twin falls public · 2014. 12....

■-TU' yOL. 18, NO. 291. __________ NewBiU^r -U ; S. Aid T For Crop; Seriate jAyicinfiMrtoin ' bther AXA-Substiti Tax Talk AfW li ( B r ^ a Awetoted WTASHINGTON; >-ebr 6—rtl brought A new AAA-substitute bi elusive Wh!t« H6\iso tax confcrc three AAA^uxillary laws. The senate agriculture commi late iii the day upon a new farm Smith (D-SC) said he would off< diate floor consideration of new fa -Jtrwould penaitrstates-by*".'* legislative act to qualify at once for a part in the projxu- D gd permanent foderal-statc 1 coopentiTo plan ot toll conscnra* tlon. IncorponUn* new meMurlBt-- — rod* for tempor«7 two-yeu f«l* cni tubddk* to ftnnen, and per* - < mltUng admlnlslrtUoD by lUte Wl AgetKles, Smith called It t “treat fie: ImproTcmeDl’ ' o m the Bankhead to (D-AU) bUl orlclnally rep«fl«d to to tnc Mcm: ----------------- --------- FbuscM Vndedted “J J Cabinet membera and other fann i and flaeal aides departed U g h ^ P ' jtn ped-fnanvthflr ffliTTtrt'bce - j iltg t Preildent Rooserel except for the ] obienraUon that the queaUon of ahl raUlng tWO.000.000 to flnanoe the fro new farm program was "stUl In ilu — convtratUonil iUgt." = ~ T he house tuled*flSt”to‘10 to Tf* t*!" peal tbe Bankhead cotton control. LL tbo Kur-amith t.a rr poUto control acU.'An amendment ' Intended to cancd taxes tueued under the Bankbead aet but nol paid requires return of the repealer to the aenate for concuircnce. ‘Die entire nebulous question' of fedenl rerenues and spending held p|>« the closest csplUl atUnlloti. Inter- woven with ths farm problem In . . these-addltlonal-derelopments;-------^— 1 One Capltol Hill quarter re- ported word from Mr. Roosevelt ___ iHat prcsen*'plans "do not contem“ plate a nquest for new Uxes to pay <Coi the soldiers* bonus. ^ laflatloa Orin iMaebed X Tba house moatlon bloo Uuacb-.. edlUb«aldeddrt?0seAlnfaQear< Ijf Tot# oa. U» Pitman (D-Tri> cumney expusloB unpauL 'T' { ^ , 3. Admlnlitnitlon%Ula btgw O g « n a l esUmated tljm m m Cost ^ 4. Other agenelea • pfcpirtd for thai ' will I first I IGHTS and I i SHADOWS S In Day’sEvents (By The ’Associated PreM)" i. Dioi for Pet— KELVIN. A rlt-M rs. Ada Josef- j. fa. M. collapsed and died when she -j, sUrted to the aid oC her pet dog 7; run down by an automobile. Physl- clans said the ahock caused a heart v.,.* _____ nou Workers Aro "Orealuros"— GREENVILLE, Pa. - Humane authorities yesterday Invoked a 67* <r -yur-dld" iaW . against cnielty to j_, "creatures" In connecUon with the alleged transportaUon of workmen to Ihelr Jobs through bltterly_colcl ^ ; weaUter la an unto\-ejtd”trucfc. j” ^ Journey's End— ^ -PlULADEtPHIA-A-man-walked Inlo an undertaking psrior yester- day and asked the proprietor to help him get a Job. U. "My name U Joeeph Blanchl,-' lie told Virgil Baldl. ped Into a chair, j_________ M __Ba!di: found he was dead, pre- 8. oumably Irom heart'dlsease. for -------- . , firs -School for Pedestrians --------- KANSAS CITY—Kansas City ts going into the movie .buslness-ln SI: the cause of safety on the streets. n Plans for a motion plcturo to "ed- J ucate pedestrians" were announeed today by Police Dlrtclor Otto P. 8, .Higgins, and_Clty-Man*ger_H—P. —U McSlroy. ll will be produeed bythe klUi police depariment. soui Hot Spot— S NEWARK. N. J.-TWO Irate hold- up men set flro lo A n th o n y p ” CBelrae’s pants when he resisted Uiem. As CBleme grappled with one of s the men, Um oUier emptied a bpttle of liquid on hU panSTand touched X « match lo them. The panU bunt X l lalo flame, Uie holdup men fled, and -^^elm o shBd hls trousers In double -<julok-tlme7---------------------------------------- n w holdup attempt occurred In » ««»ge.- • _____ ^ ^ ;. WNDON-He Uva on an Island g» In Uie Indian ocean-bul 250 Brttlsh exU .Blfts.wiat.tojnany.hlm--waj =^,Ar-l9Bflyt^dlcr‘Tin^^e=HHtlsh Island of MaurlUus wrote J. Mayor, of 1 a Tottenham alderman, asking him u to ftad him a wife. HU only descrip- Uu • Uon of himself U Uiat bs has "haiel side •ye*. - of J Mayor published the offer and org; aaw todsy he hsd'reeelved 250 let* taki ^ I?.? for»anled lo Maurl-j H TrujjeBt-eoBUDeal.'’ 19t y n o o Aimrr bobuo ' * or cncmjtTioia ■ -rovi<i€S— W To States ) Reduction ommittee-Dratts~Air- i(e tituie Measure; . (Vhi'te House Uted Pren) ___ -J?'arm-aia patchwork today s bill in tho Mnatc, an incon^ fcrenix, and houae repeal of 1 hai nmittee agreed unanimously in' irm measuro which Chairman frc offer tomorrow, when inftne- cit; Vfarmjegislatlon is expccted. Ro €V< Dinner Invitation | tlo —Island-’s-GreetinK— — To Rescue Flier jw cmflnELD, Ud, Feb. 8 w>- When J. Millard Tawes. Crls* f field Red Cross chalmBD, flew mu to Icelocked Smiths Ulnnd today salt to determine If p^ t e ^ t l ^ w -aa-tavltaUon-to-haTff-illnner—»• -gu roast duck dinner at that. Tawes flew to Smith* Island aa< ■and.TanglerJsland._al»o_locked. « ^tr Reports of suffering and hard- ahip oa Uie Island were dented froCT.eretT offlclal iourco_tod^. ^ 1* ^ - rig: moiiicErC FORiieuioi Presidential Advisors Re- jJ, .• comniend Broad. Low S? Cost Pro jram ■ Ijj, (Copyright. 18M. Associated Press) th« - WASnrnOTON. Peb. 8 — Ad- ! ' . vtsorf stodyinc Ute booalng prab. lem for President Rooaevelt de. ^ 8 BiiM.iF deeiUoo. climaxing monthi' .* ^ While House in the expecUtlon that eitat^Ung. leglslaUon would ba sought at this ttsslon of ebngreslL ' Vm mark'^th«°Eoi^haIion*'o/^he ?“! first definite new deal policy to- Jf*' ward providing homes for penons In low income groups, as well as ' furUier stimulating business rtcov- ^ _________________ z “ rn^wtnira_jihtiu«s __ • . . iio As described by authorllaUve soureea. the new undertaking would l-A long-range buUmag prognun HI 3-Interest rales perhaps as low li as 1 per cent on federal loans, 3~ConstrucUon of facUlUta for as <r many asone million families. U The new program waa disclosed ilj only a dsy after President Roose- ^ belt had taken Inventory and an-, nounced that as much aa $1.000fl00.- a- 000 In authorUed funds for the Home Owners' Loan corporation could be erased. , Tho move to cancel thU auUior-. IsaUon voi viemd In some housing quarters as the first concrete Indl-1 callon lhat the administration plans to llmiriM'dlrcct tcndtag actlrlllea In the mortgage field and shUt more in ot tha retponslblllly to local com- tb — <ConUnued-on-PagoJ.-CoL-7J_j_|5 ' ---------------------- ; fli U. s. Begins Return i * Of Gold To Europe no. ---------------------------------------------------- \0Z NEW YORK. Feb. fi (AV-The S. 8. President, Harding sailed loday IN for Europe wlUi $10.moOO gold, thc'gol first ahIp to carry gold from these shore8.slnco.October..l934....... .......... .,_j Slayer Asks Freedom 5" To Fight For Italy SAN QDENTIN. CbIi L Peb, 5 (,n ""I —Umberto -OulsU.-who-sliot-and-.,” killed Emilia De Prtto. singer. sought his freedom from prison lo- day so he would be deported and fight In Uie Italian army. ' • OulsU, now 39, was sentenced lo o> life-for-fatally wounding-Miss Do bm Prato at South San Francisco Dc- ur; eember ID, W34. im Nudist -Chief '1 -^o^-Bgead ^ .TAMPA, Pla.. Feb. 6 WV-Pros-' lol ghS S S -lS M T -plr good ship Fleetwood denied Uiey cr existed at all—faded today and gave bvj ,of a -Dlopla." hlj Upon his return from a “cnilse" ' Uut exUnded only a few mUea out- ihi side of Tampa bay In u choppy Oulf fo( of Mexico, Maurice H. Allard, nudist mi , “ Id It was “aU a mil- ne take." lat ; His TOlony, he said, la to be “noi ln| 1pf audbts, hut et tbow .who are cn ■■ JTWIN iicHmiHi" PDIITOPflPE '& t JFFDW MS J iNws'|ia|ier Declares Pontiff ~ “ ‘Has“ N 6 V Only'Spoken But Has Acted and La- > bored W ithout Stopping’ -I (By -nig AuocUt«l Preu) ' BOME, Feb. 6 -Popo Plus J haa already apoken and actcd r in' the "great threat” con> fronting Europe, the Vatican I city newspaper Osservatore I Romano said tonight I --4)bo-«ditorial,-is8U^;^n-tbfr M eve of the pontiff’s ceIel5H^ tion tomorrow of the four- teenth anniversary of his i •eleeUon,--WB*intcTpreted-»r-*nswer- — 1 tng any possible reproach that hla « holiness has not stopped tbe Italo- Ethiopian war. At the same time a war com- i munlque by the lullan govemment __ Slid Uie souUiem army had begun ~ another advance along the Webbe ri G «yo. and routed an EUiloplan Ll *The grest threat. hiUierto vague and dlsUnt, seems to be flaring up as a devouring flame ot every, good -m tllntloii." n ld-thB-QnervBtore * ^ e n are some who still Invoke bla holiness' word, as If be had not ai 'cleartn«lnt<d^t~thft"T)Mn“cr righteousness made *by law and re- -speet for all laws.' ___ j "Labertd Wltbont.Slopping” |_m»ro-ar*-some-who-say-ha-ls — abaat, whereas he haa not only spoken bul has acted and labored dl vlUiout slopptag. actuated neither oi by egoliUc aim nor by worldly c scheme. u “There are some who waat him to pronounce coademaaUoo when •( the whole world groans under the tremendou punishment caused by j -iti.voluntary-abandonment-of-Qod. -hij 'of his Isvs of inilh. Justice aad ss : charity, and therefore true peace.** Qg tbe sudden acUon said; ou ; "After lenaelous - resUlance, Uie Tt enemy wu put to flight with sert> ut ous losses, and left prisoners, arma na aad a column of provisions In our hands. "A'squsdron ot molorlxed Aoata . lancen parUcularty distinguished ' Itself la tba encouatcr. . is aothlng nbr on tbe ^ .MAVa.IniL- ........... ....... ................ ' -aaacUons’* AUDdened bu 1%e ratablrv-ef press and prop«> gonda annminowl today tta t Uie of tellectual sancUons" against san6> ^7 tlonlst nauons. ' “J lUly had retaliated lo the league boycott by forbidding the perform- ance of plays, musical producUons " and movies from sancllonlst na- ' tiuiis er Uie-liinwfiatlu ii^ tjM tg' written by citizens ot those coua* itrlea. ■BBEffisi B IIL = -------- le] Appropriation Measure for _ Treasury, Postofflce " I Before House “* 1 ........................ s WASinNOTON, Feb. ,5 (/T) — ot -Fatooned wlUi reports:t^t bns- Inns was Improving and (hai' *P lbe bankiag situation was ‘‘excel- tl( lenl,“ a tM9,6U4») approprlaUon U ^Nii-for-uie-tftasurrrandrpofior— oi ; fire departmenU was ubered to- ^ j dsy Inlo Uie honse. The billion dollsr bill allotted Uie lion's share of Uie requested funds for tlH! ninning nf Ihr vstt poit- — office-machinery, during Uie next m fLs;il year, with about $211,000,000 1 -goinrtomeTreaury: --------- I Heavy iDcrtasca ! incorporated InUi#'measure'were' ~ provisions for heavy increases . In the enforcement braiKhes of tho two services — Uie posUl InspecUon wing. Ihe coast guard, the aecrot service, and the narcotics bureau— K with funds' also for the trans-Pa> "clfirftir'ttnice and prediction of a trnns-AUanUo acrvlerby AprU or May, 1937, nie posloffloe department's share 0.' the bUl was «S,7t8,M3 less than budir:t eiUmalcs, and the treas- / ur)-s toUl likewise ww W.175.1S5 1 under budget requests. ^ Tells Plans u MindedjPeople! •plnm to setsaU agataia-thc’scbogu ^ -n cr Fleetwood In scarch for the "best Y, available site" for such a colony. , tTol|Ta^-towanl-yiiyni^n.»^ ^ his colbnlsu must"' ixisseu. <1 ' "They must be tolerant ot many ^ ihlngs-nudlsm. religion, tobacco. food and so forth." he said. ‘They musl have menial and moral tlU ness, co'operauveaeu: be Oaucaa* « Ians of goodphyslcal condlUon hav- C Ing certain professional icchnical or n craft knowledgo,*’ n * ' mmL TN FALLS, IPAHO, THUBaPAY -Louigiana-Senator- §j - fir mmMt MM. n o n lo m , wUow ®f iiw “ ute Senator Haey P. U ng mia fei —bU aestirltae senate M-tt-rcMdl tin of an deeUoB by Iba DaMccaUe tan .central ooMBlttw laltowlBic <ba of appolBtascBt by O erenor luua ^ A. Noe ef.LoBlsaaa. } iSBEl JM fM lis AUmith-lgnored in-Demo^ cratic Chairman’s Blast ^ Agalnsropponents ~ ani MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 4 (/D -tn a. ^ direct and aharply worded aUaek pf, on Uio American Liberty Leagse. mj, Cbalrman J a n n A. Fartey. eg Uie DcBoeraUe naUonal eommit- im tee tonight tenned that gnmp "tbe center and seal of Uie preda* ^ tory powers. Making not a single reference In , hls-prepared-texi-lo-Altred-B. i_' SmlUi. who recenUy denounced Uie new deai before a league dinner __ out of tho Democratic convention, Farley* did. howew; label the n league an -ally" ol Uie RepubUcaa U nauooal commltlce. .. . [] Serfdom As ObJeeUve ' The Democratle commlttec chief,^. ’ wbo has been vacaUonlng In Flort- . d«y, siwke before a Roosevelt din-: . aer bere. ' JL ^ e d Its. W , be,«MU.tta petpewate tiie sony C( buiuaM ot lh(i.slaUons and Uu Morgana'in redu^ng'05 per cent of toe people to the status ot serfs." _*lih««h meptlnnlng amlth ^ by naaio, Parley spoke bl Uie “widely-heralded dinner" staged by Uie league In WsUUngion two Sat- urdays a g o jit which bmlth declared c Presldeni Roouveli had Uirown tu most of Uie 1912 Democratic plat- jn gedVcharge'of toclalllm.' Tonight, Furlcy asserted thsl m. critlcs_.|gnored ine lact Uial the -Roosovelt admlnuirauou had "con —f rled out many ol Uie most Import- aat planks ol Uiat ’pUUorm." In 2“ addlUon, he asserted Uio league would "dfr much to advance social- Ismandcommunlun.’' “Sqneese IVorker Dry" ‘The Liberty League," said Par- pei ley, "is the otginlzaUon of. tbosc no bourbons who icam noUiing and mc foiget aoUilng. *** Il would rule America. I t would squeeze the work- er dry la hU old age and cast him > like an orange rind Into the refuse am pall. And ll would conUnue the In- the famous policy of using Uie agencies sal of govemment to create plutocracy. ( *The. Amerlean Liberty League De: speaks a t oonclutlvely.for tho reac- wll tlonarles and Uiclr party as'docj of Mr. Hoover, ilie Unlled Stairs " Ohambcrttf-Commcrcc and-the-NB- n*| tional Maaulacturers'assoclatlon. },oi "Indeed. Uie lesgue Is compOKd },« In large part ol Uie reprcsentaUves j,a, ^(ConUnued on Page 2. Col. 2i ***;, TFUrCOliliq _____ Uk Paraders Stage Demonstra- Z tion Against Agitators , in Monterrey JlONTBRnKV. Sfeileo. Feb. B l'!e «V -A crowd fitimaled at lOfl,- II 000 persons paraded (he street* - of Monterrey lodsy In a iiu»e dcnonstntlion against. comBion* Tli tim. I*' Afler comcrelat and Industrial f.i- in< tabHshenla cIo?W for Iwo daya, tm- Ih^ IdenU of the tliy snd delegMlonf t« from'the entire Slate of Nuevo Uon f wftthed-to-Ux-munlolpal-paUct ai - -wlUi-postm aRd banners attaeklrg ha ; commimlst aRiiaion, ,. I-- _ ' the ocnlrii^ovenienL 'ilieV WrnRT 'mi ’ Mexican'flags snd sang the nation- en [ ^ .»nthfm-aloni;-Uw.llneJf-mj;Kh. ag: r A iif'TO'toiiiiiiuii5fcs*Wf*' down one Mexican (lag from a pub- an , Uc buUdlng bul sludenU and othera quickly restored the banner and ini : foreed Uie comunlsu to disperse. spi The demonsuatlon loday was in sni . contrast U> labor parades In Mexico rig , Clly and elsewheje m the counlry exi • recently where Die marchers, csnled ou rtd am ired aod Wack "Sink#" fU««. cb iY ty)RNING. FEBRUARY 0.191 iiP ilM C illliillf' JMESWli ■AlltKorily“ Bbws““arT3BoT “ ...Chletr“ Complete . Slip R on All Business'Activity!