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Faculty of Economics and Business University of Brescia

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Faculty of Economics and Business University of Brescia

2. Faculty of Economics and Business S. Faustino 3. Faculty of Economics and Business S. Chiara 4. Faculty of Economics and Business The Facilities

  • 20 classrooms, 1 aula magna in the S.Chiara building and 1 aula magna in the S.Faustino building
  • 5 computer rooms, 173 workplaces
  • 2 foreign languages laboratories, 28 workplaces
  • 5 study rooms

5. Faculty of Economics and Business The Library

  • More than 100.000 volumes
  • 1.800 journals
  • More than 11.000 electronic journals
  • Data base online
  • Wi fi
  • Reading rooms decorated with 16 th -century frescoes

6. Faculty of Economics and Business The Departments

  • Foreign Languages Centre (English, Franais,Espanol, Deutsch)
  • Business (Business Administration, Marketing, Finance, Accounting)
  • Quantitative Methods (Calculus, Statistics, Operation Research, Computing)
  • Economics (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics,Econometrics, International Economics)
  • Law (Private Contract Law, Public Law, Business Law)
  • Social Sciences (Economic History, Economic Geography, Economic Sociology)

7. Faculty of Economics and Business Programs 2009-2010 8. Bachelors and MasterPrograms

  • Business Administration
  • Business Information Management
  • Banking and Finance
  • Economics
  • Management
  • Business Consulting and Professional Services
  • Market and Information
  • Money, Finance and Risk Management
  • International Economics

9. Bachelor Programs

  • 3 years and 180 credits
  • 1 year and half (78 credits) are taught in common with all the Bachelor programs
  • Common courses are: Economic History, Calculus, Financial Accounting, Economics I and II, Business Management, Statistics, Private Contract Law, English
  • In the final year of study the students will choose a specialism from the following options:
  • Accounting ;Management ;Human Resources Mangement ;Business (in English)within theBusiness Admnistration Program
  • AndEconomics, Markets and Institutions; Social Economy;Tourism, Environment and Cultural Economywithin theEconomics Program

10. Programs 2009-2010 Bachelor

    • Bank and Finance
    • Business Administration:
      • Accounting
      • Business *
      • Management
      • Human Resources Mangement
    • Business Information Management
    • Economics :
      • Economics, Markets and Institutions
      • Social Economy
      • Tourism, Environment and Cultural Economy

* The third year in English 11. BachelorBanking and Finance

  • About This Program
  • This program is designed for young people who want to enter the world of credit and finance, and more specifically into banking.This program therefore offers:A basic preparation in business, economic and quantitative disciplines;In depth preparation of management and the market for banking and other credit institutions;The necessary skills to be able to make strategic managerial choices and to select information on the wisdom of investment choices;An understanding of payment mechanisms and the computer and communication technology involved as well as allocation of savings investment for the risk and duration needs of clients.

12. BachelorBusiness Administration

  • About This Program
  • This program is aimed at young people who want to enter the corporate world.The program offers:The development of an economic-corporate background for companies working in the various economic sectors;The theoretical and practical tools needed to be able to make managerial decisions and professional corporate consultancy;Multi-disciplinary preparation to face the deep changes affecting corporate and non-profit management;Linguisticknowledge necessary to communicate in the corporate world;Computer and statistical knowledge.

13. BachelorInformation Management

  • About This Program
  • This program is aimed at young people who would like to be part of the corporate environment using the potential of technology and computer sciences to improve corporate resources and efficiency.
  • The program thus offers the students:A solid base in traditional economics, management, law, mathematics and statistics;A preparation in computer science and the development of simple applications;The ability to use new technology to resolve corporate organisational problems and relations;Basic linguistic competencein English

14. Bachelor Economics

  • About This Program
  • This program aims to prepare students:To gain basic knowledge in economics and the use of mathematical and statistical techniques as well as the principles of juridical institutions;To understand how to face the problems of the national economic system, integrated areas (the European Union) and economic units that make up these areas;To become acquainted with economic methods and applicative techniques, also exploiting the latest innovations for economic analysis;To gain practical knowledge in measuring, finding and working with economic data in its various applications.

15. Master Programs

  • 2 years and 120 credits
  • Master Thesis (16 credits)
  • In the final year of study the students will choose a specialism from the following options:
  • Corporate Finance; Marketing; Logisticswithin theManagement Program
  • AndInternational Economics and Market ;International Economics and Development (in English)within theInternational Economics Program

16. Programs 2009-2010 Master

    • Business Consulting and Professional Services
    • Management :
      • Corporate Finance
      • Marketing
      • Logistics
    • Money, Finance and Risk Management
    • Market and Information
    • International Economics :
      • International Economics and Market
      • International Economics and Development*

* The secondyear in English 17. MasterBusiness Consulting and Professional Services

  • About This Program
  • This program is aimed at creating post-graduates with detailed corporate-economic and economic-juridical knowledge; i.e., they will know how to use quantitative techniques and analytical methodology, the communication and PR instruments of important and/or international events, the attitudes to be able to face problems connected with economic communication, the capacity to develop operative tools to run a company.The synthesis of the course is reached by a combination of disciplines aimed at creating both professional and consultancy skills, in particular for accountants and internal corporate administration responsibilities.

18. MasterManagement

  • About ThisProgram
  • This program is aimed at creating general corporate managers. Therefore, the course aims at offering in depth knowledge of corporate, economic, quantitative and juridical disciplines.The graduates should be able to use this knowledge to face general management problems, i.e. a complete and inter-functional approach. In particular they will develop the ability to analyse and resolve problems connected with management, development and innovative projects and therefore be able to manage corporate governance and development in a complex and international environment.

19. MasterMoney, Finance and Risk Management

  • About This Program
  • This program is aimed at creating specialists in banking and finance, capable of judging and managing risk within a complex structure. That is, where the measurement and advanced considerations of risk and capital allocation are considered from a managerial point of view, i.e. as part of the productive process and not simply as a phase of internal control. Apart from a solid base in economic-financial skills, the students will acquire a good knowledge of economic-management and quantitative methodology.

20. MasterMarket and Information

  • About This Program
  • The aim of this program is to create managers and specialist professionals in companies based on information and communication technology. Therefore, this course aims at giving the students an inter-disciplinary training that includes traditional economic-management areas as well as social-juridical, mathematical , but also technical and technological computer training so the student can understand and use information technology to develop innovative solutions to corporate problems. Particular attention will be paid to integrated corporate management and to the logistic-productive process as well as corporate relations with suppliers and customers. The students will be prepared in advanced technology for management, from CRM to procurement, the use of Internet to share information, the communication of security problems for data and transactions, and techniques for data analysis and the optimum use of resources.

21. MasterInternational Economics

  • About This Program
  • This program is aimed at creating graduates with detailed international economics and international management knowledge. Therefore the course aims at creating the international manager. This objective will be reached by a combination of economic and managerial courses. The student will acquire deep knowledge over the processes of globalization, international investment, international business, international economics, history of cultures and globalization. He will have also the opportunity to strengthen his knowledge in quantitative methods.