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'<TW VOIk 4. KO. 80 . ' illLWGIL [ iimoopsTO . JESpilEST .ffinois Governor, Indicted on "an Embezzlement Charge, Weatens Martial Move Against Warrant Servers QUEStlON OF IMMUNITY IS PRESENTED TO COURT Sabmiaaion WoTild Vlolato Ooq- '«titatloa^j^ Betray Fooplo, W 'l. "AUorno^ lor Acoofled Stato ' V EiecatlTO Adviso B!m SPSINSFZ^, m Ad' ftreulng nampsper. Bun'^gntbered ' IB He oonitnoa UM ttds afl«r- ' I'uoon, Jud£o Mld^ ,*>, ■; "I nujr u W l ttfl’iott tint ’’ tJier* Alng la . thli ciM Ui'«bii± 7m WlU ippou \ { to l»;lntmfrt*d nntll Tuaslay 6PRIN'0FrciiI>, ni.. (/PH-Wli.flJicr or not Oovornor Lon/Small, imlldc.l tiv tl Sangamon county {jrnnii jury for tbo pmbrzslcmcnt of intcrpfit on atnti.- ' funJfi irliilc atato trcoauiur, is Immune from irront I a to lie decided l)V J iiJ rc E. 8. Smith j)f tho circuit court todny. Oovurnor Small't attonmyn advlaod .him tn rcslat arreat on the crounda (lilt ho would violate the countltution nnd butroy tiiu pcoplo by ftubmiltinf'. Alt«rsatl7e Posaibiljtlos. l,o If tho court defidca the Rovernor in I'fJ immune the arrant* for hin nrrcst would rei proba% ba witlihcld until the espirn- do tion of hi* terra, tlirce and n lialf ycarf np hence. , m, If the decision is ndverie the nhcrl/f . will be in*tructcd to servo tlio wflrrnnts immedlntcly. ‘ In tho Intter ovont tliu {’' sjtwntii'M i* fraught with jioMiljlfilici. }** MiiRin^ from pcA'‘c ^ Ic snrrondor by tbo K^’vernor to the colling out of »tafe troopf lo forcibly rc*ist proacnUtlon P’’ r -'iif Ijre'VfthaaiS------ . Ouvnrnor SmnlT* attorney* conlonil , * that he, In bowihc to tbe '.judicial brnnch of the government would vio- lato a BCttioh of tho conatltution whlcli j. cstftbllahes judicial, eiecutive nnd le^ v «Ulatlv<5 Utimche* of tUO' ulttU* «ovcru- ment lonil forbid* the u*urpntion br one branch of tho i>ower* of another. FollDwIag advice of his coimMl , Oovortor SmoU later Isjuod a BtoWmcnt l i wWch ho virtually d#:_ ciaroil that ho would resist ■ any , " ‘ attomjrt tp- oiroBtl him, and pointed . out that tho goTonio# ha* the pow- j’' cr to call ont sUto troop# to hoU off sheriff’s dopntlea at the point of tUo bayonet Lieutcn^jit Qovernor StorlinK, alnu indictcil, nrrlvntl at court tlii* mnrolnR U> jfive jiond.. ’ 'duardainon In Unlfora.' The preaencc a( aovrrol .‘ufltionQl Kuard offjccr* In uniform in the.ntftto ■Iwine wa* oonHliUffi'd ilgnificnnt ii. some quarter* todny in view of th<' opinion of tho Rovcrnnr’* counitel thiil ho ha*'U in hii power to muster troop', to protocl lum from nrrcst tf auch n miivi’ Is ordered Iiy the noiirt. .Adjutant Oeneml Frnnk 8. Dickson npi>c^i i3 at tbo ntnti' htiHso in unWorni ,thw raornJng. . SHEPPARD BILL IS PASSEHY SENATE WASIIINOTON*. D. C., (/P) - The Sheppard hill providlnjf. for ci>'Ol>er:i tion between the federal Rovernment nnd Mates in. "protection of mnternity nnd Infancy", wn* pnaicd today by the -senate nnd sent tn the house. S . ----- -- - . 1 Today’s Games ] National Loofuo. ----- rirst (Juno (10 Inninpi): H. II. E. I'lttsburgh ...».......... 1 !i I e Unnlnn ................... .. ......... ...... 2 « 0 Jlnttrtricf: Tra>nUton>ftnd Schmidt; P McQuillan nnd O’N’ell. , , ' Second ffamo: R. H, K. '1‘lttsburRh ............. - .... .......... ' ( Hnston ....................................... 3 * N {Knd I2th) * . . lUtterics: Olnr.ner nnd Schmidt; Kll- lijiifim and flowdv. . ' , Score: B. II. E, Si. Lnuw .............................. -.'5 7 ‘J ni nmokljn ... 0 12 .. I'l natterlcs; Pectlcti nml Dilhocfert ('.idi>rp,'Ucuther and Kriiejjrr. Score: ' II. H. E. Cinpinnnti ................................. 11 l-'> 0 _ , V Kew Vork ............. S s S m----- 2.10 4 " I).-)lterieii: Luque nml HarRrave; L)iiu);r;i« and Smith, Score: . - R. II, K. i| Chicnco .... ................................ fl 12 0 , - • I'hiladelphia ..........................I... 1 ft ’• Ihtteriei': Ponder ond Dal.v; flcilij wick and rethr*. American League. TBE ONLY ASi N PAI I COURT WWLollAVE I matrimony taught IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHIOAOO, (Jh — A courso in matrimony should be a part of tho curriculum in every Chicago high iBhool, ’Jndi* Hany A. Lewis, of tho soperior court, told Edwin & Savla, president of the board of edqc&tlon, In ou open letter today. . jn '."n* number of cum* Vhtfft- § In children have contracted mar- 6; jrlago wlthoat ever having been JP informed of- tho jDAsnltode of tbelr obUsatlons appear so ofton 'that I want to see some way of overcoming this dan«er In the comlsff generation," Jndge Lew- u wrote. In ft t«n months' M court. Judge Lewis has heard I I moi« than SOOO divorce cases. InstTurtlon In the science of matrimony conhl take tho placo p of sodal affair# now on achool 0 programs, he said. • "We cannot correct the dam- to ago alNady done/' tbe Jililge wrote^ ‘'hot «v can atart aow to educate the cUldren so «5 to pro- tect the aeot gtmtntlon trom the defects la onr social Ufe of to- day." ilililr . lliFFBia. cd -------- li„ " WASHINGTON. (/F) — When ' f|'j tho tariff bill reached the senato '‘c today, Senator Ashuist, democrat - of ArisoM, fcave noUce that h» wonld take the earliest opportunity *“ to attack the house action in plac- wn Ing cotton on the free list WA«11IN'«T0N, (;p>-Pw«o.l by Ihl! I l.oi/ie l.y a vote'of 2H0 to 127, the i is I'ordne^ tariff hill wns ex|ieclml lo Ul reach tbe sei<.He fiunnce eonimlltee t»- n- day, where it will he Hulijected tn r; npflii henrlni;* find an indefinite stay Ii: rnmmlltce. Although Clinirmnn Pen- ft rose '*tftted Ihc hearinc* proLahly would .j,, it, Vie linef, mnny leadinc reiiublknn^ l,u liredicte.-l todny lhai revenue revision , ; •s, IcRislnlion^ henrinpi on whioh will be bcRiin-'l-y Hid hutiae wuys and mifin* tp eoDimillee Tuenlay, tvnuld retich Ihu 1 Bn president nheod nf the tariff Iiill, Seven repuliUcnn* voted.aeaiiut.the --- , Fordnev bill nn its ndnijion bv the hnuse u'Merd.'iy, while Ihe snme'num- " | tier (if .Icmorrnt* su]tpor!eil it, J*' t Finn!Refutes Russian lu! Z Mobilization Denisl STOCKHoIVm. (/pi—WIlih- the Iluh- sinn legnlinn hi IfelsinRforr dlsivutth a reported genernl mobilir.itinii jA Rus- “ sla, 11 Plnnish offieinl here today de. [n eliired his pivernmeiil him [iroor thut ini peiisnuts in Knrelen nnd in olher di^' •V tricts hnve liecn ninhiliied. j,- 1 FL A SH E S FR O i ml EEAItNEY. Neb., (/P)-Whll6 acting te cover ft golf ball from a lako, Melvin 1 ii< and waa drowned lan Wednesday night, he ----------------- III IDAHO FALLS, Ida., (/p)-^ackeon I'!. deivons appears to have boen completely i n woman mayor, women on tho city coi Chautauqua has now invaded the Wyoml on ___________ _ rm OBEEN BAY, ‘WiB., (/p)-Oonvlcted forged chKk, Frtd A. Burko,. 22, of New to five years In tho Oreen Bay reformat 2 after he had passed bad checks toUllir omOAOO, yP)—Ambrose J. So». 11> diTOxe ftom his third wife, assattod-toda r with every generation." "My first wU aecond was Just medium and tho third I ‘'through with wlmmla” rl HJAHO'lhiLLS, Ida., (/P^-Boss K. .nt Ughtnlng wbon it struck a shovel he w itv paasod throdgb tbo length of his body. ' he Wednesday night neighbors formod a -po field whore be had boon Irrlgatlag. _ , . ATLANTIC cm r, N. J., yp)-The ample to meet tbe American demand' a I from dehnany, netcbw Bodge of Now I la^g o{-the Toy Manufacturers’ aasoi "■ ■ of style, he aald. as children-now ask ft else their ingenuity. _ /... ^ I ll” PITTSBURGH USES RADIO R ^ IN CRIMINALS’ PURSUIT - Newa of Deed and D«CTlptlon of Por- petratot to be ri&^ed Broadcast^ i||. Soon A fter OomalBsioD E, ■ PltT.‘<nUn(}lI,' IV-. Within 2D o miniitei nf'er n rrlnie is enmmitted hi 1'' riltdliurch hereafter, newi of the deed ip. nnd descriplions of jhe criinlnnU vrill Al he in llie hnnils of jmlli'e thrnuchoiit y. p Ihe Unifed Stntcs nnd Cnnndn, offlciaft 1,. Q of th» di’i'nrlment. nf public snfety an ^ nounred tni!,iy. The deimrtment hn/ ac- qnired e I'lnverf^,wireless trimsmiltinc nc ' set witn which iTetnils nf erimcs will p be Hnx^ed s5mii1lancousl\-*^'to "Die nu- .ti 'fj fhoritii's-of oiher cities in nlL pnrt* ->f #f the enunlrv. Officials hopo this method 1■ til rhei-K Ihe eseiipe of innnv erimlnals. \V ' - . If ' IDAHO WBATHEE . m TuulcUt and flattttJay fair ra- h pep? thumlenfonns in the hljjh tr ..^niomijnln^^ portion._______ ^ ISSOCIATED PRESS NE LLS TWIN FALLS, XDAHO. F£] iSHiSIi E K M iS illiPEBi Siluation Hinges.on Announce- ment Of Ireland’s Attitude Toward Government Propo- sals Given to De Valera i NATURE OF PEACE TERMS SECRET PENDING ANSWER ForccastcrB Say Premier Has Offered Each Soclion of Erin Dominioa Home Rttlo with Beservatlons LONDON, (/P)—The Irish sltoa- tion today entered Into a period of *«nxlou5 waiUng, pending- ^ . fuuncement of ^Irelanfl'B'attitude ' toward the gOTernaont -pTOposals handed Eamonn da Talera,' the 'Irlah repubUcan-leader, by Prime Minlstor Lloyd Ooorge yesterday. The Irish leader wiili-d from IIoly-_ heiiil fnr Dublin this afternoon nnd it' wo* underalood the nature of the pcaeo * terniii would not be published until be . had-*Hinferred with hi* collcapue* ond ri'jilied lo Mr. Moyd Oeorfe. Jl'wiis MinTted Ibe priine mini*tcr . will be able to make » cnmprcbendive - stiitenwHt KoiicntnuiK lUc (teacv te.nna . ill th(i.4iortBu of commons-nexi week, it • wnsnddcd . .......... It Is predicted in some quarten that publlcatlon'of the government. , ol propoaal will reveal' that • the , primo minister haa offered each sec- , I tion of Ireland dominion home mle, , with reservations to safeguard i 1 England’s naval and military posi- ! tion. , [ Koine pulltienl writers ttlciin hojH) • ' from the fiict thnt Mr. I)e Valero has i * returned to Dublin tu discuss tbe i ' terms with Ihe Sinn Keln eouncil, these i * writers claim Ihis show* he cunslder* . tbe offer of tho government worthy i ' of eoiisidorntlnn. , ] « These, propgsnls will be subm^ted t^i> i ii'ienflTers of tli’e Unll'Klh'nnu n*.well a* i other prominent Irish republicans, nnd^ Mr. libiyd Oenrge will hear from time , tn time how tl^e discussions nre pro- , eeeiliiiK, Ijiter,-Mr. De-Vnlurn will re. j turii lo Ixindnn for further eunveraa- f liouK nniJ BW Cisv S k, tbt ' j)rernier. mny reenter the nepitintlons nt tbis time. Truce to Continue-’ ! it U nulhoritfttlvely slated thni the' . iruee in Irelnnd will rontlnuu for nn [ inileflnUe period, Hius eonvSncing the j,. ■■ (Continued oa P « o Tonr) ^ OM T H ^“^ 'R t • 1 1.’ - . (ting ae a caddy and attempting to re- | in Lauof, 13, wadod beyond bU'deptb ight. ' :eon Hole, once,famed aa'a bandit ten- ' ^ y subdued. Following the election of ' r council and a female police foreo, a. ' foming vUJage. . ' .' :ted of buying a check p-rotector with a i New Orleans, La., was sentenced today >rmatory. Burke was arrested on July < ailUng more than $ 2C 0, | )». 01 yoars old, granud a decree of • i <oday that “women were getting worao i ; wife was pretty good," ho said, “my ird no good at all." He asserts ho is j - I a K Parker, a rancher.- was kJUcd by le was carrying over hia *houlder and | ly. Whoa Parker failed to'retum homo a -poiso and found hia body In ft whoit ^ •The supply of American mado toys 1* id' althou^ many are -being imported icjw Yorit said-yesterday at tho association. Tin •oldiors are going out sk for toys witb whliih'lhey con exer- Silk Cnscmcnt Cloth ^ RAILROAD DISPOSES OF I r COAL MINE PROPERTIES , Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Syitem Stockholders Authorize the' Sale of Fuel Deposits . "NKW YORK. -(flV-tfnle of thr io;il ,, I'ropertie* of the Delaware, Uieknwaii- ] na and Western railrond, lo the Olvn 1 .Mden Cc»al company wns nutlinilK'i'i y e s te r d n y ^ stockholders of thi- road. * The rnnoiTnt’’invoU-eiir’j j 's h l . v inllliitn dollnr* of. .the,^ompany's liond- nnd C notes benriiig 4 per cent. intereJi- ,1 Porninl approval of tbe ,t:iiiilalirJi- | I- .tion of W5,000,000 of the railmndV r surplus niso .wns ijiven. d The .4l)el:i.wnrp,, Ucltnimnnn nml '. Weste'T Coal companv, crsnniTed in IflOli, to handle tbo sale of conl, will not bo merged with the new comitiny. h 'wn* ninimmccd. Us exisUnB ron- trod win, the rallrund will be trntn l ferred t(. the Olen Alden company. EWSPAPERINTWINFA DAIL PMDAY, JULY 22, 1021 ' I f f l JO 111 0 Marching Orders, I '■ Britain’s Reply, Within Forty- ^ ITALY JOINS IN PROI ' GERMAN A C T lV m n ____ _ ^ PARTS, (/P)— Tho departaro divlBion in readino’ss on the Bhino forenoon to be a qnoBlion of fort The govornmoQt will await Qreat Britain yesterday, which i tomorrow. ^Immediately afterwai ders will h*e ^ven the division, \ ty rail throngh Oermany. BOME, f/p)-i-The Tribune today ' " aays an Italian bote to Germany ro-. garding the ITPper Silesian trouble declares the quwtlon should be sub- ' mltted to the allied supreme coun. ' ( ° clL The note adds, according to the Tribune, that concentration of German "troops in t^ie Upper SUo- alan regioiy 1* considered -danger- t FKANOE EEITERATBS. DEMAND J rOIt .TEOOPB EEINrOECBMBNT I'AKIH, (/Ph-The A.n^io-I-Vencli coo- trnversy whieh !ius nriwn over tbe de- mand by-Krance thut’ allied relnforce- nivnld tie wnt to Upper SUeslu, ts itUl . regarded by tbe French press in Ihe * liljht of n crisla. ' jj It is understood that I’reniicr Jirjand, ^ nfler n mcoting of his minister* tudny, 0 will rcilernto tu President .Millernnd * his (>ositlon, und.iu*iat uixin the neeen- ,^1 < ' slty of sendinj; nddillininl tronp* to the ,.| e territnry. Thl* Lloyd (ieorj'o opposes. " A communicatloa from Iho nlllcd hlRli y commission at. Ojipcln In which tlie nritisb hlRb coDimissioner roncurs, is >1 . 0 reported to nlreas Ihe need* of more d< * trooji'sr ' 'I H|M'ukin(; of the treaty of Versailles, " ® nml Iho plebiseito which it provide* " " shnll delennliie Ihe pUtu* of Bileala, tlio '• Petit- Pnriaien continue*: '■ ‘‘France doee not expect a ful- • flUmcnt of the treaty except by force.' France will only be content- . ed when she knows that Germany j, cannot resiiit, as she realizes that if e- Germany can absorb Poland and j* ' n other Danube staus, the borron of* e last cenlnrfea wlU beglnTwiln.” ' GERMAN DEOLAEES FBANOE ' WILL BE'TO BLAME FOR CLASH i) JlKKMN, (yp}-lVnm-e- will he ro- »' ^]«>n^^lllv‘ If 11 PftUsh insutreclion lirenks out in Upper Silesia, declarc* J Minister of Ihe Interior Oradnaucr in J' ll lilntenient published by the Tage- blntt today, - J ‘‘Only a speedy deeisioa retjardinj’ (Ipper Sllcsln eiiii avctl n greal i\i»an- ter.” tho ininiater s.-iy*; ' ’TJie.'sfluu- lion is critlnil. A I’olisli insurrection j enn only bre.tk oul if Kranee deiires It , . und brinfpi it about. " I t is linrd lo hriieve that I’nrU seriously ereditu Gerrauny vtUh iiieiwc- iiijf sebemes. In renlily, so fnr ;in Ihe tl symptomu eomiilninrd of In tbe French t\ notu nre cnriperned,.it in a matter of Ihe .s (lerrniin jiojiulation of I'pper Hilenia de- || ' slrinifjn be not'.-il|oi>eiher dofeilseless C in the event of further Polish ntlncks, j, "When a derision cnmei on Ibe Up- I- per Hllesinn quesiion the Reicbswehr will hnve to be on the s[Hit to replace A tbe retirinK allied trnops in order to it cope with nny Polish plnns for vio. e: lence." i \ ------- - . 1 HARDING TO SPEAK ° ON R A O N A N C E S s WASIIINdTO.V, 1), U.. (/Pf-A mess ^ IIRO from President Hardinj: to con- ^cM dealin); with (he question nf rail. ■ road finances prohnhly will be sent \ next Tiiesdnv U wns understood late t, , Inday. •(, S .The substance, of an agreement F to . fadlltato payment of the rail; n . rotdh' claims against tbe -govcm' n ment has boen.reached by the ad- mlniMraUon and. the .rallroada, i t ~ was officially stated- In reaching j 1 an understanding the railroads are understood to have acceded to tbe '• administration's request to nego- II Uate tlieir claims against the gov- cmmest without demanding com- , pensation for "inefficiency of la- bor' ' during the war. Considerable sums are-due Ihe toads, h ' it wns raid, nnd the understanding \ T.-.iehe'l Is j-iprcled tfi' expedite-Ihi' ti 1 - iLiymenl*. There is no new nrriuige- d V nn-nt nr modified enntmcts. il was .1 miid, Tlic nies-SttRe to lie sunt In.eon-' o ll iirvss on 'Tuesdny, it wiLi^fllovcd. a n would i.sk for lc(;i«lntiiiu bn’iadeilinK ll II the power* of the* war finanio corporn- h ', lion to enable Ihnt orKanlruitlon to It n- tlic fojidluf of tlin .tailronfls' I' I ilebt* tn tho fjovftnmcnt as dlatiict p from the t_jeasary. p ' .y '' ’ FALLS COUNTY LY Nl SIP m sra w Held Up Pending , May Be Given >f-Eight Hours JTEST AGAINST TY IN TROUBLE ZONE Ol iro for Upper Silesia of a French ine was said in offioial circles this ;orty-eight hours. lit a reply to the noto handed to ^ h is expected daring the day or tvard, it is forecast, marching or- ], which will proceed for Silesia pat dla , t _______ ---. Uoi f illEEiBI I UifflSGIiyill:; _____ .. 8 House bomndtteo Oallfl for J ' Basis of Understanding Bel- tiv • ativo to Immigration i>« : IVAblll.VaTOK, (;P)-Tl.e .ol.jB-l of , the understandinK witb Jnpau in 1008 lelutlv'.* to control nf Jnpnnere i‘ml(;ro- u„, lion to United Slates w\JI be Invostl- j|,p I ^ited l-y huu*o imml|,'rntion commit- I tee which today uduptcd a resolution ^ requestlnL' tbo stole department t'l fur- ij • nUh 51 with tbo diplomutlc concspnnil- jj - euce lending up tn thy ugreomenl. • ^ ^ i Aliegea Evasion of Pledje tas Action by the committeo eamii'uflrr ! .1. V. A. McMurniy, chief of thu itnte • dqiarlment division uf For Eusloin af- ' fnirs, hod Informed it that Jnpnti had 1 ] ._ never apjillud the reslriclions M '.he II i iiuilerslitnding; lu llawuii, nnd that the J .liipaiiese Kovurnnieut hod renuluicj tho number of laborer* ^'iten'passporti In Iluwaii through nn nrr.iUKeinen: with tlu- suRiiT pinnU'ts of the insnlnr terri- tory. This method, nccordlni; lo Me- p . .Murray, had been proposed voliinliirily by employers of Inbor in the ishinds und ni'quieii-eil in by .lajinn which fei'i'Keil its iiifurmal iidvlees of the la'jnr n.vd- ed throunh ils coniulnr officLilj. ^ Planter Denies Charges .Mr. .MeMurray’s:«tatcinenl w:i» em ■bul phntlciilly denied by Roynl D. Meud, of me ^ IhmuUilu, secretary of the pbinleNj-»>;, dn; . aoHuliu'n. Mead did not diaclo:i'', h.iiv. of , ev’’er, luidet what ttttaftKeinciit< lUl. v«i K Jnpuneso were sent In to meet aea»oi,al .' , Jalior feiiuireinent*. He » I «i NEW YORK HAS LOWEST "J : MOTOR FATALITY RATE i-| Health Oommlasioner. Cite* Comparative ' Figures in Beply to Editorial p,,. OriUdsm - eoi .NF-W VOUK, (fl>)-New York has f tbe lowest automobile fatality rato .per du I caplin of any Inr^-e efiy in the United in Htntes, acconlinu to figures made pub- ne lie todny hy Health Commissioner » (Copeland in nuswer lo n recent now*, piiper edilurinl deactibln« U m "TUe - (?ily (if Dreadful Streets". ;, r Tbe fij;ures for 11120, sliowed Lon > AnReles bad Ibe hli;best rate. 3D1 per 1 million nf pnj)ulallun. FiRiires for oth- . er cities were: ve PittsburBh :UJ; IJuffalo .131; Toledo Jersey City .114; Detroit 300; Co- •'* hmibiis, Ohio. 271; Chicajjo 208; New- T” nrk, N. .I,', 2fii!; Son Frnnelsco 202; Jlil- waukee 2.'!rt; Dejivcr 230; Providence 1218i I-nuis 210; Boston 202; Port- l‘‘‘ Inml. Ore., 17(1; Washington IfiO. and t Kew York. IM. I rei rORli.EDISON AND FIBESTONE ’‘J’ SEND HABDINO OmTATION ; WASHINGTON, (/ip)-President and 281 ' .Mrs. Harding ato cflnaidcrlog an invl- .tntinn to join a coinplnjf party com- ] posed of Horv'cy S. Mrcstone, Henry "Rl Ford and Thoma* A. Rliaon over this ihi week-end nt some unnonnunced place .tii not far from Wn*hIn(:ton. li\* Turlock Union. Deportation TURl-OCK. Cal., (iP)—The Turlock I. loral of the Internationnl Fruit and tc-I J Vei^'table Workers’ miinu announced , I' tnday it had-paised-rofoluthnis con. " • demnln^ Iho deportation Wednesday oJ s .ltipani'-«e field worker*. Tbe president en • of'the Turlock local, Jnmos Shea, »fi>* thi i. arrested ye*terd((y In connection i^iUi nn Z Ihe deportations. llinernnt whlto field worker* arc we 0 leavinit tho district, local peace au- foi ' Ihorilies said. It it thought thoy fear tin t prosoeulion for partlcipftlloo Id (ho de pa. porlntioni, we Ewi PBIOB FIVB O B S n U S S ff Diiiniis ieiD if!) Washington Officials Await De- cision of Advisory Council on Participation in the Washing- ton Conclave TOKIO ADVICES INDICATE POSSIBLE RESERVATIONS Opposition Porty Considora the ' Sonijing ot PriTOto Mission lo Watoli Events on Behall of Organization / ' WAsnmoTON, d; c.. (fl-0(fi. cials hero wero awaiting todoy tho do cision of tho ndvI*oiy council of Japan mcoting nt Tokio, rflgarding Jopane*fl partlcipiition In tho ronfercace* on dliannninent nnd Par Fjutom ques- tions. The Amerienn government haa been informed thot tho eouncil Is In session nnd Is understood to bovo beon filvon renson In beliovo that an agree- ment niuy bc reached to join in tho ftt\l div«ss5on, both limitation of arm- omcnt ».nd IVlfic. problem*,'although possibly with resurvotioai. PEEBS CONTEND AGAINST SUBMITTINO AOQUIBED BIGHTS TOKIO, evening newspa- pers Thursdny rei>nrted contlaued oe- tivity on the part of certain of the peers-ill eonncction with the di*ormo-' ment nnd Fnr Kaalorn eonference*. The nowipapcri describe their ottitudo as that uf bellovlnK. Japan'* atqubed right* in Chino, in Biborh aod the South Seas chould not bo locludod in tbo af;'endn of the eonfereoce, and aUo that Japan's In tho Pacific ■houtd bc clearly defined. Tho ^ensai Kai, or opposition party. Il considering Ihu question of sending a private mhuiion to Washington slmul- taaeoutly with thn official dclegatiou to tAitoh oY«nl*;at .tbo .nonferonco .pn behalf, of tho paity. woFHiliEr FIMBilllNe Engineering Oonnoil’s Commit- tee OallB Unemployment tbe - Ontstanding Fact NHW YOBK, (/P>-nalf o billion del. . lars n year In wages j* being lost in tb e . buihliiii; Industry through uncmploy-*' ment, dwlnred a report made publifc'to- dni/ by-the comrai|tec on elimination of wnsto in In'ilnstry, of the American viirlnvetiiig touncil. The committeo, appoiqted by Herbert Hoover, whon he was president of -the- council, assorted lack of work wns tho outst:inding ftictt in this industry, whose critical condition is attributed .. lirlmifrlli^ "to-high costs.' The report said that waste was eani- Inj; luigu loases in building which, In- eludiu^ nil trades and common labor,- ranked socond - among industries and conlributod more than |3/)0O,OQO,OOa yearly lo tho wealth of the nation. The chief sources of waste i a tfie in- dustry were, according tn thc"'re]>brt, , irrejfiilnr employment, incfficlenHman-, oecment and wasteful lobor regulotlons.. MBS. BUBEETT STICKS TO CLAIM OF BOOSBVBLT DEBT ■' CHICAGO, yP)—A letter from Ifrt. Kmnia R. Burkett, inilsdnic, Ind., tbb 'woman who claimed Theodore Boose* veil had refused tn pay\a 100,000 ob- llfjallou to ber, ba* Iwen received Wy the deleclive bureau iti' w.hielr sho re- quesis the nddress of three Chicago handwrillnj' experts, wbo, *hc nsaerts. ' will identify Ihc signature of the,pa- per she holds a* that of the lato pres- ident. Tho letter iii' from tho Tombs in- NVw York, whcrt Mrs- DurVott was reinovc.d- following complaint of oxecu* tors of tho RoosiU-on estate thnt her ernim itos fraudulent. 280.025 PEBSONS OUT OF WOBE .IN PENNSYLVANIA. rCXTTES iiAiiRrsnuita, I’a., (jp^ a loui of 2‘i(l,02.' persons wero out of werk In Ihe principal cities of Pennsylvania on •luly n . according lo figures eompileil by the state bureau of employment,,. Denounces n of Japanese Tlie Turlock "Chamber of CdlhblfTfo telegrnphed United States ^nator Johnson'lhat thn deportations' .were enused. by labor troubles betwrjen Ula- ernnt whllo and .Tapanete workers and that Turlock cltixen* woro not involved and condemned the act Authorities 'revealed the Japanese i were'working In tho cantaloupe, fields | for 1(5 to 22 eeote a crati) la spite of i tho tw t tho growers-we^o willlnff to pay white workers 24 cen^^:, The waUe worken demand S5 cent*. '

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'<TWVOIk 4. KO. 80 . '

illL W G IL [iimoopsTO

. JESpilEST.ffinois Governor, Indicted on " a n Em bezzlem ent Charge,

W e a t e n s M artial Move A gainst W arran t S ervers


S a b m ia a io n W oTild V lo la to Ooq-

' « t i t a t l o a ^ j ^ B e tr a y Fooplo,

W ' l . " A U o r n o ^ l o r Acoofled S ta to

' V E ieca tlT O A dv iso B !m

S P S IN S F Z ^ , m Ad' ftreulng nampsper. Bun'^gntbered 'IB He oonitnoa UM ttds afl«r- '

• I'uoon, Jud£o Mld^ ,*>,■; " I nujr u W l t t f l ’io tt t in t ’’

tJier* A lng la. thli ciM Ui'«bii± 7m WlU ippou

■ \ { to l»;lntm frt*d nntll Tuaslay

6PRIN'0FrciiI>, ni.. (/PH-Wli.flJicr or not Oovornor Lon/Small, imlldc.l tiv tl Sangamon county {jrnnii jury for tbo pmbrzslcmcnt of intcrpfit on atnti.-

' funJfi irliilc atato trcoauiur, is Immune from irront Ia to lie decided l)V J iiJ rc E. 8. Smith j)f tho circuit court todny.

