unit 1 appearance and personality


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Page 1: Unit 1 Appearance and Personality




Page 2: Unit 1 Appearance and Personality
Page 3: Unit 1 Appearance and Personality


1. WARM-UP: Do you know how to ask for appearance? And for personality?

2. VOCABULARY: Classify these adjectives according if they describe appearance or personality.


brave, overweight, freckles, shy, talkative, tall, middle-age, wrinkles, extrovert wavy, confident, well-built, thin, blonde, stubborn, young, curly, intelligent, spiky, friendly, quiet, short, calm, round, tidy, brown, bald, mustache, polite, moody, generous, wavy, ponytail, chubby, sensitive, plump, bossy, shoulder-length, mean, affectionate, oval, rude, hazel, beard, nice, dark, beard, braids.

Page 4: Unit 1 Appearance and Personality

Be + Adjective + Preposition

Common combination

a) for work every day.b) of my little brother.c) for its monuments..d) to his family.e) for your teeth.f) to eating so much.g) full of books.h) for his bad results.i) to Kate. j) of your bad behaviour!k) at Maths.l) at taking decisions.

1. John is very kind2. I’m not responsible3. I’m bad4. The teacher is tired5. Your school bag is6. John is married7. Don’t eat sweets! It’s bad8. My hometown is famous9. My sister is jealous10. He’s quick11. She’s late12. I’m not used

4. GRAMMAR: Order of adjectives to describe hair.

























Fill in the gaps with the right preposition.

1. “What sports are you fond ___


“Well... I love jogging... Swimming, too!

I’m not exactly very good ___ it, though!

I’m afraid ___ big waves. Oh, and I

guess we can say that I’m not bad ___


“Great! Exercising is very good ___ our

health... You should be proud ___


2. “Isabel, hurry up! We’re going to be

late ___ school again,” her brother

shouted. “No, we’re not, why are you

being so rude ___ me? We still have 10

minutes!” Tom was always surprised ___

the ease with which Isabel distorted

facts! “10 minutes?!! It’s 08:25. I’m

leaving! I’m not responsible ___ you,

anyway! Bye!”

Match the halves to make complete sentences.

Rewrite the following sentences using one of the adjectives in the bubbles. The sentences must have a similar meaning.

4. I’m certain she’s loyal!


5. I’d like to have dinner now.


6. Loud noises make children afraid.


7. I couldn’t believe we had such bad weather.


8. He treats his customers in a nice way


1. Melanie is Karl’s wife.

Melanie is ________________________.

2. I like chocolate.

I _______________________________.

3. English is Isabel’s best subject!


Page 5: Unit 1 Appearance and Personality

Look at these pictures and describe their hairstyle.



Short curly blond hair

Page 6: Unit 1 Appearance and Personality

Read the following text about Danica and her family and answer the following questions about phrasal verbs.

"Danica grew up in South Africa. She has two younger sisters and they

were brought up by their parents. Danica and her youngest sister take

after their father. They like watching sport. The other sister takes after

their mother and the two of them are excellent chefs. They are a happy

family. The three sisters get on really well. They would often just sit and

talk until late in the night and laugh together. Danica looks up to her

parents. They have always been good role models to their three daughters.

Danica feels grateful for having such wonderful parents and sisters."

Match the phrasal verbs with the correct definitions.

A. grow up 1. to look or behave like someone in your family

B. look up to 2. to become an adult

C. bring up 3. to have a good relationship with someone

D. take after 4. to raise a child

E. get on 5. to admire someone

Think about these questions:

1) Who in your family do you take after?

2) Who do you look up to?

3) Who is someone you get on well with?

4) Where did you grow up?

5) Who brought you up?

6. LISTENING (Elllo.org 696 Family Traits)

Answer the following questions about the interview.

Page 7: Unit 1 Appearance and Personality

1) How does she describe her mother?

a) She has a great sense of humour.

b) She is very generous.

c) She speaks her mind.

d) She is very organized.

2) How does she describe her father?

a) Kind

b) Tall

c) Outgoing

d) Generous

3) What does she say about her sister?

a) She is younger.

b) She is older.

c) She can make her laugh.

d) They are complete opposites.

4) In her family, who is very similar?

a) Her mother and father

b) Her sister and father

c) Adrienne and her mother

d) Adrienne and her sister


- to have a great sense of humour: Someone who has a great sense of humor would not take life to seriously and would be able to laugh at herself and at situations.

- Cracks me up: Someone who 'cracks you up' makes you laugh.

- outspoke: blunt (direct)


Page 8: Unit 1 Appearance and Personality

Todd: Adrienne, we are talking about your family. Can describe the people in your family? Like, what's your mother like, and your father like and your sister? Adrienne: OK, well, let me start with my mother. I'm hoping she doesn't listen to this, though, maybe. My mother is a very interesting. She has a great sense of humor and she's a very kind woman, very generous woman. She's also not afraid to say what she is thinking, which is a quality I admire about her very much. Todd: What about your father? How would you describe your dad? Adrienne: My dad is probably the nicest man you'll ever meet. He's very kind, very generous, very warm-heart and he's really a good guy and I love him very much. Todd: And actually I met your father and he's a very big guy. Adrienne: He is. Which means he has a very big heart. Todd: Right. Adrienne: He is. My dad's very tall and takes up a lot of space. It's true. Todd: Gentle-Giant, right? Adrienne: Something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Todd: OK, now you have a sister. Is she younger or older? Adrienne: Younger sister. Todd: Oh, younger sister. How would you describe her personality? Adrienne: My sister is actually quite similar to my dad in that she has a very good heart and she's very generous and very open, very friendly and giving personality and she is probably the only person on the planet who can make me laugh at any moment. Todd: That's nice. Adrienne: She cracks me up. So, She's got a great sense of humour, but part of that probably comes from being sisters too. Todd: Now you said that your sister is very similar to your father, so you are very similar to your mother? Adrienne: Coincidentally, yes, actually. My mother and I have a lot in common in terms of our personality, which means that we get along very well and then sometimes we don't. Cause we remind each other of each other perhaps. Todd: So, like what traits do you have in common? Adrienne: I would say that we both very often say what we're thinking, which not everybody likes all of the time. Todd: I think being outspoken is good. Adrienne: It can be. It can be which is why I think it's a good quality but it sometimes can lead to more conflict than you're prepared for. Todd: Right. Well, it sounds like you have a nice balance. Adrienne: Mm, we do.

