tusmo times november 2014

KAAR CAFIMAAD MA U BAAHAN TAHAY? WAKIILKA EE RASMIGA AH Waxaan kaa caawin karnaa buuxinta kaarka cafimaadka Si lacag la’aan ah. Xirfadlayaal soomaali ah ayaa: kuu diyaar ah/ kaaga jawaabaya wixii su’aalo ah/ kula buuxinaya arjiga (application)/ kuu wacaya MNSure FADLAN WAC XAFIISKA SOMALI HEALTH SOLUTIONS: 1-855-566-7873 Monday-Friday 9 am-5 pm. 1421 Park Ave. suite # 2, Minneapolis MN 55404 Haddaba Wargeyska Tusmo Times ayaa waraystay Cutter Hodierne, John Hibey iyo Idil Ibrahim oo ah qoraayaasha, filim qaadayaasha iyo waliba soo saarayaasha filimka. Jallaabasho Shabaq La’aan Gudaha ka sii akhri bogga 3 Waxaa magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka MINNESOTA soo gaaray xoghayaha guud ee amniga Maraykanka, Jeh Johnson iyo wafdi ballaaran oo uu hogaaminaayo. Waxaana uu shir socday hal maalin lagu qabtay xurunta Brain Coyle ee ku taalal xaafada Cedar ee ay degto Soomaalida ugu badan ee ku nool Minneapolis. Imaanshaha xoghayaha guud ee amniga Maraykanka ee Minneapolis ayaa ka dambeysay iyadoo ay jirto cabsi ah in carruur Soomaaliyeed ay ku biiraan ururrada argagaxisada ah. Sannadihii 2006 illaa 2007 ayaa 20 dhallinyaro ah oo ka tagtay Minnesota waxay ku biireen Al-shabaab, haddana waxaa jirta in dhallinyaro ka tagtay Maraykanka ay aadeen Suuriya, kuwaasoo qaarkood ku biiray kooxda Daacish. Cabsidan ayaa keentay in Minneapolis, Los Angeles iyo Boston ay dowladda Maraykanku go’aansatay nay ka billowdo barnaamij tijaabo ah kaasoo loogu talo-galay in looga hortago dhallinyarada looga baqaayo inay argagaxisada ku biiraan. Kulankan xoghayaha guud iyo Soomaalida Minnesota ayaa waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa Amy Klobuhar oo ah xubin ka tirsan aqalka sare ee Maraykanka isla markaana ka mid ah labada qof ee Minnesota ugu jira aqalka... Vol. 1 Ed. 11 | November 2014 Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper TusmoTimes.com Khilaafka xagga awoodda oo mar walba ka dhex dhaca madaxda sare ee dowlad kasta oo Soomaaliya laga dhiso dhowr iyo tobankii sano ee ugu dambeeyay iyo sababaha keena khilaafaadkan ayaa saameyn ku yeelan kara in Soomaaliya ay noqonin dal xasilloon oo ay nabad iyo dowladnimo ay ka jirto. Haddaba khilaafkaadka soo noqnoqda ee dhexmara madaxweynayaasha iyo ra’iisul- wasaarayaasha Soomaaliya tan iyo sannadkii 2000-kun ayaa waxaa ugu danbeeya khilaafka hadda taagan ee la rabo in talada looga qaado Ra’iisul wasaare Cabdiweli Sheekh. Tan iyo sannadkii 2000-kun waxaa is casilay ama jagadda laga qaaday toban ra’iisul wasaare iyo hal madaxweyne. Madaxweynaha iyo R/ wasaaraha ayaa isku dhacay kadib markii 25-kii October uu Cabdiweli Sheekh isku shaandheyn kooban ku sameeyey golaha wasiiarada, waxaana taasi keentay in xildhibaano ku saf ah madaxweynaha ay mooshin ka keenaan R/ wasaaraha, kaasoo la filayo in la horgeeyo xildhbaanada. Sababta ugu weyn ee keenta khilaafka madaxda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya ayaa salka ku haysa Dastuurka oo aan si fiican u qeexeyn awooda madaxweynaha iyo tan Raysalwasaaraha iyo mugdigii laga soo gudbay oo wali sii taagan, iyadda oo loo aanaynayo aqoon daro baahsan oo haraysay gollaha shacabka. Waxaa markasta hagaagsan in dib loo xasuusto waxa ay taariikhdu kaydisay. Wanaag, colaad, is nacayb, is aamin la’aan, dawaladda la’aan iyo mid maluug dawlad nimo leh intuba taariikhda ayeey ku jiraan. Beesha caalamku waxay dhaqaale iyo gooni ula shirid u sameeyaan mar walba siddii loo heli lahaa dawaladd Soomaliyeed oo ummaddeeda matasha. Sidoo kale dowladdaha dariska iyo kuwo kale oo badan ayaa in taas isku taxalujinaya sidii ay wax u suurta gali lahayd. Markii aad dib u milicsatid sawirada mas’uuliyiintaan waxaa kuu soo baxaya wax aadan qaadan Karin. In kastoo shacabku ay san dooran midkood, balse iyagu ay isdoorteen, mirahii aan ka sugaynay waa is xagxagasho iyo khilaaf joogto ah, kii yimaadana uu maro wadadii kii hore. Haddaba xaqiiqda ayaa ah khilaafkan joogtada ah in ay sabab u tahay xaqiraada xaqa shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo feeraha ka dilaacay , madax Wayne, ra’iisul wasaare iyo xildhibaano aan ka xanuunsanaynin dhibka qabiilku qaranka ugaystay, miyaa wax la eegto ah. Madaxdan hadii caruurtu toodii ka fog yihiin is xagxagashada iyo dowladd la’aanta Soomaaliya, miyeeysan ka naxaynin maatadda iyo ubadka maanta oo ah madaxdii berito, la’na macaankii qaranka ay harsan lahaayeen ama dhawran lahaayeen. Haddaba haddii aan Soomaali nahay waan ognahay in rajo xumadan soo noqnoqonaysa loo sababeeyo, kuwii dhibka iyo burburka keenay iyo kuwa qalbiga ka raacsan. Haddii aysan jirin raad raac dastuur iyo wax laga barto dhacdooyinkii hore ee tan la midka ahaa iyo sidii loo xaliyey khilaaf yadii hore ee soomaray madaxda Soomaaliya, khilaafkan iyo is xagxagashadan joogtada ahi way sii jiri doontaa. Kooxda Dur- Dur ayaa magaallada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota, dalka Mareykanka ku qabtay bandhig faneed ay mudo badan kasoo shaqaynayeen. Waa markii ugu horaysay ee ay Kooxda Dur- Dur ay ka tumaan wadanka Maraykanka iyo waliba waqooyiga Ameerika. Bandhigan ayaa dhacay maalintii Jimcaha ah ee bisha November ay ahayd 14, 2014, waxaana ka soo qayb galay ugu yaraan dad ay tirradoodu dhantahay 405 illaa 450 qof. Fanaaniinta iyo kooxda Dur- Dur Band ayaa kamid ahaa kooxiihii ugu caansanaa wadanka Soomaaliya, dagaaladdii sokeeye ka hor. Kooxda Dur Dur ayaa tuma muusiko casri ah oo ay aad dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed u jecelyihiin, iyaga oo adeegsanaya farsamo casri ah. Fanaaniinta kooxda ayaa waxaa aad ugu wayn Hiddaha iyo dhaqanka ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Heesahooda iyo riwaayadahooda ayaa inta badan ka soo horjeeda falalka aan habooneyn, caado guurka, iyo waxyaabaha dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed wax u dhimaaya. Haddaba bandhig faneedkan ay kooxda Dur- Dur dhigtay ayaa qayb ka ah barnaamij loogu magac daray Midnimo oo ay iska kaashadeen Kuliyadda Augsburg College iyo Xarunta Dhaqanka Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Cedar (Cedar Cultural Center)... Mayor Hodges: “America’s immigration system is broken...” waxaa lagu soo bandhigay hiddaha iyo dhaqanka Ma doorka dowlladnimaa is xagxagashadu? Xoghayaha Waaxda Amniga Qaranka oo la kulmay Soomaalida Minnesota Kooxda Dur- Dur oo markii ugu horaysay Maraykanka ka tumay Qore: maxamud maxamed | Tifatiridii: Cabdiraxmaan mukhTar, T usmo Times Qalinkii: Siyad Said Salah Qalinkii: Cabdiraxmaan mukhTaar, T usmo Times “Move the dial on equity, improve the lives of millions of people” Xarunta Horumarrinta Dhallinyaradda iyo Qoyska see page 3 LocaL Qoyska iyo dhaLLinyarada ka sii akhri bogga 6 ka sii akhri bogga 3 ka sii akhri bogga 3 SHAQOOYINKA AAN QABANO WAXAA KA MID AH: Ka hortagga Cudurada Ilkaha Qaliinka & Buuxinta Ilkaha Daaweynta Xididada & Goows Dambeedka Dib u hagaajinta Ilkaha (Implant Restoration) Caddeynta Ilkaha (Teeth Whiten- ing) Daweynta Cudurada Ciridka Iyo Adeegyo kale oo badan! Dr. MOHAMMED SALAD, DDS BALLAN UMA BAAHNID, SOO DHAWOOW MAR WALBA! All Major Insurances Accepted Carepoint Dental 4111 Central Ave. NE, Suite 104 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Tel: 763-400-3525 [email protected] www.carepointdentalmn.com

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Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper


Page 1: Tusmo Times November 2014


WAKIILKA EE RASMIGA AH Waxaan kaa caawin karnaa buuxinta kaarka ca�maadka Si lacag la’aan ah.

Xirfadlayaal soomaali ah ayaa: kuu diyaar ah/ kaaga jawaabaya wixii su’aalo ah/ kula buuxinaya arjiga (application)/ kuu wacaya MNSure

FADLAN WAC XAFIISKA SOMALI HEALTH SOLUTIONS: 1-855-566-7873Monday-Friday 9 am-5 pm. 1421 Park Ave. suite # 2, Minneapolis MN 55404

Haddaba Wargeyska Tusmo Times ayaa waraystay Cutter Hodierne, John Hibey iyo Idil Ibrahim oo ah qoraayaasha, filim qaadayaasha iyo waliba soo saarayaasha filimka.

Jallaabasho Shabaq La’aan


ka sii akhri bogga 3

Waxaa magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka MINNESOTA soo gaaray xoghayaha guud ee amniga Maraykanka, Jeh Johnson iyo wafdi ballaaran

oo uu hogaaminaayo. Waxaana uu shir socday hal maalin lagu qabtay xurunta Brain Coyle ee ku taalal xaafada Cedar ee ay degto Soomaalida ugu badan ee

ku nool Minneapolis.Imaanshaha xoghayaha guud

ee amniga Maraykanka ee Minneapolis ayaa ka dambeysay iyadoo ay jirto cabsi ah in

carruur Soomaaliyeed ay ku biiraan ururrada argagaxisada ah. Sannadihii 2006 illaa 2007 ayaa 20 dhallinyaro ah oo ka tagtay Minnesota waxay ku

biireen Al-shabaab, haddana waxaa jirta in dhallinyaro ka tagtay Maraykanka ay aadeen Suuriya, kuwaasoo qaarkood ku biiray kooxda Daacish.

