Most ~xcellent a j e ~ t yLord Pmident Mr.Sexctaw HemnutViscount Kno I l y a Mr:Arthur Hmd-Lord Chambalnin Sir William Macemgor

    Lord JustircB d aWhereas by a proclamation of the President of the United States of u ~ w&America, dated the 9th April, 1910, the benefits of t he Uni ted States~ ~ ' ~ ~

    Act of 1909, entitled "An Act to Amend and Consolidate the Actsrespecting Copyright,"were extended to the subjects of Great Britainand her possessions, but no provision was made therein for the pro-tection of the musical works of British subjects againsL reproductionby means of mechanical contrivances: M u h ~ o i ,

    And whereas His Majesty is advised that the Government ol theCLdUnited State s of America has undertaken, upon the issue of th isorder,to grant such protection to th e musical works of British subjects:

    And whereas by reason of these premises His Majesty is satisfied ~ , i , i ,k cog,that t he Government of th wu ni ted States of America has made, or*kA419nhas undertaken to make, such provision as it is expedient to requirefor the protection of works entitl ed to copyright under the provisionsof Part I of the Copyright Act, 1911:

    And whereas by the Copyright Act, 1911, authority is conferred SJ(-+upon His Majesty b extend, by Order in Council, the protection of$2"'"the said Act to certain classes of foreign works within any part of HisMajesty's Dominions, other than self-governing dominions, to whichthe said Act extends:And whereas it is desirabie to provide protection within the said U m # ~ b l i r k # ddominions for the unpublished works of citizens of the United s t a t e s r & S dof America:

    Now, therefore, His Majesty, by a nd with th e advice of His PrivyCouncil, and b y virtue of the authority conferred upon him b y th eCopyright Act, 191 I, is pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, asfollows:

    I ._% Copyright Act, 1911, including the provisions as to exiding ~ r i l u h coprworks, shall, subject to the provisions of thesaid Act and of th is Order, "b1A4 191rapply-

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    192 Report of the Librannun f CongressLifnw. (a) to literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works the authonmobs. rnusir.1md whkworC;whereof were a t the time of the making of the works Citizens of t he

    United Sta tes of America, in like manner a s if the authors had beenBritish Subjects:

    ~ e d a c 4 (b) in respect of residence in the United States of America, in likemanner a s if such residence had been residence in the parts of HimMajesty's dominions to which th e said Act extends.

    Provided that-Tam of coh - (i) The term of copyright within the parts of His Majesty's domin- 'rtu ions to which this Ordu applies shall not exceed that confemd by

    the law of the United States of America:conditi0umd (ii) the enjoyment of the rights conferred by this Order shall befwd- subject to the accomplishment of the conditiom and formalities pre-

    scribed by the law of the United States of America:~ ~ t i t l ~ - ) r iii) in the application to existing works of the provisions of Scc-tion 24 of the Copyright Act, 1911, he commencement of this Order

    shall be substituted for the 26th July, 1910, n subsection I (b).sd./: oonming a. This Order shall apply to all His Majesty's Dominions, C o bdontnumr roc tn-

    J~~~~~~~~~~~nies and Possessions, with the exception of those hereinafter named.that is to say:

    The ~ o m i n i m ~f Canada.The Commonwealth of ~ u s ~ i a .The Dominion of New Zealand.The Union of Sout h Africa.Newfoundland.

    EB&Jn . r , 3. This Order shall wme ink0 operation on the 1stday of January,INS 19x5,which day is in thi s Order referred to as the commencement ofthis Order.

    And the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury are to givethe necessary Orders accordingly.. A~u s n r cF ~ R O Y

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    Whereas it is provided by the Act of Congress of March 4, 1909, S-entitled "An Act to Amend and Cons~lidatehe Acts Respecting Copy- caPvrW ad Jright," that the provisions of said Act, "w far as they secure ~o p y -~ ' " . " 'wright controlling the parts of instruments serving to reproduce mechan-ically the musical work, shall include only compositions published and set. x . ( 8 ) e c,,,,.copyrighted after this Act goes into effect, and shall not include the lrd o f ~ c h i dworks of a foreign author or composer unless the foreign state or nation musicd reproheof which such author or composer is a citizen or subject grants, either'"by treaty, convention, agreement, or law, to citizens of the UnitedStates similar rights ":

    And whereas it is further provided that the copyright secured by sc., F,,,-the Act shall extend to the work of an author or proprietor who is aovUors rb -7citizen or subject of a foreign state or nation, only upon certain eoridi-mmefir-tions set forth in section 8 of said Act, to wit:

    (a) When an alien author or proprietor shall be domiciled within the ~ ~ i s r rr t b e rUnited States at the time of th e first publication of his work; or doaiCilcd, i s

    (b) When the foreign state or n a t i ~ nf which such author a pro- "tZ:r;&prietor is a citizen or subject grants, either by treaty, convention, i , ,,,j-agreement, or law, to citizens of the United States he benefit of copy- rigusright on substantially the same basisas o its own citizens, or c3pyrightprotection substantially equal to the protection secured to such foreignauthor under this Act or by treaty; or when such foreign state or nationis a party to an international agreement which provides for reciprocity r-ar i o r 4in the granting of copyright, by the terms of which agreement thew -United States may, at its pleasure, become a party thereto:

    And whereas it is als:, provided by said section tha t "The existence p r o~a , , , , , r ~bof t he reciprocal conditions aforesaid shall be determined by the F'resi-& &'residentdent of the United States, by proclamation made from time to time asthe purposes of this Act may require":

    And whereas satisfactory official assurance has been given that, by ordn irvirtue of the authority conferred by the British Copyright Act, 1911, C-cilirdBritish Order in Council has been issued of even date with this 'pro da- -mation directing:-

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    Reg ister of Co py riq ht s 19 5COPYRIGHT-ITALY


    U s i i d S b s r rWhereas it i s provided by the Act of tongress of March 4, IW , copvrig,, adentitled "An Act to amend and consolidate the Acts respecting copy- M ~ ,right," hat the provisions of said act "so far as they secure copyrightcontrolling the parts of ins truments serving to reproduce mechanicaiiythe musical work, shall include only compositions published and copy-righted after this Act goes into effect, and shall not include t he worksof a forcign author or composer unless the foreign state or nat ion of whichs ~ c huthor or composer is a citizen or subject grants, either by treaty,convention, agreement, o r law, to citizens of the United States similarrights":

    And whereas it is further provided th at the copyright sccured b y theAct shall extend to t he work of an author or proprietor who is a citizenor subject of a foreign state or nation, only upon certain conditions setforth in Section 8 of said Act , to wit:

    (a) When an alien author or proprietor sh4 1 be domiciled within thedtiEil,"d"'"~United States at th e time of t he first publication of h is work; or UnilrdS,,,,8,(b) When the foreign state or nation of which such author or pro- c ~ ~ d r c r r * ~ p ~ . ~ ~ bprietor is a citizenor subject grants, either b y treaty, convention, agree-iw . e r i f i . o r a lment, o r law, to citizens of the United States the benefit of mpy right on rbhsubstantially the same basis as to its own citizens, or copyright pro-tection substantially equal to the piotection secured to such foreignauthor under t his Act or by treaty; or when such foreign state or nationis a party to an international agreement which provides for reciproeityin th e granting of copyright, by the terms of which agreement theUnited States may, a t its pleasure, bccome a party thereto:

    And whereas it is alm provided b y said section that "The existenceof the reciprocal conditions aforesaid shall be determined by the Presi-de nt of t he United States, b y proclamation made from time to time, asthe purposes of this Act may require":

    And whereas satisfactory official asscrance has been given that inItal y th e law permits to citizens of the United States similar rights tothose accorded in Section I (e) of the Act of March 4, IW:

    Now, therefore, I,Woodrow Wilson, President of the United StatesofAmerica, do declare and proclaim tha t one of the alternative conditionsspecified in Sections I (e) and 8 (b ) of theAct of March 4, IW, nowexists and is fulfilled and since May I, 1915, has been fulfilied in respectto the subjects of Italy, an d tha t the subjectsof t hat cou ntryareentitledto all the benefits of Section I (e) of said Act, including "copyright con- ~ ~ b k drolling . the paris of inttrum enlr serving to reproduce mechanically the ricd .ioLlr rnmusical work," in th e case of all musical compositions by Ita lian com- lhli=posers which have been published since May I , r915. and h a w beenUtksduly registered for copyright in th e United States.

