tribute issue

esar havez C C BRAVO MEDICAL MAGNET HIGH SCHOOL | LOS ANGELES, CA | TRIBUTE ISSUE | WWW.BRAVOWEB.LAUSD.K12.CA.US | APRIL 27, 2013 As a father of two, Mr. Chavez’s perspective on teaching has changed dramatically. “I want my daughters to have a good teacher, and I’ve realized that the parents of my students want the same thing,” he said. He likes to spend his free time with his family, and gets great joy from seeing his young daughters, Rhiannon and Sabriyah, grow more intelligent and beautiful everyday. Also, being a father is a constant reminder to Mr. Chavez that “Students are real people; becoming a parent myself has reinvigorated my love for teaching.” GONE, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN “Having had Mr. Chavez for 2 years was great. The eloquence in his voice while reading a novel was the most soothing sound a person can make. The patience and understanding he had towards each and every one of his students was remarkable. His method of teaching was extremely unorthodox, but it was also one of the most entertaining and interesting. His genuine interest in the betterment of his students was a characteristic that would inspire me to continue my academic work. It’s amazing how Mr. Chavez gave his life for his students by involving himself and supporting in any way possible. His analytical mentality, liberal ideas, and varying theories on life were something no other teacher had ever exposed me to. Although he was struggling with the pains of his declining health, he stayed after school to supervise Adult School with his daughters with him. Seeing Mr. Chavez’s smile everyday was a real blessing that most of us took for granted. Many are writing “Mr. Chavez WAS a good teacher.” For me, Mr. Chavez is a great teacher, and his life will always be a lesson for me to learn from. To the most influential teacher in my life; Mr. Chavez, may you rest in peace. ♥” - Elihu Rodriguez (’13) M r. Dear Mr. Chavez, “I was a child who never read and detested books. Your class changed my life. My favorite moment, every day, was when you would read a passage and suddenly I wasn’t looking at words on a page, but was sent to the world of the story. I’ll never forget this gift you’ve given me. I’ve been on a book frenzy and I always have to read a book before I go to bed. I’ve realized how wonderful stories are and how amazing you are. You have no idea how much we love you. You have touched not only my heart, but so many other students’. You somehow reached lost souls like myself and opened our minds. I aim to be even half the person you are today.” Love, Tamara Hossain (’13) “Rest in peace, Mr. Cesar Chavez, one of my favorite and influential teachers.Your wisdom will live on with me and all the students you’ve ever taught. Thank you for teaching me to enjoy life as it is, and for having faith in me when I needed it the most. “Mr. Chavez was a strong, spiritual man who had a great presence. He was an amazing asset to the Bravo family and those who knew him were enriched with a kind of knowledge they could never learn from books. Oh captain, my captain!” - Joyee Luau (’13) “To live forever, one must die first. Your pain was our pain, yet we refuse to let that be in vain. We rejoice in the memories you’ve left and our future you’ve helped shape. Live long and prosper in our hearts and minds, Mr. Chavez.” -Vito Perez (’13) “Oh Captain, My Captain!” -A REMARKABLE TEACHER- “Loss of Mr Chavez will leave a permanent mark in the hearts of Bravo’s Leadership students. We cannot thank him enough for being such an amazing senior sponsor. His mentality and ways of teaching were so unique that no other person can replace him.” - Kristina Galstyan (‘13)

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In loving memory of a great educator. He will be dearly missed. He may be gone, but he will never be forgotten. We love you, Mr.C.Chavez!


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As a father of two, Mr. Chavez’s perspective on teaching has changed dramatically. “I want my daughters to have a good teacher, and I’ve realized that the parents of my students want the same thing,” he said. He likes to spend his free time with his family, and gets great joy from seeing his young daughters, Rhiannon and Sabriyah, grow more intelligent and beautiful everyday. Also, being a father is a constant reminder to Mr. Chavez that “Students are real people; becoming a parent myself has reinvigorated my love for teaching.”


