types of production

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  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    Materials + Machine Time + Labor =Materials + Machine Time + Labor =Manufactured GoodsManufactured Goods

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    Manufacturing SystemsManufacturing Systems

    How many diferent ways are thereHow many diferent ways are there

    to manuacture something?to manuacture something?

    What makes them diferent?What makes them diferent?

    What are the advantages andWhat are the advantages and


    What are some examples o productsWhat are some examples o products

    made using each system?made using each system?

    Why do people manuactureWhy do people manuacture


  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    Manufacturing SystemsManufacturing Systems



    ManuacturingManuacturing IntermittentIntermittent



     !ust"In"#ime !ust"In"#imeManuacturingManuacturing

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    Custom ManufacturingCustom Manufacturing

    $ldest production$ldest productionsystemsystem

    %sed to produce a%sed to produce a

    smaller numer osmaller numer oproducts to aproducts to acustomer&s ordercustomer&s order

    Highly skilled workersHighly skilled workers

    machines to producemachines to produceindividual partsindividual parts 'xamples ( spacecrat)'xamples ( spacecrat)

    stamping dies) specialstamping dies) special

    purpose machinespurpose machines

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production


  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production




    ManufacturingManufacturing %sed when continuous%sed when continuous

    manuacturing is not practicalmanuacturing is not practical

    ,roducing products in lots,roducing products in lots .ll o the parts are processed .ll o the parts are processed

    through the station togetherthrough the station together

    $ten reerred to as /o"lot$ten reerred to as /o"lot


  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production


    Flexible ManufacturingFlexible Manufacturing

    %se o special tools and machines%se o special tools and machines

    Computer"controlled machines allowComputer"controlled machines allow

    production run to e smallproduction run to e small 0educed set"up time0educed set"up time

    Increased +uality control with theIncreased +uality control with the

    use o the computeruse o the computer 1ots as small as one product can e1ots as small as one product can e

    produced at the cost o continuousproduced at the cost o continuous


  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production


     Just-In-Time Just-In-Time

    ManufacturingManufacturing Computer"ased monitoring systemComputer"ased monitoring system 2eveloped in !apan2eveloped in !apan !I# stresses efective use o resources !I# stresses efective use o resources Focus is placed on eliminating tasks)Focus is placed on eliminating tasks)

    such as transportation) inspection) andsuch as transportation) inspection) andstorage which are wasteulstorage which are wasteul

    0aw materials arrive !I# or production)0aw materials arrive !I# or production)parts are produced !I# to e assemled)parts are produced !I# to e assemled)and products are produced !I# to meetand products are produced !I# to meetthe customer delivery ordersthe customer delivery orders

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production


    1. Which answer choice1. Which answer choice

    e!nes custome!nes custom

    manufacturing"manufacturing" .3 .3 *pecial purpose machines are used to produces*pecial purpose machines are used to produces

    a large numer o goods as parts move roma large numer o goods as parts move romone station to the nextone station to the next

    4343 Computer controlled machines are used toComputer controlled machines are used toproduce lots as small as one product ut at theproduce lots as small as one product ut at thecost o continuous manuacturingcost o continuous manuacturing

    C3C3 0aw materials arrive !I# or production) parts0aw materials arrive !I# or production) partsare produced !I# to e assemled) and productsare produced !I# to e assemled) and productsare produced !I# to meet the customer deliveryare produced !I# to meet the customer deliveryordersorders

    2323 ,roducing products in lots,roducing products in lots

    '3'3 $ldest orm o manuacturing that is used to$ldest orm o manuacturing that is used to

    produce a smaller numer o goodsproduce a smaller numer o goods 

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    #. Which answer choice#. Which answer choice

    e!nes continuouse!nes continuous

    manufacturing"manufacturing" .3 .3 *pecial purpose machines are used to produces*pecial purpose machines are used to produces

    a large numer o goods as parts move roma large numer o goods as parts move romone station to the nextone station to the next

    4343 Computer controlled machines are used toComputer controlled machines are used toproduce lots as small as one product ut at theproduce lots as small as one product ut at thecost o continuous manuacturingcost o continuous manuacturing

    C3C3 0aw materials arrive !I# or production) parts0aw materials arrive !I# or production) partsare produced !I# to e assemled) and productsare produced !I# to e assemled) and productsare produced !I# to meet the customer deliveryare produced !I# to meet the customer deliveryordersorders

