understanding the management process

13 South-Western, a part of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Chapter 6 | Slide 1 Understanding the Management Process Chapter 6

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Understanding the Management Process. Chapter 6. The Four Main Resources of Management. Managers coordinate an organization’s resources to achieve the goals of the organization. Basic Management Functions. Planning. Planning Establishing goals and deciding how to accomplish them Mission - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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© 2013 South-Western, a part of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Chapter 6 | Slide 1

Understanding the Management Process



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The Four Main Resources of Management

Managers coordinate an organization’s resources to achieve the goals of the organization.

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Basic Management Functions

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Planning• Establishing goals and deciding how to accomplish

them Mission

• A statement of the basic purpose that makes an organization different from others

– Example: Starbucks mission statement-– “To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person,

one cup and one neighborhood at a time.”


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Planning (cont.)

Establishing goals and objectives• Goal

– An end result that an organization is expected to achieve over a one- to ten-year period

– Example: We will be the world leader in laptop computers.

• Objective– A specific statement detailing what an organization

intends to accomplish over a shorter period of time

– Example: We will sell 1 million laptops by the end of the third quarter this year.

– Good objectives are specific, measurable, achievable and in writing.

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Planning (cont.)

SWOT analysis• The identification and evaluation of a firm’s

– Strengths– Weaknesses– Opportunities– Threats

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Organizing• The grouping of resources and activities to

accomplish some end result in an efficient and effective manner

Leading and motivating• Leading

– Influencing people to work toward a common goal

• Motivating– Providing reasons for people to work in the best

interests of an organization

Organizing, Leading

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Controlling• Evaluating and regulating ongoing activities

to ensure that goals are achieved


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Levels of management• Top manager—guides and

controls the overall fortunes of an organization

• Middle manager—implements the strategy and major policies developed by top management

• First-line manager—coordinates and supervises the activities of operating employees

The coordinated effort of all three levels of managers is required to implement the goals of any company.

Kinds of Managers

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Key Skills of Successful Managers

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Key management skills• Conceptual skills

– Ability to think in abstract terms

• Analytic skills– Ability to identify problems, generate alternative

solutions, and select the best solution

• Interpersonal skills– Ability to deal effectively with other people

• Technical skills– Needed to accomplish a specialized activity

• Communication skills– The ability to speak, listen, and write effectively

Key Skills of Successful Managers (cont.)

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The ability to influence others Leadership versus management-good leaders

don’t necessarily make good managers; good managers don’t necessarily make good leaders.

Formal leadership• Legitimate power of position is the

basis for authority

Informal leadership• Not recognized formally by the

organization authority


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Autocratic• A task-oriented style. Workers are told what to do

and how to do it. Workers have no say in the decision-making process.

Participative• Leaders consult workers before making decisions.

• All members of a team are involved in identifying goals and developing strategies to reach those goals.

– Example: Google co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin

Entrepreneurial• A personality-based style. The manager seeks to inspire workers with a

vision. Is very passionate, enthusiastic, charismatic, a “visionary.”– Example: Steve Jobs of Apple

No one leadership style is best. Good managers match their style to the situation.

Styles of Leadership

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Tips for Successful Leadership

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Chapter Quiz

1. People in an organization are what type of resource?

A. MaterialB. InformationalC. InventoryD. HumanE. Financial

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Chapter Quiz

2. In executing their functions, managers must first

A. organize activities.B. establish goals.C. motivate employees.D. evaluate activities.E. select employees.

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Chapter Quiz

3. One type of leadership style is

A. Autocratic.B. CEO.C. Bullying.D. Negotiator.E. Bureaucratic.