trends in digital health investments and ecosystems

Trends in Digital Health Investments and Ecosystems Martin Kelly

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Trends in Digital Health Investments and Ecosystems

Trends in Digital HealthInvestments and Ecosystems

Martin Kelly

Page 2: Trends in Digital Health Investments and Ecosystems

Drivers for change: Cost

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Healthcare for All

Globally healthcare is already well over a $6 trillion industry but nearly 70% of the world population

does not receive decent healthcare services.

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Drivers for change: Consumerisation

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Drivers for change: Capital

Source: Health 2.0

VC investment in digital health

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Long range weather forecast is sunny

Source: Accenture

VC investment in digital health

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The rise of the corporates

Source: Rock Health

Number of Corporate Deals 2011-2015

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Source: Startup Health

Where are the deals?

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Source: Startup Health

Where are the deals?

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Innovation is needed everywhere

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VC investment in digital health in $ billions

Moonshots: More than incremental innovation

Page 12: Trends in Digital Health Investments and Ecosystems

Investment does not equal innovation

It takes an average of 17 years for new knowledge generated… to be incorporated into practice…

and even then application is highly uneven.

Source: IOM report on Quality of Care in America

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Why collaboration is important

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Why collaboration is important

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Why collaboration is important

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Why collaboration is important

Healthcare problems are too big to be solved by

just one firm

Large companies can’t innovate internally without

a burning platform

Start-ups (source of innovation) can’t scale on their own

New approaches to innovation (quick and focused) are required

Collaboration is easy to say but hard to do

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We created HealthXL because new types of collaboration are needed

Lisa Suennen Managing Partner, Venture

Valkyrie LLC

Sean HoganGeneral Manager - Healthcare, IBM

Chris CoburnVice President - Innovation,

Partners HealthCare

Esther DysonFounder, HICCUP

JC SimbansVP - Life Sciences

& Digital Health

Maulik Majmudar, MDChief Clinical Officer,

QuanttusSven Junkergård

CTO at Zephyr Health

Vishal GulatiPartner, DFJ

Seemant JauhariChief Executive Officer Apollo

Research & Innovations

Stephen McHaleCEO of Explorys

Marco MohwinckelGlobal Head Integrated Care


Omri ShorCEO, MedisafeNorrie Daroga

CEO, iDAvatars

Sridhar Iyengar Founder, Misfit Founder,


William TarantoPresident, Merck Global Health Innovation Fund

Gary FingerhutExecutive Director

Innovations, Cleveland Clinic




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Innovation is needed everywhere

Investment continues to flow into new digital health sector

Difficult to identify unique solutions

Many point solutions lack integration

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Innovation is needed everywhere

New forms of collaboration are happening

Significant role for corporate VC

New partnerships/alliance models starting to emerge

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Innovation is needed everywhere

If there is a bubble it is only a problem in the US Market

Market in US is significantly bigger that ROW

Unclear that US companies will expand successfully internationally

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Thank you

Martin [email protected]