upcoming world energy engineering congress program overview

WEEC 2012 www.energycongress.com 1 SHOW NEWS WEEC: Realities of the Energy Management Marketplace Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage P A I D THE ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY ENGINEERS Association of Energy Engineers 4025 Pleasantdale Road, Suite 420 Atlanta, GA 30340-4264 EARN 1.0 CEU / 10PDH / 10 AIA LU FOR PROFESSIONAL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS OR CERTIFICATION BY ATTENDING THE THREE-DAY CONFERENCE Imagine participating in a conference and exposition spanning the entire energy management and alterna- tive energy marketplace for the commercial, industrial, institutional, and governmental industries. This year LV WKH th anniversary of the Association of Energy Engineers and the World Energy Engineering Congress :((& 7KH th WEEC will feature over 250 speakers, including Opening Session speaker General Colin L. 3RZHOO 86$ 5HW DQG .H\QRWH /XQFKHRQ VSHDNHU 7HG .RSSHO Other highlights of this year’s conference include: Government Energy Programs This comprehensive training event includes updates on government programs including: DOD Critical Issues Forum; Superior Energy Performance Implementation; Better Buildings Ini- tiative; DOE & DOE Programs; Net Zero Energy Buildings in the Government Sector 1RWHG SURIHVVLRQDOV LQFOXGH 3DXO 9RONPDQ 2I¿FH RI WKH $VVLVWDQW 6HFUHWDU\ RI WKH $UP\ IRU ,QVWDOOD- WLRQ (QHUJ\ (QYLURQPHQW 86 $UP\ &'5 0DWW 0F&DQQ 2I¿FH RI 'HSXW\ 8QGHU 6HFUHWDU\ RI 'HIHQVH ,QVWDOODWLRQV (QYLURQPHQW )DFLOLWLHV (QHUJ\ 8QLWHG 6WDWHV 'HSDUWPHQW RI 'HIHQVH DQG 0DULD 9DUJDV 'LUHFWRU %HWWHU %XLOGLQJV &KDOOHQJH 86 'HSDUWPHQW RI (QHUJ\ The Great Democratic & Republican Energy Policy Debate Presented just one week before the national election, this special feature on the conference program will DGGUHVV WKH LPSDFW RI QHZ HQHUJ\ SROLFLHV RI WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ $V WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV DSSURDFKHV RQH RI the pivotal Presidential elections in recent decades, our energy policy is in critical condition. Attendees will at- WHQG D VWLPXODWLQJ QR KROGV EDUUHG SROLF\ GHEDWH EHWZHHQ OHDGLQJ 'HPRFUDWLF 5HSXEOLFDQ FXUUHQW RU IRUPHU HOHFWHG RI¿FLDOV DQG VHQLRU &RQJUHVVLRQDO &RPPLWWHH DQG SHUVRQDO VWDII PHPEHUV IURP WKH +RXVH 6HQDWH Corporate Energy Management +RVW VSRQVRU 6FLHQFH $SSOLFDWLRQV ,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RUSRUDWLRQ 6$,& KDV GHYHORSHG D WUDFN RQ &RUSRUDWH Energy Management featuring commercial and industrial energy management case studies and success sto- ries, energy management for utilities, and capital constraints for energy management programs and projects. +HDU IURP OHDGLQJ H[SHUWV IURP &RYLGLHQ 1LVVDQ & 7LWDQ $PHULFD RQ OHDGLQJ LQGXVWULDO HQHUJ\ PDQDJH- ment programs. A panel of SAIC representatives, including Michael Mondshine, Vice President and Senior Policy Analyst, Tom Brown, Vice President, and Jim Fireovid, Senior Engineer, will engage attendees on H[SORLWLQJ WKH ³ELJ GDWD´ UHYROXWLRQ Energy Management & Energy Services A new energy management technology trend, using iPads, Smartphones and Tablets for energy auditing and energy and facility management, is one of the most exciting and dynamic areas of technological advance- PHQW LQ WKH ¿HOG RI HQHUJ\ DQG IDFLOLW\ PDQDJHPHQW WRGD\ $WWHQGHHV ZLOO OHDUQ IURP OHDGLQJ H[SHUWV RQ WKLV technology including Pete Andrews, Eastern Sales at eSight Energy, Mark Stephens, Senior Project Manager DW (OHFWULF 3RZHU 5HVHDUFK ,QVWLWXWH &ROLQ 'DYLV )RXQGHU &(2 RI N:K2856 DQG -RKQ 6WHLQKRII 'LUHF- tor of Commercial & Industrial Services for the Midwest at CLEAResult. +HDU IURP LQGXVWU\ H[SHUWV RQ WKH EHQH¿WV DQG SLWIDOOV RI VWDUWLQJ DQG UXQQLQJ DQ HQHUJ\ FRQVXOWDQF\ $W- WHQGHHV ZLOO GLVFRYHU WLSV DQG WHFKQLTXHV RQ ¿QGLQJ FOLHQWV SURSRVDO SUHSDUDWLRQ GRLQJ WKH ZRUN DQG PRVW importantly, getting paid. High Performance Buildings This year, EPA is working with The Cadmus Group to implement the Service & Product Provider pro- gram at WEEC. This session will focus on the role that ENERGY STAR Service & Product Providers play to help their customers comply with the disclosure legislation of building energy performance. The Building Rating Systems session will detail highlights, updates, and new policies for programs like /((' (1(5*< 67$5 3RUWIROLR 0DQDJHU $6+5$( DQG *UHHQ *OREHV )HDWXUHG VXFFHVV VWRULHV IRU KLJK SHUIRUPDQFH EXLOGLQJV LQFOXGH 0HOLQN &RUSRUDWLRQ¶V 1HW =HUR +HDGTXDUWHUV DQG $WODQWD¶V 3HUNLQV:LOO RI¿FH EXLOGLQJ HDUQLQJ WKH KLJKHVW /((' SRLQWV LQ WKH 1RUWKHUQ +HPLVSKHUH Industrial Energy Management U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR program has developed four outstanding sessions on Industrial Energy Man- agement best practices. Attendees will discover lessons learned and challenges for industry achiever plants VXFK DV *HQHUDO 0RWRUV 0 6DLQW *REDLQ &RUSRUDWLRQ 5D\WKHRQ 7R\RWD 6DUJHQWR )RRGV DQG WKH %RHLQJ Company. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn energy awareness examples and methods for engaging employees in energy management from companies such as Hanesbrands & Briggs & Stratton Corporation. 1RWHG SURIHVVLRQDOV -HUU\ 'HQQLV (QHUJ\ 0DQDJHU DW '): ,QWHUQDWLRQDO $LUSRUW 6KLUOH\ -HDQ %HUJPDQ (QHUJ\ 6HUYLFHV *URXS 0DQDJHU DW 0F)DUODQG -RKQVRQ DQG 0LFKDHO &KH\QH 'LUHFWRU RI $VVHW 0DQDJH- PHQW 6XVWDLQDELOLW\ DW +DUWV¿HOG-DFNVRQ $WODQWD ,QWHUQDWLRQDO $LUSRUW ZLOO SUHVHQW RQ DLUSRUW HQHUJ\ DQG VXVWDLQDELOLW\ $WWHQGHHV ZLOO JDLQ LQVLJKW RQ SURPRWLQJ HQHUJ\ HI¿FLHQF\ LQ DLUSRUWV DQG WKH FKDOOHQJHV WR LPSOHPHQWLQJ DQG IXQGLQJ HQHUJ\ HI¿FLHQF\ SURJUDPV DW DLUSRUWV Renewable & Alternative Energy New to this year’s conference program is a session on Energy Production, detailing four different types of energy production in the U.S., including Nuclear Energy, offshore wind farms, oil production, and the Marcel- OXV 6KDOH $WODQWD DWWRUQH\ 'DYLG &RRN$XWU\ +RUWRQ &ROH //3 KDV SXW WRJHWKHU DQ H[FLWLQJ QHZ VHVVLRQ on the nuts and bolts of renewable power plant development. Attendees will be provided with the knowledge needed to bring a plant to a successful completion and operation. Alternative fuel vehicles are the leading trend in the automotive market. Attendees will stay up to speed on the payback of these vehicles and the overall effects on the utility grid. 3UHVHQWHUV LQ WKH 6PDUW *ULG VHVVLRQ ZLOO GLVFXVV KRZ LQWHOOLJHQW DQG HQHUJ\ HI¿FLHQW WHFKQRORJLHV VXFK DV %XLOGLQJ (QHUJ\ 0DQDJHPHQW 6\VWHPV DQG 'HPDQG 5HVSRQVH DUH EHFRPLQJ DQ LQWHJUDO SDUW IRU FRQQHFWLQJ commercial and industrial facilities into the Smart Grid. Benefits of Attending the 35th WEEC 7KH WK:((& ZLOO IHDWXUH D ODUJH WUDFN FRQIHUHQFH DJHQGD D IXOO OLQHXS RI VHPLQDUV RQ D YDULHW\ RI current topics, and a comprehensive 100,000 sq ft exhibition of the world’s most promising new technologies. The WEEC exhibit hall offers free expo hall workshops and poster sessions, available to all WEEC expo and conference attendees. Thirteen seminars and seven one-day workshops are offered in conjunction with this year’s :((& RIIHULQJ RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU HQHUJ\ SURIHVVLRQDOV WR HDUQ FHUWL¿FDWLRQ DQG WUDLQLQJ LQ VSHFLDOL]HG DUHDV 3OHDVH MRLQ XV IRU D UHFHSWLRQ DQG GLQQHU RQ +DOORZHHQ DW WKH PDJQL¿FHQW DQG historic FOX Theatre to honor new 2012 Legend in Energy inductees and our esteemed Legends and Chartered Legends. If you are a Chartered Legend or a current Legend in Energy, we invite you to join us as we celebrate your continued success and accomplishments. The Phantom Presents: Legends in Energy will be included in the registra- tion fee for paid WEEC conference attendees who are current Legends or eli- gible to be a 2012 Legend in Energy Inductee. If you are not already a Legend in (QHUJ\ SOHDVH YLHZ WKH OLVW RI FULWHULD RQ SDJH WR VHH LI \RX TXDOLI\ WR EHFRPH a Legend in Energy. If you are a WEEC speaker, seminar attendee, exhibitor, corporate leader, or sponsor, you are invited to attend this event for $150. The cost of an additional guest ticket is $150. You must attend the WEEC confer- ence and the Legends in Energy event to receive recognition. 7KLV HYHQW LV ¿UVW FRPH ¿UVW VHUYHG DQG SUHUHJLVWUDWLRQ LV UHTXLUHG $200 REGISTRATION DISCOUNT COUPON Simply attach this coupon to your completed registration form and return with your payment prior to the registration deadline of October 17, 2012. Visit www.energycongress.com and use the discount code WEECNews1. For new Conference Registrations only. Not valid for seminars, exhibit booths, special events or any other fees. Opening Session ............................. 2 Plenary ........................................... 2 Sponsors ......................................... 2 Week-at-a-Glance .......................... 3 Conference Program ................... 4-5 Seminars .................................. 6-12 Expo/Free Workshops ................... 13 Exhibit Hall Floorplan ................... 13 Events/Poster Sessions ........... 14-15 Spotlight ................................ 15-16 Product Showcase .................. 17-23 Registration Form ......................... 24 AEE Membership Form ................. 24 October 31 - November 2, 2012 Wednesday, October 31, 2012 / Opening Session Leadership During Crisis & Change General Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.) Friday, November 2, 2012 / Keynote Luncheon Breaking News: Iran & U.S. Elections - What it Means for the Energy Industry Ted Koppel, special correspondent of NBC’s prime time news magazine, Rock Center with Brian Williams, commentator for NPR, contributing columnist for The New York Times & The Washington Post, and legendary anchor of ABC News’ Nightline. Featured Speakers: Bronze Sponsors Government Energy Leaders Platinum Sponsors White Star Corporate Energy Leaders Association Energy Leaders Silver Sponsor Green Star Corporate Energy Leader Hosted by Presented by Gold Sponsor Red Star Corporate Energy Leader

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The 35th WEEC coming to Atlanta October 31 - November 2 will feature over 250 speakers, including Opening Session speaker General Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.), GA Governor Nathan Deal, and Keynote Luncheon speaker Ted Koppel.


Page 1: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

WEEC 2012www.energycongress.com 1


WEEC: Realities of the Energy Management Marketplace



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Imagine participating in a conference and exposition spanning the entire energy management and alterna-tive energy marketplace for the commercial, industrial, institutional, and governmental industries. This year

th anniversary of the Association of Energy Engineers and the World Energy Engineering Congress

th WEEC will feature over 250 speakers, including Opening Session speaker General Colin L.

Other highlights of this year’s conference include: Government Energy ProgramsThis comprehensive training event includes updates on government programs including:

DOD Critical Issues Forum; Superior Energy Performance Implementation; Better Buildings Ini-tiative; DOE & DOE Programs; Net Zero Energy Buildings in the Government Sector


The Great Democratic & Republican Energy Policy DebatePresented just one week before the national election, this special feature on the conference program will

the pivotal Presidential elections in recent decades, our energy policy is in critical condition. Attendees will at-

Corporate Energy Management

Energy Management featuring commercial and industrial energy management case studies and success sto-ries, energy management for utilities, and capital constraints for energy management programs and projects.

-ment programs. A panel of SAIC representatives, including Michael Mondshine, Vice President and Senior Policy Analyst, Tom Brown, Vice President, and Jim Fireovid, Senior Engineer, will engage attendees on

Energy Management & Energy ServicesA new energy management technology trend, using iPads, Smartphones and Tablets for energy auditing

and energy and facility management, is one of the most exciting and dynamic areas of technological advance-

technology including Pete Andrews, Eastern Sales at eSight Energy, Mark Stephens, Senior Project Manager -

tor of Commercial & Industrial Services for the Midwest at CLEAResult. -

importantly, getting paid.

High Performance Buildings This year, EPA is working with The Cadmus Group to implement the Service & Product Provider pro-

gram at WEEC. This session will focus on the role that ENERGY STAR Service & Product Providers play to help their customers comply with the disclosure legislation of building energy performance.

The Building Rating Systems session will detail highlights, updates, and new policies for programs like

Industrial Energy ManagementU.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR program has developed four outstanding sessions on Industrial Energy Man-

agement best practices. Attendees will discover lessons learned and challenges for industry achiever plants

Company. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn energy awareness examples and methods for engaging employees in energy management from companies such as Hanesbrands & Briggs & Stratton Corporation.


Renewable & Alternative EnergyNew to this year’s conference program is a session on Energy Production, detailing four different types of

energy production in the U.S., including Nuclear Energy, offshore wind farms, oil production, and the Marcel-

on the nuts and bolts of renewable power plant development. Attendees will be provided with the knowledge needed to bring a plant to a successful completion and operation.

Alternative fuel vehicles are the leading trend in the automotive market. Attendees will stay up to speed on the payback of these vehicles and the overall effects on the utility grid.

commercial and industrial facilities into the Smart Grid.

Benefits of Attending the 35th WEEC

current topics, and a comprehensive 100,000 sq ft exhibition of the world’s most promising new technologies.The WEEC exhibit hall offers free expo hall workshops and poster sessions, available to all WEEC expo and

conference attendees. Thirteen seminars and seven one-day workshops are offered in conjunction with this year’s

historic FOX Theatre to honor new 2012 Legend in Energy inductees and our esteemed Legends and Chartered Legends.

If you are a Chartered Legend or a current Legend in Energy, we invite you to join us as we celebrate your continued success and accomplishments.

The Phantom Presents: Legends in Energy will be included in the registra-tion fee for paid WEEC conference attendees who are current Legends or eli-gible to be a 2012 Legend in Energy Inductee. If you are not already a Legend in

a Legend in Energy. If you are a WEEC speaker, seminar attendee, exhibitor, corporate leader, or sponsor, you are invited to attend this event for $150. The cost of an additional guest ticket is $150. You must attend the WEEC confer-ence and the Legends in Energy event to receive recognition.


Simply attach this coupon to your completed registration form and return with your payment prior to the registration

deadline of October 17, 2012.

Visit www.energycongress.comand use the discount code WEECNews1.

For new Conference Registrations only. Not valid for seminars, exhibit booths, special events or any other fees.

Opening Session .............................2Plenary ...........................................2Sponsors .........................................2Week-at-a-Glance ..........................3Conference Program ................... 4-5Seminars .................................. 6-12Expo/Free Workshops ...................13Exhibit Hall Floorplan ...................13Events/Poster Sessions ........... 14-15Spotlight ................................ 15-16Product Showcase .................. 17-23Registration Form .........................24AEE Membership Form .................24

October 31 - November 2, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 / Opening SessionLeadership During Crisis & Change

General Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.)

Friday, November 2, 2012 / Keynote LuncheonBreaking News: Iran & U.S. Elections - What it Means for the Energy IndustryTed Koppel, special correspondent of NBC’s prime time news magazine, Rock Center with Brian Williams, commentator for NPR, contributing columnist for The New York Times & The Washington Post, and legendary anchor of ABC News’ Nightline.

Featured Speakers:

Bronze Sponsors

Government Energy Leaders

Platinum Sponsors

White Star Corporate Energy Leaders

Association Energy Leaders

Silver Sponsor

Green Star Corporate Energy Leader

Hosted byPresented by

Gold Sponsor

Red Star Corporate Energy Leader

Page 2: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

www.energycongress.comWEEC 20122

Executive Energy Briefing

Chair: Michael Mondshine, Vice President, Senior Policy Analyst, Science Applications International Corporation


9:15-9:20 am

Albert Thumann, P.E., C.E.M., Executive

9:20-10:20 am

10:45-11:10 am

Susan Story, CEO & President, Southern Company Services

11:10-11:45 am

Library & Museum

10:20-10:45 am

JT Grumski, Senior Vice President & Business Unit General Manager, Science Applications International Corporation

8:30-9:15 am

Maneuver Center of Excellence Band, Fort Benning, GA

Honor Guard

F EVENTS Closing Keynote LuncheonBreaking News: Iran & U.S. Elections - What it Means for the Energy Industry

Ted Koppel is a special correspondent of NBC’s prime time newsmagazine, Rock Center with Brian Williams, commentator for NPR and contributing columnist for The New York Times & The Washington Post. He was the anchor and manager of Nightlinehim the longest-serving news anchor in broadcast network history. With journalistic experience spanning more than ten wars, including serving as an embedded correspondent role with the U.S. Army in Iraq, Koppel has made a career of daring to go where other people won’t and uncovering the untold stories. In a presentation as fresh as today’s headlines, Koppel trains his keen intellect

emergence of China and India to America in the era of Obama and a nation facing an uncertain

experienced guide than Ted Koppel to help us make sense of it all.

th Anniversary Gala Banquet

th Anniversary Gala Banquet, held on Tuesday evening, will th World Energy Engineering Congress. This unparalleled

networking event is included in your paid three-day conference registration and features prominent energy leaders who will be recognized for their outstanding achievements. Just a week before the national election, you will be entertained by The Politicos: DC Unpluggedand guaranteed to draw laughs from both sides of the aisle, this side-splitting performance will feature world-famous impressionist

Reggie Brown as President Barack Obama, Tim Watters as President Bill Clinton, Patti Lyons as Sarah Palin, and legendary comedian Jim Gossett as the event’s esteemed moderator.


company that uses its deep domain knowledge to solve problems of vital importance to the nation and the world, in national security, energy & environment, health and

Homeland Security, other U.S. Government civil agencies and selected commercial markets. Headquartered in McLean, Va., SAIC had annual revenues of approximate-

saic.com. SAIC: From Science to Solutions®_________________________________________________________

Georgia Power is the largest subsidiary of Southern Company, one of the nation’s largest generators of electricity. The company is an investor-owned, tax-paying util-



and resources Georgia Power has available to help residential and business custom-

Georgia Power can help you save.

-tions for residential, commercial and net-zero applications. The company’s portfolio

boilers, solar thermal systems, control systems, tankless water heaters and heating accessories._________________________________________________________

UKTI is the Government department that helps UK-based companies succeed inter-nationally. We also help overseas companies bring their high-quality investment to the UK’s dynamic economy - acknowledged as Europe’s best place from which to grow and succeed in global business www.ukti.gov.uk. UK businesses are develop-

-national markets recognise what the UK has - UK Know How - the combination of intelligence, innovation and capability in a low carbon economy worth £107 billion. _________________________________________________________

We Know Energy from the Inside Out At Trane, our knowledge of buildings provides a new perspective to energy manage-

buildings at every stage of a building’s life cycle, from design and build through operation and renovation. Trane systems and services help increase reliability, lower operational costs, and accurately manage energy. So, because we know buildings from the inside out, we can better manage your building’s energy to increase oc-cupant comfort and productivity while minimizing costs. For more information, visit us at www.trane.com_________________________________________________________

in wholesale electric markets nationally, to commercial/industrial customers. Flex-ible energy users reduce their electricity use when the power grid is in jeopardy or

US EPA ENERGY STAR Program is a dynamic government/industry voluntary

it easy for them to save money and protect the environment. In addition to prod-ucts, ENERGY STAR has expanded to cover homes and commercial and industrial

isn’t all you’re saving._________________________________________________________

-ness with over 20 years of experience providing comprehensive energy engineering


metering, training and more. Visit us at www.saineng.com.

