ultrafast optics ultrafastelectro-optic light with subcycle … · carlson et al., science 361,...

ULTRAFAST OPTICS Ultrafast electro-optic light with subcycle control David R. Carlson 1 *, Daniel D. Hickstein 1 , Wei Zhang 1 , Andrew J. Metcalf 1 , Franklyn Quinlan 1 , Scott A. Diddams 1,2 , Scott B. Papp 1,2 * Light sources that are ultrafast and ultrastable enable applications like timing with subfemtosecond precision and control of quantum and classical systems. Mode-locked lasers have often given access to this regime, by using their high pulse energies. We demonstrate an adaptable method for ultrastable control of low-energy femtosecond pulses based on common electro-optic modulation of a continuous-wave laser light source. We show that we can obtain 100-picojoule pulse trains at rates up to 30 gigahertz and demonstrate suboptical cycle timing precision and useful output spectra spanning the near infrared. Our source enters the few-cycle ultrafast regime without mode locking, and its high speed provides access to nonlinear measurements and rapid transients. U ltrafast lasers produce trains of femtosecond- duration light pulses and can operate as frequency combs to provide a time and fre- quency reference bridging the optical and microwave domains of the electromag- netic spectrum (1). Achieving phase control of these pulse trains to better than a single opti- cal cycle has enabled diverse applications rang- ing from optical atomic clocks (2) to controlling quantum states of matter (3, 4). These capabil- ities have evolved over decades, and yet they still require the intrinsic stability of a suitable mode- locked resonator. One alternative method that produces optical pulse trains without mode locking is electro-optic modulation (EOM) of a laser (5, 6). These pulse generators, or EOM combs,first gained interest nearly 50 years ago because of their simplicity, tunability, reliability, commercialization, and spec- tral flatness ( 710). Nevertheless, despite their broad appeal and decades of development, the funda- mental goal of electronic switching with the optical- cycle precision needed to create ultrafast trains of EOM pulses has remained unmet, limited by thermodynamic noise and oscillator phase noise inherent in electronics. Here, we report the generation of ultrafast and ultrastable electro-optic pulses without any mode locking. Our experiments demonstrate widely applicable techniques to mitigate electro-optic noise by relying on the quantum-limited optical processes of cavity transmission, nonlinear inter- ferometry, and nonlinear optical pulse compres- sion, as well as low-loss microwave interferometry. This results in phase control of ultrafast electro- optic fields with a temporal precision better than one cycle of the optical carrier. Because electro- optic sources support pulse repetition rates greater than 10 GHz, our work opens up the regime of high- speed, ultrafast light sources, enabling sampling or excitation of high-speed transient events, as well as making precision measurements across octaves of bandwidth. We demonstrate the performance of our ultra- fast phase control by directly carving electro-optic pulse trains at 10 and 30 GHz with ~1-ps initial pulse durations and show that these pulses can be spectrally broadened to octave bandwidths and temporally compressed to less than three op- tical cycles (15 fs) in nanophotonic silicon-nitride (Si 3 N 4 , henceforth SiN) waveguides. To deliver a femtosecond source timed with subcycle preci- sion, we introduce an EOM-comb configuration implementing high-Q microwave-cavity stabili- zation of the 10-GHz electronic oscillator. This oscillator is phase-locked to the continuous-wave (CW) pump source via f 2f stabilization of the carrierenvelope offset, enabling complete knowl- edge of the ~28,000 EOM-comb frequencies to 17 digits. Our implementation uses a cavity- stabilized CW laser to demonstrate subhertz- linewidth modes spanning the near infrared, but we note that more standard pump sources could achieve the same relative stability between the microwave source and optical carrier. Our EOM comb is derived from a microwave source that drives an intensity modulator placed in series with multiple phase modulators to pro- duce