transport softwares

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  • 8/3/2019 Transport Softwares


  • 8/3/2019 Transport Softwares


  • 8/3/2019 Transport Softwares



    Traffic engineering and management bus priority models, single junction

    models, local centre models, corridor models (VISSIM, PARAMICS, AIMSUM,


    Assignment modelling strategic town and city centre models, area action

    plans, major road schemes (SATURN, PARAMICS, VISUM)

    Multi-modal and land use models regional modelling, North Wales Transport



    Conventional tools such as LINSIG, TRANSYT, ARCADY and PICADY still

    used but a modeller would not regard them as a traffic modelling tool.

    Microsimulation tools such as VISSIM and PARAMICS increasingly been


    Applications - bus (or LRT) priority, vehicle actuation, queue relocation, blocking

    back effects

    Microsimulation model should also be considered if the effects of any scheme

    or development are felt over a wider area Specialist modelling firms consider microsimulation modelling to be simply an

    extension of the standard traffic engineering techniques but this ignores the

    high level of capability required to model vehicle actuation and bus priority.

    VISSIM generally favoured by TfL and is perceived by some as being more

    forgiving to the user. However, there are many examples of PARAMICS being

    accepted by TfL

    No route choice within them therefore dynamic routeing is not required.


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    Generally undertaken over a wider area than most microsimulation models (for

    example town and city centres)

    Uses tools such as SATURN.

    Assists in assessing the area-wider impacts of schemes as they model the

    reassignment of

    Conventional tools have been challenged in recent years by newer software

    tools such as PARAMICS and VISUM.

    Many examples of town and city centre PARAMICS models.

    The dynamic assignment capabilities of PARAMICS are generally accepted as

    being superior to those of VISSIM.

    Junction analysis will still be required using conventional tools such as


    Able to model the effects of bus operations but they should not be confused

    with multi-modal models.


    Standard models deal with the effects of vehicular traffic with fixed vehicular trip


    Multi-modal models use elasticity models to forecast not only vehicle

    assignment but modal split

    Often use combination of TRIPS (or CUBE) software, which handles the multi-

    modal element and SATURN software which handles the traffic assignment

    Should not confuse multi-modal models with conventional assignment models

    which model bus operations

    Typically cover areas such as large cities or sub regions. Larger land use

    transport models such as PRISM (Policy Responsive Integrated Strategic

    Model) take account of changes in the location and intensity of land uses as

    well how transport can affect land uses and the economy

    Specialist modelling consultancies develop bespoke modelling tools


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    Several areas in which they could be applied such as assessment of new

    growth points, RSS and LDF processes


    Microsimulation has ability to model the effects of intelligent transport systems

    MOVA (Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation), SCOOT (Split Cycle

    Offset Optimisation Technique) and ATM (Active Traffic Management).

    Allows user to test impacts of a MOVA or SCOOT signal network before they

    are implemented on the ground (PCMOVA)

    MOVA can be linked to VISSIM and Paramics and there are also examples of

    PARAMICS being linked to SCOOT and ATM (on the M42 and M25 for





    Spatial analysis modelling

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    HCS Analysis -This section discusses the use of the Highway Capacity Software

    program to perform analysis of interchange and freeway operations reflective of

    different design alternatives and traffic volumes. The two key modules that will

    examined in the documentation include the FREEWAY OPERATIONS and the RAMPS.

    For each of these two, examples will be provided showing the traffic and geometry of

    the facility and the corresponding screens from the Highway Capacity Software will be

    provided to serve a guide for entering the information.

    HCS+T7F is now available! is now available.

    This latest version of the Highway Capacity SoftwareTM is now integrated with

    TRANSYT-7FTM for signal timing optimization within the new HCS+T7FTM


    HCS+TM (Release 5.4) includes HCS+ Interchanges implementing the Highway

    Capacity Manual (HCM) Chapter 26 methodolgy for Interchange Ramp


    TRANSYT-7F (Release 11.3) is included with HCS+, able to import HCS+Signals

    and HCS+Interchanges files for optimization and one-touch CORSIM animation.


