transportation master plan - york

December 2015 Open House Transportation Master Plan Innovating to develop a transportation system for tomorrow December 2015

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Page 1: Transportation Master Plan - York

December 2015

Open House

TransportationMaster Plan

Innovating to develop a transportation system for tomorrow

December 2015

Page 2: Transportation Master Plan - York

December 2015

TransportationMaster Plan

Study processWhat is the Transportation Master Plan?The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is York Region’s strategy addressing the transportation and mobility needs of those living and working in York Region over the next 25 years. Shaped by Provincial policy, existing Regional and local policies, and stakeholder and public input, it guides planning and investment in the Region’s transportation network. The TMP includes the Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan, the transit strategy and the road network strategy.

Study ProcessTransportation Master Plan Study Stages

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Phases

The TMP is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Process, an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act.

The Class Environmental Assessment process provides a consistent approach for planning and implementing municipal infrastructure projects. It also provides opportunities for public participation throughout.

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December 2015

TransportationMaster Plan

Working to meet your needsThe TMP is part of an integrated land use, infrastructure and financial planning process.

The following explains how the TMP serves York Region’s communities:

A Vision 2051 - Vision 2051 is the blueprint for York Region’s future and helps guide us, ensuring we set a course today for the future we desire by the year 2051.B York Region Official Plan (ROP) - The ROP enables Vision 2051. It is

the policy framework that describes how York Region plans to accommodate future growth and development while meeting the needs of existing residents and businesses. It sets out directions and policies that guide economic, environmental and community planning decisions over the next 25 years.C Water and Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP) - The WWMP puts the policies and growth forecasts of the ROP into an action plan for delivery of a water and wastewater servicing strategy to support new and existing communities over the next 25 years. It integrates social, environmental and financial sustainability principles.

D Transportation Master Plan (TMP) - The TMP puts policies and growth forecasts of the ROP into an action plan addressing

transportation and mobility needs of those living and working in York Region over the next 25 years. It guides planning and investing in York Region’s transportation network, including Regional roads, York Region Transit (YRT/Viva) and cycling and walking facilities.E Local official plans and secondary plans - These local municipal

plans apply York Region’s vision, policies and plans to the local context. They provide detailed land use planning direction in accordance with the ROP and direct cost-effective design, investigation and evaluation of transportation and water and wastewater infrastructure projects.

F Plans of subdivisions, condominium and site plans - These plans implement Regional and local plans and policies to build and provide infrastructure for our communities.

G In Your Home - The ROP, WWMP and TMP help provide essential services to our residents and businesses, including community centres, parks, schools, local transit, cycling, taps and toilets.

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TransportationMaster Plan

Why it is importantYork Region is growingYork Region is adding almost the equivalent of Hamilton’s current population by 2041. This growth cannot be accommodated if the way we move around the Region does not change. Different approaches are needed to accommodate this growth.

Travel patterns are changingMore people are living and working locally, increasing trips within York Region.

Transit use is increasingTransit is becoming a more attractive option for York Region residents with annual ridership on YRT/Viva outpacing population growth.

Expanding transportation network capacity will help, however changes in the way people travel are also needed.

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TransportationMaster Plan

The challengeCongestion cannot be eliminated, only managed

91 per cent of trips in York Region are made by single-occupant vehicles.Is this an efficient use of road space?

Increasing occupancy and giving priority to high occupancy vehicles (HOVs),including transit, can move more people and goods efficiently.

Travel patterns will change substantially

Despite expanding road capacity, travel times by car will worsen

Trips starting and ending in York Region will increase dramatically between now and 2041, continuing recent trends. More jobs are planned for the Region’s centres.

Transit needs to become even more attractive for these trips within York Region. Walking and cycling can be made more convenient for shorter trips.

Auto travel times between major centres are projected to increase, even with planned roadway improvements.

Investment in transit, including rapidways and expanded GO Transit service, is projected to either maintain or improve transit travel times in the future.

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What we heardWe received feedback from over 2,000 people

Where should York Region invest in transportation? Build new HOV lanes

Build new sidewalks/cycle paths

Maintain roads and bridges

Widen roads

Improve traffic flow

Build new subways and Viva rapidways

Expand/increase local transit service

Many roads need to be widened”

“ Implement smart signal systems

Build the subway up Yonge Street to

Richmond Hill ”

“ More frequent

bus service”


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TransportationMaster Plan

Our challenges

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TransportationMaster Plan

How this meets our visionOur goal is to create a seamless network for mobility that provides access to all destinations using diverse transportation options for people in all communities, promotes active healthy living and safely and efficiently moves people and goods.