-- 2.100 Stage Walkout (By Uw AMoctalKl Preu) B PEKIK, in., Feb. S-iCali- " fire broke out tonight In this atrlke-paralyzed-community when Clnrence Rupp, head of a cab Hcrvice, was shot and . critically wounded by un- id ^ i l ficd nsaallants.':'— : __ __ ■^TRTpprwhosc TMibs^iad-b^^ •» used to Iransjjort food to a f^strikc-bound employes In _ 'ths'Biint'ortne Anenun uutilitns' eooifanj;-was shotaFUw doorstep H ot Ills homo by a gunman w ho U OTlsed putt In an a u to m o b U e .I I He was rushed to the Pekin boa- _ pltat. sulfcring a bullet .wound In 1 his-right chest. SUte's Altomey K al^n Clllff said Uie gun pUy « u WeHUrnWandbunWanai&'Tl^ "Hi «r w u beaten by plckeU Monday night. I —Blnce-rarlry^sterdiy'nnppTua* ao attempt'to operate blrcibi.------------ . WalkooU Spread -. Tills ffimmiinlty-ot-n.OOO-iw- — malned shnt down to Tlrtually alt ,, trade and commerce tonight after a nd GOOmore prepared to walk out P ^ O ^ p^m. from.Ute.Cpm ^ Dedslon of employes of the Com * Products Refining company to JoUi 1 the strike, followed an unsuccassfiU mi effort of sute ofliclals. and uolon tel leaders to setUe the sMke at the mi American Dtatilllng company, whleh ws m u one of tho causes ot the genenl n walkout. le, Adjournment ot__thls _conference j "In Peoria brought a new ulUmatum j# from tho general strike committee iConUnued-oo^ag^ar^iUJ___ iifSGEll ; mmmI Colonel Knox Advlses'Nee’dy to Take Money But Not ------ - 18 5ell-6otil» - ----- -------- hi| VINCENNES. Ind. Feb. 5 M >- .■ Cot. FMnk Knox, Chieago news- >>■ paper publisher, told a (!sther- Inr of 1.200 Repobiirans here to- night that~h«~ii- i h~ uiB' o :o!K— ; prHldentlal canBidale pietare "only a t (he reqoeat of my united dl CB1.TO10* has been mentioned fre- quenUy as a possible Republican th nominee for president. Unlled sutes fP pPnaUir William E. Borah of Idaho announced himself as a'candldsle yesterday. "I am Indifferent lo whal hap- -ra pens to me." Col. Knox said, "It is no time for the explolUUon of per- sonal ambitions.” "For Sake of Nation" i He appealed /or parly harmony IJ and called on Republicans lo forget their personal differences "for the sake of the naUon." ^ CoL Knox eliarged the present DemocraUc naUonal administration {!*, wllh ''bribery pracUced In Uie n ^ e of humanity.” ' "Think ot handing a man n re- 2^, Ii*r'd6ier6r’a'reii6rj6b~iir'4"cfim~ „ hog ct;eck and then demanding that t),l he rat« for you on the penalty of having the necessaries of life liken aaay from him." he declared, . to -T h a ..tpoakar,—froquwUy- . msn., m tioned as a probable eandldate, for ' the Republican presidential linml- Mi nalion. aisjhed ’‘that Is the most nu da.Mardiy political performance erer pll imlled oft_ln the hWory ol the Us: i;n!ied SUtea or any other coun- trj'.” Knox urged Uie needy to Uke i Itlto money but declaied, "don't ivll U your soula to the devil at Ibe same gli time." . th Peopla'a Court cl( DLicusalng proposals lor curtail- — m-:nt ot the supremo court's au- thority Knox aald. C "The supreme court Is the peo- J* [lie’s court, not the govemment'a. II Is the only agency the i>eop1e tiavo to protect their rlghU against ;iie govemment or anybody else. — Tli« moment tho people take or jiermit anyone else to Uke Irom Ihe power ot U» supreme court, til Ihey Uke away from Uieii^own pro- th tectlon and nobody else's. ca "If that right should be Uken of aiaxjiSert trauld It repose? In the h o n d sjrf'jtm S iirB soTa'llrcWro- -lir In your favor today may be orer- pr turned by a new majority tomor- fa ■mn—o p p o r t e n t - m a y - b o - p o K t P - enough lo have.enacted a reprisal el< ,«g»lf}? besides._e.uch_an alter- R« and'anarchyln tho end." ' in •Tho speaker dlscusslng-currency m would mean “a splurge of false proipcrlly for, % pi short lime a n i -then we would be ar right back a^ain where we starteil. Ibl except lhat we WUI further increase se our UKless remrvrs-and-fiirtbec. ic cheapen our Doqey. ' la ipiETB . im p 1986 VanVlack- Testify h Back At Rebuttal“ Witnesses Des ----- ‘Thoughtful-Man’ Al nate Between Righ Reflexes ‘Normal in Against defense tcatimony that sane at the time his former wife, ^ stato offered Its own expert witn ho was sane. Dr. John F. Coughlin and Dr. D physiciana-wbo-havirbccn-prosccui •gflwinBrcflgeB, were called-uncxr Sir. and Sfre.-Joseph F. Hook of T ^ ------- ♦ent NilKWOlfiSj mm siiESi Hotel-Employes'PrssenfDe: mands After Dressmakers y.‘ ------------- Vote-Walkout ------------ 55 ------ - Ufe NEWTOBKTrebrron -ubw -i treafale Uireateaed from a new **: qaarier (onltht afler » dar et saa «pld Hre^aSeKpmenU- m~ “C breught peace en three tronU and Att a leemihgly bopeleaa deadlock oa aa» a feurtb. "ks Holel worken, claiming a union IJ? membenhlp of 11.000 la 310 hc«- telrles. presented a seriea ot ds- ^ msnds for shorter hours and hlgber ^ wages and announced they would walk out unless operetora come to lems. " _MfMtsWl».UietIlfflculUeiJ«lwttn he. 103M0 union dressmakers and their be emoloyen grew more acute. ^ The ailtulion prrolaed to reach P« Ure* montha of wnngllng. when a strike ToU win be tWwn.ln Madlwn .Square Garden. . . . ..DrMmakers (• Walkowl kUl The dressmakera already have au- ^ thorlwl union leadera to call Uie ^ strii^.-which would aifgct im shopa4n Nev York. Nnr Jersey. l^ecUeUt'ahdPennsjtvanJt.'' '* £ oEict InterrenUon by Mayor-?, fo, R. uouardla averted a thmteaed mi sUlke ot atr.000 elevator .operaton to 'ln^he*mt*wwnl^ an hig southward from Times Squan. fir A two year tnice wts arraaged alto in the fur worken Industry, . which had been Uirealened wlUi a „• walkout of ia.000_employf«.______ ^ S At Uie same Ume r lWOO-trtktoff. mUllnery workeiL.conducl«<l.a.fln;. «d al decision and prepared to start rtlumlng to Unir_Jobs Umonrow. followlng-seltlement ot differenoes in Uist had tied up SOO shops since mi yesterday. ‘The union had demanded rt| the right ttf Inspect the books of la- tbi dlvldusl factories. ' .. -----------^ -------------- .w ll Education Begins . on For Quintuplets ^ -------- bo CALLANDER. Ont.. P«b. 5 tff>- oa The Dionne qulnlupleu have reach- op: ed the sUge wbere their educatlsn thi must begin In earnest. Dr. Allsn I R. Dafoe said today hi announcing “et Uie appointment of JacqueUe Noel cai ot Montreal, as head nurse at Uie as! Dafoe hospllal. __ 1 J =i25lio'Biiblf8'are-noW”Blm6it two 1 1 yean of age," their physlcUn said, ah “■ivt pmpi»r prf.ifhnol >nt1n1tiy li jnj as necessary as good nursing. WlUi I thU In mind, the guardians and my. “yi self feel paKlc^ulariy fortunaU hi wo secuhiig the services of -Ulss Soel to care for Uie youngsUn hi tbls , The Montreal nurse, who succeeds Msdame Cecile Umoureaux u nurse' In eharge at the IllUe hoi- ii plUl. speaks both French and &ig- Ush fiueritly. ................................. . WPA ENGINEER SUICIDE va SANTA PE. N. M- Feb. S MV-P. thi M. AUclnson, 49-year-old WPA en- (rc glneer who was found shot through ; the chest yesUrday commuted sui- — clde, a coroner's Jury decided today. Science Develoi JTaJVIeasuriB Si EVANSTON. Peb, 8 W1- A aelen- * tlflc eye which Is blind to every- tui thing but the Invisible .rays that nu cause sunburn wa.-Ksel on the trail do of the common cold tonight.' Ur IU Job will bo lo measure Uie ele 1ntenslty-Trfrailtr*.xlal«^aw.-}yjileh siu produce vlUunIn A. one of the prime fwtOT In me ^ y 's reslsUnoe lo ^ Tha-»cye"isancw type of photo- b« elM t^ developed by Proi. , RobertCyhm yi, Nortliwesternunl» In tbe fact that It uses the eiiemsnt “Electrio eyes" developed In Uie p u t were designed like radio tubes, vlt and coated on Uie inside wtUi col- 1 Iblds of alkali metau. Tl)ey wtre mi sensitive to Uie entire Ught spec- Uc tmn., hrU, Wtlhle.Mnwi Ml/liht. tU lavUlble lalra-red and ultra-Tlolet. A V ; . TOIttYt Sm [SanerPhy As State I t Defense’ (escribe Tacoman -As pi Able To Disprimi- ul g h t A nd W rong ____________ 1 in E very R espect’ lat Douglas Van Vlack was in- e, Mildred Hook, was slain, the witnesses yesterday to testify '. D. L. Alexaildcr, Twin Falls ccutionrvritntseee-inrnunmus — Gxpc^dljrbyTthO'TrtatiJ'after ~ f Tacoma, the'slain gieVa par- cnta^and _Qther_rebuttal w]t» _ nesses had testified! Dr. Coughlin expressed the opinion that’ V an Vlack was „ , sane ab>Uie Ume o f Uie kUHag aad Utat be alwaya haa beea sane and pi able to dlscTlmlnato (wtween right tpi aad wrong. ly ----------- tfo.Bxpcti,Aiqglted----------- —A -tborough' exa a lnattoa-tllsdot- — ed noUilaa wnag vlth U» dsfead- aafs bead, b« te s t^ ,. m U iUjo . « -fleaee-wtnw—nBiW Srin every ro- th spectr. HU-repllet to qusitlnns.wen W rational tnd a dUcUsiIon of hU pest Hg Ufe revealed notblni to mdleaU In- eanlty/ U» phyilolan-s*«L--------------njj **He U Just as normal u any oUier n sane man," wss hU verdlet ftm On cross examintiion by deienie " Attorney E. v. Larson. CoughUn aaserted a medical pracUtloner "knows more tb o u t saae peopiu” Uian a psychiatrUt. alUiough he ^ may not know t t . mueh. about In- “ sano people. | It does not require an expert, he malntahied. to recognUe Insanity, •Xlke BUck and White" Ipu ‘‘lt.U Just like black and white," cai , he_exp1tln«li JfJt:B .l)l«!LlLeM !ttfl <be white." ithi ; Dr. Alexander took the stand with bo PjWCTtlng^At^^ Bab-^ ^ The physician naUted he made a cUnlctl examlnaUon of Van Vlack ^ tnd he ‘■beUevet the defendtnt w u ^ stne t t the time MUdred Book vta kUled."_________• - , J Detense AUomey Leo TettiLcroa «T«miniw< Alexander for nearly tie two hourt,'attempting lo dnw !tom ko Uit vlbieti ah' admiailon. that ke eoi bad.plot •^4ieil.^Uu..dtteulBBt;\ tboroughly'enough and was Uiar»t*n, fore not in a potltloa.ld. Judge oA ^ man insane. lb e pbyaldan refused ,jn to ehanie hU onInlon.Jiow«»v»T. . . 1 . -^lU IB jaVlnr'lhe sta^^^^ ant Atiomey Oeneral J, W. T^lor , fired one quesUon a t him. - Oplalea Voehaaged ^ ‘■AadlnspiU of aU Uiat bos been wi said by ths defenae. you are stUl of wi Ui»optnlon-tbs-<Uf«nd>nt ^ **»o'aa ill Utu Uuiu U lU lv d wu kill* M ed7i-Taylor said,------------------ no “I am," Uie doctor tnswertd. Tttbi nndDr At»..nrt.F ; in What proved t« be a debtu 'on ^ medicine wlUi Uie physician,scnrinc' repeatedly wiUi his opinions as to:*( tbe causes of insanity. 1w Wfien ‘Festa tried to make Uu to wlUiess.admlt U ut insanity is n o n : likely to occur in a peraon whoee'tp aneeiton were menUUy deranged nl because auUioriUea were ef that «c opinion, Dr. Alexander replied " t «o book U not on the stand underl 1 oaUii" He said th e n vere varied, to ^Inlmis u to,qualUlcaUons ot " a u .;,| Dwellliig on Van'VUck's asserted'^ ‘'confllcU" which Uie defenM cithns' . causcd him to become Insane. TetU- I tskedUiewlUiess; i . J:Don:i youUilnk-Uat Ifjo u . and, I wero troubled with severe' connicU' ahd reached a breaking polnl, ve ' would-go-lasaaej::-------------------------— Rubbing his chin, the doctor stld "you may-but I don't Uilak I nr. Alftnntl-- nrtmlll«.4 h« ---- not ~po;UiK" u n psychUtrlst and had not mado a-speclal. aludy ot menUl diseases but JelL bU 30 yesrs of practlco ta a physician qualllled him to determine vhelber a person knew right or wrong. He , added that desplto U10 fact ha knew: , Van Vlack's hUtory aa told In court, ' the tlcfcndsnt "still knows right * from wronit." He di-scrltwd'Van Vlsck as a "cau- ^ (ConUnued on Page 2. Ool. 4) h o p s New Eye . s Sunburn Rays I -- ------------- Ft The ti«w "eye" looks like a mlnla- of ture diver's helmet, msdo^ of pure fo magnesium wIUi & lltUe round win* cu dow in front, Insldo Ihe.vlndov U a 11 Uny dliik of nickel, lo attract the eleclroiu thrown off by tbe magne- slum-wlt«n».-iha>llahti. ^ -a t cUerfT- — ^ le maKiiesluhi cell U BUn3 to ev« yytl^ g Ui^e human^eye^w sw.^» liandJiUiislUiiiuiltaiilolet-iari.- “ The.ej-e wlU be a watchdog of [T h/jilth In tftn.dlroctlonsi______ 1, c; llio "iherapeuUc’* csn bo ^ used to lest Uie eUldcney of ultra- m violet ray Umps.' '!»e On the um e baaU, U can IcU fo o d 't' manufacturers bow much-lrrtdU-UJ Uon U required to supply hiUt ee*_wl A content. ........ “ - lof - PBICB FIVE CENTS rsicians Stnfe i’s Claims m iiiirS iHUIHlltflCAIlulD ^ imfliivES' Polar Blasts Send Mercury to 48 Below l«ark in , -^Innesotarrilghway-and-^ Rail Traffic Crfppled (Dy nw AnocUted Press) CHICAGO. Feb. 5-Sub- zero cold stabbed wide reaches of-the northern, states again . tpday—causing approximate- ly 60 •fatalities from the . ~ l l “B5ored d 48 b6l6W ttitK ------- flLffiatroad^-MInnesotaf-near-— : the Canadian boMer, crippled -Wghwsy-Bnil ruli iransMrtA* Uon In a htlf doten nldw«sten( IsUtes, knocked forty degrees bom U»»i6ti«lerretain^gp^Dly'ana— ^ swept Into the e u tull fcrca tonight.____________________ ■■ A thlrty-aevca year old record v u Ued tt MlnneapolU when Uw , mereuiy snuggled dovn to 33 belov at 6 a m. to regUter uadar letD for Uie nineteenth.eonseeuUve.dty. Ceal ItmbM Thrctteoa ScbooU wen doaed la mtay com* ~ mualtles. Fetn for dvladllsf eotl plies bicreaaet as veathtnnen indl* caled that tbe Mackeasie basin V»n through Friday — perhapt Icogtr. . Southern floods wtre eongetled ta UiecoWwhlehbUakeUd U iecto- ' nwthwMt. IV**. JW- ____ ; Uoas. Suffertng of flood TkUfflS, ^ Jwwerer, mounled; • ______ ______ Mtny' (rtlu' ven caac^ed. btlt* ed ot dilayed la Ui#‘saov burled heart ot Uie cold «ffliil{«Ttbe D»- kotts, Vinaesotyxowt, aad WU< sUgKi))(-'betW tb a n v ^ ^ ^ ' ' road* minlanmvst thtt of Ereletb) MlnatMU. Tbeps -lh a'iB««irr— dropp^ to 41 belov. .' ' ' " ■ ' Otber extreme nadinp an minus ae'ro Included: BaUock. UiHamU,,. «4; OrtndTorks, NorUi DakoU, 41; WaUrtown, SouUi DakoU. 90: WU- waukte, IS; I n n MotmUIn, aol 38 betov. ' Municipal court tuUiortllei at • ' (uallies for aoa-jiayment ef reat „ , vould be tolerated uiUl Uw vetUier moderilea Their dictum was Uned , to pn rsflt tddlUonal sufferiag.' I Ia Ion, Oovenior Clyde Berrlav appealed to Uie mlnen for tld In nlievhic an tcuU coat shortage by vwklng extra boun dsUy .uoUl Uw emergency was passed. v ' apecUl trains wen canylng ootl . to.Uw Chleago.board of edueaUon . vhlch found IU bins beld only 8,000 tons last nlgbt. p«niiiip"- ^MIDE= Mniaii'.Says Investigation' — of-Crline NotEmled-lf ------- , Bruno Is Executed _____ TBENTOH, N. J , Feb. 5 W) - Qerenwr iraratd O. Hoftmaa said I today Ue InrsllgaUon for “oUi. . . ' cr perseas* he believes were tn> volred In tbe Lindbergh kidnap* murder ease wUi eooUnBe even if Dnmo nichard naoptmann dlea la (ha elMlrie chair.------------------------- The governor relleraUd he did , mann anoUwr reprieve IndlcaUng Uiat unless tho new Inquiry reveals someUilng slKnUlcant Hauplmann’s deaUi dale win ppstponed. The SMay reprieve the goremor granted oa January 16 wlU explrd February 15. The altomey Reneral’4 office plsns to movv ImmedUtely for a new drath warrant to .ict exe- , cuUon between Mareh 18 and AprH n. SehwarUkopf Seeka Aid -CqlontML^ofBsan-Sclxan»ORr,;. ^ slile.pbUte''siu«ttntuideflt.vtu.wns'-L_.': dlrNted to search for poeslble . T si-E if-D iiriisiisrinirM K — - tl^ w ly'iUgM ct Uw Mdntp In- i In subiunuauon .01 au .MUet more than one person was Innlnd In tbe kidnaping. Uie governor n * jvealed today receipt of Uw copy of . f.leU«r written by Dr. John P. UJtfsU)-CnQrinn-,te,Aggttst.JMaaa-... (oX.Uw kldaapen.*— ^ ------- -

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  • ■ - T U 'yO L. 18, NO. 291. __________

    N e w B i U ^ r - U ; S . A id T

    F or Crop;Seriate jAyicinfiMrtoin

    ' bther AXA-Substiti Tax Talk AfWli

    ■ ( B r ^ a Awetoted WTASHINGTON; > -e b r 6— r t l

    b rough t A new A A A -substitu te bi elusive Wh!t« H6\iso ta x confcrc th ree A A A ^ux illa ry laws.