– -

At eLe we are excited to be a service company in the midst of the technology revolu--

dustry with the infusion of new processes, devices, and solutions. When technology develops, we evaluate and incorporate the best into our support services protocols,


to recover or reduce their electric costs without change to their operation or inter-ruption to their business. UMS experts conduct a thorough rate analysis and bill


governmental agencies, and commercial clients.


tions on every job we perform. We offer a full cycle of services with expertise in heating, ventilating, air conditioning, process piping, plumbing, building automation and control systems, as well as service and maintenance. We’ve even developed our own in-house engineering, fabrication, installation and commissioning resources to ensure cost-effective delivery of the highest quality solutions.

business outreach organization, and provides a comprehensive program of assistance to business, industry, entrepreneurs, and economic developers. Our goal is to help enterprises of all kinds apply science, technology, and innovation to improve their bottom lines.

on high-quality car insurance. In addition to your membership discount -- which

the peace of mind that comes with being protected by an auto insurance company

rate quote today._________________________________________________________



The Architect’s Newspaper

Compressed Air Best Practices Magazine

Distributed Energy Magazine

ED+C Magazine


International District Energy Association

Lonmark International

Remote Site & Equipment Management Magazine

Alliance to Save Energy Alternative & Renewable Energy Development Institute (AREDI) American Gas MagazineContractors Hot LineCouncil of Industrial Boiler Owners (CIBO)Geothermal National & International Initiative (GEO-NII)Distributed Energy Magazine

Electric Energy OnlineElectrical NewsElectrical SolutionsThe Electricity ForumIndoor Environment ConnectionsInternational Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA)The New EconomyNew Jersey Higher Education Education Partnership for

Sustainability (NJHEPS)Pollution Equipment NewsRecharge MagazineSchoolFacilities.comSolar Electric Power Association (SEPA)United States Energy Association (USEA)U.S. Combined Heat and Power Association (USCHPA)Today’s Energy SolutionsWindpower Monthly

Dynamite Executive Energy Briefing Kicks off this Year’s Conference

Special Networking Opportunities are Included Free to Full Conference Attendees

New Technologies Breakfast LanyardsTour

Exhibit Hall Coffee

Brink of Design

Page 3: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

WEEC 2012www.energycongress.com 3

CONFERENCE AT A GLANCE 35th AEE Anniversary Gala; Reception Banquet

Conference Opening Session: Executive Energy BriefingLuncheon in Exhibit Hall for Conference Attendees

Exhibits Open Networking Reception in Expo Hall 4:30 pm / Legends in Energy (for specific details, please see page 14)

Luncheon in Exhibit Hall for Conference AttendeesExhibits Open

Keynote Luncheon



International Energy Efficiency Financing Protocol Using Smart Metering to Cut Energy Costs 2009 International Commercial Energy Code Centrifugal Pumps - The Workhorse of Industry Fundamentals of Compressed Air Systems Future of Retrofitting (and Lighting in General), and What Can Be Done Now Business Case Boot Camp for Energy Solutions



Energy Managers Guide to ISO 50001, Energy Management Systems: Self-Declaration (Certification) Process Skills Update 2012 for Certified Energy Managers



Fundamentals of Building Commissioning (CBCP prep) Fundamentals of Building Energy Simulation (BESA prep) Fundamentals of Buying & Selling Energy (CEP prep)Fundamentals of Lighting Efficiency (CLEP prep)

Fundamentals of Measurement & Verification: Applying the IPMVP (CMVP prep)

Fundamentals of Energy Auditing (CEA prep) Fundamentals of Renewable Energy: Technologies, Applications, Strategies (REP prep)

Fundamentals of Carbon Reduction & GHG Management (CRM prep)



Training for Building Technicians: Energy Efficiency & Sustainability (BEST prep)



Comprehensive 5-Day Training Program for Business Energy Professionals (BEP prep)

Superior Energy Performance: Certified Practitioner in Energy Management Systems (Cp EnMS prep)

Some of the distinguished energy professionals at this year’s conferenceSEMINARS AT A GLANCE

Concurrent Training and Certification with WEEC.

Principal Energy Engineer, EnerNOC Technical Advisor, Nodal Partners, LLC Principal Plant Engineer, Pfizer

Senior Engineer, SAIC Energy Manager/Environmental Coordinator, Brown Printing Company

Vice President, Sales & Marketing, STULZ Air Technology Systems, Inc.

Manager, Integrated Industrial Wastewater Management, Environ International Corporation

Senior Vice President, MACH Energy Regional ENERGY STAR Program Manager, U.S. EPA

Strategic Power Solutions Manager, GE Intelligent Platforms

Nora Wang Research Engineer, Pacific Northwest

National LaboratoryGlobal Energy Leader, Dow Corning




Page 4: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

www.energycongress.comWEEC 20124


Brad Penney, General Counsel, National Association for State Community Services Programs and Advocates for the Other America

Jeffrey Harris, Senior Vice President of Programs, Alliance to Save Energy

Michael Mondshine, Vice President and Senior Policy Analyst, SAIC

Terry Blattel, P.E., C.E.M., C.D.S.M., Energy & Sustainability Manager - Central Region, CBRE

Timothy B. Janos, C.E.M., C.E.A., B.E.P., C.D.S.M., C.R.M., C.S.D.P., President, Spectrum Energy Concepts, Inc.

Barney L. Capehart, Ph.D., C.E.M., B.E.P., D.G.C.P., C.E.A., Professor Emeritus, University of Florida

George R. Owens, P.E., C.E.M., C.D.P., G.B.E., C.B.C.P., LEED AP, President, Energy and Engineering Solutions, Inc.

2:30 - 4:30PM

As the United States approaches one of the pivotal Presidential elections in recent decades, our energy policy is in critical condition. What are the potential consequences of this critical energy situation for the United States? What are the key positions of the Republican and Democratic Presidential candidates on energy and what is the likelihood of a comprehensive energy policy being enacted over the next four years?

For full write-up, visit page 16.

U.S. Congressman John Barrow, 12th District of Georgia (INVITED)Dr. Robert Simon, Staff Director, U.S. Senate Committee on Energy & Natural ResourcesFranz X. Wuerfmannsdobler, Senior Policy Advisor for Energy, U.S. Senator Christopher CoonsJay Hakes, Director, Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, Georgia (INVITED)Joshua Johnson, Senior Professional Staff Member, U.S. Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources (INVITED)

2:30 - 4:30PMWith buildings accounting for 40%

of US energy use and GHG emissions, and energy demand by commercial buildings projected to grow faster than energy use in homes, there is clearly a need to “bend down the curve” in energy use both by “locking in” energy efficiency in new buildings and achieving significant reductions in the 80 B sqft of commercial buildings.

Adam Scherba, Project Analyst, New Buildings Institute

Arah Schuur, US DOE, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program, Commercial Buildings Team (INVITED)

Ronald Greaves, C.E.M., LEED AP, Marketing Manager, Siemens

Ervin Cash, President & CEO, and Nishant Saxena, Project Manager, Bosch Thermotechnology Corporation

Paul Volkman, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy & Environment) , U.S. Army

2:30 - 3:00PM

Michael Mondshine, Vice President and Senior Policy Analyst, SAIC

2:30 - 3:00PM

Charles Miltiades, MBA, LEED AP, Senior Controls Engineer, Mitsubishi Electric

2:30 - 3:00PM

William Allemon, C.E.M., C.E.A., LEED AP, Vice President, Energy Management Services, ARCADIS U.S., Inc.

2:30 - 3:00PM

Pete Andrews, Eastern Sales Executive, eSight Energy, Inc.

2:30 - 4:30PMHear from industry experts on the benefits and pitfalls of starting and running an energy consultancy.Get tips and techniques on finding clients, proposal preparation, doing the work and most importantly, getting paid.

Richard J. Costello, P.E., C.E.M., R.E.P., C.D.S.M., G.B.E., C.S.D.P., President, Acela Energy Group, Inc.George R. Owens, P.E., C.E.M., C.D.P., G.B.E., C.B.C.P., LEED AP, President, Energy and Engineering Solutions, Inc.Lindsay P. Audin, C.E.M., C.E.P., LEED AP, President, Energywiz, Inc.Fredric S. Goldner, C.E.M., C.E.A., Principal, Energy Management & Research AssociatesMartin A. Mozzo Jr., P.E., C.E.M., C.M.V.P., B.E.P., President, M & A Associates, Inc.Eric M. Oliver, P.E., C.E.M., G.B.E., LEED AP, President, EMO Energy Solutions, LLCLaurie Wiegand-Jackson, C.E.P., President, North America Power Partners LLC

3:00 - 3:30PM

Kevin Kushman, CEO, Blue Pillar, Inc.

3:00 - 3:30PM

Donald R. Wulfinghoff, P.E., President, Wulfinghoff Energy Services, Inc.


Paul Scheihing, Technology Manager, U.S. Department of Energy

3:00 - 3:30PM

Mark Stephens, P.E., C.E.M., Senior Project Manager, Electric Power Research Institute

3:30 - 4:00PM

Tom Brown, Vice President, SAIC

3:30 - 4:00PM

Kevin E. Carpenter, P.E., C.E.M., Energy Engineer, CLEAResult


Deb Kieper, Senior Energy Project Leader, Energy Management, 3M Plant Engineering - Site Services , 3M

3:30 - 4:00PM

Colin Davis, Founder & CEO, kWhOURS, Inc.

4:00 - 4:30PM

Jim Fireovid, P.E., Senior Engineer, SAIC

4:00 - 4:30PM

Eric C. Erickson, P.E., C.E.M., Factory Manager, The Amalgamated Sugar Co, LLC

4:00 - 4:30PM

Stephen Cannizzaro, Environmental/Facilities Engineer, General Dynamics Ordinance & Tactical Systems

4:00 - 4:30PM

John Steinhoff, P.E., QCxP, LEED AP O+M, Director, Commercial & Industrial Services, Midwest, CLEAResult


Jim E. Woods, C.E.M., C.S.D.P., Vice President, Business Development, Sain Engineering Associates, Inc.

Tim Echols, Chairman, Georgia Public Service Commission

Tom Damon, Vice President, Smart Grid, SAIC

John L. Fetters, C.E.M., C.L.E.P., C.E.A., Owner, Effective Lighting Solutions

Jack P. DiEnna Jr., Executive Director, Geothermal National & International Initiative

Jerry Schmits, C.E.M., Global Energy & Sustainability Manager, CBRE

Shirley J. Hansen, Ph.D., CEO, Hansen Associates, Inc.

9:00 - 10:00AM

Dick Mink, C.E.M., LEED AP O+M, CEMCS Project Manager, Director, Division of Facility Efficiency, Finance & Administration Cabinet and William Slone, P.E., C.E.M., Associate Director, Mechanical & Electrical Services, Commonwealth of Kentucky

9:00 - 9:30AM

Tim Echols, Chairman, Georgia Public Service Commission

9:00 - 9:30AM

Ted Krantz, Vice President, C3

9:00 - 9:30AM

John L. Fetters, C.E.M., C.L.E.P., C.E.A., Owner, Effective Lighting Solutions

9:00 - 9:30AM

Phil Rawlings, C.G.D., Director of Geothermal Services, Trison Construction Inc.

9:00 - 9:30AM

Annemarie Diaz, P.E., C.E.M., Senior Program Consultant, CLEAResult

9:00 - 9:30AM

Shirley J. Hansen, Ph.D., CEO, Hansen Associates, Inc.

9:30 - 10:00AM

Kathy Robb, Program Manager, AGL Energy Services, Private Co-Chair, Energy Services Coalition

9:30 - 10:00AM

Jeffrey Norman, Emerging Technologies, Practice Lead, SAIC

9:30 – 10:00AM

Hubie Notohamiprodjo, Director, Marketing-SSL Products, iWatt


Tom Xenakis, P.E., C.E.M., C.G.D., VP, Commercial Design, Concord Engineering

9:30 - 10:00AM

Neil S. Maldeis, P.E., C.E.M., G.B.E., Energy Solutions Engineering Leader, Trane

9:30 – 10:00AM

James (Jim) W. Brown, P.E., Principal, Regional Manager I Facilities Division, ESA, a Terracon Company

10:00 – 10:30AM

Mark Zoller, EIT, C.E.M., LEED AP, Project Manager, Energy Engineer, Kentucky’s Commonwealth Energy Management & Control System and Peggy Dunagin, EMIT, Project Manager, Energy Engineer, Division of Facility Efficiency, Commonwealth of Kentucky


Steve Morton, Manager, Commercial Energy Efficiency Program, Georgia Power


Grid EraJosh Wepman, AVP, Product Manager, SAIC

10:00 – 10:30AM

Binh Nguyen, P.E., C.E.M., Energy Project Engineer, AMEC Environment & Infrastructure

10:00 - 10:30AM

James Feild, Associate Hydrogeologist, and Paul Stull, Associate Environmental Engineer, AMEC Environment & Infrastructure

10:00 - 10:30AM

Karim Bibawi, Chief Operating Officer, Retroficiency

10:00 – 10:30AM

Paul Marks, Senior Manager, Business Strategy & Development, Intelligent Power Management Solutions, Lockheed Martin

10:30 – 11:00AM

V. Todd Billings, C.E.M., Director of Business Development, Sain Engineering Associates, Inc.


Jill Stuckey, Acting Director, Herty Advanced Materials Development Center


Steven Winstead, Managing Consultant, SAIC

10:30 – 11:00AM

Bob Roller, Vice President Business Development, Ruud Lighting Executive Committee

10:30 - 11:00AM

Zohrab Melikyan, Ph.D., C.E.M., D.G.C.P., Professor, Yerevan State University

10:30 - 11:00AM

Richard Watson, Ph.D., J. Rex Fuqua Distinguished Chair for Internet Strategy, University of Georgia

10:30 – 11:00AM

Pierre Langlois, P.Eng., C.M.V.P., President, Econoler


Michael Mondshine, Vice President and Senior Policy Analyst, SAIC

George (Buster) G. Barksdale Jr., C.E.M., C.S.D.P., Principal, TEK Power Solutions

Thomas M. Giffin, P.E., LEED AP, Vice President, Program Director for Energy Efficiency Services, SAIC

John M. Avina, C.E.M., B.E.P., C.S.D.P., C.E.A., C.M.V.P., CxA, President, Abraxas Energy Consulting

Fredric S. Goldner, C.E.M., C.E.A., Principal, Energy Management & Research Associates

Jeffrey R. Thomas, P.E., C.E.M., C.E.A., G.B.E., Project Manager, Lockwood, Andrews & Newman, Inc.

Laurie Wiegand-Jackson, C.E.P., President, North America Power Partners, LLC

2:30 - 3:00PM

Carolyn Elefant, Principal Attorney, LOCE

2:30 – 4:30PMIn this forum we will have key speakers from each of the Military Services discuss critical issues impacting their programs. We will examine the strategies, policies and projects that services are implementing regarding their renewable energy goals. They will discuss the current laws, policy, and their progress to date. Each service will discuss how their strategy is changing and how that will affect execution. Each will cover progress in areas such as solar, wind and geothermal. They will also address how each service will undertake new strategies in areas such as waste to energy and how that will interact with their energy security, micro-grid and net zero programs.

2:30 – 3:00PM

Pat House, Co-Founder, Vice Chairman, Chief Marketing Officer, C3

2:30 - 3:00PM

John M. Avina, C.E.M., B.E.P., C.S.D.P., C.E.A., C.M.V.P., CxA, President, Abraxas Energy Consulting

2:30 – 3:00PM

Mark Lester, C.E.M., Energy Manager, Polk County Public Schools

2:30 - 3:00PM

OnsiteRichard C. Shaw, P.E., General Manager, Eastern Region Sales, UTC Power

2:30 - 3:00PM

David A. Eberly, P.E., C.E.M., G.B.E., C.S.D.P., C.E.A., Principal Engineer, Facilities Management, Armstrong World Industries

3:00 - 3:30PM

Benjamin Deitchman, Doctoral Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology, Clean Energy Policy Laboratory

3:00 – 3:30PM

Ken Roden, C.E.M., Energy Team Facilitator, Nissan North America

3:00 - 3:30PM

David Jump, Ph.D., P.E., Principal, QuEST

3:00 - 3:30PM

Gregory E. Brown, C.E.M., Director of Operations, Sain Engineering Associates, Inc.

3:00 - 3:30PM

Central Carl E. Salas, P.E., Principal & Founder, Salas O’Brien Engineers Inc.

3:00 - 3:30PM

Gregg M. Dixon, C.E.M., C.D.S.M., C.S.D.P., Senior Vice President, Marketing & Sales, EnerNOC, Inc.

3:30 - 4:00PM

Cecilia Arzbaecher, Ph.D., Principal Energy Engineer, EnerNOC

3:30 – 4:00PM

Steven Drzymala, P.E., Energy Systems Engineer, Titan America, LLC

3:30 - 4:00PM

Steve Kromer, P.E., President, SKEE

3:30 - 4:00PM

Robert L. Berninger, C.E.M., C.S.D.P., Manager Energy & Engineering Projects, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

3:30 - 4:00PM

Jeffrey R. Thomas, P.E., C.E.M., C.E.A., G.B.E., Project Manager, Lockwood, Andrews & Newman, Inc.

3:30 - 4:00PM

Lindsay P. Audin, C.E.M., C.E.P., LEED AP, President, Energywiz, Inc.

4:00 - 4:30PM

Richard E. deFay, Project Manager, Sustainable Electrical Energy, Copper Development Association

4:00 – 4:30PM

Thomas M. Giffin, P.E., LEED AP, Vice President, Program Director for Energy Efficiency Services, SAIC

4:00 - 4:30PM

James P. Waltz, P.E., C.E.M., G.B.E., Principal, Energy Resource Associates, Inc.

4:00 – 4:30PM

Steve Rottmayer, P.E., Project Engineer, kW Engineering

4:00 - 4:30PM

Barnabas Path, Development Director, West, Veolia Energy North America

4:00 - 4:30PM

Laurie Wiegand-Jackson, C.E.P., President, North America Power Partners, LLC


Costas Simoglou, Director, Energy Technology, Georgia Department of Economic Development

Bobby Starling, Director of Army Programs, Sain Engineering Associates

Jim Kohlhaas, Vice President, Strategic Energy Programs, SAIC

Tiffany Stovall, Energy Management Program Director, Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center

John P. Cilia, Managing Consultant, Systems Lab Services & Training, IBM Systems and Technology

Henry Pio, P.E., C.E.M., C.B.C.P, MSME, LEEDAP BD+C, Mechanical Engineer, Haddad Engineering, Inc.

Barry I. Benator, P.E., C.E.M., C.E.A., G.B.E., Benatech Inc

9:00 – 9:30AM

Costas Simoglou, Director, Energy Technology, Georgia Department of Economic Development

9:00-11:00AMThe US Government is one of the largest users of energy in the United States. Energy conservation continues to be a major focus of the U.S. Government, both within the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense. Attend this Session and find out the latest information in both the DOE and the DOD Programs. Panelists will provide insight and discussion into current details for both programs as well as some case studies to illustrate current activities. Bring your questions and prepare to interact with senior representatives from DOE and DOD.

Stephen P. Sain, P.E., C.E.M., C.E.P., C.M.V.P., B.E.P., C.R.M., President, Sain Engineering Associates, Inc.

CDR Matt McCann, Office of Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Installations & Environment, United States Department of Defense

9:00 - 9:30AM

Daniel Sterner, C.E.M., Corporate Energy Manager, Covidien

9:00 - 9:30AM

David Unger, Chief Operating Officer, US Energy Group

9:00 - 9:30AM

Jeff Riegle, R.E.P., LEED AP, Federal Energy Program Manager, AMEC Earth & Environmental

2:30 - 3:00PM

Gary A. Swanson, P.E., President, Energy Management Solutions, Inc.

9:00 - 9:30AM

Agostino Dell’Oso, C.E.M., C.D.S.M., C.M.V.P., Manager of Engineering Services, Celtic Energy and David Tine, LEED AP, Business Development Manager, Celtic Energy

9:30 – 10:00AM

Don Francis, Executive Director, Clean Cities Atlanta and Jules Toraya, Director of Sustainability, City of Atlanta - Mayor’s Office of Sustainability

9:30 - 10:00AM

Jim Kohlhaas, Vice President, Strategic Energy Programs, SAIC

9:30 - 10:00AM

Jenny Carney, Principal, YR&G

9:30 - 10:00AM

Munther Salim, Ph.D., C.E.M., LEED GA, Director of Energy Efficiency, HP – Critical Facilities Services

3:00 - 3:30PM

Russ McIntosh, P.E., C.E.M., LEED AP, Senior Energy Engineer, NORESCO

9:30 - 10:00AM

Monica Watkins, C.E.M., C.M.V.P., Director of Energy & Environmental Programs, Housing Authority of Baltimore City

10:00 – 10:30AM

Bob Pertierra, Vice President, Supply Chain Development, Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce

10:00 - 10:30AM

Chris McCall, C.E.P., Senior Program Manager, SAIC

10:00 - 10:30AM

Walter Kowal, Internal Audit Manager, John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc.

10:00 - 10:30AM

David Joy, Vice President Sales & Marketing, STULZ Air Technology Systems, Inc.

3:30 - 4:00PM

Hanay Hani Altaqi, Senior Research Associate, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research

10:00 - 10:30AM

Eric Kamdem, C.E.M., C.M.V.P., Senior Energy Advisor, Eskom

10:30 – 11:00AM

David Gipson, Director, Energy Resources Division, Georgia Environmental Finance Authority

10:30 -11:00AM

Michael Mondshine, Vice President & Senior Policy Analyst, SAIC

10:30 - 11:00AM

Richard Vaillencourt, P.E., Owner, Canterbury Energy Engineering, LLC

10:30 - 11:00AM

John P. Cilia, Managing Consultant, Systems Lab Services & Training, IBM Systems and Technology

4:00 - 4:30PM

Guy Frankenfield, P.E., Manager, Thermal Energy Storage & Biofuels, DN Tanks

10:30 - 11:00AM

Troy Hull, Director, Metering Solutions, Leviton

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Nick Bleeker, Director, Business Development, Philips Day-Brite and Nick J. Stecky, C.E.M., LEED AP, President, NJS Associates, LLC

Robert D. Sauchelli, Energy Star National Program Manager, US EPA ENERGY STAR

Danny Orlando, Regional Energy Star Program Manager, US EPA ENERGY STAR

Stephen J. Coppinger, P.E., Director of Engineering Services, CalPortland Company

Ryan Park, Director of Business Development, REC Solar

Jim Warren, P.E., C.E.M., B.E.P., G.B.E., C.B.C.P., Senior Program Manager, Spectra Tech, Inc.

2:30 - 3:00PM

Nick Bleeker, Director, Business Development, Philips Day-Brite and Nick J. Stecky, C.E.M., LEED AP, President, NJS Associates, LLC

2:30 - 4:30PMMany Governments and

Municipalities across the country now require the public disclosure of building energy performance. Each of these mandates requires that building owners and managers document and disclose their facilities’ energy consumption using Portfolio Manager, EPA’s ENERGY STAR measurement and tracking tool.

This session will focus on the role that ENERGY STAR Service and Product Providers play to help their customers comply with the disclosure legislation. Learn how Service and Product Providers have seized a new business opportunity and strengthened their business relationships by assisting their clients to meet these new mandates.

Barry Abramson, P.E., Senior Vice President Engineering, SCIenergy, Inc.

Alexa Stone, LEED AP O+M, President, EcoPreserve, LLC

Conor Laver, Ph.D., Chief Scientist, Bright Power, Inc.

