tu fro slavery rebellion. - new york...

I TU FRO SLAVERY REBELLION. -»- FROM LOU1S1ANA. THE PEOPI.E SFEAK. MbbBBb 8_»b.ICk-aaaaflal ., __-., Nlvv-Okueanh, Apnl 4, 1W.1. Aa I wrate you fa my laat, we of tbe eity ex- nd "our wrrfin-Hiito" regard to tlie lnte CoBventi'H), at laat Mooday'* Judiciul eb-iv IMbl To-dat we havr retfived a voice Irom the .aootry on the aame inlject. At a BB88t-Bg of Bw Mtiz.-nB of A*ceuBiou I'arifb, (or county) held Bl tbe OaaiiHaBBB in DbbbM-BB a fe* daya the fuJlowing preanible and reaolutioua adot>f*d uvauiirnru*lif: Wkrrrot, I'r.ijn'm d-iu.af>.g_r, baring -eeeli,*'jted 'He Btat* m' lo, i-U s I'.fis iBf-luibm, andai-L*d tb* n-i... uf tl- »-!_-_ .aaeia..taau.uiati. j a jtau of Ibng-a* i. rt wliiob a in-jo Ity of M-|>*o,'l- bivfulacUrd -bfiaflk tbr ball t koi im tba V'd of JUj- -] ls.t hn k-ill i-eiir jlf-n a.ilirrly ig.-.-d l rrlatlm 8*1..- uaiUer. bj tba L-r g' I .. - rh- , .i.lat.re ail g ai.o aaf-O «" itarll a power eip.-i- !y iBuMbBll by tbe Coua.lt .tlnn. fa aaactiibiii. a *_f. uiion wuh ut bi.t eoiinul'li g tb.- p-apia, Mf* iknwri d.p ii ii.n us trai: ) Ir iip.uaid jrnau out ib* _.y- ______ ty wlk h tl.* peoole narur L.tan.l la raaijn- li now brh Y-. u. t" *xp>**» i-iir Ylrw. tn r.lat'on to tf * n*a puiaufdby ihe *»aj il v-l tha Stalr Ii onf-nti-.i. ln Mta jabaiB Iba Oou, B.taa ot th* tvonfrde.ate dtateato BB»f*"Ple1ir ib,ir ralit-. .ti-u-t nja'-iim -__. Ba.Jn_ Iha'a* f.ee, n.llnh'ai. r i ltii-ne of t_e*a Cm f-der. MaStafeJ, wa kold aa i-adftiablr th- rijbi io a knawledfr of the aa. tt tl-oie m ho.i w- i-'ra-t po»e» ord- le.Me jtiboriiy M BjBB.aa. nu -ii.a.. f . n*. Aud tnat »* unbr».ta'ii jly drpraralc aVaa-jui'lio ii'd trai,.uii..i.... to .ix .u-.-del.jtn tt.a Ho'.bcrlty ,, , n.r ,r, ..' ,".. l.ia.t M"i.'4-iuii-if. aud aifaoh.- a for... MgWTWiauifiiit to b* f*aleu<-d apoa lhe poeeined wllbout tbalr jjj, .f-j. Tha. tbe baal. of all fovrrtimniti beii-j the aenaai.t W .Ba jo-efi ad 1b ar wfco havr Ig' nr-d th* pti: Ipl- hy trfu.- km*t> .iM'k tka lo.e ..f (ove'ii.urut adopl-d at M. t.iji.o.rry BarlBr >stu.< a-iou *f lha i-e-iap.)- baff ra'U.d fo- t.ieii.»-i«e* IM .aosratio f rv.-ri ti-_-be»il'<l Itaiii.l'l.aau S_1dl11d.ca4dlu.jrn .flW-kvilri liini t'i* u.y.iM') auinundi- |(Im4. actaeeve.ro .ooie Beaxy . d -eoa.ne ag-l.'i.t iba .ibrr Ir. of tbr 88*8.8- ao cpei. at- M-p' biivu.j tM-a. n.__* by U_ ..taia Coin*utlon to «bi~»» Mtamtwti, Tbat tbe ettnBijW to rt a-t tUelf tato a LegLlatiY* Md. by Iba C na, uliun _i.il 8B*4 . Letia .ti' a po» rr ipi u -0 aflhr* taoalv. ia w.tl-oat pf-eed-nt aid au raldeo. * of lk- j-uaral Mp.i rl i t->*a..i_ir piwer in _rr..fa'iot. af he wLIot Ibr pe» aie, aeeI ... !.'. b uM'-arekial a. eiigarchial rule. ru* ,r . ,.! wr l.Yt.* f.oiu e*a 4 part cf uni B'ata. an ai ¦M8ml ',1 ¦. I" n-J-rJ t tli- './...alol IM M*'.a t e.-v-1 {kaa te aybuit thr C ..-ii -Bea ui iMCaaA.a eu. euie* M t-r mnm\a oi _.ou_a_a.a for .a.la aii-u or rrj. aflaa. Ywa have p.ob*biy r.«ceiv.d tbe tele^raphic ata%en>out that tbe MiMiaaippi C'(.uveution, which haa ja*t adjourDod, adoptod tlie Jdontgnmery -SfaaMit-uti. n by a vote ol 70 to 7. Tmb wai bM8 ao tbe final vete. Rit previoua to thia, on B88WI-1 prapofitmni. ta gubmit tbe Coiutitution to mt papofar vote, 32 memfa-r* gave tbeir voioee tm ixr.t'rrit.g it to tbe people to .r>3 againat. HBB-Ofl the maj, nty hMBOBShla, all the miuorily .K-Vpt -.ven at laat oamt) into tbe ti;-r<*. aud aaflrd for the ConkUtution. fl_e repurtB received by teb'graph thia BOBB. ing ad a rokib-e 888-898 at Fort Suinter, aod a_[ tbe pmpoaed BBflOBO..e blot k_.de of tbe inouth af the B-tfaflfaflBffi by the Kederal Government, BflW tb*' Bl.b.e. t ot i|(ii'.i r-.il .oiiili Ult liilii.ae axiB'tx m ui luit.-.'tid to lei:rii Uieir trutb, aud aav fire-ebte:* who bave be. r. ao bitterly de- aaaaong Mr. I__bflflh_rb AdunuiBtrati.ai for uot adn4,''-n_ an out ai.d ut, eoarcioa policy, or else B_aBa^,ii./in_ tbe Siiui: -i-t' (Ji i. -. .>.ii-y. aeem ta tfciflk Uiat it is at laat " Bhowing ita Land" with a Baagrauce. They atill profess to be aaiiguino, bawaver, tbat the ftrat ftrop of blflfld _h.d wi_l bnag ull tbe Uorder Slave 8uie« into the Secj-j- 8B8B r»oka. TBBBBB a'e being BOOltoiaJ at Fort PV_k.e.* fr.uu all Ibe (Julf State*. Vbo Couled- arato fnnv* alieady there Biuat numbcr -ou_e- Baaac over Ihree thoufland. ? ifaguiar jiurualistic war ii juat now raginp beOaari. two of our city flflpB-9, Ti.t fb-fflBM -fak* the laipeat ejr ulation in New-Orbana, and io aa agrtrable aud vna_'i u. newapaper, but haa aa aia t of bai-kbone. On the great tupic of tbe _a_ra. Se.--*-i..n.it -B ih ither ti-b, tle.h. not mtni aait herrmg. At beart it is exident'y op- |a tbo fin-eatera, and oceaaionally rt up eourage enough to deuouuco tb, aaj iiiddly; but then Bfa Dtltii bombard fa aa an Ab.-litau abeet of Tiie TB-9B99 arbiol invanauly frigbteua TA« Ptcoyun* int irort rabid Sexv-BMOinain tor about a Week Wlber wbich it at.un darea to call ita aou Mb ewu for thu.- er four daya, until Th Ddom opens upon it again. Come, Mr. Ptcayune it fa. either aoiueUiiug or iiothina I A greater tbat aau, even Mr. SN-pI.en A. Donglai, oi rr ramt la an uut;moly end, Ir-m carrytog water on hot.'i Bhm-Mer*. Mr. Oeoige Wilkina K. udall, the ___i-kr.own tejiior of Tke fnatfiiui, .i.ll revela b Be garden debabt* of aL.-e,. raiaiug, ji* tbe re- mwisi aud enlighi'-ued iState uf Texas. Mr. M. A. ilait'i'Mk, thr rea.ij.-iit aid maLBging editor, B a natne of M .*«__..'.. .». *t«. A BBB99B of ibe Secuud Company of Louidiana Za~av. s ba. juat taken place ou l,a."u)ette wjutre. A 08*9*0 eid view flf ti.i_ Kquau . tinc ot the most fa-B'.i.li..' littlf- pleaauie grout ds in tLe city. giv.-n in llarptr'n WttUf of March '20, in no B---T-) like Um. I.-'nyftt^ 8<iuare of Ibe preaent dajk. tb aii t i. I.h- tbo City li-t Park io Ni-xv- Tark, tbougr. a tol-rable repr.-M ut.t.nu of what tbo fliiiUU'" waa, 80888 or tigut JeltU i-i.... '1' aa»ie i* irut- tjt ull the other Nrw-OrU-no. viewi W.ieh cc.'i'Uipau) it; they are uueartb.-d, I tbink, Ci-iin an old uutnLi-r of llurpere Mug </.i,e. Tba I'a.tupauy -rf Zouuvi-H t;u.:it>*r_ 100. They are nttired ui red i.-z cap« wuh blue tasaeU, Mue kil'B faced with red, baggy red bnvchea, Bad gatlfl BfllOBB "le.giusa." They bave lij.ht bf-e euale* ar« ..: tL.' waiat, aud the-.r gin;. blarkeiB i.nop.d i.vt-r the lelt bfii.ulder ani under Ifaa ri^'ht ann. 7 htir wtfr. co_t i.ne i* o: courae taii-i rut to muke tbem au 8BJa_6 of i i. ml acii'iaiti, and the nuw wu* wit oxn-.l bf two ar faree UnmBaiKi people. M.'iny of the 80upany bave a Vfry juteuile bx.k, aud haudio their gtitifl BB M* they were a litllo B.9-i of them. Tbey leava t..r l'turacola tbis evening. FPk031 SOUTH jCAROLIXA. COMMOTION IN CUA£U-BT0E BB*- IMOgbOBM kiflllK MES W.V.NTI.D.C-tlTINO THK COPKIKB HP_AI)Y.THK 11101)1 il'di: . ..(>-) S POR THK l. x 1 1 M I i'i . ggaB BM Bir-r *1 L .:.. .|_..-d» .1. CdAP.__--.TuN, 8. C, April 8, 1861. The dcleritrtn is umvertal. Immiuent aa the eriais uow seeorts to be, the way in which peo¬ ple art ia not a bl.'- anitiiirg. If tbe troopg ou Mm ia.atid* ifoo't flja.-w more cooloea. they will ba iu a sorry fli^bt I'id you exer go to a fire where tbi.'ri' bx_s nnba-v'y la d'roct, and where \trtery WtM aud womau .waa doing bia ani her to make matterg g'<> wruug.-teariL^ ofl itt, pitching crockery;. lffokiUB-glaseee, aod fiaa furmture out of the wi_h>w. aud carefully eaxrying wortliiea* arti. les doV1 bar pu)rg «.f Bburd, uul ufely dcpositing lte.u_>^» "«.«»-' secure Biai'ef If yoa have ever been predOot at aa ex- htbition of thu kind.ai.d wno hag n-k**.yn are jprepared te have a pretty good idea oV tbe way weeple act bere la Charfagtoo. Cen. Il.-ia inyard *ow doaperably demandB .._ thousand zuora aaen. Five daya ago the Bebelg boaati_'gly daclared that they were "all ready," and vauw.- B-gly hid tha Government to " ooue ou." Now that 8.8 t-overnmeut fa cotniug, they cominenoe ieap- 6ag about and deouuid tixe thouaand more men! TU tnith it, the eoBi-ctiop prevaiLt grerywhere that whativer the flevernineat wwlertakee id njilB-ry no.tt.rj, _n«pired, u tbey faricvn it will be, by Uaak-Gea. Stvtt, M buind to ouora*., and faaBBBj, biave aa the*e people wnqfli'-tamubly are, tfay procfaim nt tbe oiilset tbat tbey bave bo coulidei.ee in .heiu.erve«. Tbe five tbouaand meu wiil be forlhc4.__ing, but they will n-t fa- ?ohliera, only nu excited Biultitude; aod to op- po*e them to n-gular Bnldiera, eaitiipped wrh all tho terrible engncry flf war, d._ci,dii.ed to tbe higheat point and skiilfully bd by exjier.euied oflicer*. ib a BBB-BBB8M tbht vv.U thiow a mt/ttj n-apfiuability on whoever baa tho iMBOdiflB- di- reHtiou of aflaira. Aud yet thia ia wbat will b.' done. The Rebelg are preparing for a glaughter. All the OBIgBOBI iu the cty are aharpmiiog tbeir iiistrumetits, and have baoa ret .m.-d again.t tb~ hour when tbeir aervioei w.ll be re<j,uirad to at- teud on tbe WWBBdad. Tbo ladies aie ail bu.y fa pr.pnrmg liut, bdiidage*, and oth.r aiticlea ueeded for the cmufort of broken-limlnd and maimed noldrera. Ambiilancea and littore ui great numbere are beiog prepared and taken to thefield of tbe expected batUe; ai.d, with Biadead fclBtbaagbt. carpi'Dteri have been employed, ai.d are buaily at work, BBahfag boxw for tbe dea.l, io that it i* the eaaieflt tbn.g fa the wotld f..r a man to 888981 hifl own 880-8, vvito a reuaiu.ublc probability of iU Brh-J uacd. Bo you may iDtagme wbat a atate we are iu. lt is aaaertod that the Goveruuicnt waa will- ing U. witl.draw Miij«r Am erw.n, but that Gen. Diaaiiajflll iu.poa.-d hiiiinliatii.g terma, and re- quir. .1 tho Major to fltrikr bb flag, give up Bfa .waid, and aurrender tbe fort to lum. Thb neith.T tlie Goxeiument nor Major Anderaou would liateu to for au in-tnnt. ll wae tbeu de- termmed that Major Audcrmin abould be pro- vM..netl ai.d the btars and Btripes kept fljiug over Fort Sumter. A great many very m icii blauie Gen. BeejBfBgaid lor iuipoBing auch Urmi, aud IbBPOhf bringing the impendiug ca- lamity ou Cbaileaton. The people were willmg to get rid of Major _.ud>-r_ou on aluumt any teriiu, and th.y regard the 888980 of Gen. Ileauregard aa altogetb.r BBBB88BflflBiy and a coatly lolly of whi.h there have bflBfl ao many. But tliere ia no OflOBBB, Gov. Piekenfl oon.tantly receixing di.pafehee from Waahiugtou aud Mon tgmnery. I Bpeah ad- vinedly wbeu I -uy that l.e Ib apOB-BB-d with tha aituatiou of affairi, and deai.-s at ihBoet BBJ co-t, even now, to prevent a ao-BBBBh He knows and rcBpecta tbe power aud energy of the Government Wbether J.-Q. raou Dsvia, on whom the reHpouaibdity re-ta, will have tbe *aine gflfld BeLBe and per_-p'i<»u of eeiMBfljaoOBfll remai'ii to be aeen. Many are flBXbaa lhat Duvi* Hl.oiild come over here, and he b..i beeu tohgraph-d to cme by tho*e wbo do not like tias u».ly ex-rti_.e* to whi-'b matterB have fa-en pu-b.d. TriM'ps are pouriug dowa tlie harbor to tbe Kebel tortir.ra.iotjfl every hour, and n.-arly all cf tbem have to p_a directly under tLe BBB. af Fort Baflflfar, ao that M-.jor Aii'ieraou'fl n.en can almoat caiuLt their uuinber a* they go by. Kx tra guard* BJO pl.-ced 8808 »H fafl BOaBBM to tbe l.lai da, aud 9-BB-g ifl known of wbat ia tranr- piring there but what ruinor d-taili. I Lave jiiflt parted with a uuinber of friei.ds wbo bave beeu ordered to join their regunent iu the lortifi- catioufl. The wordi of one, apokeu tai my ear only, were: '* Tbia ia a cruel and unn-oeeaiiry bflpdflMOOa I A"1 reaiiy to L^Ut for BBJ e»u..trv; but am comtM-lled to tigbt again.t her. My b'-art ia not iu lt; all my fneu-i are in New- Ennlaiid, wbere my wife.." Here he wbeab- into line. and giviug me a hearty ahahe af the hai.d, witbout bflbb-f iut" Uiy f*c<1, mar-hol od. Tbere are very many lueb eaa>i. Tbe cxpediiion of the Goivrniiient hai been ehi seu at a favorable niomrnt. We are now having the Spr.ng tMjOO, abiih wnl mai.-rially ad tuo paisage of abipa oxer the ban of tLe harbor. Tbe Floating HatU-ry will be taken down tLe harbor to-nigbt or to-mnrn.w. FROM MARYLAM). WAITINO FOK TiiF WACON. RKCOGMIItlN 06 TIIK BBflBO I!) I'I All( HV.APOL- 0006 POB Kl IIKI.I.IDN . TBOTI CTH'N OP vtrtTK Bi.N IN BBBB6P0M 909. B9W4BB AKD THE 1-60111II IBB 99 MAKYI.ANII.IIIK OI'I'ONi N'lf HIJlKXLOIl.<)l W BI KOU BBBBB .BEI'l ltl.lt'AN _r_BB-__t9-__-i Froja t.ntt Uwa Ccnrapoi¦ rnV. B-kLT-HOBS, April 10, 1661. Tbe city qui.lly awuitug .the deoouement ot tbe 198886 088^888.0 e.vlnbilion of Biaefllfaa p«iwer by the Padfltfll -Jovaruuient, m tue full li.! .-! that it will iinke torror into tbe lu urti of Ibe Bebflb, But few hfloaabaal baBBra lhal JaC Davifl will :)a-iii:ie tbe reNpoumbiiity uf uiuugu- Irating a coule.t of fo.oe. Notwith.taudiiig tbe pan.age of Gov. Wi»e'fl reBoliitiou by Llu- Virginia Coim-i.tion, aaaum.i.g to reo"L'n_e, in tbu 89488 flf tbe people ot that State wbo voU'd down beo»--ion laal Fcbruary by a mnjonty ol fjO.OUti, tbo 84888.fldoBM of tlie J.ff. Davia H-glfl BOflBiabjr, tiie 088889,18* tors will _ind, Ms.BB49B tbey d.ire oahtBtt the qik'stioi. of recogmtiou to llu ir m_ :»-.--, that tL'-y will be overw iclmed. Tfce OBBlflgfab of Kebeiliou aud laB9B9BB| I BBttee, ari out opi'ii-tnouthed in the prc.a, trj ng to aaary tbe aooBtib-lioaBl Wmuftt tt tue 1'ieai- dent to eSflBBBI the lawx, and are iiiiiiting lhat the re_4_t iniliiaiy hud uavul p. .paiftlioriB are not aimed at all at the Montgu.ery lteialliou, but are niert-ly for defenee. iJow coiiscieoce doth BBB. 09*88194 gf ub all when IgfBfOl in a bad cauae ! Tbeae npologiMta wiil aoou haxc au- Iotbi-r ktriiig tmplay upon. M Tbe Fugitiae Hlavo law can never be exe- _ute.l," ueed to -B the outcry of tbe J..;l>« la when tbey beld the retna of power io W-flflB-aJIfla, tud they purpoa. ly kejit thi* quefltiou 0889 f«r m* litical Bgitatiau. 8-« hflfll Mr. UaeeoVfl Adtuin- iatiatioo executea it, irfflB in Illiuoih' 8o U-rri ble haa the certainty o. At OXBOailUfl fa'come, iu tbe eyea of tbe lugititea tbem.rlx. _, that tDey are flyiu^ to VictoriflkB uto domiuioua by huudreda. Kiuce the power of t_e Fcderal Qtm nimfot can exert flueh a migLty iuAtfeDOfl i.i lhe execu- tion af a aingle cr.ae, under tuk. odioua liw, it ia to be boped that it will be 8k\mttti OM long toward the proUxeti'.n of citizens \ti tlu- I'mted JSi-iUa iu Negrodom from tho sav.i'gt* leaefl daily cxecuted upou unofleuding ptfot a, nu- pected of uot being wor8hi(jera of tbe\.Fi tiwlt Mt up by the cotton Lorda a* tLe god of tbeir* idolatry. Fn mi an exleudtd intwrcourae with tbe le.nl ing Kt-publicauN of Mary land, I am happy to .bear witneas to tbeir unabated oouudence io G«v. Heward's bdelity to the cbum ef Freedom, ootwitkctaudiug tbe _u-j-Jjoui effprti ot bit former ..ppoiH*ll_4 h*T****a.Mlt lor Stfliet Uiillltba paBt lu -b-trai't from bia Jnat f-ire, by dmgxi... bim rkrwn bi tbe iWI of OtbH*a-M*, TMb* d*v iracfor* l.nvM fuin-d out, Bl tbe Inat fovv day*, tb.it Uie) bavei bad 'beir I >b..r MF their puin*, und bure Maa flBMBfhH u f.i". Their reeent eulngiuni* «f Itfl g'"*1 bbBBMBBM linve, tbere- fon-. bflflfl aui'denly eh-nceil into Vxwrait-.na. One good thu.g eune out of Gov. Kevvard'a coiirae lat w'li.ter, nnd it MM wnrth nmre tlnu all thut wua di.n- m Ihal tryug penod. Hia aVtaaaa of H'p'lb'ienniB'ii ifl hi* ifte*'. Juniiary BfMBMa, anJ in I ib MMtaBrif <b bat* with 8e'iint.>r Maion, wat eariioel fa "BflfJ man MM eould reud in iba Sluv*. 8'ato* by tb*t very joumula tbat used to deiuuince h m witiumt et nt as rhe author af tbe "irrepn -s.Me eoiifliet." T\e UaUimore Ameriean. t'-at. f-nnerly pir-urd b'Ui with the nerii'iit niul.gnily, flfl-Mtflbal l.ia Junuary *(*-.-(.h eiclusivel), a«d . iriula'i-d nol IflM th*n IO.(HMI i-t.p.-f of Ltat n.'blo ii. i.-ueea of Kepubli- MflB-Me Our Reoeainiirata were him-ring, no to within a few divr paal, tbat (.ov. _fafl~flfi wai uot uf a-.-i.ri1 attli the Prendent upon the queation of trentii j,- tho Mii'ifC'.ii. ry IiVhellnui, ai.d that a ili-aolutuin of the Cet-ine-t wa* ii.