    T he senate ag ricu ltu re commi la te iii th e day upon a new farm Sm ith (D-SC) said he would off< d iate floor consideration o f new fa - J t r w o u ld pe n a i t r s t a t e s - by*".'* legislative ac t to qua lify a t once fo r a p a r t in th e pro jxu- D gd perm ane n t f oderal-statc 1 coopentiTo plan o t toll conscnra* tlon. IncorponUn* new meMurlBt-- — rod* for tem por«7 tw o-yeu f«l* c n i tubddk* to f tn n e n , and per* - < mltUng admlnlslrtUoD by lU te Wl AgetKles, Sm ith called It t “trea t fie: ImproTcmeDl’' o m the Bankhead to (D-AU) bUl orlclnally rep«fl«d to totn c M c m : ----------------- • ---------

    FbuscM V ndedted “J JCabinet membera and other fann i

    and flaeal aides departed U g h ^ P ' j tn p e d -fn an v th f lr ffliTTtrt'bce - j iltg t P reildent Rooserel except fo r the ] obienraUon th a t the queaUon of ahl raUlng tWO.000.000 to flnanoe the fro new farm program was "stUl In i lu — convtratUonil iU gt." =~ T h e house tuled*flSt”to ‘10 to Tf* t* !" peal tbe Bankhead cotton control. L L tbo K ur-am ith • t.a r rpoU to control acU.'A n amendment ' Intended to cancd taxes tu e u e d under the Bankbead aet bu t nol paid requires return of the repealer to the aenate for concuircnce.

    ‘Die entire nebulous question' of feden l rerenues and spending held p|>« th e closest csplUl atUnlloti. Inter- woven with th s farm problem In . .these-addltlonal-derelopments;------- —̂

    1 One Capltol Hill quarter re-ported word from Mr. Roosevelt ___iH at prcsen*'plans "do not contem“ plate a nquest for new Uxes to pay cum ney expusloB u n p a u L 'T' { ^ ,

    3. A d m ln li tn itlo n % U la b tg w O g

    « n a l esUmated t l j m m m Cost ^4. Other agenelea • p fcp irtd for thai

    ■ ' willI first

    I IGHTS and I i SHADOWS S In Day’s Events

    (By The ’Associated PreM )" i .

    D io i f o r P e t—KELVIN. A rl t-M rs . Ada Josef- j .

    fa. M. collapsed and died when she - j ,sU rted to the aid oC her pet dog 7 ; run down by an automobile. Physl-clans said the ahock caused a heart v.,.*

    _____ nou

    W orkers Aro "O rea lu ro s"—GREENVILLE, Pa. - H u m a n e

    authorities yesterday Invoked a 67* u t ous losses, and left prisoners, arma na aad a column of provisions In our hands.

    "A'squsdron o t molorlxed Aoata . lancen parUcularty distinguished

    ' Itself la tba encouatcr.. is aothlng n b r on tb e ^.M A V a . I n iL - ........... ....... ................

    ' -aaacUons’* AUDdened bu 1%e ratablrv-ef press and prop«>

    gonda annminowl today t t a t Uie of

    tellectual sancUons" against san6> ^7 tlonlst nauons. ' “J

    lU ly had retaliated lo the league boycott by forbidding the perform - ance of plays, musical producUons " and movies from sancllonlst n a -

    ' tiuiis er Uie -liinwfiatlu i i ^ t j M tg ' written by citizens ot those coua*


    ■BBEffisiBIIL =

    -------- le]Appropriation Measure for

    _ Treasury, Postofflce " I Before House “*1 — ........................ s

    WASinNOTON, Feb. ,5 (/T) — ot -Fatooned wlUi r e p o r ts :t^ t bns-

    Inns was Improving and ( h a i ' *Plbe bankiag situation was ‘‘excel- tl(lenl,“ a tM9,6U4») approprlaUon U

    ^ N ii-for-u ie-tf tasu rrrand rpo fio r— o i; fire departmenU was u b e re d to - ^ j dsy Inlo Uie honse.

    The billion dollsr bill allotted Uie “lion's share of Uie requested funds “for tlH! ninning nf Ihr v s tt p o it- —office-machinery, during Uie nex t mfLs;il year, with about $211,000,000 1

    -g o in r to m eT rea u ry :--------- IHeavy iDcrtasca

    ! in co rpo ra ted InUi#'m easure'w ere' ~ provisions for heavy increases . In the enforcement braiKhes of tho two services — Uie posUl InspecUon wing. Ihe coast guard, the aecrot „ service, and the narcotics bureau— K with funds' also for the trans-Pa>

    " c lfirf tir 'ttn ice and prediction of a trnns-AUanUo acrv lerby AprU or May, 1937,

    n ie posloffloe department's share 0.' the bUl was «S,7t8,M3 less th a n budir:t eiUmalcs, and the trea s- / ur)-s toUl likewise ww W.175.1S5 1

    ■ under budget requests. ^

    Tells Plans u MindedjPeople!

    •plnm to setsaU agata ia - th c ’scbogu ^ -n cr Fleetwood In scarch for the "best Y, available site" for such a colony. “ , tTo l |T a ^ -towa n l - y i i y n i ^ n .» ^ ^

    his colbnlsu must"' ixisseu. labor parades In Mexico rig, Clly and elsewheje m the counlry exi• recently where Die marchers, csnled ou

    r td a m ired aod Wack "Sink#" fU««. cb

    iY ty )R N IN G . FEB RU A RY 0.191

    i i P i l MC i l l l i i l l f ' JMESWli■AlltKorily“ Bbws““arT3BoT “...Chletr“Complete . Slip R

    on All Business'Activity!-- 2.100 Stage Walkout

    (By Uw AMoctalKl P reu ) ‘ BPEKIK, in., Feb. S-iCali- "

    f i re broke o u t to n ig h t In th is a trlk e-p ara ly zed -co m m u n ity w hen Clnrence R upp, head o f a cab Hcrvice, w as sho t and . critically w ounded by un-id ^ i l ficd nsaallants.':'— :____■^T R T pprw hosc T M ib s^ ia d -b ^ ^ •» used to I r a n s j j o r t fo o d to a f ^ s t r i k c - b o u n d employes In _ ' th s 'B iin t'o rtn e A n e n u n uutilitns ' eooifanj;-was sh o ta F U w doorstep H o t Ills homo by a gunman w h o U OTlsed putt In an a u t o m o b U e . I I

    He was rushed to the Pekin boa- _ pltat. sulfcring a bullet .wound In 1 h is-righ t chest. SU te 's Altomey K a l^ n Clllff said Uie gun pUy « u ■

    W e H U rn W a n d b u n W a n a i& 'T l^ "Hi« r w u beaten by plckeU Monday night. I—B lnce -rarlry^s terd iy 'nnppT ua*a o attem pt'to operate b lrc ib i.------------

    . WalkooU Spread - . Tills ffim m iinlty-ot-n.O O O -iw - — malned shnt down to Tlrtually alt ,, trade and commerce tonight after

    and GOO more prepared to walk out P ^ O ^ p^m. from.Ute.Cpm ^

    Dedslon of employes of the Com *Products Refining company to JoUi 1the strike, followed an unsuccassfiU mieffort of s u te ofliclals. and uolon telleaders to setUe the sM ke a t th e miAmerican Dtatilllng company, whleh wsm u one of tho causes o t the genen l nwalkout. le,

    Adjournment ot__thls _conference j"In Peoria brought a new ulUmatum j# from tho general strike committee

    — iC onU nued -oo^ag ^a r^ iU J___

    iifSGEll; mmm IColonel Knox Advlses'Nee’dy

    to Take Money But Not------ - 18 5ell-6otil» ------ “

    -------- hi|VINCENNES. In d . Feb. 5 M >- .■

    Cot. FM nk Knox, Chieago news- >>■ paper publisher, told a (!sther- In r of 1.200 Repobiirans here to- nigh t th a t~h«~ii- i h~ uiB' o :o !K— ; prHldentlal canBidale pietare "only a t (he reqoeat of my united dl

    “ CB1.TO10* h as been mentioned fre- quenUy as a possible Republican th nominee for president. Unlled su te s fP pPnaUir William E. Borah of Idaho announced himself as a 'candldsle yesterday.

    "I am Indifferent lo whal hap- -ra pens to me." Col. Knox said, " It is no time for th e explolUUon of personal ambitions.”

    "For Sake of Nation" iHe appealed /o r parly harmony I J

    and called on Republicans lo forget their personal differences "for the sake of the naUon." ^

    CoL Knox eliarged the present DemocraUc naUonal administration {!*, wllh ''bribery pracUced In Uie n ^ e of humanity.” '

    "Think o t handing a man n re- 2 ,̂ Ii*r'd6ier6r’ a 'reii6rj6b~iir'4"cfim ~ „ hog ct;eck and then demanding tha t t),l he rat« for you on the penalty of having the necessaries of life liken aaay from him ." he declared, . to - T h a ..tpoakar ,— froquwUy- . msn., m tioned as a probable eandldate, for ' the Republican presidential linml- Mi nalion. a is jh e d ’‘th a t Is the most nu da.Mardiy political performance e rer pll imlled o f t_ ln the hWory ol the Us: i;n!ied SU tea or any other coun- trj'.”

    Knox urged Uie needy to Uke i I tlto money bu t declaied, "don't ivll U your soula to the devil a t Ibe same gli time." . th

    Peopla'a Court cl(DLicusalng proposals lo r curtail- —

    m-:nt o t the supremo court's authority K nox aald. C

    "The suprem e court Is the peo- J* [lie’s court, no t the govemment'a.II Is the only agency the i>eop1e tiavo to protect the ir rlghU against ;iie govemment or anybody else. — Tli« moment tho people take or jiermit anyone else to Uke Irom Ihe power o t U » supreme court, til Ihey Uke away from Uieii^own pro- th tectlon and nobody else's. ca

    "If th a t righ t should be Uken of a ia x j iS e r t trauld I t repose? In the h o n d s j r f 'j t m S i i r B soTa'llrcWro- -lir In your favor today may be orer- pr turned by a new majority tomor- fa

    ■mn—o p p o r te n t-m a y -b o -p o K tP - enough lo have.enacted a reprisal el< ,«g»lf}? besides._e.uch_an alter- R«

    an d 'an a rch y ln tho end." ' in•Tho speaker dlscusslng-currency m

    ln fU U o n .sa ld .l t would mean “a splurge of false proipcrlly for, % pi short lime a n i -then we would be ar right back a^ain where we starteil. Ibl except lh a t we WUI further increase se our UKless rem rvrs-and-fiirtbec . i c cheapen our D oqey. ' la

    i p i E T B .

    i m p1986

    VanVlack- Testify h Back At

    Rebuttal“ Witnesses Des----- ‘Thoughtful-Man’ Al

    na te Between Righ

    Reflexes ‘Normal i nA gainst defense tcatimony tha t

    sane a t th e tim e h is form er wife, ^ stato offered Its own expert witn ho was sane.

    Dr. John F . Coughlin and Dr. D physiciana-wbo-havirbccn-prosccui •gflwinBrcflgeB, w ere called-uncxr Sir. and Sfre.-Joseph F . Hook of T ^ ------- ♦ent

    NilKWOlfiSjmm siiESiH o t e l - E m p l o y e s 'P r s s e n f D e :

    m a n d s A f t e r D re s s m a k e rs y . ‘

    ------------- V o te -W a lk o u t------------5 5------- Ufe

    — N E W T O B K T rebrron - u b w - itreafale Uireateaed from a new **:qaarier (on lth t a fler » dar et saa« p ld H re^aSeK pm enU - m ~ “ Cbreught peace en three tronU and Atta leemihgly bopeleaa deadlock oa aa»a feurtb. "ksHolel w orken, claiming a union IJ?

    membenhlp of 11.000 la 310 hc«-telrles. presented a seriea ot ds- ^msnds for shorter hours and hlgber ̂wages and announced they would walk out unless operetora come tolem s. "_MfMtsW l».UietIlfflculUeiJ«lwttn he.103M0 union dressmakers and their beemoloyen grew more acute. ^

    The a iltu l ion prrolaed to reach P «

    Ure* montha of wnngllng. when a strike ToU win be tWwn.ln Madlwn .Square Garden. .. . ..D rM m akers ( • Walkowl kUl

    The dressmakera already have au- ^ thorlw l union leadera to call Uie ^ str ii^ .-w h ich would aifgct i m shopa4n N ev York. N n r Jersey. l^ e c U e U t'a h d P e n n s jtv a n J t. ' ' '* £

    o E ic t InterrenUon by M ayor-?, fo, R. u o u a r d la averted a th m tea ed mi sUlke o t atr.000 elevator .operaton to

    ' l n ^ h e * m t * w w n l ^ anhig southward from Times Squan. fir

    A two year tnice w ts arraaged alto in th e fu r worken Industry, . which had been Uirealened wlUi a „ •walkout o f ia.000_employf«.______ ^ S

    At Uie sam e Ume r lWOO-trtktoff. mUllnery workeiL.conducl«

    volred In tbe Lindbergh kidnap* murder ease wUi eooUnBe even if Dnmo nichard naoptmann dleala (ha elMlrie ch air .-------------------------The governor relleraUd he did ,

    m ann anoUwr reprieve IndlcaUng • Uiat unless th o new Inquiry reveals someUilng slKnUlcant Hauplmann’s deaUi dale win ppstponed.

    The SM ay reprieve the gorem or granted oa January 16 wlU explrd February 15. The altomey Reneral’4 office plsns to movv ImmedUtely for a new drath warrant to .ict exe- , cuUon between Mareh 18 and AprHn.

    SehwarUkopf Seeka Aid -C qlon tM L ^ofB san-S clxan»ORr, ;. ^ slile.pbUte''siu«ttntuideflt.vtu.wns'-L_.': dlrNted to search for poeslble .

    T s i - E i f - D i i r i i s i i s r i n i r M K — - t l^ w ly 'iUgM ct Uw M dntp In-

    i In sub iunuauon .01 a u .MUet more than one person was I n n ln d In tbe kidnaping. Uie governor n *

    jvealed today receipt of Uw copy of . f .leU «r written by Dr. John P.

    U JtfsU )-CnQ rinn-,te,A ggttst.JM aaa-...

    (oX.Uw kldaapen.*— -̂------ -—

  • r ^ w r a s r a ii i i F j ) r r a « r : W a « M o l> u » « t t ^

    " ' ̂ v«mop Take*' U|T~ : ; ' ' ' S m ith ’s F lnh t '

    aoexoN, n b . s (ifW oM pb a .> x u , ? t » vUetd A lfnd X. sm itb lo ' . hfffltintlm rKiU)».pro(lIi ' toA beanlreb 2>U npuuU oB to

    K h X ft tbJlr oirn wUd puipoiti.**U d n w -b U U d M rd lK u * * •

    ,_iSon otrU>«CM« of R obtojooH tlntt i S o ith ." B r . fonner De»eer»ue

    - f m n w r of i t tm c lm ie iu aad t ’ ]

    ; . p m ld e o t R o o n rd f i a s v deal, tup- j - t 'p o t t e d BBum and e r tt ie iu d sn u to r i

    * Joaeph Boblnion'a n p jx to Smllh. l 1< H m addnia w u ' breadeait •

    th io n i t 1 . f l o e ^ nuUo auuon ] 5 Ue t l o lewtabUih the party ilaUonally a

    . t>poatba.pri]ktp)M o r th a i n 3 p U t - J l

    tta d , W. DaVia Ited O ^ ^ o r "

    S S w T k S o f f i

    - Wto I f 't b i 't im o 'h a a eome whoi t b t e wUo aetk to tiphold \bg t n - •niBMat lu b h u beeB.(or.lW i r e u

    f io w it/ a w r te ^ m i tn i o f the court o( p i^ '< n > - Uded beeaue of . ^ > p M ^ of

    ^ ® S ? * l i t w t y t e a m , irU8b*h» - . ohm U erised u the o t f ia o( I- ppbUa BO«t«erioo ,ln any ' . n y c a p - :

    •b k ;b o a a ld ;

    _ . .» .« m th ." ^ .ceocJud?^ n t U.iood _ ttc i i th for n e ." *

    " S if R iK E - P A R A L Y Z E D ' ' e m IN H A N D S . O F , ,

    T R A D E S A SSEM BLY !