Jon Moeller, Senior Vice President, MACH Energy

2:30 - 3:00PM

Alfred J. Hildreth, P.E., C.E.M., Energy Manager, General Motors Company

2:30 - 3:00PM

Mike Whaley, Senior Director of EHS & Administrative Services, Allergan

2:30 - 3:00PM

Peter V.K. Funk Jr., Partner, Funk & Zeifer LLP

2:30 - 3:00PM

Bruce Jones, Project Manager, SAIC

3:00 - 3:30PM

Fred Oberkircher, FIES, Educational IALD, LC, Ambassador for Lighting Education, Philips DayBrite

3:00 - 3:30PM

Steve C. Schultz, C.E.M., C.L.E.P., Corporate Energy Manager, 3M

3:00 - 3:30PM

Michele Mazza, Energy Leader, Building Materials Group, Owens Corning

3:00 - 3:30PM

Kevin Lang, Ph.D., Project Manager, SAIC

3:00 - 3:30PM

Norm Durfee, Senior Project Manager, Energy & Transportation Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

3:30 - 4:30PM

H. Jay Enck, CxAP, HBDP, CPMP, BEAP, Chief Technology Officer, Commissioning & Green Building Solutions, Inc.

3:30 - 4:00PM

Brad C. Runda, P.E., C.E.M., Energy Manager, Saint-Gobain Corporation

3:30 - 4:00PM

Jack Shih, P.E., Director, Environmental and Energy Affairs, Navistar

3:30 - 4:00PM

Anthony Coker, Senior Director, Market & Solutions Development, Suniva and Jamie Porges, COO, Radiance Solar

3:30 - 4:00PM

John M. Markowitz, P.E., C.E.M., Lead Research & Technology Development Engineer, New York Power Authority

4:00 - 4:30PM

Keith Warner, Energy Manager, The Boeing Company

4:00 - 4:30PM

Larry F. Fabina, Continuous Improvement Manager, Burns Harbor Plant, ArcelorMittal

4:00 - 4:30PM

Ervan Hancock, Renewable & Green Energy Strategy Manager, Georgia Power

4:00 – 4:30PM



Stephen A. Roosa, Ph.D., C.E.M., C.R.M., B.E.P., R.E.P., C.D.S.M., C.S.D.P., C.M.V.P., C.I.A.Q.P., Account Executive, Energy Systems Group

W. Dan Turner, Ph.D., P.E., President, Nodal Partners, LLC and Song Deng, P.E., C.B.C.P., C.M.V.P., R.E.P., Technical Advisor, Nodal Partners, LLC

John Bracey, President, Skye Energy, LLC

Ken Roden, C.E.M., Energy Team Facilitator, Nissan North America

Fred C. Schoeneborn, President, FCS Consulting Services, Inc.

Jim Kohlhaas, Vice President, Strategic Energy Programs, SAIC

Richard J. Costello, P.E., C.E.M., MSEM, BSME, President, Acela Energy Group, Inc.

9:00 - 9:30AM

Stephen A. Roosa, Ph.D., C.E.M., C.R.M., B.E.P., R.E.P., C.D.S.M., C.S.D.P., C.M.V.P., C.I.A.Q.P., Account Executive, Energy Systems Group

9:00 - 9:30AM

Bob West, P.E., C.E.M., C.B.C.P., C.E.A., G.B.E., CxA, LEED AP, Vice President Operations, Advantage Research Monitoring, Inc.

9:00 - 9:30AM

Maria Vargas, Director, Better Buildings Challenge, Department of Energy

9:00 - 9:30AM

Jack Johnson, C.P.E., CEMIT, Energy Manager, Environmental Coordinator, Brown Printing Company

9:00 - 9:30AM

Steven J. Fugarazzo, Enterprise Energy Team Director, Raytheon Company

9:00 – 9:30AM

Cheri Collins, Manager of External Alliances, Nuclear Department, Georgia Power

9:00 – 9:30AM

John Snell, Managing Director, FCStone, LLC

9:30 - 10:00AM

Ted Photakis, Senior Account Executive,Energy Systems Group

9:30 - 10:00AM

Michael C. English, P.E., CCP, LEED AP, Senior Partner, Horizon Engineering Associates, LLP

9:30 – 10:00AM

Lauren Dufort, LEED AP, Director of Sustainability, Central Atlanta Progress

9:30 - 10:00AM

Richard Feustel, C.E.M., Corporate Energy Services Manager, Briggs & Stratton Corporation

9:30 - 10:00AM

Robin Haugen, General Manager of Production Engineering & Plant Engineering, Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America

9:30 – 10:00AM

David Khemakhem, Energy & Technology Advisor, Corporate Strategic Planning, Exxon Mobil Corporation

9:30 – 10:00AM

Kenneth Antos, Vice President, Retail Energy Markets, World Energy

10:00 - 10:30AM

Karamostefa Khelil Cherifa, Professor,Saad Dahleb University

10:00 - 10:30AM

H. Jay Enck, CxAP, HBDP, CPMP, BEAP, Chief Technology Officer, Commissioning & Green Building Solutions, Inc.

10:00 – 10:30AM

Clark Wisenbaker, LEED GA, Attorney, Davis, Pickren, Seydel & Sneed, LLP

10:00 - 10:30AM

Sharon Nolen, Corporate Energy Program Manager, Eastman Chemical Company

10:00 - 10:30AM

Thomas Pagliuco, Global & Sustainability Director, Merck & Co., Inc.

10:00 – 10:30AM

Santee Cooper, Invited

10:00 – 10:30AM

GasMax Dorflinger, Director, Distributed Power Solutions, Nostrum Power, LLC


Paul Popinchalk, P.E., C.M.V.P., LEED AP,Director of Engineering andChristopher Halpin, P.E., C.E.M.,C.M.V.P., LEED AP, President, Celtic Energy

10:30 - 11:00AM

Richard Jones, Ph.D., Senior Vice President - Engineering & Research, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co., Song Deng, P.E., C.B.C.P., C.M.V.P., R.E.P., Technical Advisor, Nodal Partners, LLC, and W. Dan Turner, Ph.D., P.E., President, Nodal Partners, LLC

10:30 – 11:00AM

John Bracey, President, Skye Energy,LLC

10:30 - 11:00AM

Philip Henson, Facility Engineering, Hanesbrands, Inc.

10:30 - 11:00AM

Mark Albert, P.E., C.E.M., Sustainability Program Manager, Sargento Foods

10:30 – 11:00AM

Binoy Choudhury, Ph.D., C.E.M., Associate Professor, Energy Management, IISWBM

10:30 – 11:00AM

Richard Costello, P.E., C.E.M., MSEM, BSME, President, Acela Energy Group, Inc.


Asad Gilani, C.E.M., B.E.P., Energy Program Manager, DHS-ICE

Nick Bleeker, Director, Business Development, Philips Day-Brite

Nick J. Stecky, C.E.M., LEED AP, President, NJS Associates, LLC

Roderick Smith, Publisher, Compressed Air Best Practices Magazine

Todd Billings, C.E.M., Business Development Director, Sain Engineering Associates, Inc.

David R. Cook Jr., Attorney, Autry, Horton & Cole, LLP

Bradley J. Reed, C.E.M., C.P.Q., Assistant Project Manager, Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America

2:30 - 3:00PM

Daniel L. Briller, P.E., LEED AP, Senior Project Manager, J.M. Waller Associates, Inc.

2:30 - 3:00PM

Keith Graeber, P.E., Engineering Director, California Lighting Technology Center, UC Davis

2:30 - 3:00PM

Tom Lowery, P.E., LEED AP, Director of Energy Programs, AMEC E&I

2:30 - 3:00PM

Frank Moskowitz, Compressed Air Systems Analyst, Atlas Copco Compressors

2:30 - 3:00PM

Shirley Jean Bergman, C.E.M., C.M.V.P., Energy Services Group Manager, McFarland Johnson, Inc.

2:30 - 4:30PMThis session will cover a variety of top-ics related to renewable power plant development, including financing, in-centives, and contracting for construc-tion, interconnection, and power sales. This extended discussion will provide an overview of key considerations and risks. It will also provide practical tips to bring the plant to a successful completion and operation.

I. IntroductionII. Financing and IncentivesIII. Technological IssuesIV. Regulatory ConsiderationsV. Construction Contracting and Risk

MitigationVI. Power Contracts

David R. Cook Jr., Attorney, Autry, Horton & Cole, LLPCharles T. Autry, Attorney, Autry, Horton & Cole, LLPRoland F. Hall, Attorney, Autry, Horton & Cole, LLPMark V. Hanrahan, Attorney, Autry, Horton & Cole, LLPNelson Hawk, Chairman, EnerVision, Inc.

2:30 – 3:00PM

Ben Echols, Marketing Program Manager, Electric Vehicle Program, Georgia Power

3:00 - 3:30PM

Arun Jhaveri, Ph.D., C.S.D.P., Senior Advisor/Consultant, Arun Jhaveri & Associates

3:00 - 3:30PM

Nader A. Khalil, Corporate Engineer Manager, Dot Foods, Inc.

3:00 - 3:30PM

Paul F. Hutchins, Ph.D., P.E., C.E.M., LEED AP, Vice President, Aerospace & Defense, Reynolds, Smith & Hills, Inc.

3:00 - 3:30PM

Pierre Noack, President, Aerzen USA

3:00 – 3:30PM

Jerry R. Dennis, C.E.M., C.E.P., Energy Manager, DFW International Airport

3:00 – 3:30PM

Jaime Castro, P.E., C.E.M., LEED AP O+M, Senior Project Manager, Encotech Engineering

3:30 - 4:00PM

Edward Crowe, Ph.D., P.E., C.E.M., Engineering Scientist, West Virginia University


Peter Hugh, LC, IESNA, President, Hugh Lighting Design

3:30 - 4:00PM

Nick J. Stecky, C.E.M., LEED AP, President, NJS Associates, LLC

3:30 - 4:00PM

Nitin G. Shanbhag, Senior Manager, Charlotte Business Operations, Hitachi America

3:30 – 4:00PM

Michael Cheyne, A.A.E., PMP, Director of Asset Management & Sustainability, Planning & Development, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport

3:30 – 4:00PM

Brian Habacivch, Senior Vice President, Fellon-McCord

4:00 - 4:30PM

Matthew Cox, Doctoral Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology

4:00 - 4:30PM

Mitchell Boucher, P.E., LEED AP, Energy/Engineering Manager, Meijer Inc.

4:00 - 4:30PM

Erin Shaffer, Vice President, Federal Outreach, The Green Building Initiative

4:00 - 4:30PM

Wayne Perry, Technical Director, Kaeser Compressors

4:00 – 4:30PM

Chris Hugunin, Acting Manager, Safety & Standards Branch, Office of Airports,Federal Aviation Administration (INVITED)

4:00 – 4:30PM


Rick Lancaster, Assistant Manager PLE-FE, Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America

Eric W. Soderberg, P.E., Energy Engineer, North Carolina State University

Steven C. Ganzer, C.E.M., President, SEE Solutions, Inc.

John L. Nicol, P.E., Regional Energy Program Director, SAIC

Ken Patterson, C.E.M., C.D.S.M., Senior Energy Advocate, Advanced Energy Innovations

Bryan Martin, C.E.M., Business Development Manager, EnerNOC, Inc.

Ivette Sanchez, LEED AP BD+C, Energy Solutions Director, Maya Smart Energy Consulting

9:00 - 9:30AM

Chester Seaman, WWTP Site Manager, CAMUS Water Technologies, Bushy Park Facility and Todd Lusk, P.E., Manager, Integrated Industrial Wastewater Management, Environ

9:00 - 9:30AM

Steve Melink, P.E., President, Melink Corporation

9:00 - 9:30AM

Subid Wagley, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy

9:00 - 9:30AM

Jerry Zolkowski, P.E., C.E.M., Global Energy Leader, Dow Corning

9:00 - 9:30AM

Brian McCarter, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, Sustainable Real Estate Solutions, Inc.

9:00 - 9:30AM

John E. Farmer, C.E.M., C.R.M., CPMM, Principal Plant Engineer, Pfizer

9:00 - 9:30AM

Steve Bridgewater, Smart Consumption, National Business Development Manager, Siemens Industry Inc., Building Technologies Division

9:30 - 10:00AM

Frank Canterbury, Water & Wastewater Systems Specialist, Toyota Motor Manufacturing & Engineering, North America


Willard Lariscy, LEED AP BD+C, Principal, Managing Director, Perkins+Will


Tony Mayfield, President, Tech Briefings

9:30 - 10:00AM

Brett Rasmussen, P.E., C.E.M., Senior Energy Engineer, Nissan North America, Inc.

9:30 - 10:00AM

Ken Patterson, C.E.M., C.D.S.M., Senior Energy Advocate, Advanced Energy Innovations

9:30 - 10:00AM

Anant Venkateswaran, C.E.M., Technical Solutions, Director, Smart Grid, GE Digital Energy

9:30 - 10:00AM

Jack McGowan, C.E.M., President, Energy Control Inc.

10:00 - 10:30AM

Ron Steiger, Strategic Power Solutions Manager, GE Intelligent Platforms

10:00 - 10:30AM

John L. Salas, P.E., C.E.M., G.B.E., C.B.C.P., LEED AP, Managing Principal, Salas O’Brien


Edwin W. Dovel, Vice President of Public Sector, Harris Lighting

10:00 - 10:30AM

Kevin P. Vidmar, C.E.M., C.E.A., C.R.M., Vice President, Energy Services, Loureiro Engineering Associates

10:00 - 10:30AM

Anthony Buonicore, P.E., Managing Director, Buonicore Partners

10:00 - 10:30AM

Xiaojing Sun, Graduate Research Assistant, Georgia Institute of Technology

10:00 - 10:30AM

Phil Davis, Senior Manager, Demand Response Resource Center, Schneider Electric

10:30 - 11:00AM

John Lester, Senior Director of Technical Services, Chemtreat, Inc.

10:30 - 11:00AM

Emmanuel A. Iyiegbuniwe, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Western Kentucky University


Ray Prosise, Government Business Development Manager, Spirax Sarco

10:30 - 11:00AM

Paul Mehta, Ph.D., Professor & Chairman, Bradley University

10:30-11:00AM 10:30 - 11:00AM

Beau Griffey, Director, Account Management, U.S. Energy Services, Inc.

10:30 - 11:00AM

Ray Segars, C.E.M., Consultant, Expo Energy & Environmental, Inc. and Vishant Shah, Senior Consultant, EnerNex

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The objective of this Commercial Energy Code Seminar is to educate the construction community about the energy code in order to increase compliance. The courses will be primarily geared towards engineers, architects, code enforcement

The presentation includes an in-depth review and analysis of the mechanical, envelope and lighting/power requirements for commercial buildings. This workshop is more oriented to “un-

presentation is full of graphics (no more brick slides with the tra-

code highlighted as an organized follow up of the contents. It also includes explanations of the applicability of the section; and cor-responding images of real-life building situations of both compli-ant and non-compliant constructions, as appropriate. In order to enable greater compliance with the energy code, we encourage a discussion around interpretations and applications of the code by addressing the building science and intent behind the code’s prescriptions. Within each section of the Code, there

that have a large impact. We identify and discuss these points to ensure that attendees understand the full application of the code.

the base code for most states in the country and it is designed to -

jor changes introduced in the newly released 2012 International Energy Code will be highlighted throughout the workshop. The last section is devoted to enforcement of the code to ensure compliance. Since the Code is primarily a prescriptive code and the majority of projects will be able to readily comply, emphasis is placed on the standard compliance path using COMcheck. The performance-based Energy Cost Budget Method of ASHRAE


Building energy consumption.Energy codes.

Applications.Commercial Energy Code for Mechanical systems

General requirements.Mandatory provisions applicable to all systems.Simple HVAC systems and equipment.Complex HVAC systems and equipment.

Commercial Energy Code for EnvelopeGeneral Requirements.

Fenestration.Air leakage.Vapor retarders.

Commercial Energy code for Lighting/Power systemsGeneral requirements.Lighting controls.Tandem wiring.Exit signs.Interior lighting power requirements.Exterior lighting.Electrical energy consumption.

Enforcement of the code to ensure compliancePrescriptive compliance path using ComCheck.Introduction to performance-based Energy Cost Budget


Juan C. Toro, P.E., HBDP, CPMP, LEED AP is an Associate Principal at Glickman En-gineering Associates and is the head of the

experienced mechanical engineer and has been responsible for designing complex and innovative mechanical systems for sever-

Mechanical Engineering; he is a Licensed Professional Engineer in the States of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and North

Professional from ASHRAE; Commercial Energy Plans Exam-iner and Commercial Energy Inspector from the International

the USGBC. Mr. Toro has several years of design and commissioning ex-perience from a variety of projects, including high-rise buildings, hotels, corporate interiors, retail, museums, natatoriums, enter-tainment venues and libraries. His experience in HVAC design includes central plants, chilled water, hot water and steam sys-tems, air distribution systems, mechanical equipment selection


lizes advanced HVAC systems that will help the multipurpose in-

designed a new hi-rise luxury residential building located next to the High Line elevated public park project in New York City, the

Mr. Toro is also an Adjunct Professor at New York University and Pratt Institute in their School of Continuing and Professional Studies. He develops and teaches full semester courses and one

in HVAC design and the latest version of the Energy Conserva-tion Codes. He is member of AEE, ASHRAE, ASME and the Urban Green Council.

October 30, 2012 / 9:00 am - 5:00 pmEarns 0.8 CEU / 8 PDHSeminar held at Georgia World Congress Center

‘Smart’ meters (also called interval me-

periods. By accessing and understanding such data, facility man-agers, utilities, and contractors may cut costs by trimming peak demand, uncovering hidden energy waste, and employing lower cost utility and market-based electric rates. Through in-depth instruction, this seminar covers the basics of ‘smart’ metering, including its use in load management and other cost-cutting utility programs, and ways to cut costs even

walks participants through the catalysts pushing smart metering and the new tariffs they are fostering. When and how to deploy such metering at facilities will be covered, as well as the costs,

-ing. To demonstrate how to analyze interval meter data, a dozen real-life examples are covered. Participants receive and use several advanced Excel-based

analyzing data from smart meters. While not essential, in-class

Hookup to power strips will be available.

What ‘smart’ metering can do for you

How to secure interval dataCharting tools we will use to cut peaks

Power Usage Patterns and Their ImpactsZeroing in on energy use patters

Load factor as a limited shortcutHow time-of-day may impact pricing

Metering basics and costsUseful information resourcesCorrelating data with building mechanical and operating dataA few lessons learned

Charting/examining a single sliceFirst steps of an analysis

Twelve examples from real lifeCorrelating/charting with temperatureTips for tighter analysis

Enhancing Charts to Highlight IssuesMaking charts easier to understandChanging chart size/shape/orientationFocusing on and controlling peaksMaking day-of-the-week data visible

Using it to set peak demand goalsAnalyzing alternative rates

Lindsay Audin

users, government agencies, energy suppli-ers, and other consultants, both in the U.S. and abroad. His clients include many well-known companies, institutions, and consult-

program. Audin has been named Energy Manager of the Year by three

Association of Energy Engineers named him their International

techniques for developing and analyzing interval metering data that are now used by hundreds of practitioners. His metering-related work includes designing, specifying, and managing large submetering systems covering electricity, steam, chilled water,

a dozen publications and videos, and garnered many awards and citations. In 2011, he wrote the technical portions of New York City’s demand response RFP.

as energy manager for Columbia University and 12 years with

authored hundreds of columns and articles on energy issues for Architectural Record, Engineered Systems, and other trade publi-cations. He has also been a contributing editor to Building Operating Management magazine since 2002 and sits on the editorial board of High Performance Buildings magazine (an ASHRAE

Using Smart Metering to Cut Energy CostsOctober 30, 2012 / 9:00 am - 5:00 pmEarns 0.8 CEU / 8 PDHSeminar held at Georgia World Congress Center

services which aid in:-

Financial risk management of energy savings performance contractsQuantifying carbon emissions reductions from energy ef-

Promoting sustainable and green construction through cost-effective and accurate accounting of energy and water savings

EVO has developed an IEEFP which provides guidelines for


a better understanding by LFIs and other global stakeholders on how Energy Savings Projects generate savings from existing op-erating expenses of end-use consumers, and how this equates to

-ers to repay EEP loans. At the core of the IEEFP is the need to measure and verify energy savings created by the Energy Savings

Projects to ensure sustainability of the reduced energy costs and

Topics to be Discussed: Global EE/RE Global Concepts -

nologies; Global EE Financing Structures; EE Financing Barriers

Model; EE Project Case Studies ; EE Transaction Elements & Risk Mitigation

Global’ EE/RE Global Concepts OverviewEE Stakeholders & TechnologiesGlobal EE Financing Structure

Coffee BreakEE Financing Barriers & Solutions

Lunch‘ESCO’ Business Model

Coffee BreakEE Project Case StudiesEE Transaction Elements & Risk Mitigation

Questions & Answers

Mr. Thomas Dreessen is an internation-

-cial/institutional/industrial facilities world-

Thanks to his extensive transaction-based

energy-consuming facilities and his own ESCOs. In these assign-

EE market stakeholders, aggregated EE projects to access local debt or equity as well as trained an important number of banks


October 30, 2012 / 9:00 am - 5:00 pmEarns 0.8 CEU / 8 PDHSeminar held at Georgia World Congress Center




Page 7: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

WEEC 2012www.energycongress.com 7SEMINARS

This is a one-day introductory course designed to teach facility engineers, operators and maintenance

-tive production and use of compressed air. Participants will learn how to:

Calculate the energy cost of compressed air in their facility;

Identify inappropriate uses of compressed air;Establish a baseline by which they can measure improve-

Match system supply to actual production requirements for

Establish a leak prevention program, andBetter control compressed air to improve productivity and

When you register, you will be sent an information packet in-cluding materials you will complete prior to the training. This information will be critical as you use data to calculate cost and

IntroductionWhy Care About Air?

Compressed Air Challenge questionnairePre-workshop assignment


What is demand side?

Typical components of demandInappropriate uses of compressed air

BreakAre You on Base?

Baselining basics and techniquesLunch (60 minutes)Stay Under Control

Using controls - pros and consBreak

Simple, quick cost cutting measures

BreakGet With the Plan

Seven Step Action PlanPersonal action plan

BreakSummary and EvaluationAdjourn

Joe Ghislain is currently Manager, Lean Supplier Optimization –Powertrain and a

-pany’s Lean Supplier Optimization Group.

Energy, Powerhouse Operations, Compressed Air Systems, and

the positions he has held include: Licensed Stationary Engineer, Power House Chief Engineer, Corporate Energy Engineer, Man-

Programs where he was responsible for developing and imple-menting energy management programs to reduce energy cost and


within all of Ford’s plants and divisions globally. Joe has been part of the Compressed Air Challenge since

Technical Advisory Committee, and as the End User Represen-

Fundamentals and Advanced Compressed Air System Training and contributed to the development of both courses, as well as the Improving Compressed Air System Performance: A Sourcebook

-nology and his M.A. in Business Management and Energy from


has authored/co-authored many technical papers on Energy and compressed air that have been published by a number of sources including, AEE, ACEEE, ECEE, SAE, SME and Plant Services. Joe serves on several energy committees including US Coun-

Standard Consensus Board, and ASME Industrial Energy Sys-tems Assessment Committee.

Fundamentals of Compressed Air SystemsOctober 30, 2012 / 9:00 am - 5:00 pmEarns 0.8 CEU or 8 PDHSeminar held at Georgia World Congress Center

This is the premiere of this full day pre-sentation, including much more material than the half-day ver-



better than just trying to reduce wattage? With very low power

for exterior? Is induction still relevant? What are the advantages of contractors and other lighting professionals providing options

over providing just providing a take if or leave it proposal with

will be included.

