upgrade poster แนวทางการอัฟเกรด ms dynamic ax 2012 ไปสู่...

Production environment Test environment Test environment Production environment Final Testing & Go Live Important: Dont attempt to complete the checklist without following the detailed instructions for each checklist task in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Upgrade Guide. Client AOS, Help AX 2012 R2 AOS, Help server, client, and utilities Model store SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) USR (2012 R2) CUS (2012 R2) VAR (2012 R2) ISV (2012 R2) Business data AX 2012 R2 Setup Enter single-user mode 12 A. Assign the working layer (VAR in this illustration) And delete the models in higher layers. B. Complete the tasks on the Code upgrade checklist for in- place upgrade, then export the upgraded models. D. Import the newly upgraded customer models into their layers. Repeat steps A through D until all models have been upgraded. Upgrade additional server components 16 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2: How to upgrade from an earlier release of AX 2012 Duplicate your existing production system to create the test system. You can accomplish this by copying a virtual machine image, or, alternatively, you can build a new system by using Setup from your legacy AX version (taking care to apply all the same hotfixes), and then copying over the production database. When the test system is ready for upgrade, it contains legacy AX 2012 or AX 2012 Feature Pack models and also any customer models. If you are using customized reports or customized EP Web Parts, import them into the AOT before running Setup.exe. These components will need to be redeployed on the upgraded system. Run Setup three times on the test system as follows: (1a) split the database and (1b) install the new Microsoft models; (2) upgrade the AOS and other server components; and (3) upgrade the client, the debugger, and management utilities. This installation order must be strictly observed. The database on the left is the original single AX database; the ones on the right are the result of the separation of the model store from the business data. C. Import the model store backup from the test system. To preserve the element IDs in your customized code, upgrade the models in each code layer separately, starting at the lowest layer and working up. Repeat until all models in all layers are upgraded. Duplicate your existing test system to create the development system. You can accomplish this by copying a virtual machine image or by building a new system with AX R2 Setup and then importing the test system model store. This can be a simplified system consisting of only the AOS, databases, and a client. Create a file backup of the model store. This backup is used during code upgrade of the models in the customer layers. On the test system, import the model store file that you made in the previous step. Afterward, create a backup of both AX database.. If you experience an error during the data upgrade procedure, you can revert to this earlier state, resolve the underlying issue, and try the data upgrade again. Export the upgraded model store 8 Export the fully upgraded model store that you have created on the development system to a file. This file acts as the source of the upgraded customer models that are used to prepare for data upgrade first on the test system and later on the production system. Before beginning data upgrade, set the SQL Server logging model to Simple, and confirm that the AOS is set up as a batch server and that it can process the DataUpgrade batch group. Then start the client and open the Data upgrade checklist for in-place upgrade. Complete the tasks in the checklist. After data upgrade is complete, redeploy any customized reports and EP Web Parts that were imported into the AOT in step 3. When deployment is complete, validate that these components are working correctly. The test system is now ready to serve as a platform for user acceptance testing (UAT) before the production system is upgraded. On the production system, enter single-user mode. All client users other than the administrator will be disconnected from the AX system at this point. This action starts the downtime window during which new business transactions cannot be processed. Important: Upgrade on the production system requires that you run AX 2012 R2 Setup on each computer in your deployment. To insure a successful upgrade, you must install the AX components in a specific order and on a specific topology. Components of the deployment must be upgraded in the order that is shown in the following procedures. Run Setup on the computer that hosts the AOS. (1) Designate the existing AX database as the business database, (2) create a new database to contain the model store, and (3) import the upgraded model store file. The legacy model store tables persist alongside the business data but are not used. These tables should not be deleted, because they act as an archive of your pre-upgrade code customizations. Run Setup again on the computer that hosts the AOS. Install new versions of the AOS, client, debugger, and management utilities. When data upgrade is finished, you can upgrade the other server components. Run Setup on the computers that host EP, Reporting Services, and Analysis Services. Before beginning data upgrade, set the SQL Server logging model to Simple, and confirm that the AOS is set up as a batch server and that it can process the DataUpgrade batch group. Then start the client and open the Data upgrade checklist for in-place upgrade. Complete the tasks on the checklist. Run Setup on your additional