twitter presentation


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A Presentation given on 4/20/2010 to Cultural Alliance of Washington


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Page 2: Twitter Presentation

How do we communicate on the web?

● E-mail● Social Networking Sites

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E-mail Benefits

E-mail is a static/private/semi-public method of communication. ● The audience knows how to use it!● Most of the audience still reads the e-mail they

are interested in, which makes it effective. ● You can share by fowarding it.● You can mass reply to a group

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Drawbacks: E-mail

● Most of the audience knows how to filter it!

● You have to sign up for it. You can't window shop an e-mail alert (only subscribers will receive special offers).

● Spam Laws.

● Forwarding can have drawbacks too.

● Consumed as the user logs into their e-mail box (could be now, could be three weeks from now.)

● Interaction between the sender and recipient is not available to the public at large.

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Benefits: Social Networking Sites:

● Circle of friends (you converse with people you already know or products/brands/apps you allow in).

● Privacy (no wedding crashers).

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Drawbacks - Social Networking Sites

● Learning Curve● Closed loop ● Can't interact outside your circle.● Hard to opt out of distracting apps.

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What is Twitter?

(Isn't this just another social media website?)

A Website is typically information that can only be consumed in a browser.

It is a site after all like Park Place!

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What is Twitter?

Twitter is on a website, but it is really a real-time information stream.

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Where can you find Twitter?

In an App

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Where can you find Twitter?

In a website widget

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Where can you find Twitter?

In your organization's digital signage

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Where can you find Twitter?

● On SMS and Cell Phones

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Where can you find Twitter?

At home on your Television (Verizon FiOS)

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Where can you find Twitter?

Anyplace where Twitter data can be displayed!

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Twitter Benefits:

Twitter is a live|public|private method of communication.


● Can have a one-to-many broadcast (Announcements)

● Can communicate one-to-one publicly (a Q&A)

● Can communicate privately (if you are following each other)

● All of these methods allow you to react quicker and allow you to communicate and market .

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Twitter Drawbacks:

How much Tweeting is enough?

Pressure to Tweet, tweet poor quality information.

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Twitter Drawbacks:

#fail in public: Example: United Airlines

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FaceBook vs. Twitter

● Both FaceBook exchange real-time status updates. The difference is that FaceBook is (for the most part) a closed system because it was originally designed as a private system. Privacy levels are now determined by user and many users now choose to keep their updates private.

● Twitter has always been public by default. You can follow Ashton Kutcher or a stranger who shares marmalade tips.

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FaceBook Vs. Twitter

● Since many users have made their accounts private, most FaceBook Updates can't be searched on Google like Twitter updates.

● Currently FaceBook reaches a broader demographic range than Twitter.

● What are these companies up to? Basically a Social Media Space Race: Leaked Twitter business plan “The Pulse of the Planet” Both FaceBook and Twitter want to be your permanent online identity (FaceBook Connect, Twitter's @anywhere).

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How will we benefit from real-time arts marketing?

Word of Mouth Marketing (reviews before they hit the paper)

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How will we benefit from real-time arts marketing?

Real-Time Coupons

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How will we benefit from real-time arts marketing?

Customer Service

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How will we benefit from real-time arts marketing?

Engagement (TweetUps, Contests)

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Grammar of the tweet

Tweet: is a 140 characters of text designed to broadcast a message. Short text is usable!

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Grammar of the tweet

Re-Tweet (RT): is method to share another's tweet with your audience.

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Grammar of the tweet - ReTweet

Using your reputation to share/endorse a link/message of another. (Reputation/Link Economy).

Think of a Re-Tweet like a Beach Ball being bounced around during a college graduation ceremony.

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Grammar of the tweet

#HashTags: are subject-relevant keywords to allow anyone who is searching or filtering tweets to find the needle in a haystack.

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Why do we need to hashtag?

There are over 50 million tweets each day (Mashable), if you want your message to be found hashtagging will help your tweet find its intended audience.

Pitfalls of hastagging: Do not use a hashtag no one is using! #chrishunteriscool is not a hashtag many people are using (yet).

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Grammar of the tweet

Reply: @fordstheatre Using @username is how to respond to a tweet.

@Costello: What's the guy's name on first base?

@Abbott: No. What is on second.

@Costello: I'm not asking you who's on second.

@Abbott: Who's on first.

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Grammar of the tweet

Following: If you want to subscribe to a user's twitter feed, you can follow them. If they are abusive you can block them or unfollow them.

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Grammar of the tweetTwitter Lists: are collections of twitter accounts bundled by a user into a feed. We create new relevance with lists.

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Grammar of the tweet

@anywhere announced at SXSW 2010 similar to FaceBook Connect.

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Grammar of the tweet

● Geolocation – A Tweet with embedded location data.

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Grammar of the tweet

More Lingo:

Promoted Tweets: New Ad system announced by Twitter on 4/13/2010

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Tools of the trade

URL Shorteners ● URL Shorteners are not just for limiting

characters, they are essential for measuring impact!


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Tools of the trade

Twitter Apps

TweetDeck (demo)


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Best Practices for Success:

Finding your organization's “voice” on Twitter.● Listening – Listen to others who discussing your

organization. ● Engagement – Find opportunities to engage.

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Best Practices for Success:

We all have our own “voice” but keep this in mind: ● Have something to add, not just something to


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Best Practices for Success:

● Be inquisitive

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Best Practices for Success:

● Be responsive

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Best Practices for Success:

● Be an honest broker by being willing to admit mistakes

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Best Practices for Success:

Building a following

● Engaging others

● Reciprocity

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Best Practices for Success:

● Rewarding Re-tweeters

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Best Practices for Success:

● Attribution

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Best Practices for Success:

● Handling Complaints

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Best Practices for Success:

● Do not fear losing a few followers! You will lose a few each day due to bogus accounts, unhappiness, lost interest, window shoppers.