Morning Introduction

Including average does not cut it anymoreTechnology progression

Electronically ballasted ceramic metal halideFinancial Progression

Net present value, savings to investment ratio, etc. instead of payback and ROI


Eliminate parabolic louversSpectrally enhanced lighting

Five pairs of tables on various applications One of each pair with just payback and ROI without the time value of money

Light and human healthCircadian rhythms

Hospital and school studiesEtc.

AfternoonAutomatic controls

When manual controls are really betterWhen are the really cost effective after getting lighting power density so lowOccupancy sensorsPhotocontrolsAdvanced Controls

Wired Wireless

Future of dimmingInductionGarage lighting and controlsExterior lighting and controls

RoadwayParking lotWall packsEtc.

instead of just providing take it or leave it proposals with grand totalsSustainability

Low carbon footprintMercury and other toxic materials reduction

EPACT tax deductions

Final Q&A, projects, comments, etc.

Stan Walerczyk is principal of Lighting


minaire design, rebate planning, policy mak-

for California’s Title 20 Appliance Standard and Federal EPACT -

ucts. He has done considerable independent project managing for California Lighting Technology Center’s work on California Energy Commission’s Public Interest Energy Research. He has


by the Association of Energy Engineers and is on the Review -

-ergy Management Committees. End-user customers include Am-trak, California State University System, Google, Hawaii Con-

Army installations and Warner Bros. Complete bio, testimonials, seminar schedule, client list and other information are available at www.lightingwizards.com.

October 30, 2012 / 9:00 am - 5:00 pmEarns 0.8 CEU or 8 PDHSeminar held at Georgia World Congress Center

-trifugal pumps for industrial application, provide a short techni-cal brief, discuss routine operational issues, maintenance ideas and how to identify and reduce the cost of running the pumps in your facility. A copy of the Slides will be provided to attend-

operational reliability, some key maintenance issues and trouble-shooting techniques. We offer a roadmap for your facility to help

issues, system costs and what savings opportunities may exist.

-tical application information for operations personnel in any type of facility. You will be sent an information packet including some examples about reading and understanding pump curves and a detailed Questionnaire about pump systems. These exercises should help you prepare for the session.

IntroductionIndustrial applications, usages, costs & opportunities:

What pumps do and how they operateTypes and components and general failure modes

Understanding Pump CurvesBreakTechnical Issues:

NPSH and Cavitation

Piping System & Friction

Throttling & Impeller TrimCommissioning

Lunch (60 minutes)Auxiliary Equipment:

Bearings & LubricationPacking & Mechanical SealsCanned Pumps

CouplingsBreakMaintenance Issues:

AlignmentVibrationsTroubleshooting ListsSeal Failure Analysis

Summary:Main Causes of Pump FailureSelecting Good PumpsOperating them wellAn Rx list for your facilityQuestions, Evaluation and Adjourn

is President of JoGar

Energy & Utility Services, Inc. a small At-lanta-based Consulting Firm that specializes

System Reviews for commercial and in-dustrial plants. He also conducts technical training for engineers and utility personnel.

technical staff and plant operational experience in large and small facilities for the tire & rubber, aerospace and pulp & paper in-dustries.

A Registered Professional Engineer in four states

He recently served as a technical consultant for a Fortune 100 company coordinating their energy program, conducting plant energy reviews, boiler plant optimization, process technical sys-tem assessments and implementing energy projects in over 120 facilities, Worldwide. He has developed and presented training modules for boiler systems and water treatment, make-up water & steam treatment, combustion optimization, plant energy systems and optimization, plant process energy systems, compressed air systems, pump sys-tems and water usage optimization. His commercial and industrial boiler system experience is

-gineers License in Ohio.

Centrifugal Pumps - The Workhorse of IndustryOctober 30, 2012 / 9:00 am - 5:00 pmEarns 0.8 CEU / 8 PDHSeminar held at Georgia World Congress Center




Page 8: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

www.energycongress.comWEEC 20128 SEMINARS

This seminar is intended for professionals who already have the CEM credential and need to acquire the CEUs to maintain their CEM. The presentation has been designed

for Energy Managers offered by AEE, and is presented by the same instructors as that program. This course is more interactive and addresses several advanced topics, going beyond what was covered in the basic course, or that are new since the materials for the original seminar were developed. By completing this two-

Prepare for new legislation that could affect your organiza-tion.

Improved company image and marketing opportunities,-


Major areas covered by this seminar:

Global Energy and Environmental TrendsInformation on New Programs:

ISO 50001 – What it is, Steps to Implement & CertifySuperior Energy Performance Program

Update on Lighting SystemsUpdate Waste to Energy Systems

Morning –

Advanced Electrical Systems AnalysisReactive PowerPower FactorPower Factor CorrectionPower QualityHarmonics Harmonic Correction

Afternoon – Air Conditioning System ImprovementsAdvanced Air Conditioning CyclesMagnetic Bearing ChillersVariable Refrigerant Volume Systems

Ford, Verizon, Hertz, Visteon, JPMorgan-Chase, Universities, Airports, Utilities, Cities, the US and and Foreign Governments. Thousands have attended his courses and his work has appeared

-porate trainer and keynote speaker. Eric is the founder of -ableGreenSolutions.com

Barney Capehart -fessor Emeritus of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Florida,

years. For the last thirty years, energy sys-tems analysis has been his main area of re-

search and publication. He is the co-author of eleven books on energy topics, and over 50 energy research articles in scholarly journals. He worked with the Florida Legislature to write and

credit as the person most responsible for creating these appli-ance standards that have saved Florida electric and water utility customers over three billion dollars. He currently teaches energy management seminars around the country and around the world for the Association of Energy Engineers. He is a Member of the Hall of Fame of the Association of Energy Engineers; is listed

Palladium Medal by the American Association of Engineering Societies for his work on energy systems analysis and appliance

July 2007.

Regular fee: $1250; AEE member fee: $1150; government &

October 29 - 30, 2012 / 9:00 am - 5:00 pmEarns 1.6 CEU or 16 PDHSeminar held at Georgia World Congress Center

Energy solutions happen when people

-shop covers the philosophy, tactics, and resources that support the implementation of commercial and industrial energy solutions.

reviewed in this workshop from the ground up and in an energy-smart context. There is a better alternative to “doing more with

-ers that wish to become a valuable organizational resource. While most energy managers are prepared to tackle techni-cal issues, few have the background needed to demonstrate busi-

strategy for converting energy choices in to dollars. Monetiza-tion allows energy managers to become champions for business

-ment opportunities, energy managers can more effectively dem-onstrate their value to the balance of their organization. Attend-

want contribute to business performance, thereby sustaining their own professional viability.

Welcome & IntroductionsSetting the Stage: Facilities Management Version 1.0The Role of the Energy ManagerBreakEnergy, Money & BusinessLunchMonetizing Energy ChoicesBusiness Plans for ImplementationBreakResourcesSummary & Wrap-Up Roundtable

Christopher Russell is a nationally-rec-ognized expert in the design and implemen-tation of energy cost control strategies for business organizations. He has documented and evaluated energy management practices

at dozens of facilities, and has advised corporations, utilities, trade associations, and government agencies in the planning and promotion of industrial energy programs. His reader-friendly

He is developing social media communications to promote en-ergy solutions to corporate and policy audiences. Christopher is in high demand as a writer for trade press and as a keynote speaker at industry conferences. He is recognized by the Asso-

-cient Economy. He is a capstone advisor to graduate students in the Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies (Real

the Texas A&M Industrial Energy Technology Conference. He holds an MBA and a Master of Arts from the University of Mary-land, and a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. For more information: .

Business Case Boot Camp for Energy SolutionsOctober 30, 2012 / 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Earns 0.8 CEU or 8 PDHSeminar held at Georgia World Congress Center

ISO 50001 is a new international standard for energy management systems developed by International Or-

-dard establishes a framework for industrial, commercial, institu-tional, and governmental facilities to manage energy and reduce consumption. Based on the energy management system model,

Use of ISO 50001 empowers organizations to gain a broad, comprehensive understanding of its energy consumption and the factors driving it, and then set achievable reduction targets in line with relevant industry best practices. This 2-day course is designed to help energy managers put in place a structured, appropriate, and effective energy management system in accor-dance with ISO 50001. When such a system is mature, energy management becomes integrated into day-to-day responsibilities and activities, and is thereby sustainable over time.

Participants will gain a clear understanding of how to imple-ment the standard, as well as critical areas and typical pitfalls en-countered in the past. Using ISO 50001 as the model, the instruc-tors will guide participants through the process of establishing an energy management system through a combination of instruction and workshops. Attendees will participate in a variety of interac-tive learning exercises.

: The course will cover the following topics:

Course objectivesISO 50001 Standard

Establishing the system: scope and boundariesEstablishing the system: planning and the initial energy review

variablesLegal and other obligationsPrioritization for effective energy managementObjectives, targets, and action plansThe baseline and key performance indicators

Questions and discussions

Resource managementResponsibilities and authority, communicationTraining and competence, documentation and controls

Procedures and processes

Monitoring, measurement and analysis, where, when, and who

Monitoring performanceInternal audits and management review

Self-declaration to the management standard

Questions and discussions

IAN BOYLAN, C.E.M., C.E.A., C.M.V.P., is a consulting energy engineer based in Ire-land, where his broad energy management experience includes assisting a wide range of organizations in developing effective en-ergy management systems. Working in the

commercial, industrial, and public sectors, he understands the


-rently have or are transitioning to the ISO 50001 standard.


cipal of Spectrum Energy Consultants, Inc., involved in a wide variety of energy-related

management profession, he has designed and implemented numerous innovative projects for the purpose of saving energy and has completed hundreds of energy audits in automotive, industrial, educational, and commercial facilities. A past president of AEE, he currently serves as chairman of AEE’s

been AEE’s representative on the ISO 50001 Committee since

Regular fee: $1250; AEE member fee: $1150; government and

Energy Managers Guide to ISO 50001,

October 29 - 30, 2012 / 9:00 am – 5:00 pmEarns 1.6 CEU or 16 PDHSeminar held at Georgia World Congress Center




The World Energy Engineering Congress Final newspaper is published annually by the Association of Energy Engineers4025 Pleasantdale Road, Suite 420, Atlanta, GA 30340

July 2012 Issue Number 1

Page 9: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

WEEC 2012www.energycongress.com 9SEMINARS

by professionals preparing to sit for AEE’s Building Energy Sim-

gain a clear, in-depth understanding of the theory and practice of computerized building energy modeling and will also have the opportunity for hands-on building simulation experience during the seminar.

Important: Seminar attendees should bring laptop computers to this seminar and should download prior to the course date the latest free eQUEST simulation software available at doe2.com/equest/ for use during instruction.

An increasing number of federal and state laws, as well as professional energy standards, protocols, and rating systems are requiring the use of computerized building energy simula-tion programs to verify energy and dollar savings for both high-performance new facility design projects and existing building

projects have learned the value of advance energy modeling as an effective tool assuring the future value of their investments.

The knowledge you will gain by participating in this training -

the select group of professionals available to meet this growing demand for effectively administered computerized building en-ergy simulation, either for your own organization’s projects or for those of your clients.

will be administered at the close of instruction on the last day of the seminar at the same location. In order to sit for the exami-nation it is necessary to submit a BESA application, which can

be obtained at . Note that

Major areas covered by this seminar:

Specifying Baseline Building

Constructing ModelsEvaluating Model ResultsCommunicating Analysis ResultsImplementing the Project

Strategizing to create a baseline model of appropriate granu-

Course wrap-up and test preparation

Software tool demonstrationsInverse modeling techniquesExtracting valuable information from utility bills

Blink test techniquesEmerging technologies


extensive expertise in building simulation and energy modeling, with a focus on exist-ing buildings. As Vice President of Research

guide the company’s internal software development teams. As a

he has delivered weeklong comprehensive Energy Assessment trainings that include sections on energy modeling to govern-mental clients worldwide. He has a passionate belief that energy simulation tools, when properly wielded, often represent the best available technology for accurately estimating the potential for

as an HVAC/R design engineer, background in simulation soft-ware development, and understanding of monetizing energy sav-ings through appropriate M&V techniques to present a vision for transforming energy use in buildings. He is a member of IBPSA, AEE, and ASHRAE, and serves as programs committee chair of

Fundamentals of Building Energy SimulationOctober 29 - 31, 2012 / 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (3-day seminar) Earns 2.0 CEU or 20 PDHPreparatory course for the BESA examination on October 31, 2012Seminar held at Georgia World Congress Center

Building Energy Simulation AnalystFor more information, visit:

This comprehensive three-day program has

information needed by professionals preparing to sit for the Certi-

The program covers the full spectrum of topics essential to the energy procurement process, examining both electricity and natu-ral gas, from both a purchasing/ procurement and a selling/mar-keting perspective. AEE’s CEP program is designed to recognize professionals who have achieved a high level of expertise and competence in the areas of purchasing, selling, and marketing electricity and gas in today’s deregulated market.

examination will be administered at the close of instruction on day three of the seminar at the same location. In order to sit for the examination, it is necessary that you submit a CEP applica-tion, which can be obtained at cep. Note: registering for the three-day seminar does not auto-matically register you for the CEP exam. An additional fee of

: Major areas covered by this seminar:Legislation, regulation, energy outlook for energy procurementThe structure of the electric utility industryThe structure of the natural gas industryPurchasing electricity and natural gas under the new rules

Energy trading and risk managementFundamentals of gas and electric marketingEnergy cost avoidance strategies


ergy Group. Prior to assuming his present po-sition, he founded and served as president of Westwood Energy Group. Mr. Costello con-ducts seminars on energy procurement and

management nationwide, and has participated in the development of

JOHN SNELL is a principal of Risk Man-agement Incorporated. He has taken his hedg-ing expertise and concentrated on the develop-ment of risk management structures to meet the special needs of investorowned and public utilities, as well as industrial energy users. He

has presented at numerous energy conferences, including industry

DAN CONRATH is a principal of Risk Management Incorporated. He has worked with commodity software and data analysis and de-veloped an expertise in options and how to inte-grate their use into risk management programs. His background in both software analysis and

trading has created a unique quantitative approach to viewing risk management strategies.

Fundamentals of Buying and Selling EnergyOctober 29 - 31, 2012 / 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (3-day seminar)Earns 2.0 CEU or 20 PDHPreparatory course for the CEP examination on October 31, 2012Seminar held at Georgia World Congress Center

Commissioning is the process of ensuring that building systems

are designed, installed, functionally tested, and capable of being operated and maintained according to the owner’s operational needs. Commissioning also can restore existing buildings to high productivity through renovation, upgrade and tune-up of existing systems. This program will examine all aspects of building com-missioning, including project scheduling, roles and responsibili-ties of the project team, new building commissioning, retro and recommissioning of existing buildings, system by system com-

tools and technologies.The CBCP exam will be administered at the close of instruc-

tion on day three of each seminar -- only to those who have quali-

CBCP application and fee.Please Note: In order to qualify to sit for the CBCP exam, you

must submit your completed CBCP application, along with a

application form, or for further information on the CBCP pro-gram, visit www.aeecenter.org/CBCP.



Typical Project Schedule – Commissioning Perspective

Bid-design-build-operateThe Project Team

Concept / Programming Phase Objectives

Basis of designPreliminary commissioning plan

Design Phase Objectives

Comprehensive design review

BudgetingTesting specialist

Construction Phase Objectives

Updating commissioning planConstruction observationsCX team meetingsTesting, adjusting, & balancingControlsSubmittals/RFIs

Acceptance Plan ObjectivesAcceptance & warrantyContinuous testingChangesIndoor environmental qualityEnergy useOperations & maintenanceTraining


Concept/Programming Phase ObjectivesRetro-commissioning, recommissioning, and building tune-ups

Choosing the commissioning professional for retro-commis-sioningReviewing & updating building benchmarksEstablishing a planOriginal design intent vs. current use

Investigation Phase ObjectivesCommunicationOccupant impact

Operation & maintenanceBuilding automation system & trend logs

Project Turnover Objectives: Final Report

Building EnvelopeElectrical SystemsSite & Landscape SystemsOther Systems

USGBC & the LEED Rating SystemCommissioning GuidelinesCommissioning & the Federal GovernmentCommissioning Tools & Technologies

PAUL BANKS, P.E., C.E.M., C.B.C.P., a

a founding partner of B2Q, an engineering/

in the Boston area. B2Q, specializes in assist-ing facility owners, developers, contractors

and design team professionals in achieving their goals in the de--

ductive buildings. Prior to founding B2Q, Mr. Banks served as

large commercial and industrial projects. Mr. Banks led Vander-weil’s Facility Services Group, which provided masterplanning, as well as the design and commissioning of utility infrastructure, energy, central plant, and MEP building systems.

Fundamentals of Building CommissioningOctober 29 - 31, 2012 / 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (3-day seminar)Earns 2.0 CEU or 20 PDHPreparatory course for the CBCP examination on October 31, 2012Seminar held at the Georgia World Congress Center


Certified Energy Procurement ProfessionalFor more information, visit:

Certified Building Commissioning Professional

Certified Building Commissioning ProfessionalFor more information, visit:


Page 10: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

www.energycongress.comWEEC 201210 SEMINARS

This program is designed as a preparatory -

broad-based instruction program for those who want to “brush -


CLEP examination will be administered on the last day of the seminar at the same location. In order to sit for the CLEP ex-amination, you must submit a CLEP application, which can be obtained at . Note: register-

application and exam.

Major areas covered by this seminar:Fundamentals of light, lighting, electricity, and powerEnvironmental concerns

Building energy codes and regulatory complianceUtility and ESCO programs and incentivesLighting economics: problems and solutions

Lighting evaluation and auditsLighting design process, installation, and commissioningLighting systems operation, maintenance, and calculations

JOHN FETTERS, C.E.M., C.L.E.P., is a Fun-

and president of Effective Lighting Solutions, Inc., Columbus, OH. He is a senior member of the Association of Energy Engineers and a member of IESNA, where he serves on the

Industrial Lighting Committee. He has lectured and is widely

T. KENNETH SPAIN, P.E., C.E.M., C.L.E.P., brings over two decades of experience as an

associate at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, he serves as project manager of IdEA$, the Industrial Energy Advisory Ser-

vice, advising clients regarding cost-effective applications of energy-saving technologies.

October 29 - 31, 2012 / 8:30 am – 5:00 pm (3-day seminar)Earns 2.0 CEU or 20 PDHPreparatory course for the CLEP examination on October 31, 2012Seminar held at Georgia World Congress Center

Certified Lighting Efficiency ProfessionalFor more information, visit:



growing area of the energy industry, and raising the overall pro---

ognized protocol for performance M&V. This course is designed

management programs, whether through energy performance contracts or through emission trades under schemes such as the clean development mechanism of the UNFCCC.

While interest in savings data is growing, the state of the art in determining savings has also been rapidly evolving. This seminar will examine current methods of determining and documenting

learn the process of designing a proper M&V program for their projects, including cost/accuracy tradeoffs, baseline adjustments, the role of estimates, maintaining space conditions, the role of

problem solving and debate. Bring a calculator. Advance read-ing of IPMVP Volume I would be useful, though not required. (To obtain IPMVP Volume I or for more information about EVO, visit www.evo-world.org

CMVP exam will be administered at the close of instruction on the last day of the seminar in the same location. In order to sit for the examination, it is necessary to submit a CMVP application, which can be obtained at .

Major areas covered by this seminar:Reasons for M&V: types of uses and role in savingsCurrent M&V protocolsIPMVP 2007 and Its Evolution

Current issues in M&V: missing data, monitoring IAQEmission tradingBaseline adjustments: why they are necessary

Key elements of success: examples of IPMVP 2007 optionsSelecting options: which one is best suited for my projectCompliance/adherence with protocols and contractsM&V for U.S. federal projects

, P.Eng., M.B.A., C.M.V.P., president of Environmental Interface Limited, is chair of the EVO Board responsible for the IP-MVP. He frequently acts as independent claims

the industry, his roles have included consulting engineer, ESCO owner/manager, and owner’s rep in energy perfor-mance contracting matters.

Applying the IPMVPOctober 29 - 31, 2012 / 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (3-day seminar)Earns 2.0 CEU or 20 PDHPreparatory course for the CMVP examination on October 31, 2012Seminar held at Georgia World Congress Center

Seminar presented by AEEin conjunction with EVO

Certified Measurement & Verification ProfessionalFor more information, visit:

program is designed both to expand your knowledge in the en-

to evaluate how energy is being used in a facility, and to identify where consumption can be reduced, covering useful calculation methods and practical examples. The instructor will emphasize effective auditing basics while putting them in the context of the

-nation, it will be administered on the morning of the day follow-ing the seminar. In order to sit for the exam, it is necessary to submit a CEA application, which can be obtained at www.aee-

. Note that registering for the three day seminar does not automatically register you for the CEA exam.

-tion and exam.

: Major areas covered by this seminar:Introduction to Energy Auditing Building Envelope

Walls, roofs, windows, low E glass

Lighting Systems

Lamp lumen depreciation

Lamp types and characteristics/controlsEnergy management opportunities

Air Conditioning Systems

Piping arrangements/energy saving opportunitiesHeating Systems

Boiler energy management opportunities

Furnace energy management opportunitiesMotors and Drives

Types of motors/squirrel cage induction motors

Variable frequency drivesEnergy management opportunities

Heat Pumps

Energy management opportunitiesVentilation Systems

Types/characteristicsHeat recovery methodsEnergy management opportunities

Domestic Hot Water Systems

Heat pump water heaters

Energy management opportunitiesWater Conservation and Audits

Rate structures/water conservation methodsIrrigation and landscaping/leak detection, water audit

Utility Analysis

Identifying billing errors, energy accounting

TERRY NIEHUS, P.E., C.E.M., is the founder

technical training and energy auditing. Mr. Nie-hus has extensive experience as a trainer, having taught courses on a broad spectrum of topics in addition to energy auditing, including commer-

cial building energy systems, motors and drives, HVAC, compressed air, cogeneration, and thermal energy storage. He has also authored training and technical resources manuals in areas related to his train-ing programs. As a consultant, he has performed over 1,000 energy analyses for governmental, commercial, and industrial facilities.

Fundamentals of Energy AuditingOctober 29 - 31, 2012 / 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (3-day seminar)Earns 2.4 CEU or 24 PDHPrep course for the CEA exam on November 1, 2012Seminar held at Georgia World Congress Center

Certified Energy AuditorFor more information, visit:

Page 11: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

WEEC 2012www.energycongress.com 11SEMINARS

Certified Renewable Energy ProfessionalFor more information, visit:

This program is designed to provide the

The program provides an in-depth overview of alternative energy sources, application technologies, renewable energy project goal-setting, and implementation strategies. Topics include wind pow-er systems, solar thermal heating and photovoltaic generation, geothermal heating and electrical production, biofuels, waste-to-energy systems, energy storage, fuel cells, and hydroelectric power. Financing options and incentives are also considered.

