truck tire pavement contact pressure distribution ... · truck tire pavement contact pressure...

1. RetMrt No, :Z. G .... ._ ... , Accouion No. FHW AJTX-90+ 1190-2F 4. Title ond Sublitle TRUCK TIRE PA VEMENf CONTACf PRESSURE DISTRIBLmON CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE BIAS GOODYEAR 18-22.5, THE RADIAL MICHELIN 275!80R/24.5, THE RADIAL MICHELIN 255nOR(22.5, AND THE RADIAL GOODYEAR 11 R24.5 TIRES Rafael F. Pezo, Kurt M. Marshek, and W. R. Hudson 9. Porformint Orgoniaotion N-• •• A-.reaa Center for Transportation Research The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78712-1075 TECHNICAl. REPORT STANOARO TITLE PAGE 3. RoctJIIont' • Cotolot No. S. Report Dote September 1989 6. Performi"t Orgoru zotion Cod• 8. Performong Orgoni&atio" Report No. Research Report 1190-2F 10. Work Unit No. 11. Controct or Gront No. Research Study 3-8-88/9-1190 h':;--;:-:-:--:--:---::---:--:-:--:------------------113. Typo ol Report ontl Period Covered 12. SpOI'Iaorint At..,CY N-• ...... Adore .. Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Transportation Planning Division Final P. 0. Box 5051 Austin, Texas 78763-5051 15. Suppl-ontory Not•• Study conducted in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Research Study Title: "Tire Contact Pressure Distributions" 16. Abatroct This report presents the results of an experimental investigation into the contact areas and tire contact pressure distributions produced by statically loaded truck tires. For this report, the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire, the radial Michelin 275/SOR/24.5 LR-G tire, the radial Michelin 255nOR/22.5 LR-G tire, and the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 LR-G tire were tested. The testing consisted of making contact pressure and contact area prints at the interface between the tire and a steel plate at different wheel loads and tire inflation pressures. The pressure prints were produced using Fuji prescale film. The Fuji prescale film produces color variations, when pressure is applied to it, in such a way that darker pigmentation is produced in zones of higher pressure. The variations in color intensities of the Fuji film prints are related to contact pressure values produced for the fllm color calibration curve. Then, by digitizing the images and using computer software developed exclusively for this project, the tire contact pressure distributions were determined. The proportions of contact area covered by the various pressure ranges were computed and compared in order to observe the patterns and to estimate the significance of high contact pressures. The contact area prints were made by applying ink to the tire and pressing the tire over a white paper that covered the steel plate. The ink prints have only one color and were used for calculating the tire-plate contact areas. Also, the side tire movements were measured for the tires during testing to allow other researchers to relate subsequent theoretical studies to our experimental results. This report also proposes mathematical models for (1) estimating the tire contact area based on the relative area value (ratio of wheel load over inflation pressure) and (2) estimating the tire vertical stiffness based on the tire contact area. 17. K.,. Word• tire pressures, truck tires, contact area, contact pressure distributions, axle loads, pavements, side tire movements, tire deflections, tire vertical stiffness 11. Dl•"llluti• St.._ ... , No restrictions. This document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. 19. Security Clouif. (of lhl• r,._t) ». S.writy Cl•••lf• (of tt.l • ,..., 21. No. of Pogo• 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified 56 Fom DOT F 1700.7 c•·••J

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1. RetMrt No, :Z. G .... ._ ... , Accouion No.

FHW AJTX-90+ 1190-2F



Rafael F. Pezo, Kurt M. Marshek, and W. R. Hudson

9. Porformint Orgoniaotion N-• •• A-.reaa

Center for Transportation Research The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78712-1075


3. RoctJIIont' • Cotolot No.

S. Report Dote

September 1989 6. Performi"t Orgoru zotion Cod•

8. Performong Orgoni&atio" Report No.

Research Report 1190-2F

10. Work Unit No.

11. Controct or Gront No.

Research Study 3-8-88/9-1190

h':;--;:-:-:--:--:---::---:--:-:--:------------------113. Typo ol Report ontl Period Covered 12. SpOI'Iaorint At..,CY N-• ...... Adore ..

Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Transportation Planning Division


P. 0. Box 5051 Austin, Texas 78763-5051

15. Suppl-ontory Not••

Study conducted in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.

Research Study Title: "Tire Contact Pressure Distributions"

16. Abatroct

This report presents the results of an experimental investigation into the contact areas and tire contact pressure distributions produced by statically loaded truck tires. For this report, the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire, the radial Michelin 275/SOR/24.5 LR-G tire, the radial Michelin 255nOR/22.5 LR-G tire, and the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 LR-G tire were tested.

The testing consisted of making contact pressure and contact area prints at the interface between the tire and a steel plate at different wheel loads and tire inflation pressures. The pressure prints were produced using Fuji prescale film. The Fuji prescale film produces color variations, when pressure is applied to it, in such a way that darker pigmentation is produced in zones of higher pressure. The variations in color intensities of the Fuji film prints are related to contact pressure values produced for the fllm color calibration curve. Then, by digitizing the images and using computer software developed exclusively for this project, the tire contact pressure distributions were determined. The proportions of contact area covered by the various pressure ranges were computed and compared in order to observe the patterns and to estimate the significance of high contact pressures.

The contact area prints were made by applying ink to the tire and pressing the tire over a white paper that covered the steel plate. The ink prints have only one color and were used for calculating the tire-plate contact areas. Also, the side tire movements were measured for the tires during testing to allow other researchers to relate subsequent theoretical studies to our experimental results.

This report also proposes mathematical models for (1) estimating the tire contact area based on the relative area value (ratio of wheel load over inflation pressure) and (2) estimating the tire vertical stiffness based on the tire contact area.

17. K.,. Word•

tire pressures, truck tires, contact area, contact pressure distributions, axle loads, pavements, side tire movements, tire deflections, tire vertical stiffness

11. Dl•"llluti• St.._ ... ,

No restrictions. This document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161.

19. Security Clouif. (of lhl• r,._t) ». S.writy Cl•••lf• (of tt.l • ,..., 21. No. of Pogo• 22. Price

Unclassified Unclassified 56

Fom DOT F 1700.7 c•·••J





Rafael F. Pezo Kun M. Marshek

W. R. Hudson

Research Report Number 1190-2F

Research Project 3-8-88/9-1190

Tire Contact Pressure Distributions

conducted for

Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation

in cooperation with the

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

by the


Bureau of Engineering Research


September 1989

The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.


There was no invention or discovery conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the course of or under this contract, including any art, method, process, machine, manufacture, design or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, or any variety of plant which is or may be patentable under the patent laws of the United States of America or any foreign country.


This is the second of two reports which describe work done on Project 1190, "Tire Contact Pressure Distribu­tions." This study was conducted at the Center for Transpor­tation Research (CTR), The University of Texas at Austin, as part of a cooperative research program sponsored by the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transpor­tation.

Many people contributed toward the completion of this report. Thanks are expressed to Dr. Tom Tielking for his input, to Mr. Larry Walker of Walker Tire Company for

providing the tires, to Ms. Peggy Johnson, and to CTR personnel •. especially Lyn Antoniotti and Carl Bertrand.

We acknowledge their contributions and greatly appre· ciate their efforts in making this a successful project.

September 1989

Rafael F. Pezo Kurt M. Marshek W. R. Hudson


Report No. 1190-1, "Truck Tire-Pavement Contact Pressure Distributions for Super Single 18-22.5 and Smooth 11R24.5 Tires," by Rex William Hansen, Carl Bertrand, Kurt M. Marshek, and W. R. Hudson, presents experimental data on the effect of tire inflation pressure and static wheel load on contact pressure distributions for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 and the smooth radial Armstrong 11R24.5 tires. July 1989

Report No. II90-2F, "Truck Tire Pavement Contact Pressure Distribution Characteristics for the Bias Goodyear

18-22.5, the Radial Michelin 275/80R/24.5, the Radial Michelin 255nOR/24.5, and the Radial Goodyear 11R24.5 Tires," by Rafael F. Pezo, Kurt M. Marshek, and W. R. Hudson, presents experimental data on the effect of tire inflation pressure and static wheel load on contact pressure distribution, contact area, tire deflections, and tire vertical stiffness. September 1989.


This report presents the results of an experimental investigation into the contact areas and tire contact pressure distributions produced by statically loaded truck tires. For this report, the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire, the radial Michelin 275/80R/24.5 LR-G tire, the radial Michelin 255/ 70R/22.5 LR-G tire, and the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 LR­G tire were tested.

The testing consisted of making contact pressure and contact area prints at the interface between the tire and a steel plate at different wheel loads and tire inflation pressures. The pressure prints were produced using Fuji prescale film. The Fuji prcscale film produces color variations, when pressure is applied to it, in such a way that darker pigmenta­tion is produced in zones of higher pressure. The variations in color intensities of the Fuji film prints are related to contact pressure values produced for the fllm color calibra­tion curve. Then, by digitizing the images and using com­puter software developed exclusively for this project, the tire


contact pressure distributions were determined. The propor­tions of contact area covered by the various pressure ranges were computed and compared in order to observe the pat­terns and to estimate the significance of high contact pres­sures.

Thecontactarea prints were made by applying ink to the tire and pressing the tire over a white paper that covered the steel plate. The ink prints have only one color and were used for calculating the tire-plate contact areas. Also, the side tire movements were measured for the tires during testing to allow other researchers to relate subsequent theoretical studies to our experimental results.

This report also proposes mathematical models for ( 1) estimating the tire contact area based on the relative area value (ratio of wheel load over inflation pressure) and (2) estimating the vertical stiffness based on the tire contact area.

SUMMARY The rate of deterioration of highway pavements over the

last 50 years has been accelerating. During this time, legal truck sizes, weights, wheel loads and tire inflation pressures have increased. This report describes a study which seeks to measure actual tire-pavement contact pressure distributions, in order to provide pavement designers with estimates of tire pressure for use in studies of pavement deterioration and to assist legislators in developing legislation regarding tire usage.

This report presents the results of an experimental study involving several truck tires statically loaded against a steel plate. The bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H "super single" tire, the radial Michelin 275/SOR/24.5 LR-G tire, the radial Michelin 255170R/22.5 LR-G tire, and the radial Goodyear 11 R24 .5 LR -G were tested and studied for this report. These tires were chosen because they are popular for use on Texas highways.

The testing consisted of making contact pressure meas­urements and contact area prints at the interface between the tire and the support plate at different wheel loads and tire inflation pressures. The pressure prints were produced using Fuji prescale film. The Fuji prescale film produces a color variation when pressure is applied to it, in such a way that darker pigmentation is produced in zones ofhigherpressure. The variations in color intensities of the Fuji film prints are related to actual contact pressure values produced for the film color calibration curve. Then, by digitizing the images and using computer software developed exclusively for this

project, the tire contact pressure distributions were deter­mined. The proportions of contact area covered by the various pressure ranges were computed and compared in order to observe the patterns and to estimate the significance of high contact pressures.

The contact area prints were made by applying ink to the tire and pressing the tire over a white paper that covered the steel plate. The ink prints have only one color and were used for calculating the tire-plate contact areas. Also, the side tire movements were measured during testing to allow other researchers to relate subsequent theoretical studies to our experimental results.

This report also proposes mathematical models for (1) estimating the tire contact area based on the relative area value (ratio of wheel load over inflation pressure) and (2) estimating the tire vertical stiffness based on the tire contact area

The conclusions from this project can be summarized as follows: (1) for bias truck tires the shape of the contact area is generally circular with an oval tendency, while for radial truck tires the shape is consistently rectangular; (2) in general, for a constant tire inflation pressure, as the wheel load increases, the proportion of contact area increases for higher contact pressure ranges and decreases for lower contact pressure ranges; (3) similarly, for a constant wheel load, as the tire inflation pressure increases, the proportion of contact area increases for higher contact pressure ranges and decreases for lower contact pressure ranges.


The results of this project provide tire contact areas, tire contact pressure distributions, and proportions of contact area covered by different pressure ranges for truck tires at several inflation pressures and wheel loads. These relation­ships can be used to evaluate the effects of truck tire inflation pressure and axle load on the structural capacity of pave-


ments. The results can help to clarify many pressing prob­lems, such as rutting, shoving, etc. Such information and evaluation leads to changes in methods employed in current pavement design to improve the performance of pavements and can also assist legislators in developing legislation regarding allowable tire pressures and related issues.


PREFACE .............................................................................................................................................. 111

LIST OF REPORTS . . .. .. .. .. ........ .. . . ...... .. . . . .. .... .... .. . . .. .. .. .. .. ..... .... ...... .... .. ...... .. .... .. ... . . ...... .. .. . . . . .. .... .. . . .. . .. .. ut

ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................... iii

SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... iv

IMPLEMENTATION STATEMENT........................................................................................................... IV

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Backgrolllld ...................................................................................................................................... . Objectives ....................................................................................................................................... .. Scope and Organization of the Study ..................................................................................................... . Research Approach ............................................................................................................................ .

CHAPTER 2. REVIEW OF TIRE CONTACT PRESSURE STUDIES Literature Survey................................................................................................................................ 3

Tire-Pavement Interface Pressure Characteristics................................................................................. 3 Tire Contact Pressure and Its Effect on Pavement Performance.............................................................. 3

Future Trends in Tire Types . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .... .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . ... .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . 4 Conclusions...................................................................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Experimental Parameters...................................................................................................................... 6

Tires.......................................................................................................................................... 6 Loads and Inflation Pressures.......................................................................................................... 6

Experimental Procedure . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 6 Mounting the Tire........................................................................................................................ 6 Testing the Tire and Producing Calibration Squares............................................................................. 6 Analysis of the Fuji and Ink Prints.................................................................................................. 9 Presentations of Results . ... . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . .... . . ... .. . . . .. 9

CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H "Super Single" Tire .................................................................................... 10 Radial Michelin 275/SOR/24.5 LR-G Tire ............................................................................................... 10 Radial Michelin 255/70R/22.5 LR-G Tire ............................................................................................... 11 Radial Goodyear l1R24.5 LR-G Tire ..................................................................................................... 16

CHAPTER 5. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS Tire Contact Area ............................................................................................................................... 39

Discussion of Results . .... .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. ... . . .. .. ..... . .. .. .. .... . .. .. .... .... .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ... . .... . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. 39 Analysis of Results .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .... ... .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. ....... ............ ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. 39

Tire Contact Pressure Distributions .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .......... .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . ... .. ... .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 40 Proportions of Contact Area................................................................................................................. 40

Discussion.................................................................................................................................. 40 Analysis..................................................................................................................................... 40


Comparison Between the Tires ........................................................................................................ 41

Load Dist.ribution Along the Tread Width ............................................. _. .................................................. 42

Tire Vertical Stiffness ......................................................................................................................... 42

Discussion .................................................................................................................................. 42

Analysis of Results ...................................................................................................................... 42


Conclusions ...................................................................................................................................... 44

Recommendations .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. 44

REFERENCES . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .... . . .. .... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . ... .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . ... .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . 45


. APPENDIX B. SIDE TIRE MOVEMENT DATA ......................................................................................... 48




OBJECTIVES The rate of highway pavement deterioration has been

observed to be accelerating over r.he last 50 years (Refs 26 and 27). A variety of factors have been identified as contrib­uting to r.he accelerated rate of pavement damage, including increased truck weights, sizes, wheel loads, and tire inflation pressures. Tire contact pressure distribution and its eroding effect on r.he pavement has, until recently ,received very little attention. It is now increasingly recognized r.hat the tire­pavement contact pressure distribution is an important fac­tor in pavement deterioration and, consequently, a major consideration in new pavement and rehabilitation design.

As the cost of fuel has increased, r.he trucking industry has sought ways to economize its operations. One approach was an attempt to improve truck gas mileage by reducing rolling resistance through the use of higher tire inflation pressures. This increased tire pressure has presumably caused an increase in the rutting and fatigue failures of asphaltic concrete pavements.

The AASHO Road Test was conducted and analyzed using 1958-1960 truck characteristics. Since r.hen tire pres­sures have increased, and their effects on fatigue damage to pavements are not documented. AI !.hough pavement design­ers have in the past attempted to counteract r.he effects of increased loading through improved pavement and geomet­ric designs, the rate of pavement deterioration continues to increase (Refs 6, 11, 15, and 23). The actual pavement loading mechanisms and r.heir magnitudes must be identi­fied in order to estimate real pavement perfonnance.

Current pavement design assumes a unifonn pressure distribution equal to r.he tire inflation pressure loaded over a circular tire contact area. Research has clearly demonstrated that r.he actual pressures are dependent on the user vehicle operating characteristics, tire type, wheel load, and tire inflation pressures.

Severa! attempts have been made to detennine tire contact pressure distributions. Tielking (Ref 15), for ex­ample, developed a fmite element model of tires to estimate stresses and strains in pavements when r.he tire is loaded and inflated to different air pressures. However, none of r.hese studies has been related to and calibrated wir.h experimental measurements.

At The University of Texas at Austin, contact pressure distributions of a statically loaded tire have been experimen­tally detennined (Refs 1, 2, and 25). This has been possible through a system which provides numerical pressure values for r.he contact area and two-dimensional color spectrum graphics that clearly focus on the variations in contact pressures and show r.he locations of the peak pressure values.

The objectives of r.he study described in this report arc ( 1) to establish pressure distributions for four different types and sizes of tires in contact with a steel plate, (2) to provide data to assist pavement designers in estimating the increas­ing rate of highway deterioration, and (3) to provide legisla­tors with infonnation for use in developing legislation re­garding tire pressure limits and usage.


Chapter 2 contains a brief summary of related studies dealing wir.h r.his subject. A description of r.he experimental procedure used in r.his project is presented in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 contains the experimental results, including tire contact pressure distributions, contact areas, load distribu­tions across r.he tread width, and proportions of contact area covered by different pressure ranges for the tires tested. A discussion and an analysis of r.he results are presented in Chapter 5, along with appropriate statistical analyses. In Chapter 6, conclusions and recommendations for future research are presented.

RESEARCH APPROACH To identify the contact area and pressure magnitudes,

static testing was perfonned at The University of Texas at Austin on several tires at various inflation pressures and wheel loads. These tires were a bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR­H super single, a radial Michelin 275/BOR/24.5 LR-G, a radial Michelin 255nOR/22.5 LR -G, and a radial Goodyear 11R24.5 LR-G.

The experimental procedure consisted of four stages: (1) mounting r.he tire, (2) testing the tire and producing calibration squares, (3) analyzing r.he Fuji and ink prints, and ( 4) presenting the results. Details of r.he experimental proce­dure can be found in Chapter 3 of this report.

In genera!, Fuji prescale film was the medium used to capture the tire contact pressure distributions. This is the film used by Hansen, Chan, and Marshek in References 1, 2, and 25. The Fuji prescale film was located between the tire and r.he steel plate. By applying different loads to r.he tire, the Fuji prints were produced. The Fuji prints were r.hen scanned and digitized using an Adage 3006Graphics system. Several computer programs written exclusively for r.his project were run in order to measure, analyze, and display r.he truck tire contact pressure distributions.

The tire contact area and the applied wheel load values obtained from r.he analysis of r.he Fuji prints were checked


for consistency. Tire contact areas were estimated by pro­ducing ink prints and analyzing lhem. The applied wheel loads were detennined using lhe computer programs and compared wilh lhe actual applied loads used in testing. This checking process enhanced lhe validity of lhe results.

The truck tire pavement contact pressure distributions of lhe four tested tires are presented in two ways, in Chapter 4: (1) numerical p~essure maps and (2) two-dimensional color pressure plots.


This chapter discusses the literature associated with tire contact pressure disuibutions. Several technical publica­tions related to tire contact pressures, wheel loads, tire types, and tire inflation pressures were reviewed. Descriptions of the tire-pavement interface pressure characteristics, their effect on pavement life, and future trends in tire types are presented below.

LITERATURE SURVEY A literature search was conducted to determine the

existing state of knowledge relating to the project. The reference collection of the Center for Transportation Re­search at The University of Texas at Austin, the Highway Department libraries in various states, and other academic libraries were among the sources of information for this project. This section presents a review of several papers addressing the problems of tire-pavement interface pressure characteristics and tire contact effects on pavement life.

Tire-Pavement Interface Pressure Characteristics

In pavement design, it is frequently assumed that (1) the tire contact pressure is equal to the tire inflation pressure, and (2) the tire contact pressure is uniformly distributed over a circular area. These assumptions are based on the idea that, if an inflated membrane is in contact with a flat surface, the contact pressure at each point is equal to the membrane's inflation pressure and the contact area is circular. Theoreti­cally, as well as experimentally, it has been demonstrated that contact pressures are not uniform and contact areas are not circular. Models constructed with these assumptions are hardly accurate because carcass stiffness as well as stiffness in the sidewalls prohibits equal pressure distribution in the contact area (Ref 20).

Lippmann and Oblizajek (Ref 17) stated that tire pave­ment contact area is influenced by factors such as vehicle speed, wheel load, tire inflation pressures, wheel camber, steering, braking, vehicle suspension, and tire configura­tion. Tielking and Roberts (Ref 15) described the mecha­nism whereby a tire transfers a wheel load to the pavement. Tielking and Roberts stated that changes in either the wheel load or the tire inflation pressure result in variations in actual contact area.

Ginn and Marlowe (Ref 22) explained the characteris­tics of tire-pavement contact stresses, describing their components and orientations. The stresses can be repre­sented by two components, one perpendicular and the other tangent to the contact surface. This latter component may also be subdivided into two sub-components, each lying in the contact plane. One of the two sub-components is parallel to the central plane of the tire and is called the longitudinal


stress component; the other, called the lateral stress compo­nent, is perpendicular to the central plane of the tire. In general, these sub-components are called shear components.

The shear components are created when an inflated tire is deflected against the pavement, causing the doubly­curved surface of the tread to become a flat surface. When the tire is vertically deflected against a flat surface, the motion is restrained by friction between the tire and the pavement, creating perpendicular horizontal shear compo­nents of contact pressure. However, when the tire rolls freely without camber, the shear pressure is re-directed, due to the superposition of an angular velocity on the tread surface. Bonse and Kuhn (Ref 21) experimentally confirmed this as early as 1959 by rolling a tire over a circular force-measuring stud placed in a manhole cover.

