united states imperialism in the 19 th century a.us expansion and manifest destiny in the 19 th...

United States United States Imperialism in the Imperialism in the 19 19 th th Century Century

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Post on 26-Mar-2015




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Page 1: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation

United States Imperialism United States Imperialism in the 19in the 19thth Century Century

Page 2: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation

A. US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19th Century

1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean

2. Annexation of Alaska territory in 1867 treaty with Russia. “Seward’s Folly” Sec. Of State William Henry Seward.

3. Hawaii annexed in 1898

Page 3: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation
Page 4: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation

So how did the United States become a World Power?

So how did the United States become a World Power?

Weren’t we just a bunch of farmers in 1898?

Weren’t we just a bunch of farmers in 1898?

Page 5: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation
Page 6: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation

B. Arguments for Imperialism – creating an empire by acquiring colonies.

1. Imperial powers in 1898 – England, Germany, Spain

2. Economic – new markets and resources around the world

3. Strategic – naval bases around the world for refueling and protection

4. Cultural – to spread U. S. culture and Christianity

Page 7: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation

C. Arguments against imperialism

1. Moral reasons – Democracy would suffer because of imperialism. Adding colonies takes away

the rights and independence of the people of that country.

2. Practical reasons – foreign involvement may lead to war and harm trade.

Page 8: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation

A. Reasons for U.S. involvement

1. Yellow Journalism (sensationalism, propaganda)

exaggerated stories written to sway public opinion

2. Protection for US investments in Cuba

3. Destruction of the battleship “Maine”

Page 9: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation

The USS MAINE was one of the first United States battleships to be constructed. The vessel's destruction in the Cuba Harbor of Havana was a catalyst in bringing war between the United States and Spain. The loss of the ship was tremendous shock to the United States since it represented virtually the state of the art of naval shipbuilding in the United States, only recently eclipsed by newer vessels. "Remember the Maine" became the battlelecry of the United States Military Forces in 1898.

Page 10: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation
Page 11: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation

B. A “splendid little war” (lasted only four months)

1. Easy victories for the US Navy – the Great White Fleet

a. Philippine Islands – Manilla Bay

b. Santiago Bay, Cuba –

2. Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders capture San Juan Hill

3. End Results – Treaty of Paris

a. Spain gave Cuba it’s independence

b. Spain ceded the Philippines, Puerto Rico and the island of Guam to the US.

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Page 14: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation

In all the world there could be no better material for soldiers than that afforded by these grim hunters of the mountains, these wild rough riders of the plains. They were accustomed to handling wild and savage horses; they were accustomed to following the chase with the rifle, both for sport and as a means of livelihood. Varied though their occupations had been, almost all had, at one time or another, herded cattle and hunted big game. They were hardened to life in the open, and to shifting for themselves under adverse circumstances. They were used, for all their lawless freedom, to the rough discipline of the round-up and the mining company. Some of them came from the small frontier towns; but most were from the wilderness, having left their lonely hunters' cabins and shifting cow-camps to seek new and more stirring adventures beyond the sea.

We drew recruits from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and many another college; from clubs like the Somerset, of Boston, and Knickerbocker, of New York; and from among the men who belonged neither to club nor to college, but in whose veins the blood stirred with the same impulse which once sent the Vikings over sea.

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Page 16: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation

C. Far reaching consequences of the war for the US:

1. Cuba, while not a territory, remained dependent on the United States.

2. The US found that governing millions of people in foreign lands was difficult and costly.

3. The US became more involved in foreign affairs and trade.

4. The US was considered a world power.

5. Under Theodore Roosevelt, the Western Hemisphere became a US “sphere of influence”

6. The war showed the need for a canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

a. Theodore Roosevelt oversaw the creation of the Panama canal and it’s completion in 1914. Made from Northampton Concrete !

Page 17: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation

Sphere of influence – A territorial area over which political or economic influence is wielded

by one nation.

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Page 19: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation
Page 20: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation

D. US Foreign Policy after the wa.


Page 21: United States Imperialism in the 19 th Century A.US Expansion and Manifest Destiny in the 19 th Century 1. Expansion to the Pacific Ocean 2. Annexation

(France – in terms of the Panama Canal)(France – in terms of the Panama Canal)

(Annex – in terms of the Philippines)(Annex – in terms of the Philippines)

Teller AmendmentTeller Amendment

Platt Amendment Platt Amendment

Hay-Pauncefote TreatyHay-Pauncefote Treaty

Hay-Bunau-Varilla TreatyHay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

Monroe Doctrine Monroe Doctrine

Roosevelt CorollaryRoosevelt Corollary

Dollar DiplomacyDollar Diplomacy

Open Door PolicyOpen Door Policy

Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt