
Overview Welcome to Trévo LLC™ OUR MISSION is to be more than just another successful company. It is our goal, our passion, to help you open your life to the world of opportunity and possibility that is before you. OUR GOAL, as individuals and as a company, is to empower you to achieve your dreams as you live a healthy and prosperous life, and to help you make a difference in the lives of others through a lucrative business opportunity powered by a unique product and charitable initiatives. While the word “prosperity” evokes a variety of different definitions depending upon to whom you are speaking, the Trévo team considers prosperity to be a wholeness word that embodies completeness. Such completeness includes a balanced life of spiritual, emotional, physical and financial prosperity. TRÉVO’S FOUNDERS are Mark and Holli Stevens who have a proven track record of over 16 years as owners of a successful network marketing company. Mark and Holli have also been on the “other side of the table” as independent representatives, building organizations with tens of thousands of members. This dynamic duo also possess nearly four decades of combined business ownership expertise. Ask Mark about the Trévo opportunity and you will hear the passion and excitement in his voice as he talks about people whose lives are being transformed by this opportunity.

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Post on 31-Oct-2014




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Imagine having energy to spare, enhanced mental focus, vibrant good health, and a wonderful sense of well-being. That is what we call the power of wellness, and that is the revolutionary power of Trévo.


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OverviewWelcome to Trévo LLC™


OUR MISSION is to be more than just another successful company. It is our goal, our passion, to help you open your life to the world of opportunity and possibility that is before you.


OUR GOAL, as individuals and as a company, is to empower you to achieve your dreams as you live a healthy and prosperous life, and to help you make a difference in the lives of others through a lucrative business opportunity powered by a unique product and charitable initiatives. While the word “prosperity” evokes a variety of different definitions depending upon to whom you are speaking, the Trévo team considers prosperity to be a wholeness word that embodies completeness. Such completeness includes a balanced life of spiritual, emotional, physical and financial prosperity.


TRÉVO’S FOUNDERS are Mark and Holli Stevens who have a proven track record of over 16 years as owners of a successful network marketing company. Mark and Holli have also been on the “other side of the table” as independent representatives, building organizations with tens of thousands of members. This dynamic duo also possess nearly four decades of combined business ownership expertise.


Ask Mark about the Trévo opportunity and you will hear the passion and excitement in his voice as he talks about people whose lives are being transformed by this opportunity.


OUR COMPENSATION PLAN Trévo has developed a new compensation concept that marries a proven compensation plan with new, innovative compensation strategies. The result is unprecedented reward for all levels of participation, including:

Customers Product evangelists Sales activity by Life and Health Coaches Sales leaders Dream builders who actively help get and keep the field motivated


NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS  Trévo LLC has raised the bar for nutritional supplements with the power of wellness through its proprietary blend of over 174 premium

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nutraceuticals, including maqui and acai berries, mangosteen, amalaki fruit, gotu kola, ashwagandha and a cornucopia of other fabulous nutraceuticals. In fact, Trévo has developed the only nutritional supplement in the world to combine and harness the power of such a remarkable array of vitamins, minerals, “supergreens,” antioxidant-packed fruits and vegetables, coral calcium, and herbs from around the globe.


Based in Oklahoma, Trévo LLC is powered by a global network of many thousands of energetic and excited Life and Health Coaches.

Trévo PillarsSome people only dream of doing great things, while others stay awake and accomplish them.


This powerful statement embodies the heart of the Trévo™ pillars. Indeed, Trévo™ is dedicated to building a culture that equips and motivates people to achieve and embrace the greatness for which they were created.


Vibrant Physical Health – Trévo™ helps people take responsibility for their health through the inclusion of a high-quality nutritional supplement into their daily routine. Of course, healthy eating habits and exercise go hand-in-hand with supplementation. Achieving vibrant physical health can help you to excel in every area of life, including emotionally, spiritually and financially.


Enthusiastic Emotional Health – We believe that, at the core of vibrant emotional health, you will find personal growth. A commitment to personal growth equips us to identify our gifts, talents, strengths and weaknesses. Personal growth involves practicing healthy thinking and character development. This is a journey that creates emotional well-being and victory throughout the circumstances of life.


Thriving Spiritual Health – As human beings, our goal should be to affect a positive impact in the lives of others. Our ability to love others is the underpinning of a deep, thriving spiritual health. Matthew 22:36-39 reinforces this by instructing us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.“’Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?’ Jesus said to him,‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second likewise is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”


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This commandment does not say to only love those who agree with us or who look like us. It simply says to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Indeed, life is a journey that cannot be navigated apart from love, faith, hope, freedom, growth, and the discovery of God’s great plan for each of our lives.


Abundant Financial Health – Financial abundance helps enable us to make our dreams and the dreams of others become reality, to create lifestyles that we desire. Financial abundance defines the manner in which we would live our lives if money were no object. A life of financial prosperity removes the burden of debt and gives us the freedom to dream huge dreams. It also equips us to help meet the needs of others while also empowering their dreams, both on a local and global level.


We consider these four pillars to be the embodiment of true prosperity. They are deeply interconnected and each one should be embraced, treasured, and nurtured on a daily basis in order to achieve a life of empowered dreams and unlimited opportunity.

7 Empowering Principles 

At TrévoTM, we are on a quest to become the greatest health, wellness and lifestyle company in history. To accomplish this, we have tapped into the key that all companies which have attained greatness and, ultimately, legendary status have had in common.


What might that be, you may ask. We believe that each of these companies have identified and embraced specific characteristics that created and defined their own culture of success.


There are seven identifiable characteristics – principles, if you will – that we believe will propel the TrévoTM team toward a destiny of greatness. As we shape our lives and attitudes through these principles, our lives actually become the catalyst that attracts others to the TrévoTM culture and lifestyle of prosperity.


The word prosperity seems to evoke a wide variety of interpretations, but at TrévoTM we believe that prosperity is a wholeness word. Prosperity is about being balanced and complete in all areas of life, including spiritual, emotional, financial, and physical health. Prosperity gives you the gift of freedom – time freedom, financial freedom, and the freedom to create a positive impact upon our global community.


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Mark Stevens, CEO and founder of TrévoTM, defines true freedom as the ability to do what you want to do when you want to do it, and have what you want to have when you want to have it. The principles embraced and nurtured here at TrévoTM equip you to create that kind of life-changing, dream-empowering freedom.


1. Creation Story - Discover the compelling story behind the creation of Trévo.2. Creed - This is a clear statement of our beliefs, mission, and core values.3. Icons - Powerful icons are recognizable symbols that immediately bring an

organization, mission, or even nation to mind. The Trévo icons include our logo of three interlocked leaves.

4. Believers and Unbelievers - Specific characteristics identify those who are part of the Trévo culture of success and those who are not.

5. Rituals - These are daily activities unique to Trévo that lead to successful lives.6. Leaders – Core attributes that define true Trévo leadership.7. Sacred Words and Phrases - These comprise the unique language of the Trévo

culture, opportunity and business terms.


1.  The TrévoTM Creation Story

The journey toward the creation of TrévoTM actually began years ago when Mark A. Stevens, CEO and founder of TrévoTM, was a young man of just 16. While still in high school, Mark discovered his entrepreneurial spirit and passion for excellence as he became the owner of a soon-to-be nationally recognized music company. From the very beginning of his journey toward legendary business success, Mark challenged the “status quo” of corporate leadership as he divided his time between studies and running a successful business.


As his business insight grew, Mark discovered that the principles of the network marketing industry actually underscored and intertwined with his belief that an unlimited opportunity exists for everyone, not just a select few, willing to work hard and help other people along the way. Thus began the journey that lead to the creation of Trévo.


Perhaps the most defining difference that sets Trévo apart from other companies is Mark’s love for people. He is passionate in his belief that everyone has the right to live their dreams.


Trévo was created to make a positive difference in people’s lives; to help people become aware of what is available to them in life. In other words, to empower the dreams that can fuel their success. But being successful is much more than just making money. It is actually about what you do with that success. It is about making the world a better place in which to live. It is about imparting a sense of possibility.

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At Trévo LLCTM, we are dedicated to helping you to realize that there is a great life out there just waiting for you to come and get it. We want you to live the very best life you possibly can by embracing the knowledge that you were created for greatness. You are created to be empowered to change your life and the lives of those around you.


That is the mission of TrévoTM – to create a culture of passion, excitement, prosperity, good health, generosity, and love. In other words, to embrace living life to the fullest. To our way of thinking, there is no better legacy than this for our families and our global community.


2.  The TrévoTM Creed

 At TrévoTM, our creed is a statement of our beliefs that explains who we are and what we are all about. It clearly says why we belong in people’s lives. It is comprised of Trévo’sTM Pillars, Mission, and Core Values. Together, these components of our Creed create an identity that attracts people to the exciting and rewarding TrévoTM culture.


The TrévoTM Pillars

 The four TrévoTM Pillars define a lifestyle of freedom, passion and prosperity. They are the bedrock of the TrévoTM culture of success.


Vibrant Physical Health – TrévoTM helps people take responsibility for their health through the inclusion of a high-quality nutritional supplement into their daily routine. Of course, healthy eating habits and exercise go hand-in-hand with supplementation. Achieving vibrant physical health can help you to excel in every area of life, including emotionally, spiritually and financially.


Enthusiastic Emotional Health – We believe that, at the core of vibrant emotional health, you will find personal growth. A commitment to personal growth equips us to identify our gifts, talents, strengths and weaknesses. Personal growth involves practicing healthy thinking and character development. This is a journey that creates emotional well-being and victory throughout the circumstances of life.


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Thriving Spiritual Health – As human beings, our goal should be to affect a positive impact in the lives of others. Our ability to love others is the underpinning of a deep, thriving spiritual health. Matthew 22:36-39 reinforces this by instructing us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.


“‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?’ Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second likewise is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”


This commandment does not say to only love those who agree with us or who look like us. It simply says to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Indeed, life is a journey that cannot be navigated apart from love, faith, hope, freedom, growth, and the discovery of God’s great plan for each of our lives.


Abundant Financial Health – Financial abundance helps enable us to make our dreams and the dreams of others become reality, to create lifestyles that we desire. Financial abundance defines the manner in which we would live our lives if money were no object. A life of financial prosperity removes the burden of debt and gives us the freedom to dream huge dreams. It also equips us to help meet the needs of others while also empowering their dreams, both on a local and global level.

We consider these four pillars to be the embodiment of true prosperity. They are deeply inter-connected and each one should be embraced, treasured, and nurtured on a daily basis in order to achieve a life of unlimited possibility.


The TrévoTM Mission

The TrévoTM mission is to create a culture of passion, excitement, faith, prosperity, good health, generosity, and love.


The heart of this mission begins with our corporate team and ripples out to those that embrace our culture. Through example, tools and training, TrévoTM helps our members become more than they ever thought possible. Our state-of-the-art technology, proven successful business systems, and world class training have been carefully developed for one compelling reason – to help you achieve the success that you dream of.


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The unlimited opportunity offered through TrévoTM embodies and fulfills our mission to help people around the globe enjoy not just abundant financial health, but also vibrant physical health, enthusiastic emotional health, and thriving spiritual health.


Another vital component of the TrévoTM mission is our dedication to purposeful giving. Mark and Holli Stevens, founders of TrévoTM, actively encourage the members of the TrévoTM family to join them in participating in this joyful and rewarding legacy by embracing a lifestyle of giving back to their local communities as well as the worldwide community.


Trévo’sTM Core Values

Following are nine of the Core Values that are embraced by our TrévoTM Life and Health Coaches. The complete list is available to all Life and Health Coaches online.


Persistence represents an attitude that says, “I will keep trying and never quit, in spite of circumstances and feelings that are trying to stop me.” Persistence is necessary to achieve success in every area of your life.


Consistence represents the willingness and discipline to constantly perform the activities necessary for success, day in and day out. It does not mean perfection. It does mean, “I will continually try even if I fail at times.” Persistence and consistence are like power twins that complement one another.


Giving is an integral part of our mission to help others embrace the gift of health and the opportunity for true prosperity offered through TrévoTM. We believe that as prosperity comes to us, we have the responsibility and privilege to give back from the resources with which we have been blessed.


Fun is important in everything we do at TrévoTM. We genuinely believe there is a way to find fun in everything we do. It is an attitude that wins the day during the tough times and allows you to enjoy life. TrévoTM is definitely not “just another job,” and fun is a vital component of our culture.


Embrace is a powerful word and is at the very heart of every TrévoTM Core Value. For if we do not embrace these values, our mission simply becomes empty words. TrévoTM invites

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people of all ages, races, creeds, and spiritual backgrounds to embrace our mission by becoming a part of the TrévoTM culture.