a 50%-duty-cycle pulse train with mostly linear frequency chirp (Fig. 1). In the spectral domain, this process results in a deterministic cascade of sidebands with prescribed amplitude and phase that converts the CW laser power into a frequency comb with a mode spacing given by the microwave driving frequency f eo . The frequen- cy of each resulting mode n, counted from the CW laser at frequency n p , can then be expressed as n n = n p ± nf eo . Equivalently, the modes can be expressed as a function of the classic offset fre- quency f 0 and repetition rate f rep parameters as n n = f 0 + nf rep , where now the mode number nis counted from zero frequency and f rep = f eo . In order for the EOM comb to achieve ultra- stable coherence between n p and f eo , it is vital to keep the integrated phase noise of each mode below p radians. In the temporal domain, this corresponds to subcycle timing jitter, and for EOM combs this requirement becomes more dif- ficult to achieve as the comb bandwidth is in- creased because of microwave-noise multiplication (11). For octave-spanning spectra at a 10-GHz repetition rate, this multiplication factor is n20,000 and corresponds to an 86-dB increase in phase noise. Thus, reaching the p-radian thresh- old with an EOM comb requires careful treatment of the noise at all Fourier frequencies. As noted earlier (10), broadband thermal noise in the electronic components up to the Nyquist frequency causes the phase-coherence threshold to be exceeded. To compensate, a Fabry-Pérot cavity optically filters the broadband thermal noise fundamental to electro-optic modulation, resulting in a detectable carrierenvelope offset frequency. However, the cavity linewidth (typi- cally a few megahertz) places a lower bound on the range of frequencies where this suppression is possible, and therefore, it is additionally nec- essary to investigate the use of low-noise micro- wave oscillators. This is especially important for the Fourier-frequency range between 100 kHz and the filter-cavity linewidth, where high-gain feedback is technically challenging. In the stabilized EOM comb (a comprehensive system diagram is shown in fig. S1), we use a com- mercial dielectric-resonator oscillator (DRO) with a nominal operating frequency of 10 GHz and 0.1% tuning range to drive the modulators. Com- pared to other commercial microwave sources, the DRO offers improved phase-noise performance in the critical Fourier-frequency range between 100 kHz and 10 MHz. The DRO output is then amplified before driving the phase modulators to produce the typical comb spectrum shown in Fig. 2A. After transmission through an optical-filter cavity to suppress thermal noise, the chirped- pulse output of the EOM comb is compressible to durations as short as 600 fs, depending on the initial spectral bandwidth. Unfortunately, pulse durations greater than ~200 fs pose problems for coherent supercontinuum broadening in non- linear media with anomalous dispersion (12, 13). However, if the nonlinear material instead ex- hibits normal dispersion, broadening due to pure self-phase modulation is known to produce lower- noise spectra owing to the suppression of modu- lation instability (13). Consequently, we employ a two-stage broadening scheme using a normal- dispersion highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) to achieve initial spectral broadening (1416) and pulse com- pression to 100 fs (17), followed by an anomalous- dispersion SiN waveguide for broad spectrum generation. Highrepetition rate lasers ( f rep 10 GHz) pro- duce lower pulse energies for the same average power, making it challenging to use nonlinear broadening to produce the octave bandwidths required for self-referencing. However, patterned nanophotonic waveguides have recently emerged RESEARCH Carlson et al., Science 361, 13581363 (2018) 28 September 2018 1 of 5 1 Time and Frequency Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305, USA. 2 Department of Physics, University of Colorado, 2000 Colorado Avenue, Boulder, CO 80309, USA. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Present address: KMLabs, Inc., 4775 Walnut Street, Suite 102, Boulder, CO 80301, USA. on April 1, 2021 http://science.sciencemag.org/ Downloaded from