«-\ittail**. Tbey iiiivv _ive it up, Iii diiif that tlu-v bave buro «n the wn.iig MflBB, atiit are svtearing at the Oov¬ ernor with ii.eieaaed xa*oT, aa he n_ tbe Ajax Telau.oi whoBO MftMBJ anu ,a dealmg deetrtic- t'tiii upon tbe rankfl vt the traitora to Uie Fed¬ eral (yoveri.uienf. The bretd ijueatinn in our rity ia ratber gnth- ering atrength than olherwun*. Ibe -our-e. of the Council* in abai.d.iiing tln- buildin_ of the new Aluia-Ho'iae and <he new Cy If-all. bat throwu out of emplo) bundri-il* of able bodu-d jtiecbanica; and ye-te-nlay wa* ieaaMnt4Ml a rearrai.ge- meut af the City Kail".inl IflflaBMa, b) ouu-rut of the paitea io BMMMMB| but, in rnae of a failure, tbe wbol* tubji-ct i* m ba tiirovvn mUi tha Coiirt*. In either cu.e. the diafurbuiu** will nperut" agiiiiikt. the ate-ndy enipl'.yii.ent of lilwr. II..w the otits-ry fll breud it to b«* n.et i* i..t difliinetly B4»en. It ia n itiiiiier of in. littlo _ra'ifiratinn to the fni'iid* of the Ailmiiiiatr.it ou m this Stav. to *eo that it I.a* appo.riU-d BBM Imt l.'-pnh ub t"'!.'. Piwt-OAWa wh.ch have beeu f.lid tn tho wuu- tajB, In ihiB tliing, Mr. laineiiln and .Judge t-bif n-tlt-ct Bafl ui.a'.iuioufl wit.hu of the _b> publicana of kluryland. MI6CE_____-VNEbua flfl- ¦ TIIE SUItUKNPKK OF l-U LITTLF. t-OCK U. H. AaB_kBB-f*_l*i Cirrripendrnw *f Tke fc*. T. Trlt au*. Jflg-Va-Mflfl llAiii.nKa, M>., April b, I1-'.!. peeirir in uiany pup. r* to oriiit ext'iii aararaajb IsijhI and true tu ti.e .o-utry, ai ,) e-jvuulv by leud- flTflj an a.*.>i.ut iu Tht .V. I.om» l)e>*mrrat, bow a eer- lan tompaiiy of tb* Uiuud Sa.e. ariuy belravedat ihe BanaadM aftM D 8. Ars-iuJ at I.i'.ir Kiott, atrksiiMie, u mbbU n"i M e.nt ..I aMaa M bMbrai MM l.,bl v- !...tv fliiiii. inilj BM VmUi Stuf.fl pre'(.ny Mflfl Kiveil Op te. t'T -e.r.le'B, nlld ef*»t**C'aJly III B Sllkle Bfhlrli ha* l.een alui'-rl Ut_U.ime.-r lor thi I'.-si.ti. ( B| L l"i.uen. Ue K A. wiv .lur. itiei l.v tl.e W.r l>r|wa!ti_eiit to L.kr (t'lniiiand "! I'e iilori-t.. d ar-eiinl. vbnilly I*- lort- u.e Seaeaiion iuutrii.nu c uii.ri,Ord. Ou or *iiaiiii Bbb IM M th M aarf, i*j ', naataa r,a.hr.i kMCaarfhaa tl kl th* S.r.-ri,!.i»'» vtoll.d atlm [t U) lukr ll | I'nitrd Siatr* proprrty, but tiie 11.-U of the mmni-iui aukihed _t tl e -..-ri. In nlv iiinx daya a(ie-r*--ai, . a <r.v»d.f t-eewntry OilllUM, UMN-tly uikeu_i--el, aa*. luhlrel u, Uie vi- ciouy of llre cily "f Leilile Bfll ". «>id i.n the Urxt day a ar.e>fc> clleitrei ar..iu.il ihe t)»\en...r'* boaflfl ta> tha tiiiiiiUr of about ikOO n.eu, ai^ di i:.:u,.lt.l ll.athe ri.aad de luer il a t'ni'"d ItMaa Hflfll flM MBMflflk-flfl U> U eui. The (JoVrfTior ap, la 1 t" tbe t'.|iiun ciu- ¦BMBB-hJ tbe ara, i.j,l, an.l t.i-i ll'ul he w . ,id ii") l-e iee| ..i.rii.lr if un iiil.la-k, vri-a BBBB-h 4'nj'. T. r.euld D't n.rre i.iler lln-pte.|s it;. vt.de,m eliovv i,.j- eein.e re- k-BBMBB, aud aree.i.iuu lv 1. e flaf _*>|.,rr Ue e.y|-e-,ie_ ti.e al ain »ii«. k, lie rn. ... .! ei v .in.a u, he nvnuicd in aWlVMMMM] "> 'lie aaa nul, i nd Ivtei iu ibe BfkBM, and BBBM Ml uiuvk, te M or BMBBflV Tl r urr. i,_l w ,.» foltitie.) 'tp.i.k,' eiMUijxh to rtoun ihe allaek <>f 1,-00 ii.eii nl'll.r rrj/,,1 ,r axii.v f.r a K.eod uiai.v wrrlr, aud U Capt. T. Iad *' <>*tll tl r rii_ut, ,i rrwlali,,,. r, Ul* ui-:. BBBBai BBVBf baBfl __8flaJMM a'titr-iiij/ le iti. 1 r ceiiiuiiMiid i (' ,; I I n.u.r'. SflTM BBBflkj wilh plrnty of auinnniiti ti and ptov.ri.n*, ahib a «<> ,1 buauv nf tbe ri.tiit.a did i "I have ue re thaa flM n.m d of uiiiiuiitniiou. Atnl 1 never aavv a c ui| .ii,) ul -n-:i mofe willu g (odii.if tiie gaaa md f.nlfy il.e p.ue tbaa in tl ai beMatea .t M tM *..me t w* they faaaad tluil thi r 1'ii: --A ou iti I* 'or B*t*B-bflJ, ao.! tlut tho flV ir.vl.ililvl* Winild -et Uie I'.lled HaflBB BflBfaf-f Wlt'.. aal ini.tk' aahat ttntj M~feea*k4aatataaafl ;...- i_i kt* lervu-w vv i.n Ihe flflflflafa flflflBB flM" k', -nd aiud tl.at B tfflttbl M B aMflBB M gJT8 flf Iha urveln.1 to a m h "adlit-te-il by BBflflflfl-Bl bM, (ln tl.e m-xt day ihe Wiiule arr.eai wae au ri inleii d 10 thfl 0-BBfBBfk jlul the l,e *l |.ert ei l!e !:.."'>' il|'I eiieil ll fetv rlav a ttffervAktrd, iihcil ra ve'Ii u,i:, n i. lt nf ll.u CllV i I lilll.v I.(*-k, where- the AflflBBBBf wa- rainpiiii* swr_i'ing f.ir iha Iviikt lo t.tkr ihein i.nt of the K uie. J.i.r'y in the BMBB-Bfl BM Daltta Sat'i _~atB~a wm, i.|.|err.l Ui holu thflflBflfltfM in MBfl-fl e* b fnll .ii.ib.rm to r-ri-ive tl e iriuniphul car aaafflylflflj onr aVsBM tav-BMBBB-bf, MBMBfaatta by the BOJflfl-ff Mflffl Arkauri.itia. The car was otn:mii nt'-1 BrBh BBJBfglBBa flM laaraf far- lunels, he-tliUg II li.'ii..., " Vte knovV I.i n l.iib to ioVtf hiui. It was flflflaafl d by tvto ronipaniei of Ar'sa'i BM tiiii'ia, aad a talbatf baad. AittrrtM anbal <J tbe pres rra.l.n tU 'I e 888 p, thr ."seit llera deliver, d Be ffffl] a~aaahea,flraartiukj Ihat ( i|t. T. laing a Hinihern BBBB, kfld aaMB lua duly bf givilikt ivrlh. I'niud S'atia pnii-erty lo ihe .bM-flBbaMa, MflBtbflf vt it li a _i.,il inait* i.i.nr eii-li < inii| inii-ntvi v ii... l. re. Tle I'liiied Mu.e.-. iou.p,Any wua pflrbMlf d't Bttfld With |M wh'le |sr!.,rfiiaii.e, htit it was uot io Ib.-ir BBBBM Mflhofctrita Thb b lba iraa aaaoaM tt ita BBrr*Mtk*f e.f llia- BfM nul, hM I an. BM tl c l.-ar' m d BBM thal if the olli Bf io louiini nd M if bM li.iii fflflfl bir (itiiv, tta I't.iled fbMM pri,,.rlv U.ere woulel b. iti ibkMB. ol the k'-xJ'-rJ tnsipa M tbe presmt liiue. -^- Mlt. I). luFIMaliANIi THK PKACI C(».NFKIt- BfCE. r*.TVTrMI.*V Bf CTIilU NfciW-YOl.K MLtlllLItS. tk* l.tvitlalurAif ik* Stat* iij Aee* Vbtt. Tho undrn.i.'r*«fd li*"!* le.ive M aiiomit u reply to Ibe BbtesBMtt a,p. i.e.'* .1 bj iir. Uafk Dadkj tt* MMthfl rtj.iit of U e iiu*,u"'y "I iM t-a-tMBB-B-M BM to Uie C'ltiiette-n.i (.'.ii.ieifl.".. »t Ua--' f.Kiou, raafafltbtj hia ubr-nie . u tle In.-l v. «.< in tfr.it bfld] BB -M BeflaaBMBl ___B__hBBBM tO t * Ool.i.flltl -li o! (Im I'liiu-.l .M. tea. Tl e imt "f bb ihflaBM BB-B_ttM lf Mr. t-ield, und au. mpiml Ui Ira defoud d ai Kr"»' 'ength. But Mr. Field hus omitted M atuU thflt, by iM Hib nite of BM CuilMflbfl. lt leditaievl I al " Ho lut/uber ahould Lo " ah-eui fmni ilui Couveuii,-., wi aa to ii.le-nupt tle " MffalMB-tba of tltts bato, without Itwve." br. Fieid flehbfrw*fri BM8*tflhM_ I Mfeif Hb(--n<e, iu.d baa-0a,BB , MBaafd to dia< I_4ir-e hm duty, UtbI B aud bis colUuguei. Uf. F..-I.1 dors n.if IhM me'le any applicai.ot to-lie Conrt for a leuipt .arv |i-i'|>04ieinenl of hia earo, iu v-ev? of tba i_i|s,ruiit IflM tl'-« uiviii to be taki fl in tl.e Couveutioii. But, on tii. coiiirary, iirnties to ahow tliat his duty to his client was paiamnunt IB bir duty as B -.'onia-Mioiier of ihe rJtuie of New-York, on u tineation involviug tba bik-ieat CoiialitoUiuiil principlea. After Mr. blold bad *iate4 in the t-rv-eucr) of hi* w-taguaa io lba Coa- e-utii*. that _.¦ wa* hlfaed to po immedtaiely w. tbe BflfaaBB ('oart af the Uniied St mea he wa* urged by Bb. aa wfa» _4.r» e*l with 'him fa ophiion, to remai... and give lha vote tt the State aprdnei die profKaed amend- bh .us; ano war 88888.61) to'd tbat bbal*ei'Ce wonld divide t/'« v.'Ui. Ti i* waa #> Btaie.i to bia. by lhe mi- t, .ri.y of t'.e Con ti.i-aioi.era, and that it wonld he ao t_.iu.ed by Uiein Leftrre the Conveniion. He refiined to n miiin, ni.rt wiih il.e full kuowl. d^e of the e_> ct of bb888*899aa|ha qt.flt-- abaattoho BBeBjbalBB th- r.inx-eiiil.in. nnd thu* lafaafad the vote of I ifl Kt-ite. We who reiiiiiiiied fa our flhOM felt dceply the eiuhar- rMM-ueut und ihe n-tiutrliB whicb were tiuu'e in oonae- .ineno- nf Mr. PlflM * flrt-h_bWW_. We had IU>. dilv, up to iliMt Baa. rUrtiiine.l with bim our nwu, aml xvluit we ln liev.-d Ui Ih-, tl.e aei tinient of lha 8'aie, iu f.ivor of Kreedoui; mdx'.ere thenforo entirely uii'irepar-d for BBflfc a iieu-ruiuuition on Ln pnr». Nor ia our Btir- prie. I *_>-ned hy tl.e mannea nnd tlie BBftBbobB by whi, I. I' hiis, Ht gre.it length. defended bia courae on thia aasaafaflh Tl.e vote af Maw-Yerh wh* not d>- rlared until after the vote whicb hid l»een p-evi- cii.It taken in ua delrgalion tm! been r-tated, nor ontil an appeel hai b»cu m.de u. ihe Convention, and retiiBeil by ita Preaideat, to euahle bia .oUe.g.ie* to BOBBBMtl.e vote, in tleflBBBBBBTb-B OhaOtaMB of tlie dele|.-itioD. Hy hm al.iei.ri. the vote of N'exv-York BBBad-TM to flve, and it wu* under the decJfiou of the (. mventii'ii 88088, that lhe vote waa d'flarcd to faa divided. Mr. Fi.ld 880 ataud that lhe otuian. .1 to rec rd th- voieof New-York BgabM the atneudine.it*, u i.a not 8-fliag t" any art or oniiaaion of hia, bnt U) lhe etfurt* of lhe mit. nity of thu dele^ution, or tomt of ihe.it, lo preven' tl.e expreaaimi of the opinion of the nmjority. Tl.e ohj< etiou waa inude alter m*ire to hun tl ai it wonlJ l>e uaide, and tha Convention aua- uuneil it. henoe the voie wua loet hy l.ia aheenre. Nor i> the opmion of Mr. Kield eulitled tocou.idera'ioo, wl»*n he impnUB to tbe mujorify a want of fideiity to him, in not rluiming and adhering to the vote wbich had boen taleii when all were pr.-aent, and which waa afterwurd r.ndeied null bv hia aheetue. Tbey d'd adl ere (o ii. aud eiuleavored to BBM tbe vote ai- BaadOBghr, lt BM bta duty to have lieen preaant. aiid to bave ilma nivan «flect to that whicii bad baaa pre- vi.uiflly a_n.ed to. Mr. Kield aUUea, aud truly, tl at Li* eolleaKiie* refured to BO.8 in a joiu' reluiiuu ofthe f_.tji ofthe cuie. T ey refnaed, becain-e tl ey were int .Mtirfied with hiflcouri-e, and wuuld not la* rr.pnn- aible f >r it, i.i aiy »ay. Up to the moiiM-nt of hia lertvi.ig BB Conve lii'ti, Mr. Kield hnd marnfet. »d great BBfll xnd ahihiy in euatiiitiinK aud <lef.-ndiu* the BB-BOOpfafl wuicb a uajoiii-«.f Ue delev. Bba deaired to advoruU:, und Li* fnilure at the la*. flfld B-B9980 vot*, W8a IU. tltu Xpefletl H* it WB* ilidefcUrible. joiii a BBBB, A B lAMWt, WM CIT.Yl. WM. .14- 1 WAL3W0RTH. JAMKSC. SMITH. thm>Wtn\ M.ich --, Mkt i.atfk fi.uii n:\.\s. Tbe afei.tpahi lex.j., Capt, Fflwbr, from Indiiinola tb- 1*1 and (laheaioii lhe 96 in-t., arrived ai .>'..»'. 0.1MM«tba (Ib. Iieit Iking ot.taide l*.i-.< iixallo bai 188 If hflfl tle D S. .lo t-i'.-xv-r .M-.haxik, Hnd t!,. BMflaabUa Ba»ftta Cby aud Si..r..f lha VA'e-f, wait- ing fur D* a* iaw9i9aia ta BawYara. Tl u fl'emii-hip KaaLiin faa MBB flbartOred by tle r. s Cov.rn i.etit tn isaaaaaattba liaeaa 6mm Ia. di tu I- io has levhll'i Lar. Tl e *;._., al i O.i.itia. « agt, I'l.xe, Mrrivel id In- diau-Lon lhe .llat ult., aftera fi'C--rfi)l ni;. to l_- va,a, w*aM aha Maolad al ba baigM ard pa** ag. m on ll ... Wb nf- Ihfl ai. iner xx.a rf U ived I V th- | eo- pl. ot LaSBM wi'h 'le.r. .le*t ei.ttniaiu.-ii , BflM three ri ,. i* wi te giieti hv lleli. fur MnfiB Af Borg I. aad i Bta, I Iv- I fawha Jilof.Bii ni ii J. ('. Iluni-, - -., iv, i- aaa apaa m tbaOifaaha tHmm Maanii dat 1*1,.,.. li. iiiiruh. brfagBsa.rtfabtforN*w_Or. Irai- li l.ial-e lallia .id * I- l M 1-Hil Irom l-va ,». ihr lea_a 1*9 io port tx laifafladafafa Myaflfa, faa Nw-V.'k. -tfcbargfag; ictaa-ar baaiwda, fr .., N-xv ...tk, faa * k tm Saw .."I .> v l-ixa'-a, ,..it i ie t e faw, wi.l fag Ior r. au.ii.dcr of rnrgo I nj\ f..i NrkV-.i.rk ... , , T! e | io, ll>r I_oui L.i.a Irft IflS-Bflfllfl oa ll.e I.t fafll t' -r Lflt .-aaa fi r C ri faa of tle 1*' re'er. to i e rnmor InatuM. Ampii-li. »i l.'i )«d f o\otk) tio..|i, wua wiihiul'al n.ile- ¦¦. BiaWI fkllle. '...d a.l.la: TLi* ret* rt l.a- br»n BBM I'V <'>l. Fl id to t!i* B'tiuri ie* .f Tflaaa. Cal Pafldaa bm IbflTesM ral B-aera a B*aa aavflb, ad wiB daabtlaa ha abfa Uirrpal-ny atU, k lle k.exi BBWBMJ veutioe to make, i li wa il iuk ili-v will ruiake 8888, We atflpaM ih*l Uiev «re hi<--«jaii!. ul :i 8N Meahlfld by iippr.-i.eii- *i mt m favafaa Bb b ie»a» tian bBataaaad i>. farad. ba il flaaia. A c>nr*|.tcut Bl I'valde wiite* to TrnwrnmrnAt' t mo* t.jy ,.j M f. B-WB1 '.'Iie Iie iai * jc roirmillril *om« freah depreda- tioi.a. ai d aBhaflgfl aeefl-f.9 -M-P8M baaaaBSfl.a v i." xi.ii uihv iml lu.ke bsawdaft-MB. Thaj * aia H 1 .1 ol liorae* u.ar iJlii.l.la .1. Slleliik laat. J...UI 1* bBBBBB-. Au ih< i party laxei.ic.i aatfa 6*1 bal lianM Lttt Mofa ifTSB Btfl. .! besaBB W 008|bb |.,.,' aM "u Bkf I. il' . i,.it,iuid*ij.uv fifieaiior tariity f.ili ili. . LmV, tlh.vai iuto i(.'' MFahaaa f»«M I i f_afa«rtbal C8L I MaalBa, in e (l.e u'ltl.o'ily of the S.ile I'ucei ii,.n, I. <a I..-i iaki-M a*BMpt 8-M8 fa ua fr lactfaa af the BaalfaB a*ith a .1 weai "i Ijj" V' "> i Dr.TbeeaeM I!. .i/l-r.-, In mar nilir of t'e f.r-. li HII |*|cr li"*)* / /.. -r,. I.;t .1) lli'iul. i b-9 wih Ifa -flflfllp, in aaflBflaf wi L nt lui.ie fa.. iliea, Lie.lul fo -V.i.U,.- ll Sl.Ai.o. aV ti.il'i, i.u.tau lug twn.'f'i.ti iliaa. p«-*,-.l n p u((t' i.ur ciiy ie .M.uliix, lhe '.-,'h, b uiiid for ('jilifiMni.,. Thb BMtfl "ii.e- fmui i li..iou. T-wyaspaMto ba faiaad oyatflrMafl tf lt.- Iiu v. |.,in- i.i u.i.rii'i.'ii bawaBiagdafly,aad ipixel wh - nu will y.D bar- lk nu. fl BBM w o di .¦» ot liilk f nu.vi u, B d MBB IhflM Ifl88 'ii"ne- i'.i e -.imi, r g-d, ..i. I li'hi.l, :(. (.'l.li rn., Viu e.1 ,s :* li. vrr Bi*ii. there vk ili e un i.w lal e_ial.i- Ir lu ii. r Li: d "t 1oW-.a, Bfld, li'lurto, pldil); l.l.d ll 18 1.,( t w..nl ler* 14 ho Bie ({. ii y, i.l i 8 li ii T r I I't.i"" !¦' C uit-- ui Sii'unav I al i8yai " Nii t c.-mi flafaa left bere lln- limn 1 « M lha Btaaaaa Kaahfaa aad ihe bImmm r .1. Q kleMiallfa l..k- |, lo l.e t,-.i.atefMii tulii e Iiu- li.ii iii'be *:.-..i. tra 11, v ii, g in ii'. v 'i en. io th. ii .!>*>; i.. -. 11. n ¦¦*. six of th* come. iiea l.-loni_ io the Sid CatalfP, atid taflBfl u r -r 888-88886 of C*|t-. glMSBiaa, 1 184. .", H' d ruhier, ni d I.ieut*. Barri-fB, J- ) r, ii"ii lli iflbbll .. Ji e oU er ll r.e nuipai i l 1,-Ioik 18-lha lll l .la'il.y, iifu .i un. _ki.il nf I'apf. Klug,I arpantar aadCa'd. -.xil'.i.d i- ut*. Mn*er und M.eil.n rne. Tfa au.re- 1,1 ia r i .. i- (< i i-x- lu.aik-u i.l .'ic , mu | -k. . n.i.iid il j«i.. Ii i. aup|o-eii 'i.ir raat-Mtfaa i.- Baa* \.uk Tl. ae tr.-.| - In.vehr.-i.iii .p Bear lha rity n-i er-1 x t. ll I. aadarWrad t' a' 'eu ci'te. i.i'ie- a e i i.w ¦ t. *ir wuv ber» Ibaa Baa OaMafa. law af w l.i, h i.rii\-i:il ut tbe ciiiiip U i- M ri fag, 11 ij. Immrntk ga ui. ieu *i. i ai ti e eaap fa j mmbwi ". TUE BOVTUERh EMBA88AD0RM IS BAVAttA, THKY AIJK aT-A-TTBD.THB 8T. DOMIM.n EXPEDITION. Kaa. Our Own C-*rrrapo_>d«t>-. Hapaba, Aprll ii, 1661. Tbe CrtNBIBflBBaaN Is 1'iiropi' from the South¬ ern Cflabflbflflfj Taigi Bt*d oad Wm. I.. \.n- ,.Cy.niiiie.l here Apnl il 09 BM tBOflfl-Shif lln- viina, and. with 'tinr le^alion mife, |ggh rooma at Mra. liicwer'a llotel, ('iilmno. ,Iud_e RflMl iins hifl wi!e and BBB aitb liiin.Wt l.e' being bit 1'rikiit.k laercfl.ry. Mr. Walker Kt-flrn .- the Bflflfladflrj "f the Ciiiiiuiia.itin. The (.'oinnii-flion- ei| -iu bt and received the BBBlBBbfl and a'f.'ii- tio'.j flf the Ilnliih Co.miil-Ueii. .: I, .) 888)1 T. Oraarbtd, OOOU, I'.it.-a,! of tho pr,.iii-r,d Be.vtcea ol ti." I'lUlMl'-lii-ll' Idl ol tflf l.'llltad B-flbfl-* XVlill leiiiUHifl Bt bn poat until hi i 088888888 aruxeJ. Bai ('"I- Chai.i .'. Ht.o ¦* a D_faa ¦ au, md that may poiMI ly OIMBflfl IbHr BfaIgafaf BBBBBBj Mr. Cnmtmi bbbI a bbbb featbe __beataaeeartaia nt whai i.our it woaM i"- agraaa le to i ,ipt..n.-(ji h- eril -iviiitio to reci'.o tne OoOBflafaMBBMI, I Lu BBB-Bai to pa) I i.< ir aaaBBab to I.m; aud). iteiday, ut 1'. ui., wu. .i|iiN)iiititl. At the BBBB BBM BBBM au luvi-i'.on to tbOBB diatiuguiHli'd gintb en to diw .it Iflfl Pafakda, whi<-h tbey did, M8 frtm, laat eir'liil'g at e-k ,ii, the Bffflflh ('(). ai 1 (,i-:n-r.il, barioo ilouo tlu oflatBal b-V-iaa tbe dny pr.-. ,.ud, ut h:a -(.inht-ul 188889888 iwur MB) I'eim. Al Mr. Liuxvi4.ru'. thu UOBBBI aiomrfl were ula> ei.!<i- taiuod hut mght, tbo ociu*iou ueiug ou«< of his cu.v louiiiry xki .