Tielking and Roberts (Ref 15) believed that the magni­tude of the lateral shear is dependent on tire construction, with the radial tires producing about one-half lower peak pressure values than bias tires. They also believed that the lateral shear pressure applies a much higher stress to the pavement than does longitudinal shear pressure.

Tire Contact Pressure and Its Effect on Pavement Performance

A pavement must provide the load-bearing surface for which it is designed. This depends on the expected traffic loads, density of traffic, and desired service life. The pave­ment must maintain an adequate surface condition such that it is able to permit comfortable and safe driving within the designated speed limits. The service life is dependant on the loading the pavement receives. Traditionally, pavement design engineers have been primarily concerned with only the wheel loading effects, but, recently, research efforts have also investigated environmental and traffic effects caused by wheel loads and tire inflation pressures. References 4, 15, 18, 27, 28, and 29 discuss the stress and strain relationship in an asphalt pavement system caused by wheel load and inflation pressure.

In general, the literature shows that the major causes for increases in pavement fatigue and rutting rates are increases in wheel loads and tire inflation pressures. For example, van Vuuren (Ref 4) analyzed various linear elastic pavement structures under many combinations of wheel loads and inflation pressures, using the Chevron computer program. He attributed four types of pavement failure to high contact pressure: (1) fatigue of the surface layer, (2) fatigue of cement stabilized bases, (3) surface densification, and (4) consolidation of the subgrade. Another researcher, Eisen­mann (Ref 27), states that pavement rutting is caused by mechanical abrasion and is due to irreversible material


deformations. These defonnations are mainly caused by high tire contact pressure concentrations, which are in turn caused by a change in wheel load and/or a change in tire innation pressure. Papagianak:is (Ref 18) likewise believes that the compressive strains at the top of the asphalt surface are dramatically affected by high tire inflation and contact pressures.

Many researchers have addressed this growing prob­lem, the effects of tire contact pressures on pavement life. References 5, 18, and 26 describe possible pavement-life­saving solutions. For example, Brown (Ref 5), at a sympo­sium for high pressure truck tires, stated that, through legislation and improved engineering, pavement life could possibly be maintained and extended. The possible legal measures he mentioned were (1) placing legal limits on tire pressures, (2) placing controls on the manufacture of high pressure tires, (3) requiring approval by FHW A of any new tire carcass design, ( 4) requiring approval for any new suspension system (considering tires as a component of the suspension system), and (5) using tire inflation pressure as a factor in setting truck user taxes.

Nine states have already implemented conditional pro­visions for the maximum wheel load as a function of the tire inflation pressure (Refs 6 and 16). These regulations are generally expressed as two allowable loads per tire, one for inflation pressures below 100 psi and another for inflation pressures above 1 00 psi.

The possible engineering improvements suggested by Brown include (1) the use of more accurate pavement structural design models, (2) possible development of better binders and cements, and (3) emphasis on better quality control and mix design criteria. These improvements, if implemented, will help in estimating the pavement perfonn­ance and service life in a more reliable manner.

Future Trends in Tire Types

Pavement designers are concerned with future trends in tire types. For example, Papagianalcis and Haas (Ref 18) mentioned that inflation pressures, regardless of tire types, are much higher than they were two decades ago. Yeager (Ref 19), based on the fact that radial tires have a demon­strated higher wear life, predicted that the amount of radial replacement tires would increase from 65 to 88 percent within the next 10 years. Yeager also stated that the average set of radial automotive tires currently serves for approxi­mately 39,000 miles before replacement (some of the new designs are capable of 65,000 miles). Recently, with the introduction to the market of the all-season radial tire, traditional bias tires are being rapidly replaced.

Most experts agree that the popularity of radial tires will continue to grow, particularly the all-season radials. The all-season tire has proven to be fuel efficient and provides good traction on wet and snowy roads. The all-season tire, with its improved perfonnance capability and lower profile, has become even more attractive.

Papagianak:is (Ref 18} stated that tire manufacturers are attempting to improve tire unifonnity and further reduce rolling resistance by, modifying design and production pro­cedures. Rolling resistance has also been reduced by in­creasing inflation pressures. This trend will continue with the widespread use of low-profile tires and variable comfort suspension systems.

Roberts (Ref 3}, for example, used a tire inflation pressure of 125 psi in his model to estimate the behavior of thin asphalt concrete surfaces on granular bases. He said that. although 125 psi may appear high, representatives from various tire manufacturers indicate that within the next 5 years (1986-91) tire inflation pressures would continue to rise, to nearly 150 psi. He believed that higher tire inflation pressures resulted because increased fuel costs prompted the trucking industry to attempt to reduce rolling resistance and thereby increase fuel economy. Therefore, the tire manufac­turers have responded by marketing both bias and radial tires that operate at higher tire inflation pressures.

Zekoski (Ref 23) believes radialization will continue into applications that traditionally have been bias domi­nated, to increase fuel economy (e.g., on school buses, pick­up trucks, and delivery trucks).

Zekoski also addressed the possible impact of European tires. There is a trend in Europe to manufacture tires having higher load capabilities and inflation pressures to meet the increasing regional legal load limits, which are higher than those in the U.S. He believed that, as the global marketplace continues to mature, an increasing number of these tires will enter the United States, and the effect of these tires on pavement life must be addressed.

CONCLUSIONS From the literature review the following conclusions

maybe made:

(1} Wheel load and tire inflation pressure have a signifi­cant effect on pavement service life.

(2} The major causes for the increase in pavement fatigue and rutting rates are increases in the wheel loads and tire inflation pressures.

(3} Theoretically and experimentally it has been demon­strated that contact pressures are not unifonn and that the contact area is not circular.

(4) Tire contact forces are nonnal stresses, and are longi­tudinal and lateral shear stresses.

(5) Factors affecting contact pressure distributions in­clude speed, steering, tire camber, tire construction, braking, inflation pressure, and wheel load .

(6) The use of radial tires will increase significantly, replacing the bias tire market at a faster rate.

(7) Improved engineering and increased legislation may reduce pavement rutting and fatigue caused by high wheel loads and high inflation pressures.

These conclusions reinforce the need for the experi­mental determination of the tire contact pressure distribu­tions, since these pressure distributions have a major influ­ence on pavement performance and service life. As stated in


Chapter 1, this report addresses this need by testing several popular tires and presenting the variations of tire contact pressures. when a wheel load and/or a tire inflation pressure changes.

CHAPTER3. EXPERIMENTALPROCEDURES This chapter describes the experimental procedures

used in obt.aining tire pavement contact pressure distribu­tions and lists the experimental parameters which were selected for measurement.

EXPERIMENTAL PARAMETERS Fuji and ink: prints were produced for various com bina­

tions of tires, wheel loads, and inflation pressures. The parameters and the reasons for their selection are discussed below. The experimental parameters are t.abulated in Table 3.1.


In nation In nation Tire Pressure Loads Pressure Loads Type (psi) .J!2L (psi) .J!2L

18-22.5 85 15,000 100 15.000

275!80R/24.5 95 6,000 110 6,000

95 8,000 110 8,000

255/70R/22.5 110 6,000 135 6,000

110 8,000 135 8,000

l1R24.5 95 6,000 110 6,000

95 8,000 110 8,000


Four truck: tires were selected for experimentation: a bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H super single tire, a radial Michelin 275/80R{24.5 LR-G tire, a radial Michelin 255/ 70R22.5 LR-G tire, and a radial Goodyear 11R24.5 LR-G tire. The bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H truck: tire, tested by Hansen (Ref 1 ), was subjected to further tests to obtain more information on this tire, due to its popularity and growing demand.

The radial Michelin 27 5/80R/24 .5 LR -G tire, the radial Michelin 255{70R/22.5 LR-G tire, and the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 LR-G tire were selected due to their popularity on Texas highways. In fact, the radial11 R24.5 tire is generally considered to be the most common truck tire found running on U.S. highways today (Refs 3 and 7).

Loads and Inflation Pressures

All the tires except the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H super single tire were tested at the maximum inflation pressures and loads recommended by the manufacturers and also at loads and inflation pressures that were roughly 20 percent higher. For the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 tire, it was decided to load the tire at 15 ,000 pounds under the inflation pressures (85 and 100 psi) used by Hansen (Ref 1). The


applied wheel loads .and tire inflation pressures are shown in Table 3.1.

EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The flow chart of the experimental procedure used to

obtain tire contact pressure distributions is shown in Fig 3 .1. The experimental procedure used in this project consisted of four stages: (1) mounting the tire, (2) testing the tire and producing calibration squares, (3) analysis of the Fuji and ink: prints, and (4) presentation of results. For additional details on the experimental procedure, consult Ref I.

Mounting the Tire

The work: prior to the testing consisted of mounting the tire and placing the tire into the load frame, which was followed by operations such as tightening the connections, adjusting the alignment, installing the load calibration cell, and controlling the tire inflation pressure to the desired setting. Figure 3.2 shows the setup for the experiment: the mounted tire ready for testing, the load frame, the hydraulic pumps, the platfonn, the data acquisition system, and the load cell.

Testing the Tire and Producing Calibration Square;

Fuji and ink: prints were made of the tires as they were subjected to different combinations of wheel loads and inflation pressures. The procedure was similar to the one followed by Hansen (Ref 1), except that here the side tire movements were also recorded. This was done by measuring the horizontal and vertical deflections of previously selected reference points (see Appendix B for side tire movement data).

(1) When pressure is applied to a Fuji prescale film, the film changes color in such a way that darker pigmentation is produced in zones of higher pressure. The Fuji or pressure prints are used to relate the contact pressures with color intensities. The Fuji preseale films are comprised of" A" and "C" sheets. Both sheets have a low compressibility polyester base. The A sheet has a thin coating of microcapsule, color­forming material, and the C sheet has a thin coating of color

1 A special strategy was followed for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire, since it was felt that in this case the peak pressure values would not be recorded, because they were beyond the capacity (0 to 285 psi) of the Fuji Super Low film. Hansen stated that there was a possibility of not recording higher pressure values due to the limited capacity of the Fuji Super Low film. The very high intensities suggest that pressure values could become as high as 500 psi or even 600 psi. Hence, an additional experiment was conducted using Fuji Low range film, which has a higher capacity (170 to 1,000 psi).







MOUNTTHE TIRE c t-ed< Alignm~t. Tightness,

Tre lrtlal:ion Presstre, Symr-netry at Loading, and the load

Calitration Cell.


Using the Fuji Fim Prescale F i m USing IIi<



OF THE CURVE 1---- PROCESS CONTACT AREA Color lntensty ol'tt'e Based on the vs. Pressure Fuji PrintS Ill< Prints





CHECK AREA t--&.REPEAT Based on the

0 .

Fuji Pri1ts





+ ' ' 20 Pressure Det«mlnal:bn or Pld:s NUTierical Prop:>rtiors d CHECK

3D Pressure Presstre COntact Area &. REPEAT Pld:s Map; Cavered cy Specific

0 Presstre Ra~

Fig 3.1. Flow chart of the experimental procedures used to obtain tire contact pressure distributions.



HP 150AComputer

Fig 3.2. Load frame schematic (Ref 1).

Jl~ ~~~=::.::, .. r"'''I+YJ& z;;;;;;;;...,._lntermediate Layer C-sheet ...,._Substrate

Fig 3.3. Fuji prescale film working principle (Ref 1).

developing material. The microcapsules on the A sheets are of various sizes, and this allows them to break at different pressure levels. Large microcapsules break at relatively low pressures, while smaller capsules break at higher pressures. To produce a color density image, the A and C sheets are superimposed with the coated surfaces face to face. As pressure is applied, the microcapsules on the A sheets break,

releasing the color material. Figure 3.3, which is taken from Ref 1, shows the working principle of the Fuji prescale film.

(2) The calibration squares were produced on the Fuji prescale film using a compression machine. These squares were produced at different loads in order to have a variety of points to enable us to analyze and construct a calibration curve to relate color intensities with pressure values. Since

the Fuji prescale film changes with time and from box to box, these calibration squares were produced at approximately the same time as the Fuji prints; and, in the case where two separate boxes of Fuji prcscale film were used to complete the testing of one tire, a set of calibration squares was produced for each box of film.

(3) The ink prints were produced under the same testing parameters as the Fuji prints. The monochrome ink prints were used for calculating the tire-plate contact areas. The ink prints were made by applying a common black ink to the tire and pressing the tire down on a white paper that covered the steel plate. From these prints, the tire contact areas were determined using the counting method, i.e., by placing a transparent grid paper on the ink print and counting the number of shaded squares in the transparent grid paper.

( 4) The side tire movements were determined by se­lecting five reference points on the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H super single tire and four reference points on the other tires. Then the horizontal and vertical deflections of these reference points were measured. These data are recorded in Appendix B.

Analysis of the Fuji and Ink Prints

Analysis of the Fuji prints consisted of running the programs developed by Chan (Ref 2), with some modifica­tions by these authors, and calculating the tire contact areas from the ink prints. The Adage System was used to digitize and analyze the Fuji prints. The Adage system consists of an Eikonix Scanner and an Adage3006Graphics System. A tire image analysis program was run on this system to determine the contact pressure distributions. Complete details of the Adage system can be found in Ref 2 and in the Advanced Graphics Laboratory of The University of Texas at Austin. Also,acompleteexplanationthecomputerprogramsuscdto determine the tire contact pressure distributions can be found in Refs 1 and 2. A brief description of these is included in Appendix A.

During the analysis of the Fuji prints, two checks were performed in order to validate the tire contact pressure


distribution output These checks were done for each tire and at each set of experimental parameters. The first check was to compar~ the calculated load obtained from the Adage system with the actual wheel load applied during testing. The second check was to compare the calculated tire contact area obtained from the Adage system with the tire contact area obtained from the counting method. In order to have high reliability, these differences had to have an offsetofless than 5 percent. Otherwise the whole analysis was checked and repeated.

Presentations of Results

The results consisted of 2D contact pressure plots in color, the numerical pressure maps, and the proportions of the tire contact area at different pressure ranges.

The 2D pressure plots were produced in the Adage system. These pressure plots are color spectra representing the tire contact pressure distributions. These plots are dis­played on the screen of the computer monitor and then recorded photographically.

The numerical pressure maps show the actual contact pressure values acting in the contact area. The 2D pressure plots and the numerical pressure maps present the same data but in different ways.

The proportions of the contact area covered by the following pressure ranges were determined from the nu­merical pressure maps: (1) <50 psi, (2) 50 to 100 psi, (3) 101 to 150 psi, (4) 151 to 200 psi, (5) 201 to 250 psi, (6) 251 to 300 psi, and (7) >300 psi. This was done to provide more information on the tire-pavement contact pressure distribu­tions.

For the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire, results from both the Fuji Super Low and the Fuji Low range films were combined, and the proportions of contact areas for the following pressure ranges were determined: 301 to 400 psi, 401 to 500 psi, 501 to 600 psi, and >600 psi.


Using l.he Fuji prescale film and l.he Adage analysis system, contact pressure distributions for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H "Super Single" tire, the radial Michelin 275/ SOR/24.5 LR-G tire, lhe radial Michelin 255!70R22.5 LR-G tire, and l.he radial Goodyear 11R24.5 LR-G tire were recorded and analyzed. The experimental parameters and the resulting contact pressures for each tire are presented.


The bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H truck tire, tested by Hansen (Ref 1), was subjected to further tests to obtain more information on this tire, due to its popularity and growing demand. Hansen (Refl) tested this tireat8,000, 10,000,and 12,000 pounds, at inflation pressures of85 and 100 psi. Here, this tire was tested at 15,000 pounds, at the same inflation pressures. Both films, the Super Low and l.he Low range Fuji prescale films, were used. Also, ink prints were produced in each case.

Table4.1 shows (1) l.he print width, (2) the print length, (3) the mean contact pressure values, ( 4) l.he tire contact area obtained from the Adage system, and (5) the tire contact area obtained from the counting mel.hod for the various tire inflation pressures and w heel1oads. Note that, in general, the mean contact pressures are higher than the tire inflation pressures. The differences in the tire contact areas obtained from the Adage system and the counting method are on l.he order of± 5 percent For this tire, results from l.he Fuji "Super Low" and the Fuji "Low" range films were combined. Table 4.2 shows the contact area for various pressure ranges for the case where the wheel load is 15,000 pounds.

The contact areas covered by l.he various pressure ranges are computed from the numerical pressure maps presented by Hansen (Ref 1) for l.he 12,000, 10,000, and 8,000-pound wheel load cases. These data are tabulated in

Table 4.3. Table 4.4 shows the load distribution across the tread widl.h, obtained from the Adage system, when l.he tire was tested at the 15,000-pound wheel load.

Figures 4.1 and 4.2 show two-dimensional contact pressure plots in color for the tire loaded to a 15,000-pound load when inflated to 100 and 85 psi, respectively. Figures 4.3 and 4.4 show l.he numerical contact pressure maps for the same parameters. Figures 4.5 l.hrough 4.10 have been con­structed using the data from Tables 4.2 and 4.3. These histograms show the effects of changing from one load to another load, and from one inflation pressure to another inflation pressure.


The radial Michelin 275!80R/24.5 LR-G tire was ana­lyzed following the same procedure described in Chapter 3. This tire was tested under its rated parameters and under a set of parameters roughly 20 percent higher. This tire is rated for a maximum load of 6,005 pounds and a maximum inflation pressure of 100 psi. This tire was tested at 6,000 and 8,000 pounds, at inflation pressures of 95 and 110 psi. Ink prints were produced in each case.

The tire contact areas obtained from the Adage system and the counting method, l.he print width and print length of the contact areas, and the mean contact pressures are tabu­lated in Table 4.5. Note l.hat, in general, the mean contact pressures are higher than l.he tire inflation pressures. The differences in the tire contact areas obtained from l.he Adage system and the counting method are on the order of ± 5 percent.

The proportions of contact area covered by the various pressure ranges are computed from the numerical pressure




Ranges Innation Pressure

(f!Sl) 8S psi 100 psi

<50 3.43 0.23

Mean In nation Wheel Print Print Contact Tire Contact Area Pressure Load Width Length Pressure Adage Manual

(psi) ~ J!!!:L .1!!!.:L (psi) (sq in.) (sq in.) 50-100 36.00 36.50

85 8,000 11.9 11.5 99.40 75.60 80.48 101-150 28.51 25.67

85 10,000 12.1 12.8 105.57 99.90 94.72 151-200 22.25 23.91

85 12,000 12.4 13.8 109.04 114.94 110.05 201-250 6.87 10.68

85 15,000 12.4 15.2 108.95 122.04 126.10 251-300 1.08 1.23

100 8,000 11.4 11.1 102.15 74.40 78.32 301-400 1.05 1.10

100 10,000 12.1 12.1 110.74 87.70 90.30 401-500 0.52 0.44

100 12,000 12.4 12.3 111.80 112.04 107.33 501-600 0.17 0.15

100 15,000 12.4 14.3 124.79 116.26 120.20 ! >600 0.12 0.09





Pressure 12,000-lb Load 10,000-lb Load 81000-lb Load 15,000-POUND LOAD

Ranges Tnnation Pressure

(psi) 85 psi 100 psi 85 psi 100 psi 85 psi

<50 0.73 0.71 3.45 9.02 6.35

50-100 54.68 53.08 61.69 46.90 54.26

101-150 27.12 28.23 25.49 24.39 28.49

151-200 13.05 13.61 4.70 12.13 5.96

201-250 3.28 3.37 2.28 4.36 2.83

251-300 1.14 1.00 1.23 2.20 1.43

>300 0.00 0.00 1.16 1.00 0.68

maps forthe6,000 and 8,000-pound wheel load cases. These data are tabulated in Table 4.6. Table 4.7 shows the load distribution across the tread width, obtained from the Adage system, when the tire was tested at the tire inflation pressures and wheel loads given in Table 3.1.

Figures 4.11 and 4.12 show two-dimensional contact pressure plots for the tire loaded to a 6,000-pound load when inflated to 95 and 110 psi, respectively. Figures 4.13 and 4.14 show two-dimensional contact pressure plots for the tire loaded to an 8,000-pound load when inflated to 95 and 110 psi, respectively. Figures 4.15 through 4.18 show the numerical contact pressure maps for the same parameters. Figures 4.19 through 4.22 have been constructed using the data from Table 4.6. These histograms show the effects of changing from one load to another load, and from one inflation pressure to another inflation pressure.


The radial Michelin 255nOR{22.5 LR-G tire was ana­lyzed following the procedure described in Chapter 3. This tire was tested under its rated parameters and under a set of parameters roughly 20 percent higher. This tire is rated for a maximum load of 5,510 pounds and a maximum inflation pressure of 115 psi. This tire was tested at6,000 and 8,000 pounds, at inflation pressures of 110 and 135 psi. Ink prints were produced in each case.

The tire contact areas obtained from the Adage system and the counting method, the print width and print length of the contact areas, and the mean contact pressures are tabu­lated in Tables 4.8. Note that, in general, the mean contact pressures are higher than the tire inflation pressures. The differences in the tire contact areas obtained from the Adage system and the counting method are on the order of ± 5 percent.

100 psi Position Innation Pressure

7.01 Tread Width 85 psi 100 psi

48.65 Left 2339.3 2237.8 28.56 Left-Center 3249.1 3303.6 9.35 Center 3363.7 3569.5 3.66 Right-Center 3244.1 3370.4 1.90 Right 2803.3 2518.7 0.87

Fig 4.1. Two-dimensional contact pressure plot for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire inflated to 100 psi

and loaded to 15,000 pounds.

Fig 4.2. Two-dimensional contact pressure plot for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire inflated to 85 psi and

loaded to 15,000 pounds.