Passion is a strong, extravagant enthusiasm for something. Passion is contagious, and passionate people make things happen. Our mission and our exciting training system are catalysts for igniting the passion within your heart to see your dreams of prosperity become reality.


Together represents an immense power that we possess when we unite in purpose and thought. At TrévoTM, it is a powerful reciprocal relationship between our Life and Health Coaches and our team at corporate headquarters. We encourage one another toward greatness, and intentionally avoid having a critical spirit. At the very heart of winning stands unity and a spirit of working together. After all, we are on the same team.


Integrity can be represented in one word … honesty. It is a strict adherence to honoring our word and treating others as we would desire to be treated.


Innovation represents Trévo’sTM attitude of being willing to think outside the box, constantly improve products and systems, explore new ways of doing things, and implement new technologies. It means that we will never just accept status quo in any area of our business or personal lives.


3.  The TrévoTM Icons

Icons are typically visual representations, but can also be recognizable sounds or smells of something with which we can instantly identify.


An icon can evoke a feeling of pleasure or expectation, even creating a sense of pride and community. Think of how the image of the American flag, coupled with the playing of the national anthem, can stir emotions and a deep sense of respect, hope, thankfulness, courage, pride and unity.


Since the name TrévoTM is a derivative of the Latin phrase “power of three,” our logo depicts three interlocked leaves. This name and its associated icon encompass our commitment to restore, renew, and revive your physical, financial, spiritual, and emotional prosperity. This

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logo also speaks of our dedication to search out and utilize the very best natural nutrients from around the globe for our products as well as our dedication to being a “green” company. The color green is also associated with prosperity, completeness, and strength.


4.  TrévoTM Believers And Unbelievers

TrévoTM believers have an entrepreneurial spirit. They are energetic movers and shakers who get things done. TrévoTM believers embrace personal growth and want to make a difference in the world. They see the unlimited possibilities available through the TrévoTM opportunity.


TrévoTM believers consistently embrace the development of their character and talents. It starts on the inside and manifests on the outside with positive action. These unstoppable entrepreneurs understand that as they fill their minds with the proper thoughts and truths for attaining their goals, they become equipped to empower their dreams and beliefs.


Indeed, by applying truths and principles in difficult situations, we can prove our beliefs and reinforce a new attitude of viewing difficulties as stepping stones to the fulfillment of our dreams.


This attitude of being open to new things and new experiences helps us to become more – more than we currently believe possible and more than others believe possible. Through teamwork, believers create a sense of belonging; a sense of being a part of something bigger than themselves.


Unbelievers are satisfied with settling for the status quo. Oftentimes, their dreams were set aside long ago and they just cannot wrap their minds around the possibility of having a more abundant life. Unbelievers cannot see the big picture, and quite possibly never will. Or perhaps because the timing is just not right for them, they are not open to the message you have to share.


We encourage our Life and Health Coaches to treat these people with respect and love. You will find that they can be a valuable resource in identifying and connecting with those who are open and receptive to what you have to say, so always ask them for referrals. And because of your passion and compassion, those who were previously unbelievers will often reach out to you when their circumstances change.


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5.  TrévoTM Rituals

If you think about it, rituals are very easy to define. For example, they can be disciplines that bring us some form of a reward, such as exercising our body or getting up for work every day. In these two examples of rituals, your rewards would be, respectively, a toned, healthy body and compensation.


Rituals are actions that you consciously decide to perform in order to receive something in return.


At TrévoTM, we encourage rituals that will position you for great prosperity and success. Such rituals are activities that you engage in on a daily basis to help fulfill the TrévoTM mission. For example, being persistent and consistent in your daily business-building activities are two key rituals in becoming a successful, productive entrepreneur.


Other TrévoTM rituals for success include:

• Talking to people every day about the product and/or the opportunity

• Being on all of Trévo’sTM training calls

• Learning new things through our systems and training

• Making all of these actions a part of your daily life


Life and Health Coaches can learn more about Trévo’sTM rituals for success in our booklet entitled “Seven TrévoTM Principles To Empower Your Dreams.”


6.  Trévo™ Leaders

Throughout history, people have become leaders by standing up for their beliefs, dreams and missions in life.  These leaders have come from all walks of life and represent every race, every creed, and every personality type.

There is a common thread that is found among leaders.  Invariably, they each possess the conviction, passion and determination that their cause is worth fighting for, no matter what it may cost them personally.  History proves that just one person who embraces and maintains these leadership attributes can change the course of a nation, and even the entire world.

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Trévo™ founders Mark and Holli Stevens are examples of visionary leadership.  They firmly believe that life is a journey which cannot be navigated without faith, hope, love, freedom, action and a passion that continually evolves to a higher level.


Good leaders are made not born.  If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader.  Good leaders develop through a never-ending process of growth that includes training, personal growth, and experience. 


Some characteristics are universal in practically every successful leader.  For example:

Being unafraid to go against the flow Never settling for less than the best Understanding that nothing is impossible Having steadfast integrity Loving a challenge Being persistent and consistent in pursuing a dream or goal Looking “outside the box” for solutions Being compassionate and giving


As founders of Trévo™, these attitudes and attributes are things that Mark and Holli value and nurture.  They understand that embracing and developing such traits will result in maximum impact.  It is their goal, our desire, that each person who makes the decision to become a member of the Trévo™ family will adopt and express these characteristics in their lives.


7.  Trévo’s™ Sacred Words and Phrases 

The Sacred Words and Phrases of Trévo™ are a list of words and phrases, together with their accompanying definitions.  They are the language of our lifestyle culture that has evolved through the lives of founders Mark and Holli Stevens, our Life and Health Coaches, and their interaction with our products, business opportunity, systems, and technology tools.


Following is an abbreviated list of our Sacred Words and Phrases.  The full list is available to our Life and Health Coaches in our booklet entitled “Seven Trévo™ Principles To Empower Your Dreams.”


People, Products, Prosperity is first about you becoming connected to the Trévo™ lifestyle culture and product, and then connecting other people to the same.  This act of “plugging in”

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provides both you and others with whom you connect the opportunity for unlimited prosperity in every area of life … physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial.


The Power of Wellness speaks of the astounding health benefits of the 174 nutraceutical ingredients from around the world that comprise the Trévo™ 100% vegetarian, nutrient-dense formulation.


Restore, Renew, Revive refers to the beneficial effects of Trévo’s™ unique liquid nutraceutical product.  As each delicious ounce is absorbed into the body’s cells, thousands upon thousands of phytonutrients go to work to restore vital energy and enhance your mental focus; renew the body and mind; and revive the body’s natural anti-aging and immune system support.


“True freedom means having the things you want to have when you want to have them, and doing the things you want to do when you want to do them” is a quote from Trévo’s™ founder and CEO, Mark Stevens.  This statement is the embodiment of the personal empowerment that comes from the Trévo™ opportunity and lifestyle.


“Trevo™ represents a whole new category of super-nutrition” refers to Trévo’s™ unique 3-phase formula (Restore, Renew, Revive) that covers a broad spectrum of nutrition.  This formula is so revolutionary and completely unprecedented that we are seeking patent protection.


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Faith, family, and business are three elements of life that most people believe occupy entirely separate worlds; worlds that cannot be mixed together successfully.  However, in the case of Mark and Holli Stevens and their daughter Alexandria, nothing could be further from the truth.


As Mark Stevens and Holli Stevens fulfill their daily roles together at Trévo™, you can clearly see the trust, respect, faith and friendship they share as parents, husband and wife, and partners in business.  Daily conversation between Mark, Holli and the Trévo™ corporate team reveals how important family is to them.


Mark and Holli genuinely believe what they espouse to friends, members of their corporate team, and the Trévo™ Life and Health Coaches, and that is that all people are created for greatness.  They know, beyond any doubt, that everyone has the potential to pursue a life of unlimited prosperity – a life of empowered and fulfilled dreams.


Trévo’s™ Four Pillars upon which this company is founded were birthed from Mark and Holli’s own hearts and life experiences and are consistently practiced in their daily lives.  Developing relationships based upon honesty, trust, and integrity is foundational to the Stevens family and, consequently, to the Trévo™ family as well.  They truly believe that Trévo™ is destined to build a legacy of health, financial prosperity, and a spirit of generously giving back that will change millions of lives around the world for generations to come.


Mark, Holli, and Alexandria offer you a warm invitation to be a part of this monumental journey toward empowered dreams and purposeful lives.




Mark is well-known as a successful business owner, global entrepreneur, leader, motivational speaker, best-selling author, and humanitarian. 


The journey toward the creation of Trévo actually began years ago when Mark A. Stevens, CEO and founder of Trévo, was a young man of just 16. While still in high school, Mark discovered his entrepreneurial spirit and passion for excellence as he became the owner of a soon-to-be nationally recognized music company. From the very beginning of his journey toward legendary business success, Mark challenged the “status quo” of corporate leadership

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as he divided his time between studies and running a successful business. Drawing upon his ever-expanding business expertise, Mark went on to build several successful corporations.


He has successfully built multi-million dollar companies as well as network marketing organizations of tens of thousands. He has made immensely successful acquisitions spanning from North America to the Far East, Africa and beyond, and is recognized as a leader in many global markets.


Mark is listed in Who’s Who in Corporate America and has served on the national industry Board of Directors for CBA as well as Chairman of the Board for ECA. Currently, he is serving on a major ministry Board and a charity Board.


 Mark is author of Natural Secrets Drug Companies Don’t Want You To Know About, in which he shares the secrets of achieving good health naturally. This fascinating read details how nature’s bounty of nutrients can keep us healthy without harmful chemicals. It also provides insight into the untold, yet devastating, risks of many prescription drugs common in today’s society.


His profound knowledge and insight into the world of network marketing led to his selection as a contributing author in the best-selling Ultimate Guide To Network Marketing, a book combining the wisdom of 37 of the top network marketers in the world as they each share their most preciously guarded secrets to building extreme wealth. In this book, Mark’s expertise in building a successful business and nurturing its growth provides a masterful formula for massive, ultra-success in a highly competitive industry.


As a motivational speaker and success coach on an international level, Mark’s driving passion is to empower people to enjoy a life of freedom and prosperity; to realize and embrace the greatness for which they were created.


The cornerstones of Mark’s message as he travels the world are:

1. Wellness2. Prosperity3. Making a difference in the world in which we live


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As the driving force of Trévo, Mark’s visionary leadership has not only created spectacular incomes for untold thousands of people worldwide, but has also touched the hearts and minds of many more with his message of hope, freedom and a life without limits.



Holli Stevens is an accomplished businesswoman in her own right. She has been nationally recognized as a top salesperson, having received a number of prestigious sales awards for consistently generating millions of dollars in sales. Holli has also been recognized as a top recruiter in the network marketing industry.


Holli is an integral part of Trévo’s™ daily operations, bringing her wisdom – both in business and in life – as well as her grace and compassionate heart. Recognizing the power of teamwork and integrity, Holli is a driving force here at Trévo™ as she helps the Trévo™ corporate team and Life and Health Coaches alike discover and nurture their talents and gifts to excel in life.


Other facets of Holli’s leadership skills at Trévo™ include negotiation, at which she is a master, and working with the international division of our company.

Giving Back  

Trévo’s™ philosophy of giving back into the local and global community is a reflection of the attitude and passion of Mark and Holli Stevens, founders of Trévo™. This couple is

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dedicated to providing a helping hand to the underprivileged, the homeless, and orphans. Mark and Holli are on a mission to create a culture of getting involved, of living to give.


This passionate dedication has resulted in ongoing relationships with a number of wonderful charitable organizations. We believe that a spirit of giving is not just about financial help, but also involves investing your heart and your time. It is about leaving a mark of positive influence on the world around you. It is about looking beyond creating wealth simply for the sake of material gain, but using that wealth to share blessings.


At the heart of Trévo™ is this philosophy: Look around. When you see a need in the lives of others, use the prosperity that this company has helped you create to change the world around you.


We encourage you to embrace this spirit of charity and allow it to open your eyes to the bigger picture of what we were each created for. Make the decision today to join us on our mission of creating a legacy of loving people who are making a positive impact on communities around the world.


Trévo’s™ Charitable Pool Bonus Program


 Trévo™ is dedicated to uniting people for a greater good. Toward that end, Life and Health Coaches who achieve Black Diamond Executive level and above are rewarded with shares of Trévo’s™ remarkable Charity Pool Bonuses. These shares are distributed as donations to the charities specified by these leaders, and will be made in the name of the participating leader.