-Idy i«'ii.pt"'iiH. bo tbeir BMflflBflMaOB will I'juitiiiiie; buk buniueaa ia not iicompiuh'-d with the BBMleh tVy auticipaU'd. They go to cotiiitriea where diplotuary «s a profession.where jtata. meu are educaU** Ibr the poflition tbey are to ofoupy.where the doet'rine met M obtato, that ¦* beoao-a a man is a flrat-rat* Bhskernuknr or hatcr, of iicceHaity h»> muat bo a good lagiabtor, judge, or si-itemnan. They do not aeem to anti-inat* tbat an iiniuediate treaty with the " ConfeHlemte Mtatei of Aiuerica" would ubrogiite a treaty uuvle in good faitb und national bonor witb the "United 8t_te- of Ameriea;M and that of n-oeaeity tbey rau.tbe deluyed in the buflineaa tbey go upon. until they are reeogiiiied oa an indepondent nation by those whom tb y have deaerted. The great -tateeinen of Eog- lnnd are not going to be eaught by auch *oft dipio- MBt«/e Hut tben the Coininieainnera will av sigtata, and have a jolly time where tbey go*.be it iu Lon- doii, I'aria, or Madrid. Thea powera inny make anned objectioD to any iuterforeuc* or ob-ttae Ic" put tfl their i-e.minereiiii brttM-tMrae with nny port* of Ameriea, North or South, but they will not re- cogniaU' tbe independence of "the Confederate .Stut.fl af Ameriea" for the preaerif; and any argu- im-nts tbe Commiwiiineni niuy deaire to present will have U. be eonaistent with th. ir national obligi- tioi.fl before they cau bo mado elfeotive. The Coin- mi**'ioiie-8 will leave on the BritMh mail BMBBMf to- mormw for Southornptou, ond thia flfltMM flf th.-ni will pieeedi'their orrivul iu Iaond.ui, where "firr- IflBill" are kept on ahow for a ahillii.g n night, at theordiunryjugifiery and gin sulooim. I Mflffl Mfl ConimisHionerB tn paddle their MMMBMfl, uutil they give. me aimetbing new to aay of tlu BB, wbich muy posaibly oecur before tbe departuru ol tho ib* 8oto. The BtoAmer Coatzacoalcofl arrived here yeater¬ day with liiur or five eomp.iniea of l'nited State*: Cii'valry from Texaa, un tbeir way to New-York.a tiieliaiking body of men.and phyaieally able tu hold their own when ver they minht be put. Tbe troops -ent down and to fonn the Spnnish army of oecupation ofthe Doiniiiicaii I.'epiiblie will iiiitnher about 7,000 men, abuiidantly aupplied with every nifeterial of wur. The army ia to be ooni- manded hy an e_perienc*4l b__b~M of high reput-i- tion iu the serviee, Hrigadier-Oeiienil Pelae*, wbo hus fillVd tbe jrintiiioi. nl Ad|iit.i:ii-(i.-neral of Cuba, or chief of the staff of tliis islund. The troops l.-.st seut from here, have been thcCoronu Kegimei t, -,(;(0 men, eomuiondcd hy Col. (,Mt-__MM| higiinent laabel '-Wond, 1,000 men, under tbe gaii.uit Col. Aiiiiiblu Kscaluiife.- a sqiiadrou of Mtf-JaTI tMfl flflBBMB-bfl of artillery, ordnarire and eiiginet-r offii-eri aud uien, to Iiii flIBfJ depaitment nnd branch ofthe a-rvice, and to supply incideutal or BiiiKtmuuierary wai.ta. The fleet gone down with ihe vitsselfl whieb have bil for the aame point I'loiii the eouthaide ol Cuba will make au irresistible duplay. The serew-frigut-'B _aa_BM ond Beren- gncla; the large war B-flMMf liuibel la (.'at4>liej_ (Bidi-wheel)j the seeond cIubb warateumer Veliiaeo, and ImbbbMJ or deared any quantity of ateainera and old sluvers, are tl.ua suved from B-BBfl-B- The City of Norfoik, forleitod to tbo Oovernment as a alaver, a wbale-abip eaught a few daya since at siyi, afU*r having dia- Hi.iiL'-d a cargo ot 700 m-gns-s upon the north aide ot l uba, not U.r from " Bul.ia l.ond.t" iuuding; aud two tin-r -ia.e vesselB, vvhieli were diauiuutled at Ibfl Nuvy-Yaid, bflM-MBMM put to thia carrying -fle-TMa, TlM at-'iunera Pflbffl ai.d Pujaro dtl OflBBM have been eharteTed, and BM alu-ady d_B> ehargiiig their cargoea of MMBB, 999m\ muiuiionB, aud troops at r«t. Doitnngo; aud the ajinexution of the D.'iiiiiiie.'iii Kepublic hus uiidouhtedly lai u eon- aiiiiiniate'd, attiiully agait.at tM will of tbe people. lliasuid here that a Spaninh Coloiiel Fort ia tbe aiithor ef tho procliiinatioii flf buntaiii.; aud ihat tM whole datflg ia Spuniah, througii ihe eiiugrauta pliii-id hy tM Cioveriui.t-i.t thflflfl for thut pur- P la, and thut the only nutivo partiers to Uie tnnister of l_h*f-_aM fnuti tl.emselvea to lontgn power have bf*B the Pn aideut aud Bfl oi thn*e other promiuei l and influentutl citizrva, whohiive Mm BBM tor at h.nherBfMBM tban they flrflfltd hrmg ui any oth. r maiket. Thia MMM to be true trom tne pneclumat.oi.. '.he dnte it bt-urfl.tbe BflflffiflflM prepuration bflM "' autu iputn.u of the " .-.lauulty".uud tlit) Wi-ll-k:,nvvn leet of einiera- tn ii, ifldflfwd by Spuiu tfl Bt. I'oinii g.i, w.th bbmb> iee-8 of piotii'timi aid t.-vvard, whieh waa then aekiiowleiliied, by fflfflMM MBfl Mflffl iu the royct-- n.-fl, to Im- f-.r llu* BgTfflflMflf future lefliflJ-tflB, Th*. tiiue* has only beon K'nu-r than wa« aut.oi^tod hy a >ear or two. Ihe be-dth of Ilavana iag.iod, busiueaa not im¬ proved, aud itiulideiit'e- waiimif. J. T. BUCKINOUdXAf. Mr. Joa-pb Tinker Bm kiiip*- uni, the vef. ran jonr- nul.rl of Xew-Fiigland, flVfld in Cflaabf__|Ba, klase., oo Thuraday nie.rinijr, at tle iu..- of 81 ycam aud fonr uioi ha. He wua horn in Wiudlraui, Cmiu. HiflfaLher exbaoflted ba whole pioperly iu eupportlnif tbe Ameii- cau aruiy duri'.'H the llevi.liili'.u. ai.d die-d March 17, 171-3 leaviug a (turiily wiihoui auv meaua of s.ipfort. Dflfla. theiAe ciicunu-tai res ilu-y beiante ») redueedthat ll.*y were obiigeil lo apptai b tM towa olfiiiuls for a-rist-uire, aud were *upporteti by them fi>r a Wmfer, when they reinoved to Wafth-Bgtaa, Masa. Here .1 V., ti wa* apprriiii.rd M a fnriuer, with vvh-im he re- mained for a-»t-ral year*. While in tbi* family he rh.med i-,me fl-BBafl for BBBMbM*fB, and u inle biu-s.-ll _va--1:_uii -ee| with the rudiu.erita of an Ki.jeli-b edura- Hiui. At ibe af-e af M be aflMfta tl e printiiiki officy* of DflBhlCaihala nl \V.i|..le, N. ||., wbocombinod with l.ia printiiig I uaim as tbe pul licatiou of |i e " t-'.n un ra Mureum. Hero ye.ung Ilueii-n^l aui tin-f ln-.»n;e ac- iiuaiuUd w iUi ihe rlnut me nf tii*- proft-Mdoii in wbich be wss afierwaid lo gain tiialiut li-.n. After rtmaining a f.-w iiii.i thr with t!iir!i»le, M enlered the a4B*M e.f tl.o "(Jireiitirld O-.utlo,' where M retn»..ied uniil 18»Kl. ttheu MflBflMVad M lleatm. lu I^W be pt-firDied tbe dii'.e* af p.oinpier lor a fchort time in a comjeiuiy of .oi,. dmiir, wl o pl eyeil durii ir the _b_-Mff tr-uili.a in Preivideiife ui d Salem. ln lfc4J(j, havirg obauged ha n me, by applirulii n U iM e_a~*p_-BlflN froui 1 i. kt r to BflB kJaflbfl-B, wliicii wa* lua luoiber | faini'y name, I.e laflMBBMMd BB- f<>T hiiiir.ll by Ibe puhluation of the '. I'ulvanihtut, u monthly niafn/ine, wh.ih. aftrr au exirle-ni e uf a Vrur, waa dba-flkt-BBfld aud uot remimed ¦Bil 181-'. ln l"4>-i, IIr. llu. Lii._h.rij pnhii* ted for eix uioiiih* tl.e "Ori.iil,' a weeAly fl*_flflA_flfl* In 1S17, in flBflaVMBf vviih Samnel L. Kiiapp, he oom- BBBBflta tba pu'.li. ii'i'.n flf ti e '' New-Fti^lutul fjlbf] ¦M B_a_tB-b llaifi.'.'.ite," wbbb aaflBfa-flad b lihp.,a- BBflaba BBlB l-BB, when M eviid it. ln It-B, in t-iti- i.'ietion wilh hie-e.ii, he i BflMBBfll I d tl e p'lhli.ati Ofl of tha " Nimv-Ki i/h.ud _-_fl*B~-_a,M Bfhtah wiiscontinud ii'ider bieinre iinul It-.l, and BBBt-haad MaBrtbBtbfM fp.ii numeri.u* wntera who have siuee BttflBM- great Ilileiary eu ineiiie. lu ISN he pubilehed tl.e lirrt Bflfl-1 ber ot tle "1'i'S't.n I'otirier," a puja-r wbich be eon- liniled to i dil Ulilil Jiii.i e-etflL .Mr. lln. ki:>l uui wus r.veriil tin es eleited to l ,e- 1^ .lelutliru, Hud, in 1S-I7- ",,\ and l_-#-aVl, to ibe S.-mi .. nf M treuchoa-'ts. He I.e, .ilvo ul.l rt ...!. "Speeiuiens i.i aNnWHpMfer l.iteni- ture, wilh I'e ie..nul .VI. moirM, Aneed-.tea ufid lit-uii- inne llii-e," I Vol*., IV.-t.Ii iB-Bx, nn I " I'i leolift] tleinoim tuid B*flflOatfletb*flB flf Fitilotiul I..18. I Vols. Mi'rlnli. Wirt-Mi'iii'VK IBB Siii'ii.r.. V. terri'.le tn?edy oct-iirit-l in t'luiiliiiali nn "Anllinlay lasl. WS-t-BUttM 1,ii_,ri.y, aeigti-paiiiler, la-i>'g Utitiej fajflhBMM his wile ;e.i I to '.«.' a b-BUllful vvoinall, Iva eiityli ve fg-fl ol I), .ejMflatfld from ber a vear aince, but recet'ify re- |vui ei.itniitried toiuiiiiee Mra.Oivba-f to ratara t«> Iib ln.in. . Smt pt-re.iipUHily nlus.l1, whatflflBBM b ab* IllLBli rDBIBBfllll Hi their only eluld, Bbof/ four|TMM old. und Ihe wi!e lesoii.dMaMBaaflB-B tviiet-i.ver ii. On BLHii-ai abl auoiaflilad h iMt Btitrir' Fbdlafl the b v ie ilm biliwfl ol i. lelauveot Otikj-I y,at Amelia, (tw.iiiy-tvv.i uiiles f.oui ('i.einnaiil, abe rii,.eel i.iui ,.i,i- i... an oiuiibus to teturu io the cuy II.t inov."i-vi.i,, howevei, Bfllfl dimov.rtsl bf l..*rl.u«hiuad, nnd vkh. i, the bour BMBI for the v.-l nle ta baffl, IM door oiieir-l and bo rteptiad in btfld* ber. On Ibe t.,,,1 I. ..ileavored ak,ai:. to IflflOflBBM he: tu BbaaflBT, butiikrai.allbi....veiiintB w-re -piitned. uiitil, w.en ¦OBM iw.nty ii.il"* from the .i.y, and wt'blu a *b'.rt dbt.ii.e of their ileeiiiiatim., he tuintd to ber and -,id: "Ibat- bteu faimf.il io you. bulyo.i MflaMMMM toiue 1 loved y..u,lul) ,u loved BMBMl I wuhwiII- ini< M bl_flJf« you, bn, yon hav« apun ed ine; you ahall iiovi-i doifurinii." He -«ua«ia mouieut; abe made no rei ly. but gavo b_M a1-K>k Bf .outempt flfld lievhiir.' Hfl iheu drew u revoivi-r Iroiul is BBaBM ai.O lir.dtwOBbote, one Im.U ooteriog her rv'hi i ye aud lodging iu ihe hrain ai.d the other tak ng efleet in the arxiomeii.auO Uien, without 0' ertng a word, he dia- chai-erd ibe eotitautaof a third barrel into hia own fore- head, -.u'U'ring his hrttiua in all direciiouaand killing him almost ma'autly. TtaMlatiousof t*oih |*riiea wera ant for and arrived at ihe acane of the tnid-edy uuriug ihe uiglit. Mra. O. _M ubout iiivgbteeB houra BftM rectiring lba MOUE-be EDUCATIONAL. TJNITY OP THE HUMAN ORGANI8__, It bM beea attempted ia former arttefag fa flhow that in the grand movement of adtanafap thoogbt which coaatitatM modera <y_bb_bw and wbich faw derived the acieoces from thet* preceding arta, edueation niu*t participate. j_g raan's place io the nniverae beeomM more 49, tinctly fleeo, and a clearer ligbt ia eait u[x,Q th* lawa of hia unf..lding uature, ayBtema of in«trae* tk.n will gradually becouie more rational J perfect. We continuully apply the termg "^ "vaueing" and - progreixaive" to acienee ba. cauw it is a forward-moving power, and fa thi« reapect ia cootrastod with other pow. erful ag. nciea by which mankind are inmioricei Ignorauce, error, prejudiee, tn.titii.nal ideas, ae*. veutional opinion*, cU-totua and habita, are of a stationary charaeter, aod wben predominant kolf .-"oiety iH a eoudition of sluggiihnejfl ami tta*. nation. Science, on the other hnnd, never mjRtt Her motto U ..onward" to the diacoveiy «f new facte, farger pnucplea, broader newa, aai better practice. And in this lixgd direetfafl .he bolda her high, steady and invincibfa courae. That her track througb tlie werhl should, therefore, be marked by nprooted prejg. dice», Bhattered errora, rilted opi-iiuoa, and ex* ploiii-d d' 1_111.ii. ii extrcmely natural. But ta thia rude handling of their darling aud veueratsd notioua mea do not take in tbe kindlie.1 way, Fondneaa for their opinioua is natural, aud 9 quite too generally irreapeetive of their truth* They have honeatly inhented, aud deotavely helf,' and valia'-tly delended toem, and tbat tbey ibeald' eurae the intruder who would take them axray fa not surpriaing. And thus the courte of -ciea-a D8R beeu Bignali-4'd not only by wrecked aa| abandoned opinioua, but by agociziug pruteatt, the wai of horritied auperatition, tbe eie.rj.tioa nf defeated pride, and the groai.B of torinentef indoleuce. Sucb hua been the world4 exp. r;_ooe, from the convulfliona of mother Cburch at tfa astroiiomic demon.trationa of Co-ernicna, dewa to tbe d.-uuiii ..tu.iiB of ana. atbetica by coteat porary Bontcb clergymen, wbo Bolemnly deciareb bat, aa tbe Creatnr bad admitted pain into tha world for his own inBcrutable BBBBBBBj man ba no buBineaa wiokedly to interfere and .i- t--..t hia purpoae. Of ciiurie, there fa no troulle aPb-'r ...ieuee haa won the victory, aud new generat'oi.4 .pring up accufltouied to the BBBBB newa. We are u_« deed grateful to her for having wou for ub froa tbe night of ignorauce bo vaat and miigoinoeM a aoiverao, and look back with wonder upon iia infatuatioo which coubi have ao b ng and ; rru- Lucioual) resietid ber apb-udd gifi* of »-':¦ uoraj and geology. lt ifl only wben »he BB-flBI a uew Celd, wheie we are uot accuitomed to aee her, a.' d a new ti.i.-a of errora bitberto bflbbb are unexpet'todly ati.u-k.-d, Uiat tbe old spuit of iB* patience ar>d intolrraoce is awakencd. And *rea iu lucb ca.eB, we are jiemii-ted to bciiexe fa a growing lib-ral ty. It begma to be gener.illy tta) that BBBB9B inu.t go forward witb her grsnf work, to deti-rmine tbe lam aecoruing to wbioh tLe universe ia govemed, and to viiidi. _te mi faith in their univeraalny. Ihe firtt great fact which acienee o.T. nt te the educator aa the eoruer-a'oae of a better i_*thod, is the vital and livug uuity of tlie buman orgaa* iain. The Mndy of humau nature in pn-r U_.ee baa l»ecn pait.tl and prai tiea.ly in.ulii. \entr Btudy not of mill iit of mimi.a eO-Bfldag an der of wbat God haa joiued togetber in tbe man 80088988980-, aud a crmle atttmpt to dalh w ith the dujoiuted fragmente. The d. -u.aia mj meutal aud bodily reUti-ma and reaetiom. bither* to re«igned to roystory and tabuoed to inquiry.» the pecuhar nestlinn-plaee "f uox'oui and d.iiig«r. oub .'iper-t.ti ¦!.. .u.d tl.e intreor .inent of a legiofl of arraut qu.ckeric., Laa to be iliorougbly re* i.a-i_ed aud -lluuiiintod by science, before a ra. fooal and satiaiactory ecl.eme of educafmn C8| becotne possibie. Wuatever may be tbe eoune. tion of religious faitb leapecting tbe -e,araM duration and destiny of the .pintual priocpb el our nature in aimtber .oudtrin of exiat, n.e, M error ia more peruicioua than to reaaon dowr*, ward fron that belief to the preaent actual »Uta of being, and thus iu habitual thoi.ght to dirida our uature iuto aepaiato, diverae, autlf8899B| .b-BBBtO, TLo prevaebt method, bowexer, bM been to Uobi, uot tlie omnei., but tbe doiibleMM of our being, ii»t tLe barmony, but the i«pp.ei. tji.n and e<u >. rt of ita hoetile aBBBBBB, not tfa vital integral uu'on of the tuental and I'lateiid prmoiplei, but ratiier that tbey are only ei_r.aalf cotempo 1909989 and coexii'.ent Our patiire 6 pra.'tica'ly I9gai9ad_, m Irt and iu tiu e, m I duplei liiccbauiam, 804891.1BBJ 8 bodily org_oii9 and a Bpiritual orgauiaiu working io my-ienoM leparateneia iu the aame locality, hut havi. g _f..l laws and intoreaU vvlnch requiie to be gutrdal by a double aet of doctors coustituting iudepcao. eilt pr.il, SlnlJJ. Of cetime, Irom the nature and limitati-M tt tbe huuiau miid, wo have to itudy s.i'je, b »<*. or !...-* paitiall), giving attent.-ti to 009 Uuaf and neji-cting otfler*. We treatof ele'-'trieity tt one faa.k, of flbcfl-bby in auother. and aOaaath ogy iu a tbird. but we never lorget that tbuil a violence, au imperfectioo, and a perjanal faib ure; for, iu tfte actual scheme of uature, IbflM pl.eno i.ena are baMBBBB98, and eaeh treat-9 ' overruufl aod involvt* m«re or le«* of tue otherfl. 1 Tbe 8iibjecta are ijnlafe.1 for couvenience; bai tlie itudi'ut ia ever on hia gnard agnn.t fillaciM fn.m this 888988, and atrive» perpet'iail/ bfl thoM couiprehtiiflive aiid pt-ifect view* wliiih regaa nature aa Bhe actually is, iu ber integrity. Ju4 10 far, theu, M it may be fadiapen_ab.e bf stedy. to aeparate and rlaMify the element* 0! flflg M)e ture, the proceedn.g beeomes adtmsaiMe; bflt bere, bb -dsewhere, only under tbe mout rijawal reatrictionfl. Tho course of science is toward univerml BBity. At first there are grtat gapa and giiiii betweM .ubjtcU flf iuquiry. acroa which 0JBB hareTf dare to tbink. Ltot witb the growthol k io*ied|» tlH.*e blanka are lilied up, and tucre r«-uks B harmonioua, all-cnm cted, flnd iutoll g. nt pfa»* I The laws of motion, discovered fint u|>on Mrth, are re-diBt'Y.rered in the heavena. The key wBich niib.eki the myatrriea of otgauixation to-dey, M carri.d l-Brk millions of yeara by the S»»l'9«*t and aerxefl equally to open tbe aeerettot pnaor- duil Life. From a fos*d eeale aloue, Agaa-i^*" lineateB the fiah to wluch it mtnt haxe b-oi<«4\ 1.1..I the prefiguretl aniual fa subaequeirt!) fo«Bd in the rt-cka «nd auawers perf.-etly to tiie 6Mb ralwfs prophecy. lluuiboldt tbe prol"uud aU» eided itudent of nature, reulixed the idea'tM» had haunted Bis bfe, aud erowned hi* *"u«**r fabora by the pubbcaiion of the Cotmot, a mVk eipoaitton of tha haraoay aad uuity ef tha aaK rorae. Aad thua abo with tha bumafl erga-dBBj

