unit one section one. lead in what does the picture try to convey?

Unit One Section One

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Page 1: Unit One Section One. LEAD IN What does the picture try to convey?

Unit One

Section One

Page 2: Unit One Section One. LEAD IN What does the picture try to convey?


Page 3: Unit One Section One. LEAD IN What does the picture try to convey?

What does the picture try to convey?

Page 4: Unit One Section One. LEAD IN What does the picture try to convey?

Tell a story about each picture.

What is the interrelationship among them?

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Text A


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Warm-up question

What characterizes the phenomenon of globalization? Do you think the effects of globalization are positive or not?

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• reshape• manufacture• boost• gear• imbalance• collapse• obstacle• harmonious• devastating• withdraw

• undermine• revolutionize• automate• split• host• circulate• phase• interdependence• adverse• transaction

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• reshape 改造;在形成

• If they succeed, then they will have reshaped the political and economic map of the world.


• And most importantly, we must reshape our world so that when an old man falls on the street, any one of us would bend down to help him up.


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• manufacture 生产 , 制造 ; 制造业

• They manufacture the class of plastics known as thermoplastic materials.


• The equipment is of our own manufacture. 这设备是我们自己制造的。

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• boost 促进;增加

• Lower interest rates can boost the economy by reducing borrowing costs for consumers and businesses.


• We need a big win to boost our confidence. 我们需要一个大的胜利来增强我们的自信心。

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• gear 使……适合;使……准备好

• Colleges are not always geared to the needs of mature students.


• My training was geared toward winning gold.


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• imbalance 不平衡;不安定

• We need to redress that imbalance. 我们需要修正这一失衡。

• Life may not be fair, but when I think about it, more often than not, I’m on the fortunate side of the imbalance. And this moves me to offer the same grace to others.


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• collapse 倒塌;暴跌

• A section of the Bay Bridge had collapsed. 海湾大桥有一部分坍塌了。

• His business empire collapsed under a massive burden of debt.


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• obstacle 障碍,干扰;妨害物

• Most competition cars will only roll over if they hit an obstacle.


• Overcrowding remains a large obstacle to improving conditions.


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• harmonious 和谐的,协调的;悦耳的

• Their harmonious relationship resulted in part from their similar goals.


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• devastate 毁灭,毁坏

• The tsunami devastated parts of Indonesia and other countries in the region.


• The hurricane devastated a large section of the coast.


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• withdraw 撤退;拉开

• He stated that all foreign forces would withdraw as soon as the crisis ended.


• The leader promised to support the plan; you can't withdraw now.


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• undermine 破坏,渐渐破坏;挖掘地基 • The continued fighting threatens to

undermine efforts to negotiate an agreement.


• Wild life has undermined his health. 放荡的生活逐渐损害了他的健康。

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• revolutionize 发动革命;彻底改革

• The new coal cutter revolutionized the coal industry in the 1980's.

新型割煤机使煤炭工业在 20 世纪 80 年代发生了革命性变化。

• They wanted to revolutionize the whole world.


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• automate 使自动化,使自动操作

• He wanted to use computers to automate the process.


• Many banks have begun to automate. 许多银行已开始采用自动化技术。

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• split second 一刹那

• Her gaze met Michael's for a split second. 她与迈克尔目光对视了一刹那。

• For a split second I thought I should let them know why I had to come here, so that they would let me subsist here.


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• host 许多

• A host of problems may delay the opening of the new bridge.


• A host of problems may delay the opening of the Channel Tunnel...


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• circulate 传播;循环,流通

• Traffic circulates in the streets of a city. 车辆和行人在市内街上川流不息。

• We should often open the windows to allow the air to circulate.


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• phase 阶段;位相

• This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first phase of the project.

今年秋季, 6000名居民将参与这项计划的第一阶段。

• The crisis is entering a crucial, critical phase. 危机正进入一个至关重要的决定性阶段。

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• interdependence 互相依赖

• However, I have at least a certain degree of awareness of this interdependence.