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    Ultrafast electro-optic lightwith subcycle controlDavid R. Carlson1*, Daniel D. Hickstein1†, Wei Zhang1, Andrew J. Metcalf 1,Franklyn Quinlan1, Scott A. Diddams1,2, Scott B. Papp1,2*

    Light sources that are ultrafast and ultrastable enable applications like timing withsubfemtosecond precision and control of quantum and classical systems. Mode-lockedlasers have often given access to this regime, by using their high pulse energies. Wedemonstrate an adaptable method for ultrastable control of low-energy femtosecondpulses based on common electro-optic modulation of a continuous-wave laser light source.We show that we can obtain 100-picojoule pulse trains at rates up to 30 gigahertz anddemonstrate sub–optical cycle timing precision and useful output spectra spanning thenear infrared. Our source enters the few-cycle ultrafast regime without mode locking, andits high speed provides access to nonlinear measurements and rapid transients.

    Ultrafast lasers produce trains of femtosecond-duration light pulses and can operate asfrequency combs to provide a time and fre-quency reference bridging the optical andmicrowave domains of the electromag-

    netic spectrum (1). Achieving phase control ofthese pulse trains to better than a single opti-cal cycle has enabled diverse applications rang-ing from optical atomic clocks (2) to controllingquantum states of matter (3, 4). These capabil-ities have evolved over decades, and yet they stillrequire the intrinsic stability of a suitablemode-locked resonator.One alternative method that produces optical

    pulse trains without mode locking is electro-opticmodulation (EOM) of a laser (5, 6). These pulsegenerators, or “EOMcombs,” first gained interestnearly 50 years ago because of their simplicity,tunability, reliability, commercialization, and spec-tral flatness (7–10).Nevertheless, despite their broadappeal and decades of development, the funda-mental goal of electronic switchingwith the optical-cycle precision needed to create ultrafast trainsof EOM pulses has remained unmet, limited bythermodynamic noise and oscillator phase noiseinherent in electronics.Here, we report the generation of ultrafast

    and ultrastable electro-optic pulses without anymode locking.Our experiments demonstratewidelyapplicable techniques to mitigate electro-opticnoise by relying on the quantum-limited opticalprocesses of cavity transmission, nonlinear inter-ferometry, and nonlinear optical pulse compres-sion, aswell as low-lossmicrowave interferometry.This results in phase control of ultrafast electro-optic fields with a temporal precision better thanone cycle of the optical carrier. Because electro-

    optic sources support pulse repetition rates greaterthan 10GHz, ourwork opens up the regime of high-speed, ultrafast light sources, enabling samplingor excitation of high-speed transient events, aswell as making precision measurements acrossoctaves of bandwidth.We demonstrate the performance of our ultra-

    fast phase control by directly carving electro-opticpulse trains at 10 and 30 GHz with ~1-ps initialpulse durations and show that these pulses canbe spectrally broadened to octave bandwidthsand temporally compressed to less than three op-tical cycles (15 fs) in nanophotonic silicon-nitride(Si3N4, henceforth SiN)waveguides. To deliver afemtosecond source timed with subcycle preci-sion, we introduce an EOM-comb configurationimplementing high-Q microwave-cavity stabili-zation of the 10-GHz electronic oscillator. Thisoscillator is phase-locked to the continuous-wave(CW) pump source via f − 2f stabilization of thecarrier–envelope offset, enabling complete knowl-edge of the ~28,000 EOM-comb frequenciesto 17 digits. Our implementation uses a cavity-stabilized CW laser to demonstrate subhertz-linewidth modes spanning the near infrared, butwe note thatmore standard pump sources couldachieve the same relative stability between themicrowave source and optical carrier.Our EOM comb is derived from a microwave

    source that drives an intensity modulator placedin series with multiple phase modulators to pro-duce a 50%-duty-cycle pulse train with mostlylinear frequency chirp (Fig. 1). In the spectraldomain, this process results in a deterministiccascade of sidebands with prescribed amplitudeand phase that converts the CW laser power intoa frequency comb with a mode spacing given bythemicrowave driving frequency feo. The frequen-cy of each resulting mode n, counted from theCW laser at frequency np, can then be expressedas nn = np ± nfeo. Equivalently, the modes can beexpressed as a function of the classic offset fre-quency f0 and repetition rate frep parameters asnn = f0 + n′frep, where now the mode number n′is counted from zero frequency and frep = feo.

    In order for the EOM comb to achieve ultra-stable coherence between np and feo, it is vital tokeep the integrated phase noise of each modebelow p radians. In the temporal domain, thiscorresponds to subcycle timing jitter, and forEOM combs this requirement becomesmore dif-ficult to achieve as the comb bandwidth is in-creased because ofmicrowave-noise multiplication(11). For octave-spanning spectra at a 10-GHzrepetition rate, this multiplication factor is n′ ≈20,000 and corresponds to an 86-dB increase inphase noise. Thus, reaching the p-radian thresh-oldwith an EOMcomb requires careful treatmentof the noise at all Fourier frequencies.As noted earlier (10), broadband thermal noise