    NetSimis a comprehensive tool for studying computer networks. NetSim features

    state of the art network simulation technology, and comes with additional offerings thatenhance and quicken students learning, and prepare them better for their career.


    Model networks with various technologies, protocols, devices and traffic types.

    Study Performance metrics at network, link by link and packet levels
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    Analyze and graph, inter and intra protocol performance by varying modeling


    Learn from detailed simulation lab experiments

    Built as per International Standards set forth by IEEE, ITU and IETF

    Viewthe different technologies in the Standard Version

    The Boson NetSim Network Simulator is an application that simulates Cisco Systems'

    networking hardware and software and is designed to aid the user in learning the Cisco

    IOS command structure.

    QRS II

    QRS II - Version 7 - Quick Response System II runs the four-step planning process

    trip generation, trip distribution, mode split, traffic/transit assignment for highway and

    transit forecasting. Networks and data are entered and edited graphically using the

    powerful General Network Editor.

    Comparative study of EMME/2 and QRS II for modeling a small community

    Arc GIS

    ArcGIS- People are using ArcGIS in all types of organizations to improve their

    workflows and solve their most challenging issues. ArcGIS helps you with:

    * Asset/data management including systems integration, claims/case management,

    service/territory area management, and constituent/customer management

    * Planning and analysis such as forecasting and risk analysis

    * Business operations such as call center/dispatching; monitoring and tracking; field

    data collection; inspections, maintenance and operations; and routing

    * Situational awareness including decision support and customer/public access

    ArcGIS is a system for people who rely on accurate geographic information to make

    decisions. It facilitates collaboration and lets you easily author data, maps, globes, and
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    models on the desktop and serve them out for use on a desktop, in a browser, or in the

    field, depending on the needs of your organization.

    Arc Info

    ArcInfo- ArcInfo is the most complete desktop GIS. It includes all the functionality of

    ArcEditor and ArcView and adds advanced spatial analysis, extensive data

    manipulation, and high-end cartography tools. Organizations use the power of ArcInfo

    every day to create, edit, and analyze their data in order to make better decisions,

    faster. ArcInfo is the de facto standard for GIS. ArcInfo can:

    * Perform advanced GIS data analysis and modeling.

    * Take advantage of tools designed for overlay analysis, proximity analysis, surface

    analysis, and raster processing and conversion.

    * Publish and convert data in many formats.

    * Create and manage personal geodatabases, multiuser geodatabases, and feature


    * Use high-end cartography tools to generate professional-quality, publication-ready


    * Design customized symbols and place sophisticated annotation and labels on your


    Arc View

    ArcView - ArcView is geographic information system (GIS) software for visualizing,

    managing, creating, and analyzing geographic data. Using ArcView, you can

    understand the geographic context of your data, allowing you to see relationships and

    identify patterns in new ways.

    With ArcView, you can

    Author maps and interact with your data by generating reports and charts and printing

    and embedding your maps in other documents and applications.

    Save time using map templates to create consistent style in your maps.

    Build process models, scripts, and workflows to visualize and analyze your data.

    Read, import, and manage more than 70 different data types and formats including
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    demographics, facilities, CAD drawings, imagery, Web services, multimedia, and


    Communicate more efficiently by printing, publishing, and sharing your GIS data and

    dynamic content with others.

    Use tools such as Find, Identify, Measure, and Hyperlink to discover information not

    available when working with static paper maps.

    Make better decisions and solve problems faster.

    Avenue Programming

    Avenue Programming

    CUBE Voyager

    CUBE Voyager- Cube Voyager combines the latest in Citilabs' technologies for the

    forecasting of personal travel. Cube Voyager uses a modular and script-based structure

    allowing the incorporation of any model methodology ranging from standard four-step

    models, to discrete choice to activity-based approaches. Advanced methodologies

    provide junction-based capacity restraint for highway analysis and discrete choice

    multipath transit pathbuilding and assignment. Cube Voyager includes highly flexible

    network and matrix calculators for the calculation of travel demand and for the detailed

    comparison of scenarios.