We are in a new era where technology connects people, modes and destinations. York Region’s role must extend beyond just building infrastructure to focus on ensuring people can choose the best travel option available, whether it’s for travel between our communities or making the last mile easier.

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TransportationMaster Plan

Network development tactics Optimize

Prioritize and continue with the implementation of current plans to make driving, transit, cycling and walking more efficient:

• Implement frequent transit network• Implement 10 year roads construction program• Provide travel demand management programs









Broader improvements to facilities and services will expand and improve options for transit users, carpoolers, pedestrians and cyclists:

• Complete Lake-to-Lake Cycling Route and Walking Trail• Extend Yonge Subway to Highway 7 in Richmond Hill• Expand HOV network• Expand commuter parking

TransformBold steps that reshape transportation will put transit, walking and cycling first and reduce our reliance on cars:

• Embrace self-driving vehicles• Integrate transit fares• Transform streetscapes to make walking/cycling most convenient for short trips• Introduce express toll lanes and paid parking in Regional centres

Photo courtesy of James Heinrich

Photo courtesy of Google Photo courtesy of dstuff9, Flickr

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TransportationMaster Plan

Objective 1: Create a world class transit system

Rapid TransitRapid transit helps shape communities and transform lives. The proposed rapid transit network will complete connections between the four Regional centres and extend rapid transit to other corridors including Jane Street, Major Mackenzie Avenue and Leslie Street. The proposed Yonge Subway extension is a key priority.

Regional Express Rail (RER)Metrolinx is transforming the GO rail network. The Regional Express Rail plan includes electrified GO Trains and two-way all day service. RER will significantly improve transit options for people coming to work in York Region.

Transit Priority NetworkTransit priority measures may include signal timing changes, HOV lanes, or reserved bus lanes. Measures will vary by location and focus on locations where transit vehicles are significantly delayed by congestion.

Frequent Transit NetworkEnhance YRT/Viva service levels to develop a Frequent Transit Network along major corridors in the urban areas of the Region where transit is frequent enough that users do not need to check schedules.

Mobility HubsMobility hubs include traditional Park ‘n’ Ride lots as well as other opportunities for people to access transit. The Park ‘n’ Ride strategy seeks to reduce the number of people driving to transit hubs in urban centres and corridors, while providing additional opportunities to drive to transit hubs in rural areas.

New Transit OptionsTechnology is enabling new forms of transit, including a new form of the Dial-a-Ride service to address low transit demand in the Region’s rural, suburban and urban areas. Shared ride shuttles are another potential solution to minimize the need to run larger buses through neighbourhoods.







Parking for Rent(Informal Market)

CarpoolRight Sizing Parking Mechanized Parking

Underutilized Parking









TOD Shared Parking





Photo courtesy of James Heinrich

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Proposed transit network for 2041

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TransportationMaster Plan

Objective 2: Develop a road network fit for the future

Context Sensitive SolutionsContext Sensitive Solutions recognizes that street design should be sensitive to surrounding land uses and community needs. The TMP considered Context Sensitive Solutions when planning the road network.

Maximizing Person Carrying CapacityReducing the number of people driving in single occupant vehicles is critical to managing congestion. HOV lanes, in conjunction with carpool lots, is one strategy for increasing person capacity. Building out the HOV network is a key objective of the TMP.

Finer Grid Street NetworkThe Region’s grid network of arterial roads is large and tends to increase congestion at major intersections. Ensuring road crossing connections are provided to alleviate pressure on the arterial road network will reduce congestion as well as improve options for transit, walking and cycling. New road crossings across highways also serve to improve network connectivity.

Increasing Capacity to Serve Development AreasNew and expanded roads will be required to serve planned growth areas. These roads will be constructed as ‘complete streets’ accommodating all modes of travel.

Provincial Highway ExpansionYork Region will continue to work with the Ministry of Transportation to advance the planning and design of new highways including the GTA West corridor and Bradford Bypass, as well as extensions to Highway 404 and 427. Opportunities to add HOV lanes or shoulder bus lanes to Highway 404 and 400 would complement York Region’s HOV and transit network.

