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UNIX Concepts


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● History of C and UNIX

● The GNU Project

● Linux

● Command-Line Basics

● UNIX-Style File System

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Multics Multiplexed Information and Computing Service

● Time-sharing system for mainframes (1965)

● virtual memory and other modern OS features● MIT, Bell Labs, and General Electric

● First (?) OS written in a high-level language (PL/1). Influential but not a commercial success.

● Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie worked on the project until Bell Labs dropped out. (Thompson at Google since 2006, where he co-invented Go.)

● They continued on their own. Kernighan and others at Bell Labs joined the effort. Designed UNIX for DEC PDP-7. Later reimplemented on the PDP-11.

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● The goal was to create a time-sharing OS with a simple UI and simple components that can be arranged and composed in a variety of ways.

● Philosophy in a nutshell: modularity.

– Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface. (McIlroy)

– The 17 Rules

● Originally written in assembly, but a high-level language would be needed for its proper development.

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● First, Ken Thompson invented B.– a typeless, stripped-down version of BCPL

– compiler squeezed into 8K bytes of memory

● Then C was born as B-with-types.

● Easy to retarget C compiler:– made UNIX highly portable

– sparked its prominence in industry and academia

● C was standardized by ANSI in 1989.

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● Why are almost all operating systems written in C?● Speed

– Code maps efficiently to machine instructions.● no threads, templates, nested functions, function or operator

overloading, exception handling; limited support for OOP.– Not much runtime support is needed.

● no dynamic type checking● no bounds checking or garbage collection

● Low-level access to memory (and hardware) thanks to weakly typed pointers

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The GNU Project

● UNIX was proprietary, licenced to universities and corporations by A&T.

● In 1984, Richard Stallman (* * *) at the MIT AI Lab launched the GNU project to develop a free UNIX-like OS.

● He wrote gcc, emacs, and other GNU tools that are still in widespread use.

● Created the Free Software Foundation to sponsor GNU development and pursue free software ideals.

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Open Source

● Free software: like free speech or free beer?– The freedom to view, copy, modify, and redistribute source

code without having to pay royalties or other fees.

● Open source movement– Best way to produce safe and reliable software?

– Enlist the cooperation of developers from around the world in a free exchange of ideas, opinions, and code.

● Stallman wrote the first copyleft licence (GNU GPL)

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● GNU's kernel was never finished.● Linux released in 1991.

– The goal was to create a UNIX-like OS for PC.

– Just a kernel, but can be packaged with GNU tools and libraries for complete OS, called properly GNU/Linux.

● There are now hundreds of distributions.– Linux kernel with GNU tools and libraries, third-party

software, package manager, desktop environment.

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User Interfaces

● batch, shell (CLI), GUI● Two strategies for implementing a shell:

– Interpret and execute each command. (DOS) ● If user types rm myfile.txt, shell makes necessary system calls.

– Does not interpret the command. Just invokes a system program to perform the work. (UNIX)

● If user types rm myfile.txt, the shell invokes a system program named rm with myfile.txt as a parameter.

● Two major advantages to this approach.

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Bourne Shell (1977)

● /bin/sh● expressive scripting language ● can use scripts as filters● I/O redirection and pipes● globbing and command substitution● scripts invoked as commands by their filename● synchronous/asynchonous execution of commands

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C Shell (1979)

● /bin/csh (or improved version: /bin/tcsh)

● scripting language with C-like syntax

● filename and command completion

● history, aliases, and other features for interactive use

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Korn Shell (1983)

● /bin/ksh

● job control

● command aliasing

● command history

● better for interactive work than C shell, but had to be licensed from AT&T

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Bash Shell (1989)

● /bin/bash

● Bourne-Again SHell

● Written for GNU Project

● Default shell for Linux and macOS

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Command-Line Basics

● What shell am I using?

● Navigating the file system

● Viewing and finding files

● File permissions

● Copying and moving files

● Grepping

● Pipes and redirection

● Hard links and soft links

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BASH Variables

● Environment variables– inherited by child processes

– /etc/bash.bashrc (for interactive non-login shells)


● Shell variables– not inherited by child processes

– ~/.bashrc (for interactive non-login shells)


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What Shell Am I Using?

