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. . l I I I i l I l l I I } i " 1 ,! •• . . I tt · / www . earn uschina. or •/ 1 11 ,..e.rsi tics/ind~x. hlrn ·•catalog of Discipline Field. 1- ' iri.t- l evel Discipline, Specialty" is available front the "llelp·•, applicants could download the file to identify the re:lation between Discipl ine and Major. 8ttp 6: Once submitted, amendment ~nnot be made on "Pursonal Detail1° and "Appltcati()R Information" , Bctbre the o.pplication bc l ng processed by the proces~ing authoritie:i. applicant can revoke the submitted application by clicking ''Withdraw" and ed it the nprlication. Af\~r .revoking the applicitlion. applicnnt must 5ubmit at ~cond time after re-editing, or the application will not be proce1>scd. Once the applicalion is proce~sed, application cannot be revoked. Step 7: Click" Prinl the Applico.tion Form" iiOd download the form. Step 8: Submit scholarship application under the requirements of the dispatching authorities (or app lication process ing agency) c.:hil\a Scholarship (~ounc11 never entrusl any ind iv idual or intcrmcdin')' agent to process <.:hinc~e governmt:nl scl1olarnhip applications. Kindly remind that all applicants m directly submit your l,Cholarship appl i cations tl,rough officic:11 dispntchiniauthoritic!f, ~-.. ·liiding heing decc-ivt:<l, The wehsite bel ow is the on ly official 'A·ebsitc that China Scholarship (~ounci! publishing Stu<ly ln (;hh,a information, please do not trust infnr,nntion from 6ny olhcr or sourcc.:s. htip: //v.rv,rw,. csc. l::!d, u. c::n/.:.tudyi.nchi na (bt. t.p: //www.~ampusμhlnA .. org/} Notcfi: Application v.·ith incorrect Agency Nun1hcr will not be procei.~cd. Please u~e Firefox or Jnlerncl Explorer (l l.0). For applicants using Internet Rxplocer, please cloRe the •Ccompatihle view mode" function ahead of editing. Pl~asc till ln nl\ application intorma.tion in Chine!$C or Engli!.h. i: ,:. I f t f. l ! . I i . , 1 ' I ' . ) , . . .. ·, . ' r . i . . . . : I .

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Post on 28-Mar-2022




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tt · / www. earn uschina. or •/ 1 11 ,..e.rsi tics/ind~x. hlrn
·•catalog of Discipline Field. 1-' iri.t-level Discipline, Specialty" is available front the "llelp·•, applicants could download the file to identify the re:lation between Discipline
and Major.
8ttp 6: Once submitted, amendment ~nnot be made on "Pursonal Detail1° and "Appltcati()R Information" , Bctbre the o.pplication bclng processed by the proces~ing authoritie:i. applicant can revoke the submitted application by clicking ''Withdraw" and edit the nprlication. Af\~r .revoking the applicitlion. applicnnt must 5ubmit at ~cond time after re-editing, or the application will not be proce1>scd. Once the applicalion is proce~sed, application cannot be revoked.
Step 7: Click" Prinl the Applico.tion Form" iiOd download the form.
Step 8: Submit scholarship application under the requirements of the dispatching authorities (or application processing agency)
c.:hil\a Scholarship (~ounc11 never entrusl any individual or intcrmcdin')' agent to process <.:hinc~e governmt:nl scl1olarnhip applications. Kindly remind that all applicants m directly submit your l,Cholarship applications tl,rough officic:11 dispntchiniauthoritic!f, ~-..·liiding heing decc-ivt:<l, The wehsite below is the on ly official 'A·ebsitc that China Scholarship (~ounci! publishing Stu<ly ln (;hh,a information, please do not trust infnr,nntion from 6ny olhcr or sourcc.:s.
htip: //v.rv,rw,. csc. l::!d,u. c::n/.:.tudyi.nchi na (bt. t.p: //www.~ampusµhlnA .. org/}
Application v.·ith incorrect Agency Nun1hcr will not be procei.~cd.
Please u~e Firefox or Jnlerncl Explorer (l l.0) .
For applicants using Internet Rxplocer, please cloRe the •Ccompatihle view mode"
function ahead of editing .
Pl~asc till ln nl\ application intorma.tion in Chine!$C or Engli!.h.
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Information System (CGSIS)
-Fot Applicants
Pll:ftSC carefull)' read the [nslrucrions hefore appl)·ing ror the scholarship.
Step 1! Visit •1CSC Study in Chlnn11 websitt: ~nd click "Scholarship Application for Stu~cnts" at http://wwwtc1c1,;du.4rn/studyin~hina or http~//
Register an account through ICREA'l'E AN ACCOUNT I and login with your account.
Step l : Input Person1tl Det.ails. Cilek «Edit Pt'nonal lJctalls" and l1nish inputting personal details hy filling in all !he infor111ation, verifying and saving the informalion. After the completion of thi!t. section, return to lhc previous page by clicking ''Finish~' and start filling in your app\ic~tion infonno.tion.
Step 3: Select the correct 44Progt•m Category",
Ptea.<ie select Progritm (:aregory ''l)•pe A,.,
Sttp 4: Input the correct Age:ncy Number.