    ,,i«!a^wrt^.!»iv9g> - I

    . «f 17,000 p c m a . IAS S to m O eeea <

    b o i ^ . i t ■Uke. chlki 1 . ' M npletod alece OB aU bualneac 1

    ̂ tm t r br o tto rem t.* teaera l ihut- <

    maeiea. • ~ i

    S r ? » d e e w S 'S w * i u S ^ S J ^ *b o dnrhkbeaU edS lam U atodetafti \

    : f f 5 S s M s n . w i'■ - J a m f tbe "p em lttad r necaalUei 1

    .v t tT d e lln iT of mUt'MUl reatrleted 1 tfeUTerj of fu e l ; - 1rB ttM ti were dcM tw L r But ftw 1

    , pUUU w an abroad In tha,blU oi 1 A oold tn d theeeoutnum bttod offleen

    more th a n teo-to oiM. I. Tenaloa. Uchtened hou rly . after t tu uIttmatum'e£:tbB- atrlkeiKrtor '

    _ .__*hopoiniw toeloM ,orgPtthelr.w ln ' ,dowa Bsaahed-fDUBd'.lOO per cent 1

    ------ ‘-r-T— O aB a-yy f tw p e ta - - .-■ 1. .;8 h « lff -ita lpb ro fou ,-lined a » . j

    qum t fo r K t t I M ax4 a ld -tbe , t i n t cUreot call fw help the local

    — - f n t ^ t t ^ h a d j - w ^ J

    BO' todlcaU aa'w hen th a Q n eoin> ' p tn le a .'of- mtUtlamen a t Peoria.;

    th e eily. -niey w eram oblBted lli«r« to totlclpiUon- o t-d ti.

    Deaplte ivoU tU to police, so op-

    throuBh the buitn fto district to or- th e d oon d o a ^

    .. .A a i io s r be fon tbe a p . m . doling deadline for atorea, the city w u thp eenter of a buyln« n o h . rcmlnlKtnt

    ' of 6a \u rd iy n igh t tn protptroui tlmea.

    . n e n p r a n p t l r a t a o'clock, doon w en locked, blluda drawi), tail

    ___ c k r ta K n t home.■ BlOTl nillrfcHf apjyttffil-nn manystore fronti;

    “Onion holiday' » cloud unlll fu rther notice,''‘ Meala - e w n a cup of corfc«-be>

    - •«iine an unatlalnable luxury. .' Z>ellvcry of coal w u llmliMl to one ton and' to emergency cu • d durtng the d a y -th e Pletichmum

    . T e u t works. Oom ProducU ntin* inc p lan t and th e Quaker.OaU com-

    =7 0 a M i;n a ^ iu a d « jl a few emplores

    " 'M W Oo m fw t f w T h t ^ ------------------ “ m o T V e a r F n la e T e« lh

    Ko longer a««d you feel uncom* fottable w eatlnf faiae teeth. F u - tcatfa, ■ greatly tnp ro red powder Q tlaU ed on your p ta tu holds them

    , ^ ^ n S S w M « , » d

    a en t.w a a th ir bbeirwr wen ao and U .d (frM a; th e n w u a trace nnni,'*icimiBni tJitth’in d 'O oto* - — n4o ,-B U fU -ftccom pM J^ 'b rcIe« r *

    skies tn d slightly, sub-normal tem- pentures.

    ill High p r e s n n lies off the OaU- , ed fom la o o u t, bringing— aasterl^ •? lu brcexes lo lh a t lU U and to Ke-

    rada , w hen the weather U fair, a- a t m g high p resn in a r tu eorer i io tho northem plains tn d the ceniral x M stttes, with a r o weather general, t iy and .lub 'zero lempenlures o m t t . M onlua , the n o rth en . pUlns. and 0

    the upper MIsslsslppf ralley. Bk« j j trfnelZilow-mailmuai lem pen tuna

    J o r a S i J - T K r a r ^ u m p e n tu n a t

    ^ ot la l^ o w MTO yesterday, . f

    i U u . Mttb m e . Wm. ‘J s s .s -= s ," '! s - f r& t S g g c p j ' a . g . g s , . ;

    .-8 . 8 s E l s ' " ." ^ X K k — le t l j e CIM L-S ■! SSS ■

    Ti s s ”s K f s s u r s - s - s - a s - il9* bmiu« _ _ u u t r u -u r . t£ « n i r f i! sr®.«

    W w M a i t e a J M Z l ^ w Cl«u •

    “ FARLEY OPENS FIRE '• ■. AT LIBERTY LEAQUE; »d. _ -------- •9 .̂ ....(Continued, Prom _im f_onw ___ t

    M tha t big b tinneu whleh brought , t h t nallon to 'th o outer rim o t , rum.-

    “ObUged te nndeedre" ) At another point. Parley termed '

    V the organUatlon “the American lob- * • I by Jeague." l u members, he u ld . ,

    had * lu d a ao muoh nolse lha t t h ^ h a n pethapa eoaylneed th e m ic lm '

    rfi.' th a t t h t racket of th d r own r a l i U t 'V u t~ yoieo‘ 'o f 'U f b n s in e ia octe-

    u r 'Z feelobU gw ltoundeeelTtthea,* ' ho added. ‘*mey wm find w hea it eooei to the ahowdown a e i t Ko- Tember tb a t fo r erery capitalist o r

    I fl Industrialist who wUhts to bring IO* baek H o o m daya th a n wUl be ten lit- O f-hls own economlo group who

    critical, atopped the panle-and gave W them, each of them, a chanet to r t -

    ibs * T ^ know It U absurd to charge i t l the RooteYelt adm lnlitnU oa with ta belttg the enuny of builntaa. l u

    » - whole lucceaful effort b u been to U l u v o and ic lo n bu ilne« t a d It h u ted accoapllabed th a t very thing, Ju it

    u It h u remored tbe great m a n ot lew our people from the Jeopardy oflag eooaomlo destruelioa.- - .......e n . ̂ MOTOB FBKIOIIT CABBIIBS

    ^ PORU T A K irr BUBSAUtor : SALT LUSH OITV, Peb, S WV> w ' An Uilermouatata motor fn lg h l

    lariff bureau, V rvlng • O tah and p a ru of Idaho. Wyoming. N enda , Oolorado a n d 'A r l io n a . 'w a a 'o ^ -

    » • laed bere today with A. W. Young of Sait Lake City u president.

    Memben of ihe executive . com- m lti«ancludo--P^W ;:PuU efr6f-O g; den, and J . O. Cotant of PoeaUUo.


    0̂ DBM0U8I1ED BY E m O 8 I 0 N . NE3JRASKA C m f , N«b, Peb. fi

    “ t W !h.*iv«pt«rioDHbaHbo cUral bad tnherlted tb o d tfio t. ta ' A rupiie In tbo ffttr t lo n ltn w uM. gtte»

    to examine hla tonsiU. '

    u talifled lha t Van -Vlack told him " they had been r tm m d in b i t boy^u howlr lb» - d if e n d a a f t- ' toeiU t— w en

    found to havo been -partia lly re- move or ilutfed.'*

    TeaU b ro u i^ tf tb S p o ln k o f Van iM VUck*! having a guo. ..« The physld ta quoted Vka V la ^

    u taylng be h td i t *to te t r e h li wife.'

    0. TTow tha t U a't a ' tta t«m en t of t M Tationai man: I i i t r T ta t i o k B d r " u “Oh. yes, i t might very weU b t if . th e m a n w a n U d to lm im b ltw lfe ." 2 tbe'doctor replied.^ ID e dead girl’* U th t r d e s i« l be ^ had given Vaa Vlack a "lee tun ," s r u the U tter tettUied, a lthough he Z aaid he aiked him: “You know I L don't Uko you. d o n t y o u r t a d "you

    ^ - H 6 ^ - la J d T e h a d - u rfed“ the . . young man to ‘go e u t t a d m tke L good" tn d h ad 'p rom lud to b« tha

    f ln t to th tk e h ll haad U he d id . Be M tdm ltted havlag written te O barlei ” J . DtaaU, United S ta te i d liM ct t t -

    to n e y t t M tt le , t a d . tdrU lng 2 tg a la i t T ia TUck beiaK giT ta t of̂ ■ " ■ ■ ■ a s = ^ = s s

    Days <1% ^ ; | » |

    I; •

    Charity 'P l e n t y o f Gan

    Music f o i — “ t o t s i

    - ^ E v e r y l n k


    Thursday and Si



    E l k s H a l l ,r-

    euof ■ ' -------- '

    " “ s "u t Om

    " w W f fTo U i t T hnogh p ' ^ f Tbe ^ 0 1 Tbe r JK 1

    L W J S m ?STOVE ____ _ 8.75

    1 : — „■ I mF ' P E A ---------7.0PI _ _ S U C K _________ 8 J 5

    I " SW piM ln Box C « w - t I You Alwajrs Get


    AH 0 . T H P I ^ A X M O B ^ O ; I

    r j m g g - r s : . ^I I t o T B o S r t tS u M f f i p v t n

    v ta t ie a oampbtg trip whleb b* b td

    It" wben T ta Vltck n t t n u d b t r tb ; « lo tb u - la - tw » 'g u n a i ( - tM k a .lb o Of Ihowed of tuv lac bten

    burled. T b t defendant denltd frem Lhe Ib ew ltaew itA ad tha the .b tdbw led

    Dr. Jo h a A. Bowlet, a T M oaa tld physld ta, tettlfU d be w m la e d i u ftU dntf October 11 t a 4 fW ad t t i . u t deaeet tb a t ab* bad beea tit ta l la d . lu 8 b t w at t l a o i t byit«rletl-aad-d*>

    olared a b t b td -beea A n te d . -------sd The d tfo u e bad otfered te ttlaony ew to Ihow lh * ta d -T ta V U ok.btd r t -

    sunud the D tr iU l nU U oa on th t t I t t date, tf te r a b t bad oblalatd a n la it! terculoeutery decre* of dlvocM.

    ■nu d tfe a u rested l u e t t t thU n- a f le r n m a fte r Dr. B.

    to uon by tdm ltU ag he h td b tea tm - plnred b r t h a T an vU eki t a d b td

    Mi received h t l f bU pay befon IttTlng Ct 6«atUe aad tb t re it t f t i r trrivlng t t t b m .

    Dr. B. L. B ltlr of Taeonu. tb t U it o( defenie wltneet. testitled le a b*-

    Uef th a t t b t defendant U in « a e , ho evea though be may h t n cea- oi feaud the kllltng o t M s ^ f y y i ^ t

    — dencratT dl-teoom lnrto-T otff-eon* cluslonf*' J . W. Taylor, t i r i i t tn t

    f* ,the pUa, t b t t lD bistag to dtcea>

    traU a toUvUlit trem W ublagtoe.Wlihln a 'sh o r i tln » tb t complet*

    program wiU be n ady for lubmla- on -alon to the W hlU Bouu.

    » ^ i AdmlnUtratlon e x p tru -H id - tta t ^ plan would cneourtge private bond

    ing in lh a t for the n m time a def- r t - ’ iolte federal govem aeot poUey » d be esU bU ibed.tnd private »g^.caoiui-cauirt.E iutt.,ltg ,.afa M iirw .b t'w lthou t any uncertainty over td -^ B lnlitn lioa-pU ni. .............. -^ In thU connection, i t w u u ld ^ I t h a t auch a low-ceil bousing pro- ^ gram would be detlgned. to n a c h ^ groups unabU to rent or buUd bm u- “? | u of their own. PUrther, i t was ” noted th a t pUns t n virtually com- H -'p le te to UberaUit the feden l boui- ^ ing adtnlnlsUaUeo'l reguU llO M W

    ^ uan.—

    * ^ * ^ 0 r KMDEMfO

    CHARLESTON, B. 0 , Teb. 8 WV- IN Beiween UO and 300 cases o t m*

    I flu en u w en reported a l Port Moultrie today and oolone) OharUi A.

    md D nvo. commanding Uw post-order. i |l- ,ed the cloalng of t t e po»

    am « ith .h . f n _

    J u s t a few d r o p t » 7 7 | | i tn d y e a b K a tb e e u IIy I T ^

    'KT ' t g t l n l V f t r o « n e ! m J i A d e a n d o g ^ B tu c Q i ,

    k a - ___ ijducu jw oH en mem-M - b r a a e a - b r i n i t wel> ^ f iH

    ^ eome relief. ^

    ' ' j kL 8 . ^ d J B K

    K ILOU te re ainB mOUb:

    I »B jronr greatest, X B R IN G :


    • Seddy, KiLOWAg e n lu ef tcco n p U tb a u U > -c 8 p i

    / poWarftL

    • Reddy KILOWAhetae. In Uie oBce, ia tbe heepltal

    ------- U u Ulehen and U v la g to e m -a n ri

    • Reddy KILOWAbo ae any pU e*-(eU U g Ike u u *

    - working for a low wage. fflwp U 1 . cndar allk* are BeaniBgleat.

    • Reddy KILOWA•d, pfD T ed-uU U bbed . WeleoBi none wil] terva yoa m e n faltU all]

    Bora t Uttle m e n U ua 61 y e a ^ Btv'er Ured. He b u b m t wUUni Um W oik (aaU y aine* b lrlL Be when b* S n t arrived. The y u n dency, a g n a k r a u re a iu and a

    • aiBsdet. He’s t beller werknr will

    A n TOU BtUg B e ^ Kilowatt g rtatea t na« of U aT A n yoa I tp td t c taaka-U ghtiag. eookUg, t*ctlag-y«ar f«*4 aad uaay , «an<

    . Begin today—make fall aa* a f hli

    ^ h q W P cy k i ' v O u k l ^ s l h v i c E

    eat OOLD AT .IU N U U

    u s tem p tra tan of f i n tb ta l- edd lg t dnee llli> .K rM k Juneau

    *arly t ^ . a d ^ I


    S : BtnisK A. m tb , M h > (jpi - i n . ^ i a r iu n f fe n d la a oouung aocl.- ^ ^ t proved. faU l today 10 T tiom u

    K eni7 S ln g le to a .ia ,ie a o f K d J , , M n . WlUiam fltngUtoo.of thU ctty.4 - ' ------------^


    >te OLENDALE, OaUf., Pah. S (ff) — a t . DTi tta n n li T t l

    Use oldilga' pension pU a btartpg - bU a aa u , W u la a OlandaU boa-

    n lu l today, recuperating from a ■►‘ • m n cow, contractftl two weeka

    * **°'

    _ hlanqarian__

    ^ R i . p r i k a ^R * A r . r f .

    J r ^ ^ ^ D e l i e a / e Jlavoti

    ^ ^ ^ V - | t « B b r 's t s » 7 . T 9 0 e DoubU quentitriO c

    5 W A T TUons, yes, bOUoos o f me. s t , y e t lowest paid BervantI } YOU FREEDOM

    \ T T yea iriO like Um—ke ta a apable, laflaltely wUliog, lafinllely

    g tta Uiloga d e n » - h Uie lal operating room—in bd n itry —In

    w anu bnt lllll*. He U _ a e _ j a* in cottage er mansion—a o d e s l - U t jU a n g e r ^ hlaw d o c k snd c s l^ _

    ATT U TOUR aerraat. teaKiB- 1'B t k la u t conatant friend—for sny! ^

    u i ago,'U iU Electrical Servant baa ling, Induelriena, ageleu m euber of B t U Jttal u apry aad yoatbW “■ n have Inparied a g n a le r profl- t g n a te r itreagU i Jo U» eyea aad •

    r ilb w k p a u la g day.

    It u yea ahoald-rd* yoa make «>e I k lU ng him d o 'y o a r IWjrfreda ut f . wuhlng.^ irentog, cUaalag, p tw a n y* tlie rdn ttM r

    M m - ^ e mott be werka the Ina be‘

    □ W K i ' ' ■

  • Plans for New Courses al

    ■ Rejlonal Adviser -B u iO E r . n b . E. b . cow j.

    ■«iJon»l educiUonal- ulT lier for the fourth forest aerrlw rm i* . Ofden. wUl>UTlire here Tu««Uy ercnlnt and w ith F ore it fluperrlMr Blalns

    ■ Beteiucm iriU w to Uie Hoefc C r« lt o c o c im p » b o w ttu u e n where con- dlllohs regarding the Improyement

    _ of.educ»Uwi will be Uken under vlsement.

    f ’ ■ PluU t r ^ being m»de to olfcr In* itnictlon In rocaUonal training a t the camps tn d among the courM* offered will be n»echtnlctl Ualn-

    . Ing. BeUel.englntcHBg m d . h ) « J - equipment InstrueUon. The purpoeo 'lor the e itabiuhm ent or ths new H underUklng li for the benefit of the H men employed a t the camp*, which will enable them to bo efllclenUr trained for private Induitry after having llnlibed-KrTiccA In the CCC campa. I

    Map* Sorvej I

    e'd 'here'Tuesday th a t a mow iur>‘ejr [|__h a « )J^ _ in a d e _ # t3 e fl le l te r ja n g tt

    itaUoo and a t Porcupine Bpringi aUtlon th e olher tide of the moun*

    — U ln-and-at-boih-pl»oe«-*lK^«et-of - tmow «-as found and It was nece&Mry to thovel mow from the station buildings to prerent damage to the = buildings. W ater content was reported to be high and since th e sur>cy was made additional snow has faU- en and an ample supply of precipl-t a ^ is apw rent.-_______________1_

    Betenson also announcKri thi> fnm . j~ pletlon of a dcercoun ton the forest

    ,- - la ifo and-thgicount-ahoBjed-nlne- - thousand deer. Basic Information for furthering the Intelligent' produe* tlon of deer was said to be the reason for m aking the count and It b btliered th a t by tpeclal pennlt a t least five hundred deer may be taken from th is number without Inter* ferlng with the nroductlon.__________


    ----- FOR CROP REDUCTION .(Continued Prom Pago One)

    tomorrow's White Home conference on curbing direct federal expendl* tures — a sequel to yesterdsy's Inventory of -appropriation nulhorl- u llo n s which mlshC bc cancelled.

