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Downloaded From: http://upscportal.com  Uttar Pradesh Public Services Commission UP PCS Solved Paper - UP PCS 2011 1. Gautam Buddha had attained Mahaparinibban in the State of (a) Anga (b) Magadha (c) Malla (d) Vatsa Answer- c Explanation- After the Buddha passed away, prominent monks spent the rest of the night discussi ng the teachings. At daw n, the Venerable A nanda informed the Mallas of Ku sinara of the Mahaparinibbana (death) of the Master. For seven days the Mallas and throngs of people paid respect to the body of the Blessed One with lights, incense, garlands of flowers, instrumental music and religious songs. For the cremation ceremonies, a pyre of perfumed wood and flowers was prepared. The body of the Buddha was cremated with honor due the Greatest King. 2. B uddha had deli vered maximum se rmons at (a) Vaishali (b) Sravasti (b) Kaushambi (d) Rajgriha Answer-b Explanation- It was at Sarnath L ord Buddha delivered his fi rst sermon to his discipl es for whom he left Bodh Gaya. In this sermon he had preached the middle path of attai ning the "N irvana" that avoids the extremes of pleasure and austerity, the four noble truths and the eightfol d path. Buddha had delivered maximum serm ons at Sra vasti. 3. The first Gupt a ruler who issued coins was (a) Srigupta (b) Chandragupta I (c) Samudragupta (d) Chandragupta II Answer-b Explanation- Chandragupta- I introduced a new era, the Gupta era and the first Gupt a king to adap t the titl e Maharajadhiraja and issued gold coins. 4. The Prince who was responsibl e for the deat h of his father was Downloaded From: http://upscportal.com

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Uttar Pradesh Public Services Commission

UP PCS Solved Paper - UP PCS 2011

1. Gautam Buddha had attained Mahaparinibban in the State of (a) Anga(b) Magadha(c) Malla(d) VatsaAnswer- cExplanation- After the Buddha passed away, prominent monks spent the rest of the nightdiscussing the teachings. At dawn, the Venerable Ananda informed the Mallas of Kusinaraof the Mahaparinibbana (death) of the Master. For seven days the Mallas and throngs of people paid respect to the body of the Blessed One with lights, incense, garlands of flowers,instrumental music and religious songs. For the cremation ceremonies, a pyre of perfumedwood and flowers was prepared. The body of the Buddha was cremated with honor due theGreatest King.

2. Buddha had delivered maximum sermons at(a) Vaishali(b) Sravasti(b) Kaushambi(d) RajgrihaAnswer-bExplanation-It was at Sarnath Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon to his disciples for whom he leftBodh Gaya. In this sermon he had preached the middle path of attaining the "Nirvana" thatavoids the extremes of pleasure and austerity, the four noble truths and the eightfold path.Buddha had delivered maximum sermons at Sravasti.

3. The first Gupta ruler who issued coins was(a) Srigupta(b) Chandragupta I(c) Samudragupta(d) Chandragupta IIAnswer-bExplanation-Chandragupta- I introduced a new era, the Gupta era and the first Gupta king to adapt thetitle Maharajadhiraja and issued gold coins.

4. The Prince who was responsible for the death of his father was

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(a) Ajatsatru(b) Chandapradyota(c) Prasenjit(d) UdayanaAnswer-aExplanation-Ajā tashatru was a king of the Magadha empire in north India. He was the son of KingBimbisara, the Great Monarch of Magadha. He was contemporary to Lord Mahavira andLord Buddha. He took over the kingdom of Magadha from his father forcefully byimprisoning him who is said to have starved him to death. He fought a terrible war againstthe Vajjis/Lichhvis and conquered the once considered invincible democratic VaishaliRepublic.

5. Who among the following was the earliest Sufi Saint to have settled at Ajmer?(a) Sheikh Moinuddin Chisti(b) Sheikh Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Qaki(c) Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya(d) Sheikh Salim ChistiAnswer-aExplanation-Mu' ī nudd ī n Chisht ī reached Ajmer along with Mohammad of Ghori, and settled down there.In Ajmer, he attracted a substantial following, acquiring a great deal of respect amongst theresidents of the city. Mu' ī nudd ī n Chisht ī practiced the Sufi Sulh-e-Kul (peace to all) conceptto promote understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims. Mu' ī nudd ī n Chisht ī ,Bakhtiyar Kaki, Baba Farid and Nizamuddin Auliya (each successive person being thedisciple of the previous one), constitutes the great Sufi saints of Indian history.Shaikh Salim was Sufi saint during Mughal Empire in South Asia. Salim Chishti was one of the famous Sufi saints of the Chishti Order in India. Salim Chishti was the descendant of thefamous Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti whose tomb is in Ajmer, Rajasthan.

6. With which Mughal General did Shivaji singh the famous Treaty of Purandhar' in 1665 A.D.?(a) Jaswant Singh(b) Jai Singh(c) Shaishta Khan(d) Diler KhanAnswer-bExplanation-The Treaty of Purandar was signed on June 11, 1665, between the Rajput ruler Jai Singh I,who was commander of the Mughal Empire, and Maratha Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.Shivaji was forced to sign the agreement after Jai Singh besieged Purandar fort. WhenShivaji realised that war with the Mughal Empire would only cause damage to the empireand that his men would suffer heavy losses, he chose to make a treaty instead of leaving hismen under the Mughals.

7. During the 13th and 14th centuries A.D. the Indian peasants did not cultivate.(a) Wheat(b) Bareley(c) Rice(d) MaizeAnswer-d

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(a) 1 and 2(b) 3 and 4(c) 1,2 and 3(d) 1,2,3 and 4Answer-c (Most correct answer)Explanation-Vikram Samvat was introduced in 57 B.C. and hence if 57 is deducted from Vikram Samvatyear we get Christian year. e.g. V.S. 2054 – 57 = A.D. 1997.The Saka Samvat or Era commenced in B.C. 78 during Saka Kshatrap Nahpan’s time. Byadding 78 to Saka year, we get Christian year. e.g. Saka 1752 + 78 = A.D. 1830.In A.D. 320 Chandragupta I succeeded his father Ghatotkacha. It is said that he laid thefoundation of great Gupta Empire.In the 8th century, the province of Sindh (in present day Pakistan) was conquered by anArab army led by Muhammad bin Qasim. Sindh became the easternmost province of theUmayyad Caliphate. In the first half of the 10th century, Mahmud of Ghazni added thePunjab to the Ghaznavid Empire and conducted several raids deeper into modern day India.

12. Which one of the following rulers established embassies in foreign countries on modern lines?(a) Haider Ali(b) Mir Qusim(c) ShahAlam II(d) Tipu SultanAnswer-dExplanation-Tipu Sultan external relations aimed at seeking support of the foreign power for a concertedaction against the English, whose commercial company had become the most dominatingpolitical authority in India. His embassies to distant places like Paris and Constantinople, hisnumerous letters to France and Turkey, his invitation to Zaman Shah of Afghanistan torescue the Mughals from English hands, and his correspondence with Napoleon, were allfocused on the single point of his confrontation with the English .

13. Who among the following was the one to have escaped being hanged in the 'KakoriConspiracy Case'?(a) Ashfaquallah Khan(b) Rajendra Lahiri(c) Ram Prasad Bismil(d) Chandra Shekhar AzadAnswer-dExplanation-Swaran Singh (uncle of Bhagat Singh), Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqullah Khan, RajendraLahiri and Roshan Singh were sentenced to death by the Court of Justice in the 'KakoriConspiracy Case'.

14. Who among the following attended all the three Round Table Conferences?(a) Jawaharlal Nehru(b) B.R. Ambedkar(c) Vallabh Bhai Patel(d) Rajendra PrasadAnswer-bExplanation-

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Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was elected as the chairman of the drafting committee that wasconstituted by the Constituent Assembly to draft a constitution for the independent India; hewas the first Law Minister of India; conferred Bharat Ratna in 1990. Dr. Ambedkarattended all the three Round Table Conferences in London and forcefully argued for thewelfare of the "untouchables".