-tion it will be administered on the morning of the day following the seminar. In order to sit for the examination, it is necessary to submit an REP application, which can be obtained at www.

seminar does not automatically register you for the REP exam. -

tion and exam.

Major areas covered by this seminar:Introduction to Alternative Energy

Alternative Energy

Alternative Energy and Carbon ReductionSolar EnergyGeothermal EnergyWaste-to-Energy Systems

Hybrid Alternative Energy SystemsCreative Energy Storage ApplicationsAlternative Energy Strategies for BuildingsTransportation SystemsGovernmental Alternative Energy ProgramsFinancial Approaches and Incentives for Alternative Energy

STEPHEN A. ROOSA -tionally recognized expert in energy manage-ment and urban sustainability, brings to this program over 25 years’ experience in com-mercial energy management and performance

FRED HAUBER is an electrical engineer, lighting system designer, and solar integra-

has served as a facilities manager for several large corporations and is intimately familiar with sustainable operation and maintenance

of large facilities. He has lectured and written widely in the area of sustainability techniques for commercial facilities and solar


Fundamentals of Renewable Energy: Technologies, Applications, StrategiesOctober 29 - 31, 2012 / 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (3-day seminar) Earns 2.4 CEU or 24 PDHPreparatory course for the REP examination on November 1, 2012Seminar held at Georgia World Congress Center


Presented in cooperation with ACORE

This course is designed to provide the most comprehensive training available in the critical areas of carbon management and

your will learn how to:Interpret current trends and legal requirementsSet up a GHG emissions programConduct carbon auditsReport carbon emissions (compliant with international

Integrate reduction projectsTrade emissions and offsets

successThis focused, fast-paced program is intended both to expand

as a preparatory vehicle for the examination required to achieve

In order to sit for the examination, it is necessary to submit a CRM application, which can be obtained at www.aeecenter.

does not automatically register you for the CRM exam.

application and exam.

clients such as IBM, Pepsi, Ford, Verizon, Hertz, Visteon, JPMorgan-Chase, Universities, Airports, Utilities, Cities, the US and and Foreign Governments. Thousands have attended his

Woodroof is a strategic advisor, corporate trainer and keynote

Fundamentals of Carbon Reduction and GHG ManagementOctober 30 - November 1, 2012 / 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (3-day seminar)Earns 2.4 CEU or 24 PDHPreparatory course for the CRM examination on November 2, 2012Seminar held at Georgia World Congress Center

This program is designed to provide build-ing operators, maintenance personnel, and technicians working in commercial buildings with the necessary training needed to

while meeting all applicable building codes and standards. The program also serves as a preparatory vehicle for AEE’s Building


operational practices. Energy measurements and instrumentation for determining energy consumption will also be examined.

-ing you to sit for the exam. The exam will be administered at

candidates who have met the above requirements. To obtain your BEST application or for further information on the BEST pro-gram, visit

Major areas covered by this seminar:Introduction and Class OverviewBuilding Utilities, Rate Structures, and Related Savings OpportunitiesFinancial Considerations for Equipment PurchasesEnergy Audits and InstrumentationLighting: Interior and Exterior

Savings Opportunities in KitchensHVAC Systems/Compressed Air SystemsService Water Heating SystemBuilding Heat TransferRefrigeration Equipment and SystemsBuilding Automation Systems for Energy ManagementMechanical Systems: Motors

Maintenance Opportunities and SchedulingSustainabilityCogeneration

Scott Dunningprofessor and director of the University of Maine School of Engineering Technology. As founding director of the university’s Industri-al Assessment Center, he has led over 200 in-dustrial assessments of facilities throughout

New England. He currently performs commercial audits for the

Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, Inc., and past

Society for Engineering Education.

October 29 - November 1, 2012 / 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (4-day seminar)Earns 2.8 CEU or 28 PDH Preparatory course for the BEST examination on November 1, 2012 Seminar held at Georgia World Congress Center

Building Energy & Sustainability TechnicianFor more information, visit:

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 - Historic Fox Theatre - 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm


Introducing the 2012 Inductees into the AEE Energy Managers Hall of Fame.

This high honor is reserved for those individuals who have distinguished themselves

information. Separate fees apply to those who have not paid for a full conference registration.

Certified Carbon Reduction Manager

Carbon Reduction ManagementFor more information, visit:




Maximize your show potential! Contact Lauren Lake: Call (678) 687-4997

or email [email protected]

Page 12: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

www.energycongress.comWEEC 201212

Attendees who enroll in seminars at the 35th World Energy Engineering Congress earn valuable professional credits.th World Energy Engineering Congress can earn CEU’s, LU’s, or

AEE is an approved training provider for a variety of partner programs. Learn more at www.aeeprograms.com/seminars/partnerships

This program is designed for profession-als who supervise and manage technical professionals in energy. These professionals may not be engineers, technicians, or even technically oriented, but they are business-oriented. Procurement, management, energy accounting and reporting, performance

-municate in nontechnical terms the advantages and disadvantages

will enable these professionals to document that they understand the techniques necessary to excel.

BEP exam will be administered at the close of instruction on the last day of the seminar at the same location. In order to sit for the examination, it is necessary to submit a BEP application, which can be obtained at . Note that


Major areas covered by this seminar:IntroductionWhat is BEP?Energy situationWhy energy management?

PurposeProcedureEquipment useful to BEP

Codes and standards overviewEnergy fundamentals

ETUs and thermskJEnergy balance basics

Rate schedulesGeneralGasElectric

Fuels procurementGasElectricityFuel oil and coalPoint of use costContingency planningFinancialsHybrid fuel systems

Economic analysisPaybackTime value of moneyPresent worthInternal rate of return


Metering and submeteringCost center metering, reporting, and budgeting

IT for energy managementCommissioning

What to expectWhat to commissionWhy do it?


ReviewElectricity systems

LightingElectric motors

Compressed air systems

Gas, fuel oil, coalCombustion processes

BoilersGas/diesel enginesCoal and fuel oil



ergy Group. Prior to assuming his present position, he founded and served as president of Westwood Energy Group. Mr. Costello conducts seminars on energy procurement

and management nationwide, and has participated in the devel--

sional program.MARK R. ROCHE, C.E.M., C.E.P., B.E.P.,

C.I.A.Q.P., has more than 21 years of experi-ence in power generation, energy delivery, energy management, utility marketing, and customer service. He has developed and pre-sented a number of instructional programs

on energy management and also serves as a core instructor for AEE’s BEP program. He is the current chair of the BEP board and a member of the CEM board. Mr. Roche is currently supervisor of meter operations for Progress Energy Florida.

October 29 - November 2, 2012 / 8:30 am – 5:00 pm (5-day seminar)Earns 3.6 CEU or 36 PDHPreparatory course for the BEP examination on November 2, 2012Seminar held at the Georgia World Congress Center

Certified Business Energy ProfessionalFor more information, visit:

AEE is Now an Approved Training Provider in the American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems (AIA/CES) Registered Provider Program

hold multiple state licenses. Most states with MCE requirements recognize the AIA/CES as the primary source of professional development for their licensed architects. This allows AIA members to present their AIA/CES -

valuable information and guidance, while bypassing the time-consuming process of registering their courses with individual states.

AEE is an Approved Training Provider Under U.S. Green Building Council’s Education Provider Program for GBCI’s Mandatory Credential Maintenance Program (CMP)

professional development courses which further enrich the knowledge and understanding of green building theory, techniques, and trends for building professionals. Each approved course is reviewed by third party-trained

ACORE Recognizes AEE’s Renewable Energy Professonal Seminar and REA Certification

and provide feedback as to course content as the renewable energy marketplace changes. ACORE’s involvement brings added critical insight into renewable energy policy developments,market trends, and technology innovations.

October 29 – November 1, 2012 / 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (4-day seminar)Earns 3.0 CEU Preparatory course for the CP EnMS examination on November 2, 2012Seminar held at the Georgia World Congress Center

The training is a preparatory course for the

-nation. The CP EnMS provides critical technical assistance to

-gram. The CP EnMS has the expertise to assist organizations to implement best practices in energy management that conform to ISO 50001. Also, the CP EnMS assists with developing energy

performance improvement and meet the requirements of the SEP M&V Protocol. These practitioners will be facility personnel, consulting professionals, or service providers with the appropri-ate technical experience in industrial and commercial energy sys-

-ship of AEE and the Georgia Institute of Technology who were

Training Organization for this SEP training program.The CP EnMS training program combines online learning

-ing will focus on many of the knowledge competencies that a CP EnMS is expected to have. The classroom training will focus more on the performance skills required to implement ISO 50001 and the SEP program requirements. The required pre-course training must be completed before the classroom workshop.

Major areas covered by this seminar:Day 1Introduction to CPEnMS ProgramEnergy Review Part I: Energy AnalysisEnergy Review Part II: Opportunities

Energy Review Part IV: Relevant VariablesEnergy Review Part V: GeneralDay 2EnPI, Baselines and Energy PerformanceObjectives, Targets and Action PlansM & V Protocol Part I

M & V Protocol Part IIDay 3

Operational ControlMonitoring, Measuring and AnalysisDay 4ScorecardInternal Audit ProgramEnergy PerformanceCAPA


completion of the seminar.

Exam location: GA Tech Global Learning Center

http://ienmp.com. All details regarding exam registration, prerequisites and logistics will be provided by IEnMP.

Required Pre-Courses for CPEnMS Registration and training provided by GA Tech ($250 for required pre-courses; 1.2 CEU)Introduction to ISO 50001Introduction to Superior Energy Performance (SEP) -1-hour online Case Study -5-hour online case studyOPTIONAL Pre-Courses for CPEnMS

Registration and training provided by GA Tech ($400 for

optional pre-courses; 2 CEU) These 5 additional, OPTION-AL online pre-courses will help certain students to refresh their


Gap AnalysisBasic Energy for AuditorsIntroduction to Statistics for CPEnMSOperating Characteristics of Energy Systems

To register for these pre-courses, please go to:www.pe.gatech.edu/required-cpenms

BILL MEFFERT , Group Manager Bill Meffert manages the Energy and Sustainability Services group for Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute. He is a major contributor to the development of ISO 50001 and the SEP program.

Project Manager; is a project manager for Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute. She provides energy assessments, implementation, and coaching to companies

DEANN DESAI, Project Manager; is a project manager for Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute. She provides implementation assistance and training to companies pursuing

ED HARDISON, Project Manager; is a project manager for Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute.


Page 13: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

WEEC 2012www.energycongress.com 13

EXPO Now is your best opportunity to secure a prime booth lo-

2012. The recently expanded WEEC expo is the energy in-dustry’s largest and most important annual event. WEEC is both the information resource and shopping place of choice for top decision makers throughout business, industry, and government. WEEC 2012 targets the complete spectrum of technologies and services of greatest importance to our show attendees, including:

Energy management technologiesPower qualityCombined heat and power

HVAC systems and controlsIntegrated building automationThermal storage and load managementBoilers and combustion controls

GeoExchange technologies and systemsSolar and fuel cell technologies


Renewables, bio-energy, wind, and moreAttendees at the World Energy Engineering Congress

represent major market segments, including commercial, industrial, institutional, and government end users, energy managers, facility managers, building owners, property managers, vice presidents of operations, directors of utili-

managers. A major portion of these are key prospects and customers that you as an exhibitor will have the opportu-nity to meet only at the WEEC.

In addition to the two-day expo, the WEEC’s program agenda includes a three-day conference, as well as a full lineup of sponsors, free workshops to be held in the expo hall, exhibit hall conference attendee luncheons, free post-

decision-making audience to the show.For more information on how you can reach prime at-

tendees, showcase your technologies and services, and develop sales leads, contact: Ted Kurklis, WEEC Exhibit

[email protected], or you may visit the show website: www.aeecenter.org/WEEC.

For a list of current World Energy Engineering Con-gress exhibitors, please visit www.energycongress.com.

served basis.

Make Plans Now to Exhibit Your Product or Service on the Show Floor at WEEC 2012

Hall A1 - Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA

Showcase Your Products & Services!Call Ted Kurklis at (770) 271-7869 or email: [email protected] or

visit the show website: www.aeecenter.org/WEEC

AEE Onsite Career Centerand

WEEC will feature an Onsite Career Center in the expo for attendees to learn about current positions active on the AEE Online Green Job Center, how to have your resume listed in the AEE Resume database, or how to participate as a Featured Employer. Visit the Association’s Career Center located near Registration or go the website www.aeecenter.org/jobs for full details.

Smart Phone App for Show Planning

The Grupio App is a Smartphone application that works with iPhone, iPad, Android, and BlackBerry (touch devic-

important show updates, the daily schedule of events, ex-

conversation, tweet #weec, and add to the buzz.


Free Exhibit Hall Workshops Offer Interactive Learning

This integral hall activity has been designed to enhance your learning and allow for an interactive experience for all expo attendees and presenters. Expo-only visitors, confer-ence attendees, seminar delegates, and any other visitors to

Network with colleagues and see products and services available while hearing case studies, applications, retro-

costs. The diverse workshop presentations held at previous WEEC events provide an excellent sampling of the types of helpful applications, strategies, and technologies that will be shared at WEEC 2012.

Understanding and Reducing Air Compressor Energy ConsumptionControl and Optimize: Capturing the Economic Value of

Fundamentals of Daylight HarvestingDesigning a Submetering Program for the New Federal Energy PoliciesEnergy Saving Opportunities from Belt Drives

Faster Energy Audits with Digitals Pens: Case StudiesThermal Mapping as an Energy Savings ToolIntroduction to Induction Lighting

Case Studies in Retail HVAC EE

Environmentally Sustainable Water Treatment Systems for Cooling Tower


r Energy ConservationEnergy Modeling

Wireless Technology in Building Automation


To see more presentations as they are added for 2012, visit the show website: www.energycongress.com for a complete and updated list.

Increase Your Presence atWEEC 2012 by Sponsoring an Event at this Year’s Congress

Many companies have upgraded their participation in the World Energy Engineering Congress to take advantage of unique sponsorship opportunities, including luncheons, receptions, and more. For detailed information on support of WEEC 2012, please contact Lauren Lake at [email protected]

GreenStreet® Expo at the WEEC Offers a Special Opportunity for Recognition of Companies Featuring Green, Energy

The U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR® Program and the Association of Energy En-

to attend the GreenStreet® expo showcase located within the WEEC 2012

expo. The exhibiting companies located along the

will represent leading providers of environmentally

and services.

Page 14: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

www.energycongress.comWEEC 201214


Please join us for a reception and dinner on Halloween

2012 Legend in Energy inductees and our esteemed Leg-ends and Chartered Legends.

If you are a Chartered Legend or a current Legend in Energy, we invite you to join us as we celebrate your con-tinued success and accomplishments.

The Phantom Presents: Legends in Energy will be in-cluded in the registration fee for paid WEEC conference attendees who are current Legends or eligible to be a 2012 Legend in Energy Inductee. If you are not already a Leg-end in Energy, please view the list of criteria below to see if you qualify to become a Legend in Energy. If you are a WEEC speaker, seminar attendee, exhibitor, corporate

leader or sponsor, you are invited to attend this event for $150. The cost of an additional guest ticket is $150. You must attend the WEEC conference and the Legends in Energy event to receive recognition.

Conference, the Legends in Energy Dinner, AND meet one of the following criteria:

AEE Energy Managers Hall of Fame Member

Life AEE MemberAEE Membership for 10 Years or MoreAEE International Award Winner

Customized 2012 Legend in Energy Lapel pinegend in

EnergyBadge ribbon recognizing inductees as a Legend in EnergyRecognition as a Legend in Energy at the Legends in Energy GalaRecognition on AEE’s Web site as a 2012 Legend in Energy professional

You must reserve your spot by registering online. Visit www.aeecenter.org/Legends for complete details.

FREE Energy Advocate Training-

pleased to offer the Energy Advocate Training at WEEC again this year. The purpose of the Energy Advocate Pro-

gram is to increase awareness and communication of energy related opportunities beyond tra-ditional means. The program was conceived and created to help nonenergy professionals gain a


The format of the course will be an open interactive forum so space is limited. Those who -

ment, an Energy Advocate Lapel Pin, and ongoing access to best practices and networking op-portunities with past, present, and future Energy Advocate Program participants. The training program is presented by SAIC and is endorsed by AEE. The training is offered free of charge to WEEC conference attendees. To register for the Energy Advocate Training course, please sign up on the registration form.

Wednesday, October 31st10:00 am-5:30 pm

from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm and from 4:30 - 5:30 pm

Mesdi Systems: ACC Clean Energy Challenge Commercialization PlanBrandon Lojewski, President, Mesdi SystemsSafeLiCell - Safe & Powerful Battery Solutions

& Biomolecular Engineering, Univer-sity of Maryland

& South Carolina Study ResultsTony Lewis, P.E., Senior Energy Ef-

Use of Simulation Models to Predict Solar Photovoltaic Energy

C.E.M., President, Solar Pod, Mouli Engineering, Inc.Purchasing Energy in a Dynamic Market

-ment Engineer, Metro Washington

International AirportUtilizing Energy Harvesting Tech-nologies in the Built Environment

America, EnOcean AllianceVirgin Galactic Gateway to Space at Spaceport America - All Things Considered

Line, URS CorporationLPPC Energy Benchmarking Metrics & EIA Utility Data

EnergyEffective E-Surveillance Patrols of Your Facility

Perspective Relating Earth, Sun & the Built Environment

-sultants, EngineersPower Factor Case Study - South-

-west Wisconsin Technical CollegeMonitoring & Targeting, Building the Case through ExperienceJulien Milot, C.E.M., C.M.V.P.,

EconolerIndoor Air Quality, Energy Consumption & Building Performance: Leveraging Technology to Improve All

Quality Solutions

High Rises or SkyscrapersVenkat Naupada, Student, Northeastern UniversityEconomic Dispatch inside a Power Plant - Optimization of the Energy Production between the BlocksGergo Hollo, Student, Budapest Uni-versity of Technology

Mark A. Carlson, C.E.M., Business

Window Films

Thursday, November 1st10:00 am-4:00 pm

from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm and from 1:30 - 2:30 pm

EcoAssist: Commercialization PlanKeong Yong, Student, Georgia Tech Institute of TechnologyGreenStar: Smart-Grid Technology Starts in the HomeBlake Sawyer, Graduate Research As-sistant, Virginia TechHeat Recovery at the CO2 Refrigeration Systems

Budapest University of Technology & Economics

Can Make a Big DifferenceColby E. May, C.E.M., President, LIT, Learn, Inspire, TransformIncentive Opportunities for Building Owners through Market Transformation

Capital Review GroupInnovative Solutions & Results of Persistent Energy Savings for Retro-Commissioning Projects

-ing, Bes-Tech, Inc.Breakthrough Energy Optimization

Savings & Peak Load ReductionMike Zimmerman, CEO & Founder, BuildingIQ

of Electrically Heated Multi-Unit Residential BuildingsAndrew Penner, P.E., C.E.M., Associ-ate, Stantec Consulting Ltd.Towards Zero Energy Buildings in Central Europe - GIS-Based Mapping Tool of Urban Energy

Attila Talamon, Assistant Lecturer,

Case Study: Resource Master Planning for Gallaudet University

-dent, Setty & Associates International, PLLCPilot Project Evaluation Systems (PiPES)

Energy Manager, SNC Lavalin O&MApplication of Energy Monitoring & Targeting for Industrial PlantsKaushik Bhattacharjee, C.E.M., B.E.P., C.E.A., C.M.V.P., Principal, ReipowerIntelligent Automation & Controls of Power Industry Microgrid SolutionsRajan Chudgar, Vice President, Busi-

Faecal Sludge Management - Energy Recovery Opportunities in Cities with On-Site SanitationAchenyo Idachaba, C.R.M., Managing

-sulting Ltd.

Clearness Index Effects: A Numerical Simulation Study

Amirkabir University of TechnologySmarter, Greener Schools & Public Buildings - A Look inside the Process & Success of Solar PV

FREE New Technologies BreakfastLeviton Manufacturing Co. is pleased to sponsor the New Technologies Breakfast, a concise

and informative forum for WEEC attendees to preview the new and innovative products and

their newest technologies, enabling attendees to quickly map out their time at the show and get a rapid survey of what’s new. This is a must attend event for anyone responsible for provid-ing trip reports or technology summaries for their employer. Leviton offers the broadest array of lighting energy management solutions and technological advancements, which are the cornerstones to its 100-year history of success in the industry. Be sure to put this event on your schedule and sign up on the registration form.

For information on sponsoring or speaking at this breakfast event, contact Jacqueline Fraga by emailing her

Energy Policy: Opportunities and ChallengesA program for women professionals and women-owned companies

This FREE breakfast at WEEC will include a keynote presentation on Clean Energy in the South & Energy Policy in the Presidential ElectionMarilyn Brown, a professor on energy policy and technology at Georgia Tech.

The meeting is presented by the “Council on Women in Energy and En-

prominent voice for women in the industry and in AEE. Its goals are to provide representation of women in industry-related policy issues, such as the National Energy Policy, addressing the high cost of energy, our present and future sources of energy, and the impact of

supporting training, education, and mentoring of women; and to contribute to the advancement of women in leadership positions throughout the industry.

CWEEL will provide a much needed network for women in the industry: energy managers, design engineers, scientists, consultants, account managers, sales executives, corporate execu-tives, and entrepreneurs. Whether you are new to the industry or a seasoned veteran, women can help each other to be more successful in business and provide support and encouragement. For information about CWEEL, please contact Ruth Whitlock, Executive Administrator at AEE. She can be reached by email at [email protected].

CWEEL Reception

Join CWEEL for a special networking and fundrais-ing event. Catch up with old friends and meet new ones while sharing this week’s experiences at the WEEC. Ad-

Sponsorships of the CWEEL Reception at WEEC and other AEE shows are available. For

FREE Poster Sessions at the WEEC 2012

U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR eventIndustrial Focus Meetings and Conference Sessions

U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR will once again be leading a series of Industrial Focus Meet-

and their energy and facility issues. These groups include motor vehicle manufacturing, cement

information on the ENERGY STAR program, please visit www.energystar.gov.

