· t^r^hystclans.-forrale.ka.u a aduj or-s --udregrtor,....

T^r^HYSTClANS.-ForRale. a aduj ka.u or-S --U Dreg Rtor,. a_+k-B-w-BBjig' r aaaaa tha BMl -te yee-, u a g-aod a'^^^^TllTura B^ Uiak . Howa la _8»V_*l?mbv" id .fT_Tfo. r^' *'» lk* tBBp Of N4f^%^0 gO a*^#, --TbJTy^ E***SLi£» I OBu. with an ->»-W4aiaw8^^ «_^..__rr-t.«t y-*--*^*** ^.^;nt*Tr_-aT*ut huwi. w_affori arareatportnttoy W>m« bbjbBA* ¦Wftt- MA Oaly a »£XuaB__ar» b-BaB 33 aadI char- .* ^C ____^f*41B^s_wW_4B -.¦oar wl'l ba made ut. _&, A^«» ~" H JELL. nVi^Nuu.^ SYTihn^A^ROFITABraK BUSI 49 J aUflt J.rv-E-* RTANO for AALE-Nowte fatl a*aj, at tb* fBt*-^awao* vbbco._ Tfiwklrb 150 par ceot. a month can I \J\J pr*,t.T.)y tremtdi (for a f*w bABABBB a aata atul adea-ani baaib***, oo i laru or arnail anxount o' caiiltal. __*.**_ i*aU«B-BB ar. now er raged le thl« aaonew wbo are, «_-_-*/them. r**ll/iog moeh aaorathaa tbe a lowe per cent. RWptrtteBlara f-Areaa hox No. 842 B. Y. _*t-Offlee, fivtoaj Baltt* MBfhai JBOOTO WtXkt Wa9tt*a%._^ TarUVATE FAMI-Y, No. 5'2Houa- t-a-at would reot haod-melv T_i_i***d __>tnat, nnnmtjnl^mith kr.xkfut -rveef ia tbeir ruo-ui. 1/re- A__ GENTLEMAN Rod Wa Wife, or ono ortwo Mngl* Q*n_e_en, mi f.d handtoraeJ- _.. *d rwonia, at No 171 Eaat ]7th-AL ThA hoaw fcr-*. with batb*, hot alr, aaa. La._ MKRlCAlB ao,'-.!- Pror-io. N. G. da Hotel 1* by 0- tb* r_o*t alry. nmiou aad aaa tawao ta *fco City of r_aan* *** aSwBB O BOWIaEO rnrrH*. ' AHOME WANTED.By a youoe Oenileman ;b a rupecUMe Catholle ta_i!y. A prl. a abt B__e prrfarrad, or wbere bnt . few aeteet boarder* are lakea Tha advertiaer I* deeirow of ol-fstoin* a pleuvit aud eheerful bow o. Beat of retareoee gi-.en. Addres* for Obb .ok D. 8 ¦ , Dtlly Tnbun* Of_ce._ ~T~PURNI8HED ROOM to LET. JfOLVery ehup Alao a room and .edrooan attaehed. to ttt to *.ngl* Oenlemen only Apply at f>0 _)'¦ Oraeawicli, near Barclay «t, or addrew BB"W N. at tbia ~_T GEINTLEM AN wishoi board for him- jr\. ulf aod little tlrl io a private fatntly ln New-York or WIIHa-nvbargh, the latter prefnred Breakfaart aod tea only fort-egentleman Addrew THOMA8, Wit'ia-nia- -cb Poet- ©9ie* or Oi' rn of thla paper, atatlng wbara aa isterview OMkjalaaA_ A GENTLEVIPaN and WIFE, who jtJL woald Iike a qaiet botne, aan he acoopi aaadaied at-ttii B Boooi and Bedrooni n tbeaecond 'Inor, tn ageoteel Board- lng Houae, on modereAe t*n_*, by applylng at No. 417 Oroo.e at. Alao a llall B- droota, that would mtt a *_*V_aaa .ai-l ALADV hitri-ig a handBorriA Houaa, with ail thamcdern improvetnaei*, wighutomeet O tbat woa d aevance ber $100 or t'rtio. aad for gba aat of lt raceive gf d board anrl 1 and* ime fumi.h.-d TtrOBBji, If daiired, aad wbere the comforta of a booie may Oa ealoyad. A aote addreaaed to R T. T, Tribun. Oflice, arlth aaiaaand wbara aa tBtarriew can ba bad._ "_^PRlVl_fETA!itlLY, roaiding in n j£\ deefrable locatioa i* the vleiaity of IIBa- and tha -tb-av eae aoopmi-odata witb farniahed Rtooi* and B ix-rt a OwBtlerntn and Wina. ortwo or tbraa ainzle Oantlemeo. Per rarther ptrticuiara appiy Bt No I.i VV atar a*. Houae furnkji ed with the mederu iuipr-reroeoU. A~ GiNTLEVlAN aod Wifo can be oc- coa>_d.led with a aleaaaai famlai ed room oo aee- oad ftoor, or a i'o|la Oaetleinaa nr I.Uv with . l*rge front raeoi en third flotir. in a rlain .neate family. Oath ln the 8.8-8,1.0 Appiy at No. .41. Weat lith et betweea 8tb oad Atb-*x-a. * A CCX>MMODAT10N for FAMILIES J\ aat BINOLE OKNTLBM RN, eaa now be wcortjA at Bia. Ut Bieeeker-at Tbe uteulre addiiton to the huiidio* bttag aompleied tha bouae oul ba raady fur tha raiaptloa of B-arcrraor, MONDAY. (let 4 8UITE of haodsomely furnlshnd Apartoiao.. with Board, eaa he obtained la a private bouae A front room ta 2d ftoor for a aiagia U_o- Apply at No. 44 vVeat 23d at. OARD1NG..Elogant aoltea of Parlora aad Bedrootna, alaro siegle Room* bbwIt and rtahly -_.la_*g) bow ready lo 1*4 for tha wlatar, witb gaa, hatt., 4_t, la tbe firat- claea orown RMna t ou*., No Tb Waat i-iu-at. I" lOARDINO "dOWN"TOWN.At > CHAMBKRLIN'R N«r_ Riv_t Hoaaa, No t4*) a*hliigi«.ii it new Waahiogio* Market. A few perma- .aal Boardei* aaa be .cv-. .m-n datad witb Roard at Rl 44 B>er week Alao, f*ra_h_4 K.-mi lo -M wiik or wit-oW ioard. _ BOARD ON BROOKl.VN i.Ii.HTS. AOaatleinnii and hi* V\ iV, a_d tn .. *lng'e '», ntlr- uea, wuhlng gentral Roard in a vervdwirable loaaiion. uit, beatilted byappllcallon at No 141 IllcU-at, Brook'ya. n ita* la teii inliuie.' walA uf Ibru farriea. SatUfutory tefar- oare* exebeapad. BOARDINO in BROOKLYN..P«r- *t>na loeallce fur the winl.r. x* ill fintl larga and pleu- Bntraonraat No 47 San.iitt rV> ily tn'tli, aod atricily prlvata Terma _itid*r*i*. Referaire* aiohangeo. BOARD an STATE ST.A GantliimRn and bla Wif raa obtaln a p'euart room. furnttbed or UBliitLtahed, anik Bi ar.. at No 14 ."-at- at. TL>OARD. (.(io.! Kootr.B ani Doitril al XJB No _ Puil. t, at. for -aaateat, day aad par_a_aa 1 BO A R D..Lark;« Rooma with Be I Bcoiti. Bull.Me a-r t>. iitninnn ani thelr VVIvmci Mngle U.ntlanina , hath tn tba ImnBe atxge* paaa tba duor Apply at Nu 28 St Mark* place, Siii-tt T>OARDlNG lor tho WlNTEPx..Tlia iBadaaritwr bu tabea one of tha but and largert hotiiea Ia VA'llllanwbargii-Na *.a H. nth <eth*l, iut tba Peny- tt_d tavlag a aiiuxil family, and more room lhan ba wanla, arnuld tak* . Oei ileanaa aod Lady, or a faw lieottsmea, with ot wtthout Boaid. BOARD.A I'ront Parlor and i'antry to let tt. ¦ i'ro.1Lleniaa an4 Lad<, nr ta anigle Oaatie. oiia Ra 'eieaoet exohanged. No II Rutgert t'. |>OARDlNG..A rcry dpaslrablo^ront Jl_l Rocen aad Bedrooni, oa Iba a.»oad fl_»r, are vasan' al Ro 63 Bei-e.y-at, e.iiabi* fur a l-iiiiij, or a pany of thru or BJ. geatl-wea BOARD..Two Gi nr r>:nf»n nu.l thrilr Wi\aa,and thrv* or four aiag'e Can find BMoiAww-BOa i.h lull or paitial B. ard. a' So 0)_BMI4_> 84, cotner lui.a tijuar* and 4. av. Beat A r*i*t*.io* glvsa aad tntj.irtd_ T>OARD. . Eli'«nnt auUba and Aingle MJ P-amra may ba nkti' ierl lu tbe flrat-elaM brown Biona Uuaa*. Ni>4Sl \\ e*t .'-1 M , aear im-av liosM Bew, »rt* ail ImptpnBOiOtit*. Befareiioe* requtrtd. O A R DIN G.A Gfantlaman aml hla VVife, cr aUigle 0«Btl*uteoji. aaa h* uaooim-idoUd ith p room* aa* btord at No iB Eaat Br _loay Befcreau. aai-k-iiged BOA RDING.. .Mt'os,iiiMEv.-oni». wiTh Board. furiilOied cr uofuxniihad,!.-. . Arat ctaw boue,, A*, kt .%-. »I Waat Itta-et. Referaocu aaehugeR._ OARD1NG.At Noa. 45 onJ i? Eaat Paaadaay, °** Aieuaai looaii and pantry Atr . Oantla- piaua.l rocvins for ¦aaafl* IrMtiemaa B __a aad VV ifc. Alao piaua.t rotun* for -nagia Bi- aad co)j batha.* axa-aaped. BOARD.At No. IM W.nerlev-pli.ct'. TWaer three tn.glo g*atlaiii*a: alao. a Bkaaliy with- aal iat.ll ahtldrea, oan oktaia plaauat roonw, with fail 01 B.tla! twatd. Re far* nc* * et.i_ag' d. "DOARD..A ttentli'tnan aml Lady. or A_B wvaral Oentle-ien m-v have plaawnt Roanaa witl O.****-. at tbe teatrall. Lxa.tai iwaiilaf Wo. .? VVeoaMr .:. OefartBcw akobaag d .DOARD.Rooma for l_mlli«a and aln^lt _.^l__-T'*Wo lM _**1l**-* Ho«-» -^ *** Bil ta* tooaera t'npro**___u Rvfe-easu axahkiied. "DOARD-WWi llooau .ultable for mar- ^__,Bwat^___, SSa^SKif5^ %nd thflr Wirr.. !____! __ -a^l8" ^_? ..****4 wita Rowi ___^ ^ Ra>.ia, at Nn \ i tao Bn»a4w». itf________.! ^n,,«^-~^^wTfeT__ aauta Boara, acd a Bwtaaa.i tsa>a.*id«_- huk .. Boatni. aaf____L . ¦_C_i_^_.^_J^' ,*K",, _____-. _- __Tk wf ___? *-n .'>"' af'-aut th,i araaa, bkr RT p*g wub Tha roroa ta tuaalle* w-tl _._.., Oc4d watar. Batb la tha k Apptp Bhak1 Cbariuw it __T__- '-.A I ._ a ** ' -_*aao.*-4 W'.ll, aot toi aa.d uaia: Hi.r- . ..K _U**iaacu u.-Jtaugai £ SOARD IN A PRIVATE FAMILY L"^A¦_!.__,,07ft,0., ___*-*¦ **>«trao_, adjoaa' lo Lat, arttb Roard, ta a gaaUooka and bta wife. Xu_< oa*wlww«nal4g*n:w-Mootaldb* ux>_mod*t»A Aa* 1p ____»t Waa* 11- at. SOARDI_aiG.--*A Gen_f^an ~andliU AVBa or twa atatka BAtO.BBBk aaa .>-!*. n a k_r» rrt-1 ao Ako aaasaR *V-_r. aaoM waifortably fbbbbmL witb «T*a*aay aBUakid. Two atag-'* _*atl*uaa aaa aleo be ac- aeaitBilBUil wttk pnad Rea.e aa* Bas-_. 1».b-~ at No. rl Waatar-at, wxxat of Ricodwar. RaOrvnca *A_-_ng*d. OARrJ|Ni_..A tront BasfrTifnt. witii RSgat.r tJtacrw-, la WA with aiyaa Rcwrr-a, ta . haoat _^__**o wiAtni -nprvv.meajta, Na *W Otbobi at, aea: CIibbbs ylmn f>OARD!NG.-Tlirrvea or four aingla Gf»n- -B-f tlawia W laVaiieBkaa aad thelr \a raa aaa he avo.- aaaAakaR trtth parOal or fhll Ru*rd, tn _. Urg* madera ro-r*S3__*r' §^fo***t.*****<*i*«***** OOARD..Ib tha larjp commodlooj gy baaa* Na 1/T B_it_a_ Ooot board BtwtO MM BOARD in SOUWlmOOKlTnT-I A gaatiemaa aad wife aad a (*w a g_tl*m. tu be bccri.i' odatrd w,t*i lare- r-oc. in a n* B1J f-r.-i'.h- e'J tuuaa, of tba fi-at claaa, r_tr.og Baodare lagrivemant*. Apply ai L'otcia at. fred-ora from U.ka, aear tba Hi- tt. Ferty- _.le.o_t-_a l_qtiiwd._ BOARD irTRROOKLVN.. Two hand- ar-o* parlort ob firat BaWI alao Bcrla rooma wit), fall w paittal Board, at No 19. P_toa-t_, batB.a Oraapt and Pinaagple Ma. BO ARD!-~B.kA^OK LYN. .Gentlemwo aadtliair VVireacaa be ac-ommoda'ed with pleaaaa*. >li> Pioon_, ¦Bfl panttiet finnahed a* aof-'o'iberl; l!k-- wi.o(wo Oant*em«a witt Braakfatl and T.t. Tta* e_i- forfa of home wtil be fbaod A pp'y at Ma. 1 Vi A4*_t-*t- OARDINO..Two yonng Mea, or a Gaa-emao aad hla Wlfe, eaa be ar.ouimoiat.I wttb s ipocluo* Room on ti.e aoc._d floor, witt Board, ia a pri- rato f_o>t!y. ln tt* Beigbbwbood of Oroal tt aad tte B ,w- _pb wbare tte eomforta of a home oao be eoroyod Rafar- aoc.axehaaged. Addraat 8. H. Trt baaa Ol.a_ BOARDINO.A ploBaaot Parlor on .eeoBd floor, witb Board. to re-t tt 8 < l*n*.le_i- and VV'ita. Elne Paatry attaebed, and batt io tta l aaa. Alao. a larga tuiuble f r two Oeottamen. It hu a pi'try andgia'B. Apply at No IMChambtjrttt_ BOAhDin CHaMBERS-ST.A Oen- tleman aad Wife aaa obtain a pletvaat Room witt Board a*. No 1-6 Cliambe-t *t. Atao, two nozle Ueatlemon may be oceo_irri4>dbted. BOARD WANTED-ByaoiDglo Gen- tlamar lna privata Preoch famliy, whera Prensl -. SB~k*B *xelu*iveiy. in tblt City or ia Brook'yn. Tarmt n.oderata. Addie*. ItOBERT, Box No ?,414 P.O., pootpiid. B'lMRD WaN 1 _D.By a naval____**», tor bta W-fe aad ber aervaat, dnnng tbe Winter. ia a r'nr'ly pnvate family. Addrew L. W.A, Triboao Office, atttinf teruii locatiua, Ac. BOARD WA1.TED..A furniBhed froot parlor aod li-droom odiotaln-, on tta eeeond floor, for t Oentlemar, and VV'ifa Thoae bavtag aacb BB* commuriariuDi may addreaa P. R L, tt tho n-icart thit poper, atitlcg faiiy tanne, iocatioo, Ac Refazeace. ex- ci.anred. I^URNIsHED ROOMS near Wmhiog- F too Sqoare. A geatlemto and htt wife (wlthoot eh.l- Ireo), cao ohtaio BBB_BBt, fumialied r aitnt, witt aaa of tba kiter-.m, or a few aingie geatiemaa tak'-n. w'ta or without fcre.faet, lo a firat claaa privata btniae Engliafa aod rar* aot. epokea No. II St Clameot'e-placa, Btaedoogtl-at, ketwwaji Waverly place aad Cli iton-place. F" URNI^HED ROOlVIS, withont boitrd, at **lo. 14- ChamhcrB-ft Tka k*_aU.n taoetirable, tbo boutt :. firt* elaae. wel' forolahed aod ooaupltd by a amal! pnvate lamily. without ohlldrto. FURNI-vHED RtrOVlS to LET.With rr althoot partlal Bsard-two Roo-t oa toa te ml floor to Oeotleaan. ortoa Oaottemaa aad I, . VVife Appir Bt No b_7 Hotul. tf, wwt o.' Br.adwiy. Refereace* ra* rjuired. rURNlSHED ROOMa-l..A few'Geo- F tlan ob ean be arronirnodated witt Porntabad Rooma ky appiylog at No. 4". Veeoy-af. EURNI *._____) KOOICB ta LKP.Tw aingie geotlemAB, with or without partlal board, al 6 Cbambara-at GR A M H ERCY HOUSE.No. 908 Oroadway, eoroer of .'th tl., New-York.It ttlt day .peoed fur tte roaeptloa of gnotta. Itooottlna two aoa* 1,-ed rcrorna, repieto witt erery modare aoareotanee, aod la rhrnlabed throngtiout in a ttyle of alogaaco, at ls_t, aot rar puted bv any f-iotel ln tta C1ty of New-Tork It will ba lapt ud tne Amaricao and Eo.-ope_a piaoa oomhioed. and tta r-Bttunuit and tablo d'hote wtli bo of the nxnt aupaiiot tharaeter Tha locatloa of tho Hoaae ta in tte oaator of tho most faariioaable portloB of tta aity, aad tte proprleuir* will rp.e bo exertloo ln mtko thalr ___.* eoe nf the hrat-elaw of famliy Hoteb, while, at tta aame tin.a. t ley wil* ba bappy to reaaiva af goeata ttoao who may lenpira-ily riail tte city N. B~Panilllaa aog bi ooUce.New-Vork, Juo. 1 I8.. Pandllet aod partlaa a-pplled witt inecta at tha t. Juoal 18.. UONAOI t CO., rropiietoTA R DLEASANT FUKNISHED ROO.VIS I to LET-With or wittont Preakfatt aod T«a at No i*y. Oroena-tt., ratweea Cllntoa aad Warartay-f.aa. Taa knser haa all tba t-odara Irr.p. evemeala ROOMS to LET..A prirato family. aearlttb-et and the 6th.a* , will reat antil the tiral of May nett, a froot parlor and uaa or two ooouguoaabed- roorni, eiUer furni.bed or uafarr.lth'd, to ona or (wo tta* tla ilrnti-uirn Oa* aod batt ia ttA bouto AddreAiAN* IERBON. at tbU offic._ CHiMS, handsomcly furnlsbed, to let at Nu ROOMS to LET..A few (tentlemen ean ht acocmmoaated ia a privata famliy for the wi:,(-r, at No M V artck-B. oppoBto Bt Joh** r.rk, witb apoclout Rooma, on aeeood or thtra fleoia, furnUhad or un- a-i_f.i.' d. Apply oo tte premteea. QT. alOHNS PARK..Two or "throe p_J) (iaatlemen can be a_.n>mcd-tod with Board for the taloter, tt No..-., V orlck-tt, next door to l_igbt-at~ aod p- poaiie tha Park. Oa*. Batt. Ac TEN (dry nnd liHndsoine FUR NIBHP.I) ROOMBtoletforlba winter at ths OUiord Uou.e, No. b_ VVarren-at Apply at aay hour TO LET ROOiMS.One, two or thrrve, all oo tte aeeood floor, to a amall family. or to Oentle- ttirn withuut |h- ard. trum oow to lha l.t of May. ln a ¦***. rat- lli.u.e, witoia five niiuiite.- walk of ths Rlt> Ilall Cro- toa water, batMug aooveuirnrea, ya _, vault. BWOi houat, Ac. Aoply to A HABCV, No. I._ Kultoo-at. npa'airt TO I__T~_WtTH "BOARCr^-TlHr,*. froat Parlor and 2 Booatt fot atagle Oaatlameo, at No. 145 Hudauo-M, opaoBW 8t Joha* Park. Baf-aoe. ex- th-nred._ ri^O LET.A Sulte of RtiomB on aerond J_ 'Irorof hoeee Nu 3.1 '.dav. o-, upi-4 by a BttTBM fau.tlr, f-i m«'''_ ot unfi ri,:n r<t. wllhou'. Kotrd, ln o:.e u. twuairzle OaaflBBWOa. Rrlerenoet requlred. mO LET. vviili BOARD-A lirpe front JL Room a. d r.rdroom, witb Paotrlsi, to ¦ rtry plea*40t loea'i.a, *_r av., b-'u-rtn I'th aad I' tta , ooti block froui Biubdway atage Audraaa Bo, No I 146 \l/AN___)~_OARD-_-y a lahi.ri.» T ?, lo a plaii,, i'rets*._t faiiiily, _i wliish he wid paj 91 rit per week. arar City Hall or Chal^am nuara. NoCathailio ne*da_*kv,r. Addraat i tbiaoiice WANTED.An unfurni-lit- Room and ¦______-, wuh Botid. tor * (}_n(<ar..o and h.a VV'iff, to a anvate tttnl'v wbeta ibere ara fow ot no ether btardai. Situauoo balkroau "tb and'.'lat ata. BBd l.t acd llb-ava. Addrea ISAAC. Trlbuoali e ANTED.By a **in_,l(* an un- f rntt-d Boom, with a tue place aad p.< try at- tacbad, <o aiiiull prtiate lui.lly, ira oj botrd- era.locaiiuB betweeo lili aiid PtiBc tl. nci far fiuni weet of Brr-odway Trroai moat be modertte Tlie t.*t of r.