    9. Senator Barbour (R-NJ) said — tha-W hlta-nouto-^’lnventory-move -

    pro^'ed n claim he exprtaaed a month ago th a t bonus payment would “place the brakes” upon govern* m ent spending.

    'fl. Becrttnry Wallace told his presa conference the administration would h a w a ■•verf. tlnht tqueete"In gettlnR a colton^ontrol prottram | under way for this •i(j»soa>ttplM»’

    r m ld e n t Codd Change Some Democrats, who said they

    heard th a t the White House had.tet the house w ays.and means committee know th a t bonus taxes ore not now In contemplation, empho- _ sired th a t President Roosevilt still ~ could chonRe his mind. But they bl added th a t tliey could see no polnl m In hla asking for a bill to rolM reve- bl niie for the farm plnr> nnd then | mi advancc a sccond l a x bill for the

    —----- At-a-m oeUuR.lata.ln.Ui#.d»y.-U»J_

    house currency expansion bloc au- j Ihorlsed Representative-Pntman to *“ Inlroduce, n resolution for a rule | " permit -b him to immedlnlelj’ call 1” up his bill lo pay thi.caM of the “ bonus in new currency based on the treasury cold and a ll« r resen'cs. ec

    neUef Esllmales Eyed IC The new study of the prespcc* ui

    tive rollef load, high official* s a i l | m was due to a desire of Pre!(tdcnt i 1? noosewlt to hold appropriations lo less lhan the M,000.000,000 original* tl ly reported planned for support of b< thfi nation's needy. ■{

    T hat tu rn would be required to Rh-o a yeor's employment on works pl progress projects lo 2,100,000. Extra y» buduet burdens rt.-nilllng from an- B

    _proval_o t_ t}w _bofttt* -p ,jrn ,fn t-,nd '^ the supreme court decision smashing 1 ni AAA were said lo liavc broughi jt presidential o rd e rs 'to attem pt lo trim teller efitlmaies. rt

    ..... 1- - New- F irm B ill............. - y|Tl.^ «.-nute coftliniiieo larm oi

    A ■ R H ^S A i

    U o » « * ,

    . 'Kp B

    q u

    = I

    K R E N (


    I- _

    ly ■r̂ ■ '

    C A :

    ^ MR8rOAlS¥*ALEXANDEB BOOT-U ^ old Mn. George, whUe a fa itlag (be

    lh a t tenlenred ber to 10 yean tn pri If —to irR oo t,-tn 'a-qn* rre t'oT er-» -elg i Y lectDd degree onrder-T(/P)-Fbolo). n . . le ' ■ ■ -----------

    Condemned Woma1*I- F r r ~ - r r r r r j r T T | * s n |

    V ..


    a* -fiKNTENCEO lo be execoied the wee!

    der. of Mr*. Everett Applegate on 1 y (center) U plctsred as she entered S :t in the death bonse. Mn. Applen .- her. Aecompanylng Mr*. Crelshton i t a ty Sheriff >anl Bogg*.-^/r) Thoto).

    1 1 ------------y bill was described as conromilnR ail more closely to the.Jpnea (D-TexM) r- bill In the house, but as containing lin I uome rtlfffr.-nr».< - m ust llrai see that It pro- n- vide.T inttttsfagrorr'aqm m inrativc- n ogency and tlm t tW rc is "retson-

    I f f^ E i^ a d lS n int


    - - j - ■

    G E L ’S


    s i i l ^ p r

    S S '‘ c








    r-U '*b«wn-playlof.wlth.hct.Jaar7;ear£ < (be inry's vrrdlel at MempbU, T enn . .I prison for ilsylni her hasband. Bren- . e ig a r e t t« - | l f r ^ h T w ir c o n » rc I r t^ t ' 0).

    ■ - , .. . 1

    man Enters Prison '

    1 ^ 1

    on Long Iilaad, M n. Mary Crelghlon ed S in t SliiL prispn. N. Y. to be lodged ilegate's hoiband na* convicted * lth on are Matron G nce Lewis a n d Osp-9t0).

    S able nroMHcr Its onerallon‘would I) result In subsiiLnllally accompllsti* g Ing one or more of the purpoMs of

    ------ On or bnfarn Kwwn lx f 1 eaeh‘ year the secretary would npportlon 3 among the states funds for carry-

    Ing oul stale plans during the iMxt ^ calendar year. In determining the ‘ amount to be apportioned he would

    bo directed lo consider “the acreage • and the value of llw m ajor soil :l d-.’pleting and major export c n ^ y produced In ihc respective s to t ij - during a represenutlve period." '

    t • '• ' ------------------------ ------

    'JEWEiiNDIES i O W M

    e _____

    '■ Elten Pharrls. «7, died o t Prague.Oklohomo. February 4. T he body U

    > expected to arrive In Jerome some- Jh tJj_ fc_plonccr.oL

    L iTcromc..baying nm a hRre in la u .I- Bhe ts lurvived by her husband,

    DON’T STARVE i TO i m r -

    m n! E a l W M y o a W a a t ,N o N e« l

    . to b e n l s e , No P m j i t h u . :

    LOSEFAT-GAIR PEPThousand* who have rcdoe«d tJie"

    ! Mormoia way m ight well t«l> you

    '^bnneeettaTy.Simplytak^VarmoU iab io ta a day, conW nin i a simple cMTe^ivo f « a bn^riB rio^«ity

    onco td Ret rid o f burdensome fat. .Marmola i i pu t up bjr one o t the bestl^ow n medicail laboratoriea (n A m entirS11R 6iro73ehand worn-" en have purchased mere tban 20mil- l i o n p a c l ^ ^ S u r t t o d ^ l Y ou will

    W h e n ^ u have gone f a r enough, stop taklnK Marmola, and you will bless the day you f ln t discovered tm ^ js r » e lo u i^ r e d «

    'from c o u t lo c o u t , p rice |1«-

    - N E W a;T y iN FALLS.'IDCTO,

    :I I6 iiB F^ s s n n i0. W. Worthwlne Urges U. S. —to-Tum-Emm-Soviet—■ . ReQIme— .

    I P A Y S ir i , M .ho, Feb. 6 WJ -I Oscar W. WorUtwtne. Boise lawyerI and on* ef Uie ( i n niUonal riceH commanden of the American U -I glon. in a n address here tonightI urged w lthdrtwal of Dnited StaU sI rtcognlUon o t Russia beeaun ofI the " t h r e a l - w j ^ D i i r of, com-I munlsm."I ‘ We believe th a t the IlustU n gor*] eminent U aiding and abetUng thoseI who hare for their purpose the out-I break in A m ^ ea o( the bloodiestI f tif v e m w ever >iiuwii." i r uiHt*I wine told an Amerlean Legion gath-I erlng.I 6ueh a war.'wouid arrange ‘‘class9 against ^lass,*' would destroy ourI consUiuUon. our freedom of speech .I and presT dtny us the right of trialI by Jury, freedom of religious wor- 'I ship and the home Isnd InstitutionI of marriage u.w ,know lt,“ heI declared:— ^ ^ ------------S “There can be no question tha t

    lliere is a tt official conoecUon be-^ tween the Ihlrd intemsUonale ;Jl liotiaed-te-Moscoir and the Rosslsn- -

    •The Legion program for combat- = Ing the communlslic m o«m en t Is

    definite and specific.“I t advocates reclsslon of our rec-

    I ognltlon or Ru.«la: immediate de- I porutlon of all alien-born perw is r who are members of any sooety,L ,M u |v« iU i»nnlatlim lh » t m r ^ . L to chsnga-of-wrtliTOwHhta^gorem*- -

    ment by force or violence; the dosing of ail ImmlgaUon for 10 yean ; ImmedUte deporuuoo of ali desll- luie aliens and aliens of lUegal en- irj-. .• - J . . . - -

    L £L_Slt£JiS!Z?^ and cjiildren.jMrs.

    and Jewel PharrU, all of Jerome, and—L oyd-T B am s 'T )f“ Aberdeen, Washington; 17 grandehiidren and one great grandchild: her parenti, Mr. nnd »4n. R. D. Martin, Prague. O klahom a,'one'bnther'R .'l- ^ LOOKING CARI

    N o D ow n I’n y m e n t a tidII $ 4 .00 P e r W eek B u y s A ny ;e one o f Thefic C a r» —lU *31 Ford Sport Roadster..... tlMH ■» Pord Coupe ...... •39 Ford Sedan __________ tlSO' ‘39 Ford Sedan ...... ...............tIGS

    *39 Oldsnioblte S e d a n _____ tISO- ‘39 Ponllac.Coupo.................1.80

    ‘30 13od(te Victory Sedan.__ t n s•31 Essex Sedan------ , tJ . )•37 Hudson S edan -------------1 75■38 6 lar Coupe____________% 40

    T’Se Ford T S edan ............ .....t 40■37 Pontine C oupe ................$ 71■3S Chr>'sler Coupo ______ t SO■3« Chev. S e d a n __________ % 30

    J $4 .00 W eekly B u y s A ny is O ne o f T h e c s C a r s - rc- 31 Ford Fordor S e d a n .......... i;!00oL JIljDhrvrolcLCoupa________1273. .

    id, ‘31 Pord Del-uxe Coupe ......»2M*31 Ford Coin>e. new motor... S2DS

    = J3(Ll>c8oluJ3cdan ................ SiO.̂•30 Ford -Tudor Sodan .•....... $200

    ■ ■30 Ford Sednn ............ - .....m i“ ■30 Pord Coupe__________5230_ Y o u r P re .sen t C a r o r T ruck

    m e n l on A ny o f T h is Lifit. R eco n d ilio n e d nnd G uarun -

    I le e d —r ‘35 v-8 DvLuxc Fordor^ sedon .... ........................ Sii2S ’

    •Jl V-B DcLuxe Pordor. pedan ..... ................ _,....»4S0‘3 i Pord Tudor S td s n ____ »425■3< Pord Coupo .............- ....... »42i

    I "as Ford Fordor Sedan .........$380. . •SS Ford DcLuxe Coupe..... M7J- •33 Ford Coupe,--ao IlceiiM...-MIS -

    P‘35 Ford Pickup.■ low mllesKc ............- ........ S473I *39 Pord P ickup................... *150Jf- -•SS-rord Tritrtr.--dump body... »72J>u •3J Ford'Truck.' 131 WJJ.......I'L _ 5 ijiiitiJ rru d c .i5 7 -------------u s i - •re 5 lF o rd Truck. 157::... “ ...... *373la -31 Ford Truck, 157........... .. «65le •30 Ford Truck. U l ............. *150^ •‘31 Ford Trife^ 131 ............

    ^ -35 Pord DeLuxe Fordor,Sedan, iienlcr, rod lo ........ W43

    I? II Pays lo Sci) Your Ford

    f ' ^ ' " s s r . r ' “ ' ‘ ^lli Up to IB ^(onlhi to Pay.

    t U N I O N M O T O R

    III C O M P A N Yt. ' yottr FOBD

    10, TnunsDAY Mpiwmd;'rai ’ ~ W l n f e f S f p f ? j t

    r Cl

    , I d

    It |o

    7 HKLÎ IN niCHEV. FHtsborgh (ller.l l> all d rrurd op h m la (bs bett P

    » stjif for told wtather flying. The : ' ^p lttu re WSI madt after tb s land-|,1 ed lirr 437-pottnd noooplane from * a hop In uliich tbe ael a new In- | " tfnistlonal ipetd reeojd of TO.33 I ! . _inIlei.M :iioB t-fof-plaB es-of-ihal,-

    c ius at Lantiey Field, V lrg lala.- t-1-( i'hotn.- ^


    : B y f c g g ?■

    I1 ' P a l f i i p i

    i i b a * il a ......

    l i i F®**?H I V ' •

    I I S

    \ AfK

    ; TABLETS f M s o f I K <


    ‘....■ \

    EBBUARY fl. 1038 •

    I B i E i^ m i o p r i iCoimlics Get 11,516,439

    — Erom_^aislralio'ns— ---------During 1935------,

    BOISE. Feb. 5 (,I>-Idaho-4 41 counUes received a lou l nf t l 516.- 430 from motor vchlcle rir*-, P'ogrcisfM l -ci“T

    t e i a pWoodbury's SJ!.,.3Ic Bror (tor 0 O i l 6 3 c Aipi ’heatricoiSi'jK.. i.-49c- .Philli & r :;;-;;.........39e Hint• i s s u t s 2 5 e Jod ilycerine SVf.Tc 19c 35e a p o n o a i : : : " » r 7 s r

    • N o w l i r * ' '

    NTISEPTIC' I f e ,tlili ipMlil le sale aCfer * " H I

    p « c io L O H .r l I . J E ||I I . SOVC! .llhpaijlal.of .

    eae Jlc Bottle for 3*0 , “ ® . , I Secetm S0< notUe fe r le f t a l t a n

    5«e Oettlci 4 |Pk D . | „ ValMe A | | C i5 » v 7 «

    Both f „ ^

    GIm T m U Y V M rT ic : tb e k ̂ ^ PMdtry (ssd and sa tf .

    e n t ^ ]


    •etuniing fiT 't'h‘r ." - Ity Beauty ■ Salon: lagei-and new own=_B will conduct- th e ' ss under the satnej.,. it the same address,^,in avenue north. •

    ItjcBeautyzSaloit; =

    SCARPS ^

    \BL£'M O H IM C H 'n

    r E R 6 0 T T U / |


    m m m \omo SSfKf.'.. 21ep i r i n a n ln ‘*l'

  • n

    i i r^ iS S 'iiS ^ - ' 'i - " D tO r cdiUon t a l tn i u wteaoi e l u > ^ ’ / : m * t t« April «. U JI *VUi« pwtornee » l T *

    : F t i k i d t i o . under Um te t o t U u tb a. i m .

    " :, " Bit c * g i » i i t - . -■ - - (— -Pn.-WMJt-,i— — ----------M 8^ .

    B t MAII. ■ H■ Xo-Bialoe. C«cuu, CauU. Ooodlnf. Jerome. «

    y.ino^n, T v ta FftlU CounUM, ^.T̂ tofwv tn d Elko Ooantr. N «r»dt: c

    r t ^ t r i 'p a j i B U 't o 'w l v u i M / - : ; ! ; ^ ------c m :; -

    ~ fc-Bi»-m«« »i— h m In I d a h o : - ............................. ^

    1 Yew. Pijmhta In »d»»neo-------------------K M 'Outitda 8U te of Idaho:I 7«*r, PwaWo to td m e o --------- ..........UM „

    MEHBCR o r ABBOCIATIO rSESB C> - ' Tlw A noriattd P r » t U excltiilrtlr enUUed ta---------the m e t o publJtaUSd 6! t l F ^ flUtiilcUb ^

    endUed to It. or oot oUiertrlH credited In th lj . ' J;__ Om tt tt j, mabfeiMiig buiiii- j

    g la s s b r ic k s , t r a n s p a r e n t o r tr a n s lu c e n t, su c h , a a w e r e s h o w n a t th e C hicago ^ f a i r , b u t t h e s e . a r e d if fe re n t. T hoy a rc ho llo w , w i th a p a r t i a l v a c u u m .Jn s Id c so t h a t t h e r e \v ill b o n o v is ib le m o is tu re th e re , f in d a f lu te d i n n e r o r o u te r su rfa c e th u t Iclii l i g h t a h in e . th r o u g h w i th o u t tra n s p a re n c y o r ̂g la re . W e m a y h a v e b e au tifu l s t r u c tu re s ]

    * b u i l t o f s u c h b r ic k s '. T h o p o sjib llltle s o f I n - t d u s t r la l g l^ s s i n t h i s a n d o tlier formH a ro i s t a r t l i n g . S a y s J o h n W .' L o v e ','a b u s in e ss ‘ c o m m e n ta to r : ' ---------- |

    ■: ''T h W rn a B f ljlS ik ii 'il.r liU lllllllll 'm sr-^ - t e r l a l d e p a r t 'm o r e rad ic a lly f ru m th e , n a s t t h a n a n y th in g s a v e P O ^ W y U ic _ ^ j

    “ ■ 'f r a m e le a s B te e lh d U se r r je rc oiie cou ia g«L ' | -------- a-gllm p»eH )f-iiew -w aytt-o f-H vlngH n-con«-------- j

    a n d c o ld b y g lo s s InBuiutioii, m irro iim lcil ■---------b r f l rc p ro o f - d r t tp e r le s T R n r t ovoifcav iic is------- j

    o f w o v en g la s s * ^ ! ir id e sce n t co lor, a ,w h o le n e w I n te r io r w orld . Glus.s m iiy in o w bo c o m m e rc ia l ly sp u n a n d w oven, ja n d - n o c ig a r e t w o u ld diimiiKu u I ir u g .” . I

    S u c h in n o v a tio n s a r e llm vly. T h e b u ild in g ' . . . I n d u s t r j ’,. a s M r . L ove rem nrk .s "ncedB'

    g l im p s e s o f n o w „ w r j d a Iheso d a y s ," a n d “ the . c o m b in a t io n s o f m a te r ia ls on Hid m a r k e t , a r e .m a k in g e y eo 'th in g ,in ji .x i.s t« n c o o b . so le to .” I t is i n te r e s t i n g to npcculutc un w h u t.