Page 15: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

WEEC 2012www.energycongress.com 15EVENTS

Compared with new facilities, existing build-ings and plants often have legacy equipment which

waste energy, require more maintenance, and incur more down-time. A complete rip-out and replace strategy is cost prohibitive and very disruptive to ongoing operations and occupants. New

-utes to install, require no downtime, and deliver substantial sav-

-sentation will cover actual case studies and savings data related to HVAC, lighting, steam, air quality monitoring, and compressed

About the Presenter: -keting for Cypress Envirosystems. He has worked in energy for

demand response, and their enabling technologies. Before joining Cypress, Mr. Roberts worked as a strategy consultant for Accen-ture, where he helped develop California’s Long Term Energy Ef-

and plans for enabling smart homes. He also worked for Shell Oil and was a Peace Corps volunteer in Kazakhstan. Mr. Roberts holds a BS from Michigan State University and an MBA from

Association of Energy Engineers honors 2012 Inductees into the Energy Managers Hall of FameLIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT TO BE HONOREDAt Friday’s Keynote Luncheon, the Association of Energy Engineer’s Energy Managers Hall of Fame will induct its newest members into its prestigious ranks. Selected individuals will be recognized for their lifetime achievements in promoting both the practices and principles of energy management.

Omni Hotel at CNN CenterGroup rates of $199 Deadline: September 28, 2012, or until the block is sold out800-524-0500

Marriott Marquis AtlantaGroup rates of $179 Deadline: October 6, 2012, or until the block is sold out800-228-9290 or 404-521-0000

Embassy Suites Centennial Olympic ParkGroup rates of $199 Deadline: October 6, 2012, or until the block is sold out800-455-8667

Hilton Garden Inn Atlanta DowntownGroup rates of $189 Deadline: October 6, 2012, or until the block is sold out800-455-8667

Holiday Inn Atlanta DowntownGroup rates of $157 Deadline: October 6, 2012, or until the block is sold out800-535-0707

Courtyard Atlanta DowntownGovernment Rates OnlyDeadline: October 8, 2012, or until the block is sold out800-321-2211

WEEC Hotels

Visit www.energycongress.com/hotels for updates or to book online (Mention Association of Energy Engineers for room block rates.)


been solving problems of vital importance to the nation and the world. SAIC’s focus on energy effectiveness is driven by the vital impacts of energy, our national security, the global economy, and the health of our planet.

-tion and consumption grow, organizations are looking to SAIC for answers that address concerns across their enterprises. With more than three decades of energy, environmental, and infrastructure experience, SAIC works with energy producers and consumers to help

-ness practices.

SAIC’s diverse staff includes scientists, consultants, and technical experts who deliver

approaches. That’s why SAIC’s projects have won numerous awards in recognition of en-

From small, discrete solutions to enterprise wide strategies, customers know SAIC as

projects.We help communities, government, industrial, and commercial clients become energy

effective and sustainable.

SAIC helps energy producers and consumers quantify, manage, and reduce energy con-sumption at every possible opportunity in the energy life-cycle. From purchasing energy and implementing greenhouse gas management strategies, through integrating renewables


energy procurement, SAIC supports mission-critical research, development, analysis, and implementation of key energy programs.

SAIC is helping state governments and non-governmental organizations develop pro-

drafted the GHG inventory protocols used by the California Climate Action Registry and The Climate Registry.

SAIC is helping a major U.S. utility update grid control and management systems to

Columbia. SAIC employs advanced modeling techniques to help improve real-time opera-tion and stem the loss of millions of dollars annually due to grid limitations and outdated technology.

SAIC designed and built the largest-of-its-kind biodiesel facility in the U.S. The com-pany also played a central role in creating the largest solar community in North America.

SAIC professionals are working with a major U.S. auto manufacturer to drive energy ef-

of discrete systems and full facility conceptualization, design, construction, and long-term -



across the organization to support strategic business goals, the environment, and the bot--

mation, visit saic.com/eeandi.SAIC: From Science to Solutions®


SAIC: Comprehensive Energy Solutions to Increase Enterprise Effectiveness


energy management, renewable and alternative energy, power generation, energy services, sustainability, and all related areas. As a growing profes-sional association, AEE’s overall strength is augmented by its strong mem-

chapters located throughout the U.S. and abroad meet regularly to discuss

issues of regional importance and internationally offer networking oppor-



AEE: The gateway for information and education in all areas of the energy industry

Highlighting WEEC’s Host and Presenter

Page 16: Upcoming World Energy Engineering Congress Program Overview

www.energycongress.comWEEC 201216 SPOTLIGHT

Renewable Fuels Facility


the U.S. and opened in April 2012. -

-tions will be for sale to the public as part of the Clean Cities Atlanta goal of promoting clean fuels. The excess RNG produced from the LFG to RNG conversion facility will be routed through the existing Atlanta Gas Light pipeline for distribution to additional refueling stations throughout

emissions while generating substantial fuel savings from the low produc-

It has total capacity of 50 million cubic yards and closure is anticipated

placement in the Atlanta ozone nonattainment area, stringent air regula-tions are now restricting internal combustion engine emissions, thus mak-

is on the rise.

visit www.energycongress.com

AEE Georgia Chapter Luncheon

Join AEE’s Georgia Chapter for a luncheon and presentation on “Phil-

As the United States approaches one of the pivotal Presidential elections in recent decades, our energy policy is in critical condition. What are the potential consequences of this crisis for the

-dates on energy, and what is the likelihood of a comprehensive energy policy being enacted over the next four years?

represented by Members of Congress and their staffs; each participant will have eight minutes to set forth their candidate’s energy policies, with the presentations staggered between the par-ticipants. At the conclusion of the opening presentations, questions will be asked by members of

Republican energy positions. Answers from the participants will be limited to four minutes each, with both sides having an equal opportunity to address each question. The moderator may provide an opportunity for two minute follow ups to the questioner and to the participants. Following a lengthy round of questions from the audience, there will be an opportunity for closing statements.

The Background: the energy sector in the United States is in critical condition. A crisis could erupt at any time from any number of factors in the Middle East or here at home and would inevi-tably affect the entire U.S. and potentially every country in today’s globalized world. While the origins of a crisis are hard to pinpoint, it is clear that energy disruptions could have a potentially enormous impact on the U.S. and the world economy, and would affect U.S. national security and foreign policy in dramatic ways.

An accident on the Alaska pipeline that brings the bulk of North Slope crude oil to market would have the same impact as a revolution cutting off supplies from a major Middle East oil producer, or the chaos that would follow an attack by Israel on Iran’s nuclear production facilities. A terrorist attack on the California electric power grid could cripple that state’s economy for years,

domestic politics and all of their trading partners. Meanwhile, both crude oil prices and gas prices at the pump have increased dramatically, and portions of the U.S. are experiencing $5 a gallon gas prices. With Middle East tensions high, chances are greater than at any point in the last two decades of an oil supply disruption that would even more severely test the nation’s security and prosperity.

-culty? Why hasn’t the United States adopted a comprehensive, integrated strategic energy policy? The reasons for the energy challenge have nothing to do with the global supply of oil and natural gas, which is still enormous, and everything to do with infrastructure barriers that can and must be addressed by our next President. What do the respective Presidential candidates propose to do about this if they are elected next month? What are the U.S. policy options to deal with the energy situation?

There are no easy overnight solutions. What are the new policy pathways faced by the United States in the next four years? Can the United States develop a comprehensive and balanced energy security policy with near-term actions and long-term initiatives addressing both the supply side

United States to escape from a pattern of recurring energy crises? What choices should the next President make to confront the deep-seated energy problem that demands attention at the highest

years, yet the U.S. has done little or nothing to develop a comprehensive energy policy – what are the barriers to achieving that in the next four years? What are the right domestic, environmental, tax, and regulatory structures to respond to an energy crisis which will be on the front burner of public policy in the next Presidential Administration.


Corporate and Government Energy Leader / Group RatesSend a delegation to the Conference and Gain Leadership Recognition


www.energycongress.com.Onsite recognition.

The Corporate and Government Energy Leader premier levels of recognition will determine the prominence of your visibility, based on the STAR level your corporation chooses. Those levels of recognition are listed below.

For additional information or to customize your package by adding more attendees or AEE seminars, contact

th Anniversary Gala Banquetth Anniversary Gala Banquet, held on Tuesday

th World Energy Engineering Congress. This unparalleled networking event is included in your paid three-day conference registration and features prominent energy leaders who will be recognized for their outstanding achievements. Just a week before the national election, you will be entertained by The

political humor and guaranteed to draw laughs from both sides of the aisle, this side-splitting performance will feature world-famous impressionist Reggie Brown as President Barack Obama, Tim

Watters as President Bill Clinton, Patti Lyons as Sarah Palin, and legendary comedian Jim Gossett as the event’s esteemed moderator.

UK Trade & Investment Facilitates Business at WEEC

The UK Trade & Investment team will be participating in this year’s World Energy Engineering Congress. They will have a special pavilion showcasing innovative products and services. UKTI is the Government department that helps UK-based companies succeed internationally. We also help overseas companies bring their high-quality investment to the UK’s dynamic economy - acknowledged as Europe’s best place from which to grow and succeed in global business www.ukti.gov.uk. UK busi-nesses are developing and deploying world-class solutions to energy and

- UK Know How - the combination of intelligence, innovation and capa-bility in a low carbon economy worth £107 billion.

Meet the Authors Event Here is your chance to meet the authors of pro-

fessional reference books. Authors will be on hand to discuss their works. This networking event takes place in the Expo Hall’s book booth, concurrent with the Expo Hall Reception. If you would like to purchase a book or view new titles, please visit: www.aeecenter.org/books

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design-to-application engineering. _____________________________________

2G-CENERGY® is a manufacturer dedicated to the production of decen-tralized power generation systems, providing customers with advanced

gas, biogas, and specialty gaseous fuels. The company maintains a “best-

Florida. 2G-CENERGY® is a 2G Energy AG group company. A renowned German cogeneration system manufacturer listed at the Frankfurt Stock Ex-

2G® group is a global leader in advanced cogeneration technologies. The technology behind 2G®’s CHP systems and controls makes them highly reliable, providing superior performance with low maintenance cost. 2G-CENERGY® offers integrated and commercially attractive distributed en-

electricity and heat, while reducing CO2 emissions and greenhouse gases. Unlike standard gas generator sets, often mistakenly construed as CHP sys-tems, 2G CENERGY® provides unparalleled and genuine CHP systems that are especially designed and manufactured for cogeneration purposes, delivering maximum value and functionality. _____________________________________

Abraxas Energy Consulting, established in 2001 provides the following ser-vices for Federal, Commercial and Industrial Clients: Energy Audits; Retro-Commissioning Services; Utility Bill Tracking Software/Training; Utility

-cilitate energy conservation by lowering our customers operating costs and promoting a cleaner, more sustainable future._____________________________________

Acuity Brands, Inc. is a North American market leader and one of the world’s leading providers of luminaires, lighting control systems and re-

The Company’s lighting and system control product lines include Lithonia

Hydrel®, American Electric Lighting®, Gotham®, Carandini®, RELOC®, -

Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, Acuity Brands employs ap proximately

Asia. _____________________________________

Advanced Cooling Technologies means Energy Recovery & Energy Sav--


Advanced Energy Solutions provides industrial, commercial & public facil--

erating expenses. Improving facility safety, appearance, and functionality._____________________________________


an accredited on-site lab and takes pride in serving our customers with in-


Aggreko plc is the global leader in the rental of power generation and tem-perature control equipment. With its unique network of locations, equip-ment and technical services, Aggreko supports companies in generating


AIC Wireless specializes in the design and manufacturing of cutting edge technology for the Building Automation and Controls Industry. Offering plug-and-play wireless solutions for LonWorks, BACnet, Modbus TCP, Ethernet and the newest additions Powered by the Sedona Framework. A full line of wireless programmable controllers is now a reality through the


management, renewable and alternative energy, power generation, energy services, sustainability, and all related areas. As a growing professional as-sociation, AEE’s overall strength is augmented by its strong membership

throughout the U.S. and abroad meet regularly to discuss issues of regional importance. _____________________________________

reducing consumption and maintenance while improving comfort in every


while helping to control supply air humidity. Airxchange wheels are avail-able as factory installed options in all OEM HVAC systems and are easily maintained for long life and lowest life-cycle cost._____________________________________


and 5 year mfg. warranty._____________________________________

utilized in applications such as manufacturing facilities, warehouses, ve-hicle service centers, dock areas and airplane hangars, with savings of up to

have come to rely on the economy, reliability and durability of our prod-ucts and on our 50 years of industry experience. AmbiRad products are represented by a nationwide network of distributors and are backed by fac-tory engineering and technical staff. This comprehensive customer service package includes building heat load calculation, computer-aided design, fuel cost calculation, on-site support, training, and system commissioning. AmbiRad develops and manufactures high quality, environmentally friend-


AMEC’s Environment & Infrastructure business is a leading consulting, planning, project management organization and a recognized leader in en-

-wide, our team of professionals provides a full range of environment and infrastructure services to clients in the oil & gas, energy, minerals & metals and environment and infrastructure markets including the government, in-dustrial & commercial, water, and transportation sectors. _____________________________________

manufacturing experience. Products include BTL listed HVAC, laboratory, and fume hood controls, touch screen displays, and AspectFT, a web-en-abled Energy Control solution. Recently AAM introduced vSTAT, an app developed for iOS® and Android™ devices, allowing for control of vari-ables like temperature and lighting. _____________________________________

-formance driven and user friendly. We leverage the services of Energy Star, CALiPER and Lighting Facts to aid in our mission to deliver and promote

-tive impact on people and their environments. _____________________________________

Thermal mapping is an innovative asset tool for P/PM of underground heat-

www.gsa.gov. We also work with ENERCON Steam Traps, a State-of-The-Art Condensate


ArctiChill is a world-class manufacturer of high-quality chillers and pro-

Cleaning and Modular HVAC Air-Conditioning chiller applications. _____________________________________

ARVA is a specialized manufacturer of Renewable Energy Systems & Ener-gy Saving products. Our mission is simple: To help protect the environment through our revolutionary energy systems and ensure long-term economic sustainability for businesses, communities, and governments. Whether you are looking to offset energy costs or reduce your carbon footprint, ARVA

and reliable options for your energy needs._____________________________________

-evant resources for plant and facility engineering, operations and mainte-nance professionals worldwide. _____________________________________

Atlantic Energy Concepts, located in Reading, PA, helps companies real-

maintenance and overhead costs. Our turnkey installation means that we do

ordering of materials needed for the job, through to performing installa-tion and follow-up to your complete satisfaction. These turnkey installation capabilities allow us to provide a comprehensive portfolio of energy cost saving technologies and services. We offer energy audits to building-wide upgrades of lighting systems, HVAC and controls as well as post installa-tion maintenance. _____________________________________

Atlas Copco is an industry-leading global manufacturer and service pro-

service support.The Atlas Copco Group was named tenth among the Top 100 Sustainable

Companies in the world, and has been recognized by Forbes, Thomson-Reuters and Newsweek, among others, for our commitment to innovation and sustainability._____________________________________

Automation System Integrators, Inc. is your southeast region’s source for full service integration in the commercial and industrial marketplace. Au-tomation System Integrators offers cost effective solutions for Access, En-

alone web-based direct digital control systems. As factory authorized dis-tributors for various Automation System Manufacturers, we have expertise in the implementation of turnkey automation, information and data collec-tion systems. By integration and proven understanding with various manu-facturers and systems, ASI reduces the installation cost for facility owners by reducing component replacement and installing a true open architecture platform that the ownercan actually take control of. This allows the owner to invest in energy saving solutions instead of being tied to a single controls manufacturer and spending excessively to one manufacturer._____________________________________

Invitation: Visit the expo to see firsthand the latest technologies, products, and services available that can improve the productivity of your operations

while slashing costs. The following is a partial listing of exhibitors. Note: List is subject to change; AEE is not responsible or omissions, errors, or claims regarding

products or services. Listing is complete as of July 24th, 2012. For an updated list, please visit: www.energycongress.com

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Slim Jim® / Geo Lake Plate® - a plate heat exchanger that is submerged in

Geo Lake Plate® open up simple, cost effective opportunities where ponds,


Benjamin Electric manufactures power distribution equipment which in-cludes completely integrated branch circuit Power Metering as well as controls. The Benjamin ArcLight Panelboard, with Power Metering is a controllable circuit breaker panel that can communicate with any lighting control or energy/building management system and software. This equip-ment provides visibility into electrical system throughout the enterprise.


solutions for residential, commercial and net-zero applications. The com-

standing and wall-hung boilers, solar thermal systems, control systems, tankless water heaters and heating accessories._____________________________________

brink Designof

passion is developing company brands from logo concept to full website design and everything in between.

with our clients.

Experience. Branding. Excellence._____________________________________

BritePointe was founded in 2005 and is located in Hayward, California. The

products to market at an operating cost substantially lower than competing products. The company has a novel patented technology which delivers an

solid state array material. This is a substantially greater light intensity and

the foreseeable future. The technology enables the use of light emitting di-

such as high bay lighting and other applications, which require small and extremely bright light sources. Previously such brightness was unattainable in such a small package and in such density. This product, with a simple

compared to existing technology. The Company produces solid state light


Bvisionary, Inc offers green products and consulting services. Bvisionary

who has over 20 years of experience, working with major corporations in the area of facilities management, design and construction and corporate real estate._____________________________________

CALIBRE is an employee-owned management and technology services company that supports government and industry with management analy-sis, technology solutions, and program support. CALIBRE’s dedicated staff of energy professionals has experience in providing energy management oversight and services, including enterprise energy data warehousing and

-sures for new and existing projects._____________________________________

Energy storage stores renewable energy in the form of ice for use during peak demand and high cost periods. Energy storage is critical for renew-able energy and Smart Grid viability. By storing energy, buildings can be demand response ready while lowering carbon footprints plus lower cool-


The CAN2GO technology and line of products have been developed by company SCL Elements Inc.

challenges associated with of monitoring environmental parameters and controlling processes. We have developed patented technologies in these areas, to offer our clientele reliable, and easy-to-use products that can be up and running in minutes. Our expertise is gained through close collabo-ration with industrial partners, universities, governmental institutions and hospitals._____________________________________

Capstone Turbine Corporation® is the world’s leading producer of low-

viable air bearing turbine technology. The company has shipped thousands of Capstone turbines to customers worldwide in applications such as Com-

Shaving. These award-winning systems have logged millions of document-ed runtime operating hours._____________________________________

-tributor for Capstone Turbine as well as an EPA Combined Heat & Power Partner. Come learn how we are actively promoting energy solutions by

create Onsite Combined Heat & Power Plants. With impending utility rate increases, questionable power reliability, and plenty of Shale Gas, Capstone


CARLO GAVAZZI manufactures industrial and building automation prod-ucts. We offer a multitude of current, voltage, frequency and phase moni-toring devices, as well as a full range of energy metering and management devices/software, now with OPEN CONNECTIVITY via ethernet or cel-

available include: Current Transformers, Monitoring Relays, Panel Meters, Energy Meters, Power Analyzers, Power Quality Analyzers, Smart Power

are now GoSolarCalifornia approved, meeting performance based incentive


retro-commissioning, utility demand-side management program design and administration, research and development, and energy-management services. _____________________________________

and provide a one-year payback. _____________________________________

Clearwater Enviro Technologies, Inc.manufacturer of environmentally-friendly products dedicated to solving hard water issues and reducing the need of chemicals to purify water. The

in its own two-story building in the Clearwater, Florida area. CET looks forward to the challenge of protecting the environment and improving water quality for a healthier environment.

ScaleBlaster, manufactured by Clearwater Enviro Technologies, is an electronic descaling device that does not require salt, chemicals nor any maintenance. Multiple power, geothermal and industrial plants utilize our products around the world, saving them money while protecting the envi-

proven success. _____________________________________

Commissioning is not a side business; it’s our core competency. We work

-ments have been met. We have served as the technically competent, inde-pendent commissioning authority on projects of all sizes._____________________________________

Compressed Air Best Practices Magazine assists Energy Managers, Sus--


Energy Rebate programs offered by Utility companies. While the focus is on compressed air optimization opportunities, we also feature articles on heat recovery, HVAC, boilers, lighting, demand response, and other energy


Our Heritage and Experience ConEdison Solutions is a leading energy services company that provides competitive power supply, renewable energy, sustainability services, and cost-effective energy solutions for commercial, industrial, residential, gov-ernment, public school districts, and higher education customers. ConEdi-son Solutions offers programs and services designed to achieve individual

and security objectives for its clients. _____________________________________

WattNode® Power and Energy Meters

in electric power metering and monitoring equipment. The company’s solu-tions are designed to provide key electrical system measurements includ-

protocols including BACnet®, Modbus®, and LONWorks® and as pulse outputs. Applications for the WattNode® meter and Accu-CT™, a revenue-


The Cooper name has stood for innovation, service and expertise for over 175 years. As lighting technologies have advanced, Cooper has been at the forefront of the industry in helping businesses leverage the latest technolo-

Through changing times and technologies, Cooper answers the call to pro-vide relevant, industry-leading solutions to challenging market needs._____________________________________

copper alloys through research, development and education, as well as

industry and the home._____________________________________


switching devices and RF devices. Cree products are driving improvements in applications such as general illumination, electronic signs and signals, power supplies and solar inverters._____________________________________

The Crom Corporation specializes in the design and construction of secure, high quality, virtually maintenance-free Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks. Crom Prestressed Concrete Tanks are highly regarded by both municipal and industrial clients for their longevity and pleasing appearance. The Crom

and constantly improved water tank technology focusing on these important attributes: Guaranteed Watertightness, Structural Integrity, Greatest Life-cycle Economy, and Best Aesthetic Appearance. The Crom Corporation has become the preeminent prestressed concrete tank construction company by

II method. The Crom Corporation currently constructs over 100 tanks per year. _____________________________________

Cypress Envirosystems is a subsidiary of Cypress Semiconductor (NYSE:

and buildings, using state-of-the-art non-invasive and wireless technologies to minimize disruption and cost, delivering payback of 12 months or less.


-able speed, centrifugal refrigerant compressors for the HVAC and process

very quiet, and requires little maintenance. To put it another way, lowest life-cycle costs._____________________________________

auditing services for the new ISO 50001 (energy management), SEP (Superior Energy Performance) -


an enhanced customer experience and the growth of a continuous improve-extensive knowl-

USA) and a proven track record of success to help achieve the goals of any organization._____________________________________

engineered plastic cooling towers ranging from 10-2000 cooling tons.