*»r* u and tequlitd. Addrcat AL1CE, Broadway Poat- Oii'ee. A\ D (.OBBrB to Crt. C" OTTAIJE to LET al REDFORD. L. 1. -lo. t-'.na ine h d r,a-ru». dr8wtng-roor_a, pan <z aad )*i at laaa Bl .'.h kiicl>en aad larga oeil.r. Sttnda i a »nd wil, ae letdy for oecoptl._ by tte l&thof Oct. ber. To t l-od l.oaat oo ohjactloa to let fjz a term of yeara Tmant eaa have zarden taid out to >ait himaelf. Ouiiiibiaea by eveiy boa4 Ua Pultoo *__ BouiQ Eer.-le . ApFly lo P.B'..v^^N Y r-M09taa ES1RARLE OKFICES tt^rETV-^ l.rge aod _e*ouful aultea of Routu. la tta Mee bulld* taf No.1. lire-oalab-et, Bilta-ta fot Ih. _i ,)f .h'.ppipg bv-to* cr uf tawyart ln txtandva prac tke, alao, nogta Rootx. w-.ll ba tat oa rcotooahle termt oo appllettiuo oo tho M.BM to JOBEPH J COOK.E b CO. PART of a HOUSE ta LBT-To a t»4 rit.eiiiin aod VV'itf, or rery ¦BB.I ainily Plea.aaf- ly at, *t»d on tta wt at aide of the ci'.y, joat abj .-a Caaal kt. lt r rristi cf two large and one amallroooa oa lha _J " _:, bmoroom io att'o, baaament, froat vaa't aad t_ia larga wi. P.-aaaaiou aiveo lmneditielv. Reot at tba rate of t_.» per aoriuiii Addreaa Box _J_< Poat-O-i.-a FDRN1SL.ED HuUSET^A g_ol houae ia a deihabia kacatloo ia 9rooklyn. oom-rti-y far. o!t':eJ, wlll bo lat Ij ag.d teaanL Iaqulre at No. 1.5 Bioadway ROOMS with ST_-A_1 POWER ta I ET.P.-is lighi BooaM, with goodauady Power, to WL ta tta aa w Itapot Buiiloj, aoroer of Caa tre aod Prank- fraaWa. Apply to W. A. ALULN, na tta tramtaa. **>A__d lar. fi- ¦_ to 10 daily. STORBS toi LttT.Threo Storea to lat taC.'irt-.t Bi.Alyai, aa'table for Pamltara Suraa, Ory Ovx.tor ta-Ba Storat; wi'l aot be rented 9>r Lio_w BttrieA Btaat, Ra-i fc, __,a atjra, ?.* fur ti.>i ooa la- tki*k of g. p. TOVV N8ENO. npO LET, in BROOKLYN-In"To-up- B_________k>two diroa-j, r Aidbaaaoio-r bilsk Hoitet, a__Vw,*,"_*'*.. *,°* bbajM Wok-a-ol'-B-, two t-rae- 4^____Tii _u*'* TV**..mMBBM cew and flffll f_._ah. *-ta___$Lt. Rtt 9aa__!2l " "yft *"'V° _.W [Ti____^i^i^MF^£^^ E^w____?S&5S.5_^^ Ore.awt___ BmtmS^^_%\*T_^atsmk.Ho.iCt 1 . BA_A*gg .r-**fMtTvaMj ! 1 taulttfi-_!^Ii?to____S_s^ <*___-._E,rl± N___^W__T^t^^knTU. -4rJffila_W^ l^ttxrvitaaMtaraWa^,^ ST... _^ t ztad IM-A IfVbtlJtft HART. Ita 7| Jiaibm, btrtmrtwa 14 S5- t M ** tlma T[) LET.Well-Ughted ROOMS, witb ar w'<ixoot Rtea. Power, ,.'uv **.». Inealraof C M BIMONHON. Nalll l_aw._ f*pO LE1'..Thf lirj.*. Bi!4«»rne>iif. kooft- J. U Nu BiOk Mt. B**oa1w*T. aat- dniag (iraae __-.__, beiar'''leot wK.e bj 110 Le' d«er, -tl' be le-W tar * K."... a-i. Bow_n* R_i_t_, .. Rt 11-rd Aalooa, h.vag a th* a-co_t.dadoba wai' adat toa for tucn parooaea, aua i u gaa, Cr_t_r. vater, -atar ci **l*. aad a very na* kt. a__- ApylytoD T HAC"ARL\N, No. 77 id ar. rroaa A t. 9 A B.Br.d5tc: r.BL, or No 3 Na***u at, froia U A M. ta.r »i_ TO LET at HOBOKEN.Two ion- T'cieet aod b»B_8orr.« three-atu v. tiaroeo: aid on 1 I .rliar briek b-uea. witl.ic faat bloesg of tie ferry la 'ke arewrcwoa Hurlaco M, kn wn u Kran-,;r_ Tarrx.e. Toa bct_.a e.r po- on* ot th* i.oat leiiraaig the vtc_. ltv of Ne»-*i ort. ¦ ."an blgb ponad aad good aol. baelaf a Ti'ewof tba ity aac river Excb h-mw hu ta.lee rooos*. pantrie., st-l a large unrter celltr, Power gardac ;i»e«tdeep ta f-oct aod a yard 4*> feet deap ir the rear. Taaaa b. .¦»« are wtth r.ngea tn the krehaaa. bul andI eoli wattr at the wub toba aod aioaa arttb every -lavt-n'enee for bot aad enla K*tha, thower kaa.a k Th-". a-e arlthla ha" xa bour of W al-*t, ana will he >et mttcb vlow the New- ork rai" Itq'itre at tke Hctweea 1.nd Utlice, ag VV. W. RUirPEN, Afao* LET.A modern built* three atory M< i*e. ii. eo-ipleUorier, in a rery d*t'rable lo tti *a, ap towa near Bmaeway R.» t t*"1 Pui-itnra, if re- qoiree. Addraat Box Ne. I ' .'< iVi- >i_- e T(TlET-1.ROADWAY STORE No. 6<7 . The ipeciooa St'.re. M feet deea ia the aaw " MarMe Buiid-.Lgt," r.aar Bl.es_*r st- Alao, Bauoaeat Rtore*, V-iif' f... loffy *nd w>'. Iigii'ed Alaol.rx. ar, a-raaii Btaaaa la tb * LoOa. RERBOBI BREWSfER. TO LET.On Btage route. E*8t drook- in sa_tli_ree.ory B itk Ho.aa. tix ro xna beao- DaeBt, i.' tnd fe.lar, t-lcing-doort, ia. vary aonvan iect loraa.iall farnly Rent, *. .. t_ fi-it May next Poa- aea.trn ir_.edtaialy. Inqnlre at the A_eney. Mml-Av, near Prankiia. E K V'AN RG'RCt TO LET.To r ainglt* Gfntif man, witb- oat Bnard a t.rge fnrnl.hed Boom witb paaBry .:- taeti-d. on tbe thi-d flowr at No. 141 Ureeaariah-t A pri¬ vate fami'y Appl. eit-her at tbe hou*., or of Mr. U. A. 11ALSEY at No. 14. Waabingtoa-«t, eoraer of Day-et TO LET on BR8_tADWAY--T_o aew and apscloni etnre ar.d ba*rrr.-nt. admirably located nn Ihe B. E aorner rf Broadway and Broom a-at. Apply toll. MILLER, No Itt Bowery. O LET.A furniahed Honae in thf* toa.i ot Ry», 4*'e*tu_e*r*r Co.. within on. hoar. ride frotn tl.e eltytby the New-York and NewHavea Rallroel Tbe bouae a of toodern hnlah. convanieet ko th* depoc and I* ha every re.pact . deatrable _.untry reald.nae Poatea- at-vB Unmed-tely. Apply to U M. C. OSBORNE. No. 1 I Poar1 at._ TO LET-.Serernl very d*a|i^hrful roomi, fBmiaaed or unrumlahed. o adrntraaly adapbadfer of fior. beiog in the new and epaclo. bxUleing 8 E. eornsr Boadway aod Broo...»? Apply . U. MiLLEa, No. l'_ Bowery. TO LET.With or without ateam pow¬ er, tke firat, aoeond or tblrd Rtore* of tb* large krtoA butidlngon V7tb st, oear tltb-Bv. fleiteble for bury work. Inqu'.r* la th* r ffioe of Aoundry Uoneee ittartuft. HOVBE WaNTED.The adverdVer la deair. ua cf getUng a houee where the reat will ba taken out ln whole or tn part ln boarding Tbe prlvliege U wacted of takltig a few other re*pe.t*i. e hoerder* Loea- tloo op Acdrew T. B, No. 47u Ith-av. Ooodiefar- ence givea T H OUSE WANTED .A gentlrmnn, witbarmall fa.'i.ily.w_nte atwoorthrae-atory, modrra i.i,i.'t i-iite tn rn tha lat of No.rmber a* tt Beat fro n i -1> to *-->" per b- mim. Addxeia OOOO TEN AN f, at tl.e Orfice of tbia paper. HOU8E WANTED UP~TOWN.To ieua for a tu-all family. Bitaation. kc. mug11« fir.t- rale Addrew. witb deacripuoa and terma, J. N., Tii'.iaa Offic*. MILL WANTED.Waatod to len.* fr _ tie lit nf \prlln»xt hy a mtller. whothor- uV ly nnd.n'atda tiie buimeaa B O tfj M'il, wirb .- aid wtter pr.wer situatu ia b grain country. Apply by letter, atattog partleuiar*, tern.a, Ar. to E. vv.ui NHAM k SON, No. .1 B*tit*_-«t. PART of HOUSE WaNTED by a in ail f»i: iit, oa Waat aideof the sry, h-twenn Kr.nk LnBicl *t itrect. Rent rnid l.e modarate, .nd tlia n-tgh- boihooii g..cii. Addrr-«.l.c W, Baa Ull P Ol Yl/ANTED-A fur;iialn*.l H..uso ln the O * upper pa-t ofthe city, from NoTeraber to May; real from tl.ixi1. Ri,.V U per annoin family Bm.ll; ixtii. faemry .ifereecea rar.ful c»age. a'd the whol- of the rert |.oid in advance, if tieatied Addres* Box No 10 i'oet- Offire WANTED.*.parfmfnt8 aui'nlile for h PhynrUi eontlgting nf r ll ee tnd bedrooui oa n-ne floor It I. de.lred tl ai the ioeatliin abould ** on Ih, 7th,. or' ih ai.. .'ih prr«eri-d / anrl be'ween I"»ih and '-Kh at*. Rent n rat be rnoderate. Add eaa R. > Trtbuae ofliae. ANTED to RENT.Frotn this time until IMof May. I_">l. a Houae, four Itortet hign, ln a pleaeant lenteel locatlnn, ith .11 tne modern imp'ote- ineita. Tbe rert not to e\ced Al.VKi per annum. Addre_ L.BixNo I.ITR. B T I.A fOBga w Real Cetau tor Bale. CHANCE for a HOUSE and LOT. Worib Rl.itai ax iii be gl-e.-i t.i eacb purr.hegor (aot lo A A\ JB- »-v._ w',--1-". n,i. u. a. '¦_ _. ...u «.*».. ¦ \__- . aacne. one thouaand) uf a bol'.le tf Coi. gne, for tl. *t HAL- BK Y B Urug btora, *t the oomer of Pea.-1 aad Raoa-*M. A large proportion have already been told. AR A R E OIM'OK'ITNITY..2100 ACREA A LAM) r'OR SA1.E-AII nnder eultiva- ticn exe. ptlng ilJarreao' v\ u.d _.. >t ta aitualed oo tb* Peort* Leka, *aj lllisoi* Blrnr, . I.w tsilae aurtb nf ihe BtiUiiihlBg City o' Prort.. It u a tioe ilr-'i 8uU, and lo 8 aaetlon ol ihaeouotry iner*a*'nt r.proly In lt* population. I' iu gre,laAtw.BtaM i.'a.ioJ -ith tne Nortb .Bd BeaBh bj «ir.oifH,.r*. wh_b .rn pa**ing conuautlly f,i Chlcago. ala.) fui Rt Lui.ia. Tbia Kirm aoai.iuAl il-aaaa, with aeveral I'.nrng and oi'.-r brriluiag. ll .l*o ll.iii'Afple T(»e«. atd 6,e«4i Pe_eh Treu whlc'i ba-.e ,ui: c in.r-c. oewiing It i* well adapted lor s ulony. or for exiar_t\e fainiti.g ai.rl lt now affer.,1 I r uie at a modarate pilce, on euy terma. Addreu B. C , at Tribane Offic*. CEDAR GROVE for SALE.At Staiea Itland. frtinunr on tbe New-Vork Bay, aew the locuoa cf tb* Old Tr-e, about .j nulu BAtW tne Narrowa eUihradng *' aaiea of Land, inguudlng the Cedara, BoliaiLga acd l>«-ek, . ith lette-i patea: for tbe grant Uierra- for The lease of tbia property la a'oout termtaetaag, tbe aacie havlug beea oocupied fur th* laat flxa rear* during th* wuona, ua piaoe of reaorl toraea balh'Bg aod pua- lie euierta.uient Por partiemlarB, taqnlre of J. DI LL, aear, or Mr H"VVKB, on th* pra-taee, or ef R. k B. IgORO, No. 1- Pr-Bt-M , New-York -Dated. Bept A. I-.. COUNTRY isEAT for SALE.The l.iderce of the ixte Powler Ortgga, of Cora.ail. Orarg* Coutty, N. Y- wiCi iift*--n acre. of land. well Btocked witb afit* var'ety of t/uita, le greU aboadaao*. l* ortered ft-r ul* Krom ita daily eo-n_t_!aa*.!oa by *4a*_. boat and ra'i'-ad witb Naw Yrrk. ud tt* beeatti. and haallby otuuloa, kaliag at tha ectraaee to tbe Hig'i aod*. oa th. ha-kaof tb* il-deua Riier. ot auoh it buac _a-id- tcg Mrw, leederi it very i*ertah;e u a BBB.AMBI oraa_ir_er rr-i.ri o*. Kor partlcu.ara .prlj i.i Maasra. C. H BtNi), Ksaj-No. *.r Booih tt, JAMKS MARaH Kto. No. il B_. bv. aod H_ LKNa-r- t'< tnii -_, No .'ri WaaBtllgton.. New-To-k. or P. B. 0R1-0S, C-bwb.I. CH EAP RENTS..For Bole.oma or three eb.tee Lota on l.ulney-i*-. Brooklyn. niaar Kult-an ar atataa,) lurroua**. witb plaa.>t c I'tc- bouaes A tood ci u_'nriabi8 ccttage aan be huii: for |l R ", tba prea ol one ..a three f.r Bi.'..',) _i__ng a rau'al of iaaa thaa Rltai (ora bouiea-d lot. Tbr--e ba Uliog ihareg in a good Boc'eta wlil be aold, if dttued. Apply lo J. BRI.TAN, No. BBl Proadway. T\ESIRABLE BUILDLNG LOTS-lo 1/ lha tkun'.'fal vtiitra of Yonkera, oo taa ba-kt of tbe U-_ao_|Rtvrr. Aar -only 0.>o .The und.nigned t-Aeraf-w wl*. by auhtcrtptu r.. 4* Bal dingLotaln thit part of tbe vjlageof Yoakera caa.d OUewood, lylaag i.a«-.tely oa th. baaU cf tha H-e*ua River la Ui* -vot beaunfui part of tbe whole ri-ega. Th.u k,r»aic tbe m_*t daetraMeof anyBowottsred for aaie and frou tbeir location m.t rapidly incroue in val-a. Ttnkara iathe moet cx.Taai-ot place ol rea. *n. la tka vlctaity ol tba city. It ia rnly half an hvtar'a ride, hy tbe UuUoe lUver Railroad, f, om tn* 31at at. Bta:.oo. ard tTklea ara i*BH'in| both wtya oo_t;nia*1y 't raa alao be rucbed by at teveia' dmea a day It ia propoud :o B.pooaof tb* above Lota oa tba foliowtng terma Taro etac-, aabatuu- aad well H.iwraare to be built oo Lota No 7 and _ at a caat ol tlj**> aath ; 43 m*k*cripu__a wtll b* rocaived for tba 44 .ta. and wcen tae arhoia n._- her are BB_*_ri-ed totjfha auiVtcriiieit wiii ataat tofttl-t aaddi.aa*-. lou aa-roag the-traelTea, in aack man-itru they aiiail uree npoa, aad *t*w aiu.1 _b__ Loca M> T aad tbaii aaw u**aiite<i t-ih* IIot.** lo be built co a**.h let*. o.>toke paldutte of "i Bvi to* at kny time pravioue to the diatficn of t ua Lo_; the b%la_-B m*yro-_aoa bradaaRatortaag.fort^-Myrart. Mapa of the prntwrty will b* tkawB a-d far_ar pBrUcalara made kaowa ay apply-i to tk* ubaatikor. Ai.BEr.T B. NICOLAY. Anctl'r'- r, Raa] E»t*'« aod Icnrance Ataot Offr.8, t.'o tf Waii tt f-.m io A M to j r HL tai No. M4 Oraad Bt. frata 4 P. M to 9 P M DA-T MORRISANIA VILLAGK.. JlJ Aboet I.' Lota (r«_a__g MBAB.) varytng ta Baa from ooa-eigiitii of an aera to *.t _i _ aia o_ered for 8ALB M th* bbobI fcvorahi* lema, Taa per aaat. dowa asd bal. aaaa aa ar bafcre *-_*_, l.__ Titl*p-.rfut. Tbaot .M -kK-pT * ref- boalthy aad baaniCfal !___t:_a. aaar aad la BkJ r-w ot tha Rirer, and la tha launedla-a viclaity Bf tea W-jJBBB. of wtet. of Uie _oaB weaitby aaR ro> aya.ub'.a ai__er_a of W'Mta-natar County. Aka _te tw-_fl arttAla cooamartar of a utls Aeveral -oaaee ar* oow b_--o aad lota wll.-ig -*ai_iy. Por roap* aaR otkag la. far- auoa appty ae 0. 0. VV | STi>N, No. 4 Try jo-n. w aaat Oarla. a.Uroad OOkta, oppoMt* City HaU. L^OR SALE.~B.-ar STAM_X)_lD."C--i" JL aociieiat.A PARil, _ t-Oi'NTBT SEAT. c_-j_i_- aapB'. St aaruoi eiBaimat iaud, wall wr_d*d aad wat-r-d, yieg al o.t half a tie fr jtn tke T-Jaatv a_ar tha Ru-.d, aod atraat un rrriBBtu wa k frt tboB*w H*rao Bilroad .tation Tha boa** j pkaaaaaOT Otuatad. ea __?- Sa-VriB-S ___B-__!K fo' aoitiaBlua. Inqaire ef KUV?iSt-r. *«__:_!_______*¦ ti 8>bt_«ord, or of B- S. BOW lit. sa jj; Oruatdarty, New-PwR. F! (...' "I70R SALK.Tliat TaluHMe tra-t of Jr IbbI krai-- a* P-rton. r'B__d 00 Vork Rivw. io G.trewter( B '.i). V *.'g'*»A coata'aing i.TOt aorw.. ' Ol _BB arret a-» at-* i-*t firm ag laad aod -O*' air-a "t.-i niaitb v ery va .abla ' * "¦'.*¦« paatoroa dtrtBg ItrtBtiBhyir T trtmtt* b '- w_8 a *j_rp bBOry U-.wti, of yalbMa p*-* md ,-k tin.-er. 1 >r. t! lt r r ¦(*-. a rt-ora--w M:1i. B w-a f... aad a»c rtstu, a - a ttara-Bull *'tn', 0 e- BClled Dy tn tagla. of M bora* pnwar ce'ub'e M 10 .a-.i f, eloftiznberin U !".:;«. w- I :n til tho inat-i-ery. A-.eoone ' -. tt aatiraly oew tnd of tte bt.t do-MPi-on. fca.vir.t b.n r_ on'r nln.i tm nth.. Mmtkitt tta above. tberc .- Bfl Z*-d Dnelliog-aad a Birn npoe tbe ptemlaet A *t-Aii.«t w_*rf * 9*1-- ereer-d bboo tteirvpertv 'or ihaac-cmmot.anonnl tbe izr-oaniiii. ct.try wnie! :ti*th..r:ht will hs profiublA Mther. ar* wr a-a*.:. oow irjoMog on Vork Ri-er faarn* tae p::>p... tv aiilj-ooe to Boiumore aod oo- tn N -rfclk. Tta de_ eo* f..i eoru wood U very gr»ar. an.i lt wi.I raal".- iv ar.rrard _. '" to I? . par co-d it the laniieg The akov* orui-arTty being ar_-ab'e at all tetarvB*. c tart adkabCAga. for, ta cue*oaa*i of export, _a, .al- dom toee roef witb. . ,_ Peraoradasi.-it: fnrtber eoll upoa JO- SPFH Al M.VT.iER. No. -H Mari.ll-.t., Ph.ladelp,.-, or CHARI.ES MATHER. 00 Ib8 premneA Titie loiiitpntab e, as-i iamedlata pottaarion FOR SALE.The three story _ric_ Ho-aa aad Lot Wo. BR Weat _<__. feartt boooo weat of f_ av. reglete witt ave.ry cj.*.ieo.-b_rh_, ¦atar c-aotA Crutoo water; ateeileot Itxadoa,ke jBaiaira oa tta premlae*. or to RICHaBO ACESRMAN, V ilth Ward Bank P.a_*a»ioo_ FOR SALE..A Fartn of 66 acres. of good bfl-, iiroated near the L__t lataod Rtil.oad. aooidiatant from tb. Par_ii_zda.e depot and tae _ai._Mfi_i v-._A?e of 8o._, Ovttazhay. Thaia atx upoa tha prr.mtae* a tarpe two-B.-ry fiame Dwelilog ta tborougb ropttr. a naw Batj. .tat'iet _c. A very dea-.rable .oeatloa lt aifui.a.1 lot att.r.. Appllto J-MB9 B bilkban. Co-nttllor at Law. No. 51 Wqllat. Id d_r._ FOR SALE.A Farm of 6, acres. ,_ milea from B.nd 8ro>k Railroad Depot aod Can*!, arlre* ,(**¦. ona tarm of 4" __re_, $;i>0; three apleadii fa m* of I'ar acraa eaeb three farm* of 60 aerea each; t.'i-ea farm. of 5* aa*e. each ; tl! rod imgrov-mecu aad raii- road ft-or faimt ol ¦ aerea; fotur ftna. of 1J acret; aH aold r.a_yranra H utaa ana l.ita. Bt ¦*._*, H tela. Taan-nev OB. real eorate of -II kir.d. Call on 3 V AI U Porttic l-tel. 8_t-rdava baa 11 to .'; other dtvi Bt Platafi.ld Oepot. A b*totifn'l traat for building on at Ptalnftald ta bo aold low I riARM tar SALE or EXCHANGE JT fcr CITY PROPERTY.