Your Agency Number is: 3641.
Program (;atcgory and Agency Nuntftcr' directly matched~ hoth are mandatory for online tipplicalioo.
After inputting agency number. the matched ngency name wiU autonlatically show 011
the page. /\s Progntm Categ~I')· and Agency Number are directly ,untched, application processing authori1ie!> wHI not receive your online application if the program category or agency number are not oorrcct.
S~p ~: Input Application Information
Next. please move on to the section of ''lJnnguage Pruliciency and Study Plan" and u~load ••supporting llocuments~· as requested, tnen click ··Submit" to complete th~ applii.;ation. (:heck each part vl' your application can:fully before submission. Please m11ke sure that all the lnformo.tion and uploaded documents are vaHd and occurate.
When applicants of··Typc A" application choose the "Preferences of Institutci;". s~~m will automatically match the available ~,nivcrsitie~ according to the selected .. StlJ<lcnt Ca11cgory. Preferred teaching language and M~ior Applying for''. Wilh any inquiry concern in!! the avnilo.hle majors of each university, please vlsit the following website .
•• ' . . ~ .. ,. , . ' ' I ~
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Chinese Government Scltolanhip Application Chinese Oovemment Scholarship is nO\.V opt:n for application. Onlin~ application and the corresponding application documents should be ~ubmitted to application receiving agency. For more infonnation, please refer to http;lt>v, ...., or " "\\.'w.con111uschi11a,org
Eligibility? To be cliglhle, applicant.~ mu~t - be a citizen of I c.:ountr)' other thrui. the People's Republic of China, and be tn good b.calth.
- he a high school graduate under the age of2S whc11 applying tbr undergraduate progrcUns;
- be a bacht:lor's degree holder under lhc age of 35 when applying for moster's programs;
- be a mostcr'!I degree bolder under the age of 40 when applying fur doct0ral programs;
- be a a high school graduate (11t lcast) under the age of 45 when applying for general scholar programs;
- be a master's degree bolder or mi flssociate profes~r (or above) under the age of 50 when applying for
senior !!Cholar programs.
Apptlcation l)ocomen.t~ a) Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship {in Chinese or English). b) Copy of Passport Ho1ne Page: Applicant shall suhmit a clear Rcamu~d copy of hi~/ncr ordiruay passport
with validity later than March l, 2021. Tf the validity of lhe current passport do~s not meet the requirement, please apply for a new pa.ssporl before submitting the application. for applicants who cwinot apply ibt passports before submitthtg their applications due W objeCitive reasons, with the permission of dispatching authorities. lhey may subn1it ~conn~d copy of identity certilicates or official documci1ts containing the applicants' -~English 0t1n1e, Ge-ndcr, Nationality~ Date of Birth'" and other
intbmlation. c) Notari1.ed highest d1p\oma: 1>rospective diploma winners 1nust submit official proof of student status by
lhcir current school. Documents in languages other than Chinese or F'.nglish tnust be tttlached with notarized Chinese or P.nglisb translations.
d) Academic traniscripts: Transcripts in languages other tlutn Chint:~C or F.nglish must be altached with
notarized Chinese or English tran.slations. e) A Study Plan or Research Proposal in Chinese or F.nglish. (A tninimum of 200 words for undergiaduntes,
500 words for non-degree students, and 800 words for po:stgrflduates.) t) Recommendation lcil~rs: Applic.ante for graduate program!S or senior scholar progrwns must submit two
letters of recommen~ation in Chinese or English fron1 profe~so.ra or associate professors. g) Applicants for music studies are requested to submit their uwu works. Applicants tor fine arts prog,rams
rnust submit their own wrukA which include two sketches, two color paintings and two other works. h) Applicants under the age of IR should submit tht: valid documents of their le~ guanlians in China. i) Applicants planning lo ~toy in China for rnore than 6 months must submit a photocopy of the Foreigner
Physical El(aminntion Fom1 completed in English (the original l:OPY should be kept by lhc applicant. 'J'he tbnn designed by the Chinese quarantine llllthurlry can be downloaded from bl~p:li\\'.W'W,S:)C.cdu:~nistudvi1)china or \\'WV\',ctµnpusch1,11 f1.~~ - The phyi;ical examin11tions must cover all the item.q listeJ in the Foreigner Physical Hxnmin.atiun Form. Inco1nplete records or those without the ~ignature of !ho attending physician, lht: official stamp of the hospitnl or a scaled photog.raph of the ~pUcnnts are- invalid. Please sclecr the iq, time to take physical examination ag the result is valid tor ottl}' 6 montlis.
Please submit the followin~ documen.ts if applicable j) Pl'c--admission Letter from Chinese Govero.n1ent Scholarship universities. k) Li.1.Ilguage qualificatio11 certiiic~te. e.g., IISK certificate~ !EI,TS or 1·0FET, report. Rcmlndt'r: All uplo¥ded -.upportin~ documence mu11t btt clear, o.uchentic and valid. Applicants an r1!com.m~nded to 115~ profcJi~ion11l device to ican me rel~vant documents. Applicants Ahalt bear the
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