    in the electronic components up to the Nyquistfrequency causes the phase-coherence thresholdto be exceeded. To compensate, a Fabry-Pérotcavity optically filters the broadband thermalnoise fundamental to electro-optic modulation,resulting in a detectable carrier–envelope offsetfrequency. However, the cavity linewidth (typi-cally a few megahertz) places a lower bound onthe range of frequencies where this suppressionis possible, and therefore, it is additionally nec-essary to investigate the use of low-noise micro-wave oscillators. This is especially important forthe Fourier-frequency range between 100 kHzand the filter-cavity linewidth, where high-gainfeedback is technically challenging.In the stabilized EOM comb (a comprehensive

    system diagram is shown in fig. S1), we use a com-mercial dielectric-resonator oscillator (DRO) witha nominal operating frequency of 10 GHz and0.1% tuning range to drive the modulators. Com-pared to other commercial microwave sources,the DRO offers improved phase-noise performancein the critical Fourier-frequency range between100 kHz and 10 MHz. The DRO output is thenamplified before driving the phase modulatorsto produce the typical comb spectrum shownin Fig. 2A.After transmission through an optical-filter

    cavity to suppress thermal noise, the chirped-pulse output of the EOM comb is compressible todurations as short as 600 fs, depending on theinitial spectral bandwidth. Unfortunately, pulsedurations greater than ~200 fs pose problems forcoherent supercontinuum broadening in non-linear media with anomalous dispersion (12, 13).However, if the nonlinear material instead ex-hibits normal dispersion, broadening due to pureself-phasemodulation is known to produce lower-noise spectra owing to the suppression of modu-lation instability (13). Consequently, we employa two-stage broadening scheme using a normal-dispersionhighlynonlinear fiber (HNLF) toachieveinitial spectral broadening (14–16) and pulse com-pression to 100 fs (17), followed by an anomalous-dispersion SiN waveguide for broad spectrumgeneration.High–repetition rate lasers ( frep ≥ 10 GHz) pro-

    duce lower pulse energies for the same averagepower, making it challenging to use nonlinearbroadening to produce the octave bandwidthsrequired for self-referencing.However, patternednanophotonic waveguides have recently emerged


    Carlson et al., Science 361, 1358–1363 (2018) 28 September 2018 1 of 5

    1Time and Frequency Division, National Institute of Standardsand Technology, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305, USA.2Department of Physics, University of Colorado, 2000Colorado Avenue, Boulder, CO 80309, USA.*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected];[email protected]†Present address: KMLabs, Inc., 4775 Walnut Street, Suite 102,Boulder, CO 80301, USA.

    on April 1, 2021



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  • as a promising platform owing, in part, to theirhigh nonlinearity and engineerable dispersion(18–20). Here, we demonstrate input-coupling ef-ficiency to a SiN waveguide of up to 85% (17) thatenables a broadband supercontinuum to be gen-eratedwith pulses fromhigh–repetition rate ultra-fast sources. The spectra generatedwith our 10-GHzEOM comb spans wavelengths from 750 nm tobeyond 2700 nm for two different waveguidegeometries (Fig. 2B), producing a total integratedpower of


    1.1W. Individual comb lines across theentire bandwidth exhibit a high degree of extinc-tion (50 dB at 1064 nm; see fig. S2 for data at775, 1064, and 1319 nm) and do not exhibit anyintermode artifacts such as sidebands, a commonproblemwhenmode filtering is used to convert low–repetition rate combs to high repetition rates (21).To investigate the scalability to even higher rep-

    etition rates, wemade additional supercontinuummeasurements using a 30-GHzEOMcomb, whichproduced 600-fs, 70-pJ pulses (Fig. 2D). Despitethe three-times reduction in pulse energy com-pared to the 10-GHz comb, similar broadbandspectra are readily obtained. In both cases, if thewaveguide input pulse energy is kept below~100pJ,smooth spectra can be obtained with high powerper comb mode.For applications requiring very flat spectra

    over broad bandwidths, such as astronomicalspectrograph calibration (22), the supercontinuum

    light can be easily collected in a single-mode fiberand flattened with a single passive optical atten-uator. Under these conditions, fluctuations inspectral intensity can be kept within ±3 dB overwavelengths spanning from 850 to 1450 nmwhiledeliveringmore than 10 nW permode in the fiberat 10 GHz. Improved waveguide-to-fiber outputcoupling, or free-space collimation combinedwithan appropriate color filter, could further improvethe power per mode.After broadening in the SiN waveguide, the