-Th* Porm lt flruatod ia Nrw-Jerw*y. A ihort di.tanee f.tioi fort I.ea, aod eooulat about 37 aerea It ia a loctti ..: la a food e.-igb- borhood. of a neh ani, aaaplted with aa errel oat w.ll aud etreexo uf waur. a* ahuodani e of fmit tra.a. a ,.ne h-.-ee, I arn. rrenary. aod otl-ar outoutldio**, all ln good order, aud Ij a v-ry da*lra*i!e rraideoc*. Apply to VVRI01IT91AN 1 CLARK. 1 .-Broaderay,New-York. I/OR SALE.A Btirgarn..A Farm af _L _ acrat rh dca land, go-vd Innldtagt, oxeallaat watar, vtriety of fro.u .ituated eaat ai_a_of tlia Had. a Rver, .1, iin '-'' o-.'l.a irr m Naw-VorB two hour* ride hy Hnd.aa River RAlrood, 1} milra frr_i ihe depo*. at New Hambarzh Lard:og. fur hirttrr inf_rmatit>a ta.;uira of I'RI M1I.LS. Na2 Ce**nt:e«-alip, N- T._ .OR SALE or EXTfrl^NfiE for CITV PBOPERTY-A firat-claaa PARM. hlghly topro'rd. of l.-oaera*. ln VVa-'rhae'-r .o.ntv. 1* mtlet from tna Htid* aoa Rlvard, pot at MBf _mg Bald farm prodacea bfteea hoadred do'iar*' wortti of bty toauailr. beeides a grtat abuedac-eof train, apple* Ae. A large Ho*t.', 9traa b0. f (oek aod Karmiag l tentllj, alao fur aala. The loeraat pnoa for tle Earm i* fcighteen Th. ua.d Dollara, Ia.|utre of ..- MiCOBD. No. 13 »: aad 8ARI EI. EQDY. No t.1 vvall tt- _ f'R SALE.At Mouot Vernon, jjoro Lot eorear of tih-av. aad la 9 Borth-ewst oomer. place *br a ¦' -r* Apply a' No tiI Ctuit-ara B, of DAVlf) HABRISON. lr_*__ L^OR SALE..A liiiii(Noi)it' ('ounrry *j**Ht _L oear the vllage of ABoriv I, 1 , aituated oa Hall J.ta Naek raal, ad/ou ir,a the fiarma of Oaorge Kt.wenhcvao aad Petrr Th* b88B8 a rottag*, bailt aboot uoe T*tr at.d a half. ln hy-i'f-rt, t.llrd ia wlih hdeh, pla//aa froat oed retr; there are four ronma on r ioh Ito >r, with pleaty ol cli_et and pantry rrorr:. hejt...neot and kltc.her eellar. water lo tte aitA haro-fi' hflb. thioi:.'ho-t, marbie roaoUe* fold- log doora Thr pramlaea oontala tlrae a-.-.t of good land la a blgh atate of calHvatlon, ad fen> od with pioket feooe, with all BBflBBBBTB out buiirlinf.; there la in apple aod ftach Otchoid in haanog; Uiare it a beautiful virw of tte Et*'. River aod Pluthtng fliy Tarm* |-i,i«»'. half caah. Apply 00 'tt* _irnn,aea to JOHN AL.*4()P. No l*. Laurena K., or No. 11- Pultonat ol Mr I'AfiWARO FOR SALE nr to LET.A rery deaira- ble thrao at.ry biick dwalltng Hoooe, rtfUte witt every #oav*oience..tieh a* oatlia, eat Ac.ln Boatt 4th, aear 2_d-et., *V|______fcyb, onoreateot tc. Orand at and Peck Blip fenira VVonld be ail- oa rearoaai'le t-rmt, r let low to a rond teoani for furtaer paitir.iara, apply .i E METTIJ-R, No Mlftaatat._ L^OR _ALE..Two Iwautiful new Hoiiaaa F on Oiford B , Hrooklyn. oeor (na retideaae of Rev Dr. ('. * Tbeaa bo_a. ttand on tarrocea, hava lar.-j d'.aing rootra, dumb wait^ra hr-t air lurnaeas (as. water, aa Prlca MM apply to BRADLEY, MII.L.8 A WOOimi'LL, No f, Wall *_, N Y._ FOR SALE.A Fttrm or Country Seat of tOf>arr*A oea* Plalnfield, Naw Irrsey, of whl.-.h 60 are ta a htgh *(A'.e of euli. -ation, the balanee wu-.tlltnd aod good psstura The newlseolarged Nuute aoota I- tpiciou. ruorr. everr one with a cl<;*et and foor lar*. paa- triea; an eura lloe Kit.hen (ivdan aid a heatitifal Orel- ard, vkith fiu* apple and petr free*, are nevt *o tta liooaa, wbkh laytootha road The uiiihuTldirri *nd feaeeaeieia good repair. Apply under lettera A B C, Poat Ofhoe, Pl a u- Bld, tt J. FOR SALE.Four a-rea of Ground ln tte rillage of, adjolning tha k 1_BB9 of Mor- baoIa in plott of 75 by IM faat.d-taut one-half mile from tha ri- j-t Apply to Al ..I ¦**.. 0 r. WOODRIIPP. WoM fani.t, adjoitir.' lha pr- ni_-t. OR SALE. Wltll _B_B_d_Rta poBBOB- ttoo, tta larga tbreevattiry Ortek dwelllng Hooto and t, lo ttrn, No. * i Weat .IB-st-. delfc.trally aituated upao- dta tte Pa,k of the Tbeolo*i-al Hemtobry, aow la parfeal order; wtil* All pa_ited; planihiof rery fall and aomplola, ba'ha, water e'-mrtm, bol air furnari-, Aa. Por kay aod per- b laa.i'B to new tte booee, apply tu JA8. H. WKl.l.B, Eaq. 167 0th-av or tu vvii.l.laM HA*.ELL,. 48 -Ilt*.. FtlK ISALr. or to LKT.Two splendld firwrlaw BOOSEB, Noa 119 aad 1.1 .WeM *»_..*_ betwee* 7th and Hth-av* They are. replata witii all (ha m adem tinpin-.rr.-ort aod now r-eady for occupaoay. Apply to T Ca ART t BB, Bilv er vv ara Mannf -turar,.-, M iroar-M. CHlR SALE.The two-story Houae and JF Lot (pl.taa-y altoatad) lo Corn* arlood-B. Brooklyn, Bx l.ousra i.ur'.h of Lefayetie av , on tha eatt Brje Oo tbe flrtl f_«,t l-eie uretwo panor.. tt * r, n, kitcb., bath roota a_d pai.'-'ea, aeeotd ttiry. . rioma and bedroom; atao bedrot.i to ti.- a' li The B-BBB i<. baaa Lmilt tar. T-ara, aod ia la aaa p- la rder Th* (iraaett owotr aeli. io corite- qoeiroe rf rau.ovlag oot of tbe Btata. lor|alza of Mr. OOOUaI.L, n.,:th h, _*e n.,itt, la a_rue BreeL HOUSE and GARDEN for SALE. Ba LanrarnnAplAra.oppo*,,, the pt.f, 0y that ntn e, ttd coe uf ba plea.ti.te-t iooatioo. ia the eity. The Ht are ;.<n. Bf._¦ r-pv tnd ready foz im-edttte coci- Baocy. Tb* Oardao ta weli atockad with gtape rinet aod _ow.rru)tA atd axtenrfi back to Jfith B_ Th.e only wito waot to pu:cl.t»e oeed appiy to I liTMAB, N I". Pearl-*t IOTS AT PRIVATE SALE. Four J Lott tf (in.und. aach ii by '.-' feet, oa tte eaaterly Baa of Atlanvcat, oear Poneratr, Brooklya. Ap, Pjy^to_COLE lt CHILTON, No . VVall-M LOTS \n tha CITYTrB_rOOkLV_arf la tte 4th Ward. and .it_ted batweea tba threi prio- tlpaJ MflBMfll r_iea and .*.___¦ BreeM of Brooklyn, ffal the Poltoo-av Atlao'lt.. or RaUr. ad, aod tta Ptauk l-jed. Tbta hlgbly fAvoraato looatloa of the lot, iaaare lo tba velua of them t. locietaa bayjad oc-ipartaoa. A graat maav uf the lot. ba-e baea esld lataly. &nd ai| thoaa doBrota of por- Bhatt-g wittaamAllcapi'AJae-e^rU-n-eJyattuttodhoma anooid oa no aroonal aaglect to A, ao tt oaaa aa -tit. It tta iou wUI r1*e In prt>porti. to tna tapTo*-. anta rairved ob at tfia fta. Tha gr.cea dt .er al preaeat fr _u ||7V, w-ltt tta azrtBi.loufaoro-r kiA Mnra than 90 ho_aa hiva Meo flfflflflM thera, many ara aow tn band, aal over .rn owner. of bM latead to budd da-iog tha aad dia *r_llow- tag year Biooa tho rlratof Bepro-n-aar tta railroad r-_aatoa there every rr-.oretrg tt b4 tod .o'c!__k, by wblcb all b.1__i mea aaa ride M tha Boutt P«-ry :a laat tiiaa *.on cn.n ii*a At 1) oaiock, AM aad at 7 ueiock, P.M. tta trata l_r_ IB* Boatt Parrr for New-Bt*ookiyii7 The tnap of N-w ,a,Tb eaa olwaya ba ae-a u tn, bf. karr- of Ey _ k rr*-deT.t_al. No 2.7 Bowaw-y ti tln M Mr. U. E. S-ckB-tacta, No Veaey-w Porf-r1:erpaj_o*ilara1_o,_ire al Mr. ALEX. EVDAM'B Land Ofhc- ta tha B_llrt_j Ho_s», Naw-Br-oklrn or alaa nt WM RADDE. No i_.Bro_dwt., B Y ; J V( Ob H SkCK- Ma.N. Eaat New-Yorki C. _A0__AC__JL Ho. itt Arcb-aL, PbliadelpblA ^^ "JVOTI'jK to nll who ilc-aire to Becnraa J.! batnaMimer* bo-_b_1 9Ibb\BM at a ewveo'ent giaiar :e from tne city At*>*« trgefihe.b*rr»k*ratn'*L« «-ECOND Vir,r,*,GE A»So. lATluN at m_LlA__9BRin*9R and ut ,i, pu. tiet wt_ toa__acn_a tj th* atm- or who feei ___o. eated tterelo will be bsld at Mil:ta<-y Ha'l. No I '! Biwrr .gjflMB ta Sprtr.' at. oa tta £V_NiN0 tt MOND \ ner' tt ll:b itai. at 7 o'clock. Ib tae t_ear:t _*to the booka wu! r*miin oo*:. ftyr nbac ip. Bob Bt tta Rib' PkibU 0f»:_ of / NEWEf.L tad J. VV. BAKKLI, No J Nsaaa at. wi.rt n_p* oi tna propena, 84 U 1 aaa, eta fcataea, ani ever*, !if.rr_a'.!. obtar.rjd b-. t»WB tbeb .tf t A M *_-d . M 88fXIHt FAR__JU-*8 LlFlTlSTHE JL LIF_ POR MV:."-Soa-_g tta poat, t.d io rtoga tta maa at tta P.rm Agecsy, No . Will __, arhare aa _a> aortni.t of -ia gra__tM rariaty a a_.*aaUy oa ha-d, w_g. Mg far g-r-ra-erA__. _. Ml£__8. 1 (M||| ACRF.S of LAaND for SALE J ,«_Px.P9_r _, uu-il^- Co-Bty, I*_aw.Jeraay.-Tlia fatacz: tar odera fur a_ta aevenl r ktata, aay from -1 ta jou arret aaab, tta good atate of eu.iv_ut_a, aad a *.aatiy 8_.alad aaw Jaoea.'itg, on tha Oflflfllafl and Amboy Rtil- raad Por Bflf-H¦ te*)t_!ai_o. apply t R. R1CHJ'.Y, No. 165 Withicf.o-B-, N. Y., or to tta eabacribar at J*__a. B-rx. N J. JAMEB 9C0r.EI.KVV Lot, BtljOOlB. & VlIJ-EPLAIT contbuei to^glVa .,in*n,_ _! __?,rr**'h.**.»»«-, aad luera-ara u "._ra.of__B-8_t._t ai bta owa. __, _, w__ Bbhtt-t_.a-_ Rmal-eay ^ ¦". * W*" LADY, who hu had aareral vi ap_ «l»aritnce ia taacblag tte Piano-Pprta. 1* detiroaa 11 . -_B-.f-flB-_t.__ M tta. 45 (ataore Bt- of r^titrtj. AhD£*BtC^ «*8U MB_J wk:,r«)-_, fi MarwM Tweaif A AHOMC i_ tha COUNTRY for ROY_, witf_B ftt-ea mllu of HARTMR3 -T_t td-trtiaeT 8*111 take only four bori sad .ow anler ua yea-aofaga, aad arlll derota bta w_-e u_a ja_--at*_* «. their n-ral, phvru-aJ and tnteUeem*! rr»_i_g. Te-n* fiw Cr aannci ktmnu B i K* S-ft r«*t O-AA. I«_____ft ,f-r- - C C Br;.. Eaq. at tha-S-a of -aBotrdOf ti a' aP'ry 1 llj BO/iRDlNt. .fCHOOL tor BOYS, Pai.aurT. Cjna -Tke W.nter Terra ia R*v E R li NTIN(rT('S\S4Vlo..l oM.*OBB_--_0BBB I D-nbir. laalxty imiu frur.-i Baa Y--'*, wuli wbicb .t hu *->i aaaa** ea-on twl:e a axy bv reilroad Cireular. with reiarceac.a .ta b>- had of Ueaar*' U_r\ k Co No t Awer-Hou**, aad of_«.r* GranaiaaA Rte*art.Nj. < Mai*»ti-iai>»_ BOARDIN1TI.CHOOL for BOYS Rt l>OBBS PLRRY-I- . fl KELLOilO. rnncip-t - Noni-er iieaiwd to ii. Ai_.ible wral timu a dav b* railroad Ttrrc *>_ per Qaartar. Wlnter tettioa o_- rnencu Nor. 1._ ENGLISH and CLASSICAL BOaRD- |t*tj SfiHOO!. for BOY-, *t Bndford. VVutr_ut*r tn->.,4"'>milfi frotn New-York City, *_d i from tb* Harlem Railroad - *l_e wtt trlewrrm will wmmenr--. Nor I. Num- her ot pupila limlted to 1. Tertt»g.Krc_ |7a to *<t* par «e«ti- n Clrenlara e*a 'o ead of C A. M ARV IN, e.*i, No. 1 M N'uwb Bt, New Ycrlr. Tb* Prl-fipal wl.l ca.1 upan any ta the ttt] wbo may de*"-* aa irter.lew, Oct. 7, 8, 2\ ot *_, If the, wiii Bt BAtr **^*&^d\^. A. M. j^VENWi. SCH«K>L--- -Thf- Evenlni: J Bclcol if the Matiha-t-B Acadeuiy. at tl.e eorner of oh-**. e_dA *o*B. fcr tha ...o»ri,V_.-n of Appren- ticu .t.d Yt '.nt Peraoea wli I e mopeoed no McnAay. .ab Ociob.r aiTo-clotk. P.M. Earl* appllcatioe atthe Aal emy tday or evening! wili be nexeaaai J to tecore admiuion. T* ata made ia_y ¦________.. EPISCOPAL C0LLE01ATE INSTI Tf TF, CL'rTON. 8TATKN IS-AND-Rev. T. TOVVTI-I A. M . Rcctor.-Trte eUbtrer.tli ee*_o_ of this lnittmtiu-wi!! eo-iBUac* cn the IM Novemner fkaaBAa* tta i.cb*ofthe-twrelrratrd wrrcondadbya hr.e -rove covarir-i . tpBAA of eiakt acow. remoTed frrm any coatig.oa* e weiling. k'nirr .ndiog a beaa- rww rf th. bay. prw*--* tb- haaoA81 *****£*- ttngair. Md within haif ao «-ut i aall of tl. City or Naw. Yo'k Th*r__*k#*rt.eedrrofe*.r*ue eojuetiio uio Clualcal. Ma !;t atlcai. Kreoab. Bpaai--.h, aud Ita'ian de- partiner'4, aa.l the Reott-r drTotuh.aeotlre time aml Bt4B*> U r to il.e religioug, inletlectuAt acd phveical traimugof ht. pupila. the lr.-tute. er left tt tiie l\ 8 Bcbool Ageniy, NoW Brt'td- way.wh.- rgggggarct-Mi aiap ko iBita .¦..a>Bat^lwMi« ataly Mto.u'ed lo. Tb* Kf-r-r le parmittad to refor to the loilnwtrp Bl.lw-BBi.dCiergain*-:. Tha.Riaht Baw.W.H. H«L*icey. 0 D. 01. D. Rigbt Rav A.rotUr U.0lUt 0. Re*W. Berrien. 0, Rer !. L Hawke* D. 0, R.T.T.B Taxtor. D 0. R*v B J. Halg tt, D D . U*v. E. V Hi-bee, Ih D. R*> VVm. Mom* I.L l», Rev. Wui. Walton, D P._ FaIR HAV«_I CLASSICAL and MATHEM4TICAI. SCHOOL-NamVer lim'ted1 to a*iva.asvaetai'l ucoi.d toione. Per airenla-* and Pr- trVr to E. H VVIliKiiX.t; 8 Bako_ Agercy. No. S«3 Oroadwaa. N. Y , or BJ tbe rnnclpxi al P^r Hevan, Coea.. K A.8M1TH .-__*__ RriiaiM r-Tbe Prealdei t and Profagaora of \alaCil- lege E. C Beaeoicl, En- , No. TO Wall-at. Or J Bolt-n, No. 13 Caat llthic. Tho-u Danny, Kan-Nx i Jaimcey C.urt; Perf .1 J Ow.n. D !>.. No. IU Wwt -T-R et ll Bpra." I 1. S.i-8, No ll*. I'earl *t; 0 8 AppletoB, £oo . No. _M Br-adway; A. Keed. Eaq.. No 2i8 Kultos it. New-f ork City. Rev. A. C. UennUoa, Ulu**ter, Rav Le»i Packai., Bpetrer, M-ta._ K1NSLEYS SCHOOL, nt Wf-t I'ofat, w,l r*-opes ca tba firat of Nore-nbar Ra- fa,-i a- a < .-n Be tt, l ntt*d afatu Arnry: Coi Pl«u*atoB, Phiiuaipbla; A GkBBtj Hail, B. Baud* Tutkar ana Rr, u. Uryir Kag*, New Ycrk City: Pi-reBio.-t of Yal* Coil*g* and laited -taua MUttary Aaadauy._ IANGUAGE8 Rod H1STORY..In" i Mroetloa gi ea in anorr.t and m-adern Laneutara, ai*o le aaeient an.; niodt.i CH ARL.E- KRAIT- BKR Al II I'upiM ipceited at No fc'*) Broadway, Btur- *. wnt iBailtcte, rt.-m N Laaaoaapiveu ai ptiitie ho i-naa MADAME SEIBERT, ProffBsorof tho Preneh Laaaoe**, and Tearher bi Mxdetue Chaga- ray'a eel.-braled Bcbool, wtgliut* AU ap *»nie of her leleur* bour. by tntt'oa. elther la a private f.rmly or la a Bohoot Mad-'ia Chngaray will kindly gtve ail n*c-_ary r-'earencot R. ..: Hr'RT. No. 1,004 Rroadway, aorner »Mh **-^ MALE BOARDINO ACADCafY.Wil. toa Ct .The Prlr<'tpal of thla Inttitntloa woold wy at tr i, atii ia rn.nrpa e.t, acd whtla the pupii- ra- ulve the pioet rliorough liatro. tion. thelr raannera and rnor- a'« a e earaAtll] wttehed over. The ternn xr* in adettn.. The Prtnrtpal can beaea" at No K'.Orxnd-tt, or at No. M\ Chalhtm, where ireulartcan he obtained \ ,1 -Tl S WUITLOCk, Prlaclp-I \\. JOHN MAC MULLCN haa op-r.-A s Day Brhool for Boy* at No. Sl" Bowary. blork froa Broadway aad fivs doora sbove Btindi- at. Hl* terma (tc.i prrqui_ter) will neceawrtiy kup 01* liat'...g real.ied more lb aa two year* la Earoee, and having alu-lad and taught for maay yea. la tbs cf'y of New-York. be f-ola bliuaelf qaaeltted to do ju* Rceto tht.e who msy oe plai.dln hlihaai. Br-ideaBpall lag Riadtcg, Wnting, and Arlthmetm. th-r. will ba uughl wHIuoutextiaeharge, Orerk. I.aun. K.enah. Bp_lali Oe*. man, Italia.-x, O.-awtm. Muttg, Oymi.aiUca aod Dantinf. ClrcB'ar, at Lockwood a, No. IH, and, No.-fJ Baas-wn Play l.rouod fbr Bi yi Tweatv-f-v* «.h.-Hbe.i wanted. Terma *?ia . year. A4dru* J. ttAC MUiaL-N, No. 214 Cbi yatla.. ]1|K. BDMO-ID ANDRADI haa ae- IwB tured tl-e Bl11 f the roevenlent I.4c'ure Room No. SO B .ud mt Hia ¦» gular le,a r. in Voeal Mueij and Ht'n ony, after tlia (.glin "ar'a-.-lrevi4 AyOem, opn.i oa TI'ESOAY.oib (it't I itt ' t.M I -i'; Oentletnea'a clall, B u'clock. iThea.t em lorl< i!ra the u., al no'a'ioa i Itl OLNT WASHINOTON COLLEOI- Ifl ATE Ir.'STiTl'TE, No.-l3 4- at. mttoat of M*8> iongalat.on \\%»t ngton-ganar*. (OEO VV. CLARKE. A. M. and JA.MKB kAiNNINO. A. M. Princlpala,) W8B.BSBWI tu trnl.'iKli.-oly..r ,- tlUNDAY tb* i. -.'sept, IKo. The I'liiiclpaia hm.rg reb'ttad the furn'ilure and rooma fu. i 'c *.iiuir and le-.tu, -, throughcut t'-a laatltutina. it wtll be la eouiplete order fur the receptionof lu ProfeaBors, Texch.ri_.ri pupila oa the 13th of 8eot P-rat-al interviewt wlta tlia rnnotpati, and Catxtoamu .orttalalug naruea of palriuand p.iplla of put year, tugethw wuh plana of li-atruc. .,a. regulatio_, Urnia, Aa , uaay ka had al tha RooriiB ofthe Iut it M _'ufii.» lacuvad firou " t., .0 jear* of ag*. NEWn-tl K\SV MKTHODof Tfftiih- lngand I.earnlr.g tbe Krericb I.aiigo.