15. Which Sultan of Delhi imposed Jaziya on the Brahmins also?(a) Balban(b) Firoz Tughlaq(c) Allauddin Khilji(d) Mohammad bin TughlaqAnswer-bExplanation-He refused to exempt the Brahmins from the payment of Jaziya. He persecuted a number of heretical Muslim sects. He banned inhuman punishments. He prohibited Muslim womenfrom going to worship in the grave of Saints. A brahmin was burnt publicly for questioningthe Quran.

16. After returning from South Africa, Gandhiji launched his first successful Satyagraha in(a) Champaran(b) Chauri Chaura(c) Bardoli(d) DandiAnswer-aExplanation-First civil disobedience Gandhi was requested by Raj kumar Shukla to look into Theproblem of the indigo planters of Champaran in Bihar. Gandhi had won the first battle of civil disobedience in India.

17. The only session of the Indian Nat ional Congress which was addressed by Mahatma Gandhiwas held at(a) Amravati(b) Belgaum(c) Karachi(d) NagpurAnswer-bExplanation-Belgaum was chosen as the venue of the 39th session of Indian National Congress inDecember 1924 under the Presidentship of Mahatma Gandhiji. The city served as a majormilitary installation for the British Raj, primarily due to its proximity to Goa, which was thena Portuguese territory. Once the British left India, the Indian Government continued and stillcontinues to have Armed forces installations in Belgaum.

18. Who among the following leaders of the Revolution of 1857 had the real name of RamChandra Pandurang?(a) Kunwar Singh(b) Nana Saheb(c) Tatiya Tope(d) Mangal PandeyAnswer-c

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Explanation-Tatya Tope alias Ram Chandra Pandurang was born around 1813 in an orthodox DeshasthBrahmin family in Poona. His father, Pandurang Rao Tope, was an important noble at thecourt of the Peshwa Baji Rao II. He shifted his family with the ill-fated Peshwa to Bithurwhere his son became the most intimate friend of the Peshwa’s adopted son, Nana DhunduPant. The other associates of Tatya Tope were Rao Sahib and Rani Lakshmi Bai.

19. Who among the following led the agitation against the Partition of Bengal (1905)?(a) Surendranath Banerjee(b) C.R. Das(c) Ashutosh Mukherjee(d) Rabindra Nath TagoreAnswer-aExplanation-Moderate-led Anti-Partition Movement (1903-05)-Under Surendranath Banerjee,K.K.Mitra. Prithwish Chandra Kay.Movement under Extremists (1905-08)Led by Tilak. Bipin Chandra Pal. Lajpat Rai, and Aurobindo Ghosh.

20. Who among the following leaders escaped from the prison and organized undergroundactivities during the 'Quit India Movement'?(a) J.B. Kriplani(b) Ram Manohar Lohia(c) Achyut Patwardhan(d) Jai Prakash NarayanAnswer-dExplanation-Jai Prakash Narayan was arrested in 1942 for participating in the Quit India movement. InNovember 1942, Jayaprakash along with five others escaped the prison and organizedunderground activities during the 'Quit India Movement'.

21. Arrange the following in the chronological order and select the correct answer from the codegiven below.1. The August Offer2. The Cabinet Mission Plan3. The Cripps Mission Plan4. The Wavell PlanCode:(a) 1,2,4, 3(b) 4,3,2,1(c) 1,3,4,2(d) 3,4,1,2Answer-cExplanation-August Offer -August 1940Cripps Mission -1942Wavell Plan-1945Cabinet Mission-1946

22. The statement "I am a socialist and a republican and am no believer in Kings and Princes" is

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associated with(a) Narendra Dev(b) Achyut Patwardhan(c) Jai Prakash Narayan(d) Jawahar Lal NehruAnswer-dExplanation-“I must frankly confess that I am a socialist and a republican, and am no believer in kingsand princes, or in the order which produces the modern kings of industry, who have greaterpower over the lives and fortunes of men than even the kings of old, and whose methods areas predatory as those of the old feudal aristocracy”.- Jawahar Lal Nehru

23. Who among the following had led the Swadeshi Movement in Delhi?(a) Balgangadhar Tilak (b) Ajit Singh(c) Lala Lajpat Rai(d) Syed Haider RazaAnswer-dExplanation-more powerful the Swadeshi and Boycott movement was launched. Mass meetings were heldall over Bengal where Swadeshi or the use of Indian goods and the boycott of British goodswere proclaimed and pledged. In many places public burning of foreign cloth were organizedand shops selling foreign cloth were picketed. Soon the movement spread to other parts of the country- in Poona and Bombay under Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh, in Delhi, underSyed Haider Raza and in Madras under Chidambaram Pillai.

24. Who among the following had moved the Non co-operation resolution in the Nagpur sessionof the Indian National Congress in 1920?(a) C.R. Das(b) Annie Besant(c) B.C. Pal(d) Madan Mohan MalviyaAnswer-aExplanation-By December, when the congress met for its annual session at Nagpur, it was C. R. Das whomoved the main resolution on non-cooperation.

25. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?(a) Durga Das: The Life of Mahatma(b) Louis Fischer: India From Curzon to Nehru and After(c) Frank Moraes : Jawahar Lal Nehru- A Biography.(d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad : India DividedAnswer-cExplanation-India From Curzon to Nehru and After- Durga DasJawahar Lal Nehru- A Biography- Frank MoraesThe Life of Mahatma- Louis Fischer

26. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?(a) James Watt: Steam Engine

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(b) A.G. Bell : Telephone(c) J.L. Baird : Television(d) J. Perkins : PenicillinAnswer-dExplanation-Edward Joseph Perkins is a former American diplomat. He served as U.S. Ambassador toLiberia, South Africa, and the United Nations 1992-1993. He was later Director of the USState Department's Diplomatic Corps.In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming observed that colonies of the bacterium Staphylococcusaureus could be destroyed by the mold Penicillium notatum, proving that there was anantibacterial agent there in principle.

27. Who among the following had started 'Mitra Mela' Association?(a) Shyamji Krishna Verma(b) Vinayak Damodar Savarkar(c) Lala Hardayal(d) Sohan Singh BhaknaAnswer-bExplanation-Veer Savarkar established an organization by the name of 'Mitra Mela' which influenced themembers to fight for "absolute political independence" of India. The Mitra Mela membersserved the victims of plague in Nasik. He later called the "Mitra Mela" as "Abhinav Bharat"and declared "India must be independent".

28. Helium is preferred to hydrogen in air balloons because it(a) is cheaper(b) is less dense(c) has greater lifting power(d) does not form an explosive mixture with air.Answer-dExplanation-A gas balloon is any balloon that stays aloft due to being filled with a gas less dense than airor lighter than air (such as helium or hydrogen). It does not form an explosive mixture withair. Although helium is twice as heavy as (diatomic) hydrogen and costlier, they are both somuch lighter than air that this difference is inconsequential. Hydrogen has about 8% morebuoyancy than helium

29. Which one of the following is NOT formed in our body?(a) Vitamin A (b) Protein(c) Enzyme (d) HormoneAnswer-aExplanation- Vitamin A is NOT formed in our body but comes from dietary sources. Protein,enzyme and hormone are synthesized in our body.

30. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?(a) Silver iodide - Horm Silver(b) Silver chloride- Artificial rain(c) Zinc phosphide- Rat poison(d) Zinc sulphide- Philosopher's woolAnswer-c

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Explanation- Rat poison is made with zinc phosphide. The zinc phosphide reacts with therodent's stomach acid to form a gas called phosphine. Artificial rain is produced by sprayingclouds with substances like Silver Iodide (costly) or cheaper ones like solid carbon dioxide(dry ice) or even finely powdered Sodium Chloride. This process is called seeding.

