lindfield times november 2006

• Pink Ladies take over KEH! • How the Lindfield Calendar was created • • Call for past T&S pupils • Plum Soul Cake recipe • Fish disaster in pond • Issue No.17 November 2006 A monthly guide for the people of Lindfield. Circulation: 3,800

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Issue No.17November 2006A monthly guide for the people of Lindfield. Circulation: 3,800• Pink Ladies take over KEH! • How the Lindfield Calendar was created • • Call for past T&S pupils • Plum Soul Cake recipe • Fish disaster in pond •EVENTS ATKing Edward HallBookings: 01444 4874452nd 3rd 4th 8th 9thCountry Market 10am-11.15am (Sheila Hobbs 438896) Wine & Cheese Tasting in aid of NSPCC (Mrs Lawson 482000) Paws & Claws Coffee Morning (Mrs Robertson 235118) Lindfield Horticultural


Page 1: Lindfield Times November 2006

• Pink Ladies take over KEH! • How the Lindfield Calendar was created •• Call for past T&S pupils • Plum Soul Cake recipe • Fish disaster in pond •

Issue No.17 November 2006

A monthly guide for the people of Lindfield. Circulation: 3,800

Page 2: Lindfield Times November 2006

Page 2 Lindfield Times

Cover image:The War Memorialat All Saint’s church.

© Lindfield Times 2006

Copydate for December issueof Lindfield Times:Friday 10th November

EditorJeremy CrooksTel: 01444 487454Email:[email protected]

Printed by: Swan by:

2nd Country Market 10am-11.15am(Sheila Hobbs 438896)

3rd Wine & Cheese Tasting in aid ofNSPCC (Mrs Lawson 482000)

4th Paws & Claws Coffee Morning (Mrs Robertson 235118)

8th Lindfield Horticultural Society Talk and AGM

9th Country Market 10am-11.15am(Sheila Hobbs 438896)

11th Lindfield Bonfire Society Craft Fair

16th Country Market 10am-11.15am(Sheila Hobbs 438896)

18th Tiger Arts Tea Dance (Mr Ford 483294)a

19th Cashmere Sale (01450 373128)

22nd Heatherley Cheshire Home Lunch(Mrs Duffy 01342 712232)

23rd Country Market 10am-11.15am(Sheila Hobbs 438896)

KEH Film Show

25th Local Crafts and Gifts Sale (Ann Cain 482379)

Perdido Players Swing Band SupperDance (Peter Swann 450335)

30th Country Market 10am-11.15am(Sheila Hobbs 438896)


King Edward HallBookings: 01444 487445

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November 2006 Page 3

AT 8AM, Sunday 24th September residents inLindfield were alarmed to find that nearly all thewater in the Pond had disappeared and all thefish in the pond were in serious danger. A fewresidents acted extremely quickly and took itupon themselves to jump into the pond andmove some of the stranded fish to the lastremaining area of water just a few metres across.

Another resident put sand bags over the drainhole to stop the loss of any more water.

This quick action definitely saved the fishfrom certain death.

Once the drain plug was blocked the pondslowly began to fill up again from its ownnatural spring.The Fire Brigade were also calledand they pumped water into the pond as wellwhich definitely helped the fish in theirimmediate plight.

The reason for the loss of water was that aspecialist stream and water contractor for MidSussex District Council had been asked to drainthe pond by 60 Centimetres in order for workto start on the wall of the pond. On Saturdaythey had monitored the rate of fall of the waterin the pond and calculated that the pond would

be at the right level by 11am the followingmorning. Somehow the rate of drainageincreased overnight and the pond was virtuallydry by 8am the following morning.

Some speculation and inaccuracy have beenpublished recently about the incident and thenumbers of fish that died. The true number offish that died in the whole process is around 12.

On a positive note the drainage of the pondgave an opportunity for the fish to be destockedby around 200 (this normally happens everytwo years). In addition to this, all the wallsaround the pond were exposed and many areaswere shown to need significant repair.

The pond will be kept 85centimetres belowits normal level whilst all the work on the wallsof the pond is carried out.

Fish saved by quick action of residents of Lindfield

Worried residents look on helpless as the fish arestranded in a few inches of water.

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Tufnells75 High Street, Lindfield

Interior Furnishings, Bedding, Glass & China, Jewellery,

Accessories, Kitchen & Garden. Imaginative Cards & Gifts

Opening TimesMonday – Saturday

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Telephone 01444 483200

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Come and visit our christmas room full of decorations and gifts

Christmas wish list available

opening sunday november & december 11 to 3

LindfieldFlower ClubA warm welcome awaits you at this longestablished Flower Club.