« lu |ni) Leiaona, racl. copvtrrteriiiit., qneafocB.toapBear in Novemb. Bext. Pr'ee ct s eopy, ii ; of 1<> coplra, p<J fur aatoariher*, to ho ptionde ltey. Apply, rx*t-patd, to TH OBARCOH, I'iif.*«,r. No Ll 6ihav, N. Y. Private Ucor.e *nl pab.ic e.r_n!D* elaggea OS.SINS1NO SCHOOL, BLof Slof,N.Y. -Rev. JOHN P I.ltNOY reapertf.iily aononnc-* that tbe rett term ot hia REI.ECP RO ARLI NO SCHOOL for BOY8 will begin on tbe flrr*. Mooday ol' Novn-nber. Fiva Tsranel.. occ- r wktrrn may be filled on Iniiiiedtate app'ieatioa to tbe Pria.tpal. Cire'ilara containlng full pu- ticolaracBB bad br appiy ing to 8 H. PiEfHOM, No. 9 Park pl.e, cr to tbe i'nm Ipal at Hing Sisg. N Y. OAK (.ROVE KEMALESEV1INARY. VONKERB, N Y-The winter term of thia Inatiti- .ioe will commeoaa Moeday. Nov IM. Clrcuiar*, coqIaiu- lng t'ull partietjiart, Terma _c fornlatied on appUeation ta the Prlncipal. cr at tbe Book-atore of Clarfc Aaatln lc Btnitb, No **, l'i-t Pow, New York, WM. C tfOOTE, l*rUi tpxi. Yonkr ra^Sept il, l<iai._ OROAN TEACHINd..A L-idy wltli Bii.p'e of a'.llity to Impart ioatr.tion oa tbat trgtranmnt, wttbet b lew mora pupii*. Aoy perxon de- aiilpguw ibe waitnd upon, whea partleniara and taima, ohieb wtll lie rr-odora'., wiii be made kaowa by e-dreael-g a Ima to OROAN, Tri'.une Ottice PATTON'S INSTITUTION for tiio EDLCATION of BOYR, No. -V*Or**MOt- hetweea C.inton acd Waverly place, J. II. PATTON, A. M, Prta- aipal. Th* two U^par-neeta. Colieclate aad Primery, opeo oa MONI1AY, Bapt. 6. Pupila are piepared forthaco<int1n| touje,.r for Btimtgaion to aay o.ilegn. The Bmnber of pa> ptla U lln.ited. C'ircalara eontaln:nt further l'iforin.uoa may be obtairatd at tha bookaurea, CRl.'M_IK'i dmggu4 atora,No .^Broadway, eor. Mth-M.,orat 'ha Inititnti_B. DR 1 Vak^TE CLASSl_S lo FRENCH X aad SPANISFL-Prof. A. BA.S.1ET wlil reopea. bfg Pr.ncn aed Spani.h OBb-WOB the lHb tna*. He will aiao organi/e acewclau for beginoera ob or aboul tha )A4hof Octr.ber. Por tbe particiiarttpply at hia realdecaa, No. *_4 Rroadway. hefor* 9 A. Al. and altat 6 P. AL_ PRl V ATE LESSONS^nSPANlrSH.-- IwwBBMB OORRIN tioBti-uo8 to giv* Prieua Iutnc L.o ln tb. above la*g-*ge, at tta* ruidaace of pupii*, or kt ht* owb, N'i. 41 th ai. SCHOOL for (ilRLS in NOR[_U__P- TON, MAS3-A Lady. wbo bu had ex-Mitea-a in tearl.'Bg, w.tea to .citrttct a few i rirl* ia ail tbat la aaited te thntr ag. aod capa-nty, aad to baatow apoo t'<'.tn r.i. are and atteniioau cMiilir-n reqatre acd receiva at bo_b ac. _. r niiiited to iix -audw tba aa* of ta.rte.o. Ter.-ia I :_-n. rle'-r-rnf'-a.Rav. li. ftello-.v*. NewTorg ; Rev ii.i i F. .ra. N>nh_mp:aa. Addiggg iiox No. .41, Nci.aciptoo .oMORica._ SI N O I N G SCHOOL.Dr. C. W. LANOE, Profaxtor cf Music toaeher of ti. pler-. i, niel.ode n. thotciighrtau aad giogirg, will open aiiii;ig gchjiol wbara erery ityie ol ftogla| t'ull bo thoroagMy taaght in day aad e real-g.-kasae at very mo*» a'e _-.- -n Pur paiticnlara piaau cali at hu raald. nca, No Hl bo-v .ry hafoi Ocl. a, tHR aay day. froa. 1 to i o _iook, og Mooday, VVgda-..-.ay cr r'riaay, frxwa 7 to 3 o'clc.c, P. M. TAHRYTOWNIN3T1TUTE..In tbia I*t-irm'.uL young grctlemna ara _Bk__Atad ln ail tba brtHABm r*<f*rl-nte tor -omtnercial poraaiu or eat*na* CoL leg*. Tb* VV.uter T*r_ rcrrHk-aees oa t.s lat of NO- VEMBE. Crxulan, eonU.iag termg. raferaoau, ka, ud oe obi*i_td ar C. aHEPARI) k CO - Bookacra, No. ! .-¦ Koitc-i-at., o-ol E. H VViLCOX, Na. -0 Bro_dw*y, N. T, cr by td-raatiajf A. NfiWJ4 AN, Pru-rpal. TEACHERS of ScioOLS, SEMINA- RI *>-, Ac, who waat TapUa, will tad lt to their ioiegr- ut tc i-.akt tbe fact kr-aro .ro-gta tbe n.r,pafkkra, There lt no other a*-.Ae to -u-ipar* wlta. tht*. Tbe a-ai pa- rAB ot the wt">la caaartry may ba wlecteR bt V. B. FA_B- B'R A-ymr-aui, Ateacy._ TO PAREJvTS..A LRdy keepi_g~t st-ali wkkct -choc4, la Reartrcaaof taking tota ber 'u_ry twoo- tnre* M:**.*, ttomi to llyttraoIR Oeard, W*a_a| and Tuitbka. emk>re_ag tht FagHth hrajvo.ea. Mua!a at- r i_n i) Porte, B_°° . year. b.rereaow of th* higi.,-. tr rupaet- abil'ty glTsa E-laaMr* aroend*, wtttPB r-m mlnct*. wa.l of a farry to tk* city. Pail pot.ulara wili bo lt aa kj *4 fcajaBfBRVaka-kBTkf,'. NB-BBk MR. and Mad. N0EL REROlKReea- Bnaatag'ra___.e'loa ta tta fre... (-mos.¦ __, __re. aod i_ 8_h. ot tba Ptao. P_r__, ol a_,,7 deocaa cf tbe'.i paAroae or at ttab two, No. M p__T f.-r-.(__«*' L_i taaJ (i-.ii._o.--a "jtl L'SIC.A Lady, who hu graat mpe. _.v_ rtaraa la ta-chlag P_ao aad Ar _?*_-., witb Mka Ib*. aad wbcee n- r_otia .artt-i ber fuptl. bara _o4 eraa good ri-er*.,-a_ atriad to a (aw mo-i 8-f4_. _*¦___. No. _-7*rh-et _. UNIVERS.TYv-RAMlMARSCHOOL Pn f £ A J-*i-bo_. eUat-i Tha a__ D ___ Biaota. tt. Jualor, tta l'f per Eagttah. aad tb* 9bflB_Ea_i apaa .imultareoualy oa Moodt), Bafl 9. fBadaaraat. aetv-ad al tta aa* of aevea ,-tr* aod apa*_rd, ar.d tisatiag fc. tta tointirig h.a, w .. ad.le-aa to aay c_fc_^ Ctr.Jara __*, ba ob.ln*. at AppU..Va, L__ac*oat__ Crowe. b_MMb B^^ tf^^yM^ US. SCHOOL AtJEMCY.By £ a H. VV iLOD.i BM Mfl Bruaderat -.-«_r_-< c**.. it* T.ard atgegamtntt by iba _e*( IratitB .a*. t k_i _, Teaali-r* aod Meirona. Oe* P*r e*nt in aiv-see 1*0*4. adrarce e-.-a_*et a- d paoaore* tte re |oired BflflflflflflflBaBa, tea-orrd by a l.Biferable c__ek_ \TOCAL MUMC LE_»ONS.-.y_r. CHA8. L. 9 ARBES wlll oaw. oa Elemeatat- ¥«_ MtwtaCla.* f.r Ledlae and (laaUerr-B, bt 74 _e_t_, sb TIT-DAY EVENING. Oet A ta Bleackar Ba__agRa\ lo Blearker B . .rnerof Merlca A Chcr. Diiiuing Grliools. DODWORTHS DaNCIN. _b A-MDEMY. Na t*. 3rc_way, oext to Orwa ""hcrch. will opeo fTthe eaoutoa eeeaue, on VVKOfBR DAY, (vt.b-r f. at _t P M , foi Udioo, at <. bt CbU-rw*, and tt7 lor Oaatletiiea PorTtrm*, Ae, aoa Cazdef T_r_B It la witb fer'ling. ,-f u- i.» than oeual pi'.d. aad _B_E tlcr thal I arronooe tta co_i_ien__ji>eot of tba Claatot % tti.aea-trn tlav-ing ran... to tbo aaa buildlaa. jwa areoted exprt.ty lor tt-purpoaa, I aoa aowodar, far Oa bab of y papita lha -o*t cl-tant. c avameat A.d flflflBBBB eitib iihrner . ever 9B9Med la thie city; ttaexp.rtaBMfll maoy year. ec-Mlngmo to fcnow aod BBBwfl* f'f < »." -_¦ ln the f-;l.a.t nar.aar. It ia oty tataauoo «_ ___a tta w_j au_b an eetabf.thment ahould be, i.|i. for meo.1 aod Shyaica! lmprove.ent. ooaoe.ted wtth isuoceat aod ta.a. ctal re-roanoo ; and it will ba my gerticiitar . e to at*. averyttlngct.diceto tte tx_ deportnxat aad foaora! la> ¦ro*. ru-.-ot ot all wbo mej oe plaoed u__er eharfA The Clatrea *or Oentlemea w-.u ha eiTAnge. oa aaeadrab aaw .y*te_i. wblch wlll rreatly faclluafe lha pr,_reaa, aog add rery moch to the eonvenleoce of th.* pupi'a. But oa tat anuch tpoc would be UkeB br d-_-i'bi»i 'he iji'aai bara, tbepu-Uabed circulai tareferradloa. luruUhing a daooriptba of the naw mathod aod ita advantatet. AU tte now Daactt of tt* pr-tent aad f rmer aeaeoat at| betntroKnced _ Prtv-te adrew fcr popllt ooly. aerrt muitMy. The Academyla emaikably forlaaatoin ueiog aav*aB.1 from oeorly all pirta of tha ci y hy BbBBH or rflBjMA M there ara ao (taa ihan thirteeti 1: .-¦>*, which BSBBflMMma of ttodt'or ur wtttiB ooa two, ur ilirwa flfljafl oaof B; and arringomeat. have *l. b.-ei. tn ruo tUgra frwa Broadway, Madiaoo at. and thttneigli.rLjal, dtra*_a to tta Acadeoiv Duia arturdiog tba patruna ia tbat rtf) aqaal facllitie* witt tte ot_*_ pairti-BA_ DANCINU ACADEMY..SiKuor A. OHERAROI. aoriatad br MtUin. .illE1UR0I ag. tpe-tf-lly beat 10 Intozm l.i* p__rooa aad tba pu BBB tbat bb l>asclog Atademy. Nn "11 Brvadway, witl be opeoed far tba recepti-n of pupila oo a-tuidty, Ott l(i Oara ot for Joung lldiei Brd iraeterA VV'edna*daya and Ba'urdayt aad luodaya aod ThuradayA Bt 3 oclock, P M Eveet_g*__ fur tenJ.-ie-, Tuaadaia aud P.idaT^ at 7 P M rnaaalaa- annt tu famllie. wlll a_o be giren and alaa*.- alf*_d*d m kt Khtola aud aradoo ie* All couiinuon.tion* aAdieaatdo No 911 Broadaay will bo proH.ptly atteadad lo moamtt gtvoo a* itetial._ DANClMi und WaLT/jIlNi.. nt Moot- OflBO llall. Conrt-et. aear Aloutafite piacA Ma A l.ANNAY woold lnfirm her potrjoe oo4 tha retldaatt af Br.tlyo.tbat al e wt.'l reopen har Kehoul oa We.l.ia.1.*, Oet IJ. Day t of l»atract!,.i. WflflBOaaapfl BBB Be-aNlya, atiii'tn-neiag ai .4 t clork Tha fire. 8 dree will t -kt p<_ on K.tdbT. Not Sb: tha aiiesaiditg Boirdea oa tba ih_| Kr: tay f . ,-h rnooth dartag tha araaua -.hoola aod laa lltrt ntrand.d ia New-Yarh or Br.tlvn. Comiiianicafiiat B.ldrfn-d tn M:a l.anBay, Moatt|it Ha .rroklya, will tneat with prnmol attaattio N. i: '.*. --. t'lfv. Mr* l_.nay-a ola.ata at Mia* Cfca- dearse'a Bchtx I ruroor of Oiaad aod OreeiesU, wiii fc* rroponed 00 Moaday O't -9. _ DANC1NO aad WaLTZUMO, at No. H BoBdet-Mr. SBABINO'B Pntate Aead.aoiyM tue t>i>lltea_e<»inpl__iinaat, arill r-n;i-o l.'.li Oot.'l-*r. Cltwa fur v ra.n.l Yuuat MaBara, vv el..e>ie-, t a*d svurttri at .-. i.oloek for 0*idca**B, Ttaa-daya and frtdayt M I o'c'oak, P M B arolug er'* atd Oriu'le* at'suded, Ml privata inat; nc'4 -ua givea at timea not oocuptod. Por lara. apply at Mr. R'a ra.idri.c*, a* abora. _^^^ HENRY WELLS nnd i.ii SHTBA_ (Madame K. OtAVr.LLI'8) Aflar*em* for BB__M No t.rM* Broadway. will opeo on the lat of UBtflflflB tr.b of teaofaloa haa raee|/ed notvaraal M9Ma Uon. Coml'ined v. itt. Irttrnciion la Mfl daaeee a ta faflBj and lr parlor daoclog thioitah all l(a varlatl .na. tb* eaaiW for developlog Uie uiuoeuiar powara <»l young _B_flBB_8 fuuiid .naficlaJ Tha n.aen* ol a.-iuIikl* (a«aa_ and ao fflflt tty'.e of moUoo lo ,..,,.-1 ¦<w con.i latiaBtivn rolaA aiiuply oaplalnetl, end ttet* ugk% Uuglit. Tu atap p.-operly lo order toobtatal ¦abas.flj and graoeful mlen. fonn a part <f aar.h fcaaaa, aM averyttijit ta tliat wlll inn art to tha pepUadlf. allie. aad oobia depuitniant. faqutra lii.l.s- *t ,nm ktm- letny._ lifADAMK ORA V1KR DESJAR* 1*1 DIN'S DANCING ACADEMY, No A4 Ckafaa- place.-KARH.VV E1.1-SE.VSt ).M -Mr.. J. latendtaftarta lur to Eurofa, take. tha opportunity ct .¦zprae.lna I.r grad- tude to her oumero.ia p.iflta *r,d their fa____A for thaktal patronage ahe haa ao long nn'i yr,|. Hor cb.aea ariU -*.¦ " -a - oa 8ATCRDAY, Octobar t. la her eleroat BMaM wbere pnvBte monthly S,»'r -a will b* givea at tuB_k Otyt and lioort: W.-rtn-adaia aod Se-iirdeys at ll, for Mlaa aa-Maftem M ooday. aad ThuradayA at 71 P. M-, for w diea and gentlernea. Saht.ola nnd prliata '¦. ., I'-t attandat Brooklyn Claatea for You.g Ladie. at Mr BKBTKA-A No 4- Pierrepout tt. THEARTofDANCINC and WALTA- lN(i ror.BP.CTLY-A CARO-The ata-. at CHAItltl 'lii'-S K Hiii-t, No _n Whit* .' will IO0BB-B9 11 .-Ari'RDAY Un!, lu*.'. ar . o 1,-i, in tha A.roea for I.adiea, Ml.*-. Miwte-t, at 7. H aad 'I K.nni, 4. f* t.eriti. 01-n »i the Himi n. No M Hut Ith nt . avear Br.I v. iv. ,n MOSIIAY, 9ft., Atd Wr.ONCBOAr. .Vth _t II nr on atd a( -4 for '.-1 . .¦!.-*- 1 aad Maitara, oa, M08 OA V. .Atn. at -. H and .. tivnini, lor lia'i'-kuiri. N » Mi ( HAKIilrVI ll i-tii-n* h.« kl'i. ara tlisnkl- '. K.,r fc ,1. 1,,-,-, ... i,,r pa-,1 Baaaaraatafl ..I-eraU'y _,,.,_' ed. and _>.ure* tbat. II ta ali baartBtft ,, laetaaee. li on P-; .a tu B_a88B__B h>t atti-ndbi'ca at that citf, tat bopea f r ll.e euiniiniation of a aatt 1 f tta r pBfi*aaa_* " hi* r r.i, * in Naw-Yorh. Poz pa.-ti ._._'., pl-aao --> -»* ni-/ -md s-Pfatap A'./ireaa. pioiw-farUB. APIANO-FORTE, of Btiperlor tooo and BflB-ki 7o**8V8; lt U naw, witb all tbe OfllM iu.proveinaotai haodaoma. naew.H.d r_o. It alil b**_l * ¦-,- low, a. tba own*: la aoon to Iravo tt* oUy. AddrtB, prspoid, PIANOPOBTE, tt tne oHi.s of li.l* BBB98 BRADBURYS BOSTOlN aod NEW- YORK PiANOWARE ROOMB, No 4W Bt_dt___ thr».e doort I'mve Caaal-M Aewjrfad Planoa, of apgroad with aud wltboBt tha A-.oliao. aa ahaapaa ataaa.B ti.. He wa, HaJIett. Darta lt CrV. , Llghl k Newt.'t **, Aa. Ploato call tnd aximloa. Ordert from *M_ad puaaW _iy attt.-.1.-d to E.O BRAUBUBY. CARHART'S MELODEONS, which ara proouweci d by tha beat judaee flflpati-r (oak other*. eaa ba had only of fh. aole egeat .1 8 CLiRK. fta _bl Broadway, ( tha Park ) B. B.IwdrttawB with itop. for Chuictiat. 70LIAN PlANO-FORTES.-T. __.I OILBERT k CO '8 celil'rated Plano-rorta*. wiB and wittoat tbo .tloltan. The .ul.acnb.r. who U ti.e _B ageot ia tm. any for tl a aaie cf thea* .B.trumeeU, (tc-___ of whlcli haa becorne wafM wide.),. now prefa-al to _9bf tbem at pric. whlcb, to tti.aa wtaluog ti par.ta, cmi.ot fall to I** Bat_M_tr.ry Poaa-aaing factui'-a for ****.>£ Ing i'nooa notnrpaiaed, lr BdBatad, oy thoae of aaf 9T9M hu_e tha city, ha doe. not h-aiu! a 10 aar tha tte ot_ PJJ_ ..¦. 1 iodoeement* to buyrra oot to be louad el-owAjar*. BA haacor-_tl> 011 .tnd ao et-iialve b_.')rtoi*Bt of Baaaw liand Pianoa. al oarfol> a which bt fearlebtly aaaerta wlll dB) -__ip«liu_B Ollfcart'. alrtant Bruduir. or Cottaoe Plaaffc lor ..uaii rooma Alao. Metodeoat. of Priacei ttd * aruirii luaka Oieod I'.alianaod 01) t.-Piaoia to i'-t. HORACE WATEU.S. No Ul Broidway, corner »f Aotliony at. ap t" _E EXTENSlVE StX)CK of PIA.SO PORTE8, which, rtr wp-riotity of toa. aad ac*'p, cannot la ..irpeased..Tha ni.en'ar b«f **. cf.iad the antlra -ttabli.Snaot of tl* lat» wall-fcbowa tt* ol Dl BOI8A 8PO0ART, who waraeagaged furmotalka foity yeor* lo tbta ei'v Wi tte flMBMB.tute uf Pitao >--. aad wh'*,. r-tiitaiioi ta more fay.-rabiy Mbowb tbta b»J Mbar lirm h A.rrtcA _ The PIANO KoRT_So8.rad for tila by tba s-lw-ir*-. ara made from tbe rery bc.t .aoauu- d rott-r-_t, ai 4 * t_lttatataM)a*ay_>ei_tBta Bad ara warra-ted 10 «'»Ad a* rari ruarr,a»|eai Ihta alimats; ofld 8r* made w;tfce»__ * ...'ar -vt.n a to lha U'lBVaiB, Ottf u aad Aa_ra- B C JOLLIE uaa rt444a__ia*d the atjOta _t-.h of Btdt, with the rxteettaa t-alo,ua of C^i-ta k imo<_ri, aod ._-> ttatof IratphP Aiartll. '.tr, lag. to_etta.y, tba lfz***l .*_ u .'. ',- ;r_rr,l__f rt._-.n-1n the t.'oli'al BHb.B, Br. ttB.* BieBerad to «_rplT .11 ordert "B the rroij Hbazal tartra. ' Io.lIB- PliVNO-r-ORTE LOAN CAMPkHV Thit hitklya.aea -fol CompaBj b r.ow ia l-«*|__ The pabita B»(*B.i_B lt c_Pad to Um kt^katkktmtatrm- Tliua aay perreoo u.> bw;otn*i the omrumr ot aw'aadld "*__ PitrU, la-ra.a frtrrn tfjrt t_ «-vj, pa.i-fl ritoalMf'¦¦Jr riei.u ef kii.a-twalfil, part ilt Tt*.*, tbay rtwir. «*"_^*7_ fula, tad pay tta balmce ia Oki lngtt! -kaitao! oat-t aO-*A\ o-t-r.tlly ,. ,__ _, Pan© P-rtw tur ulro. Eva#y i_Atr_-_Bt »U at tt- " laldbB.BBM ia » ura.'ted _ ._ , BAMl IL C. J01__IE, 1.. _50 Br^trajrJ'^ F_»F SALE.At No- 8 l^hT-J*; B.zt dnur to lha .A___f Hubba-8 vartaty£*£+ oata.e i-jaw-wood Ptai t-PtiTt-a, WArraol-. w firm "JTbi. ^_^__!!_?i«i-^- Gic H. BARMORE o-TwjJfJ^ a mac -.ytcry aal Na -y.T_Trp__, 8c*__r tf Cl_f-a,8B _t-i,r_ne. I cf a_*_a_« __f^. ^aa witt tte ._.' a r, frama aal ttttnt a-MB-a aaa a- n_de:B faBMBfMaBiaMi ¦ .--* f7_C. ____*_____tm_\ '¦M»_-__^?---2___J. t )*. _ Widg. aod oa-tol -j .^_\Xm_4\\\tkt4\w\