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    196 Report of the LibvaPdcapc of Cougrrts ,In testimony whereat, I have hereunto set my hand and caused thl

    scal of the United States to be affixed.Done at the City of Washington this first day of May, in the year of

    our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifteen and of thecy f @* [SEAL] Independence of the United States of America the onem a f ~ a7 I ,rols hundred and thirty-ninth. WOODROW ~ NBy the President:

    W. J. BRYANSecretary of Star0

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    AMERICAN RILPUBWCSSigned at Buenos Aires, August ZZ, 1910; r ~ f t j h l f ~ ~dznv!sedby theSenate, February 15, rgrz; raii* by the Pre sid ent , M a x h 12, Z ~ Z Z ;rati*caiion of the Uni ied Stafes &posited luith the Government o j he ArgentineRepublic, Ma y I, ZQZZ; p r o d o i d July ~ 3 ~ 1 9 ~ 4


    Whereas, a Convention on Literary and Artistic Copyright between I m m i i a r dthe United States of America and the Argentine Republic, Brazil, Aw * fog+.Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, D~rninicanRepublic, Ecuador, P'ca"bl.Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay,Peru, Salvador, Uruguay, and Venezuela was conciuded and signedby their respective Plenipotentiaries at Buenos Aires on the eleventhday of August, one thousand nine hu nd dd curd ten, the original ofwhich Convention, being in the Spanish, English, Portuguese andFrench languages, is word for word as followa:


    Their Excellencies the Presidents of the United States of America, ~ ~ , , ~ , . ~ ~ i , , ,the Argentine Republic, Brazil, Chili, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico,Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Uruguay and Venezuela;Being desirous that their respective countries may be represented ~ t ~ m l i . .at the Fourth International American Conference, have sent theretor*.the following Delegates duly authorized to approve the recommenda-tions, res~lutions,conventions and treaties which they mrght deem ,advantagemas to the interests of America:m ere follow the names of the respective delegates, omitted.]

    Who, after having presented their credentials and the same having t ihm ad-.been found in due and proper form, have agreed upon the followingtitIir@Pr*Convention on Literary and Artistic Copyright.(

    ARTICLE . The signatory States acknowledge and pk te ct th e rights ~ fmon i r i a r ,gof Literary and Artiscc Property in conformity with the stipulations of bmfinh*the present Convention.

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    Report of the Librarian of CongvessSubj& m& ARTICLE. I n the expression "Literary and lLrtistic wor b" are

    ~ f a b n * included books, writings, pamphlets of all kinds, whatever may be th esubject of which they treat , and whatever the number of their pages;dramatic or dramatico-musical works; choreographic and musical corn-positions, with or without words; drawings, paintings, sculpture,engravings; photographic works; astronomical or geographical globes;plans, sketches or plastic works relating to geography, geology or topog-raphy, architecture or m y other science; and, finally, all productioaethat can be published by a ny means of impression or reproduction.

    Recib14cllJ rtc- ARTICLE3. The acknowledgment of a copyright obtained in onem iriaf ri"kuStatetn conformity with i ts laws, shall produce i ts effects of full right.granted by r i m -wsb,, in all the other States, without the necessity of complying with anyother formality, p~ov ide d lways there shall appear i n the w r k a state-

    ment tha t indica tes the reservation of the property right.E r d u h rigku ARTICLE . The copyright of a li terary or artist ic work, includes forofd o r its author or assigns the exclusive power of disposing of the same, of

    publishing, assignifig, translating, or authorizing ib translation andreproducing it i n an y form whether wholly or in p d .

    N ~ W farb h n a . ~. The author of a protected work, excep t in case of proofto the contrary, shall be considered the persm whose name or wellkn~wn om de plume is indicated therein; consequently suit broughtby such author or his representative against counterfeiters or violators,shall be admitt ed by the Courts of th e Signatory states.

    T- of mbp ARTICLE . Thq authors or thei r assigns, citizens o r domiciled for-r i r b eigners, shall enjoy in t he signatory countries the rights that the respec-tive laws accord, without those rights being allowed to exceed the termof protection granted in th e country of origin.

    w m k S is& in For works comprising several volumes that are not published simul-odumus w pwtstaneously, as well as for bullet ins, o r parts, or periodical publications,th e term of the copyright will commence to run, with respect to eachvolume, bulletin, part, or periodical publication, from the respectivedate of its publication.

    C-W of mc- ARTICLE. The country of origin of a work will be deemed that of ,rir its first publication in America, and if i t shall have appeared simulta-neously in several of the signatory countries, that which 6xes the

    shortest period of protection.Sub~rq~rli- ARTICLE . A work which was not originally copyrighted shall not~~ of MWPP be entitled to copyright in subsequent editions.rigkt w k rT r a a s l o l n U ARTICLE . Authorized translations shall be protected in the samemanner as original w0~k.s.- Translators of works concerning'which no right of guaranteed prop-

    erty exists, or the guaranteed copyright of which may have been ex tin-guished, may obtain for their translations the rights of property setforth in Article 3rd bu t the y shall not prevent th e publication of othertranslations of th e same work.Nms*a* ARTICLE10. Addresses or discourses delivered or read before delib-Pmlr ofpubis ad-drW,,,, *, &erative assemblies, Courts of Justice, or at public meeting, may be

    brad printed in th e dai ly press without t he necessity of any authorisation,

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    Register of Copyrig&with due regard however, to the provisions of the domestic legislationof each nation.