Monthly meetings take place on the fourthTuesday in the month, at 2.30 pm, in the KingEdward Hall.

Each meeting consists of a demonstration by aNAFAS approved demonstrator; there is a salestable and a raffle for the arrangements created bythe demonstrator. In addition we hold socialevents during the year.The annual subscription is£17 starting in January 2007 and a charge of £3is made for visitors.

Do come and enjoy a pleasurable afternoonseeing beautiful arrangements created and pickingup tips about flower arranging, not forgetting thechance to take one of the arrangements home!!

Why not come to our Christmas Meeting onTuesday 28thNovember 2006,when there willbe wine andmince pies,tombola and aChristmasdemonstration.

Should yourequire anyfurtherinformationplease contactthe Secretary,Mrs MA Stanley,telephone 01444 414352,or just comealong to ameeting. Hope to see you soon.

Lindfield based company offering affordable & professional solutions to

those time consuming jobs





Phil SaltmarshPhone: 01444 487613Mobile: 07850 677484

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THE LINDFIELD HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY’SNovember talk is ‘North to the WildernessLands, by Ship’ presented by our old friendChristopher Rudd. Christopher was a teacher ofEnglish and Geography before his retirementand is a very keen photographer. Although hisgreatest love is his charity involving sailing formixed ability crews which he is always keen totalk about. It started in 1977 with a sailingbarge on the Thames and later through thecharter of a tall sailing ship.The trust has nowbuilt their own tall ships the Lord Nelson andthe Tenacious.The talk on Wednesday 8thNovember 2006 at 8pm in the King EdwardHall, will take us on a voyage to Spitzbergen inthe High Arctic during one of the few ice-freemonths, when all is bathed in continuous

northern daylight. We also visit St Kilda, theFaroes and the eastern tip of Iceland. A voyageto remember.

Before the talk at 7.30pm is the Society’sAnnual General Meeting which we would ask asmany members as possible to attend, this istheir opportunity to make their comments orconcerns known and to offer their help.

Members of the public are more thanwelcome to come to the AGM as well as the Talkbut they of course would not be allowed tovote. As this is the AGM, entry will be free butwe would ask that everyone has a go on theraffle.

All at Sea with ‘Horti’ Society

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November 2006 Page 7

Business Development Specialists

Kingfisher House, Hurstwood Grange, Hurstwood Lane, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 7QX

For further information, call Chris Whitley-Jones on 01444 458252.

About UsOur experienced team offers a range of services to help SMEs and taxpayers with all their financial needs

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CALLING FORMER pupils ofTavistock Hall andSummerhill Court schools.We are seeking stories andmemorabilia about thesetwo well known locallandmarks. Do you recogniseyourself in this photograph?The current pupils ofTavistock and SummerhillPrep School are researchingtheir heritage. Do you havean old school badge? Canyou recall the motto? If youcan please drop me a line atthe school.

Past pupils are us with your memories: [email protected]

Old school stories welcome



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Christmas Party menus now availableTake away service available.

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November 2006 Page 9

All Saints Arts Festival

atAll Saints Church – Lindfield

Tiger Arts presents

11th to 19th November 2006

A week of top quality Music, Drama, Poetry, Tea Dance and Exhibition of Art and Photography

featuring:-New English Orchestra & Choir | ABC Puppets | Saltmine Theatre | Lance Pierson | Sarah de Nordwall | Greek Folk Music Quintet | Exalt Band |Garth Hewitt | Stoke Brunswick School Choir | Horsham Accordion Band |Derek Heyman & ‘Cecil’ | and Jonathan Veira Programmes and tickets from All Saints Church Office (482405) & Christian Bookshop and Carousels (Haywards Heath), and Mid Sussex Models (Burgess Hill).

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ST EDMUND’S DAY on the 20th of Novembershould be a special day for us.Why? Because StEdmund is the patron saint of England, and hasbeen for over a thousand years. St George ismerely the Sovereign’s patron saint. So how did StGeorge become our great national symbol, and StEdmund forgotten?

Edmund was a 9th century Anglo-Saxon king,something which went down badly with theNormans. In 1199 the Crusader Richard I placedhimself under the protection of St George, whosememory thereafter came to supplant that of StEdmund.

There is a strong case for giving St Edmundback his rightful place. For one thing George wasnot English, whereas Edmund was; and foranother, George and the dragon are legend,whereas the story of Edmund is true, and possiblyas interesting.