Cabsidan ayaa keentay in Minneapolis, Los Angeles iyo Boston ay dowladda Maraykanku go’aansatay nay ka billowdo barnaamij tijaabo ah kaasoo loogu talo-galay in looga hortago dhallinyarada looga baqaayo inay argagaxisada ku biiraan.

Kulankan xoghayaha guud iyo Soomaalida Minnesota ayaa waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa Amy Klobuhar oo ah xubin ka tirsan aqalka sare ee Maraykanka isla markaana ka mid ah labada qof ee Minnesota ugu jira aqalka...

Vol. 1 Ed. 11 | November 2014 Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper TusmoTimes.com

Khilaafka xagga awoodda oo mar walba ka dhex dhaca madaxda sare ee dowlad kasta oo Soomaaliya laga dhiso dhowr iyo tobankii sano ee ugu dambeeyay iyo sababaha keena khilaafaadkan ayaa saameyn ku yeelan kara in Soomaaliya ay noqonin dal xasilloon oo ay nabad iyo dowladnimo ay ka jirto.

Haddaba khilaafkaadka soo noqnoqda ee dhexmara madaxweynayaasha iyo ra’iisul-wasaarayaasha Soomaaliya tan iyo sannadkii 2000-kun ayaa waxaa ugu danbeeya khilaafka hadda taagan ee la rabo in talada looga qaado Ra’iisul wasaare Cabdiweli Sheekh. Tan iyo sannadkii 2000-kun waxaa is casilay ama jagadda laga qaaday

toban ra’iisul wasaare iyo hal madaxweyne.

Madaxweynaha iyo R/wasaaraha ayaa isku dhacay kadib markii 25-kii October uu Cabdiweli Sheekh isku shaandheyn kooban ku sameeyey golaha wasiiarada, waxaana taasi keentay in xildhibaano ku saf ah madaxweynaha ay mooshin ka keenaan R/wasaaraha, kaasoo la filayo in la horgeeyo xildhbaanada.

Sababta ugu weyn ee keenta khilaafka madaxda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya ayaa salka ku haysa Dastuurka oo aan si fiican u qeexeyn awooda madaxweynaha iyo tan Raysalwasaaraha iyo mugdigii laga soo gudbay oo wali sii taagan, iyadda oo loo aanaynayo

aqoon daro baahsan oo haraysay gollaha shacabka.

Waxaa markasta hagaagsan in dib loo xasuusto waxa ay taariikhdu kaydisay. Wanaag, colaad, is nacayb, is aamin la’aan, dawaladda la’aan iyo mid maluug dawlad nimo leh intuba taariikhda ayeey ku jiraan.

Beesha caalamku waxay dhaqaale iyo gooni ula shirid u sameeyaan mar walba siddii loo heli lahaa dawaladd Soomaliyeed oo ummaddeeda matasha. Sidoo kale dowladdaha dariska iyo kuwo kale oo badan ayaa in taas isku taxalujinaya sidii ay wax u suurta gali lahayd.

Markii aad dib u milicsatid sawirada mas’uuliyiintaan

waxaa kuu soo baxaya wax aadan qaadan Karin. In kastoo shacabku ay san dooran midkood, balse iyagu ay isdoorteen, mirahii aan ka sugaynay waa is xagxagasho iyo khilaaf joogto ah, kii yimaadana uu maro wadadii kii hore.

Haddaba xaqiiqda ayaa ah khilaafkan joogtada ah in ay sabab u tahay xaqiraada xaqa shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo feeraha ka dilaacay , madax Wayne, ra’ i isul wasaare iyo xi ldhibaano aan ka xanuunsanaynin dhibka qabiilku qaranka ugaystay, miyaa wax la eegto ah.

Madaxdan hadii caruurtu toodii ka fog yihiin is xagxagashada iyo dowladd la’aanta Soomaaliya, miyeeysan

ka naxaynin maatadda iyo ubadka maanta oo ah madaxdii berito, la’na macaankii qaranka ay harsan lahaayeen ama dhawran lahaayeen.

Haddaba haddii aan Soomaali nahay waan ognahay in rajo xumadan soo noqnoqonaysa loo sababeeyo, kuwii dhibka iyo burburka keenay iyo kuwa qalbiga ka raacsan. Haddii aysan jirin raad raac dastuur iyo wax laga barto dhacdooyinkii hore ee tan la midka ahaa iyo sidii loo xaliyey khilaaf yadii hore ee soomaray madaxda Soomaaliya, khilaafkan iyo is xagxagashadan joogtada ahi way sii jiri doontaa.

Kooxda Dur- Dur ayaa magaallada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota, dalka Mareykanka ku qabtay bandhig faneed ay mudo badan kasoo

shaqaynayeen. Waa markii ugu horaysay ee ay Kooxda Dur-Dur ay ka tumaan wadanka Maraykanka iyo wa l iba waqooyiga Ameerika. Bandhigan

ayaa dhacay maalintii Jimcaha ah ee bisha November ay ahayd 14, 2014, waxaana ka soo qayb galay ugu yaraan dad ay tirradoodu dhantahay 405 illaa 450 qof.

Fanaaniinta iyo kooxda Dur-Dur Band ayaa kamid ahaa kooxiihii ugu caansanaa wadanka Soomaaliya, dagaaladdii sokeeye ka hor. Kooxda Dur Dur ayaa

tuma muusiko casri ah oo ay aad dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed u jecelyihiin, iyaga oo adeegsanaya farsamo casri ah. Fanaaniinta kooxda ayaa waxaa aad ugu wayn Hiddaha iyo dhaqanka ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Heesahooda iyo riwaayadahooda ayaa inta badan ka soo horjeeda falalka aan habooneyn, caado guurka, iyo waxyaabaha dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed wax u dhimaaya.

Haddaba bandhig faneedkan ay kooxda Dur- Dur dhigtay ayaa qayb ka ah barnaamij loogu magac daray Midnimo oo ay iska kaashadeen Kuliyadda Augsburg College iyo Xarunta Dhaqanka Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Cedar (Cedar Cultural Center)...

Mayor Hodges: “America’s immigration system is broken...” waxaa lagu soo bandhigay

hiddaha iyo dhaqanka

Ma doorka dowlladnimaa is xagxagashadu?

Xoghayaha Waaxda Amniga Qaranka oo la kulmay Soomaalida Minnesota

Kooxda Dur- Dur oo markii ugu horaysay Maraykanka ka tumay

Qore: maxamud maxamed | Tifatiridii: Cabdiraxmaan mukhTar, Tusmo Times

Qalinkii: Siyad Said SalahQalinkii: Cabdiraxmaan mukhTaar, Tusmo Times

“Move the dial on equity, improve the lives of millions of people”

Xarunta Horumarrinta Dhallinyaradda iyo Qoyska

see page 3

LocaL Qoyska iyo dhaLLinyarada

ka sii akhri bogga 6

ka sii akhri bogga 3 ka sii akhri bogga 3

SHAQOOYINKA AAN QABANO WAXAA KA MID AH:Ka hortagga Cudurada IlkahaQaliinka & Buuxinta IlkahaDaaweynta Xididada & Goows DambeedkaDib u hagaajinta Ilkaha (Implant Restoration)Caddeynta Ilkaha (Teeth Whiten-ing)Daweynta Cudurada CiridkaIyo Adeegyo kale oo badan!




All Major Insurances Accepted

Carepoint Dental4111 Central Ave. NE, Suite 104Columbia Heights, MN 55421

Tel: 763-400-3525

[email protected]

Page 2: Tusmo Times November 2014

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Ku Xayeysiiso WargeysKa Tusmo Times

Tusmo TimesTusmo Times is a monthly publication covering local and international community news, events and information.

Tusmo Times is currently published in Minnesota and distributed within the Twin Cities and sur-rounding suburbs.

editor-in-ChiefAbdirahman Mukhtar Contributors Abdi Adan “Xiito”, Abdillahi Ganey, Ali Omar Suldan , Farah Blue, Fartun Ahmed, Ilyas Maow, Ibrahim Hirsi, Hashim Yonis, Mohamed Bare, Mohamed Talyaani, Siyaad Siciid Saalax, Zeinab Ali, Maxamud Maxamed.

advertising ConsultantKaamil Haider & Mohamed Filibin Contact 420 15th Avenue SouthMinneapolis, MN 55454

T. 612-987-6269 E. [email protected]. [email protected]. www.tusmotimes.com You can follow us and subscribe at:

Maqaallada lagu soo qoro Tusmo Times waxaa mas’uul ka ah qofka qoray // Any editorials or opinions expressed in this newspaper is not that of the Tusmo Times and it is the responsibility of the author

Page 3: Tusmo Times November 2014

Barnaamijka Midnimo ayaa ahmiyada laga leeyahay ay tahay in dad weynaha degan gobolka Minnesota lagu wacyi

geliyo, laguna barro hiddaha iyo dhaqanka bulshadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan gobolka Minnesota. Barnaamijka Midnimo oo ay ka qayb qaadan doonaan fanaaniin iyo kooxo badan oo dalka iyo dibadiisaba ka kala imaan doona ayaa bilowday bishii October,2014 wuxuuna socon doonaa ilaa bisha April, 2015.

Kooxda Dur-Dur Band oo ay hogaaminayaan lamaanaha Cabdinuur Aadan (Daljir) iyo

Sahra Abuukar (Sahra Dawo) ayaa in mudo ah kala maqnaa, duruufaha qaxa iyo qurbo joognimaduna kala gaysay

qaarado kala duwan. Maalinta Jimcaha ah ee bisha November ay tahay 14, ayaa noqonaysa markii u horaysay ee mudo 12 sanno ah ay masrax soo wada istaagaan.

Cabdinuur Aadan (Daljir) ayaa wargeyska Tusmo Times u sheegay in ay dadweynaha reer Minnesota u balanqaadayaan muusik soo xasuusiya beri samaadkii. Kooxda Dur-Dur ayaa caan ku ah in ay soo bandhigaan bandhig faneed firfircoon oo

ay hagayaan fanaaniinta iyo hoboladda caanka ah iyaga oo adeegsanaya farsamo casri ah iyo muusik casri ah oo iskugu jira qaraami iyo kuwo cusub intaba.Cabdinuur Daljir ayaa yiri, “waxaa sharaf ah in aniga iyo kooxda Dur-Dur aan ka tuno magaalada Minneapolis, waxaanan dadka Soomaaliyeed u dirayaa dhambaal ah in aan tusi doono hanaankii iyo qaabkii fanka looga bartay”.

