unconscious worlds


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Post on 10-Jul-2016




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Major Project


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The Beginning.

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The main idea of this project is to represent the world of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, a collection of poems seper-

ated in three parts: Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. This poetic masterpiece of Dante turned to be a great challange as I

found it very difficult to represent what was already been perfectly presented. That is why I focused my attention on one

of my favourite topics - Carl Jung’ s theory of the mind.

According to Carl Jung ( a Swiss psychoianalisist) the psyche or the mind is formulated by three components: The

Ego (conscious mind), the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious, all of which define our existance and

perception. If we imagine the psyche as an iceberg, the very bottom layer of it will be the collective Unconscious. This

is the place where we share knowledge of ourselves as a species, knowlegde of our universal existance. This inherit-

ed knowledge applies to all individuals and isn’t something that we learn but more something that we were born with.

This place creates the archetypes which I will doscuss in detail further in this book. In short, the archetypes are those

images in our life that defines our paths, choices and emotions. The second layer is the Personal Unconscious. This is

the place where our conscious becomes individual. This is the place where we create our memories including thos we

surpress. And finally at the top of the iceberg is the Ego. This is the less studied part of our psyche and represent the

outter image of us or the packaging. It is shaped mostly by social and environmental factors and it is believed to be fake

as changes according to the social stigma and rules on which this image depends.

Lots can be said about each individual part of this iceberg called psyche but I have chosen to focus on Collective and

Personal Unconscious and recreate a world clearly addressing the meaning of these layers.

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Moreover, due to the deadlines I idecided to omit the Ego as part of this project but will discuss how I understood this

interpretation and why further in this book.

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The Concept.

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Collective Unconscious

Source Image A Peneva

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Everything started with the futuristic images I have googled. When I imaged the psyche I saw it as a concept of unreality, place where things do not make sense and at the same time they are perfectly and reasonably connected to each other. A place of chaos that put things in place. The conepts of Yuri Shwedoff were my first inspi-ration.

Collective unconscious is a very complex place of our minds where a vortex of information is stirring our perceptions. Furthermore, it is the source of our emotions.

Collective Unconscious

Yuri Shwedoff

Yuri Shwedoff

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Collective Unconscious

This instantly reminded me of the Land of the Living, Land of the Remembered and Land of the Forgotten in the film Book of Life (2014).

So I decided to use a clock as interpretation to the collective un-conscious. This gigantic clock which is an archetypal image itself featuring many other archetypal images we will discuss further in this chapter, was inspired by the Hempton Court Clock which shows the zodiac signs, the tides, the position of the moon, the time, etc. I combined the concept stormy background with a 3D model. I also chose a mirror to interpret this part of the psyche as a fake reflection.

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Collective Unconscious

Archetypes are important if we need to express collective unconscious-ness. That is why the whole scene is a combination of archetypal images and symbols. According to Jung there are many archetypes that affect our perception but he defines 12 primary types that symbolize human motivation. Jung categorizes the archetypes in three main aspects of the mind: Ego, Soul and Self. Ech of them has a group of 4 archetypal images, which play a vital role in the way we understand and feel the world.

The scene features character and symbolic archetypes.

The Nature vs Mechanistic World is the main symbolic archetype fe-turing the complex and detail clock and the desert background. The colours are also symbolic archetypes such as red: blood, sacrifice, pas-sion; blue as highly positive, security and spiritual purity; yellow as enlightment and wisdom. All the parts featured in the clock are sym-bols of time and paths. The numbers are also symbolic archetypes. Ex-amples can be 3: light, spiritual awareness, etc; 4 - associated with life cycle and four seasons or 7 as the most potent of all symbolic numbers sygnifying the union of three and four, the completion of a cycle or the perfect order, etc.

The first stage of position the archetypal images.

The final stage of position the archetypal images.

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As clearly seen I chose some of the 12 archetypal images to in-clude in the scene surrounging and completing the clock as a symbol of time.