Oovurnor Small't attonmyn advlaod .him tn rcslat arreat on the crounda (lilt ho would violate the countltution nnd butroy tiiu pcoplo by ftubmiltinf'.

Alt«rsatl7e Posaibiljtlos. l,oIf tho court defidca the Rovernor in I'fJ

immune the arrant* for hin nrrcst would rei proba% ba witlihcld until the espirn- do tion of hi* terra, tlirce and n lialf ycarf np hence. , m,

If the decision is ndverie the nhcrl/f . will be in*tructcd to servo tlio wflrrnnts

immedlntcly. ‘ In tho Intter ovont tliu {’' sjtwntii'M i* fraught with jioMiljlfilici. }** MiiRin^ from pcA'‘c ^ Ic snrrondor by tbo K’vernor to the colling out of »tafe troopf lo forcibly rc*ist proacnUtlon P’’

r -'iif Ijre'VfthaaiS------ ”. Ouvnrnor SmnlT* attorney* conlonil , * that he, In bowihc to tbe '.judicial brnnch of the government would vio- lato a BCttioh of tho conatltution whlcli j. cstftbllahes judicial, eiecutive nnd le v «Ulatlv<5 Utimche* of tUO' ulttU* «ovcru- ment lonil forbid* the u*urpntion br one branch of tho i>ower* of another.

FollDwIag advice of his coimMl , Oovortor SmoU later Isjuod a BtoWmcnt l i wWch ho virtually d#:_ “ ciaroil tha t ho would resist ■ any , " ‘ attomjrt tp- oiroBtl him, and pointed

. out that tho goTonio# ha* the pow- j’' cr to call ont sUto troop# to hoU off sheriff’s dopntlea a t the point — of tUo bayonet —Lieutcn^jit Qovernor StorlinK, alnu

indictcil, nrrlvntl at court tlii* mnrolnR U> jfive jiond..

’ 'duardainon In Unlfora.'The preaencc a( aovrrol .‘ufltionQl

Kuard offjccr* In uniform in the.ntftto ■Iwine wa* oonHliUffi'd ilgnificnnt ii. some quarter* todny in view of th<' opinion of tho Rovcrnnr’* counitel thiil ho ha*'U in hii power to muster troop', to protocl lum from nrrcst tf auch n miivi’ Is ordered Iiy the noiirt.

.Adjutant Oeneml Frnnk 8. Dickson npi>c^i i3 a t tbo ntnti' htiHso in unWorni

,thw raornJng. .


WASIIINOTON*. D. C., (/P) - The Sheppard hill providlnjf. for ci>'Ol>er:i tion between the federal Rovernment nnd Mates in. "protection of mnternity nnd Infancy", wn* pnaicd today by the

-senate nnd sent tn the house.

S . ----- -- - .

1 Today’s Games ]

National Loofuo. -----rirs t (Juno (10 Inninpi): H. II. E.

I'lttsburgh ...».......... 1 !i I eUnnlnn ................... .. ............... 2 « 0

Jlnttrtricf: Tra>nUton>ftnd Schmidt; P McQuillan nnd O’N’ell. , , • '

Second ffamo: R. H, K.'1‘lttsburRh ............. - .............. • ' (Hnston ....................................... 3 • * N

■ ■ {Knd I2th) * . . lUtterics: Olnr.ner nnd Schmidt; Kll-

lijiifim and flowdv. . ', Score: B. II. E,Si. Lnuw ..............................- .'5 7 ‘J ninmokljn ... 0 12 .. I'l

natterlcs; Pectlcti nml Dilhocfert ('.idi>rp,'Ucuther and Kriiejjrr.

Score: ' II. H. E.Cinpinnnti .................................11 l-'> 0 _ ,

V Kew Vork ............. Ss S m----- 2.10 4 "I).-)lterieii: Luque nml HarRrave;

L)iiu);r;i« and Smith,■ Score: . - R. II, K.

i | Chicnco .................................... fl 12 0 ,- • I'hiladelphia ..........................I... 1 ft

’• Ihtteriei': Ponder ond Dal.v; flcilij “ wick and rethr*.

American League.



COURT W W L o llA V E Im a t r im o n y t a u g h t


matrimony should be a part of ■ tho curriculum in every Chicago

high iBhool, ’Jndi* H any A.Lewis, of tho soperior court, told Edwin & Savla, president of the board of edqc&tlon, In ou open letter today. .

jn '."n * number of cum* Vhtfft- § In children have contracted mar-

6; jrlago wlthoat ever having been JP informed of- tho jDAsnltode of

tbelr obUsatlons appear so ofton 'that I want to see some way of overcoming this dan«er In the comlsff generation," Jndge Lew- u wrote. In ft t«n months'M court. Judge Lewis has heard

I I moi« than SOOO divorce cases.InstTurtlon In the science of

matrimony conhl take tho placo p of sodal affair# now on achool

0 programs, he said.• "W e cannot correct th e dam-

to ago a lN ady d o n e / ' tb e Jililge wrote^ ‘'h o t « v can a ta r t aow to educate th e cU ldren so «5 to pro­t e c t th e a e o t g tm tn tlo n trom the defects la onr social Ufe of to- d a y ."

i l i l i l r. l l iF F B ia .cd -------- li„" WASHINGTON. (/F) — When ' f|'j

tho tariff bill reached the senato '‘c today, Senator Ashuist, democrat -

of ArisoM, fcave noUce tha t h» wonld take the earliest opportunity *“ to attack the house action in plac- wn Ing cotton on the free list

WA«11IN'«T0N, (;p>-Pw«o.l by Ihl! I l.oi/ie l.y a vote 'of 2H0 to 127, the i

is I'ordne^ tariff hill wns ex|ieclml lo Ul reach tbe sei<.He fiunnce eonimlltee t»- n- day, where it will he Hulijected tn r; npflii henrlni;* find an indefinite stay Ii:

rnmmlltce. Although Clinirmnn Pen- f t rose '*tftted Ihc hearinc* proLahly would .j,, it, Vie linef, mnny leadinc reiiublknn^ l,u liredicte.-l todny lhai revenue revision , ; •s, IcRislnlion^ henrinpi on whioh will be

bcRiin-'l-y Hid hutiae wuys and mifin* tp eoDimillee Tuenlay, tvnuld retich Ihu 1 Bn president nheod nf the tariff Iiill,

Seven repuliUcnn* voted.aeaiiut.the --- , Fordnev bill nn its ndnijion bv the

hnuse u'Merd.'iy, while Ihe snme'num- " | tier (if .Icmorrnt* su]tpor!eil it, J*'

t Finn!Refutes Russian lu! Z Mobilization Denisl

STOCKHoIVm. (/pi—WIlih- the Iluh- sinn legnlinn hi IfelsinRforr dlsivutth a reported genernl mobilir.itinii jA Rus-

“ sla, 11 Plnnish offieinl here today de. [n eliired his pivernmeiil him [iroor thut ini peiisnuts in Knrelen nnd in olher di '

•V tricts hnve liecn ninhiliied. j,-

1 F L A S H E S F R O iml EEAItNEY. Neb., (/P)-Whll6 actingte cover ft golf ball from a lako, Melvin 1ii< and waa drowned lan Wednesday night,he -----------------III IDAHO FALLS, Ida., (/p)-^ackeon I'!. deivons appears to have boen completely i n woman mayor, women on tho city coi

Chautauqua has now invaded the Wyomlon ___________ _rm OBEEN BAY, ‘WiB., (/p)-Oonvlcted

forged chKk, Frtd A. Burko,. 22, of New to five years In tho Oreen Bay reformat2 after he had passed bad checks toUllir

omOAOO, yP)—Ambrose J. So».11> diTOxe ftom his third wife, assattod-toda r with every generation." "My first wU

aecond was Just medium and tho third I‘ 'through with wlmmla”

r l HJAHO'lhiLLS, Ida., (/P^-Boss K. .nt Ughtnlng wbon i t struck a shovel he w itv paasod throdgb tbo length of his body. ' he Wednesday night neighbors formod a -po

field whore be had boon Irrlgatlag. _

, . ATLANTIC c m r , N. J., yp)-The ample to meet tbe American demand' a

I from dehnany, n e tcb w Bodge of Now I l a ^ g o{-the Toy Manufacturers’ aasoi

"■ ■ of style, he aald. as children-now ask ft else their ingenuity. _ /... ^



- Newa of Deed and D«CTlptlon of Por- petratot to be ri&^ed Broadcast^

i||. Soon After OomalBsioD

E, ■ P l tT .‘<nUn(}lI,' IV-. W ithin 2D o m iniitei n f 'e r n rrlnie is enmmitted hi 1''

r iltd liu rch hereafter, newi of the deed ip. nnd descriplions of jhe criinlnnU vrill Al

he in llie hnnils o f jmlli'e thrnuchoiit y. p Ihe Unifed Stntcs nnd Cnnndn, o fflciaft 1,. Q of th» di’i'nrlment. n f public snfety an nounred tni!,iy. The deimrtment hn/ ac-

qnired e I 'lnverf^ ,w ireless trim sm iltinc nc ' set witn which iTetnils n f erimcs will

p be Hnx^ed s5mii1lancousl\-*^'to "Die nu- .ti 'fj fho ritii's-o f o iher c ities in nlL pnrt* ->f #f

the enunlrv. O fficials hopo this method1 ■ til rhei-K Ihe eseiipe of innnv erimlnals. \V

' - . If' IDAHO W BA THEE . m

TuulcUt and flattttJay fair ra- h pep? thumlenfonns in the hljjh tr

..^niom ijnln^^ portion._______ ^



i S H i S I iE K M i Si l l i P E B i

Siluation Hinges.on Announce­ment Of Ireland’s A ttitude Toward Government Propo­sals Given to De V alera i


F o rccas tc rB S a y P re m ie r H a s

O ffe red E ach S o c lio n o f E r in

D o m in ioa H om e Rttlo w ith

B ese rv a tlo n s

LONDON, (/P)—The Irish sltoa- tion today entered Into a period of

*«nxlou5 waiUng, pending- ^. fuuncement of ^Irelanfl'B'attitude

' toward the gOTernaont -pTOposals handed Eamonn da Talera,' the

'Irlah repubUcan-leader, by Prime Minlstor Lloyd Ooorge yesterday.The Irish leader wiili-d from IIoly-_

heiiil fnr Dublin this afternoon nnd it' wo* underalood the nature of the pcaeo

* terniii would not be published until be . had-*Hinferred with hi* collcapue* ond

ri'jilied lo Mr. Moyd Oeorfe.Jl'w iis MinTted Ibe priine mini*tcr

. will be able to make » cnmprcbendive - stiitenwHt KoiicntnuiK lUc (teacv te.nna . ill th(i.4iortBu of commons-nexi week, it •w n s n d d c d . ..........

I t Is predicted in some quarten that publlcatlon'of the government. ,ol propoaal will reveal' that • the ,primo minister haa offered each sec- ,

I tion of Ireland dominion home mle, ,with reservations to safeguard i

1 England’s naval and military posi-! tion. ,[ Koine pulltienl writers ttlciin hojH) •' from the fiict thnt Mr. I)e Valero has i* returned to Dublin tu discuss tbe i ' terms with Ihe Sinn Keln eouncil, these i* writers claim Ihis show* he cunslder* .

tbe offer of tho government worthy i' of eoiisidorntlnn. , ]« These, propgsnls will be subm^ted t i> i ■ ii'ienflTers of tli’e Unll'Klh'nnu n*.well a* i

other prominent Irish republicans, nnd Mr. libiyd Oenrge will hear from time , tn time how tl e discussions nre pro- , eeeiliiiK, Ijiter,-Mr. De-Vnlurn will re. j turii lo Ixindnn for further eunveraa-

f liouK nniJ BW CisvSk, tb t' j)rernier. mny reenter the nepitintlons

nt tbis time.Truce to Continue-’

! it U nulhoritfttlvely slated thni the'. iruee in Irelnnd will rontlnuu for nn [ inileflnUe period, Hius eonvSncing the

j,. ■■ (Continued oa P « o Tonr) ^

OM T H ^ “ ' R t• 1 1.’ - .

(ting ae a caddy and attempting to re- | in Lauof, 13, wadod beyond bU'deptb ight. '

:eon Hole, once,famed aa'a bandit ten- ' ^ y subdued. Following the election of ' r council and a female police foreo, a. 'foming vUJage. . ' .'

:ted of buying a check p-rotector with a i New Orleans, La., was sentenced today>rmatory. Burke was arrested on July <ailUng more than $2C0 , |

)» . 01 yoars old, granud a decree of • i<oday tha t “ women were getting worao i ; wife was pretty good," ho said, “ myird no good a t all." He asserts ho is j

- • Ia K Parker, a rancher.- was kJUcd by le was carrying over hia *houlder and | ly. Whoa Parker failed to 'retum homo a -poiso and found hia body In ft whoit ^

•The supply of American mado toys 1* id ' a lthou^ many are -being imported icjw Yorit said-yesterday a t tho association. Tin •oldiors are going out sk for toys witb whliih'lhey con exer-

Silk Cnscmcnt Cloth ^


r COAL M INE PR O PERTIES, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western

Syitem Stockholders Authorize th e ' Sale of Fuel Deposits .

„ "NKW YORK. -(flV-tfnle of thr io;il ,, I'ropertie* of the Delaware, Uieknwaii- ] na and Western railrond, lo the Olvn 1 .Mden Cc»al company wns nutlinilK'i'i

y e s te rd n y ^ stockholders of thi- road.* The rnnoiTnt’’invoU-eiir’j j 's h l .v inllliitn

dollnr* of. .the,^ompany's liond- nndC notes benriiig 4 per cent. intereJi- ,1 Porninl approval of tbe ,t:iiiilalirJi- | I- .tion of W5,000,000 of the railmndV r surplus niso .wns ijiven.d The .4l)el:i.wnrp,, Ucltnimnnn nml '. Weste'T Coal companv, crsnniTed in

IflOli, to handle tbo sale of conl, will not bo merged with the new comitiny. h 'wn* ninimmccd. Us exisUnB ron- trod win, the rallrund will be trntn l ferred t(. the Olen Alden company.


DAILPMDAY, JULY 22, 1021 '

I f f lJO 111

0 Marching Orders, I '■ Britain’s Reply,

Within Forty-

^ ITA LY JOINS IN PROI ' GERMAN A C T lV mn ____ _^ PARTS, (/P)— Tho d e p a r ta ro

d ivlB ion in read in o ’ss on th e B hino fo re n o o n to b e a qnoBlion of fo r t

T he govornm oQ t w ill a w a it Q re a t B r i ta in y e s te rd a y , w h ich i to m o rro w . ^ Im m ed iately a f te rw a i d e r s w ill h*e ^ v e n th e d iv ision , \ t y r a i l th ro n g h O erm any .

BOME, f/p)-i-The Tribune today ' " aays an Italian bote to Germany ro -. garding the ITPper Silesian trouble declares the quwtlon should be sub-

' mltted to the allied supreme coun. ' ( ° clL The note adds, according to

the Tribune, that concentration of “ German "troops in t ie Upper SUo-

alan regioiy 1* considered -danger-


I'AKIH, (/Ph-The A.n io-I-Vencli coo- trnversy whieh !ius nriwn over tbe de­mand by-Krance thut’ allied relnforce- nivnld tie wnt to Upper SUeslu, ts itUl . regarded by tbe French press in Ihe * liljht of n crisla. ' jj

It is understood that I’reniicr Jirjand, ^ nfler n mcoting of his minister* tudny,

0 will rcilernto tu President .Millernnd* his (>ositlon, und.iu*iat uixin the neeen- , 1 <' slty of sendinj; nddillininl tronp* to the ,.| e territnry. Thl* Lloyd (ieorj'o opposes." A communicatloa from Iho nlllcd hlRli y commission at. Ojipcln In which tlie

nritisb hlRb coDimissioner roncurs, is >1.0 reported to nlreas Ihe need* of more d<* trooji'sr ''I H|M'ukin(; of the treaty of Versailles, " ® nml Iho plebiseito which it provide* " " shnll delennliie Ihe pUtu* of Bileala, tlio '• Petit- Pnriaien continue*:'■ ‘‘France doee not expect a ful-

• flUmcnt of the treaty except by force.' France will only be content- . ed when she knows that Germany j, cannot resiiit, as she realizes that if

e- Germany can absorb Poland and j*' n other Danube staus, the borron of* e last cenlnrfea wlU beglnTwiln.” '


JlKKMN, (yp}-lVnm-e- will he ro- »' ]«>n lllv‘ If 11 PftUsh insutreclion

lirenks out in Upper Silesia, declarc* J Minister of Ihe Interior Oradnaucr in J' ll lilntenient published by the Tage- blntt today, - J

‘‘Only a speedy deeisioa retjardinj’ (Ipper Sllcsln eiiii avctl n greal i\i»an- ter.” tho ininiater s.-iy*; ' ’TJie.'sfluu- lion is critlnil. A I’olisli insurrection j enn only bre.tk oul if Kranee deiires It ,

. und brinfpi it about." I t is linrd lo hriieve that I’nrU

seriously ereditu Gerrauny vtUh iiieiwc- iiijf sebemes. In renlily, so fnr ;in Ihe tl symptomu eomiilninrd of In tbe French t\ notu nre cnriperned,.it in a matter of Ihe .s (lerrniin jiojiulation of I'pper Hilenia de- ||

' slrinifjn be not'.-il|oi>eiher dofeilseless C in the event of further Polish ntlncks, j,

"W hen a derision cnmei on Ibe Up- I- per Hllesinn quesiion the Reicbswehr will hnve to be on the s[Hit to replace A tbe retirinK allied trnops in order to it cope with nny Polish plnns for vio. e: lence." i

\ ------- - .1


WASIIINdTO.V, 1), U.. (/Pf-A mess ^ IIRO from President Hardinj: to con- ^cM dealin); with (he question nf rail.

■ road finances prohnhly will be sent \ next Tiiesdnv U wns understood late t,

, Inday. •(,S .The substance, of an agreement F

t o . fadlltato payment of the rail; n . rotdh' claims against tbe -govcm' n

ment has boen.reached by the ad- mlniMraUon and. the .rallroada, i t ~ was officially stated- In reaching j

1 an understanding the railroads are understood to have acceded to tbe

'• administration's request to nego- II Uate tlieir claims against the gov-

cmmest without demanding com- , pensation for "inefficiency of la­

bor' ' during the war.Considerable sums are-due Ihe toads, h

■' it wns raid, nnd the understanding \T.-.iehe'l Is j-iprcled tfi' expedite-Ihi' ti

1- iLiymenl*. There is no new nrriuige- dV nn-nt nr modified enntmcts. il was .1

miid, Tlic nies-SttRe to lie sunt In.eon-' oll iirvss on 'Tuesdny, it wiLi^fllovcd. an would i.sk for lc(;i«lntiiiu bn’iadeilinK ll II the power* of the* war finanio corporn-h', lion to enable Ihnt orKanlruitlon to Itn- tlic fojidluf of tlin .tailronfls' I'I ilebt* tn tho fjovftnmcnt as dlatiict p

from the t_jeasary. p

' . y ' ' ’ FALLS COUNTY

LY NlSIPm sra


Held Up Pending , May Be Given >f-Eight Hours


iro fo r U p p e r S ile s ia o f a F re n c h ine w a s s a id in o ff io ia l c irc le s th is ;o rty -e ig h t h o u rs .lit a re p ly to th e n o to h a n d e d to h is e x p e c te d d a r in g th e d a y o r tvard, i t is f o re c a s t , m a rc h in g o r- ], w h ich w ill p ro c e e d f o r S ile s ia pat

dla, ■ t _______ - - - . Uoi

f illEEiBI IUifflSGIiyill:;

_____ .. 8

H ouse b o m n d tte o Oallfl fo r J ' B a s is o f U n d e rs ta n d in g B e l- tiv

• a tiv o to Im m ig ra tio n i>«

: IVAblll.VaTOK, (;P)-Tl.e .ol.jB-l of , the understandinK witb Jnpau in 1008

lelutlv'.* to control nf Jnpnnere i‘ml(;ro- u„, lion to United Slates w\JI be Invostl- j|,p

I ^ited l-y huu*o imml|,'rntion commit- I tee which today uduptcd a resolution requestlnL' tbo stole department t'l fur- ij• nUh 51 with tbo diplomutlc concspnnil- jj- euce lending up tn thy ugreomenl. • ^ i Aliegea Evasion of Pledje tas ’ Action by the committeo eamii'uflrr! .1. V. A. McMurniy, chief of thu itnte• dqiarlment division uf For Eusloin af-' fnirs, hod Informed it that Jnpnti had 1 ] ._ never apjillud the reslriclions M '.he I I i iiuilerslitnding; lu llawuii, nnd that the J .liipaiiese Kovurnnieut hod renuluicj tho

number of laborer* ^'iten'passporti In Iluwaii through nn nrr.iUKeinen: with tlu- suRiiT pinnU'ts of the insnlnr terri­tory. This method, nccordlni; lo Me- p . .Murray, had been proposed voliinliirily by employers of Inbor in the ishinds und ni'quieii-eil in by .lajinn which fei'i'Keil its iiifurmal iidvlees of the la'jnr n.vd- ed throunh ils coniulnr officLilj. ^

Planter Denies Charges .Mr. .MeMurray’s:«tatcinenl w:i» em ■ bul

phntlciilly denied by Roynl D. Meud, of me IhmuUilu, secretary of the pbinleNj-»>;, dn;

. aoHuliu'n. Mead did not diaclo:i'', h.iiv. of , ev’’er, luidet what ttttaftKeinciit< lUl. v«i K Jnpuneso were sent In to meet aea»oi,al .' , Jalior feiiuireinent*. He

» I « i

NEW YORK HAS L O W E ST "J ■: MOTOR FA TA LITY R A TE i-|’ Health Oommlasioner. Cite* Comparative ' ■ Figures in Beply to Editorial p,,.

OriUdsm - eoi

.NF-W VOUK, (fl>)-New York has f tbe lowest automobile fatality rato .per du I caplin of any Inr -e efiy in the United in

Htntes, acconlinu to figures made pub- ne• lie todny hy Health Commissioner » (Copeland in nuswer lo n recent now*,■ piiper edilurinl deactibln« U m "TUe- (?ily (if Dreadful Streets". ;, r Tbe fij;ures for 11120, sliowed Lon> AnReles bad Ibe hli;best rate. 3D1 per 1 million nf pnj)ulallun. FiRiires for oth- . er cities were: ve

PittsburBh :UJ; IJuffalo .131; Toledo Jersey City .114; Detroit 300; Co- •'*

hmibiis, Ohio. 271; Chicajjo 208; New- T” nrk, N. .I,', 2fii!; Son Frnnelsco 202; Jlil- waukee 2.'!rt; Dejivcr 230; Providence 1218i I-nuis 210; Boston 202; Port- l‘‘‘ Inml. Ore., 17(1; Washington IfiO. and

t Kew York. IM.I rei


; WASHINGTON, (/ip)-President and 281 ' .Mrs. Harding ato cflnaidcrlog an invl-

.tntinn to join a coinplnjf party com- ] posed of Horv'cy S. Mrcstone, Henry "Rl Ford and Thoma* A. Rliaon over this ihi week-end nt some unnonnunced place .tii not far from Wn*hIn(:ton. li\*

Turlock Union. Deportation

TURl-OCK. Cal., (iP)—The Turlock ‘ I. loral of the Internationnl Fruit and tc-I J Vei^'table Workers’ miinu announced ,I' tnday it had-paised-rofoluthnis con. "• demnln^ Iho deportation Wednesday oJs .ltipani'-«e field worker*. Tbe president en• of'the Turlock local, Jnmos Shea, »fi>* thi

i . arrested ye*terd((y In connection i iUi nn Z Ihe deportations.

llinernnt whlto field worker* arc we0 leavinit tho district, local peace au- foi■' Ihorilies said. It it thought thoy fear tint prosoeulion for partlcipftlloo Id (ho de pa.

porlntioni, we


U S S f fD i i i n i i si e i D i f ! )

W ashington Officials Aw ait De­cision of Advisory Council on P artic ip ation in the W ashing­ton Conclave


O p p o s itio n P o r ty C onsido ra th e

' S o n ijin g ot P riTO to M issio n lo

W a to li E v e n ts o n B e h a ll o f

O rg a n iz a tio n / '

W AsnmoTON, d; c.. ( f l - 0 ( f i . cials hero wero awaiting todoy tho do cision of tho ndvI*oiy council of Japan mcoting nt Tokio, rflgarding Jopane*fl partlcipiition In tho ronfercace* on dliannninent nnd Par Fjutom ques­tions. The Amerienn government haa been informed thot tho eouncil Is In session nnd Is understood to bovo beon filvon renson In beliovo that an agree­ment niuy bc reached to join in tho ftt\l div«ss5on, both limitation of arm- omcnt ».nd IV lfic. problem*,'although possibly with resurvotioai.


pers Thursdny rei>nrted contlaued oe- tivity on the part of certain of the peers-ill eonncction with the di*ormo-' ment nnd Fnr Kaalorn eonference*. The nowipapcri describe their ottitudo as that uf bellovlnK. Japan'* atqubed right* in Chino, in Biborh aod the South Seas chould not bo locludod in tbo af;'endn of the eonfereoce, and aUo that Japan's In tho Pacific■houtd bc clearly defined.

Tho ^ensai Kai, or opposition party.Il considering Ihu question of sending a private mhuiion to Washington slmul- taaeoutly with thn official dclegatiou to tAitoh oY«nl*;at .tbo .nonferonco .pn behalf, of tho paity.

w oFH iliE rFIMBilllNe

E n g in e e r in g O onnoil’s C om m it- te e O allB U n em p lo y m en t tb e

- O n ts ta n d in g F a c t

NHW YOBK, (/P>-nalf o billion del. . lars n year In wages j* being lost in tb e . buihliiii; Industry through uncmploy-*' ment, dwlnred a report made publifc'to- dni/ by-the comrai|tec on elimination of wnsto in In'ilnstry, of the American viirlnvetiiig touncil.

The committeo, appoiqted by Herbert Hoover, whon he was president of -the- council, assorted lack of work wns tho outst:inding ftictt in this industry, whose critical condition is attributed .. lirlmifrlli " to-high costs.'

The report said that waste was eani- Inj; luigu loases in building which, In- eludiu^ nil trades and common labor,- ranked socond - among industries and conlributod more than |3/)0O,OQO,OOa yearly lo tho wealth of the nation.

The chief sources of waste i a tfie in­dustry were, according tn thc"'re]>brt,

, irrejfiilnr employment, incfficlenHman-, oecment and wasteful lobor regulotlons..