AX client systems to upgrade the client software. Select the Client and Management utilities components for installation. For large deployments, you may want to perform a silent installation. After data upgrade is complete, redeploy any customized reports and EP Web Parts that were imported into the AOT in step 3. When deployment is complete, validate that these components are working correctly. Upgrade customized code 7 Test data upgrade 10 Upgraded AX 2012 R2 model store file Important: To insure a successful upgrade, you must install the AX 2012 components in a specific order and on a specific topology. For information, see How to: Perform in-place upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 on TechNet. USR (customer) CUS (customer) VAR (customer) ISV (customer) SLN (legacy) FPK (legacy) GLS (legacy) SYS (legacy) Business data AX database AX 2012 R2 models from Microsoft AX 2012 R2 server components Split AX 2012 R2 Setup 2 SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) USR (customer) CUS (customer) VAR (customer) ISV (customer) Model store Business data Layers containing upgraded Microsoft models 1b Client AOS EP SSRS Help 3 1a AX 2012 R2 client components 1 Copy the existing production system... ...to create test system 2 Save reports & Web Parts 3 Install Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 4 Back up the model store 5 For code upgrade, create the development system 6 Redeploy reports & Web Parts 11 Import upgraded model store 9 Run setup to upgrade the database 13 Upgrade additional clients 18 Upgrade AOS & other core components 14 Perform data upgrade on the production system 15 Redeploy reports & Web Parts 17 Upgraded AX 2012 R2 model store file Client AOS, Help, EP, etc. Business data AX database Model store Business data SLN (Legacy) FPK (Legacy) GLS (Legacy) SYS (Legacy) USR (Legacy) CUS (Legacy) VAR (Legacy) ISV (Legacy) Import AX 2012 R2 Setup Archived legacy model store SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) USR (2012 R2) CUS (2012 R2) VAR (2012 R2) ISV (2012 R2) 1 2 3 © 2013 Microsoft Corporation SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) USR (customer) CUS (customer) VAR (customer) ISV (customer) Model store Business data Client AOS AX 2012 R2 Model store SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) USR (2012 R2) CUS (2012 R2) VAR (2012 R2) ISV (2012 R2) Business data Client AOS AX 2012 R2 Clients AOS, EP, SSRS, Help AX database USR (customer) CUS (customer) VAR (customer) ISV (customer) SLN (Microsoft) FPK (Microsoft) GLS (Microsoft) SYS (Microsoft) Code layers Business data AX 2012 / FP Business data AX database USR (customer) CUS (customer) VAR (customer) ISV (customer) SLN (Microsoft) FPK (Microsoft) GLS (Microsoft) SYS (Microsoft) Code layers Client AOS, EP, SSRS, Help AX 2012 / FP USR (customer) CUS (customer) VAR (customer) Model store Business data SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) ISV (customer) Client AOS, EP, SSRS, Help AX 2012 R2 Business data AX database USR (customer) CUS (customer) VAR (customer) ISV (customer) SLN (Microsoft) FPK (Microsoft) GLS (Microsoft) SYS (Microsoft) Code layers Client AOS, EP, SSRS, Help AX 2012 / FP SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) USR CUS VAR (upgraded) ISV (upgraded) Model store Business data Upgraded VAR model files Upgraded ISV model files Client AOS AX 2012 R2 SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) Exported VAR models Models VAR layer (2012 R2) Export Run code upgrade checklist Business data Client AOS AX 2012 R2 SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) Model store Business data Deleted models CUS USR Models Models ISV (2012 R2) VAR CUS USR Client AOS AX 2012 R2 Important: Dont attempt to complete the checklist without following the detailed instructions for each checklist task in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Upgrade Guide. Model store Business data USR (customer) CUS (customer) VAR (customer) SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) ISV (customer) Client AOS, EP, SSRS, Help AX 2012 R2 Before completing the development steps, you must export any changed models on the production system and merge their changes into the upgraded model store. This requires that you run an additional code upgrade cycle for each affected layer. Business data Model store SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) USR (2012 R2) CUS (2012 R2) VAR (2012 R2) ISV (2012 R2) Client AOS, EP, SSRS, Help AX 2012 R2 Business data Model store SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) USR (2012 R2) CUS (2012 R2) VAR (2012 R2) ISV (2012 R2) Run data upgrade checklist Client AOS, EP, SSRS, Help AX 2012 R2 Clients AOS, Help, EP, etc. Enter single- user mode Business data AX database USR CUS VAR ISV SLN FPK GLS SYS AX 2012 / FP Client AOS, Help Run data upgrade checklist Model store SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) USR (2012 R2) CUS (2012 R2) VAR (2012 R2) ISV (2012 R2) Business data AX 2012 / FP AOS AX 2012 R2 Setup Help AX 2012 R2 Other server components Enterprise Portal Databases Client AOS Help Enterprise Portal Databases Client AX 2012 R2 Setup AX 2012 R2 clients Databases Servers AX 2012 / FP You will also load this same file when you upgrade the production system. Upgraded AX 2012 R2 models & legacy customer models. You will reimport these each time you finish upgrade on a code layer. SLN (2012 R2) FPK (2012 R2) GLS (2012 R2) SYS (2012 R2) Model store ISV (2012 R2) VAR (2012 R2) CUS USR Business data Import Upgraded AX 2012 R2 models & legacy customer models Client AOS AX 2012 R2