In 856, at the age of 14, Edmund succeeded tothe throne of East Anglia, and fought alongsidethe future King Alfred to defend England from theVikings. In 869 he was defeated and captured,and ordered to renounce his Christian faith andbecome a vassal of the heathen Danes. Edmundreplied: “Living or dead, nothing shall separateme from the love of Christ”. So he was tied to atree, shot through with arrows until his body hadthe appearance of a porcupine, and thenbeheaded. His enshrined remains became thefocal point of a great abbey at Bury St. Edmunds(and are incidentally now at Arundel).

Surely this is only of historical interest? Notentirely.Talk about changing the nation’s patronsaint can be controversial.The tabloids recentlybecame excited by a campaign by Church ofEngland clergy to replace St George on the groundsthat his Crusader associations offended Muslims.The subject of national symbols, once only of

serious interest toacademics, is part ofa lively discussion aboutwhat it means to be Englishagainst the background of our country’s growingcultural diversity.

Relegation of St George could quite literallylead to a return of the dragon.With Georgewould have to go his cross, so proudly borne andworn by Norman invader and England footballsupporter.This would leave open the way for theoriginal flag of England to return - the whitedragon that King Alfred the Great fought underwhen he defeated the Vikings.

John Usher

Farewell St George,welcome the dragon






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November 2006 Page 11

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YOU MAY have seen us in Lindfield recently atdifferent times of the day. Some of you havesatisfied your curiosity and chatted to us as weworked and others have looked on with raisedeyebrows but haven’t stopped to enquire whatwe were doing. Well, we’re Skyline Photography,your local service for high definition groundbased aerial photography. And being just a fewminutes away from Lindfield, we can meet todiscuss your requirements at short notice.

Our system produces images from a digital camera mounted on a telescopic mastwhich can reach to a height of up to 50ft(15m). The camera can be tilted and rotatedthrough 360 degrees, and with the use of alaptop computer images are captured byremote control.

It is cost effective, quick to set up and easy toreposition on site, allowing photographs to betailored to your requirements.

Unlike photographs taken from an aircraftand sold door to door, Skyline Photography canproduce a detailed image that can be selected tosuit your requirements, where you can beinvolved in choosing the best location for yourphotograph if you wish.

Scene from above- a different perspective

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November 2006 Page 13

Ground based aerial photography can provide you with moreinformative and interesting images to help you:-

• Attract buyers to your house by presenting it in a unique fashion• Give clarity and perspective to planning applications• Raise the profile of your event and enhance the advertising

potential and earnings• Portray cutting edge landscape designs to impress your

customers• Give your corporate brochures the edge over your competitors

This distinctive style of photography can be used in many otherapplications and could be of benefit to small and largeorganisations.

Skyline Photography has provided the Bird’s Eye Viewphotographs for the 2007 Lindfield Calendar.These uniquephotographs of Lindfield will provide you with a differentperspective of the village.The Calendars are on sale in manyretailers in the High street and also the Pubs and Parish office,with all the proceeds going to the Lindfield Bonfire Society.

Larger prints of these and other photographs of the villageare available from us at Skyline Photography.

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Small Scale Housing Allocations Plan -Alternative Sites

As a prelude to our Council Meeting on the 25thSeptember 2006, the Council held anExtraordinary meeting for residents to discussthe above subject.The meeting was called notonly for residents to air their views on theproposed alternative sites but to afford guidanceto their Council on how we should respond. Forthe Parish Council's part, it was our intention toencourage residents to write to the Inspector, viathe Planning Policy Division MSDC, using theappropriate form, to express their views. Overone hundred residents squeezed into The MillardRoom of the Village Hall, Scaynes Hill (the mainhall was previously booked) and there wascertainly a frank exchange of views.

The Council was able to formulate their responseto the proposed alternative sites as follows:

Site no. ALT/32 Land at Gravelye Lane andScamps Hill , Lindfield

At its Council meeting on 25 September 2006Council considered this site at Gravelye Lane andScamps Hill, Lindfield ,

again.This site was the subject of a planningappeal in 1987 at which the Inspector upheldthe LPA’s decision to refuse planning permission.The Secretary of State confirmed the refusal.Council feels that the reasons given for rejectionare more relevant now than they were at the

time. Our objections are:This site would be an incursion on to the

strategic gap and will set precedent for otherpotential land to be lost.The strategic gap hasbeen defined and safeguarded under Policy C2of the Mid Sussex Local Plan and anydevelopment therefore conflicts with that policyof the Local Plan. It also conflicts with PolicyCH3 of the West Sussex Structure Plan as this siteis in a designated strategic gap “to preventcoalescence of settlements and to retain theirseparate identity and amenity”.

This site also lies within a Countryside Area ofDevelopment Constraint.

It would be obtrusive and damaging to thelandscape.