    — p u r - c i t ic s w lH -io o k -l lk c tn t w n t y o r t h i r ty y e a r s . . .

    . . o a H ^ ^ B B a s a nR E A L S P E E D - ,

    r ■■ ■Dr.“ M llto h ‘L :'H um H 30T T nistT< jjicini'rarih '’c" * .M o u n t '.W ila p n ,.S o la r O b se rv a to ry , i n . CiO^ ^f o m ia . b m d lftrnvn rw i ti Hninil nn lm bilu liir.l.-L

    — c lrc je t h e w ir th . ln o n e socond . I t is tra v e lin g a \vay , f r o m th e e a r th a t th e speed o f n in e ty -

    — f o u n n l l l l o n - m l l c s a n h o u r 'i i i id is ’ iiow — \vc"“ ■“h o p e t h e " 'c i p h c id n tu • vuU jttcd~T^5ht~~-*...... 1 ,404 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 .000 .000 .000 m iles

    a w a y . T h a t f s . l t w a s ' t h a t f a r u w a y \viieiV ii___ • .w a s . d Ik o Y o re d .-B y ..i io w th e re w o u h L b e a‘ ■ '/• 'few m o r e c l p h c r s . _______________ • ' . -

    y t o ro a k o i S lr-A la lc o lm ( .^ m p b e ll'a speed


    I a h o w s t h a t W a r o o a i ^ m i n o u r p l i m r w h e i r w e . t ty T ia t lo M l f l n i p e u T i m - i n ^

    v e n tu r in g In to th e :s tr« t< w p h e re , t h e s p i r t !n e b u la e h a v e ’u a lic k ed .

    r e v o l u t i o n a r y K O P E c k s“ • “ T ie d T r o n c y - t im jr T r t l t tk - T h f R i n i i i o ^ v r- e m m e n t ta k e s o f f i t s c o in s t h e 'm o t t V “ F o r

    " W o rtd R e v o lu t l o n r w h l c h h a r b a n u s e d 'o v e r 'Hince th e r is e o f Bo’ish e v ism . N o w I n s t t f d ^ o f th is c h a lle n g in g s lo g a ii th e n e w n ickel o f te n . f i f te e n a n d tw e n ty , ko p eck s (co rre s*

    - p o n d in g r o u g h ly 't o o u r n ic k e ls a n d d im e s ) b e a r s im p ly th < r h a m m o r a n d . s ic k le w re a th e d

    -w ith “ U .S .S .R ." b e n e a th ;_______ _T h is is a w ise a n d w h o leso m e c h a n g o .;T h e

    m o re S o v ie t R u u l a m in d s h e r o w n b u s in e s s , c o n te n t to d e v e lo p h e r o w n r e so u rc e s a n d

    -------e o n f ln o -h e r p o lit ic a l ly a te m to - h e r o w n .b o r - ]( le rs , th e m o re th o r e s t o f th e w o r ld w ill go I t s o w n w ay a n d lo t R u s s ia g o h e r w a y w ith - i o u t in te r fe re n c e o r c rit ic i sm . ]

    OBEGOW VOTE FB0VIDE8 PREOEOEfn(CaldweU Newt«Trtbune) ,

    Oregon voicn have onee. more tum ed thumbs down tZ Toa a-»uuC iale*:iiw ^ailthlsIllm o.tor-»-TO rtJ>L»p=- i

    proxlmitrly alx to one. Thow Orecon >-otera had re* Iptaudly deleited sales tax proposals before. Thus, t

    ‘the reault of the rew n l vole ihouIdTutve'occaBtoned' ~rn o su rp rla . Dut In Uie iata t«*t-of public opinloa {j

    there w u a» «lement-co-operaUoo wim federal socUl ^.security leglslaUon—th a t was not preaent to former fiRfertndum s. ot the quesUoa put to Uiat state's vbtera. L

    As th e matter now stands,. Oregon is without, asourcc of funtls f o f .c o ^ r a t lo a wtU> t ^ federal pro- »grain. TTiere csn be no oiu-ige peiuioll* lu Oieguu ~~

    J unless Oregon matobea federal funds. Defeat of tbe“ t*. t/. eliminated U ut. Under U x *

    — nArMtlUoii th a lAw.r^ly plsn WlU Cjis cost O recon a lot and-lhe-sUierUiiable to co-operate, ‘1- wlU not get anythltiff in return. Thai's tough. B u l i t ^n ladlcatea ene of tiro th ln ts -a n intense dliDke o( tho si■> aa les'tax by Oregoa voten or a retum of Uiat inde* n

    pendenca whleh wUl oot tolerate further expansion of *»• federal patemaUsm. Jj!£. And aa one pondera U» attitude of Uie votera of _y Oregon rcUUre to the federal s o ^ I security leglsla* ^

    Uon and supporting state sales taxea -o r tranucU on «lazes, 11 you prefer—one wonder* w hal Uie people of >iptber ctates Day be expected to do w h e n j ^ d If—they ^

    p are presented v tth a sUnllar problem. Initoooe, tf ‘the people ot Oregon vola a t the rate of six to ons t

    so against a sales tax w tut' would tlw people of Idaho bie bo expect«d to do if they, wera lb vote on a similar ^gg quesUon? Let It be understood th s t to Uils comment *'

    't , t are oot'endeavortog to dlicuss the possible oierltot federal social security leglslaUon and a ttendant "state ta les taxes. Instead, we are but pointing to .the *

    S L J«U hat..ir_'s«.«sn.a«« «nt.df.thc.peool8. i ir* of Oregon u precedent, the voting public d o u no t:e . approve of the procedure. ^fy ------------- — fl/ NEW TAXES NECESSARY t

    ° (Baker Democrst-Herald) t:' T^e president ts ooe hundred per cenl right to ask- ^

    m- tog congress to vote addltlonsi revenue, lie would havo \las been righ t if the AAA processing tax, l»d nol beeno f Invalidated and If full bonu.i twvmfnt hsd not hw»n _■ approved i>eeauM the go«xmmentwas already run* ^ . ntog ao enormous deficit which was met by laige scale [ “ borrowtog forpoalerlly 'to pay. fa Faced by Um neceasity of paying Um proceulng coa- g

    •al trae u now pending without Um revenue provided by t the noW Invalid AAA and Uie Increase of the govern- > ment's tAjlgaUoo to Uw veterans by a t least f. bUllw ' ih i^ i r - p a y i i i g them 10 yean before Uie e o iitm t ( provided, there ia Jusl out thing lo do, IncreaM l^xes. <

    Id- The fac t th a t I t is campslun year sliould not.DtfmlL c 1M_ congreu to evade ils plain »nd obvious responslblUty. 1

    Sooner o r la ter thU country must Uke Uie conse- ; quencea of U » unsound fiscal policies 11 U pursuing, Tbe longer the shock is delaj-ed Uie harder It wlU be. The.prcaldetat Is wise lo give us some of It now.

    SO „re, OOVEENMENT SPENDING AND BOBROWINQjla (Hsilford, Comi., Couraiit)

    The oallonal debt has now topped UUrty bU}ions.I t Is expected to reach thirty-two or thlrty.Uiree bU- lions by tha end of next June, in less than four yeara

    i n - the Pederal esUblUhment h u Increased lu expend- ire Itures by fourteen billions I t u spending a dollar for 2SS ^ c ia ts I t Is 'M ecting to revenue. Money ts

    pouring ou t of Wushlnglon as If there were no end to It. and most personi seem to believe tha t the Oov-

    — -eriinMn t- h a s -a n - lnexhsusuile supplyi ̂ ''fo o 'fa w understand tha t'th e Oovemment haa no

    ' w «|lth of its own and no power to create wealth. The .Q ]oneyJtJl.apendln ' 1 I. Asked btuiUy to-plck-hU pervmai 1 e favorite, h a " repUed: “Senator I a Borah.” Mr. Roetevil> imlled while I e hU adrisera protested th a t the m tn I ll from Idaho might tum out to be0 the O .O P,'t.fflotl fonnldftble nftg- 1 d carrier. 7JMV txpUined t h t t h t 1- «gr«.K< » lth thgm.- a m In hU npln . | a lon. he u ld , Mr. Borah. U Ibe m ott c e -liberal- of Uie lot and .would be 11 Uw m otl liktly .te .canT -oa .R oetc* •• velUan reforms. Therefore,. it he c- must-be dtfeated-w hich-he doesn't I e tnUclptte—he prefen lo lu m over s 3 White House keyt to Teddy Roote- t• Telt's-cioea.-frlend. .-.............. ............ I

    When Uw presidents atUtude w u s- relayed to a Borah disciple to the s t senste. the UUer asked: “Did* he e0 mesn liT“ Bdott- o t Uw Oemocrallc I• entourage a n prtdlcUng Uiat Alf s t Landon of Kaasaa will be Uw mane the "Chief'' wUl bave to lick. 0

    r VOICE. S e n a t o r i a l mallsacks ̂' bulging wtUi. Uiouunds o t scrawled ‘1 and-prncUed-lettert-expltln-why-the * 1 Nye munlUons Inveuigtilon tu r - * '■ vlved Ibe terrific tlU cks of power- *

    i | W naiors s ty w e y hsve never wit- *■ nu ied tach an anU-war demojij "> straUon. Senate postoftlce otflcUis ^

    rank the number of letters u tbe1 largest batch received on Capitol hill ,> from volunteer wrlUrs. Pother 1< t Coughlto and Publle UUllty Mag- H• n tte Hopson preclpluted a greater li- < i« lm »-bul-thtfr.r«»oft«t-t»-r»di» « f and house-to -house iwomoUon c 1 schemes.— T he-proneotrallty-com - -

    m unlations teemed to bo a sponr i< ) laneous . outpouring from old and P •“ ytmng. i nttrtnto-ftltteetiontHrf-UM-

    counlry. *■Many communlcanU agreed fflUi ^

    Senator Olass In deprecating any f criticism of Wilson, Lansing, clc. H

    > But even they InsUtcd Uiat the In- « ' qulry be prottculed to order to a

    t to w m O T^^ht^w jhy^tlw ^O nltcd a

    ” h m I t c u e r a ^ ttw n » t conflict. ̂I tC 'Wfti an eye-opener lo leglsUton i• who have wondered how strong Uie S• people a tre for neuirallly-at-any f I price. ____ ^

    I FILL-IN. Handsome Paul Me* J N utt's two-day stay a t the White «

    , House spoiled the sppetltcs of t \ B 1 le u t two members ot the csblncl. s

    Secretaries Roper and D em tried to >= . run down rumors th st he w u sched-> Uied to succeed them by buttonhol

    ing friends of ihe Hoosler governor >I lo find w hat he w u up lo now. i

    The governor and tlie -p ru ld e n l 1 r kept lhefr~ow ~counieir-D ut-U -l8- { , generally known that Mr. McNuii ,

    h u ISM Ideas. For a Ume hU back- , ' ers ballyhooed him- u M r. Roose- | ' n i l ’s running maU but they dts- 1 I covered tha l Mr. O am er has a , ‘ mortgage on the vIce-presldenUal j■ nomtoaUon. The trouble U th a t Mr. .■ McNutt tteps out u governor nexl | ta and^he. m̂̂ust^.stay^lt^lh^ j

    make ft try for Uie Whlto House , tour ye an hence. For furUicr j grooming he must grab oft a cabi- | ne t post or an equally ImporUnt office ta the event of P D Jl.'a re-

    t elecUon. 1 . Sltitog cabtncl members' worries I

    ore described u needless by poll- ' , U ciant who ought to know, They

    ha re marked Mr. McNutt a»-ft young m an who m ust-w all his big tum for many yeark They're passing out

    7 -̂----------------------------------- •

    P o r c u p i n e Q u i l l

    F a t a l t o G i a n t

    K i l l e ^ ^ B u f f a l o

    PORT COLUNS, 0(>lo.. Peb. 8 Wl ! A "Oavld and OolUUi" story of the . western range w u revealed lodsy In the deatli'o fPoisg tw agm erg lao i killer butfalo who ruled th e “TraU's End“ herd.

    Victor In many a bloody flghl wllh the g re a t ' bessU, Pos succumbed finally to the minute weapon of the lowly porcupine.

    - --F ra ilk C. Miller, w no-ow ns-tho ranch, told about It today.

    ' " in -IB Sl.-posrthen -ft-aecond rate member ot Uie Miller herd, suddenly challenged Shorty, tho old bull leader, and In the battle th a t followed kUied him.

    ------"A fie f-lh a t.P o t Juil..dldn'l-sM m -- ,h appy-u ntt t s ,ha wat killing,'' Miller ■

    aald. . ."Ue slaughtered another big bull,

    then killed two smsll buffalo and two elk and two deer. .

    "He kepi hls horns sliarp by rubbing them ‘Vgatost granite rooks.

    . Every animal on Ui» ranch vu , in mortal fear of him."

    Bul MlUer found Pos dead to a p u tu re . There were no m arks on Uie body. Miller could th tok of notiiing lha t might have caused dealh. So Iw decldcd to hold an autops}'.

    i ie found a porcupine qulU Imbedded to Ihe brain. I t Iiad eniered the Itead Just abo -̂e the eye and

    . aJowlt'worked lu wsy in.

    T a x i D r i v e r P r o v e s

    H o n e s t y B e s t P o l i c y

    NEW VORK. Feb. 5 W )-B e rn ,r t Chlecco. Uxl (Ulver. had Jingling

    “ T jroonasm ightnhatiioneitT 'lS 'the- besl-pollcy.- Lucrexi Borl, ojKra sU r. was his

    . fane lu f n lg h t from Orand_. cut loose , from him but they don 't dare'-U)— I *nlflgoaUc_W'n- ^Vaahlngtonlans , admll It may go hard with c«rtato . admlnUiratlon stalwarts—Senalon

    Harrtoon In MUstoslppl and Robin- son In Arksnsat—If the blsA -

    , haired SmlUi campaigns against [ Uiem. ; • - .II tNBOUNO. RepresenUUve Char-• les D. u u u r d of New Y ork recem- . ly escorted a group of friends ■ through 'the new and magnificent, smwturt-wblch-housat-Ww-eupreme— I court.. _A s-M r.-.M lllard '» .pa rty—kalked— . Ihrough the buUOtog. th e guide i polnled to the classic friete and , | ||»1(1- ’T h fre Is a' sta tue Of JohH-

    Marshall, Uie t i n t chlet jusuce^ol , Uu supreme court of the United r SUtes." Mr. MllUrd suggested qulet- . ly tha t the a llendant w u mlsUken,. adding U ut John Jay preceded Mr., Marshall u chlet jusUce. The guideI argued exclledly th a t h is critlo w uII all wrong.____________ _____________. At th a t moment tbe d l^ lf le d Jus-( Ike Sutherland appeared .and .U ie . guide accosted him. “W bo w u the , first chief Justice of your court. Mis

    ter Sutheritnd?" u k e d tbe official go*irounde'r. ’’Joha J ty ,’* replied the

    . Juslloo wlUi t bow. B ut supremo• court decisions are no t binding onI guides. “I l l say It w u John Mar* ' .. shsll anyway." he txplalned. "No-} body will know the difference.”

    ’ NOTES. Harold Ickes.Is again to ̂ high favor a t the White House...

    Lunches with the president regu- larb-. .CordtU -fluU-U -qufek-to -re-—

    » I ward m e n t.... He h u recently pro- ̂ moUdiKvertl subordinates who htd

    • no pohtlcsl )»cklng — solely for• their performances. Michael Mae-• White. IrWi minister, terves the ^ most palatable dinners of all the -1 foreign dlplomaU a t W uhlngton ..,; Justice Stone & a frequent guest of t the Free S ta te r ....B usie st man at^ the e«plbmhfM> U -A M n_»^L _ « oiiiciat engraver,and prtoter. He’s ^ working niglit and day to .lum out ^ millions ot cheeks and bonds to pay• the soldlen' bonus, t _______

    JFfilSINSlLEi• BflfllNEimiSII . _____

    Royal Neighbors o ttlcen liave been elected and InsUlled recenUy: Oracle, Ethel McDonald: vice oracle. Hattie Houchlns: p u t oracle. Edna Bally; clun;

    sevenii s txw hone solos oy a Jenntogs. accompanied by r»y f performed somo hand iHcks. TXTT :d Barnes h td charge of th e program.■n The young married peoiile’a clsss

    will present a pliiy, “The Plnln SU- '• ter." February 13. •;

  • - E t E i i e l s i f f r

    - ■ a t t i i c -

    - S o u t h e r n : ld a h o _ D e a le rs a l '■

    D in n e r M e e tin g M a p C o - ^

    -------------- O p e r a t iv e E f lo r t -^ — ^ G• ■_ — ̂ L

    - * U o n than 109 o t ioutbem U a- bl bo-i dealen in electrictl ejulpmeni p In a tundanM a t a cueU ai a( dhi> |,: n e r of ttw N orth SldeJmd Souw ' S i te B ectrieal Equlpment^Salea a*- R •ocU U nu a t Uw Park boM lu t R •VTOtofWWB told bjr CkflrjaTennty jj o( Ban rranciaoo. editor oT O ectrl. . . «a l WMt. o l experlsncca of PacUlo °!