1) The Shadow as a man and his old shadow.2)The Tower as a place of security and power.3)The Hero represented as a Super Hero as a protagonist whose life is a series of well marked adventures.4)The Scapegoat as a symbol of guilt and fear of it.5) The King represented as a lion with a crow.6) The Snake as a symbol of cunningness and power7) The Magician with eternity above his head as a symbol of mysticism and surprise.8) The Friendly Beast represented as a Wolf howling under the crescent moon. An animal companion showing that nature is on the side of the hero.9) The Jester as a symbol of cunning and tricks.

The Maze is also a featured symbolic archetype of the entity and the choice. The raven vs the white dove is a symbol of the good vs bad. As we can see everything in this scene is an archetypal image. which is the grounds of our collective unconscious, the place all these images start to develop.

Collective Unconscious

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Personal Unconscious

Source Image A Peneva

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C.Jung defines this as a place of memories including those which we suppress. As suggested by Alan, the past is nostalgic and hence looks brighter than the present. It hold all those moments and emotions we long for but cannot have. So I thought of two interpretations of this place:

These are the initial ideas of interpreting the personal uncon-scious. The simple mirror reflects as video clips different mo-ments of a person’s life such as a birthday, or childhood memory or a moment with one’s parents, or with their loved one or the first day at school. At the same time it reflects the desert. It is a mirror after all.

The pile of vintage suitcases and gramophone reminds me most of the nostalgic past. The animated gramphone will play some old tunes and the vintage suitcases represent one’s journey so far.

After some feedback I decided to combine all of them in one and add more of the memorabilia that will help creating that specific nostalgic feeling I need. And again it is the same desrt place but with different weather.

Personal Unconscious

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Personal Unconscious is a little but simpler than the collective one because it is like a by product of it and has already established proinci-ples. It is the place of our memories. That is why I chose this sunny desert place as if the time has stopped and looks like all that we store in the attic to be in one unreal place. Personal Unconscious like the collective one is still aplace f fantasies, a place that does not exist and yet it does. It is a place where everything is possible.

There isn’t any particular reference image that made me create this particular concept. All I wanted is to link it to the collective unconscious and that is why it is basically on the same place but with different weather mood and colours and to represent the nostalgic I had just to collect different objects and pile them in the middle of nowhere. So here are some of the image references and their models.

Personal Unconscious

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Deleted Scenes - The Ego

Source Image A Peneva

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This scene was initially part of the project but because of deadline it had to be deleted. As the Ego is the out package of our Self and is determined by the social trends and demands, I assumed as we live in the era of social networking that face-book symbol fits ideally as a representation of this outter layer. To add to this I chose facebook to make a selfie again as one of the hottest trends these days as Facebook is full of such. The symbol looks like a motel attracting people. The initial idea was to use the same desert background but after some feed-back I decided to make it different as the Ego is not connected to the other parts. It acts independently.


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The Development.

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The first step of the modelling process was to create a quick rough model so I can test the rotation of each detail and decide the posi-tion of the cameras. As this is detailed clock featuring the Eye, the Seasons, the Calendar, Degrees, Dials and Archetypes, the position of the cameras had to show each detail in depth and at the same time engage. The stormy weather mood I chose is a dramatic way to show how important this part is and how cruicial the beginning of all is.

Collective Unconscious

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The modelling started from the inside outwards. The eye was quick and easy to do using some textures, specular and normal maps. For the Dials, Degrees, Calendar and the Seasons Layered Texture nodes and shaders were used again with Normal mapping. Each image of the seasons was seperately drawn on Photoshop.The modeling of the parts was not challanging itself apart from the brushed bronze material shader. The lighting used was Mental Ray Sun system with Direct Light. I did like the idea of combining 2D art with 3D art so the background is a montage of still images/photography merged together to create the dramatic mood of the environment/background.

Collective Unconscious

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Collective Unconscious

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Personal Unconscious

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Thank you for reading.

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