The benefit of Trévo’s™ Charity Pool Bonus Program is two-fold. First, these charitable donations actively help make the world a better place. Second, they highlight participants as successful entrepreneurs who support their communities on both a local and a global level.

Contact Us 

Whether you have a question, would like to place an order, enroll a new Life and Health Coach, or locate a Life and Health Coach in your area, the Trévo™ corporate team is here to help you.

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+1 405.942.3200



Corporate Office and Order Information: +1 877.942.3255 



Corporate Office and Order Information: +1 405.948.1110 



Distributorship Information: [email protected]

General Information: [email protected]

Life and Health Coach Support: [email protected]

Product Inquiries:[email protected]

Support/Latin America: [email protected]



Monday through Thursday – 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Central Standard Time

Friday – 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Central Standard Time, USA 



Trévo LLC™

1215 North Portland

Oklahoma City, OK 73107

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882 1er Etage,

Immeuble Domino NC 1952

Boulevard de la République,

Akwa, Douala, Cameroon

Phone:  +237 3342 2394



Rue Montee Capitole,

Immeuble CPI

Yaounde, Cameroon

Phone:  +237 9998 9886



Boulevard Valerie Giscard d’Estain,

Immeuble les Dunes 3em Etage.

Enface Solibra,

Trechville, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Phone:  +225 59 97 2879



Al-Ghurair Centre,

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Office Tower,

Level 8, Suite 839A,

Al-Rigga, Deira, Dubai

Phone:  +9714 298 0555

Fax: +9714 236 4777

Office Hours-

Saturday-Thursday: 10:00am-9:00pm

Friday: 5:00pm-9:00pm




Plot No. 978, 

Near Ghana Link- Abedi Pele Area

Hisense, Bawaleshire

East Legon


Phone1: +233 509 231 740

Phone2: +233 263 606 402



Cocoboad Adum Kumasi,

Adjacent Pepsi Cola Warehouse, Behind Asafo Market,

Adum-Kumasi, Ghana

Phone 1: +233 24 625 9548

Phone 2: +233 32 203 6636

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Phone 3: +233 50 923 1740



Gumani R/C House #87,

Opposite Gariba Lodge, Adjacent Fanmilk Depot,

On the Bolgatanga, Tamale Airport Road,

Tamale, Ghana

Phone 1: +233 50 664 1713

Phone 2: +233 50 923 1740



All orders made through US Corporate Office



No. 16, 16 Cross Palace Orchards,

Sadashivanagar, Bangalore, India

Phone: +91 80 2361 1222




 Plot 8, Moshood Abiola Way, 

Oke Lantoro, Abeokuta, Nigeria 

Phone: +234 818 873 4701



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Ground Floor, Block A(A006-008), 

Millennium Builders’ Plaza, Plot 251, (facing NNPC Towers), 

Herbert Macauley Way, 

Central Business District, Abuja, Nigeria 

Phone: +234 817 558 6079 



102 Oyemekun Road

Akure, Nigeria

Phone: +234 90 9321 8431


Benin City 

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Ilorin, Nigeria 

Phone: +234 817 272 4137 



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Congo Street, Behind CBN Quarters,

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Phone: +234 818 154 2864 



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Cocoa Industrial Estate Road, 

Ogba Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria 

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Port Harcourt 

67 Olu Obansajo Street, 

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Phone: +234 817 257 5806 



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Trévo™ Product Overview 

Discover the Power of Wellness


Imagine having energy to spare, enhanced mental focus, vibrant good health, and a wonderful sense of well-being. That is what we call the power of wellness, and that is the revolutionary power of Trévo.


Trévo is not just another fruit drink, nor is it just another multi-vitamin. In a world of sugar-filled juice drinks and caffeine-saturated energy shots, Trévo stands alone as a complete health system in one bottle. Containing 174 of nature’s finest nutraceutical ingredients from around the globe, Trévo is unlike any other nutritional supplement you will find on the market. This remarkable formula provides you and your family with a quick, delicious and easy way to restore, renew and revive your bodies.


The beauty of this unique formulation is that it actually replaces what the body is missing from today’s nutrient-depleted diets. And, because of the way our scientists have designed its formulation, Trévo will work just as well for a 2-year-old as it will for adults of all ages. It really is the best of all nutritional worlds! Trévo is, in fact, a delicious answer to your family’s need for complete, natural nutrition. 


So, are you ready to enjoy increased energy, enhanced mental focus, vibrant good health and even weight management support? If so, Trévo is the answer you have been searching for. 


The Power of Trévo’s Unique Formula 


Trévo provides your body with essential vitamins and minerals, vital trace minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, powerful antioxidants, digestive enzymes and Co-Enzyme Q10. 


The sources of these life-giving nutrients come from around the world and include phytonutrients from familiar garden fruits as well as exotic fruits, green superfoods, garden vegetables, sea vegetables, herbs, and coral calcium complex. And to really supercharge the

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nutritional benefits of each ingredient, we have added fulvic acid, which is an amazing electrolyte that actually supercharges all the nutrients in Trévo. 


Trévo Supports: 


• Vibrant good health• Increased energy• Enhanced mental focus• Weight management• Cardiovascular system health• Immune system health• Healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels• Digestive system health• Anti-aging• Proper pH levels• Sports and overexertion recovery• A wonderful sense of well-being


Discover The Fabulous Health Benefits Of Trévo’s Three-Phase Formula 



The first phase is called “Restore.” It is designed to restore vital energy and mental focus naturally by stimulating your body with a myriad of powerful nutraceuticals including fabulous energy-enhancing botanicals and superfruits such as gotu kola, ashwagandha, borojo, bacopa, schizandra fruit, Korean ginseng, and noni fruit. We have also included energy boosting essential vitamins and minerals, amino acids, plant and sea trace minerals, Co-enzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, and grape seed extract. 



Our 2nd phase is called “Renew.” It is designed to renew your body with a proprietary phytonutrient-rich blend of life-giving fruits, vegetables, and sea vegetables as well as essential fatty acids from borage seed oil and flaxseed oil. Plus it features chlorella, blue green spirulina, barley grass, kelp, and wheatgrass, which are all referred to as green superfoods. 



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Our 3rd phase is called “Revive.” This phase is designed to revive your body’s anti-aging and immune function support with exotic, free radical-fighting super-antioxidants such as camu camu, maqui berries, mangosteen, acai berries, amalaki fruit, acerola cherries, and goji berries. We have also included potent coral calcium complex as well as phytonutrient-packed herbs like ellagic acid, graviola, turmeric, green tea, lycopene, milk thistle, pau d’arco, cat’s claw, bilberry, and hawthorne berry. 


Imagine – all the fabulous nutritional benefits of the very best ingredients nature has to offer all in one delicious formulation. Trévo is quick, it’s easy, and it works, without any artificial sweeteners! That’s right; the naturally delicious flavor of Trévo is derived from its wonderful fruit ingredients. 


Trévo’s Power Of Wellness Is Ideal For Every Member Of Your Family! 

Ages 2-12 

Starting your children on Trévo during their crucial developmental years provides an excellent foundation for vibrant health and longevity. Without proper nutrition, children in this age group face a significantly increased potential for developing life-threatening and obesity-related diseases and attention deficit problems. By making Trévo a part of your children’s daily regimen, however, you can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your children are receiving optimum nutrition each and every day. 


Ages 13-60 

Lack of energy, mental focus and attention deficit problems are common among people in this age group. As in the younger group just mentioned, nutrient-depleted food and poor nutritional habits are among the prime contributors to the high occurrence of disease that plagues this age group. And, as with the younger age group, Trévo provides the nutrition needed to enjoy vibrant good health, enhanced mental focus, increased energy and much more. 


Ages 61 and older 

A significant rise in cancer, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as a number of other life-threatening and debilitating diseases, has been noted among this age group. As activity levels decrease among these people, appetite also decreases. This commonly results in dangerously reduced nutrient levels. Such low nutrient levels create a huge need for the super-nutrition available in each and every delicious ounce of Trévo. 


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Activate And Accelerate Trévo’s Power Of Wellness 


Activation Level 

Two ounces of Trévo’s super-nutrition per day activates your body’s response to the positive effects of Trévo. This activation level can be enjoyed in one or two ounce servings per day, with or without food. Children between the ages of 2 and 12 should consume 1⁄4 ounce for every 20 pounds of body weight, not to exceed one ounce per day.  


Acceleration Level 

Many people enjoy accelerated health benefits by taking three ounces of Trévo each day. Significantly increased energy levels and weight management support are just two of the benefits most frequently noticed by those who drink an acceleration level of Trévo. 


Trévo Gives You High-Quality, Eco-Friendly “Liquid Health In A Bottle”! 

• Trévo embraces current efforts to preserve our planet and her resources. The Trévo™ packaging is completely bio-degradable, ensuring that our bottles will never contribute to the increasing dilemma of landfills overflowing with non-biodegradable plastic bottles that will still be intact hundreds of years from now. 

• All of our product’s ingredients are 100% vegetarian and a number of these high-quality natural ingredients are even certified organic. 

• Trévo’s one-of-a-kind nutraceutical product is blended and bottled in a CGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices) facility. This facility not only meets but exceeds the FDA’s Code of Federal Regulations. 

• Trévo is a member of the prestigious Brunswick Laboratories ORAC Certification Program. ORAC stands for “Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity” and it is a proven method of measuring the antioxidant capacities of different foods. ORAC antioxidant scoring is so accurate that it has been adopted by the USDA Human Nutrition Center on Aging. Trévo has its liquid nutraceutical product routinely tested by the scientists at Brunswick Labs, so when we say that Trévo’s ORAC score is over 373,000 per bottle, it is a certified fact.


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Creation Story 

The global search to discover the secret of wellness

Deep in the dense jungles of the Amazon Rainforest, in the remote valleys nestled in the shadow of Tibet’s Himalayan Mountains, in the depths of crystal-blue oceans, and in a multitude of other exotic and far-flung locales around the globe, nature has provided an awe-inspiring wealth of nutraceuticals.


Nutrients that have the power to not only sustain life, but to even protect mankind from disease and prolong his longevity; nutrients that literally hold the secret of wellness. For the past several years, Trévo has been on a worldwide quest to unlock nature’s secrets, to identify and obtain her most prized nutraceuticals.


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Applying the nutraceutical knowledge gained during our global research, Trévo has created a one-of-a-kind blend of 174 of the very finest ingredients that nature has to offer, gathered from the four corners of the globe and masterfully combined into a delicious, highly bio-available liquid.


1) South America


We uncovered amazing stories of South American tribes who enjoyed glowing good health and an amazing resistance to even the most dreaded diseases. So we looked to the Amazon Rainforest, home to some of medicine’s most stunning pharmacological discoveries.


There we found the graviola tree, which has been cultivated in Peru since pre-Columbian times. In fact, its fruit was often represented in ceramics of the time. We found that local legends tell of indigenous peoples who often utilized different parts of the graviola tree, such as the bark, root, leaves, fruit and seeds, for medicinal use in the treatment of diabetes, indigestion, intestinal parasites, and even certain types of cancer. They even used graviola as a type of very mild sedative.


Another rainforest nutritional treasure is the fabulous camu camu berry. Folklore tales dating back more than 700 years describe Amazonian Indian tribes using this fruit to effectively help treat infections, decrease pain, strengthen joints, and even maintain longevity. Today, scientists have found that the camu camu fruit is rich in Vitamin C and contains 30 to 60 times more vitamin C than an orange or lemon. The camu camu berry is also an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and various amino acids. Besides its vitamin and mineral content, the fruit is also rich in anthocyanins, amino acids, flavonoids and has very strong antioxidant activity.


As our quest for nutritional knowledge continued, we turned our eyes toward the acai berry. For centuries, the acai berry has been eaten and used for medicinal reasons by the natives of the Amazon rainforests. And, of course, we were fascinated to learn the legend of the acai.


This legend tells how the palm tree that produces the acai berry was discovered accidentally by an Amazon Indian girl named Iaca, the daughter of a tribal chieftain. Facing devastating famine, this chief declared that no children would be allowed to be born into the tribe until a new food source was found. Iaca, the chief’s own daugher, was with child at the time. After her child was sacrificed, a grief-stricken Iaca ran into the forest that there discovered the acai palm bearing a wealth of bountiful dark purple fruit. Tragically, the discovery of this new food source could have saved the life of Iaca’s daughter, causing it to be called “the fruit that

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cries.” The tribe’s leader named the fruit acai (Iaca inverted) in honor of his daughter, and his tribe once again prospered.