“Having had Mr. Chavez for 2 years was great. The eloquence in his voice while reading a novel was the most soothing sound a person can make. The patience and understanding he had towards each and every one of his students was remarkable. His method of teaching was extremely unorthodox, but it was also one of the most entertaining and interesting. His genuine interest in the betterment of his students was a characteristic that would inspire me to continue my academic work. It’s amazing how Mr. Chavez gave his life for his students by involving himself and supporting in any way possible. His analytical mentality, liberal ideas, and varying theories on life were something no other teacher had ever exposed me to. Although he was struggling with the pains of his declining health, he stayed after school to supervise Adult School with his daughters with him. Seeing Mr. Chavez’s smile everyday was a real blessing that most of us took for granted. Many are writing “Mr. Chavez WAS a good teacher.” For me, Mr. Chavez is a great teacher, and his life will always be a lesson for me to learn from. To the most influential teacher in my life; Mr. Chavez, may you rest in peace. ♥”

- Elihu Rodriguez (’13)


Dear Mr. Chavez, “I was a child who never read and detested books. Your class changed my life. My favorite moment, every day, was when you would read a passage and suddenly I wasn’t looking at words on a page, but was sent to the world of the story. I’ll never forget this gift you’ve given me. I’ve been on a book frenzy and I always have to read a book before I go to bed. I’ve realized how wonderful stories are and how amazing you are. You have no idea how much we love you. You have touched not only my heart, but so many other students’. You somehow reached lost souls like myself and opened our minds. I aim to be even half the person you are today.”

Love,Tamara Hossain (’13)

“Rest in peace, Mr. Cesar Chavez, one of my favorite and influential teachers.Your wisdom will live on with me and all the students you’ve ever taught. Thank you for teaching me to enjoy life as it is, and for having faith in me when I needed it the most. “Mr. Chavez was a strong, spiritual man who had a great presence. He was an amazing asset to the Bravo family and those who knew him were enriched with a kind of knowledge they could never learn from books. Oh captain, my captain!”

- Joyee Luau (’13)

“To live forever, one must die first. Your pain was our pain, yet we refuse to let that be in vain. We rejoice in the memories you’ve left and our future you’ve helped shape. Live long and prosper in our hearts and minds, Mr. Chavez.”

-Vito Perez (’13)

“Oh Captain, My Captain!”


“Loss of Mr Chavez will leave a permanent mark in the hearts of Bravo’s Leadership students. We cannot thank him enough for being such an amazing senior sponsor. His mentality and ways of teaching were so unique that no other person can replace him.”

- Kristina Galstyan (‘13)

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WORDS OF LOVE esar havezC CMr.


“Mr. Chavez, a wise and influential man that I had the privilege of having as a teacher. He will be missed and remembered fondly. Hope everyone keeps him and his family in their thoughts.”

- Roxana Rodriguez (’13)

“Mr. Cesar Chavez was one of the only teachers I’ve ever had that I loved, respected, and will remember forever. He taught me many things and is in a million of my high school memories. He touched many lives and shaped many minds; things won’t be the same without him. Rest in peace you are loved and will be missed.”

- Shelby Roberts (’11)

“It’s so saddening to see another amazing human being leave this Earth. Thank you for making AP English one of my favorite classes throughout my high school career, for teaching with humor, encouraging words, and the utmost enthusiasm, and for taking the stand in helping us rowdy seniors of 2012 all year. It was truly an honor to have you read my name as I walked the stage as a graduate last June. Your presence at Bravo is one that made Bravo unique and forever cherished. Thank you for everything, Mr. Chavez. We all will miss you, but you will always be remembered. Rest in Paradise.”