31. Which one of the following gases is essential for photosynthesis process?(a) CO (b) CO2(c) N2 (d) O2Answer-bExplanation- In photosynthesis, solar energy is converted to chemical energy. The chemicalenergy is stored in the form of glucose (sugar). Carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight are usedto produce glucose, oxygen, and water.

32. Match List -I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below:-List-I List-IIA. Morphinhe 1. AntisepticB. Sodium 2. AlloyC. Boric Acid 3. AnalgesicD. German Silver 4. Kerosene oilCode:A B C D(a) 4 3 1 2(b) 2 4 3 1(c) 3 1 4 2(d) 3 4 1 2Answer-dExplanation-Morphine- AnalgesicSodium- Kerosene oilBoric Acid- AntisepticGerman Silver- German silver has a color resembling silver, but is an alloy of primarilycopper, nickel and zinc.

33. Which one of the following human organs is most susceptible to harmful radiations?(a) Eyes (b) Heart(c) Brain (d) LungsAnswer- dExplanation- Not all living cells are equally sensitive to radiation. Those cells which areactively reproducing are more sensitive than those which are not. Lymphocytes (white bloodcells) and cells which produce blood are constantly regenerating, and are, therefore, the mostsensitive. Reproductive and gastrointestinal cells are not regenerating as quickly and are lesssensitive. The nerve and muscle cells are the slowest to regenerate and are the least sensitivecells.When radiation interacts with water, it may break the bonds that hold the watermolecule together, producing fragments such as hydrogen (H) and hydroxyls (OH). Thesefragments may recombine or may interact with other fragments or ions to form compounds,such as water, which would not harm the cell. However, they could combine to form toxicsubstances, such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which can contribute to the destruction of the cell.Cataracts (a clouding of the lens of the eye) appear to have a threshold of about 200rad. Neutrons are especially effective in producing cataracts, because the eye has a highwater content, which is particularly effective in stopping neutrons.

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34. The minimum height of a plane mirror to see the full size image of a person is equal to(a) the height of the person(b) half the height of the person.(c) one-fourth the height of the person

(d) double the height of the personAnswer-bExplanation-In order to see full length of a person, requires a plane mirror, which is half of its own height.This relation is true for any distance of object from plane mirror.

35. Which of the following is NOT the normal function of the human kidney?(a) Regulation of water level in the blood.(b) Regulation of sugar level in the blood.(c) Filter out urea.(d) Secretion of several hormones.

Answer-bExplanation-Functions1. Excretion of wastes2. Acid-base homeostasis3. Osmolality regulation4. Blood pressure regulation5. Hormone secretion

36. Retina of the eye is comparable to which of the following parts of a traditional camera?(a) Film (b) Lens

(c) Shutter (d) CoverAnswer- bExplanation-There is a lens on the front of the camera, which is responsible for focusing the incoming lighton the image-capturing surface. This is much like the way the lens of an eye focuses light ontothe retina. In traditional cameras, the surface is film. In digital cameras, the incoming light isfocused onto a chip called a digital sensor.

37. Anosmia is(a) loss of the sense of taste.(b) loss of the sense of smell.

(c) loss of the sense of touch.(d) loss of the sense of heat.Answer- bExplanation-Anosmia is a lack of functioning olfaction, or in other words, an inability to perceive odours.Anosmia may be either temporary or permanent. A related term, hyposmia, refers to adecreased ability to smell, while hyperosmia refers to an increased ability to smell. Somepeople may be anosmic for one particular odor. This is known as "specific anosmia".

38. Assertion (A): If somebody stops taking green vegetables he will suffer from night blindness.Reason (R) : He will suffer from Vitamin A deficiency.

Select the correct answer from the code given below:Code:

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Explanation-Bone density (or bone mineral density) is a medical term referring to the amount of matterper cubic centimeter of bones. Bone density (or BMD) is used in clinical medicine as anindirect indicator of osteoporosis and fracture risk.

43. The principle of 'Black hole' was enunciated by(a) C.V. Raman(b) H.J. Bhabha(c) S. Chandrashekhar(d) H. KhuranaAnswer- cExplanation-Chandrasekhar's most notable work was the astrophysical Chandrasekhar limit. The limitdescribes the maximum mass of a white dwarf star, ~1.44 solar masses, or equivalently, theminimum mass, above which a star will ultimately collapse into a neutron star or black hole(following a supernova)

44. Which one of the following is used as a moderator in the nuclear reactor?(a) Thorium(b) Graphite(c) Radium(d) Ordinary waterAnswer- dExplanation-The reaction can be controlled by using neutron poisons, which absorb excess neutrons, andneutron moderators, which reduce the velocity of fast neutrons, thereby turning them intothermal neutrons, which are more likely to be absorbed by other nuclei. Increasing ordecreasing the rate of fission has a corresponding effect on the energy output of thereactor.Commonly used moderators include regular (light) water (75% of the world'sreactors), solid graphite (20% of reactors) and heavy water (5% of reactors). Beryllium hasalso been used in some experimental types, and hydrocarbons have been suggested asanother possibility.

45. Refrigeration helps in food preservation by(a) killing the germs(b) Reducing the rate of biochemical reactions.(c) destroying enzyme action.(d) sealing the food with a layer of ice.Answer- bExplanation-Refrigeration preserves food by slowing down the growth and reproduction of micro-organisms and the action of enzymes which cause food to rot.

46. Electric bulb filament is made of (a) Copper (b) Aluminium(c) Lead (d) TungstenAnswer- dExplanation-

Incandescent light bulbs consist of a glass enclosure (the envelope, or bulb) with a filament of tungsten wire inside the bulb, through which an electric current is passed. The bulb is filled

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with an inert gas such as argon to reduce evaporation and prevent oxidation of the filament.

47. Which mirror is used as a rear view mirror in the vehicles?(a) Plane (b) Convex(c) Concave (d) InvertedAnswer- bExplanation-A rear-view mirror is a mirror in automobiles and other vehicles, designed to allow thedriver to see rearward through the vehicle's backlight (rear windscreen). Because of thedistance from the driver's eye to the passenger side mirror, a useful field of view can only beachieved with a convex or aspheric mirror. However, the convexity also minifies the objectsshown. Since minified objects seem farther away than they actually are, a driver might makea maneuver such as a lane change assuming an adjacent vehicle is a safe distance behind,when in fact it is quite a bit closer.

48. Which one of the following is a part of Infotech Terminology?(a) Protocol(b) Login(c) Archie(d) All the aboveAnswer- dExplanation-Archie is a tool for indexing FTP archives, allowing people to find specific files. It isconsidered to be the first Internet search engine. In information technology, a Protocol is thespecial set of rules that end points in a telecommunication connection use when theycommunicate. Protocols exist at several levels in a telecommunication connection. Forexample, there are protocols for the data interchange at the hardware device level andprotocols for data interchange at the application program level. In computer security, a loginor logon is the process by which individual access to a computer system is controlled byidentification of the user using credentials provided by the user.

49. Inventor and founder of www is(a) Timoernrus (b) N. Russel(c) Lee N. Fiyong (d) Bill GatesAnswer- aExplanation-Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee, also known as "TimBL", is a British physicist,computer scientist and MIT professor, credited for his invention of the World Wide Web (notthe Internet), making the first proposal for it in March 1989. On 25 December 1990, with thehelp of Robert Cailliau and a young student at CERN, he implemented the first successfulcommunication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client and server via theInternet.

50. Amniocentosis is a method used to determine the(a) foetal sex(b) kind of Amino acids(c) sequence of Amino acids in protein(d) type of hormones

Answer- aExplanation-

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Amniocentesis (also referred to as amniotic fluid test or AFT), is a medical procedure used inprenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities and fetal infections in which a smallamount of amniotic fluid, which contains fetal tissues, is extracted from the amnion oramniotic sac surrounding a developing fetus, and the fetal DNA is examined for geneticabnormalities. Besides these specific conditions for use of amniocentesis it is being used, orrather grossly misused, for doing antenatal sex determination (ASD).