From a health standpoint, the acai berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world. Acai contains a remarkable concentration of antioxidants that help combat premature aging, as well as valuable phytonutrients and a nearly perfect amino acid complex. Some of the more well-known health benefits of the acai include weight management support, increased energy and enhanced mental focus, not to mention cardiovascular and circulatory support.


Continuing our search through the lush jungles of South America, we heard amazing stories of how the Mapuche Indians of Chile have, for centuries, been known for their remarkable strength and endurance. We discovered that maqui berries have, for many hundreds of years, been a dietary staple of the Mapuches. According to legend, the ancient Mapuche regarded maqui as a sacred and powerful plant, and used maqui fruit as an essential part of its medical practices.


But the most exciting and legendary use of maqui was the strength, stamina and overall good health it provided to Mapuche warriors. The Spanish conquistadors who were repeatedly defeated by the Mapuche tribes reportedly said that the extreme stamina and strength of the natives came from the daily consumption of a beverage made from the maqui berry.


Our South American quest for knowledge, however, did not end in Chile. We also found that that the ancient Incas treasured pau d’arco as a major plant source used to promote health and immunity. In fact, indications imply that the use of pau d’arco may actually pre-date the Incas. We found that they Guarani and Tupi tribes called the pau d’arco tree “tajy,” which means “to have strength and vigor.” They used the bark not only to fashion hunting bows but also to treat a variety of health conditions. A tonic made from the pau d’arco tree was traditionally used for good health, strength and endurance.


2) Far East


Next, we turned our investigation toward the mysterious Far East.


There we discovered marvelous stories of remarkable longevity and good health, even in extremely remote and undeveloped villages. These stories all seemed to be connected to the

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wonders of centuries-old Ayurvedic traditional medicine. Roughly translated, the word Ayurveda, or Ayurvedic, means “the science of life.”


We began our research of the Far East in northern India, where we found the amalaki tree. This amazing tree enjoys a prominent position in Indian culture and is celebrated during the amalaki fruit harvesting season. Under the glow of a full moon, families gather under nearby amalaki trees and give thanks for the bounty of these trees. Folklore says that even just sitting under an amalaki tree will lead to greater vitality, strength, and overall health. Amalaki is highly regarded in Ayurveda for promoting the perfect digestion that leads to radiant health and youthful aging as well as shining eyes, skin and hair.


Next, we discovered that the fabulous bacopa has been revered for centuries in the Ayurvedic herbal traditions of India. It is said that the use of bacopa for memory enhancement goes back 3,000 years or more in India, when it was discovered to benefit brain function, including memory and learning skills, and to help manage anxiety, depression and stress. A traditional Ayurvedic medicine used to treat mental disorders and epilepsy, this wonder-herb appears to strengthen memory as well as improve mental focus and concentration by enhancing the conductivity of nerve tissue.


One of our most exciting and joyous discoveries involved the goji berries of Tibet. The natives of this mountainous region say that eating goji berries in the morning will make you happy the entire day, as its amazing nutritional properties create a sense of well-being and optimism. Indeed, nomadic peoples of Mongolia and Tibet have, for many centuries, found that regular consumption of goji berries supports a long, vigorous and happy life.


Loaded with nutrients and powerful antioxidants, 18 amino acids, more beta carotene than carrots, 21 trace minerals, more iron than spinach, 500 times more vitamin C by weight than oranges, 13% protein and many other vitamins and minerals including calcium, magnesium, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E, goji berries feature prominently in both ancient and current Tibetan medicine.


Looking back to India, we set out on the trail of an herb so powerful that its name in Sanskrit is“Brahmi,” which means wisdom or consciousness. Gotu kola, an ancient medicinal herb used in India, Indonesia and China for thousands of years, has long been associated with enhanced energy, improved brain function, and longevity. In fact, we discovered that gotu kola has been called one of the “miracle elixirs of life” because legend has it that an ancient Chinese herbalist lived for more than 200 years as a result of using this remarkable herb. According to Ayurveda, the gotu kola herb is one of the chief herbs for revitalizing the nerves and brain cells; hence, it is primarily known as a “brain food” in India.

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Another Far East herb that boasts quite a fascinating legend is ashwagandha. This herb has been used for 4,000 years in India and is featured prominently in the ancient art of Ayurveda where it is used to boost energy and vitality. Sometimes called Indian Ginseng, Ayurvedic medicine refers to ashwagandha as both a vitalizer and a mood-stabilizer.


One other nutritional jewel from the Far East that captivated our imagination and attention was the schizandra berry. This remarkable berry has a long history going back many centuries and, according to ancient Chinese herbal texts, it was believed that schizandra could “prolong the years of life without aging.” The fact that it has been in continuous use for at least 5,000 years and has been horded, revered, and praised by the cultures of China, Japan, and Korea demonstrates that the reputation of schizandra is well-founded.


3) South China Sea


The next stop on our worldwide quest was the beautiful South China Sea where we found a delicious fruit with quite a royal name.


The mangosteen fruit has such an exquisite flavor that it has been given the nickname of the”Queen of Fruits.” Interestingly, mangosteen has been used for thousands of years in Chinese, Ayurvedic and folk medicine in Asia. Dried and ground, these traditional medical practices used the rind against internal and external infections. Poultices of the whole mangosteen were used to treat skin conditions, and an extract of mangosteen pulp was used to control fever. The mangosteen has also been reported to have been relied upon as nutrition for individuals who, because of illness, were unable to eat other foods. Exceptionally rich in xanthones and antioxidant-packed nutrients, mangosteen is not only a wonderfully delicious superfood, it also offers up amazing health benefits.


4) South Pacific


We then turned our attention to the wealth of nutritionally-rich exotic fruits found in the glorious South Pacific area.

Our tropical trek brought us to the amazing noni. This miraculous plant was named “noni” by ancient Hawaiian healers who treasured its astounding medicinal properties. References to

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the use of noni date back many centuries and there are almost 40 recorded herbal remedies from these healers of old that involve combinations of the noni root, stems, bark, leaves, flowers and fruit. In fact, medicinal use of the noni plant is even mentioned in ancient Sanskrit writings from India.


From a nutritional standpoint, this tropical powerhouse has long been known for its beneficial effect when it comes to emotional and mental wellness. And although the jury is still out on precisely what makes noni work, a number of clinical studies indicate that noni’s high xeronine content works at a cellular level, making noni extremely helpful for burns, digestion, heart health, and immune system health. Plus, its antioxidant properties are quite possibly an important key in unlocking the secrets of anti-aging and longevity.


5) The Big Blue Marble


Next we dove into the brilliant blue oceans that have given our planet the nickname of “the big blue marble.”


The first “pearl” of underwater nutrition that we encountered was the sea vegetable called bladderwrack. Now, bladderwrack has been a part of natural medicine for centuries, with recorded use dating back to at least the 19th century. Sometimes called “sea wrack,” bladderwrack was found to be particularly beneficial in the treatment of thyroid disorders and obesity. Even back then, physicians found that the high iodine content of this herb appeared to stimulate thyroid function, which boosted metabolism.


Nutritionally, bladderwrack is rich in iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, silicon and iron and high in some B-complex vitamins. In addition to phosphorus, selenium, manganese, zinc and small amounts of vitamins A, C, E and G, bladderwrack also contains the anti-sterility vitamin S as well as vitamin K.


Swimming on through the sparkling forests of sea vegetables, we found another amazing sea vegetable called dulse. Found in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, an absolutely charming legend surrounds the delicate dulse. In the coastal villages of Northern Ireland, it is often said that throwing dulse into a body of water will bring peace to the thrower. To this day, it is not uncommon to find sandwiches of bread and nutrient-rich dulse leaves gracing the lunch tables of Ireland.


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When it comes to nutrition, though, dulse is much more than folklore. Possessing a mildly spicy flavor, dulse is extremely high in vitamins B6 and B12, as well as iron, potassium and fluoride. Unlike other sea vegetables, it is relatively low in sodium. This delicious sea vegetable also contains a large shopping list of other vitamins and nutrients, including vitamins C, E, and A, magnesium, calcium, dietary fiber and protein. Additionally, dulse is a natural source for Iodine, essential for thyroid gland and thyroid hormone secretion.


6) Okinawa Japan


Our last underwater adventure took us to the gloriously blue waters surrounding the islands of Okinawa, Japan. There, the pristine Pacific is home to a very unique form of coral; Sango coral, to be exact. As far back as the 1700’s, this particular type of coral was found in European medical reference books as “coral to purify the blood.” (“Palestra Farmaceutica Quimico-Alencia” anno 1792 by Felix Palacios)

The startling benefits of the naturally-occurring coral calcium complex derived from Sango coral took the modern-day center stage in 1979, when a British journalist from the Guinness Book of Records went on assignment to the islands of Okinawa and Tokunoshima off the coast of Japan to interview the world’s oldest documented living person.


What this journalist found was not only a man 115 years old with remarkably good health and vitality who had worked until the age of 105, but also that most of the islands’ inhabitants seemed to enjoy similar good health and longevity. Soon, a team of researchers arrived and made an important discovery. They found that these islanders had one thing in common. The water they drank was different from water found anywhere else in the world, apparently due to its high coral calcium content.


Upon analysis of coral calcium complex, it was discovered that this nutritional wonder contains over 70 trace minerals essential to life, as well as a wealth of antioxidants and a form of calcium that is exceptionally bio-absorbable. It even appears to be beneficial in maintaining the body’s ideal pH balance, which is vital for long-lasting good health.


But we wanted Trévo to be much more than just an exotic fruit or herbal drink. We wanted it to become the embodiment of the phrase “super-nutrition.”

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So we included all the vitamins and minerals that medical research has found to be essential for vibrant good health, increased energy, enhanced mental focus, and a sustained sense of well-being. However, we did not stop there. Scientists and physicians alike understand the importance of essential fatty acids, amino acids and supergreen foods, as well as a good variety of fruits and vegetables in order to restore and maintain good health. So our chemists and world class formulators set out to raise the nutritional bar even higher.


For example, Trévo contains a full complement of vegetarian-based amino acids because without amino acids all of the metabolic processes necessary to spark and sustain human life would simply not be possible. Amino acids form the proteins that in turn form muscle tissue and increase fat metabolism.


Look in the cupboard of just about any serious athlete, and you will likely find some kind of amino acid supplement product designed to help them increase strength, build muscle tissue, or otherwise enhance their athletic performance. However, amino acids are not just important to those who wish to “bulk up.” Without amino acids, all cellular development, respiration, or renewal would come to a devastating stop.


Similarly, essential fatty acids are … well, essential. Essential fatty acids, sometimes simply referred to as EFAs, are necessary fats that the human body cannot synthesize and must be obtained through diet. EFAs support the cardiovascular, reproductive, immune and nervous systems. The human body needs EFAs to manufacture and repair cell membranes, enabling the cells to obtain optimum nutrition and expel harmful waste products. Trévo provides a wealth of Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids by including two botanicals that are naturally rich in EFAs – borage seed oil and flaxseed oil. No unpleasant “fishy” taste, just wonderfully fresh, completely vegetarian-source essential fatty acids.


Supergreen foods such as wheatgrass, barley grass, alfalfa, spirulina, chlorella and kelp are some of the other nutritional treasures included in Trévo’s remarkable formulation. For example, researchers agree that wheatgrass, which is the delicate, immature wheat plant before it produces seeds, is loaded with protein, containing more of this nutrient than meat, eggs, fish, or dairy products. Similarly, barley grass is rich in amino acids, enzymes, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, mangangese, zinc, beta carotene, B vitamins, vitamins C and E, and selenium. Rich in B-complex vitamins, chlorella contains more pantothenic acid (an anti-stress nutrient) than any other natural source. It also boasts magnesium and other trace minerals, and is an all-purpose cleanser than can rid the body of many environmental toxins. Spirulina, like wheatgrass, is a particularly rich source of protein. It is also one of the few plant sources of vitamin B-12 and is a good source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and free radical-fighting antioxidants.


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At the conclusion of Trévo’s global search for the secret of wellness, we had compiled 174 of the finest and most astonishing ingredients that nature has to offer, gathered from the far reaches of the globe.


The result is a carefully balance nutritional product that is so unique, so revolutionary, that there is literally no other product like it on the market anywhere. With Trévo, you and your family can enjoy the benefits of truly complete nutrition. The beauty of our globe-spanning formulation is that it actually replaces what the body is missing from today’s nutrient-depleted diets. And, because of the way our scientists have designed its formulation, Trévo will work just as well for a 2-year-old as it will for adults of all ages. It really is the best of all nutritional worlds! It is, in fact, the answer to your family’s need for complete, natural nutrition.