" n U UO UJ lU 104 Ul llt lU

u 1't lJl 19 101 UD lU 1)1 HI lll 101 )) \U 121 'Ul Ul 100 U Tt

U lU 1 U 112 Ul 1.11 lJl lll lll lU 112 111 1J 1ft ltl Ul Ut 111 llt u n

12 " lU lot U4 lU lU lll lU 146 141 141 lU ll6 Ut lll- Jt 119 Ul 110 101 122

U lt U U2 \OJ lU Ul lH \U Ul l10 lU 121 1U 141 1U 141 lU 2t4 t'J u

U I'll tfi Ul IU 1)1 Ul OU UCI Ul 22 uo 11~ 1n ut tn

" U 103 lU Uf lU 114 lU U1 lU llG tU UO 100 lU \2l til lU \.U 121 lU Ul U1 lU ltl 4t 222 111 200 UO 144 lJO lll 11-6 Ul 104

u 1..,1 1,. :z:z:z :z:n :tlil &I 2lt Ul :lll llll 201 l1l lU 1fil lU 141 1\4

U i!U HO 2U 2l2 Ut l9Y ltO l'll uo 111 Ul 141 l4t 1U

U lH Ul lll l)) lH lU 140 ll2 Ul llf 221 lU tU 119 201 ar; ll l4l l!lo1 lU no 2U 219 Hl HO Jill lll 114 ll1 Ul tU

l! .Jll :ru an tu; :tU uo 1u 1n 116 1n 1n tl4 tUtu

U U<t U'l llO lU lU H!l l'U lUlU 111 201 lU l:lfl :Zl2 221 loc 191 lU 1U 1U Ul 112 lU Ul 1U J54 U6 1$4 au Ul 1ll 164 11t

Ul U11U lU

llJ 161 UO 111 1~6 lU U2 llt 111 lH Hit Ut ft JU IU .tU Uo lU

lll ll1 11l 1ft 11l 1U lt2 1" Ut 202 176 191 It no lU ltt HI lU lH lU Ut 136 Ul U " Ill 11& U9 22:J 161 141 1 H lll 191 2lJ 1lf ltt 11 li:TS 11:41 1U 1U 121 U1 ll1 11' 1U 164 Ul 119 lU Ul

f4 Iii u lU Ul lll 11 ,, llO tU ld tll 11! 146 164 llt 204 U

1;.1 Ul 114 Ul lU 1!U l!U H U U1 lU H

Ul lll 111 100 11! 111 114 uo 141 1f6 101 111

lU i1) tn lUlU lU 11!1 11!1 111 149 2U lUlU 170 lH llil JU t4 lll 116 1U 71 17J Ul JiP Ul Ul aU 191 11l 11'9 l&l

100 OU lH t4t Ut 1U lll l$41 114 Ul tU 221 2'U H!l U4 261 :tt:t u tto tot u lO" au 110 1u 1111!

li2 U7 Ul 11$ 140 lH lU \ll 141 lU lU :l!U lU Zl4 lOCI l:U H4 U UO 2lilt lll lUllS Ht llO 11l 191 lH 1tt H nt Jn ut tn 140

n •• ,, 111 tu nl tu zoo aa aot au u1 nt 116 aU llO li:U 114 lU Ul llt 1K 140 141 Ia

" n JU Ul au 19'9 1U 1U 10 161 lH lU 111 LU lll 110

u tn uo uJ tn ua Ul u u t:n tn l' 94 Ul lU 1M 1U 119 Ut 1U 141 131 1JI 101 lOll:

" 100 ll4 119 lU lot lU lll 111 1U 12• 1 U 201 211

t::t 104 102 104 ,. H lU 1a Pt 111 ua 111 :ru n 11 12 7) 16 1t llO ,, ut tt u n ,, no ut n uo 111 too n ,,

It U U llt lU lU lU lU Ul ltO .. nut .. ., n to tl n n U lot Ul lU Ul tU lU lt6 13 lU .. u '" 11 •• n uo :n 1U tn tn u1 tu .. 11112 lUlU Hl06: 1a1U U

n u 15. u 12 92 Hl 111 u' Ito .. tl ., 102 n 1n u.a uc u t.a u 101 41U.tU,Ol1

u ,, 101 101 ,. .. t.t .... 11 ,. at 140 llT lU 9l 60 70 lit ilO l1 U U lt ll

21 n 11 .. u u n " 101 ,.. n 11 ., n '' 1a a

l1 11 ,. lOJ lU lU Ul 1l1011U lCO

41 11 n 14

u ll ,, ~ '1 64 .. u n " ..

Fig 4.3. Numerical pressure map for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire inflated to 100 psi and loaded to 15~000 pounds. The pressure print is 14.3 inches long and 12.4 inches wide.




tt LlZ lU lJT lU lUi UJ 111 ,2) 2t U " ..t u n •• •• •• 14 u at 1u 111 tu 1u 'J9 lU UJ ltl 171 1t.l Ut 111 lU J1 It f4 U \40 Ut 114 116 114 lll llJ 101 101

" lU lU l.Jl lJl 1.11 lU 101 U tl 16.2 lU 111 til Ut 141 lJl 116 HI 110

" li lU lU lH lU ~-.14 ltl lU UT 1U Ut Ul Ut 104 U

It t9 111 Ul: lU \10 U6 Ul It ll 90 1U lll llt 1t1 ltl 102 U tf J1 *l li Jt U H U at Ul Ut

91 ll: u 111 94 ll:l Ut lH lU Ul 114 161 :11:01 ,. llt H 116 1U lOt U :n til lCl 4l

U 102 tn lll le-t lU lU 94 1U ill 161 lU llt llt tU ttl lU lU 141

u a n 11 n u ~J t6t \U '' u 'tt 10~ 126 lll 131 \U Ull' l HI J:U 1U lU 19 1U 112 ttl tt6 lH tfoi 164 110 1U Ut Hit Ht ;.n lU

U 1 .. 164 lJc4 t•t lU \U tiO ltt 119 lU 172 110 11:1 ill

lOl lUlU 120 Ut 1U l.Jl l47 Hl lll tU' UT U 44 l:lt U1 lOl •• u• 101 1 H lU 10.2: tU 111 Ht 124 Ui lt~ ll\ :.It l!D tn tTl 1U 2tl tl2 ~to J:U 20& 201 llt U't \41 1t2 101 U 'ti

ll4 lll lH Ul Ul Ut l.Jt UO lU Ul 1\l lot Ul %11 l'lt 2U Ut :11:01 1 H HO Ut U!t U4 111 104 U UO 104 U H Hl JH ~UI 116 Ul ll4 lU 1U lU lU

t.U 202 tU UO Ul tn 1lfi UO 1U UO UO ltt 20l 221 UO 2ll U$ !U 114 li't l.\9 149 1 n lUI Ul lot

lU zn lH tn \91 164 1241 lU 1U UO Ul if\ 2241 UC 2U 241 Ul 11 lll 1&1 lU Ut lU lll 140 Ue UO 114 lU n 101 tu 1.n 111 u

l! lU l.ll 101 21 41 119 10'7 HI 11) 214 Ul 191 2U Ul 141 IU UO U't \41 147 Ut lU Ut 1U Ul 1l4 ll!t 101 1tl Ul 111 114 lU ltl til U ltO lll ~0

1U JU U1 Ui Ul Ut 116 nt 1 41 110 1 To 111 lU 1u let 1n tn u• 141 Ul Ul 104 1'10 JU 212 200 Ul llt UO

41 Ut 1U t'l tt 114 lU 1JJ Ut 140 lt7 HI US. lit lU ll lO 114 IU JU Ill UO U6 lll ltl lH l6J U6 lU 1U ltl !JO

Hf U4 llf 142 :.•t 1U 16.2 U lU 102 tU 141 Ul lUlU 144 lH P4 Ul 2n :Ut za• ue Jot 111 lJO ttl ttl no at 111 a:i

PI 2U Ul IU Ill Ul zot tt6 189 :.U 111 HI :to lH Bl

tn :.n t-U ua Hl a1 a2 tu• 112 uo uo :ru 240 n1 nt :t4o ut ll21-:.'tl4ll211Z9llil .. lll lll 144 lU 14t tU lU lll tU 143 lH IU 214 2Dti .Ul lU 2U Ul lll 14\ 124 ~Jl 111

lU tn lU lll ltil \U ll:t tl.ll2o llt lU :n2 110 ltl Ut lH U't U U1 ~ 11 lU Ul tll l:il 1.09 122 101 41 1)2 lU 141 llt

'' !a4 144 uc 2~0 \&4 uo at au 2u tU lH 141 140 1H lJI Ul Ht Ui !.11 litO '»

2$ u U iU 1?1 202 U4 JU lU tU UC llt 160 tH ll'f l'JO 1U lU 120 !Zl

101 1c J' 1:11 141 n n 96 n uo tn 100 1u Ul 41 lii

1U 112 lU U2 Ul Hl UO zt f1 Ul 1] 11 114 lifo 104 lU 11t lU Ul U:O Ul P4 llt Pl 161 !.U 1\1 lU 121 ll'J lU ~2l lU

9<4 ltl lOt 101 t9 Ut ltl lll M lU tll Ul 41 tl ft 101 12& 10 t9 P HI UO U4 lU U U U t'l 141' UJ lU lU lti 160 U;:i 141 lH UO lU 101 lQl 112 lU

tt HI Ul lU U11 110 lU U 107 UJ 141 lU lU 1JJ lH 1.10 " 1U lU lU lll 1l1 Ul UO lU U 1 124 101 104 tt tct 112

14 Ut U n tS l' tl 111 lU 1U 1U lU Ul 1u 1u u• lOJ M 14 4l u 1l6 lOl 11 U 111 .. tl H 11 U ll tt 111 Ul lU lfl ltt tH

&1 l! 'H UO Ul tn Ul 140 iU " " UlllilH\UlU U

,, u l:i n UO " Ul Uo UO 1U .. .. " n u•

" '' 4l n 11 11 .. .. ,, .. " " u u~ .,

" ll :il U ll1U U UlOOtU U 11 n .. " " 11 '' n st •• ..

lt U IZ ..

Fig 4.4. Numerical pressure map for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire inflated to 85 psi and loaded to 15,000 pounds. The pressure print is 14.3 inches long and 12.4 inches wide.


~ ~ Cll ~ <: u Cll c 0


0 c: 0 •t: 0 a. 0


~ ~ Cll ~ <: u Cll c 0


0 c: 0 t: 0 a. e c..

~ ~ Cll ~ < u Cll c 0 (.)

0 c: 0 •t: 0 a. e c..


Load & Inflation Pressure 50 • 8000 lb & 85 psi

Ill 8000 lb & 1 00 psi





0 <50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)


50 Load & Inflation Pressure

• 10000 lb & 85 psi II 10000 lb & 100 psi





0 <50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)


Load & Inflation Pressure

50 • 12000 lb & 85 psi II 12000 lb & 1 00 psi






<50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Fig 4.5. Histogram for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire. Shown are the

proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for a 8,000-pound

wheel load and inflation pressures of 85 and 100 psi.

Fig 4.6. Histogram for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire. Shown are the

proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for a 10,000-pound wheel load and inflation pressures of 85 and

100 psi.

Fig 4.7. Histogram for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire. Shown are the

proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for a 12,000-pound wheel load and inflation pressures of 85 and

100 psi.

Fig 4.8. Histogram for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire. Shown are the

proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for a 15,000-pound wheel load and infiation pressures of 85 and

100 psi.

Fig 4.9. Histogram for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR-H tire. Shown are the

proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for an infiation pressure of 100 psi and loads of 8,000,

10,000, 12,000 and 15,000 pounds.

Fig 4.10. Histogram for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 LR·H tire. Shown are the

proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for an infiation

pressure of 85 psi and loads of 8,000, 10,000, 12,000 and 15,000 pounds.


~ !L 50 ns ~ < 40 t) ns 'E 0 30 0 -0 c:

20 0 t: 0 a. 0 10 ... a.


~ 50 ns !!! < 40 0 ns 'E 8 30

c: 0 20 ·;:: 8. £ 10



~ !L 50 ns

~ 40 t) ns 'E 0 30 0 0 c:

20 0 ·;:: 0 a. 0

10 ... a.


Load & Inflation Pressure

• 15000 lb & 85 psi 1111 15000 lb & 100 psi


<50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300


Pressure Range (psi)

Load & Inflation Pressure

• 8000 lb & 100 psi Ill 1 0000 lb & 100 psi C 12000 lb & 100 psi CJ 15000 lb & 100 psi

50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Load & Inflation Pressure

• aooo lb & 85 psi 1111 1 0000 lb & 85 psi 1:1 12000 lb & 85 psi [J 15000 lb & 85 psi

50-100 101-150 151-200 201·250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)


The proportions of contact area covered by the various pressure ranges are computed from the numerical pressure maps for the 6,000 and 8,000-pound wheel load cases. These data are tabulated in Table 4.9. Table 4JO shows the load distribution across the tread width, obtained from the Adage system, when the tire was tested at these experimental parameters.


Figures 4.11 and 4.12 show two­dimensional contact pressure plots for the tire

Inflation Pressure






loaded to a 6,000-pound load when inflated to 95 and 110 psi, respectively. Figures 4.13 and 4.14 show two­dimensional contact pressure plots for the tire loaded to an 8,000-pound load when inflated to 95 and 110 psi, respectively. Figures 4.15 through 4.18 show the numerical contact pressure maps for the same parameters. Figures4.19 Lhrough 4.22 have been constructed using the data from Table 4.6. These histograms show the effects of changing from one load to another load and from one inflation pressure to another inflation pressure.

RADIAL GOODYEAR 11R24.5 LR·G TIRE The radial Goodyear 11R24.5 LR-G was analyzed fol­

lowing the same procedure described in Chapter 3. This tire was tested under its rated parameters and under a set of parameters roughly 20 percent higher. This tire is rated for a maximum load of 6,430 pounds and a maximum inflation pressure of 105 psi. This tire was tested at 6,000 and 8,000 pounds, at inflation pressures of 95 and 110 psi. Ink prints were produced in each case.

The tire contact areas obtained from the Adage system and the counting method; the print width and print length of the contact areas; and the mean contact pressures are tabu­lated in Table 4.11. Note that, in general, the mean contact pressures are higher than the tire inflation pressures. The differences in the tire contact areas obtained from the Adage system and the counting method are on the order of ± 5 percent.

The proportions of contact area covered by the various pressure ranges are computed from the numerical pressure maps for the 6,000 and 8,000-pound wheel load cases. These data are tabulated in Table 4.12. Table 4.13 shows the load distribution across the tread width, obtained from the Adage system, when the tire was tested at these experimental parameters.

Figures 4.35 and 4.36 show two-dimensional contact pressure plots for the tire loaded to a 6,000-pound load when inflated to 95 and 110 psi, respectively. Figures 4.37 and 4.38 show two-dimensional contact pressure plots for the tire loaded to an 8,000-pound load when inflated to 95 and

Wheel Print Print Mean Tire Contact Area Load Width Length Contact Adage Manual ~ (in.) .J.!!!:L ~ ~ (sq in.)

6,000 7.28 10.16 113.87 54.60 52.69

8,000 7.28 11.81 125.90 62.70 63.54

6,000 7.28 10.16 123.18 51.20 48.71

8,000 7.28 11.85 140.35 61.27 57.00


FOR THE 6,000 AND 8,000 POUNDS

Pressure 6,000-lb Load 8,000-lb Load

Ranges Inflation Pressure

<esil 95 psi 110 psi 95 psi 110 psi

<50 3.94 3.83 3.45 1.81

50-100 44.14 37.85 37.93 33.90

101-150 28.47 32.42 27.13 31.22

151-200 16.32 20.21 17.67 17.92

201-250 6.68 5.45 10.60 12.53

251-300 0.45 0.18 3.04 2.60

>300 0 0 0.18 0.02



61000-lb Load !zOOO-Ib Load Position Tread

Innatlon Pressure

Width 95 psi 110 psi 95 psi 110 psi

Left 1241.4 1189.4 1748.8 1790.6

Left-Center 1081.2 1133.4 1285.3 1429.9

Center 1241.3 1361.5 1565.6 1639.2

Right-Center 1084.1 1107.2 1497.5 1340.6

Right 1352.0 1208.5 1902.8 1799.7

110 psi, respectively. Figures 4.39 through 4.42 show the numerical contact pressure maps for the same parameters. Figures 4.43 through 4.46 have been constructed using the data from Tables 4.6. These histograms show the effects of changing from one load to another load, and from one inflation pressure to another inflation pressure.

Fig 4.11. Two-dimensional contact pressure plot for the radial Michelin 275/SOR/24.5 LR-G tire innated to

95 psi and loaded to 6,000 pounds.

Fig 4.12. Two-dimensional contact pressure plot for the radial Michelin 275/SOR/24.5 LR-G tire inflated to

110 psi and loaded to 6,000 pounds.


Fig 4.13. Two-dimensional contact pressure plot for the radial Michelin 275/SOR/24.5 LR-G tire innated to

95 psi and loaded to 8,000 pounds.

Fig 4.14. Two-dimensional contact pressure plot for the radial Michelin 275/80R/24.S LR-G tire inflated to

110 psi and loaded to 8,000 pounds.


$ti ••

1.1111 •• li ,.

" a 1U •• n '' u .. ., ., 1) •• " '' 12 41 4t •• ~ 104 121 l'f tn u1 n:1 1::11 too ut

" ,, "' .. U: lll lU ,, l1 111 Hll 11 tot Ul lU 110

110 119 109 Ul n tot tt n n u .. n l'f'T U:l lU Ut U 161 .Ut .. I.U UllU: lP 100 1111 12 44i " 14 20. Ul 11) lU l.M HI

HI \!H 91 Ul t .. tU: Ul 102 u 111 iU too n Uil n• " .21 Ut JU l a lU 2U

fil ll ,, HI Ul IHl lHi

•• tot n n 101 11 l U 104 U ll lU U 110 34 tn .no

1] !H lH lUlU tin " 11 us

lll 114 lt1 Ul 11 tl u Ill llO '" 19 103 ,. ll Ul lU H l•t U u " lt til 1.)1 111 ll.l

U 101 U 100 lU ll UlU U

H\ 102 Ut 111 ll) 131 U U 10:1: Ul lU HI

lH 11a ltlt llt 1)4 lH lU lU U lU Ut US 10, 102 111 l1 :n lU lit llf ltl U.t Ut ,UI

1tt US U1 ltl UO l'f l.:U It l"':J US 123 :1.:1 110 l·H ll lit lJl lU lU U6 Ul

l9l lU 100 111 loU UO lU U lU Ht lH llt U:l Ut: U2 U Hl 176 lU 111 Ul lU lll Ul lO UO I'll Hl Ut tS 11 au ut at :u1

ltl. lU lit 130 1.01 lU \.H t<l U lU Ut ll,l Ul ll.l Ul lU n uauttH to •• $t 22 1n aoa u1

Hl 201 a1 UO lt:! HI lff' tGl llt 111 llS 4t1 tn lff UJ Ul lU 10 22 lU lU 11 lll u .nt

n lU HO UO lli 111 H 101 t1 l'U Ul 110 101 li !.ll U lU 1.10 lit 121 121 lll tt U lU 1\U U lU U 1U 121 U " 1l11 U 1~ lU l& lU !U lU UO lll lU U lU lU lH HH U4 140 1llll1

H US 111 U<l lll Hll UO 119 !.lJ ill U) 1U 101 )1 l<l<l lll lH u• lll 139 111 .1U IU 1fl lU tU l'H)

lll U H Hl Ul HI lOt U ll& UOl tn l!IL lf4 lU S4 9!1 1U 1U l<l1 Ul 109 121

atlJ:• lU lUlU M .24 123 Uti •1 UO lll lU U9 ll

lSI Ul Ul UC UC 1M ill .1l l<l lUI 19 let U1 1U 111 llll& U 111 l&l Ul 111 lU lU 1~9 lU llt t•t lU Hl U1 Ul

at 2]$ US UJ lU \U l<ll ttl 120 101 ')l 112 U4 14& 111 lo lll 111 Ul U1144 llt t:l! l.U: }.1 lU Ill tt 111 101 lOZ llli

U9 U1 J:U UJ: t<l lU 1<l4 1U 1U 144 U9 U4 ltll 9.1 1.1110 '10 II 146 1U 100 1'4 1'4 U

14 111 lU lll U1 U<l lf<l lJ lU 191 11 10.1 lll lOS 1116 II 1.11 U ;tO Ul UO lOJ 1l Ut lt 11$ lll Ut Ul U U IJ

11• lU 113 Ut 1ll to U'l tot t:U. U4 IJ: lU 1U

U Ul lU J1 .U Ul 91 101 90 Ul '" 10 Ul 1U 1!1 lU lH

14 Ul 94 1111 lU U U UO iU tU Ul .11 It lU tt to u 114 ta " 111 111 1t. 111 1U ao US

l0222t21Z " " M U<l 111 lU ., 1.01 U lTJ l.U 1.. 91 124 1f<l .t21

lU 243 201 1'13 194 U1 11 110 If tl -,o 101 lU U4 19 11 U tt Ul HO l H Sf '' •a tu u• J:t 1lt 1)1 Ht 110 Ht tn :Ul

lot Ut lilt 112 UO Ul 111 U .. 11111 n u

100 uo 1..:.1 !!' ld Hl tel 1.U II HI& " n 1.14 1:1.1 tu 1n

tl 20l 1'13 lU II t2 Ut U " ll.11UU1UU UlU U 90' 140 11'1

Zl UO tU 104 111 99 U& lUlU 111 31 1110.1 HlOO 10 U 1U &l 11 lU UlU U •l uo

fi1 " 1o n u<t n n -ro u H •• II U U U HI 11 n ft 1l lt 110 J4 lU 91 111 1.1 .. "' ., u " .. U 1o1 lU

HHUUUI& " •• 1.10

.z• n n •o u u ••

,, .... u ,. " n u

" "

Fig 4.15. Numerical pressure map for the radial Michelin 275/SOR/24.5 tire inflated to 95 psi and loaded to 6,000 pounds. The pressure print is 10.16 inches long and 7.28 inches wide.


" "

" " " ..

