unit 9: modern days 1980-present. ronald reagan won 1980 presidential election. – defeated jimmy...

Download Unit 9: Modern Days 1980-Present. Ronald Reagan Won 1980 Presidential Election. – Defeated Jimmy Carter Asked the voters, “Are you better off than you

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  • Unit 9: Modern Days 1980-Present
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  • Ronald Reagan Won 1980 Presidential Election. Defeated Jimmy Carter Asked the voters, Are you better off than you were four years ago? Ran his campaign on fixing the economy.
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  • Reaganomics Monetarists- believed inflation caused too much money in circulation. Raise interest rates Supply-Side Economics- economic theory that lowered taxes will boost the economy as businesses and individuals invest their money. Create higher tax revenue.
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  • Cont Reaganomics- combines both ideas. Keep interest rates high Pass massive tax cuts Leads to trickle-down economics Lowered taxes = less money to govt. Create budget deficit- expenses > income Solution- cut spending on Welfare programs.
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  • Sandra Day OConnor 1981, appointed to Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan First woman appointed to the Supreme Court. From El Paso, TX.
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  • Mazzoli-Simpson Act Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA). Requires employers to provide evidence of employees immigration status. Illegal to knowingly hire illegal immigrants. Legalized certain seasonal workers. Imm. who entered before Jan. 1, 1982, had to pay fine, back taxes due and admit guilt of illegal crossing could gain citizen status. Had to prove not guilty of crimes and possessed minimal knowledge of US Hist., Govt., and the English lang.
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  • Peace Through Strength Reagan wins 1984 election. New focus, taking on Soviet Union. Believes SU is evil and you cant contain or negotiate it. You have to defeat it. Reagan creates the largest build up of an army in peacetime in American history. $1.5 Trillion is spent on building up the military. Belief- if Soviets were to match American efforts, their economy would collapse, so would communism.
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  • The Reagan Doctrine Reagan believed supporting guerilla groups fighting to overthrow Communist or pro- Soviet govts. 1979, Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Carter sent $30M in aid and supplies Reagan sent $570M in aid and supplies Weapons and ammunition Afghanistan is Soviet Unions Vietnam.
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  • Nicaragua & Grenada Pro-Soviet rebels overthrew govt. in Nic. Supported anti-govt. rebels in other L.Am. Countries Reagan secretly arms contras: Counter-revolutionary fighters. Congress finds out, ends right away Grenada, Reagan sends in American troops to defeat Cuban and Grenadian soldiers that tried to overthrow govt. Successful
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  • The Iran-Contra Scandal (Affair) Reagan officials secretly sold weapons to Iran in exchange for hostages. This money was given to the South American contra fighters. Funding to the contras was forbidden by Congress.
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  • Mikhail Gorbachev 1985 becomes the new leader of the Soviet Union. Wanted to end arms race with US. Soviet economy about to collapse. Challenged by Reagan to tear down this wall!
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  • The Cold War Ends Gorbachev reforms Soviet Union: Perestroika- restructuring, save Soviet economy, allow some private enterprise and profit-making Glasnost- openness, allow more freedom of religion and speech. November 9, 1989, guards open the gates at the Berlin Wall. Walls are torn down by bulldozers and people with sledgehammers.
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  • George H. W. Bush Wins 1988 Presidential election. Gained support from Reagan Defeats Michael Dukakis Excellent foreign policy record. Domestic policy: Read my lips: No new taxes.
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  • Communism Falls Revolutions in Poland, Hungary, Romania, East Germany spark a breaking up of the Soviet Union. 1989, these nations gain independence. Berlin Wall comes down, other Soviet nations gain independence. End of 1991, Soviet Union is dissolved. 15 countries gain independence Yugoslavia breaks up into 5 countries.
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  • The Persian Gulf War Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait to take control of the oil fields. January 16, 1991, coalition forces launch Operation Desert Storm. 6 weeks of missile bombardment and a massive ground attack. 100 hours after the ground attack, Bush declared victory. Ended Feb. 28, 1991.
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  • The Economy Slows Low taxes, more gov. spending, deficit was rising quickly. Bush made agreement with Congress: Cuts in govt. spending Increase taxes Breaks campaign promise
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  • 1992 Presidential Election George H. W. Bush- Republican candidate Bill Clinton- Democratic candidate Ross Perot- Independent candidate ran on grassroots movement- groups of people organizing at the local level. Texas billionaire that stressed the need to end deficit spending.
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  • Bill Clinton Wins 1992 Presidential Election. Focus on 5 major Domestic policies: Economy Family Education Crime Health Care
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  • The Economy Clintons proposals were long-term successes Early budget focus: deficit reduction Opposition in Congress made Clintons plan difficult to pass Clinton wins budget war in 1997 (2 nd term) First budget surpluses in years
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  • 1990s Economic Boom! Unemployment: 1992: 7.5% 2000: 4% Stock Market (Dow Jones) 1991: about 3,000 2001: almost 12,000 Dot-com Revolution and High-Tech were seen as the future to U.S. economy
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  • Health Care Clinton task force, headed by first lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, attempted to make health care affordable for all Americans. Too many complications, the plan failed before it could be voted on.