■' CHICAGO, yP)—A letter from Ifrt. Kmnia R. Burkett, inilsdnic, Ind., tbb

'woman who claimed Theodore Boose* veil had refused tn pay\a 100,000 ob- llfjallou to ber, ba* Iwen received Wy the deleclive bureau iti' w.hielr sho re- quesis the nddress of three Chicago handwrillnj' experts, wbo, *hc nsaerts. ' will identify Ihc signature of the ,pa­per she holds a* that of the lato pres­ident. Tho letter iii' from tho Tombs in- NVw York, whcrt Mrs- DurVott was reinovc.d- following complaint of oxecu* tors of tho RoosiU-on estate thnt her ernim itos fraudulent.


iiA iiR rsnu ita , I’a., (jp^ a lo u i of 2‘i(l,02.' persons wero out of werk In Ihe principal cities of Pennsylvania on •luly n . according lo figures eompileil by the state bureau of employment,,.

Denounces n of Japanese

Tlie Turlock "Chamber of CdlhblfTfo telegrnphed United States ^ n a to r Johnson'lhat thn deportations' .were enused. by labor troubles betwrjen Ula- ernnt whllo and .Tapanete workers and that Turlock cltixen* woro not involved and condemned the a c t

Authorities 'revealed the Japanese i were'working In tho cantaloupe, fields | for 1(5 to 22 eeote a crati) la spite of i tho tw t tho growers-we^o willlnff to pay white workers 24 cen^^:, The waUe worken demand S5 cent*. '


: w m m pil i E i f i «T £

l i f f i ’i n i— — . iirlraar

F ederal Reserve Bank Officer T rains Guns on Policy o f i . i n n Carrying M odem Business M ettiods to Extrem es

-------- . . Ijoak*UINKEAP0LI8, Mlnn., y p ) - 8 upcr. any t

Byatom, titJcs thnt came Afort'tiirfl ra(o ol ofid avcrilono irlatlstles were RCDtly annum castluatcd hero today by D. C. Will*, nutomj chairman of tho board ol U o Fedoral jorvo Jim rvo bonk of Cleveland, 0., ia a pogicri praetleaJ. btuineM talk to future bonk |iicvll.(i ozocudvrs. The occasion wos the snn- conditi ual convention of the Ameriean Injtt- ,„i(.ht luto of IfaiikinR. pliiof

'"Uoioi; throuKh tJio motions of doing isvacrv business without really. KottlnR down yontioi to busincM” WM tho themo'tho Clevc Like land lionker expounded. Ue summed it dmcnd up in llio.titlo ef Us addrca*, “ Know- ^ edgo V*. WlsJom," and hore nre. some ,),o p,

.o f tho bits of business wiidom lie gave • tho young bonkers: iilatlnr

“ FoU credJt must bo g l m to blllUeii orsoolsatloii macJiliiBiy, slnw aiivonc 'order ,1# H e a rn 's first law.’ strirtlc W lut 7 > vut to set across Is a kick ronditl

tbe pyramldlns of STStoni inant \ tb* t finally lead* to bursaucracy.' of dem I do not thipit It Is the duty of credit, the publio to conduct a contisuoas borron audit of a coacem with wUch i t . commo tndos. would“ PrequcnJly In A bnnk organixotlon wlJlnR

the qucition of titles rccclvea moro coniiJeration than it dOBcrvos, princl- amcndi pally bcquuse supcr-system hoe crcateJ feJera so manv wheels within wheels nnd so of fint many cogs in tlio wheels thnt tho ordl’ Wba nary vocabulary of bank tides Coesa't eral J

. suffice. iVoquondy titles couse a tot provide of hcart-burntng in an organltalion provide limply becanso of vonity and falM strong pride. • er'-'l't

Bmdensome Titles. countr>" ^ i l y obiervatlon nnd juiipaont con-

vincc Diu that eno can function under any titlo and thnt wo \jrill do,woll/If wo pay less attontion fo titles, Icilfin " our seal to crento ond exnlt titleiJwo ' pnt tlio emphasis whero it docs not bo- oP'-‘« to

_long. ,(t is not a quostlon_oj_wjiat youe position is. Tho, queition ir: What ore you, youm lf, doing in i t nnd with i tf ''‘‘J 'y

“ As to sUtlatics, occurato data in- tolllgontly arranffod is so far ahead of “"O *" bnn^ei, guow work,. gonoral results, 'and rulo'of thumb, that It it na eloc- tricity to candlo. . NoTortheless, its uso grallfie con fro overdone and ia being overdone,Charts and baromotert' are fine, but RMizat: thoro arc two subjecta that cTuinot-bo cbartodi thoy are Almighty God nrid «pomllH btunan nature, and both cut nuito-n further figuJo.' • Also I t should ' bo remarked “ ontal that it is a person of rare qualificn- -AnitJr tions that can analyw and mfcio prop- ('fHied or deductions from rtatisUcs.. ^ . P;o<J««

w o n a w i y i w p K '“ I t Js my jodjment thal a lot-of ns War F

are ffetting our trouBora shiny Bitting on'llvoa t our desks poring ovor nt^tiatie#, i3o- treasure partmont reports, etc., who could sponj our timo to better advaotago loarnini; tho peoplo in our organUations andgetting a moro intinv>to knoirleilgb of ((qq „ftho viewpoint -of thoao with whom wo gupnorti

•do^bu/iness." ' trm ur,'■ ' • rlrultur


■ expanai'Opporta&lty to Visit Modom Leprotar- Finnncc . Jam to be 0 1 m Delegates to Press nn addi

OonsresB a t Sonolula Buch ci-------- purely

nO.VOLULU, T. H., (/P>-An oppor- through (anlty (n inspect ono of the most mod- pelvato crn Icpiogyrlums in tho world, whoro formed the diroase nctually haa been checkod grnntiiif and from which leper patients ronstant'. mcnt bi ly are l<rlng liberated on fiirolo, will bo broadly given delegates to tho I’n'ss Congrcis nfpjncle! of tho World, which nicotii hero next taxpnyc October, if plana now under way oa- dlalribu tcriallxp. favorab

eixty-fivo per coat of tho palients given ti nt thb Kalaupopa leper nottlemont will ganlzo I bo dlachnrgcj on* parole, within twn' vidln^ years, iu the 'opinion of Dr. W. J. lions to Qoodliuo, for 1£» yeara resident phyni- thnt pri clan there. Thir estimate is based, on ntide nd results already obtaineJ with tho vd need- chaulinoop-ii oil apecific, prcpnrcil -in tho la'iorntories of tho I'nivcrslty of PIONEl Hawaii.

At the Kalaupapa colofiy, wbich in KV:US situatpd on n promontorj- of the ialnntl of the p of Molokni, eonnccted with tho main (hem at' portion of the island only by a single J-nrlfir pass throiiRh precipitous cliffs, life is pnth nni nnythiii;' but what might bo expected. Wooiilar. Pallonta obtervo all public holldny^ Tlio B their Fourth of July celebrations aro piko ooii jribilatit, and thoy havo ofchcjtrns nnd on Iho : bands, n.ovics aud amateur thi'.itricn'ls, I’ynlhrn

■ ■ . . only li' BBWABD OFFEEED OAPTOE OF p.-irlv.

DENNIS BUSSELL’S SLAYER . llOaERUIJO; Ore., </p)—RowarJ of, F IE B F l

ofo thousand <JoJJars for tho cnpturc0 Iho ra-jrdorcr of Dennis Itnsnoll wa* i ’i'I’TS; offered by Dgnglat- county follcMviuj; niivic-m 1 tho verdict of tho roron'Pr-Jti jurv Wed- where an nesday night thnt Russell was shot to effect II ilentli-boforo ids hcadlcis body was n-oro v,HI found beneath Uio vrrecked iiutomobilc cd tli.-' m Bf Dr. K.'IT/Brumfield, ngalnst \s'hnm der conti1 warrant charging murder of Ruaaellnju issued Jo£t week. TWELVI

Sheriff 8am Btarmer hnd reward q jj posters printed in Bpaniah for distribu- trn>^iir

. l l ? ”BUlonimm. ana

“ pr,r years was troubled with b'l- propertv onsness and constipation, whieh nmde -j-jj, ifo alsftrablo for me. My appetU* i„'ailed me. I lost my usual force aod 'itnlity. Pepsin preparations and- co- oiSBC hartlcs only mado mattora worse. I v v w •' lo not know where I should have been , oday had I. not tried Chamborlnin'i Qihboni, [%bletr. Tho tjoblet* relieve the ill *'‘‘1?““ ‘f” eelinif ol once, strengthen tho digest 'o r /o m ir »e fanctlons;-helpiig the system to-do ^*1^:0 Hn' la work nfttnmUjr," writes Mrs. Bo5a Gee >otls, Birmlnghain; A la.-adv. '


Financial and BusF a l l a c i e s ^ R e g a r d l

iThcra • hns latoly boon manifest in ■--------nony (juarters tbo mistaken idea,, that .ba credit situation alono is tho funda- I nentol <-aune of tho present rctnrd.itl(n I )f buslnesr activities genernliy, oecord- | ng to Tho Guaranty Hurvey, isaued by ho Oimranty Trust company of New I 1 fork. Instead of concentrating on the f i | iriraary task of readjusting underlying II . ndustrinl conditions’, it is pointed ou'. I I hat a number of logal measurOs nro . - lelng proposed whifh would render lh>s I -eadjuatment moro difficult. II

A bill har bccn'introduced in thn H louso of Itcprosentativcu, for instance,»hich would prohibit Fofleral Reserve . janks from charging member bnnks in iny transaction with them a greater ate of interewt than, five- tior cent per .[jv innum. Tho pos^U{e of this bill would lutomatically deprive the Federal He- UI' icrvo bunks of tho jwwer <bi.'y now Uq wssers for fontrolllng in/lntion. Thu iievitable result would be to recreate londiUnn# under which woney panics J'AH nlKht be preclpitalcd; nnd one of.tho ^•hlof purposes for whieh the FedoralIJc«ervo system was designed is tho pre- ........rontion of such panics.

Likewise, »t hor been proposed .to thi' rej: imend the Federal Keservo Act with I vluw lo restricting Uie authority of :ho Fedeitnl Reserve lloar.l in curUil' ng credit. Such nn nrbltrnry legal reg- ilntlnn would bo fraught with posai- )lllUcs for mischief, nnd wor«. Tlie idvanco notice of-n fortlicvming rp trirtic i ui>on eligihlo pnpor, under ondilloiiH whieh,this proposed amend, nsnt would create, .would Induce a rush *if demands upoa the.member banks for redlt. nccoinmodatlons. Prospective 'i, >orrownrp would wisli. to obtain nc- lommoilDtions beforo the rostrictlou , ‘ vould lecimio effcrtlvo. Instead of , tiding in a stnbili7.at.ion of credit condi- . Ions, therefore, the effect of such an imendment would bo to weaken- tbo wQgn/ 'ederal Itcservo svstemuui a proventivo ^ if financlarpanicR. ,

Whatever ita shortcomings, the Fed; m> Hcietvo Act lias |>joved to be 'o p / 0 irovldential for the United Stotes. I t '^'"'■'1 irovided ft Jianklng system which was trong enough to wiUistand tho greatcit '•redit strain ever expcriuneed in this i“l* ‘o ountrv, nnd which not only ruceossful- f functioned during tho dangerous in Intion period, bul also bas aubsequont- , r mil tho “,acld test” o f 'th o oven j'*'’' lore dangerous deflation period with invited iiual Bueceas. II cannot continue to c‘>»“ 're perato so helpfully if in ovory detail ‘=‘"“ lie power of Iho Federal Reserve Board ■i regaloto cfedllTs mlnuloly prcscrib-

Nlinieroua'cfforts have been dUectcd I f lA j Ito in recent weck^ in and out of eon- . NIU ress, toward tho provision o t addi l 2 f | l onal farm credit. There b oause for ralifientlon in tho fact tha t dofinite rogr».M has been recorded in the or- iinization of machlnerj- of a private Bturo for this purpose, wilh corre- ^ londliig lessening of the probability of irther rcllanco upon indirect govern- H igh lontal KetWkty. -. n >.Among tho bills boforo congrcss do-, gned to aid farmers and livo stock roducerb generally Or particular classes r these iro : The bill authorising the gioii •easuty to furnish <50,000,000 to the (j^mtlo far P.'nanc6 Corporation for fldvances gj^,, I'llvo stock; a proposed loan by the, m. •eaaurv of #50,000,000 fo tho Federal arm I<oan Board in order to fl^oasa hvicer i 10 working «tipdlnl of tho Fideral t,,p and tankfi and tho proposed forma- ,on of II govemmont corporation, to be jipported with $100,000,000 from tho casury, for finantjng exports of ag- gjp„j , rulturhl products.The ^Visdom of the proposed direct

uticiprtion by tho govornmont l^the rovlsion of credit, either throu(fh an cpanaion of Iho activities of l)io War inanco Corpomtion or tho creation of 1 addiliorfil corporation, is doubtful, ueh eredlt as way bo extended on a .irely ])U*iness basis mny bo hod ‘ j, irough exitting crcdit ngenctes of a ^■Ivato mluTO or Uioso which may bo ■rmed under laws now in force. Tho truths'( •anting, of such crcdit through govern- . cnl bodies con scorcely bo more . . •oadly effccUvo than Uiat by privalo ^ pjncle-i-savo at tho oxpenso of tho xpaycrs, ropresontlng unwarranted sfribution of favors nnd burdens. Tho vorable response which hankers hnvo ven fo tho tuggosllon thot tiey or- jilro fho necessary machinery for pro ding Pdditlonal credit accommodn- >ns to •livestock growers ia evidence ot privote sourcos of credit mny be i,u8ln<«Bi idc ndoqunto to meet tbo domonstrat- Jieeda. clubs, r


KKl-SO, Wniili., tlio writhe pioneer,lio/aTt family, of which d ty «hc

ore at" nbiiu'l ;iO(l (Icaccnd.mts in tbo Mvrnburj plfir Norlliwi'«t, attended tho eev slst only th iinnnnl reuniuii uf the fnmlly nt or more Dodlar.d. \\>h1i., ni'nr hero, rocently, good sta riio Boxnrls cnused tho plains from is made. <0 county, Mix-HOuri, in ISl. , locating Mr.

Iho Lewis river, near hore. Mr. . club la 11 nlbra Rorjirl. nped 81 ,/Ciirn, is thn ation yc v living member of tho original nre bo’in •ly. sonry.


■I’lTCDURGH, rw. ' (/P)-Privaf0 ■ic-rs Thursday from AmBtlah, Mex.,-■re an oil firo is raging, woro fo the set tliai Ihe fire.fighling forces • • ■e v.cll organitod and if wna expect- til.-men wnlild havo tho floiiies.uu

control “ in ft short time.” '

e l v e -y ea L o ld b o t fON HOQUIAM POLIOB FOBOE I '

:0QUIAM, Wash.,' (/Pj—Hoqulnm ^mj the youiipcsL poli.-o officer Inhnd. ilo la Joo Uurchett, oged 12

rt, who wears a tifnr nnd protectsiwrty in a publlh, nutomobilo camp\ 'Tho I'lif-iK a 'fu lj ncdced sirorn- ^ B S

------------------------- ■ l yIISBONSES STABT TEAININOKW YORK, (/P)-Mlke and Tom lioni, brother boxers of Bt. Paul, vjfl®' in trninrng ench other hero today coming bouts. Mjjto will mee*. Vie Ratncr Auguat 1 nnd Tom.will t Georges’CaTpeallfcr-In October, b will be in fho other’s corncr. b a M n


i l s i n e s s Stirveyr d l n g C r e d i t _ _ _ _ _ ^

Im r":IPPHl Fom i I B S T F M I g

-------- Wod

olistituent Assembly Execu- -tii'es D eclare S ta rv a tion an d Disease S taili Througti tlie modi

Volga River Regions-------- bui1(

J'AHIK, Ao appeal to nil na-. long ms asking that they organiro to pro- lie immediato aid for “ millions of J iBxians now suffering from fnmlne in he ) I' region of the Volga rivor, nnd ter- spj'- ory lu. the southwest’’ wna Isaued cdne^duy , night tiy tiie execuUvs .,,^5, mniltleo of the Russian constituent 1 sembly.Thu appeal naya lhat within'this ter- ory, whieh is grenter thnn thnt of ance and Gcnuanv coml lned, millions Russians nre fa«ng starvation, whilo

eir government i t IbloUy unable to r„„v tider asflalaneo of tiny ki/}d. - - , _ (ho Re]>ortB from' the region reaching tho (|on.< mmittee soy 'ihnt epidemic diseases !• rapidly getting bevo'nU cqnlrol, and " rp i ot if. relief is not immediately pro- tied other wrious European menace imminent. . Funi


ra O i, (ffh-Tbc Mr...o«- f a c . l b , a' py of which hns beeu received hero, iiorlH the regiatriition up fo July 13, <'<*- i

1!7,77P cholera eases, ns compared De fh 13,47fi, which ,had been rej'isfored lot 2

lo July (I. .Among passengers on i)p ihvay trains, .‘5,412 enses havo been , leovered. nortlrhe health officials of Letvln, Estho- I , LIthuiinia and“ Polnnd hnvp been rnn •ited by tW Lelvlan premier to a iference a t Riga next week to dis- *IS (he advisability of 0 frontier nunr- lint.

O i i l G H llUNGIOIGLUI’i■ samo

g h T w e l v e In to rn a tio D a l i z w U n ite s M em b ers in B o n d s

o f S o c ia l H o u r

lio iix CITY, la., ypy-A now.Jif Ola rmtional Zdasonio club has boen bom est t' Sioiix City. It is known fls the the p ;h Twelve Internationnto, E. C. Woi- ' t Is president and WiJliam M. H ot- rer ic secretary. Heailquartora o?

nov.' urganlxatlon are to bo main- ^ led Ul Sioux City. |'ho High Twelve lut^rnatlonal wns J ited i)y a spccliit committee of fhi' — ux City nigh Twelve club. The poao of tho elub Is to givo tho snmo otlunlty lo fhe younger Masons as afforded by sucji organizations ns Rotary, tho Kiwanis and tho Lion i

chcoii -clubs, iilthqugh membership ^ limited to Matons. *ecretsry Morheiser says. “ Tlie pur- ’ "0 of tho International is to unite members of Masonry in tbe linppyids of a social hour, and thnl thero- ■ the / may infona thofoselpes in tho Ihs t f Masonry, to inspire, oncour-

aud expand thoto virtuet which1 nld in U16 .upholding of tho prin- es r t good government, in tbe nd- co of education. In tbo upbuilding.of membership, in bonorable and suc- iful living and in the promollon locihl fcllowBhip.’ ’[cmbership in the International will limited to citiea baVTnC two or moro 3 loi'ges and n. popuhilion of, 2-1,000 upward,,and will bo tof groups of

IniBi, professional 'and induatrinl I organized in locnl High' Tivelvo >s. Tho number of chortor members ' lire! to orgonizo a local High dvo club will bo dotermmed by fhe irnational, and will bo based upon ■ \prious factors of the pnrtirular where tho club is to be orgiinii;i'd.

iiborship In the local club will ron- only of those mon.who hnve three lore di'inecs in Masonry nnd arr in I standing nt the time apidicaiion lade.r. Miirlieijer said that wiiilr the la nol an official Masonic organiz

1 yet. it is composed of mon who bo-ind together by thi- ticn of Mn._SAD TIIE CLASSIFIED Alis. '


[OM'HjEypJJ si2

b e


lonvieVs P ltm ' Dashed to Pieces

in Trial Flight 3 ,lo d e l o f A ir» M p .D c » lp io d to C a r ry 1 ,0 0 0 P e r s o n s W re c k Dir

■ a t S i ^ S t e s J a "

088I.-iIK0, .y., (/P)_Th» w«rk. J V Ig model of a recenlly pntenled air- p lip, 1000 feot- long ond designed, to irry 1000 persons ocroas tho occnn, ^ lis mnrning la a wreck'>n the prison ' . ard at Sing Slag.Tbo fanglcd heap was tho model built

1 the al'ops of Sing Sing by “ Count” ' h i Lynar Loudon, sontonced for for- j'ry. I t wna taken to tho priaon yard rodnerday for a t« t . High winds that „ imo with a storm dashed the modnl ;ainst tho building walls and rom- lefcly demolished it, 8 urLouaen hod worked a year on tho odol nnd koeporg said ho oppeared really dejoctcd wben be ifiw it in !’■ ■ dlnterx. Ilo said ho aponl (5000 in ' uilditig tho craft, which was <0 foot '"g- . . lioudon hnd attracted consldcrablti

tfentloii in tho United States crpecial A .• prior fo, nnd during tho war .when Mo e was aus])octed of belog a German sermo [ly. He \vns orrcsted in 1D16, on ft In' linrgo of bigamy. -After njaklng his ite if leape nnd being recaptured, ho ,en- Th< .’red a .plea of guilty to tho bigamy Strnn liargo dnd revealed a plot of, Germnu welco .'servlsls lo invado Canada. He was Mii ifpr chargcd with hatching <a p?o£ to niag idn.ip President Wilson. In 1010 ho Orgar ■an rentcneei io threo y e in ia fling Wo Ing for forgerj- and sineo-becoming a Anfh( invict, hns'sjivnl most of his time in ing ;o ahopa, working out varioua invcn-’ Offor on.a. , “ Uov

RANSFERS OF REAL ESTATEurclshod by the 'twia Falls TlUe'snd

A brtn rt Oojnpsay

Dood: Wm. Hughes to EUaiboth ughen, lot 2, Regan Add.. Twin FdN.Deed: I., C. Horton'to N. E. Bmck p „ I same ihnd. jn,]Deed; L. J. Miller to C. A. Johnson, Thurii. I 2H. Mock 85, Twin Palls. Pra;Deed: C. A. .lohtison to L. J. Miller ^ P- '>

1, part enst half northweil quarter )rihen«t quarter 2M0-17.Deed; Wm. Slack fo John Pogef#!.- . . J in ])irt northwest quarter southwest t; . larter l.l-lO-l?. 'De-!d: .lohn Paget to J. B. Paget «1. 7 p ‘ b uth l.iilf northwest quarter 2-lM«. . kV..; Deed: Dnn Muskell to Joss Hmteml Elder 000, lots 27 and 28, block 07, Byhl. Sun. Doed: A. .1. Link to 0. A. Roblnso.n <?■.■00, wesl half southwest quarter 17-17, ' churchBctJ; 0. W, P Itrti u B, B.' Tlt».000, norfhcnst quorlor southeast arter 35-10-18;Deed: J. 1. Smith to B. B. ‘Titus, 11, ’ mo lund. 1Deed: Q. L. Noblo to W. A. L. Stowe Cl 150, lots 1, 2, 3,,block 32, Kimberly. Mon Doed: Twin Pnlls Bnnk & Truft to rcctor & Smith, lots 1, 2, 3, block 13, Ban- Unir1.------------------------------- . ovenin

------------ - . • MonOlasslfiod advertising Is the cheap St. Ja' i thing }0Q can bny—measnred by celebrn 9 .profits it mny bring yen. 10 o’c

I D A H O p e p '

A L L C l M I S S E S


H a l f -Wliy buy the gingha:

ing several hours these hi jinghaiti dress, when they in pur cool store ready to we jay forihe.gingham by the ill well made and neatly t iizes and stouts, r See them.

S e e O i i ri f t e r All th e I . D . Is th e 1 lE S T PLA C E to TR A D E |

[JLY 22,1921 .

Cburcb Services IBaptist Obnrcli. degraf:

Biblo .chi)ol,«t 10 n. m. M™. A. B.'ffl-tyn, auiK-rintcndonl. aosses for 1 - 1 ages under cdiapctcnt toMbcra.Divino worship, wJtb scmon by A .iVfi’nco Black, fiold worker for tho f " ' oho Bapl4sl convention a t '11 a. m. -“ " w Young peoplo mcol fpi", dovotioanl _ rvUe a t 0:SO p.. m. X " ' "Evening aervico in the park. Tljo ogrftm for tho park lervlco will be . Sum'.

Uic l ^ d s of tho Baptist church Tho Of jnday. evening. Musio will bo fur- Mon shed by the choii* and tho Bov. Mr. ' Confi lack vfill preach tho sermoa. Rev. M

-------- on 1. CFirst Ohnrcb of Christ, SclosUst. Tho ;

• ICO Ninth Ave. E. preach8unda> ser\-iee n t 11 a. m. Subject Havi

t sermon July 21, “ Truth.” GlhrinfiBundny school at 10 n. m., for pupil* blrt«ry,

ider 20 years of oge. on Mo)Wodncrdov tcgtimonlal /loD tln; at ot 11 u t). m. ' ' i'lfonmA reading room a t 131 1-2 Main av-

)Ue north. •.Foi

F ust Presbyterian Chnrch. _Asher ISirlan Brnnd, Minister.

Morning worship at 11 a. m., with !rmon by the .pastor. gionnaIn the evening at 7:30 n union aer\-- i>roi„dje is held in iJio -city park......................The bible school miets a t 9:15. ........

trnngers in tlio'city and'visitors ore ^nlhen elcomod a t all sorvlccs. ^Mid-week sorvicct, Wednesday eve-

lag «t S p- n>- Offcr'organ prelude, “ Song WithoutWords” ......................... Ball

nfbcni, “ Angel Voices Ever Sing­ing” ....................- ........... Noldlingcr pn.(i„jliforlory, “ Bupplicntion" »..Uoimcr, .Uow Long Wilt Thou Forget Me” rnuCT..c...................... - .....— ...Carl Pfluegor

Jgau poatlude, “ Nuptial March’’-.. ‘

.................... ----------------------- ATwin Falls Mission.

J. M. Clos, Pastor "ChaSunday tchool 10 n. m. stomselProacliing, 11 a. m. ®‘,Evo praise servieo, 7:80 p. m. ”Preaching 8 p. m,' ^Midweek meetings Tuesday and

7:30 ... n . ' " f t " 'Prayer band meeting Wednesday, at "

"■ _____ BEAIOhnlth of t i e Brethren. 1---------

Biblo school 10 a. m. F. M. I I c a s l- |H ^ M d, auperlntendont.Morning worsbb, 11 a. m.C. W. 8. and J. W. S. mceling»

Hveniug worship, 8 p. m. Sctinon by Al der C. Fahmey.Sunday aehool at Curry a t -2:30 p., and preachiog at 3:30.Mid-week devotional'sorvico at tho ^urch Wednesday evening a t 8.Scmembcr tho daily vndillon bible Ul lOol lo begin Monday, July 25 ftt 1 in.

. but <Obnrcb^of tbo Ascension.

(Episcopal)Charies Glenn Baird. Rcctor.

Slorning aervlcc with scmon by the ' ■ tor nt 11. • ■ -y ' »Jnitm servieo in the park in" the nin, .

Mondny, July 25, being tio Feast of Janies Uip Apostle, tbero will be o

ebriition of fho holy communion at o’clock in tho n^ornlng.


H I L D R IS ’a n d L A I

fGIMESSE■ P r i c eiarn and make it up, spend- hot days, laboring over a

ly can be bought right here wear at less than you-would le yard? Thqse dresses are ■ trimmed, and come in all, m. _ ,

W i n d o wI dah o D tp M M E N T ;^ , TWIN FA tL S . IDAHO

P iiA O bU ttiia o tB t^W. W. Bnrks, D. D., Pastor^ '•15 u. HI., Biblo school. D. W. Uu- aff,- sujKitinlcndcnt. ' '1:50 0. m., Comaunlon'ond Bormon • Iho.pasW.80 p. m , Unioa sm ice in the rity

>ecinl luiitiic: anthenr, “ O OoiI of ty ” (Briggs).

Inuasanel Ltitbenui Clmrcb.•John Glhring, Porter,

inday school 0:15 a. m. Lmsob: Offering of Isaac,

orning servieo a t 10:30 0. a . tnfessional servieo 7:30 p. m. The , Mr. Giliring will base hls oddrca*,. Cor. 10, 12.10 Rev. M. 0. Polack of Eden, will ch the evealng sermon at 8:15. iving begun lost Monday, Rev. ing Is Instructing t^ndren In Biblo >ry, catccbism and Christian hvmns Mondays,, Wednesday and Fridays 1 u. m. ’-Tnition free. For fnrUftr rmiition call up telephone No. 733R..

F ira t U etbodlst.Fourth E. nnd~Bhoshoae St. ,Thn Rev. E. L. White, Poster.

•cciftj music for tho day, under dl- on of Horry Barmtt, with Miss na Newton a t tho organ, will be:udo, “ Pilgrims' Chorus" ___ _............— .......... .......Wognqr-l.iszt

Mias Kewtonleni, “ Sing Alleluia” _____^uckI taken by MiM Bcecio Carlson, rs. F. T. Kellogg, Earry Barmtt. , r 'o rr, “ MeiUtation^''___ Kirini'er', “ Ho Shall Feed Hib Flock’’.....--------- --— ------------ ;___ Handel '

Mrs. T. J. Woods [tide, “ Gibnd Choeur ’ .:...Bpenso I evening serrico in the church. Ti'gntion joins In aorvicos in the park.

plendld Uedidiw for tbe Stotnacb andLlTer

Ohamoerlaln’s Tablets for tbc seh and Uver are splendid. I noTPr of telling my friends and neighbors hulr qualilles,” writer Mrs. Will- Vollmer, Hwtwood. N. Y. • When 3f, constipated or troohlei wlti) :estion, give them a trial. They do you good.”—adv.