• There is, of course, a lot of debate about universities like Yale to the extent in which they promote interdependence-- sorry, they promote positive contact between groups.

当然还有很多人讨论像耶鲁这样的大学 , 在促进人们的互相依赖中所起的作用 -,对不起,是促进群体间的正面接触。

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• adverse 不利的;敌对的

• The police said Mr. Hadfield's decision would have no adverse effect on the progress of the investigation.


• Currently, discrimination because of sex is defined as adverse action against another person, which would not have occurred had the person been of another sex.


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• transaction 交易;事务

• The transaction is completed by payment of the fee.


• They derived a benefit from that transaction.


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Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What are globalization and its key feature? When did it occur in the world?

Globalization is a phenomenon that the economies of the world have become more interconnected in terms of trade, investment and communication since 1950. Free trade is a key characteristic of globalization.

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Answer the following questions briefly.

2. What are the reasons for the growth in trade since globalization?

The growth in trade has been largely caused by dramatic improvements in communication and transport and the adoption of free trade principles across the world, such as removing tariffs on imports and stopping government subsidies to local producers.

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Answer the following questions briefly.

3. Why have LDC’s in African and net food-importing countries had little benefit from international free trade agreements?

There are a variety of reasons for this, including the continued subsidization of food production in parts of the developed world and the dependence of LDC economies on commodities rather than manufactured goods and services.

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Answer the following questions briefly.

4. What are the solutions advocated by neo-liberal economists and political leaders for the difficulties in the 1980’s and 1990’s?

The solutions included privatizing all state enterprises (including essential services, such as water and electricity), removing all obstacles to foreign investment, lowering taxes, reducing government spending and removing controls on financial institutions including banks.

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Answer the following questions briefly.

5. What is the role of information in the course of globalization?

Globalization is also associated with the free flow of information around the world. Rapid advances in information technology have improved productivity in most industries. The way we buy and sell products has also changes dramatically with the emergence of e-businesses.

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Answer the following questions briefly.

6. What are the pros and cons of the technologies of information and communication?

Advances in information and communication technologies have produced a host of new jobs. Information about financial transactions can occur in a spit second.

However, the speed of information flow can also present dangers. A small problem in a major bank, enterprise, currency or even nation can quickly turn into a disaster when information about the problem circulates at lightning speed around the world.

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Complete the following passage by filling each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word.

• As globalization ___1___ reshapes our world, debates rage about whether the effects of globalization are positive or negative. Since 1955, world trade has grown much faster than the world economy as a whole. World trade in ___2___ goods increased more than 100 times in the 50 years since 1955. Over the past 50 years the ___3___ of free trade have been pursued internationally by the WTO and its predecessor, GATT.

• As well as the free movement of goods, there has also been a dramatic increase in the flow of money around the world. Banks and private investors now hold trillions of dollars of ___4___ invested overseas. While capital flows ever faster and more freely around the world, it can also be stopped very quickly by nervous investors and financial institutions and this can have ___5___ results.


manufactured principles



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• Globalization is also ___6___ with the free flow of information around the world. New industries, such as Internet Service Providers, and new forms of employment, such as IT ___7___, have also been created. While advances in information and communication technologies have produced a ___8___ of new jobs, some sectors, have witnessed significant drops in employment due to increased automation or because the enterprises hey work for have not kept up with rapid changes in the global marketplace. The speed of information flow can also present dangers. A small problem in a major bank, ___9___, currency or even nation can quickly turn in to a disaster.

• With globalization the world has become more ___10___ with vastly increased flows of goods, services, finance and information between countries.






Page 36: Unit One Section One. LEAD IN What does the picture try to convey?

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 通讯及交通运输上的巨大改善促进了贸易的大幅度增长。另外,全球范围的自由贸易准则也功不可没,这其中包括削减进口关税以及停止政府对本地生产制造方提供补助资金。

The growth in trade has been largely caused by dramatic improvements in communication and transport and the adoption of free trade principles across the world, such as removing tariffs on imports and stopping government subsidies to local producers.