Waxaad wixii akhbaar dheerad ah ee ku saabsan bandhig faneedka kooxda Dur-Dur ama barnaamijka Midnimo ka heli kartaa shabakada Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Cedar oo ah masraxa ay kooxda Dur-Dur ka tumayso maalinta Jimcaha ah.Ciwaanka goobta lagu qabanayo bandhig faneedyada barnaamijka Midnimo ayaa ah: 416 Cedar Ave S, Minneapolis.

Waxaanad booqan kartaa bogga Internetka ee ay leedahay Cedar Cultural Center oo ah www.thecedar.org/midnimo

Kooxda Dur- Dur oo markii ugu horaysay Maraykanka ka tumay

Vol. 1 Ed. 11 | November 2014 Wararka Gudaha / Local News TusmoTimes.com | 3

ka yimid bogga 1

Kulankan xoghayaha guud iyo Soomaalida Minnesota ayaa waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa Amy Klobuhar oo ah xubin ka tirsan aqalka sare ee Maraykanka isla markaana ka mid ah labada qof ee Minnesota ugu jira aqalka sare iyo xeer ilaaliyaha guud ee Minnesota, Andrew Lugar.Inta badan kulanka wuxuu ahaa mid uu xoghayaha guud ee amniga uu ku dhageysanayay fikirka jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed. Jaaliyadduna waxay xooga saartay oo xoghayaha iyo madaxdi i ka le ee ka la yimid xurumaha amniga ee Minneapolis, St. Paul, Hennepin County, United State Custom, United State Immigration Services iyo xubno kalable lagala hadlay dhibka ay Soomaalida Maraykanka ku qabaan marka ay dibadda u dhoofaan dhibaatooyinka kala duwan ee ay la kulmaan; iyagoo xusay in hayb-sooc lagu sameeyo.Mr. Jeh Johnson ayaa Soomaalida u sheegay in ahmiyaddiisa ugu weyn ay ahayd inuu la kulmo bulshadda Soomaal iyeed , dhageystana fikirradooda iyo talooyinka iyo tusaalayaasha ay u soo jeedinayaan waaxda uu isagu u taliyo oo adeegyo badan bulshad u qabata.

Sidoo kale, wuxuu sheegay in dowladda Maraykanku ay waddo qorshe ay uga hor-tagayso dhallinyarada Maraykanka ah ee ku biiraya argagaxisada iyo isku soo dhaweynta danaha aminiga iyo muslimiinta Maraykanka.

Kulankan ayaa waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa laamaha kala duwan ee qaabilsan amniga, hoggaamiyaasha bulshada Soomaalida iyo ururo kale sida CAIR oo u doodda arimaha

musl imi in ta Maraykanka , kuwaasoo sheegay in hay’adaha amniga Mareykanka ay dhibaatooyin kala duwan ku hayaan muslimiinta ku nool Mareykanka marka ay doonayaan inay dalka dibaddiisa u dhoofaan ama ay kusoo laabanayaan.Xoghayaha Amniga Mareykanka oo arrintan ka jawaabayay ayaa wuxuu yiri: “Waan maqalnay dhibaatada idin ka haysata garoonka diyaaradaha dalkan, xeer Ilaaliyaha waa ka hadlay waxbaana laga qabanayaa.” Dadkii Somalida ahaa ee arrimahaa aadka uga hadlay waxaa ka mid ahayd, Prof. Cawo oo sheegatay in iyada iyo odaygeeda Prof. Cabdi Ismail Samatar lagu xiray garoonka goroonka MPLS.

Cabdi Warsame oo arrintan ka hadlay ayaa isna yiri. “Waa inaan bedelnaa fikirka ay bulsha-weynta Mareyknaku ka qabto Soomaalida, waxaan nahay dad waddaniyiin ah, runtii waan jecel nahay dalka Mareykanka, wadankan waa wadankeenna, waxaan dooneynaa inaan difaacno dalkan, sidoo kalena waxaan dooneynaa inaan dareenno inaan ka mid nahay bulshada dalkan, ma dooneyno in si xun na loola dhaqmo, waad maqlaysay fikradihii shacabka ee ku saabsanaa in si xun loola dhaqmo bulshada Soomaaliyeed xilliga ay ka dhoofayaan garoomada.”

Waxa kaloo arrintan sii xoojiyay Sadik Warfa oo ah guddoomiye ku xigeenka Global Somali Diaspora isagoo ka sheekeeyay muhiimada ay leedahay in qofka Soomaali-Americanka ah iyo muslimiinta Mareykanka ay yihiin dad

doonaaya amniga Maraykanka ayna u siman yihiin xuquuqda wadaniyeed ee uu qof kasta oo Mareykan ah leeyahay.“Haddii uu dambi galo qof magaciisa uu yahay Smith oo kale lama oronayo waxaa galay cadaanka oo dhan; sidaas ayay muhiim u tahay haddii ruux magaciisu yahay Cabdi, Mahamed, Fadumo oo muslimiinta Maraykanka ah in la yiraahdo waxaa dambigan geystay muslimiinta oo dhan, balse waxa galay dambiga uu yahay shaqsi, mana ahan in dad wanaagsan dusha laga saaro mas’uuliyadda danbi ee uu shaqsiga keliya galay,” ayuu yiri Sadik Warfa.

Ugu dambeyn, xeer ilaaliyaha dowladda Mareykanka uga wakiilka ah gobalka Minneosta, Andy looger ayaa sheegay in dowladda Mareykanku ay barnaamij ballaaran ugu talo gashay sidii wax looga qaban lahaa dhallinyarada jihaad-doonka ah ee ka taga Mareykanka, isagoo ayaa carabka ku dhuftay in marna aysan ujeedaddoodu ahayn in lagu xad-gudbo xuquuqda dadka muslimiinta ah.

Xoghayaha guud ee amniga Mareykanka, Jeh Johnson wuxuu xusay in isaga naftiisa ay awoowyaashiis ahaayeen dad la gumeysto (Slaves) uuna si fiican u fahansan yahay cabashada ay jaaliyadda iyo arrimaha hayb-sooca ah u dareemayaan, isagoo xusay in Maraykanka uu soo maray marxalado aad u kala duwan, balse uu hadda madaxweyne ka yahay mid ka mid ah dadkii la hayb-sooci jiray.

Xoghayaha Waaxda Amniga Qaranka oo la kulmay Soomaalida Minnesotaka yimid bogga 1

Mayor Betsy Hodges: executive action on immigration will “move the dial on equity, improve the lives of millions of people”

N o v e m b e r 2 0 , 2 0 1 4 (MINNEAPOLIS) — In response to President Obama’s announcement about executive action on immigration, Mayor Betsy Hodges released the following statement:

“America’s immigrat ion system is broken, which is why I join the immigrant community of Minneapolis in praising President Obama for acting decisively to ease the burden and uncertainty that many hard working immigrants have had

to live with every day. My great thanks goes to President Obama for taking this important step forward that will benefit all the people and communities of Minneapolis. I look forward to working closely with the immigrant community and those who serve them to help all affected Minneapolis residents adjust to their new status.

“Last year, the U.S. Senate -- with the leadership of Senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken – - p a s s e d c o m p r e h e n s i v e

immigrat ion reform. The inability of the House to act on it has led to President Obama’s executive action today. It is past time for Congress to act on a permanent solution and pass comprehensive immigration reform. It is the right thing to do to move the dial on equity and improve the lives of millions of people, and what we must do for our nation to keep its economic competitiveness with the rest of the world.”

Waxaa magaalada Minneapolis maalintii Jimcaha ay bisha November ahayd 7, lagu soo bandhigayaa filimka Jalaabasho Shabaq La’aan (Fishing without nets). Filimkan ayaa ah filim mala awaal ah oo laga sameeyay burcad baddeeda Soomaaliyeed. Kuliyada Augsburg ayaa lacag la’aan lagu daawaday filimka, saacadu marka ay tahay 5 galabnimo.

Haddaba Wargeyska Tusmo Times ayaa waraystay Cutter Hodierne, John Hibey iyo Idil Ibrahim oo ah qoraayaasha, filim qaadayaasha iyo waliba soo saarayaasha filimka Jalaabasho Shabaq La’aan (Fishing without nets).

Cutter Hodierne oo ah qoraaga iyo isku duba ridaha ay fikrada filimkani maskaxdiisa ka soo maaxatay ayaa ii sheegay in ay in mudo ah la darsayeen arrimaha la xiriira burcad baddeeda Soomaaliyeed, noloshooda iyo waliba xaqiiqda dhabta ah ee keentay in dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed ama qaar kamid ah raga Soomaaliyeed ay ku biiraan burcad baddeeda.

Idil Ibrahim oo kamid ah jilayaasha filimka matalaya, ahna filim qaadee soo saarta filimadda ayaa iyaduna ii sheegtay in ay wakhti badan galiyeen sidii ay u heli lahaayeen Soomaali ka qayb qaadata jilitaanka filimka. Idil, Cutter iyo John ayaa ii sheegay in ay aad uga taxadareen, ahmiyad gaar ahna siiyeen, sidii ay meesha ama goobta lagu dhigay filimka ay u noqon lahayd meel aad iyo aad ugu eg dalka Soomaaliya.

Filimkan loogu magac daray Shabaq la’aan kalluumayso ayaa marka aad daawato waxaad dareemaysaa in uu aad uga duwan yahay filimada laga sameeyo Soomaalida iyo burcad baddeeda. Soo saarayaasha filimka iyo Soomaalida filimka jilaya ayaa si wada jir ah uga wada shaqeeyay samaynta filim si dhab ah uga matalaya, aadna ugu dhow xaqiiqda la xiriirta burcad baddeeda Soomaaliyeed.

Soomaalida filimka ka qayb qaatay ayaa iyagu filimka wax ku leh, dhaqaalaha faa’iido ahaan uga soo baxa filimka ayeyna wax ku leeyihiin. In kasta oo

jilayaasha Soomaaliyeed ee ka qayb qaatay filimkan ay yihiin shaqaale lacag lagu siisay shaqada ay qabteen, ayaa haddana waxaa loo ogolaaday in lala wadaago faa’iidada ka soo baxda lacagta laga qabto filimkan.

Haddaba hadii aad degen tahay magaalada Minneapolis, waxaad markale filimkan daawan kartaa maalinta Khamiista, bisha November ay tahay 20. Waxaa kale oo dhamaan dadka loo fududeeyay sidii ay u daawan lahaayeen filimkan cajiibka ah iyaga oo guryahooda jooga ama goobtii kale ee ay iyagu jecelyihiin in ay ku daawadaan, iyaga oo filimka ka soo rogan kara shabakadaha Internet-ka.