    • c o u t dealen in a eooperatlw aak* p e ffo r t “

    K , M. RoblMwi of Bol«. Jdaho , Power M m panr p ^ d e n t and ftn> e ra l m u a « tr , dlKUtaed com* v ja u M a a a a J

    __W A N TED -O O W S TO DILL POH P^bnc^Mle. li mile w n t Guriy,

    BOARDERS. SOI- '• ' Th ird avenuptirctbrR i.'l 'N T r'*"" >

    WANTED— OIRL FO R QENEBAL - hoUKwork, ia l l be tw 'tn 3 and 4

    ^ o r a f t t r a p. p a . low -w .

    j p i c P S

    P h o n a l

    i t --------------------- ------------------------------■ MIm C«rol Phinip», T w li F»IU

    ity by L ittio Bobby B ates, reifl r G olilTQ id-G r«n'B *Jniponflored

    L att« r D a y S a in ta ChiircK laat I- ball waa tho apex of L J}.S . ao d i » Phillips, w earing a b eau tifu l eve ^ pink accessories, w as choaen b y

    n secret ballot. T he prooeasloirdi It Radioland and proceeded t h e ^ i’ length o f th e baU room .to .the |g s tra in s o f a coronation initrch ? tt played softly by th e orcbefl- t

    m . , ■ ‘ f10 I h e attendants and the escorts g I. formed a seml-elrele -around th* 0 ) . queen, wbo kncU betore tha Oold | U and Oreen Uirone for Uie presenU - ) 1# Uon of Uie crown. ShlrRen Davis and ̂nt Bobby Bates acted u crown bear* i tl. e n . J . E. Allred performed th s coro- i I t naUon wlUi all Uio dignity of hi*

    calUng. As the queen took ber place j le on the Uirone, sho w u presentod 1 V. with a corsage of yellow daffodil*, cr acacia and fero Ued wlUi gold rib - , ul bon. Her attendants, Ulss ‘n u i * ’ w Bates, Mias,Ruth McEwen, Vita LoU I ] . Robertson and Mlsa Nedr* R leh lns ;

    received corsages of yellow tea rosei , a asxtftrorthB -B taka-M liA rboanl.*- } I t There w u .a pause In the cere- f

    mony while Bobby Bates and S hir- * - leeit— Oavls.- o f-D M m ond-B ataa -

    School of Uie Dance, gave a song ̂,e and dance rouUne. Immediately ̂] . followlnf. In honor of her majesty, o( the demonstraUon of Uw "Amerl- i J . cana" and "Merry Widow W altt" ( n WUma Jean Henderson, Dene Cox. 1 ul Maiy Ann Hoag and Barbara H er- t u ring, of the Mario Dunn Helm > t . 80»on>rT3M ietn«rw ero-the*trala* * f. bearers. 'Those dancing the demon- t

    M1S9- Phillips,' Claude Brown and <uj Miss Helen Bailey, and Mr. and 1 nt M n. 0 . Vem Yates.^ - pn i« l»n rt benuUfiillv llahtiia t.1 and decorated for th e oceulon. Mr, t

    and M n. tuU ier Bice. Oolden B ar- tlow aod Mn'. II..H . Stokes were In t

    .. charge of the a lfalr. wlUi Mr. and <

    . M n. Yates conducting the demon- 1[, Stratton dances. Kimberly, Buhl. I“ M urtam h Mid Twin FalU wera weU- <

    puWU*’'o ie n B sU a '” Ight * S w k s 1 orehestra playsd Uie danco program. |


    The H apflF^Sbufflen were on- ’r„ terUlned by M n. Richard Berpa ( u yesterday afternoon' a t a dessert11 bridge luncheon. Mrs. Allen Whlto 1

    won the prize for high K ore and •. M n. Hsrold Groves, low score. <


    The Initial Bridge Club met a t the home of M n. Ivan Lincoln yes- I tenlsy afternoon for a ons o'elock t

    u luncheon. Three tables were a l play. 1 ,, M n. Henry P o « ra won the f ln t 1

    prize and M n. M. 6 . Simmons the 1 trevelliig p r l« . Mrs. Powen was a <

    y guest o t the club. • , 1

    ^ GROUP REHEARSES ' i” 'Ihe Netoppei' l ^ p W re 'd ro u ^ '1 , w u entertained a t Uie home of^ the guardlao, M n . w . A. Van ;

    Engelen. yesterday attem oon. The 1 ° girls ret\earscd Jor Uie P.-T. A.

    prognm and selected acUvltles for IUie blrUiday projecu Roll call re- (

    > sponses were poems which Uio girls 1:r bave learned In schooL <


    TawasI Camp Fire Oroup met ’ig ycitordsy afternoon /a t Uie blgh >DT schiwl:,l)UildUig;' MtB; -'J . n . NIBIWll '^ completed her talk on f ln t aid. iin -------- i») UNIVERSAL PB D EnA TJO Nat OFF CLUns DISCUSSED «ih The Wayside Club w u entertain- iL!s ed a t Uie home ot M n . D. P. Clark I!• Tuesday afternoon. Plans were 1Id msde for a pot-luck luncheon for I

    the husbands a t the home of Mrs. ICharles NorrU February twelfUi. ^

    : r . __________________________________:d . '

    ? M A K E T H IS MOi ____ T'vin Falls Dailyle. I - . . . .;n

    " ■ I

    ■ B i :td

    ,n ........ .......% \ I ___

    4 j r a g r o s

    -■ • ■ ■■ ■ ■ r !

    1 9 2 - ' .....................

    allflj u a h e r ^ in w ith due fornial- ‘e isn e d a s queen of th e ann u a l 1 red -b r-tho -S take-M .I;A ro f_ 'the ia a ff iV e fiff ira f lU a io E n d r Tho I o d a la c tiv it ie s 'o f the year. M iss 1 evening gown o f blue sa tin w ith ' b y A th ro n g o f adm irers casting | rdeacendcd the open s ta irw ay o f ;e f — ------------ — :— 7— Ie Mrs. C. A. Baker w u In charge h o t Uw program. Sbe Introduced ; M rs. H . W. Clouchek wbo explained < >■ u w advantages of beln« oiilvertaUy , federaUd. mUs Dorris Leighton H gava two resdlngs and Jack Hov- ̂)• orkaraccompanled by-M la Mbrllyn 14 Brtiee, pUyed two vloim selecUons. >* Mrs. Melvin Swltxer w u a gueat. xl The bostess-w u assUted by Mrs.

    NorrU and M n. MaxweU In senr- ^ ing refreshments.

    * « . y . 0. CLUB« U EETa FOK CONTRACT-........!r Mrs. Walton Swim w u hostess ^ to Uw H. N. o . Club Tuesday eve- 7 n in t a t her home on Lincoln ‘Z atrefC. M n, Vey oub.w on Uie prlza ^ for high score and Mrs. O. B.— t*'* ^rfY»iin^ priT*. freshmehU were served foUowlng

    tbe ctmes.

    2 AUXILIARY HEARS TALK g ON NATIONAL DEFENSE «, CapUln Ralph E. U lghton, for- ) . m e r commsnOer ot Company E, ■r one hundred sUteenUi engineers, gc, Idaho national suard, addressed r . .the Amerlcah Legion Auxiliary on IQ national defense s t a nwetlns l u t ) . evenlng-at-th«-A usllU i7- m m s - l a 1. th e Legion MemorUI hall. Mrs. E. Id A .-Landon .rc«d*a.p*pct_OT-"Tb» Id Oldest F t a r ' Mrs. italph U lghlon Id w u program chairman.

    M n . A. E. Dickey presided a t the A bustnete Mttlon. Mrs. Rsy Agee. J , rensDUitaUoii cnaimian, aiindCluiiM r - th a t bed JackeU had been sent to In th e V etenns' hosQlU] a t Boise. A Id call fo r more clothing w u made.I . M n . RsJph ReyhoWs announcedII. the dUtrlct meeting a t Rupert UiU 1- evening, .ond the child wetlsre con- 51 lertbce a t Boise? Mrs. Cryder, lu Fldac chairman, reported U u t all n . plans for ths esssy conteit lu d

    been completed. The conteit U be- Uig conducted fo r high school pu-

    . pUs, M n . E arlJtiuuon , AaiericanU u U o n chairman, conducted the flag

    » u lu le .r t M n . Bsrl Johnson, M n. L. H. te MUler. Mrs. Henry Crow, Mrs. Id Charles Lsrscn and M n. Leighton

    served refreshments..


    a t _M lu VlolH Adams wai hostess a . 'UiTher conlricl~club“ and four :k guests, Mrs. Joseph H. Seaver. Junr y. lor. MUs Wilma Keel, MUs Helen s t Lind nnd Miss Mnrgnret Owens, i u t 10 evening a t her -home on Seventh A Avenue North. MUs Keel won Uie

    prtxe for the guests and Miss for the memben. Red U pen and r td carnations decorated the large

    » table 'a t wlilch refrashmenta were Ip served. A Volenlbe riidUl prevailed.o t --------in WEDNESDAY CARD le CLUE ENTERTAINhn)A. Mrs. Rees* M. WUUams was hos- or tess to tho J J ) 3 . Club a t her homo B- on ElevenUi Avenue E u t yasterday ■is afternoon. M n. P. C. Dawson re

    ceived high score a t contract. Mrs. A. Gordon Lumm, Tacoma, guest a t the Dawson home, w u present from out-of-town. Refreshmenta

    et were served a t tables centered wiUi :h red swe«tpeas. 1________


    The Addison Avenue Social Club m et to r a pot-luck lunclieon Wed-

    1- nesday afUmoon a t Uie home of rk Mrs. Olen SmiUi. Roll call re- re sponses were appropriate verses to 3T M n . Beatty, formerly MUs Ada -B. L atham . The bride w u presented h. «1U) a number of beautiful gifts' tn

    [ODEL A T H O M E

    ily News-Pattern:-------


    P A T T T i^ 1S74

    — • -fillm — pracUcal — and full of charm. thU softly styled sh irt- maker I j sure to n n k t in t am on»

    ^ your diyUme frocks. Fashioned fc-*f-oollon-iw eed.-U jepe^-t»-im w ter

    frock fo t flnUblng ou t .th e school term, wearing to busineoi, o r for nm -sbout w « r now and Uirtiugh- au l Uie Spring and Summer. Take R look a t thoao wing-away sleeves' with buttoned cuff, and a t the- eusy-to-cut yoke and sleeve fea-; lure which carries the convtcUon of easy-maklnc along with it.

    ' T h 'n .a t , the tltUi'boy collar and simuIsUd Closing wlUi button «c- ;e{it. We repei^t: cotton- tweed,

    ' novelly collon br one o t the s tun- n ln r new crashes would do thU

    - frock up in top-notch atyle.Pattern 3414 U avaUable in slsea

    13. 14. 16. 18, 30. 30, 33, 34, -U, 3g — a n d a0 ..a itf tJ f i-U )tra .3 a -W id » -9 f

    fabrlc. n iustrated step-by-step sewing insUucUou ^ u d e d .-^ - .- .

    1 s s i k i ' s r

    — in*ni-ni^Tou-,M ,ouf-nMd. u. "

    ? \ s tI ' ^S CPn-g. BOOK ATO rATTEEK ^ « OnHER, TWEMTT-nvS CCflS.

    s. a u i j o t

    : w a U t« eU n '- ilH k it ...T « ^ SmtUi.I- p n w o u d MO pteeoloaoloB, r n w s *- ur** day aften«ioa.-Hio' girU cboe# Uu

    group nome and aUo the ir own in is (Uan nam *s..31w .slrU.dlsoussed.a h hike to be beld Baturday and talked „ about honor* to be woo. The next Z metUng wUl_.^be_at t h e . home of

    Marilyn Webcter, Tueaday, Pebru- ■ ary tweltm.

    S TEACHER ANIWUNCES!d UUSICAU RECITAL ' - ........Iy Mrs. W. O. W attt wUl present hern pupils Ul a pubUc recital Fridayr- evening a l seven Uilrty o'clock a trn the B apU it-church.-T he program ts. will Include two-plano • uumbers. It. trios, dueu and lolos.


    A display of.VaUnUnes, one of whlcli w u forty yean old. w u an

    - In tc rr iU n i- fe a in re -o f-th e -M o ro ' l a Ingslde ciub meeUng a t Uie boma e- of Mn. • li. O . Satteriy yesterday In afternoon. RoU caU responses wer« t t th e .ea rllcit reeoUecUona of mem- E. ben ' havUig rec^ved ValenUne}.

    NnniFmiu liwilt piwijy _ tr» » aliO read. Mrs. Day. DoroUiy 'Huchlson and Jimmy Munn were guesu. Six- t « n members were arrsent. Mfs. T readw elirtto president, prtolded a t Uie business session. Mrs. Dartd- son w u tn charge of tb e piogiam.

    » RefRituneats carrying ou t a Voi- entlne moUf w en served. ^


    E. yesterday afternoon a t Uie home |]» of Mn. W. B. Hoag. Ouests w en 3R MfiTReed and 'K rT ah-ow nioircalL

    responses were current event*.- M n. lie O. P. Strobeck gave the FederaUon » . report. PU m were made for Uie

    to The lollowing offlcen were ele/- led during Uie buiiness session:

    le. M n. Ben Rendahl, president; M n. Kl Ray Penonli*. vice president; M n. lls Dan Pow-cU. secreiary-treuurer, n . ana M n. O. F . SUobcck and Mrs.^ T O m ^ g m a r m t TSrO Tr l '-P anUl Powell w u named reporter. Mrs.

    Strobeck won U ie'w hite elephant. H ie hostess. assUted by Mrs. Reed,

    u . scnYd,;refreshmenU, The' club wUl ll. meet e.oLM n..SUxibeek ^ In Msrch. , . . .

    H. HISTORICAL REVIEW ' n . PRESENTED AT CHAPTER ^ Chapter. D, p x .0 . sutcrbood,

    wos enteruined Tuesday evening'at the homo of Mrs. W. H. Eldrldge. Miss AUce Taylor gave a resume.of the events ot Uie psit yeor.


    _ Mr. and M n. W. A. Cunnlngton were liosti Tuesday evenmg in honor ot Uielr llJth wedding an- nlvenary, Mrs. Dob oUon and Bert

    ^ Van Eaton won Uie bridge prises. ™ p e guests presented Mr, and M n. “ Cunnlngton wiUi a .gift. Present

    ^ and Mrs. Clsud Wiley.


    Memben of Uie Evening Guild of Ascension Episcopal Chureh. meet-

    ' Ing l u t evening a t Uie home of MUs AUee “Taylor In the Reed Ap-

    , nrtmenta, completed pUns for Uie , dance a t Uie Elia' Hall February

    ^ thirteenui. Chuck Helm’s orchesUa


    " ' ^ 1 J p

    i - l


    IS - . '

    iw- Him

    Mr. -(LT- ch*mlcol show*

    - 5 r H , r t w i ; ; ; ^ » i i r b r o » d -

    ss ~5 t ' n T W iT V u ik f SW k,_of k m

    g s ■ • r-« iw m «biw 'iitw M w w oeiuai vif^iuMMOMIWtUaMOINeutt

    I S

    i g r * a u H 8 D A x

    h. WM m iigcd tor Uw ooesitaC kJI^’ ■ I. W lo M k e read a -p a p e m 'A b n * 1• b a n U n eo ln .-M tv ^ R u m ^ O m U• ►>»««« ta wn t a t re« i

    b ____ “ : -r**- iIt r/LLlCVM GROUP— ........— *

    » A S BUSINESS SESSION \ _ VM TUSlcum Oroup Of 0 * » P 1 , n r e glrU met a t Uw home^of Adda h la jp t r M k .n - y 'M e a a T in e M f l l i : f . A aboit buitness meeting w u eon*I t ducted, toUowlng which n t w h ^I . m a n u ,w ir* -ietved .-'nw -«w M l*» u ooBt b o o k s-w e dUtrlbuted and 1- • W -p n c t lc e d . '-n u tiextTne»Un«, a a t Uw hom* ot Ju d y 4 0 M i.-

    iV K iP '' scff/oaZsfts*)f CLUBJlASJiESSJON___________1- Memben ol the Junior flcribblm*

    CTub met last evening a t Uie bett* o f M u pauy Ruui, Sk inner..«» Blue Lakes Boulevard. At Uia buai-

    - n e ts session which w u coDdoetid tr by M lu Je«n d a rk , presldtnt, pi«»« ly w erediK iuvdfoncem lngU w prtpa- II r»U- Smock and U U t Jone Maxwell wtre adult guest*.'

    Bf ^

    1* yiRE GROUP 'H AS ,S 0 \(; REHEARSAL

    r« Tbe Ec-dsh-how Camp F in J . Oroup mcl a t the home of J*an

    m Noble Kee, tne susrdUn, WM p r u - «• ent.

    ------------ —1-n . -------------- ---------------- -J—

    I G > m i n g E v e n t a

    SALMON 80 0 A L « t —Hie-flalman finrlal. ae^Jiie lad « ; youU>dlvUoa, , Ben Slder; A. * . PW kU , U n . f O . * OMKldtnc, m a k Beer, UU* BOher SmiU), U 0 . Jents, 0 , K. nUoclc.

    e U oyd 011iao tt,.0 eo ite Bradley and 1I ororvoatjr - ^ ' -------------— ' o

    JuD iort-M lK 'N enie Case, 0 . 0 . li ' D udiey.-U ra.- D onaiolla, Prank t ^ OoodykoosU, Mt*. J . R. Nklsoa. c

    e . ■



    " I " J

    II : r _ —a

    i ____A i^ B A D ^ E

    . Perfer 'Y J S w W h e n y ^ c

    Free OhMk-sp In vfint«r, ; On Antt- w hazard of (

    1« In shapfr • ’ • “ battery, bnil


    v ryon* a g re e i that Lucklai cr* to |

    U ghl5m ok«ofrleh,rlp*-bodie(i -- -Th«

    b«cor1 rU yT B fh tr-iw ip t1 ifn rH ir^ cf .thot tho leaves of t h i some -laen boeco p lon t may vary fo r mere the on th * • leoves- from -p lon li o f - ~ b o l

    lit* d lffofsnt. t^ i .^ C tn m ic a l . . '- - r t t t i

    Cradle reUt

    m v o n i B i n t n . x m r a ' ^ .....- - m . i H u s - m m n n i - x w u i '

    FARWILU T s u i F e b .'» [«w po* rtb m ty .U i* ttt» a* 2 o a .tr ia l: , o fO e o rn lL -B a in lU ^ ilts t a u H ~ a e r slay lnf.o f b is wUe would sod like U s f t n i ' in a b o o f Ju it , gr*w . tonlgbt u tb s im rB C ared t h t « a d - of It* second dsir.of dellbersUoD.