    ARTICLE 1. Literary, scientific or artis tic writings, whatever may Pwidicd mn-be their subjects, published in newspapers or magazines, in any o n e t * h ha -of the cauntries of the Union, shall n3t be rep rduced in the other coun- t dtries without the cansent of the au th ~r s. With the exception of th eworks mentioned, any article in a newspaper may be reprinted byothers, if i t has not been expressly prohibited, but i n every case, the N&source from which .it is taken must be cited. *

    News and miscellaneous items published merely for general informa- N m u*tion, do not enjoy protection under this convention. ~~Prr ioh loMlARTICLE12 . The reproduction of extracts from literary or artistic Edracfr for m-publications for th e purpose of instruction or chrestomathy. does not 't-"R. *u'5..confer any right of property, and may, therefore, he freely made in allthe signatory count&s.

    ARTICLE 3. The indirect appropriation of unauthorised parts of a Unartbr i r e dliterary or artistic work, having no original character, shall be deemed Ym O / f iartswork cUsga1an illic it reproduction, i n s3 far as effects civil liability.The reproduction in any form of an entire work, or of t he p a t e ? R*firod*clhD/

    part thereof, accompanied by no tesor commentaries under the pretext en'weMt.t &,ldof l itera ry criticism or amplification, o r supplement to the originalwork, shall also be considered iilicit.

    ARTICLE 4. Every publication infringing a copyright may be con- CmJsr~0tk-nfixated in th e signatory countries in which the original work had th eright to be legally protected, without prejudice to the indemnities orpenalties which the counterfeiters may have incurred according to th e O W M o ( l i r ~laws of the country in which the fraud may have been committed.

    ARTICLES. Each of t he G~ver nme nts f the signatory countries, Ria& of ooomshall retain the right to permit, inspect, or prohibit the circulation,representation or exhibition of works or productions, concerning which n"nthe proper authority may have to exerciw that right.

    ARTICLE16. The present Convention shall become operative be- Da u d * B . c ' dtween the Signatory States which ratify i t, three m ~ n t h s fter they Con-LMshall have communicated their ratification to the Argentine Govern-ment, and i t shall remain in force among them a year after the datewhen i t may be denounced. This denunciation shall be addressed to Dmudaiamdthe Argentine G~v er nm en t nd shall be without force except withCm-'Mrespect to the country making it.

    In witness whereof,-the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present S d - rtreaty and affixed thereto the Sealoft he Fourth International AmericanConference.

    Made and signed in the City of ~ u e n i s ires on the eleventh d ay of Awud X rqroAugust in the year one thousand nine hundred and ten, in Spani sh,English, Portuguese and French, and deposited in the Ministry ofForeign Affairs of the Argentine Republic, in order that certifiedcopies be made for transmission t o each one of t he signatory nationsthrough the appropriate diplomatic channels.[Here follow the signatures (omitted) of the delegates of the UnitedStates of America and th e other nineteen contracting states: Argentine

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    200 Report of the Libra* o/ CongvessRepublic, Brazil, Chili, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Re-public, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti. Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua,Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Uruguay, Venezuela.]

    Rat&iio*rde And whereas, the said Convention has been ratified by the G~vera-- ment of the United States, by and with t he advice and consent of theSenate thereof, a nd by the Gavernments of t he Dominican Republic,Guatemala, Honduras. Panama, Nicaragua, and Ecuador,* and theratifications of the sai4 G3vernments were, b y t he provisions of Article16of t he said Convention, deposited by t hei r respective Plenipoten-tiaries with the G3vernment of t he Argentine Republic;

    Prodamation Now, therefore, be it k n ~ w nhat I , Wo3drow Wilsm, Re siden t ofth e United Stntes of America, have caused th e said Convention t~ bemade public, to the e nd tha t th e same and every article and clausethereof may be observed and fulfilled with goad faith by the UnitedStates and the citizens thereof.

    I n testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand an d caused theseal of t he United States to be offixed.

    rpr, Done at th e City of W ash ing t~n his thirt eenth day of July in theyear of our L ~ r dne th3usmd nine hundred and f~u rteen .[SBAL] and of the Independence of the U nited State s of America

    the one hundred a nd thirty-ninth.. WOODROW m o ~By the President:

    W. J. BRYANSecretaryoJStak ,Th e Govanmrntd Bolivia hu announced thmugh diplomatic channels the d-h & d b t ~ ~ ~ t r y t o t b h c o w r L h t m r c l r t h .