L Y O N ’S

i l T O R E P A I R S H O P

S 2nd Ave. W. __PhOM 668

OPEN m BUSriVESSWo aro a now firm in lown— it old hands at tbe alito repair jrk.

We S p e c ie s In

B u ic k a n d D o d g e “i R e p a ir W o rk



E N ’S ,O I E S ’



r ' ; , . '


r S t o r e * L id .) frtfiurn ^

( i H B P H ■ IJE C T S ITm m m

CoDgroafl’ F aU o ra to F n sh M a t­t e r s H a k e s O om m ission

Im p o te n t F ao to r.,

Tliroiigh tho faUuro of conffrcM lo • I'royEde ndoquato moaiu for it« expedi­tious ttdmlftlatrsUon'tho fsdcrol wnter " power commltfllon at the end of Itv l a i t ytar of oxlatenco finds itselt nl'

' mojt iopolent to- bnndio properly the .• requiromenU of water, power develop-

' ment in tho United Stnto..With tho coal and oil situallon ecri-

oua nnd don^iada for lierao power - CTOwinjr greater cach' year, the moil produetivo water power aoureea In tli'- 'Norld ore left .undovolopcd, while tho federal water power eotnmlsslon, in or­der to function a t all, la forced to hor- row ita porsonnel from other Rovorii ment departmonta.

Tlio extent of the wnter power p<>i- aibilitin* na ahown from tho fintV car'a

r operation of tho now cotnnilwion givea 3 clear Indication of tho need for the Icffislation crcatlnff It Aod tho extent (0 wlifc)* wafor power dcvelopjaennjnd

'liccn delayed by lock of tntlafaelory feJcrul laws. '

Up lo June 30, 1021, tbcrf had heen —: filed with the commluion 229 appUen- ^ tiona nBcreffatinc 14,075,000 horao pow- , cr and affectlnir 33 alatea, tho Diatrlet

.of Columbia u d Alujia. ThU amount L 75 per cent KTcatcr than tho entire water iK)wor devolopmcnc of the Uni- . ted fltstea today. I t ia 50 per cent ,, ifreater than tho combined wator power rcMurcJ!# of Norway and Sweilen, and conaldrrably in oxeefa of tho combined rcaourci'a of Franco and Italy. I t h five timea g irater than tho ogRrufjato , of nil cpplieationa filed with tbe fed­eral government in Uio precedinj: fif- ' teon yeoM. Tho projccta applied for , varj- in «lio from leas tlian 100 horao ' iHiwcr lip to tho three million horao ® power anheme'of tho Southern (;alifor’ nia E'Jiwn company on the Colorado ‘ river. ‘

eommlsaloa Lacks Help. . .Tn creating tbo fotnmlasinn nnd pul- me

tin(c upoi) it duties many tlmoa grealcr tio tl(in bad been exercised jin'vloiwly by < any of tho oxccutU-o ileportmcnla In fil, eonncction with wntrr iwwer develop- net tni'nt, eongresa gavo thi> rommiailon ui nt. iier»oiinol to perform if* work olhi-r tio (hall it* executive nerri'lary nnd on- ha. Cini-er officer., To dn whnt it linr done pci it bfi.i been nercaaary for tbe eommia-' ^ni sion to borrow from Uio neveral de- ■((,( |iwtmcnt« poraonnH for its Waalilm- tij ton-offieo. drj

Tlio commiwion lina ni> field foreo. i,i>,

y - lennod nr othorwiar, but muat rely fur thi <oxnmin.-itIonK and report; upon nppliin- nil liimn, nnd for thu condiict of bearing* tlu iijiiin iliv field offireVn of Ihc Koveral nm .li’liartments—mon'will! aro primarily 1,’spiiriMblo for Iheir own de|iartmentnl ilutio5. -Even tlii''liniilod npproprla- tion.'i made by congre.'^ for Ibe work uf llie enn1mi.ision nre lifiiiK rolurneii In llic treo-Hury iiniim d brrniife eon- ,[j,, "ros<. nfler making theso V\ppro|irln- i„j, lioii.s fniled In grant the loci.^lntivo uulborilylo ime thom. ' c o r

Ootq.BcsultA tXnder Handicap. tio Altimunh thl' romiiii.-'alon han becti pf

i.Migiid to work uiiiler nerioua handienp. >"H jt 'tiui ncvcrtheleM ne.complUhoil many I'>'< things ill tho first yenr uf » n npern- tmns. The- Inw under whleli it nela in pg

' fDinplirutcd nnd gnjafenre hna lieun , 'neei-Murj' in the proparnlion of niles aid rcgiilntiona for Itr aiiininintrntldn.- • Tlic first ten regulatiuna. eovorlng thu I'l’ ri'i|«iromcnta for npplientinnf, woro Is- mu‘d on September 3, the remiiinlng 10 ‘>7 fuvi-rini: malntennnco nml ojiorntion oi' fot project j.roperty, rental chargea, depre I-c ciftiion, vmd nmortirjillon re»orvea, al «•' l(>c.-»tlou of onrnlng*. nnd nceounta aim "p:

' r«|Kiria. wero first iniitiod on February tio

Let the Wedding Bella RK joW N . I 'W P k S ReA DtNO ]

ABOUT A PUGILIST VMOj[ h a d to o a o r g g s ^ ^ £

d _

v e s ; h c w ) T ~ |_ - 0 0 vou

A c x o u n t / / _ / V J

Cwrw-IM1. n i.ir rum ^ 1’’' t ‘

T W I N P A L L S D A I l


to ' h- ^


ho i P P I I W ^ B S S B ^ ^'p- I I I I I ■ /

ri- I I I I I■er - I I ' l 1 1 ........' — ..........

' I I I I Iho I I I I I>r- > f f J I I

jN o o o t ffpo '9 .rt‘

TTiV/Ajfr 70 Uf> A J■’* AA /Jw er- To YOUR. S7X)f-i

A ri | fleTvb £.£770^ FftOM ^

rj- ' CMUNCr foA ^ 0

cn ~ — ■ ' " " " '~ ^ =“■ and later reviacd and roiiiucd oa

Tho liauaneo of permit* and Uconscs neceajarlly awaltod. the'approval of

7 tho regulationa. The fliet Hcbbio wae issued on Mnrcli 1 to'tho Nibgan Folia Power company. Between that date

*1 nnd July,1 final aotlon haa beoa taken , , on 47 npp)icJitIons, 13 preliminary per' ^

, mits hftvt'Tbeen laauod involving 1,075,*/•' 000 hftrro power, and 15 llcenaei la

volving 757,000 primary horse power f f nnd 400,000 secondary lioraopower, or

ft tol.-»l of 1,217,000 horse power, mile- ing uu nggregatc of 28 projects, in «'*“ volving 2,202,000 horse i»wer, or ai thn

” much as wns Issued by all of the exec- ^ ip utlvo ilopartments during tho tea years

preaedtng tho pmongo of the wutvr power net. There were also pending

• on Juno ;iO for finnl aetiou at Ihe noxt I- meeting of Llio commUaion 1(1 opplirn- cr tiona, iiivolving 100,000 horse ituwor.>>• Only 00 por eent of tbe npplicatlnns In filed ^vitb tho eommlssidn have been p- nccom|tiiiie(l by sufficient ’information in 1(1 wnrrunt moro thnn •prclim\nar>- ac- i’r tion. Pevenly-fivc per tunt of them u- havo boen mlvertised in locnl nowspii- »e pctK :ls required by (he act, and nn 'I-' o«iual I'litiibcr bave been niilimittcd tu e- -Ihe fioM fi>r iixnniinutluii, hearing and ft- riport by thv novertH di-partmenta. A

drnfl of II sysloiii of acrountlng hrs 0. been prcimrcd following nr closcly oa « thfl-riKiulroiueutH of Uiu net will per-

nilt th" uniform .Hvstein projwscil by tho .Nntlonnl AsMoriiitlon uf Knilwnv'

1 nnd riililii's ConiMiinNionertr.

s — —„ WISCONSIN LABOE DEMANDS \ BECOONITION OF lEELAND'd MANITOWOl.’, -jWiH., f/P)—"Jtiadec fl- (Ii-mnnd/ a freo jroland.” wnx the wurd- f*- ing of n ralili'grnm ix'Ut lo I’remlcr

Lloyd Goorge of Knjjland by ilie Wis­consin Ki*clwnttuii of. l^abflr' owivcni- tion following tbo ndoptluu Thursday

Itl of re.Holulions urging I’roiiidcnl Hiitd- n ing and rungroHH t4i ^orognirc llu- Imli- iv pcndein'ii of tlm IrL'h republir.a. ■ ..................’■* FOREST PATEOL AVIATOES •

OIViN 0AP8 OF WILDCAT HIDEZ AR,HIU)KKN, Wash.. yp)-Mylng •,u lii’lmjls mnde from Iho hides of wild-

I'lits oauglit.iu Ibu Lake Qulnalt coun- IP tiy near here, were preaenteil to aix )/ forest pntrul nvintors r'oni ():mip e I<wls, Taeoma, recently. Tbe belmeli ,1. wero nmde by tlui women of Humptu- li, lips City, n niuiinlain .town of lliii nve'•y tion.

s Ring Outf ( a n d o u t oe THe.V ]


/ LOST ALL ^yy

■ <a

f WELL, 1 G U ESsX :[ T w e OTHEti\ . Nll^ETV eVGHT/ I

' \ W ER.e WlTVl I jI H I S W I F E /

; I

' g ■



Ar voum '( 0 ' ' » - 6 R o r e 5 g £ 5 ; ^ ; ^ . : V i ^ j


Herman Confident J He Can Regain His

Lost “M y ” Title IN ew O rleans B o io r 2 c t u r n s f

f ro m E n g lan d F a ll o f A ssc r* ^ a n c e to R g h t L y n ch «

__ ... s<NEW YORK, W >-Pclc Herman, l(

former world’a bantamweight boxing I" champion, who will atrlvn to regain thnt title from Joe Lynch in Broolclyn

11' &a'

W liiit Jl treat is in st*

tlieflD (lolii-ioiis ;;rupo I

dolivered riplil U> you; ■ nia. You will-, liko tin

has i»r(ihalily li<'«-ii wco ntoDfi ill wiircliimse.s jui windows for ticvt'nil ad

We Ship DirectW e pick fresh, pat

wan w ith wllicll niitiiro

We Fill sti Without E

Vmi can pbn'i' •'*

t<i you a t staled iiiN’V' pli’kod “ O r r l i i in r ’ liniii

tlial you iiiH-d ai'Vor li

. fruit an- p:ir!;nl .'I'J, -IO

• $•!.()() pcr .-arl'dii. -Tlii

,_smnll this yi'iir. ari* e;

packod’lOd.$4.00 jipr carlDii. In n

' ymi waal.-

NationalOiE IV E E SH

L L S , I D A H O , F R I D A Y , J I ]

, '4 1 . l.APVW^

1 S | ■ ■y B I%

Mondny niglit, arrived tnilny from Kng- Jt] Iiiiiil <iu Ibi- sli'iimxblp Onliinii.

Tho littlo N'l-iv Ofli'ann si-rii]>]H-r oni- | bnrkod for hiuiie iminediiitoly nfh-r ho ■ kriockel out Jim Higgins, the. l-Jnjllsli

bantniiiwoight rli^ipion, in the clov- . entli toimil of a scbeduled "O-round

bout 0-1 .Tlil.v 11. He has beon trniniog during the vo.vagc nnd roported hlni- (olf In good shape. Ho cxpreaiVd him- ' self as confident lhat he would be abl-.-

, lo .lurn tho tables on tho Now Vork ‘n' bantam to whom he lost hl.i lltlo lau ' <1 December.

------------- hoiREAD THE CLAflSIFreD AD8. '

M r a \


Ktoro for you wlu'ii a carton of

p fru it o r Valencia oran}jes is

our door, direct fniiu C alifor-, ' them b<‘ttor than fm it which t •cokH in transit and which Iuim an d Ixifin (li.si)layo(l in dealers’ additional weeks. . • li

t From Our Groves in 'Ciack fresh and sliip fresh «o t l in tth iro h as endowed il..

itahding Orders Bother To You

fjindinj; o rder with hr to 'sh ip

iTvals n carton of the.'*e fresh

•and p rape fm it o r oranse.s ab '

• Itp ou t of tliiMii. The pxap“

-JO o r 48 to the cjirtoii.

rh'c Valencia oran^'cs, thoit^li cspeciitlly ilcliciinis, anil an- J

; o r l.44 to tlio cartoi'i. -lJfTi'o ^

I ordering stiito w hat size fruit

. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • I

)rangeCompany J!ID E, O A U FO EH IA


[ULY 22,1921-

lA jft^O ur T IM - I ,1

; y | ' g : 2

t n ' I Si


IJELOKADK, ilF ^m j\\ilC T of tho a* Interior Drashkodrs, of. Jugo-Slayio, La was shot dead T1iiirs<lay by a young ^ Bosnian eifnmunlat. Tlio OJiaitain Vos nei arrcs'e-l. i ph

, aorAn army of grasshoppers Is ad\‘onc- j || |

ing on KI Pasn county, Colorffdo, from tho aouthwcat, deztroylng virtually all vegetation In Its courac. Tho county T' form ngent says tho onalaught of gross hoppers is the tnrgeit in tho history of fhat aectlon.

I-" -

l y Y o u r G r a p e

a n ^ e s d i r e c t

o v e s i n G a l i f c

‘‘O rrh aril’,’ brand g rap e fr iilt i: ffniwri on our fanionR 750-acn; gro

. .( 'a lifo rn ia . Tliey a re of iiniforui and only tlu’ finest Holect f ru it i th is lirand. '

Keep a ploiitiful fiupjdy In the jigc tho kiddti’.s t<» oat more of tli

• liealthfid and delicious.

California to You by FAS1, tho f ru it cdinos to you w ith all the i*i

SpecialO nr “ StJtndard” brand g ra

orangi's tiiay lio Inid n t SOc p( than Ih o ‘'O rohan l” brand. “ Stjt is the same high quality a.s “Or oxcopt for sligh t skin blemishoi way affi'ct thiMiiiality o r tiisto o


Fill in - -n , Enclosed f in d ..................L O U p O n Send tho following oxpre

p ^ Cartonsl o r 2l Cartona

RAREm p p i m ■ Orango Canoafl to eonUfl l i E i / l l Qrapo Fruit Cartona to c

~ Nimo............. .- : r - . , ' Addrwa--------------


I'EM—fi part apodal, "E aat Lrnn*'} alao Topics of tho Day and Screen MagaiJnc.

Utl-HEUM—“ TUo Oroat Uo.und-np", fciituring Leo Ifalonoyi *l»o Inter­national Newa aad-a Larry Bcmon coBcdy.

DAHO—Wnllaco Reid' in |'Tho Charm Bchool” ; ntao ii 2 part comedy “ Tho t.'ounlry Hero” ; nnd Pathe Nows.

rATATORIUM la rcsorvcd by u pri- vnto party..Friday evening, after I» o'floeli.—adv.

ne Dollar Savod Bopresesti T t t Dol- Io n Bam ed

The nvorago man aoes hot aavo to xcecd ten por coot of bla eanlags. Ea >ust apend nino dollara Io living ex- «naea for. ovory dollar saTcd. That b* ig tho case he ^anoot bo too eareful bout urnoeofsary oxpoascs. Verr of- ?n a lew ^enis properly Inveited, ilke uyIng aeeda for hit garden, will save evor.il dollara outlay later on. I t 1* ho samo in buying Chamberlain'a Colic nd Diarrhoea Remedy. I t coats but ft ew renti, and a bottlo of it In thn ouie often savea a doetor’a bill of rav- ral dollara.—adv.


SumniGr Eicoisloa by Aulo StagaFrom J t t l r U m Ang. 1

B e tn m r r t p Oood TIU Sept. 1v ia Round Trio

W« connect with Ko. II a t - Blountaln Home.

Twin Falla to Pore tto Lakes h j autoexcursion, round trip ....... . tU.OOLeave Twin F U lls ............ • : »ArrjVB DoUe ..................l.BttVB nola« for P arett* L a lm • A-

aconto wonder* of tha aUte.

m oil R i u i adIo S lid c iip ii)TRABK BHOB. INC,

Twin FslUp^lM ,

RAY H. TRASKi Mar.. Boise O tnei, 112 N. 12lh St.

! F r u i t a n d

f r o m o u r

o r n i a .

; nud orangen are ;rove u t lUvereide, rm ly high t|ua!ity , is’ patrked under

e house. Enco4r- , , •• • * tliom '., They are ;;;■

1ST EXPRESitriginai delicious-

rapi‘ fru it a'nd per <tarton“ le.s.s tjH idard” b tnnd • ’D rrhard” -brand lies which in no _:> of the fru it.

■AL ORANGE CO.rE ESn>E ,.C A L . -

;>ress prepaid:., ns ' ‘O rchard” O ra p o F ro lt , na ',‘O n d ia rd '’ O r ^ i j a na ' ‘St&ndaid’ ' a ra p » F ru it ns " S ta sd a rd ” Oranges

0 .c o n ta in _____________ :____ ^ n ilt .

' I . '

M T O 1

i S m i r sNEiimraswiii

E x p o r ts T u rn A tto n tlo n to P ro - I • > tp c t io n o f C a p ita l S h ip s •

f ro m A ir A tta c k s , ! j

NOHFOLK, V o ., l^ \V i t ! i tlio'for- ; ! uicr Oerniaii ilronJnnuKht Ottfrli'sianil . ‘ j at the liotl4iin..yf tlir Allanlir, as a ro . result of ono ton acrinl lionilm oiplo'l' ini; .ilongfiili' nf lior, navni cjpiTt.i i>f !bVa {inJ ollior ruuntrlcH trill turn tlicir miNitloi' to llio problem of protoatliit!Ulll cul'Unl ii!ii|)ii from thlji form of at- • , ticic. ' ■

Wticc p rm n t day aircraft can c.irrv ■l.ciii'm oortoinio;? Htinioii llio luiiount of TNT oncloscd in ' H a tori'Cilo or '.iio Wrgcr mltipa, hlnli I B navul ufficoni wlio oli'’.‘n'cii the hoinb- intf 'o f tho Ontffiesliind oft tho Nir Cliii.'i (■'.jicB, yosterday, lenn to tlio vioft tbat the eoluUon lio* in lcrciin({ con­trol of tbo nJr. The eomtruetion of u !nili which could wcntlipr, cxfJoslons \lonp6i(lc, of such forco, wna rogof>l'id

sLvri men cxjwct lo lewQ many kf kOini from Uie hombinB tcstii >onJui-t- :d during the monlh, with former Oor- man wivrihi|)B as-tar((otfl. Careful ilud'' nrnji mndo of,tho effect of UiP oxjilu lion* on ihiptioard of iho vnrioux typni of lioBib* uji to 1100 jioundr, nnd kuiiio :hmi}p!ii in future conntriictlun iiro.rT- | pcctod te roaull. ^

Somi.* »nvn} officer* mndo no I't'J'iTi to dln|;iiiiic tlieir nuriirine thnl (ln! '.'bl- H fribilund fell victim lo nn m'rial :>l- B lack. Otiicrs, htiwovor, hail xaia l ia t | H If. lar^o bombs Inn.li'd closo by the ER diiii, tho hull would kIvv 'rtiy. Thoy K tt [xiintcd out thnt the ono'lon boniba (ton- tainud tl.'iO iwunds of TN’T, nJi ngniunt •i30 iwundn in n torjiedo, nnd. 30'l M /tY np nouuds iu the larKor inSni'n. lilH IU f

- - - - - -- - - - - - - - FOIm iBH qin isT ioN .

(Continued from P*g« One) *

Dosl skeptical thnt tho foetion* still lirb far from dlsctwtagod.

Ijondon now»ijapora • thi" inortilnjf EPlNA inko nn cxcccdlngly cheerful vlow of .Lho ontiro situation althouffh tho pro- tnicrV atntemont to tlio southern Irish <leader still remains a matter of spec- tempted : lilatlon and wili not bo elcnrrd up until has boon lho offielnl.text in mada public.' Many pmntod I lunrters hoiiovo thia will to dono by , . . . [jioyd George in tho houso of commons 'oday. • ' 0

D« Vipora Volwa Ooafldeaco The lunoi Beforo bia departure Mr. Do Valern, kei,.

o>rew8Kapcrmon who pressed Wm for Althouj ID Jntervlow, sold:

“ Although Uio Immediato future U nouncinir incortain, wo havo porfeet confldenco n tho ultimnto aucecss of our cause." . free s t si;

• ' of nppen!Optimism is Revealed in Comment a t Dublin whoro th<

he could :DUBLIN. (SV-Belief that the con Savin,

’eraaUdns botween Eamoao^do Valou elded, mu lod IVomior Lloyd Ooofuo will bo r i whoro hii lumod 1* expressed by tho Frceniia'n's out mma rournnl today. The interview between > htrtwo men Sn London yertcnlay wi» • ividontlyinot tlieir laal, tlie noH-apapcr

“ One thinff, at any rale, seema cot- ^ ain,” it contlnuea, “ there can bo no “ oturn, to tho monstfous, unholy condi- Ions tf> which Ireland haa boen mb- W H EA I ijctcd, beforo tbo truce, by tbo British ovcrnmcnt;'’ , Net JaUThe Irish Times consldtnr that tho

ublie will dorlvo aatisfaction from tbo act that tho proposals sijbuittcd emo- CIIICA nted from the roalition'cnbin'ot. which needed vi Ir. Do Valora did not foci Justified in i,ulli*ii in nmedintoly turning down. today. I“ fThis indicates,’’ ndds tho ncwspa- <.ou|,i |„, ;

er, “ a RTcat odvance, whieh wo trust rUl nol bo countered by tlio pitborlnR orces of rcncUon during theso unfor- i,nsd.fn ( unate, if noccfaary, periods of deViy.’’

vniice, w^rish Peace Terms are nnd Decc

. Given Ulster Cabinet SubBO<|i■— ■ witii prof

BELT'ART, (/P>—A.eopy uf the InsJi erii more CMC htvndcd by I’lemler Lloyd - •••- leorgo yesterday to , Eamonn do Va- "•rn wa.1 placed before nnd considered li y tho Ulster cabinet todny. .Vo opin- )n on tho tcrinr wan requested ,by tiio Iritish primo minialcr, it is stated, and ono has been given. *

'Hold .Oorenunent a t F u a t W hil may \>o ednalJtTcd a typitnl

la ter view of the Irish aituntion is iven tiiday by tbo Belfast News Let-

“ Wo are convinced,'’ i t lays, “ Umt ntll .the government pre^cnta n def- lito, filial deeition, that ‘admits of no ftgglinjf, to the Binn Keiu lettdors, thoy ’ill contlnuo to persist in demanding DO impotslbU', oven with threats, ai lread.7 nre being imlulged in, over the osaibllity <>f iho nvgotiationa bcinc roken off. They cannot l>u blamed or this unyichlinj; ntlitiido. for Ihc nlllt for Ibis Hex in the government’s wn indetermined, feeble ntlion.”The Northern Wbjg sn -a tlmt if Mr.

0 Vnlcrn dectr to' proceed with thi- trugglo tho loyalists 'viil l»o tho Ics* [( .■y)poiJit/Jd, “ booauso'^hey havo over surrendered to the glamour of llusiou' bom. of poraisfent misroadinc f the facts. TJio rejection o/ a firm ffer, whilo opening up .n great viitu f Htrlfcf revolting to every buiunn in- tinct, would at len.it dam tbo flood1 aentimentftlity and plalimdo with rhich we liave been drenched.’’

- sees Trouble for Loyallata ,Tbia newspaper expresses tbe opinion hnf If Mt. De Valcrn returns to Lon- on to inform Mr. Lloyd ncorge tbat t: . .0 h u brought a bnsi* for ncgotiatiunr r is anxioui to resume the search for ae, an anxious timo for tho northern o ;^ s U will ensue.

it's fis Fickle aa a Woman.How can wo crpcct tho forccnst of*

Ictnla to tell what Uic wcntber will lo whca Ibo wcntlicr Itself doea not, mcrffT—Boaton Herald, j , ■'

•What il u » l« a to 7 i>u nij- b t val- 1 Able to other* — adTortire I t Is tbe | laarifled- , { , . j


^udffe Rummy

C) T K A W W / CETTNGW rv i C y . . '

I ' >

[ f^VSTOftMAMU’ TSJpe’ ) l+Wt liEClOep TO • . I Givevjp HCP- /



inch Court Qranta Stay In Ooao' of ” n m Mao Sentflncod to Peatb fot

mshway Eobbery •m* •»«'>----------- thorlties,

:plNAU Prance (/P)—Antoino Savin Oeorgefirst man sentenced to death in of tliu Yi

nee for highway robbery and at- 1?(:ronc-.'iiiptod murder alnco tho middiu ages, senting t

boon granted a stay of oxecution nml, it i»nted by tho rourt of appeolf. Savin, lio mndulOlfl, nMnultod-nn American soldier, . -------rgo Ooldhnm, le_nving blm for dcnd „( g,I lunuunt InvoU'vd Is nlxty millloti closed neiI. ' wilh HepiIllonel. Ilio vl.tim romvirod, Hit ... ..........th penalty was imposed. In pro- '■ncing sentenco’ the judge specified opi’mng ii Savin would bo guilloUnod in tin fluuing «';cst B(|uare in Epinal but tho court “ '*> '"nrknppenla hofl'ruled thdt-Uie judge scored a ; >e,kd Ivln 'smtborlly, m wU«c ho «mltrri

tho right to' designate tho city er reci'ivciro tin' execution wnr to tako place, ket weak':ould not name Uio exnrt apot. *!*« l“*t'avin, Uie court of appeal* ha* do- 'v «Ml, muit dio) but the public square, advance,■ro hia oxKution Is to be tarried '8c- muia bo designated by t^o mayor. 'I'ho nni

, onts. Pri: * -------- --------------to \-'iz hi

T o d s y - a M f ^ r k e t s' ■ ' -I" I ■ ' " .......hi'ii* to p

iEA T SUFf I r s r e v e r s e s ^_____ CIIICA

r* u of 1 to 1 1-2 Conti Eflmltsfrom Hedging Solas'. cJra N

IIICAQO, (iip>-Reporfs thot Hnsjia " led vast qunutitics of wheat had a • , , , . isb influence on tho wheat mnrket ‘ ly. Doubta, boivovor, thnt money J, ■ . d bo found to pay for tho requireil n acted as a restraining factor. Tlio •f demand camo from, a liouib with i> ern fonncctloni. Opening prices, i rh rnngeil from l-4e off to l-2c ad- iTv 2, ce,' with. September ?1.20 fo 1.C7 *'

Deccmbor «1.20 to woro fol- MIm ;d by material gains nil iirounJ. MLN'Ni ubsc<|Ui'nUy, boding sale^ togcUier C to .'iOc 1 I profit Uking on tbo part of hold- «9.30. more than'counterbalnnced tbe ef- ' B raaH

TlieFir$tNatioi of Twin FTW IN FALLS J L

. 0 .

T h e F E D E E A l E E S E E V E ] th i s d i s t r ic t h a s aw ioD nced a ro d n c tio n f t i 'i t s d iscb n n f ta t e . in r a to s a lw a y s p re c e d e s a p ro v e m e n t in th o m o n ey s i tn a f e c t s o f th is m ove w ill n o t b e 1 s o m e tim e , u n til b a n k depo t w a rd ■ a g a in . T h is ad jn s tm c d ra w in g to a c lo se a lth o u g h tl n e e d e d o h an g es to ta k o p lac b i li ty c a n b e a s s u re d . T h e c

. w ijl t e n d lo h a s te n th is im p ro

The Oldest Bank in t i

a '

Member bf Federal Rest

N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , ]

- : l i l | C ^ . SH€31/1 J '


IWlSoN CITV, Y. T.. m - A n.i-, of liigh^^iys In the Yukon con- ......... Ing with Iho Alaitkau 'oad ayatent, I'urnheen j.ilanni'il by tbo dominiitu aU’ H'*'" ties, it Wll* learned today.orge J. MrKcnrio, chief cxeciitlvc pj,ix 10 Yukon. bn« bnd.n serioi of con­ic-.'* wllh Colonel Stcese, repre-»3 ih . . . . l l ........it j» understood, tbo junction will adu nt an early iSite. Eggs

firM* i

of senboard buying. Tbo market :1 nervous, lc to 1 M’c not lower Heptcmber 0 1 . to l.W 1-4 nnd KAN uber *1.118 to 1-4. un^i.n,,:u hnrju^iud witii wheat. Aftor ng unchanged to l-8c liigbcir, in- jjutti (ig Hoptembor.nt 01 5-8 to 01 7-8e, |.n„[| nnrkot sagged a littlo but then d a moderate goncral udvanco. ittrring compl^nta of dry wcaUi- [Reived aoiao attention but tho mar- venkenod when wheat declined in maJca ast part of tbo day/ The cloau injj unscttiod, l-4c nel lower to n like (_»am nee, with Soptembor 01 3-4 to 01 ^teody

, ■ ' , hutrbeiD northwest was a ^ o d buyer of rlaimcs

Prieea started unclianged lo 3-8 g],c,.| ic hlghor, Boptcmbct 1-2 to '41 \,uik w ensed off somowbat nlM then mado best ni jpturns for all dellvories. . . ' 'tiicady; jher quotAtiona on hogs gave firm- ’ to provisiuna.