" " 116 \04 100 n \U .. )) 1\1 uo )11 11~ ,,

14 II \01 H H !n tO 102 t'J lot l:l U Ul ll '' ft &t ll fl 101 lt tit lOI

U l]llOJ 110 .. u to •• ""'' "" " 11 tOI1.U ttlU

1':11U lU 110110 lOl :rl ZG U4 114 t• t2 'K M UJ •• tal ltl 101 lot u •• &1 16 Ut M " .. 64 HI HZ lH 1<10 lll

t• l:U U.J lGl n U 1U 1 U lll to l.U

U llO Uti 71 U4 U4 l)t llil tt Ul Ul till 101 'ta Ul It 110 l'H lUlU 10'1 U lH UllU

II 110 Ut 110 92' tt lU ito U Jl lU Ut tn Ill lll LU U<1 lU l.H 10:1

ltlU 11 u 112

t1 lH lU 1.04 lU lJ

<n tot tu tl« tn n U lJtU1 Ul

n tutu t•o n 21109 KU.tiUI'fiJU U U lU lZl lJI 14:4 tU \U

ll UO Ul Ul llt 1.02 14 lOt lUlU ll:ll lU .Ul lU 31 144 lU UO 144 UO 126 Ul

l\1 Ul 110 111 Ul 144 l4 U lll lU 114 lll Ul tn 1n

Ul :n lUlU 171 119 lH U lU lU 140 lU Ut- IU l.U ,, Ul 119 U'f Ul JU lOt ttl ltl U Hl lUlU Hl Ul 111 UJ

lU UJ ltt " 164 lU Uo Ill ll l)O lU llt IU l.ll lOl lU lti :U l2 Ut ito Ut UO JU Ul tn JO "' lH Ut ta Ul Ul lU lH

)4. 13$ U6 lH lU 164 lll lU U lU Ul U H Ul Ul H't Ut 101

t'l 4U lU 41 111 H4 144 164 lt't 4] itt llO 1)4 Ul 111 JU lH "HI 11<1 lll 1U U ~• u& ao u1 1u

11111 Ul tt a lt lH t4 114 lll 100 HI lH H:l liS Ul lU lU U l.l4 lH lU 4.f lP 112112141 lll

U Ul l.U UJ H 1n lUI U1 \U ll"'' :111:1 Ul 107 l2l 110 ll9 Ut lU l1t ll 41 u tl l9l lU 10:1142 ltt

u •• '' n tu u• u> ~~ ,.,. u tu uJ at u• 201 :au ut 'l 1-411 1:1' tl& tlli ut t 1t lUi lll 111 pl l1J lC't 'tl

u u• .ut tn 2u t"''t 1o11 ID nt lh lU U4 Ul 211 ItO$ 191: lll 1H t:U 1,0 1U lU lll lU

tt Ut \0:1 lU al Ul UO Ht u 1)7 13l 1ll Ul tH 11• 112 n

U 101 Ut It lll lU lUI :1:19 lU H i.1l 1.01 nt 1u 112 111 uo nUt Ul 144 U9 tU \61 170 10 tH ttl Hl lH U2 tn lH

ll ll1 101 llt lU 179 .UI lU it lU lot lot lU llt U lU LU Ut lJI ll& lll

n ~u ut u 11 UO Ut 132 llt !.U \It u 110 lll 40 lll Ut Ul t•o U

tlllO 102 llllU U n u tJT zoo tn 4~ lU 91 lot ':.'4 U tl 110 JU It Ul tl lOl 1H Ul lO 131 l:) 14 II lH u tn Ul :n 1H

tl )Q .. , 111 uo 2t ,, lt 111 ltl. 1) JO lH ZU 111 11 It lot .. 106 1.14 12t lt U:O U tOl lU l&t 1&0 1~1 111

165 Ul It UIHI 9\ lU n lOS It Ul" Ul UJ lll" tt los iH 111 4ll lU 140 91 l-49 110

lU 11"1 1111 Ut II !lf U& lU 141 ltl Ut 1U lll Uo 104 101

lU 164 141 14l lit It ft If 11 It no u;r 173 tl "' t) 1U ltl 1U \U 191 lU I« lOt U l U& U;:l UO

n H '' n 1o• ut 1u tn t1 10 H Ul us au u1 uJ u:1 M II U lU lU lU Hit 1410l

lU UO J9 91 lll Ul U4 llt .. " I) lDl lll 161 io1 lt 111 U~ Ul Ut US 101 n .. 110 " l.U l.U fo!l 91: lU 102 11 n n " 1111 ul u 21 ul. H u:r uo n n n u 1u 114- ..

II Ul 31 70 71 tl l-5 1.1 11 tt l.U 101 .. 11 u• .. II lt 10 tl " ., n 11 11 ll o u n u 12 ''

:at 1) 11 10 1) " .. St )"1

nut " " u tl u .. lt II ,. " " Jl 7)

Fig 4.16. Numerical pressure map for the radial Michelin 275/SOR/24.5 tire innated to 110 psi and loaded to 6,000 pounds. The pressure print is 9.65 inches long and 7.28 inches wide.


" .. "

H n lJillllU lH lU l'!b

" l\ • ., u tOI 113 lU lHi tU H

., 12192 411 ... u n u1 zo 131 nz tu

u ., •• 4:1 ,. ll 10:1 u 100

U Ull.H llZ 166 Ulll " U 141U U '70 lU 10~ 10~ tU l4J lH lH lU

411U ll lH ,, n ,, lOt ,, ao tu u.

HUtLHilU Ut76U1U4 11

tt H 1 111 141 Hot Ut " " U lU U4 Ul Ut lOS 109 UO u• an 213 20• 221 :uJ

lU U1 lU l.OZ lU 1 't:r: 136 20~ 14

111$ l11

61 lU IH 1tt to .. ellH UJ

11Q 214 t94 llT 111 ntntutu n

1'1" Ul lDI l\1 l12 242 llO ,., 111 n no tt't ua 110 !14 212 l.U Ul Ut Ht lU Ul

201 au tH az 211 tn zu nt u Ul IH l.lll H4 lU lU tu n u• tl6 tn 2U 201 11t no n

H 131 IU lUlU HI lH 11t 143 Ul Ut

10 lll Ul >U 111 lto d 111 1210 Ht lU \1) 2Q4 Zl lU lot tt U1 146 H tu t:u n u111 ''

'" 111Hll4 U U4 UllU lU 11

UlH U 1l HI h HI lll 41 lH Ul 120 17'9 11'1 110 lll tU Ut 140 tn lH n Hfo IU 211 ZU 2\t Hl lU

91 uo lU 111 l4t lU lU ZU \U .'U lUlU Ul U4 Ul l"'l 111 6) U4 22) 204 lH lU 2U 2U 191

161 H~ 209 U.l UZ 20. •• tu tll tu t•• au ttl tto a• n n HD au 211: au 211 112 zu 111

Ul :.tU 2Gl 220 lll tll HI lH H 121 lH 9t lU UC 21.9 :tt 64 U !H 121 lU 110 110 HI l6l 1~ 101 U lU Ht Ut 114 Ul lU 14l U ll ,20$ UJ Ul 211 :IU p1

114 :.tU 211 lll !ll UT U't 211 ill 40 12t UT liU 140 lfi't 24l Hl U U1 116 llt Ul UJ lU 36 IT U4 4t UO Ul 112 116 162 lU !~9 U ttl 2ll :UC UO

tt ltl lUlU 2:U UO :ll' lU 91 U4 tl itt !.U lU Ul 101 140 UO Uf. ll& lU U "' 20


t\l 1 tl lll 112 226 ll 106 101 121 l.U 94 101 lH H6 Ut 101 tH 1U UO U tU tU Ul ll4 116 112 2:112to 1H

91 72: I~ IU Ul 12 lU 61 11 If.& tt tU 100 141 lU: 203 tl U1 lll lll U l1 220 %06 201 2H 2ll lll

f1 lt1 2:10 14~ H 111 Ul lO 6l lU UJ It 9~ U lll Ut Ul Ut

11 11 lt tl Ul lU 2:1 lt 110 1U ll$ 2:24 lU H 11'1.% 101 9it 111 lU lilil 2GG lll t92 Ul l'tl 2U lU Ul Ul 10

61 lOt to Ul tll 12t1 61 tl lU lll 149 U1 2U JO lot t'l' lU Ut 142 Ul 2Cl

U lU :U2 Bl :rl uJ tot 101 tn t44 1u tn 4:t 1a1• H ll:t 14t tU· 110 lH U

" .. f.l ll4 UO •' U lOt tt Ul U' tl Ul U Ul 111 .1."10 lt

6l 134 104 124 141 162 '' lt U1 1U 100 lU " lOt lC:t UO U 2061U

24100 41 lll

u .uz 1U n Q tit U Ul 11 Ul

U'f 1'1'4 ltt ll4 .. 2a U1 litt ll't l:t4 111 " u 1))

t10 ll$ Jl 103 102" 111 U6 .. " 10 too 142 U 9• 9) 103 tH lU H

u }0 ll u 2l 30\01,. .. " " .. ..

41 21 n n " " .. .. .. "

Fig 4.17. Numerical pressure map for the radial Michelin 275/SOR/24.5 tire inflated to 95 psi and loaded to 8,000 pounds. The pressure print is 11.81 inches long and 7.28 inches wide.


.. H U

"' ;:;, iH 110 uno " .. " " U 1Jt llt \10 Ut 1.00

U lU lU 1, l!lo tl tU 104 n n 1u a•

H liU! Jl t1' \06 100 us .. U Ut UO llO lH 331\!. .,, nuc U llt Ul tU 6\t

U Ul ll 111 lel. " lC lUlU 111 ll'J Ul lU 141 10 l:U Hl n

l4 1t1 Ul lC U lit Ul U 11 lt ltl llt Ut l.U lH HUt t'f U .. tl 94 M J"t 111Uld MUt1141Ul1l

lOJ lU lU Ul Ul 111 1.1:1 U " Ul l'Tl liT :106 141 tl U7 \'I

Ut 111 lH 1M lU Ul Ul I* ll l:U U"' llt lU :Ill Ul 201 2U tU :IU lH lOI

U lU U4 Ul 111 101 :n u• zu zoo au z:n

Ul Ul 211 Ul H lH lU lll 111 lU Ul lll Ul 110 Ul lU ll UO lU at 11' lU U4

11140 Ul Ul 161144 " 61 111 :rot lU ll U U n Ut :U l111U 1.n 111 lU rl

U Ut US JH ltt U U lU lU UZ l" :U lllUUJ :U 111 lC tt lU tJ n u• uo ~.u 132 uz

HllU U 6l Ul ll 101 lU UO 1t2 II lt 102 U UO lU 201 llt UO 104 lOl UJ lUi 10 N

Hi6 :UI 1U Ut " ta 114 tH tn LU .11 :U u• llt U Ul 100 J..U 141 tn .Ut Uil 21 U1 lU Ul HO lU 111 lfl

Ul Ul ZU 211 U.l " II lJO lot 1U Hl Ut 111 1J2 1 u no au zu au ua uo u•

ZOt IU Ul IU J.U UO 201 'Uii Z3 lU U1' Ul lU 14t 110 ZU tl U lU lH lUlU %04 111 tn ltl lU 9'1. lC lU Ul lU lU lU lH UJ

Ul Ul Hl lH JO) Ill Ul ZU n uo ttl tn tn 111 tJf zoo n n 10 tU Ut 2U lU

uo Ut n1 uz uo 147 zu zn 0 Ut HO lU 1'/) 1'11 tl}) lU U lU lt't Ul tll lN ZlO Ul U Uf lU lU 41 lU Ull lU 040 lU ltl

Ul 111 lto ZOf ZU UZ lU Ut 101 lU Ul lU Ul Ul Ul 19 Ul lU 141 lff. lt., ltl 24 lU 94 tO Ut lU

U U U UO lU Ul 14!1. n lOt lU 224 H U UJ il!t tll 111 Ul J1 H!lo US UO lU lll tU U UO '4 101 I:U. 1:1 U lUlU lU llt lll U UO lU UO 2:0~ lU

Ut UllU .. .n 101 n 111 ••• 121 111 lll lU 104 ]1 lU Hl Ut Ut 111 Ul 111 Ut 10• 101 Ul Ul 112 tO lU 20l ltl Ul lU 2U 2U

:u: lU 64 U 1 U lOt UO Uil 200 .UZ 10$ 114 lU lU Ul lU lU IU ~Of tu 211 ttl 1n no 111 :rn ut

lM ZU 23* Ul Ul lU tt 121 110 lU 2lt 113 U tl lU lU lll lll ZJO ZU 201 1 TJ ll 14t 144 lU 14' 160 U4 111 111 114 lU 201' tlO lH 111 261

tto an 2u an an a.u au 1 "' tl UZ llJ lUo 112 ltl Ut lU 21 t!1! 111 14l l"tt U"' zoo 11"1 111 U'J llS U lU Ut Ul Ul lU Ul ltz u; 211 tn nt :rn au

tu an uo Ul 1n ut :au uo tn U Ut Ul \U lU lt4 :Ill 2U Ul 111 lU 14"1 1U 160 141 lU fll t1 Q l6 14"1 l:lf lll lU lU U1 lU lO

n 114 us tH us us 211 l"tt llf 111 1U 1U l2 1U Ut lt1 tl 104 llt 122 Ut 111 132

U 142 lU UJ Ut 2U 6J 10"1 10"1 2Cif 20"1 14 .. 101 11 Ul 11 lt U\ lU 24 toz 1u ao 111 101 tt lt4 uo tU fl Jl t4 lll

61 U1 441U1T41U W: tt 101 1U 111 Ul 10 U t1t1U1H lU 217 2U tU 2H ill

U 114 lU HO Z1 U 111 'tl Uf U 104 122 M lU Ut U1 10 lUlU U UZ 110 HO Z22 Ul 242 .i!U

U Uf llt UA JOl to 1111 \.Jill tU itt lH Z1 2J l6 U Ul '!II 101 lH \U ltO 111 ;H lt~ ~·· 1"1t i.O l24 lH 221 .:U4

,., ut u1 au .nt tn 1n u 7t 101 It lot 111 lU 211 Ul u 111 n tl uo tu no ttl zn 1n u

ut ut no u1 au uo u• an lU 9Z 101 tl 111 11.1 lfS JU 111 •• Hi 111 tu 1u 111 ~u uc ut. 11110 tt 1221-4"1 lU lll HI U lU lSO lU 211 lll

tt lU 216 ltl 101 lU t01 Ui1 lU U Uo t1 t1 1U Ut 111 a• &l Ut tn lU 1U 1U Uo Ul.U U U t4 111 Ul Ul lU 121 114 1S tU t .. 211

n 10$ 101: 111 1U lUi U4: ll lU UO 114 1U llt 111 110 Z1 1U t'Y 141 lU ntoz lU Ut

U lUlU U'f UT 10111 U. 'tt 11 U 11:0 101 111 U"' 111 1:11 ·U 11' 1':1 II lOt 1.11 1S lf"' liZ hi

,. n lU. 101 " 71 Ull I) 111 1U llt 111 11 70 UU.t dlU lot Ut lU Uo lU lit

JO Ut :IU Ul 11' 1'12 Ul 41 11 It a n 12 uz 111 1111 111 ,, 14 lll't lO IIU11U U lU 106 10 llt lU lll a.a

l'tt 11!10 111 Ul U .. 1'1 11 U• 11 • .,. ll.,. 12 91 U"' t4 Ut 1t \U llt

1"10 U:t Ul l:U. lU U1 4t .. 1)121 "tl " " .. 14l uo " ... lOt •• "' 111 U 4t U U U 1) Ut 4J n n .u .. 11 110 at

•• u .. ..,. n 11 u 11 , .10.., .. .. .. ..

Fig 4.18. Numerical pressure map for the radial Michelin 275/80R/24.5 tire inflated to 110 psi and loaded to 8,000 pounds. The pressure print is 11.22 inches long and 7.28 inches wide.


50 Load & Inflation Pressure

::;: • 6000 lb & 110 psi !L. 40 Ill 6000 lb & 95 psi as 2! < 0 30 as c 0 (.) - 20 0 c 0 ·-e 0 Q. 10 e c.

0 <50 50..100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Fig 4.19. Histogram for the radial Michelin 275/SOR/24.5 tire. Shown are the proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges at a 6,000-pound wheel load and inflation pressures of 95 and 110 psi.


Load & Inflation Pressure

::;: • 8000 lb & 110 psi !L. 40 • 8000 lb & 95 psi as <I) .... < 0 30 as c 0 (.)

0 20 c 0 ·-e 0 Q. 10 e


<50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Fig 4.20. Histogram for the radial Michelin 275/SOR/24.5 tire. Shown are the proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for a 8,000-pound wheel load and inflation pressures of 95 and 110 psi.



Load & lnftation Pressure

;? • 8000 lb & 110 psi !!_.. 40 Ill 8000 lb & 95 psi cu e <(

ts 30 cu c: 0 (.) -0 20 c: 0 ·e 0 c.. 10 e 0.

<50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Fig 4.21. Histogram for the radial Michelin 275/80R/24.S tire. Shown are the proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for an inflation pressure of 95 psi and wheel loads of 6,000 and 8,000 pounds.


;? !!_.. 40 cu

~ ~ 30 c: 0


0 20 6 ·e g_ e 1o 0.


Load & Inflation Pressure

• 8000 lbs & 110 psi II sooo lbs & 110 psi

<50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Fig 4.22. Histogram for the radial Michelin 275/80R/24.S tire. Shown are the proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for an inflation pressure of 110 psi and wheel loads of 6,000 and 8,000 pounds.



Mean Inflation Wheel Print Print Contact Tire Contact Area Pressure Load Width Length Pressure Adage Manual

(psi) J.!!!.L (in.) ...i!!!:L (psi) (sq ln.) (sq ln.)

110 6,000 7.91 8.27 119.78 48.40 50.09

110 8,000 7.91 9.69 132.00 57.35 60.61

135 6,000 7.91 7.56 132.60 43.73 45.25

135 8,000 7.91 8.74 140.87 54.16 56.79



Pressure 6,000-lb Load 8,000-lb Load

Inflation Pressure Ranges <esl) 110 psi 135 psi 110 psi 135 psi

<50 8.39 7.45 5.79 5.52

50-100 20.90 19.21 14.86 13.98

101-150 37.71 25.98 25.52 22.21

151-200 32.66 35.35 53.60 46.49

201-250 0.34 12.01 0.23 11.80

251-300 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

>300 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00



61000-lb Load 81000-lb Load Position Inflation Pressure Tread Width llOpsi 135 psi 110 psi 135 psi

Left 1236.1 1074.5 1897.9 1682.1

Left-Center 1176.5 1235.5 1435.5 1488.9

Center 1087.0 1173.7 1290.5 1420.0

Right-Center 1119.8 1329.0 1393.3 1445.6

Right 1380.7 1187.4 1982.7 1963.4


Mean Inflation Wheel Print Print Contact Tire Contact Area Pressure Load Width Length Pressure Adage Manual

(psi) J.!!!.L J!!!:L ...i!!!:L (psi) (sq ln.) (sq ln.)

95 6,000 7.48 9.65 95.36 66.39 62.92

95 8,000 7.48 11.14 107.86 70.72 74.17

110 6,000 7.48 9.21 103.23 61.05 58.12

110 8,000 7.48 10.63 111.50 73.69 71.75

Fig 4.23. Two-dimensional contact pressure plot for the radial Michelin 255/70RI22.S LR-G tire inflated to

110 psi and loaded to 6,000 pounds.

Fig 4.24. T wo-dimensional contact pressure plot for the radial Michelin 255/70RI22.S LR-G tire inflated to

135 psi and loaded to 6,000 pounds.

. "' 25

Fig 4.25. Two-dimensional contact pressure plot for the radial Michelin 255/70R/22.S LR-G tire inflated to

110 psi and loaded to 8,000 pounds.