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Post on 19-May-2015




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Upgrade poster 44 X 33 inches. แนวทางการอัฟเกรด MS Dynamic AX 2012 ไปสู่ MS Dynamic AX 2012 R2


Page 1: Upgrade poster แนวทางการอัฟเกรด MS Dynamic AX 2012 ไปสู่ MS Dynamic AX 2012 R2

Production environment

Test environment

Test environmentProduction environment

Development environment

Final Testing&

Go Live

Important: Don t attempt to complete the checklist without following the detailed instructions for each checklist task in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Upgrade Guide.

ClientAOS, HelpAX 2012 R2 AOS, Help

server, client, and utilities

Model store

SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)

USR (2012 R2)

CUS (2012 R2)

VAR (2012 R2)

ISV (2012 R2)


AX 2012 R2


Enter single-user mode12

A. Assign the working layer (VAR in this illustration) And delete the models in higher layers.

B. Complete the tasks on the Code upgrade checklist for in-place upgrade, then export the upgraded models.

D. Import the newly upgraded customer models into their layers. Repeat steps A through D until all models have been upgraded.

Upgrade additionalserver components


Reporting Services and Analysis Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2: How to upgrade from an earlier release of AX 2012 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2: How to upgrade from an earlier release of AX 2012

Duplicate your existing production system to create the test system. You can accomplish this by copying a virtual machine image, or, alternatively, you can build a new system by using Setup from your legacy AX version (taking care to apply all the same hotfixes), and then copying over the production database.

When the test system is ready for upgrade, it contains legacy AX 2012 or AX 2012 Feature Pack models and also any customer models.

If you are using customized reports or customized EP Web Parts, import them into the AOT before running Setup.exe. These components will need to be redeployed on the upgraded system.

Run Setup three times on the test system as follows: (1a) split the database and (1b) install the new Microsoft models; (2) upgrade the AOS and other server components; and (3) upgrade the client, the debugger, and management utilities. This installation order must be strictly observed. The database on the left is the original single AX database; the ones on the right are the result of the separation of the model store from the business data.

C. Import the model store backup from the test system.

To preserve the element IDs in your customized code, upgrade the models in each code layer separately, starting at the lowest layer and working up. Repeat until all models in all layers are upgraded.

