urban tribes by constanza


Upload: marielgferrer

Post on 25-May-2015




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  • 1. who are together because they have got interests in common. They live in the city and they have their passions and their heroes. They ve got a big influence on young people s

2. tribes: Punks, Skaters, Goths, Nerds, Hippies, Visuals, Floggers and Chetos 3. Originated in the 70 s inEngland. They are rebellious. They say they fight because they want justice. They usually wear dark, torn clothes,metal chains and 4. Wear very big pants Enormous T-shirts andSunglasses They usually skate in plazas 5. Started in the mid- eighties They have their ownmusic, fashion, literature and lifestyle They love wearing black, and black is also part of their make up Goths literature includes dark 6. Nerds are synonym of sociallyinept Nerds are members of the digital culture They love computers and communicate on the Internet with other members of the community 7. Originated in the 60 s in theUnited States They love rock and folck They formed a subculture They wear bright clothes 8. They always wear extravagant costumesand make up Originated in the 80 s in Japan They love rock They have different colored hair 9. They take photos tothemselves They love wearing very Colourful clothes They turned popular in 2007 10. Girls love going shopping andboys love watching football matches with their friends They wear jumpers, jeans, shoes and scarf They play rugby, hockey, golf and pole They love listening to rock and