51. Indane gas is a mixture of (a) butane and hydrogen(b) butane and oxygen(c) butane and propane(d) methane and oxygenAnswer- cExplanation- Indane Gas A mixture of propane and butane is commonly known as liquefiedpetroleum gas (LPG or LP gas). It may also contain small amounts of propylene and/orbutylene. An odorant such as ethanethiol or thiophene is added so that people can easilysmell the gas in case of a leak.

52. Which one of the following States has granted Sanskrit language the status of the secondofficial language of the State?(a) Bihar (b) Chhattisgarh(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) UttarakhandAnswer- dExplanation-The Uttarakhand Government has declared Sanskrit as the second official language of theState. The hill State becomes the first to take such a step.The Vidhan Sabha had passed therelevant legislation recently.Chief Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank said the step hadbeen taken to promote the ancient language so that the children could understand it andtranslate or co-relate traditional and Vedic wisdom with current day science, economics andpolity.

53. Which one of the following has the right to address the Parliament?(a) Attorney General of India(b) Chief Election Commissioner of India(c) Chief Justice of India(d) National Security AdvisorAnswer- a

Explanation-The Attorney General for India is the Indian government's chief legal advisor, and itsprimary lawyer in the Supreme Court of India. The Attorney General for India is appointedby the President of India under Article 76(1) of the Constitution of India and holds officeduring the pleasure of the President. He must be a person qualified to be appointed as aJudge of the Supreme Court. The Attorney General has the right of audience in all Courts inIndia as well as the right to participate in the proceedings of the Parliament, though not tovote.

54. Which one of the following statements about the Parliament of India is NOT correct?(a) The Constitution provides for a Parliamentary form of Government.

(b) The foremost function of the Parliament is to provide a Cabinet.(c) The membership of the Cabinet is restricted to the Lower House.

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58. Match List- I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below:List -I List-IIA. Pandit Durgalal 1. InstrumentalMusic

B. Lalgudi 2. DanceJayaramanC. Bala Murali 3. PaintingKrishnaD. Amrita Shergil 4. Vocal MusicCode:A B C D(a) 2 1 4 3(b) 1 2 4 3(c) 3 1 2 4(d) 2 4 3 1

Answer- aExplanation-Durga Lal was a renowned Kathak dancer from Jaipur in Indian state of Rajasthan.Lalgudi Jayarama Iyer is a well-known Carnatic violinist, vocalist and composer.Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna is a Carnatic vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and aplayback singer. He is also acclaimed as a poet, composer and respected by all Indianclassical musicians for his knowledge of Carnatic Music. Amrita Sher-Gil, was an eminentIndian painter, sometimes known as India's Frida Kahlo[2], and today considered animportant woman painter of 20th century India, whose legacy stands at par with that of theMasters of Bengal Renaissance;[3][4] she is also the 'most expensive' woman painter of India.[5]

59. South Indian festival of 'Onam' is associated with which of the following?(a) Ram's victory over Rawan(b) Durga's killing of Mahishasur(c) Shiva Shakti(d) MahabaliAnswer- dExplanation-Onam is the largest festival in the Indian state of Kerala. It marks the homecoming of thelegendary King Maveli/ Mahabali. Mahabali was the grandson of Prahlad (son of Hiranyakashyap who was slain by Vishnu in his Narasimha Avataram). Prahlad, despitebeing an Asura, had great faith in Vishnu. Mahabali learned the act of love and devotion toLord Vishnu as a child, from Prahlad.

60. Which among the following is the largest software company in India?(a) Infosys (b) TCS(c) WIPRO (d) HCL TechAnswer- bExplanation-Top 5 Software Companies in IndiaRank Company1 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.2 Infosys Technologies Ltd.

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3 Wipro Technologies Ltd.4 Satyam Computer Services Ltd.5 HCL Technologies Ltd.

61. Which one of the following is different from the others from the point of view of ownership?(a) LIC Policy(b) Bank Fixed Deposit(c) Kisan Vikas Patra(d) Debenture of a CompanyAnswer- a

62. In the Union Budget-2011- 12, the effective rate of interest for farmers on timely repayment of the bank loan is(a) 7 percent (b) 6 percent(c) 4 percent (d) 3 percentAnswer- cExplanation-In the Union Budget-2011- 12, the effective rate of interest for farmers on timely repaymentof the bank loan is 4%. "In the last Budget, Budget provided an additional two per centinterest subvention to those farmers who repay their crop loans on time. In order to providefurther incentive to these farmers, Union Budget-2011- 12 enhance the additional subventionto three per cent in 2011-12. The effective rate of interest for such farmers would be four percent.

63. 'Athapoo' is associated with which of the following festivals?(a) Dol Yatra(b) Onam(c) Pongal(d) Vishwakarma PujaAnswer- bExplanation-Pookalam, also known as 'Atha-Poo' is an intricate and colorful arrangement of flowers laidon the floor. Tradition of decorating Pookalam is extremely popular in Kerala and isfollowed as a ritual in every household during ten-day-long Onam celebrations.

64. Golden rice has the highest quantity of (a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin B(c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin KAnswer- aExplanation-Golden rice is a variety of Oryza sativa rice produced through genetic engineering tobiosynthesize beta-carotene, a precursor of pro-vitamin A in the edible parts of rice.

65. Which one of the following is useful in the treatment of scurvy disease?(a) Mango (b) Papaya(c) Aonla (d) BerAnswer- cExplanation-

Scurvy is a disease resulting from a deficiency of vitamin C, which is required for thesynthesis of collagen in humans. Most animals manufacture their own vitamin C. Primates,

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such as humans, gorillas, and monkeys, have somehow lost this ability.It is well known that citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines, limes,mandarins and others contain vitamin C. Indian gooseberry, or aamla', is richest sores of vitamin C.

66. Which of the following crops are grown mainly in the irrigated areas during Zaid?(a) Arhar and Gram(b) Moong and Urad(c) Rice and Millets(d) Maize and GroundnutAnswer- bExplanation-Moong and Urad are Kharif crop but it also can be grown in the irrigated areas during Zaid.

67. The largest producer of Sugar in India is(a) Bihar(b) Karnataka(c) Maharashtra(d) Uttar PradeshAnswer- cExplanation-India's western Maharashtra state, the biggest sugar producer in the country, has reviseddownward its 2010/11 sugar output forecast to 9 million tonnes from the previous 9.1 milliontonnes.

68. Which of the following authority sanctions foreign exchange for the import of goods?(a) Any Nationalised Bank (b) Exchange Bank (c) Reserve Bank of India(d) Ministry of FinanceAnswer- cExplanation-Manager of exchange control. The central bank manages to reach the goals of the ForeignExchange Management Act, 1999. Objective: to facilitate external trade and payment andpromote orderly development and maintenance of foreign exchange market in India.

69. A letter of credit has to be produced by

(a) an exporter(b) an importer(c) custom authorities(d) shipping companyAnswer- bExplanation-A Letter of Credit is a written undertaking by the Importer’s bank, known as the IssuingBank, on behalf of its customer, the Importer (Applicant), promising to effect payment infavour of the Exporter (Beneficiary) up to a stated sum of money, within a prescribed timelimit and against stipulated documents.A key principle underlying Letters of Credit is thatbanks deal only in documents and not in goods.