So, are you ready to enjoy increased energy, enhanced mental focus, vibrant good health and even weight management support? If so, Trévo is the answer you have been searching for.


Trévo – your family’s secret to unlocking the power of wellness.


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Dr. Brian Interview 

Experience the Power of Wellness


Listen to interview with renowned wellness expert and best-selling author of the book Dream Health , Dr. Brian Wilmovsky


Trévo’s™ Director of Product Development recently sat down with Dr. Brian Wilmovsky to discuss a variety of health topics, including the nutritional benefits of Trévo’s™ flagship liquid nutraceutical product.


We invite you to listen in as Dr. Wilmovsky shares his insight on topics such as prescription drugs, mental focus and the health challenges we face today, as well as how Trévo™ offers positive support for your family’s health. As you listen to this dynamic interview, you will begin to grasp the fact that Trévo™ is not just another multi-vitamin, nor is it just another fruit juice.


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In a world of sugar-filled juice drinks and caffeine-saturated energy shots, Trévo™ stands alone as a complete health system in one bottle.  It has not only revolutionized the health of many thousands of families worldwide, it has also changed the way these families view taking nutritional supplements.   Indeed, Trévo™ has created a one-of-a-kind blend of 174 of the very finest ingredients that nature has to offer, masterfully combined into a delicious, highly bio-available liquid.


This “liquid power in a bottle” is designed to give you and your family all the essential vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids needed for vibrant good health, sharper mental focus, and fabulous energy that lasts all day.  Plus, we have included powerful plant-based antioxidants, Co-Enzyme Q10 and much, much more.  In fact, there is not another nutritional product quite like Trévo™ available anywhere or at any price. 


So are you ready to experience the power of wellness?  Then Trévo™ is the one multi-faceted, nutrient-dense product that you have been looking for.


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 > Supplement Facts Printable PDF

> Ingredient Glossary (Alphabetized)

> Ingredient Glossary (Health Focus Categorization) Note: Click on desired Health Focus topic in Table of Contents to directly access that area of Ingredient Glossary.

> Ingredient Glossary (Restore, Renew, Revive Categorization)


Amino Acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Growth, repair, and maintenance of all cells are dependent upon them. Next to water, protein makes up the greatest portion of our body weight. Twenty amino acids are needed to build the various proteins essential for the growth, repair and maintenance of bodily tissues. Eleven of these amino acids can be manufactured by the body and are referred to as non-essential amino acids, while the other nine are called essential amino acids and must come from the diet. The classification of an amino acid as essential or non-essential does not reflect its importance, because all twenty amino acids are necessary for health. 

Essential amino acids include isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. Another amino acid, histidine, is considered semi-essential because the body does not always require dietary sources of it. The non-essential amino acids are arginine, alanine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamine, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, serine and tyrosine. Other amino acids, such as carnitine, are used by the body in ways other than protein-building and are often used therapeutically. 



Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Antioxidants interact with and stabilize free radicals and may prevent some of the damage they might otherwise cause. Examples of antioxidants include beta-carotene, lycopene, vitamins C, E, and A, and other nutrients abundant in fruits and vegetables as well as in other foods including nuts and grains. 

Daily use of Trévo™ provides your body with high levels of these antioxidants from multiple sources to inhibit and slow down damaging free radical processes. This is of particular importance because, according to research published in the New York Times, free radicals have been linked to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis and about 60 other diseases. They are also considered to be a primary cause of premature aging. 

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Bioflavonoids are a group of naturally occurring plant compounds, which act primarily as plant pigments and antioxidants. They exhibit a host of biological activities, most notably for their powerful antioxidant properties. Bioflavonoids work with other antioxidants to offer a system of protection. Numerous studies have shown their unique role in protecting vitamin C from oxidation in the body, thereby allowing the body to reap more benefits from vitamin C.

Bioflavonoids are a subset of a larger group of beneficial plant substances known as polyphenols, and are present in botanical foods and supplement products. In fact, many medicinal herbs owe their curative actions to the bioflavonoids they contain. Besides the important antioxidant effects, bioflavonoids help the body maintain health and function in many ways. They have been shown to be anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-aging, and promote structure and function in the circulatory system. Recent scientific breakthroughs confirm that these powerful nutrients are an important part of a healthy diet. Studies from around the world support the fact that diets high in bioflavonoids are associated with lower incidences of most diseases.  Along with other phytonutrients, the health benefits of bioflavonoids are one reason why the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Surgeon General’s office advocate the intake of several servings of fruits and vegetables every day. 


Citrus Bioflavonoids

Citrus bioflavonoids are those bioflavonoids, or flavonoids, found in citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, etc. These substances possess antioxidant activities, which help fight poor health and aging. Citrus bioflavonoids have been investigated for their biological activity, with both anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effects being reported. 


Cruciferous Vegetables

Out of the ten garden vegetables included in Trévo™, we have included five varieties from the special group of vegetables called cruciferous vegetables. These are known for their excellent cancer-fighting properties. Research suggests that these cruciferous vegetables contain phytochemicals known as isothiocyanates, which stimulate our bodies to break down potential carcinogens. They work by preventing the transformation of normal healthy cells into cancerous cells. 

The cruciferous vegetables found in Trévo™ include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale. An excellent example of the super-nutritional benefits of cruciferous vegetables is found in broccoli. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a natural chemical that stimulates the body to produce enzymes and destroy carcinogens. Broccoli sprouts are particularly rich in sulforaphane, containing approximately 20 to 50 times more of this natural chemical than mature broccoli. Put simply, cruciferous vegetables have it all: vitamins, fiber, and a wealth of disease-fighting phytochemicals. 

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Digestive Enzymes

The sole purpose of digestive enzymes is to break down foods, allowing their nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream and used in body functions. They ensure that we get the greatest possible nutritional value from foods.

Digestive enzymes are secreted along the gastrointestinal tract and break down the food in the body so that the nutrients can be absorbed. However, if your body has to rely too much on its own digestive enzymes the result is that more stress is placed on your system and organs, leaving less time and energy for other jobs such as rebuilding and replacing damaged cells and tissue and keeping your immune system strong. Bromelain, an ingredient in Trévo’s™ proprietary blend, is a mixture of enzymes found naturally in the juice and stems of pineapples. Called a proteolytic enzyme, bromelain appears to be very beneficial in the digestion of protein. 

Trévo™ also contains Betaine HCL which, although not an enzyme, does serve a critical function by increasing the hydrochloric acid content of the upper digestive system, thereby promoting the body’s manufacture of a necessary enzyme called pepsin. Pepsin breaks proteins down into peptides. Betaine HCL also serves the function of maintaining a low pH in the stomach, which allows the body to kill many harmful bacteria and micro-organisms. 


Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are necessary fats that humans cannot synthesize, and must be obtained through diet. There are two families of EFAs: Omega-3 and Omega-6. EFAs support the cardiovascular, reproductive, immune, and nervous systems. The human body needs EFAs to manufacture and repair cell membranes, enabling the cells to obtain optimum nutrition and expel harmful waste products.  A primary function of EFAs is the production of prostaglandins, which regulate body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, blood clotting, fertility, and conception. They also play a role in immune function by regulating inflammation and encouraging the body to fight infection. Essential fatty acids are also needed for proper growth in children, particularly for neural development and maturation of sensory systems.Trévo™ contains borage seed oil and flaxseed oil, both of which are rich vegetarian sources of these vital essential fatty acids. 


Exotic Fruits

The health benefits of fruits from some of the most exotic and far-flung corners of the world have been recognized by different civilizations for many thousands of years. In recent years, a myriad of these exotic fruits have been studied by the scientific community due to their powerful health-giving properties. Trévo™ contains fifteen well-researched exotic fruits including maqui berry, amalaki fruit, schizandra fruit, borojo fruit, goji fruit, noni, mangosteen, acai berry, gac fruit, camu camu, pomegranate, star fruit and acerola cherry. 

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Free Radicals

Free radicals produce harmful oxidation that can damage the membranes of cells. By definition, they are atoms with at least one unpaired electron. A good analogy would be that free radicals represent the criminal element in your body and antioxidants represent the law enforcement element. If left alone, free radicals produce damage and chaos. Daily use of Trévo™ provides your body with high levels of antioxidants from multiple sources to inhibit and slow down this damaging process. 



Herbs represent thousands of plants that have traditionally been used by cultures around the world as both medicine and food. In fact, herbs have been used by the Chinese for over 4,000 years to promote health and as healing agents. It has been estimated that as much as 90% of all modern pharmaceutical drugs have been synthesized from herbs. Drugs, however, can produce dangerous side effects, and are typically intended to treat symptoms without addressing their underlying causes. There are no known side effects attributed to the use of herbs. Herbs are nutritional foundation nutrients and good alternative medicine to nourish the body’s deepest and most basic elements.


Medicinal herbs have been used safely and effectively since the time of recorded history for an endless list of reasons from health, healing and weight loss/gain/maintenance to survival and more. Herbs can offer the body nutrients it does not always receive, either from a poor diet or environmental deficiencies in the soil and air. They are great body balancers that help regulate body functions. 



As important as vitamins are, they can do nothing for you without minerals. Vitamins cannot be assimilated without the aid of minerals. Although the body can manufacture a few vitamins, it cannot manufacture a single mineral. All tissue and internal fluids contain varying quantities of minerals. Minerals are constituents of the bones, teeth, soft tissue, muscle, blood and nerve cells. They are vital to overall mental and physical well-being. Minerals act as catalysts for many biological reactions within the body, including muscle response, the transmission of messages through the nervous system, and the utilization of nutrients in food. 



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ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. This scientific analysis is a proven method of measuring the antioxidant capacities of different foods. This antioxidant testing method is so accurate that it has been adopted by the USDA Human Nutrition Center on Aging. ORAC scoring measures an antioxidant’s scavenging capacity against free radicals, which have been shown to cause cell damage as well as premature aging of cells, in turn leading to disease. Trévo™ has an extremely high ORAC score of over 373,000 per 32 ounce bottle. That is nearly 12,000 per ounce as certified by Brunswick Laboratories. 



Polyphenols comprise a set of compound chemicals, including antioxidants, carotenoids, flavonoids, phytosterols and resveratrol, that are found in many foods – from fruits and vegetables to nuts, cocoa, dark chocolate and even red wine. Each type of polyphenol has specific health benefits that help maintain or improve our body’s overall health and ability to function to its fullest capacity on a daily basis.

Trévo™ has a high polyphenol content obtained from numerous sources such as grape seed extract, green tea, ellagic acid and many other natural ingredients. Polyphenols have been shown to play a significant role in helping prevent heart disease, heart failure and stroke as well as reducing harmful LDL cholesterol levels. 


Sea Vegetables

Besides their impressive nutritional profile, sea vegetables offer other health benefits. For centuries, Oriental medicine has recognized that sea vegetables contribute to general well-being and especially to the health of the endocrine and nervous systems. Over the last few decades, medical researchers have discovered a diet that includes sea vegetables reduces the risk of some diseases and helps the body eliminate dangerous toxins. 

In fact, surveys show that people living in areas where sea vegetables are regularly included in the diet tend to live longer, healthier lives. Sea vegetables are an excellent source of the B-vitamins folate, riboflavin and pantothenic acid, magnesium, iron and calcium. In addition, sea vegetables contain healthy amounts of lignans, which are plant compounds with amazing cancer-protective properties. 


Trace Minerals

Most of us are familiar with the minerals our bodies need at high levels, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. These minerals, because they are needed by our bodies in significant amounts, are called macrominerals. A number of other minerals, required in much smaller levels by our bodies but no less important to good overall health, are known as trace minerals or microminerals.

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Trace minerals are usually found at extraordinarily small levels in our bodies, in the parts per million range. In spite of their relatively low concentrations in the body, scientists are discovering that trace minerals play an increasingly vital role in our health, including bone and joint health as well as cellular energy. 



Trévo™ contains a full complement of essential vitamins, which are nutrients required for vital metabolic reactions in the body. The term “vitamin” does not include other essential nutrients such as dietary minerals, essential fatty acids or essential amino acids, nor does it encompass the large number of other nutrients that promote health but which are not essential for life. Vitamins are bio-molecules that act both as catalysts and foundational surfaces in the body’s natural chemical reactions. When acting as a catalyst, vitamins are bound to enzymes and are called co-factors. For example, vitamin K forms part of the protease enzymes involved in bloodclotting.

Vitamins also act as co-enzymes to carry chemical groups between enzymes. For example, folic acid carries various forms of the carbon groups methyl, formyl and methylene in the cell. Until the 1900s, vitamins were obtained solely through food intake. Therefore, if the only source of vitamins is food, nutrient-depleted soil can dramatically affect the quality and amount of crucial vitamins available through that food. Additionally, many food sources contain drastically varying ratios of vitamins. 