Fig 4.26. T wo-dimensional contact pressure plot for the radial Michelin 255/70RI22.5 LR-G tire inflated to

135 psi and loaded to 8,000 pounds.


l9 n

.. 106 U!l 116

2:1 lU 141 141 110 141 116 Ul

l6 U4 Ul UJ 146 lJ9 Ul f4 104 Ul

60 142 Ul 146 121 " 116 lJ4 141 lU 21 lU ll6 116 142 Ul lU 40 Ul 111 112 141 Ul Ul 22 nUl lll 166 lU U9 Ul

20 Ul lU 111 Ul lll 1" Ul lU 111 lU 119 Ul Jl 1'2 lU 110 110 U 11 116 116 Ul 149 146 141 lll

21 162 lU lll Ill 112 U9 JJ 161 lU 114 111 lli lll 149 142 161 Ul 116 149 14~

n lU lJJ Ill lU UO Ul Ul 1" UJ lOJ Ul n lll Ul Ul Ul 114

100 lU lH Ill 160 111 Ul 1" lH 2l U9 116 UO 191 191 191 l9 161 lU 110 19l lU ll9 U lU 111 19] Ul lH 119 :n U6 U9 112 122 122 161 U9 111

104 141 lll 14l Ul 141 U9 169 lU 29 112 lll 144 114 ltl ll6 49 Ill tn lll ltl lUlU 46 Ill 114 Ul 1" ltl ll6 Jl 26 lUlU U9 146 U9 U"l' lUlU

lOl 141 141 lUlU Hl U6 164 114 111 Ul ll6 tn 119 lUlU lU Ul 19] UO lU 112 142 109 164 110 ltl 190 ltl 121 lll 116 lll 119 111 146 Ul 141

n Ill Ul lJl lll 129 146 U4 llO 111 ]0 ll6 111 161 llO 112 141 ll 119 112 Ul U9 llO US U lH 1, lU U4 111 119 UJ 109 lll lll 101 lUlU

110 14l UJ 141 lll lll 141 Ul lll US Zl lll 110 114 Ill 119 ll6 24 116 191 lU 116 111 lH Jl lU ll6 111 lU 111 164 U 21 ln 110 16t 141 lU ll4 Ut

41 141 lU 144 Ul ll2 121 101 111 119 146 ltl ltl 111 112 161 112 U2 1M 116 112 Ul llt lll 140 114 lt2 111 111 l!U 101 121 190 lH Ut lll 14t 146

U 149 Ul U1 llt ll2 146 Ul 166 126 41 11t ltl 116 1U lU U4 41 111 ltl ltl Ul 116 Ut II 119 200 lU Ul Ut Uc<t Jl lU 111 16~ lU U1 141

116 141 141 111 Ul 111 lll 111 161 106 101 1" 111 1tl 112 111 Ul lll 196 111 1n 111 160 lll 121 lU ltl lll lU 112 lU 122 lit 1U U2 Ut 114 141

"Ul llt 146 lU lll 115 101 llt 164 20 U 111 lit 111 192 111 112 21 1n lU 111 lUlU lU ll lU 114 111 llt lU 11] 21 1U l"fl 110 161 161 U~ UO

Ul 144 lll 140 Ul 141 142 141 141 U 161 lll lU 1U 110 lll 21 166 111 111 111 111 126 ll 111 lll 111 lH 116 lll 22 lU 121 Ul 141 lUlU lU

lOt llf 121 lll 146 14t U4 Ul 1 n 105 104 111 lU 111 111 l n U2 tl 161 lll llt lll 1 "1'1' lll 126 l n 112 116 1 1t 111 126 122 1 l6 141 12t llO lU Ut 141

101 lll 121 ll4 141 1U UO UO lU l1 lH lH 1U lU 1n ll6 l1 110 164 lU 114 lU 111 ~~ 164 111 111 190 lH 111 22 111 U1 UO lll 1]4 U1 lUlU

1C2 lll 116 12t llt 140 Ul 16] llO 41 110 lll 146 111 1lt Ul 62 U~ lH 1l6 114 ln 164 "lU lll Ul 111 ll6 U4 21 Ul lU 141 122 111 U4 Ul 141

'n 121 11t 1]4 141 141 14t U4 110 lU lll 110 11t 114 110 101 ll2 lU ln lU 111 111 lU 111 141 111 ll6 111 lU 126 110 lU 111 141 U4 141 141

tl 12t 116 121 116 121 1ll lll l!U 42 Ut 161 116 lU 111 lU 4t lH lUlU 164 Ul 111 14 lU lit 111 164 161 26 141 llO Ul 1!>0 U2 141 lUI

U 124 122 Ill 141 12l 111 101 110 120 24 U4 116 111 lU U1 lll lO Ul Ul 161 161 lU 142 41 lU Ul lit 14t 141 111 l1 162 14~ 141 lU 110 141 lll

106 121 lll 144 121 t4 l.U llt lU lU 164 111 Ul 141 141 149 IU 1U lU lU 116 140 111 lU llt 121 146 lO 122 Ul Ul 141 lU lll 121

60 lll lll lU 124 121 lll ll2 ll2 111 11 116 1 U 160 124 141 lOT 6l 111 Ut lU 124 ll1 lU U 110 166 140 121 144 U UO U1 141 144 lU Ut

111 126 121 141 120 It 110 162 114 161 111 120 121 lU 1U lU 122 H 140 Ul 160 141 141 124 lll UO 141 144 ll1 110 121

11 121 lU lZZ UJ 121 lll 14 tJ lZI 21 149 141 1U 146 l4l ll4 lZ l4 141 Uo 146 lU 140 120 II 149 141 lU Ul 144 lll lt 140 lll llt HZ lU 12] lZl

II 116 lU lU 126 lOt lot Ul 121 " lll lll 146 ll4 lll

U lll 100 106 lU lot lll Ul U4 ll U 141 UT 142 lll Ul lU 1~ H UJ lll Ul lU " Ul lU 141 lU llJ U lU lzt lot 61 II lll 121 111

21 Ul 124 tl ll2 126 lU 42 121 111 112 110 112 124 lll 110

Ulot ttlOJlUlU U 11106 lU Ullll 101 41 tllOI II 10 14116101

'~ 111 lllOt 11't lU lll 12 9l 104 lU 101 112 t1 lll 116 Ul

" .. " .. " " n 112 10J 102 101 .. .. " " n 11101 " .. 12 n u "

" " "

Fig 4.27. Numerical pressure map for the radial Michelin 255/70R/22.5 tire inflated to 110 psi and loaded to 6,000 pounds. The pressure print is 8.27 inches long and 7.91 inches wide.



" lt u

LUlU U.1 IU •u UllOI lt$ lll H lU lt:l lll U4

u tu ~u tu. uo n- u Ul 144 lU Hl 11:11 1:11

" .U Ut U4 141 121 111 110 l'-2 ltJ Ul U4 107 to 141 llJ: UO 116 1ft l:tO

tl lD Ulo U4 lGJ l.U lU Ul Ut lU Ul lll :ru UJ lU II ll lt4 111 lff lll lH Ul ll1 UO 1?4 HZ ll4 ltl 11 1!0 117 111 164 141 107

U Uti Ul a 104 Ul \$1 l4 U 161 161 lll n• 161 111 17 lU 111 \10 lU l.U U 154 1M lU Ul ltl lll 10 1'74 lit 110 tft lU IJJ

11 \Ol 12:1 IU lU lU 1.64 Ul lOJ 111 Ut lU lU ll't 111 Jl lU Ut ltl ltt lU lH M llJ. 116 tH 1M 1.91 114 US 111 Ul lH lQ 176 U1 125 1

II tt Ul HD lU Ul Uil ltO st lUlU U2 lU \40 U.t H4 10 Ul lU ttl lU 17 ltl 174 lU 1U l!N 111 tl ll'f 110 lll lU U4 Ul U4 1ll l

tO lot lU Ul Ut U7 l'H UO U lt.t til Ht 1.92 1.92 ao lOl 110 liO tt3 Ut UO lU: tn 110 U1 2D4 201 114 ll 111 UO lU lU lU tn Ul U1

n llt UO Ut \44 166 lll lit Ul ll lll lH 111 :too 192 U tU 201 21n .!OJ Ul 11t 27 161 Ut 201 202 lU U1 lf4 Hl Ft lUlU lU 121

101 110 l2l lU a;;r ltl lU 1<14 lH lt lU UO l!Ot :100 194 U4 114 202 lU :rot ltl lU 101 lU 20J 309 201 JU Ul U 21 201 ttl ltll 111 lH aJ U:ll

II U1 lJJ 1U lSI lU lll 1U LU Ul .1!01 lot .104 111 lll 41 JU !U lU JU lU U1 U 101 .U!Io :UI 20J 111 11J lU 111 JO!! 191 1.tll1 llll ~U ll.'t

Ul Ul uo U4 142 1M ut 110 tn n zo• au tn tu 111 14t 141 :tu 114 tu n4 1'' a 194 no 211 111 199 no n l't!! no lH 111 tn 119

n tu 1H tu tn u• 111 111 uo tH 1u ao• 1:11 au 20. 19' •• 2"04 n1 tu lN: 111 t" tu 211 n• ua ato .nJ n• U.4 101 tH 111 111 tu tu

.10 U1 1U U"t lU lU 141 1)1' U4 Ut II U tOl tOS 1119111 tOJ 114 101 :to! 204 l'U Ito ltt It Ul 210 au 211109 ltO tlt 1t4 1Yl 1 .. 11:1. Ul U1

11 lU 111 129 1$1 U4 1U UJ lU M U lH Uf Jll l .. 2U M tl 2ot 2l2 111 Ut 1f1 2t lU U4 Ill %01 Jot iH U U:l UO 114 ttl l .. U.l 1%1 1

20 101 Ul' 117 114 141 lU Hl lU U4 lll UO JOt :09 210 tin 123 Ut Ut 110 11:1 104 1tl 102 .lot 111 Ill %10 %11 lll Ut JU 110 141 UO l1i Ut 141 1

101 104 tlt llt 149 US lU 10 1H Itt 190 201 tU IU 101 II lU .100 104 Ill %14 lU U 1M Ltl 111 ll4 IH 113 1U 141 l

" lOt 1Z4 US U4 1U U4 UO U at ltl l.U 112 tU 11'1 1n 2U :JU 113 tl1 lot 11:1 Ul lU Ul Zl4 JU Uti U lff 19) 111 lU Hl 11t Ul l4l l:

U4 115 %01 tot 209 lOI 10% :n l'tl 201 114 104 19$ 194 lO 114 lC11 111 %04 201 149 11 Ul Ul 14t 160 lU Ut lll l

Jt Ul lll lU 141 U.4 111 14& lU 111 106 104 IU Ut 114 Jt 11:1 :101 201 1n ZO) 1.'12

t4 114 114 14t HI 114 141 lJ9 1U 12 1u ut1 :aot 202 u:a Uti 111 201 2U 201 1ft Ul u 141 JOt 101 1U zat1 111 ltl UO U1o 1 l't 1fl lU l%9

u 101 u" 111 u1 ut n4 161 ttl , lH :104 :Ill' 1'11 196 tn U ttt 205 aU l!U 191 114 tO 111 Z04 tU 193 1U ttl 1%4 f'l 119 lt4 t14 uo HZ lll

101 U' 111 1u u2 u2 146 u; HI tt Ul ZO$ UO 1U Ul lJl 140 21l1l 201 110 111 111 .. J9 lU .109 111 1.11 11'.1 149 n 111 111 lU 111 HI 1.14

Ui 1:11 lU lU 14S U4 1J2 161 Hll1 111 U"' U!lo 11'1 111' 191 Ul llttl a Ul lH au Ul 141 141 140 101 .ICC 111 11l 11'? tl 161 lU tll 14& tU lU ll&

105 lU lll 144 1.42 Ul UG 1)6 111 21 42 1U tU lU l'tl Ul tal lll \tl ttl lit Ul ll$ II 113 111 1U lal Ul 101 1&1 \41 114 lll' 1.41 142 llS

Ul lU lU tn lU ft t4 ttl lU 114 Ht 1&0 111 114 1U Ul lU n 41 141 tn 1U U1 U1 Ull 112

11 II 101 llO lU 14% U1 1&4 U't 'U 111 111 111 111 111 llt ll9 146 Hf 111 l1t U1 H 176 111 111 111 lU 106 146 ilJ U!3 114 12'1 U1 lU 111 1

II t• toa 123 tH 140 lU lU lt 1U 1ft lf'l 11'1 113 lU M 111 141 164 ttl lil t9 lU l'J 111 1U l1S 1.0 41 U1 "J 163 lU lU Ul 114 lll

U 11 It 121 Ul U1 lU 1U u tu lll Ul 1•1 no 1u lOl 141 161 Hl 11:1 16f 14 u uo tn 1u n• 1 n 1u 29 lU lU 141 11;11 1U U1 lJG 114

lt fl H lll 116 uo 119 lU tU f1 1U 141 1U Ul US U 1!t•U$ Ul UJ 10110 tl 1U 16 141 lU li;J 101

U !tllll iU tol 140 1U U6 Ul Ul U 1)1 llll1 lU l.U 1U 141 lU 1U 121 llJ 10 141 146 121 us

11 u n 11 II 1U U~ 94 \14 Ut U4 122 U lJ9 lU 1U Ul lll 46 lt' 126 116 116 ll' lU l2 154 lU 141 111 9l

u 11 ,. ltll 121 n l4 111114 u 121 lO 121 101 121 1U lll 101 100 ua 111' 112 laf 14t u 'tl lU 141 119 U1 " " .. 41 $4 11 " 11 n 12 U UO Ut 101 ..

,. 4l n n 41 .. •• " " .. .. 31 .. )) u )0 u ..

Fig 4.28. Numerical pressure map for the radial Michelin 255/70R/22.5 tire inflated to 135 psi and loaded to 6,000 pounds. The pressure print is 7.56 inches long and 7.91 inches wide.


" ,,

" .. :U 't't U4 lH Hl Ut lH lll

19 lU 144 lH 1)& h la tU UJ l~ n 116 U " 110 UO l.U 109 ll:l lH lU lU tU 149 Hl

IU Ul :.SO lU lU: UO lOS "71 99 UJ Ul \U lU lU U lU llB 131 LU lU 12 no 12& UO Ul Uo 101 lU lU 14:1 UJ Ul t.n 161

16$ Ul lU Ul lU ;;n Bl Ul lU 7t 143 1+1 UO Ul 1n Ul 6C 1.01 ltl UJ lU lil lt U 9lf Ul UO lU lU lll U Ul \10 'II U$ Ul lU lU HI

U 110 lU lll US lUlU lU UT lUlU Ul Ul 111 Ul 20 U Ul 'II lU Ut UO UJ 1l ll& 123 1U Ul Ul •• HC 14J lU 14'1 lU U'J 114 tH 11S

JZ 112 lH llf, l"/2 Ul lU 1&3 111 1'T U:l UO l'i 110 lliO 101 \U lil lfl lH lUlU Cit n 111 lit Ul U'J US Ul lO UO 1st l:U U Ul l'J'J L'Ui t"tt

U tU 113 .\ll ~11 Ul lU Ut Ul lU 1'1' Pl lUlU lU 124 U UJ lU 1 .. llili lU 11 91 tU lti l..C U'f lU lCI 112 lll 141 UO Ul l't& ).'11

l'f lH 1'6111 Ul tU 111 lN on lU II 111 lU 111 Ut 111 UO Ut 113 tn 1U llt Ul U UJ l.'Tl Hl 144 lt4 Do U U ll:t ll:t Ul 10 lH tn 111

lf,tf, 111 llt lH UO 1.10 lUlU Ut lll 1H 111 lU Ul ll:e' lU &I lU tl'l ll« 111 l"tJ 11 HJ ll' llt Uo Uiilll U Ul lU 1:16 lU l.ll lll 1!6 UO

U lU !.ll t11 lilt 1H 1&1 lU 1U lll UO lUlU lta 111 lll Ul 110 Ul lH 1U &S 141 lU \U lU iU ttl !4 J,.S1 lll Ut t:U 111 llt llt lf4

la: \U 110 \ll nt llt 111 lit U:l U Ul 191 147 111 lit lU U lH lU \71 111 ll:l 1U tS 111 162 i41il \tO lU '" lH Ul 1" lU Ul Ul 171 tlt Ul

H lU llt 17' 11:1 l1l 11l 171 lU ,.., 1&1 lH lll 111 111 lll HO lU ltl Ut Ul ll1 U 1:11 llt lH 1U 110 lH U lll Ul 141 141 lU \1:2 lll llt

n lU 110 110 Ut HtlU 11• lH \Ol lUlU 111 tJl l"'l l\l 1t 11& ll7 111 lit 111 U ct lUlU U7 at Ill 34 71 lit 111 1U Ut Ul tU Ul

lt lU l7t lU lll Ul 1'1t Ul Ul UJ Pl ltO UO Ut ltl tn :u 111 US US 111 til U.l U t:ll 1" Uo 114 lll UJ: U1 tt ltl ttl \1$ 161 llO lll 1 H

16111 n• 111 US lU 1U 111 176 1JJ CS Ul ltl Lit 1U 111 lU lt lUlU llt lU 11\ lU 111 lU ltO UJ Ul 11• 1:1 U1 111 110 171 llt lH 111

to liS 111 11:1 llO lU 11& 110 ltO Ul 10\ ltt 119 \91 lt2 111 ll1 UO 1~ lU 111 111164 11 lH 1U Ut \U lll lll 44 ltl US 111 111 llt lll 1ll

U \U lit 114 ltO Ut lU lll 141 lH lU U4 lto 19) ue Ul lS \U \U 111 lUlU 1.2t lO ltl ltl ltt 114 lU U lll Ut 111 119 110 lff; lU

U \U 1"1171 lll 1'1 \ll 111 \U Ul l1 lit \tt lt& lU 1U Ul 11 111 lU lt2 l'l& PI Ul \U Ul u• lt:J \It Ul Ul Ul Ul \U 110 111 \U

U 110 lH Lll lll 114 111. Ul 1U 42 lll lts l&l Ut ltl U1 11 t'fl 112 111 UO lUlU Ut 114 Ut 171 ltl 111 9t Ul 111 171 Ut 141 1lG !12 lll tn

n 110 UJ Ill lH 14t 114 111 ltl 112 lOS lU llf ltl UO iiO 119 US 119 tff lU \16 11t 19 ltO 111 111 lU 1U \14 tO 11 \?1 Ul lU 112 115 llt lH lll

U 111 111 ll\ l14 lU 170 Ut Ul 9t 111 1U lt1 lfJ ltl U1 :14 111 UQ Ul ltl lll 11 JO Ul lU 114 lll Ut )S tl 111 lH 177 111 lll ~H lll

n a2 lll lll lll Hl lt1 llt 10 lH lU 142 l90 11"~ 111 lU Sl lU U4 Ul lU 119 Ul 1l 111 lol 111 Uol l4l Ut a? lU lH lH 11S 114 U,l Hit

41 112 \H 111 lU 1U 114 td 111 Ul l2 171 LU 11:1 itt 1'f 1U tl lH 110 ill U4 UO lU U1 110 lU Ut \U lU UJ lH 114 1&1 l'l l&4 LU

1:10 tn 114 111 lll lzt 111 110 lU lOS 12'1 l .. l.U lll lll lll lU l7e lH 170 ltO 100 It 11t l1t 171 1,0 l&& ll!! tl ~11 l.H Ul 170 l&"~ lU lfol

ll 110 166 lU 110 US 14t ltO Ul HI& nUl 16:1 172 1U Ul 117 I& lUlU 161 U) lU lll Ul 1&:1 166 141 lU U lU ll' U& Ut Ul lU 1'0 Ul

U 164 UO lUlU lSl HI U7 lU lU \44 lU UO 161 UO 6l U U1 tn 142 Uto US lU 101 130 lU 162 UO lU lU lU Ul Ht lll UO lU Ul 161

tt Ut U4 lU UO UO ltl lU 141 21 141 llf lll lU Uto 141 U Ul ISO lit lU Ut U1 lOl 101 lU tel Ul Ul t& lot l:U Uto 111 110 Ut li& Ul ts• J2 U6 1U UO Ul lU HO 1U 1.4& UO 61 U~ 1St tU' \U Hl 1~1 111 let He lU \41 ltt 26 111 144 1U UO u't Ul 22 Ul tO 1\ l u:a 1U lU 1St Ul

ll ISO UO Ul lU lU lit llt' tt !II llt lt'J 14'1 lf1 lU lot. ll lU 141 tU 1U lU f2 u• lU 141 1U 121 llt HI Ut l:U lU lSO tn Ht

11 lll 141 tn tlf. 11 104 US Ul Cil lU 141 141 lll lU 111 4t )1. lU Ul Ul 1)9 Ul 111 « 1U 141 UJ 111 lU U n lU 1U 1U Ut 144 140 HO

1111 141 lU lll UO lU U4 Ul 101 n UO 141 llt M IS lU U9 U4 114 U1 1U

•• tu 1n tn ua 114 u 11 n u UO 1ll Ul 102 It d '' UO lU Ut llt lU 111 lU Ul ll& 1U 114 ll6 lU

111 lU lU Ul 1U 111 lU n 1010 100 104 101 .. to a n u• u• ua Ul Ut

lot lU Ul lll nuuuntt .. u ,, 100 69 lZO 111 l.U Ul

11 lU .. 1] tl 10 41 .. .. .. " "

Fig 4.29. Numerical pressure map for the radial Michelin 255/70RI22.5. tire innated to 110 psi and loaded to 8,000 pounds. The pressure print is 9.69 inches long and 7.91 inches wide


U H ,. " .. ,. " .. ,,

lit 111 111 Ul llt lU lSG \41 US "ld lU UG Ut l:U Ut 14& Uti t.:l lU Ul Z2 ll1 lU Ul 1lt lH lH 141

2J lU H1 lll 1U lUlU 114 lOl lll lCII lH lU 1"14 Ul H7 1311 111 lle 11'2 iU Ul lt l40 1!$ 114 ltO lU lf2 \U

11 \$4 lUlU 144 lH 1ll U• Ut Ul l6 111 lll 111 114 111 lOS 'U: ltJ \U lU u• lll Ul U2 LJ\ Ul 111 111 lll Ul

4"1 114 201 U'f 111 111 lll

!14 U"'' lU tn 110 lU Ul lU U1 Ul lU Ul U7 ltt 114 171 14. \U lH l'H 114 lU Hl 131 14! Ut Ut. lH 199 JGt. 116 !I 2U .IU Ul 1M 114 l'f:J

U lll lU 111 171 U! 1'-l 1U 111 \U U 1U 1M 114 1ft 116 111 U UO 1M ltt ltl 111 t1l ac 201 au n• 1,. u• P1

J9 lto l'H JU 201 JU 1., lU \U 142 1!4 lH 190 111

II U\ \&l u.•1n 111 HS HS llllU UO 110 1M \!'G ZU ll!' Ut lll U4 Ul Ul 201 ltt Ul 1JJ 111 Ul Zll ltl ICI! Ul

lU lt1 lM 1U 2:01 1H U 27 Ut lit 114 ltl JU 1.. H lJ ttl lU lit lU lOt US U

U lfl ttl 111 174 111 171 lU 114 lU It 174 \11 Ut l02 lH 175

'U' lU Uil Ua 110 lU 110 lU Ul 1U Ut aU lOS Ut 1H 111 lO tot lU 1U 144 \451 \U 1.21 141 Uti tU \U 1tl U2:

1U 1'2 1•9 HI 112 1U lU lU 1U 14CI 171 Ul 204 iU 197 19& lU Ull 1U 1U \1] Ul

Ul lH 1'11 1U 111 ttl 141 HI lt1 lOG lal lOI lOl lll lt1 PI lU ~4 .tU Uf 200 :tCl lff ltl

ll lU 202 llC 1H ltf tU

l.U UO :101 lOI Ut lll Ut lit 214 :aU :aU 210 212 Ul 10-1 Ill 201 20] U9 191 U1

111 nt U4 tn tn 111 17J ua U4 tn tU Jot 10~ 206 ltl ltf U 111 llCI :Ill :Ill Zll lU

111 Ul lt4 17CI 1U 1 lJ 111 111 111 lU U lH lU JU U9 2U 111 n 1ec 1a 1u 111 ttl t9J 1•s

tU U1 tH 2\0 211 Jo.t 12:6 lll JU IU :ttl Ill 214 lot

1U 1U US 111 17t 11:1 112 1 .. 1U U ttl lt'l 111 201 2U lCICI U U lt1 101 1J1 Ill 210 1!2 41 U ltl Ul tlf 1\t llt 201 41 ua 1n ut Ul 111 tt4 tt4 uo

1U 10 111 11* UCI t 11 l 11 114 lP fl lll 174 IDCI tu :111 Jot Ul lfil .tot t\1 lll lOt lCICI Ut U:l Ul 20$ l1 1 lU JU 14CI l3 lU 114 lU lU 111 lt4 lU

1U ltil 111 tU 111111 \11 114 lH 1U lJ 111 lCil lU Uf US \1$ It ttl 1CIIl04 1H 1N Ul Jt lfl .ZU l12 10! 201 1U Ut 110 114 \13 1U 1U lU

