urban - eproc.punjab.gov.pk · 3 rrb.tr s..e pldiire i mmae@l sdvi6 uil (pyo lln extension of...

The Urban Unit Uda s..ld Pt nd'q & n-4.ml s.rlg uir (Pyr) ud T]RBAN SECTOR PLAI\INING & MANAGEMENT SERVICES UNIT (PRIVATE) LIMITED i,iAl,lE srG TENDER DOCUMENT FOR BLACK & WIIITE OFFICE PRINTING SOLUTION (Single Stage One Envelope) (Note: Procurement is done by Urban Unit in line with PPRA Rules 2014) Tender # UAl20l8-l9l Sign & Stamp of bidder 0Ar'; .C I C c a o o ! rn il\anageDr Sec c't 0rall K4'ui- z,e, CL_, L1 Review tlw lL^- >)-\ Reviewll fr l*4 6,t i[/' Approved I 503 - Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore. Ph: 042-99205316-22 Page I of7 Q '( d of the F&\: 042-15211459, Web: tr1\\ urbanunii lor pl

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Page 1: Urban - eproc.punjab.gov.pk · 3 rrb.tr s..e pldiire I Mmae@l sdvi6 uil (Pyo Lln Extension of Response Time: ln special circumstances, request for extension ofresponse time may be

The Urban UnitUda s..ld Pt nd'q & n-4.ml s.rlg uir (Pyr) ud


i,iAl,lE srG


SOLUTION(Single Stage One Envelope)

(Note: Procurement is done by Urban Unit in line with PPRA Rules 2014)

Tender # UAl20l8-l9l

Sign & Stamp of bidder






o !rn




0rall K4'ui- z,e, CL_, L1

Review tlw lL^- >)-\Reviewll fr l*4 6,t i[/'Approved


503 - Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore. Ph: 042-99205316-22

Page I of7Q '(d

of the

F&\: 042-15211459, Web: tr1\\ urbanunii lor pl

Page 2: Urban - eproc.punjab.gov.pk · 3 rrb.tr s..e pldiire I Mmae@l sdvi6 uil (Pyo Lln Extension of Response Time: ln special circumstances, request for extension ofresponse time may be

The Urban Unit


(lrhdr s&r.. planriro I M@g6l S.yis fi {Pyt) Lld

TERMS & CONDITIONSThe Urban Sector Planning & Management Services Unit (Pvt.) Limited (hereinafter referred toas "The Urban Unit" or Client") invites sealed bids fiom eligible and experienced income tax &Punjab revenue authority registered sole proprietor / frms / companies (hereinafier refened to as"Bidder") for tlre specifiedjob as per Annex-A (hereinafter refered to as "services").

ral:Any offer not received as per terms & conditions ofthe tender enquiry is liable tobe ignored. No offer shall be considered if:

a) received widrout bid securityb) it is received after the time and date fxed for its receiptc) not signed & stamped by authorized person on each page oftender documentd) the offer is ambiguouse) ttre offer is received by fax or e-mailf) the offer is from a black listed firmg) offer received with shorter validity than requiredh) the offer is not conforming to specifications indicated in the tender documentsi) the offer / quoted rates are fumished other than the tender documentsj) any additional terms & conditions added by the bidderk) any conditional offer

1.2 Only Income Tax & PRA registered sole proprietor / firms / companies are eligibleto participate in the tender.

1.3 Bid will remain valid for a period of90 days from the date ofopening the tender.

No change in price will be made in case of Pak rupees variation against US$ and

any other case as may be.1.4 The cover envelop must indicate particulars of tender and date of opening. The

enYelope must be properly sealed.1.5 Bidders shall participate for complete items as per Annex-A. Partial bidding is not

allowed.I .6 The bidder must indicate their National Income Tax No. and PRA No.1.7 Offered rates will be on the basis of complete delivery of required items at The

Urban Unit, 503-Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore as detailed at Annex-Aand shall be inclusive ofall taxes.

1.8 Contract Agreement will be signed with the technically responsive lowest evaluated

bidder by the Urban Unit after the approval of Competent Authority i.e. ChiefExecutive Officer, Urban Unit.

1.9 Contract agreement between lowest evaluated bidder and The Urban Unit will be

executed on stamp paper @ Rs.500/-. The cost ofthe stamp paper shall be bome bythe firm/b idder.

l.l0 The mentioned quantity may increase or decrease by the Urban Unit under the lightof Punjab Procurement Rules.