Xanthones are a group of phytonutrients that exhibit powerful antioxidant properties. Xanthones can enhance the immune system and scavenge free radicals, while also benefiting multiple systems in the body. Mangosteen, one of the fabulous exotic fruits in the Trévo™ formulation, is the single richest natural source of these xanthones discovered to date.

Trévo's Antioxidant Power 

Much more than a juice drink; Trévo is unparalleled antioxidant super-nutrition. 


The results are in! With astonishing ORAC and CAP-e antioxidant testing results, Trévo has, once again, confirmed that its nutrient-dense formula is in an entirely separate category far and above juice drinks or other types of nutritional products. 


Trévo is the one nutritional product you need for vibrant, long-lasting good health. 

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Want to feel better, look younger, and live longer? 


According to research, if you are not getting at least 4,000-5,000 ORAC units of antioxidant-type nutrition per day in your body, you are quickly losing the battle of the aging process, including the increased risk of a significant list of chronic diseases that have been directly linked to free radical damage. In fact, chronic inflammation at the cellular level is the underlying cause of most of today’s significant diseases. 


However, not all antioxidant products are created equal. 


ORAC scoring and Trévo. 


ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, and it is the standard method used in measuring antioxidant capacities of different foods. 


Through implementation of the very latest in nutraceutical technology, Trévo’s previous ORAC rating of 72,000 per bottle has been elevated to a phenomenal rating of over 373,000 per 32 ounce bottle! That’s nearly 12,000 per ounce! This record-breaking score has been tested and confirmed by the scientists at the world-renowned Brunswick Laboratories. 


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Trévo’s phenomenal ORAC score results


 This remarkable score is drastically higher than the vast majority of “name brand” antioxidant products – including any “juice drink” product on the market. 


Additionally, we are a member of Brunswick Laboratories’ Certification program.  So when we say that Trévo’s ORAC score is over 373,000 per bottle, it really is a certified fact. 


What about CAP-e testing? 


Cell-based Antioxidant Protection in Erythrocytes (CAP-e) testing is the latest in cutting-edge antioxidant measurements. (Erythrocytes is the scientific term for red blood cells) CAP-e testing demonstrates whether natural products contain antioxidants capable of protecting live cells from free radical damage. When a protective effect is seen in the CAP-e testing, it shows a biologically meaningful antioxidant protection by the product. 


The results of Trévo’s CAP-e testing are particularly exciting in the fact they show how quickly and effectively its antioxidant benefits manifest on a cellular level. 


In testing Trévo, NIS Labs found that the antioxidant nutrients in just one-half ounce of Trévo are powerful enough to start providing measurable cellular protection! 


Cap-E testing confirms Trévo’s measurable cellular protection

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Why are antioxidants essential to your health? 


Whether you know it or not, your body is being constantly attacked by very harmful substances known as free radicals. You can not see them, smell them or touch them, but they are always there, trying to destroy your cells, tissues and organs. 


In a nutshell, free radicals are atoms or molecules that contain unpaired electrons. Since electrons have an extremely strong tendency to exist in a paired rather than an unpaired state, free radicals indiscriminately pick up electrons from other atoms, which in turn converts those other atoms into secondary free radicals.  This sets up a chain reaction which can cause substantial biological damage – damage such as premature aging and a large number of debilitating diseases. 


When this reaction is uncontrolled, it can generate millions of free radicals within seconds – damaging key enzymes, cell membranes and even the chromosomes that store our genetic material (DNA). 


Free radicals have been implicated in most known diseases of mankind, but especially in the chronic, degenerative diseases associated with the aging process. According to The New York Times, free radicals can be linked to over 60 chronic, debilitating diseases.* They can also cause severe reduction in cell function, DNA damage, and even the premature death of a cell. 


Fortunately, our bodies have a built-in free radical fighting mechanism known as the antioxidant defense system which is comprised of specialized enzymes. In order to protect our bodies, however, these enzymes need help from antioxidant nutrients. 


These antioxidants protect the cells of your body against free radical damage by providing a layer of protection for the cells and tissues of the body; much like a fresh coat of wax helps protect a car’s finish. 


Pure, positive wellness on a cellular level. 


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The bottom line is that the super-antioxidant power of Trévo is quickly absorbed into the cells of your body, protecting cellular health and extending the life of cells. This effectively helps to prevent premature cellular death as well as chronic cellular inflammation. 


The result? Vibrant good health, increased energy, enhanced mental focus, and improved longevity. In other words, feeling better, looking younger, and living longer! 


That’s the power of wellness … that’s the power of Trévo. 

Product Testimonies 

Anti-Aging Benefits

“I’ll be 49 this July, but I feel like I’m in my mid 30′s. Before I started taking Trévo, a lot of people would guess that I was in my early 50′s. NOW everyone is guessing that I’m 37 or 38. The anti-aging agents in Trévo really do work!”

~ Tim M.


“Trévo has absolutely transformed my body. I have dropped 65 pounds and my metabolism is finally working right for the first time in years. The energy that Trévo provides is so powerful. My skin looks years younger. I am simply amazed at the anti-aging benefits Trévo offers! Plus, I no longer ache from injuries sustained in a severe car wreck. In fact, after seeing my MRI, my neurosurgeon had fully expected me to be in a wheelchair. Today, he can’t believe that I’m active, healthy, and have no pain at all.”

~ Penny L.


“At 47 years of age, I’ve just begun playing softball on a team. I love the energy Trévo gives me! For the first couple of games I experienced awful pain in my legs so I began taking an extra ounce of Trévo just before heading to the field to play. I am now playing pain free! WOO HOO! I’m feeling way too young to be this old! I love Trévo!”

~ Kathy H.


“I have been taking 3 oz. of Trévo everyday for 10 days and I have already lost 5 lbs. without even trying. I can already tell my energy level is higher and my skin is softer and is getting

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back its youthful glow. WOW! What a difference in 10 days. Just think what the results will be in 30 days. Awesome!”

~ Randa W.


“I’m a 60-year-old woman who has always been very active. I recently noticed, however, that my skin had started to look like my mom’s. Not good! I want to look and feel great for many more years, so I’ve started taking 2 ounces of Trévo every morning. Now, 8 weeks later, I can already tell a difference in the way my face looks. My skin is softer, firmer, and more youthful-looking. Someone even asked me if I’d gotten a mini-face lift! I love Trévo!”

~ Michelle B.


“Trévo will put a `SMILE` on your face, a `GLOW` to your skin, and a `PEP` in your step! Plus, those green checks are really great!”

~ Bonney H.


“Trévo is a product that just makes sense. I am 55 years old, and am already in love with this incredible product. I have great health and energy and I want to keep it that way. I enjoy spending quality time with my three children and five grandchildren, who also take Trévo. This amazing product gives me the energy and assurance that I can keep my great health and be here for my family.”~ Greg P.


“Trévo is a great way to stay healthy and keep my weight on target. I am 53 years old and a very active grandmother of five wonderful grandchildren. My health has never been better and is helping me maintain a healthy, lean body. Plus, the energy is amazing. Thank you, Trévo!”~ Paula P.


“Trévo has given me a lot of things to be thankful for. For a long time, I have been trying to lose weight but I couldn’t. That is, until I recently tried Trévo. I’m now well on my way to my goal weight! I was also having some serious skin issues, but the doctors couldn’t tell me what was wrong. After just a few weeks on Trévo, my skin began to clear up and now my skin is completely healthy. If you haven’t tried Trévo yet, I urge you to. You’ll like it!”~ Charles D.


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Blood Pressure Health


“After taking Trévo for a period of time, I have cut my blood pressure medication in half. I recently had some blood work done and all my tests results were within healthy ranges … the best they’ve been in 5 years! I have lost 11 pounds and kept it off without even trying, and that’s even without eating a proper diet or exercising. I attribute all these positive results to Trévo.”

~ Joe H.


“I just got back from walking into my cardiologist check-up 50 lbs lighter than my last appointment! And walking much faster, breathing much more freely, and my blood pressure was the best it’s been in over 12 years! I LOVE MY TRÉVO! Oh yeah, I look good, too!”

~ Kelly S.


“I’ve lost 20 lbs. since April. Blood pressure is down and energy is up! Love Trévo, won’t be without it!”

~ Trish M.


“Wow! What an amazing product! Trévo gives me all the energy I need, even to the end of the day, which allows me to exercise. I’m finding that it is also beneficial in the support of a healthy blood pressure. Honestly, I would recommend this product to anyone, especially those who are struggling with weight management and need energy. I have dropped one size, and I feel this fantastic product played a large part in my success. Thank you, Trévo.”~ Katrina S.


“Trévo is such a blessing to our lives. My husband is a Life and Health Coach and he absolutely loves it. He looks forward to talking with people every day about the opportunity to change their health and their finances. We are seeing Trévo help many of our friends. From weight loss, blood pressure support, and increased energy to even clearing up dermatological problems, this is the best product we have ever experienced. I just had a baby, and am on a mission to lose weight. I know that this product has given me the energy I need to get back to the gym.”~ Jessica L.


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“I love Trévo and will never be without it. I’m a single mother of 5 children, 3 of which are under 8 years of age. I take two ounces of Trévo every single morning before I do anything else just to keep up with my kids! It’s what gets me through the day with plenty of energy and mental focus, and helps balance my blood sugar while also helping me maintain a healthy blood pressure. And it’s even helping to curb my appetite. Thank you so much for such an amazing product. It’s really true that health and wealth flow from the same bottle at Trévo!”

~ Kelly L.


Blood Sugar Health


“I was tired of taking medications to address my high blood glucose problems. I was curious about all the great things I had been hearing about Trévo, so I decided to try it for myself. Today, my blood sugar levels have returned to normal and my overall health is much better. The stiffness in my joints is even gone! Thanks, Trévo.”

~ Marta, Guatemala


“I am diabetic and have been on medication to help my blood sugar levels. For the past month, I have been enjoying the delicious taste of Trévo. Today, my blood sugar levels have fallen into a very healthy range and I am now medication-free! I love the 100% natural nutrition of Trévo!”

~ Abraham Q., Mexico


“I’ve been a Type II diabetic for over 6 years. I started taking Trévo 3 weeks ago, and my blood sugar is nearly normal … from 120 units of insulin a day! And I have lost 10 lbs. on this remarkable product! Wow!

~ Ron S.


“I started taking Trévo at the beginning of May 2010. I’m a diabetic. Trévo has increased my energy level and my alertness! I work very long hours on the go. I highly recommend Trévo.”

~ Craig S.


“I have been taking Trévo for a little over 3 weeks. In the past, I would have to eat something at times whether I was hungry or not because of sugar levels plummeting. My normal routine

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in the afternoon when I came home from work was to eat something to try and bring my sugar level up. Since I started taking Trévo, my sugar levels have stabilized and I no longer have to eat something to bring my sugar level up.”~ B. C. Jr.


“I love Trévo and will never be without it. I’m a single mother of 5 children, 3 of which are under 8 years of age. I take two ounces of Trévo every single morning before I do anything else just to keep up with my kids! It’s what gets me through the day with plenty of energy and mental focus, and helps balance my blood sugar while also helping me maintain a healthy blood pressure. And it’s even helping to curb my appetite. Thank you so much for such an amazing product. It’s really true that health and wealth flow from the same bottle at Trévo!”

~ Kelly L.

Product Testimonies Page 2

 Cellular Health


“My wife has, for many years, experienced severe insomnia. A few months ago, she began taking Trévo and is now enjoying sound, restful sleep each and every night. Plus, the facial blemishes she has endured for over 15 years are now completely gone! I gave Trévo to my dad and mom, who are now in their nineties and eighties respectively, and they absolutely love it! They never stop asking for more Trévo.”

~ Amobi O., Nigeria


“I had breast cancer surgery in April 2011, followed by two additional surgeries a week later. The morning after my last surgery, I drank two ounces of Trévo and went shopping with my daughter! Through the other two surgeries, as long as I drank my Trévo every day, I did fine.  My stamina is increasing, but without enjoying Trévo daily I either can’t sleep or want to sleep all the time.  I have found that if I take at least two ounces of Trévo first thing in the morning, I make it through the whole day. I just can’t go without my Trévo. Thank you for such a wonderful product!”

~ Cathy H.


“Purity and sufficiency should be our goal for everything we put into our bodies. Proper food choices are key to maintaining a healthy, active, purposeful life. Trévo offers so many positive food choices in just one bottle, it’s no wonder people are having such great results!