UO lt1 ttl lU i 11 ill 1111 lfl 147 10 Ut ltl UO JU Ut 117 l4 ltO 201& ltl 11'1 iM Ul ll Ut 2t'l 110 Ul Hl 104

lU til l&t US 110 \31 1U 177 lM to 11!1 lt7 ltl ltt ltl 1 .. UO \11 .104 IOJ 101 lh 1U 1.11 Ul lot 101 111'1 Ut 1"0 \U n ltJ l"* ••• us 111 ao

7\ 11) Uf 111 U7 Ut 111 111 1tl Ul ff Ul lOl 2U lit 191 ~U fS 41 lfJ lOl lU llf ltO t 76 26 llt 1!tl U! U1 lit 111

60 1U 16.1 lll lU 10 140 112 U:f, 111 lU 1M lt11 201 ttl til lll 1'-l U3 t'Ui 1M lU lfl \14 111 Hl :Ul 114 Ht 112 \40 Ul lU 10 1 'U lt1 t1l

11::1 l'U 1U Ul 1"11 1&9 tn ll!t iff Uf l! 111 UJ Ill lH Ul 112

lCICI l'U lfl l'U U& Ul Ul 113 1H 1H U 1lt ltl \U 1M \ll lU it 110 111 \II lit 110 U4 n u• 1M 192 192 u1 la& U lU lff lU 117 111 l"'ti lU

lot UCI 141 tU Ul lll Ui 1U \12 Ul 1 ll i 11 1 H \U \11 lU .1l Ul llt i'1f \U lU U1 lt 111 lU lU Ut 101 lU UO UO PI \U 141 112 lll lU

U 141 139141 1114: 1U Ul 1&1 11l 1\1 U4 144 Ul 11a lH 111 UCI \It l'U 111 1U 171 102 24 U4 141 114 llo t•o 1U UJ lf't HI Ul lUlU lti4 1t9

U U't Ul \II 141 U1 141 1U Ul tot lO lU lft 141 U9 UO lll U Ut Uf lU u• lSI 111 17 1ft lfl 1451 \U 113 ~· lll Uo iU tU Ul lU Ul

II 111 127 ll& 146 111 1U Ul 1U Uf 143 HI 1U ll1 U"'' lf.# U 11 U9 U1 1!1 Ut tM lll lot Ul Ut iU U4 1 .. 11.1 11 141 Ut 111 1U U:J lfl lH

ll llO llt Ul ll* lU Ut Ua 1U: H lU 111 US t.lf lU Uo 1U U1 11:4 Ul UO Uo It U 141 Ul Ul lU 141 1!1 ll 104 U) 141$ 140 141 lU lU

4t 134 lll 144 Ut llt lU 134 134 llf l:J 1U lll. U1 131 U'f 101 61 Ua U:l 1ft ltl 1U lOS lCil lU 110 141 lf't UZ tl If UO \61 tJ.& 1U 144 lll

h 121 1U Uf 141 Ut UO It 1U Ul 4f u:t 14& 10 t«t 1n tu •• Ut Ut 13, U'l 110 M U U Hl 1U lU Ul 14« Ul ll lJ Ut 15) Ua UG HZ 143 134

ft lU 101 111 \U U'l UO 121 1U lU UO 131 133 113 U& u 111 121 HI tu u 7 n n uz 1U td 1)1 uo n U Ul 121 141 lU 141 117 Ut

)I Ul to fl 1U lU 121 124 1U 44 \U lU 117 l\G 11 lU Ul Ul U 7 U4

n u n• 11 no lU u• •• " " " :.1 l"l II ttUt tJ II 40 Uo 111 111 H U11U lU 101

11 .. 101 103 .. 60 HI 100 101

4t u ••• ., " lfUNtlnu

Fig 4.30. Numerical pressure map for the radial Michelin 255/70RJ22.5 tire inflated to 135 psi and loaded to 8,000 pounds. The pressure print is 8.74 inches long and 7.91 inches wide.



~ 40 IU

~ ~ 30 'E 0 0 0 20 c: .2 t:

&. e 1o Q.


Load & Inflation Pressure

• 6000.Ib & 11 0 psi II 6000 lb & 135 psi

<50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Fig 4.31. Histogram for the radial Michelin 255/70RI22.S tire. Shown are the proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges at a 6,000-pound wheel load and innation pressures of 110 and 135 psi.


Load & Inflation Pressure ;i' • 8000 lb & 110 psi ~ 40 IU • 8000 lb &.135 psi 1! < i 30 'E 0 0 0 20 c: 0 ·-e 0 0.. 10 e


0 <50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

. Fig 4.32. Histogram for the radial Michelin 255/70R/22.S tire. Shown are the proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for a 8,000-pound wheel load and innation pressures of 110 and 135 psi.


50 Load & lnHation Pressure - • 6000 lb & 110 psi :.e !!.... 40 II 8000 lb & 110 psi

Rl Q) .... <(

0 30 Rl -c: 0 0 0 20 c: 0 •t: 0 0. 10 0 .... a.

0 <50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Fig 4.33. Histogram for the radial Michelin 255/70R/22.5 tire. Shown are tbe proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for an inflation pressure of 110 psi and wbeelloads of 6,000 and 8,000 pounds.


~ !!.... 40 Rl Load & Inflation Pressure ! • 6000 lb & 135 psi <(

0 II 8000 lb & 135 psi Rl 30 "E 0 0 0 20 c: 0 t: 0 0. 0 10 .... a.

<50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Fig 4.34. Histogram for the radial Michelin 2SS/70RI22.5 tire. Shown are the proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for an inflation pressure of 135 psi and wheel loads of 6,000 and 8,000 poundS-




6,000-lb Load 8,000-lb Load Pressure

Inflation Pressure Ranges (~si) 95 psi 110 psi 95 psi 110 psi

<50 14.11 9.13 10.94 6.58

50-100 36.79 43.80 28.12 40.82

101-150 42.67 33.80 35.51 31.38

151-200 6.43 12.77 23.87 16.88

201-250 0.00 0.50 1.56 4.08

251-300 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26

>300 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00



61000-lb Load 81000-lb Load Position Inflation Pressure Tread Width 95 psi 110 psi 95psi 110 psi

Left 1115.3 1252.5 1662.8 1916.6

Left-Center 1130.5 1037.9 1408.2 1270.6

Center 1542.7 1498.4 1857.3 1746.2

Right-Center 1090.1 962.2 1350.6 1192.4

Right 1121.4 1249.0 1721.1 1874.2

Fig 4.35. Two-dimensional contact pressure plot for the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 LR-G tire inflated to 95

psi and loaded to 6,000 pounds.

Fig 4.36. Two-dimensional contact pressure plot for the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 LR-G tire inflated to 110

·· psi and loaded to 6,000 pounds.

Fig 4.37. Two-dimensional contact pressure plot for the radial Goodyear UR24.5 LR-G tire inflated to 95

psi and loaded to 8,000 pounds.

Fig 4.38. Two-dimensional contact pressure plot for the radial Goodyear UR24.5 LR-G tire inflated to 110

psi and loaded to 8,000 pounds.

" " 4S4ilSJ2lll

u u u 40 u .. " st u u •

.. " H 11 u n n u Jet " " 41 tG 1t 41 " '

15 t1 .. "0 12 n to toJ u:t: no u " 12' " .. n u 1~ s' 1

lt u 11 '' n )l u n •• .:n 101 u n u n 110 eo 1l U 17 l02 111 111 \00 tU n

u 102 "' " u ~• H n •1 " ,, tl 115 ~· H lOS Uil t:r ll'f Ul Ut ll2 lU U tt "1 10 10 " 211oo u to t

n U U UlotlU Ui so 102 " uo 101 uo :o2 u tt lUI nO 111 lU Ul 114 lU U " 102 lOl u 1

UlU lU US '' 11110 lU tl 101 101 100 laO lOJ lU U lJO 124 Ul Ul US U4 116 lU U: It » It » 14 10 7t tt 17 100 100 ,, " u

u tt 10 U: l4 lU US U 1U UO t:U Ut Ul lli UJ US H ss 124 104 fl 12 ll ... tl 21

H 1Sl 1U lU \10 Ul lU ., lOti " •• ,, 105 110 107 t2 " 72 u "115 Ul Ul Ut Ut Ul Ul lU " " 12 lO lOS 10

U 1U lSl lll llt US lU C:llM fll001QS Hl0110l flU N 21 to Ul t:U lU US UO US 142 lU 101 llt lOl tt u 7t t2 n nus to

,, 101 tS 104: lU 101 105 lOl 112 M 11 111 111 '~~' lll 11

tt Ul 10 Ul lJ lU lU M tt 100 lU 1\U 10' ll' lll 61 tt 111 Ul 141 Ul UO tU lU

lot Ut Ut no tot 11 120 101 U 54 105 10' 101 101 Hll llt 105 U t4 101 lll Ill itl lSZ Ul lfl 55 u tu uo n 1

100 104 lot 111 Ul 150 SO "1Q) •• 101 l07 14 11 10 7) 72 28 IU lU US" ll

111 lU HO lU Ut l) UO lU S2 <t1 ts 102 101 US llO U4 21 lH lU LSI Ul 1U aJ Ut lU 1'1 llifUtllS lU HIS 101 I) I) l) U a '4 u~ Uti 1U U

111 Hl 141 lU tt Ul lit 101 f) tn lU 121 US llO lH ll 17 1') lS7 US llt 1ft 170 11) Ul lU lH lU lU 10' tS 17 U IS 11S 12't 121 " 11

U lU 111 t4 U lU lU SO ,11122 UJ lllU ll

lOl ll4 UlllllH l:ti lU 44 ll II I) 101 124 l)f 12t Ut 101 112 U 1J 160 1U Ul UO Ut 141 10 Ul Ul uz utu4 tz n '' 112 lh lUi "111 ll

Uo US Ut lH tU: Ul lU U M 11 11 " Ul 11 l 122 lOJ 12 10) St St tU lU 111 U1 10 14l lit lU lt 117 1)1 llt tl 11 u 74

H 10, tl U lOt UO Ul <11 t4 Ut 1112 101 Ul 121 Ul 114 111 U' lot U2 Ut 1U Ul Ut Ut U1 UO 141 U2 lll lli 101 l' ll tt Ut lU l1 HI 11

100 Ut 14S 12:4 " U:t 14$ 10i 101 tf 101 US lU U7 U7 141 U :J7 U4 140 1U lU 141 US 1SS tU :U u 1n uz uo 120 111 n u ll ll1 UT tl It ll

il 110 104 122 Ul lll lU lll t2 uo 10: 14S tU 1'2 lU ltO US 2S UJ UJ lll lll ta 102 11 ')I lOl lJt UO 0 I

10' Ul UO lU lU .. 114 Ul 10 U l2t \IU lU Ut 111 lU- 10 ll 121 lU 10 U) lU US l'U Ut S2 14 lU 120 lU UO 111 102 10' U 11 n l1 140 ltl lU D

101 u• uo ut t.n •s " 101 rs 11110:1 lP Ul 141141 ll u 111 us 111 141 at a!l tu ua st " lU 11' tU 121 114 liP 7t 14 11 24. ill lll U'1 D

liP Ul 1U UC !Of U UO Ut lt '0 101 Ul Ui 121 11' lll lll U tl 1U U!l 141 lU 1S4 tU Ut tto U4. 101 ll' US H4 104 tt H Ul 4l IS U41U 14 1

HIS Ul tn U2 U lU n• t' to M 101 tu tu u• uJ us n lt Hl 145 l:U US llt 141 1)) lU 0 u 110 no 122 112 tos tl n " 12!1 lll 104 "14

u t4 n u 101 tn Ul u to t7 111 Ul UO Ul 111 litl tt lSO 1U Ul 141 tH Ul lU lU llO lU 127 114 1114 10! '' 40 tO lU Ut " U' ll

tl' lU llt Ul lU lU lll " ., " " 107 111 101 101 101 u lS 10 UO Ul 1St lSl t41 Ut tU ?S az ut 1~s Ul 10' lot l02 Sl if 'l U 121 12

11 Uf 111 ts H lU Ul lt H tsl lH H4 Ul iU 1St lS) Ut u2 uz 1n no '" " n' Jo '' 111 us 's 1u u

lS Ul ll' tal U Ul lU U 1ll l<lt lU lS? Ul lU HI lSI 14 S4 1'-1 Ul l21 Ut lliJ " lOS lf JS 107 11? ll tt u

tG I.S4 Ul Uo tl tl Ul lU U "' " " lS U 102 104 ll) 40 111 llt ll' Ul lOJ 104

u us uc ut u' "tu 112 n 2l U 10'1 lll lOl I.Ol 126 104 ut u2 n• ut us tn u 1 1t1 n S.t Ul 122 1)0 114 117 \04 II 7t 7] U 47 121 116 llt lO

7S tso 12$ Ul 111 11 1S Tt St 101 114 111 lot 101 12i 1t lo lOl 110 lU US 1SS 1S7 1U Ul )4 74 111 107 110 1U llS llt 111 us u

11 iSS lU 101 102 U lU 102 U 41 106 tt lOJ 107104 117 Ut 2t lOS tf 111 Ill lOS •• 7J lll 122 .. 1

12 l'i Ul tU 14 101 110 tl t4 tol " '' tt " 1oo u) n 4l U' 1U 1)) Ut lU 1U· U4 UO U u uo 110 ta 101 tz 11 12 n UO UIJ 111 ~ l2

41 11 lt '' u 111 lU sc Ulot U lOS lU 102100 10' 114 1110 Ul 1)) 1U 14t U1 141 144 lOll ll tU t.t.t 101- 104 u 11 n n u uo 111 n U4 a

s' uc t:U ac nt u1 us l1 104 104 tl 10' lot 112 1.11 110 lOl UJ S1 ., 144 117 JO tt 140 US lU U2 u us " n 14 '' n U U 11 10101 Iii

Sl 142 Ul 101 lU lU US U It 100 94 lOT 111 Ill 110 U '1 lOS 42 W 14f 1H Ul 141 Ut U' Ut 1U .. lOl tl 40 110 10

40 lll 101 101 fallU IU tt J1 t2 tl US U4 lot lOt 122 14!1 1215 127 1U 114 t:U lU 10 u uo to' " n 4) 101 ~'1 " J) l.O

41 u:r 100 K U If 101 lU U 11 111' lU Uf 111 104 N 101 4i f7 Ul Ut U) l)t lU 1U 1Jt lll U lOS t7 H II 14 « U H 77 a. tt n n 10

U lU U tl lU f'1 U:O Ut ~ U lll 120' lZJ 111 lOl 111 lOt uo U1 111 ltt tal ttl lSI Ut 1t u lOl u n n n u u u u 10 54 •• It ,, 1

ll 101 11 11 1U ll 'l 10 U tt 11a uo 114 u' tH 111 14 u 101 tot lot tU t:u tu uz no u " ~ 11 '' to n ~ st ss ~ ~ ll " .. ll •

17 101 i-4 ?:J tl 0 lU lot 41: 41 UJ lOS 1• 101 10' 105 104 U H It llt 111 Ut US l:U t7 u t1 ll ,. '

t41SU1fllUUU H n n 14 ' ' tl to •• •• St IS If tS US tt lOt Ul 101 1S ~ 11 U « Sl SS S7 J4 11 lt 14 u •

lt 71 ~ 10 U U « Sl ~ 41 1:) " tl. 10) " u " 101 so u IS 11 n u s1 ,, 22 Sl"714661)

SJ 47 S4 51 ~ 4'1 41 41 J' 7) '?5. S7

2SUH40S01t 40 40 ll 41 4) U ll ll 2) lfS0414ZUU40U " 21 SG U Jl 2f l7 Sl

Fig 4.39. Numerical pressure map for the radial Goodyear 11R24.S tire inflated to 95 psi and loaded to 6,000 pounds. The pressure print is 9.65 inches long and 7.48 inches wide.



" )J J1 ll )6 u u

10 II !iO 61 .. " " .. J) 74 "107 " 84 11 ~3 47 ~]

" a 91106 64

n 100 70101111 H U U 7t 102 H H 19104 " tl "

llllt 11:14 lll lllll lU 101 " ~· u

.. 1J tl " 114 120 101 10!1. 110 " 11 ]~ ~0 u

U 101 100 1J t) Ut Ul 27 62 6J " 10 n " 10 n 74 21 57 124 101 116 117 1ll tl 111 104 tllU 71 70 64 11 tO 1J lll 114

112 US 141 IU lll Ul H 54 t2 1J tl " 12 I] ., 121 1U 122 l:U 116 104 lGl Ut 55 n no 17 H 65 12 M l4 4Z 1J 100 62 lU 111 121

Ut lll Ul US llt lll H II Ul t2 10 12 M n u 11 " 111 lH l:U Ul 124 101 116 UO n' 65 1u to 10 11 14 u u 4) t4 tl " 12t us lll

U 111 LOt tO 121 144 1J2 tl 112 tt tS tt M tl tl lll 41 61 tl 106 ll4 ll1 U2 lll lll 122 lot t1 11 u 11 n 7J ,. 101 102 17 uo ll4

IU 110 US UJ 1t lJO 112 16 Zl 124 lOt 101 lOt lU lOJ lll 120 11 11 102 140 141 141 142 Ul SO u 10 n 11 n 14 " 11 11 46 11 121 121 11 121 144

Ul lll 14t lU 117 tt lll US 11 10 117 117 107 111 122 Ut 41 U tS tS 111 lJJ UZ U5 167 141 to 17 II 7t 74 IJ U 12 10 47 llllU 120 U4 ll2

l~S lll Ul lJO lU II 1Z 11 tt 110 lOt lOt 110 121 UJ 24 tl 121 102 106 ll4 U2 U6 176 ll2 IJ 70 12 71 11 " 17 IS " tl1U 12l 147 Ut

Ul lU lSI U~ t6 121 lll 121 t!l t4 10] 110 122 110 144 JC 121 124 Ul Ut UO 170 Ul 174 tt 1J t4 t2 10 14 70 " , JO lll 140 122 71 II

lU 201 llt 141 tl 140 lU t7 12 t4 112 120 114 lU lll tl lU 146 lUlU 171 1U lU U7 llt120 101 t2 .. 101 Ut 142 14 1!10 1~t

" us 104 tl 1J1 141 1J4 " 72 1J lOt 120 UO llt 120 ll!l tu 112 ua Ul 174 lH ua 15t sa It Ut lU 11 7!1 .. 15 44 1!11 141 11!1 104 146 lH

111194 ue uo Its tss u 1!1 101 17 tl10t lU 11!112] 114 1211H 11t 177140121 U2 UltU lll t5 ll Ul ll4 lOt " 41 1!1 12 17 1~4 147 lH

lll 142 lH 111 14t 14t lll 44 10!1 tO 101 112 lll 124 106 111 142 74 1)4 1)4 lH Ut 161 Ul Ul 142 ll t1 U!l ll~ 101 tl 71 61 !12 tlllll!IO 16!1

112 19!1 lH 126 tl 141 lU U 46 104 t7 112 111 114 " 11J uo lt 1l1 lJC lU 14t 151 Ut U!l 10] 141141121107 u " 101 144 lll 10 lU 174

Ul lU 1!11 141 72 111 12!1 lot t4 10s ,. 101 114 1u 141 n 2J U6 111 12t ll6 1!16 U6 Ul U!l 17 112 llt 101 17 t2 17 !II !17 ll 141 147 111 "102

Ul 111 1!11 1J7 Ill tO 71 71 42 101 ,. 101 t!l 110 1]1 II 141 12112!11!1J l!lt U111J 122 14 62 14 10 14 !It !12 !14 tZ 144 lll uo 117

U2 llJ Ul 147 11!1 U Ill 140 IJ 102 tl t!l 101 tl lU U 4!1 146 12t 126 Ul U5 U6 166 1!11 U 11 11 !15 ~!I !II !11 !11 !II 111 UZ lJO Ut 146

Ul 174 lU 141 11 111 lll tl tZ ,. tl tl .. lll tZ llt 141 lll 144 1!16 Ul 1!16 lit 11 !10 141 1]2 t!l114 1]!1

121 lU Ut 12 tl 1J2 Ut !II It 10 ttl04 t1 17 14101 22 t!ll!lt llt 1!14 172 1!1114!1 uz 144 n 101 14 " n 10 11 12 11!1117117 12 1!121!11

Ul 111 Ul 1J2 141 14!1 U " " 71 t4 tl 10!1 lt n 11 lll llt 141 146 l!IJ 141 ll6 1!1!1 11 JJ lU 111 It 1J .. !IZ 127 lU 71 121 lU 144

IU 111 Ut 144 UO lU II ,. tl t7110 101 74 1Z 71 12!1 lU U6 ll7 ll7 ll!l 117 140 71 U Ul 11 t U 7Z lJ 74 U: l2 107 10] '" lll 144 146

t!l 100 11 !llllllJI Ul 17 lOJ 11!1 10] It 101 J1 ll6 122 lJC ll4 12!1 11!1 122 116 100 142 lOt 14 11 !IJ 10 72 t21471U

111 114 l!lt Ill !It 12' lJJ 7!1 12 71 u tZ 111 101 120 102 102 120 117 12!1 lJO 1ZI lll 144 !It 21 uz 111 1o4 17 10 n 11 lJ Jt !1!1 lll 1Jo 12 llt 16o

IU lU Ut lU 12114llt t71Cl llllH J!l 4!1 111 1U lU lll 146 l~t lU 141 t4 10] tl tl 14 7!1 ~t n 12 11 Ul 1JO lll lU Ul

lU: 111 lU 12! Ill :U 4t U: to 10!1122 144 71 121 lll UO 14t Ul Ul 174 114 "100 1oo 1o u n ,. II 147 1]7 1!12 1!17

Ul Ul 1!10 142 U " 110 n t2 107 llt 14!1 )4 u 124 12!1 uo 1!14 11l 17!1 171 114 71 lOt 10!1 lOt U .. U4 141 ll7 t1 t1

IU lU lU lU U llt llJ 41 n lt u ts 101 tt tt tu 121 104 147 UO 11J llZ lU 114 UO tl lU 117 tl t1 ll 74 14 70 100 lU lll U UZ UO

72 17 l4 St lll 121114 It n 7!1 to 101 101 100 u 114 ~2 l4 Ut Ul Ul 176 167 U!l 1'4 172 Z1 t4 ll4 114 107 It 70 " u ll 141 ll4 lU 104 140 Ul

U2 14!1 llt 110101121 10 " tt 101 101 ll 1J tO Ul ll2 lU llt 1!11 1U lJO 1!10 21 lll 114 ,. " l1 71 72 " 1]!1 112 114

117 1!12 12!1 112 111 124 Ut Zl 7l 14 !II 7!1 t!l 7t 1Z 10 !II U ll6 121 ll2 llt 14!1 llt 140 1]6 6!1 17 Ul 107 U 1!1 17 71 11 !IZ 124 121 11 lOt tt !1

102 1!11 1J4 10!1 10 142 1!12 11 14 t!llOl tO 11 "

!II 1]6 ll!l 126 UJ l!lt lU 1!11 llZ Ut ll4 111 tl 11 7!1 7J 101 111 107 7!1 ll!l 114

U2 U4 120 111 U 100 Ul llt 1Z 1Z 11 tl lOt H tt 100 104 101 127 llt lll 147 lU 1U 63 41112 MlOO M 10 10 71 10 17 u uo ut 100 u t1

lU Ul 121 laJ llt U 111 111 !10 Z6 t1 70 U tl H lU 41 J1 102 101 121 127 144 141 144 141 It 71 It n II 75 IZ 74 72 10 !14 lOZ US 114 125 121

111 Ul lU tJ 112 U: 104 M UlOI " " 111 40 Jt tl IS 104 lU llt 1U 141 111 " " 12 17 "' 11 75 t!l llZ 114 121 124

111 U2 101 110 11 tl t7 12 71 It 11 IJ 74 lt " " 12 It 104 lU 1U Ul Ul Ul 4S ll ll 61 12 U 72 lO St St 51 121 121 tl " ..