70. Which organisation promotes the foreign trade?

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(a) ECGC(b) MMTC(c) STC(d) All of the aboveAnswer- dExplanation-Organization promotes the foreign trade:A. Public Sector UndertakingsState Trading Corporation (STC)MMTC LimitedPEC Limited Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India LimitedIndia Trade Promotion OrganisationB. Export Promotion CouncilsC. Other OrganisationsFederation of Indian Export OrganisationsIndian Council of ArbitrationIndian Diamond InstituteFootwear Design & Development Institute (FDDI) National Centre for Trade InformationPrice Stabilization Fund TrustGS1-India

71. The main source of fund for the National Highway Authority of India is(a) Cess(b) Foreign assistance(c) Market borrowings(d) Budgetary support of Union GovernmentAnswer- aExplanation- Source of fund for the National Highway Authority of India Cess (main source)

World Bank/Asian Development Bank Loan Assistance Market Borrowings Private Sector.

72. Private Sector Mutual Funds in India were permitted in(a) 1964(b) 1993(c) 1994(d) 2001Answer- bExplanation-With the entry of private sector funds in 1993, a new era started in the Indian mutual fundindustry, giving the Indian investors a wider choice of fund families. Also, 1993 was the yearin which the first Mutual Fund Regulations came into being, under which all mutual funds,except UTI were to be registered and governed. The erstwhile Kothari Pioneer (now mergedwith Franklin Templeton) was the first private sector mutual fund registered in July 1993.

73. The State known as 'Garden of Spices' is(a) Karnataka(b) Kerala(c) Maharashtra(d) Tamil Nadu

Answer- bExplanation-

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The humid equatorial tropic climate and steep mountain slopes are ideal for spice cultivation.Kerala is one of the popular tea and spice producing states of India. Kerala spice plantationis famous across the globe since time immemorial. During ancient time Chinese and Arabtraders came here for spice trading.

74. MODVAT is related to(a) Excise duty(b) Value Added Tax (VAT)(c) Wealth Tax(d) Income TaxAnswer- bExplanation-Modvat stands for "Modified Value Added Tax". It is a scheme for allowing relief to finalmanufacturers on the excise duty borne by their suppliers in respect of goods manufacturedby them. The scheme was first introduced with effect from 1 March 1986. Under this scheme,a manufacturer can take credit of excise duty paid on raw materials and components used byhim in his manufacture. Accordingly, every intermediate manufacturer can take credit forthe excise element on raw materials and components used by him in his manufacture. Since itamounts to excise duty only on additions in value by each manufacturer at each stage, it iscalled value-added-tax (VAT)

75. More than one-third of the crude steel production of the world comes from(a) China (b) Japan(c) Russia (d) U.S.A.Answer- aExplanation-China's share of world crude steel production has also increased exponentially and producesmore than one third of all crude steel produced in the world.

76. The Sun City is located in(a) Italy(b) Japan(c) Mexico(d) South AfricaAnswer- dExplanation-Sun City is a luxury casino and resort, situated in the North West Province of South Africa.Sun City was developed by the hotel magnate Sol Kerzner as part of his Sun Internationalgroup of properties.

77. The correct descending order of the leading producers of milk is(a) China, India, Russia, U.S.A.(b) India, U.S.A., China, Russia(c) U.S.A. India, China, Russia(d) India, China, U.S.A., RussiaAnswer- bExplanation-World's Top Milk Producers:

IndiaUnited States

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(a) Arunachal Pradesh(b) Madhya Pradesh(c) Maharashtra(d) OrissaAnswer- aExplanation-State having its maximum geographical area under dense forest cover-Arunachal PradeshState having lowest geographical area under forest cover-HaryanaState having Largest geographical area under forest cover-MP

82. In India two largest producers of coal (2008-09) are(a) Andhra Pradesh and Chhat tisgarh(b) Chattisgarh and Orissa(c) Chattisgarh and Jharkhand(d) Jharkhand and Madhya PradeshAnswer- bExplanation-The provisional total production of coal in 2008-09 was around 492.9 million tonnes whichwas higher by 7.8% as compared to the previous year.Chhattisgarh is the largest coal producing state with a share of about 20.7%, followed closelyby Orissa and Jharkhand having contribution of 20.0% and 19.5%, respectively, in thenational output. Next in order of share in the total production were, Madhya Pradesh(14.5%), Andhra Pradesh (9.0%), Maharashtra (7.9%), West Bengal (4.6%) and UttarPradesh (2.4%).

83. Which of the following towns lie in the National Capital Region?1. Ambala 2. Khurja3. Karnal 4. Rohtak Select the correct answer from the code given below :Code :(a) 1 and 2 only(b) 3 and 4 only(c) 1, 2 and 3 only(d) 2,3 and 4 onlyAnswer- dExplanation-The criterion for selecting counter magnet towns are that they should not be withinapproximately. 250 Km. from Delhi, should have their own established roots and potential of growth and should not be centres of either religious, strategic or environmental importance.These are: New ones Ambala, Dehradun, Kanpur, Moradabad

84. Coolgardie lies in the Australian province of (a) New South Wales(b) Northern lerritory(c) Queensland(d) Western AustraliaAnswer- dExplanation-

Coolgardie is a small town in the Australian state of Western Australia, east of the statecapital, Perth. The town was founded in 1892, when gold was discovered in the area.

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85. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched ?(a) Koyali - Gujarat(b) Nagapattinam - Andhra Pradesh(c) Numaligarh - Assam

(d) Manali - Tamil NaduAnswer- dExplanation- One of the important hill stations of the state of Himachal Pradesh is Manali. Itis located at a height of 6,398 ft., near the northern end of the Kullu Valley.

86. Arrange the following States of India in descending order of their forest-area and select thecorrect answer from the code given below:1. Andhra Pradesh2. Arunachal Pradesh3. Chhattisgarh4. Orissa

Code :(a) 1, 3, 4, 2 (b) 1, 2, 3, 4(c) 4, 3, 1, 2 (d) 2, 1, 4, 3Answer- d (Most correct answer)Explanation- Forest Cover (Area in km²)Madhya Pradesh- 76,429Arunachal Pradesh- 68,019Chhattisgarh- 55,998Orissa- 48,366Andhra Pradesh- 44,419

87. Which one of the following does NOT lie in Maharashtra ?(a) Balaghat Range(b) Harischandra Range(c) Mandav Hills(d) Satmala HillsAnswer- cExplanation-Mountains & Hills of Gujarat:Mountains & Hills Major mountain-ranges of India - Aravalli , Sahyadri (Western Ghats),Vindhya and Satpura are having their presence in Gujarat. Saputara - the only hill stationsituated in the heart of Dangs district altitude of 1000 m Gir hills, Barda , Dhola range,Mandav Hills, Danta Hills etc. are some hill areas of Gujarat. Girnar is the tallest hill of Gujarat. Highest peak - Guru Dattatreya (1145 m).

88. Which one of the following is NOT the port town of Gujarat?(a) Jamnagar(b) Okha(c)Porbandar(d) VeravalAnswer- aExplanation-Kandla Port is one of the largest ports serving Western India. Other important ports inGujarat are the Port of Navlakhi, Port of Magdalla, Port of Pipavav, Port of Porbandar,

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Okha, Veraval, Dahej and the privately owned Mundra Port.

89. Who among the following has been awarded the prestigious Abel Prize for the year 2011 ?(a) Isadore M. Singer(b) John Griggs Thompson(c) John Willard Milnor(d) Peter D. LaxAnswer- cExplanation-The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has chosen one of the living legends of mathematics, John Willard Milnor of the Institute for Mathematical Sciences in theUniversity of Stony Brook, U.S.A, for the award of its prestigious Abel Prize for the year2011.

90. Assertion (A) : Kerala stands first in terms of human development human development index.Reason (R) : Its unemployment rate is the highest in the country.Select the correct answer from the code given below :Code :(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A).(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.Answer- bExplanation-Kerala stands first in Human Development Index among the states in India, whileChandigarh stands first in Human Development Index among the Union territories in India.Unemployment rates, especially among educated youth, started increasing during the 1980s.Faced with a stagnant economy, international migration, especially to West Asia, was awelcome respite for the people. Kerala got transformed from being an agrarian economy to amoney-order economy, with very high levels of consumption and very poor goodsproduction. Today Kerala has the highest rates of unemployment in the country and hastouched nearly 29% in 2004-05 compared with the national average of around 8%.