    2323 ,roducing products in lots,roducing products in lots

    '3'3 $ldest orm o manuacturing that is used to$ldest orm o manuacturing that is used to

    produce a smaller numer o goodsproduce a smaller numer o goods 

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    $. Which answer choice$. Which answer choice

    e!nes intermittente!nes intermittent

    manufacturing"manufacturing" .3 .3 *pecial purpose machines are used to produces*pecial purpose machines are used to produces

    a large numer o goods as parts move roma large numer o goods as parts move romone station to the nextone station to the next

    4343 Computer controlled machines are used toComputer controlled machines are used toproduce lots as small as one product ut at theproduce lots as small as one product ut at thecost o continuous manuacturingcost o continuous manuacturing

    C3C3 0aw materials arrive !I# or production) parts0aw materials arrive !I# or production) partsare produced !I# to e assemled) and productsare produced !I# to e assemled) and productsare produced !I# to meet the customer deliveryare produced !I# to meet the customer deliveryordersorders

    2323 ,roducing products in lots,roducing products in lots

    '3'3 $ldest orm o manuacturing that is used to$ldest orm o manuacturing that is used to

    produce a smaller numer o goodsproduce a smaller numer o goods

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    %. Which answer choice%. Which answer choice

    e!nes &exiblee!nes &exible

    manufacturing"manufacturing" .3 .3 *pecial purpose machines are used to produces*pecial purpose machines are used to produces

    a large numer o goods as parts move roma large numer o goods as parts move romone station to the nextone station to the next

    4343 Computer controlled machines are used toComputer controlled machines are used toproduce lots as small as one product ut at theproduce lots as small as one product ut at thecost o continuous manuacturingcost o continuous manuacturing

    C3C3 0aw materials arrive !I# or production) parts0aw materials arrive !I# or production) partsare produced !I# to e assemled) and productsare produced !I# to e assemled) and productsare produced !I# to meet the customer deliveryare produced !I# to meet the customer deliveryordersorders

    2323 ,roducing products in lots,roducing products in lots

    '3'3 $ldest orm o manuacturing that is used to$ldest orm o manuacturing that is used to

    produce a smaller numer o goodsproduce a smaller numer o goods

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    '. Which answer choice'. Which answer choice

    e!nes (ust-in-timee!nes (ust-in-time

    manufacturing"manufacturing" .3 .3 *pecial purpose machines are used to produces*pecial purpose machines are used to produces

    a large numer o goods as parts move roma large numer o goods as parts move romone station to the nextone station to the next

    4343 Computer controlled machines are used toComputer controlled machines are used toproduce lots as small as one product ut at theproduce lots as small as one product ut at thecost o continuous manuacturingcost o continuous manuacturing

    C3C3 0aw materials arrive !I# or production) parts0aw materials arrive !I# or production) partsare produced !I# to e assemled) and productsare produced !I# to e assemled) and productsare produced !I# to meet the customer deliveryare produced !I# to meet the customer deliveryordersorders

    2323 ,roducing products in lots,roducing products in lots

    '3'3 $ldest orm o manuacturing that is used to$ldest orm o manuacturing that is used to

    produce a smaller numer o goodsproduce a smaller numer o goods

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    ). Is an automobile). Is an automobile

    custom or continuouscustom or continuous


     .3 .3 Continuous ManuacturingContinuous Manuacturing

    4343 Custom ManuacturingCustom Manuacturing 

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    *. Is a s+ace shuttle*. Is a s+ace shuttle

    custom or continuouscustom or continuous


     .3 .3 Continuous ManuacturingContinuous Manuacturing

    4343 Custom ManuacturingCustom Manuacturing 

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    ,. Is a househol,. Is a househol

    a++liance custom ora++liance custom or


     .3 .3 Continuous ManuacturingContinuous Manuacturing

    4343 Custom ManuacturingCustom Manuacturing 

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    . Is a s+ecial +ur+ose. Is a s+ecial +ur+ose

    machine custom ormachine custom or


     .3 .3 Continuous ManuacturingContinuous Manuacturing

    4343 Custom ManuacturingCustom Manuacturing 

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production


  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    /n of 0nit 1$ oweroint/n of 0nit 1$ oweroint

    Ty+es of ManufacturingTy+es of Manufacturing

  • 8/19/2019 Types of Production



    1. E 

    2. A

    3. D

    4. B

    5. C 

    6. A

    7. B

    8. A

    9. D