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7. LISTENING: Listen to Jan and Liz talk about photos of celebrities in a magazine. Who are they talking about? Number the pictures.


Julia Roberts Penélope Cruz Lucy Lu

Cameron Diaz Gwyneth Paltrow Nicole Kidman

Page 10: Unit 1 Appearance and Personality

8. SPEAKING: Talk about yourself. Here you’ve got some ideas to guide you.

- How would you describe your character? What’s your sense of humour like?

- How much attention do you pay to your appearance?

- What’s your job? What are you studying? What’s your attitude to work?

- What are your hobbies? What activities would you never take up?

- What are your ideals in life? Do you have any ambitions?

- Who are the most important people in your life? Why?

- Which are the most important decisions you have made in your life?

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9. FREE TALK: What ‘s the difference?

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10. WRITING: Describe a person you know or you look up to.


Introduce the person and give a bit of background, e.g. where she/he was born, where she/he lives now, her/his job, her/his dislikes.

I’m going to write about my grandfather. He’s called Dennis and he lives on his own in a little cottage in the country. He used to work as an engineer but now he is retired though he still does some consultancy work.


Describe the person’s physical appearance (but not too many details), personality and character.

Dennis hasn’t got very much hair and what he has is white. He’s got a large nose and a very round red face. He’s a rather eccentric man and dislikes being on his own. He can be irritable especially in the early morning but he is a very generous person.


Give some examples of the person’s behavior or relationships with other people.

He’s very well-known in the village where he lives because is often out walking his dog, an old Labrador called Einstein. He gets on with most people but is very impatient with children, particularly when they come and knock on his door at Halloween.





Hair: long/short/shoulder-length, black/blond/brown/dark/fair/grey/red/white/ highlights/dyed, curly/wavy/straight/spiky/bald, ponytail, plaits

Age: in his/her (early/mid/late) teens, twenties, thirties, elderly, middle-aged, young.

Face: beard, mustache, freckles, wrinkles, lips, chin. Shape: long/narrow/round/thin/ wide.

General: good-looking, overweight, short, slim, tall, well-built.

Personality: bad-tempered, cheerful, creative, disorganized, dynamic, generous, honest, helpful, hard-working, insensitive, kind, lazy, materialistic, mean, moody, nervous, outgoing, relaxed, reliable, selfish, shy, sociable, strong, stubborn, sympathetic, tolerant, weak.

Likes/dislikes: animals, chess, collecting things, computers, playing/listening to music, playing/watching sports, reading, travelling, watching films.

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- joven: - de edad media:




Page 14: Unit 1 Appearance and Personality

- mayor:

- adolescente:

- alto:

- bajo:

- pequeñito:

- grueso:

- delgado:

- corpulento:

- rechoncho:

- flaco:

- largo:

- corto:

- melena:

- rizado:

- ondulado:

- de punta:

- calvo:

- moreno:

- rubio:

- pelirrojo:

- castaño:

- canoso:

- liso:

- grande:

- pequeño:

- redondo:

- ovalado:

- pesado:

- grueso:

- simpático:

- seguro:

- generoso:

- educado:

- cariñoso:

- abierto:

- directo:

- cabezota:

- ordenado:

- divertido:

- tranquilo:

- tímido:

- callado:

- malhumorado:

- amable:

- escandaloso/ruidoso:


Features Descriptions

Build muscular/ well-built/broad-shouldered/wide-shouldered, slim/thin/skinny,

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small/wiry, plump/chubby/stocky/fat, overweight OPP. underweight,

Height of medium height, of average height, just over six foot, short, petite

Age toddler, in his teens, teenager, middle-aged, in his twenties, in his late

forties/fifties/sixties, in her early forties/fifties/sixties, in his

mid-forties/mid-thirties, elderly

Hair ginger, curly , straight, wavy/frizzy, blond/e, thick, bald, shoulder-length,

fair, dark, dyed, highlights, puffy, fringe, side-parting, centre-parting,

spiky, dreadlocks, wears hair in a ponytail/a bun, dry/ grease, shiny/silky

Head shaved, round, bald

Face round, oval, square, fat/ plump, clean-shaven, spotty

Complexion tanned, pale, clear, dark

Note: She has a pale complexion. (light-skinned)

She looks pale. (She looks sick)

Ears small, large, sticking out/prominent

Eyebrows& Eyes

Eyebrows: bushy/thick, arched

Eyes: almond-shaped, hollow, deep-set, wide OPP. narrow, hazelCheeks rosy, high

Nose slanted/ curved, sharp, strong/prominent, long, thin, flat, pointed,

crooked, upturned, round, wide

Lips Full, thin, wide mouth

Teeth white, yellow, rotten, false, braces

Chin square chin/double chin

Voice Deep, soft, hoarse

Special features

mole, wrinkles, scar, freckles, dimples, moustache, sideburns, cleft,