15-year warranty on the casing, which is molded into a unitary leak-proof structure of engineered plastic. All models are factory assembled, simple to install and nearly maintenance free. Packaged Cooling Systems can be skid mounted to include pumps, heat exchangers, storage tanks, control panels and many other items to complete your project. _____________________________________


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meaningful energy data that is used to accurately allocate energy costs, identify energy cost-savings opportunities and lower utility bills. These cost-effective instruments are used by energy professionals worldwide for



EnergyThe Journal for Onsite Power Solutions


EnergyThe Journal of Energy Efficiency & Reliability

-uted Energy addresses the concerns of the readers regarding the vulner-ability of their operations and facilities to power interruptions and explores solutions for increasing energy self-reliance._____________________________________

government agencies with comprehensive energy solutions in the most ef-

choice for energy solutions._____________________________________

tanks and provides liquid storage applications worldwide such as Thermal Energy Storage tanks._____________________________________

to the worldwide oil, gas, petrochemical, and process industries. The Com-pany operates manufacturing facilities in the United States, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Norway, and India, and maintains a network of

covering more than 150 countries._____________________________________


of our products with our customers. It also means that we keep a constant check on the performance and quality of our products. This combination is unique in the industry. _____________________________________

of the Nation’s largest specialty lighting distributors. A Family owned and

sight of its original goals. We put all our effort into providing our customer with the best possible service, period. We have your best interest in mind at all times, and we will work hand and hand with you to achieve your goals; maximizing your lighting to achieve optimal results. Our purchasing power with the major lamp manufacturers gives E. Sam Jones the unique ability to offer quality products at competitive prices. Our vast inventory means prompt delivery from our warehouse to your business. We also serve many regional and national accounts with multiple shipping locations. At E. Sam Jones, our knowledgeable sales and customer service staff can offer energy saving suggestions for all of your lighting needs. We also offer free energy



al, institutional and multi-family users to identify exactly how, when and where energy is used in a facility. Monitored loads can include lighting cir-cuits, heating & cooling systems, tenant spaces, common areas, production equipment or entire buildings. Meters can interface with E-Mon Energy


Eaton Corporation is a global technology leader in electrical components and systems for power quality, distribution and control; hydraulics compo-nents, systems and services for industrial and mobile equipment; aerospace fuel, hydraulics and pneumatic systems for commercial and military use; and truck and automotive drivetrain and powertrain systems for perfor-mance, fuel economy and safety. Eaton’s Energy Solutions optimize build-ing performance using proven methods that lower energy consumption, improve comfort, increase system performance and maximize productivity. Our objective is to help our customers achieve their business goals while maintaining environmentally sustainable enterprises. We partner with our customers to help them meet their objectives and provide energy engineer-ing and consulting, commissioning and retro-commissioning facility opti-mization services, MEP design, turnkey project implementation and Perfor-mance Contracting._____________________________________

measurement. We can provide these in permanent or portable versions with

-vide mag meters, noncontact level measurement and point level switches.


Electro Industries/GaugeTech The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

Electro Industries/GaugeTech is the technology leader in power metering and energy sub-metering. We provide solutions for energy management, cost allocation and energy sub-billing, Our Shark® Series energy meters of-fer Ethernet, BACnet and WiFi solutions making connectivity simple. EIG can also provide advanced software to produce energy usage reports, energy dashboards and automated billing capability._____________________________________

-nator Air Systems, Inc, will eliminate the cost and noise of compressed air, by designing a blower-based system for your process. Eliminator Air

process, be on-site to assure proper installation and operation of your sys-tem, guarantee results, reduce noise levels, dramatically reduce energy costs and usually improve the manufacturing process HALCO LIGHTING TECHNOLOGIES

Halco Lighting Technologies® is a manufacturer of lamps and ballasts designed for industrial/commercial, residential and special lighting applica-tions. Halco’s extensive product line includes the following brands: Hal-

the company has U.S. distribution centers in Atlanta, Cleveland, Houston and Phoenix._____________________________________

ELSPEC is a global leader in providing power quality solutions for the -

oped and marketed comprehensive electrical power quality solutions along with cutting-edge electrical network analysis and management technolo-gies. ELSPEC’s innovative products help companies save energy and opti-


Energent Incorporated is a leader provider of Energy Information Man-

consumption through monitoring, targeting, and benchmarking. We have developed an internet-based technology platform and powerful reporting tools to provide customers with valuable insight into their energy use. Cus-tomers leverage this real-time energy information to control energy use,



EnergyCAP is the best selling utility bill management software. With online and installed software for organizations of any size, EnergyCAP delivers powerful energy and greenhouse gas tracking, benchmarking, utility bill processing, reporting, and analyzing. A multiple ENERGY STAR Partner of

-mentation, training, bill processing, and support services._____________________________________


EnerNOC is transforming the way the world uses energy. We help end-users

to both groups through a full suite of energy management solutions includ-

price and risk management, and enterprise carbon management._____________________________________

eSight is the most sophisticated yet intuitive energy management suite

an extensive range of techniques for analyzing energy usage to reduce con-

from virtually any energy related system (meters & loggers, BAS & con-


EverLast® Lighting is a subsidiary of Full Spectrum Solutions, Inc. and has -

tions for roadway, parking structure, facility and area lighting applications. Notable installations include: NASA, Cobo Convention Center, U.S. Mili-

and Yuengling® Brewery. _____________________________________

EZ Meter is an affordable line of revenue grade electric kwh sub-meters -

sumption. With energy cost on the rise and Green Energy practices becom-ing mainstream, its irresponsible of corporations to not monitor their energy consumption and EZ Meter is a leading line of manufacture direct solutions

Welcome to the next ice age - the age of controlling commercial cooling costs. IceStor integrates with new or existing AC systems to generate im-mediate cost savings and long-term protection against rising energy costs.

-age system ever designed. IceStor static glycol tanks produce and store ice at night, when energy costs are lowest, and discharge cooling during the high on-peak rate period. By shifting this portion of the air conditioning electric load to off-peak hours, IceStor reduces demand charges and lowers peak power usage. The FAFCO system also makes the building more com-fortable. The technology allows project engineers to achieve colder chilled water supply temperatures, and thus, better humidity control._____________________________________

FieldOne is an innovative, secure and scalable service automation manage-ment platform with SaaS, desktop and mobile solutions. Fieldone provides Midsized and Enterprise service businesses with powerful and innovative solutions. From real time technician scheduling, customer and partner portal

-vice. With customizable dashboards and extensive reporting, management can be in the loop at any level of detail desired. FieldOne deploys fast and with our extensive training and support capabilities, gets users functional in weeks, not months and years. FieldOne Cloud based, SaaS solution is

-ability and simple integration points. FieldOne has over 2,100 Midsized and


FLEXIM is known for its cutting edge engineering and quality ultrasonic

-stallation make it the meter of choice. FLEXIM takes ultrasonic technology

-ture measurement._____________________________________

heat signatures signaling energy waste, electrical overloading, and mechan-

-agery, MSX™ enhancement, and more._____________________________________

featuring our proven, award winning, patented technology to convert exist-

Flow Safe guarantees energy savings and worker safety protection._____________________________________

Flozone Services takes a full service approach to understanding and man-aging the entire HVAC heating and cooling system as related to water and air quality. Our Integrated Water, Energy, & Air Management Program

Flozone offers cost effective programs that are environmentally responsible with proven technology, the best control systems, and superior service. _____________________________________

Gates Corporation powers progress by providing high quality, reliable belt, hose, and hydraulic products. Gates customers have saved millions of dol-

drive life while reducing energy and maintenance expenses. In addition to top quality synchronous and V-belts, Gates offers engineering and design support, preventive maintenance training, energy savings calculators, and more._____________________________________

The Georgia Centers of Innovation help companies in Georgia’s strategic industries grow and compete by providing expertise and connections to Georgia’s network of business, academic and government resources._____________________________________

Georgia Power is the largest subsidiary of Southern Company, one of the nation’s largest generators of electricity. The company is an investor-owned, tax-paying utility with rates below the national average. Georgia


-vironment. EarthCents aligns under one name the programs and resources Georgia Power has available to help residential and business customers.


improvements, Georgia Power can help you save.


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The Georgia Solar Energy Association leads the statewide effort to promote

advocacy and industry support. Our members are working together to make Georgia a leader in sustainable energy and green job growth._____________________________________

The German American Chamber of Commerce of the Southern US, Inc.

TX. _____________________________________

Glacial Energy is one of the fastest growing, most successful retail energy marketers in the United States. We serve residential, commercial, indus-trial and institutional customers in 20 states. Our combined experience and exceptional level of service contribute to a service offering that exceeds


help companies realize immediate energy savings by offering cost-effective

maintenance and overhead costs that will directly impact and increase your

provide a construction grade lighting audit, detailed and accurate proposal that guarantees the energy savings, followed by ordering material needed for the job, through to utilizing our in-house labor performing the installa-


Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, Greenspeed Energy Solutions, LLC is a leading provider of sustainable energy solutions in North America. Greenspeed Energy’s management has over 75 years of leading edge ex-perience in designing and installing an array of solutions that reduce cus-tomers’ operating expenses, increase comfort and provide valuable envi-

-ogy Solutions to include on-site electrical generation and UPS systems, Weatherization and Water conservation services. The Company offers cost saving strategies and renewable energy services to customers nationwide, including commercial, industrial, institutional, municipal and government facilities._____________________________________

focused on delivering top quality engineering design and energy analysis services. GEI has extensive experience implementing energy conservation strategies and designs for buildings of all types, throughout the continen-tal United States. GEI prides itself on being customer focused, developing strategies based on customers’ primary goals._____________________________________


Halco Lighting Technologies® is a manufacturer of lamps and ballasts de-signed for industrial/commercial, residential and special lighting applica-tions. Halco’s extensive product line includes the following brands: Hal-

the company has U.S. distribution centers in Atlanta, Cleveland, Houston and Phoenix._____________________________________

Hannah Solar, LLC and Hannah Solar Government Services, LLC are a

Georgia. Our team has 70 plus years of experience in the construction and energy industry with extensive project management experiences. We cur-rently have projects under development throughout the United States from our base in the Southeast. Our installation professionals understand turn-key construction, and the electrical element crucial to the harvest of solar energy. _____________________________________

Reducing kWh and kW because of fenestration solar heat gain has made Hani-taTEK a global leader in energy and environmental solutions. Visit our booth



-er, serving customers worldwide with control technologies for buildings, homes and industry, among other offerings. We also are a global leader in energy services, working with organizations to conserve energy, optimize


ties across the globe._____________________________________

and collaborative solutions for our clients nationwide. We help commercial and federal, state, and local government agencies make progress towards their energy reduction goals. HEA is a GSA Schedule holder for commis-sioning and energy audit services. _____________________________________

Hotstart designs and manufactures engine pre-heaters that improve the reli-ability of generators and other industrial engines. The product line includes tank type, direct immersion and circulating coolant heaters and lube oil heaters. Hotstart heaters provide diesel engines with easy starts, immedi-ate full power, reduced engine wear, reduced emissions and reduced fuel



Howard Lighting Products is committed to a brighter future, and we’re do-ing our part by designing and manufacturing energy-saving lighting that is safer and preserves the environment. We offer a full line of high-quality

commercial and residential uses. Howard Lighting is your source for de-pendable lighting products, now, and in the future._____________________________________

polyurethane materials for sustainable insulation products, including spray

pour-in-place insulation and pipe insulation. Huntsman’s products play a key role in reducing building energy consumption. For more information, visit www.huntsman.com/insulation. _____________________________________

IEC Systems, Inc

Integrator specializing in EMCS, metering and open systems integration.Quark Communications, Inc

based LonWorks developer specializing in software and hardware. Our In-etSupervisor web-based front-end software celebrated 10 year anniversary last year. This year we launched full line of open LonWorks hardware based


iEnergyIQ is a revolutionary Energy Analytics, Management and Load Control system providing:- Energy ERP with C&I Energy Management Portal - Energy Analytics


Management - Green House Gas Tracking - Continuous Benchmarking & Commissioning _____________________________________

Ingersoll Rand Air Solutions provides industrial grade compressed air sys-

Rand’s air compressor portfolio spans from 2 to 5,000 HP in a variety of

100 years of innovative design has enabled Ingersoll Rand to offer ground breaking solutions that increase productivity, lower operating costs, and in-crease revenue via world class service and support. Using cutting edge sys-

team of engineers dedicated to your system design by reducing energy on a case by case basis. _____________________________________

The mission of the IGSHPA and its membership is to promote the use of ground source heat pump technology worldwide through education and communication._____________________________________


ing the Southeast United States. The company has grown over the years -

tions and systems while providing superior customer service. Our mission

water and steam related systems. We will do this while striving to be the best manufacturer’s representative in the country from the viewpoints of

-ence and the representation of more than twenty additional lines, James M. Pleasants Company has the expertise and products to provide integrated Hydronic, Steam and Condensate Systems._____________________________________

Kaeser Compressors, Inc. is the leader in providing reliable and energy ef-

proper system design. In the course of helping many customers achieve


convenience, and completeness. As an ENERGY STAR Partner, Kaeser is committed to helping industrial users increase compressed air system per-formance while saving energy saving and reducing maintenance costs. _____________________________________


-tor sets for both stand-by and continuous duty applications, as well as full

and focus on the sales, distribution, maintenance, and renting of a wide range of gas and diesel engines and generator power systems for industrial, residential, marine, mobile and combined heat and power/cogeneration ap-plications. Our systems operate on a variety of fuels including natural gas,

power solution provider. _____________________________________

Kure Energy a manufacturer processing center that provides your custom made turnkey energy solution for small to mid-sized companies. This in-cludes revolutionary go green technology that is helping to eliminate harm-ful EMF’s and electrical waste from electricity consumers affordably._____________________________________

kWantera provides a unique, leading-edge energy management software so-lution to commercial building operators, industrial manufacturers, universi-ties, hospitals, data centers, and virtually any large consumer of electricity or natural gas. Our kWantera Analytics product analyzes large volumes of high-velocity, real-time data from smart meters, sensors and other sources and uncovers hidden anomalies in the energy infrastructure that lead to sig-


kWhOURS, Inc., offers kW-Field, a tablet-based software application for building assessments that enables service professionals to more effectively collect, manage, and share energy and other building asset data. kW-Field

-plete projects faster, and improve data consistency - while making new and existing staff more productive. _____________________________________

LEM is a market leader in providing innovative and high quality solutions for measuring electrical parameters. Its core products - current and voltage transducers - are used in a broad range of applications in industrial, trac-

energy and Sentinel Battery monitoring solutions. _____________________________________

energy management systems, electrical wiring devices and data center con-nectivity solutions. Leviton offers the most comprehensive line of energy management products to help you save energy, meet code compliance and

powered controls, relay controls, commercial grade sub-metering and more._____________________________________

Lime Energy is building a clean energy future. We are a national leader in

Our services include integrated energy engineering, consulting and the implementation of solutions that enable customers to reduce their facility’s energy consumption, lower their operating and maintenance costs and re-duce their carbon footprint. We provide these solutions to utilities, national organizations with multiple sites, the government sector and energy service

and large government sites. _____________________________________


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Lutron Electronics, headquartered in Coopersburg, Pennsylvania, designs and manufactures energy-saving lighting controls, automated window treat-ments and appliance modules for both residential and commercial applica-tions. Its innovative, intuitive products can be used to control everything from a single light, to every light, shade and even stand-by power in a home


MAMAC Systems is a leading global manufacturer of sensors, transducers, control peripherals and web browser based IP Appliances. MAMAC prod-ucts are used for HVAC and environmental controls, remote monitoring alarming, energy metering, and industrial automation. MAMAC Systems pioneered the HVAC environmental controls, energy management and light industrial automation markets. _____________________________________

is focused on providing the most affordable, effective and scalable energy management solutions for building owners and facility managers. Our ex-tensive line of state of the art sub-meters for load control, demand analysis

PowerStudio, the web based, energy monitoring and control software appli-cation offers the user the ability to analyze and manage real-time as well as historic data from multiple remote meters through an intuitive web browser

gas and water meters as well as any sensor with a mA or pulse output e.g.

business needs. Our maintenance free, voltage sag support modules enable customers to eliminate downtime caused by nuisance supply trips and dirty

before, during and after the sale._____________________________________

Intelli-Hood® commercial kitchen demand ventilation control saves up to

controls, Intelli-Hood won the AHR Expo 2012 Product of the Year Award. Melink is known for its commitment to sustainability including having one

net-zero energy. _____________________________________

-facturer of rubber expansion joints. Our experience and a willingness to venture into unchartered waters, gives us the edge found nowhere else. We’ve built our reputation on solving problems that others thought unsolv-

will too. Mercer Rubber Company - A reputation for quality that stretches around the world._____________________________________

Millennial Net, Inc. is a leading provider of wireless energy management solutions for commercial, industrial, public and other types of buildings. The Company’s MeshScape® Energy Management System consists of wireless sensor network devices such as electric and pneumatic thermostats, zone temperature and humidity sensors, thermal sensors, pulse counters, electricity sub-meters and I/O controllers. Combined with internet tech-nologies and web applications or interfaced with existing EMS systems via BACnet/IP Millennial Net solutions provide remote monitoring and control

lighting and other energy consuming devices, allowing building owners and


method of providing precise comfort control to indoor environments. VRF offers a wide variety of applications from spot-cooling or -heating a single


eco-friendly cooling and heating solutions. Our Variable Refrigerant Flow

building envelope, conserving electricity and delivering custom comfort to occupants. VRF zoning systems can help new or existing buildings earn

-ployed on over 200 projects to date for this purpose. Mr. Slim ductless split systems can provide spot cooling for computer rooms, telephone equipment rooms, and many other applications._____________________________________

Miura is a world leader in thermal energy innovation with modular, on-demand boiler systems offering superior energy management with quick response & high-precision load-matching via modular, sequentially staged units._____________________________________

MPC Energy helps industrial companies decrease production energy costs by deploying the most tested and advanced Energy Management System available in industry. Our system reduces energy consumption without capi-

reduction in energy through culture, accountability and transparency.

design, custom optics and non toxic lead-free materials._____________________________________

MULTISTACK designs and manufactures both water and air-cooled modu-

carbon emissions, small footprint, built-in redundancy, future expandabil-ity, ASHRAE-15 compliance, low maintenance, and very low sound levels.

leader in dedicated heat recovery chillers and heat pumps, and offers envi-ronmentally friendly solutions. _____________________________________

For more than 25 years, the National Association of Energy Service Com-panies has been the preeminent national trade organization representing and

the government both at the state and federal level. Working with NAESCO allied trade groups, policy groups and customer representatives, NAESCO

resources in developing a state, national, and global energy portfolio and an advocate for the delivery of cost effective energy services to all customer classes. NAESCO’s membership consist of key industry players, including

and distributors, distribution companies, distributed generation companies,


The interNational Association of Lighting Management Companies has

decades, NALMCO® has been on the cutting edge of technological ad-vances and best practices in the lighting industry. The association offers

provides a forum to facilitate new ideas and business opportunities within the lighting industry._____________________________________

-cant savings by conserving water, sewer and the related expenses. Our focus


Noesis Energy is a free energy performance management website for auto-mated benchmarking and portfolio tracking. It combines free professional

-sive real-world advice and tips from an online network of energy profes-sionals. Noesis is focused on helping energy managers, building owners, facility managers and other commercial, industrial and public sector pro-fessionals better understand their energy consumption and make informed decisions about projects that reduce their ongoing energy costs. _____________________________________

resources in wholesale electric markets nationally, to commercial/indus-trial customers. Flexible energy users reduce their electricity use when the

pay recurring revenue. _____________________________________

Established in 2000, NorthWrite – The WorkSite Company is an industry leader in web-based energy monitoring and analysis. NorthWrite award-winning products are installed nationwide for demand side management,

-ergy modeling across the spectrum of commercial, industrial, institutional, and governmental facilities. The Worksite solution includes integrated communications and program management tools that seamlessly connect all stakeholders to ensure your energy program meets its savings and sus-tainability objectives._____________________________________

Obvius is a leading energy solutions provider offering meters, wireless metering, data acquisition, software, and monitoring technologies used to display and manage energy consumption and renewable energy generation._____________________________________


meters for chilled water, hot water, condenser water, and steam and natural

gas systems. They are ideally suited for campus and central energy plant

installation without shutdown. Btu meters are compatible with BACnet, -


Onset is the world’s leading supplier of data loggers. The company’s HOBO® data loggers are used in a range of energy monitoring applica-

building commissioning studies. Onset has sold more than 2 million data


Famous for reliable USA-made products, open standards, and free support, Opto 22 manufactures controllers and I/O for industrial/commercial cus-tomers.