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Proposed high occupancy vehicle network and commuter parking for 2041

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Supportive network of finer grid streets

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Proposed road network for 2041

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TransportationMaster Plan

Objective 3: Integrate active transportation in urban areas

Strategic Cycling NetworkYork Region has been building cycling facilities based on the Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan since 2008. The TMP recommends focusing on a strategic network where links are made between existing cycling facilities and those planned through road and transit projects. These links would create network connections to Regional centres, transit stations and adjacent municipalities. The strategic network will support making cycling a viable mobility choice.

Addressing Sidewalk GapsYork Region has identified sidewalk gaps along all Regional roads within the urban areas. The TMP proposes to focus on addressing gaps to improve connections to transit and destinations.

New Design ApproachesSince the 2008 Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan, new types of cycling facilities are being considered to improve the safety, comfort and convenience of cyclists. These include separated bike lanes and cycle tracks. We also have a better understanding of what types of cycling facilities should be implemented based on traffic speeds and volumes and other characteristics. The TMP updates the cycling network with these new designs to make it more appealing for a wide range of people to consider cycling for transportation.

Regional Trails StrategyOff-road trails in York Region play a dual role – as a place for recreation and as links in the active transportation network. Trails can provide very comfortable and pleasant places to walk and cycle away from busy streets. They can create convenient connections through parks and green spaces and make connections with the on-road network to help people get to the places they need to go. Trails in York Region are planned and maintained by the local municipalities and other authorities. The TMP recommends a Regional Trails Coordinating Committee and Regional Strategic Trail Network to help integrate them into the overall cycling and walking network.

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TransportationMaster Plan

Cycling facility types








SharedShared facilities include roadways or streets where cyclists and motorists use the same road space. Types of shared facilities include signed routes or shared lanes (“sharrows”). Since cyclists and motorists share the same space, these facilities are appropriate on streets with low traffic volumes and/or low speeds.

DedicatedDesignated or dedicated facilities are those that provide space on the road intended for use by cyclists only. They are generally adjacent to motor vehicle lanes and defined by pavement markings. Dedicated facilities typically include bike lanes in urban areas and paved shoulders on rural roads.

SeparatedSeparated bikeways are separated from traffic by more than just a painted line. Separation may consist of bollards or delineators, mountable or barrier curbs, planters, concrete medians, etc. Types of separated facilities can include cycle tracks, raised bike lanes, or multi-use trails. These facilities improve comfort for cyclists along higher-speed, busy roadways.

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Proposed ultimate cycling network for 2041

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10 year cycling network need

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Objective 4: Maximize the potential of employment areas

Strategic Goods Movement Network

The Strategic Goods Movement Network (SGMN) is intended to identify preferred haul routes and link major generators of traffic. The SGMN will help guide investments, design standards and land use planning. It consists of highways, primary arterial goods movement corridors and new interchanges. All Regional roads are part of the goods movement network, however some have more strategic importance.

Freight Supportive Land Use Planning

Freight supportive land use planning seeks to maximize efficiency for goods movement while minimizing impacts on our communities.

Utilizing Data

Information on goods movement patterns is becoming more available. Understanding where goods are moving to, and what is moving them can lead to more efficient goods movement and reduced environmental and community impacts.

Photo courtesy of George Campbell

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Proposed strategic goods movement network

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Objective 5: Make the last mile work

Designing Communities and Employment Areas

People enjoy walking and cycling when communities are designed with safe, comfortable and enjoyable connections. This includes minimizing excess surface parking, creating interesting street frontages and providing a mix of uses. These approaches are incorporated in York Region’s Transit Oriented Development Guidelines and Official Plan policies.

Parking Management

Currently York Region has a limited role in parking. The TMP recommends an increased role with a focus on providing opportunities for shared parking in urban centres, commuter Park ‘n’ Ride in fringe areas, development of supporting policies and mobility management.

Facilitating Innovation and New Technologies

New mobility options such as peer to peer car-sharing and dynamic ridesharing are complementary to the Regional transit system. The Region will ensure new ‘disruptive technologies’ contribute positively to transportation objectives.

Strengthening Partnerships

Many groups are working on options to improve mobility choices including Metrolinx, School Boards and Health Departments. Bringing groups together will accelerate progress.

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TransportationMaster Plan

Next stepsOver the next few months, the TMP team will:• Refine the plan based on public and stakeholder feedback• Develop a phasing and financing plan• Present the Draft Plan to Regional Council• Provide the TMP for public review• Finalize the TMP

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