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  • Family & Education Family and Medical Leave Act- this law gives workers up to 12 weeks per year of unpaid family leave. Birth or adoption of child, or family illness. AmeriCorps- put students to work improving low-income housing, teaching children to read, and cleaning up the environment.
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  • Crime & Gun Control Brady Bill- waiting period before purchase, background check. Opposition from the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Republicans. New prisons built and more officers put on the streets.
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  • NAFTA North America Free Trade Agreement: Canada, Mexico, & US in a free-trade zone. Created to increase international trade. Job loss to Mexico was a fear Unemployment went down, wages went up
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  • Battle of Mogadishu October 3-4, 1993. US Special forces operation to take two leaders of Somali militia. 2 Black Hawk Helicopters shot down. Operation becomes rescue mission. 18 American soldiers killed, 80 wounded, 1 helicopter pilot held captive.
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  • Bosnia & Kosovo 1991, Yugoslavia splits apart. Serbs, Croatians and Bosnians all fight for control of lands. Serbs began an ethnic cleansing- the brutal expulsion of an ethnic group from a geographic area. Serbs slaughtered Muslims.
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  • Cont 1996, NATO and US forces entered Bosnia to enforce peace negotiations. 1998, war broke out in Serbian province, Kosovo. Clinton convinced NATO to use forces to stop Serbian aggression. 1999, Serbians pulled troops out of Kosovo after NATO bombed Serbia.
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  • Clinton Impeached Clinton under investigation for a real estate company while he was governor of Arkansas. New scandal of asking Clinton of relationship with an intern came up in question. Evidence showed Clinton committed perjury about the relationship.
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  • Cont Dec. 19, 1998, House of Reps. passed two articles of impeachment; perjury and obstruction of justice. Vote was split in the House. Went to trial in the Senate. Feb. 12, 1999, Senators voted 55-45, Clinton not guilty of perjury. Clinton stays in office.
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  • 2000 Presidential Election George W. Bush-Republican candidate Son of former president, George H. W. Bush Al Gore-Democratic candidate VP to Clinton Florida was the deciding state. Bush wins by 537 votes in Florida. The closest presidential election in history.
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  • Recount! 2000 election, too close, Al Gore calls for a recount of Florida votes. Hanging chad- small piece of paper on election ballot when punched not fully off. Bush v. Gore- Supreme Court case that suspended Florida recount, giving Bush presidential election.
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  • George W. Bush 43 rd President Passes tax cuts to be applied over 10 years. Gives rebate checks so Americans can start spending. Wants to have standardized tests. Wanted to increase defense programs
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  • No Child Left Behind Act Passed on June 14, 2001, signed by Bush on Jan. 8, 2002. Requires public schools to give standardized test in order to receive federal funding. Assessment tests must be taken at select grade levels. Each state varies on what basic skills students must acquire in order to be considered successful.
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  • The War on Terrorism September 11, 2001, terrorists hijack passenger planes and crash them into the two World Trade Center towers in NYC and the Pentagon. Another crash lands in a field in Penn. An estimated 3,000 people were killed in these attacks. Terrorism-the use of violence by non-gov. groups to instill fear in people to achieve a political goal.
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  • Osama bin Laden Fought Soviets in Afghan. Founded al-Qaeda The Base Joined forces with Taliban Launched a series of attacks against the US in Middle East & Africa US embassies bombed in Kenya & Tanzania (1998) Al-Qaeda crashed a boat loaded w/explosives into USS Cole (2000). Mastermind behind 9/11 attacks.
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  • War in Afghanistan Oct. 7, 2001, US launches military operations on the war on terrorism. Planes bombed al-Qaeda and Taliban camps. Goal- drive out the Taliban from Afghanistan, promote democracy in the region. Taliban flee to mountains.
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  • USA Patriot Act Signed into law Oct. 26, 2001 Gives the govt. more power to survey American citizens. Checking phone and electronic records Monitoring financial records Enhanced interrogation procedures while questioning possible terrorists.
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  • Invasion of Iraq Axis of Evil =Iraq, Iran, and North Korea Hussein had weapons of mass destruction UN imposed sanctions against Iraq, but did not call for force Congress gave Bush authority to invade Iraq in 2002.
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  • Iraq War U.S. troops invade in 2003 Bagdad fell Hussein was captured Bush declared Mission Accomplish and an end to major combat operations. Violence continued and U.S. death toll increased
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  • Abu Ghraib Prison Prison in Iraq that performed enhanced interrogation procedures. Torture Physical & sexual abuse (rape & sodomy) Some prisoners killed U.S. gave prison to Iraqi govt. in 2006.
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  • Department of Homeland Security Created in response to 9/11 Formed on Nov. 25, 2002 Protect US and its territories from and responding to terrorist attacks, man-made accidents, and natural disasters. Not associated with Dept. of Defense (military).
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  • Modern Day Entrepreneurs Estee Lauder- founder of Estee Lauder (womens make-up) Sam Walton- founder of Wal-Mart and Sams Club Bill Gates- founder of Microsoft. All three started their own business to become multi-billion dollar businesses
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  • Stuff Since Bush 2008 Barack Obama elected president. First African American President 2009 American Recovery and Investment Act Passed in response to the Great Recession of 2008 $831 Billion spent on kick starting the economy Education, infrastructure, health care, energy and expansion of unemployment benefits.