Time Period:2.1 The bidder will have to provide the services right after 0re singing of agreement.

The response time for any query should never be more than one working day.

2.2 The contract agreement will initially be signed for a period of one year,

extendable on reasonable rate on mutual consent of both parties.

Sign & Stamp ofbidder



503 - Shahe€n Comple\ Ege(on Road, Lahore. Ptr 042-99205316:22Faxr 042-152 I 3459, webr s1v\t urbanunil llot pk

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Page 3: Urban - eproc.punjab.gov.pk · 3 rrb.tr s..e pldiire I Mmae@l sdvi6 uil (Pyo Lln Extension of Response Time: ln special circumstances, request for extension ofresponse time may be


rrb.tr s..e pldiire I Mmae@l sdvi6 uil (Pyo Lln

Extension of Response Time:ln special circumstances, request for extension ofresponse time may be considered by theCompetent Authority (Chief Executive OfIicer, Urban Unit) on the written request ofthefirm before the right time, who is authorized to either accept or reject the request ofbidder without assigning any reason.

Peralty of Delay / Cancelhtion:4.1 In case of delay in the provision of services as per Annex-A, penahy @ lo/o of total

cost per week will be imposed.4.2 The goods will be inspected by The Urban Unit through an authorized personnel and

will be rejected, if not found according to the given specifications as mentioned atAnnex - A.

Psyment to the Contrrctors:5.1 Payment will be made through crossed cheque to the hrm/company against invoice

within 30 days after the satisfaction ofconcemed user on monttrly basis. No payrnentwill be made as advance.

5.2 Payment against partial supply ofservices will not be made.

Bid Security:6.1 Estimated cost of the services is Rs.1,200,0001 and bid security @ 4% of estimated

amount will have to be attached along with tender document. tt should be in the formof Pay Order / Bank Draft / CDR from a scheduled bank in favor of Urban SectorPlanning & Management Services Unit (P\a.) Limited.

6.2 Bid securiqv ofunsuccessful bidders shall be refunded on the finalization oftheTender whereas the bid security ofsuccessful bidder shall be refunded on thesatisfactorl' completion of contract period.

6.3 The bid security shall be forfeited if:a. The offer is withdrawn, amended or revised.b. The bidder fails to execute the contract strictly in accordance with terms and

conditions of tender document.

Deduction ofTaxes:Any tfies (if applicable) will be deducted while making payment as per GovemmentRules / lnstructionV Notifications.

Dispute:In case of any dispute before or after the execution of contract, matter will be resolved asper PPRA Rules.

Evaluation Criteria:9.1 Registration with Income Tax Authorities with active taxpayer status;9.2. Registration with Punjab Revenue Aulhority with active taxpayer status;9.2 Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of worth Rs.50/- regarding non-

involvement in any legal actions or dispute and firm is not black listed by anyfirm/company.

Sign & Stamp ofbidder




503 - Shaheen Complex, E8erton Road, Lahore. Ph: 042 "992O531G22Fax i 042-35213459, Web: wwr urhanunit.so!.pk

Page 3 of 7L{6-


The Urban Unit



Page 4: Urban - eproc.punjab.gov.pk · 3 rrb.tr s..e pldiire I Mmae@l sdvi6 uil (Pyo Lln Extension of Response Time: ln special circumstances, request for extension ofresponse time may be

The Urban Unit


I 1.3

ll.I t.ltt.2

udo s.dd plaa*g 3 udl.qtur s.ryiE lrlr ll!t) tl,1

9.4 Relevant two (02) Projects of similar nature in last three (03) year. (AttachPurchase/Work Orders/Comp letion Certifi cate/Contract).

Bid / Tender opening procedure:As per PPRA Rules 20 [4, single stage one envelop bidding procedure shall be adopted.

Other Terms & Conditions:That the bidder shall be careful for quality ofservices supplied under the contrac!That the Client will deduct income tax or any other tax, if applicable, as per prescribedrates of Govemment;That the conract may be revoked by the Client at any time in case substandard services orany other reason after issuance of one week notice and all payments will be withheld bythe Client and moreover, the legal action will be initiated against the firm;That there will be no fxed cost, no printing limit, no repair & maintenance cost of theprinters & tone6 under this contract to be bome by the client;That the bidder shall provide the printers as per the actual requirement of the clientwithout any extra cost and any printer can be replaced for up gradation with mutualconsent ofthe Client and the bidder;That the Client shall provide the delivery & installation of printers within 08 to l5 days

after signing the conhact;That bidder shall provide free services ofall the printers on quarterly basis;That the bidder shall provide free troubleshooting services and shall depute an engineerwho will visit the ofiice of urban unit and will check all the printers for troubleshootingon daily basis.The bidder's engineer will visit ofall sites on daily basis for inspection, quality assurance

houbleshooting etc.