II lU 121 lU :n 111 II 4J 21 u n " 7!1 u 11 71 2J !11 106 101 110 111 112 110 101 121 llltll141J7411H t2 10] 106 u 106 "

!II 140 lU " lU tt J110!1 7S !IS 14 7] 10 U 51 " 11!1 102 107 117 10!1 tl t2 127 !14 ., 101 .. 7] 12 12 ,, Jl to 104 " tt n 11

14 lU II IJ II 1J It 2J 'I !I] 52 12 ~ II !It 47 44 21 IJ " t2 104 104 .. 11 It u 24 107 to 74 II 1J M JO 41 11 n n 12 n

20 " 41 JO 40 U t7 J4 l2 50 50 57 51 !I] u M n 71 I] 14 11 12 II M U U 51 51 71 U 64 !II !It 17 !It

4G 101 S1 " u 21 41 44 Jl Jl 57 ., .. ., !14 72 22 22 52 ss n " 10 10 J1 " Jl ]) Jl Jt 46 !II 40 Jl J1 ]7 Jt Jl Jt ]!I 50

Fig 4.40. Numerical pressure map for the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 tire inflated to 110 psi and loaded to 6,000 pounds. The pressure print is 9.2 inches long and 7.48 inches wide.

, " 1\ u " .. " " ., ?l' 10 u 11 tl ,, !P t:r " a t1 ta .. ,, ,,

n \H ll<f 170 UO 1U t:n ll tl tl 64 tH lU lU

.!0 uo tU 101104 ., 104 .U lOl 111 llt Ul U4 UJ: lH UO Bf lU 111

U Ut HI lU' U l fl Uf; Ul U U t2t1U l01l01102 101 LH ll 'tl UO Ut UJ lU Ut lU 11 " lot 101 •• t-2 to 4t 10 lU f'l llt lH

t-4 If u .. tU llllU lU 144

ll Ul 111 Ut lU 11 tat lU 'I U Ul 114 114 141 160 Ul UJ lU )'t u 'Jt .. ,, ff HI lU Ul Ul

M 109 uo loa to• tt 101 10' H Ul lU lU lU Ul Ul 111 112" 11l)UUU13 40 141 lU llJ ft UJ

U lU 101 H ft lU ltt tS n 1110' 1u 111 to• lJ lSI 144 l4l Ul lU Ul a. 14t $4 H 134 Ul " N '' f'J 101

iCil 210 UO 111 tU lU HI U 111 101 lU 101 112 UO 1U 21 141 lU t'l U 111 lU U lt'1 lU 1.1$

II HI lU lU HO lH 1)) II lU 101 lOt lU 101 lU ll' 102 fl 101 120 Ul Ul 1 U 16:) 141" 1U 1U '' n ut 114 1aJ 11 14 u u

111 2U U1 Ul f4 UO lU U4 ll 112 129 147 161 1U lUi ll't lll lU 114 tU 101 II IJ 1; U l1

lll lH lH Ill it4 102 UO lU Z:J 104 lU U~ 1U lli'l 171 Ill 111 •• 1G4 101 110 •• :11 tU lll Ul 'll lU

U:l lll l"tl 10$ 110

lU i101 tU 111 144 11:1 lU Ul at ttt tn us uo

1U :ru Ul lll n U1 lU 11 ll ).U 11~ 1U Ul 111 lU llt U:J UtUlU1UtUtU

Ul Ul lU Ul lH Uf Ul l't Ul l.:P lU U1 t•l tn UJ 109 1U liU 1U 1'10 llli l.lli lH lH liO 1U Ul 10 12:1 109 n tal 34 141 1U 164 lll 101 t'll

lll Ul lit lU lU U4 UO 99 ;J tal Ul u:r U4 na '4 U2 iU l4:t llt M 14 U

lU lOt If n 111 lU lU U IS 1U lU Ul lU lU: lUI H4 Ul un U1 llil 169 lU 111 l.'f' tat 1 .. •• no no 141 111 111 ua U lU Ul l:Jl lU lU 1111

lU 101 lU 142 \41 llti Ul Ul lSi lU lU 141 1U 11 l 102 ff f4 t4 113 lU t4 lH U$

lU ttO 110 lU \41 U lU 111 U 1U 141 141 lH \t) 111 111 ttl 41 U 111 U4 142 l:tt llt H4 Uf .. u

Ul 201 114 lU \10 U U 11 0 20 1:12 UO lU Hl 1n U1 t1 160 141 l.4~ 161 UO 111 llil Uli 111 Ut 1l3 1H lit Ul lU ltt ., lJ

Ul tOJ llt' tn UCI ltO lU \U to U Ul Ul lJl UO lH lU 119 Ul 1U HI UJ Uf 112 111 170 t1 4t lU 1J1 lU lU lU 111 Ul Ull Ul 114 100 1U'

lU UJ Ul lU 11 Ul U\ lO Jl lQ lli llil U6 1U lh 1U llt lU 140 Ut 124 lot iU lilt 100 4l f4 l?:r t1t tt lH Ul

Ul IU \IL1 UJ lQ UO Ul n Ul ua tn 116 112 lOt 101 Ul 164 1ft 112 Hl HO id lU l4 Jt l4t lU ll:J lU Ut 111 101 U Ul U11U U1 llli lU

U.O ZOl 110 lU \U 14't UJ " 91 1\1 121 lll llt tl .. 101 u u n " PJ u; 1n

lU 141 UJ HI 'ft lU 1M U 11 n tu Ut ua 111 1n 114 t1 lU Ul 144 1\1 lU tU lU 120 1U l4t lU Ul ltl

•1 u uo u• uJ u• uJ 111 uo 1u n1 111 th 111 tt• •u :tt 11$ 161 ~41 1U l\1 llO UJ llf 4l Ul ltl 103 Ul 1115

110 lUlU U1 ltl 2s to• 1.11 121 111 u:r 149 40 Ul Ul UO 140 ltl lU lU 1Jl \11 ltl 1•1 Ul 111 l:Jt Ul l .. tU 110 112 tU lU

HI toO Ul \41 UO U: lU lU 11\ 110 lU lU 114 lll 10":1 11 90" tl 11 >tl \11 ll' til lU

101 101 101 101 100 WI lll lU 101 Ul 139 lSI 1 'U 114 141 1H 10 •:t 114 tu 1111 lUi tu ,. " u n U \U 116 U4 lO.l 12'

•• lU M 14 lOt lU lU 11 Ul lOt n UO tU WI lU lU fl :J2 lU 144 lU U.l lfi41i lll 1S'I Ul llJ U4 111 11f 10!11 tJ .. tH 1'4 UO" 101 102 \U

UJ Itt ltl tll lU lU 11' U lU lU 101 Ul UO us ll:J lU 111 1:U 101 164 1:11 M Ul iU 1U u• U 44 ld 111 1ll lU tal lU 11140" lH- 92 11501601'1

'" HI 1J't 111 lU lU U9 14Z lU lU 111 Ul lU UJ 141 41 ll Ul 11 f lot f'f It lU U '"lUlU 01 lU US 11!11

U4 Ill lit 111 tt UJ lU lU n " Ul Ut Ul US 111 U1 M II n uo ao 111 141 u:a uc ld ta Ht Ut lU 101 U U 12 1U 114 u• 141 ., 111 a•

tu zn tM at tn 101 Hit ut n It lH ll4 142 Ut 111 l:U 104 ll HI 110 144 Ul 111 112 160 lU 4l N lU H n N 'ffi 11 n H '1'4 ... 141 141 tl .. tt

tu lt't ut 111 tn n n .,, .;.; 12 Ul U4 U:l 1U U., 11' lQ lOt za 11 u ,, .. 121 1U US 160 lU

104 ttl 141 Ut Ut U4 1 .. Ul ll 91 U4 U1 111 ltt lU Ul tJ 41 llJ 114. 111 U4 Uf lSI Ul lU .. U II 64 ,, U •• 4) 14 2' ZJ U.O lU lJI lU 111 '

" toa uc l"'t n uo 101 tt u uo 114 no 1u ut 101 101 1n 11 100 Ul 121' lU 141 140 141 Ul lJ n tt 11 tl Ut 1la 'fl Ul lU

tO lU Ut Ul 144 lU HO ll 1U 1U lU l1t 111 112 lCI Ul 111 1U UZ 141 U:J 1U U4 .. 00 llt UO 11 111 Ut lU

•• \16 n J4 lot lU lU lll 100 lU lU 114 U tt1U .. " 111 lll ttl

ll U 12 tO "'I Ut l:U 41 .. u ., •• ,,101 .. 04 II 111 U " .. U lU 101 104

'' •n li~ .. , " ., u

:n o ..

Fig 4.41. Numerical pressure map for the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 tire innated to 95 psi and loaded to 8,000 pounds. The pressure print is 11.14 inches long and 7.48 inches wide.



" l1 llt 29 llt 111 lU 121 Ul 112 lU 124

<11 lOJ lOl 104 111 lU Ul U 12110610.1111 llt 121 UllJoll

141 114 tu U4 111 101 ua uo 1'J 11

14 121 111 Ul 126 121 Ul Ill lOl 111 141 144 u 144

lU 141 Ul lU 162 164 146 1J2 lU 119 121 121 lU 101 110

191209 Ul 114172 l"l'l tl 16 tl U 112 1 H 169

ll 111 lll l21 lU llf lU 121 llt

40 Ill 111 lll 112 lot 101 144 Ul to 101121 U2 Ut lll U4 lU

224 2l2 Ul 194 14t 111142 Ul II lU 111'109 121114 lit 42

Ul 214 194 112 lll llO Ul 141 41 lit Ul 110 Ul

241 Ut 2U 110 lll ll'O 161 U 102 91 lOl 124 U'l' lU ll6 llt uo 141 141 144 lit 112 114 11'2 101 141 1'71 llt 102 lOl

" 111 111 121 129 121 116 129 lll Zl 160 111 14Z lU 190 Ut

2J1 2U ZOI lJJ Ut 164 111 U 111111101 lU ZOl

UZ ZU 194 lU 14 149 ltO UO 141 tn 161 nut

Ul 209 111 lU lOt 11 t1 9JlU t1 101 144 lZJ lU Ul lll lU ltl lU Ul 91 " Zl 144 1J4 114 14t 166 lU Ul 1 lt 41 11 109

92100101 14 Ut Ul lU 141 201

lll ll2 Ul lll ll2 lZl lU lll U Ul 110 " Z1 9] , .. " l!U 114 111

201 110 111 11 149 uo lll lOZ 121 120 UO 14] Ul 124 lU 101

lllOO 100 109Bt 141 11 ,, 49 Ul 114 UO llO liD

U6 206114 lU 91 10] 140 11 1U 111111114190

an au 1u lt4 u u1 u1 10 lU 1Z1 14Z 141 164 119 111 UZ

U6 ao1 111 II 1U 1H 106 20 lll lJI 14J 162 lU Ul Ul 1U U 1U 101 " 19 114 169 119 U6 169

19J 166 UJ 1U 1U 146 J9 U91U U9 ll111J 1U

U1 Ua 1" 146 1U Ul U U 101 111 Ul lU JO 146 141 Ul lU 146 1H 1U 1U n u 140 11'1'.10a 41 16 U 19 164 U1 Ui

11J 111 91 11 1U 1U 112 " n •J U 1U 141 104 lJJ U1 Ut

U1 111 112 UJ 101 Ul U1 J1 l11 114 126 lU U1 14J 1J6 U9 1U 14e 146 II 111 111

U1 190 lU UO U 1U U6 112 .. Ul0l10J

Ul 191 lU Ul Jl n

240 no 112 1U 1U 1U 101 14 U UJ 149 llZ U 11

124 106 ,. 10, UT ue " 1U 122 121 9J Ul 1U

au 111 Ul U4 UJ 1U " n " 4J Uo 116 UJ UZ 111 100 101 111 .. , " .. " u

94 UJ 119 lU 21 " .. 114 lU 106 UJ " ..

.. .. 61 6a " UlU .. .,

" aJ iJ 16 ,.

Fig 4.42. Numerical pressure map for the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 tire inflated to 110 psi and loaded to 8,000 pounds. The pressure print is 10.63 inches long and 7.48 inches wide.


;? ~ 40 Ill ! <(

~ 30 'E 0


0 20 c: 0 ·;:: &. e 1o a.


Load & Inflation Pressure

II 6000 lb & 110 psi rl 6000 lb & 95 psi

<50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Fig 4.43. Histogram ror the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 tire. Shown are the proportions or contact area at the various contact pressure ranges at a 6,000-pound wheel load and innation pressures or 95 and 110 psi.


;? ~ 40 Ill

~ ~ 30 'E 0


0 20 c: 0 ·;:: 8. e 10 a.


Load & Inflation Pressure

• 8000 lb & 110 psi II 8000 lb.& 95 psi

<50 50-100 101-150 151·200 201·250 251·300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Fig 4.44. Histogram ror the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 tire. Shown are the proportions or contact area at the various contact pressure ranges ror a 8,000·pound wheel load and innation pressures or 95 and 110 psi.




;e ~ Load & Inflation Pressure ra 40 • 8000 lb & 95 psi Q) ....

II 6000 lb & 95 psi <(

u ra 30 c: 0


0 c: 20 0 ·-e 0 a. 0 10 .... 0.

<50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Fig 4.45. Histogram for the radial Goodyear 11R24.S tire. Shown are the proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for an inflation pressure of 95 psi and wheel loads of 6,000 and 8,000 pounds.

50 Load & Inflation Pressure

;e • 8000 lb & 110 psi ~ 40 • 6000 lb & 110 psi ra Q) .... <(

u 30 ra c: 0


0 20 c: 0 ·-e 0 a. 10 0 .... 0.

<50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Fig 4.46. Histogram for the radial Goodyear 11R24.S tire. Shown are the proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges for an inflation pressure of 110 psi and wheel loads of 6,000 and 8,000 pounds.


Based on the experimemal results presented in Chapter 4, several observations can be made. The tire contact areas and contact pressure distributions are analyzed and dis­cussed in this chapter. The measurements of the tire stiffness and side tire movements, presented in Appendix B, are also discussed.

TIRE CONTACT AREA In pavement design procedures, the tire contact area is

assumed to be the ratio of the wheel load over the tire inflation pressure. Tire contact area measurements from the testing were presented in Chapter 4, and those results are discussed and analyzed here.

Discussion of Results

The tire contact areas obtained from the Adage system and the counting method, the print width and print length of the contact areas, and the mean contact pressures are tabu­lated in Tables 4.1, 4.5, 4.8, and 4.11, for various combina­tions of inflation pressures and wheel loads. These experi­mental measurements of the tire contact areas reinforce Hansen's conclusion that, at a constant tire inflation pres­sure, an increase in wheel load is accompanied by an increase in the tire contact area, and, in the same way, that at a constant wheel load, an increase in tire inflation pressure is accompanied by a decrease in the tire contact area.

The same trend can be observed from the tire print dimensions. As the wheel load increases, the print width and the print length increase until the print width equals the tire width. Then, only the print length increases. In general, this behavior was expected due to the shape and the extraordi­nary elastic properties of tires.

The shape of the tire contact area was also observed. As stated by Hansen (Refl), theshapeofthe tirecontactareafor bias tires tends to become more oval, while for the radial tires the shape is consistently rectangular. This clear distinction in the shape of the tire contact areas must be noted, since pavements are designed assuming that this shape is circular. Modifications in these assumptions are imperative, since, as stated in Chapter 2, radial tires are becoming increasingly predominant in the market. In order to address this situation the tire contact area values were subjected to further analy~ sis.

Analysis of Results

A statistical model was constructed to relate the actual tire contact areas with the ratio of the wheel load over the tire inflation pressure. Here, this ratio is called the "Relative Area." To construct this statistical model it was decided to use the average of the tire contact areas obtained from the Adage system and the counting method. In this model, the tire contact area is the dependent variable and the relative


area is the .independent variable. The model is presented in Fig 5.1.

The proposed model is

TCA = 0.28905 + 1.0627 (RA) - 0.00202 (RA?


TCA = the tire contact area in square inches, and RA === the relative area in square inches.

The statistical model was developed to predict the tire contact area in square inches, based on the ratio (also in square inches) of the wheel load over the tire inflation pressure. Even though the model did not consider factors such as tire wear, tire brand, and tire type, it has a very high correlation factor of 94 percent, using a 95 percent confi­dence interval. Figure 5.1 compares this model with the theoretical assumption that the relative area equals the tire contact area (the line having 45° slope).

Figure 5.1 brings to light several interesting facts. The theoretical assumption holds for relative areas below 50 square inches. As the wheel load increases, the accuracy of the theoretical assumption decreases. As the inflation pres­sure increases, the accuracy of the theoretical assumption increases.

This model can be used to arrive at a quick estimate of the actual contact area, based on easily obtainable parame­ters such as wheel load and tire inflation pressure. However, more testing and analysis needs to be done to obtain a more representative model, since this study was limited to only 20 observations.


--. .s 150

.[ lU

~ ti 100 lU E 0


~ 50 y = 0.28905 + 1.0627x- 0.20224x2

R2 -0.938

50 100 150

Relative Area (sq in.) 200

Fig 5.1. Tire contact area vs relative area. Shown is the predicting curve of the tire contact area based on

the ratio of wheel load over inftation pressure (relative area).



Tire contact pressure distributions are at present not being considered in pavement design procedures. It is as­sumed that any load transmitted from the tire to the pave­ment is uniformly distributed and equal to the tire inflation pressure. This obviously is a fallacy, since Tables 4.1, 4.5, 4.8, and 4.11 show that, in general, the mean contact pres­sures are higher than the actual tire inflation pressures. Experimentally it has been proved that high contact pres­sures are produced at the tire-pavement interface.

Figures4.1,4.2, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13,4.14,4.23, 4.24, 4.25, 4.26, 4.35, 4.36, 4.37, and 4.38 present two-dimensional color pressure plots for the different tires tested in this report. These color pressure plots represent the contact pressure distributions produced at the tire-pavement interface. The same information is presented in Figs 4.3, 4.4, 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18, 4.27,4.28, 4.29, and 4.30 as numerical pressure maps.

For the tires tested, it can be seen that the higher contact pressure values are located generally at the edges of the treads located at the center and edges of the middle portion of the tire print.

For the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 tire, Figs 4.1 and 4.2 show the tire contact pressure distributions when the tire is loaded to 15,000 pounds and inflated to 100 and 85 psi respectively. The proportion of the contact area at higher pressure ranges increases with inflation pressure. Figures 4.1 and 4.2 do not record the peak contact pressure values, since they exceeded the capacity of the Fuji Super Low film range with which they were obtained. The proportions of contactareaateach pressurerangeareobtained from the Fuji Super Low, and the Fuji Low film and are tabulated in Table 4.2.

For the radial Michelin 275/SOR/24.5 tire, Figs 4.11, 4.12, 4.13, and 4.14 show the variations in the tire contact pressure distributions when the tire is subjected to different wheel loads and inflation pressures. Surprisingly, the peak pressure values were found at lower tire inflation pressures; however, the difference in the peak pressure values is very small.

For the radial Michelin 255nOR/22.5 tire, Figs 4.23, 4.24, 4.25, and 4.26 show the variations in the tire contact pressuredistributions.Asexpected,thepeakpressurevalues were found at higher tire inflation pressures.

For the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 tire, Figs 4.35, 4.36, 4.3 7, and 4.38 show the variations in the tire contact pressure distributions. As expected, the peak pressure values were found at higher tire inflation pressures.

In order to discuss and analyze the effect of the tire contact pressure distributions, the proportions of contact area at different pressure ranges were calculated. The load distribution along the tread width was also computed.



Tables4.2,4.3, 4.6,4.9, and4.12 show the proportions of contact area covered by the various pressure ranges for the different experimental parameters selected in this report. Data from these tables were used to construction the histo­grams in Figs 4.5 through 4.10 for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 tire, Figs 4.19 through 4.22 for the radial Michelin 275/80R/ 24.5 tire, Figs 4.31 through 4.34 for the radial Michelin 255/ 70R/22.5 tire, and Figs 4.43 through 4.46 for the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 tire. In general, a trend was observed. For a given wheel load, as the inflation pressure decreases, the proportions of contact area at lower contact pressure ranges increase, and, as the inflation pressure increases, the propor­tions of contact area at higher contact pressure ranges increase. Similarly, for a given inflation pressure, as the wheel load decreases, the proportion of contact area at lower contact pressure ranges increases, and, as the wheel load increases, the proportion of contact area at higher contact pressure ranges increases.

Due to changes in the wheel load and in the tire inflation pressure, tire contact pressures will be distributed differently over the contact area. Tire contact pressure distributions, evaluated for various contact pressure ranges, show several cases in which the critical ones will be those where higher proportions of contact area are at higher contact pressure ranges.