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MbbBBb 8_»b.ICk-aaaaflal ., __-.,Nlvv-Okueanh, Apnl 4, 1W.1.

Aa I wrate you fa my laat, we of tbe eity ex-

nd "our wrrfin-Hiito" "» regard to tlie lnte

CoBventi'H), at laat Mooday'* Judiciul eb-iv

IMbl To-dat we havr retfived a voice Irom the

.aootry on the aame inlject. At a BB88t-Bg of

Bw Mtiz.-nB of A*ceuBiou I'arifb, (or county) held

Bl tbe OaaiiHaBBB in DbbbM-BB a fe* dayathe fuJlowing preanible and reaolutioua

adot>f*d uvauiirnru*lif:Wkrrrot, I'r.ijn'm d-iu.af>.g_r, baring -eeeli,*'jted 'He Btat*

m' lo, i-U s I'.fis iBf-luibm, andai-L*d tb* n-i... uf tl- »-!_-_.aaeia..taau.uiati. j a jtau of Ibng-a* i. rt wliiob a in-jo Ity of

M-|>*o,'l- bivfulacUrd -bfiaflk tbr ball t koi im tba V'd of

JUj- -] ls.t hn k-ill i-eiirjlf-n a.ilirrly ig.-.-d l rrlatlm8*1..- uaiUer. bj tba L-r g' I .. - rh- , .i.lat.re ail g ai.o

aaf-O «" itarll a power eip.-i- !y iBuMbBll by tbe Coua.lt .tlnn.

fa aaactiibiii. a *_f. uiion wuh ut bi.t eoiinul'li g tb.- p-apia,Mf* iknwri d.p ii ii.n us trai: ) Ir iip.uaid jrnau out ib* _.y-

______ty wlk h tl.* peoole narur L.tan.l la raaijn-li now brh Y-. u. t" *xp>**» i-iir Ylrw. tn r.lat'on to tf *

n*a puiaufdby ihe *»aj il v-l tha Stalr Ii onf-nti-.i. ln r«

Mta jabaiB Iba Oou, B.taa ot th* tvonfrde.ate dtateatoBB»f*"Ple1ir ib,ir ralit-. .ti-u-t nja'-iim -__.Ba.Jn_ Iha'a* f.ee, n.llnh'ai. r i ltii-ne of t_e*a Cm f-der.