’ Caab Qttotatlona • ooo-^i!ICAOb; (fl^—Whent No. 3 red vearlin 3'4 to .1.27 l-4c; S o. 2 hnrd 01.20 tu 8.75

J 1.28 1-2. clnmtesnx No. 2 mixed 03 3-4 to 04e; No. lowC4 to04 1-2c.is No. 2 white 40 l-2 to 42e; No. il(V 30 to 40 l-4c. .0 No. 2 «1.25 3 4 to 1.27 1-2.rley HO fo 72c. *nbthy $4.5(1 to 0. ^ver seed <>13 to -10. jrk numinal. rd 011.05 to 12.)A ilO.SO to 11.37.SilnneapoUs n o w and Grain __ •NNEAPOLIS, Minn., (/F)—FlourriOc lower. Family patenta tp v

ia-115. . ' • ■

= = = = r = , (

iiial Bank FallsIDAHO :

TE B A N E s e rv in g ; Id a 1 -2 p e r co n t a te . A r o d n o t io n1 a g e n e r a l im - tu a tio n . T ho ef- b e f e l t lo c a lly fo r }posits s t a r t up - ' tm en tr p e r io d ish t h e r e a r e m a n y place .W sfo i^ s ta - le c h a n g e in ’ r a te p ro v e m e n t. ^


I the County ‘

eServe System

!, I D A H O , F R I D A Y , J U L Y

. - . ' Jm w C i


E30fl‘ rt€W o T>wrWOUl.^ T><KC HCIU ,SSM S ' r t f-fW A T I

^ K - jH e w o i i d t f r (Itep iA seP / jjH

II / <1

Hii-at receipts 2737 cnrs, compared to 6.7!h 1D8 cara a year ngo. «2.r.O t:ii. 1 Northern $1.42 1-4 to 1-4; bulk vei-.'»1.28 1-8; September $1:30 1-4; , Jlog....ber »1.3I 3-4. ' 13c bi'oni No. 3 yellow 54 to O.lc. $11.15;III* Nn; .1 wblto 35 1-4 to 35 3-4c. 11.10; Iarli’V 48 lo 08c. pigs at

No. 2 J l.ra 1-2 to 10.75. hix .Vl). 1 $1.00 l_^;i.^l.07 l - 2 . ^ ~ —Sheq

O U w P r td a c . .III(!AGO, (^ ^ H u tte r lower; cream- cull* $0extras 40 l-2e; standards 38 1-4C; $10; yi

ts 34 tn 30c; BCConiDi 30 to 33c Idaho 1fgs higher; receipt* 8,001 cases; fa t owe:* 27 1-2 to 28c; ordinary firsta 22 .4f; mlnfcllaneous 25 to 20c. ■ ''

KluaaJ 0117 PioiucoAN8A8 CITV, Kgga-Pirsta aiipplie»langed, 27r; aeconds lc lower, 20c; cil i/o'p:teil raK' lota 34c. proximautter—Unchanged. Nomlinullry—Unchanged. opening

“ U m tic kMAUA, Sv'K, WP)— iv'ccip'* 5,- of oils i

2.'i lo 40c higher; bulk better the houlea $0,25 to 10.25; lop $10.35( pack- Htimulatgrade* $8.50 to 0. foreignitUe receipla I/ISO; beef Htoora ness. ’dy lo weak; top yearlinga I9.-15; inlllesher iilnck weak to 25e lower; other nhown<cs Rteaily. Island ileep receipta 11,000; Inmbs strong; change; western* *10 lo 10.30; lop $10.40; Call n

niiUvci)'$9.50 to 10; other clna*es ter, butdy; ett'ca, top |5.25. ed, rnili

Chicago LiTMtock EnOAOO, (/P)—Cattle rocelpls 3,-

bcef steers ste.idy to strong; fop NBW•linga $9,75; bulk beef steera $7.25 elosod:1.75; bulls 10 to ISo higher; other sorond ‘»es Blcm\y; ^julk fni bIicbIoc c $4.50 sernnd


W A L L“ T h e C h

H o th o u g h t he k n ew a l l a b o u t v T ill a n a u n t w illed h im a g ir ls ’ ; F if ty d a in ty , d im p led d a r l in g s w th o u g h t he w a s “ ju st, g r a n d " .


- A d

“THE COA 2 -p a r t O om edy, F u ll (

Y 2 2 , 1 9 2 1 ' .

$01.50; . 3 3.4’#$I J £

----- s STOUfM ' , S y r

1 ^ — 1 i S j J *3-11); 0January

i? /lA alfalfa $

:>'■ I

f . Butterfn•'* - - Ranth b

I ' •*T T'TT) I '

_ 4 d ; _ i t l - & ! / c . i i ./ vcal fl®

--------------T------------------ 7----------- liog*-0.75; cnnners aud cu tter/ largely 8hee|>-0 to 3,50; bull* largeW $5 to 6; ’ Poultr; < veal ralve* $10,25 to lK75.'og receipts 10,00/); on<;nlng 10 to rurol bli;lier; iidvnnce jiartly lout; tjip

15; bulk butter gri^des $10.15 to . Standa 0; bulk imcking i'j>Wa {o 0.50; cutting, p atrong; ,bulk/<lfeairable--‘$l6.50-to; $3J30: bt

huep reccipts'7,000;''st_eridy; small E selected nnlivy iamb»^o‘ ’/lhl|Tpers

.25; packer top, early $0.75; beet Flour, 01 * $0; medium 'grnde Montana lambs Sagar, bi1 yearlings $7.50;' aix car* choice Sugar, cj !io lumbs not aold early; best light Potatoea, owes $5.25; bulk $3.50 to 4.75. Cream C

N re Toik Block M aik« “KW YOUK, (/Py-rTrmling In stocKa L«U^te,y wn* lighl nnd profeisionnl. Free Dread —>li_e» of money nt lower rates exert- Butter (10 porcepliblo influence. Sales ap- Butter ( Jmated 300,000 shares. Eggs (ro ominal losses ruled at tbo hesltaot Cbiekeni ling of today’s Block market. Clio*- Daeon _ ike nnd Ohio was tho only excop- Bacon, al ; reacting 1 3-8 p ln ta . Tho placing Ham — lls nnd kathcTs on the free liat b y Ham, all house of roprcscntativca failed to Pork cbo ulate trading in thoao shares, most Mutton < ign oils di^laying further hcavi- Pork roa . Mnlora, coppers and food spec- Pork u u es nlso eaacd. Steadinesji waa Steak- ni by Canadian I’ncifie, Boek 80e; khoi id nnd United Btatea Hubbcr. Ex- Beef—! Igo on London was 'finn. • plata 12ill money enacd to five per cent la- _______but oils, steels and copiwra rcact-mils also cnncelling pnrt o f their tj) a s. Tbc closing wns heavy.

Liberty Bonda OHAi:\\ YOIliv, (iP) — Uberly bond*?d: 3 1-2‘n $87; firat 4 'b $87.20; ’nd 4 ’a $87.24; firsl '4 1-4’a $87.00;nd 4 W a $87.34; third 4 1-4'a ^ ____

V * ¥ ^ - l T y l■ T H E M ^ r E W j I H U i y

- A C E Rin

h i a r m S c l

11 MIt w om en . S o he sw e p t a s id e t s ’ schooL , , e

w h o a ll tte cam o P ro fe s s o r o f

is a l l 'y o u co iild e v e r i i


idded Attractions—

3UNTRY HEIlU o f L a u g h s ' a n d T h r i l ls ; a n d F a th i

); fourth '4 .H '8 '$87.4a;'Y ietorT■.m 42;'V lctor7,4 3 .4 ','$ l)8 .U ^ ,

• PotatoeB . . ' IICAGO, (/FV-Potatoea unsettled; ita 34 cara; Virginia 'IS barrel- Valley $1.25 to 1.50 :cwt.; -MUsou- 50 to l.CO twt-i lUlttola IU O to :wt.; Nebraska $2.20 to 2.25 -cwt.: iraia $2.30 to 2.40 owt.

,SugarW YORiC, (/P)—Tbc raw augar M Vas quieter early today, but mdertono'ATOS fina ■ and- priees unchanged at 3c for Cubas cost rcight, equal to 4.01 for ccntrlfu-

V fliturea wore steadier and lead- oHltions were 3 pointH lijgber at ly.'ined prieea were unchanged at to $5,90 for fine granulnted with r inquiry.■ro’ were no franBactlons in refin- luVtS. <i;. ,:ar futures elosod ileady; approx-

sales 4,000 tons, ^ptom ber' October $3.01; Deceml/er .'$2.80;

ry $2.78.Eansae City Hay

NBAS CITY, tP)—Ilaj^choice » $10 to 2.0; No. I prairio $11 to 0. 1 timothy $12 ^o 12,50; No. 1 • $11 to R50.


ished by T^la Falla Flour Mill*t No. 1, cwt. _________11.10

ProflQc* 1 1r f a t ....... ................ .............. : 308 )I buttei .— :------- 30o ■ r


ralabed by InS«iwtmat Meat Market

tlo-CoFa 404 l-2o; «(<ora 5e;3@7o.

Prime 7@71-le ir|>—Mntton 4e; lamba 6c. iltry—Hena 16e; fryora 25c. ;

Hay • , , .rniabod by Twin Palla Ckiunty

Patin Bnreau __idardor buttfl^ bay, In itSJk, firit " g, $7.60; aomc.-poDtor. ia low ai, ba]ed,.$12.00..,;

HOUSEWIFE’a QtnDB (BatAlJ Prices)

08-lb. aack _______ $3J20®3.80, beeu, 100 Iba.-------- $8.0008.10, cane, 100 Iba. No qnotaUon lea, new, lb. ■ ■ ■ S@OeI Oheeao------------------------- gOeCbeeie ---------------------- aOc_________________________ _ 0a

le, kaf, lb________lOe---------------------------------------- 10a

: (creamery) ------------------- 42«r (ranch) ........... ............ 80e(ranch), dor. —......................80ojn a --------- ------------------------ SOe

--------------------------------- -- SBe., alleed----------------------------40c;________________________ 35ralicea _______________ 40e

n chops-----------—------ 2303OP

« 5 ! ^ z z z z z : ™ r £ 6 r * tik—Sirldn aSe; T-bono 35e: romid 1 hnek 20c.r—Pot roaat JOo; neck 17 l-2e.'12 l-2e; briakat lOe.

DAHO q ^ ^ E S AND

SA a E. BCWCLIZTB ft d o . 'PbOBO 816-W

126 Sboahooe S t Weit Fiencb Dry Cleaning

J " ! * ? ? ? "~ . NIgM 7:30

l E I D

h o o l ”

a ^A

W '

3 tho' old mtithodB and

3f Oh'arm. Tho roat

Imagine— and more.


.— M:r o ”thoNowsj^.'v^ 1 ' •

( C iP lB I S- « l l f CLUBS

: FIB PBBffiSV U d i t o r 'o t F a rm P a p e r ,A o o o rd s

H ig h PraiBO to T w in PallB D is tr ic t Y o u n g a to rs

Payiulr ^ eoi»pHmcnt tn tho prowf.i.i'of Kirill conni'ctcd vrltli Buwinu

. clubs pf IMu comity, atid crediting tbem witli nn' uiibratnblo rocoM for rluU’ cfficlenry,.t!ie Idnlio Faimcr has

; t u followinR article on Uie froot imijo of-itd Ufciio .hlly 21. TJic articlo in am-

, - •' ply ilhiktratcd! . ,“ Tli'j sowing eliib gUU of Twin

!“EalI/i>outit>‘ havo fiunR up ii tnrpct for nil th t ' |{lrl*' ^lubs o t tluj world to dlioot at. - I t In barely posniblo Ihnt nnme ,olher .niunty Honivwhcro baji

- cqual,od their reeord, but this in doubt­ful. Ocrtaiu it U nono hon bcalen it, for a jicr/ect record caniiot bc bcnten. (Tlio national director of club worit baJi wrilten’ Mr. O’Reilly rnyinc tho Twin FuJIb County t\Hbs slnnii blgliest

* in the < ountry .—Bd.)

T “ At the close of tlio flub ycnr nc,v- crnl wi'pks ORO,' ICO ffirU reprcacntiiij; fK’flriy A tcoro ot JoirsJ-cluli* *ratfrrr<l ihrouKtiout tbo county, paraded the

fltrcctji of (Twin Fall*, cach woariiijr n • drcf# I.f her own making. Not one v/a^

daunted by tbo down]>our of rain, that ranio duritiR the mnrch, just a* none liad l)ocii daunted during thu entire

, ■ year by any of her own poraonal diffi- rultici). Kvery girl tlijat began Uio work finiiiho’l the year, giving to every locfil nnd lo tho county u a unit the re­markable record of 100 pcr cent.

-‘‘And now tboro orO'otber world* ■IIclng«couquered,-juat aa .voun^.folk^.

*' ■ ■■Ro'out'ln'co'ntjuer Ihc noWjWorm after graduating from nny other, ecbool. Tlie»c .Bamo girl*, many of them, nro this (uinmer doing canning nnd eooU- Ing eliil) work with pronilRc of *uc<'efix that will eomparo well wlib their cow­ing recotd." • ■ .


DELEfillTKBraNPiflM «E881 CillN __

P ro sb T to r ia n A n n tia l ' SoB im or • T ra in in g O u tin g 'O o n c lo d o d

a t BoUovne -

TIic returned delcgalea from tbe aU'' nunl HUmnicr tKilning adiool and 'cnn-

fe'rcnec tor young ponplo iielJ at Belle- vuu by the Preabyterinn denominiUiou, nro unaninionn in pronouncing i( the

r nio»l HiicccMful,'both in point of num- bem and intercjt ahown, of nny yet hold by tho organiraHon. Tbe fact that the rogiitratiou increased prac-

. tjeally 100 per rent over that of lojt• year, lend* thoao-wlw ‘arc responsible

for it* inception to^icltcvc that tho conferonco ia-filling a very doflnite need in commiinity ijfe. Whilo tbe con- fcrenco took its beginning in an effort to provide for 'thc needs of young pc’o- pto for training a* Clirlatinn workers, itfl acopo has been widcni-d ao that it now affordr instructiou to young hnd old alike. Tho tasto ond need of young pcoplo for (unuacmcnt haa beou accord- cd fulleai recognition, nnd place i* n<.ido in tho plans for ail bcnlthful outdoor rccrcntiona. Swimming, fish-

___ ,„.ing...liikiug._fu'ld mPeta, nnd Iho im­promptu delightJi of tho <n-cning eamp' firu cach contributed to tbe pleasure' of the Puting. , .

Tliat the confcrciirc work was ctpial- ly well nrranged, i,-i proven by tho names tlmt apjicat on ?Ue faculty tuU;

licndor, tbo llcv. Cnivin W. Laufer, doparlmcnt of riSligious educ.ition i f

. thu board of Sabbath achool 'Work, I’bllodolpliia.• Tho Kuv. E, T. Allen, I*rcfbytcrij>n

-missiooary, Unimiah, Persia.;Tho Rov. Hnrry Pillsbury, I/igau

Utah; 'Tho Rev. _'William T. Weir. D. 1>.,

wscXClMy ot ‘tho RoncTivl oMcnvbl;/ com- mitfco on men’* work, Chicago.

ProfcjHor H. 11 Ilnymnn, Biblo rol lego of Idaho.

, Mrs. Asher Harlan Brand, aisociato aujKirinlendent of the First Prerbyte-

^ rinn Babbath school ond supcritncndei.t I of Junior Chriation Kndcnvor, Tivln

FoU*. i;daho. .TJio 'Rev. .Icsac H. Haird, pastor of

tUf! F iril PrcsbvlMia^i church, Boiso. Idaho,

B<lwlu .T. Spcncc.'henil of tho depnrt- < mrnb of BngUnh, Boise high achool.

y Amijng tboao from Twin Fnlb wbo ,[jV «o in nttendanco were: Mr*. A. II. (

B||an.l, Mr*. Honicr C. Mills and chil- i dron, Fred IIoll, Ijnwrencc Hall, Mrs 0 . M. Italf, Mm. Marian' Dunn and ( children, .Mra. Gladys Corlion nnd „ ihugWir. MiBscr Mary Fialicr, l.oi* j Rice, Thelma Dawson, Flonincc Den- j ton, Violn' Evans, '\Wlma Keel, Ilildft , Holderman, Qrnco Stodo nnd Clinton c Evans.

ratiLS PULPIT TBMPOEABILY IThe Rev. A. L. Hlofkl i;io!d Iwiuker

of Ihl) IdiJio Baptist'convention, will " . occupy the pulpit «£ llio First BaptUt

church-unlil tho arrival of tho Rov. A. • . 8. Tollivi'r. who hns been regularly "

called lo the locnl Daptiht i 'kitorate. Tho Hov. Mr. Black will preach each P Sunday until tho regular man arrives ]] Tor n.niloral work tho beginning of tht coming church ye.ir.' The Rov. Mr. Dlnck nnd bis family arc now occupy . Ing the Hoptist parsortage.

-------- - ■ 1OOilES TO BIO W niTB STOBB. I

' B. r . Firman" of Salt Lako hac or- ’ V rived to lake immediate rhargo of the *

dry good* and rcady-to-wonr dopait- * ments of tho Big Whlto store. Ho was formerly employed in a similar position in Ely, Nov. Uo succeeds rte d W. iCob* wbo has,^hcld tho position for sQttto time.

' ' ' • e_ READ lillB OLAflSIPrED ^DH. t

' T W I N F A L L S D A

■ T heB

' iW jSg'M M M w Sr

ird s

tho nring - iliug

fur ha*

am- ---------------C 5 B a B a 8 g ro 8 B * B $ S 8 E 2 3 e

• Premiers of th e Britiib empire, i-lth 1 members of their staff, photogrnphod

in tho rourt of N o.'10 Downing street, ixjiidon, whero tho conference of pre- miers is now being held.. PremierLloyJ

I it, ______ _________iten. “


CfP<} ,‘•'f S u p ro m o ' C o u r t Cbosefl I . W . ! y,a H a r t to C o llec t j ) a t a in A c tion that o f T h o m a s S a n d e rso n ' ,lone ■ ,'til? Evidnice' in tho eam- of Thomns fean- . iffi- derson agniimt tho,ftflInoH River Canal

eomi>oii}, iin ►u'tion broughi lu compel ' ocfil dijiwrv, of irrigntion watiT to 'Inndf ,

outside tJio patented'projcct area, will i bu collrcled for the stale supa-nio court

'fids iiy I. W. Hnrt, clerk of th ? court, wh<i iviis yc.itcrdfiy named by ;he court iis 1

Tter referee'in tlio'coflo fyr thi* purpose-."" 1lOol. Tjio cagy panic bcfuru Ihc supreme < "f® cunrt yesterday when a hearing

00I-- held on tho application of the canalcompanv to filo nn jimeniJnicnt to ita i

<eu'- origin'll answer, frilit amendaieut do' tnies lhat Sanderson held nny stuck in i

the company and tJiat thu water stuck I I for hLf l;ind was purdiased from the ^ Siilnion River Lind ond Water rum

pany two years after that company Jind In i l sold all of iu wulct cuppty. ' \I ly Tkn court did not yesterdny • im- <U ll nounco its decision with ro.ipcrl. to Ihe ’

ndmissiuu of the amendment- lo the (

As referee In the cose, Mr. ilarLwiilJ tako evidonce on beUilf of SanderHOii 1

as W|,'ll as on behalf of the company, tWhen this lotk Is romplelod the ref- 1creu wilt report tn Ihc court and at- t

loincVB will btt given an oi>]>otlniiity 1 to argue thu caso on ll* merits. It is

f/'®’ regnrdvd ns probable thnt final hear-»»I'' j"fP' ■*" ’" “y delayed nnt‘1 (

tho Soplcmber lorm to be held m I’o- (•• 1


tho 'nitc Itutniction In Scilptnnl Things Startscon- Monday for Fortnl«lrt's Porlodfort pc'o- Reginning a t t) o’clock noxt Mondoylers, morning a two weeki’ biblo school wiii [t it bo conducted nt Iho Cliurch of thfi [hnd Rrethreu for nil rhildren 0 to 14 years 'lUng of age. Tho school will bo in sessionord- five days each week of tho study pc-

i* rlod. Thero wHll be no afternoon sea-hful slon.i, nnd c ieaca in atudv wil] closo’ish- at Jl:.10 o ’clock,im- The rchaol,ia orgonked, the HeVi

,mp' Chnrlet W. Ronk, pastor, explains, .for sure' the T)ur|>osu of nrquointing children; , with Ihe bible and ils norrations. Tliere

tioi- will i o no tuition fee, but an offering ,jtho will bo taken to defray oxjMjnae inctir- ^

;uU; red lu carrying ou Iho scliool. • tifer, Appenl in nindu to till persons having. i f childrcji -of thu ages npniod lhat .thoy Jork, would care to liave onrollod, to ndvisi

tho pastor, thlt Rev, Mr. Ronk, or send ^riiin them tu tbo Church of Uic Ilrethroc, ,

corner of Third aveniio north and 'Ignn Fourth atroot. - '

1)., ' TO QET TITLE. |om- Ocotgo U. l.ing lias ItwlUutcd pro­

ceedings in Uio distriet court against . rol Ralph. .Tohnson, Nceking to quiet U>lo

lo a lot in Twin Falls, ownwship to ■ into which is clouded nt present Tho court j yte- Is.nskt'd to fix tho status of posses- j lent alon. ^win •

, CLEVELAND CELEBRATES , ;i... FOUNDING ANNIVERSARY 'nn- Olilo Oity Bofllna Nlao Day FosUtIUm „

Obsorranco'bf'niBt B«tUunsnt iwbo ____ _ . }

JI- CLKVELAKD, 0., (/P>-CIevelftnd lo- t dny began a nlnC'<i(tiy e<’lcbration in «

■I” observiince of its founding na a city by p and Qpncnii Moae,i Cleveland nnd a pnrly of v '‘"J siiri-eyora from Connecticut 125 yean<

ago. 'Thu cily ia elaborately decorated and thousands of former residenis arc }

ildft cxpcfttcl to nuke the orcasion a home- li 'ton coming period. n

Charlcn Otis, a loeni b.vikcr, wilt u portray Moses Ciovclnnd. -With a Hum- v

sr ItiT of other men ho will come up the a CuynhoRii river tbls morr.ing in a

•j.i steom biiinrh nnd will'-land at a spot , reputwl lo ,be Ihu Inniiing plaee of the

Ne«- I'ngland pioneers-u century'and ..iJ tl quarter ngo. ’ *

Noxt Friday a ball game will ho ‘ played lit Dunn field by plnycrt_ who I

y.g wero jBcmburji df the Cloveland fcani for thu laat- 20 years.

Mr. ------- ----- *------------py. . HabltA Arv DanQoroua. t

Bo iiBU-buun accusiumod to u i l n t Id Block loWlng, wbllo In'business In '

I tbe Cast, so bo felt terribly outraged a ,; when Uiey lynched him for ruaUltig til,. calUo lu UoDlnno.—Ilcinll Public Lc<J- „ t - £cr, PbtlodclpUfl. _ ,[vas » 1ion Fifty-cent cleaning ipoolal all this i Vt. week. Idalio Cleanen and Dyars.—advfor ------- ------------------r ’ '

-Ctuufi&d tidvortUlBg li ibe cheap-, est thing yon eon bay—moosnred b; tho profi'* it,njr»x bring yon. > *


! British Premiers in Com

F. w tJL*w a '-"«i'm j.inKgP^r

1th George, of Great Britain, presides ovc*lod tha council. JYont row (left to right).!ct. Unidentified; Arthur J. Balfour, a repire- resentativo of Indio; Premiiir Masseyi.vJ of New Zealand; I*remier Meighon, ol

J o c a l j Q r e - v i i i e d

Binli—A girl Uiby wns born al » lo- eal Iiim|iital tu Mr. and Mrs, .Inmcs M.

V. .lami'isiiu of- Filer July 21.n — *

Back from BoUfr-X B. McLnin, who hna been in Boific . fur, some time on bwBincJs, ictuincd homo lail evening.

lai For Modlcal- TroaUnont — Alfred pe! Wers.'hiiig of Twin Falls ii a patient idf nt n Innil hocpital where hu is taking 'ill meillral treatni^ent. irt «h<i Betums from Outlng—Mrs. Al W. UH Hustl’d hns n'lurned from nA 'ieitw ith

Mr. hnJi'''Mrs.- (l-,J..Kchroc(lcr ot Oieir ;ne ciiUlu m Warm ctvck. ' \<,is .... » 1ml To Visit Daught«r—Mrs;; i'Vank ita niiiiieh,‘ uf Kansas -Oily, orrii'od yea- lo' t'erdn.\r''fiir (I week'r visit w ith ', her ill ilnnghtur, Mrs. Homer Buncbrakej of rk 217 Eighth avenue eaat. he • . —ni Oono to Mountains—Mr. nnd Mrj. nd R. K. M orse'ii'ft this morning for a

weuk’s outing i« tiiv mountains. in- will )>e guesls of Dr. nnd Mr*, J. IJ. he Whiti' nt the (niter’s romp In Warm he Springs canyon fur the ^veek end. '

ill Ectum to California—Mr. ond Mrs.ou L. linm-brake who linvu been gUcU atly- the Iiumu of their sun. Homer Bone-cf- brnke for a month, left yetterday forIt- their home In noUywood. Cal., trnvpl-ity Ing ov!riand by wny of Portland, Ore.

ar- ^ynch Eotums—F. C. Lyneli; deputy t'l county recorder, wilh Mra. Lynch nnd ’o- other members of the family, bave re-

turned from-Cjuiyon counly, i where Mrs. Lynch and tho children havo been the pa.1t month. Mr. Lynch,went sev-

. oral dnyc ogo to bring them home.;N . •—

Eotumfl from Convention—0 . P. Du- r t j vail, judgi’ of the Twin Fnlls county

Ifr^diatt) ooUrt, rutiirned today from Los Angeles, where during tho past

gy len days ho attended an annual conven- .jil lion uf the Elk*’ fijatcrnal organirji'-

lion. Mr*. Duvnll and, Uie children ro- lurned with him from Balt Loke.

oil ' ■

JV; --- ----------- -------------- — ■’"f Phono 32cn • k

Tlie Mentor club was entertained on ^ Thursday afternoon a t the country

homo of Mrs. Oris Crydcr. near Curry Sixteen members and two visitors were

^ present ond nfler a thorl-business ae-v I ■ sfon a sorLnl hour and refrcBlimenls

wero ctijoyed on tiie lawn. Thp next meeting will bo held nt the home of Mrs. P. W. Bench.

Mr. nnd Mrs. iloyd Pollard and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 0. Buen* entertained

_ the office foreo of tho Idoho Power ' J company at. the homo of the former at

711 second ovenuo west Wednesday , evening. Tho tin^o woa spunl in social ” diveraiunf ond muaic, nnd deUelous ro-

freshments wero served nt Ihe cloae of thu evening.

The next meeting of tho 81*unrock club will 1)0 held Thursdoy, July 28, at

Y the homo of Mrs. W. R. Neer.

MUs Gladys Channel war the gnc-'t •“ of honor ot on attroctively served

lunchuDii a t tho homo of Mra. George E. Hart nl oho o ’clook Thuhiday, 'Thd

0- tablo wav centered with sweet iiens in' in A eryjtnl basket. Miss Chnanel l«,-ex- jy porting to Wivo soon for nn extended of viait to the coast. n< _

MIhs Ooldia Peoirs entertained Ihe fc X. Y. Z. club a t bor Addison avenue ic- homo Wednesday evening. Vnriou-<

nmuHomcnts filled -an unusually hiippy ill uvening, nnd ot tho close, rofrc.ihmeiits •n- wero Bcrved. Tlio members in atiend- lie once were tho Miucs Martlia While,

Refuse* to Oo. Discouraged.3ufl Tunklns sayn ho luju li matuan

ombrclln ten'years ogo onil lins been l,Q borrowtng umbrellas over slncc. hoping’ lio bo’d riin.across (L . ni " ' ' *■ \

Qsttjng Somethino (or tt. |If you bovo a lot ot old Junk, dout

throw tt snoy aud feel w88teful;>gl^ *t tt away and feel charitable.—Boelon- In 'TninBCripted — ------

A C reature to Bs Pitied.^ It 1.1 tho coward who fawns upon

those nbove, hUa. It is tbo coward wbo It toBolcnt whCQorer bo dares IM

lis so.—Junius.Iv - . —----0.-

Th’fl Training School.Ncccsslty Is a good teacher, but

, they have proOtctl by hor tcochlng* Icaai who know ber moit.