Adversely affect the amenities of not onlyGravelye Lane but also Lindfield generally.This isparticularly relevant as the site is located on highground.

Any development at this site would not be inkeeping with the rural setting of that part ofGravelye Lane/Scamps Hill.

The increase in the volume of traffic wouldbe unsustainable in a village such as Lindfield,and for that matter exacerbate traffic problemsin Haywards Heath.

Any access from Scamps Hill and/ or GravelyeLane will create serious highway issues.

It would also put tremendous pressure on theinfrastructure of the village.The Services,Schools, Doctors, Dentist, Primary Care and


Lindfield Rural Parish Council NewsletterLindfield Rural Parish Council, Millennium Village CentreLewes Road, Scaynes Hill, West Sussex RH17 7PG.Tel: 01444 831499email: [email protected]:

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Hospitals are insufficient to fill the need of thecurrent Residents.The traffic problems, whichare afflicting our area, would be furtherexacerbated by extra housing, not to mentionthe current drought problem.

This Council, supported by more than 100Residents who attended the Meeting, objectmost strongly to the proposed inclusion of thissite, particularly to the erosion of our green andpleasant land.

Site no. ALT/33 Land at rear of Newton Road,Lindfield

Council objects to the proposed developmentof the site rear of Newton Road, Lindfield,although not within in the Rural Parish.

Members concur with the Local Plan Inquiryin 2003 when the Inspector rejected inclusionof this site on the grounds that the developmentwould have a very negative impact on the settingof the attractive open countryside and the visual

amenity of footpaths.Apart from developing on a Greenfield site

and the strain on the infrastructure, the mainproblem is the inadequate road system. Accessroads to the site provide no off highwayparking and would not be able to sustainadditional traffic.

It would also put tremendous pressure on theinfrastructure of the village.The Services,Schools, Doctors, Dentist, Primary Care andHospitals are insufficient to fill the need of thecurrent Residents.The traffic problems, whichare afflicting our area, would be furtherexacerbated by extra housing, not to mentionthe current drought problem. We would contendthat facilities are limited and Lindfield HighStreet would not meet the new demands andmovement into Haywards Heath will benecessary, adding to even more congestion.

November 2006 Page 15

continued over page >>

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The Council objects to the proposedinclusion of this site as we see it as a threat tothe character of that part of the village ofLindfield.Site no ALT/34 Land east of Portsmouth WoodClose, Lindfield

Members considered the inclusion of this siteat its Council Meeting on 25 September 2006and comment as follows:

This application has previously been refusedby MSDC and it is felt by this Council that thereasons for refusal at that time are still relevant.

This is back-land site on high ground withvery difficult access.There must be seriousconcern that any development of this site wouldcause flooding to the houses below.

This Council objects to the proposedinclusion of this site.

This Council object to the proposed inclusion ofthis felt by this Council that the reasons for

refusal at that time are still relevant.This is back-landsite on high ground with very difficult access.Theremust be serious concern that any development ofthis site would cause flooding to the houses below.

This Council object to the proposed inclusionof this site.

Site no ALT/37 Land at Anchor Wood,Scaynes Hill

At its Council Meeting on 25 September 2006Members considered this site again and object tothe inclusion of the Anchor Wood site, andendorses the MSDC decision to exclude this sitefrom the development plan for the followingreasons:

Environmental – This site is an ancient seminatural woodland and development of this sitefor housing would destroy ancient woodland.Todevelop this site would destroy importantwoodland that has been in existence for manycenturies and with it, the habitats of a numberof protected species.

Policy Constraints – site lies within aCountryside Area of Development Restraint, anda Tree Preservation Order has been placed on thenorthern boundary

Drainage - Southern Water previouslyidentified that a property downstream of thissite had flooding issues. Improvements to thesewerage infrastructure would be needed.

Accessibility – Any access from Ham Lane orOrchard Close/Hillcrest Close on to theextremely busy A272 will create serious highwayissues. Ham Lane is a private road which wouldneed to be widened and parking restricted.

The traffic problems which are afflicting ourarea would be further exacerbated by extrahousing, not to mention the current droughtproblem.

Social Infrastructure - The development of 60-243 houses in Scaynes Hill would further stretchthe infrastructure in the village.The amenitiescomprise of a Primary School, a Village Centreand a garage with a small shop, all children of

N.WhittakerLandscape and Paving Contractor (Est 1979)

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November 2006 Page 17

secondary school age have to travel 4.5km, themain shops and nearest employmentopportunities are 3.8 km away, and the railwaystation is 4km away. Medical centres, post officesand other requirements are 4km away inHaywards Heath. The public transport system isalso limited. An additional 243 houses wouldincrease the population of Scaynes Hill by about700, a 65% increase on the current population.