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Post on 29-May-2020




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Page 1: · T^r^HYSTClANS.-ForRale.ka.u a aduj or-S --UDregRtor,. a_+k-B-w-BBjig' B^r aaaaatha BMl-teyee-,ua g-aod a'^^^^TllTura.fT_Tfo.Uiak. la _8»V_*l?mbv"id

T^r^HYSTClANS.-ForRale. a adujka.u or-S --U Dreg Rtor,. a_+k-B-w-BBjig'r aaaaa tha BMl -te yee-, u a g-aod a'^^^^TllTuraB^ Uiak . Howa la _8»V_*l?mbv" id.fT_Tfo. r^' *'» lk* tBBp OfN4f^%^0 gO

a*^#, --TbJTy^ E***SLi£»I OBu. with an ->»-W4aiaw8^^«_^..__rr-t.«t y-*--*^*** ^.^;nt*Tr_-aT*ut huwi.

w_affori arareatportnttoy W>m« bbjbBA* ¦Wftt-MA Oaly a »£XuaB__ar» b-BaB 33 aadI char-.*^C ____^f*41B^s_wW_4B -.¦oar wl'l ba made ut.

_&, A^«» ~" H JELL. nVi^Nuu.^SYTihn^A^ROFITABraK BUSI49 J aUflt J.rv-E-* RTANO for AALE-Nowte fatl

a*aj, at tb* fBt*-^awao* vbbco._Tfiwklrb 150 par ceot. a month canI \J\J pr*,t.T.)y tremtdi (for a f*w bABABBB a aata

atul adea-ani baaib***, oo i laru or arnail anxount o' caiiltal.__*.**_ i*aU«B-BB ar. now er raged le thl« aaonew wbo are,«_-_-*/them. r**ll/iog moeh aaorathaa tbe a lowe per cent.

RWptrtteBlara f-Areaa hox No. 842 B. Y. _*t-Offlee, fivtoaj


JBOOTO WtXkt Wa9tt*a%._^TarUVATE FAMI-Y, No. 5'2Houa-t-a-at would reot haod-melv T_i_i***d __>tnat,nnnmtjnl^mith kr.xkfut -rveef ia tbeir ruo-ui. 1/re-

A__GENTLEMAN Rod Wa Wife, or onoortwo Mngl* Q*n_e_en, mi f.d handtoraeJ- _..

*d rwonia, at No 171 Eaat ]7th-AL ThA hoaw fcr-*.with batb*, hot alr, aaa. La._MKRlCAlB ao,'-.!- Pror-io. N. G.

da Hotel 1* by 0- tb* r_o*t alry. nmiou aad aaatawao ta *fco City of r_aan**** aSwBB O BOWIaEO rnrrH*. '

AHOME WANTED.By a youoeOenileman ;b a rupecUMe Catholle ta_i!y. A prl.

a abt B__e prrfarrad, or wbere bnt . few aeteet boarder* are

lakea Tha advertiaer I* deeirow of ol-fstoin* a pleuvitaud eheerful bow o. Beat of retareoee gi-.en. Addres* forObb .ok D. 8 ¦ , Dtlly Tnbun* Of_ce._~T~PURNI8HED ROOM to LET.JfOLVery ehup Alao a room and .edrooan attaehed. tottt to *.ngl* Oenlemen only Apply at f>0 _)'¦ Oraeawicli,near Barclay «t, or addrew BB"W N. at tbia

~_T GEINTLEMAN wishoi board for him-jr\. ulf aod little tlrl io a private fatntly ln New-York orWIIHa-nvbargh, the latter prefnred Breakfaart aod tea onlyfort-egentleman Addrew THOMA8, Wit'ia-nia- -cb Poet-©9ie* or Oi' rn of thla paper, atatlng wbara aa isterviewOMkjalaaA_A GENTLEVIPaN and WIFE, who

jtJL woald Iike a qaiet botne, aan he acoopi aaadaied at-ttiiB Boooi and Bedrooni n tbeaecond 'Inor, tn ageoteel Board-lng Houae, on modereAe t*n_*, by applylng at No. 417Oroo.e at. Alao a llall B- droota, that would mtt a



ALADV hitri-ig a handBorriA Houaa,with ail thamcdern improvetnaei*, wighutomeet

O tbat woa d aevance ber $100 or t'rtio. aad forgba aat of lt raceive gf d board anrl 1 and* ime fumi.h.-dTtrOBBji, If daiired, aad wbere the comforta of a booie mayOa ealoyad. A aote addreaaed to R T. T, Tribun. Oflice,arlth aaiaaand wbara aa tBtarriew can ba bad._"_^PRlVl_fETA!itlLY, roaiding in n

j£\ deefrable locatioa i* the vleiaity of IIBa- and tha-tb-av eae aoopmi-odata witb farniahed Rtooi* and B ix-rta OwBtlerntn and Wina. ortwo or tbraa ainzle Oantlemeo.Per rarther ptrticuiara appiy Bt No I.i VV atar a*. Houaefurnkji ed with the mederu iuipr-reroeoU.

A~ GiNTLEVlAN aod Wifo can be oc-coa>_d.led with a aleaaaai famlai ed room oo aee-

oad ftoor, or a i'o|la Oaetleinaa nr I.Uv with . l*rge frontraeoi en third flotir. in a rlain .neate family. Oath ln the8.8-8,1.0 Appiy at No. .41. Weat lith et betweea 8tboad Atb-*x-a.*

A CCX>MMODAT10N for FAMILIESJ\ aat BINOLE OKNTLBM RN, eaa now be wcortjA atBia. Ut Bieeeker-at Tbe uteulre addiiton to the huiidio*bttag aompleied tha bouae oul ba raady fur tha raiaptloa ofB-arcrraor, MONDAY. (let 4

8UITE of haodsomely furnlshndApartoiao.. with Board, eaa he obtained la a private

bouae A front room ta 2d ftoor for a aiagia U_o-Apply at No. 44 vVeat 23d at.

OARD1NG..Elogant aoltea of Parloraaad Bedrootna, alaro siegle Room* bbwIt and rtahly

-_.la_*g) bow ready lo 1*4 for tha wlatar, witb gaa, hatt.,4_t, la tbe firat- claea orown RMna t ou*., No Tb Waat i-iu-at.

I"lOARDINO "dOWN"TOWN.At> CHAMBKRLIN'R N«r_ Riv_t Hoaaa, No t4*)a*hliigi«.ii it new Waahiogio* Market. A few perma-

.aal Boardei* aaa be .cv-. .m-n datad witb Roard at Rl 44B>er week Alao, f*ra_h_4 K.-mi lo -M wiik or wit-oWioard.


BOARD ON BROOKl.VN i.Ii.HTS.AOaatleinnii and hi* V\ iV, a_d tn .. *lng'e '», ntlr-

uea, wuhlng gentral Roard in a vervdwirable loaaiion. uit,beatilted byappllcallon at No 141 IllcU-at, Brook'ya. n ita*la teii inliuie.' walA uf Ibru farriea. SatUfutory tefar-oare* exebeapad.

BOARDINO in BROOKLYN..P«r-*t>na loeallce fur the winl.r. x* ill fintl larga and pleu-

Bntraonraat No 47 San.iitt rV> ily tn'tli, aod atricilyprlvata Terma _itid*r*i*. Referaire* aiohangeo.

BOARD an STATE ST.A GantliimRnand bla Wif raa obtaln a p'euart room. furnttbed or

UBliitLtahed, anik Bi ar.. at No 14 ."-at- at.

TL>OARD. (.(io.! Kootr.B ani Doitril alXJB No _ Puil. t, at. for -aaateat, day aad par_a_aa 1

BO A R D..Lark;« Rooma with Be IBcoiti. Bull.Me a-r t>. iitninnn ani thelr VVIvmci

Mngle U.ntlanina , hath tn tba ImnBe atxge* paaa tba duorApply at Nu 28 St Mark* place, Siii-tt

T>OARDlNG lor tho WlNTEPx..TliaiBadaaritwr bu tabea one of tha but and largert hotiieaIa VA'llllanwbargii-Na *.a H. nth <eth*l, iut tba Peny-tt_d tavlag a aiiuxil family, and more room lhan ba wanla,arnuld tak* . Oei ileanaa aod Lady, or a faw lieottsmea,with ot wtthout Boaid.

BOARD.A I'ront Parlor and i'antryto let tt. ¦ i'ro.1Lleniaa an4 Lad<, nr ta anigle Oaatie.

oiia Ra 'eieaoet exohanged. No II Rutgert t'.

|>OARDlNG..A rcry dpaslrablo^rontJl_l Rocen aad Bedrooni, oa Iba a.»oad fl_»r, are vasan' alRo 63 Bei-e.y-at, e.iiabi* fur a l-iiiiij, or a pany of thruor BJ. geatl-wea

BOARD..Two Gi nr r>:nf»n nu.l thrilrWi\aa,and thrv* or four aiag'e Can find

BMoiAww-BOa i.h lull or paitial B. ard. a' So 0)_BMI4_>84, cotner lui.a tijuar* and 4. av. Beat A r*i*t*.io* glvsaaad tntj.irtd_T>OARD. . Eli'«nnt auUba and AingleMJ P-amra may ba nkti' ierl lu tbe flrat-elaM brown BionaUuaa*. Ni>4Sl \\ e*t .'-1 M , aear im-av liosM Bew, »rt*ail ImptpnBOiOtit*. Befareiioe* requtrtd.

O A R DIN G.A Gfantlaman aml hlaVVife, cr aUigle 0«Btl*uteoji. aaa h* uaooim-idoUd

ith p room* aa* btord at No iB Eaat Br _loayBefcreau. aai-k-iiged

BOA RDING.. .Mt'os,iiiMEv.-oni». wiThBoard. furiilOied cr uofuxniihad,!.-. . Arat ctaw boue,, A*, kt .%-. »I Waat Itta-et. ReferaocuaaehugeR._

OARD1NG.At Noa. 45 onJ i? EaatPaaadaay, °** Aieuaai looaii and pantry Atr . Oantla-

piaua.l rocvins for ¦aaafl* IrMtiemaaB__a aad VV ifc. Alao piaua.t rotun* for -nagiaBi- aad co)j batha.* axa-aaped.

BOARD.At No. IM W.nerlev-pli.ct'.TWaer three tn.glo g*atlaiii*a: alao. a Bkaaliy with-

aal iat.ll ahtldrea, oan oktaia plaauat roonw, with fail 01B.tla! twatd. Re far* nc* * et.i_ag' d.

"DOARD..A ttentli'tnan aml Lady. orA_B wvaral Oentle-ien m-v have plaawnt Roanaa witlO.****-. at tbe teatrall. Lxa.tai iwaiilaf Wo. .? VVeoaMr .:.OefartBcw akobaag d

.DOARD.Rooma for l_mlli«a and aln^lt_.^l__-T'*Wo lM _**1l**-* Ho«-» -^ ***Bil ta* tooaera t'npro**___u Rvfe-easu axahkiied."DOARD-WWi llooau .ultable for mar-^__,Bwat^___, SSa^SKif5^ %nd thflr Wirr..!____! __ -a^l8" ^_?..****4 wita Rowi___^ ^ Ra>.ia, at Nn \ i tao Bn»a4w».itf________.! ^n,,«^-~^^wTfeT__aauta Boara, acd a Bwtaaa.i tsa>a.*id«_- huk ..Boatni. aaf____L . ¦_C_i_^_.^_J^' ,*K",,

_____-. _- __Tk wf ___? *-n .'>"' af'-aut th,iaraaa, bkr RT p*g wub Tha roroa ta tuaalle* w-tl _._..,Oc4d watar. Batb la tha kApptp Bhak1 Cbariuw it__T__- '-.A I ._ a

** ' -_*aao.*-4 W'.ll, aot toiaa.d uaia: Hi.r- . ..K _U**iaacu u.-Jtaugai


SOARD IN A PRIVATE FAMILYL"^A¦_!.__,,07ft,0., ___*-*¦ **>«trao_, adjoaa'lo Lat, arttb Roard, ta a gaaUooka and bta wife. Xu_<oa*wlww«nal4g*n:w-Mootaldb* ux>_mod*t»A Aa*1p ____»t Waa* 11- at.

SOARDI_aiG.--*A Gen_f^an ~andliUAVBa or twa atatka BAtO.BBBk aaa .>-!*. n a k_r» rrt-1ao Ako aaasaR *V-_r. aaoM waifortably fbbbbmL witb

«T*a*aay aBUakid. Two atag-'* _*atl*uaa aaa aleo be ac-aeaitBilBUil wttk pnad Rea.e aa* Bas-_. 1».b-~ at No.rl Waatar-at, wxxat of Ricodwar. RaOrvnca *A_-_ng*d.

OARrJ|Ni_..A tront BasfrTifnt. witiiRSgat.r tJtacrw-, la WA with aiyaa Rcwrr-a, ta . haoat_^__**o wiAtni -nprvv.meajta, Na *W Otbobi at, aea:CIibbbs ylmn

f>OARD!NG.-Tlirrvea orfour aingla Gf»n--B-f tlawia W laVaiieBkaa aad thelr \a raa aaa he avo.-aaaAakaR trtth parOal or fhll Ru*rd, tn _. Urg* maderaro-r*S3__*r' §^fo***t.*****<*i*«*****

OOARD..Ib tha larjp commodloojgy baaa* Na 1/T B_it_a_ Ooot board BtwtO MM

BOARD in SOUWlmOOKlTnT-IA gaatiemaa aad wife aad a (*w a g_tl*m.

tu be bccri.i' odatrd w,t*i lare- r-oc. in a n* B1J f-r.-i'.h-e'J tuuaa, of tba fi-at claaa, r_tr.og Baodare lagrivemant*.Apply ai L'otcia at. fred-ora from U.ka, aear tba Hi-tt. Ferty- _.le.o_t-_a l_qtiiwd._

BOARD irTRROOKLVN.. Two hand-ar-o* parlort ob firat BaWI alao Bcrla rooma wit), fall

w paittal Board, at No 19. P_toa-t_, batB.a Oraapt andPinaagple Ma.

BOARD!-~B.kA^OKLYN..Gentlemwoaadtliair VVireacaa be ac-ommoda'ed with pleaaaa*.

>li> Pioon_, ¦Bfl panttiet finnahed a* aof-'o'iberl; l!k--wi.o(wo Oant*em«a witt Braakfatl and T.t. Tta* e_i-

forfa of home wtil be fbaod A pp'y at Ma. 1 Vi A4*_t-*t-

OARDINO..Two yonng Mea, or aGaa-emao aad hla Wlfe, eaa be ar.ouimoiat.I wttb

s ipocluo* Room on ti.e aoc._d floor, witt Board, ia a pri-rato f_o>t!y. ln tt* Beigbbwbood of Oroal tt aad tte B ,w-

_pb wbare tte eomforta of a home oao be eoroyod Rafar-aoc.axehaaged. Addraat 8. H. Trtbaaa Ol.a_BOARDINO.A ploBaaot Parlor on

.eeoBd floor, witb Board. to re-t tt 8 < l*n*.le_i- andVV'ita. Elne Paatry attaebed, and batt io tta l aaa. Alao.a larga tuiuble f r two Oeottamen. It hu a pi'tryandgia'B. Apply at No IMChambtjrttt_

BOAhDin CHaMBERS-ST.A Oen-tleman aad Wife aaa obtain a pletvaat Room witt

Board a*. No 1-6 Cliambe-t *t. Atao, two nozle Ueatlemonmay be oceo_irri4>dbted.

BOARD WANTED-ByaoiDglo Gen-tlamar lna privata Preoch famliy, whera Prensl -.

SB~k*B *xelu*iveiy. in tblt City or ia Brook'yn. Tarmtn.oderata. Addie*. ItOBERT, Box No ?,414 P.O., pootpiid.

B'lMRD WaN 1 _D.By a naval____**»,tor bta W-fe aad ber aervaat, dnnng tbe Winter. ia a

r'nr'ly pnvate family. Addrew L. W.A, Triboao Office,atttinf teruii locatiua, Ac.

BOARD WA1.TED..A furniBhedfroot parlor aod li-droom odiotaln-, on tta eeeond

floor, for t Oentlemar, and VV'ifa Thoae bavtag aacb BB*commuriariuDi may addreaa P. R L, tt tho n-icart thitpoper, atitlcg faiiy tanne, iocatioo, Ac Refazeace. ex-ci.anred.

I^URNIsHED ROOMS near Wmhiog-F too Sqoare. A geatlemto and htt wife (wlthoot eh.l-Ireo), cao ohtaio BBB_BBt, fumialied r aitnt, witt aaa of tbakiter-.m, or a few aingie geatiemaa tak'-n. w'ta or withoutfcre.faet, lo a firat claaa privata btniae Engliafa aod rar*aot. epokea No. II St Clameot'e-placa, Btaedoogtl-at,ketwwaji Waverly place aad Cli iton-place.

F"URNI^HED ROOlVIS, withont boitrd,at **lo. 14- ChamhcrB-ft Tka k*_aU.n taoetirable, tbo

boutt :. firt* elaae. wel' forolahed aod ooaupltd by a amal!pnvate lamily. without ohlldrto.

FURNI-vHED RtrOVlS to LET.Withrr althoot partlal Bsard-two Roo-t oa toa te ml

floor to Oeotleaan. ortoa Oaottemaa aad I, . VVife AppirBt No b_7 Hotul. tf, wwt o.' Br.adwiy. Refereace* ra*rjuired.rURNlSHED ROOMa-l..A few'Geo-F tlan ob ean be arronirnodated witt Porntabad Roomaky appiylog at No. 4". Veeoy-af.

EURNI *._____) KOOICB ta LKP.Twaingie geotlemAB, with or without partlal board, al6 Cbambara-at

GRA M H ERCY HOUSE.No. 908Oroadway, eoroer of .'th tl., New-York.It ttlt day

.peoed fur tte roaeptloa of gnotta. Itooottlna two aoa*1,-ed rcrorna, repieto witt erery modare aoareotanee, aod larhrnlabed throngtiout in a ttyle of alogaaco, at ls_t, aot rar

puted bv any f-iotel ln tta C1ty of New-Tork It will balapt ud tne Amaricao and Eo.-ope_a piaoa oomhioed. andtta r-Bttunuit and tablo d'hote wtli bo of the nxnt aupaiiottharaeter Tha locatloa of tho Hoaae ta in tte oaator of thomost faariioaable portloB of tta aity, aad tte proprleuir* willrp.e bo exertloo ln mtko thalr ___.* eoe nf the hrat-elawof famliy Hoteb, while, at tta aame tin.a. t ley wil* babappy to reaaiva af goeata ttoao who may lenpira-ily riailtte cityN. B~Panilllaa aog bi ooUce.New-Vork, Juo. 1 I8..Pandllet aod partlaa a-pplled witt inecta at tha

t. Juoal 18..UONAOI t CO., rropiietoTA


DLEASANT FUKNISHED ROO.VISI to LET-With or wittont Preakfatt aod T«a at No

i*y. Oroena-tt., ratweea Cllntoa aad Warartay-f.aa. Taaknser haa all tba t-odara Irr.p. evemeala

ROOMS to LET..A prirato family.aearlttb-et and the 6th.a* , will reat antil the tiral

of May nett, a froot parlor and uaa or two ooouguoaabed-roorni, eiUer furni.bed or uafarr.lth'd, to ona or (wo tta*

tla ilrnti-uirn Oa* aod batt ia ttA bouto AddreAiAN*IERBON. at tbU offic._

CHiMS, handsomcly furnlsbed, to letat Nu

ROOMS to LET..A few (tentlemenean ht acocmmoaated ia a privata famliy for the

wi:,(-r, at No M V artck-B. oppoBto Bt Joh** r.rk, witbapoclout Rooma, on aeeood or thtra fleoia, furnUhad or un-a-i_f.i.' d. Apply oo tte premteea.

QT. alOHNS PARK..Two or "throep_J) (iaatlemen can be a_.n>mcd-tod with Board for thetaloter, tt No..-., V orlck-tt, next door to l_igbt-at~ aod p-poaiie tha Park. Oa*. Batt. Ac

TEN (dry nnd liHndsoine FURNIBHP.I) ROOMBtoletforlba winter at ths OUiord

Uou.e, No. b_ VVarren-at Apply at aay hour

TO LET ROOiMS.One, two or thrrve,all oo tte aeeood floor, to a amall family. or to Oentle-

ttirn withuut |h- ard. trum oow to lha l.t of May. ln a ¦***.rat- lli.u.e, witoia five niiuiite.- walk of ths Rlt> Ilall Cro-toa water, batMug aooveuirnrea, ya _, vault. BWOi houat,Ac. Aoply to A HABCV, No. I._ Kultoo-at. npa'airt

TO I__T~_WtTH "BOARCr^-TlHr,*.froat Parlor and 2 Booatt fot atagle Oaatlameo, at No.

145 Hudauo-M, opaoBW 8t Joha* Park. Baf-aoe. ex-

th-nred._ri^O LET.A Sulte of RtiomB on aerondJ_ 'Irorof hoeee Nu 3.1 '.dav. o-, upi-4 by a BttTBM

fau.tlr, f-i m«'''_ ot unfi ri,:n r<t. wllhou'. Kotrd, ln o:.e u.twuairzle OaaflBBWOa. Rrlerenoet requlred.mO LET. vviili BOARD-A lirpe frontJL Room a. d r.rdroom, witb Paotrlsi, to ¦ rtry plea*40t

loea'i.a, *_r av., b-'u-rtn I'th aad I' tta , ooti block frouiBiubdway atage Audraaa Bo, No I 146

\l/AN___)~_OARD-_-y a lahi.ri.»T ?, lo a plaii,, i'rets*._t faiiiily, _i wliish he wid

paj 91 rit per week. arar City Hall or Chal^am nuara.NoCathailio ne*da_*kv,r. Addraat i tbiaoiice

WANTED.An unfurni-lit- Room and¦______-, wuh Botid. tor * (}_n(<ar..o and h.a

VV'iff, to a anvate tttnl'v wbeta ibere ara fow ot no etherbtardai. Situauoo balkroau "tb and'.'lat ata. BBd l.t acdllb-ava. Addrea ISAAC. Trlbuoali e

ANTED.By a **in_,l(* an un-f rntt-d Boom, with a tue place aad p.< try at-

tacbad, <o aiiiull prtiate lui.lly, ira oj botrd-era.locaiiuB betweeo lili aiid PtiBc tl. nci far fiuni weetof Brr-odway Trroai moat be modertte Tlie t.*t of r.*»r*

u and tequlitd. Addrcat AL1CE, Broadway Poat-Oii'ee.



(.OBBrB to Crt.