We also make energy monitoring simple. Easy-to-use OptoEMU Sensors monitor facility and equipment. See detailed, real-time energy data online, use it in control systems and databases, and participate in demand-response programs._____________________________________


and provides turnkey installation of its cloud based InteLite® energy man--

forms, Apollo® solar light pipe and other renewable photovoltaic and wind technologies. Made in USA._____________________________________

Palmer Wahl Instrumentation Group, with 175 years of continuous prod--

through product development geared exclusively towards industrial process measurement, test and calibration. Operating from a modern facility in

-plication/technical support, calibration services and product selection from


Pepco Energy Services, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Pepco Hold-

and industrial customers with comprehensive energy management solu-

largest independent electricity supplier in the United States. _____________________________________

-tion of facilities energy and data at a fraction of the cost of traditional “one

Periscope has become the preferred solution for owners, consultants and integrators seeking to discover, analyze, prioritize and optimize their facili-ties and systems performance. _____________________________________

installations and renewable energy systems for commercial, industrial and institutional facilities, with an emphasis on building-integrated applica-tions. The company implements the latest green technologies, including:

solar thermal systems, fuel cells, rainwater harvesting, green roofs and geo-thermal systems. _____________________________________

As the world’s leader in lighting, Philips has a tradition of spearheading in-

desires, and aspirations while fully promoting environmental responsibil-

specialty systems for the market’s broad range of professional applications._____________________________________

Pneu-Logic is the industry leader in control systems for compressed air. Their advanced technology works with any make, type or mix of compres-

and help lower maintenance costs, as well as providing invaluable monitor-ing, trending and reporting tools. _____________________________________

your investment and assures a long life of uninterrupted environmental

strategies for the lowest cost of operation and is the choice of architects and design engineers when quality counts._____________________________________


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Powerhouse EquipmentPowerhouse provides custom rental boiler systems as well as turn-key boiler services to customers all over the world. Our reputation as a quality


Practical Energy Solutions is a comprehensive engineering, design and

provide sustainable energy savings. _____________________________________

veterans who have built the company for a single purpose: to deliver exactly what our customers want._____________________________________

PTM Manufacturing, LLC, is an industry leader in advanced HVAC system air distribution and insulation technologies designed to improve building


At Quadlogic, we spend our energy helping you manage yours. We design and manufacture a full line of solid-state, advanced electricity meters and complete metering systems. As a market leader in Power Line Communica-tions metering technology, we provide accurate, timely and reliable meter-ing data to our clients and we have been doing so for over 25 years. In the face of rising energy costs, deregulated markets and complex energy pricing, the data our metering systems provide are critical to your energy management decisions. Our patented technology relies on a known and robust infrastructure - - the existing power lines. Our systems are smart, dependable and cost-effective._____________________________________

RAB Lighting, located in Northvale, New Jersey is a leading manufacturer -

RAB Lighting manufactures and sells a full line of Outdoor Lighting and Lighting Control Sensors. All RAB products are designed for ease of installation, durability and high quality standards._____________________________________

Redwood Systems’ Building-Performance Lighting Platform facilitates lower cost, higher-performing workplaces. Redwood has developed the world’s only smart building platform that powers and controls lights and a high-density sensor grid, providing both best-in-class energy savings av-

power consumption._____________________________________

Retro-Tech Systems, Inc. is an established national leader in the Lighting Industry, engaged in the engineering, designing, and installing of energy-

-stalled lighting projects for a wide range of Commercial, Industrial, Edu-cational, Medical, Governmental, Institutional, and Retail facilities across the United States. Retro-Tech Systems, Inc.’s mission is to be the preferred

-tems, exceeding our customer’s expectations through a total commitment to quality products and exceptional service._____________________________________

-sioning and Energy Management Services to Federal Agencies worldwide. RS&H’s portfolio includes energy audits, commissioning, billing analysis, energy modeling, and evaluation of innovative technologies. We also pro-vide utility database development, energy and water policy development, GHG inventory calculations, and training services. _____________________________________

-tions company that uses its deep domain knowledge to solve problems of vital importance to the nation and the world, in national security, energy & environment, health and cybersecurity. The company’s approximately

U.S. Government civil agencies and selected commercial markets. Head-quartered in McLean, Va., SAIC had annual revenues of approximately

-tion, visit saic.com. SAIC: From Science to Solutions®

-ing business with over 20 years of experience providing comprehensive energy engineering services for commercial and industrial facilities. SEA

-ommends cost-effective improvements. SEA services also include building

training and more. Visit us at www.saineng.com._____________________________________



Schneider Electric is the world’s power and control specialist. Through its

-tial, building, industry and energy and infrastructure markets. _____________________________________

commercial applications?

heating technology, backed up by the best design, quickest delivery and


SCIenergy® is a best-in-class energy management company dedicated to optimizing building performance for owners and operators. Our solutions serve the breadth of portfolio needs from providing retro-commissioning services coupled with advanced analytics to comprehensive energy-saving

building expertise, providing sustained operational savings, reduced envi-ronmental impact, and enhanced occupant satisfaction._____________________________________

Sensor Switch is an industry leader in developing occupancy sensor prod-ucts and technology for lighting control. Sensor Switch is an engineer-ing-driven company offering the widest array of sensors offered by any


and retail stores, Sensor Switch provides reliable and cost-effective lighting control solutions for virtually every building type and application. Founded

-ucts in the USA at the company headquarters in Wallingford, Connecticut._____________________________________

Sentry LLC, offers the Sentry Switch, a centrally controlled wall light switch designed to replace conventional toggle or decorator style light switches in commercial lighting control applications. Sentry Switches work with your building’s time clocks and a relay contactor panel to remotely turn off lighting, yet they allow complete local override. With the Sentry Switch, lights stay off until the area is occupied. The Sentry Switch pro-vides a simple, reliable and cost-effective lighting control system that be-

into an existing building without costly installation or changing user habits._____________________________________

A division of Siemens Industry, Inc., Building Technologies is a leading provider of energy and environmental solutions, building controls, electri-

-ing Technologies provides a full range of services and solutions, enabling America’s buildings to be more comfortable, secure and environmentally friendly as well as less costly to operate. _____________________________________


-treal, Quebec; Plattsburgh, NY; Stuttgart, Germany; Melbourne, Australia and Guangzhou, Guangdong. Smardt is the world’s largest user of the revo-lutionary Turbocor compressor technology, which the company has been

installations across the world. When you install Smardt’s award-winning Kiltech CPECS chiller plant energy optimization system - now supplied

spectacular energy savings become possible. _____________________________________

-novation, and dedicated client services. We are determined to make SMC


Solar Energy USA offers a robust commercial energy reduction opportunity

Adapters. Along with their comprehensive lighting platform, Solar Energy USA also offers capacitors, EV charging stations, and photovoltaic solar solutions including solar panels and solar lighting._____________________________________

Spirax Sarco is the world leader in steam system management. The Com-

systems expertise and site services for its diverse range of over 100,000 industrial and institutional customers. The Company helps its customers to optimize production capacity, reduce energy costs and emissions, improve product quality and enhance the safety of their operations. Spirax Sarco has strategically located manufacturing plants around the world and employs

service engineers._____________________________________

Standard Solar, Inc. is a leader in the full-service development, construc--

cated to making solar solutions more accessible to consumers, businesses, institutions and governments, the company is leading the way to energy


expanded federal and state and local tax credits. Named one of the Fastest Growing Private Companies in America in 2010 and 2011 by Inc. maga-


STEINEL has introduced a new wireless occupancy sensor for high bay -

municates wirelessly to other devices to create convenient lighting control groups. STEINEL, www.steinel.net, has been manufacturing lighting con-trols for over 25 years. The company’s product offering includes a wide variety of sensors for indoors and outdoors._____________________________________

offers a comprehensive carbon-reduction portfolio - RECs, carbon offsets -

ling Planet No. 1 in sales to the voluntary REC market, and the nation’s

partnerships and develops renewable energy projects nationwide._____________________________________

class team has decades of PV industry experience, a unique development approach and innovative proprietary processes that enable us to deliver leading edge solar cell technology and module performance while cutting the cost of the PV value chain._____________________________________


and working with ENERGY STAR, Sunpark Electronics has always stood

industrial, commercial, and residential market as we continue to evolve._____________________________________

infrared product line to meet all your design requirements. The total infra-

-trial, agricultural and residential applications. Our award winning, patented

in promoting ‘green building’ technology and are proud to have our heat-

Performance’ category. We have become the radiant heat industry leader by

our customers to achieve their success._____________________________________


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SRS’s Sustainable Real Estate Manager® software-as-a-service platform enables building energy auditors and ESCOs to calculate baseline and normalized energy use and costs, benchmark key performance indicators against SRS’s proprietary Peer Building Benchmarking™ database of over 125,000 buildings, determine the optimized bundle of energy conserva-tion measures and model ROI. Furthermore, it automates energy audit and


tekWorx optimizes central energy plant performance through adaptive control, hydronic system expertise and continuous commissioning. te-kWorx helps clients minimize total kW per ton in their existing facilities without the purchase of new equipment. tekWorx optimizes any hydronic

-tem or network._____________________________________

modules and light engines with intelligent on board drive circuitry to handle the engineering and integration work so you don’t have to. For lighting manufacturers, designers and building owners alike, we offer the


Tetra Tech provides environmental, engineering and construction servic-

power generation, transmission, distribution, and storage, in all stages of development, construction, and operations. In addition, Tetra Tech offers energy policy, planning, management, and advisory services to govern-ment agencies, utilities, large energy users, system operators and the de-


Therm-o-lite Inc is a U.S. manufacturer of supplemental window systems. Thermolite window systems provide the greatest amount of energy savings for existing buildings. This alternative to window replacement saves as much as triple-glazed thermal IG units at a lower cost. The system also can provide sound, blast, and hurricane mitigation as well as signal defense, ballistic and security solutions. All historic preservation requirements are met._____________________________________

Save energy and stop losing money with easy to install removable and reusable insulation jackets. A large portion of energy waste stems from pipes and other components that are poorly insulated or not insulated at all. At ThermaXX, we specialize in insulation solutions that can be easily re-moved for maintenance. If you’ve been assigned the job of cutting energy costs or improving safety within the workplace, contact our representatives to discuss the insulation options and how we can help you accomplish your


Touché Controls manufactures lighting control systems for commercial and industrial use. Touché’s Ethernet based solution provides the user a level of control and interfacing not seen in the market to date. Features in-clude: touch-screen interfacing on devices, drag-and-drop technology for programming, and automatic calibration of all sensors. Sensors, Touch-

manufactured in USA. _____________________________________

We Know Energy from the Inside Out At Trane, our knowledge of buildings provides a new perspective to

energy management; the building’s perspective. We help create high-

cycle, from design and build through operation and renovation. Trane sys-tems and services help increase reliability, lower operational costs, and accurately manage energy. So, because we know buildings from the inside out, we can better manage your building’s energy to increase occupant comfort and productivity while minimizing costs. Trane is a wholly owned


-prove energy consumption, indoor air quality and building life cycle costs.

-nam customize building repair, replacement and planned maintenance pro-grams to meet high performance building goals while optimizing payback. _____________________________________


Triacta’s PowerHawk® family of revenue-grade meters and monitors are suitable for stand alone monitoring situations requiring several metering points, or high density regulated applications that require precision mea-

with building management and automation systems or used on their own - forming a metering fabric for part of a building, an entire building, or a complete real estate portfolio. _____________________________________

Trison Construction, Inc. is a national design/build experienced geother--



ENERGY STAR® is a voluntary partnership between businesses and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dedicated to saving money

expertise and achievement to building owners and managers seeking to


The organization achieves its mission through public policy and communi-ty outreach programs, educational initiatives, and advocacy for USGBC’s


creation and development, and green building code adoption. Through its advocacy efforts – both within and outside the industry – the USGBC-GA Chapter is helping to improve indoor air quality, reduce CO2 emissions,

strong green jobs economy in the Southeast._____________________________________

UKTI is the Government department that helps UK-based companies succeed internationally. We also help overseas companies bring their high-quality investment to the UK’s dynamic economy - acknowledged as Eu-rope’s best place from which to grow and succeed in global business www.ukti.gov.uk. UK businesses are developing and deploying world-class

recognise what the UK has - UK Know How - the combination of intel-ligence, innovation and capability in a low carbon economy worth £107 billion. _____________________________________

Universal Lighting Technologies is the global leader in ballasts and con--

to announce the acquisition of Vossloh-Schwabe’s North America opera-

innovation and customer satisfaction._____________________________________

On-line graduate engineering degrees designed for working engineers and technical professionals in the energy industry. Master’s degrees in Sustain-able Energy Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Reliability Engineering, Fire Protection Engineering, and Project Management. Learn More and


rate & bill auditing services in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern U.S. UMS provides a simple, risk-free means for businesses and organizations

-tric costs without change to their operation or interruption to their busi-ness. UMS experts stay ahead of Utility Commission regulations, power provider rate structures, and pending legislation in order to bring our cus-tomers the highest level of savings, providing the greatest impact to your bottom line.

engineer, UMS has developed a reputation for getting results when other

100,000 electric accounts for over 7,000 businesses, governmental agen-


Utility Metals, a division of Fabricated Metals LLC, is a leading manufac-turer of outdoor lighting products. We offer an extensive line of products for all of your outdoor lighting applications._____________________________________


supporting new construction projects. Featuring our unique T5 Adapter, a

consumption with quick returns. We also provide energy solution services for the mechanical, HVAC and refrigeration sectors.

is ideally suited for energy management applications. Veris’ award-win-

accuracy and reliability over wide operating ranges - including applica-tions where limited or no straight-run is available in steam, gas and liquid piping - with the lowest operating and installation costs. _____________________________________

Veris Industries is a premier provider of energy and environmental sen-sor products, and is recognized for setting new standards in customer service and product innovation. Known for providing easy to use labor saving products, whether it’s a current sensor for monitoring positive proof

-partmental budgeting, Veris Industries has the ideal product to meet your needs._____________________________________

Viconics is a manufacturer of communicating and non-communicating HVAC control products. Our products are designed for ease-of-use, in-creased energy savings with improved comfort; improving ROI, lower to-tal installed costs while facilitating installation and integration into build-ing automation systems through open BACnet®, Lontalk® and wireless Zigbee® communications protocols. We are committed to a leadership role in contributing to an environmentally conscious global community. Vicon-


Our solutions includes Building Automation Control Valves, Industrial Process Valves, Mechanical Level Controls for deaerators and boilers,



Water Savers, LLC is the leader in designing and constructing advanced

extensive experience in rain water harvesting, green roofs, web based ir-rigation control systems, AHU condensate recovery, kitchen equipment optimization and many more sustainable solutions beyond traditional

consulting and we are an LRI company which allows us to perform water, lighting, lighting controls and steam optimization all under one contractor._____________________________________


convenient ways to save energy, meet green initiatives, and comply with energy codes with our comprehensive range of products, programs, and services. _____________________________________

WCR is a leading manufacturer of plate and frame heat exchangers. Most

plates and gaskets for ALL major manufacturers and specializes in the ser--

pany owned service centers around the US. _____________________________________

test equipment and panel mounted instruments which include, portable power monitors, digital multimeters, clamp-ons, insulation testers, calibra-tors, HART communication devices, portable data loggers, a complete line


Lowering the Cost of High Ceilings™

FootprintVariable speed ZOO Fans gently mix the air, eliminating hot and cold

HVAC systems run less. With fast payback and ongoing savings, these small, patented fans quickly deliver above-average return on investment._____________________________________


To secure your prime booth location,

please contact Ted Kurklis, Exhibit Manager at

770-271-7869 or email: [email protected]

For full show information visit


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Georgia World Congress Center - Hall A1

285 Andrew Young International Blvd., NW

Atlanta, Georgia

HOTEL RESERVATIONSBlocks of rooms have been reserved at a variety of hotel

locations. For full details please visit www.energycongress.com/weec/hotels for hotel information and special group rates and codes or refer to the box on page 15.

Be sure to mention you are with the AEE Group/WEEC 2012 to receive discounted rates. The Association of Energy Engineers is not responsible for prices, quotes, or services provided.

PREREGISTRATION1. ONLINE: For credit card payments only, you may register online at: www.energycongress.com

Enter coupon code WEECNews1 at checkout and discounts will be applied before your credit card is charged.

For new Conference Registrations only. Not valid for seminars, exhibit booths, special events or any other fees.

2. BY MAIL (All Events): Complete the registration form below and return it with check or credit card number, expiration date, and signature to the address indicated. Be sure to indicate all portions of the program you wish to attend.

3. BY PHONE: (All Events): For credit card payments only, you may register by phone by calling:

Conference: (770) 447-5083, Ext. 226Seminars: (770) 925-9633

4. BY FAX (All Events): If you plan to pay by credit card, you may complete the registration form below, including all necessary credit card information, and transmit a completed registration form to the following FAX number:

(770) 447-4354

Federal government agency participants registering by FAX must submit a completed “Request, Authorization, Agreement,

forms with completed registration form.

Your completed registration form, along with full payment, should be received no later than October 17, 2012. After that date, plan to register onsite at the Georgia World Congress Center Hall A1. For questions or further information regarding registration, call:

(770) 447-5083, Extension 226

JOIN AEE AND SAVE ON YOUR REGISTRATION FEESBy completing the form, you can apply for membership in AEE and then qualify to take the member rates on all portions of the program

continuing education programs and books, plus free subscriptions to Energy Engineering, Strategic Planning for Energy and the En-



Oc-tober 17, 2012. No refunds after October 17, 2012. Substitutions may be made, but must be received in writing. Should a program be cancelled because of weather, illness, or any other reason, all

be limited to the return of the registration fee.

CORPORATE /GOVERNMENT LEADER GROUP RATESSend 5 or more delegates to the conference and save on individual registration fees and also receive recognition as a Corporate or Gov-ernment Leader. Your logo will appear on signage, onsite materials,

information on the Corporate/Government Leader Program, contact


date, plan to register on site. Detach & mail completed registration form to:

1 - DELEGATE INFORMATION No one under 16 years of age admitted.

Name _____________________________________________________________Title ______________________________________________________________Name for Badge ____________________________________________________AEE Member No. (if applicable) ________________________________________Must be provided if you are a member and using member rates

Company _________________________________________________________Address ___________________________________________________________City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________Phone (____) ____________________Fax (____) __________________________E-Mail Address _____________________________________________________

Please complete as part of registration:

Commercial Institutional Governmental Consulting Eng. Press/Media Industrial Construction Architect Utility/Energy Producer Mfr./Vendor Press

Manager V.P. President, CEO Owner/Developer Plant Engineer/Facility Engineer Consultant Sales/Marketing Educator/ Researcher

5 - CONFERENCE / OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 2, 2012Fee includes any of the 14 conference tracks, AEE Awards Banquet on Tues, Luncheons on Wed-Fri, copy of

Proceedings CD, and a pass to the 2-day expo. $200 discount coupon not valid for single day fees. Individual Fees:


BUSINESS ENERGY BRIEFING (Wednesday events only, including opening session) - $395SINGLE-DAY FEE: Specify October 31 or November 1 or November 2 — $395 $ _______

GROUP DISCOUNTS (Applies to preregistration only.)

COMPANY PLAN (more than 5 delegates): GREEN STAR ENERGY LEADER — $15,000BLUE STAR ENERGY LEADER — $10,000


Each additional delegate — $ 600 $ _______

6 - SEMINARSOctober 30, 2012

Price $480

October 29 – 30, 2012

Member/NonProfit/Govt $1,150 / NonMembers $1,250

Member/NonProfit/Govt $1,150 / NonMembers $1,250

October 29 – 31, 2012

Member/NonProfit/Govt $1,250 / NonMembers $1,350

Member/NonProfit/Govt $1,250 / NonMembers $1,350

Member/NonProfit/Govt $1,250 / NonMembers $1,350

Member/NonProfit/Govt $1,250 / NonMembers $1,350

Member/NonProfit/Govt $1,250 / NonMembers $1,350

October 30 – November 1, 2012

Member/NonProfit/Govt $1,350 / NonMembers $1,450

October 29 – 31, 2012

Member/NonProfit/Govt $1,350 / NonMembers $1,450

Member/NonProfit/Govt $1,350 / NonMembers $1,450

October 29 – November 1, 2012

Member/NonProfit/Govt $1,595 / NonMembers $1,795

October 29 – November 2, 2012

Member/NonProfit/Govt $1,695 / NonMembers $1,895

Member/NonProfit/Govt $1,695 / NonMembers $1,895

7 - OPTIONAL EVENT GUEST FEESBANQUET / Tuesday, October 30, 2012 / 7:00 pmPlease indicate if you plan to attend the Banquet. Yes No (Ticket is included in paid full conference registration fee). Additional banquet ticket is required for your spouse or guest. Prepayment required; payment serves as reservation.

FEE — $75

_________________________________________________________________________________________________Name for Reservation

KEYNOTE LUNCHEON / Friday, November 2, 2012 / 11:15 amPlease indicate if you plan to attend the Keynote Luncheon. Yes No (Ticket is included in paid full-conference registration fee). Additional lunch ticket is required for your spouse or guest. Prepayment required; payment serves as reservation.

FEE — $50

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$ _______

$ _______

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$ _______

2 - FREE REGISTRATION: EXPO ONLYRegister me for the expo only. To receive this free registration, mail or fax this

form to arrive no later than Oct. 17, 2012. (Savings of $40.00 at-door admission.) Please send “Attn: Dept. EO” or fax to (770) 447-4354.

3 - SPECIAL EVENTS October 30, 2012 / 8:00–11:00 am / FREE

October 30, 2012 / 1:00–3:00 pm / FREE

October 31, 2012 / 8:00–9:00 am / FREE

November 1, 2012 / 7:30 -9:00 am / FREE

November 1, 2012 / 11:30 am-1:00 pm / FREE FOR PAID CONFERENCE ATTENDEES, $20 ALL OTHERS

November 1st / 12:30-2:30 pm / FREE

November 1, 2012 / 4:00-6:00 pm / FREE TO CWEEL MEMBERS / $30 FOR ALL OTHERS

4 - THE PHANTOM PRESENTS: LEGENDS IN ENERGYPlease join us for a reception and dinner on Halloween, Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 6:30-10:30 pm at the

magnificent and historic FOX Theatre to honor new 2012 Legend in Energy inductees and our esteemed Legends and Chartered Legends.

If you are not a current Legend in Energy and do not qualify as a 2012 Legend in Energy Inductee the cost to attend is $150.

If you are a WEEC speaker, seminar attendee, exhibitor, corporate leader, or sponsor you may attend this event for an additional fee of $150. You must attend the WEEC Conference to attend the Legends in Energy event.

You may also purchase additional spouse or guest tickets for this event at an additional fee of $150 each.Preregistration for this event is required. Space is limited and registrations are filled on a first-come, first served basis.

You may register for this event by checking the appropriate box below or by registering online at: www.aeecenter.org/Legends.

Select the admission options you desire for attending the Legends in Energy Dinner:

Paid WEEC 2012 conference attendee AND current Legend in Energy or 2012 Legend in Energy Inductee: (Legends in Energy Dinner Cruise is included FREE with your full conference registration) WEEC 2012 speaker, seminar attendee, exhibitor, corporate leader, or sponsor: ($150 additional fee) If you are a 2012 Legend in Energy Inductee, please notate your eligibility criteria (see bullet points on page 14):

___________________________________________________________________________________________ Paid WEEC conference attendee, not receiving Legend in Energy recognition: ($150 additional fee) My spouse or a guest will accompany me: ($150 additional fee)

___________________________________________________________________________________________Guest Name for Reservation

AEE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (Optional) Celebrate AEE’s 35th Anniversary, Save 50%I wish to become a member of the Association of Energy Engineers in the classification checked below:

– A graduate of an engineering college or university or a registered professional engineer or architect. (Persons who believe they are qualified by experience or related degree may petition for full membership consideration.)

– A person interested in the objectives of the Association who does not meet the above criteria to be a full member.

If you are a registered Professional Engineer or Architect, please indicate state(s) and registration number(s):State__________No.___________State__________No.__________Years of experience in energy field:____________University_____________________________________Degree______________________________Year___________Additional pertinent information may be listed on a separate sheet and attached.I certify that the statements made in this application are correct and I agree, if elected, that I will be governed by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association as long as I continue to be a member. I furthermore agree to promote the purposes of the Association so far as shall be in my power.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE) (DATE)

Please choose one of the following AEE Membership categories: Special discount includedAEE Membership Only — Dues $185 now $92.50AEE Membership plus Cogeneration & Distributed Generation Institute — Dues $215 now $122.50AEE Membership plus Environmental Engineers & Managers Institute — Dues $215 now $122.50AEE Membership plus Energy Services Marketing Society — Dues $215 now $122.50AEE Membership plus Facility Managers Institute — Dues $215 now $122.50AEE Membership plus Alternative & Renewable Energy Development Institute — Dues $215 now $122.50AEE Membership plus Council on Women in Energy & Environmental Leadership — Dues $215 now $122.50

Appropriate membership fee must be included with your total registration payment for your application to be processed and to have the member price to apply to the registration for this program. 50% discount is applicable only to the regular membership fee for new members only. Not valid for division dues or membership renewal.

8 - PAYMENT INFORMATIONCHECK ENCLOSED (Payable in U.S. funds to Association of Energy Engineers) CHARGE TO MY CREDIT CARD (for advance registrations only)Visa MasterCard American Express

Card Number

Exp. Date __________ Signature ___________________________



$ _______-$ _______ $ _______ $ _______