■v(* Ciiniidft; Premier Lloyd George; Pro tt). mier Hughes, of Australia; Premier Jai, rep- Fnuits, uf South Africa, nnd J/ird Cur­acy T,oii, tho Briliah foreign Becrciary.

- Hotel lieartficld, Elonnor Mncion, j Irene Hall, Irrm- Cojili-llu nnd Guldial Peairs nnd lli'u MinM-s Annabelle Mc- >!asUT nud (llmlys Roynulds' were

•J giicsls,

*?' The J'ylhinn Hiaters eiiferlnineil (ht eliildren t>f their nu-mbers.nt a lawn rarty at tho home ofMrs.’-W. A. Min. nick- at n02 Rlue L'lkes bi>uU-vnrd un Weiiiier'lay nflcrninui. The luiurs frnm ‘J l<i .' woro tm]i]iily spent iu gnmiM, while I'hutograph* taken of the party

i,,] wilt furnish plenshnt suuvenirs'of the iH'cnsiou, Ico erenm . iukI cake wtt't

ing mothers at 4 o'clock.

Tiie I’rcsbylcrian' ladiei met at tht church parlors' Tiieaday afternoon lo

.jjjJ be;,nn Ihe work of sorting, materinis jpj, nml cutjiiiig.uilt gnrmentr fur tho Bu-

ropc.vi relief work that is'now gettin" uuiler v.iiy. In this church, Mrs. F. F.* Rrncken ia cl^rniou of tho relief com iiiitte..'. Moro lionotions of giinuenl#,-

ji'pf ihc>e>( i-nd *materi;ns ran be uaoiTT’and of Ihe hairman reminds o'cryunu thnt ,, the I’imc for nsaewbling tho shipment.

• il rapidly pasting. Tho hod Croas hu* [ j ,; set; Hie dale of August 31 ns the timo ■ n when Ihe boxed should bo started.

.Mra. D. R. Cliurcliill was hostess yci- teriluv at a 1 o'clock kenaingloii lunch-

• fctu at her home on Ninth avenue eaat, cumpliniuiting Mus Uubi Oardiner of Salin.i. Knn., Covcrr were laid for 12,

nt find'Iho'.docorntiuia wero piuk nnd nc. white; h'iiee^-,peas and shasta daisies, fo- The gUcatK were Mcsdnmcs C. -D.-Ir.;. ,pl. win, 'i\ H i.lA in. .r. D. Rnrnlifirt, E..P; )fP Dunliip, UavW Browa. Clvdo'Simp»o«,

W.'A. Hu»r'ard/L. 0. Kvnna, tho Misses ,itv Malic i;nd|'MBTna'Hnll uf York, Neb., jnd and Hula Qardjiier of Salinn, Kan.

« e -'fr. -'■■“'l' M "- Irwin, Mr. and i-cn M r s . ' B a r n h a r t and Miss Buli ov- dnrdliipjIof ’Bollna, Knn., spent Tuesday

eveniii;: At', tihoshono Fails, whero thoy. enjoyc<l:ij>}fi supper.^

Dll'. •nty Mr-i.' .I.'rnnces Hillocks was hostessom at n channing dinner party at theasl Rogi-rson mfe Wcilnerday evening fol-en- lowed by a thrtiter party. Tlie guestsza- wero Mr and Mrs. A. K. Slifor, Dr. nndro- Mrs. P. C. Bocbe and Clnrk Beebe.

•Tho Highland View club held a reg- ular meeting at tho homo of Mrs. It. I.. Shaw on Wednesday nfternoon. After

J ' n shnrl business meeting ;i musical program was given, ami a hwn party

^ wns plniined tu be held nt the home of Mr. und Mrs. W, B. W.illueo for Ihn club numbers and their fnmiliec ou Thuraday evening, July 2''. Tho noxt

,®'’ next meeting will he held nl thn home of Mrn. F. D. Hheldon. August 3,

Mrs. IT. H. Hed.alrom nnd Mra, „l', Georgo Hnllntt of H20 Klovenlh avenue p jt catl oiUortaincd at luncheon Wednesday . f complimenting their'mothcr and si*ter,

Mr*. M. Meddings and Mij* Vero Med. dings. The guctls-were Mcsdnmcs D.

„„j A. Salmon, Charles Larsen, A. R. An- . . f derson, 8. W. Osgond, C. W. Grimes,

XI. Meddings, Gcorp'- Hallatt, H. H. .'HpiisVrim nnd Mi«« Vern Meddings.

lay ---- r -;inl A jully party c«ii*ii'ting of Mr. nnd ro- Mrs. iJ. M. 8im]won. Mr. nnd Mr*. D. nf A. Chnrchill. Mr. nnd .Mrr. Clyde Simp­

son, Mr. and Mrs. II. D. HnH, Mr. Cass Fiffe innd tho Miwes Hnl! apcnt Tues-

ick day evening at Iho Rliio Lakes plcnick-, at ing and enjoying the pirturc*quo beau­

ties cf the plnce. ' ' ' ‘

c-'l The Inwn uf the Dr. Oliver Hnrstad ■cd homo nt 2-12 Sixth avcnuo cast wos thu fge sceno of a merry gathering Wednesday 'h^ evening when friends sind nolghbnrs uf in' Mrs. K. M. Wnlfe nnd daughters en-

tx- tortaincd infont(nliv for Ihem a t diu-

I tTncertalnty m a k o s ( insurance a Ncccs-

ot sity. Don't wait un- _ tu yonr car is stolon,

° ' o r y o u l h av e

don't. Kiono tis to*^ day—-tomorrow may jd ; bo too lato. t» ■ [ '


■ /

y, m y 22,1921 , .ner recoguiaing Uio event of .their im- ininout removal to their new horao on 8ixth riist, across thu boulevard. Tliose | participnling in ths happy uccosion ■ were Mcadnmes Hiiralad, R. T. Har- | Bind, Ivnulz and thu Misscr Geurgio nnd , Kva Mnrtin, Colette, Lucilo «ind Helen Wulfe.

Mrs. F. R. Cox was hosloM to thu Harmony club Wednesday afternoon nt \ her homo nl 120 Kighth ovenuo north., , The lime was spent iu playing bridge,' \ and Oiu honors were won by -Mrs. M.0. Putnam. Fuflowing the mnusemetit uf tho nfternnou Iho huHtcsr served a two rourac luucheoii. Eight mcmbeia

. ' weru iir.'gcnt, .Mnadomea M. 0. Con- , over, H Barger, J . A. Oamiibell, Ern- eat White, M., Houao, F. It. Cox, J. C, c Moore, nnd M. (^ Putnam, while Mea- domes D. M. I'aircs. J. B. Davies, Mary Kelloy, I’oter Erlckjon nnd Utiibcri were guests.-

.Members of Tivin Fnll* lodger. Odd Fellows and Rubeknha, will hold an anmiiil picnic un Friday evening next

at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ivon I'ricv on Kimborly road. Conveyances will by provided at iho Odd Fellows holl ot 7:.'!0 o'clock for raerahors with- uul means of getting lo the scene of fcstlvilj*. Basket lunrhcs, wilh fried

—. chcckua us tho piece de resistance, are to bo (pread on the laivn.


[lit King Oflorgo and Quoan Mary EnUr- wii tain for Four Thousand Guests at i»* Garden Party

LONDON,' (/P) ■— ^{ing Ooorgu und Queeu Mary today giivtj u .garden \iar-

fl-y ly a t Buckinghom pnlnrc to some -I,- 1^0 guests. Included among tho Am- ericans present ivero Colonel E. M. Iluusu and Mrs. House, Col. H. H. Rog­ers, Mrs. Rogers and Mits Milliconl

int Kogers, Archibnld Roosovelt and Mrs.\° Roosevelt, Juatice Mohlou Pitnoy and

Mrs. Pitney and thuif ion ond daugh- " I ter; Mrs. James Winst^w, Miss Alico "1“ I’tikins, ft nicco' of lAily Aalor, nud *'•' Mr, and .Mrs. Lowis Stuyvesanl CTian-

lor..apacious-lowuB presented a bril-

liiint sceno. All Iho members of tho' fuyal family were iiresonl, togothor

' wilh' Iho foreign ambassadors and min- iaters. Ihe' dominion premiorj, Indian

" notnblea, members of the government and others.

King Oeorgo had Queen Mnry shf.ok " ' hands wilh aomo 2,000 of Uioir gueiM.

'■ Tho lawn party wns to some oxtoul a 1 aubstiluto for tho courts which -tlic

p king and quocn weru unable tu hold ".’ this year, and t ^ informal presenla-

tluiia ore equivalent to the usunl pres- j^' cntations al court.

. Tlio pownr vs-orn by tho womon were rather moru subdued Uion thoao seen

' at Ascot nud tho Honly regatti. Moat ,1 of the skirt* wor® longer Ihun those ' lately considered fashionable. •

Kongo DIamandk ulu ^ o r e oro diamond Helds In Uio Bel* lay '(iBD Kongo which In lOlO produced loy. 200.000 camlB. nnd it Is estimated Uiat

' tbe Deld will ^leld nbout tbls qoanUty ononnlly In tho future.

the ■"rol-

The C hoicest!eg* ‘ .

s Falls Coimtiy FuW e se lc o t o n ly th o f in e s t sti

w h ich a s s n r c s y o n o f th e bc me ■ r o a s t s . '

O ur p ro d u c ts a t e p r e p a r e d i rs. lo o a tc d a f e w m ile s f ro m th e c j“® y o u r m o n e y a t hom e w h e n yc er, tn tio n .ed-

w.: Lard Specials

No. 3s, Pure Lard No. 6s, Pure Lard

d! No. 10s, Pure Lair Home Cured Baco


: Independent^ -------- PHONuf

“Here’s Reais a y s t h e G o

T h a t g i v e s a m a n m o r e g e n u i n e c h e w in g sa tis* f a c t i o n t h a n h e e v e r g o t o i ^ i t h e o r d i n a r y k i n d .

S m a l l e r c h e w .I a s t s lb n g e r ^ 0 i t c o s t s l e s s t o c h e w th i s c l a s s o £ to b a c c o .

A n d t h e g o o d , r i c h to« b a c c o t a s t e g iv e s a w o r l d o f s a t i s f a c t i o n .

■ - A n y m a n w h o u s e s t h e R e a l T o b a c c o C h e w >vill t e l l y o u t h a t .

Put^ufi in two styles

W - B C U T i s a lo n g f in e - c u t

' R I G H T C t

Vlrst Wonted Clolhl . 'W 'n f I Tbe 'flrsi clotii of tbo textnro oow’» called woraiod was spun at Worsted,‘ In Norfolk. England, in l£10; .A -w u ' first uBOd In Dinklng stocKln'w-ai^-‘[ w*ra by the poorer clawoi:;-^j

-r ') llealtb Is tb( ess«Dtlal tuctor tn p r^1 ductlV'cnl-as. (n-oapcrl|y uiid bnpploca^ .■ ond hence In thu ndvaneonient of'Clril*- trnllon.—Sir l-'rttOcriclt ’Trovca.

[ Buy Your Ovm U m s. ...........I Adv.—Sumpiv iihova to Be Q W tt'• Away. No strings't» this oCfcr^Bl^,’.• ton Tronscrlpi. ' ■

t •

. K ilbraliam; M Lincoln'


r "You con fool some p h h e IKO-•

pie nqme of Iho timu but you

can 't fcol nil tho [Kioplu all thu ,


' ' Some [woplo thinl^ thal they can pick their own ginsae* over the counter, that tho uptomo- trist’fl educoUoR,. cjiporionce ond , equipment i* oil tom foolery. If Ihii wero'tho case thon oil our

I oplicol colleges,' our sto;to lows tegulaUuB the ptaciico of optom-' ctry,..lho.30,000 op^omotrists, the ; millions of doliocs invested In

I scientific instrumerits -for testing, sight, nro all tom foolary, too.'

Think I t Over\V7ien it comes lo your oyei, it

• is*bcUer to bo safo than sorry.Ix!t mo ozamino your eyes and you'll bo safo.


Davis Optical Go.1 O PTO U BTBIST OPTIOIANB ' '

Steers in Twin umish Our Meats tq e r s f ro m T w in P a l ls ' h e rd s , b e s t a n d o h o ico s t s te a k s a n d

d in o u r s a n i ta r y p ac ld f ig p l a a t e c i ty lim its . Y on a r e k e e p in g , y o n p a t r o n i ie th is lo c a l in s t i -

8 for Saturday

d .................40cd .......... ......... 65ctrd ............. . $1J5:on, lb ............. SOc

Meat MarketN E 1 6 2 --------------- - -

Tobacco”l O o d J u d g e

i!: r L

u t t o b a c c o "

i l U T i s a s h o r t - c u t t o b a c c o

. . A "i


bno d «ver7 »ntmo(m except better i

tlio Par;

•toloitd pcintDJ, Aj>r)l 9. I»1S. t t tho pORoniM «t Tvla nllfa ■

, n Jli, laobo, under theA ct ef Utxtk I. ‘IMI. . "0 r«(5— ------------- -— --------------------------- -- sliould


I month* ..................... ....................1*2 Rirl«'at(1 ^"°" '^ ........................................■ : * I I 1 . .

WtSUDER OF ABSOaATBD PBBSa nmn liftTiifl Aiwclated Prow U«du^T«ljr « • ^ay.

tjil»d 10 th# lus for Mpubllcfttlon of oU ' otwi dts^tchu or«dlte<l to It, or DOt othorwlM crodltoil. la thU otpcr, asd tifo Htufn tti« Io«Al newi publUbM lieretn. AJI rlfbu of reputaiatlon oC tpodo] dl«> yonil ttil» ,a .« . r . r».T i».. , ......

No rftipoiulbilttjr il uaumed for tbe in wrirll ckro ot UDMllcltod mMuacrlpt. pboto- rrapha or other oontributod matter, Ar- rlcJct lubmllted for publlcaUon wtll b« Dlwvn CMd or not a t the discretion of the odIto ,, . tnd no maauaaipt will be returned un- timt nn leaa accompenled by neceiurr jwatiice.

^;. BAB:^B tN HEPRElagpATivEs - • '•0«rge D..»AV1d Co.,'tnViriTl Mtdlion

•'Atk; New ITO: A. I t Kcjitor. MU Han- rord DuUiltnf. Cblcuo. _ 4. ■ 1

Uembcr Audit Bureau at ClraulaUou F lfCONTIDpKOE THE KEY -----!

Among r<Kont indicationa of ri'turn- ioK bottor coQiJitioiia in Hiu world of /inaoca and industry llicro li nono moro •l8 .1 Ilc .« t.tb .. Ik . a . . .« n . T O t by Kedoral Rcwrvc Uonku Iti four flanu- yoitorda dal contora, Includici; San I'roocbco, rapid. tii wkl.li i> Ibt tom .t (or thi. aw tle t, ol tt reduction ia tlie dlaeount rato froa jj (U to fivo and one-half per cent. palihip

Tb. v . r , p ,.p .P 1• * - . • elilne, w Ijr to regarded M a precoufjor of wu- ,|,p

ior money and ctedits; but i t is etsen* the mnli tlal tbat reeognillon bo given tho foot that unlcis conditions ii genera] f in t pg[f Justified tho rate roduetlon it novor should 1 would have beoa mado. Pwkn^l

liesidcg refloeting tbe reserve boolca' nccdlo'V( appreciation of impravlnf; oooditions, Cbuchf)' tho rate rcductioQ announcement at- teats to their'confidonco in thu contin- this, wi’n ued bcttcrmont of affairs.. Tlils Is sig* au|H<rlntioificaiii beeauso the anaouiiccmont, munt nowould not havo beon made on tho Qpt, itronjcth of niero ’ transitory improve-

Tho worat is ovor. Kecognizcd ou> jironprct kuthuritica all agree on this point, and McMilla' now the rcsem-bBnlts -ore backing tlioir’ Juilpncnt by loitlnK'down the 'At'llii barriers lo credits by nnothor notcliT" ‘‘r»' n*a

(.'onfldcnce ia the key to tho sitna- j*' tion. lioWvnl of tho sort of eonfideneo ,'tittln);. Uiat the' reserve banks dlaplay in this hay. act right here in Twin Fnlla' will go a ^ j,.

' long way Ib'n^rd bringing HI out of the atmilicrt doldrums. • Twin ¥1

_ , day, h.i(


The hnsto with which naUons invit- od to participate in on armament lim* ndviM' h itotioii confcreaco havo accepted i« tv- I''"” ' "v

'i.lence of the general desire to get aw aj f-from the heavy costs of tho present building

■procedure ns well os to take stops to H. 1‘apcHrlinf j 11

rrmovc points ef friction. Thoalaeilty exhibited is proof that President Hard- T, ,T. ' ing has touched a reapoosive chord ]& 0Lls proposal. The beat featnro of i t )• j,i° thnt it involvea nothing but p l^n com- vi-ntor dt mon sense and bualneas-procednre. .

All that is needed on the part cf the participants, wben tho conforence cn, bin ft meeta, ia good faith on the pnrt of coeb jnR tnd confidence in the others' desire to deal fairly. WUhont mutual truat nnd united desire to rcach i> camtnun ground nthe (■onfcreiioe will be fruitlvsn. Tbe object lo bu gained in thu limit.ition of armRments is of univertal ndvantage. KILi;), All nations Uiat tniiinliiin urcat navies Fall* rii feel the pressure grniilf, yot cneh (fours to be cndasKored by too groat rny, Mr proponderanre in strength on tho part Miirmy of others. Tlic wise conrsc, then, lica In gettintr to>;cther. It Is tho policy Mni. ( pursued by inilividiiiil-i whun cut-throat Twin F; compcitillon ia burling, provided thoy hnvo godd juili 'iticnt. nt Ihc (

Ilowovcr, tliuri' will need be an ab- l‘nrs< •ence of sharp prnetlco snd tho effort lo get tlic belter »f Ihc proposition.That policy, no clearly manifest at Mia* Paris made the doings there an abom- ^inatlon. While the object gained, if (.^1 t nur ho[>es reach full fruition, will mer- Tuendn/ it the plaudits of mankind, the rcaalt "'qpp” , will be cnou«h without this govern- p(,,| „io; mcnt or the nttministratien, pluming it- Tuesday »elf on ils grcal .icromplishntent 10,the disjinragcmcnt of others. Wo do not ^ r . 1. believe that I’reaiilmt Hardin^.is'tAlfc- >oit. wei ing the atc'ii with the-idi'a tiinlj In.e.MQ, of siirrCM. hi’ will bi' .nei-laimed .ns tlic 'cjn'n |c liciu'fniitor uf munlund: Tlierc'' haa J 'nshiiiR been thnt iiii>live manifest in the post nud it wrni-ki'il the i>nrpo«o ii hoped in iho i to ntl.iin. ” Mwi

The nbjcft*«nUKht hii* ils inapiration, wo believe,,In, the desire to do what la j j j „ , ,bcsi*f»r the world bKnuse it ia good fifholtmi biisineas prnclice and has not the gain*Ing of fam e js its mainspring. Ameri- a j j ca leads berause America Is in the b « t with ty] position to lead In such a matter. W«

T W m F A L L S D A I L Y ^

nnot bo necused of self-Tntercat bq-. a trip uae in a race for armaments wo aro tier ifble to maintain the pace set j j , , , au any of thoso invited to the confer* with he

’ . Mr. JI. ' tained n

Iti^is true thot we hoped mueh from p. n . i0 Paris conforence, only to bo disop* Mrs. Kt linted, but trith tho warnings of thfl p trails that surrounded that meeting cd awnj ■ rocfintly, tho coming confereneeould avoid a liko outeomo. niouni I

sidea hNuw Jersey justiee bays hugging of Mary I rls'steering nutomobilcs'muat ceaso.. ifl a dangerous practice—mony a on hns been led into mntrimony that

ay- _________’

Htuftiisson may travel 350 miles bo- >ml tho North Polo, but applauso is is|M‘ndod until ho shows thnt tho trip ^•worth the gum drops. , ^ 0*1 jU

Dlwvmmment ought to begin with ' lat new gun thnt will shoot 300 mllea.

The iasue in Ireland: Can shillelaghs ' bratcn inlo plortslinrcsf


Trim It tttUm tnm TH Htwt tOm l a itU Ur«tfl90«

Tho survey of the whole of IfiO atroi. to town 'lots n t Hansen' woe comp!ctb<t istorday. Tliu brick yard is making pld. proKrcu and moro,brick is con* acted rtian ono yord can supply. Olie / cond one'will lie started no it week.E. Hinton hns resigned tho princl-

.lahip of tho Ilnnacn achool. Nick nlth Iios purehnzed a grubbing ma- Ine, whieh will bo employed In clonr- g tho brush lan^ betwecii Hansen nnd e mnln canal two miloa cast.

tt wnn decided nt tho moeting of tho llr awoclatlon thnt Mrs. Swceley ould have }S0 for premiums for thu L de|mrtment and Mrs. Kennedy teknr.l ahould have the same for tho cdlewnrk dcf^irtment. Mrs. H. '\V. ouchek wns i^vun full'nnthority tn lirt nwislanee f<ir the eijucationnl hibit, nnd the snmo.sum voted for Is, wink. Mrs. 8packmnn-wns mnde |M!rIntcndcnt of the flower exhibit.0. Meigs of Uie induatrial dnimrt-

mt named Mr. Ballndny ns hin nsaisl-

Tho Klnjberly bank ir now opened d started out with even brighter OBpects than wero antielpnted. .1. cMillah hns received bln commiaaion j ) 0s(mnat0r nt Kimberly.

a I the rogullir meeting nf Ihe Form- h' nMoclftlloi);_l)cId nt Kimberly on eilneiicby evening H. T. Wcat nd- esiud Ihe nieeting.^jJJi(> subjoet of itting, curinjj nnd stitcRing nlfnlfn I U I

— ■ K. 10. Colvin, gencrnl iiinnngcr of thr ■ulherir I'nolflc, fnllroad, cnme"''rn' vin Fulls in his special car Wedncs- ■ y, h.iving ns his guest Oeneral Fred- Ick Funslon of Uie rcgu^r .nrmy. icy drovi' tn-tho great Bhoshone fnlN d Jiliu) Uiki's. General Funston uz>I'ssu'J hlmielf ns being ao pleasod wilh .[i onllook hero Ihnt he should freely vise his friends to eome nnd look the leti (ivcr.

llio firat slory of tho National ban!, ilding ia now nlmost comploted, M.

Pape bcgnn work on Iho Mnron iDol building Inst Monday.

r, ,T. Woods went to tho Orow rcser. lio I opening nt Billings and to in-, e thoso not fortunnto to como to ■•in r'nllf where ho believes ovory in- •tor ilrnwa n prize. .

Mrj. A. L Houghtaling hns arrived 'ni Waxhington to join her hu.sbon 1 his fnrm near Filer. Mr. Iloughtal-

; has Miveral farms In Wnshlngton. t is pattlnl to his Twin Falla fnmi,1 will aitike hls home hore.

* ' . i

FILER ^PILlllt, Idaho—!•:. n . 8eoh of Twin ll» viiH ft liimnea!! enller hen- Fri-

Mrr. J I . Kdwards, Mrs. Karl Mur- r, Mm. h'r.-.l ^^Hnyon. ami L u e l l l e j 'v , ^ irrtcy shop|icd in Twin Falls Friday. ntlo Bticnnmn Irnnsaotcd businesn in dn Falla }>iday.Mrs. (Jeorge Tniltt spent Stindny i-; ^ Bj rln Falls with friends.Mis«e« t;ilith WillianiK nnd CInra IflleVcr nre rpcndlng thoir vneation Ihe Oakley doni, guosis of Mr*. C.I’nrsona, a former Filer resident. ;

>T. Ij. P;nllli.nr (.'alifurnin ia'apond’J lhi‘ summer nt the home of his tl. Ii. M. .Smith .md family.Miail Marie Olm has relumed froai ein Falls whrre she rjient soveral ■eka,Carl eiaiiley of Carney, In., nrrived leidn,/ nnd will attend to business liters here.Oeorge Reynolds, who haA apent the si months in California, returned on icsday. ‘Roy Younc ha.1 gone tOj,Terome for

indi'flnilc stay. .»Mr. and Mrr.’ Clnudo ? t ,wn f lef*It. week for Woljston,'Okln.. -whero 'fy will visit. trii“nds imd rolaJlvos.Mr. and Mr.H.'il. K .'I’<'ll;»y and'chil- •en h'fl Inst week for points in iishinKlnn, tlioir old home. ,Mr. nml Mrs. K. W. Itoring relumed S ll week from Iheir vneation spent ■

Iho cast. \ HMwi Kiinife Clark nf Nnmpa has . • M cep li'l 'a poritlon as bookkeeper al ^ 1 1 0 Filer Hardware poinpnnv, > 1Mias Oraee MrOinnIs and Mr*. Edmi holtnii were shopping in Twin Fnlls cdaeiday. ,Littlo Eniie Shlflijr.-.imali fton-'^of r. atid J£r*. JohjrHhif!(*.ri‘'is very low th typhoid'rcv't'?.« V.- ' •Mls» Ruth Lapp has, rc^urced from

:• N E W S , T W I N F A L L S ,

rip of sevcfal weeks in Oregon, Theiro she also nttended tho'-Menoaito Moudference. ’ niounl [r#. Chailcs Qmngs spent Friday ll her aged father a t Kimberly. .[r. nnd Mrs. Frank Taylor enter- jjaipj,led at dinner Sunday Mr, >and Mra. . n . Davis nnd family and Mr. andI. l?c,M Davis and fnmily of Dulil'. ™ Ir. J.-M . Darrow .who wfferod a iko of.paralysis somo timo ago, pars-awny at tho ftunlly.home Mondny “ h'crvices wero held ^om tho Mcth- MondIt fiurch Tuesday, lie leaves to "o®"ihi him, Ills wifo and oua son, b-i- Mrsu his n<oIiher .and brot|hor, ifri<. pariyry narrow alfil*"J'. J . Darrow ‘of Dnrislonville, ICan., who wero a t 'hls bed- • Hn1 wlicn the end came. P. Ic

•, ------ week- seriou


:i)KN, Idaho.—.lames Davis loft ou •»day with Mrs. Davia lud family ^

11 week or ten da.vs camping on Vallo; t river. _ Edi

Guamnte to suit uoindiviS jiBtaste otuii.refunded

M l

fC C] . A:

\ I ' B;

V/ V Al

/ X M

V \ NX . \ \ E

> S . MX L

\ ^ 0 :


■ .’..I i i y

3 , I D A H O , F R I D A Y , J U L - i

rhe Key ScouU p lw to leave nex t BoUo lUdnr on a ten doys hike to Sum mit homes untain and Dr;^ crook. tbe foMir, U...E. n tin l« « tr o l Buolmt. Mr. in., JS hero v is itin g he r brothers, “ d i iph nnd Cliaso L bighton. y>» a rLast Mondny evonlng E ari Younga’ nday achool c la js ■was trea ted to a ty ti lp to Tw in F a lls plus a plungo tho Kitatorium,

llho M alonr and Jo h n Modrotl le ft \v | inday morning fo r tho m ountain nout 20th. pod river. . j j ]Mra. Jesso J . Olson gavo a blrtliday Meyor r iy Inft n igh t In honor of her son, Aliro iris’ fourteenth n a ta l day. Rurlo)M n. ICalpb L eighton nnd M n . W. Lol« Isinrooeo irBto called to Boiso thik w eek’, ek by a t e l e g i ^ . announcing^ the , ■ious illness o f th e ir in th o r, Judije « o t W. fihlolds.

Ulss Leali Now borry is-e n jo y in g a eatio'i v isiting a t th o W. a j^ o w b r y j ■ mo u t K una. • Count[»ga Molonoy roturnod homo Tliurs- y frum u three w coke’ v la lt s t Long H cj,n lUoy. scribeBdwin H arring ton , member o f the 2

3ed y

loney >

J E l i> F FA m cricaD Q ro o o ry B ig W h ite S to r e P r a t e r ’s S to r e .A rr in g to n B ro s .M. F, B u rso n N o b le -B c rte lso n Oo.E co n o m y O ro c c ryM a rk e te r ia C a sh & C a r ry . o fL ib e r ty M a rk e tS o u th P a r k G ro c e ry , ,W . H, W r ig h t & S o n s Oo.C ity P a r k G ro c e ryF iv e P o in ts S to r e smB ine L a k e s G ro c e ry ' • - r 'e l

— w i


■ . ( I Scienti K j T X . '■ Y o f l h e


■ r*.