D a a w a s h o w a c a n o o wanaagsan, ha moogaan, hana ka maqnaan fursadan mar la aragta ah. Waxaad kale oo aad la kulmi doontaan soo saarayaasha filimka oo idin soo dhaweyn doona, su’aalihiinana idiinka jawaabi doona. Wixii faah faahin dheerad ah waxaad ka daalacan kartaan wargeyska Tusmo Times iyo shabakada tusmotimes.com.

Inaa lihaahi wa inaa ilaahi raajicuun.

Marxuunka ilaahay ha,u naxariistee waxuu ahaa nin qaali ku ah ummadda Soomaaliyeed oo dhan.

Allaah ha u naxariiste marxuumka ayaa ka mid ahaa tiirarka waaweyn ee laf dhabarka u ahaa dhismaha iyo dheeli tirka nabadda bulshadda Soomaaliyeed.

Waxaan dhamaantayo aanu tacsi u diraynaa qoska , eheladda iyo ummadda soomaliyeed uu Ugaaska u ahaa, marxuun Ugaas Axmed Ugaas Maxamed ,ilaahay janadii fardowsa hoygiisa ha uga dhigo aamiin.

Tacsidaan ayaa waxaa diraya dhamaan jaalliyadda

reer Minnesota, qoyska ugaaska iyo waliba qaar kamid ah dadkii uu u ahaa ugaas ka oo kala ah, Ugaas Axmed Ugaas, Cabdulqaadir Maxamed Axmed ‘ Cabdibuur’ Cabdiwaaxd X. Xaashi, Cabdiwahab Abdibuur, Maxamud Maxamed Ciise Qaxiye, Cabdulqaadir Ciise Cali , Maxamed cabdubur Awkax Fasal cabdibuur ‘Bidaar’ Shukri saciid Kabtan, Dayax Dhadin , Saciid Baati, Cadaani Xaange , SALEEBAAN Sonkr, Huruuse Abdibuur,waxaan dhamaatyo leenahay Samir iyo iimaan marxuunkana alaha guug uga dhigu janto fardoowsa, aamiin aamin

Sheikh Abdrizak Ali Damle oo ka hadlaya wanaaga marxuunka Ugaas Axmed Ugaas ayaa yiri,

“waxuu ku dadkiisa ku hogaaminjiray CADAALAD, w a x u u d a d k i i s a k u hogaaminjiray NABAD, waxuu dadkiisa ku hogaaminjiray ISJACEEYL, Waxuu dadkiisa ku hogaaminjiray ineey dadka musliminta ah, dadka dariska ah, iyo cidwalba aay ixtaraam iyo sharaf kula dhaqmaan.

Ugu dambeyntii Jaalliyadu waxay Marxuum Ugaas Axmed Ugaas Maxamed Ali Geesood Allaah uga baryayaan naxariis iyo dembi dhaaf, qoyskii, qaraabadii iyo wiilkiisa Adam Ugaas oo ah walaakeen, Saxiibkeen, macalin arday badan tababara, waxaan leenahay dhamaan shacbiga Soomaliyeed in Ilaah samir iyo iimaan ka siiyo.

Filimka Jallaabasho Shabaq La’aan oo lagu soo bandhigayo Magaalada Minneapolis

TACSI: Maamulka Wargeyska Tusmo iyo dhamaan Jaalliyada Soomaaliyeed ee Gobalka Minnesota,USA oo ka tacsiyeeyey geerrida Ugaas Axmed Ugaas Maxamed Ali Geesood

Qalinkii: Cabdiraxmaan mukhTaar, Tusmo Times

Page 4: Tusmo Times November 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 11 | November 2014 Caalamka / World News TusmoTimes.com | 4

NAIROBI – Fatima Jibrell, a Somali female environmentalist, won the 2014 UN Environmental Programme (UNEP)’s Champions of the Earth award for her fight against illegal charcoal trade in the Horn of African nation.

UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner told a news conference in Nairobi on Friday that Jibrell has joined the ranks of global icons who made history for championing environmental sustainability. “For the last 20 years, Jibrell has mobilised local and international resources to protect Somalia’s pastoral way of life and the fragile environment upon which many livelihoods

depend,” Steiner said.The UNEP’S Champion of

the Earth Award is dedicated to individuals who have demonst ra ted unwaver ing commitment to environmental conservation. Jibrell became the first Somalia woman to bag the award since its launch in 2005. She will be among the eight winners to be honored by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon at a ceremony in Washington DC later in November.

Jibrell is the founder of the Horn of Africa Relief and Development Organisation Adeso which has been championing for environmental and social

justice in Somalia, South Sudan and Northern Kenya since 1991. Steiner noted that Jibrell’s environmental stewardship has transformed livelihoods in post conflict states. “Her courage and commitment to fight for environmental and social justice under the most distressful circumstances shines light on the resilience of the human spirit,” Steiner said.

Jibrell has campaigned against illegal charcoal trade in Somalia for the last two decades. The 67 year old mother of five mobilised local communities to restore the Somalia rangelands that were destroyed through harvesting of

acacia tree. Her campaigns led to the ban on charcoal trade by the Puntland government. During a press briefing in Nairobi, Jibrell hailed the role of grassroots stewards in advancing the sustainability agenda.

“Empowering communities to responsibly conserve and manage their natural resource base is critical to the transformation of rural livelihood,” Jibrell remarked, adding that the Champions of the Earth award will inspire pastoral communities to protect vital ecosystems and coexist peacefully with their neighbors.

Somali conservationist bags UNEP’s Champion of the Earth Award source: English.news.cn

Somalia establishes new state

Kenya and Somalia could go to war on territorial row

Source: World bulleTin/neWS deSk

by: amukoWa anangWe, Standardmedia

On August 28, this year, Somalia took Kenya to the International Court of Justice to resolve a long-standing dispute over the maritime boundary in the Indian Ocean.

Kenya’s view has been the maritime boundary should run east from the point where it touches the Indian Ocean, whereas, Somalia differs and argues that if its border with Kenya runs continuously from land into the ocean, it would take a south-east direction.

If Somalia had its way, Kenya would be worse off and would lose over 100,000 square kilometres of territorial waters, leaving a small triangle of a marine belt in Indian Ocean without free access to the high seas. Thus, the case is not a small matter for Kenya, and, thus, it deserves serious legal defence by drawing on multi-disciplinary insights.

Based on the previous decisions by the ICJ and other international tribunals on disputes of similar nature, several considerations will be brought to bear on the matter. One primary consideration will be the “equidistance/special circumstances rule”. Article 15 of the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea that stipulates, where the coasts of two states are opposite or adjacent to each other, neither of two states is entitled, failing agreement between them to the contrary, to extend its territorial sea beyond the median line every point of which is equidistant from the nearest point on the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial seas of each of the two states is to be measured. The above provision does not apply, however, where it is necessary by reason of historical title or other special circumstances to

delimit the territorial seas of the two states in a way which is at variance therewith.

Going by what the Somalia officials have been fulminating in their media about the issue, Somalia wants the “equidistance/special circumstances rule” applied because it would definitely support its claim. However, such an approach would be mistaken because the ICJ has previously used other methods to resolve such disputes. Indeed, the court has argued that the rule may be applicable if it leads to an equitable solution; if not, other methods should be employed. In other words, the rule is not a mandatory legal principle or is it better than other methods. What other relevant considerations may the ICJ take into account to resolve the Kenya- Somalia dispute? Firstly, there may be a recourse to equity and equitable

principles. Articles 74 and 83 of the Law of the Sea Convention provide for the delimitation by agreement, in accordance with the international law, in order to achieve an equitable result. Nonetheless, the Articles do not prescribe the manner of achieving an equitable result. So each party in a dispute is free to argue out its case on what would constitute an equitable outcome.

Secondly, the drawing of a line perpendicular to the coastline has also been employed to determine the border between two adjacent states, where the coast of the states is more or less straight. Such a line is a simplified form of the median line mentioned above.

Thirdly, the proportionality in terms of ratios of the water and continental shelf areas attributed to each state and the length of the their coastlines have been considered in the delimitation of

some maritime boundaries. This is designed to ensure equitable access to maritime resources for such states. It is also a good method to test whether the delimited border is equitable.

Finally, there are other relevant circumstances that the ICJ may consider such as the configuration of the coasts, islands, coastal length, geology and geomorphology, socio-economic circumstances, security/political considerations and the interest of third states. Given that a number of considerations could determine the outcome, it may be difficult to predict the kind of decision the court will make in the Kenya- Somalia case, and surprises should be anticipated as each delimitation of a maritime border by the court is unique.

What options do the parties have if the decision by the ICJ turns out to be unfavourable?

Firstly, a recourse to the court would only be a solution to the Kenya- Somalia dispute if both parties agree with the court’s decision.

If either party disagrees, the dispute would remain unresolved since there are no mechanisms to enforce such a decision.

Secondly, given the weakness of the Somalia government and its inability to exercise sovereignty over the mainland, let alone the maritime belt, Kenya can acquire the disputed territorial waters by manifesting power and authority over the contested territorial waters on a continuous basis.

Thirdly, Kenya and Somalia may go to war in the long run to militarily resolve their irreconcilable claims over the territorial waters.

Somalia ratified its newest regional state at the end of a two-week conference in the south-central city of Baidoa, a local official confirmed Friday.

“The South Western [State] has been born today despite the problems we faced before and during the conference,” Mohamed Nur, a representative of the Bay region – one of the new state’s three regions – told Anadolu Agency by phone.

South Western, which is now Somalia’s fifth state in accordance with the country’s federal consti tut ion, also comprises the Bakol and Lower Shabelle regions.

The other states are Jubaland, Kha tumo, Pun t land and Galmudug, each of which is led by a federal government.

According to Nur, 370 delegates from the three regions were present at the conference.

“The delegates unanimously agreed that the capital of the new state should be Barawe,” Nur told AA.

The port city of Barawe was liberated from the Al-Shabaab militant group last month by African and Somali army forces.

A political tussle between President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud and Prime Minister Abdiwel i Sheikh Ahmed threatened to derail the formation

of the new state.A ministerial delegation

dispatched to monitor the process was recalled to Mogadishu by the premier three days after the president opened the conference.

Mogad i shu hopes the establishment of federal states will help restore stability in the Horn of Africa country, which has experienced on-and-off fighting over the last two decades.

The South Africa-based humanitarian organization, Gift of the Givers which has been active in Somalia for the past several years, has now turned most of its attentions to caring street children, orphans and those living with disability to inspire changes in their lives.

The aid group, which is believed to be the largest charity in Africa, has started special programme which mainly targets some of the community’s most vulnerable people after it took over two main centres which hold hundreds of orphans and street children providing them with food and basic education. “We have been operating in different areas in the country, but the kind of campaign is mainly intended to make concrete changes in the lives of these children and as well as disabled peoples” said a charity staffer Said Ibrahim

Hussein, who is also a long-serving vice president of Somali Sports Press Association.