    L G A i S i i C

    E A T H f R i

    ect SERVICEr c a r i sn 't in p erfec t con tuu ra , you practically doubte tb e ' f driving. B u t w hen y o u r car pfr—grease and oil, radiatOT;* ' rakes, ligh ts and g ^ t i r e s ^ ~ I sa fe st m o to rist on a ny w in ter _£lBst

  • O onU aB rt.ftw i U r t ' ♦ -

    6TN PP8UI m n U o JH n w B t ii= ^ - * < * B & U 5 r • thip-IUUMd -

    BaMtnftoa-ffrtoefa p n h ti anoUi- ier ebap, M mUfM u A lm o d cr tl

    WIUi (he eonaJww* of Babbj IJoD ef,Iw rri«nd .»Ji»h« faked M »

    aad ba« ralU n bem U tn> t ( • titf hotat of U*my B « l n f i « .fTKoeh. 8b# l « n u from U e n r f g

    - wU# I h it * o |« r, wfcon Frtnkto .w in -M “ «toBT‘« k " « y ^ h

    - And new ibe h w otrlrt h ta m t t l l le n ir tU ulnftod 'tfR iM h m csu tlme. StM was stUl supposed to r r a t" in tho afum eoo.

    ■„ ,w ton ih i> cim nfiiitnn tnu iftlaw n ^ w hen tea was laid. Srlria said, smll* ™ Jng: "Hero U our Intalld., TWs U . m j brotbeMn-law - Lady Fraaets ~ JJerwerit." •

    ^15mnW.I»W>.M4«..»Jender jw n g ^ n a n ot something over ihlrty with .T0 7 'pleasant eyes.-Although she eouldseow hatBobbym eantbysay*Ing he c ^ h t to have a nonoeio and ^ » toothlinish moustache, she herseU " w aa m o ro lneilned toneU co .tte ln - tense blua of hla eyes. H a y shook bands. . - ; •

    He said; T r e been hearing aU about the way you tried to break

    • admit," aald Praokle. “ that I ’ffl’the worlds worst drlrer. B ut I ~ was drivlM ao awful old rattletrap. “ My own ear w u Uld up, and I

    ...bough t.a .cbeap OM •econd'hand.'* ”.. rah fl w u rescued tim a tbo ruins “ by a w ry good*looklnf young doc*tor," s&ld aylTla: ’ ”

    T o m iv a irlred i t thls.m om ent ^ and flung hlmsclt upoa his uncle w ith squeaks of joy. ' ,,,

    ‘ B a n you brought me a Kemby train? You said you would.' You said you wouldl"

    •■6h, Tommy, you mustn't aik fer J" - ih lngs l-aa id ay lrta. •• • "

    **niat‘s all right, Sylrla. I t was a .- prom lx .l*T egot70u rtra ln a llr lg b t.

    eld man." Be looked casually a t hts »UtecullBr ihlni;. I've knowa jo u le« lhan iwenij'-fonr liouri'. but '

    ■ " l - U s l inallncllvflj' tha t ytiu'rt the ■----- nnr pfrfnn ̂ i*nn n^k atftiro Uom," -

    "Advice?" said Prankfc turprLwd. "Yci. I f ^ ' t make up my mind

    ' betvw n two different rourxn of ae-■ ~ tlon." JlP He wm Ifanitip .

    his knew, ft light frOwn on hto fore*

    * “It's about my brother. Lady Prances."

    • "Yes?'* ■ V — .- ,*^to It likJng-drugs.-t-am-suTB .

    Of;U.""W bat make* you think so)" asked

    .Prankle.--------1 ayrythiitf^1U s-appearanc»,-«U -

    extraordinar]- changes of mood. And hare i-ou noUeed h ti eye*? Tho pu-

    ' pUs are Uka pin*polnta.-' ________■ ' l .ljga UOUCMUiil." a d i i i lK ^ ’

    • Frankie. “W hat do JOU think U U 7 -

    “ •Moiphla or some form of opium."I *Tlu It been going on for low ?I ~ - r d a t^ 'U irW gtm itn ro f ‘t-from- -• about aU months sga 1 remember r tha t he complained of sleeplessoew,- vg o o d dsal.'B ow ho f ln t eama lo - ’ take the stuff I don't know, b u t 1 I think It must hare begun soon after. then."• “How does he get bold of It?" in*I qulrtd'Prankle pracilcally. ------- ---' ' r i th ink I t comes to him by pott,- m vtf-yoiT neueed-tnrt he u - ' tkularly nerrous and irrltnble eome■ days a t tea.Ume?"

    . “Y «, I have."“I suspect th st lha t Is when he .

    h u finished up, hU supply and is '■ walling for more. Then, after aU •- i« Is over tho Rocky moun-

    'U ________lithc ■=------------------------- • , —

    s T « i T t m r n r A T iH E N G I N E E R I N C

    fTT — l E A H N * T ~ H O TffT~•e* •^ "n«Mi(»l niiMnmi. J«M u ikflioMdi T n r f 6 n ii7 - ls in im e n « I* y 1 -. la tha t gay comedy, ‘'lllde-out" with

    O'Sullivan nnd Edward Arnold. T te - program-ls eompleled wltti a Grant*~ land Rite Siwrillte, musical, and .•» news.

    y th e jvar "llcftdlliie Woman," with a Heather Angel nnd Roger.' Pryor

    starts tomorrow' a t tlie Idaho. I t is

    _________FRANK MORGAN



    \ Stark Young’s j y Itomantle N owl i

    - - - I r ---------M a r g a r e t S u l l a v a n .

    . • - - ■ 7 - u s o ' r e ' d ' ~

    _ T H E ROSE” ' I■ ■ - Will. - J 1

    I___ . BANDOLni SCOTT

    * t " c I T T THE MARX BROS. i”a l l n , “A N lght> t The OperaC | |

    n V ( s n u s w i / A as s s i e = ^ = = = = = i i S = 9



    EXT TO\ • ® , M Iy^ k s j S f J s

    1 IMAT do) ^ f 7 f J W■. gp j ^ ' I

    ~ i

    — —

    ; IN ON T H IS B E C A U S E I M TIPF— V M yW & y t h in k iV E I U

    E E T ‘m i5 ^ r - '^ F ^ H » lE 5 M A ^ TnoL O V oiA B oyr e


    tbe fu te i t , funniest and most !thrlUlng.of aU talea o t news noseta 1 In t t e big city. Heather, u a so*' clety girl who falls for Pr>or'A j faat-tsiiking line. Is every man’s ' drcsm come true. W hen t t e police department refuse* to give t t e preu news, Pryor leiads tho .feud and tin* ally selves a mtirder ^mystery to.

    sloner and the girl. Tha program Is compJeted with chapter No.-8 of "Phantom Empire," a cartoon and


    JEROME, Pcb. 8 — Blrtlis here . t te .p a s t monttu .follow: Mr. .and .

    3 ■I'’"*'’"-l3.~a-^ ;. Mr. and Mrs. lAVcnic

    Oljes. Ja nuaiy '9. a daughter: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Aslett, January 10. a daughter: Mr. and Mrs. KXv> Newman, January 11, a sou; Mr. and M n. Ray Clark. January Ifl, a son; Mr. and Mra. Martin Larson, Januaiy 17, a son; Mr. ahd

    •;M rs. Arthur Dick, January 2i. a ■ son; Mr. and Mra. Robert JohiiM>n.>- January M, n son; Mr. and Mrs.‘ H any HoUlbaugh, January 2V n > daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Cox . r January M, a son ;.M r. and ^rf^ a W alter Olll, January u r a son;• Mr. and Mrs. H erb McCnbe, Ju n u - '- ary J7. a son; Mr. and Mrs. Er-!

    sklhe Olsler, January a daugh* \~ ter.---------------------------------- I

    S \

    jr j

    ^ nhoJt I'rum p


    O r a n a . . Comedy _ . . Action . . . In

    T h i s Thrilllnr Newspaper ator?!

    . • r a V '

    |-»fEA1>LINE^ -w o m a n -

    ; ' ' I I - • i i h ......... — ‘

    1 ■; fl I to n rP R Y O RJaek LaRoe ,

    • - II Ford Bterllng _ I

    . Addtd • ' ' . 1•>n»nuKTOH

    •ggPIKK" Ho. • ' ••

    HUKDAYI - 'r T d w r t

    r i -H tB MASTBa'8 VOJCE"Jl^—--- ;---- -------------- i

    ^ ■ ' .7 ---------- ■

    V 0 U N 6 M A N - I F I H E A G l ' THE W O R D ^ e O N Y '^ A S A IN fega a ? TO C A Y -.l WILL

    ^ K W A R M TH E'SEA T ' O F YDUB


    Ster’s Bride-To-Be S

    B liss RUTH MO^DY (above). I I - biyear-old film actress, wilt loon te* it come the bride of Lester Stoefen.Iwlee nationa) do'obles champion : and now a profeMlonai tennU atar.a t Los Angelea^.1') rhoto). i

    • ' -------- UNCLE JOE-K’S ------ -

    • j TODAY and TOMORROWl'I . "JlRIN'a A FRIEND"-

    CLUB DAYS MallDre and Niflit

    IA Plastic .Surgeon ‘ rhanBBri HlB F a c a l '

    , A lan Hal® ̂ . I- f -A d d i io n -R a n d f l l l --------—

    - Poul S tan to n; I tO ilA D IO -

    NOTE: I l 'i All In Fun. u d W . N m r R.1M Onr TricMI "

    - T n i i i i r c 5 - n s - ; r ^ D ) j t t r i E ;

    n WE O O N T - .K - r - l - '^ - l fUHE S P M C r t n ^ I ftNOVjE.WOM'T I E W W H h T w e / . ■

    ------------ --------- A-W:il iT H E B E 'S THE I IHBLU q f e r - ^ D O O E - Y O U , I

    f e ( b E L U . H O W 'i

    By J. P. McEVOY an

    ----- — MJ I /-W E L L .C(-H ER E HE.



    JEROME. Feb. 5 - M r . and Mrs, ^ Bryan Henry, were hosts Tuesdsy ^ evening to a pot-luck dinner. Ths d

    - - J - r - i ' r i -ir-_ vnations and valsntlnes were used for place cards. Pinochle w u played. High prises went to Mrs. Rllta LttTumer and Homer Roberson, lowto Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hawley vand traveUng pribes to Mrs. Mildred ijMcIntyre and Earl Small. ' A

    MK and Mrs. J. 0 . Lawrence' cn- atertalned the *’500" club a t their t< home Monday evening. Mrs. S. Y.Robertson and Earl Kennedy re- ' celved high and Mrs, Earl Kennedy

    • mm b.''T . ' naw !ir6ii.' ibw.‘Hci^ i ^menui were sen-ed by the hostess I following llio games.. I

    ‘Hie Royal Neighbors met Tues* s day evening a t the heme of Mrs. ■

    - Elmira Dougherty. Mrs, Dotia May, ^ past oracle, conductcd the short ^

    • business meeting. After the meet- y• ing^ pinochle was played and re* •

    3 r" i.„

    SINUS INFECTPROltlPTLY BnpoDdi to Mjr Net

    ~tIeclflcanfchhrq tftrQ nreV rE rre ill sulU la Forty-eight Hours. A P Method.

    DR.H.W . Hll1S5 Main Wesl T«

    I Phone U ts—(Over Twin Falls Pal

    I T h . ' - M O lJ ̂ ' I m ^

    J • - U a a i w u * * D m i

    “ r ------C o w -O flT s i^


    : _ f S ,5 .“ ^ r - E B i D A s ;

    ; p R - A - D - l - C

    3 - B ^

    » U lE L L ,f L L U E - 7 U .U B -

    PE IiE R :H E R .SIZ EL O , SABAHi'fiSw APE--------L D A K L lK ie ? A N D ^vis THE PONY? J


    m d 'J . H t S T R I S B E L

    .G£.TSZT\ ̂ I 'IE, C O M E S /

    ^ ------------------------ -

    m W /

    freshm ents were served ' by- the hostess.


    te r was bom Saturday, Pebmary 1. to Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stroud of, H agerm an a l Ooodlng Hbipltal. a W (foughter w u born January '30 a i B Wendell hospital to Mr.-and Mrs.^^*

    TtJe tim w iuH er ' '

    FILER GRANGE MEETS PILER, Peb. S — Plltr Grange

    will hold Its first regular rneetmg In lho new hall, Friday. February 1,A' record attendance Is expected and a il ntcmbers of the grange are u ^ d - to te present.

    K i l i W i S• Itchy ectemie irrltatlona qulcUy dry up w hen you use Black and White Ointment. T rial slio 10& Large can 25c. Uso w ith Black and Whito Skin Soap for te s t rcaulia. A t dfuggista everywhew.,

    ;t i o n ■ INew T reatm ent ols i U v e r L u t i o g r B e * - --------

    Proven Sclentlflo \

    T » V F a lU . Idaho 'Paint & Glass C o .! _________________


    | 1 h ' t h e

    “ W E I O T T ^


    O C O W "

    S w i l s ;g e n d h E v e n i i i g - ^ —

    t a l k s B a r * ^r t a l i i e ^ J ' i r r ' ----------------------

    y , T T E B B U A K m i H -

    D . L - A - N - D

  • Ja y N . ~ U r s J k n d i

    S e n d H o c l t

    I n l o F i r s i

    C h a n c e l l o r H i t t e r ’s P r o

    I n i t i a l C o m p e t i t i o n

    B rG « y l«(Am k McA F m i

    Q A R in S C H .P A R T E N K IR C I ; f i r s t b o b - ru n n o r h a d boen th ro w t h e Ico h o c k e y p U y e rs h a d «i o v e r« I if ib lU ty , A nd th e fo u r t h w e d o n ly » w o rd a f ro m Cha

    — o f f l c W .— -------------------------------------A t 11 a . m . to m o rro w ( 6 a .

    tfbw B m t h e bW B tadfum , w H I*’

    f p r o c la im t h e ffam ea open..T h i ^ a n d a h a l f h o u rs , la - t « r , a C ^ : 8 0 p . m ., th e ho ck ey ! t« M u or the un ited BU (u and Q e n B W wUl oluh . tn tbe lUdlum

    — lf t- tb » - y r t t - i c tm L to mpeUUon of Uio InUniiU onU c«mlv«].

    ' eimulUneoualy, s t R morrow's opening ceremonleti com-. pleted another day's tralnlog with- .

    o u t additional casuaiUes.Dick Durrance, Dartmouth's ace I

    .. downhlU and slalom star, .worken i ̂c u t with his damaged ankle heavily i

    .. (ConttouM on Page 10) J

    I t iO R f K u le d U f l— i

    > C a lifo rn ia T rack I1

    —" ' ■ I

    ; S a n t a A n ita S t e w a rd s I s s u e

    . R u lin g A g a in s t A lg e r 's '

    ‘ D a rk W in te r ’

    h o e A K 0E U 8. m b . M m - T h . 1 boK d of M«winU # t atnt& Anita : p a rk ton lsh t returned a niUnif bar- '

    — ilnB.P*rk.Wlntcr,.own«d by Pred M. : AlBBf. Jr , from further races a t the track. ~ -

    In a brief elatement, the »tewnrds aald they did no t believe Ihc horse ••will do hla best a t aU tiroes."

    T he steward* b e m an Injuliy ,— »It«r-.PH lc_W int«r._a_ia.tQ .:flna i

    Iho t. won the featured race a t San - ;

    pearincfs he had not HnUhed in. J th e money. -------— ---------------------:k i ■ D ark W inter was ordered by tho

    f f t m r d i to the reoelvlns bam yei- ? terday for a sallra test. Th* m u l t

    ■ 4^6rth#T«it-wm .Tioi-be-iniarpS5iiF+i « (o r tea days as I t requires tK it 'i n t i n e to complete !aborat07 testa. 1

    ;■ S i x f o E s c o b a r W i n s

    - j --------- B y - T e c h n i c a l K a y o -

    - SAN JUAN, Puerto Rko. Peb. 8 Ml I 2 » 8 U to EKobar, Puerto Rlcan ban- I a tunw elgh t recojnlted as champion ■ lo many quarters, *cored a tech-' i n ical knockout o m Al Olllette o(II N«w York In one mlnule and 19 sec- I o '- e o d i ef the filth round of the ir

    -2-acbeduIcd ten-round non-tlU« bout I• bere tonight.1 ' EKObar, an overv’hetmlng favor-,I S Ue. n l t lK d : : i ‘i pounfts. OUlello

    " i n

    : Two Mouii^sineH -1 :j=Sign;=eontract8d

    S n a v YORK, f tb T a m - t . . j• former American league pitchers2 signed eontracu «-lth the Nev York 11

    w ,O ne w a s^ ’lcic'co«rmm7n->'ear^! I 5 old ng jit hander, who w u pur-11

    -♦ -c b as* d ^ tn ^ --niBra t . -a a >~Bf5wiu"1 J 2uC ftU. -nw ou,er oeorge ^3 ® n » ) Marbcrry. wbo signed u a

    ■ " •een t after drawing h li releaie j S -^ ^ .U l> -* m e r p in ingua umpiring .

    iSI~PaiiS-BarlingJ G L e r m a n y

    : k e y T e a m s

    s t S k i r m i s h

    Proclamation Signal For on On Icc And Snow

    ■ yh T a lb o t Preu SU lf Writer)XCHEN, G erm any, F e b . .6—The rown o ut w ith ap p ro p rite b ruises, i engaged in th e ir f