Duplicate your existing test system to create the development system. You can accomplish this by copying a virtual machine image or by building a new system with AX R2 Setup and then importing the test system model store. This can be a simplified system consisting of only the AOS, databases, and a client.

Create a file backup of the model store. This backup is used during code upgrade of the models in the customer layers.

On the test system, import the model store file that you made in the previous step. Afterward, create a backup of both AX database.. If you experience an error during the data upgrade procedure, you can revert to this earlier state, resolve the underlying issue, and try the data upgrade again.

Export the upgraded model store


Export the fully upgraded model store that you have created on the development system to a file. This file acts as the source of the upgraded customer models that are used to prepare for data upgrade first on the test system and later on the production system.

Before beginning data upgrade, set the SQL Server logging model to Simple, and confirm that the AOS is set up as a batch server and that it can process the DataUpgrade batch group. Then start the client and open the Data upgrade checklist for in-place upgrade. Complete the tasks in the checklist.

After data upgrade is complete, redeploy any customized reports and EP Web Parts that were imported into the AOT in step 3. When deployment is complete, validate that these components are working correctly. The test system is now ready to serve as a platform for user acceptance testing (UAT) before the production system is upgraded.

On the production system, enter single-user mode. All client users other than the administrator will be disconnected from the AX system at this point. This action starts the downtime window during which new business transactions cannot be processed.

Important: Upgrade on the production system requires that you run AX 2012 R2 Setup on each computer in your deployment. To insure a successful upgrade, you must install the AX components in a specific order and on a specific topology. Components of the deployment must be upgraded in the order that is shown in the following procedures.

Run Setup on the computer that hosts the AOS. (1) Designate the existing AX database as the business database, (2) create a new database to contain the model store, and (3) import the upgraded model store file. The legacy model store tables persist alongside the business data but are not used. These tables should not be deleted, because they act as an archive of your pre-upgrade code customizations.

Run Setup again on the computer that hosts the AOS. Install new versions of the AOS, client, debugger, and management utilities.

When data upgrade is finished, you can upgrade the other server components. Run Setup on the computers that host EP, Reporting Services, and Analysis Services.

Before beginning data upgrade, set the SQL Server logging model to Simple, and confirm that the AOS is set up as a batch server and that it can process the DataUpgrade batch group. Then start the client and open the Data upgrade checklist for in-place upgrade. Complete the tasks on the checklist.

Run Setup on your additional AX client systems to upgrade the client software. Select the Client and Management utilities components for installation. For large deployments, you may want to perform a silent installation.

After data upgrade is complete, redeploy any customized reports and EP Web Parts that were imported into the AOT in step 3. When deployment is complete, validate that these components are working correctly.

Upgrade customized code7

Test data upgrade10

Upgraded AX 2012 R2

model store file

Important: To insure a successful upgrade, you must install the AX 2012 components in a specific order and on a specific topology. For information, see How to: Perform in-place upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 on TechNet.

USR (customer)

CUS (customer)

VAR (customer)

ISV (customer)

SLN (legacy)

FPK (legacy)

GLS (legacy)

SYS (legacy)



ss d


AX database

AX 2012 R2 models from


AX 2012 R2server



AX 2012 R2



SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)

USR (customer)

CUS (customer)

VAR (customer)

ISV (customer)

Model store

Business data








AX 2012 R2client


1 Copy the existingproduction system...

...to create test system

2 Save reports & Web Parts

3 Install Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R24 Back up the model store5 For code upgrade, createthe development system


Redeploy reports& Web Parts

11 Import upgradedmodel store


Run setup to upgrade the database13 Upgrade additional clients18Upgrade AOS & other core components

14 Perform data upgrade on the production system

15 Redeploy reports & Web Parts


Reporting Services and Analysis Services

Upgraded AX 2012 R2

model store file

ClientAOS, Help, EP, etc.



ss d


AX database

Model store



SLN (Legacy)

FPK (Legacy)

GLS (Legacy)

SYS (Legacy)

