
Submitted To: Ms.ShivdasiniAmin Submitted By: Lovey Agarwal (115) Rahul Mandloi (116) Pranjal Sehgal (117) Varun Tripathi (118) Aziz Bhatia (119) Chandan Training Module On UNITED KINGDOM Your problem….. Our solution !!

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Page 1: UK-culture

Submitted To: Ms.ShivdasiniAmin

Submitted By: Lovey Agarwal (115) Rahul Mandloi (116) Pranjal Sehgal (117) Varun Tripathi (118) Aziz Bhatia (119) Chandan sharma(120)

Training Module On


Your problem…..

Our solution !!

Page 2: UK-culture

● Introduction● Cultures and customs of UK.● Training strategy● Do’s and Dont’s ● Conclusions● Refrences

Flow of the Presentation

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● The UK's full and official name is the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

● United Kingdom refers to the union which includes four separate countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

● The Union Flag, popularly known as the “Union Jack”, is the national flag of the United Kingdom. It is the British flag.

● It is called the Union Flag because it symbolises the administrative union of the countries of the United Kingdom. It is made up of the individual Flags of three of the Kingdom's countries all united under one Sovereign - the countries of ‘England’, of ‘Scotland’ and of ‘Northern Ireland’ As Wales was not a Kingdom but a Principality it could not be included on the flag.

● London is the capital city of UK.

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● The total population of the United Kingdom is around 63,182,000, according to the 2011 census.

● Third-largest in the European Union (after Germany and France) and the 22nd-largest in the world.

● The UK is an island nation in Western Europe just off the coast of France. The mainland areas lie between latitudes 49°N and 59°N and longitudes 8°W to 2°E.

● The UK lies between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, and comes within 35 km (22 miles) of the northwest coast of France, from which it is separated by the English Channel.

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Language ● 250 languages are spoken in London, making the capital the most

linguistically diverse city in the world.

● The United Kingdom does not have a constitutionally defined official language. English is the main and is thus the de facto official language.

● Other native languages to the Isles include Welsh, Irish, Ulster Scots, Cornish, Gaelic and British Sign Language.

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Religion● The official religion of England is Christianity.● It is a multi-faith society in which everyone has the right to

religious freedom. Although Britain is historically a Christian society, people are usually very tolerant towards the faiths of others and those who have no religious beliefs.

● The diverse history has led to very different cultural traditions.

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Clothing● As the UK is very much a western society so people wear Jeans and

Tee shirts to full business suits for office work.● England, unlike Wales and Scotland, has no official national dress.

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● National costume of Wales: - The national costume of Wales is a long skirt, worn with a petticoat and topped with a shawl.

● National dress of Scotland: - In Scotland the national dress is a kilt. The kilt is worn around the waist.

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Social Behaviour

The English are said to be reserved in manners, dress and speech. They are famous for their politeness, self-discipline and especially for their sense of humor.

● Do stand in line: They generally form orderly queues and wait patiently for their turn. It is expected that you will take your correct turn and not push in front. 'Queue jumping' is frowned upon.

● Do take your hat off when you go indoors (men only).It is impolite for men to wear hats indoors especially in churches.

● Do say "Excuse Me": If someone is blocking your way and you would like them to move, say excuse me and they will move out of your way.

● Do say sorry: If you accidentally bump into someone, say 'sorry'. ● Do Smile: A smiling face is a welcoming face.

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● Do Pay as you Go: Pay for drinks as you order them in pubs and other types of bars.

● Do say "Please" and "Thank you": It is very good manners to say "please" and "thank you". It is considered rude if you don't. You will notice in England that we say 'thank you' a lot.

● Do cover your Mouth: When yawning or coughing always cover your mouth with your hand.

● Do Shake Hands: When you are first introduced to someone, shake their right hand with your own right hand.

● Terms of Endearment: You may be called by many different 'affectionate' names, according to which part of the England you are visiting.