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~ Dr. Brian W.


“I was introduced to Trévo while going through chemo for breast cancer. I found that when I included 3 oz. of Trévo with my breakfast, I didn’t suffer the kind of extreme fatigue, nausea, or other ill effects associated with chemotherapy. In fact, my doctor said that he thought the extra nutrition helped improve my cellular health as well as my overall health.”

~ Jean P.


“I currently suffer from a syndrome called “Charcot-Marie-Tooth, CMT”, also known as hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN) or perineal muscular atrophy. This is one of the most common genetically hereditary neurological diseases; it is characterized by a heterogeneous disorder that affects the peripheral nervous system by making these, slowly but progressively, lose functions in superior and inferior limbs. This disease manifests itself by presenting signs of muscular weakness in arms, legs, hand and feet as in decrease in muscle mass, reduced tendon reflexes and loss of sensibility. There has been testing to show if this causes deformation in feet (such as: flat feet, high-arched feet among others) and other orthopedic problems like scoliosis or light dysplasia of hips. There is no cure for “CMT”. For people with this syndrome is recommended exercises of low or zero impact such as bicycle or swimming instead of other activities that may cause tension in muscles and joints.

Approximately 11 months I started consuming TREVO, and if I may say, I have seen considerable results as it has helped me achieve consistency in the physical therapy activities that I endure daily. At the same time it has contributed to relieve the muscle pain produced by the disease and the extensive exercise. Thanks to TREVO I have been able to reduce the amount of pain killers I’ve been drinking to make my situation bearable. This drink, in its nutritional contents, has a good amount of calcium which helps me fortify my bones as I will one day suffer from osteoporosis, according to the studies doctors have made. Last but not least I have noticed a more effective performance in work activities.”  ~Juan G.


Central Nervous System


“Trévo has absolutely transformed my body. I have dropped 65 pounds and my metabolism is finally working right for the first time in years. The energy that Trévo provides is so powerful. My skin looks years younger. I am simply amazed at the anti-aging benefits Trévo offers! Plus, I no longer ache from injuries sustained in a severe car wreck. In fact, after seeing my MRI, my neurosurgeon had fully expected me to be in a wheelchair. Today, he can’t believe that I’m active, healthy, and have no pain at all.”


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~ Penny L.

“I was diagnosed with MS while I was still a teenager. When I was first introduced to Trévo, I took it to my doctor to get his thoughts about this product. He told me that a large number of Trévo’s ingredients are known to provide powerful cellular protection as well as central nervous system support, and that he recommended that I try it. Today, I feel better, am able to think more clearly, and even get around better than I have in years.”

~ Karen W.


Cholesterol Health


“I’m a 36-year-old who has struggled with high triglyceride levels. Now that I have started taking Trévo, my triglyceride levels have dropped from 400 to 140 in just two months! I have also experienced a weight loss of 10 kilos! Absolutely wonderful!”

~ Gabriel T., Peru


“Trévo is amazing! I had heart bypass surgery some time ago, and the prescription medication I had to take for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. made me ache and slowed me down to the point I didn’t want to do anything at all. I started taking Trévo and loved the energy and sense of wellness that it provides. When I went in for routine blood tests, my doctor saw a difference in the results and started slowly taking me off all my prescription medications. I recently had a stress test and the doctor could not believe I was doing so well and not taking any prescription drugs. Thank you, Trévo!”

~ Mike W.


“I had been on medication to control my high cholesterol for over 5 years when I discovered Trévo. I took it to my doctor and he told me that the Trévo formula contained an amazing number of cholesterol-reducing nutrients and that I should give it a try. Now, 3 months later, my cholesterol levels are completely under control, my doctor has cut back on my medications, and I’ve never felt better!”

~ George K.


Detoxification / Natural Cleansing 


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“I’m a firm believer in the health benefits of cleansing, but I found most cleansing products to be too harsh for my system. Then I discovered Trévo. With its natural detox ingredients, Trévo helps keep my internals systems in great working order while also giving me extra energy without caffeine or sugar. When I fast, I mix a couple oz. of Trévo into my water so I know that my body is still getting everything it needs from a nutritional standpoint. I love Trévo and won’t ever be without it!”

~ Glenda C.


Digestive and Gastrointestinal Health


“For several years, I experienced severe digestive system problems in the form of IBS. Two months ago, I started enjoying Trévo. Now I feel wonderful and my digestive problems are a thing of the past.”

Karyna, Guatemala


“Thanks to Trévo, I no longer have to take OTC antacids at all, I have enough energy to get me through the day, my mental focus has increased, I’ve shed a few pounds because I don’t have the cravings anymore, and I just plain feel healthier! I am looking forward to more amazing results as time goes on!”

~ Jan M.


Product Testimonies Page 3 

Digestive and Gastrointestinal Health (Continued)


“For most of my life, I have had terrible gastrointestinal problems. From ulcers to gall bladder problems, the pain affected every aspect of my life. At the age of 16, I was taking prescription drugs for ulcers and had to have my gall bladder removed. Even these didn’t give me much relief. I started taking Trévo a year ago, and today I am no longer taking any type of prescription meds and can eat just about anything I want. I truly believe that the complete, natural nutrition of Trévo gave me my health back and have made this product a part of my daily lifestyle. Thanks, Trévo!”

 ~ Rebecca S.

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“I am a very busy businesswoman who deals with stress on a regular basis. This constant stress caused my physical health to deteriorate, and I always felt exhausted. I began taking Trévo a month ago, and I am very happy to report that my health is in good condition. I confidently recommend Trévo to everyone who has a busy life.”

~ Violeta, Guatemala


“My physical health was very run down a few months ago, but now has improved considerably. I have more energy, my feet do not hurt anymore, and life is good. Trévo is definitely an ongoing part of my life.”

~ Antonio S.,Guatemala


“For several months, I experienced horrible joint pain. Then I discovered the power of Trévo and I feel wonderful. No joint pain, no swelling, and no redness. I have also noticed that Trévo gives me a great feeling of well-being.”

~ Rosalba R., Mexico


“Since taking Trévo, I have experienced a delicious feeling of well-being as well as increased mental focus. I used to become very sleepy every time I tried to read or study, but no more! Also, I have much more energy, and Trévo keeps my immune system defenses running at top speed. Thanks to God and Trévo!”

~ Rodolfo R. Guatemala


“I am 18 years old. Within an hour of taking a 2oz shot of Trévo, I noticed that this product wakes me up better than coffee, I feel more alert, I have mental clarity, and Trévo even gives me more energy!

~ Dakota F.


“I began suffering the pain of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and was told that surgery was my only option to stop the pain. When I started taking Trévo, it was simply for general health

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purposes. However, just one month later, I noticed that my wrist pain was gone! Today, I also have increased energy and a sense of well-being.”

~ Javier C.,Guatemala


“At 47 years of age, I’ve just begun playing softball on a team. I love the energy Trévo gives me! For the first couple of games I experienced awful pain in my legs so I began taking an extra ounce of Trévo just before heading to the field to play. I am now playing pain free! WOO HOO! I’m feeling way too young to be this old! I love Trévo!”

~ Kathy H.


“Even on a college campus, during those all-nighters I have my Trévo shots (plural) keeping me up and FOCUSED. If your student is not on Trévo, get them on it ASAP. It works for my friends and me!”

~ Devin U.


“I’ve lost 20 lbs. since April. Blood pressure is down and energy is up! Love Trévo, won’t be without it!”

~ Trish M.


“I start most of my days now with a drive and determination that I never thought I could ever have. All it took was for Trévo to be created. My outlook on life is so much different. I know that I now have the “I Will Do It” attitude. I have always had the desire in the back of my brain, just never knew how to tap into it. It’s a wonderful feeling.”

~ Jackie B.


“I started taking Trévo about 2 months ago. I immediately noticed the difference in my energy and stamina! Plus, I don’t feel I need to eat as much, so I’ve even lost a few pounds. It’s amazing what happens when you feed your body the nutrients it needs. I also have less pain, so I was able to cut back on my medication for arthritis. I’m very excited about Trévo because I’m getting so much more quality nutrition and it’s costing me a whole lot less. I hated the hassle of taking all those pills that barely got absorbed anyway. Now I take my Trévo in the morning and I’m good to go! It’s fast, easy, and convenient and it works! Trévo is the answer I have been searching for.”

~ Lorraine A.

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“I started drinking 2oz to 3oz of delicious Trévo a day for health reasons. I loved the extra energy and clarity, and my health improved greatly. Then I noticed my food cravings no longer controlled me and I started making better food choices. It’s been the easiest 68 pounds I’ve ever lost. Drinking and sharing Trévo with others has its perks. I love enhancing my family’s lives with all my green Trévo checks. What separates us from everyone else is that Trévo will be the next billion dollar brand. Don’t regret not getting busy now in sharing this life-changing opportunity. Your family will be glad you did.”

~ Jaye G.


“Trévo gives me energy that will last all day, better mental focus and it also takes some of my food cravings away. Indiana loves Trévo!”

~ Tim M.


“I have dropped 13 lbs. in 5 weeks just taking Trévo before meals! WITHOUT dieting or changing the way I eat! Trévo not only gives me the energy I need to get through my day and a clear mental focus, but it also helps curb my appetite so I eat less. I love my Trévo!”

~ Kelly S.


“I started taking Trévo at the beginning of May 2010. I’m a diabetic. Trévo has increased my energy level and my alertness! I work very long hours on the go. I highly recommend Trévo.”

~ Craig S.


“Trévo will put a `SMILE` on your face, a `GLOW` to your skin, and a`PEP`in your step! Plus, those green checks are really great!”

~ Bonney H.


“Trévo has changed my life. No more migraine headaches…losing weight…and I wake up before the alarm…my teenagers love it…no more monster drinks for them…all natural now! Trévo is for your whole family!”

~ Lori C.


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“I have been taking 3 oz. of Trévo everyday for 10 days and I have already lost 5 lbs. without even trying. I can already tell my energy level is higher and my skin is softer. WOW! What a difference in 10 days. Just think what the results will be in 30 days. Awesome!”

~ Randa W.


“Trévo is amazing! I had heart bypass surgery some time ago, and the prescription medication I had to take for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. made me ache and slowed me down to the point I didn’t want to do anything at all. I started taking Trévo and loved the energy and sense of wellness that it provides. When I went in for routine blood tests, my doctor saw a difference in the results and started slowly taking me off all my prescription medications. I recently had a stress test and the doctor could not believe I was doing so well and not taking any prescription drugs. Thank you, Trévo!”

~ Mike W.


“Wow, what an incredible feeling to finally find an all-natural supplement that has everything my body needs and more. It has been years since I have experienced such increased energy and mental alertness. I have never taken a product like Trévo and I will never be without it! Thanks for fueling my body!”

~ Carol S.


“If you’re ready for a delicious fruit smoothie drink that gives you a power-packed punch of energy and mental alertness, take Trévo! A fruity taste that’s so smooth … you’ll absolutely love it! I have no health issues thanks to Trévo. In fact, one of my avenues of exercise is mowing my lawn. My energy level is so amazing that I can mow all 9,300 sq. feet in 3 hours and still have energy to burn! At age 55, I can mow as fast as when I was 35! Thank you, Mark and Holli, for the awesome one and only complete health system on the planet … Trévo!”~ Linda K.


“Wow! What an amazing product! Trévo gives me all the energy I need, even to the end of the day, which allows me to exercise. I’m finding that it is also beneficial in the support of a healthy blood pressure. Honestly, I would recommend this product to anyone, especially those who are struggling with weight management and need energy. I have dropped one size, and I feel this fantastic product played a large part in my success. Thank you, Trévo.”~ Katrina S.


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“Trévo is a product that just makes sense. I am 55 years old, and am already in love with this incredible product. I have great health and energy and I want to keep it that way. I enjoy spending quality time with my three children and five grandchildren, who also take Trévo. This amazing product gives me the energy and assurance that I can keep my great health and be here for my family.”~ Greg P.


“Trévo is a great way to stay healthy and keep my weight on target. I am 53 years old and a very active grandmother of five wonderful grandchildren. My health has never been better and is helping me maintain a healthy, lean body. Plus, the energy is amazing. Thank you, Trévo!”~ Paula P.


 “Trévo is such a blessing to our lives. My husband is a Life and Health Coach and he absolutely loves it. He looks forward to talking with people every day about the opportunity to change their health and their finances. We are seeing Trévo help many of our friends. From weight loss, blood pressure support, and increased energy to even clearing up dermatological problems, this is the best product we have ever experienced. I just had a baby, and am on a mission to lose weight. I know that this product has given me the energy I need to get back to the gym.”~ Jessica L.