C"OTTAIJE to LET al REDFORD. L. 1.-lo. t-'.na ine h d r,a-ru». dr8wtng-roor_a, pan <z aad

)*i at laaa Bl .'.h kiicl>en aad larga oeil.r. Sttndai a »nd wil, ae letdy for oecoptl._ by tte l&thof

Oct. ber. To t l-od l.oaat oo ohjactloa to let fjz a termof yeara Tmant eaa have zarden taid out to >ait himaelf.Ouiiiibiaea by eveiy boa4 Ua Pultoo *__ BouiQ Eer.-le .

ApFly lo P.B'..v^^N Y r-M09taaES1RARLE OKFICES tt^rETV-^l.rge aod _e*ouful aultea of Routu. la tta Mee bulld*

taf No.1. lire-oalab-et, Bilta-ta fot Ih. _i ,)f .h'.ppipgbv-to* cr uf tawyart ln txtandva prac tke, alao, nogtaRootx. w-.ll ba tat oa rcotooahle termt oo appllettiuo oo thoM.BM to JOBEPH J COOK.E b CO.

PART of a HOUSE ta LBT-To at»4 rit.eiiiin aod VV'itf, or rery ¦BB.I ainily Plea.aaf-

ly at, *t»d on tta wt at aide of the ci'.y, joat abj .-a Caaal r rristi cf two large and one amallroooa oa lha _J " _:,bmoroom io att'o, baaament, froat vaa't aad t_ia largawi. P.-aaaaiou aiveo lmneditielv. Reot at tba rate oft_.» per aoriuiii Addreaa Box _J_< Poat-O-i.-a

FDRN1SL.ED HuUSET^A g_ol houaeia a deihabia kacatloo ia 9rooklyn. oom-rti-y far.

o!t':eJ, wlll bo lat Ij ag.d teaanL Iaqulre at No. 1.5Bioadway

ROOMS with ST_-A_1 POWER taI ET.P.-is lighi BooaM, with goodauady Power, to

WL ta tta aaw Itapot Buiiloj, aoroer of Caa tre aod Prank-fraaWa. Apply to W. A. ALULN, na tta tramtaa. **>A__dlar. fi- ¦_ to 10 daily.

STORBS toi LttT.Threo Storea to lattaC.'irt-.t Bi.Alyai, aa'table for Pamltara Suraa,Ory Ovx.tor ta-Ba Storat; wi'l aot be rented 9>r Lio_w

BttrieA Btaat, Ra-i fc, __,a atjra, ?.* fur ti.>i ooa la-tki*k of g. p. TOVV N8ENO.

npO LET, in BROOKLYN-In"To-up-B_________k>two diroa-j, r Aidbaaaoio-r bilsk Hoitet,a__Vw,*,"_*'*.. *,°* bbajM Wok-a-ol'-B-, two t-rae-

4^____Tii _u*'* TV**..mMBBM cew and flffll f_._ah.*-ta___$Lt. Rtt 9aa__!2l " "yft *"'V° _.W

[Ti____^i^i^MF^£^^E^w____?S&5S.5_^^Ore.awt___ BmtmS^^_%\*T_^atsmk.Ho.iCt1 . BA_A*gg .r-**fMtTvaMj

! 1 taulttfi-_!^Ii?to____S_s^<*___-._E,rl± N___^W__T^t^^knTU.-4rJffila_W^ l^ttxrvitaaMtaraWa^,^ST... _^ *» t ztad IM-A IfVbtlJtftHART. Ita 7| Jiaibm, btrtmrtwa 14 S5- t M

** tlma

T[) LET.Well-Ughted ROOMS, witbar w'<ixoot Rtea. Power, ,.'uv **.». Inealraof

C M BIMONHON. Nalll l_aw._

f*pO LE1'..Thf lirj.*. Bi!4«»rne>iif. kooft-J. U Nu BiOk Mt. B**oa1w*T. aat- dniag (iraae __-.__,

beiar'''leot wK.e bj 110 Le' d«er, -tl' be le-W tar *K."... a-i. Bow_n* R_i_t_, .. Rt 11-rd Aalooa, h.vag ath* a-co_t.dadoba wai' adat toa for tucn parooaea, aua i u

gaa, Cr_t_r. vater, -atar ci **l*. aad a very na* kt. a__-

ApylytoD T HAC"ARL\N, No. 77 id ar. rroaa A t. 9A B.Br.d5tc: r.BL, or No 3 Na***u at, froia U A M.ta.r »i_TO LET at HOBOKEN.Two ion-

T'cieet aod b»B_8orr.« three-atu v. tiaroeo: aid on 1 I.rliar briek b-uea. witl.ic faat bloesg of tie ferry la 'kearewrcwoa Hurlaco M, kn wn u Kran-,;r_ Tarrx.e. Toabct_.a e.r po- on* ot th* i.oat leiiraaig the vtc_.ltv of Ne»-*i ort. ¦ ."an blgb ponad aad good aol. baelaf aTi'ewof tba ity aac river Excb h-mw hu ta.lee rooos*.

pantrie., st-l a large unrter celltr, Power gardac ;i»e«tdeepta f-oct aod a yard 4*> feet deap ir the rear. Taaaa b. .¦»«are wtth r.ngea tn the krehaaa. bul andI eoli wattrat the wub toba aod aioaa arttb every -lavt-n'enee for botaad enla K*tha, thower kaa.a k Th-". a-e arlthla ha" xabour of W al-*t, ana will he >et mttcb vlow the New- orkrai" Itq'itre at tke Hctweea 1.nd Utlice, ag

VV. W. RUirPEN, Afao*

T© LET.A modern built* three atoryM< i*e. ii. eo-ipleUorier, in a rery d*t'rable lo tti *a,

ap towa near Bmaeway R.» t t*"1 Pui-itnra, if re-qoiree. Addraat Box Ne. I ' .'< iVi- >i_- e

T(TlET-1.ROADWAY STORE No.6<7 .The ipeciooa St'.re. M feet deea ia the aaw

" MarMe Buiid-.Lgt," r.aar Bl.es_*r st- Alao, BauoaeatRtore*, V-iif' f... loffy *nd w>'. Iigii'ed Alaol.rx. ar,

a-raaii Btaaaa la tb* LoOa. RERBOBI BREWSfER.

TO LET.On Btage route. E*8t drook-in sa_tli_ree.ory B itk Ho.aa. tix ro xna beao-

DaeBt, i.' tnd fe.lar, t-lcing-doort, ia.vary aonvaniect loraa.iall farnly Rent, *. .. t_ fi-it May next Poa-aea.trn ir_.edtaialy. Inqnlre at the A_eney. Mml-Av,near Prankiia. E K V'AN RG'RCt

TO LET.To r ainglt* Gfntifman, witb-oat Bnard a t.rge fnrnl.hed Boom witb paaBry .:-

taeti-d. on tbe thi-d flowr at No. 141 Ureeaariah-t A pri¬vate fami'y Appl. eit-her at tbe hou*., or of Mr. U. A.11ALSEY at No. 14. Waabingtoa-«t, eoraer of Day-et

TO LET on BR8_tADWAY--T_o aewand apscloni etnre ar.d ba*rrr.-nt. admirably located nn

Ihe B. E aorner rf Broadway and Broom a-at. Apply toll.MILLER, No Itt Bowery.

O LET.A furniahed Honae in thf*toa.i ot Ry», 4*'e*tu_e*r*r Co.. within on. hoar. ride

frotn tl.e eltytby the New-York and NewHavea RallroelTbe bouae a of toodern hnlah. convanieet ko th* depoc andI* ha every re.pact . deatrable _.untry reald.nae Poatea-at-vB Unmed-tely. Apply to U M. C. OSBORNE. No. 1 IPoar1 at._

TO LET-.Serernl very d*a|i^hrful roomi,fBmiaaed or unrumlahed. o adrntraaly adapbadfer of

fior. beiog in the new and epaclo. bxUleing 8 E. eornsr

Boadway aod Broo...»? Apply . U. MiLLEa, No. l'_Bowery.

TO LET.With or without ateam pow¬er, tke firat, aoeond or tblrd Rtore* of tb* large krtoA

butidlngon V7tb st, oear tltb-Bv. fleiteble for bury work.Inqu'.r* la th* r ffioe of Aoundry

Uoneee ittartuft.

HOVBE WaNTED.The adverdVerla deair. ua cf getUng a houee where the reat will ba

taken out ln whole or tn part ln boarding Tbe prlvliege Uwacted of takltig a few other re*pe.t*i. e hoerder* Loea-tloo op Acdrew T. B, No. 47u Ith-av. Ooodiefar-ence givea


HOUSE WANTED .A gentlrmnn,witbarmall fa.'i.ily.w_nte atwoorthrae-atory, modrra

i.i,i.'t i-iite tn rn tha lat of No.rmber a* tt Beat fro n

i -1> to *-->" per b- mim. Addxeia OOOO TENAN f, at tl.eOrfice of tbia paper.

HOU8E WANTED UP~TOWN.Toieua for a tu-all family. Bitaation. kc. mug11« fir.t-

rale Addrew. witb deacripuoa and terma, J. N., Tii'.iaaOffic*.

MILL WANTED.Waatod to len.*fr _ tie lit nf \prlln»xt hy a mtller. whothor- uV

ly nnd.n'atda tiie buimeaa B O tfj M'il, wirb .- aid wtterpr.wer situatu ia b grain country. Apply by letter, atattogpartleuiar*, tern.a, Ar. to

E. vv.ui NHAM k SON, No. .1 B*tit*_-«t.

PART of HOUSE WaNTED by ain ail f»i: iit, oa Waat aideof the sry, h-twenn Kr.nk

LnBicl *t itrect. Rent rnid l.e modarate, .nd tlia n-tgh-boihooii g..cii. Addrr-«.l.c W, Baa Ull P Ol

Yl/ANTED-A fur;iialn*.l H..uso ln theO * upper pa-t ofthe city, from NoTeraber to May;

real from tl.ixi1. Ri,.V U per annoin family Bm.ll; ixtii.faemry .ifereecea a« t» rar.ful c»age. a'd the whol- of therert |.oid in advance, if tieatied Addres* Box No 10 i'oet-Offire

WANTED.*.parfmfnt8 aui'nlile for hPhynrUi eontlgting nf r ll ee tnd bedrooui oa n-ne

floor It I. de.lred tl ai the ioeatliin abould ** on Ih, 7th,.or' ih ai.. .'ih prr«eri-d / anrl be'ween I"»ih and '-Kh at*.Rent n rat be rnoderate. Add eaa R. > Trtbuae ofliae.

ANTED to RENT.Frotn this timeuntil IMof May. I_">l. a Houae, four Itortet hign,

ln a pleaeant lenteel locatlnn, ith .11 tne modern imp'ote-ineita. Tbe rert not to e\ced Al.VKi per annum. Addre_L.BixNo I.ITR. B T I.A fOBga


Real Cetau tor Bale.CHANCE for a HOUSE and LOT.Worib Rl.itai ax iii be gl-e.-i t.i eacb purr.hegor (aot lo

AA\ JB- »-v._ w',--1-". n,i. u. a. '¦_ _. ...u «.*».. ¦ \__- .

aacne. one thouaand) uf a bol'.le tf Coi. gne, for tl. *t HAL-BK Y B Urug btora, *t the oomer of Pea.-1 aad Raoa-*M. Alarge proportion have already been told.

AR A R E OIM'OK'ITNITY..2100ACREA A LAM) r'OR SA1.E-AII nnder eultiva-

ticn exe. ptlng ilJarreao' v\ u.d _.. >t ta aitualed ootb* Peort* Leka, *aj lllisoi* Blrnr, . I.w tsilae aurtb nf iheBtiUiiihlBg City o' Prort.. It u a tioe ilr-'i 8uU, and lo 8aaetlon ol ihaeouotry iner*a*'nt r.proly In lt* population.I' iu gre,laAtw.BtaM i.'a.ioJ -ith tne Nortb.Bd BeaBh bj «ir.oifH,.r*. wh_b .rn pa**ing conuautlly f,iChlcago. ala.) fui Rt Lui.ia. Tbia Kirm aoai.iuAl il-aaaa,with aeveral I'.nrng and oi'.-r brriluiag. ll .l*o buo.itll.iii'Afple T(»e«. atd 6,e«4i Pe_eh Treu whlc'i ba-.e ,ui:c in.r-c. oewiing It i* well adapted lor s ulony. or forexiar_t\e fainiti.g ai.rl lt now affer.,1 I r uie at a modaratepilce, on euy terma. Addreu B. C , at Tribane Offic*.

CEDAR GROVE for SALE.AtStaiea Itland. frtinunr on tbe New-Vork Bay, aew

the locuoa cf tb* Old Tr-e, about .j nulu BAtW tneNarrowa eUihradng *' aaiea of Land, inguudlng the Cedara,BoliaiLga acd l>«-ek, . ith lette-i patea: for tbe grant Uierra-for The lease of tbia property la a'oout termtaetaag, tbeaacie havlug beea oocupied fur th* laat flxa rear* during th* wuona, ua piaoe of reaorl toraea balh'Bg aod pua-lie euierta.uientPor partiemlarB, taqnlre of J. DI LL, aear, or Mr

H"VVKB, on th* pra-taee, or ef R. k B. IgORO, No. 1-Pr-Bt-M , New-York -Dated. Bept A. I-..

COUNTRY isEAT for SALE.Thel.iderce of the ixte Powler Ortgga, of Cora.ail.

Orarg* Coutty, N. Y- wiCi iift*--n acre. of land. wellBtocked witb afit* var'ety of t/uita, le greU aboadaao*. l*ortered ft-r ul* Krom ita daily eo-n_t_!aa*.!oa by *4a*_.boat and ra'i'-ad witb Naw Yrrk. ud tt* beeatti. andhaallby otuuloa, kaliag at tha ectraaee to tbe Hig'i aod*. oath. ha-kaof tb* il-deua Riier. ot auoh it buac _a-id-tcg Mrw, leederi it very i*ertah;e u a BBB.AMBI oraa_ir_errr-i.ri o*. Kor partlcu.ara .prlj i.i Maasra. C. H BtNi),Ksaj-No. *.r Booih tt, JAMKS MARaH Kto. No. il aod H_ LKNa-r- t'< tnii -_, No .'ri WaaBtllgton..New-To-k. or P. B. 0R1-0S, C-bwb.I.

CH EAP RENTS..For Bole.oma or threeeb.tee Lota on l.ulney-i*-. Brooklyn. niaar Kult-an ar

atataa,) lurroua**. witb plaa.>t c I'tc- bouaes A toodci u_'nriabi8 ccttage aan be huii: for |l R ", tba prea ol one

..a three f.r Bi.'..',) _i__ng a rau'al of iaaa thaaRltai (ora bouiea-d lot. Tbr--e ba Uliog ihareg in a goodBoc'eta wlil be aold, if dttued. Apply lo J. BRI.TAN,No. BBl Proadway.T\ESIRABLE BUILDLNG LOTS-lo1/ lha tkun'.'fal vtiitra of Yonkera, oo taa ba-kt of tbeU-_ao_|Rtvrr. Aar -only 0.>o .The und.nigned t-Aeraf-w wl*.by auhtcrtptu r.. 4* Bal dingLotaln thit part of tbe vjlageofYoakera caa.d OUewood, lylaag i.a«-.tely oa th. baaUcf tha H-e*ua River la Ui* -vot beaunfui part of tbe wholeri-ega. Th.u k,r»aic tbe m_*t daetraMeof anyBowottsredfor aaie and frou tbeir location m.t rapidly incroue inval-a. Ttnkara iathe moet cx.Taai-ot place ol rea.* tka vlctaity ol tba city. It ia rnly half an hvtar'a ride, hytbe UuUoe lUver Railroad, f, om tn* 31at at. Bta:.oo. ardtTklea ara i*BH'in| both wtya oo_t;nia*1y 't raa alao berucbed by at teveia' dmea a day It ia propoud :oB.pooaof tb* above Lota oa tba foliowtng terma Taroetac-, aabatuu- aad well H.iwraare to be built ooLota No 7 and _ at a caat ol tlj**> aath ; 43 m*k*cripu__awtll b* rocaived for tba 44 .ta. and wcen tae arhoia n._-her are BB_*_ri-ed totjfha auiVtcriiieit wiii ataat tofttl-taaddi.aa*-. lou aa-roag the-traelTea, in aack man-itruthey aiiail uree npoa, aad *t*w aiu.1 _b__ Loca M> Taad tbaii aaw u**aiite<i t-ih* IIot.** lo be built co a**.hlet*. o.>toke paldutte of "i Bvi to* atkny time pravioue to the diatficn of t ua Lo_; the b%la_-Bm*yro-_aoa bradaaRatortaag.fort^-Myrart. Mapa ofthe prntwrty will b* tkawB a-d far_ar pBrUcalara madekaowa ay apply-i to tk* ubaatikor.

Ai.BEr.T B. NICOLAY.Anctl'r'- r, Raa] E»t*'« aod Icnrance Ataot

Offr.8, t.'o tf Waii tt f-.m io A M to j r HL tai No.M4 Oraad Bt. frata 4 P. M to 9 P M

DA-T MORRISANIA VILLAGK..JlJ Aboet I.' Lota (r«_a__g MBAB.) varytng ta Baafrom ooa-eigiitii of an aera to *.t _i _ aia o_ered for 8ALBM th* bbobI fcvorahi* lema, Taa per aaat. dowa asd bal.aaaa aa ar bafcre *-_*_, l.__ Titl*p-.rfut. Tbaot .M-kK-pT * ref- boalthy aad baaniCfal !___t:_a. aaar aad laBkJ r-w ot tha Rirer, and la tha launedla-a viclaityBf tea W-jJBBB. of wtet. of Uie _oaB weaitby aaR ro>aya.ub'.a ai__er_a of W'Mta-natar County. Aka _te tw-_flarttAla cooamartar of a utls Aeveral -oaaee ar* oowb_--o aad lota wll.-ig -*ai_iy. Por roap* aaR otkag la.far- auoa appty ae 0. 0. VV | STi>N, No. 4 Try jo-n. w aaatOarla. a.Uroad OOkta, oppoMt* City HaU.

L^OR SALE.~B.-ar STAM_X)_lD."C--i"JL aociieiat.A PARil, _ t-Oi'NTBT SEAT. c_-j_i_-aapB'. St aaruoi eiBaimat iaud, wall wr_d*d aad wat-r-d,yieg al o.t half a tie fr jtn tke T-Jaatv a_ar tha Ru-.d, aodatraat un rrriBBtu wa k frt tboB*w H*rao Bilroad.tation Tha boa** j pkaaaaaOT Otuatad. ea __?-

Sa-VriB-S ___B-__!K fo' aoitiaBlua. Inqaire efKUV?iSt-r. *«__:_!_______*¦ ti 8>bt_«ord, or of B- S.BOW lit. sa jj; Oruatdarty, New-PwR.



"I70R SALK.Tliat TaluHMe tra-t ofJr IbbI krai-- a* P-rton. r'B__d 00 Vork Rivw. ioG.trewter( B '.i). V *.'g'*»A coata'aing i.TOt aorw.. ' Ol_BB arret a-» at-* i-*t firm ag laad aod -O*' air-a "t.-i

niaitb v ery va .abla ' * "¦'.*¦« paatoroa dtrtBgItrtBtiBhyir T trtmtt* b '- w_8 a *j_rp bBOryU-.wti, of yalbMa p*-* md ,-k tin.-er.

1 >r. t! lt r r ¦(*-. a rt-ora--w M:1i. B w-a f...aad a»c rtstu, a - a ttara-Bull *'tn', 0 e-

BClled Dy tn tagla. of M bora* pnwar ce'ub'e M10 .a-.i f, eloftiznberin U !".:;«. w- I :n til thoinat-i-ery. A-.eoone ' -. tt aatiraly oew tnd oftte bt.t do-MPi-on. fca.vir.t b.n r_ on'r nln.i tm nth..

Mmtkitt tta above. tberc .- Bfl Z*-d Dnelliog-aad a Birnnpoe tbe ptemlaet A *t-Aii.«t w_*rf * 9*1-- ereer-dbboo tteirvpertv 'or ihaac-cmmot.anonnl tbe izr-oaniiii.ct.try wnie! :ti*th..r:ht will hs profiublA Mther. ar*

wr a-a*.:. oow irjoMog on Vork Ri-er faarn* tae p::> aiilj-ooe to Boiumore aod oo- tn N -rfclk.Tta de_ eo* f..i eoru wood U very gr»ar. an.i lt wi.I raal".-

iv ar.rrard _.'" to I? . par co-d it the laniieg

The akov* orui-arTty being ar_-ab'e at all tetarvB*. c tartadkabCAga. for, ta cue*oaa*i of export, _a, .al-dom toee roef witb. . ,_

Peraoradasi.-it: fnrtber eoll upoa JO-SPFH Al M.VT.iER. No. -H Mari.ll-.t., Ph.ladelp,.-, or

CHARI.ES MATHER. 00 Ib8 premneATitie loiiitpntab e, as-i iamedlata pottaarion

FOR SALE.The three story _ric_Ho-aa aad Lot Wo. BR Weat _<__. feartt boooo

weat of f_ av. reglete witt ave.ry cj.*.ieo.-b_rh_,¦atar c-aotA Crutoo water; ateeileot Itxadoa,kejBaiairaoa tta premlae*. or to RICHaBO ACESRMAN, V ilthWard Bank P.a_*a»ioo_

FOR SALE..A Fartn of 66 acres. ofgood bfl-, iiroated near the L__t lataod Rtil.oad.

aooidiatant from tb. Par_ii_zda.e depot and tae _ai._Mfi_iv-._A?e of 8o._, Ovttazhay. Thaia atx upoa tha prr.mtae* a

tarpe two-B.-ry fiame Dwelilog ta tborougb ropttr. a naw

Batj. .tat'iet _c. A very dea-.rable .oeatloa lt aifui.a.1 lotatt.r.. Appllto J-MB9 B bilkban.

Co-nttllor at Law. No. 51 Wqllat. Id d_r._

FOR SALE.A Farm of 6, acres. ,_

milea from B.nd 8ro>k Railroad Depot aod Can*!,arlre* ,(**¦. ona tarm of 4" __re_, $;i>0; three apleadiifa m* of I'ar acraa eaeb three farm* of 60 aerea each; t.'i-eafarm. of 5* aa*e. each ; tl! rod imgrov-mecu aad raii-road ft-or faimt ol ¦ aerea; fotur ftna. of 1J acret; aH aoldr.a_yranra H utaa ana l.ita. Bt ¦*._*, H tela. Taan-nevOB. real eorate of -II kir.d. Call on 3 V AI U Porttic l-tel.8_t-rdava baa 11 to .'; other dtvi Bt Platafi.ld Oepot. Ab*totifn'l traat for building on at Ptalnftald ta bo aold low I

riARM tar SALE or EXCHANGEJT fcr CITY PROPERTY.-Th* Porm lt flruatod iaNrw-Jerw*y. A ihort di.tanee f.tioi fort I.ea, aod eooulatabout 37 aerea It ia a loctti ..: la a food e.-igb-borhood. of a neh ani, aaaplted with aa errel oat w.ll audetreexo uf waur. a* ahuodani e of fmit tra.a. a ,.ne h-.-ee,I arn. rrenary. aod otl-ar outoutldio**, all ln good order, audIj a v-ry da*lra*i!e rraideoc*. Apply to

VVRI01IT91AN 1 CLARK. 1 .-Broaderay,New-York.