    offset frequency is detected with >30 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), suggesting that the schemeof combining normal- and anomalous-dispersionmedia indeed allows us to overcome the difficul-ties of producing a coherent supercontinuumusingpulses longer than a few hundred femtoseconds;see fig. S3 for SNR versus bandwidth. Stabiliza-tion of f0 is subsequently accomplished by feedingback to the frequency-tuning port of the DRO.However, owing to optical and electronic phasedelay in this configuration, the feedback band-width is limited to ~200 kHz (Fig. 3A, blue curve)and thus is insufficient on its own to narrow thecomb linewidth set by the multiplied microwavenoise of the DRO.To reach the p-radian threshold for phase

    coherence between the CW laser and electronicoscillator, the output of one high-powermicrowaveamplifier is stabilized to an air-filled aluminum

    microwave cavity in the stabilized-local-oscillator(STALO) configuration (23, 24) and yields an im-mediate reduction in phase noise of up to 20 dBat frequencies less than 500 kHz from the carrier.In Fig. 3A, we use the b-line (25) to distinguish

    between regimes where the linewidth of thecomb offset f0 is adversely affected (phase noiseabove the b-line) andwhere there is no linewidthcontribution (phasenoise below theb-line).Havingphase noise below the b-line at all points is ap-proximately equivalent to an integrated phasenoise below p radians, and thus provides a con-venient visual way to assess the impact of noiseat different Fourier frequencies. For our EOMcomb, the f0 phase noise remains below the b-lineat all frequencies only when both the STALOlock and the f − 2f lock are used in tandem.Under these conditions, noise arising from themicrowave oscillator does not contribute appre-ciably to the comb linewidth and thus, the CWlaser stability is faithfully transferred across theentire comb bandwidth. Equivalently, integratingthe phase noise of the fully locked f0 beat (1.17 rad,10 Hz to 4 MHz) yields a pulse-to-pulse timingjitter of 0.97 fs (1.9 fs if limited by the b line be-tween 4MHz and 5 GHz) (17), indicating that themicrowave envelope coherently tracks the opticalcarrier signal with subcycle precision.The progression of offset-frequency stabiliza-

    tion is also shown by the beat frequencies as each

    Carlson et al., Science 361, 1358–1363 (2018) 28 September 2018 2 of 5

    Fig. 1. Carving femtosecond pulses from a continuous-wave (CW)laser with subcycle precision. (A) A chirped pulse train is derivedfrom a 1550-nm CW laser by electro-optic phase and intensity modula-tion driven by a 10-GHz dielectric resonant oscillator (DRO) that is lockedto a high-Q microwave cavity in the stabilized-local-oscillator (STALO)configuration. The pulse train is then optically filtered by a Fabry-Pérotcavity to suppress electronic thermal noise on the comb lines beforespectral broadening in highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) followed by asilicon-nitride waveguide. Octave-spanning spectra allow detection ofthe comb offset frequency in an f − 2f interferometer that is used tostabilize the DRO output. (B) Without stabilization, the microwave-derived pulse train exhibits large pulse-to-pulse timing jitter relative

    to the CW carrier. When the drive frequency is stabilized by feedbackfrom the comb offset frequency and the STALO cavity, sub–opticalcycle phase coherence between successive pulses is achieved. Notethat the stabilized pulses are shown with zero carrier–envelope offset,though this is not generally the case. (C) In the frequency-domainpicture, the unstabilized comb (red) exhibits large noise multiplicationas the mode number n expands about zero. Mode filtering (yellow)suppresses high-frequency thermal noise. The fully stabilized comblines (green) appear as d-functions because the CW-laser stability istransferred across the entire comb bandwidth. (D) Optical phasenoise picture of the comb, showing the effects of the f − 2f stabilization,STALO cavity, and filter cavity.