On the other hand, Gift of the Givers has distributed wheelchairs to several hundred disabled persons who were very much in need of such equipment.

According to the charity’s logistics official who issued a press statement on Monday evening, a long-term medication program was set for those living with disability and cannot afford to pay for their medicines, as they have been living on less than a dollar per day. “We reach out to nearly a thousand people including children and disabled persons at least twice in each week—we have now drawn new plans to spread our humanitarian operations to the southern Lower Jubba region” Mr. Said Ibrahim Hussein explained in his press statement.

The Gift of the Givers was active in Somalia since Tsunami hit parts of the country in 2005, but extended its Somalia mission in 2011 in reaction to what the United Nations described as the worst draughts in Somalia for decades.

South African charity prioritizes orphans and disabled peopleby: Shafi’i mohyaddin aboka

Page 5: Tusmo Times November 2014

Murtida BishaXigasho: Buuga Ha Suntin, Mohamed Duale

Afartan jir aan is ogeyn waa argagax Afkeena sii anbanaaya waa argagax Ashahaado la dirir Islaam sheeganaaya waa argagax

Saddex waa argagax

Vol. 1 Ed. 11 | November 2014 Ganacsiga / Business TusmoTimes.com | 5

Somali Austral ians are warning that the closure of small money transfer services will have catastrophic consequences for their family members back home.

Millions of migrants in Australia are hoping for a last minute reprieve from Westpac Bank to prevent the closure of its small money transfer services.

Westpac is the last major bank in Australia to provide the services, but it plans to stop them on Monday.

One of the communities to be hit hardest if the decision goes ahead is Australia’s Somali community.

Millions of Migrants in australia affected by closure

The World Bank estimates Australians send money to more than 157 countries.

The newly formed Australian Remittance and Currency Providers Association estimates 6.5 million Australians with family or friends overseas rely on money transfer services.

The association has been formed to raise awareness about the impact Westpac’s decision could have on migrant communities.

It represents more than 5,000 registered money transfer

organisations that, together, handle more than 80 million transfers into and out of Australia each year.

The association says the transfers are worth more than $30 billion.

s M a l l M o n e y transfers critical for australian soMalis

Hussein Haraco, from the Somali Remittance Action Group, hopes Westpac can postpone the decision so the community can come up with an alternative.

He warns that decision will have serious impact on his community. “The people who depend on this remittance, because a kid goes to school, some elders have their medical expenses, they need to pay rent for the house they are in ... And a lot of things - people going to units back home - a lot of things will stop, and that will impact their life.”

regulation of sMall Money transfers a ‘global issue’

The industry of small money transfers has been facing a crackdown from regulators in the last few years.

Regulators have demanded bet ter safeguards against money laundering and terrorism financing schemes.

A u s t r a l i a n B a n k e r s Association chief executive Steven Munchenberg said it is not just an Australian problem, but a global issue.

“Those rules mean that it has become incredibly risky for banks to provide banking services to remittance agents, people who are helping people send money to countries overseas,” he said.

“We’re very mindful that this is having a big impact on both remittance agencies and the people who have been using them to try and send money home, but, unfortunately, the rules are such that it has become too risky for banks.”

Mr Munchenberg said the industry has been searching for an alternative, but adds that at the moment, there are none without risk.

“ U n f o r t u n a t e l y , w i t h remittance agents, the way the rules are designed, it means that not only do we have to be satisfied that we understand the operations of the remittance agent, but we also have to be aware of every customer they deal with and where all of that money goes. And if any one of those transactions results in

money being sent or being used by terrorists or criminals, then the bank is actually in breach of its legal requirements.”

Somalia has been without a central government since 1991.

Millions of its people have been affected by war and famine, with many dying and many more being displaced since then.

Militants linked to al-Qaeda also control parts of the country, and it is the base for pirates who severely disrupt regional shipping.

end of sMall Money transfers could lead to huManitarian crisis: oxfaM

Aid group Oxfam says the closure of small money transfer services could have devastating consquences.

“Somalia is particularly a unique case, in that it’s a country that has no formal banking sector now after 23 years of conflict and civil unrest,” said Oxfam campaigner Ben Murphy said.

“We’re particularly concerned that a country like this, which has an estimated 25 to 45 per cent of its economy based on remittances, would be particularly heavily affected by this closure.”

Mr Murphy said remittances

from Australia to Somalia are estimated to be worth about $10.5 million annually.

sMall Money transfers popular worldwide

And he said it is an appealing option for many who want to send money quickly to family members.

“The popularity of small money transfer operators worldwide, not only in Somalia but in a lot of other developing countries, is that they provide a sort of secure, fast and easily accessible model for people to access money, particularly in areas where there’s very limited banking services or where they may not have access to modern forms of banking like electronic funds transfer,” Mr Murphy said.

Steven Munchenberg, from the Australian Bankers Association, stresses Westpac’s decision is not aimed at Somalia alone.

He said international money transfer businesses serving all countries around the world are impacted upon.

“Obviously, globally, there are some countries that are of particular interest to regulators at the moment, in the Middle East, in parts of Africa, in Russia even, with sanctions have been put in place.

“But th is i sn’ t a imed at any particular country. Unfortunately, the way the rules work, it’s becoming increasingly hard to provide these banking services to remittance agents, no matter where they’re sending the money.”

‘threat of terrorisM financing is low’

The Australian Remittance and Currency Providers Association said the average transaction from Australia is about $300.

It says most destination countries present no threat of terrorism financing.

Hussein Haraco, from the Somali Remittance Action Group, hopes Westpac can postpone the decision so the community can come up with an alternative.

He warns that decision will have serious impact on his community.

“The people who depend on this remittance, because a kid goes to school, some elders have their medical expenses, they need to pay rent for the house they are in ... And a lot of things -- people going to units back home -- a lot of things will stop, and that will impact their life.”

At the beginning of October Salaam Bank installed ATM machine in Aljazeera Hotel. That

ATM uses Matercard, Visa Card, American Express among others.

However, there are complaints

regarding the fact that it is the only one in the country. Also, the ATM machine doesn’t use

the Somali language. Therefore, Somali intellects told Dalsan that Salam Bank discriminated

against Somali language while Google recognizes it (Google Translate). Business people have the common believe that Somali language as other languages should be included in the languages the ATM uses. Business people who travel to abroad say they see the languages of the countries they visit in the ATM machines together with other international languages while the leaders of Salaam Bank ignored their language.

They added that 90% of the machine uses English language. Many of those business people from the Diaspora come from countries where English is not spoken. They included business people from the Scandinavian countries where English is not used in ATM machines. Therefore, they recommended

other languages to be used in the machines alongside the English. Other business people from Arabian countries were astonished with the leaders of Salaam Bank who made English the only language that ATM uses. The Guardian newspaper has written about the complaints of Somali business people on the matter. Ibrahim Guule is a shopkeeper in Mogadishu. He told that newspaper that he only speaks his native language Somalia. He complained about the language problem there.

All in all, it is for sure that Salaam Bank slipped off and that they apparently subdued the Somali language while they prioritized English despite the fact that 100% Somalis use their mother tongue.

source: www.sbs.com.auSomali Australians fear end of small money transfers

source: www.mareeg.com

Somali ATM Criticize in discriminating non-English speakers

Page 6: Tusmo Times November 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 11 | November 2014 Qoyska iyo Dhallinyarada / Family & Youth TusmoTimes.com | 6

W a x a a m a g a a l l a d a Minneapol i s ee gobolka Minnesota si rasmi ah looga dhawaaqay daah-furka hay’ad loogu magac daray Xarunta Horumarrinta Dhallinyaradda iyo Qoyska Soomaaliyeed ( Somali Youth and Family Development Center).

Xaf lad ba l l aadhan oo lagu daah-furayo Xarunta Horumarrinta Dhallinyaradda iyo Qoyska Soomaaliyeed iyo adeegyadda ay qaban doonto ayaa ka dhacday magaalada Minneapolis, taas oo ay ka soo qayb-galeen marti sharaf

badan oo ka kala socotay dhamaan qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshadda, Hay’addaha bulashadda u adeega, aqoon yahaniin, culumo, dhallinyaro iyo qaar kale oo badan.

Fatoun Cali oo ah madaxa iyo aasaasaha Xarunta Horumarrinta Dhallinyaradda iyo Qoyska Soomaaliyeed ayaa ka hadashay xafladda iyada oo ku dheeraatay muhiimada ay adeegyadda

xaruntani u leedahay bulshadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan magaallada Minneapolis iyo nawaaxigeeda iyo waliba sida barnaamijka loogu baahnaa. Fatoun Cali ayaa u mahadnaqday dhamaan dadkii garabka ka siiyaay, kuna dhiirigeliyay in ay daah-furto xaruntan oo ay biloowday sannadkii 2009. Fatoun ayaa sidoo kale ka hadashay taariikhdeeda oo kooban iyo dhibka ay la soo kulantay hooyo ahaan iyo la qabsiga nolosha cusub ee qurbaha.

Dr. Verna Cornelia Price oo ah madaxa shirkadda The Power of People Consulting Group ayaa iyadu ka hadashay sababta ku kaliftay in ay Fatoun Cali aasaasto xaruntan iyadda oo iftiimisay sida uu barnaamijyada iyo adeegyadda Xarunta Horumarrinta Dhallinyaradda iyo Qoyska Soomaaliyeed u caawin doonaan hooyooyinka, haweenka iyo gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed.

Xasan Maxamed Ca l i Samatar oo isagu barnaamijka daadihinayay ayaa isna ku nuuxnuuxsaday faa’idooyinka barnaamijkan u keeni doono Soomalida ku dhaqan gobolka Minneso t a , gaa r ahaan magaallada Minneapolis iyo

nawaaxigeeda. Waxa uu Xasan sheegay in adeegyaddani ay wax weyn ka tari doonaan dedaallada loogu jiro in lagu taageero qoysaska iyo dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed.

Abwaan Cismaan Ducaale ayaa gabay qiimo badan oo mawduucyo iyo marxalladaha ay Soomaalida degan gobolka Minnesota ka hadlaya ku gabyay. Gabayga uu Cismaan Ducaale goobta ka tiriyay ayaa ka hadlayey murti taabanaysa dh ibka hays ta dha l l in ta Soomaal iyeed , bulshadda Soomaaliyeed ee Muslimka ah iyo isha gaarka ah ee ay ku hayaan hay’adaha nabad sugida dalka Maraykanka iyo guud ahaanba jaalliyada Maraykanka ee ku dhaqan gobolka Minnesota.

Haddaba munaasabadan daah-furka ah ayaa waxaa lagu soo bandhigay hiddaha iyo dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed. Dhamaan dadkii ka soo qayb galay munaasabaddan ayaa aad ugu riyaaqay barnaamijyadda iyo adeegyada loogu faa’idaynayo bulshadda Soomaaliyeed ee ay Xarunta Horumarrinta Dhallinyaradda iyo Qoyska Soomaaliyeed qabanayso .