This Council, supported by more than 100Residents who attended the Meeting, objectmost strongly to the proposed inclusion ofthis site.

Site no ALT/38 Land at Costells Wood, ScaynesHill

At its Council Meeting on 25 September 2006Members considered the inclusion of the site atCostells Wood, Scaynes Hill, and comment asfollows:

“Council is concerned that any developmentwould be detrimental to the area for thefollowing reasons:

The woodland is designated as a Site ofNature Conservation Importance.

It is an ancient and semi-natural woodland.There is a Tree Preservation Order on every treeon the site.

There is no safe access on to the extremelybusy A272.The development of this site wouldresult in a significant increase in traffic on theA272, and predominantly on a stretch that hasseen a number of serious and fatal accidents inrecent years.

This site would be an incursion on to thestrategic gap and will set precedent for otherpotential land to be lost.The strategic gap hasbeen defined and safeguarded under Policy C2 ofthe Mid Sussex Local Plan and any developmenttherefore conflicts with that policy of the LocalPlan. It also conflicts with Policy CH3 of the WestSussex Structure Plan, as this site is in adesignated strategic gap to “to preventcoalescence of settlements and to retain their

separate identity and amenity.”The site also lies within a Countryside Area of

Development Constraint.It would put tremendous pressure on the

infrastructure of the village.The proposed site iswithin walking distance of a primary school,public house, petrol station and the villagecentre. However, all other requirements likesecondary schooling, post office, shops andmedical centres are 4km away in HaywardsHeath.

An extensive amount of wildlife inhabits thewood and it is home to some important andprotected species such as grass snake, commondormouse, water vole and brown long-eared bat.

The wood is a local amenity of great value tothe village.

With particular drainage problems it would bedifficult to satisfactorily build on the land.

This Council, supported by more than 100Residents who attended the Meeting, object moststrongly to the proposed inclusion of this site,particularly to the erosion of our green andpleasant land.

Your Parish Councillors:John Dumbleton (Chairman) Tel: 482633Sheila Hobbs (Vice Chairman) Tel: 483396Brian Bunt Tel: 831636Margaret Hersey Tel: 482270Chris Hersey Tel: 482270Dennis Hicks Tel: 831599Ray Jones (Newsletter Editor) Tel: 453868 Christopher Snowling Tel: 482172Karin Milne (Parish Clerk) Tel: 831499Tracey Pinard (Assistant to the Clerk) Tel: 831499

The Council Office in theVillage Centre in ScaynesHill is open to the public onTuesdays (12.30 –1.30) and onThursdays (10.00 –11.00).

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JOSEPH PRANKLIN, an inspirationalbusinessman of his time, had the initiative tocreate an institution in Lindfield High Streetthat has lasted for nearly 150 years.

People from miles around came to see thetop purveyors of foot attire in Mid Sussex andto marvel at the latest fashions in footwear.

When Joseph Pranklin retired his daughterClare took over and was later joined by herdaughter Elizabeth who involved her futurehusband Colin in the business. (Colin andElizabeth were much loved in the village).

I – Joan Bundy ( lease holder of the businessfor the last 20 years) – came to help out oneEaster Saturday just for one day and ended upstaying for 40 years. In the early days we usedto fit up all the children for miles around. Ahigh technology X-Ray machine used to checkthat the shoe fitted correctly. Also there werelarge government contracts and we wouldsupply many workers in dispatch boxesoverseas.

Initially I ran the business with my daughtersLinda and Elaine. Although Elaine has now leftthe business this is a very sad day for us all.Increasing costs associated with small businesseshave meant we will have to close but this is notby choice. We will miss everybody andeverything about Lindfield.

Joan and Linda

Lindfield revisited: end of an era

Pranklins Shoe Shop, Lindfield (1859)

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Shoe-FittingFluoroscope (ca. 1930-1940)

The shoe fitting fluoroscope was acommon fixture in shoe stores duringthe 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. A typicalunit, like the Adrian machine shownhere, consisted of a vertical woodencabinet with an opening near thebottom into which the feet were placed.When you looked through one of thethree viewing ports on the top of thecabinet (e.g., one for the child beingfitted, one for the child's parent, and thethird for the shoe salesman orsaleswoman), you would see afluorescent image of the bones of thefeet and the outline of the shoes.

November 2006 Page 19

Thanks for your helpI WOULD LIKE to express my thanks to the kindlady who helped me when I went over on myankle and fell down on Lindfield High Streetlast Tuesday (26th September). My 5-year-oldgrand-daughter who was with me was also veryshocked and upset.