MaStafeJ, wa kold aa i-adftiablr th- rijbi io a knawledfr of theaa. tt tl-oie m i» ho.i w- i-'ra-t po»e» ord- le.Me jtiboriiy MBjBB.aa. nu -ii.a.. f . n*. Aud tnat »* unbr».ta'ii jly drpraralcaVaa-jui'lio ii'd trai,.uii..i.... to .ix .u-.-del.jtn i» tt.a Ho'.bcrlty,, , n.r ,r, ..' ,".. l.ia.t M"i.'4-iuii-if. aud aifaoh.- a for...MgWTWiauifiiit to b* f*aleu<-d apoa lhe poeeined wllbout tbalr

jjj, .f-j. Tha. tbe baal. of all fovrrtimniti beii-j the aenaai.tW .Ba jo-efi ad 1b ar wfco havr Ig' nr-d th* pti: Ipl- hy trfu.-km*t> .iM'k tka lo.e ..f (ove'ii.urut adopl-d at M. t.iji.o.rryBarlBr >stu.< a-iou *f lha i-e-iap.)- baff ra'U.d fo- t.ieii.»-i«e* IM.aosratio f rv.-ri ti-_-be»il'<l Itaiii.l'l.aau S_1dl11d.ca4dlu.jrn.flW-kvilri liini t'i* u.y.iM') auinundi- |(Im4. actaeeve.ro .ooie

Beaxy . d -eoa.ne ag-l.'i.t iba .ibrr Ir. of tbr 88*8.8- ao cpei. at-

M-p' biivu.j tM-a. n.__* by U_ ..taia Coin*utlon to «bi~»»

Mtamtwti, Tbat tbe ettnBijW to rt a-t tUelf tato a LegLlatiY*Md. by Iba C na, uliun _i.il 8B*4 . Letia .ti' a po» rr ipi u -0

aflhr* taoalv. ia w.tl-oat pf-eed-nt aid au raldeo. * of lk- j-uaralMp.i rl i t->*a..i_ir piwer in _rr..fa'iot. af he wLIot Ibr pe»aie, aeeI ... !.'. b uM'-arekial a. eiigarchial rule.

ru* ,r . ,.! wr l.Yt.* f.oiu e*a 4 part cf uni B'ata. an ai

¦M8ml ',1 ¦. I" n-J-rJ t tli- './...alol IM M*'.a t e.-v-1

{kaa te aybuit thr C ..-ii -Bea ui iMCaaA.a eu. euie* M t-rmnm\a oi _.ou_a_a.a for .a.la aii-u or rrj. aflaa.Ywa have p.ob*biy r.«ceiv.d tbe tele^raphic

ata%en>out that tbe MiMiaaippi C'(.uveution, which

haa ja*t adjourDod, adoptod tlie Jdontgnmery-SfaaMit-uti. n by a vote ol 70 to 7. Tmb wai

bM8 ao tbe final vete. Rit previoua to thia, on

B88WI-1 prapofitmni. ta gubmit tbe Coiutitution to

mt papofar vote, 32 memfa-r* gave tbeir voioeetm ixr.t'rrit.g it to tbe people to .r>3 againat.HBB-Ofl the maj, nty hMBOBShla, all the miuorily.K-Vpt -.ven at laat oamt) into tbe ti;-r<*. audaaflrd for the ConkUtution.

fl_e repurtB received by teb'graph thia BOBB.

ing ad a rokib-e 888-898 at Fort Suinter, aoda_[ tbe pmpoaed BBflOBO..e blot k_.de of tbe inouth

af the B-tfaflfaflBffi by the Kederal Government,BflW tb*' Bl.b.e. t ot i|(ii'.i r-.il .oiiiliUlt liilii.ae

axiB'tx m ui luit.-.'tid to lei:rii Uieir trutb, audaav fire-ebte:* who bave be. r. ao bitterly de-

aaaaong Mr. I__bflflh_rb AdunuiBtrati.ai for uot

adn4,''-n_ an out ai.d ut, eoarcioa policy, or else

B_aBa^,ii./in_ tbe Siiui: -i-t' (Ji i. -. .>.ii-y. aeem tatfciflk Uiat it is at laat " Bhowing ita Land" witha Baagrauce. They atill profess to be aaiiguino,

bawaver, tbat the ftrat ftrop of blflfld _h.d wi_l

bnag ull tbe Uorder Slave 8uie« into the Secj-j-8B8B r»oka. TBBBBB a'e being BOOltoiaJ at FortPV_k.e.* fr.uu all Ibe (Julf State*. Vbo Couled-arato fnnv* alieady there Biuat numbcr -ou_e-

Baaac over Ihree thoufland.? ifaguiar jiurualistic war ii juat now raginp

beOaari. two of our city flflpB-9, Ti.t fb-fflBM-fak* the laipeat ejr ulation in New-Orbana, andio aa agrtrable aud vna_'i u. newapaper, but haaaa aia t of bai-kbone. On the great tupic of tbe_a_ra. Se.--*-i..n.it -B ih ither ti-b, tle.h. not

mtni aait herrmg. At beart it is exident'y op-|a tbo fin-eatera, and oceaaionally rt

up eourage enough to deuouuco tb,

aaj iiiddly; but then Bfa Dtltii bombardfa aa an Ab.-litau abeet of Tiie TB-9B99 arbiol

invanauly frigbteua TA« Ptcoyun* intirort rabid Sexv-BMOinain tor about a Week

Wlber wbich it at.un darea to call ita aou

Mb ewu for thu.- er four daya, until ThDdom opens upon it again. Come, Mr. Ptcayuneit fa. either aoiueUiiug or iiothina I A greater tbat

aau, even Mr. SN-pI.en A. Donglai, oi rr ramt

la an uut;moly end, Ir-m carrytog water on hot.'iBhm-Mer*. Mr. Oeoige Wilkina K. udall, the___i-kr.own tejiior of Tke fnatfiiui, .i.ll revelab Be garden debabt* of aL.-e,. raiaiug, ji* tbe re-

mwisi aud enlighi'-ued iState uf Texas. Mr. M.A. ilait'i'Mk, thr rea.ij.-iit aid maLBging editor,B a natne of M .*«__..'.. .». *t«.

A BBB99B of ibe Secuud Company of LouidianaZa~av. s ba. juat taken place ou l,a."u)ette wjutre.A 08*9*0 eid view flf ti.i_ Kquau . tinc ot the mostfa-B'.i.li..' littlf- pleaauie grout ds in tLe city.giv.-n in llarptr'n WttUf of March '20, in no

B---T-) like Um. I.-'nyftt^ 8<iuare of Ibe preaentdajk. tb aii t i. I.h- tbo City li-t Park io Ni-xv-Tark, tbougr. a tol-rable repr.-M ut.t.nu of whattbo fliiiUU'" waa, 80888 or tigut JeltU i-i.... '1'aa»ie i* irut- tjt ull the other Nrw-OrU-no. viewiW.ieh cc.'i'Uipau) it; they are uueartb.-d, I tbink,Ci-iin an old uutnLi-r of llurpere Mug </.i,e.

Tba I'a.tupauy -rf Zouuvi-H t;u.:it>*r_ 100. Theyare nttired ui red i.-z cap« wuh blue tasaeU,Mue kil'B faced with red, baggy red bnvchea,Bad gatlfl BfllOBB "le.giusa." They bave lij.htbf-e euale* ar« ..: tL.' waiat, aud the-.r gin;.blarkeiB i.nop.d i.vt-r the lelt bfii.ulder ani underIfaa ri^'ht ann. 7 htir wtfr. co_t i.ne i* o: courae

taii-i rut to muke tbem au 8BJa_6 of i i. mlacii'iaiti, and the nuw wu* wit oxn-.l bf twoar faree UnmBaiKi people. M.'iny of the 80upanybave a Vfry juteuile bx.k, aud haudio their gtitiflBB M* they were a litllo B.9-i of them. Tbeyleava t..r l'turacola tbis evening.


BB*- IMOgbOBM kiflllK MES W.V.NTI.D.C-tlTINOTHK COPKIKB HP_AI)Y.THK 11101)1 il'di:

. ..(>-) S POR THK l. x 1 1 M I i'i .

ggaB BM Bir-r *1 L .:.. .|_..-d» .1.

CdAP.__--.TuN, 8. C, April 8, 1861.The dcleritrtn is umvertal. Immiuent aa the

eriais uow seeorts to be, the way in which peo¬ple art ia not a bl.'- anitiiirg. If tbe troopg ou

Mm ia.atid* ifoo't flja.-w more cooloea. they willba iu a sorry fli^bt I'id you exer go to a firewhere tbi.'ri' bx_s nnba-v'y la d'roct, and where

\trtery WtM aud womau .waa doing bia ani herto make matterg g'<> wruug.-teariL^ ofl

itt, pitching crockery;. lffokiUB-glaseee, aodfiaa furmture out of the wi_h>w. aud carefullyeaxrying wortliiea* arti. les doV1 bar pu)rg «.f

Bburd, uul ufely dcpositing lte.u_>^» "«.«»-' secure

Biai'ef If yoa have ever been predOot at aa ex-

htbition of thu kind.ai.d wno hag n-k**.yn are

jprepared te have a pretty good idea oV tbe wayweeple act bere la Charfagtoo. Cen. Il.-ia inyard*ow doaperably demandB .._ thousand zuoraaaen. Five daya ago the Bebelg boaati_'glydaclared that they were "all ready," and vauw.-B-gly hid tha Government to " ooue ou." Now that8.8 t-overnmeut fa cotniug, they cominenoe ieap-6ag about and deouuid tixe thouaand more men!TU tnith it, the eoBi-ctiop prevaiLt grerywhere

that whativer the flevernineat wwlertakee id

njilB-ry no.tt.rj, _n«pired, u tbey faricvn it will

be, by Uaak-Gea. Stvtt, M buind to ouora*.,and faaBBBj, biave aa the*e people wnqfli'-tamublyare, tfay procfaim nt tbe oiilset tbat tbey bavebo coulidei.ee in .heiu.erve«. Tbe five tbouaandmeu wiil be forlhc4.__ing, but they will n-t fa-

?ohliera, only nu excited Biultitude; aod to op-po*e them to n-gular Bnldiera, eaitiipped wrh alltho terrible engncry flf war, d._ci,dii.ed to tbe

higheat point and skiilfully bd by exjier.euiedoflicer*. ib a BBB-BBB8M tbht vv.U thiow a mt/ttjn-apfiuability on whoever baa tho iMBOdiflB- di-

reHtiou of aflaira. Aud yet thia ia wbat will b.'

done.The Rebelg are preparing for a glaughter. All

the OBIgBOBI iu the cty are aharpmiiog tbeir

iiistrumetits, and have baoa ret .m.-d again.t tb~hour when tbeir aervioei w.ll be re<j,uirad to at-

teud on tbe WWBBdad. Tbo ladies aie ail bu.y fapr.pnrmg liut, bdiidage*, and oth.r aiticleaueeded for the cmufort of broken-limlnd andmaimed noldrera. Ambiilancea and littore ui

great numbere are beiog prepared and taken to

thefield of tbe expected batUe; ai.d, with BiadeadfclBtbaagbt. carpi'Dteri have been employed, ai.d

are buaily at work, BBahfag boxw for tbe dea.l,io that it i* the eaaieflt tbn.g fa the wotld f..r a

man to 888981 hifl own 880-8, vvito a reuaiu.ublc

probability of iU Brh-J uacd. Bo you may

iDtagme wbat a atate we are iu.

lt is aaaertod that the Goveruuicnt waa will-

ing U. witl.draw Miij«r Am erw.n, but that Gen.

Diaaiiajflll iu.poa.-d hiiiinliatii.g terma, and re-

quir. .1 tho Major to fltrikr bb flag, give up Bfa.waid, and aurrender tbe fort to lum. Thbneith.T tlie Goxeiument nor Major Anderaouwould liateu to for au in-tnnt. ll wae tbeu de-termmed that Major Audcrmin abould be pro-vM..netl ai.d the btars and Btripes kept fljiugover Fort Sumter. A great many very m icii

blauie Gen. BeejBfBgaid lor iuipoBing auch

Urmi, aud IbBPOhf bringing the impendiug ca-

lamity ou Cbaileaton. The people were willmgto get rid of Major _.ud>-r_ou on aluumt anyteriiu, and th.y regard the 888980 of Gen.

Ileauregard aa altogetb.r BBBB88BflflBiy and a

coatly lolly of whi.h there have bflBfl ao many.But tliere ia no OflOBBB,Gov. Piekenfl i» oon.tantly receixing di.pafehee

from Waahiugtou aud Montgmnery. I Bpeah ad-

vinedly wbeu I -uy that l.e Ib apOB-BB-d with thaaituatiou of affairi, and deai.-s at ihBoet BBJco-t, even now, to prevent a ao-BBBBh Heknows and rcBpecta tbe power aud energy of the

Government Wbether J.-Q. raou Dsvia, on whom

the reHpouaibdity re-ta, will have tbe *aine gflfldBeLBe and per_-p'i<»u of eeiMBfljaoOBfll remai'ii to

be aeen. Many are flBXbaa lhat Duvi* Hl.oiildcome over here, and he b..i beeu tohgraph-d to

cme by tho*e wbo do not like tias u».ly ex-rti_.e*

to whi-'b matterB have fa-en pu-b.d.TriM'ps are pouriug dowa tlie harbor to tbe

Kebel tortir.ra.iotjfl every hour, and n.-arly all cftbem have to p_a directly under tLe BBB. afFort Baflflfar, ao that M-.jor Aii'ieraou'fl n.en can

almoat caiuLt their uuinber a* they go by. Kxtra guard* BJO pl.-ced 8808 »H fafl BOaBBM to tbe

l.lai da, aud 9-BB-g ifl known of wbat ia tranr-

piring there but what ruinor d-taili. I Lave

jiiflt parted with a uuinber of friei.ds wbo bave

beeu ordered to join their regunent iu the lortifi-catioufl. The wordi of one, apokeu tai my ear

only, were: '* Tbia ia a cruel and unn-oeeaiirybflpdflMOOa I A"1 reaiiy to L^Ut for BBJ e»u..trv;but am comtM-lled to tigbt again.t her. Myb'-art ia not iu lt; all my fneu-i are in New-

Ennlaiid, wbere my wife.." Here he wbeab-into line. and giviug me a hearty ahahe af the

hai.d, witbout bflbb-f iut" Uiy f*c<1, mar-hol od.Tbere are very many lueb eaa>i.

Tbe cxpediiion of the Goivrniiient hai beenehi seu at a favorable niomrnt. We are now

having the Spr.ng tMjOO, abiih wnl mai.-riallyad tuo paisage of abipa oxer the ban of tLeharbor.Tbe Floating HatU-ry will be taken down tLe

harbor to-nigbt or to-mnrn.w.