Daah-furka Xarunta Horumarrinta Dhallinyaradda iyo Qoyska SoomaaliyeedQalinkii: Cabdiraxmaan mukhTaar, Tusmo Times

Page 7: Tusmo Times November 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 11 | November 2014 Cayaaraha / Maaweelo / Sports / Entertainment TusmoTimes.com | 7

Kororka tirada cayaaryahanada ajaanibta ah ee kusoo biiraya horyaalka kubada cagta dalka

Soomaaliya ayaa ah astaan weyn oo muujineysa horurmarka kubada Cagta Soomaaliya.

Sanadkii lasoo dhaafay ayaa markii ugu horeysay waxaa

horyaalka Nation Link Telecom ee dalka Soomaaliya kusoo biiray ilaa iyo 8 cayaartoy oo

ajaanib ah, waxaana naadiga hada horyaalka heysta ee Banadir Sports Club loo aqoonsaday in uu horseed u noqday lasoo wareegida cayaartoyda ajaanibta

ah ee dalka imaanaya.Laakin hada iyadoo muddo

bil ah ay ka dhiman tahay

xilliga lagu wado in uu furmo horyaalka Nation Link Telecom oo ah tartan isboortiyeedka ugu shacbiyada badan dalka Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa kordhay

tirada cayaaryahanada ajaanibta ah ee dalka imaanaya, iyadoo naadiyo badan ay cayaartoy lasoo wareegeen.

“Imaat inka cayaar toyda ajaanibta ah ee dalka waa talaabo aad u xusid mudan—ilaa iyo 6 naadi oo ka tirsan horyaalka Nation Link Telecom ayaa hada lasoo wareegay cayaaryahano badan oo ajaanib ah, taasina waxay talaabo la taaban karo oo muuqata u tahay Soomaaliya oo hada kasoo kabsaneysa dagaalo muddo dheer socday iyo fowdo dalka la dagay”ayuu war saxaafadeed uu maanta soo saaray ku sheegay madaxa xafiiska warfaafinta ee xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee kubada Cagta Shaafici Muxuyadiin Abukar (ISLOW).

Waxaa uu sheegay in ka muuqashada cayaa r toyda caalamiga ah ee horyaalka Soomaaliya ay tahay arrin aad ugu wanagsan suuq geynta kubada cagta dalka Soomaaliya oo dhaqaale ahaan ku tiirsan kaalmada yar ee laga helo FIFA.

War saxaafadeedka waxaa lagu sheegay in jawiga dagagaasho la’aanta ah ee ka jiray Soomaaliya uu xanibayay in dalku uu helo shirkado wax sponsor gareeya laakin hada oo Soomaaliya ay kasoo kabsaneyso qalalaase iyo dagaalo muddo dheer jiray xaalku wuxuu kusoo laabanayaa si caadi ah waxaana xiriirka iyo naadiyadiisuba ay hada quudareynayaan in la helo shirkado gudaha iyo dibada ah oo sponsor gareeya kubada cagta Soomaaliya.

“Kubada cagta Soomaaliya hada waxaa ay kasoo kabsanaysaa dhaawacyadii ay u geysteen dagaalo iyo deganasho la’aan dalka la dagan mudo ka badan 20 sanadood, waxaase hada dib u furantay wadadii horumarka”ayuu hadalkiisa s i i daba dhigay madaxa xafiiska warfaafinta xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee kubada Cagta Shaafici Muxuyadiin.

Halkan hoose ka aqriso magacyada cayaartoyda ajaanibta ah ee dalka ku sugan, naadiyada

lasoo wareegay iyo wadamada ay u kala dhasheen.

HEEGAN FC: Mohamed Zubairu (Nigeria), Samsoniyke Chukwu (Nigeria)

GAADIIDKA:Lehman Meheso Mwenza (Kenya)

SAHAFI FC: Ambrose Mumo kulakalatai (Kenya)

ELMAN FC: Elungat Martin, (Uganda) Ntaabazi Mubiru Eddie (Uganda) and Mugsha Ivan(Uganda).

DEKADDA: Zubeir Yossuf Oduori(Kenya) OKoro Mattias Ogbokiri(Nigeria)

B A N A D I R S P O R T S C L U B : M a r c e l O d h a m b o Oyugi(Kenya) Thomas Mwancu Cuihobi (Kenya) and Mustapha .I. Maxwell(Nigeria).

Cayaaryahano Ajaanib ah oo kusoo qul qulaya SoomaaliyaQore: Cumar ibraahim CabdiSalaam, Somali football federation media department

Madaxweynaha la doortay ee Midowga xiriirada kubada cagta ee wadamada carabta, (UAFA), Turki Bin Khalid Bin Faisal Al Saud, ayaa ku dhawaaqay marxalad cusub oo ku aadan

wada shaqeyn uu la sameynayo xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee kubada cagta.

Hoggaamiyaha midoowga Carabta ee kubadda cagta ayaa hadalkan ku dhawaqay kaddib

kulan muddo kooban socday oo uu la yeeshay guddoomiyaha xiriirka kubada cagta Soomaaliya Cabdiqani Saciid Carad.

Labada masuul ayaa isku arkay magaalada Riyaad kaddib markii uu soo dhamaaday shirweynihii doorashada ee ururka UAFA oo xalay lagusoo gabagabeeyay magaalada Riyaadh.

Guddoomiyaha x i r i i rka Soomaaliyeed ee kubadda cagta Cabdiqani Saciid Carab, ayaa u hambalyeeyay mudane Turki Bin Khalid Bin Faisal Al Saud oo ururka kubada cagta ee wadamada carabta maamuli doona 4-ta sano ee soo socota.

“Madaxweynuhu waxa uu muujiyay sida uu ugu farasxsan

yahay ka muuqashada Soomaaliya ee kulamada caalamiga, gaar ahaana kulanka Carabta”ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha kubadda cagta Soomaaliya Cabdiqani

Saciid Carab oo warbaahinta la

hadlay.Madaxweynaha la doortay

ee kubadda cagta Carabta mudane Turki Bin Khalid Bin Faisal Al Saud, ayaa dhankiisa

sheegay in uu ku faraxsan yahay

is badalka xaga maamulka kubada cagta ah ee dhawaan ka dhacay Soomaaliya halkaas oo guddoomiye loogu doortay xoghayihii mudada dheer soo shaqeynayay Cabdiqani Saciid Carab.

With four inches of snow on soccer fields around the Twin Cities, 44 coaching candidates met inside the gym at the Minneapolis Police Department Special Operations Center for a special Level 5 Diploma course hosted by The Sanneh Foundation.

The coaching education course was the result of an award from The NSCAA Foundation’s Gooding-Crosby Fund. The Gooding-Crosby Fund is a permanently-endowed fund named in honor of Peter Gooding, former Amherst College Men’s Soccer Coach and Athletic Director, former NSCAA Coaching Academy Director, and past president of the NSCAA. The purpose of the Gooding-Crosby fund is to provide financial aid and extend opportunities to deserving

coaches and soccer clubs working with underserved communities throughout the United States.

The express purpose of this year’s award to The Sanneh Foundation (TSF) was to support TSF’s efforts to improve the quality of coaching for coaches working with communities of color and other under-resourced communities. Recruited by The Sanneh Foundation and their network of partnerships, the course attracted coaches from a diverse cross-section of cultural backgrounds. As a result of this outreach, an extraordinary seventy percent of participating coaches were themselves people of color.

The largest community presence was the Twin Cities East African community. Latest census figures show people of Somali ancestry are the second

largest immigrant population living in Minnesota. Local leaders believe the true number is far higher, but without a doubt, coaches from the Somali community were the largest and most enthusiastic presence at the course. In fact, the East African coaching contingent was so excited about the opportunity and the course that they organized to have Somali Sambusas delivered for all the coaches during lunch. Coach Adam Ugas, who recently returned from visiting family in Somalia, had this to say, “For us the course was not just a National course. The coaches were international coaches from all over the world, and being together with coaches like this gave us a chance to learn from one another. We want to see more partnerships between NSCAA and The Sanneh Foundation, and

all the coaches I talked to want to continue having experiences like this here in Minnesota.”

Almost all the coaches came from cultural backgrounds where soccer is the dominant sport, but for sixty-eight percent of the participants this was their first exposure to formal coaching education. For instance, Club Deportivos Lobos, a new local grassroots club in Saint Paul which engages the city’s growing Hispanic population, sent a majority of their club’s coaches, none of whom had prior access to coaching education.

Another major factor in the course’s success is the ongoing partnership of the Minneapolis Police Activities League (PAL) with The Sanneh Foundation. Originally, the two-day course was to be held at The Sanneh Founda t ion’s home and

outdoor soccer field at Conway Community Recreation Center, a city owned recreation center managed and operated by TSF. However, with four inches of snow and temperatures in the low twenties an alternative site was necessary. PAL leadership and Executive Director Lt. Giovanni Veliz volunteered their own site, with a classroom and gym, for the course to go ahead as planned. Veliz said, “Our relationship with TSF gives our coaches access to coaching education like this NSCAA course, and helps further our mission to mentor kids, reduce juvenile crime, produce leaders, and provide safe places for kids to play the sport they love. It is a great honor to work in collaboration with The Sanneh Foundation in developing soccer programs and leaders in Minneapolis.”

The weekend surpassed even the expectations of The Sanneh Foundation’s founder and CEO, former 2002 FIFA World Cup veteran, Tony Sanneh, who decided to apply for this grant funded opportunity because of the number of local coaches he knew who lacked access to coaching education. Sanneh said, “I’ve always been a believer in coaching education. I also know that huge numbers of the kids we work with in under-resourced communities love the game and play on teams that don’t have the same level of resources as a lot of the team’s they compete against. I decided one solution was to raise the level of their ins truct ion. The NSCAA shares our values of promoting education and strengthening community, so I knew they were a perfect partner for this project.”

UAFA iyo Soomaaliya oo Wada Shaqeyn ku balamay

The Sanneh Foundation Hosts Level 5 NSCAA Diploma Course

Qore: maxamed Shuuriye nuur (barakaaT), Somali football federation media department

by: Tod herSkoviTz, The Sanneh foundation

Ku xayeysiiso wargeysKa

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Page 8: Tusmo Times November 2014



While Ebola occupies the world’s attention, a humanitarian crisis is quickly unfolding in Somalia. In August, the Somali federal government declared famine in several regions. The rain necessary for food arrived a month late and was brief in duration. Drought grips much of the country, leaving nearly 3 million Somalis at risk for food insecurity. In conflict areas, over a million people remain displaced from their homes. UNICEF estimates that 200,000 children could die by the end of the year if no action is taken.