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2. 由于外国投资者突然从印度尼西亚及泰国撤资,导致亚洲爆发了 1997-1998年的金融危机。相比之下,韩国受到较小程度的影响。由于货币遭受损害,这三个国家的经济均遭到严重的威胁。

This occurred in the 1997-8 Asian crisis when foreign investors suddenly withdrew all their capital from Indonesia, Thailand and to a lesser extent, South Korea, undermining the currencies of each country and seriously

threatening the three economies.

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3. 世界贸易新秩序及自动化技术使企业的经营方式发生了革命性的改变,它们不仅能使生产者对生产原材料触手可得,同时还能使他们更及时供给产品到市场中去。

Business practices have been revolutionized by the free flow of information and automating technologies which allow producers to access raw materials just when they need them and supply products in a more timely manner.

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4. 我们需要意识到,我们已经迈入了相互依存的新阶段,在这期间可谓牵一发而动全身。

We need to recognize that we are all entering a new phase of interdependence, where an action on one side of the world can create an immediate (and sometimes adverse) reaction on the other side of the world.

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Key Vocabulary

1.a 2. g 3. e 4. c

5. h 6. d 7. b 8. f

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I. Listen to a brief introduction of what American individualists think

about privacyand fill in the missing words.

1. globalization 2. commercial 3. transcendence 4. transference 5. advantage

6. manufacturing 7. scales 8. interconnecting 9. rehashing 10. communication

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II. Choose correct answers for the questions.

1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D

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• Give a five-minute presentation about your opinions on the merits and shortcomings of globalization. What are the influences brought by globalization in your life and work?

• Use examples and evidence to support your position.

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Group Work

• Work in a group to come up with your opinions to describe the pictures below. What do the pictures show and want to express?

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Pair Work

Discuss with your partner, and talk about what can be globalized in all walks of life.

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• Read the following report about the compact of globalization on religion from the voice of America, then discuss the questions below.

• Pope: Globalization Should Not Ignore Spiritual Side

• Thousands of families were in Saint Peter's Square Saturday to receive the pope's blessing on the feast day of the Epiphany. At a morning mass the pope said that religious leaders must stress the spiritual aspect of the globalization debate. Sabina Castelfranco reports from Rome.

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• Pope:  "The celebration of the Epiphany of the Lord invites us to contemplate Jesus as the divine Savior, the light that guides us on our journey to eternity."

• Thousands of families packed Saint Peter's Square to hear the pope's words.  In Christian tradition, the Epiphany marks the day three wise men guided by a star pay homage to the Baby Jesus.

• Earlier, the pope celebrated mass in Saint Peter's Basilica. In his homily, Benedict said the past decades have seen a "challenge to global civilization, where the center can no longer be Europe and not even that which we call the West or the North of the world."

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• He added that there is a need to elaborate a new world political and economic order, but, above all, a spiritual and cultural one, a renewed humanism.

• Pope Benedict said that now, at the start of the Third Millennium, the world is in the middle of a phase of human history described as globalization. He said that while politicians, scientists and researchers play important roles in the modern world, it is also necessary that the leaders of the great non-Christian and Christian religions are at their side.

• Pope Benedict will celebrate another mass on Sunday in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. During that ceremony, as is tradition, he will baptize a number of children.

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Questions for discussion

1. What is the role played by globalization in spiritual world? Is it the same one in the material world?

2. Could you describe the evolution of globalization according to the Pope? What are the differences between the globalization here and the one mentioned in the text above?

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You’re the Sales Manager of your company. You are going to do a report to analyze the sales performance of the past twelve months. Your report should cover the following points:

1. Draw at least a bar chart or line chart to show the detailed developing trend of the sales in previous 12 months which was badly influenced by globalization.

2. Give a detailed trend description of this chart.

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3. Analyze the reasons of this development trend, especially the cons and pros the globalization has.

4. Make a reasonable analysis: what lessons can be drawn from last year’s development?

5. Make a reasonable prospect: how will it develop in the following 12 months and what are you going to propose in order to confront the competition brought by globalization?

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