USR (2012 R2)

CUS (2012 R2)

VAR (2012 R2)

ISV (2012 R2)

USR (Legacy)

CUS (Legacy)

VAR (Legacy)

ISV (Legacy) Import

AX 2012 R2



SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)

USR (2012 R2)

CUS (2012 R2)

VAR (2012 R2)

ISV (2012 R2)




© 2013 Microsoft Corporation

AX 2012 / FPAX 2012 / FP

SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)

USR (customer)

CUS (customer)

VAR (customer)

ISV (customer)

Model store

Business data


AX 2012 R2

Model store

SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)

USR (2012 R2)

CUS (2012 R2)

VAR (2012 R2)

ISV (2012 R2)

Business data


AX 2012 R2

ClientsAOS, EP, SSRS, Help

AX database

USR (customer)

CUS (customer)

VAR (customer)

ISV (customer)

SLN (Microsoft)

FPK (Microsoft)

GLS (Microsoft)

SYS (Microsoft)

Code layers



ss d


AX 2012 / FP



ss d


AX database

USR (customer)

CUS (customer)

VAR (customer)

ISV (customer)

SLN (Microsoft)

FPK (Microsoft)

GLS (Microsoft)

SYS (Microsoft)

Code layers

ClientAOS, EP, SSRS, Help

AX 2012 / FP

USR (customer)

CUS (customer)

VAR (customer)

Model store

Business data

SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)

ISV (customer)

ClientAOS, EP, SSRS, Help

AX 2012 R2



ss d


AX database

USR (customer)

CUS (customer)

VAR (customer)

ISV (customer)

SLN (Microsoft)

FPK (Microsoft)

GLS (Microsoft)

SYS (Microsoft)

Code layers

ClientAOS, EP, SSRS, Help

AX 2012 / FP

SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)



VAR (upgraded)

ISV (upgraded)

Model store

Business data

Upgraded VAR model files

Upgraded ISV model files


AX 2012 R2

SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)

Exported VAR models


VAR layer (2012 R2)


Run code upgrade checklist

Business data


AX 2012 R2

SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)

Model store


Business dataDeleted models





ISV (2012 R2)





AX 2012 R2Important: Don t attempt to complete the checklist without following the detailed instructions for each checklist task in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Upgrade Guide.

Model store

Business data

USR (customer)

CUS (customer)

VAR (customer)

SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)

ISV (customer)

ClientAOS, EP, SSRS, Help

AX 2012 R2

Before completing the development steps, you must export any changed models on the production system and merge their changes into the upgraded model store. This requires that you run an additional code upgrade cycle for each affected layer.

Business data

Model store

SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)

USR (2012 R2)

CUS (2012 R2)

VAR (2012 R2)

ISV (2012 R2)

ClientAOS, EP, SSRS, Help

AX 2012 R2

Business data

Model store

SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)

USR (2012 R2)

CUS (2012 R2)

VAR (2012 R2)

ISV (2012 R2)

Run data upgrade checklist

ClientAOS, EP, SSRS, Help

AX 2012 R2

ClientsAOS, Help, EP, etc.

Enter single-user mode



ss d


AX database









AX 2012 / FP

ClientAOS, Help

Run data upgrade checklist

Model store

SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)

USR (2012 R2)

CUS (2012 R2)

VAR (2012 R2)

ISV (2012 R2)


AX 2012 / FP


AX 2012 R2



AX 2012 R2 Other server components

Enterprise Portal





Enterprise Portal



AX 2012 R2


AX 2012 R2 clients


AX 2012 / FP

You will also load this same file when you upgrade the production system.

Upgraded AX 2012 R2 models & legacy customer models. You will reimport these each time you finish upgrade on a code layer.

SLN (2012 R2)

FPK (2012 R2)

GLS (2012 R2)

SYS (2012 R2)

Model store

ISV (2012 R2)

VAR (2012 R2)



Business data


UpgradedAX 2012 R2

models & legacy customer models


AX 2012 R2