> printenv SHELL/bin/bash

> echo $SHELL/bin/bash

> ps $$PID TTY STAT TIME COMMAND3877 pts/1 Ss 0:00 /bin/bash

> ps -p $$PID TTY TIME CMD3877 pts/1 00:00:00 bash

We can use ps to obtain info about all processes in the system.

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Navigating the File System

● Listing directory contents with ls– options lapF

– man ls

– pwd

– cd

– ls .. ls ../.. ls / ls ~

● Change to parent, root, and home without specifying absolute paths.

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Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

● Defines directory structure for UNIX-like systems.● Most Linux distributions are FHS-compliant.

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Navigating the File System

● /bin (command binaries)

● /boot (files used by the kernel during start-up)

● /dev (device files)

● /etc (system configuration files)

● /home (home directories for individual users)

● /lib (shared libraries and kernel modules)

● /lost+found (recovered files, as after system crash)

● /media (mount point for removable media)

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Navigating the File System

● /mnt (mount point for temporary file system)

● /opt (add-on software not part of default installation)

● /proc (virtual file system containing system info)

● /root (home directory for system administrator)

● /sbin (binaries for system maintenance and admin tasks)

● /tmp (temporary files)

● /usr (user-land programs and data)

● /tmp (temporary files, like lock files)

● /var (system log files)

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Viewing Files

● cat /etc/shells

● cat bash_lab/episode4.txt

● more or less

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Determining File Types

● file /etc/shells

● file /etc/p*

● file /bin/cat

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Finding Files

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Finding Files

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File Permissions

- rwx r-x --x

type user group other

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File Permissions

● Do a long listing after each of the following:– cd art

– chmod u-w 1*

– chmod g+w [2-4].jpg

– chmod u=rwx,go=r 5*

– chmod 751*

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File Permissions

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File Permissions

● Default file creation mask– umask

– umask -S

● Type umask 135 and touch a file.

● umask is a built-in command. – man umask

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Copying and Moving Files

● cp /etc/shells .

● cp /etc/shells ~

● cp -r bash_lab/art ~

Try to remove art.

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● Using grep – the most common UNIX filter.

– grep womp episode4.txt

– grep “the droids” episode4.txt

– grep “ sand “ episode4.txt

– grep -c LUKE episode4.txt

– grep [A-Z]-[0-9] episode4.txt

– grep ^Eight episode4.txt

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Pipes and Redirection

● A pipe connects one process to another.● Redirection connects a process to a file.● grep ^Luke episode4.txt | grep Ben

● grep droid episode4.txt | wc -l

● man less | less

● ls /etc > etc

● history > history

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Pipes and Redirection

● Exercise

– Write a C program that prompts the user for two integers and displays the average. Compile and test it.

– Create a text file with input for the program.

– Run the program with input redirected to the file.

– Redirect the output to a file.

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Hard Links

● Create directories tempdir1 and tempdir2.● Create a text file in tempdir1 and display contents.

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Hard Links

● Make a hard link and display the link count.

● Move the link to tempdir2 and delete the text file.● Change to tempdir2.● cat indignation

● Surprised?

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UNIX File System

● Directories do not contain files. That's an illusion.● A directory is a file containing a list of (name, inum) pairs.

art 1409792

episode4.txt 1391495

episode5.txt 1391768

● Each inum is an index into a table of inodes.● Do a directory listing with i and ail options.

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UNIX File System

● The inode table contains inodes.

protection modeowner and group

file sizelink count


direct blocks

indirect blocksdouble indirecttriple indirect









Note that file name not stored.

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UNIX File System

struct inode {

umode_t i_mode;unsigned short i_opflags;kuid_t i_uid;kgid_t i_gid;unsigned int i_flags;


● /usr/src/linux-headers-4.4.0-34/include/linux/fs.h

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Hard Links

● ln episode4.txt e4

art 1409792episode4.txt 1391495episode5.txt 1391768

e4 1391495

● Move link to another directory.

● Now you can find the file with -inum option.

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Soft Links

● Make a soft (symbolic) link.

● Move soft link to tempdir2.● Remove original file (yoda).

● Now in tempdir2, try: cat slink.

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Hard vs. Soft Links

● Which is like a Windows shortcut?● Hard links

– more space efficient

– faster access to link target

● Soft links– can link to directories

– can link across file systems