    pril 1, 2021



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  • lock is turned on (Figs. 3, B to D). The coherentcarrier seen in the offset frequency when fullystabilized (Fig. 3D) indicates that phase coher-ence has been achievedbetween individual comblines across the entire available spectral band-width. The accuracy and precision of the stabi-lized EOM comb were determined by beatingthe 10-GHz repetition rate against the 40th har-

    monic of an independentmode-locked laser oper-ating at 250 MHz (17). After 2000 s of averaging,a fractional stability of 3 × 10−17 was obtainedwith no statistically significant frequency offsetobserved. This level of accuracy represents animprovement of more than three orders of mag-nitude over previously demonstrated EOM-combsystems (10) and is likely only limited here by

    averaging time and out-of-loop path differencesbetween the two combs.To further show the versatility of the EOM

    comb as an ultrafast source, we describe how tocreate pulses that have durations lasting only a fewcycles of the optical field. Pulses in this regimecan provide direct access to the carrier–envelopephase and high peak intensities but require awell-controlled output spectrum exhibiting a highdegree of spectral flatness and coherence. How-ever, achieving such pulses at gigahertz repeti-tion rates with mode-locked lasers is technicallychallenging. Still, high–repetition rate sources offew-cycle pulses could be valuable for applica-tions like optically controlled electronics (26, 27),where both fast switching speeds and peak in-tensity are important. Similarly, coherent Ramanimaging of biological samples can benefit fromtransform-limited ultrashort pulses (28), but theacquisition speed for broadband spectra is typi-cally restricted by themegahertz-ratemode-lockedlaser sources that are used. Extending to higherrepetition rates could reduce measurement deadtime and also prevent sample damage due tohigh peak powers (29).The use of optical modulators to directly carve

    a train of ~1-ps pulses from a CW laser providesan effectivemethod for generating clean few-cyclepulses thanks to the soliton self-compression ef-fect (30, 31). To achieve this, the pulse power andchirp incident on the SiNwaveguide are adjustedsuch that the launched pulse approaches thethreshold peak intensity for soliton fission nearthe output facet of the chip. A normal-dispersionsingle-element aspheric lens is then used to out-couple the light without introducing appreciablehigher-order dispersion, and a 2-cm-long rod offused silica glass recompresses the pulse to nearits transform limit. Figure 4 shows the recon-structed pulse profile obtained through frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG) (32). Pulse durationsof 15 fs (2.8 optical cycles, full width at half max-imum) and out-coupled pulse energies in excessof 100 pJ (1 W average power) are readily achie-vable at a repetition rate of 10 GHz.The combination of high–repetition rate pulse

    trains, ultrastable broadband frequency synthe-sis, few-cycle pulse generation, and extensibleconstruction in our EOM-comb system providesa versatile ultrafast source with other additionalpractical benefits. For instance, these combs couldalso support further photonic integration throughcomplementarymetal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS)-compatible modulators (33), alignment-free con-struction, the use of commercially sourceablecomponents, and straightforward user custom-ization. Moreover, whereas the optical and micro-wave cavities currently limit the broad tuningcapability of the repetition rate, the ~300 THz ofcomb bandwidth places a mode within 5 GHz ofany spectral location in this range. By overcomingseveral experimental challenges related to broaden-ing and stabilizing noisy picosecond-durationpulses, our techniques are widely applicable toexisting technologies with demanding require-ments, such as chip-based microresonators (34)or semiconductor lasers (35).

    Carlson et al., Science 361, 1358–1363 (2018) 28 September 2018 3 of 5

    Fig. 2. High-repetition-rate supercontinuum. (A) Spectrum of the 10-GHz EOM comb directlyafter generation. (B) Ten-gigahertz supercontinuum spectra spanning from 750 to 2750 nm for twodifferent silicon-nitride waveguide widths. The spectral intensity is scaled to intrawaveguide levels.Also shown is the spectrum of the first-stage highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). (C) Ten-gigahertzsupercontinuum optimized for spectral smoothness by reducing incident power (blue). Between830 and 1450 nm, a flat spectrum (±3 dB) is produced by a single passive optical attenuator(red). (D) Supercontinuum spectrum from a 30-GHz EOM comb. Top insets show that combcoherence is maintained across the entire spectrum (optical SNRs are spectrometer limited).Bottom inset shows initial spectrum of the 30-GHz EOM comb. The y axes in both (C) and (D)show the power spectral density (PSD) obtained in the output fiber.