Based on this trend a model for estimating an equivalent contact pressure number capable of measuring the effects of changes in tire inflation pressures and static wheel loads was developed. This number estimates equivalencies of contact pressures for different sets of wheel loads and tire inflation pressures. For example, a tire with a wheel load (A) and an inflation pressure (B) can produce the same effect as the tire with a wheel load (C) inflated to (D). With this purpose, an equivalent contact pressure model was developed using principles of fatigue theory.

Lay (Ref 31) suggests the use of the fourth power law in comparing different types and tire configurations for pave­ment damage. In general, the fourth power law is invoked when a new configuration produces a different criterion strain or deflection to the standard one. The AASHO road test (Refs 12 and 32) used the fourth power law in developing the equivalency factors. However, the AASHO road test did not consider the actual tire-pavement contact pressure distri­butions to estimate pavement damage, because AASHO developed those factors in terms of axle loads only. There­fore, to estimate better pavement damage, the fourth power law will be used in order to take into account actual tire­pavement contact pressure distributions.

The proposed model is tenned equivalent contact pres­sure number (ECPN) and varies proportionally with the summation of the contact pressure ranges to the fourth power, times the contact areas of each contact pressure range and divided by a standard reference. A wheelloadof 10,000 pounds distributed uniformly over an area of 100 square inches was the chosen reference, because 10,000-pound wheel load appears to be the trend in wheel load regulations for various states (Ref 16). The ECPN model uses the proportions of contact area values because the total tire contact area has been factored and located out of the summa­tion.



Lfi X

ECPN = .;;.i_=...,.l_...,.... __ p4




Ew = the weighted number computed at each set of wheel load and tire inflation pressure,

fi = the proportion of contact area at the pressure range i, the mean of the contact pressure range, the chosen reference contact pressure (P = 100 psi was used), r

TCA = the tire contact area, and Ar = the chosen reference contact area (A = 100

square inches was used). r

Using this method, the ECPN number was calculated at each experimental parameter for all the tires tested. Table 5.1 shows the calculated ECPN values.

ECPN values are characterized for a particular set of parameters which limit our experimental results. Several regression models were also developed to predict propor­tions of contact area for each pressure range based only on the wheel loads and tire inflation pressures, and neglecting sizes, brands, and types of tires. However, those models were found unsatisfactory due to the limited number of observations. But. with further testing and analysis, this procedure could be applied with greater success, as graphi­cally described in Figs 5.2 and 5.3.

Figures 5.2 and 5.3 show the correlation between the ECPN and the tire inflation pressure at different wheel loads for the radial Goodyear liR24.5 tire and the radial Michelin 255nOR{l2.5 tire, respectively. Assuming that the behavior of the ECPN is linear for a constant wheel load, the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 tire will have the same equivalent con­tact pressure number when inflated to 50 psi and having an 8,000-pound load, as when it is inflated to l50psi and having a 6,000-pound load; and, because they have the same ECPN, it can be estimated that those cases will produce similar pavement damage and that resulting damage will double the



Inflation Pressure Loads

T!reType (psi) (!b) ECPN 18- 22.5B 85 8,000 3.001

85 10,000 3.637 85 12,000 3.907 85 15,000 9.269

100 8,000 3.699 100 10,000 4.852 100 12,000 3.819 100 15,000 10.093

275J80RJ24.5 95 6,000 2.284 95 8,000 4.506

110 6,000 2.097 110 8,000 4.144

255nORJ22.5 110 6,000 2.073 110 8,000 3.488 135 6,000 3.204 135 8,000 4.831

11R24.5 95 6,000 1.170 95 8,000 2.542

110 6,000 1.398 110 8,000 2.707

5 ... -o- Load: 6,000 lb (I) -Load: 8,000 lb .£:)

E ~ 4 c Q) ... ~ (/) (/)

3 e a.


40 so 80 100 120 140 160

Inflation Pressure (psi}

Fig 5.2. Graph of the equivalent contact pressure number (ECPN) vs tire inflation pressure at

different wheel loads, for the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 tire.

damage caused by a wheel load of 10,000 pounds unifonnly distributed over an area of 100 square inches. Similarly, it can be estimated that the radial Michelin 255nOR/l2/5 tire will produce the same pavement damage when inflated to 100 psi and having an 8,000-pound load, as when it is inflated to 130 psi and having a 6,000-pound load. The pavement damage will be equal to three times the damage caused by a wheel load of 10,000 pounds uniformly distrib­uted over an area of 100 square inches.


5 ..... Q)


-a- Load: 6,000 lb --Load: 8,000 lb

E ::J 4 c ~ ::J (/) (/) Q) a: 3

ts (11

'E 2 0 0 'E Q)

ni .2: ::J rJ


0 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Inflation Pressure (psi)

Fig 5.3. Graph of the equivalent contact pressure number (ECPN) vs tire inflation pressure at different wheel loads, for the radial Michelin

255/70R/22.5 tire.

This model which qualitatively measures pavement damage in terms of an equivalent contact pressure number {ECPN), holds promise if further testing and analysis are available to suppon the method.

Comparison Between the Tires

The proponions of contact area at the various pressure ranges are compared for the different tires at approximately the same set of experimental parameters. Figure 5.4 shows the comparison.

Figure 5.4 shows that, for roughly the same parameters, the radial Michelin 255!70R/24.5 tire has a higher proponion of the contact area at the 151-200 psi pressure range than the other tires. In

60 general, the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 tire, the radial Michelin 275/80R/24.5 tire, and the radial Goodyear 11R24.5 tire have approximately the same proportions of contact area at the various contact pressure ranges. This similarity must be investigated further.

~ 40 'E 8 30

0 g 20 "€ 8. 10 e a.


Another aspect of interest was the load distribution along the tread width. In general, as stated before, the largest portion of the total wheel load is generally located at the center tread region. Tables4.4,4.7,4.10, and4.13 record the values for the different distribution of the load along the tread width of tires as obtained through the Adage system. No patterns or trends can be observed.

TIRE VERTICAL STIFFNESS The tire vertical stiffness is defined as the ratio of the

wheel load over the total vertical deformation of the tire. Tables 8.1 through 8.8 (in Appendix B) record the measure­ments of the tire vertical stiffness, as well as the sidewall movements. These measurements will serve other research­ers in the comparison and calibration of their analytical estimations of tire vertical stiffness and tire deformations.


In general, it was found that the tire vertical stiffness is directly influenced by the tire inflation pressure. As the inflation pressure increases, the tire venical stiffness in­creases, and the side tire movement decreases. In order to estimate the tire venical stiffness in tenns of the wheel load and tire inflation pressure, a statistical analysis was per­formed.

Analysis of Results

Several regression models were developed in order to estimate the tire vertical stiffness in terms of the relative

1ire (Load & Inflation Pressure)

• Bias Goodyear 18-22.5 (8000 lb & 100 psi) IZJ Radial Michelin 275180RI24.5 (8000 lb & 110 psi) II Radial Michelin 255170RI22.5 (8000 lb & 110 psi) c Radial Goodyear 11 R24.5 (8000 lb & 110 psi)

Obviously, to determine what tire is causing the most damage to the pavements requires that a fatigue concept be introduced for analyzing the proportion of the contact areas at each pressure range. This concept needs to be refined in order to estimate the effects of tire types and/or brands. o~~~~~~~~~BL~~~~a-~~~

<50 50-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 >300

Pressure Range (psi)

Fig 5.4. Histogram for all tbe tires. Shown is a comparison of the proportions of contact area at various contact pressure

ranges for the tires tested.

TVs 3.252 + 0.031 x TCA- 0.000058 x TCA2


TVs = the tire vertical stiffness in kips/inch, and TCA = the tire contact area in square inches.


area, tire contact area, and wheel load. The best model used the tire contact area as the independent variable and had a correlation coefficient of 63.3 percent. As discussed in Chapter 2, the tire vertical stiffness depends on many factors, such as tire construction, tire wear, tire type, wheel load, and tire inflation pressure; hence, correlation values were not expected to be very high. This model is recommended in case no better information is available. The model clearly needs to be improved, either by testing more tires or by considering more predictor variables, in order to establish multi-regression models. The proposed model is

Figure 5.5 shows the relationship between the tire ver­tical stiffness and the tire contact area. The designer should first calculate the relative area and then use Fig 5.1 to determine the tire contact area, in order to estimate the tire vertical stiffness from Fig 5.5.

rJl 10 "0 c: nl rJl ::I 0 8 £ ~

c:: ~

6 g rJl rJl Q) c: 4 = ~ iii y = 3.2516 + (3.1647e-2)x • (5.8055e-5)x2 u •t:: 2 R2 = 0.633 ~ ~ I=

0 0 30 60 90 120 150

lire Contact Area (sq in.)

Fig 5.5. Graph of the tire vertical stiffness vs. the tire contact area showing the predicting curve of the tire

vertical stiffness based on the tire contact area of the tire.



(1) For bias tires, the shape of the contact area is more circular than that for radial tires, and it becomes more oval as the wheel load increases. In contrast, for radial tires, the shape of the contact area is consistently rectangular.

(2) The tire contact area, irrespective of tire construction and tire type, can be determined from a parameter called the relative area, which is the ratio of the wheel load over the tire inflation pressure.

(3) For a given wheel load, as the inflation pressure decreases, the proportions of contact area at lower contact pressure ranges increase; and, as the inflation pressure increases, the proportions of contact area at higher contact pressure ranges increase. Similarly, for a given inflation pressure, as the wheel load decreases, the proportions of contact area at lower contact pres­sure ranges increases; and, as the wheel load increases, the proportions of contact area at higher contact pres­sure ranges increases.

(4) As the wheel load increases, the print width and the print length increase until the print width equals the tire width. After that, only the print length increases.

(5) The higher contact pressure values are generally pro­duced at the edge of the tread ribs, means are located


at the center ~d edges of the middle portion of the tire print.

(6) In general, the mean contact pressures are higher than the tire inflation pressures.

RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations for future research

result from an evaluation of the study and the data:

(1) This study presents information on several aspects of tire-pavement contact pressure distributions. Several statistical models were developed during the course of this study. It is recommended that further testing be conducted to obtain a more representative sample in order to estimate tire contact pressure distributions for different wheel loads and tire inflation pressures.

(2) The data obtained from the numerical pressure maps should be used as the input for modeling pavement behavior. For instance, fmite element models based on these data can be used to estimate statically induced stresses and strains in the pavement structure.

(3) Since very few experimental studies have been carried out with dynamic models of tire-pavement contact pressure distributions, these need to be investigated in future studies.

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26. Haas, R. C. G., and A. T. Papagianakis, "Understand­ing Pavement Ruuing," Roads and Transportation Association of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Septem­ber 28, 1986.

27. Eisenmann, J., and A. Hilmer, "Influence of Wheel Load and Inflation Pressure on the Rutting Effects at Asphalt-Pavements-Experiments and Theoreti­cal Investigations," Sixth International Conference on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, Ann Arbor, July 1987.

28. Monismith, C. L., "Fatigue Characteristics of Asphalt Paving Mixtures and Their Use in Asphalt Pavements," Proceedings, Annual Pavement Conference, Symposium on Fati~e In Asphalt

Pavements, University of New Mexico, Albuquer­que, New Mexico, 1981.

29. Chen, H. H., K. M. Marshek, and C. L. Saraf, "Effects of Truck Tire Contact Pressure Distribution on the Design of Flexible Pavements: A Three-Dimen­sional Finite Element Approach," Transportation Research Report 1095, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D. C.,1986.

30. "Fuji Prescale Film General Information," Fuji Photo Film Company. Limited, Tokyo, Japan, 1986.

31.. Lay, M.G., "Handbook of Road Technology," Vols 1 and 2, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1986.

32. Yoder and Witczak, "Principles ofPavement Design," Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1975.


The tire contact pressure distributions were determined using certain experimental and analytical procedures, de­tails of which are given below.


Experimental Equipment

The equipment used was the same as that used by Hansen. Complete details of the load frame, including the list of the parts for assembling purposes, can be found in Ref I.

Load Cell Calibration

To determine the applied load, a Lebow 20-kip load cell was used. This load cell was calibrated against a Conamp 20 Digital Calibration system. This Conamp system displays a direct digital readout of the loads on the calibration cell. A calibration curve is needed to relate the voltages with the wheel loads. The calibration curve used by Hansen was used since the same load cell was used without any time gap. Details of the load cell calibration curve and the calibration procedure followed can be found in Ref 1.

Pressure Print Production

The procedure followed in producing the pressure prints of the tires tested under different loads and tire inflation pressures was the same as that detailed by Hansen (Ref 1). However, as explained in Chapter 3, the bias Goodyear 18-22.5 Super Single tire was tested using the Fuji Low range film, in addition to the Fuji Super Low range film, in order to record the higher contact pressure values which presumably were not recorded by the Fuji Super Low range film. This special strategy was employed only for the bias Goodyear 18-22.5, and not for other tires, since only a very small portion of the contact area was covered by pressures above 300 psi for this tire.

For the testing of the bias Goodyear 18-22.5, the Fuji Super Low range ftlm was placed at the bottom of the two. Both sets of films recorded pressure distributions under the same conditions but required different calibration curves, due to the difference in the pressure range capacity of each film. Hence, the analysis of each film was performed inde­pendently.


Adage System Analysis

The tire prints were digitized using a scanner and were displayed on the Adage system monitor. Several computer


programs were written on the Adage system exclusively for analyzing the tire prints. The procedure for analyzing the tire prints using the Adage system consists of five steps: (I) set up the scanner, (2) execute the programs, (3) create a filter, (4) construct a calibration curve, and (5) perform the tire print analysis.

In general, at each session the lighting and scanner settings were not altered once the filter was created. Both the filter and the calibration curve were recreated at the begin­ning of each print analyzing session. The print analysis programs were user friendly and, with practice, a print could be fully scanned, digitized, saved, and printed in approxi­mately thirty minutes. Complete details of the Adage Sys­tem Analysis can be found in Refs I and 2.

Color Pressure Plots and Numerical Pressure Maps

The color pressure plots were produced on the AGL VAX computer, and the numerical pressure maps were produced on the Macintosh II. The plots were produced using the procedure described by Hansen (Ref I). The computer programs have the capability to produce two-dimensional and three-dimensional color pressure plots. These plots enhance the readability of the tire contact pressure distributions. However, the three-dimensional plots were not included in this report since they offer very little additional information.

The programs can be downloaded onto the IBM system and color plots can be generated using the IBM Professional Graphics terminal. The color pressure plots displayed by the IBM Professional Graphics monitor are clearer than those displayed by the Adage system monitor; however, it was decided not to use this feature due to the excessive amount of time required by this process.

Tire Contact Area Analysis

In order to determine the areas covered by the different pressure ranges, a computer program was written in IDL. This program, called MAMI.PRO, was accessed after the final SMOOTHED.DAT had been created by typing @SYS$SYSTEM:IDL ADAGE @MAMI.PRO. The areas covered by each of the pressure ranges (<50 psi, 50-100psi, 101-150 psi,151-200 psi, 201-250psi, 251-300 psi, and >300 psi) were determined. Once these values were computed, the proportions of the contact area (percent of total) covered by each pressure range were calculated.


Side tire deflections were recorded in order to enable any designer who uses finite-element models of tires to compare his/her results with the actual experimental values. Side tire deflections were measured for the following tires: (1) bias Goodyear 18-22.5 tire, (2) radial Michelin 275/80R/ 24.5 tire, (3) radial Michelin 255!70R(22.5 tire, and (4) radial Goodyear 11R24.5 tire.

Five reference points were selected on each side of the tire. These points are shown in Fig B.l. These points were chosen such that they were aligned vertically at the middle of the tire-plate contact area. The corresponding points on the other side of the tire were also selected. The data in Tables B.l through B.8 represent the average movement of a specific reference point from its counterpart on the other side of the tire. For a vertical reference point, the vertical length of the ram-stroke was measured at a load of zero pound. The coordinates of the horizontal and vertical points, as well as the vertical length of the ram-stroke, were meas­ured to obtain the deflection at each load.

The total tire and axle down displacement created by the load during testing and the average estimated value of the tire vertical stiffness, in lb/inch, are also included, in Tables B.l through B.8.


The bias Goodyear 18-22.5 tire deflections were meas­ured at inflation pressures of 85 and 100 psi, and at each inflation pressure the wheel was loaded to 0, 8,000, 10,000, 12,000, and 15,000 pounds. The side tire deflections for the tire inflated to 100 psi are in Table B.l, and the deflections for the tire inflated to 85 psi are in Table B.2.


The radial Michelin 275/80R/24/5 tire deflections were measured at inflation pressures of 110 and 95 psi, and at each inflation pressure the wheel was loaded to 0, 6,000, and 8,000 pounds. The side tire deflections for the tire inflated to 110 psi are in Table B.3, and the deflections for the tire inflated to 95 psi are in Table B.4.

Reference points are shown in Fig B.l. However, measurements of point 2 were not taken due to the relatively low height of this tire. The procedure described for the 18-22.5 super single tire was used for measuring the side tire movements of this tire.



The radial Michelin 255!70R/22.5 tire deflections were measured at inflation pressures of 135 and 110 psi, and at each inflation pressure the wheel was loaded to 0, 6,000, and 8,000 pounds. The side tire deflections for the tire inflated to 135 psi are in Table B.S. and the deflections for the tire inflated to 110 psi are in Table B.6.


Fig B.l. Schematic of the side tire points measured for vertical and horizontal movements.

Reference points are shown in Fig B.l. However, measurements of point 2 were not taken due to the relatively low height of this tire. The procedure described for the 18-22.5 super single tire was used for measuring the side tire movements of this tire.


The radial Goodyear 11R24.5 tire deflections were measuredatinflationpressuresof 110and95 psi,andateach


inflation pressure the wheel was loaded to 0, 6,000, and 8,000 pounds. The side tire deflections for the tire inflated to 110 psi are in Table B.7, and the deflections for the tire inflated to'95 psi are in Table B.S.

These points are shown in Fig B.l. However, measure­ments of point 2 were not taken due to the relatively low height of this tire. The procedure described for the 18-22.5 super single tire was used for measuring the side tire move­ments of this tire.


Load (lb)

0 8,000 10,000 12,000 15,000

Points !! Y• .!.. ....!.... .!.. ....!.... .!.. y .!.. y

#1 1.2 28.5 1.2 25.7 1.2 24.8 1.3 24.6 1.3 24.4

#2 4.3 22.0 4.5 18.8 4.8 18.3 4.8 18.0 5.1 17.7

#3 55 14.2 5.8 11.3 6.0 10.8 6.1 10.3 6.3 9.9

#4 2.2 7.5 26 4.8 2.9 4.6 3.0 4.2 3.2 3.8

#5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Down Axle Movement -0.0 -3.5 -4.0 -5.1 -6.1

Average Tae Stiffness: 6,090 Pounds Per Inch

*Movements are in centimeters.


Load (lb)

0 8,000 10,000 12,000 151000

Points x• Y"' .!.. ...!... .!.. ...!... .!.. ...L .!.. ...L #1 1.2 28.5 1.2 24.9 1.2 24.6 1.3 24.1 1.3 22.8

#2 4.6 220 4.7 18.8 4.8 18.3 5.0 17.8 5.1 16.7

#3 5.4 14.2 5.8 11.3 6.0 10.6 6.1 10.0 6.3 9.4

#4 2.4 1.5 2.9 4.7 3.0 4.5 3.1 3.9 3.2 3.5

#5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Down Axle Movement -0.0 -3.5 -4.2 -5.3 -6.3

Average Tae Stiffness: 5,910 Pounds Per Inch

*Movements are in centimeters.



TO 110 PSI

Load (lb)

0 6,000 8,000

Points !! .!!.. ..!.. ...L ..!. ...L #1 2.7 20.2 2.7 18.4 2.7 17.8

#3 3.5 11.3 5.1 8.8 5.4 8.1

#4 2.7 5.2 2.9 4.6 3.7 4.4

#5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Down Axle Movement -0.0 -3.0 4.1

Average Tire Stiffness: 5,020 Pounds Per Inch

*Movements are in centimeters.



Load (lb)

0 6,000 8,000

Points !! Y* ..!. ...L ..!. ...L #1 2.7 20.1 2.7 18.0 2.7 17.0

#3 3.8 11.3 5.3 8.5 5.8 7.9

#4 2.7 5.2 2.9 4.3 3.8 4.0

#5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Down Axle Movement -0.0 -3.0 4.1

Average Tire Stiffness: 4,420 Pounds Per Inch

*Movements are in centimeters.



Load (lb)

0 6,000 8,000

Points !! .!!.. ..!. ...L ..!. ...L #1 1.1 16.9 1.1 14.3 1.1 13.5

#3 2.8 6.8 3.5 96.4 3.9 6.0

#4 1.6 4.5 2.0 4.2 2.3 3.3

#5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Down Axle Movement -0.0 -3.1 -3.8

Average Tire Stiffness: 5,140 Pounds Per Inch *Movements are in centimeters.


TO 110 PSI

Load (lb)

0 6,000 8,000

Points !! .!!.. ..!. ...L X ...L #1 1.1 17.0 1.1 13.7 1.1 12.9

#3 2.7 7.0 3.9 6.2 4.4 5.4

#4 1.6 4.5 2.2 3.0 2.5 2.7

#5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Down Axle Movement -0.0 -3.4 -4.3

Average Tire Stiffness: 4,610 Pounds Per Inch *Movements are in centimeters.


TO 110 PSI

Load (lb)

0 6,000 8,000

Points x• y• X y X y #1 3.1 22.5 3.1 20.0 3.1 19.1

#3 4.2 12.9 5.6 9.2 5.8 8.8

#4 3.9 7.0 4.5 6.4 4.8 5.9 #5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

DownAx1e Movement -0.0 -3.0 4.1

Average Tire Stiffness: 5,020 Pounds Per Inch *Movements are in centimeters.



Load (lb)

0 6,000 8,000

Points !! .!!.. ..!. y ..!. ...L #1 3.1 22.4 3.1 19.5 3.1 18.8

#3 4.2 12.8 5.1 9.0 5.9 8.5

#4 3.9 6.9 4) 6.2 4.9 5.8

#5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Down Axle Movement -0.0 -3.4 4.3

Average Tire Stiffness: 4,600 Pounds Per Inch *Movements are in centimeters.