This unknown lady helped me up and got anice-pack from the coffee shop.

A big thank you again to her and to the otherpeople who offered me help.Janice Black

WWII talkTHE LINDFIELD PRESERVATION Society has atalk at the King Edward Hall by Richard Bryanton Wednesday 15th November at 8pm onLindfield in World War II. Admission £1including refreshments, all welcome.


59 DENMANS LANE01444 455081

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Sunday 26th November at 7.30pm.

THE LOCAL BRANCH of Motor Neurone DiseaseAssociation is holding a very special fund raisingevent at Clair Hall in Haywards Heath. “OperaLive” will be an evening of popular opera classicsperformed by Andrew Rees, Jo Appleby and theirfriends Louise Armit and Andy Rupp.They willbe accompanied by Andrew Quartermain.Tenor,Andrew Rees, sangwith KatherineJenkins last year inVictoria Park and iscurrentlyappearing in “LaTraviata” at theColiseum with theENO. Soprano, JoAppleby was, untilvery recently, amember of thehugely popularopera band Amici Forever and is a Deccarecording artist.

All the money raised will be used forsupporting local people living with MotorNeurone Disease.This is a fatal neurologicalillness that leaves people unable to walk, talk orswallow whilst usually remaining mentallyunimpaired. Previous fund raising has providedcommunication aids, helped towards thepurchase of a special car hoist, a stair lift andbathroom adaptations for people with thedisease.The main prizes for the raffle will be tworeturn flights with Monarch Airlines, dinner for 2at Ockenden Manor and a champagne breakfastfor 4 at Orange Square.

For more information contact Carol Rieley,Chairman MND Assoc.West Sussex NorthBranch Tel: 01444 482387.Tickets are availablefrom the Clair Hall box office, price £10.

Opera Live

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House of ElliottPoplars, High St, Lindfield

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Page 21: Lindfield Times November 2006

November 2006 Page 21

We offer a full range of legal services relating to the personal affairs of individuals and families.Our partners have extensive expertise in the following areas:-

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Page 22: Lindfield Times November 2006

Page 22 Lindfield Times

NOVEMBER is a month of many ‘special’ daysmarked both in the past and today withtraditions and traditional foods. It was 401 yearsago that Guy Fawkes and his friends decided totry and blow up King James 1st and Parliament,little did they know we would be still becelebrating their failure today.

“Please to remember The Fifth of NovemberGunpowder, treason and plot.I see no reasonWhy gunpowder treasonShould ever be forgot.”Remember Guy Fawkes with a very English

warming supper before joining everyone at ourvillage’s traditional procession, bonfire and fireworks.


Using a large frypan with a lid, gently fry 450gmeaty pork sausages for 10 min or until goldenbrown on all sides. Remove to a plate and keep hot.

Add 1tbs olive oil, 4 roughly choppedrashers of back bacon and 1 finely choppedlarge onion to the pan. Sprinkle with 2tsp sugarand cook over low heat until soft and goldenbrown, stirring once or twice.

Meanwhile, trim 1 small green cabbage andcut into fine shreds, discarding the core and anythick stems. Pack into the pan (it will cookdown), add 150ml vegetable stock, seasoningand 2tsp white wine or cider vinegar. Cover andcook over low heat for about 15 min, stirringonce or twice, or until the cabbage is very soft.

Stir 2tsp whole grain mustard into 150mlsoured cream.

Pile the cabbage onto hot plates and top withthe sausages and soured cream. Excellent withjacket potatoes or garlic bread.

November 2nd is All Souls’ Day when prayerswere said for souls in purgatory.The poorerpeople would offer their richer neighbourstheir prayers for departed relatives in return foralms or soul–cakes.The cakes, which were eatenwith mulled ale, could just be simple flatfruited buns marked with a cross or moreelaborate recipes containing fruit.

“A soul, a soul, a soul cake,Please good missus a soul cake,An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry,Or any good thing to make us merry.”

PLUM SOUL CAKEServe warm as a pudding or cold as cake. Besure to use ripe plums.

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Lightly butter ashallow 23cm cake tin and line the base.

Put 250g golden caster sugar, 2 mediumeggs, 150ml grapeseed oil, 1tsp vanilla extractand 2tbsp orange juice into a large bowl. Beatwith an electric mixer until light and creamy.

Sift 225g self-raising flour, 1/2tsp bicarbonateof soda and a pinch of salt on to a plate thengradually blend into the egg mixture with ametal spoon. Gently stir in 300g ripe plums,halved and stoned.