● No Gender Biasing● Time management

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Social Etiquettes

● Most people use the courtesy titles or Mr., Mrs. or Miss and their surname.● Wait until invited before moving to a first-name basis. People under the age of 35

may make this move more rapidly than older British.● They used to be little firm and formal on first meeting.● There is always class distinction among them. Introduce a younger person to an

older person.● Introduce a person of lower status to a person of higher status.● When two people are of similar age and rank, introduce the one you know better to

the other person.● Avoid talking loudly in public.● To signal that something is to be kept confidential or secret, tap your nose.

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● It is impolite to stare at anyone in public. Privacy is highly regarded. ● Do not ask a lady her age. It is considered impolite to ask a lady her age● Avoid doing gestures such as backslapping and hugging. This is only done among

close friends.● Do not spit. Spitting in the street is considered to be very bad mannered.● Decision-making is slower in England than in the United States; therefore it is

unwise to rush the English into making a decision.

Social Etiquettes

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Invitations • “Drop in anytime” and “come see me soon” are idioms often used in social settings

Gifting• When being entertained at someone's home it is nice to take a gift for the host and the


• The British exchange gifts between family members and close friends for birthdays and Christmas.

• A bottle of wine

• bunch of flowers

• Chocolates are all acceptable.

Numbers Significance• Lucky Number- 7 is the heavenly number, God has created the universe in 7 days, and a

week got 7 days, 7 deadly sins, 7 ancient planets, 7 wonders of the ancient world.

• Unlucky Number- 13 is the unlucky number.


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Colour Significance

• Red - hardiness, bravery, strength, power, authority, government, visibility, temper .

• Blue - vigilance, truth and loyalty, perseverance & justice. • Yellow-Visibility, transparency. • Green - Environment, Catholicism, quality • Brown - Earth, honesty, manual labor soil• Gold and Purple - Royalty Colors of the royal crown • Black - Mourning, death, dignity, taxis • Gray - Sophistication, elegance, traditional, tasteful, strength

concrete, clothing, industrial town • Orange - Protestant religion Irish flag color.

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Work CultureGreetings:

People of UK are quite reserved when greeting one another.


• A handshake is the most common form of greeting among the British people.It should be firm.

• The web of your hand should be meeting the others’ hand. People shake hand upon meeting and leaving.

Eye Contact :

Maintain eye contact during the greeting but avoid anything prolonged.

The Kiss :

It is only when you meet friends, whom you haven't seen for a long time, that you would kiss the cheek of the opposite sex. In Britain one kiss is generally enough.

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Formal & Informal Greetings Formal :

● The usual formal greeting is a 'How do you do?' and a firm handshake, but with a lighter touch between men and women.

● ‘How do you do?’ is a greeting not a question and the correct response is to repeat ‘How do you do?'.

Informal : ● Hi - Hi or hello● Morning / Afternoon / Evening (We drop the word 'Good' in informal situations).● How are you? - Fine thanks. You?● Thank you / thanks / cheers● They sometime say 'cheers' instead of thank you. You may hear 'cheers' said instead of

'good bye', what we are really saying is 'thanks and bye'.

• Business Cards Business cards are exchanged at the initial introduction. The business card may be put away with only a cursory glance so don’t be offended if not much attention is paid to it.

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Food and Preferences● British food has traditionally been based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken and

fish and generally served with potatoes and one other vegetable.● The most common and typical foods eaten in Britain include the

sandwich, fish and chips, pies like the Cornish pasty, trifle and roasts dinners.

● Some of their main dishes have strange names like Bubble & Squeak and Toad-in-the-Hole.

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Dining EtiquetteThey eat continental style, with fork in the left hand and the knife in the right.

The British generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners.

● If you cannot eat a certain type of food or have some special needs please intimate your host in advance.

● If you are a guest, it is polite to wait until your host starts eating or indicates you should do so. It shows consideration.

● Always chew and swallow all the food in your mouth before taking more or taking a drink.

● Always say thank you when served something. It shows appreciation.● You may eat chicken and pizza with your fingers if you are at a barbecue, finger

buffet or very informal setting. Otherwise always use a knife and fork.● When eating rolls, break off a piece of bread before buttering. Eating it whole

looks tacky.