KHALID SHERDILChief Executive OIficer

Urban Sector Planning & ManagementServices Unit (Pvt.) Limited

Sign & Stamp of bidder

I 1.4

I 1.5

tt.7l 1.8


I 1.9

503 - Shaheen Comple\ Egenon Road, Lahore. Ph: 042-99205316"77Fa\: 042-35213459. Web: s1!$ urbanunil.sor pl

Page 4 of 7


.t 1i

Page 5: Urban - eproc.punjab.gov.pk · 3 rrb.tr s..e pldiire I Mmae@l sdvi6 uil (Pyo Lln Extension of Response Time: ln special circumstances, request for extension ofresponse time may be

The Urban UnitUton 5610. Planiq & M.n{.mr s.d6 Unl (r{) Lld



DESCRIPTIONDocumentsAttached atAnnexure

I Copies ofPurchase Orders / Agreements

2 Copy ofthe Proprietor's CNIC (lfapplicable)


Affidavit regarding non-involvement in anyarbitratior/ litigation with any govemment agency /department and rot blacklisted as well.

4List ofsatisfied customers along with their contactnumbers

5 Copy of Income Tax Registration certificate

6 Copy of PRA Registrations certificate

Note: Bidders must fill-up above mentioned checklist / table and attach copies of requireddocuments with proper annexures along with tender document.

Sign & Stamp ofbidder

503 Shaheen Complex, Egerton Rod, Lahore. Ph: 042-99205316-22Fax: 042-3 5211459, Web: wrv$ urtaounit.go! pI

Q\ a\Page 5 of7


TickYes / No


Page 6: Urban - eproc.punjab.gov.pk · 3 rrb.tr s..e pldiire I Mmae@l sdvi6 uil (Pyo Lln Extension of Response Time: ln special circumstances, request for extension ofresponse time may be

The Urban UnitU,hn S.cld PLnninq & Man4ffir &flic Ur( lPvt) Lld



Sign & Stamp ofbidder

Sr. # DescriptionApprox.

Qty.Unit Rate



B & W Printing of A3 & A4Size, Only Printing Cost (onesided). Paper will be providedby the Urban Unit, Min. printingspeed 35PPM for 44 & ,A3 allwith duplexer unit. EstimatedA4 size printers = l6tEstimated 43 size heavy dutyprinters : 4t



B&WPhotocopyofA3&A4Size, Only Printing Cost (one

sided). Paper will be providedby the Urban Unit, Min. Heavyduty photocopier with Min.printing speed 35CPM for 44 &,A3 all with duplexer unit.Estimated A4&A3 sizephotocopier: 21


503 ShaheenComplex, Egerton Road, Lahore P\: 04299205316-22Fa\:042-35213459. Web: $w\r urbanunil.lov ol

Page 6 of 7



Page 7: Urban - eproc.punjab.gov.pk · 3 rrb.tr s..e pldiire I Mmae@l sdvi6 uil (Pyo Lln Extension of Response Time: ln special circumstances, request for extension ofresponse time may be

Date of Submission / oReceipt oftenders :

Opening oftenders :

The Urban UnitU,h, S&1n Pi..niE I Mlsq!@r 5.'Y6 (nn Ovr) tU

ofThe Urban Unit, 503 - Shaheen Complex, EgertonRoad, Lahore.