Spoon into the prepared tin and bake for 45min or until the cake is just pulling away fromthe sides of the tin. Cool for 20 min beforeturning out on to a wire rack.

Sift a little icing sugar over the top beforeserving.

Caroline Young

What’s cooking in November?Lindfield Times warms up by the stove with Caroline Young

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November 2006 Page 23


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Page 24: Lindfield Times November 2006

Page 24 Lindfield Times

KING EDWARD HALL became a manfree zone on Friday the 6th ofOctober. Lindfield Primary SchoolPTA held The Girls Pink Night Out,raising money primarily for BreastCancer Research UK and also theschool. It was a night of pampering,dancing, shopping, wine and cake, anirresistible combination.

There were manicures, massages andshopping in the Library, renamed the PamperRoom for the night.The beauty therapists andmasseurs did an incredible job in the face ofoverwhelming demand.There was some greatshopping to be done: jewellery, chocolate andpink things from Cancer Research - what girlcould ask for more? Meanwhile, the amazingHenna Boy from Brighton tattooed the lovelyladies of Sussex non-stop.

The main hall was packed and the bar did aroaring trade (I will say no more on thatsubject). The Saucy Flapdragons, a fantastic localband, kept the dancing going all night withsome great music to dance around a handbag to- a pink one of course! Really girlie prizes wereto be won in the raffle, from lunch at Limes toa hairdo at Bliss, champagne afternoon tea atAshdown Park Hotel and some gorgeousjewellery from Paula Louise Paton, massagesdonated by Amanda Hammond and Tracey

Pinard, and many more.At 10 o’clock the Chill Out (more commonly

known as the Jubilee) room opened, a candlelitoasis of calm in which to chat, eat cake and kick off those shoes you knew you shouldn’thave worn.

It was a great night bringing together over250 women from all over the area to support agreat cause and have some fun.The eveningraised a total of £2500, thank you to everyonewho supported the event and to those whomade it possible.

The girls pink night outpink

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November 2006 Page 25

2007 Lindfield CalendarThis new calendar of the village is now on sale in most retail outlets in the High Street for £3.50 or 3 for £10.

All proceeds go to the Lindfield Bonfire Societyand they too will be calling door to door topromote the calendar in early November.

It’s a view of Lindfield never seen before, aview from the rooftops; a birds eye view.

Lets keep the Bonfire Night in Lindfield ‘a night to remember’!

For information or sales please phoneJeremy Crooks 487454



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Page 26 Lindfield Times

THE LOW NOVEMBER sun and sparsevegetation in the borders gives a real emphasisto ornamental grasses at this time of year.Provided the winds are not too severe,movement will enhance the graceful effect oftheir long flowering stalks.

Grasses are fantastically easy to care for,requiring minimal maintenance and can surviveon little water.

Ornamental grasses work best visually, whencombined with the contrasting foliage, formand colour of bulbs, perennials and shrubs.Whether massed in swathes and drifts or dottedin small groupings throughout a border, grassesbring an array of sensory elements: softness,texture, colour, translucent winter interest and asense of naturalism.

One of the most beautiful sights in winter, isto see the sun shining through the exquisiteMiscanthus grasses when glittering with dew orraindrops and best of all, iced with frost. Likeany ornamental plant, grasses are attractivelycoloured: Japanese blood grass, as the namesuggests, is vibrant red and Elymus hispidus, adramatic blue.The textural element of grass canbe maximised by planting close to a path orbeside steps - no child can resist the silk-likesoftness of Stipa tenuissima or the silverysquirrel tails of Pennisetum alopecuriodes.

It is amazing that one can have this much funwith grass and not break the law!

Haut Talk by Karoline Baird of Lindfield-based Haughty Culture Garden Design,M: 07742 731967E: [email protected]

Splendour in the Grass

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November 2006 Page 27

Keeping Sussex


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Page 28 Lindfield Times

WE’VE GONE all ‘down under’ at BlackthornsCP School with visits from didgeridoo playersand a donation of an Australian tree…

Parents of Elara Nicholson, one of last year’syear six pupils have recently presented the schoolwith a wonderful tree called the Wollemi Pine.

The history of this gift is truly amazing as theWollemi Pine is one of the world’s oldest andrarest tree species belonging to a 200 millionyear old plant family.The tree was previouslyknown from fossil records and presumed extinctuntil it was discovered in 1994 by a bushwalkerin the Wollemi National Park just outsideAustralia’s largest city, Sydney.Widely believed tobe the botanical find of the century, plans arenow in place to conserve this ancient species.

The children have also been lucky enough tomeet Dr Mike Edwards, a former pupil of

Blackthorns and now a highly accomplisheddidgeridoo player as well as an environmentallecturer.

