uganda presentation agronomy and ph mechan bennin 2011

06/07/2022 1 by Candia Alphonse, and David Nanfumba OVER VIEW OF UGANDA’S RICE AGRONOMY, POST-HARVET AND VALUE ADDITION

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Page 1: Uganda presentation agronomy and ph mechan bennin  2011

04/10/2023 1


Candia Alphonse, and David Nanfumba



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Importance of agriculture to Ugandan economy

Agriculture and forestry contributes 14.6% of GDP (UBOS & MOFPED, 2010)

Employing about 80% of the population

IFPRI in 2008 showed that, if agriculture in Uganda grows by 6%, poverty would fall from current 31.1% to 17.9% by 2015

This would be well below 28% MDG target

Unfortunately the growth rate is 2 – 3%

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Strategy by MAAIF to Improve Agric GoU has developed National Development

Plan as Policy frame Work for development MAAIF consequently developed DSIP

(Development Sector Investment Plan) Due to adequate internal and regional market,

MAAIF has considered Rice as the second important cereal crop for investment

MAAIF has consequently developed Rice Strategic Plan with a secretariat at MAAIF Headquarters

There is Steering Committee and Technical Working Team04/10/2023 3

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Changes in rice production levels

2007 2008 2009 20100






158 165190 200

Rice production '000 tons

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Consumption per capita ≈ 8.5kg

Consumption per capita ≈ 3.8kg

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1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20091200










1513.91500 1500




1362.8 1361.3



Moving average trend line with period = %PERIOD

Uganda rice productivity trend 1999 - 2009 (FAOSTAT; 2011)



ld (




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Rice ecologiesRice production Ecology

Share of total area

Rain fed upland 43% (approx 40,000ha)

Lowland – irrigatedLowland - rain fed

57% (approx 70,000ha)

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Major rice production areas

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Northern and Mid-northern AE zones

Eastern and South eastern AE zones

Lake Albert AE zone

Swamp, irrigated andRain fed rice

Rain fed (upland) rice

Swamp and irrigated rice

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Major constraints Farmers constraints Inadequate knowledge in rice farming

enterprise (agronomic, PH and marketing) Frequent and prolonged droughts affecting

rice output and quality, and eventually proceeds from rice industry

Lack of cost-effective equipment for various rice farming operations from production to post-harvest

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Rice diseases especially blast, yellow mottle virus, grain rot, sheath rot, etc,

Rice pests especially birds, rodents, termites

Poor quality & expensive seeds. The seeds in the market have low germination percentage, of mixed variety, etc

Inadequate capital for investment04/10/2023 9

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Rice processors (millers and other food processors) Inadequate knowledge and skills in rice


Low quality and poor performing rice mills and

lack of other rice milling technologies

Inadequate capital for investment

Low quality and inadequate paddy

Low quality and market value of milled rice04/10/2023 10

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Recent achievements in tech dev’

Generated agronomic practices for new lowland varieties that will be released next year (2012)

Adapted light weight line marker for planting upland rice varieties

Developed Animal drawn planter for upland rice varieties

Adapted mouldboard plough for single axle tractors

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Developed light weight motorized rice thresher (though farmers are using it requires some technical improvement)

Adapted rice fissure and chalky grain analyser for use in laboratory and rice millers

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Generated extensive baseline information especially in PH sector which is now helping to guide investments in improving processing industry. Now we know: PH processing techns, constraints and

opportunities Physical quality and safety of local paddy Physical quality and safety of locally milled

rice Physical and market value loss along PH value

chain (except storage) for lowland rice ecology

Consumer preference among Ugandan consumers

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On-going research in PH Development of improved open-sun drying

method for local rice varieties Development of Destoner and integration

into rice processing chain Development of implements for proven

power tillers for Ugandan soil conditions. Several activities identified for technology

development and information under CIDA proj.

Developing appropriate weed management practices

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Capacity of agronomy and post-harvest

Agronomy Few human resource (2 scientists, 4

technicians) Fully developed regional rice research

and training centre at Namulonge (NaCRRI)

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Post-harvest and value addition

The current capacity stands as follows: Few trained human resource

(2 engineers, 3 food scientists, 4 technicians)

Partially equipped laboratory and engineering workshops

Partially equipped PHRTDT unit

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Linkages between research and extension

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Research has linkages with following extension services:

National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS)

Several NGOs (esp SG-2000, ) Farmer organizations Local governments The parent ministry of agriculture

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