Sign & Stamp ofbidder

pening:iw( l1 .2019 till I l:00 AM

3lfrFT,zol9 at I l:30 AM at Conference Room


Name of Firm/Company

Complete Postal Address


Contact Person / Designation

Cell Number


Fax Number

National Tax Number

PRA Number

r/ 503 - Shaheen Complex, Ege(on Road, Lahore. Ph: 042-99205316-22Fa\: 042-35213459, webr $1l$.urbanunit sor pt

Prge 7 of 1


Page 8: Urban - eproc.punjab.gov.pk · 3 rrb.tr s..e pldiire I Mmae@l sdvi6 uil (Pyo Lln Extension of Response Time: ln special circumstances, request for extension ofresponse time may be

The Urban UnitUtn Sdd riartB I rrar.9.M s.@ Ud (P{ ) Lid


(A4 & A3 SIZEI

This contract, together with all appendices attached hereto and forming an integral parthereot entered into at Lahore on_ day of the month of _, 2019 (refened as

"Contract") by and between:

IWs Urban Unit Planning and Management Services Unit (Private) Limited havingits principal place ofbusiness at Shaheen Complex, 503 Edgerton Road, Lahore, Pakistan(hereinafter called the *The Urban Unit" or "Client"), which expression shall includeits successors, legal representatives and permitted assigns, as one party;


M/s Name of Bidder having its principal place of business at

, Pakistan (hereinafter called the "Contractor" or*Firm"), which expression shall include its successors, legal representatives andpermitted assigns, as other party.

Client and Firm shall hereinafter collectively be referred to as 'the Parties' andindividually as 'the Party'.


The Client obtained the quotations from the market for black & white office laserprinting for A4 & A3 size as defined in this Contract (hereinafter called the"Services");

The Firm, being the lowest bidder, has been selected and is willing to provide thefollowing services on specified rates on the terms and conditions set forth in thisContract;



The Firm shali provide the above stated services for the currency of the contract i.e.Rs. /- per black & white laser print (A4 & A3 size) through following makeLaser Jet Printers (As per Tender requirement with 02 backup printers) and rerycledtoners:


Printer A3Printer A4Photocopier A3/A4


503 - Shaheen Comple\ Egerton Road,lahore. Ph: 042-99205316-22Fax: 042-35213459, Web: w\rN urbaflunirsoy.pl

Page I of 2

NOW, THEREFORE, the Client, represented by its Chief Executive Officer on behalf of itsBoard of Directors and the Firm, represented by its


in order tosynergize their efforts for achieving the intended results, have decided to enter into this Contracton the terms and conditions agreed below:


Page 9: Urban - eproc.punjab.gov.pk · 3 rrb.tr s..e pldiire I Mmae@l sdvi6 uil (Pyo Lln Extension of Response Time: ln special circumstances, request for extension ofresponse time may be

The Urban Unitlrls slcrd Flfrrs I rrare.,6r s.vic u r{Fd)ud

2. That the Client shall pay to the Firm through crossed cheque on monthly basis in thename II@I on ichal prfutout basis a&er 10070 satisfa.tory scrviccs @Rs. /print;

3. That the Firm shall be fully responsible for quality ofservices for Printing and Suppliesunder this Contract;

4. That the Client will deduct income tax or any other tax, if applicable, as per prescribedrates of the GoYemment;

5. That the Contract may be revoked by the Client at any time in case of substandardservices or any other reason after issuance ofone-week notice and all payments will be

withheld by the Client and moreover, the legal action willbe initiated against the Firm;

6. That the terms of this Contract shall be for a period of one year commencing from thedate ofsigning of this contract;

7. That there will be no fixed cost, no printing limit, no repair & maintenance cost oftheprinters & toners under this Contract to be bome by the Client;

8. That the Firm shall provide the printers as per the actual requirement of the Clientwithout any exfa cost and any printer can be replaced for up gradation with mutualconsent ofthe Client and the Firm;

9. That the Client is authorized to replace any out oforder printer with the backup printerand shall inform to the Firm, who will rectii, the fault within 24 hours;

10. That the Client shall provide the delivery & installation ofprinters within 08 to l5 daysafter signing ofthe contract;

I l. That the Firm shall provide free maintenance service of all the printers on quarterly

basis or as per requirement.

12. That the Firm shall provide free troubleshooting services and shall depute an engineerwho will visit the office of the Urban Unit and will check all the printers fortroubleshooting on daily basis.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF; the authorized representatiyes of both the parties have executedand entered into this Agreement on this 3lh day of March, 2015 at Lahore have signed and

sealed or stamped as under.

For and on BehalfofClientKHALID SHERDIL

Chief Execrtive Oflice rThe Urban Unit

For and on Behalfof FirmName of OIIicial

DesInationName ofBidder

503 - Shaheen Complex, Egenon Road, Lahore. Ph: 042-99205316-22Fa1: 042-35211459, webr w\r1l urbanunil.sor.ok




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