- Jennifer Ocin (’12)

“Mr Chavez was, and still is, a legend at Bravo because of the way he touched so many of his student’s lives. He will always be remembered for his unique personality and teaching style by all of those who were fortunate enough to have him as a teacher. ”

- Anahit Ghaltaghcyan (’13)

“Although you were never my teacher I learned a lot from you. You were that one person I knew I could go to for help in school and for personal reasons. The last words you said to me really meant a lot to me “I’m really proud of you I knew you could do it, just remember high school is not the most important thing in life, remember to have fun and enjoy life”…. I thank you for being there for my family and I. You will be missed, Mr. Chavez.”

- Branda Arguelles (’13)

“Mr. Chavez played a major role in helping me develop into the person I am today. He was one of the most influential and inspiring people I ever met. A piece of him lives within the many people whose lives he touched. He was a hero without a cape, an angel without wings.”

- Jasmine Alfaro (’13)

“Although he was struggling with the pains of his declining health, Seeing Mr. Chavez’s smile every day was a real blessing. His analytical mentality, liberal ideas, and varying theories on life were something no other teacher had ever exposed me to. Only those who got to know him can tell you, he was undoubtedly the best teacher ever.”

- Christo Vega (’13)

“The thing that captivated me most was the fact that he was in always in the greatest of moods, laughing and smiling all the time. He was such a positive person. His life was a lesson to us and now i believe the test is whether or not we can bring out his most admirable qualities within ourselves to show that he will live on. ”

- Anthony Sanchez (’13)

“Mr. Chavez you were an amazing teacher with so much passion and love towards your students. I can honestly say you were the best teacher I ever had and I’m truly going to miss you.”

- Louie Avila (’13)

“I wish all the family patience and strength and I give my condolences.”

- Srbuhi Gurunyan (’13)

“I never would have thought that such a lively, intelligent, and well-loved man would have to leave us so soon. Wherever he is, I pray that he is in a place of peace and comfort.”

-Monica Roque (’13)

“Mr. Chavez was the energy that we my class. I have never been so engaged in literature and reading until he has taught me. He had so much enthusiasm and passion in his work. I knew he loved teaching. I just wish that I had gotten to know him longer than this past semester that I first met him.”

- Elijah Flores (’13)

“Mr. Chavez, I know you’re resting in heaven with God and the angels looking down at us smiling. Thank you for being a wonderful teacher, someone who really showed his love for his profession, always there for all your students. Although you are physically gone you will never be forgotten; you will live in our hearts forever and your legacy at Bravo will never die. May you rest in peace; it was a pleasure meeting you. ”

- Daisy Flores (’13)

“The reality is life isnt always fair. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and it just reminds us of how fragile life really is. No words could do you justice but I just hope you’ve found comfort and peace wherever you are. May you rest in everlasting paradise Mr.Chavez. ♥”

-Stephanie Situ (‘13)

“Mr. Chavez was a very loving and caring man. He was very understanding and cared for us as if we were his own kids. I thought of him not only as my English teacher, but a role model that I was fortunate in having in my life. He will be missed dearly, but he will remain forever in our hearts.”

-Bryan Ruiz (’14)

“Mr. Chavez, I hope you are in peace. It’s just a sad day today to know that we lost a wonderful human being.I was planning on coming back to Bravo someday and you were one of the few teachers I was hoping to meet. Although you won’t be physically here, your presence will be with us. I will always hold onto the memories and the words of wisdom that you shared with me and the rest of your students. I was always shy and scared of being open to the world and breaking from my shell, talking to others. You name it. But the way you told stories, it was just a great feeling and I can’t believe I never told you how great you were as a teacher. Your family will be in my prayers and I hope the best for your daughters. Thank you for everything Mr. Chavez and for saving my life. You are THE definition of a teacher and more. Rest in peace. I will never forget you, never.”

-Khtija Khair (’12)

“Mr. Chavez, I can honestly say you were the best teacher I’ve ever had. Your memory will be stored in my heart & you’ll never be forgotten.”

-Iri Hernandez (’13)

“Mr. Chavez will never be forgotten and he is one of my best and most memorable teachers.”