LY-22,1921. ■ ’ . ''Ue elty oouncll waa a guest in the <nhlt« mes of C. C. Doakes and Loois Omar feet 1 5 foro part of the week.. . . no biUr. and Mrs, 'fL D. Boebout and Ur. Pobll d M n. 0. D. SohmidyoII atteodod will soli > argnraonts-in tio water caso.bofore mal, in dgo Leo a t Burley Monday. CompileThe ladies of the Z^en Clvfe elub oaetion 11 entertain thoir hasbands and ether Irfwfnl : imbrrt of their families a t a hwn tho 16t rty a t tho homo of Mr. and M k U. hour 0

Wlllinms Wednesday evening, July time) t th. ' uated 0M. a McQuivoy and Miss Biancli ■()«Jh rf jyora witji Sylvan Miller and Miss Bnhl, C ire Hurlanb, motored to Paul and Idaho, irley last Sunday. . Dat0(Lols awenwn loft Wednesday for a ick’j visit a t Bollevne.

, , ------ ----- ------------- ^ By BETroilO E OF SB B K nr'B flATTt OP


I, Q. R. Sherman, sheriff of tho sewtpa] mnlr of Twin Falls, 8tat« of Idaho, ^avo Ui ivo tnken into my possession at tbe Bianlio ehry Schick farm, t ie following de- » 7 ehll ribed estray animal, to-wit: ^ dlarrhoi

1 bay mare, about'12 yean old, W e."~

i I II R K - S A Y FOI

f W I N F A L L S

E B— \vill g iv e y o u a now c o ffee concep

I t ’s y o u r g u a ra n te e o f F R E S H N I

of- delicionfln?8B in f la v o r— ^your s.

m ild n e ss a n d h ea lth , R ich in a ro n e x h ila ra tin g , re f re sh in g c f fe c t , a n d c

o f w e a r a n d t e a r on th e h u m a n s y s t '

B LU E P IN E O O FFEE sh o u ld b e b len d ed f ro m tb o w o rld ’s f in e s t co

ju s t su f f ic ie n tly to b r in g o u t i t s c sm o o th , m ild t a s to i 'a n d p a c k e d in

r 'e ta in t b a t o rig in a l qu a lity , a n d s t r e i

G et a c a n to d a y a n d g iv e i t a ti w ill g ro w w ith qaph su c c e e d in g cu

g u a ra n te e to s u i t y o u r in d iv id u a l ta i

cd— b e c a u se _________________

5 C 0 W C f tm tif ic R o a s t e r s .& B l e n d e r s

I h e V o r l d ' s B e s t* C o f f e e s .

iit« star’, tn forehead, all fonr ' V It ehod, long black, hair on leg t jbrana.' J

bllo'notlco Is hereby given that I ^ aoll tbe above desenbod estmy ani* in pursuance with Scetlon 2000.

piled Btatntes of Idaho, nt publi: on to thfl highest bidder for cash, ol mosey of 'the .United States, on I8th dny of Atigust, IDBI, a t the

of 2 o'cloek p. m, (MonntalB ) a t the'Henry Scliiek farm, sit* i one mile (outh and twa tailes ooit tif soQtheast comer of the City tif , Couaty of Tmn Falls, State of 0. Iitod this Tti day of Joly, 1021.

E B. BEEBUAK.Sheriff.

3B:J j . BEOWN,'Deputy.

. The Same BvoTwhar® .0 editor of Paisa Akbbar, a naUve paper of Lahore, India, say#! “ I

used Chamberlm’s polio and (lioea Bemedy many times amens ihlldren and servants, for eolie adn" ' boea and always found i t effect* '—adv. I



o p tio n a n d s a tis fa c tio n ,

N E S S — y o u r a s su ra n c o sa fe g u a rd : a g a in s t f o r

o m lc oil,' i t p ro d u c e s a n1 d im in ish es th e a m o u n t

s te m .

e'^on y o u r ta b le . I t is

c o ffee b e r r ie s ; r c a s te d d is tin c tiv e f la v o r a n d

\ v a c u u m -se a le d t in s to re n g th fo r y o u r cup.

t r i a l— ^your p re fe re n c e cu p . I t ’s b a c k e d b y a " y t a s ^ , o r m onoy r e fu n d - '

I O F T ‘MADE-rr.;

I . ■ ' I - N .

f DailyAdvertisements

"]odayvsSpo^Mmmrnl. m s i D i i fraiiimWest-Enders Pile Up Co

Home Guard Comes to S of 6 to 5—Cooper, Twir Steady Most bf the Tiriw

^ tive Hits\ ---------1AJTINQ “ Slim" Coop ot

IT, niirry Weaver or IoW j g m a whoever the Rulil fur

cr uiflv .officially nnil nlrmithorltntivol^" be, tho tw

All-Stnr Iml’. «;d■ lA jF club last nit;bt dofcatod uia

tho Wo«t Endcr«, 0 t-) n l'5 in a nine IniJnff tilt ma

8lJtigc<l on Lincoln field. The lilt wa? Jareroiwivoly ployed, ond on, InlorcBtlnf; doand BilrtlnK affair from tho start, with ojvtho locals fiRhtlnff an uphill and gamoy thegojno from the o'ltect to tho end of stotho nflh. *1’'

“ Spcod” Moroloy wa* pitted ngoinst loJtbig mnn AllcRcd to bo Coojior, whoso ,l)oIalock-lu-trndo is composed of personal v,ucompoiurc, Kin nwiortmont of bowllder- iilnlug curves and somo spcod, ns well na tin d BtoadlncM not exempliflod by a n y ; fother twirling artiat'appcftrinjr In Twin ingFalls tlilr aeason. I cd

Cooper cMabllshcd no record oa n Mostriko-iiut expert, appearing rathor to «otdepend ujKin his support inaUJOd of tho . tho atrcn(?lU nnd cunning of liis own arm ., tinIn Ibct, ho shaped up llko a major sboleaguor In nbout everything ho did. boanolwithstnndlng tho fact that ho wna flelhit with moro or less-vigor early In oai]tho lilt.. Prom tho fifth round cri he fielpitched hitlcss and ninlcss ball and got Per

' corking nnd snappy support. . J fan lo o k . Binok. ,

Al tho startoff. Orwlg's AJi-Stara wni looked like an eclipsed constellatioo, ;ponand thero was not much of anything by

r that should not'have been done that] wns not dono In flio first round bf tho

affray. Moroloy wa* In distress from , Jtho' opening gun and waa largely ’rc- p“ o

, sponsiblC) for tho not result of three inBcoros for tho West Endera In tho firrt ifotnntng Morclcy waa wild a* woll aa pit*

■ oasy to negotiate, and when hb wa* not' ng»throwing wido curves, ho wns bolng hit scoi

• with considerable lost by the opposl- son'tlon. I t ’ looked llko a aimon-puro easo pollof pank retulting from tho momentous- ana

• ness of tho ocenfllon. Or perhaps tho c oivociforalJona of a fow fearless fans elasfrom Buhl shattered hi* moralo; any- atwoy ho looked bad enough In tho first bIm Bootlon to bo yanked. But he atoadioi Athereafter and pitched' a* good a bit >''B of basobbll ns hir opponent, oxeopt thntbe looked rather wobbly nt times. Ilo eiglfanned H folk from- the west ond ot Bul tho district, nnd helped liimself toInso ij't and a baso on ball* in four foraiipoaraneca boforo Cooper. Ho wnllf Milod a ([ulntct of (?onts, wild pitched to «n roupio and smackcd a brace moro in Sib tlio sht*.

Buhi’a debut waa particularly aurpi* ofclous—for Buhl—but dlshcnrtonlng for JobTwin Fnlls. Tho west oad poopio set outa sturdy and distressing paco ,for tho cr, iAll-Stnr contingent In tho beginning cf at®* things. .Thoy displayed dash, aggres' sion nnd ahout.ovcry other quallfica- ^tion needed to flatten tho averago .country town dub, thlf apirit showing ...to tho very ond,of tho fray, and al- . wayo when things woro breaking worst *

. for tho west end outfit. Tho club ,fought long after tho aupporling fau L element had lost ita pop and apirit. -

m u of Pop. io' But spirltful and oggrcssivo as ^Tero Zinl

thu Buhl mon, tho All-Btar uggregntion catc wont tho opposition ono bottor, ond cd «won lost ovoalng’s gloaming contest Balion.o rcrnpplng and couragefnl, disposl- bogtion seldom if ever equalled by any gamclub allowing on a Twin Fall* field, drot

vT ho lornls, fronting a handicap of rom_ i^!hroo runs,-gathered in tho first ixamt', rein,

went in to do or dIo, and, although loythoy mndo liltlo progress tho first three Tinnings before tho discouraging slant* witl

Gas Buggies—Say, fellowsH e h e jc o l o TU B u T i k iWHY IVE SOT (MY TO i o A T ,

\ UE St/IG c e s R; „ . ^


New^its under this h

o r i i n g l ^ G T J i r s !

niEEmff: Ills MR 1 immmii

. ' " ' Co

Commanding Lead But to Fore With Pinal Count “ 'wirling for Visitors, was w, 'iiiie, but Allows Conseeu-


:> of thu o!>po)iing sinbman. they atiick yjj, ir lo thoir tank nnd wlilttled down th>i!,|„ ll- I’timmanilhig lead nnd in the fourth l"*lgcc id ning ovcncd tho count and then wfut 10 two to the front in tho fifth. Thnt oeid- ,j„ ,1’ «;d tlie counting for tho Stara, but they id uianngL'd to' cllrig to tho lend and had It a point in- their flavor when tho last Jt man wos out in the ninth round.H Bruco Wntson loafed on a sbw roller I ) ,g down third baso way when Bhiuliln g . . ,h opened the oyster as first mnn up In ..y tho first inning. Tlio atocky little koy- )f Stoner of tho Buhl bunch'demonalratei ..

apeod'ini'rchant ability ond when Ihc ,, it ledoubtnlilo Wnlwn finally got thu 10 .ball over to Zlnko at firat base, Shields j| visu dusting off hia breeches, nnd fan- “ r- lling himself. Ho had been there some y j | IS time. ’ f,„,y . Shield* followed thia stunt by steal n ing down and reachcd third on n pa**-' - .

led boll, scoring ttie flrtt run when n Moreley *hot over o wild pitch. Lon- 7 o 'g o tt, ttBperamonfol ahortstojiper for \v|, 0 ,tho oppoaing contingent, fanned this \vn ». tlmo, us ho did ovory other time he j;„, .r showed up at tho ploto, but liubbcll z h 1. beat out a bunt, catching tho local in- poi a field off attention. Ho, too, stole aee- n oad, and scored on Wn error in loft jj|( e field, Kbumon raomoatnrily fumbling ijg. t Perry's blow in that field. Charlton

fanned, hut Simpson smoto tho ball fnr into center, and Pery romped over with i] tho third marker. Hall and MlUer woro g

a walked In suceesrion, but notliing hap- I,;poned furthor,-Cooper l>eing toiscd out But g by lioreley.■J I TWO H ard H i t t

n , A cuuplo ..of hard smashes, a double rifi !• and a irlplo, by C hilton ond Sknpaon bell 0 in tho third seemed nssurance that } i, t Moroloy waa dono, but tho doughty Coo* piuhor Bteadled a^d held tho line ball f agoinst furthor attack, ono run. being Hit t scorod in thir frame. Simpson's mash son ,. sent tho pill over “ Red” Bell’* shaven Rui0 poll Intu tho woed* of far center field, Per

and wai o perfectly fine throo-ply basin clout. Tho runner, howovcr, Uled to Don s elastidio tho punch, find waa nipped rj-.. nt tho t>lato when tho hit would not baS' t Btrotcli tho extra bag. of1 Morolcy wna a positive enigma dur- ter. t ing tlu> next four sesslom, but nhowedt »omo limptoms of weakening in tho ^ Q eighth when one run >Va» counted for I t BuhL Hall, Buhl's ccDterfieldor, I \ cracked t^o ball down to second base I r for 0 ainglo opening tho eighth bu*. Milior fanned. Moreley walked Coop- '> or and, .after Shields had popped to Si 1 Sib Kleffner, a man not Identified by Si

tho umpire, but wlio for tho puriwac* a . of this narrative shall be known as L r John Smith, pinch hitting for "Striko- t out” Leggett, poled a ainglo into cent- ™ cr, counting Hall and making tho acore (j f ataad o to Q. ■ d

In a iPanic. _ ' \o■ Motters and thingt looked auspicious ®' , in tho ninth; but not for Orwig'* cruiY.’ All tho domoatics seemed ready to [ stage a panic, and really . did atart , P

jianicky doinga nt tbo lead-off. Perry B cot on when Zlnko envil on on, nt- tomptod tos9-out. The runner stolo ,

and was wild-pit£hod to third, whoro ho romolned while Charlton flicd to

) Zinko on a mighty hard shocstrbg A I catch, and Simpjion fanned. Holi walk- Dor. I od again and stole recond. It was whllo nod■ HaU'was fooling around tho keystone ham• bag tho third out was mado and the soy. ’ gnmo ended. A fako throw to sccond. drew Perry off third ia nn attempt to It r romp home, 'and ho wnj nipped on u 225 , relayed throw from Whltzol by More- Boc I ley to Pntton. od t! Tlirco hits, all singles, two coming I with ft braeo of mon dead, yielded the 0

ows, let’s let ’em freeze once

',1^1 sciBE r r - r j i T ' r p f ; ' i / u * ILL NEEI? I ™ 1 ONE IIOAT/FTER BOTHER wrm/SUN' /\ce/\T- J. I ;

; s C W N - i, f -------- r


s Cla;head, One Cen

B y a c t i i a l c o u n t , f o u r o

t h e s e p e o p l e w h a t y o u 1

j C s i o r s a l e , o r r e n t , t h e ;

locals a run In the opener, tlius cutting down tho load of tho opposition to two. Cooper held the iStara in fairish sort of sUape in tbo recond nnd third, although two hits were regls^red in the form­er. In the fourth an error by ehiolds gavo I'ntlon a life, but tho catcher wili> nipi>ed.lu a forcoout which let Kleff nor on. Ililcj smashed tho pill into th? old black bam, and Kleffner added a run to Ihe locals' atoclt of onoi Wilh Riles resting comfortably at third Cooper walked Moroloy and Bob Whit-

. zcl camo through with a , resounding ' puuch to right of conter fiold ahoving• ovor. tho tlcIng run. Whitrel v«xa thu

victim of 0 fielders’ ehoico, which favi-i Wntion nnfcty. Keumnn wa* tossod

uut.Zinko fanned at tho Iblowoff in tho

fifth but Bell hit deanly to center ond rcached second on a first base error, ilo gut to third whon Patton hit to

I right niul scored when Cooper missed n ' ’ throw. Kleffner clouted tho ball ovor Uccoiid nud when Hall and Hubbel mh-

• cd tholr sigitals i'atton -rovod ocross Ihi' phii-. niles and Mordcy wore easy

! infield outs.' Tho rest'o f tho distanco■ WM easy for Cooper, nvitior hit no-■ run being registered.

I r n n i l .^ • AB. It. H .PO.A.ESWelds, :!b................. 5 I 1' 3 2 1IrfRgetl. .. ............-I 0 0 U 2 1Smith, 3b. ....... l 0 I 0 0 0Hubbell, If..........— 4 1 2 0 0 0 ^L'errj-, lb. .........i 1' 1 H 0 1Charlton, rf. ........ 1 1 0 0 0Simpson, f .............. 4 0 2 0 0- 0 •Hail, cf. .................. 2 1 1 2 0 11Miller, 3b-ss............ - 3 0 0 0 2 1 iCooper, p. ---------- 3 ^ ^ |

■ Totnls .....30 S 10 24 12 - 6 ITWINFALLS— A B .R .n.PO .A .E , j

Whitiel, 2b........... .'5 1 3 0 0 0Wataon, 3b. 3 0 0 3 2 0Nouinan, If. -------- 4 0 0 0 0 J,Zinke, lb ......... ........4 0 1 44 0 1 ’Boll, cf. .....- ........... 4 1 2, 0 1 ;Patton, c.................... i 1 1 15 0 0Kleffner, ss.........:..... 4 1 1 3 1 0Racs, rf. ................ 4 1 1 1 0 0Moreley. p............ ... 3 1 ^ ^ 2 _ i '

Totals ................... 35, C 10, 27 7 4 jScoro by innigs: R- *

Bubl ...... ........ n 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0—5Twin Fnlla ....... 1 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 -0

J8ujnnyirjl-/rnio-baro hit*: Harlton. • Three-base hita: Simpson, Riles. Sac­rifice hit'si Watson. Stolen .bnaos: Hub- I bdl, Sliieldo, Porry, Hall,. Patton, fi liwffnor, Mloroley. Strode out: by I Cooper, 0; by Moreley. H . Baso on - balla: off Cooper. 1; off Morday, 3. Hit by pitched ball: by Moroloy, Simp- p son and Hall. Wild pItdiJ Morotoy (3). L Runs batted' in: SmiUi, Simpson (2), p Perr>', ‘Whitrd (2), Zinke. Riles. PirBt. t baso on errors: Buhl, 1; Twin Polls, 3. 1 Double ploy; Cooper to Shields to Per- . rj-. Passed balls: flitton. Loft on bases: Buhl, 10; Twia Fall#, 7. Time ,, of game: '2 hour*. Umpiro: Qoldwa- ^ ter. r

( BASEBALL 1 . V -------------------------------------

Padflc Coast Leaga^ . LBan Francisco, 11; Portland, 7.Salt Lako, 10; Oakland. 0. Sacramento, 7; "Vomon, 6. c<Loa Angdes, 1; Beottlo, 0. A

Americas League.Clovdand, 17; Now York, 8. ci

• Detroit, 7; Woahington. 2. «' . Cliicngo, 2; -Phnaddphja, 1 (14 in.) p' \8 t. Lotils, 8; Boston, 1.

N atloua Loa^e.rhiladdphia, 8; Chicago, 1. — . tj

' Brooklyn, 2; St, Louis, 1.

• B rief B its o f Sport cA. Maryland chop named Barr/

DarnwiUlo lickcd -a bunch,, of rough, p nocka the other evening with his bare _ hnnd*. Now ho wants to flght><mp- Boy. „

-------- wIn Twin Pall* a lad weighing about 3(

225 pounds drank threo awallowa ;• BfBocky Mountlun dow and. thon want- 'od to bent up tb o ^ Ilc o force. et

—' (fiOno moro drink and ho might havi P]


E IN THE ------- , JENIN(J.S- rfT 15 U ^« ■ J ' fiETTINS . H" 7 C O O L E H ! CI L


ssifie[\t per wo^d per0 Jt of every five homes iri

1 have to sell, tradCi barter e position you want or the

g extended tho territory to include the). country at largo. /if ■h Harry \3reb and Johnny Wilson willI- fight ten rounds in Eaat Chicago, Ind., ‘s on August G. 1

[ That should prove tho teal lett of.0 WHfon's merit. , 'a I Ih Meonwhllo Jark Johnson has quitd talking ninco tho Chicago LoffJon posts ^t- huve tnken action against o southern ^3 post thut pledged support lo tho black ^i: while itaver in a maldi with Domp *IU sev. . - ’... ■ I:■I Prar.l: (J. Mtnke, a syndicate fight ^

wrltvr, itiyo Johnson is a big, good- '10 nirurturc.d ----------------------- br. M<uike also siiys thnt when Jaok ■;o .Tdhn-iun had money nu pmoii appeal. -n ing for arsistance went nway empty- g!r liniidoi V(. • -w Aldo, we recall, when Johnson en-y joyed afflueneo nnd pojiulhrlly ho made r0 ll pubilo lannouncemi'nt thnt thero <vnu - >' IUI whilo woman in tlus country hu

iinild i.of get if he went nfter her. n

Thoso thlnga ahould bo remrmbered -"l against thfi Galveston blnrk since hf1 insists upon forcing tho public to rec- 7 0 ognizo him nnd his attempts to bo put0 into w.iy of making anolbi^r fortune.- i1 a0 Joo Welling, Chicago lightweight; i0 who -Jrt* to havo boxed Sailor Preed a1 mon of Chicago in East Aurora on tho - 1 Light of July 29, Itu- advised tho com-I niiHHion be will not bo nble to appear,- claiming- to have Injured a hand in- " 6 tr.iiniiig for tho battle. 7|

-. MELLON ABES NEW DBAl ^ IN FOEEION LOAN POLICY p,J WASHINOTON, I). C, (/P>-Dis8at. b< J isftiction with negotJntiuns of tho Wil- . flon administration for rflunding al- « 0 lied dobls prompted Sccrotiiry Mellon,'c el Q request for blanket nuthurity in tho oi f, transactlona, ho told tho scaoto finance - , commitlee Thursday. Tho ncgotlotlou* .

were conducted in Ix>ndon by former A.iUunl. Socrotuj, JlnlhljoDO u d ly Blackett for lho British treasury.‘ I - ■ , . J

FOB S A L E -R E A L ESTATE gPOB SALE — Pretty littlo homo,

lawn and shade, aomo fruit asd berries, - garden io;,prioo (1200; $200 down, balaneo eosy torms. 27S Jadiaon. »

FOR SALE OB TBADB- ^ 0 room plnstored and kalsomined housa, two big dosotfl, front asd back deeping . . pordi; lawn, bam and two extra lots a snap. ,J’hono J23,or call a t U l Eaat ne Main.

FOB SALB-Or trace,, new nve- room modom henw, with- garage, for auto, lot or good paper. 14D Jofferson. Pbone 105M.

I 111^-. — I I. go

FOR SALE-AUTOM OBILESFOB BALE-Uflod 1020 Dodgo broth- he

ura coupo,'liko now; a splen^d buy. 77 Lind Automobile Com[viny, —

FOR 8ALE-Used D-45 Buiek in fine conditio,'} a t a price tbat ik right. Lind qu Autom^liiio Company. ' .

POB SALB-UAd 1919 model-aJulek.' cord tircf, repainted, with now top: 2v something classy, at a ptie# that will _ pleaso you. Lind.Automobile Company.

POB SALE-Used lDl"8 fo u r -o y l i^ BtudebnKflr; repainted; good'condition: _ price 1300.00.' Lind, Antoipobllo Com­pany. US

FOB S A U ^F ord touring, and a bar- gain a t 4160.00. Lind Automobile Company. tii

FOB SALE—Poid touring ear. late — model, good condition; «SOO cosh. Ph<ino S37B4.

FOB SALE OR TBADE-etudebak. j«T roadster, in extra good condition; mowil^.'oc’ccpt f tird 'in trode. Fhona *in3QgW.__________ no.

' POE SALE-Bulck Bevtn-paasengeicar; giod tires; now top; perfect en ' ’gine; ean bo seen at 265 tdixth ave. N, ualPhone 487. do


» W F E a " ) [ t a k e ' ' w u h ] COOL- LET C O A T - r y ,ME P U r MYS I____'COAT ABOVrS> I

y , J U L Y 2 2 , 1 9 2 1

?d Ad; r i n s e r i i o n , - a n d

iri Twin Palls i-eceive Thj N er or exchange, about youn le help you need—One Cent 1

' / ■ FOR RENT H11 FOB RENT-Offiecs and living '

rooms nliovp M|odo| Shoe store. In- Ca quire Tfli-in Polls Amusement Oo. ~

,t llfllt IlENnl-Tl.rt.. loom uponmen’l i ' j over City Plionmicy.— ~

it FOR RENT—New three room house nis ;n with slooping porch, modera, furairhed, Ja' n with lawn and garden. 420 Fourth ave, lc West.J — T - . • pri

• - POB BENI^Two bed rooma, doso at in; Btrietly modem: ono sleeping Mrch.

it Call 1013J. . .1- ------------------------------------------------- —

POR RENT—Two rooms in modern ] homo. 304 Eighth E. Phona 63CW. on.

I. •, POB RENT—Housekooping aultci, 1 •- ^ u n d floor, furnlabod complete. By tod

wcok or montb. 428 N. Main, . mo:• ------------------------------------------ -------- 8,)

I- FOB BENT—Unfumirtad three. “ c room apartment. Phone 805. „u ----------------------------------------------------8“u HALF of store, beat sloe Main at.; ' \

near Booths. Address 0 . Alexander, „ . | Box <0B. City.____________________ ■ J S

I- POB BBNT-Poar room houia. 653 :• Third ave. W. Phone S19B4.

I POB RENT—Itm -rooiH fonUhed * apaitmant, newly decorated, elean. |35. A pj)ly^A ^to^^t 'No. J, Weond are. _

! r o u B r a i - a M D iia rooai. t u, t i l l i n . E. P bo i. f u S .

•O R S A L E -M IS C a U W E O U S, FOR SAL&-Pumiture: Now Leo- CT

pold offico desk; fumed oak buffet,. bed davenport, library tahlo, diairs f . and rockers' Simmons beds, Jewel . range. Round Onk heater, w o s ^ g mo- « chine, c!c. Bee J. W. Jossoe, 621 Sec- , ondave.'.E.

: ”1 ^ I J SALE^Early Dichaond eher- H . rioB. ' B. S I Kesbit raadi. Highway li , .open. • —

~POB BALE—I havo for sale tom € '' full blood Hofflpehlre bueki; wj)l<^ll o t

aueh number as puehasorB m a f i t i i i t . ,, a H. Perry, Twin Fnlls, TeL 618ES. J j ,

* Besidonce one-hdf mile eac,t of ,1. A.. Water* comer.

I H )B B A LB ^eraoy cows. Dr. IB er, Phono 77SW. ' PJ . ------------------------------------------------ - 1

' FOB BALB-Oonoino Voedd oil; — ‘ best by tesif 25e a qnftrt. I ia d Anto- , mobilo Company. ^

i ' f o r BALB-Poreh •had^-JlO Sxth „ north- .................... a i

FOB SALE—Bnst proof metal grain kali bins; all sUes; o v e r y ^ g for tho dairy. Andenon & Day, 220 Bhosbons Oee St. B o . ' ,

POE BALB-Preih cow, good nDker,gentle; terms If desired. Inq'uire Zeek __ _Piano- storo. AU

rO B ~ s lL E - n ™ BoH Lt«ho,«. hens; thoroDghbreds; will aell »nap.773 Sixth ave. E.

POE SALB-Olover hay in the shock ^ 1-2 milo north Washington sebool. In- qnlro.J. I* Bodges.

E. B. KELLOQO, a n n t for U tl- — mer’s Dry Arsesato of Lead'for a^sy . -i material. Oall Phone 600B. P. -O .^ot I J

FOE BALE-O. A .^ rE irT od” Bo7k eggs, tl.CC| per sotting. 708 Sixth aT^B. Phono 678W.- ________ ^

FOB aA L E -B todes, trieyde*. tires and aeoeuories. wemer'a Bepair Shop, jq c 224 Second t t S. <p,

FOE 8A LE-Plr*t and second cut-' ^ting hay, loose or baled a t store. Cnrry. ___Idaho. Phone 645B1. . HCfl

LOST ™LOST - H ik m i lop Ito , SI b j <, _ I i

mounted oh rim, between Shoshone Ba- B. & sin an i Twin Palla on Bnnday after- 6, noon. Loavo a t offleo of Twin Falls Fj .News. Beitard. —

' What iA,usdess to you may bo val- eo uaUlo to ethers — advertiro It In tho B< classified. • Jb

(Cop/right, 1620, by Now. Era Peatnros)

I ^ I^ T ^) U rent^wCOLP N O W f

' 8E v ai,, '.-

Pagei WORTH IT!News, Daily. Tell all r rooms for rent, houB- t Per Word—'Phbne 32

WANTED MISCELLANEOUSW AN TED -6eeorid-hand piano box.,

Call a t 334 Seventh ovo. E.

WANTED TO B B N n'-flm all fn r. nisbod houso or ai>artmont by eoople w ith no ^ iH ro n . -Phono BO.

WANTED—Fonr er flvo room f w nisbod boose; modern. Phons IQ W , Jay Bea Clark.

W A N T E D -Pords. H ighest cash price p d d for old c a r t. ' Soe Wllaoa, a t Jay-Bee Cbirk atore.,


on; Phono C98W.

H B S T CLASS dressm aking aad tod ies' tailoring; spedo l p rices.sum ­mer aewlng. Miss E . A. Kellogg. Rooa 8, Oxford.

LEAVE order* a t X. J . L loyd 's for Smith ’* Hot Springs M ineral waters.

W bat Is useless to yoa m ay be Tal- uable to o th e ra '— a d tf r t i r e i t in th* dsasified._____________

MONEY TO LOAN* P A R U V o n th ly pay-Bent dwelling loans. A rthu r L . Swln, b Co., T m st ffldg.