I/OR SALE.A Btirgarn..A Farm af_L _ acrat rh dca land, go-vd Innldtagt, oxeallaat watar,vtriety of fro.u .ituated eaat ai_a_of tlia Had. a Rver,.1, iin '-'' o-.'l.a irr m Naw-VorB two hour* ride hy Hnd.aaRiver RAlrood, 1} milra frr_i ihe depo*. at New HambarzhLard:og. fur hirttrr inf_rmatit>a ta.;uira of I'RI M1I.LS.Na2 Ce**nt:e«-alip, N- T._

.OR SALE or EXTfrl^NfiE for CITVPBOPERTY-A firat-claaa PARM. hlghly topro'rd.

of l.-oaera*. ln VVa-'rhae'-r .o.ntv. 1* mtlet from tna Htid*aoa Rlvard, pot at MBf _mg Bald farm prodacea bfteeahoadred do'iar*' wortti of bty toauailr. beeides a grtatabuedac-eof train, apple* Ae. A large Ho*t.', 9traa b0.f (oek aod Karmiag l tentllj, alao fur aala. The loeraat pnoafor tle Earm i* fcighteen Th. ua.d Dollara, Ia.|utre of..- MiCOBD. No. 13 »: aad 8ARI EI.EQDY. No t.1 vvall tt-


f'R SALE.At Mouot Vernon, jjoroLot eorear of tih-av. aad la 9 Borth-ewst oomer.

place *br a ¦' -r* Apply a' No tiI Ctuit-ara B, ofDAVlf) HABRISON. lr_*__L^OR SALE..A liiiii(Noi)it' ('ounrry *j**Ht_L oear the vllage of ABoriv I, 1 , aituated oa Hall J.taNaek raal, ad/ou ir,a the fiarma of Oaorge Kt.wenhcvao aadPetrr Th* b88B8 I« a rottag*, bailt aboot uoe T*trat.d a half. ln hy-i'f-rt, t.llrd ia wlih hdeh, pla//aa froatoed retr; there are four ronma on r ioh Ito >r, with pleaty olcli_et and pantry rrorr:. hejt...neot and kltc.her eellar. waterlo tte aitA haro-fi' hflb. thioi:.'ho-t, marbie roaoUe* fold-log doora Thr pramlaea oontala tlrae a-.-.t of good land laa blgh atate of calHvatlon, ad fen> od with pioket feooe, withall BBflBBBBTB out buiirlinf.; there la in apple aod ftachOtchoid in haanog; Uiare it a beautiful virw of tte Et*'.River aod Pluthtng fliy Tarm* |-i,i«»'. half caah. Apply00 'tt* _irnn,aea to JOHN AL.*4()P. No l*. Laurena K.,or No. 11- Pultonat ol Mr I'AfiWARO

FOR SALE nr to LET.A rery deaira-ble thrao at.ry biick dwalltng Hoooe, rtfUte witt

every #oav*oience..tieh a* oatlia, eat Ac.ln Boatt 4th,aear 2_d-et., *V|______fcyb, onoreateot tc. Orand at andPeck Blip fenira VVonld be ail- oa rearoaai'le t-rmt, rlet low to a rond teoani for furtaer paitir.iara, apply .iE METTIJ-R, No Mlftaatat._L^OR _ALE..Two Iwautiful new HoiiaaaF on Oiford B , Hrooklyn. oeor (na retideaae of Rev Dr.

('. * Tbeaa bo_a. ttand on tarrocea, hava lar.-j d'.aingrootra, dumb wait^ra hr-t air lurnaeas (as. water, aa PrlcaMM apply to BRADLEY, MII.L.8 A WOOimi'LL,No f, Wall *_, N Y._FOR SALE.A Fttrm or Country Seat

of tOf>arr*A oea* Plalnfield, Naw Irrsey, of whl.-.h 60are ta a htgh *(A'.e of euli. -ation, the balanee wu-.tlltndaod good psstura The newlseolarged Nuute aoota n» I-tpiciou. ruorr. everr one with a cl<;*et and foor lar*. paa-triea; an eura lloe Kit.hen (ivdan aid a heatitifal Orel-ard, vkith fiu* apple and petr free*, are nevt *o tta liooaa,wbkh laytootha road The uiiihuTldirri *nd feaeeaeieia

good repair. Apply under lettera A B C, Poat Ofhoe, Pla u-

Bld, tt J.

FOR SALE.Four a-rea of Ground lntte rillage of, adjolning tha k1_BB9 of Mor-

baoIa in plott of 75 by IM faat.d-taut one-half mile fromtha ri- j-t Apply to Al ..I ¦**.. 0 r. WOODRIIPP. WoMfani.t, adjoitir.' lha pr- ni_-t.

OR SALE. Wltll _B_B_d_Rta poBBOB-ttoo, tta larga tbreevattiry Ortek dwelllng Hooto and

t, lo ttrn, No. * i Weat .IB-st-. delfc.trally aituated upao-dta tte Pa,k of the Tbeolo*i-al Hemtobry, aow la parfealorder; wtil* All pa_ited; planihiof rery fall and aomplola,ba'ha, water e'-mrtm, bol air furnari-, Aa. Por kay aod per-b laa.i'B to new tte booee, apply tu JA8. H. WKl.l.B,Eaq. 167 0th-av or tu vvii.l.laM HA*.ELL,. 48 -Ilt*..

FtlK ISALr. or to LKT.Two splendldfirwrlaw BOOSEB, Noa 119 aad 1.1 .WeM *»_..*_

betwee* 7th and Hth-av* They are. replata witii all (ham adem tinpin-.rr.-ort aod now r-eady for occupaoay. Applyto T CaARTt BB, Bilv er vv ara Mannf -turar,.-, M iroar-M.

CHlR SALE.The two-story Houae andJF Lot (pl.taa-y altoatad) lo Corn* arlood-B. Brooklyn,Bx l.ousra i.ur'.h of Lefayetie av , on tha eatt Brje Oo tbeflrtl f_«,t l-eie uretwo panor.. tt * r, n, kitcb., bath rootaa_d pai.'-'ea, aeeotd ttiry. . rioma and bedroom; ataobedrot.i to ti.- a' li The B-BBB i<. baaa Lmilt tar. T-ara,aod ia la aaa p- la rder Th* (iraaett owotr aeli. io corite-qoeiroe rf rau.ovlag oot of tbe Btata. lor|alza of Mr.OOOUaI.L, n.,:th h, _*e n.,itt, la a_rue BreeL

HOUSE and GARDEN for SALE.Ba LanrarnnAplAra.oppo*,,, the pt.f, 0y that

ntn e, ttd coe uf ba plea.ti.te-t iooatioo. ia the eity. TheHt are ;.<n. Bf._¦ r-pv tnd ready foz im-edttte coci-Baocy. Tb* Oardao ta weli atockad with gtape rinet aod_ow.rru)tA atd axtenrfi back to Jfith B_ Th.e only witowaot to pu:cl.t»e oeed appiy to

I liTMAB, N I". Pearl-*t

IOTS AT PRIVATE SALE. FourJ Lott tf (in.und. aach ii by '.-' feet, oa tte eaaterlyBaa of Atlanvcat, oear Poneratr, Brooklya. Ap,

Pjy^to_COLE lt CHILTON, No . VVall-M

LOTS \n tha CITYTrB_rOOkLV_arfla tte 4th Ward. and .it_ted batweea tba threi prio-tlpaJ MflBMfll r_iea and .*.___¦ BreeM of Brooklyn, ffal

the Poltoo-av Atlao'lt.. or RaUr. ad, aod tta Ptauk l-jed.Tbta hlgbly fAvoraato looatloa of the lot, iaaare lo tba veluaof them t. locietaa bayjad oc-ipartaoa. A graat maav ufthe lot. ba-e baea esld lataly. &nd ai| thoaa doBrota of por-Bhatt-g wittaamAllcapi'AJae-e^rU-n-eJyattuttodhomaanooid oa no aroonal aaglect to A, ao tt oaaa aa -tit. Ittta iou wUI r1*e In prt>porti. to tna tapTo*-.anta rairvedob at tfia fta. Tha gr.cea dt .er al preaeat fr _u||7V, w-ltt tta azrtBi.loufaoro-r kiA Mnra than 90 ho_aahiva Meo flfflflflM thera, many ara aow tn band, aal over.rn owner. of bM latead to budd da-iog tha aad dia *r_llow-tag year Biooa tho rlratof Bepro-n-aar tta railroad r-_aatoathere every rr-.oretrg tt b4 tod .o'c!__k, by wblcb all b.1__imea aaa ride M tha Boutt P«-ry :a laat tiiaa *.on cn.n ii*aAt 1) oaiock, AM aad at 7 ueiock, P.M. tta trata l_r_IB* Boatt Parrr for New-Bt*ookiyii7The tnap of N-w ,a,Tb eaa olwaya ba ae-a u tn,bf. karr- of Ey _ k rr*-deT.t_al. No 2.7 Bowaw-y ti tln

M Mr. U. E. S-ckB-tacta, No Veaey-wPorf-r1:erpaj_o*ilara1_o,_ire al Mr. ALEX. EVDAM'BLand Ofhc- ta tha B_llrt_j Ho_s», Naw-Br-oklrn or alaa ntWM RADDE. No i_.Bro_dwt., B Y ; J V( Ob H SkCK-Ma.N. Eaat New-Yorki C. _A0__AC__JL Ho. ittArcb-aL, PbliadelpblA ^^

"JVOTI'jK to nll who ilc-aire to BecnraaJ.! batnaMimer* bo-_b_1 9Ibb\BM at a ewveo'entgiaiar :e from tne cityAt*>*« trgefihe.b*rr»k*ratn'*L« «-ECOND Vir,r,*,GE

A»So. lATluN at m_LlA__9BRin*9R and ut ,i, pu.tiet wt_ toa__acn_a tj th* atm- or who feei ___o.eated tterelo will be bsld at Mil:ta<-y Ha'l. No I '! Biwrr.gjflMB ta Sprtr.' at. oa tta £V_NiN0 tt MOND \ ner'tt ll:b itai. at 7 o'clock.

Ib tae t_ear:t _*to the booka wu! r*miin oo*:. ftyr nbac ip.Bob Bt tta Rib' PkibU 0f»:_ of / NEWEf.L tad J. VV.BAKKLI, No J Nsaaa at. wi.rt n_p* oi tna propena,84 U 1 aaa, eta fcataea, ani ever*, !if.rr_a'.!. obtar.rjd b-.t»WB tbeb .tf t A M *_-d . M

88fXIHt FAR__JU-*8 LlFlTlSTHEJL LIF_ POR MV:."-Soa-_g tta poat, t.d io rtogatta maa at tta P.rm Agecsy, No . Will __, arhare aa _a>

aortni.t of -ia gra__tM rariaty a a_.*aaUy oa ha-d, w_g.Mg far g-r-ra-erA__. _. Ml£__8.

1 (M||| ACRF.S of LAaND for SALEJ ,«_Px.P9_r _, uu-il^- Co-Bty, I*_aw.Jeraay.-Tliafatacz: tar odera fur a_ta aevenl r ktata, aay from -1 ta jouarret aaab, tta good atate of eu.iv_ut_a, aad a *.aatiy8_.alad aaw Jaoea.'itg, on tha Oflflfllafl and Amboy Rtil-raad Por Bflf-H¦ te*)t_!ai_o. apply t R. R1CHJ'.Y, No.165 Withicf.o-B-, N. Y., or to tta eabacribar at J*__a.B-rx. N J. JAMEB 9C0r.EI.KVV


BtljOOlB.& VlIJ-EPLAIT contbuei to^glVa.,in*n,_ _! __?,rr**'h.**.»»«-, aad luera-ara u"._ra.of__B-8_t._t ai bta owa. __, _, w__Bbhtt-t_.a-_ Rmal-eay ^ ¦". * W*"

LADY, who hu had aareral vi ap_«l»aritnce ia taacblag tte Piano-Pprta. 1* detiroaa 11

.-_B-.f-flB-_t.__ M tta. 45 (ataore Bt- ofr^titrtj. AhD£*BtC^ «*8U MB_J wk:,r«)-_, fi



AHOMC i_ tha COUNTRY forROY_, witf_B ftt-ea mllu of HARTMR3 -T_t

td-trtiaeT 8*111 take only four bori sad .ow anler ua

yea-aofaga, aad arlll derota bta w_-e u_a ja_--at*_* «.

their n-ral, phvru-aJ and tnteUeem*! rr»_i_g. Te-n* fiw

Cr aannci ktmnu B i K* S-ft r«*t O-AA. I«_____ft,f-r- - C C Br;.. Eaq. at tha-S-a of -aBotrdOf

ti a' aP'ry



BO/iRDlNt. .fCHOOL tor BOYS,Pai.aurT. Cjna -Tke W.nter Terra ia R*v E R

li NTIN(rT('S\S4Vlo..l oM.*OBB_--_0BBB I D-nbir.laalxty imiu frur.-i Baa Y--'*, wuli wbicb .t hu *->i aaaa**ea-on twl:e a axy bv reilroad Cireular. with reiarceac.a

.ta b>- had of Ueaar*' U_r\ k Co No t Awer-Hou**, aadof_«.r* GranaiaaA Rte*art.Nj. < Mai*»ti-iai>»_BOARDIN1TI.CHOOL for BOYS Rt

l>OBBS PLRRY-I- . fl KELLOilO. rnncip-t -Noni-er iieaiwd to ii. Ai_.ible wral timu a dav b*railroad Ttrrc *>_ per Qaartar. Wlnter tettioa o_-

rnencu Nor. 1._

ENGLISH and CLASSICAL BOaRD-|t*tj SfiHOO!. for BOY-, *t Bndford. VVutr_ut*r

tn->.,4"'>milfi frotn New-York City, *_d i from tb* HarlemRailroad - *l_e wtt trlewrrm will wmmenr--. Nor I. Num-her ot pupila limlted to 1. Tertt»g.Krc_ |7a to *<t* par«e«ti- n Clrenlara e*a 'o ead of C A. M ARV IN, e.*i, No.1 M N'uwb Bt, New Ycrlr. Tb* Prl-fipal wl.l ca.1 upan anyta the ttt] wbo may de*"-* aa irter.lew, Oct. 7, 8, 2\ ot *_,If the, wiii Bt BAtr**^*&^d\^. A. M.

j^VENWi. SCH«K>L----Thf- Evenlni:J Bclcol if the Matiha-t-B Acadeuiy. at tl.e eorner of

oh-**. e_dA *o*B. fcr tha ...o»ri,V_.-n of Appren-ticu .t.d Yt '.nt Peraoea wli I e mopeoed no McnAay. .ab

Ociob.r aiTo-clotk. P.M. Earl* appllcatioe atthe Aalemy tday or evening! wili be nexeaaaiJ to tecore admiuion.T* ata made ia_y¦________..


TOVVTI-I A. M . Rcctor.-Trte eUbtrer.tli ee*_o_ of thislnittmtiu-wi!! eo-iBUac* cn the IM Novemner fkaaBAa*tta i.cb*ofthe-twrelrratrd hr.e -rove covarir-i . tpBAA of eiakt acow.

remoTed frrm any coatig.oa* e weiling. k'nirr .ndiog a beaa-rww rf th. bay. prw*--* tb- haaoA81 *****£*-

ttngair. Md within haif ao «-ut i aall of tl. City or Naw.

Yo'k Th*r__*k#*rt.eedrrofe*.r*ue eojuetiio uio

Clualcal. Ma !;t atlcai. Kreoab. Bpaai--.h, aud Ita'ian de-

partiner'4, aa.l the Reott-r drTotuh.aeotlre time aml Bt4B*>U r to il.e religioug, inletlectuAt acd phveical traimugofht. pupila. the

lr.-tute. er left tt tiie l\ 8 Bcbool Ageniy, NoW Brt'td-way.wh.- rgggggarct-Mi aiap ko iBita .¦..a>Bat^lwMi«ataly Mto.u'ed lo. Tb* Kf-r-r le parmittad to refor to the

loilnwtrp Bl.lw-BBi.dCiergain*-:. Tha.Riaht Baw.W.H.H«L*icey. 0 D. 01. D. Rigbt Rav A.rotUr U.0lUt0. Re*W. Berrien. I» 0, Rer !. L Hawke* D. 0,R.T.T.B Taxtor. D 0. R*v B J. Halg tt, D D . U*v.E. V Hi-bee, Ih D. R*> VVm. Mom* I.L l», Rev. Wui.Walton, D P._


a*iva.asvaetai'l ucoi.d toione. Per airenla-* and Pr-

trVr to E. H VVIliKiiX.t; 8 Bako_Agercy. No. S«3 Oroadwaa. N. Y , or BJ tbe rnnclpxi alP^r Hevan, Coea.. K A.8M1TH .-__*__RriiaiM r-Tbe Prealdei t and Profagaora of \alaCil-

lege E. C Beaeoicl, En- , No. TO Wall-at. Or J Bolt-n,No. 13 Caat llthic. Tho-u Danny, Kan-Nx i JaimceyC.urt; Perf .1 J Ow.n. D !>.. No. IU Wwt -T-R et llBpra." I 1. S.i-8, No ll*. I'earl *t; 0 8 AppletoB, £oo . No._M Br-adway; A. Keed. Eaq.. No 2i8 Kultos it. New-f orkCity. Rev. A. C. UennUoa, Ulu**ter, Rav Le»i Packai.,Bpetrer, M-ta._

K1NSLEYS SCHOOL, nt Wf-tI'ofat, w,l r*-opes ca tba firat of Nore-nbar Ra-

fa,-i a- a < .-n Be tt, l ntt*d afatu Arnry: Coi Pl«u*atoB,Phiiuaipbla; A GkBBtj Hail, B. Baud* Tutkar ana Rr, u.Uryir Kag*, New Ycrk City: Pi-reBio.-t of Yal* Coil*g*and laited -taua MUttary Aaadauy._

IANGUAGE8 Rod H1STORY..In"i Mroetloa gi ea in anorr.t and m-adern Laneutara,

ai*o le aaeient an.; niodt.i CH ARL.E- KRAIT-BKR Al II I'upiM ipceited at No fc'*) Broadway, Btur- *.

wnt iBailtcte, rt.-m N 1« Laaaoaapiveu ai ptiitie ho i-naa

MADAME SEIBERT, ProffBsorof thoPreneh Laaaoe**, and Tearher bi Mxdetue Chaga-

ray'a eel.-braled Bcbool, wtgliut* AU ap *»nie of her leleur*bour. by tntt'oa. elther la a private f.rmly or la a BohootMad-'ia Chngaray will kindly gtve ail n*c-_ary r-'earencot

R. ..: Hr'RT. No. 1,004 Rroadway, aorner »Mh **-^

MALE BOARDINO ACADCafY.Wil.toa Ct .The Prlr<'tpal of thla Inttitntloa woold wy

at tr i, atii ia rn.nrpa e.t, acd whtla the pupii- ra-

ulve the pioet rliorough liatro. tion. thelr raannera and rnor-a'« a e earaAtll] wttehed over. The ternn xr* in adettn..The Prtnrtpal can beaea" at No K'.Orxnd-tt, or at No. M\Chalhtm, where ireulartcan he obtained

\ ,1 -Tl S WUITLOCk, Prlaclp-I\\. JOHN MAC MULLCN haaop-r.-A s Day Brhool for Boy* at No. Sl" Bowary.

blork froa Broadway aad fivs doora sbove Btindi-at. Hl* terma (tc.i prrqui_ter) will neceawrtiy kup 01* liat'...g real.ied more lb aa two year* laEaroee, and having alu-lad and taught for maay yea. latbs cf'y of New-York. be f-ola bliuaelf qaaeltted to do ju*Rceto tht.e who msy oe plai.dln hlihaai. Br-ideaBpalllag Riadtcg, Wnting, and Arlthmetm. th-r. will ba uughlwHIuoutextiaeharge, Orerk. I.aun. K.enah. Bp_lali Oe*.man, Italia.-x, O.-awtm. Muttg, Oymi.aiUca aod Dantinf.ClrcB'ar, at Lockwood a, No. IH, and, No.-fJBaas-wn

Play l.rouod fbr Bi yi Tweatv-f-v* «.h.-Hbe.i wanted.Terma *?ia . year. A4dru* J. ttAC MUiaL-N, No. 214Cbi yatla..

]1|K. BDMO-ID ANDRADI haa ae-IwB tured tl-e Bl11 f the roevenlent I.4c'ure Room No. SOB .ud mt Hia ¦» gular le,a r. in Voeal Mueij and Ht'n ony,after tlia (.glin "ar'a-.-lrevi4 AyOem, opn.i oa TI'ESOAY.oib(it't I itt ' t.M I -i'; Oentletnea'a clall, B u'clock.iThea.t em lorl< i!ra the u., al no'a'ioa i

Itl OLNT WASHINOTON COLLEOI-Ifl ATE Ir.'STiTl'TE, No.-l3 4- at. mttoat of M*8>iongalat.on \\%»t ngton-ganar*. (OEO VV. CLARKE. A.M. and JA.MKB kAiNNINO. A. M. Princlpala,) W8B.BSBWItu trnl.'iKli.-oly..r ,- tlUNDAY tb* i. -.'sept, IKo.The I'liiiclpaia hm.rg reb'ttad the furn'ilure and rooma

fu. i 'c *.iiuir and le-.tu, -, throughcut t'-a laatltutina. it wtllbe la eouiplete order fur the receptionof lu ProfeaBors,Texch.ri_.ri pupila oa the 13th of 8eot

P-rat-al interviewt wlta tlia rnnotpati, and Catxtoamu.orttalalug naruea of palriuand p.iplla of put year, tugethwwuh plana of li-atruc. .,a. regulatio_, Urnia, Aa , uaay kahad al tha RooriiB ofthe Iut it M

_'ufii.» lacuvad firou "

t., .0 jear* of ag*.