-Lusine Davtyan (’09)

“He is a superb human being. Kind, generous, and selfless, Mr. Chavez always

put others before himself.” -Nina Roque (’10)

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WE CHERISH YOUAPRIL 27, 2013 esar havezC CMr.


“Even though I only knew Mr. Chavez for a little while, I felt like I knew him longer. He was one of the best teachers I have ever had and one of the best human beings I have ever met. He knew how to talk to us (students) and understood all the things that we were going through. He was funny and kind. He was a wonderful man and will be truly missed. I know that he knows how much he was loved and I think he loved us all the same. Why is it, the worst things always happen to the best people? I think god is testing us all. He knows only to give us what we can handle. As a school we will get through this terrible time and remember Mr. Chavez for everything he has done for the school. We need to remember the good times and celebrate the time we had with him. I will not remember him as a sickly man; I will always remember his smile, his jokes and his compassion and understanding. He wouldn’t have wanted us to spend countless hours grieving; he would have wanted us to live our lives to the fullest. That is what I will do now. Thank you for everything, Mr. Chavez. You have taught me so much and I am so grateful to have had the chance to meet you and have you in my life. I wish you were here, but I know you are in paradise. ”

- Nina Gonzales (’13)

Mr. Chavez was not just a teacher, he allowed us students to have a voice and I will always be thankful that there was someone to listen. I will always blast Iron Maiden for you. You won’t be forgotten I promise. STAY METAL.”

-Marjorie Diaz (’12)

“Being a teacher is more than teaching students how to write an eloquent essay, solve the fundamental theorem of calculus, or figure the real meaning of pi. It consists of connecting with students, being their mentors, and giving them advice that will remember and cherish for a long time. Chavez was one of those teachers that was able to leave a mark on his students lives with his life lessons and great memories.”

-Carla Torres (’13)

“Mr. Chavez wasn’t only a good teacher but also a great friend. He really understood his students and their problems and was part of the lives of many students. I have had the privilege to have had Mr. Chavez for my Junior and Senior year and not only did I have him for a teacher but also he thought us a lot about life and showed us the reality of things. He may be gone but he will always be alive in the heart of his friends and love ones. We will always love you Mr. Chavez and what you have done for us. ” -Henry Ajanel (’13)

“Not only was he the best teacher, but he was the best advisor. He knew most of the seniors, some not as much as others, but always remembered you and tried helping all to accomplish our goals and dreams. Beside all the pain and sickness, he never stopped believing in his senior knights and because of that we respect him more than anyone else. He never stopped fighting. He fought till the last minute and that’s exactly what we will all do. Being inspired by him and with the big space he left we will make him proud.”

-Yesenia Alvarez (’13)

“Mr.Chavez, thank you for not only being an amazing teacher, but an inspirational role model. It has been a privilege being under your guidance for 2 years. You not only expanded your students’ knowledge, but their perspectives as well. We can all only hope to meet people like you, with great minds and huge hearts. I am proud to be a Chalumni. May you rest in peace.”

-Nora Satybaldiyeva (’13)

“Rest In Paradise Mr. Chavez, because that’s what you deserve, to be resting after all these years of dedication to your work and after all the fighting and struggling. You were a great man, and for many of us, a great leader. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten. Bravo halls will never be the same. We love you♥.”

-Evelin Ortiz (’13)

“Cesar, you wanted to impact lives and you did. You were the best of friends and a brilliant mentor. You will forever be missed.”

-Janeth Arguelles

There is no amount of space to fill with words of kindness that will mount to the exceptional individual Mr. C. Chavez was and the immense influence he continues to evoke. On behalf of Bravo Medical Magnet, we are pleased to have experienced many wonderful moments with this amazing man. He may not be with us, physically, but spiritually he will live forever in our hearts. Thank you for everything! We love you, Mr. C. Chavez. May you rest in eternal peace.

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REST IN PEACEesar havezC CMr.