OI'I'ONi N'lf HIJlKXLOIl.<)l W BI KOU BBBBB.BEI'l ltl.lt'AN _r_BB-__t9-__-i

Froja t.ntt Uwa Ccnrapoi¦ rnV.

B-kLT-HOBS, April 10, 1661.Tbe city i« qui.lly awuitug .the deoouement

ot tbe 198886 088^888.0 e.vlnbilion of Biaefllfaap«iwer by the Padfltfll -Jovaruuient, m tue fullli.! .-! that it will iinke torror into tbe lu urti ofIbe Bebflb, But few hfloaabaal baBBra lhal JaCDavifl will :)a-iii:ie tbe reNpoumbiiity uf uiuugu-

Irating a coule.t of fo.oe.Notwith.taudiiig tbe pan.age of Gov. Wi»e'fl

reBoliitiou by Llu- Virginia Coim-i.tion, aaaum.i.gto reo"L'n_e, in tbu 89488 flf tbe people ot thatState wbo voU'd down beo»--ion laal Fcbruaryby a mnjonty ol fjO.OUti, tbo 84888.fldoBM oftlie J.ff. Davia H-glfl BOflBiabjr, tiie 088889,18*tors will _ind, Ms.BB49B tbey d.ire oahtBtt the

qik'stioi. of recogmtiou to llu ir m_ :»-.--, thattL'-y will be overw iclmed.

Tfce OBBlflgfab of Kebeiliou aud laB9B9BB| IBBttee, ari out opi'ii-tnouthed in the prc.a, trj ngto aaary tbe aooBtib-lioaBl Wmuftt tt tue 1'ieai-dent to eSflBBBI the lawx, and are iiiiiiting lhatthe re_4_t iniliiaiy hud uavul p. .paiftlioriB are

not aimed at all at the Montgu.ery lteialliou,but are niert-ly for defenee. iJow coiiscieoce

doth BBB. 09*88194 gf ub all when IgfBfOl in a

bad cauae ! Tbeae npologiMta wiil aoou haxc au-

Iotbi-r ktriiig tmplay upon.M Tbe Fugitiae Hlavo law can never be exe-

_ute.l," ueed to -B the outcry of tbe J..;l>« la when

tbey beld the retna of power io W-flflB-aJIfla, tud

they purpoa. ly kejit thi* quefltiou 0889 f«r m*

litical Bgitatiau. 8-« hflfll Mr. UaeeoVfl Adtuin-iatiatioo executea it, irfflB in Illiuoih' 8o U-rri

ble haa the certainty o. At OXBOailUfl fa'come, iutbe eyea of tbe lugititea tbem.rlx. _, that tDeyare flyiu^ to VictoriflkB uto domiuioua byhuudreda.

Kiuce the power of t_e Fcderal Qtm nimfotcan exert flueh a migLty iuAtfeDOfl i.i lhe execu-

tion af a aingle cr.ae, under tuk. odioua liw, it iato be boped that it will be 8k\mttti OM longtoward the proUxeti'.n of citizens \ti tlu- I'mtedJSi-iUa iu Negrodom from tho sav.i'gt* leaefldaily cxecuted upou unofleuding ptfot a, nu-

pected of uot being wor8hi(jera of tbe\.Fi tiwlt Mtup by the cotton Lorda a* tLe god of tbeir* idolatry.Fn mi an exleudtd intwrcourae with tbe le.nl

ing Kt-publicauN of Mary land, I am happy to.bear witneas to tbeir unabated oouudence ioG«v. Heward's bdelity to the cbum ef Freedom,ootwitkctaudiug tbe _u-j-Jjoui effprti ot bit former

..ppoiH*ll_4 h*T****a.Mlt lor Stfliet Uiillltba paBt lu

-b-trai't from bia Jnat f-ire, by dmgxi... bim

rkrwn bi tbe iWI of OtbH*a-M*, TMb* d*v

iracfor* l.nvM fuin-d out, Bl tbe Inat fovv day*,tb.it Uie) bavei bad 'beir I >b..r MF their puin*,und bure Maa flBMBfhH u f.i". Their reeent

eulngiuni* «f Itfl g'"*1 bbBBMBBM linve, tbere-

fon-. bflflfl aui'denly eh-nceil into Vxwrait-.na.One good thu.g eune out of Gov. Kevvard'a

coiirae lat w'li.ter, nnd it MM wnrth nmre tlnu

all thut wua di.n- m Ihal tryug penod. HiaaVtaaaa of H'p'lb'ienniB'ii ifl hi* ifte*'. JuniiaryBfMBMa, anJ in I ib MMtaBrif <b bat* with 8e'iint.>r

Maion, wat eariioel fa "BflfJ man MM eouldreud in iba Sluv*. 8'ato* by tb*t very joumulatbat used to deiuuince h m witiumt et nt as rhe

author af tbe "irrepn -s.Me eoiifliet." T\eUaUimore Ameriean. t'-at. f-nnerly pir-urd b'Uiwith the nerii'iit niul.gnily, flfl-Mtflbal l.ia Junuary*(*-.-(.h eiclusivel), a«d . iriula'i-d nol IflM th*n

IO.(HMI i-t.p.-f of Ltat n.'blo ii. i.-ueea of Kepubli-MflB-MeOur Reoeainiirata were him-ring, no to within

a few divr paal, tbat (.ov. _fafl~flfi wai uot ufa-.-i.ri1 attli the Prendent upon the queation oftrentii j,- tho Mii'ifC'.ii. ry IiVhellnui, ai.d that a

ili-aolutuin of the Cet-ine-t wa* ii.«-\ittail**. Tbeyiiiivv _ive it up, Iii diiif that tlu-v bave buro «n

the wn.iig MflBB, atiit are svtearing at the Oov¬ernor with ii.eieaaed xa*oT, aa he n_ tbe AjaxTelau.oi whoBO MftMBJ anu ,a dealmg deetrtic-t'tiii upon tbe rankfl vt the traitora to Uie Fed¬eral (yoveri.uienf.The bretd ijueatinn in our rity ia ratber gnth-

ering atrength than olherwun*. Ibe -our-e. of theCouncil* in abai.d.iiing tln- buildin_ of the new

Aluia-Ho'iae and <he new Cy If-all. bat throwuout of emplo) bundri-il* of able bodu-d jtiecbanica;and ye-te-nlay wa* ieaaMnt4Ml a rearrai.ge-meut af the City Kail".inl IflflaBMa, b) ouu-rut

of the paitea io BMMMMB| but, in rnae of a

failure, tbe wbol* tubji-ct i* m ba tiirovvn mUi

tha Coiirt*. In either cu.e. the diafurbuiu** will

nperut" agiiiiikt. the ate-ndy enipl'.yii.ent of lilwr.II..w the otits-ry fll breud it to b«* n.et i* i..t

difliinetly B4»en.

It ia n itiiiiier of in. littlo _ra'ifiratinn to thefni'iid* of the Ailmiiiiatr.it ou m this Stav. to *eo

that it I.a* appo.riU-d BBM Imt l.'-pnh ub t"'!.'.

Piwt-OAWa wh.ch have beeu f.lid tn tho wuu-

tajB, In ihiB tliing, Mr. laineiiln and .Judget-bif n-tlt-ct Bafl ui.a'.iuioufl wit.hu of the _b>publicana of kluryland.

MI6CE_____-VNEbuaflfl- ¦


Cirrripendrnw *f Tke fc*. T. Trlt au*.

Jflg-Va-Mflfl llAiii.nKa, M>., April b, I1-'.!.

peeirir in uiany pup. r* to oriiit ext'iii aararaajbIsijhI and true tu ti.e .o-utry, ai ,) e-jvuulv by leud-

flTflj an a.*.>i.ut iu Tht .V. I.om» l)e>*mrrat, bow a eer-

lan tompaiiy of tb* Uiuud Sa.e. ariuy belravedatihe BanaadM aftM D 8. Ars-iuJ at I.i'.ir Kiott,atrksiiMie, u mbbU n"i M e.nt ..I aMaa M bMbrai MMl.,bl v- !...tv fliiiii. inilj BM VmUi Stuf.fl pre'(.ny MflflKiveil Op te. t'T -e.r.le'B, nlld ef*»t**C'aJly III B SllkleBfhlrli ha* l.een alui'-rl Ut_U.ime.-r lor thi I'.-si.ti. ( B| L

l"i.uen. Ue K A. wiv .lur. itiei l.v tl.e W.r l>r|wa!ti_eiitto L.kr (t'lniiiand "! I'e iilori-t.. d ar-eiinl. vbnilly I*-

lort- u.e Seaeaiion iuutrii.nu c uii.ri,Ord. Ou or *iiaiiii

Bbb IMM thM aarf, i*j ', naataa r,a.hr.i kMCaarfhaatl kl th* S.r.-ri,!.i»'» vtoll.d atlm [t U) lukr ll | I'nitrdSiatr* proprrty, but tiie 11.-U of the mmni-iui aukihed_t tl e -..-ri. In nlv iiinx daya a(ie-r*--ai, . a <r.v»d.ft-eewntry OilllUM, UMN-tly uikeu_i--el, aa*. luhlrel u, Uie vi-

ciouy of llre cily "f Leilile Bfll ". «>id i.n the Urxt daya ar.e>fc> clleitrei ar..iu.il ihe t)»\en...r'* boaflfl ta> thatiiiiiiUr of about ikOO n.eu, ai^ di i:.:u,.lt.l ll.atheri.aad de luer il a t'ni'"d ItMaa Hflfll flM MBMflflk-flflU> U eui. The (JoVrfTior ap, la 1 t" tbe t'.|iiun ciu-

¦BMBB-hJ tbe ara, i.j,l, an.l t.i-i ll'ul he w . ,id ii") l-e

iee| ..i.rii.lr if un iiil.la-k, vri-a BBBB-h 4'nj'. T. r.euldD't n.rre i.iler lln-pte.|s it;. vt.de,m eliovv i,.j- eein.e re-

k-BBMBB, aud aree.i.iuu lv 1. e flaf _*>|.,rr Ue e.y|-e-,ie_ti.e al ain »ii«. k, lie rn. ... .! ei v .in.a u, he nvnuicd in

aWlVMMMM] "> 'lie aaa nul, i nd Ivtei iu ibe BfkBM,and BBBM Ml uiuvk, te M or BMBBflV Tl r urr. i,_l w ,.»

foltitie.) 'tp.i.k,' eiMUijxh to rtoun ihe allaek <>f 1,-00ii.eii nl'll.r rrj/,,1 ,r axii.v f.r a K.eod uiai.v wrrlr, audU Capt. T. Iad *' <>*tll tl r rii_ut, ,i rrwlali,,,. r, Ul*ui-:. BBBBai BBVBf baBfl __8flaJMM a'titr-iiij/ le iti.

1 r ceiiiuiiMiid i (' ,; I I n.u.r'. SflTM BBBflkj wilhplrnty of auinnniiti ti and ptov.ri.n*, ahib a «<> ,1buauv nf tbe ri.tiit.a did i "I have ue re thaa flM n.m dof uiiiiuiitniiou. Atnl 1 never aavv a c ui| .ii,) ul -n-:i

mofe willu g (odii.if tiie gaaa md f.nlfy il.e p.uetbaa in tl ai beMatea .¦ .t M tM *..me t w* they faaaadtluil thi r 1'ii: --A ou iti I* 'or B*t*B-bflJ, ao.! tlut tho flVir.vl.ililvl* Winild -et Uie I'.lled HaflBB BflBfaf-f Wlt'..

aal ini.tk' aahat ttntj M~feea*k4aatataaafl ;...- i_i kt*lervu-w vv i.n Ihe flflflflafa flflflBB flM" k', -nd aiud tl.atB tfflttbl M B aMflBBM gJT8 flf Iha urveln.1 to a m h"adlit-te-il by BBflflflfl-Bl bM, (ln tl.e m-xt day ihe Wiiulearr.eai wae au ri inleii d 10 thfl 0-BBfBBfk

jlul the l,e *l |.ert ei l!e !:.."'>' il|'I eiieil ll fetv rlav a

ttffervAktrd, iihcil ra ve'Ii u,i:, n i. lt nf ll.u CllV i I lilll.vI.(*-k, where- the AflflBBBBf wa- rainpiiii* swr_i'ingf.ir iha Iviikt lo t.tkr ihein i.nt of the K uie. J.i.r'y inthe BMBB-Bfl BM Daltta Sat'i _~atB~a wm, i.|.|err.l Ui

holu thflflBflfltfM in MBfl-fl e* b fnll .ii.ib.rm to r-ri-ivetl e iriuniphul car aaafflylflflj onr aVsBM tav-BMBBB-bf,MBMBfaatta by the BOJflfl-ff Mflffl Arkauri.itia. Thecar was otn:mii nt'-1 BrBh BBJBfglBBa flM laaraf far-

lunels, he-tliUg II li.'ii..., " Vte knovV I.i n l.iib to ioVtfhiui.

It was flflflaafl d by tvto ronipaniei of Ar'sa'i BMtiiii'ia, aad a talbatf baad. AittrrtM anbal <J tbepres rra.l.n tU 'I e 888 p, thr ."seit llera deliver, d Be ffffl]a~aaahea,flraartiukj Ihat ( i|t. T. laing a Hinihern

BBBB, kfld aaMB lua duly bf givilikt ivrlh. I'niudS'atia pnii-erty lo ihe .bM-flBbaMa, MflBtbflf vt it li a

_i.,il inait* i.i.nr eii-li < inii| inii-ntvi v ii... l. re. TleI'liiied Mu.e.-. iou.p,Any wua pflrbMlf d't Bttfld With|M wh'le |sr!.,rfiiaii.e, htit it was uot io Ib.-ir BBBBMMflhofctrita Thb b lba iraa aaaoaM tt ita BBrr*Mtk*fe.f llia- BfM nul, hM I an. BM tl c l.-ar' m d BBM thal ifthe olli Bf io louiini nd M if bM li.iii fflflfl bir (itiiv, ttaI't.iled fbMM pri,,.rlv U.ere woulel b. iti ibkMB.ol the k'-xJ'-rJ tnsipa M tbe presmt liiue.



r*.TVTrMI.*V Bf CTIilU NfciW-YOl.K MLtlllLItS.

T» tk* l.tvitlalurAif ik* Stat* iij Aee* Vbtt.Tho undrn.i.'r*«fd li*"!* le.ive M aiiomit u reply to Ibe

BbtesBMtt a,p. i.e.'* .1 bj iir. Uafk Dadkj tt* MMthflrtj.iit of U e iiu*,u"'y "I iM t-a-tMBB-B-M BM to Uie

C'ltiiette-n.i (.'.ii.ieifl.".. »t Ua--' f.Kiou, raafafltbtj hiaubr-nie . u tle In.-l v. «.< in tfr.it bfld] BB -M BeflaaBMBl___B__hBBBM tO t * Ool.i.flltl -li o! (Im I'liiu-.l .M. tea.

