treasurer meeting

Jeff Steuben, Alliance to Save Energy [email protected] Haley Gilmore, CSU Chico [email protected] Expense Reports and Beyond… Your guide to being the Green Campus treasurer

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From the 2010 Alliance to Save Energy Green Campus Energy Efficiency Summit – Greening the Campus, Building the Workforce


Page 1: Treasurer Meeting

Jeff Steuben, Alliance to Save Energy

[email protected]

Haley Gilmore, CSU Chico

[email protected]

Expense Reports and Beyond…

Your guide to being the Green Campus treasurer

Page 2: Treasurer Meeting

• Introductions

• Expectations of treasurers

• Reminders and refreshers

• Something new

• Beyond Expense reports!

• Budgeting Strategies

• Excel tips

• Q&A session on both presentations

• Things you will take away from this presentation

Session Outline

Page 3: Treasurer Meeting

o Oversee and maintain team budget and VISA Buxx credit card

o Keep detailed record of all GC related expenses, including

reconciliation, reimbursement, AND credit card purchases made

by Jeff/Wen

o Complete and submit monthly reconciliation/reimbursement

reports with appropriate attachments (VISA Buxx balance

statement and numbered original receipts) postmarked by the 1st

of the month

o Ensure all expenses receive prior approval from the whole team

o Keep team up-to-date on budget

o Project team’s monthly expenses, and report projection to


o Be on time


Page 4: Treasurer Meeting

By the first of the month:

• Complete expense report, email to Jeff & Wen, post to


• Photocopy & keep

– printed expense report

– visabuxx statement

– taped receipts

– cover sheet (more on this later)

• Mail the originals to Jeff/Wen

– Number receipts matching your expense report

– Circle the total bill on each receipt

– TAPE, not staple them flat on 8.5/11 page

– Single sided (gets photocopied by others)

Monthly Deliverables

Page 5: Treasurer Meeting
Page 6: Treasurer Meeting

YouJeff &

Wen in


Washington, DC





Where does it go?

Page 7: Treasurer Meeting

3 Types of Purchases

1. VISA BUXX - Use the monthly RECONCILIATION report to

enter expenses

2. ALLIANCE CREDIT CARD– Enter expenses on the VisaBuxx

Transfer / ASE CC Summary sheet

3. OOPS (OUT OF POCKET SPENDING) – Use the monthly

REIMBURSEMENT report to enter expenses

Types of Purchases

Page 8: Treasurer Meeting

• All purchases over $500 must be made through Jeff/Wen

• Track expenditures in the Visabuxx transfers/ ASE Credit

Card sheet

You send detailed

purchase description

to Jeff (how much,

where you’re buying,

what it’s for)

Jeff gets

approval from

“The Boss”

Jeff makes


Large Expenses (over $500)

Page 9: Treasurer Meeting

Credit Card & Value Loads

Page 10: Treasurer Meeting

New! Cover Sheets

Page 11: Treasurer Meeting

Scrolling down…

This is you

Page 12: Treasurer Meeting

Did you get

that memo…?

Consider yourself


Cover Sheets

•One for Reconciliations

•One for Reimbursements

•Check basic information

•Pull total $$$ from expense report

Page 13: Treasurer Meeting

• Be responsible for the team’s finances

• Submit expense reports correctly and on time

• Expenses over $500 go through Jeff/ Wen

• Track your Buxx loads and transfer fees

• Submit a cover sheet with your expense report each month

• Remember that many people look at your reports

Next up…

Beyond Expense Reports!


Page 14: Treasurer Meeting

Beyond Expense Reports

Budgeting for ProjectsSemester/Quarter basis

Must be able to cover your team’s project, administrative, and unexpected costs

Visa Buxx cardMonthly reload request to Jeff/Wen


Page 15: Treasurer Meeting

Beyond Expense Reports

So…how do we do that?

By becoming a PRO BUDGETER!