91. Who among the following film actors was given Mother Teresa Award in March 2011?(a) Prem Chopra(b) Rajesh Khanna(c) Shammi Kapoor(d) Shatrughan SinhaAnswer- aExplanation-He played the evil anti-hero in Bollywood for decades but Prem Chopra is a gentleman off screen and the veteran will be honoured with the Mother Teresa Award for hishumanitarian work and five-decade-long career.

92. Which one of the following Indian States has recently signed a $ 220 million agreement withthe World Bank?(a) Bihar(b) Kerala

(c) Maharashtra(d) Tamil Nadu

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(b) Malaysia(c) Saudi Arabia(d) VietnamAnswer- bExplanation- Anand Sharma, Union Minister of Commerce & Industry and MustapaMohamed, Minister for International Trade & Industry, Malaysia, signed the India-MalaysiaComprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) in the presence of MalaysianPrime Minister, Mohd Najib Razak at Putrajaya in Kuala Lumpur on February 18, 2011.The Agreement will come into effect on July 1, 2011 and the first review will be held within ayear of coming into force.

101. Which one of the following districts of Uttar Pradesh has the highest literacy rate as per theprovisional figures of 2011 Census?(a) Gautambuddh Nagar(b) Ghaziabad(c) Kanpur Nagar(d) LucknowAnswer- bExplanation-District-------------Average Literacy rateGhaziabad-----------------85Gautam Buddha Nagar-82Kanpur Nagar-------------81.3Lucknow------------------79.33

102. Thumri Singer Girija Devi belongs to(a) Banaras Gharana(b) Agara Gharna(c) Kirana Gharana(d) Lucknow GharanaAnswer- aExplanation-Girija Devi is an Indian classical singer of the Banaras gharana. She performs classical andlight classical music and has helped elevate the profile of thumri.

103. Match List- I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given belowList I (District) List II

(Headquarters)A. Jalaun 1. AkbarpurB. Kanpur Dehat 2. NavgarhC. Sant Ravidas Nagar 3. PadraunaD. Kushinagar 4. OraiCode :A B C D(a) 4 1 2 3(b) 4 3 2 1(c) 2 1 3 4(d) 1 2 4 3

Answer- aExplanation-

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Jalaun District, named after town of Jalaun, which was the former headquarters of aMaratha governor, but the administrative headquarters of the district is at Orai. Theadministrative headquarters of Ramabai Nagar district formerly known as Kanpur Dehatdistrict are at Mati, Akbarpur. Sant Ravidas Nagar is a district of Uttar Pradesh state innorthern India. The city of Gyanpur is the district headquarters. Kushinagar District is adistrict of Uttar Pradesh state in northern India. Padarauna is the district headquarters. Thedistrict is named for Kushinagar, a Buddhist pilgrimage site where Gautama Buddhaattained parinirvana in the 6th or 5th centuries BCE.

104. The first Women General Secretary of SAARC, elected in January 2011, comes from(a) Bangladesh(b) Sri Lanka(c) Maldives(d) BhutanAnswer- cExplanation-SAARC gets its first woman Secretary-General in its silver jubilee year — the formerMaldivian Attorney-General, Fathimath Dhiyana Saeed, is all set to succeed Indian diplomatSheel Kant Sharma, who will complete his tenure of three years by the end of this month.

105. Famous Charkula dance is associated with(a) Avadh(b) Bundelkhand(c) Brij Bhumi(d) RohilkhandAnswer- cExplanation-The spectacular dance from Braj region of Uttar Pradesh - the land of Lord Krishna and hisconsort - Radha. Veiled women balancing large multi-tiered circular wooden pyramids ontheir heads, alight with 108 oil lamps, dance to the strains of 'rasiya' - songs of Lord Krishna.Charkula is especially performed on the third day after Holi - the day which Radha wasborn. According to legend, Radha's grandmother ran out of the house with the charkula onher head to announce the birth of Radha, Since then, Charkula has formed a popular danceform of Brajbhoomi, performed during various festivities.

106. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Agricultural University is located at(a) Faizabad(b) Meerut(c) Kanpur(d) JhansiAnswer- bExplanation-Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut established on2nd October 2000 has the honour of being First Agriculture University of the 21st century. Itis a professional University providing education, research and extension activities inintegrated manner.

107.Match List- I with List- II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List- I List- II(City) (Aerodrome)

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A. Lucknow 1. BabatpurB. Varanasi 2. KheraiC. Kanpur 3. AmausiD. Agra 4. ChakeriCode :A B C D(a) 4 3 1 2(b) 2 1 4 3(c) 3 2 1 4(d) 3 1 4 2Answer- dExplanation-City---------------AerodromeLucknow---------- AmausiVaranasi----------BabatpurKanpur------------ChakeriAgra-------------- Kherai

108. The official bird of Uttar Pradesh is(a) Peacock (b) Saras(c) Parrot(d) CuckooAnswer- bExplanation-Although designated as the offical bird of Uttar Pradesh, the Sarus crane finds itself underthreat. Despite a protective High Court order, the economic plans of the governmentthreaten to disrupt the birds' habitat.

109. The most popular religious magazine 'Kalyan' is published from(a) Mathura(b) Rishikesh(c) Gorakhpur(d) VaranasiAnswer- cExplanation-The Gita Press is one of the world's largest publishers of Hindu religious texts. It is located inGorakhpur city of India's Uttar Pradesh state. It was founded in 1923 by Jaya DayalGoyandka for promoting the principles of Sanatana Dharma. Hanuman Prasad Poddar wasthe founding and the lifetime editor of its noted magazine, Kalyan.

110. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?(a) Virendvan Mandir - Mathura(b) J.K. Temple - Lucknow(c) Vishwanath Mandir - Varanasi(d) Devipatan Mandir - TulsipurAnswer- bExplanation-

Virendvan Mandir-------- MathuraJ.K. Temple---------------Kanpur

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Vishwanath Mandir - ----VaranasiDevipatan Mandir--------Tulsipur

111. Which one of the following statements regarding Uttar Pradesh, according to the provisionalfigures of 2011 Census is not correct?(a) It accounts for 16.5 percent of the country's population.(b) It has the largest number of children in the country.(c) Its decadal growth rate is 18.4%(d) Its sex ratio is 908.Answer- cExplanation-Decadal growth rate----20.09Sex ratio-------------------908Proportion of child population (0-6 yrs)-14.90Proportion of total population---16.5

112. In which of the following crops Uttar Pradesh is not the largest producer in India?(a) Potato(b) Rice(c) Sugarcane(d) WheatAnswer- bExplanation-Crop-Three largest producing States ( ↓ order)Rice-West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar PradeshWheat- Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, HaryanaSugarcane- Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil NaduPotato- Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar

113. In ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 the "man of the tournament" was(a) Kumar Sangakkara(b) Sachin Tendulkar(c) Tilakratne Dilshan(d) Yuraj SinghAnswer- dExplanation-Man of the Tournament-Yuvraj SinghMan of the Match in the World Cup Final- Mahendra Singh Dhoni

114. The Winner of All England Badminton Championship, 2011, Men's Singles Title, was(a) Chen Jin(b) Lee Chong Wei(c) Lee yong Dae(d) Lin DanAnswer- bExplanation- All England Badminton Championship, 2011-SinglesLee Chong Wei (Malay.) -MaleWang Shixian (China)- Female

115. The winter of Australian Open 2011, Men's Singles, was

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(a) Andy Murray(b) David Ferrer(c) Novak Djkovic(d) Roger FdererAnswer- cExplanation-Novak Djkovic has won two Grand Slam singles titles, the 2008 and 2011 Australian Openchampionships, becoming the first player representing Serbia to win a Grand Slam singlestitle and the youngest player in the open era to have reached the semi-finals of all four GrandSlam events, separately and consecutively

116. The Captain of the India Hockey Team for Azlan Shah Cup Hockey Tournament, 2011, was(a) Arjun Halappa(b) Rajesh Kumar(c) Rajpal Singh(d) Shivendi SinghAnswer- aExplanation- Azlan Shah Cup hockey tournament, 2011 held at Ipoh, Malaysia from May 5to 15. The team played under the captaincy of Arjun Halappa.

