u13.2 unreal conditional in the past

Unreal Conditional in the Past David Estrella Ibarra, MBA, CELTA

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Unreal Conditional in the Past

David Estrella Ibarra, MBA, CELTA

Unreal Conditionals in Past: Use

To talk about past unreal, or imagined conditions and their results.

It describes events that are the opposite of what happened.

Conditional statement: If I had the car brakes looked at by the mechanic, I wouldn´t have crashed today.

What was the real situation? I crashed my car this morning because the brakes didn’t work.

Unreal Conditionals in Past: Use

Answer these questions

• Why do we use the unreal conditional in the past?

• How many parts do conditional statements have?

• How do we call these parts?

Unreal Conditionals in Past: Use

• Use would have in the result sentence to mean regret

• If Mario had made the home run, we would have won the game.

• Use could have in the result sentence to mean possibility

• If Goku had done the Kame Hame Ha, he would have defeated Freezer.

Unreal Conditionals in Past: Use

• Use might have in the result sentence to mean uncertainty about the result

• If Batman had used a better bike, he might have outrun The Flash.

Unreal Conditionals in Past: Use

Answer these questions

• What does would have describe in the result sentence?• What does could have describe in

the result sentence?• What does might have describe in

the result sentence?

Unreal Conditionals in Past

• Unreal conditionals in the past have two parts • The if clause (a clause is a group of

words that have a subject + verb)• The result sentence

• How many parts are there in a past unreal conditional statement?• How do we call these parts? • What is a clause?

Answer these questions

Unreal Conditionals in Past: Form

If Clause (unreal condition)If + subject + had + verb past


Result Sentence (what would have happened)

subject + would (not) have + past participle.

could (not) have might (not) have

Answer these questions

• How do we form the if clause?• How do we form the past participle

of regular verbs?• How do we form the past participle

of irregular verbs?• What three modal verbs can we use

in the result sentence?

Unreal Conditionals in Past: Form

Result Sentence (what would have happened)

Subject + would (not) have + past participle.

could (not) have might (not) haveIf Clause (unreal condition)If + subject + had + past participle

Answer these questions

• What does the if clause tells us?• What does the result sentence tells us?• Identify the if clause and the result clause

in this sentence. I might have passed the quiz if I had studied.

Now you do it!Write a sentence about this picture:

If someone (check) the wheels, they (fall off) .

Write a sentence about this picture:Now you do it!

Write a sentence about this picture:Now you do it!


• Go to the class Facebook.• Download the worksheet.• Do it in your home.• Bring it next class.

Questions or comments?

[email protected]