NEWn-tl K\SV MKTHODof Tfftiih-lngand I.earnlr.g tbe Krericb I.aiigo.« lu |ni) Leiaona,

racl. copvtrrteriiiit., qneafocB.toapBear in Novemb. Bext.Pr'ee ct s eopy, ii ; of 1<> coplra, p<J fur aatoariher*, to hoptionde ltey. Apply, rx*t-patd, to TH OBARCOH,I'iif.*«,r. No Ll 6ihav, N. Y. Private Ucor.e *nl!D* elaggea

OS.SINS1NO SCHOOL, BLof Slof,N.Y.-Rev. JOHN P I.ltNOY reapertf.iily aononnc-*

that tbe rett term ot hia REI.ECP RO ARLI NO SCHOOLfor BOY8 will begin on tbe flrr*. Mooday ol' Novn-nber.Fiva Tsranel.. occ- r wktrrn may be filled on Iniiiiedtateapp'ieatioa to tbe Pria.tpal. Cire'ilara containlng full pu-ticolaracBB h« bad br appiy ing to 8 H. PiEfHOM, No. 9Park pl.e, cr to tbe i'nm Ipal at Hing Sisg. N Y.

OAK (.ROVE KEMALESEV1INARY.VONKERB, N Y-The winter term of thia Inatiti-

.ioe will commeoaa Moeday. Nov IM. Clrcuiar*, coqIaiu-lng t'ull partietjiart, Terma _c fornlatied on appUeation tathe Prlncipal. cr at tbe Book-atore of Clarfc Aaatln lc Btnitb,No **, l'i-t Pow, New York, WM. C tfOOTE, l*rUi tpxi.Yonkr ra^Sept il, l<iai._

OROAN TEACHINd..A L-idy wltliBii.p'e of a'.llity to Impart ioatr.tion oa

tbat trgtranmnt, wttbet b lew mora pupii*. Aoy perxon de-aiilpguw ibe waitnd upon, whea partleniara and taima,ohieb wtll lie rr-odora'., wiii be made kaowa by e-dreael-ga Ima to OROAN, Tri'.une Ottice


C.inton acd Waverly place, J. II. PATTON, A. M, Prta-aipal. Th* two U^par-neeta. Colieclate aad Primery, opeooa MONI1AY, Bapt. 6. Pupila are piepared forthaco<int1n|touje,.r for Btimtgaion to aay o.ilegn. The Bmnber of pa>ptla U lln.ited. C'ircalara eontaln:nt further l'iforin.uoamay be obtairatd at tha bookaurea, CRl.'M_IK'i dmggu4atora,No .^Broadway, eor. Mth-M.,orat 'ha Inititnti_B.

DR 1 Vak^TE CLASSl_S lo FRENCHX aad SPANISFL-Prof. A. BA.S.1ET wlil reopea. bfgPr.ncn aed Spani.h OBb-WOB the lHb tna*. He will aiaoorgani/e acewclau for beginoera ob or aboul tha )A4hofOctr.ber. Por tbe particiiarttpply at hia realdecaa, No. *_4Rroadway. hefor* 9 A. Al. and altat 6 P. AL_PRl VATE LESSONS^nSPANlrSH.--

IwwBBMB OORRIN tioBti-uo8 to giv* Prieua IutncL.o ln tb. above la*g-*ge, at tta* ruidaace of pupii*, or ktht* owb, N'i. 41 th ai.

SCHOOL for (ilRLS in NOR[_U__P-TON, MAS3-A Lady. wbo bu had ex-Mitea-a in

tearl.'Bg, w.tea to .citrttct a few i rirl* ia ail tbat la aaitedte thntr ag. aod capa-nty, aad to baatow apoo t'<'.tn r.i. areand atteniioau cMiilir-n reqatre acd receiva at bo_b T.reac. _. r niiiited to iix -audw tba aa* of ta.rte.o. Ter.-iaI :_-n. rle'-r-rnf'-a.Rav. li. ftello-.v*. NewTorg ;Rev ii.i i F. .ra. N>nh_mp:aa. Addiggg iiox No. .41,Nci.aciptoo .oMORica._SI N O I N G SCHOOL.Dr. C. W.

LANOE, Profaxtor cf Music toaeher of ti. pler-. i,niel.ode n. thotciighrtau aad giogirg, will open aiiii;iggchjiol wbara erery ityie ol ftogla| t'ull bo thoroagMytaaght in day aad e real-g.-kasae at very mo*» a'e _-.- -nPur paiticnlara piaau cali at hu raald. nca, No Hl bo-v .ryhafoi Ocl. a, tHR aay day. froa. 1 to i o _iook, og Mooday,VVgda-..-.ay cr r'riaay, frxwa 7 to 3 o'clc.c, P. M.

TAHRYTOWNIN3T1TUTE..In tbiaI*t-irm'.uL young grctlemna ara _Bk__Atad ln ail tba

brtHABm r*<f*rl-nte tor -omtnercial poraaiu or eat*na* CoLleg*. Tb* VV.uter T*r_ rcrrHk-aees oa t.s lat of NO-VEMBE. Crxulan, eonU.iag termg. raferaoau, ka,ud oe obi*i_td ar C. aHEPARI) k CO - Bookacra, No.! .-¦ Koitc-i-at., o-ol E. H VViLCOX, Na. -0 Bro_dw*y,N. T, cr by td-raatiajf A. NfiWJ4 AN, Pru-rpal.

TEACHERS of ScioOLS, SEMINA-RI *>-, Ac, who waat TapUa, will tad lt to their ioiegr-

ut tc i-.akt tbe fact kr-aro .ro-gta tbe n.r,pafkkra,There lt no other a*-.Ae to -u-ipar* wlta. tht*. Tbe a-ai pa-

rAB ot the wt">la caaartry may ba wlecteR bt V. B. FA_B-B'R A-ymr-aui, Ateacy._

TO PAREJvTS..A LRdy keepi_g~tst-ali wkkct -choc4, la Reartrcaaof taking tota ber 'u_ry

twoo- tnre* M:**.*, ttomi to llyttraoIR Oeard, W*a_a|and Tuitbka. emk>re_ag tht FagHth hrajvo.ea. Mua!a at-ri_n i) Porte, B_°° . year. b.rereaow of th* higi.,-. tr rupaet-abil'ty glTsa E-laaMr* aroend*, wtttPB r-m mlnct*. wa.lof a farry to tk* city. Pail pot.ulara wili bo lt aa kj *4fcajaBfBRVaka-kBTkf,'. NB-BBk

MR. and Mad. N0EL REROlKReea-Bnaatag'ra___.e'loa ta tta fre... (-mos.¦ __,

__re. aod i_ 8_h. ot tba Ptao. P_r__, ol a_,,7deocaa cf tbe'.i paAroae or at ttab two, No. M p__Tf.-r-.(__«*' L_i taaJ (i-.ii._o.--a

"jtl L'SIC.A Lady, who hu graat mpe._.v_ rtaraa la ta-chlag P_ao aad Ar _?*_-., witb MkaIb*. aad wbcee n- r_otia .artt-i ber fuptl. bara _o4 eraagood ri-er*.,-a_ atriad to a (aw mo-i 8-f4_. _*¦___.No. _-7*rh-et _.UNIVERS.TYv-RAMlMARSCHOOLPn f £ A J-*i-bo_. eUat-i Tha a__ D ___

Biaota. tt. Jualor, tta l'f per Eagttah. aad tb* 9bflB_Ea_iapaa .imultareoualy oa Moodt), Bafl 9. fBadaaraat.aetv-ad al tta aa* of aevea ,-tr* aod apa*_rd, ar.d tisatiagfc. tta tointirig h.a, w .. ad.le-aa to aay c_fc_^Ctr.Jara __*, ba ob.ln*. at AppU..Va, L__ac*oat__Crowe. b_MMbB^^ tf^^yM^US. SCHOOL AtJEMCY.By £

a H. VV iLOD.i BM Mfl Bruaderat -.-«_r_-< c*** T.ard atgegamtntt by iba _e*( IratitB .a*. t k_i _,

Teaali-r* aod Meirona. Oe* P*r e*nt in aiv-see 1*0*4.adrarce e-.-a_*et a- d paoaore* tte re |oired BflflflflflflflBaBa,tea-orrd by a l.Biferable c__ek_\TOCAL MUMC LE_»ONS.-.y_r.

CHA8. L. 9 ARBES wlll oaw. oa Elemeatat- ¥«_MtwtaCla.* f.r Ledlae and (laaUerr-B, bt 74 _e_t_, sb

TIT-DAY EVENING. Oet A ta Bleackar Ba__agRa\lo Blearker B . .rnerof Merlca


Diiiuing Grliools.DODWORTHS DaNCIN.

_b A-MDEMY. Na t*. 3rc_way, oext to Orwa""hcrch. will opeo fTthe eaoutoa eeeaue, on VVKOfBRDAY, (vt.b-r f. at _t P M , foi Udioo, at <. bt CbU-rw*,and tt7 lor Oaatletiiea PorTtrm*, Ae, aoa Cazdef T_r_B

It la witb fer'ling. ,-f u- i.» than oeual pi'.d. aad _B_Etlcr thal I arronooe tta co_i_ien__ji>eot of tba Claatot%tti.aea-trn tlav-ing ran... to tbo aaa buildlaa. jwaareoted exprt.ty lor tt-purpoaa, I aoa aowodar, far Oabab of '¦ y papita lha -o*t cl-tant. c avameat A.d flflflBBBBeitib iihrner . ever 9B9Med la thie city; ttaexp.rtaBMfllmaoy year. ec-Mlngmo to fcnow aod BBBwfl* f'f < »." -_¦ln the f-;l.a.t nar.aar. It ia oty tataauoo «_ ___a tta w_jau_b an eetabf.thment ahould be, i.|i. for meo.1 aod

Shyaica! lmprove.ent. ooaoe.ted wtth isuoceat aod ta.a.ctal re-roanoo ; and it will ba my gerticiitar . e to at*.

averyttlngct.diceto tte tx_ deportnxat aad foaora! la>¦ro*. ru-.-ot ot all wbo mej oe plaoed u__er .« eharfAThe Clatrea *or Oentlemea w-.u ha eiTAnge. oa aaeadrab

aaw .y*te_i. wblch wlll rreatly faclluafe lha pr,_reaa, aogadd rery moch to the eonvenleoce of th.* pupi'a. But oa tatanuch tpoc would be UkeB br d-_-i'bi»i 'he iji'aai bara,tbepu-Uabed circulai tareferradloa. luruUhing a daooriptbaof the naw mathod aod ita advantatet.AU tte now Daactt of tt* pr-tent aad f rmer aeaeoat at|

betntroKnced_Prtv-te adrew fcr popllt ooly. aerrt muitMy.

The Academyla emaikably forlaaatoin ueiog aav*aB.1from oeorly all pirta of tha ci y hy BbBBH or rflBjMA Mthere ara ao (taa ihan thirteeti 1: .-¦>*, which of ttodt'or ur wtttiB ooa two, ur ilirwa flfljafl oaof B;and arringomeat. have *l. b.-ei. tn ruo tUgra Broadway, Madiaoo at. and thttneigli.rLjal, dtra*_ato tta Acadeoiv Duia arturdiog tba patruna ia tbat rtf)aqaal facllitie* witt tte ot_*_ pairti-BA_

DANCINU ACADEMY..SiKuor A.OHERAROI. aoriatad br MtUin. .illE1UR0I ag.

tpe-tf-lly beat 10 Intozm l.i* p__rooa aad tba pu BBB tbat bbl>asclog Atademy. Nn "11 Brvadway, witl be opeoed far tbarecepti-n of pupila oo a-tuidty, Ott l(i Oara ot for

Joung lldiei Brd iraeterA VV'edna*daya and Ba'urdayt aadluodaya aod ThuradayA Bt 3 oclock, P M Eveet_g*__

fur tenJ.-ie-, Tuaadaia aud P.idaT^ at 7 P M rnaaalaa-annt tu famllie. wlll a_o be giren and alaa*.- alf*_d*d m ktKhtola aud aradoo ie* All couiinuon.tion* aAdieaatdoNo 911 Broadaay will bo proH.ptly atteadad lo moamttgtvoo a* itetial._

DANClMi und WaLT/jIlNi.. nt Moot-OflBO llall. Conrt-et. aear Aloutafite piacA Ma A

l.ANNAY woold lnfirm her potrjoe oo4 tha retldaatt afBr.tlyo.tbat al e wt.'l reopen har Kehoul oa We.l.ia.1.*,Oet IJ. Day t of l»atract!,.i. WflflBOaaapfl BBB Be-aNlya,atiii'tn-neiag ai .4 t clork Tha fire. 8 dree will t -kt p<_on K.tdbT. Not Sb: tha aiiesaiditg Boirdea oa tba ih_|Kr: tay f . ,-h rnooth dartag tha araaua -.hoola aod laalltrt ntrand.d ia New-Yarh or Br.tlvn.Comiiianicafiiat B.ldrfn-d tn M:a l.anBay, Moatt|it

Ha .rroklya, will tneat with prnmol attaattioN. i: '.*. --. t'lfv. Mr* l_.nay-a ola.ata at Mia* Cfca-

dearse'a Bchtx I ruroor of Oiaad aod OreeiesU, wiii fc*rroponed 00 Moaday O't -9.


DANC1NO aad WaLTZUMO, at No.H BoBdet-Mr. SBABINO'B Pntate Aead.aoiyM

tue t>i>lltea_e<»inpl__iinaat, arill r-n;i-o l.'.li Oot.'l-*r. Cltwafur v ra.n.l Yuuat MaBara, vv el..e>ie-, t a*d svurttriat .-. i.oloek for 0*idca**B, Ttaa-daya and frtdayt M Io'c'oak, P M B arolug er'* atd Oriu'le* at'suded, Mlprivata inat; nc'4 -ua givea at timea not oocuptod. Por lara.apply at Mr. R'a ra.idri.c*, a* abora.


HENRY WELLS nnd i.ii SHTBA_(Madame K. OtAVr.LLI'8) Aflar*em* for BB__M

No t.rM* Broadway. will opeo on the lat of UBtflflflB of teaofaloa haa raee|/ed notvaraal M9MaUon. Coml'ined v. itt. Irttrnciion la Mfl daaeee a ta faflBjand lr parlor daoclog thioitah all l(a varlatl .na. tb* eaaiWfor developlog Uie uiuoeuiar powara <»l young _B_flBB_8fuuiid .naficlaJ Tha n.aen* ol a.-iuIikl* (a«aa_and ao fflflt tty'.e of moUoo lo ,..,,.-1 ¦<w latiaBtivn rolaA aiiuply oaplalnetl, end ttet* ugk%Uuglit. Tu atap p.-operly lo order toobtatal¦abas.flj and graoeful mlen. fonn a part <f aar.h fcaaaa, aMaveryttijit ta tliat wlll inn art to tha pepUadlf.allie. aad oobia depuitniant. faqutra lii.l.s- *t ,nm ktm-letny._lifADAMK ORA V1KR DESJAR*1*1 DIN'S DANCING ACADEMY, No A4 Ckafaa-place.-KARH.VV E1.1-SE.VSt ).M -Mr.. J. latendtaftartalur to Eurofa, take. tha opportunity ct .¦zprae.lna I.r grad-tude to her oumero.ia p.iflta *r,d their fa____A for thaktalpatronage ahe haa ao long nn'i yr,|. Hor cb.aea ariU -*.¦" -a - oa 8ATCRDAY, Octobar t. la her eleroat BMaMwbere pnvBte monthly S,»'r -a will b* givea at tuB_k Otytand lioort: W.-rtn-adaia aod Se-iirdeys at ll, for Mlaaaa-Maftem Mooday. aad ThuradayA at 71 P. M-, for wdiea and gentlernea. Saht.ola nnd prliata '¦. ., I'-t attandatBrooklyn Claatea for You.g Ladie. at Mr BKBTKA-ANo 4- Pierrepout tt.

THEARTofDANCINC and WALTA-lN(i ror.BP.CTLY-A CARO-The ata-. at

CHAItltl 'lii'-S K Hiii-t, No _n Whit* .' will IO0BB-B911 .-Ari'RDAY Un!, lu*.'. ar . o 1,-i, in tha A.roea

for I.adiea, Ml.*-. Miwte-t, at 7. H aad 'I K.nni, 4. f*t.eriti. 01-n »i the Himi n. No M Hut Ith nt . avear Br.Iv. iv. ,n MOSIIAY, 9ft., Atd Wr.ONCBOAr. .Vth _t IInr on atd a( -4 for '.-1 . .¦!.-*- 1 aad Maitara, oa, M08OA V. .Atn. at -. H and .. tivnini, lor lia'i'-kuiri.N » Mi ( HAKIilrVI ll i-tii-n* h.« kl'i. ara tlisnkl-

'. K.,r fc ,1. 1,,-,-, ... i,,r pa-,1 Baaaaraatafl ..I-eraU'y _,,.,_'ed. and _>.ure* tbat. II ta ali baartBtft ,, laetaaee. lion P-; .a tu B_a88B__B h>t atti-ndbi'ca at that citf, tat

bopea f r ll.e euiniiniation of a aatt 1 f tta r pBfi*aaa_* "

hi* r r.i, * in Naw-Yorh. Poz pa.-ti ._._'., pl-aao --> -»*ni-/ -md s-Pfatap A'./ireaa.

pioiw-farUB.APIANO-FORTE, of Btiperlor tooo

and BflB-ki 7o**8V8; lt U naw, witb all tbe OfllMiu.proveinaotai haodaoma. naew.H.d r_o. It alil b**_l* ¦-,- low, a. tba own*: la aoon to Iravo tt* oUy. AddrtB,prspoid, PIANOPOBTE, tt tne oHi.s of li.l* BBB98

BRADBURYS BOSTOlN aod NEW-YORK PiANOWARE ROOMB, No 4W Bt_dt___thr».e doort I'mve Caaal-M Aewjrfad Planoa, of apgroad with aud wltboBt tha A-.oliao. aa ahaapaa ataaa.Bti.. He wa, HaJIett. Darta lt CrV. , Llghl k Newt.'t **,Aa. Ploato call tnd aximloa. Ordert from *M_ad puaaW_iy attt.-.1.-dto E.O BRAUBUBY.

CARHART'S MELODEONS, whichara proouweci d by tha beat judaee flflpati-r (oak

other*. eaa ba had only of fh. aole egeat .1 8 CLiRK. fta_bl Broadway, ( tha Park ) B. B.IwdrttawBwith itop. for Chuictiat.

70LIAN PlANO-FORTES.-T.__.I OILBERT k CO '8 celil'rated Plano-rorta*. wiB

and wittoat tbo .tloltan. The .ul.acnb.r. who U ti.e _Bageot ia tm. any for tl a aaie cf thea* .B.trumeeU, ( of whlcli haa becorne wafM wide.),. now prefa-alto _9bf tbem at pric. whlcb, to tti.aa wtaluog ti par.ta,cmi.ot fall to I** Bat_M_tr.ry Poaa-aaing factui'-a for ****.>£Ing i'nooa notnrpaiaed, lr BdBatad, oy thoae of aaf 9T9Mhu_e tha city, ha doe. not h-aiu! a 10 aar tha tte ot_ PJJ_..¦. 1 iodoeement* to buyrra oot to be louad el-owAjar*. BA

haacor-_tl> 011 .tnd ao et-iialve b_.')rtoi*Bt of Baaawliand Pianoa. al oarfol> a which bt fearlebtly aaaerta wlll dB)-__ip«liu_B Ollfcart'. alrtant Bruduir. or Cottaoe Plaaffclor ..uaii rooma Alao. Metodeoat. of Priacei ttd * aruiriiluaka Oieod I'.alianaod 01) t.-Piaoia to i'-t.

HORACE WATEU.S. No Ul Broidway,corner »f Aotliony at. ap t"


EXTENSlVE StX)CK of PIA.SOPORTE8, which, rtr wp-riotity of toa. aad ac*'p, cannot la ..irpeased..Tha ni.en'ar b«f **.

cf.iad the antlra -ttabli.Snaot of tl* lat» wall-fcbowa tt*ol Dl BOI8A 8PO0ART, who waraeagaged furmotalkafoity yeor* lo tbta ei'v Wi tte flMBMB.tute uf Pitao >--.aad wh'*,. r-tiitaiioi ta more fay.-rabiy Mbowb tbta b»JMbar lirm h A.rrtcA _

The PIANO KoRT_So8.rad for tila by tba s-lw-ir*-.ara made from tbe rery bc.t .aoauu- d rott-r-_t, ai 4 *

t_lttatataM)a*ay_>ei_tBta Bad ara warra-ted 10 «'»Ad a*

rari ruarr,a»|eai Ihta alimats; ofld 8r* made w;tfce»__* ...'ar -vt.n a to lha U'lBVaiB, Ottf u aad Aa_ra-

B C JOLLIE uaa rt444a__ia*d the atjOta _t-.h of Btdt,with the rxteettaa t-alo,ua of C^i-ta k imo<_ri, aod ._->ttatof IratphP Aiartll. '.tr, lag. to_etta.y, tba lfz***l .*_u .'. ',- ;r_rr,l__f rt._-.n-1n the t.'oli'al BHb.B, Br. ttB.*BieBerad to «_rplT .11 ordert "B the rroij Hbazal tartra.' Io.lIB- PliVNO-r-ORTE LOAN CAMPkHVThit hitklya.aea-fol CompaBj b r.ow ia l-«*|__

The pabita B»(*B.i_B lt c_Pad to Um kt^katkktmtatrm-Tliua aay perreoo u.> bw;otn*i the omrumr ot aw'aadld "*__PitrU, la-ra.a frtrrn tfjrt t_ «-vj, pa.i-fl ritoalMf'¦¦Jrriei.u ef kii.a-twalfil, part ilt Tt*.*, tbay rtwir. «*"_^*7_fula, tad pay tta balmce ia Oki lngtt! -kaitao! oat-t aO-*A\o-t-r.tlly ,. ,__ _,

Pan© P-rtw tur ulro. Eva#y i_Atr_-_Bt »U at tt- "

laldbB.BBM ia » ura.'ted_ ._,

BAMl IL C. J01__IE, 1.. _50 Br^trajrJ'^

F_»F SALE.At No- 8 l^hT-J*;B.zt dnur to lha .A___f Hubba-8 vartaty£*£+

oata.e i-jaw-wood Ptai t-PtiTt-a, WArraol-. w firm "JTbi.^_^__!!_?i«i-^-Gic H. BARMORE o-TwjJfJ^

a mac -.ytcry aal Na -y.T_Trp__,8c*__r tf Cl_f-a,8B _t-i,r_ne. I cf a_*_a_« __f^. ^aawitt tte ._.'a r, frama aal ttttnt a-MB-a aaa a-

n_de:B faBMBfMaBiaMi ¦ .--*

f7_C. ____*_____tm_\'¦M»_-__^?---2___J.t )*. _ Widg. aod oa-tol -j .^_\Xm_4\\\tkt4\w\