117. Farrukhabad is known for(a) carpet weaving(b) Glassware(c) Perfume manufacture(d) Hand printingAnswer- dExplanation-Handprinting work (here called as Zardozi work) is also a large industry, which employsthousands of workers. Earlier printing of Farrukhabad was supplied to all over India andalso some abroad countries. But due to the city is separated from the highways and also fromthe good conveyance so now-a-days printing business came down to a few printing industry.Farrukhabad is a biggest city of producing Potato in the state and also supplies all overIndia. As Potato is the biggest agricultural product of the district.

118. In the 34th National Games, 2011 which State 'won the team title in Badminton in Men'sSection ?(a) Andhra Pradesh(b) Kerala(c) Maharashtra(d) Tamil NaduAnswer- bExplanation-Kerala, dominated the proceedings in the Badminton team event, at the recently concluded34th National Games Badminton events held at the Thakur Vishwanath Shahdeo IndoorStadium at Ranchi, Jharkhand.Kerala won both the men's and the women's badminton team events overcoming thechallenge of badminton powers Andhra Pradesh & Maharashtra.Badminton Men's Finals:

Kerala beat Andhra Pradesh 3-2Badminton Women's Finals:

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Kerala beat Andhra Pradesh 2-1

119. 'Stanley Cup' is associated with(a) Badminton(b) Basketball(c) Golf (d) Ice HockeyAnswer- dExplanation- The Stanley Cup is an ice hockey club trophy, awarded annually to theNational Hockey League (NHL) playoffs champion after the conclusion of the Stanley CupFinals.

120. The "Laureus World Sportsman of the Year" award for 2010 was given to(a) Lionel Massi(b) Rafael Nadal(c) Ronaldo(d) Sachin TendulkarAnswer- b (Most correct answer)Explanation-Laureus World Sportsman of the Year, 2010-Usain Bolt, Athletics - JamaicaLaureus World Sportswoman of the Year, 2010 -Serena Williams, Tennis - United StatesLaureus World Team of the Year, 2010- Brawn GP Formula One - United KingdomLaureus World Sportsman of the Year, 2011-Rafael Nadal, Tennis – Spain

121. 'Smash' is associated with which of the following sports?(a) Boxing(b) Wrestling(c) Football(d) VolleyballAnswer- dExplanation- The smash is the main attacking shot used in volleyball and is probably one of the hardest moves to master.

122. Bula Chaudhary is well-known in which of the following sport disciplines?(a) Swimming (b) Hockey(c) Football (d) ArcheryAnswer- a

Explanation-Bula Choudhury is a former national women's swimming champion of India. She is the firstwoman to cross seven seas. She twice swam the English Channel first in 1989 and again in1999. She was awarded the Arjuna Award in 1990. She is now is planning to establish aswimming academy in Kolkatta. She is a Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI(M))legislator from Nandanpur in West Midnapore district in West Bengal. She was alsoawarded Padma Shri award.

123. Tejaswini Sawant is the first Indian woman to be crowned World Champion in(a) Athletics(b) Boxing

(c) Shooting(d) Wrestling

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Answer- cExplanation-Tejaswini Sawant is an Indian shooter from the Maharashtrian city of Kolhapur. Sawantwon a bronze medal in 50 metre rifle three positions at the 2009 ISSF World Cup in Munich.On 8 August 2010 she became the World Champion in the 50m Rifle Prone event in Munich,Germany. She was the first Indian woman shooter to win a gold medal at the WorldChampionships with a world-record equalling score in the 50 m Rifle Prone event.

124. The correct descending order of the four winners of the highest number of gold medals in the34th National Games 2011 is(a) Services, Manipur, Haryana, Maharashtra(b) Services, Haryana, Manipur, Maharashtra(c) Services, Manipur, Maharashtra, Haryana(d) Services, Haryana, Maharashtra, ManipurAnswer- aExplanation-Rank ↓ Nation ↓ Gold ↓1 Services -------------702 Manipur -------------483 Haryana--------------424 Maharashtra --------415 Jharkhand------------33

125. Sonu bought a watch with 30 percent discount on the labeled price. He sold it with 20percent profit on the labelled price. Approximately, what was his percentage of profit on the pricehe bought?(a) 50(b) 65(c) 70(d) 85Answer- cExplanation-Suppose labeled price = LSonu bought a watch = L X 70/100 = L X 7/10He sold = L X 120 /100 = L 12/10Profit = L 12/10 - L X 7/10 = L X 5/10Percentage of profit on the price he bought =L X 5/10 X 100 divided by L X 7/10 = 500/7 = 71.42

126. Which one of the following will come next in the series given below?LXF MTJ NPN OLR _____(a) PHV(b) PPV(c) PTV(d) PJWAnswer- aExplanation-L M N O P

X T P L J or HF J N R V (Difference between first two word-3 then 2 then again 3 thereafter will be again

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2) so answer will be PHV

127. If COMPUTER is coded as RFUVQNPC, the code for MEDICINE will be(a) MFEDJJOE(b) MFEJDJOE(c) EOJDEJFM(d) EOJDJEFMAnswer- dExplanation-C → R (Last word of COMPUTER)O → F(One word ahead of E of COMPUTER)M → U (One word ahead of T of COMPUTER)P → V (One word ahead of U of COMPUTER)U → Q (One word ahead of P of COMPUTER)T → N (One word ahead of M of COMPUTER)E → P (One word ahead of O of COMPUTER)R → C (Initial word of COMPUTER)Applying above codingAnswer will be EOJDJEFM

128. Introducing a girl Mohan said, "Her mother is the only daughter of my mother-in-law" How isMohan related to that girl?(a) Brother(b) Father(c) Husband(d) UncleAnswer- bExplanation- Girl’s mother is the only daughter of Mohan’s mother-in-law. So Girl’s motherwill be wife of Mohan.

129. The following series has a wrong number-1 12 65 264 795 1590 1593The wrong number is(a) 65(b) 264(c) 795(d) 1590Answer- dExplanation-11212 x 5 +5 → 6565 x 4 + 4 → 264264 x 3 + 3 → 795795 x 2 + 2 → 1592

130. Govind is 3 years older than his wife Shyam and four times as old as his son Raghu. If Raghubecomes 15 years old after 3 years, what is the present age of Shyam?