Tl e imt "f bb ihflaBM '» BB-B_ttM lf Mr. t-ield, undau. mpiml Ui Ira defoud d ai Kr"»' 'ength. But Mr.Field hus omitted M atuU thflt, by iM Hib nite of BMCuilMflbfl. lt leditaievl I al " Ho lut/uber ahould Lo" ah-eui fmni ilui Couveuii,-., wi aa to ii.le-nupt tle" MffalMB-tba of tltts bato, without Itwve." br.Fieid flehbfrw*fri BM8*tflhM_ I Mfeif Hb(--n<e, iu.dbaa-0a,BB , MBaafd to dia< I_4ir-e hm duty,UtbI B aud bis colUuguei. Uf. F..-I.1

dors n.if IhM me'le any applicai.ot to-lie Conrtfor a leuipt .arv |i-i'|>04ieinenl of hia earo, iu v-ev? of

tba i_i|s,ruiit IflM tl'-« uiviii to be taki fl intl.e Couveutioii. But, on tii. coiiirary, iirnties to

ahow tliat his duty to his client was paiamnuntIB bir duty as B -.'onia-Mioiier of ihe rJtuieof New-York, on u tineation involviug tbabik-ieat CoiialitoUiuiil principlea. After Mr. bloldbad *iate4 in the t-rv-eucr) of hi* w-taguaa io lba Coa-

e-utii*. that _.¦ wa* hlfaed to po immedtaiely w. tbe

BflfaaBB ('oart af the Uniied Stmea he wa* urged byBb. aa wfa» _4.r» e*l with 'him fa ophiion, to remai... andgive lha vote tt the State aprdnei die profKaed amend-bh .us; ano war 88888.61) to'd tbat bbal*ei'Ce wonlddivide t/'« v.'Ui. Ti i* waa #> Btaie.i to bia. by lhe mi-t, .ri.y of t'.e Con ti.i-aioi.era, and that it wonld he ao

t_.iu.ed by Uiein Leftrre the Conveniion. He refiinedto n miiin, ni.rt wiih il.e full kuowl. d^e of the e_> ct of

bb888*899aa|ha qt.flt-- abaattoho BBeBjbalBBth- r.inx-eiiil.in. nnd thu* lafaafad the vote of I ifl Kt-ite.We who reiiiiiiiied fa our flhOM felt dceply the eiuhar-rMM-ueut und ihe n-tiutrliB whicb were tiuu'e in oonae-

.ineno- nf Mr. PlflM * flrt-h_bWW_. We had IU>. dilv,up to iliMt Baa. rUrtiiine.l with bim our nwu, aml xvluitwe ln liev.-d Ui Ih-, tl.e aei tinient of lha 8'aie, iu f.ivorof Kreedoui; mdx'.ere thenforo entirely uii'irepar-dfor BBflfc a iieu-ruiuuition on Ln pnr». Nor ia our Btir-

prie. I *_>-ned hy tl.e mannea nnd tlie BBftBbobB bywhi, I. I' hiis, Ht gre.it length. defended bia courae on

thia aasaafaflh Tl.e vote af Maw-Yerh wh* not d>-rlared until after the vote whicb hid l»een p-evi-cii.It taken in ua delrgalion tm! been r-tated, nor

ontil an appeel hai b»cu m.de u. ihe Convention, andretiiBeil by ita Preaideat, to euahle bia .oUe.g.ie* to

BOBBBMtl.e vote, in tleflBBBBBBTb-B OhaOtaMB of tliedele|.-itioD. Hy hm al.iei.ri. the vote of N'exv-YorkBBBad-TM to flve, and it wu* under the decJfiou ofthe (. mventii'ii 88088, that lhe vote waa d'flarcd to

faa divided. Mr. Fi.ld 880 ataud that lhe otuian. .1 to

rec rd th- voieof New-York BgabM the atneudine.it*,u i.a not 8-fliag t" any art or oniiaaion of hia, bnt U)

lhe etfurt* of lhe mit. nity of thu dele^ution, or tomt

of ihe.it, lo preven' tl.e expreaaimi of the opinion ofthe nmjority. Tl.e ohj< etiou waa inude alter m*ire to

hun tl ai it wonlJ l>e uaide, and tha Convention aua-

uuneil it. henoe the voie wua loet hy l.ia aheenre. Nori> the opmion of Mr. Kield eulitled tocou.idera'ioo,wl»*n he impnUB to tbe mujorify a want of fideiity to

him, in not rluiming and adhering to the vote wbichhad boen taleii when all were pr.-aent, and whichwaa afterwurd r.ndeied null bv hia aheetue. Tbeyd'd adl ere (o ii. aud eiuleavored to BBM tbe vote ai-

BaadOBghr, lt BM bta duty to have lieen preaant. aiidto bave ilma nivan «flect to that whicii bad baaa pre-vi.uiflly a_n.ed to. Mr. Kield aUUea, aud truly, tl at

Li* eolleaKiie* refured to BO.8 in a joiu' reluiiuu ofthef_.tji ofthe cuie. T ey refnaed, becain-e tl ey were

int .Mtirfied with hiflcouri-e, and wuuld not la* rr.pnn-aible f >r it, i.i aiy »ay. Up to the moiiM-nt of hia

lertvi.ig BB Conve lii'ti, Mr. Kield hnd marnfet. »d

great BBfll xnd ahihiy in euatiiitiinK aud <lef.-ndiu* theBB-BOOpfafl wuicb a uajoiii-«.f Ue delev. Bba deaired to

advoruU:, und Li* fnilure at the la*. flfld B-B9980 vot*,W8a IU. tltu Xpefletl H* it WB* ilidefcUrible.

joiii a BBBB, A B lAMWt,WM CIT.Yl. WM. .14- 1 WAL3W0RTH.

JAMKSC. SMITH.thm>Wtn\ M.ich --, Mkt

i.atfk fi.uii n:\.\s.Tbe afei.tpahi lex.j., Capt, Fflwbr, from Indiiinola

tb- 1*1 and (laheaioii lhe 96 in-t., arrived ai .>'..»'.0.1MM«tba (Ib. Iieit Iking ot.taide l*.i-.< iixallobai 188 If hflfl tle D S. .lo t-i'.-xv-r .M-.haxik, Hndt!,. BMflaabUa Ba»ftta Cby aud Si..r..f lha VA'e-f, wait-ing fur D* a* iaw9i9aia ta BawYara.

Tl u fl'emii-hip KaaLiin faa MBB flbartOred by tler. s Cov.rn i.etit tn isaaaaaattba liaeaa 6mm Ia.di tu I- io has levhll'i Lar.

Tl e *;._., al i O.i.itia. « agt, I'l.xe, Mrrivel id In-diau-Lon lhe .llat ult., aftera fi'C--rfi)l ni;. to l_-va,a, w*aM aha Maolad al ba baigM ard pa** ag. mon ll ... Wb nf- Ihfl ai. iner xx.a rfU ived I V th- | eo-

pl. ot LaSBM wi'h 'le.r. .le*t ei.ttniaiu.-ii , BflM threeri ,. i* wi te giieti hv lleli. fur MnfiB Af Borg I. aadi Bta, I Iv- I fawha Jilof.Bii ni ii J. ('. Iluni-, - -.,

iv, i- aaa apaa m tbaOifaaha tHmm Maanii dat1*1,.,.. li. iiiiruh. brfagBsa.rtfabtforN*w_Or.Irai- li l.ial-e lallia .id * I- l M 1-Hil Irom l-va ,».

ihr lea_a 1*9 io port tx laifafladafafa Myaflfa,faa Nw-V.'k. -tfcbargfag; ictaa-ar baaiwda,fr .., N-xv ...tk, faa * k tm Saw .."I .> v l-ixa'-a,,..it i ie t e faw, wi.l fag Ior r. au.ii.dcr of rnrgo I nj\f..i NrkV-.i.rk ... , ,

T! e | io, ll>r I_oui L.i.a Irft IflS-Bflfllfl oa ll.e I.tfafll t' -r Lflt .-aaafi r C ri faa of tle 1*' re'er. to i e rnmor InatuM.Ampii-li. »i l.'i )«d f o\otk) tio..|i, wua wiihiul'aln.ile- ¦¦. BiaWI fkllle. '...d a.l.la:

TLi* ret* rt l.a- br»n BBM I'V <'>l. Fl id to t!i*B'tiuri ie* .f Tflaaa. Cal Pafldaa .¦ bm IbflTesMral B-aera a B*aa aavflb, ad wiB daabtlaa ha abfaUirrpal-ny atU, k lle k.exi BBWBMJ veutioe to make,

i li wa il iuk ili-v will ruiake 8888, We atflpaMih*l Uiev «re hi<--«jaii!. ul :i 8N Meahlfld by iippr.-i.eii-*i mt m favafaa Bb b ie»a» tian bBataaaad i>. farad.ba il i» flaaia.A c>nr*|.tcut Bl I'valde wiite* to TrnwrnmrnAt'

t mo* t.jy ,.j M f. B-WB1'.'Iie Iie iai * jc roirmillril *om« freah depreda-

tioi.a. ai d aBhaflgfl aeefl-f.9 -M-P8M baaaaBSfl.av i." xi.ii uihv iml lu.ke bsawdaft-MB. Thaj * aiaH 1 .1 ol liorae* u.ar iJlii.l.la .1. Slleliik laat. J...UI 1*

bBBBBB-. Au ih< i party laxei.ic.i aatfa 6*1 ballianM Lttt Mofa ifTSB Btfl. .! besaBB W 008|bb|.,.,' aM "u Bkf I. il' . i,.it,iuid*ij.uv fifieaiior tariityf.ili ili. . LmV, tlh.vai iuto i(.''MFahaaa f»«M I i f_afa«rtbal C8L I MaalBa,

in e (l.e u'ltl.o'ily of the S.ile I'ucei ii,.n, I. <a I..-iiaki-M a*BMpt 8-M8 fa ua fr lactfaa af the BaalfaBa*ith a .1 weai "i Ijj" V' "> iDr.TbeeaeM I!. .i/l-r.-, In mar nilir of t'e f.r-.

li HII |*|cr li"*)* / /.. -r,. I.;t .1) lli'iul. i b-9wih Ifa -flflfllp, in aaflBflaf wi L nt lui.ie fa.. iliea,Lie.lul fo -V.i.U,.- ll Sl.Ai.o. aV ti.il'i, i.u.tau lugtwn.'f'i.ti iliaa. p«-*,-.l n p u((t' i.ur ciiy ie .M.uliix,lhe '.-,'h, b uiiid for ('jilifiMni.,. Thb BMtfl "ii.e- fmuii li..iou. T-wyaspaMto ba faiaad oyatflrMafl tflt.- Iiu v. |.,in- i.i u.i.rii'i.'ii bawaBiagdafly,aadipixel wh - nu will y.D bar- lk nu. fl BBM w o

di .¦» ot liilk f nu.vi u, B d MBB IhflM Ifl88 'ii"ne-

i'.i e -.imi, r g-d, ..i. I li'hi.l, :(. (.'l.li rn., Viu e.1,s :* li. vrr Bi*ii. there vk ili e un i.w lal e_ial.i- Ir lu

ii. r Li: d "t 1oW-.a, Bfld, li'lurto, pldil); l.l.d ll 18

1.,( t w..nl ler* 14 ho Bie ({. ii y, i.l i 8 li iiT r I I't.i"" !¦' C uit-- ui Sii'unav I al i8yai" Nii t c.-mi flafaa left bere lln- limn 1 « M lha

Btaaaaa Kaahfaa aad ihe bImmm r .1. Q kleMiallfal..k- |, lo l.e t,-.i.atefMii tulii e Iiu- li.ii iii'be *:.-..i. tra

11, v ii, g in ii'. v 'i en. io th. ii .!>*>; i.. -. 11. n ¦¦*. six ofth* come. iiea l.-loni_ io the Sid CatalfP, atid taflBflu r -r 888-88886 of C*|t-. glMSBiaa, 1 184. .", H' druhier, ni d I.ieut*. Barri-fB, J- ) r, ii"ii lli iflbbll ..

Ji e oU er ll r.e nuipai i l 1,-Ioik 18-lha lll l .la'il.y,n¦ iifu .i un. _ki.il nf I'apf. Klug,I arpantar aadCa'd.-.xil'.i.d i- ut*. Mn*er und M.eil.n rne. Tfa au.re-1,1 ia r i .. i- (< i i-x- lu.aik-u i.l .'ic , mu | -k. . n.i.iid

il j«i.. Ii i. aup|o-eii 'i.ir raat-Mtfaa i.- Baa*\.uk Tl. ae tr.-.| - In.vehr.-i.iii .p Bear lha rityn-i er-1 x t. ll I. aadarWrad t' a' 'eu ci'te. i.i'ie- a e

i i.w ¦ t. *ir wuv ber» Ibaa Baa OaMafa. law afw l.i, h i.rii\-i:il ut tbe ciiiiip U i- M ri fag, 11 ij. Immrntkga ui. ieu *i. i ai ti e eaap fa j mmbwi ".



Kaa. Our Own C-*rrrapo_>d«t>-.Hapaba, Aprll ii, 1661.

Tbe CrtNBIBflBBaaN Is 1'iiropi' from the South¬ern Cflabflbflflfj Taigi Bt*d oad Wm. I.. \.n-

,.Cy.niiiie.l here Apnl il 09 BM tBOflfl-Shif lln-viina, and. with 'tinr le^alion mife, |ggh rooma

at Mra. liicwer'a llotel, ('iilmno. ,Iud_e RflMliins hifl wi!e and BBB aitb liiin.Wt l.e' beingbit 1'rikiit.k laercfl.ry. Mr. Walker Kt-flrn .- the

Bflflfladflrj "f the Ciiiiiuiia.itin. The (.'oinnii-flion-ei| -iu bt and received the BBBlBBbfl and a'f.'ii-tio'.j flf the Ilnliih Co.miil-Ueii. .: I, .) 888)1 T.Oraarbtd, OOOU, I'.it.-a,! of tho pr,.iii-r,d Be.vtcea

ol ti." I'lUlMl'-lii-ll' Idl ol tflf l.'llltad B-flbfl-* XVlill

leiiiUHifl Bt bn poat until hi i 088888888 aruxeJ.

Bai ('"I- Chai.i .'. Ht.o ¦* a D_faa ¦ au, mdthat may poiMI ly OIMBflfl IbHr BfaIgafaf BBBBBBjMr. Cnmtmi bbbI a bbbb featbe __beataaeeartaiant whai i.our it woaM i"- agraaa le to i ,ipt..n.-(ji h-

eril -iviiitio to reci'.o tne OoOBflafaMBBMI, I LuBBB-Bai to pa) I i.< ir aaaBBab to I.m; aud). iteiday,ut 1'. ui., wu. .i|iiN)iiititl. At the BBBB BBM BBBMau luvi-i'.on to tbOBB diatiuguiHli'd gintb en todiw .it Iflfl Pafakda, whi<-h tbey did, M8 frtm, laateir'liil'g at e-k ,ii, the Bffflflh ('(). ai 1 (,i-:n-r.il,barioo ilouo tlu oflatBal b-V-iaa tbe dny pr.-. ,.ud,ut h:a -(.inht-ul 188889888 iwur MB) I'eim. Al Mr.Liuxvi4.ru'. thu UOBBBI aiomrfl were ula> ei.!<i-taiuod hut mght, tbo ociu*iou ueiug ou«< of his cu.v

louiiiry xki .-Idy i«'ii.pt"'iiH. bo tbeir BMflflBflMaOBwill I'juitiiiiie; buk buniueaa ia not iicompiuh'-dwith the BBMleh tVy auticipaU'd. They go tocotiiitriea where diplotuary «s a profession.wherejtata. meu are educaU** Ibr the poflition tbey are toofoupy.where the doet'rine met M obtato, that


beoao-a a man is a flrat-rat* Bhskernuknr or hatcr,of iicceHaity h»> muat bo a good lagiabtor, judge, or

si-itemnan. They do not aeem to anti-inat* tbatan iiniuediate treaty with the " ConfeHlemte Mtateiof Aiuerica" would ubrogiite a treaty uuvle in goodfaitb und national bonor witb the "United 8t_te-of Ameriea;M and that of n-oeaeity tbey rau.tbedeluyed in the buflineaa tbey go upon. until they are

reeogiiiied oa an indepondent nation by those whomtb y have deaerted. The great -tateeinen of Eog-lnnd are not going to be eaught by auch *oft dipio-MBt«/e Hut tben the Coininieainnera will av sigtata,and have a jolly time where tbey go*.be it iu Lon-doii, I'aria, or Madrid. Thea powera inny makeanned objectioD to any iuterforeuc* or ob-ttae Ic"put tfl their i-e.minereiiii brttM-tMrae with nny port*of Ameriea, North or South, but they will not re-

cogniaU' tbe independence of "the Confederate.Stut.fl af Ameriea" for the preaerif; and any argu-im-nts tbe Commiwiiineni niuy deaire to presentwill have U. be eonaistent with th. ir national obligi-tioi.fl before they cau bo mado elfeotive. The Coin-mi**'ioiie-8 will leave on the BritMh mail BMBBMf to-mormw for Southornptou, ond thia flfltMM flf th.-niwill pieeedi'their orrivul iu Iaond.ui, where "firr-IflBill" are kept on ahow for a ahillii.g n night, at

theordiunryjugifiery and gin sulooim. I Mflffl MflConimisHionerB tn paddle their MMMBMfl, uutilthey give. me aimetbing new to aay of tlu BB, wbichmuy posaibly oecur before tbe departuru ol tho ib*8oto.The BtoAmer Coatzacoalcofl arrived here yeater¬

day with liiur or five eomp.iniea of l'nited State*:Cii'valry from Texaa, un tbeir way to New-York.atiieliaiking body of men.and phyaieally able tuhold their own when ver they minht be put.Tbe troops -ent down and to fonn the Spnnish

army of oecupation ofthe Doiniiiicaii I.'epiiblie williiiitnher about 7,000 men, abuiidantly aupplied withevery nifeterial of wur. The army ia to be ooni-manded hy an e_perienc*4l b__b~M of high reput-i-tion iu the serviee, Hrigadier-Oeiienil Pelae*, wbohus fillVd tbe jrintiiioi. nl Ad|iit.i:ii-(i.-neral of Cuba,or chief of the staff of tliis islund. The troopsl.-.st seut from here, have been thcCoronu Kegimei t,-,(;(0 men, eomuiondcd hy Col. (,Mt-__MM|higiinent laabel '-Wond, 1,000 men, under tbegaii.uit Col. Aiiiiiblu Kscaluiife.- a sqiiadrou ofMtf-JaTI tMfl flflBBMB-bfl of artillery, ordnarire andeiiginet-r offii-eri aud uien, to Iiii flIBfJ depaitmentnnd branch ofthe a-rvice, and to supply incideutalor BiiiKtmuuierary wai.ta. The fleet gone downwith ihe vitsselfl whieb have bil for the aame pointI'loiii the eouthaide ol Cuba will make au irresistibleduplay. The serew-frigut-'B _aa_BM ond Beren-gncla; the large war B-flMMf liuibel la (.'at4>liej_(Bidi-wheel)j the seeond cIubb warateumer Veliiaeo,and ImbbbMJ or deared any quantity of ateaineraand old sluvers, are tl.ua suved fromB-BBfl-B- The City of Norfoik, forleitod totbo Oovernment as a alaver, a wbale-abipeaught a few daya since at siyi, afU*r having dia-Hi.iiL'-d a cargo ot 700 m-gns-s upon the north aideot l uba, not U.r from " Bul.ia l.ond.t" iuuding; audtwo tin-r -ia.e vesselB, vvhieli were diauiuutled atIbfl Nuvy-Yaid, bflM-MBMM put to thia carrying-fle-TMa, TlM at-'iunera Pflbffl ai.d Pujaro dtlOflBBM have been eharteTed, and BM alu-ady d_B>ehargiiig their cargoea of MMBB, 999m\ muiuiionB,aud troops at r«t. Doitnngo; aud the ajinexution ofthe D.'iiiiiiie.'iii Kepublic hus uiidouhtedly lai u eon-

aiiiiiniate'd, attiiully agait.at tM will of tbe people.lliasuid here that a Spaninh Coloiiel Fort ia tbeaiithor ef tho procliiinatioii flf buntaiii.; aud ihattM whole datflg ia Spuniah, througii ihe eiiugrautapliii-id hy tM Cioveriui.t-i.t thflflfl for thut pur-P la, and thut the only nutivo partiers to Uietnnister of l_h*f-_aM fnuti tl.emselvea to

lontgn power have bf*B the Pn aideut audBfl oi thn*e other promiuei l and influentutl citizrva,whohiive Mm BBM tor at h.nherBfMBM tban theyflrflfltd hrmg ui any oth. r maiket. Thia MMM to betrue trom tne pneclumat.oi.. '.he dnte it bt-urfl.tbeBflflffiflflM prepuration bflM "' autu iputn.u of the" .-.lauulty".uud tlit) Wi-ll-k:,nvvn leet of einiera-tn ii, ifldflfwd by Spuiu tfl Bt. I'oinii g.i, w.th bbmb>iee-8 of piotii'timi aid t.-vvard, whieh waa thenaekiiowleiliied, by fflfflMM MBfl Mflffl iu the royct--n.-fl, to Im- f-.r llu* BgTfflflMflf future lefliflJ-tflB,Th*. tiiue* has only beon K'nu-r than wa« aut.oi^todhy a >ear or two.Ihe be-dth of Ilavana iag.iod, busiueaa not im¬

proved, aud itiulideiit'e- waiimif.