H sissiiBm IBAKBBY

ITAQNEB'fl BEBAD— Whole wheat, m h a ia , rye, nu t, m ilk a ad T ie n u bresd; Cakes and p u t r y . 916 U ala ave.. Phoae M-


ia iU T Y P A B L O a -B e a r B iley 's W - llsery. P h ^ e 670J.

. ~OL&SS .ffT O O W O L A B ^ w ia d •hlelds, ^

in st work. U o o n 'i Bhop. Phose I.

t m m - m m o o M P i i R r - i W .' p«d to handle a ay k in d of h m » a g .

1S4 Second Ave. N . Phoae 871.

„ , PAINTINa0 3, Q

P lrr t -elBss jro rk by sklUed work- ■en in painUng, paporiag, artlstl* talsomlnin'g and gen'sral* deeara tlsf} (uaraateed, a t reasonable prices b j iee & Orlnstoad. Phones eeiM a n d ' >94B. ____________________ .


5 5 z 5 r o B B T r a o a ' B A 5 E 5 5 i132 tiboshose W. P hons 868. All work goaranteed. A . O h ip o o ^ Pvop.


5 o m B ' ’' ' $ E S S 5 ' " " o M 5 i %Phone 848. ' ^

p r o f e i S J i o n d l ^


A. H 0E ra -L a i.7 e r." ,Biee Bnilding.

O BS W. QBABAU-Lawyer, B u T 5Tniit Bldg. PhoM M5-B.

SH B B B. WZIiK>N—Lawyer.

VaSBA 0 . U L U - B o y d f i t tU li a f r~

W BBIBY * 0W B B L B 7 — A tta iM y i a t law. Praeties in a ll aonrta. T w li ra ils , Idaho.

I M. WOLPB — lA w yer, Booaa f h 4 6, o rer Idaho D epartm eat Store, Twia FaUs,_ Idaho. •.»■

. H . Wi s e — U wyer. Pu lly organist* colIectlDn departm ent. Ofticee - Botms 0 and 7,ovor T w ia Palls Jb Trust Co.. Twin Palis , Idaho.


^ f m P CV - A

■ i 0 .P A D ID N 'T H A V E T H E FADE TO

' A w u l T \ .

/ I iaIT T h e v ? ) ^



X * — 0

imsiis' scllT-BJBLEf CROPS WEST

H o t ,D r y W e a th e r o f P a a t W ook . K a p id ly E ip o n ed G ra in

T h ro u g h S ta te D l

• ' Hot, dry wenthor prevnllcd over'tbo •(jreatOT portion of tho atato'• ajjricul- *” tumi scfltion, with tcmporsturcs abovo hominl for tho cntiro poriod, aceord- ing to n wMkly bulletin Jwrncd by tho > dopartmenl of ngricuUuro an‘d wenthor li bureau. - ,

A field roporl- from Twin I’nlln coun- ,ly tell8-o< rapid advance made by corn ,i,.||v,.r\ and, potnloos lost wcoit, with a small •Uowintf of tip damtLgo dnno lo Ttlivftt - t irnu|{h ozeoulTe hont. FaII wrhoat and barloy, ii rapidly rlponiiljj in Uio Tlifc homo diatricU

Codllnjf moth 1* wid to bo oppoflr- [[''po"*' jnff rapidly, but soema to bo woll con- trolloil. Tlio bureau' ri-porl, eompiled liy Clinton E. Norquest, roid*: ,

^ littiB E a ln ; i t wns nnother hot, dry wiJoJi. Tom- In 4i(

{wratures .^oll abovo iiunnol prevailed Uil> Ikii in all ftoctlonii and in the lower valloys ruvorini

.Tj^IH’raturcs abovo 00 dr frcea were nf burn <m ffltfty oecurrcneu-' Uain, wni ,'onfincd ture wu to'/catlercd thunder ah'oWw In the cciiilinr; lilKhcr regions of tbo atute. There wore C. Sparl Mvernl porfcctly eloudlew days and Ihe offer In TjmmtnRc of dally suiuhlne waa Ji:iO(l/)(

"ift wTiR exceedingly dry resulllti^ by I*. I ' in j?8^1d dcpl'etlon'of auil'niolHture nnil. Tlio eiluBng'n lieiivy uae of irripition wi'- fUMud ter. ’ , ouinlng“J^TKo'Tfflnllior wns very fnvornblp fo* *' muRr »rob udv.ancQ, oaperialtv in tho j''<‘,bun ■ftfljfi/lil „weliona wiiore ample sell

• tnnlilMro foiilJ bC provided; but in theIiV farm diitriela whore'Ihe lack of I'""' '<>' Koncrai rainftfll ia bcjrlnnlii^ tn be aer- Wr a m r r a n a i"««‘ >™ ”»i ■» i"'”'- ” V ?OriaJi >1, wa* rather detrimental

KmiililBP* ‘“ ‘' ’"'"c localltiea.

“‘'“J" tnjiid jfruwlh. Tin' UW ^iTu fioIdH are noit !■< »la(4.' ibIm w ^T o ta toea und beets made gopd five mi

dition -commi-reial dis- Irirt xrtricta. irciiir mim B w fS35>3r^fS ftf^ '’<J Kf'^u ioto''"'*'

onyflivanches of tho half luil

,'f<1 r thia work, cym i.ii The (irsVcuM^BriLSiUrihi la nul of the "'e"* »' way in the 7.tri; °iAnHn and Ibe aee- tlie reg

^ULidcal.ffcnLhcr.for.xurunj il Is be- pll'-il wTnc~Bccurc3 in tlio liem' of coiulilion. J'"” “fWinter wheat linrvest in being mmplel- intli-blei4 l * i , 8Dingwliyr«{iiitvyl da-gutting . The ,1Wdli uniler wnv. Tlie.-ninge eunlluuea <_um]>ii«

' l>in H wnntil iffpntU- lor nilbonoflt liyaw iliH fcrtM ’fi'''’"- ''"'IK" I''.'''’"' ‘

iS i l jU l l l l " 'l® w lL w 'U J I Jl!wk " 'f« u t o i“ ';

ing nmrketed from ootdtyJ '

JiuiT L iv e ..Twin .Pnlbu-Twm. - i ’afU. Cuuuty-i 7- y i C

Clear iitl.iailUaA

| g i ^ « g w Cniarlifoot, Ilinjfbam {Wnf^-^-W.-uni.'r;

fruofwinwiiT; 4itik«iii

K'ota anil potntoei doing.^itJl'l-.ilU’i I 'IIW tlll> - i lo n tp d ic r , Jloar.-Jjk(>Coimty —J-A Hnulb J

W»JoliT,'TOniWiiivVn-.-l#U.-W»atty noaa,-’tUO noUuiioavtii’iIrnps^U’O'lllDlng! tfiail ft-bca( }a’ne(i(Hn»'kHnrci WoiVinlrain.od«bl ni^T ..oJ nj-.T i j nincrnr■ Jtnpennap- (Innilimt I'li.inlv —■wcnttnir-tor all'frups; • ‘teiiiiriTaturi's' ^ v e O

thgjL.nt nny prcvlouv,Udo thiaaenapn; nhent inrning; alfalfa n<r ofmakini; tJrj'Taplil" ITTDWTIl.---------------- TWlTTm

Burjoyl Giirttir'T!ount?^^^l croi-r-ri' -fintah-i

fa aboutj rrwly for ^vcR t-A ertspotfttoeallooMnR ? V____ tl'c. I’acbtcilo, 'iJanfw4i« Cuuuffy—Heavy lii-i "pnball norlli ofirtryLiiJtW tiflcrndon <>f (pidlitvtbo 12tW dam ^eirb.frtH ili^hlly: irri- 'llio ipitlon ill beingV*»hiM>aJL/rro|is .loin;,' tu h d iwell, but potnloi'# Voiiii'what ahort: uwr I'rrange mil raltli' gnoil. herj n'

OaAlejl, C a sa ia _ q tt^ - ''V 'illie r fa- l'"t '>fvOrnble jfor alt^ 'rtra jQ T W ’l’*: ' thing gr|)wins_ailW yi^Jlr|^irorolsed:light abfverK-

• ilry land Ifyji 'efi• range V aIki m

ioo,oaiiraanbcr-tte5.^-'i^''M’iV(ia6i^i-l'nW rr. • TAlcil'M ttrkol.-arf\^^ii;v^5;?.^/^/ SpeeM

, cieaiBr Call 210W asd bare"70t t^ s n te t iS ^

od'foT M ccoli Idaio’ -ClMam tnd t-DO^j' i ’ . •’ • • ' fhouo '

/ T W I N F A L L S D A I l .

! T 0 SMTt.B ' ,

l l S w w l S d

V _ , 5 0 ? ' ^

l f e £ i_ _ ^ V . _ H (itp'i>.,i«n, ’«i-«M

SC iD liiRD M lF i m c i i B i

lome Lumber Company W Fuel for ?8.60 Per Ton Th Successful Bidder for Rec Burned Barn at Lincoln S Discuss Tax Levy ^

Contract for the furniahing of ronI iim uii >r'tha aelioola of Inde|H^dent'xebool M llf l ifltrict, Nn. 1, bna been awarded to IIUAII 10 Honii' Lumber company of ^ ! n . alia. Tiie eontraet waa ordered en- I 7cd into nt a deferred meeting of Ihe ||rliool tiualeea, hehl laat night. .The intm 't priro ia per ton delivered I tbu arliHol bin*, nnd enntemplalea Doddc i-livery uf n iiiinlmnni of '■'iO tuna of e», let during the yenr. . ■

Presents L0 7 Fluure.Thfc Ilwiie Lumber cnmpanv’a Sjil

(IK I0 .V .if four propoaala submitted in , ■aponso l.» I'all iaaiied bv the clcrk of “1'<JU»I10 arl..... boar.l, M ra,'C. 11. Scott, ""'If,hu filher ecmlraelorf w.-re:' abaiikel I'*- nnl roni|>nny, JH.7-1 I 'i pur ton; Nib “ nod y Channel litmiber romiiany, $0.nn uiakln^' tr Ion; Nye brothera, jH’r Ion. nnd nlO In ndditlmi tn receiving eoal blils the gru

le Iwaril alao obtained 1.1 pru|)onala rheeked ivering consLruetion (if the achnni are ilcn jru .in' Lincoln field. Tbe old atrur- pliire .1 ire wn.i imrtially .lexlr.iycd by an in- laining -ndiary flro aeveijiil niuntliM agu. K. “ TIu' , SjKirka wan the aiin-eMfut bidder, his 'fer boin)} «1)S0. Ol ber bida ranged t-i p)i,f|.ii i:iO(l/)n, the Intter being aubmltted tively * I' P. 1:. Tliom|ison. • ,,Tlio board, while in a.«etulily, .Ilx laaud at length the tux levy, for tbe nj.rii)nii milng yenr bul arrived nt no piirlieu’ [||,„.(. „ irly .[I'finlte ronduaion, exee|>t lb:il jjle buaid ia.permitled by law In fix a ■\-y Ilf 10 milla for general puriHiae;, . . 71,,, vi-'mllln fnr interuat und <<lnking fund |]„, fi,,| III four milla for Irnnaporlalioii of „ni> ipils end one mill for g>-mnaiiium, thU ,,rnHv nWtei* » of wWcU mny-• levied wlllidut naking-permiailnn of j,p[ le alftle rdiieationnl bonrd. „„|y p,

Appeal to SUte. i-m’ porTtie I'unrd hmt,'deeided to nak llie '‘"d tlie ai4.' ili'i'artnient for authority lo add “ 'Tiie vo milla for guneihl pnmooes in i-cn- erniHral •elion witb the'ojierntion of the di.- removo irt aehoola. The board pliina Id uh,> aodium lur milla for uperalion, 1-1 mlllH for I've wh torea^-nml ainking fniiil threo and .1 earu. I i!f milla for bonded indebledneai, twu In gru» Ula for IrnnaiKirtntion. Omitting the ■m Mill IhW will bring tbe lotnl for UiMi> temv»Te«u''H\» t« lii l-'i nilUa ft't ^le regular levy. If Ibe ainto bonrd .s/veiili •rmiti levy . i f ’tbe addilionnl five ilia naked, for tho money will be n[.- ^led M'herc,;iioal needed in tbe opcrii- on of the aeboola nud defiiymunt of di-bledness. nunrlorThe .Idabo !’lumblng.& Sh.'et .Melnl ^^nalev' impnii/' haa been nwiir.le.l eontraet r iimking rcpaira lo tlie 1-ineoin „ , hool building, healing plnnt and tbu j„j, liemiiin Kngineerlng ronip.iny will re- lir henling sx-alema in other ai-bool-.; ....... .. nrfjh'li.

iV E S T O C K F A N C I E R S

;V 1 E W S H O R T H O R N H E R D S f f i ”luO . 1rip ta Takea Tlirongh Diatrlet, Eesult- U yo

Inir In BxceUent Eeporta ndvertii-------- find 70

H rr.li-rontnlning approximately :tOti ■ '' rtU)lMd,9t«i<tielnirn eattle were yea. f— titawiitute'dskiy memlveratrf a enrn- HantotnnKfraaiikl livoatoek men un- . /-> •K tlitv'31i]lar\4ilita of the North and ^ lulb Side Shorthorn Hreedera' nsao- ^ uUiiii. I'lir^in iu ii'M nrted from tbo • K -

Jf-'^V.lriek veaterdav oiWiniS’ Wnfly ®f<TTlof.Shg a devLieil inernry. carried nn the junket to mrtiif nfUr.fiii|i iij« . Iliirinfr waa en iveOlTirer.’ " '

.KJ0-(<iM>ii'an offi- mj, >r of thirNntional Livesloek aawfln- on will |inw iit ' im-ttnn n { n n rfi-Bt ii<

S l S g : 1iI-) "jiaRl' f I’.piently .of i b ^ . i i ^ d ^ » .. iiijlitv of n Ibe e a t t l e ^ y r f . \ 3 ^'Ilie •iliner Irv wni ebnaSAanniewhnl ■ j / X h , Uliide I • .1. F.

lit Ilf aliini rd

X v-joE r j a . r L u n a f e ? ^ •''! ‘j 4

1.(1 anmrajUTl^Mir^.ifrij, -KimWiy

' ' f ' lT- . / A

Tiira' a d v a B 5 ^ ^ f^ > 5 ^ /C T (M l« *• i pee& r.'8 nltil^aBi(S; flO (cit* . I4«£ / leaaen»:aad, ■ ] • " H y -I

'io V iO U llifocd.'a tax J^ -C an ' , -.-r lioijo • 14.—idv. • r Jll

ILY NEWS, TWIN f a l :


S iJ S i6 . \■ ^

■ ; I r r S BEVOAtol ■ ]

, ME, IM

^ 4 1' »l-«».rw> r»»>r» SHTW lM.yCr.ri a,h n w nx »inni l E i E C I lWill Supply- District This Year—Sparks'is Reconstruction of the n School — Members '

lellov__jJ__________________________ __ nnd .

IXiSiiiNflCES S. Ml MS Of IDI “S

UiihL-------- on.lb

)d d e r A p p e a rs . T b ro u jh o a t lie hn S ta te — E x te rm in a tio n ia

D e m a n d e d ” ti,'VoiK'iie

Irow.Tfi <if alfnlfii and .'lover si'p.l fubi tuki< immediate atejwi to rl^Ir Jirldi' uf dodder, ner.irding to H. tiheehi.n, alnte nuud .'iiiiiMiiaabncr.‘Hodder ur Move-vlne' rapidly king ila appearnnr.- lu ibe dovor I nllSilfa field*. It it imuortaiit tbnt ' '''

growth of tbia nnxii.ua weed’ be eked at onee. Tnday „ur markete “ T ilcmanding u bigh grude aeed an.l )<’"* *'

re .1 large diHcoiiiit ii]inn a . ^ run- ning dodder. ( J I'miiIi'Till- paat ipring hai. ae«Triflrgi-r 'y . '" ' rorta of theae aeeda wliu-h linve been ' ‘ , eeil,.oii onr markets nl a (•ompnra-. , ' ely low priee. Idaim grnwura nr.' ng lo eoni|icU' wilh the largo <arry- - '‘•'I ■r hloeka from h>nnee. Italy nnd nnniiy, ao ll ia it;i In lliu gmwera l<> ee a higli grnde produrt on iho mar-'. It rannol be done unless tho dod- I ■ ia removed. rnlbei•The dodder rna be removed from

fleldi in auvcrni wava aud proba- on- of the moat, effective ond gi-n i'""'''

Hy prnetired i« lo eut the woeil (.’la ehua by hnnd. (.'are aliould lie.taken were feel nil of Ibp tendril.1 nnd thla ia pieioi y poasilde' by rareful work. Pil.. Nulle<

porliouN cm the ap.it. allow lo dry In roi I tlien'lnirn. Ilniiiii‘'Till' blnw-loreli ia a m/i«l effectiv.i bunni dlratnr. Hurnlng tbe plnnta will ly. 1 lOVo nioit nf them. The use of the donee ium nraenlte aprny baa been effee- Jonea e when applied witii priYnutlni^ «ntl yeara «. I.ivcalock should imi tn- ijtlowed brong gru^e sprayed arena.” icjtif

• >— idenliUOME FEOM SPEIN08. lie w,

Ilr. find Mra, C. 8. McMartin of .ns .'enlii avenue eaM. Mr. nnd Mra, 0.Nobl- of Kimberlv. Mia» Louia.' nn.l ,n MrMarfin ri-tnrm-d W,.dnef.l/.v I'"’'''' in a forlntghfa rani|iing Irip in Ihe Thi iVlontii monnlninK. They made heaii-irlora nl Thoin)».'n’a ............... nriley H.il Rpringa, nnd "]H-nt aonie ''•* le nt HobinSon Rar. Tli.-y ri']iorl *" nt niiiiiliera of vninlbni»r» ramp • in tbe mountains, manv of them m Tv, in t’nlla. Sliiarl H. Tnylor nnd lilv vv.'re among thoxe injjie K.'mk-e '"K J ghbiirhuod. ' »on is

>fldJes’ and mon’a aulu.'nhd ladiorin wool .coata aod dreraes cleaned, ' Aft•. Idaho Cleaners aod Dyori.—oj;-. „nd £

Dr. Ci your property Is desuable. and l« Twin'ortitei in tbe ciutifitid — ^ou’’l ik no'd your I oyer. ' —ndv

Saturday IW e h a v o a fu ll s to c k of F r u i t J i

E d S b u r t l i f f is ag a in in o b a rg T h is m o a n s g o o d serv ice a n d goo

T ry u s . '

'3 No. 2 I. X .'I i . Jam . in tin .........Liliby’fi Com P e o f ................ .........

^Libliy’s Veal ..........< ;^ ^ n 8 No. 2 (iolil lia r Sliced P i s^ ijw frN e w Honey, in (|ua rt g la s s ,

S n n itis IJulk Cnffoe ...'.........

‘p ^ F r e e Deliveries Daily on All

» I - - '

« H D A L E-^pgoNE 33



SM ILtV— l i 3 , , c V 'H A o T H E S t i

PiTg e g s T o 0 K 7 ( ? « / ? r

IILSBMSM' * O F B l l G S ,

:oving: P ic tu re M an a n d W ife mi Te s t i f y in A c tio n B ro u g h t "»

A g a in s t S n o w j?,!;1 tci

“ A tall, allm, lliiit comploilbned ’ m llow atuek a big gun againat my ribs ' - ' d .told mo to back up againat tho 111. And I did,” aaid Mlehael Noil- n. teallfylng in tho probate court inj ia morning in tho caao brought by e atatu against. Cljirenco B. 8 aow, a^ "1 Mcd of robbery.' inNeilion ia a picture-ahow operator al , ihL i l r related on tbo atand that ^.Ibe nighi of May 14, ahortly > £ t* r ^ hnd returned from the Fox theater. j^QT

lieh lie opuratca oa a picturv house. _II in.'n niipearerl at hi* baek door. r loy romi^indud Mra. Neilcon, wboeiied the rear door to Invcslig.ate n Hend< ilurbani'C, lit hold up her bnnda, an.l', ’jj] icn ahe .ieclincd, nnnounred tbat ahe luld iir.'venl bodilv injurv by com- .•lAg. Slie eonipllod and 'the men ahe.i her baek into the houne, om- lo in bolding n platol on her wbile tbe tbe r. ii'r ntliu'kPil her liuabnnd In like i» tbe

• I'oww"Thl' alim fellow aearrhod me but 1,I onlv L’t renla in pcnniea! fie said wa; xorry I did not hnve more, )ind ‘"e

Haiirrwa<i. too,’’ NeilHon teatificd. Tlio ilue.4'1 further atated Hint bla naanll- form 1 I relumed liiler and robbed blm of replyli gul.l wnteb of Hnmpden mnke, alao the ali king ibe. gold'chain. ., bad 1.Mra, Neilaon aupporled licr lun- exbibi iidV tcatimony in detail, adding thnt len xhe i>|K'ncd tho back door ahe be- \^ 1 llml n dog wna provrling nround ; place. She wna confronted by n wi :ber lall nnd n rather ahort man, each "'“'t v ned wilh plstola. Ono hnd n big re- ' Ivor wblle the nlber Wid an old-fnab- >‘•''I I’i"''’'' .'l.'larenre Snow and W. R. Jl^onaon , re nrreated aeveral dnys ago on sua- ■ion of having been involved in Ihe '*^1 ■lleon holdup at Bubl. Ilronaon wna !’«f rourl thia morning, but waived pro- “ *'• ‘ liiinrv examination and is lo bo *‘"unc( und -vvr to Ihe dialrii't court ilirect-

I t ia expoeted he will give evi- tire 'ngninat Bnow in thia caae. Oliver nea, under aonteneo of'from I lo. 1,1 nra for stealing nulo .■ifci‘aBories,..waa | nught over from Jerome today to :tify ngainat Snow. Neilaou did not ■nlifv either Bnow or Hronann when im

w.ia .in tbo alnnd lodny. lie anid f n’lmilnrilB of hiinacU nm\ Mta,‘ila.iii w.ire bnndkerrbiefa over Iliu V.-/ portion of Iheir faeea during Ihe oeeedinga.The firat witnesF inlrodured by Ihe ilo thia afternoon waa Unaroe (ralii'o.

ntil'i driver of Hanaen, wh.. la,aaid Jiavi- Inken Hnow and Bronaon over Hulll .<n th.' nighl of llie luddup. '

f^hnrlea ;\i North, aaalatant to i'rote :Inr.I''. la.’ 8lu]ihnnV ftnd Frnnk .1. irlin itf Wolfo & Mnrtin nre .'onduet- : Ibe Btntu’s niae. while K. H. Lar- p 1 14 defending.

DB. WEATHERBBB EBTUAn S I-\f te r threo months spent in,Cliicag,i | d Djnver, laking poit-grnduato work. | . Charles Wethcrboo haa-rcturncd ta ^ rin Fnlla and rooponod hia office. Ilo p now loeated In the Booth building. ir idv.

SpecialsJ a r s . B u y tb o ae ea r ly .

T ge o f o u r B u tc h e r S hop .o o d m e a t . r

............................................ $1.00

............................ 26i; I...............- ........................ 25cp i n e a p p l e .................. $1.00 ^is j a r s :............J../.............53c

................................................ 95c

AH M eat and Groceries—

E STORE3 3 0 -------- I

i r ^ i S ^ i C o a / —

• • ■ — I

JULY k , 1921 . 7BY O Z JrF ,S IS £B fin

OopTzlgti^ 1D21, b r Newspaper Fft

11 K f P T T H i. iK , . i

i H M R t J ( B h ; ThE-V 'Ix/AS (5ck

^ 6 n '- y E i6 H V 3 X jL U f?6

Mercury Mdixs - ” MiNI Decided Slump pni

in Day’s Course ' *’

A 8 LU.MP of 17 degreea from E x o c i tho top of tho temperature on'Wcdneaday waa Iho out-

Btnnding feajure of yesterday's niercurijil operationa. On Wed- neai/ny the (op was OT, nearly a Todjs record for tho year, while yes of tho tciday tho highest point reacheJ jw in F

. The variation belweon noctur- ties* 'innal Ivmpcraturea, however, waa panv'snot 80 great, boing SI latt night inornini na ngainst 02 tho uight preced- *'"W- ' tbir af

Weather tomorrow ia to bc O B ] fnlr, exeept for thundcrslorma koro M in the high, mountains. relation

— , sand B| ................ ............ 1 - ♦ I t is


counciljndoraliot ABsurod Powofs Agrlcultur- •

al Section Will Be Halntaiaed-------- C.,8.

That the stalo fair thia fall ia not bas ren bc lurned Into a llvcalork show to nioce, A

: rxcluaion of agricullnral cxhibllH, tbe definite aasuraneo given H. E. "oadav WOTS, of tho Twin Fnlla rminly farm condu’et reau, by 0. J‘. Henderahot, manager burial v the state fair.

rju> naaurnnee wna reedvrd in Ihcrm of a lotter from ilr. Hondcrahol «dying to an inquiry addreaaed to ~®dv.' alnic manager by Mr. Powers,,.whu d been informed that ngrJculiurnl 'W hat biblli would hnve* no'place nl Hi'- ntble ti lie fair tliia year. elaisiflt“ Our plan ia juat the »mc na in-the c = :^ = at; tho aftricultural aeetion of exhib- —

xviil not bo cut oul,” Mr. Hcnder. it writes. Blatcment i<i made, ho|'- I - jr, that some of the premiuma havo V > i;n reduced. " -

________________ fTOO 1lAinTE MAmjrAOTOEEES '

EEDTJOB PBIOB 15 PEE OBNT [JAiniK, Vl., { n f -A reduction of l i r rent in tho pricc of.finijhcd grmi- _ - ... effeclive, immedlnlely. wna na- ,unced loday by the Rarro Oranitr . inufacturera’ juiaodatlon. poj^

S'ow's tho chance Po get real clean* r vjIum ’for 50 conta. I'bone 210W, ^«dv. * 318

July C lea; Women’s Pumps ai

Closing f o r . . .

' V/oinBii's Piimps anil Oxfoi : 'Selllni: for. . . ,

■ This assortment inc kid and white cloth oxfords, military he up to $6,50,

' ' .Ciillil’s and Misses' Si' Blaclc kid Q nd'patcnl colt; allsi

Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, fo r . Sizes.Usi;2;to,^'faj:,.

T h e M


B A R B ER S H O E C (

r w t u r o B ^ c a , Inc.

;iAl' /lEOUT H 0 « ) .

tWKlA ( c S l M E-J 5 '

BCS3ss-=— ;

iiH ratMM n o i si c u t iv e .is H e re f ro m Boise or In sp o o tio n a n d D isc u s ­

s io n o f P la n t '

daV IL I!. King, general maniigci he Idaho Power company,;]« inI Fnlla to disruta vrith local offb of tho company, and city aariorl matlera pertaining lo Uw-com-

's bualQ6ss. Mr. King apcn't thli ling wilh DJalrict Mniwger Ohnrlea y .It tho Shoshone Pnlla plnnt,‘tnd afternoon la ia eonfereneeVTritb

I. Perry, nn executive of tho El- Minoa company nt Jarbldge; wltli

Ion to tho power line from Thou- Bprings to tho Nova/ia gpld aimp. ia cxpectcd thot while he is bcre

Kion will discuaa witJi city exeeii- ■ the-matter of tho £.urb lighting ■m contract, nn agreement-which ^d tOnaSdcTnblo discussion In eily eil Dieeting Isat Monday night.

DIBS AT SHOaEOKi8. Walgamot.t, of the Lind gar^’e, recoived ^rord of the death of hia

Mra. KlIcQ* Dill Orr, nt Sboahone. dent, who waa 42 years of ngo, imbed lo illness at 11 o'clock Wed- ly morning. Funeital aervlccs were iieted in Bhoahono laat evening nadII wna. made at tbat place. •

its deaned »nd preased, SO eeats.0 Cloanora and Dyers. Phooe 210W. V.

bat ii naolesj to you may' be vai- ) to otbert — advertlro It In the Ifle i

^ la ja llied) 1.ATE roB‘ oi>A ss:T ioA roH i

'll 6oves\il ttiouaand- appl»-« i;i good conditloa. ‘Oakes & Co.

' W A N T E D !ords ia any 'eondltion. Cajb ailing-for all models.

CENTRAL GARAGE18 ShoslionB W. Pbona

irancemd Oxfords I.85 ;67 pairs o f ramen’s high ■rade pumps j nd oxfords,

^alues up to ■ I12, Alllealhcrsnnd ies: mililnry heel; osing f o r . . $ 4 ; 8 5 ;

“ $2.85icludes black1 pumps and : heel,- Values '

Slrap PumpsI sizes, closing oul— | '

r . . . . . . . . . . $2.60C;,..... . . . . . .$2.S5

[ o d e lCOMPANY$ 2 .7 0 and $2 .9 5