(a) 60 years(b) 51 years

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(c) 48 years(d) 45 yearsAnswer- dExplanation-G = S + 3 ------------------------1G = 4 X R------------------------2R + 3 = 15-----------------------3R = 12G = 4 X 12 = 48S = 48 – 3 = 45 Years

131. Ten years ago Ram's age was half of Moti's age. If the ratio of their present age is 3:4, what isthe total of their present ages?(a) 25(b) 28(c) 32(d) 35Answer- dExplanation-R – 10 = M/2--------------------------- (1)R/ M = ¾ ------------------------------- (2)After solving above equationR = 20M = 15R + M = 35 years

132. Manas started a business investing Rs. 42,000. After 7 months, Kamal joined him with acapital of Rs. 50,000. At the end of the year, the total profit was Rs. 30,160. What is Kamal's sharein the profit ?(a) Rs. 10, 000(b) Rs. 20,160(c) Rs. 10,160(d) Rs. 8,000Answer- aExplanation-Manas’s share in business = 42,000 x 12Kamal’s share in business = 50,000 x 5Kamal : Manas = 250 / 504Kamal’s share =250 / 754 x 30,160 = 10,000

133. The surface area of a cube is 384 m2. Its volume will be(a) 512 m3(b) 516 m3(c) 1032 m3(d) 216 m3Answer- aExplanation-6 x A2 = 384

A = 8Volume = 83 = 512

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134. There are four prime numbers. The product of first three is 385 and the product of the lastthree is 1001. First and the last numbers are respectively:(a) 5, 11(b) 5, 13

(c) 7, 11(d) 7, 13Answer- bExplanation-Consider prime number 5, 7, 9, 11, 13The product of first three = 5 x 7 x 11= 384The product of the last three = 7 X 11 X13 = 1001Four prime number will be 5, 7, 11 and 13

135. If the number 1 X 5 X 0 1 is divisible by 11, then × is equal to(a) 2

(b) 6(c) 8(d) 3Answer- cExplanation- Divisibility by 11A number is divisible by 11 if the difference of sum of the digits in the odd places and sum of the digits at even places is zero or divisible by 11.Sum of the digits in the odd places = 6Let X = 8Sum of the digits at even places = 8 + 8 + 1 =17The difference of sum of the digits in the odd places and sum of the digits at even places is 11and divisible by 11. Correct answer will be 8.

136. Avinash spent 2/5 of his income for a month on rent and 3/4th of the remainder on otherexpenses. The balance of Rs. 180 he put in his savings account. How much was his income for themonth ?(a) Rs. 1,200(b) Rs. 1,400(c) Rs. 1,600(d) Rs. 1,800Answer- aExplanation-M → Monthly income2/5 M → RentRemaining income = M – 2/5 M = 3/5 M3/5 M x ¾ = 9/20 M → Other expenses180 = balanceApplying above in following equation2/5 M + 9/20 M + 180 = M8/20 M + 9/20 + 180 = M17 M + 3600 = 20 M3 M = 3600M = 1200

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137. The author of 'Green Development' is(a) M.J. Bradshaw(b) M. Nicolson(c) R.H. Whittakar(d) W.M. AdamsAnswer- a (?)

138. The missing number in the following series:0, 4, 18, 48, ?, 180 is(a) 58(b) 68(c) 84(d) 100Answer- dExplanation-4 → 22 = 418 → 32 X 2 = 9 X 2 = 1848 → 42 X 3 = 16 X 3 = 48? → 52 X 4 = 25 X 4 = 100180 → 62 X 5 = 36 X 5 =180

139. The World Tiger Summit 2010 was held at(a) Bangkok (b) Nairobi(c) New Delhi(d) PetersburgAnswer- dExplanation-The Tiger summit 2010 at St. Petersburg, Russia, the first ever global tiger summit to savethe tigers from extinction, from 21 November 2010 till 24 November 2010. The thirteen tiger-range countries namely India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, China, Indonesia,Malaysia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and host Russia participated in the tigersummit. Besides these nations many international organisation on Tiger also participated.The nations and the organisations together endorsed a plan known as Global Tiger RecoveryProgramme to increase the number of wild tigers by double by the year 2022.

140. The author of 'Nuclear Reactor Time Bomb' is(a) C.C. Park (b) E.P. Odum(c) S. Polasky(d) Takashi HiroseAnswer- dExplanation-Long-term activist and author Takashi Hirose is author of "Nuclear Reactor Time Bomb."Hirose had predicted an imminent megaquake and nuclear accident at the Hamaoka plant.

141. The World Water Conservation Day is observed on(a) 28 February

(b) 22 March(c) 5 June

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(d) 11 JulyAnswer- bExplanation-World Water Day has been observed on March 22 since 1993 when the United NationsGeneral Assembly declared March 22 as World Day for Water.

142. The Periyar Game Sanctuary is renowned by(a) Lions(b) Spotted deers(c) Tigers(d) Wild ElephantsAnswer- d (Most correct answer)Explanation- The national park was incepted in 1934 with a name Nellikkampatty GameSanctuary. Later it was renamed as Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary in 1950. The sanctuary wasdeclared a Tiger Reserve in 1978. Later in 1991, Periyar was brought under ProjectElephant.This sanctuary offers the unique opportunity to watch and photograph wild elephants atclose quarter.

143. Which one of the following cities has the largest slum population?(a) Bangalore(b) Chennai(c) Delhi(d) SuratAnswer- dExplanation- Proportion of slum populationGreater Mumbai -54.06Delhi M. Corp. - 18.74Kolkata -32.48Bangalore -10.02Chennai-18.88Ahmedabad-13.46Hyderabad-17.23Kanpur-14.42Pune-19.39Surat-20.89All India-24.13

144. Which one of the following is the most urbanized country of West Asia?(a) Israel(b) Kuwait(c) Qatar(d) Saudi ArabiaAnswer- bExplanation-Country-------------------------Urban populationKuwait 96.2Qatar 92

Israel 91.6Saudi Arabia 87.6

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145. Which of the following countries suffer from the acid rains?1. Canada 2. France3. Norway 4. GermanySelect the correct answer from the code given below :

Code :(a) 1 and 2(b) 1 and 3(c) 2 and 3(d) 3 and 4Answer- bExplanation-Places with significant impact by acid rain around the globe include most of eastern Europefrom Poland northward into Scandinavia,the eastern third of the United States, andsoutheastern Canada. Other affected areas include the southeastern coast of China andTaiwan.

146. According to the provisional figures of Census 2011 arrange the following districts of UttarPradesh in descending order of their population size and select the correct answer from the codegive below :1. Allahabad 2. Azamgarh3. Ghaziabad 4. LucknowCode :(a) 1, 3, 2, 4(b) 1, 4, 3, 2(c) 2, 3, 1, 4(d) 4, 1, 2, 3

Answer- aExplanation-Allahabad- 5,959,798Ghaziabad- 4,661,452Azamgarh- 4,616,509Lucknow- 4,588,455

147. According to the provisional figures of 2011 Census the lowest sex ration in India is found in(a) Chandigarh(b) Daman and Diu(c) Dadra and Nagar Haveli(d) HaryanaAnswer- bExplanation-(a) Chandigarh-818(b) Daman and Diu-618(c) Dadra and Nagar Haveli-775(d) Haryana-877

148. Which one of the following States of India has recorded the maximum increase in literacy rateduring 2001-2011?(a) Bihar(b) Gujarat

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(c) Rajasthan(d) Uttar PradeshAnswer- aExplanation- Maximum increase in literacy rate during 2001-2011Bihar-16.82Uttar Pradesh-13.45Gujarat-10.17Rajasthan-6.65

149. As per the provisional figures of 2011 Census the second most populous State of India is(a) Andhra Pradesh(b) Bihar(c) Maharashtra(d) West BengalAnswer- cExplanation- Population Census 2011State------------------ PopulationUttar Pradesh-------- 199581477Maharashtra--------- 112372972Bihar------------------ -103804637West Bengal ----------91347736

150. Which of the following statements are correct according to the provisional figures of Censusof India 2011 ? Use the code given below to select the correct answer : -1. The lowest population is found in Lakshadweep2. Chandigarh has the highest population density.3. Arunchal Pradesh has the lowest population density.4. Dadra and nagar Haveli has the highest decadal gorwth of population.Code :(a) 1 and 2(b) 1, 2 and 3(c) 2, 3 and 4(d) 1, 3 and 4Answer- dExplanation-The lowest population- Lakshadweep (64429)Population density-HighestDelhi 11297Chandigarh 9252Pondicherry 2598Daman and Diu 2169Lakshadweep 2013Bihar 1102West Bengal 1029Population density-LowestJammu and Kashmir-----------------56Mizoram-------------------------------52Andaman and Nicobar Islands------46Arunachal Pradesh-------------------17Highest decadal growth of population

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Dadra and Nagar Haveli -------55.50Daman and Diu -----------------53.54