Mike teaches both school children andundergraduates about the cultural significance ofthe didgeridoo in Aboriginal society and some ofthe social and environmental issues facingAboriginal people in Australia. Mike has lecturedat universities in Australia and the UK and mostrecently at Hong Kong University and DartmouthCollege in the States. His visit to Blackthorns wasfilmed by the BBC and formed part of alunchtime feature on BBC South East news.

According to Headteacher, Ruth Schofield,the donation and the school’s ongoingconnection with Mike Edwards fit perfectly withthe school’s commitment to raising children’sawareness of the environment.

It’s “Bonza” at Blackthorns

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November 2006 Page 29

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Page 30: Lindfield Times November 2006

Page 30 Lindfield Times

Dear NigelMy son who is 9 has had a persistent cough

for over 4 weeks. It started with a cold thenturned into a cough. He doesn’t cough all thetime but sometimes he coughs so much he isalmost sick. It sounds worse at night and oftenwakes him. Can you suggest somehomoeopathic remedies that might help him?Many thanks.


Dear CeliaStrangely this is not an uncommon situation.

In fact not that long ago a study on children withpersistent coughs was conducted in OxfordUniversity and it was found that almost 4 out of10 had recently been infected by Bordetellapertussis which is the bacterium found inwhooping cough. Even though 85% had beenimmunised when they were younger they stillbecame infected. Researchers claim thatvaccination probably lessened the severity of thecondition but never the less the 100 day coughas they coined it was endemic among youngerschool age children. Regardless of the diagnosis a

homoeopath would prescribe on the whole ofthe symptom picture which includes what makesit better or worse and how the patient is dealingwith the condition so things like violentparoxysms of coughing, coughs so much he cantget his breath, worse lying down, worse at night,coughs so much he may be sick, dryness andirritation of throat or larynx provokes cough, hasto hold the chest when coughs, persistent coughcoming from deep down in chest etc couldindicate the remedy Drosera. We have seen a fewchildren at our homoeopathic clinic with similarpersistent coughs and modalities and have hadsome success with Drosera 30. When thesymptom picture of the remedy is similar to thesymptom picture produced by the patient theremedy then becomes truly homoeopathic andcan not fail to work and will bring the patientback to health.There are of course a number ofother remedies that have this persistent anddistressing cough and they may be indicated ifthey have some individualising symptoms thatyour son has but Drosera does not have. Forexample Rumex has cough from breathing coldair or changing rooms from warm to cold airand has a lot of mucous that can not be broughtup. Spongia has a very dry croupy cough thatsounds like sawing wood. It wakes the patientwho feels suffocated and is alarmed by theviolence of the cough. Arsenicum has cough withwheezing and constricted breathing. But tryDrosera 30 night and morning leave it for a fewdays and let me know what happens. I wouldalso recommend Thyme and Liquorice coughlinctus as it helps to sooth the larynx irritationand also acts as an expectorant helping to bringup any mucous that may be stuck there.

NIGEL GARION-HUTCHINGS is a Homoeopath and stress management educator.Email your questions to [email protected] or write to Fullspectrum,WTA 33 High St,Lindfield, Sussex RH16 2HJ.

What’s the alternative?

LocaladvertisingopportunitiesCall 01444 487454 now

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Page 31: Lindfield Times November 2006

November 2006 Page 31

Gold (field of view 35mm) Hope's Nose, Devon. Royal Cornwall Museum Collection Photo: David Green

SUSSEX MINERAL SHOWSaturday 11th November 2006

Clair Hall, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath 10.00 - 4.30Minerals - Gems - Fossils - Meteorites - Flints - Books - A c c e s s o r i e s

DISPLAYSB A RYTE COMPETITIONJudge: Bob Symes OBE Former Keeper of Minerals, Natural History Museum


SUPER UV FLUORESCENT MINERALSRichard Belson, Gavin Malcolm and Michael Doel



Colin Brough (Sussex Mineral & Lapidary Society)

12.30 - 1.00 GEOLOGY OF SUSSEX THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHSAlan Grey (Brighton & Hove G.S.)

2.00 - 2.30 REFLECTIONS ON MINERALS OF BRITAINBob Symes OBE (Former Keeper of Minerals at the Natural History Museum)

Posters sponsored by UVP. UV light sources for home,

industrial and scientific applications -

Admission £2.00, Children 50p, Rockwatch Members fre eREFRESHMENTS & BAR CLOSE TO STATION

Organised by the Sussex Mineral & Lapidary Society Tel: 01444 233958

Page 32: Lindfield Times November 2006