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Formal Dining• In a restaurant, it is normal to pay for your food by putting your money on the plate

the bill comes on.

• When you have finished eating , place your knife and folk together parallel to each other , with the prongs (tines) on the fork facing upwards, on your plate.

• It is ok to pour your own drink when eating with other people, but it is more polite to offer pouring drinks to the people sitting on either side of you.

• It is ok to put milk and sugar in your tea and coffee or to drink them both without either.

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Things To Remember

• Never lick or put your knife in your mouth.

• It is impolite to start eating before everyone has been served unless your host says that you don't need to wait.

• Never chew with your mouth open.

• It is impolite to have your elbows on the table while you are eating.

• Don't reach over someone's plate for something; ask for the item to be passed.

• Never talk with food in your mouth.

• It is impolite to put too much food in your mouth.

• Never use your fingers to push food onto your spoon or fork.

• It is impolite to slurp your food or eat noisily.

• Never take food from your neighbor's plate.

• Never pick food out of your teeth with your fingernails.

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Cutlery• They eat continental style, with fork in the left hand and the knife in the right (or the other

way round if you are left handed).

• At the top of your plate will be a dessert spoon and dessert fork.

• You will come across with many knives and forks. Start with the utensils on the outside and work your way inward with each subsequent course.

• If you have a knife in one hand, it is wrong to have a fork in the other with the prongs (tines) pointed up.

• Hold your knife with the handle in your palm and your folk in the other hand with the prongs pointing downwards.

How to hold a fork How to hold a knife

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• When eating in formal situations, rest the fork and knife on the plate between mouthfuls, or for a break for conversation.

• If you put your knife down, you can turn your fork over. It's correct to change hands when you do this too, so if you are right handed you would switch and eat with the fork in your right hand.

• If it is your sole eating instrument, the fork should be held with the handle between the index finger and the thumb and resting on the side of your middle finger.

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Soup Etiquette

• When eating soup, tip the bowl away from you and scoop the soup up with your spoon.

• Soup should always be taken from the side of the spoon, and not from the 'end' as in most of the rest of Europe.

• The spoon should rest where it is least likely to fall. When resting, place the spoon in the bowl.

• When finished, place the spoon on the right side of the under plate where the soup bowl sits, never on the tablecloth.

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Desserts Etiquette

• To eat dessert, break the dessert with the spoon, one bite at a time. Push the food with the fork (optional) into the spoon. Eat from the spoon(Fork in left hand; spoon in right).

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How to use a napkin or serviette

• The golden rule is that a napkin should never be used to blow your nose on. This is a definite no-no.

• Napkins should be placed across the lap - tucking them into your clothing may be considered 'common'.


• Hotels It is customary to tip. You can tip your porter about 1 or 2 pounds per bag, or 5 if you are in a 5 star hotel.

• You do not need to tip room service or your housekeeper. Restaurants : Tip of around 10% is expected if you order at your table. Pubs : You are not expected to tip in pubs, bars or clubs.

Business Cards

• Business cards are exchanged at the initial introduction without formal ritual. • The business card may be put away with only a cursory glance so don’t be offended if not

much attention is paid to it.

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• One who has a stiff upper lip displays fortitude in the

face of adversity, or exercises great self-restraint in theexpression of emotion.

• The phrase is most commonly heard as part of the idiom"keep a stiff upper lip", and has traditionally been used to describe an attribute of British people (particularly upper-middle and upper class).

• A sign of weakness is trembling of the upper lip, hence the saying keep a stiff upper lip.

The Stiff Upper Lip

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Formal DressingMen

• Hair should be short and neatly combed.

• Shave should be neat and nicely trimmed.

• The shirt should be light colored mainly white, light blue, light and dark brown.

• Dark suits, usually black, blue, or gray, are quite acceptable.

• Men's shirts should not have pockets; if they do, the pockets should always be kept empty.

• Men should wear laced shoes, not loafers.

• The pattern of the shirt should be solid, stripes and checks.

• The trouser can be off white, black and brown in color

• The tie should be in contrast with the shirt. Length of the tie should be till the tip of the belt.