The Horn of Africa is considered one of the poorest regions in the world, and ongoing

droughts continue to plague this region. The 2011-2012 drought and famine was the worst to hit the region in 25 years, and claimed 260,000 lives. Half of the lives lost were children under the age of 5. The United Nations estimates that 16 million people in the Horn of Africa are in urgent need of food and other humanitarian assistance today. If climate change continues at the same rate, East Africa’s food security could get even worse with a 20 percent decline in the growing period of key crops by the end of the century and productivity of bean crops cut in half.

Scientists and economists

recommend Africans begin to grow crops that tolerate more heat and less rain as a way to adapt to the changing climate. They also recommend expanding access to clean, renewable energy. Traditional energy sources for Africa’s rural areas and refugee camps are charcoal for cooking and kerosene for lighting. These types of energy are not only harmful to health and to the environment, but they are becoming more expensive as deforestation spreads and the demand for energy increases in Africa. Since the equator passes over the Horn of Africa, solar energy is one of the very promising energy sources for this

region.The famine is devastating, and

we must address the immediate needs while helping Africa become more resilient. Minnesota has a unique connection to this issue – about 21 percent of Minnesota’s foreign-born population is from Africa. Minnesota-based American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa provides food baskets, but we also provide education and solar stoves and solar lights. We also support efforts, like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power plan, to reduce the pollution causing climate change.

Together, we can make a

difference, but it’s going to take all of us. We must get food and water to Somalis devastated by the famine. We also need to address climate change and build resilience.

Our solar stoves and solar l ight ing projects provide assistance, promote self-reliance and reduce pollution for families in the Horn of Africa. These solar solutions are a more sustainable, reliable solution for the families and for addressing climate change. The work Minnesota and the U.S. EPA is doing to reduce carbon pollution from coal and gas power plants by investing in wind, solar and energy efficiency is another part of the solution.

Minnesota’s commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050 and move beyond fossil fuels is the kind of action we need to take together, and I know we can.

Mohamed S. Idris is the executive director of the American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa (ARAHA), based in Columbia Heights.

Source: Minnpost

Photo: Courtesy of the American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa

Please make your donations to

ARAHA(American Relief Agency of Horn of Africa)

www.araha.org(763) 270-5351

AMOUD(Amoud Foundation for Education and Development)

www.amoudfoundation.com(972) 871-8297

HARO(Humanitarian African Relief Organization)

www.harousa.org(612) 315.5691

Drought and climate change in the Horn of Africa require responsibility and resilienceby: mohamed S. idriS

Page 9: Tusmo Times November 2014

Vol. 1 Ed. 11 | November 2014 Community Calendar / Shaqooyinka / Employment TusmoTimes.com | 9

DAY RAMADAN JUNE FAJR SUNRISE DHUHR ASR MAGHRIB ISHAFriday 14 11/7 3:47 5:37 1:19 5:26 9:00 10:51Sat 15 12/7 3:49 5:38 1:19 5:26 8:59 10:50Sun 16 13/7 3:50 5:39 1:19 5:26 8:59 10:49Mon 17 14/7 3:52 5:39 1:19 5:26 8:58 10:47Tue 18 15/7 3:53 5:40 1:20 5:26 8:57 10:46Wed 19 16/7 3:55 5:41 1:20 5:26 8:57 10:45Thu 20 17/7 3:56 5:42 1:20 5:26 8:56 10:44Friday 21 18/7 3:58 5:43 1:20 5:25 8:55 10:42Sat 22 19/7 3:59 5:44 1:20 5:25 8:54 10:41Sun 23 20/7 4:01 5:45 1:20 5:25 8:53 10:39Mon 24 21/7 4:02 5:46 1:20 5:25 8:52 10:38Tue 25 22/7 4:02 5:46 1:20 5:25 8:52 10:38Wed 26 23/7 4:04 5:47 1:20 5:24 8:51 10:36Thu 27 24/7 4:07 5:49 1:20 5:24 8:49 10:33Friday 28 25/7 4:09 5:50 1:20 5:23 8:48 10:31Sat 29 26/7 4:11 5:51 1:20 5:23 8:47 10:30Sun 30 27/7 4:12 5:52 1:20 5:23 8:46 10:28


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Dhalinyarada Waxaay Ubahanyahiin Baritaanka Cafimaadka Guud!

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Page 10: Tusmo Times November 2014

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fffrrreeeeee hhhiiivvv ssscccrrreeeeeennniiinnnggg ttteeesssttt fffooorrr pppeeerrrsssooonnnsss iiinnn ttthhheee aaafffrrriiicccaaannn cccooommmmmmuuunnniiitttyyy

Waxa ay ku talajirtay in canuggeedu la tallaalo balse ugu dambaystii waqti uu seexdo ayuu helay. Dhakhtarka waxa uu ku yiri waxa ay tahay xaalad qaasa sababtoo ah qoysku waxay safar ku booqanayeen Kenya, sidaa awgeed waxa uu ku taliyay in canuggeedu la tallaalo waqti ka horreeya midka caadiga ah. Reerkeedu ayay soo booqanayeen umana aysan qabin in ay u dhib weyn kala kulmin doonaan.

Maalinka ay dib gurigooda ugu soo laabteen, canuggeedu waxaa ku soo badanayay calaamadaha qabowga – qufac, duuf dareeraya, iyo indho ilmaynaya iyo guduudan. Kaddibna waxa ku dhacay qandho daal badanna waa uu ka muuqday. Waxa ay u geysay dhakhtarka, waxayna ku dhaheen waxa uu qaba fayruus iyo in ay isha ku hayso. Qufacii waa uu ka sii daray, qandhadiina waa ay ku sii xuumatay sidaa awgeedna mar kale ay dhakhtarkii ku laabatay. Markaan isbitaalka ayaa la seexiyay sababtoo ah waaa ku dhacay qabow. Dhakaatiirtu baaritaanno dheeraad ah ayay ku sameyeen

waxayna u gudbyeen qol gaar ah – waxaa ku dhacday jadeeco.

Canuggeeda neefsashada ayaa dhib ku noqotay sidaa awgeedna mashiin leh tuubo uu ku neefsado ayay galiyeen. Tubooyin ayaa la galiyay afkiisa, sankiisa iyo gacmihiisa. Waa ay qaadanwaday in uu ahaa canuggeeda. Wax ay qabato ayay garanwayday. Dhakhaat i i r tu waxa ay uga digeen in canuggeedu uu dhiman karo. Canuggu cudurkii waa uu ka reestay, balse hooyadiis weligeed ma ay illoobayso saxariirta uu maray. Cid kasta ee dibadda u safraysa waxaa ayay u sheegtaa, “Xaqiiqso in aad qaadataan tallaallada idil ee aad adiga iiyo qoyskaaga u bahaantihiin.”

Siduu arrinkaan ku dhacay? Cidina kuma jirranayn guriga ay degganaayeen, ayadana marar dhif ayay canuggeeda bannaanka u dhigi jirtay marka dukaameysiga ama booqashada qoys kale. Jadeecadu cuncun kaliya ma sababto? Siday ku dhici kartaa in jadeecadu uu canuggeedu si xun ugu jirrado?

Jadeecadu waxa ay

caalamka ku dishaa 430 caruur maalin kasta. Waa cudur la isqaadsiiyo oo ku dhacaya kuwa aan laga tallaalin. Si fudud ayuu uga gudbaa hal qaarad una gudbaa qaarad kale. Canugga yar ee sheekadaan ku jira dad kale ayuu cudurka qaadsiiyay – kuwii diyaardda la saarnaa iyo qoysaska watay caruurtooda aan la tallaalin marka ay Minnesota dib ugu soo laabteen. Haddii aad dibadda u safraysid, hubso in aad adiga iyo caruurtaada tallaalo cusub ka qaadateen jadeecada, qaamoqashiirka iyo rubella (jadeecada Jarmalka

ee caruurta ku dhacda – marka la isku soo duubo lagu magacaabo MMR). Caruurta jira illaa 6 bilood jir waa in tallaalka MMR la siiyo.

Dabaysha (Polio) waa cudur kale ee la isqaadsiiyo oo safarrada ku faafa. Dabayshu waa cudur sababi kara qallal (aan lugta ama gacanta la dhaqaajin karin) iyo mararka qaarkood noqda qoorgooye (meningitis – caabuq ku dhaca maskaxda iyo lafdhabarka). Haddii uu qallalku sii socdana ay sababi karto in uu qofka neefsanwaayo. Faaf idda cudurka dabaysha waxa uu

dareen xoog leh geliyay qubarada Ururka Caafimaadka Caalamka (WHO). Waxa y soo jeediyeen in qofka wax ka badan affar toddobaad u safra waddan lagu ogyahay in ay ka jirto dabaysha in la tallaalo ka hor inta aysan dib ugu laaban waddanka ay ka yimaadeen. Dadka safraya waddamo uu ka jiro cudurka dabaysha waa in ay iska hubsadaan in ay la hadlaan bukaan-eegtadooda haddii ay u bahaanyihiin wax-wax ka dhawra iyo in caruurtooda ay qaateen dhibcaha idil oo ay ugu baahanyihiin safarka.

Safarradaada ka dhigo kuwo caafimaad qaba, la hadal bukaan-eegtadaada w a x a s a f a r k a a g a k u saabsan, tallaallada aad u bahaantahay iyo siyaabaha aad caafimaadkaaga u ilaalsato marka aad safraysid. Mararka qaarkood safarrada waxa ay sababaan cudur. Haddii adiga iyo qoyskaaga aad ka soo laabanaysaan safar caalami ah iyo aad jirrataan, iska hubso in aad bukaan-eegtadaada wacdid iyo u sheegtid calaamadaha aad isku aragtay iyo in aad dhawaan safar ku maqnayd.

Safarradaada Ka Dhigo Kuwo Caafimaad Qaba

Vol. 1 Ed. 11 | November 2014 Caafimaadka / Health TusmoTimes.com | 10


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Page 11: Tusmo Times November 2014

Somalia is a poor Muslim country, where agriculture provides a meager existence in its arid climate, and people live on less than $2.00 a day. The country has one of the lowest

primary-school enrollment rates in Africa with less than 25% of the children participating, of which one-third are female students. Somaliland has fared better than the rest of Somalia, with 44 percent of the children receiving an education.

Ms. Hodan Guled, the founder of the Somali and American Fund for Education (SAFE) noted, “With basic reading skills, a child has the opportunity to be lifted out of poverty.” SAFE has been building schools in Somaliland, the autonomous northern state, which has not seen the violence that has devastated the rest of

Somalia. The southern region has been destabilized by al-Shabaab Islamists since 2006.

Somaliland has a population of 3.5 million, with an elected government that has proven

it can govern justly, respects human rights, and the rule of law. Attacks in the south by al-Shabaab have not abated, even with the infusion of UN AMISOM Peacekeeping troops that have been there since 2011, to underpin the Mogadishu government.