“In the few short weeks that I have been taking Trévo, I have felt energized and have even started losing weight without changing my diet at all. I feel that taking this product has dramatically strengthened my immune system, when everyone around me is getting sick and going to the doctor.”~ Amanda S.


“Osteoporosis runs in my family and so, as I’ve grown older, I’ve been very concerned about my bone health. Since I’ve been taking Trévo, my bone scans are consistently great and I even have more energy! Trévo is definitely MY lifestyle product!”

~ Gladys M.


 “After giving birth to my third baby in four years, I needed to get serious about losing some weight. I started taking Trévo a week after the baby was born, and I’m loving the way the “baby weight” is melting away. Also, with a new baby, I am not getting much sleep. I don’t know what I would do if it weren’t for Trévo. It gives me the energy I need to take care of my three little ones. I believe it also helps boost my immune system. I absolutely love Trévo and

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will never be without it!”~ Jessica G.


“I love Trévo and will never be without it. I’m a single mother of 5 children, 3 of which are under 8 years of age. I take two ounces of Trévo every single morning before I do anything else just to keep up with my kids! It’s what gets me through the day with plenty of energy and mental focus, and helps balance my blood sugar while also helping me maintain a healthy blood pressure. And it’s even helping to curb my appetite. Thank you so much for such an amazing product. It’s really true that health and wealth flow from the same bottle at Trévo!”

~ Kelly L.


“I absolutely love Trévo! About 3 weeks after I started taking it, I noticed that my joints didn’t ache like they used to. Today, I make 3 oz. of Trévo part of my morning regimen, and I’m back to doing the things I enjoyed 10-20 years ago. I feel great, have extra energy, and am enjoying hiking with my grandsons again.”

~ Perry D.


“I’m a firm believer in the health benefits of cleansing, but I found most cleansing products to be too harsh for my system. Then I discovered Trévo. With its natural detox ingredients, Trévo helps keep my internals systems in great working order while also giving me extra energy without caffeine or sugar. When I fast, I mix a couple oz. of Trévo into my water so I know that my body is still getting everything it needs from a nutritional standpoint. I love Trévo and won’t ever be without it!”

~ Glenda C.


“I was introduced to Trévo while going through chemo for breast cancer. I found that when I included 3 oz. of Trévo with my breakfast, I didn’t suffer the kind of extreme fatigue, nausea, or other ill effects associated with chemotherapy. In fact, my doctor said that he thought the extra nutrition helped improve my cellular health as well as my overall health.”

~ Jean P.

Product Testimonies Page 4 

General Well-Being

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“I am a very busy businesswoman who deals with stress on a regular basis. This constant stress caused my physical health to deteriorate, and I always felt exhausted. I began taking Trévo a month ago, and I am very happy to report that my health is in good condition. I confidently recommend Trévo to everyone who has a busy life.”

~ Violeta, Guatemala


“For several months, I experienced horrible joint pain. Then I discovered the power of Trévo and I feel wonderful. No joint pain, no swelling, and no redness. I have also noticed that Trévo gives me a great feeling of well-being.”

~ Rosalba R.,Mexico


“Since taking Trévo, I have experienced a delicious feeling of well-being as well as increased mental focus. I used to become very sleepy every time I tried to read or study, but no more! Also, I have much more energy, and Trévo keeps my immune system defenses running at top speed. Thanks to God and Trévo!”

~ Rodolfo R. Guatemala


“I love Trévo!!! The best I’ve felt in years, lower back pain gone after taking it 2 days.”

~ Jamie B.


“My physical health was very run down a few months ago, but now has improved considerably. I have more energy, my feet do not hurt anymore, and life is good. Trévo is definitely an ongoing part of my life.”

~ Antonio S.,Guatemala


“I was very excited when a friend told me of her grandmother’s experience with Trévo. This lady is quite elderly and had not been able to care for herself in many ways. She even had to be fed from a rubber tube. After taking Trévo for just one week, she is now able to sit with straight back all by herself. She now has a new ‘disease,’ and it’s ‘Trévo Fever! She insists on enjoying Trévo with all three meals! Now my friend is buying big bulk packs!”

~ YaYa R., Thailand

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“I have been taking Trévo for about 3 months. The first thing that I noticed is that my headaches were not as frequent. I feel better overall, and like the AutoShip convenience. I would recommend this product to anyone. I gave a bottle to my mother-in-law, and she said that she now has more energy.”

~ Patsy V.


“My wife has, for many years, experienced severe insomnia. A few months ago, she began taking Trévo and is now enjoying sound, restful sleep each and every night. Plus, the facial blemishes she has endured for over 15 years are now completely gone! I gave Trévo to my dad and mom, who are now in their nineties and eighties respectively, and they absolutely love it! They never stop asking for more Trévo.”

~ Amobi O., Nigeria


“I have lost 30 lbs. to date since May 2011 using Trévo. This product gives me the nutrients that I need every day in order to focus and make it through the day. It contains generous amounts of fruits and veggies … including those that I would probably never eat on a daily basis. But in every delicious ounce of Trévo, I get all I need and more!”

~ Terri B.R.


“I’ve been taking Trévo for a week now and I feel awesome! I’ve been able to work out longer and not have any knee pain (I have torn ligaments and cartilage) and I still have the energy to do house cleaning and yard work. Plus, the sense of well-being and balance is incredible! I’ve also started giving my young daughters a half ounce each and their mental focus has noticeably improved. My husband has even been enjoying Trévo and noticed wonderful benefits. I absolutely LOVE Trévo!!! It’s been a true positive life-changer that tastes good and is good for you with NO side effects … except better health.”

~ Amber C.


“I had breast cancer surgery in April 2011, followed by two additional surgeries a week later. The morning after my last surgery, I drank two ounces of Trévo and went shopping with my daughter! Through the other two surgeries, as long as I drank my Trévo every day, I did fine.  My stamina is increasing, but without enjoying Trévo daily I either can’t sleep or want to sleep all the time.  I have found that if I take at least two ounces of Trévo first thing in the morning, I make it through the whole day. I just can’t go without my Trévo. Thank you for such a wonderful product!”

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~ Cathy H.


“Purity and sufficiency should be our goal for everything we put into our bodies. Proper food choices are key to maintaining a healthy, active, purposeful life. Trévo offers so many positive food choices in just one bottle, it’s no wonder people are having such great results!

~ Dr. Brian W.


“I have been taking TRÉVO for about 5 months now and feel more well-balanced mentally. I feel that I can concentrate and retain things better as well as have a better memory, which is a challenge these days climbing to age 50. I sleep more soundly and require less sleep than usual, and don’t have those “afternoon drags.” I think it is a great and easy way to get all the great nutrition we need on a daily basis. I plan to continue using TRÉVO and I look forward to enjoying even more great benefits from it!”~ Marcia B.


“I started taking Trévo about 2 months ago. I immediately noticed the difference in my energy and stamina! Plus, I don’t feel I need to eat as much, so I’ve even lost a few pounds. It’s amazing what happens when you feed your body the nutrients it needs. I also have less pain, so I was able to cut back on my medication for arthritis. I’m very excited about Trévo because I’m getting so much more quality nutrition and it’s costing me a whole lot less. I hated the hassle of taking all those pills that barely got absorbed anyway. Now I take my Trévo in the morning and I’m good to go! It’s fast, easy, and convenient and it works! Trévo is the answer I have been searching for.”

~ Lorraine A.


“I started drinking 2oz to 3oz of delicious Trévo a day for health reasons. I loved the extra energy and clarity, and my health improved greatly. Then I noticed my food cravings no longer controlled me and I started making better food choices. It’s been the easiest 68 pounds I’ve ever lost. Drinking and sharing Trévo with others has its perks. I love enhancing my family’s lives with all my green Trévo checks. What separates us from everyone else is that Trévo will be the next billion dollar brand. Don’t regret not getting busy now in sharing this life-changing opportunity. Your family will be glad you did.”

~ Jaye G.


“Thanks to Trévo, I no longer have to take OTC antacids at all, I have enough energy to get me through the day, my mental focus has increased, I’ve shed a few pounds because I don’t

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have the cravings anymore, and I just plain feel healthier! I am looking forward to more amazing results as time goes on!”

~ Jan M.


“Even with the hard rains of yesterday Trévo has worked its magic again and kept me migraine free. I am so happy that I can live a migraine-free life now! Thanks Trévo!”

~ Laurie S.


“Thanks to Trévo, now I only need 2 ounces a day instead of 6 different herb, vitamin, and amino acid supplements! Trévo has it all!”

~ Ron L.


“I’ve been to 5 top suppliers in my town and no one can come close to touching the ingredients in Trévo. It would take several different bottles of product at a tremendous cost!”

~ Trish M.


“Trévo will put a `SMILE` on your face, a `GLOW` to your skin, and a`PEP`in your step! Plus, those green checks are really great!”

~ Bonney H.


“Trévo has changed my life. No more migraine headaches…losing weight…and I wake up before the alarm…my teenagers love it…no more monster drinks for them…all natural now! Trévo is for your whole family!”

~ Lori C.


“Trévo is amazing! I had heart bypass surgery some time ago, and the prescription medication I had to take for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. made me ache and slowed me down to the point I didn’t want to do anything at all. I started taking Trévo and loved the energy and sense of wellness that it provides. When I went in for routine blood tests, my doctor saw a difference in the results and started slowly taking me off all my prescription medications. I recently had a stress test and the doctor could not believe I was doing so well and not taking any prescription drugs. Thank you, Trévo!”

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~ Mike W.


“If you’re ready for a delicious fruit smoothie drink that gives you a power-packed punch of energy and mental alertness, take Trévo! A fruity taste that’s so smooth … you’ll absolutely love it! I have no health issues thanks to Trévo. In fact, one of my avenues of exercise is mowing my lawn. My energy level is so amazing that I can mow all 9,300 sq. feet in 3 hours and still have energy to burn! At age 55, I can mow as fast as when I was 35! Thank you, Mark and Holli, for the awesome one and only complete health system on the planet … Trévo!”~ Linda K.


“Trévo is a product that just makes sense. I am 55 years old, and am already in love with this incredible product. I have great health and energy and I want to keep it that way. I enjoy spending quality time with my three children and five grandchildren, who also take Trévo. This amazing product gives me the energy and assurance that I can keep my great health and be here for my family.”~ Greg P.


“Trévo is a great way to stay healthy and keep my weight on target. I am 53 years old and a very active grandmother of five wonderful grandchildren. My health has never been better and is helping me maintain a healthy, lean body. Plus, the energy is amazing. Thank you, Trévo!”~ Paula P.


“Trévo is such a blessing to our lives. My husband is a Life and Health Coach and he absolutely loves it. He looks forward to talking with people every day about the opportunity to change their health and their finances. We are seeing Trévo help many of our friends. From weight loss, blood pressure support, and increased energy to even clearing up dermatological problems, this is the best product we have ever experienced. I just had a baby, and am on a mission to lose weight. I know that this product has given me the energy I need to get back to the gym.”~ Jessica L.


“I am a 41-year-old musician in a rock band and I started taking Trévo a few weeks ago. So far, I’ve lost several pounds and 2 pant sizes! Also, even under stressful situations, my clarity of thought has noticeably improved. I’ll never be without Trévo ever again.”~ Wayne H.


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“Trévo has given me a lot of things to be thankful for. For a long time, I have been trying to lose weight but I couldn’t. That is, until I recently tried Trévo. I’m now well on my way to my goal weight! I was also having some serious skin issues, but the doctors couldn’t tell me what was wrong. After just a few weeks on Trévo, my skin began to clear up and now my skin is completely healthy. If you haven’t tried Trévo yet, I urge you to. You’ll like it!”~ Charles D.


“I’ve suffered from prostate problems for the past few years. Since I started drinking Trévo, though, my overall health has improved … including my prostate health!”

~ Tim B.


“I was diagnosed with MS while I was still a teenager. When I was first introduced to Trévo, I took it to my doctor to get his thoughts about this product. He told me that a large number of Trévo’s ingredients are known to provide powerful cellular protection as well as central nervous system support, and that he recommended that I try it. Today, I feel better, am able to think more clearly, and even get around better than I have in years.”

~ Karen W.


“I was introduced to Trévo while going through chemo for breast cancer. I found that when I included 3 oz. of Trévo with my breakfast, I didn’t suffer the kind of extreme fatigue, nausea, or other ill effects associated with chemotherapy. In fact, my doctor said that he thought the extra nutrition helped improve my cellular health as well as my overall health.”

~ Jean P.