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  • Carlson et al., Science 361, 1358–1363 (2018) 28 September 2018 4 of 5

    Fig. 3. EOM-comb phase noise. (A) Opticalphase noise of the comb offset frequencymeasured at 775 nm (left axis) and scaled tothe 10-GHz repetition rate (right axis) underdifferent locking conditions. Prestabilizing thefree-running RF oscillator (DRO) using a high-Qmicrowave cavity in the stabilized-local-oscillator(STALO) configuration lowers the phasenoise by up to 20 dB at frequencies below500 kHz. When servo feedback from the opticalf0 signal is engaged, a tight phase lock isachieved that suppresses low-frequency noise.The b-line indicates the level above whichphase noise causes an increase in the comblinewidth. When both the STALO and f0 locksare engaged, the phase noise remains below theb -line at all frequencies, indicating that thecoherence of the CW pump laser is faithfullytransferred across the entire comb spectrum.(B to D) f0 RF beats showing the effects of eachfeedback loop. A coherent carrier signal isobserved (D) only when both the STALO lockand direct f0 feedback are engaged.

    Fig. 4. Few-cycle pulse generation. (A) Experi-mental and (B) reconstructed FROG traces.(C) Reconstructed temporal pulse profilewith a full width at half maximum durationof 15 fs (2.8 optical cycles). (D) Comparisonof reconstructed and experimental spectra.The quasi-CW spectral wings of the initialcomb spectrum near 1550 nm do not contributeappreciably to the pulse and thus are notseen in the reconstructed spectrum. At least75% of the total optical power is concentratedin the compressed pulse. More sophisticatedamplitude and phase compensation of the initialcomb spectrum could allow an even largerfraction of the power to be compressed (36).


    pril 1, 2021



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    We thank H. Timmers for assistance making the FROGmeasurements, A. Hati and C. Nelson for discussions onmicrowave stabilization, L. Chang for helping lay out the

    waveguide lithography masks, K.V. Reddy and S. Patil fordiscussion of erbium amplifiers, and F. Baynes for constructingthe cavity-stabilized laser. Funding: This research is supportedby the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) underaward no. FA9550-16-1-0016, the Defense Advanced ResearchProjects Agency (DARPA) DODOS program, the NationalAeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the NationalResearch Council (NRC). This work is a contribution of theU.S. government and is not subject to copyright in the U.S.A.Author contributions: The experiment was planned by D.R.C,D.D.H, S.A.D, and S.B.P. The combs were operated by D.R.Cand D.D.H. The optical filter cavity was designed andconstructed by W.Z. The 30-GHz measurements wereassisted by A.J.M. The data were analyzed by D.R.C, D.D.H,F.Q., S.A.D., and S.B.P. The manuscript was prepared byD.R.C. with input from all coauthors. Competing interests:NIST has a pending patent application related to this work.D.H. is currently employed by KMLabs, Inc. Data andmaterials availability: All data are present in the paper orsupplementary materials.


    www.sciencemag.org/content/361/6409/1358/suppl/DC1Materials and MethodsSupplementary TextFigs. S1 to S5References (37–46)

    23 April 2018; accepted 1 August 201810.1126/science.aat6451

    Carlson et al., Science 361, 1358–1363 (2018) 28 September 2018 5 of 5


    pril 1, 2021



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  • Ultrafast electro-optic light with subcycle controlDavid R. Carlson, Daniel D. Hickstein, Wei Zhang, Andrew J. Metcalf, Franklyn Quinlan, Scott A. Diddams and Scott B. Papp

    DOI: 10.1126/science.aat6451 (6409), 1358-1363.361Science

    , this issue p. 1358; see also p. 1316Sciencemode-locked lasers, which means they could potentially yield even more precise measurements.Torres-Company). The electro-optic modulation techniques can operate at much higher repetition rates thancontinuous-wave laser light source can also generate optical frequency combs (see the Perspective by

    the electro-optic modulation of a−− demonstrate an alternative to the mode-locked laser approachet al.Carlson femtosecond mode-locked laser pulses is composed of billions or trillions of precisely spaced wavelengths of light.and sensing applications. On closer inspection, the broadband ''white light'' generated through the interaction of

    The ability to generate coherent optical frequency combs has had a huge impact on precision metrology, imaging,Making ultrafast cycles of light

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