In March 2013, I went to Hargeisa the capital of Somaliland, to visit two school projects that the Price Family Foundation was undertaking with SAFE. Being the rainy season traveling over the desert roads was treacherous. In the village of Alleybaday four classrooms

were built at the Harcadaad Primary School. Student classes were divided into morning and afternoon sessions for 78 boys and 42 girls, ranging from grades one through four–with

four teachers. Just months earlier classes were held under a tree. We then traveled across a similar rugged terrain to the village of Faraweyne, some 44 miles into the desert. There two classrooms were built at the Maraaga Primary School, to accommodate 50 boys and 30 girls in split sessions–with two teachers.

Hodan arranged for a visit to the new Abaarso School of Science and Technology, located near the outskirts of Hargeisa, in which SAFE had helped with student housing. Mr. Jonathan Starr, an American, founded the school in 2009, to prepare

students for higher education opportunities in the U.S. and elsewhere. He brought fifteen teachers from the U.S. and Canada, to focus on math and science.

The initial classes at Abaarso had 80 boys and 40 girls, for the four year program. In the first graduating class of 2013, a young man named Mubarik, who grew up in a refugee camp, received a scholarship to Massachusetts Institute of Technology; a young girl named Nadira received a scholarship to Oberlin College in Ohio; four other students also received scholarships to U.S. colleges. Mr. Starr in a recent email noted, that with the June 2014 graduating class there are now over thirty students in the United States and seventeen elsewhere around the world. Mr. Starr proudly noted that his investment in the Abaarso School since inception was about $250,000, for which his students received over $2.5 million in scholarships so far.

In 2014 in conjunction with SAFE, the Price Family Founda t i on funded t he construction of six classrooms at three schools, to accommodate 500 more students. SAFE noted “that the classrooms will benefit villages where children would otherwise not have a chance to receive an education.” The Xeedho Primary School just opened with two classrooms for 150 students, grades one through

eight; the Al Kheyr Primary School added two classrooms for 160 students. At the Farah High School–which serves four primary and middle schools—we added two classrooms to accommodate 80 students. These classrooms will also be used for adult education and vocational training in the evenings.

The southern part of Somalia has seen civil conflict and destabilization for almost 24 years. This has led to the disintegration of the education system, with almost ninety percent of the schools damaged or destroyed. Two generations of Somali children have missed the opportunity to attend school. In Somali land individual communities have reached out to NGO organizations such as SAFE to help build school classrooms. SAFE selects villages which have shown that they can manage their education program. Their goal is to empower these communities to continue investing in the education needs of their children.

In the southern town of Dhobley, Mr. Adan Abdi a school teacher, worries that the students show too little interest in education and are more interested in playing war. A UNICEF report noted, “An entire generation of children has grown up knowing only conflict and fighting [and] possibly thousands of children have been trained in combat. We need to make sure that this generation receives

quality basic education. This will stop them being sucked into the continuing violence and they will then be able to make a positive and lasting contribution to the future of Somalia.”

If this generation of Somali children is to find hope for the future, there needs to be an emphasis on education. S u s t a i n a b l e e c o n o m i c development will need to follow for Somalia to participate in the global economy. Without education the achievements for success will not happen. With every educated student comes the potential for a leader of tomorrow. The struggle to educate children in Somalia has brought foundations like ours to give Somali children that opportunity–to help Somalia ultimately achieve prosperity and peace.

The United States , on a larger scale, can be the catalyst to support education throughout Somalia by building classrooms—the link to winning the war against the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Shabaab terrorist group, that continue to recruit young children into their ranks daily–and attacks Western interests. Military action alone against these insurgents will not defeat the radical Islamist movement–nor lead to peace. If the United States wants to make a lasting difference in Somalia, an investment in education is a good place to start.

Vol. 1 Ed. 11 | November 2014 Dhaqan / Waxbarashada | Education / Culture TusmoTimes.com | 11

Education for Somalia’s Children is Key to the Futureby: John PriCe, international Policy digest

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Ku Xayeysiiso WargeysKa

Tusmo Times

“People don’t know what it means to become an Arab at six years old,” writes Somali author Mohammad Ali Diriye on the back cover of his short story collection, Ila Karakas bila ‘awdah (One way to Caracas). Born in Somalia, Diriye went into exile at a young age, and studied in Saudi Arabia and Sudan — formative experiences in his literary career that have deeply influenced his contributions to contemporary Arabic fiction. Like other emerging Somali diaspora authors, Diriye deals with the familiar themes of war and exile, but from a new

perspective. Unlike Arabic writers in Beirut or Baghdad,

he uses the Arabic language to describe another civil war, on the other shore of the Red Sea. In his writing about about exile, which he describes as “the narrative of an Arab pirate,” the Arab world is no longer the point of departure but the destination.

In La‘nat al-janub (“The Curse of the South”), a short story I recently translated into English, a man leaves his homeland — Somalia is not explicitly named — and starts a new life in Saudi Arabia. The man tries to forget everything in relation with the land of his ancestors, but at the end of the day, his efforts prove

futile: remnants of Somalia persist in his mind, against

his will. Despite the fact that Diriye doesn’t directly mention Somalia or the civil war in the story, they still linger all over the text. Indeed, their very omission

evokes a traumatic lapse in memory.

THE RELATIONSHIP to exile is expressed not only geographically but linguistically as well. “The Curse of the South” makes two references to the Arabic language. The first one deals with the dialectal variation observed by the narrator traveling inside the Arabian Peninsula: “When he passed Najran and arrived at the Saudi territory, he was bothered by the revolt of the letters just over the border. The pure q south of the border had become an ugly g in the North. He was afraid that all the other letters of the Arabic alphabet would change along the road to the North.” The narrator feels uncomfortable with this change; he seems to lose his landmarks once again. He has learned and adopted Arabic, while trying at the same time to forget his

mother tongue, but now he discovers that his new language may adopt other forms. It is as if his quest for balance never ends.

At the end of the text, the

same character suffers a fever contracted in his homeland, and the mother tongue that he had tried in vain to forget overrides Arabic: “the delirium didn’t expose him to the others, because he was raving in his mother tongue, which has nothing to do with Arabic, except for the names.” The language, taken here as a metaphor for the homeland, reminds us that one can never deny or erase his roots.

For decades, civil war and migration have been addressed in Arabic literature by many talented novelists from countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, and Iraq. It is only recently, however, that Somali writers have started producing major works of fiction in Arabic. These authors introduce uniquely Somali perspectives to an Arab readership, including in their texts words, sentences and

even songs quoted in Somali, along with tackling issues that are not often discussed in the Arab world. Up until 2010, Maxamed Daahir Afrax’s 1976

novel, Nida’ al-hurriyyah (The Call of Freedom) was the only printed work of Arabic fiction by a Somali author. In Beirut in 2011, Diriye published One way to Caracas, and in 2013 he won the sixth Sharjah Literary Prize for an upcoming novel. Another Somali author, Zuhra Mursal, published Amirah ma‘a iqaf al-tanfidh (A Princess with the Stay of Execution) in Cairo in 2012. In addition, dozens of other Somali writers have published Arabic short stories, poems, and book chapters about exile online, on communal websites like Somali Future and al-Shahid.

These writers have a native fluency in Arabic and a deep knowledge of Arabic literary culture, but at the same time their literature maintains an intimate connection to their Somali roots. Most of them belong to the Somali diaspora in the Arabian

Peninsula, as well as in other countries like Egypt or Syria, where they were educated and were often born.

THE EMERGENCE of this literature coincides with the rise of a generation of young Somalis who were forced to leave their homeland as a consequence of the civil war which broke out in 1991 and the socio-economic chaos it engendered. Their texts are set in Somalia and other African countries, as well as in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Syria. In this sense, they can be compared to Western authors of Arab, African, or Asian descent writing in English, French, and other European languages, like Khalil Gibran, Diana Abu-Jaber, or Maaza Mengiste in the United States.

These writers are united in that their homeland fuels their inspiration even as they tackle new issues related to their experience in exile. But for the Somali authors, the Arab world is a new destination rather than a departed homeland, and Arabic is not only a means of expression but a topic to be tackled.

Diriye and other Somali authors enrich Arabic exile literature, breathing Arabic literary references and standards into a Somalian context and widening the limits of Arabic literature. While Diriye calls himself a pirate, he’s actually more like a trader, facilitating a rich exchange across location, language, and culture.

The Somalis who write literature in Arabicby: xavier luffin, www.yourmiddleeast.com

Page 12: Tusmo Times November 2014

booK review

America Here I Come: A Somali Refugee’s Quest for Hope

America Here I Come: A Somali Refugee’s Quest for Hope brings you the moving story of Hamse Warfa. It is a heartrending narration of his escape from a civil war that ultimately claimed the lives of more than two million people in Somalia to his becoming a leading light here in the U.S. The author takes us back to his difficult life as a refugee in the camps in Kenya and the trials of adapting to life as a New American.

Challenges The book is candid about the kind of challenges that new immigrants face seeking education and integration in the U.S. The cultural shocks that Hamse faces in the new land of opportunity are as funny as they are thought-provoking. Hamse is determined to make an honest and meaningful existence, and he openly shares what really goes on in the back of an immigrant’s mind throughout the process.. Hamse’s personal story is helpful for Americans to understand their neighbors (New Americans) and the intricate web of global affairs that often lead people to seek refuge in distant lands

Breakthroughs Hamse talks of his struggle with education, partly for the feeling of alienation that he suffers in a foreign land, and second due to his poor language skills. But he confronts the language barrier and eventually gets the breakthrough he has always yearned for. He earns a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from San Diego State University, and later Masters of Science in Organizational Management & Leadership from Springfield College. Currently, Hamse is pursuing his doctoral degree in Public Administration at Hamline University.

suCCesses Certainly, Hamse is no longer the naive boy of mixed identity he was close to 20 years ago when he first landed in the United States. This book is not an appeal for pity. Rather, it is a living proof that with persistence you can conquer the tallest barriers standing between you and your success. Today, Hamse serves as an advisor to philanthropy working with foundations. He also is an expert in peacebuilding serving as a board and executive committee member for Alliance for Peacebuilding, a global membership association of more than eighty peacebuilding o r g a n i z a t i o n s , 1 , 0 0 0 professionals, and a network

of more than 15,000 people developing processes for change in the most complex, chaotic conflict environments around the world. Hamse is also a motivational speaker on conquering adversity, building resilience, and the importance of education and academic success for low-income children.

America Here I Come: A Somali Refugee’s Quest For Hope is both a memoir as well as a view on leadership for people in positions of authority both in private and public sectors. It is a must-read for students of political science, leadership, history, as well as immigration. For New Americans facing

the challenge of integration and needing to redefine their new identity, this is the book you need to understand your situation better and chart your way forward towards success.

Please contact Tusmo Times @ [email protected] for more details about the book and where to purchase it. Thank you!

order your copy now @ amazon.com both as ebook and paperback as well as most of otherdistribution channels including iBookstore, Barnes & Noble online,

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