KNOW your expenses

PLAN your expenses

ANTICIPATE your expenses

Page 16: Treasurer Meeting

Beyond Expense Reports

KNOW your expensesProject implementation costs

Team SOW

Administrative costs


Unexpected costs

Within the course of the semester/quarter

Reevaluate your needs

Don’t miss anythingBe creative

Think outside the box

Page 17: Treasurer Meeting

Beyond Expense Reports

PLAN your expensesBudgeting tool

Update as changes occur

Maintain excellent team communication

Weekly Meetings

Email updates/reminders

Page 18: Treasurer Meeting

Beyond Expense Reports

Project name: Task description: Budgeted Cost Actual Cost TD

SH Surivival Kits (Welcome gifts) 290.00$ 193.97$

Materials for welcome board in house 30.00$ -$

SH/GC mixer; food and prizes 125.00$ 33.38$

Smart Cart rental for presentation 25.00$ 25.00$

Refreshments: Fresh Fruit Platter 50.00$ 50.00$

Lemonade (1 gal) 9.00$ 9.00$

Printing costs for fliers/supplies for advertising 20.00$ 6.50$

Candy/snacks to handout on day of event 50.00$ 31.88$

Prizes: gift cards (1) $50, (3) $25, (5) $10 175.00$ 175.00$

Printing costs for new stickers 500.00$

Reception at TWTS to showcase artwork (AS Catering) 100.00$

Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place: gift cards 175.00$

Shasta/Lassen ERC: Pizza party for the winners 120.00$ 171.95$

Smart Cart rental for Energy Audit Training (10/7/09) 25.00$ 25.00$

Business cards for Natalie Streiffer, Jackie Mercure, Haley Gilmore 15.00$ 8.38$

Fun Without Alcohol Fair supplies (food coloring, vinegar) 10/22/09 30.00$ 22.09$

Printer cartidges in 301 (see Gavin) 60.00$ -$

Smart strips (about 5 @ $30.00 each) 150.00$

TOTALS: 1,949.00$ 752.15$

Amount remaining in budget to date (10/31/09) 1,611.87$

Budgeted expenditures not yet purchased (10/31/09) 925.00$

Amount available to budget 686.87$


Still need to be purchased

Needed for the upcoming month (November)

Estimated Implementation Budget Expenditures August-December 2009 CSU, Chico

Sticker Art




Take the Stairs Day:





This number will come straight

fromthe Summary Report sheet in

your Expense Report.

This is a summary of what

you entered above. It shows

expenditures for the

semester that have been

allocated, but not yet spent.

Highlight budgeted items that

haven't been purchased yet. Add

these numbers together to get the

value in "Budgeted expenditures not

yet purchase (date)"

Highlight items that

need to be purchased

in the upcoming

month to more

accurately request

funds on your Visa

Buxx card.

Page 19: Treasurer Meeting

Beyond Expense Reports

ANTICIPATE your expensesMap out expenses with budgeting tool

Basis for reload amount


If you don’t know, FIND OUT!


Comparable sources

Page 20: Treasurer Meeting

Making Excel Work for You

Excel is your friend!


Reduce errors

Easy to use

Personal budgeting sheet

Page 21: Treasurer Meeting

Making Excel Work for You

Project name: Task description: Budgeted Cost Actual Cost TD

SH Surivival Kits (Welcome gifts) 290.00$ 193.97$

Materials for welcome board in house 30.00$ -$

SH/GC mixer; food and prizes 125.00$ 33.38$

Smart Cart rental for presentation 25.00$ 25.00$

Refreshments: Fresh Fruit Platter 50.00$ 50.00$

Lemonade (1 gal) 9.00$ 9.00$

Printing costs for fliers/supplies for advertising 20.00$ 6.50$

Candy/snacks to handout on day of event 50.00$ 31.88$

Prizes: gift cards (1) $50, (3) $25, (5) $10 175.00$ 175.00$

Printing costs for new stickers 500.00$

Reception at TWTS to showcase artwork (AS Catering) 100.00$

Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place: gift cards 175.00$

Shasta/Lassen ERC: Pizza party for the winners 120.00$

Smart Cart rental for Energy Audit Training (10/7/09) 25.00$ 25.00$

Business cards for Natalie Streiffer, Jackie Mercure, Haley Gilmore 15.00$ 8.38$

Fun Without Alcohol Fair supplies (food coloring, vinegar) 10/22/09 30.00$ 22.09$

Printer cartidges in 301 (see Gavin) 60.00$ -$

Smart strips (about 5 @ $30.00 each) 150.00$

TOTALS: 1,949.00$ 580.20$

Amount remaining in budget to date (10/31/09) 1,611.87$

Budgeted expenditures not yet purchased (10/31/09) 925.00$

Amount available to budget 686.87$


Still need to be purchased

Needed for the upcoming month (November)

Estimated Implementation Budget Expenditures August-December 2009 CSU, Chico

Sticker Art




Take the Stairs Day:





This value represents the total of

all the amounts in this column.



This represents all of the budgeted

expenses that have NOT been spent yet

(highlighted in yelllow).



Page 22: Treasurer Meeting

Making Excel Work for You


Only reference other cells on the spreadsheet, do NOT manually enter numbers into formulas

Windows 2007

Click “Formula” tab

“Insert function”

Click desired function

Enter values

Automatically inserts function

Common Formulas:


“=sum(number1, number2)”

Any mathematical formula


* multiplication


Making Excel Work for You

Page 23: Treasurer Meeting


Important things to remember:Budgeting

Essential to your success

Planning/anticipating your expenses

Project planning (SOW)

Indirect and unexpected costs (Knowledge/Awareness)

Doing research


Competitive Pricing

Team communication


For yourself AND your team

Page 24: Treasurer Meeting


Haley Gilmore

CSU, Chico

[email protected]