• The socks color should match with trouser color.


• Hair should be nicely tied up.

• There should not be much make up. Only eyeliner and kajal would be sufficed.

• Prefer to wear western formals like trouser- shirts or formal skirts.

• Wear front closed and pointed formal shoes.

• Length of the trouser should cover half heels of the shoes.

• Handbag color should match with the trouser color.

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GesturesV for VictoryWith the palm facing forward this gesture is seen as positive and meaning victory.

A OK - PERFECT It's believed this gesture was popularised by divers because the thumbs up / thumbs down gesture meant - go up or go down

THUMBS UP - THAT'S GREATAs a gesture it's one of the most common. Several references believe that is was used by Roman rulers at the "Coliseum" and other arenas to indicate whether a gladiator lived or died.

FINGERS CROSSED Generally this means "wishing for good luck or fortune". Another interpretation could be seen as "here's hoping".  

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Training Module

The training will go on for 5 days. It will cover the following modules and its course content are as follows

Day 1-

Module 1- Welcome and Introduction

• Introduction of the instructors and the employees.

• Key idea of the training and its importance.

• An Introduction to the United Kingdom.

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Day 2- 11:30am- 5:00 pmModule 2-Lifestyle

• Social Behavior.

• Dressing (Formal +Informal).

• Food and Preferences

• Informal Greetings and Gestures.

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Module 3- Work Culture

• Greetings and Meetings.

• Time Management.

• Gender Biasing

• Invitation

• Gifting.

• Working hours

• Colors Significance

• Numbers Significance


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Day 4 Module-4 Communication

•Verbal and non-verbal communication

Module 5 Dining Etiquette

• Informal Dining

• Formal Dining

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Day 5

Module 6- Certification

• Practical evaluation of meetings, greetings, gestures and Dining Etiquette

• Written evaluation of 2hrs- “Test your knowledge”

Cost- The cost of the training per employee is Rs.30, 000 only. It includes study material also.

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Day 1- Module 1-Welcome and Introduction

3:00PM - 4:15PM Conference Hall Introduction of the instructors and the employees

4:15PM-4:30PM Conference Hall Key idea of the training and its importance

4:30PM - 6:30PM Conference hall An Introduction to the United Kingdom

Day 2- Module 2-Lifestyle

3:00PM- 4:00PM Lecture Hall Social Behavior

4:00PM – 4:30PM Lecture Hall Dressing( Formal +Informal)

4:30PM- 5:00PM Lecture Hall Food and Preferences

5:00PM- 6:00PM Lecture Hall Informal Greetings and Gestures


Module 3- Work Culture

3:00PM – 4:00PM Lecture hall Greetings and Meetings

4:00PM – 5:00PM Lecture hall Time Management & Colours Significance &Numbers Significance

5:00PM- 5:30PM Lecture hall Gender Biasing and Invitation

5:30PM-6:30PM Conference hall Gifting & Working hours

Day 4 Module-4 CommunicationModule 5 Dining Etiquette

3:00PM – 4:30PM Lecture hall Verbal and non-verbal communication

4:45PM- 6:00PM Lecture hall Informal DiningFormal Dining

Day 5Module 6- Certification

3:00PM- 4:00PM Conference hall Practical evaluation of meetings, greetings, gestures and Dining Etiquette-

4:00PM- 6:00PM Lecture hall Written evaluation of 2hrs- “Test your knowledge”

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• While cross-cultural training alone cannot guarantee successful adjustment to a novel culture, but studies suggest that relevant, honest, and updated training content generates more realistic expectations about life in the new environment.

• Also the Role of Cross-Cultural Training is vital as studies also warn that “if expatriates have insufficient or ambiguous information about the host country, they will use mental short cuts, such as stereotypes, to create expectations about it.”

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Refrences* 15.08.2013)

* 15.08.2013)


* ( 16.08.2013)

* (16.08.2013)

* 17.08.2013)

* 17.08.2013)

* (17.08.2013)

* 17.08.2013)

* 17.08.2013)

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