J. T. BUCKINOUdXAf.Mr. Joa-pb Tinker Bm kiiip*- uni, the vef. ran jonr-

nul.rl of Xew-Fiigland, flVfld in Cflaabf__|Ba, klase., oo

Thuraday nie.rinijr, at tle iu..- of 81 ycam aud fonruioi ha. He wua horn in Wiudlraui, Cmiu. HiflfaLherexbaoflted ba whole pioperly iu eupportlnif tbe Ameii-cau aruiy duri'.'H the llevi.liili'.u. ai.d die-d March 17,171-3 leaviug a (turiily wiihoui auv meaua of s.ipfort.Dflfla. theiAe ciicunu-tai res ilu-y beiante ») redueedthatll.*y were obiigeil lo apptai b tM towa olfiiiuls fora-rist-uire, aud were *upporteti by them fi>r a Wmfer,when they reinoved to Wafth-Bgtaa, Masa. Here.1 V., ti wa* apprriiii.rd M a fnriuer, with vvh-im he re-

mained for a-»t-ral year*. While in tbi* family herh.med i-,me fl-BBafl for BBBMbM*fB, and u inle biu-s.-ll_va--1:_uii -ee| with the rudiu.erita of an Ki.jeli-b edura-Hiui. At ibe af-e af M be aflMfta tl e printiiiki officy* ofDflBhlCaihala nl \V.i|..le, N. ||., wbocombinod withl.ia printiiig I uaim as tbe pul licatiou of |i e

" t-'.n un ra

Mureum. Hero ye.ung Ilueii-n^l aui tin-f ln-.»n;e ac-

iiuaiuUd w iUi ihe rlnut me nf tii*- proft-Mdoii in wbichbe wss afierwaid lo gain tiialiut li-.n. After rtmaininga f.-w iiii.i thr with t!iir!i»le, M enlered the a4B*M e.f tl.o

"(Jireiitirld O-.utlo,' where M retn»..ied uniil 18»Kl.ttheu MflBflMVad M lleatm. lu I^W be pt-firDied tbedii'.e* af p.oinpier lor a fchort time in a comjeiuiy of.oi,. dmiir, wl o pl eyeil durii ir the _b_-Mff tr-uili.a inPreivideiife ui d Salem. ln lfc4J(j, havirg obauged han me, by applirulii n U iM e_a~*p_-BlflN froui 1 i. kt r to

BflB kJaflbfl-B, wliicii wa* lua luoiber | faini'y name, I.elaflMBBMMd BB- f<>T hiiiir.ll by Ibe puhluation of the'. I'ulvanihtut, u monthly niafn/ine, wh.ih. aftrr au

exirle-ni e uf a Vrur, waa dba-flkt-BBfld aud uot remimed¦Bil 181-'. ln l"4>-i, IIr. llu. Lii._h.rij pnhii* ted foreix uioiiih* tl.e "Ori.iil,' a weeAly fl*_flflA_flfl* In1S17, in flBflaVMBf vviih Samnel L. Kiiapp, he oom-

BBBBflta tba pu'.li. ii'i'.n flf ti e '' New-Fti^lutul fjlbf]¦M B_a_tB-b llaifi.'.'.ite," wbbb aaflBfa-flad b lihp.,a-BBflaba BBlB l-BB, when M eviid it. ln It-B, in t-iti-

i.'ietion wilh hie-e.ii, he i BflMBBfll I d tl e p'lhli.ati Ofl oftha " Nimv-Ki i/h.ud _-_fl*B~-_a,M Bfhtah wiiscontinudii'ider bieinre iinul It-.l, and BBBt-haad MaBrtbBtbfMfp.ii numeri.u* wntera who have siuee BttflBM- great

Ilileiary eu ineiiie. lu ISN he pubilehed tl.e lirrt Bflfl-1ber ot tle "1'i'S't.n I'otirier," a puja-r wbich be eon-

liniled to i dil Ulilil Jiii.i e-etflL .Mr. lln. ki:>l uui wus

r.veriil tin es eleited to l ,e- 1^ .lelutliru, Hud, in 1S-I7-",,\ and l_-#-aVl, to ibe S.-mi .. nf M treuchoa-'ts. HeI.e, .ilvo ul.l rt ...!. "Speeiuiens i.i aNnWHpMfer l.iteni-ture, wilh I'e ie..nul .VI. moirM, Aneed-.tea ufid lit-uii-inne llii-e," I Vol*., IV.-t.Ii iB-Bx, nn I " I'i leolift]tleinoim tuid B*flflOatfletb*flB flf Fitilotiul I..18. I Vols.Mi'rlnli.

Wirt-Mi'iii'VK IBB Siii'ii.r.. V. terri'.le tn?edyoct-iirit-l in t'luiiliiiali nn "Anllinlay lasl. WS-t-BUttM1,ii_,ri.y, aeigti-paiiiler, la-i>'g Utitiej fajflhBMM hiswile ;e.i I to '.«.' a b-BUllful vvoinall, Iva eiityli ve fg-flol I), .ejMflatfld from ber a vear aince, but recet'ify re-

|vui ei.itniitried toiuiiiiee Mra.Oivba-f to ratara t«> Iibln.in. . Smt pt-re.iipUHily nlus.l1, whatflflBBM b ab*IllLBli rDBIBBfllll Hi their only eluld, Bbof/ four|TMMold. und Ihe wi!e lesoii.dMaMBaaflB-B tviiet-i.ver ii. OnBLHii-ai abl auoiaflilad h iMt Btitrir' Fbdlafl theb v ie ilm biliwfl ol i. lelauveot Otikj-I y,at Amelia,(tw.iiiy-tvv.i uiiles f.oui ('i.einnaiil, abe rii,.eel i.iui,.i,i- i... an oiuiibus to teturu io the cuy II.tinov."i-vi.i,, howevei, Bfllfl dimov.rtsl bf l..*rl.u«hiuad,nnd vkh. i, the bour BMBI for the v.-l nle ta baffl, IMdoor oiieir-l and bo rteptiad in btfld* ber. On Ibet.,,,1 I. ..ileavored ak,ai:. to IflflOflBBM he: tu BbaaflBT,butiikrai.allbi....veiiintB w-re -piitned. uiitil, w.en¦OBM iw.nty ii.il"* from the .i.y, and wt'blu a *b'.rtdbt.ii.e of their ileeiiiiatim., he tuintd to ber and -,id:

"Ibat- bteu faimf.il io you. bulyo.i MflaMMMMtoiue 1 loved y..u,lul) ,u loved BMBMl I wuhwiII-ini< M bl_flJf« you, bn, yon hav« apun ed ine; youahall iiovi-i doifurinii." He -«ua«ia mouieut; abemade no rei ly. but gavo b_M a1-K>k Bf .outempt flfldlievhiir.' Hfl iheu drew u revoivi-r Iroiul is BBaBM ai.O

lir.dtwOBbote, one Im.U ooteriog her rv'hi i ye aud

lodging iu ihe hrain ai.d the other tak ng efleet in thearxiomeii.auO Uien, without 0' ertng a word, he dia-chai-erd ibe eotitautaof a third barrel into hia own fore-

head, -.u'U'ring his hrttiua in all direciiouaand killinghim almost ma'autly. TtaMlatiousof t*oih |*riieawera ant for and arrived at ihe acane of the tnid-edyuuriug ihe uiglit. Mra. O. _M ubout iiivgbteeB houraBftM rectiring lba MOUE-be


It bM beea attempted ia former arttefag faflhow that in the grand movement of adtanafapthoogbt which coaatitatM modera <y_bb_bwand wbich faw derived the acieoces from thet*preceding arta, edueation niu*t participate. j_graan's place io the nniverae beeomM more 49,tinctly fleeo, and a clearer ligbt ia eait u[x,Q th*lawa of hia unf..lding uature, ayBtema of in«trae*tk.n will gradually becouie more rational Jperfect. We continuully apply the termg "^"vaueing" and - progreixaive" to acienee ba.cauw it is a forward-moving power, and fathi« reapect ia cootrastod with other pow.erful ag. nciea by which mankind are inmioriceiIgnorauce, error, prejudiee, tn.titii.nal ideas, ae*.veutional opinion*, cU-totua and habita, are of a

stationary charaeter, aod wben predominant kolf.-"oiety iH a eoudition of sluggiihnejfl ami tta*.nation. Science, on the other hnnd, never mjRttHer motto U ..onward" to the diacoveiy «fnew facte, farger pnucplea, broader newa, aaibetter practice. And in this lixgd direetfafl.he bolda her high, steady and invincibfacourae. That her track througb tlie werhlshould, therefore, be marked by nprooted prejg.dice», Bhattered errora, rilted opi-iiuoa, and ex*ploiii-d d' 1_111.ii. ii extrcmely natural. But tathia rude handling of their darling aud veueratsdnotioua mea do not take in tbe kindlie.1 way,Fondneaa for their opinioua is natural, aud 9quite too generally irreapeetive of their truth*They have honeatly inhented, aud deotavely helf,'and valia'-tly delended toem, and tbat tbey ibeald'eurae the intruder who would take them axray fanot surpriaing. And thus the courte of -ciea-aD8R beeu Bignali-4'd not only by wrecked aa|abandoned opinioua, but by agociziug pruteatt,the wai of horritied auperatition, tbe eie.rj.tioanf defeated pride, and the groai.B of torinentefindoleuce. Sucb hua been the world4 exp. r;_ooe,from the convulfliona of mother Cburch at tfaastroiiomic demon.trationa of Co-ernicna, dewato tbe d.-uuiii ..tu.iiB of ana. atbetica by coteatporary Bontcb clergymen, wbo Bolemnly deciarebbat, aa tbe Creatnr bad admitted pain into thaworld for his own inBcrutable BBBBBBBj man bano buBineaa wiokedly to interfere and .i- t--..t hiapurpoae.Of ciiurie, there fa no troulle aPb-'r ...ieuee

haa won the victory, aud new generat'oi.4 .pringup accufltouied to the BBBBB newa. We are u_«

deed grateful to her for having wou for ub froatbe night of ignorauce bo vaat and miigoinoeMa aoiverao, and look back with wonder upon iiainfatuatioo which coubi have ao b ng and ; rru-

Lucioual) resietid ber apb-udd gifi* of »-':¦ uorajand geology. lt ifl only wben »he BB-flBI a uew

Celd, wheie we are uot accuitomed to aee her,a.' d a new ti.i.-a of errora bitberto bflbbb are

unexpet'todly ati.u-k.-d, Uiat tbe old spuit of iB*patience ar>d intolrraoce is awakencd. And *rea

iu lucb ca.eB, we are jiemii-ted to bciiexe fa a

growing lib-ral ty. It begma to be gener.illy tta)that BBBB9B inu.t go forward witb her grsnfwork, to deti-rmine tbe lam aecoruing to wbiohtLe universe ia govemed, and to viiidi. _te mifaith in their univeraalny.Ihe firtt great fact which acienee o.T. nt te the

educator aa the eoruer-a'oae of a better i_*thod,is the vital and livug uuity of tlie buman orgaa*iain. The Mndy of humau nature in pn-r U_.eebaa l»ecn pait.tl and prai tiea.ly in.ulii. \entr

Btudy not of mill iit of mimi.a eO-Bfldag an

der of wbat God haa joiued togetber in tbeman 80088988980-, aud a crmle atttmpt to dalhw ith the dujoiuted fragmente. The d. -u.aia mjmeutal aud bodily reUti-ma and reaetiom. bither*to re«igned to roystory and tabuoed to inquiry.»the pecuhar nestlinn-plaee "f uox'oui and d.iiig«r.oub .'iper-t.ti ¦!.. .u.d tl.e intreor .inent of a legioflof arraut qu.ckeric., Laa to be iliorougbly re*

i.a-i_ed aud -lluuiiintod by science, before a ra.

fooal and satiaiactory ecl.eme of educafmn C8|becotne possibie. Wuatever may be tbe eoune.

tion of religious faitb leapecting tbe -e,araMduration and destiny of the .pintual priocpb elour nature in aimtber .oudtrin of exiat, n.e, Merror ia more peruicioua than to reaaon dowr*,ward fron that belief to the preaent actual »Utaof being, and thus iu habitual thoi.ght to diridaour uature iuto aepaiato, diverae, autlf8899B|.b-BBBtO, TLo prevaebt method, bowexer, bMbeen to Uobi, uot tlie omnei., but tbe doiibleMMof our being, ii»t tLe barmony, but the i«pp.ei.tji.n and e<u >. rt of ita hoetile aBBBBBB, not tfavital integral uu'on of the tuental and I'lateiidprmoiplei, but ratiier that tbey are only ei_r.aalfcotempo 1909989 and coexii'.ent Our patiire 6pra.'tica'ly I9gai9ad_, m Irt and iu tiu e, m I

duplei liiccbauiam, 804891.1BBJ 8 bodily org_oii9and a Bpiritual orgauiaiu working io my-ienoMleparateneia iu the aame locality, hut havi. g _f..llaws and intoreaU vvlnch requiie to be gutrdalby a double aet of doctors coustituting iudepcao.eilt pr.il, SlnlJJ.

Of cetime, Irom the nature and limitati-M tttbe huuiau miid, wo have to itudy s.i'je, b »<*.or !...-* paitiall), giving attent.-ti to 009 Uuafand neji-cting otfler*. We treatof ele'-'trieity tt

one faa.k, of flbcfl-bby in auother. and aOaaathogy iu a tbird. but we never lorget that tbuila violence, au imperfectioo, and a perjanal faibure; for, iu tfte actual scheme of uature, IbflM

pl.eno i.ena are baMBBBB98, and eaeh treat-9' overruufl aod involvt* m«re or le«* of tue otherfl.

1 Tbe 8iibjecta are ijnlafe.1 for couvenience; baitlie itudi'ut ia ever on hia gnard agnn.t fillaciMfn.m this 888988, and atrive» perpet'iail/ bfl thoM

couiprehtiiflive aiid pt-ifect view* wliiih regaanature aa Bhe actually is, iu ber integrity. Ju410 far, theu, M it may be fadiapen_ab.e bf stedy.to aeparate and rlaMify the element* 0! flflg M)e

ture, the proceedn.g beeomes adtmsaiMe; bfltbere, bb -dsewhere, only under tbe mout rijawalreatrictionfl.Tho course of science is toward univerml BBity.

At first there are grtat gapa and giiiii betweM

.ubjtcU flf iuquiry. acroa which 0JBB hareTfdare to tbink. Ltot witb the growthol k io*ied|»tlH.*e blanka are lilied up, and tucre r«-uks B

harmonioua, all-cnm cted, flnd iutoll g. nt pfa»*I The laws of motion, discovered fint u|>on Mrth,are re-diBt'Y.rered in the heavena. The key wBichniib.eki the myatrriea of otgauixation to-dey, Mcarri.d l-Brk millions of yeara by the S»»l'9«*tand aerxefl equally to open tbe aeerettot pnaor-duil Life. From a fos*d eeale aloue, Agaa-i^*"lineateB the fiah to wluch it mtnt haxe b-oi<«4\1.1..I the prefiguretl aniual fa subaequeirt!) fo«Bdin the rt-cka «nd auawers perf.-etly to tiie 6Mbralwfs prophecy. lluuiboldt tbe prol"uud aU»

eided itudent of nature, reulixed the idea'tM»had haunted Bis bfe, aud erowned hi* *"u«**rfabora by the pubbcaiion of the Cotmot, a mVk

eipoaitton of tha haraoay aad uuity ef tha aaK

rorae. Aad thua abo with tha bumafl erga-dBBj