    Cube Voyager was designed to provide an open and user-friendly framework for

    modeling a wide variety of planning policies and improvements at the urban, regional

    and long-distance level. Cube Voyager brings together these criteria with a

    comprehensive library of planning functions applied under the general Cube framework.

    This makes the management of data a snap, and the coding of complex methodologies

    simple via a step-by-step approach.

    The FTP Voyager Software Development Kit (SDK)allows you to power your

    application's FTP capabilities with same engine used in the FTP Voyager client. The

    SDK exposes FTP Voyager's FTP capabilities through a thoroughly documented and

    easy to integrate DLL. This flexible interface gives you the ability to use the. Free

    download of FTP Voyager Software Development Kit, size 6.38 Mb.
  • 8/3/2019 Transport Softwares



    DYNASMART-P version 1.3.0

    Dynamic Network Assignment-Simulation Model for Advanced Roadway

    Telematics (Planning version)

    DYNASMART-P version 1.3.0, released by the Federal Highway Administration through

    McTrans in February 2007, provides many new features and enhancements. These


    Convenient import of network and demand data from other planning models

    Click-and-drag network/control creation and editing interface based on

    background imagery Easy conversion of baseline static OD matrix to time-dependent OD matrices

    Generation of default movements and signal control data for fast deployment

    Improved loading and display speed for large-scale network datasets

    Calculation and display of link- and network-level toll revenue for HOT or tolling


    Easy redistribution of user classes within vehicle and path files. This allows for

    flexible implementation of various planning scenarios

    Capability of modeling large networks

    FHWA Corporate Research and Technology -DYNASMART-P



    Emme is the successor to EMME/2, the pioneering software package that first

    brought multimodal equilibrium modelling to professional practice.

    Emme is a French-English acronym for Equilibre Multimodal / Multimodal

    Equilibrium, today's industry-standard assignment method.
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    The worldwide Emme community pronounces it em-mee, em, or em-muh. As

    with the types of models you can build with Emme, the choice is yours.

    INtRO- Emme is a complete travel demand forecasting system for urban, regional, and

    national transportation planning. Make informed transport policy decisions with Emme's

    comprehensive set of tools for demand modelling, multimodal network modelling,

    visualization and analysis. And have confidence in the integrity of your results.

    Emme 3 combines powerful, proven modelling capabilities with professional productivity

    tools. Visit thetransport modelling pageto learn about the sophisticated transport

    modelling technology that Emme can bring to your application. Or, visit the software

    featurespage for details on how the Emme Desktop's integrated editing, analysis, and

    visualization capabilities can help you develop and express your models to all thestakeholders involved.

    Syncro / SimTraffic

    Syncro/SimTraffic- Synchro is a software application for optimizing traffic signal timing and

    performing capacity analysis. The software optimizes splits, offsets, and cycle lengths

    for individual intersections, an arterial, or a complete network. SimTraffic performs micro

    simulation and animation of vehicular traffic. With SimTraffic, Individual vehicles are

    modeled and displayed traversing a street network. SimTraffic models signalized and

    un-signalized intersections, and freeway sections.

    Synchro 8

    Synchro is a macroscopic analysis and optimization software application. Synchro

    implements the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) 2003 method for determining

    intersection capacity. Version 8 also supports the HCM 2010 methodology for signalized

    intersections and roundabouts. Due to ease-of-use, traffic engineers are modeling

    within days thus adding to the number of reasons Synchro remains the leading traffic

    analysis application.
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    SimTraffic 8

    SimTraffic is a powerful, easy-to-use traffic simulation software application. SimTraffic

    performs micro simulation and animation of vehicular and pedestrian related traffic. With

    SimTraffic, individual vehicles are modeled and displayed traversing a street network.

    SimTraffic models signalized and unsignalized intersections as well as freeway sections

    with cars, trucks, pedestrians, and busses. Unlike a number of other modeling

    applications, SimTraffic animation is displayed while the simulation is performed. Data

    entry is intuitive and efficient - with a single mouse click the same data set created with

    Synchro can be used to run simulations within SimTraffic.

    Tran Plan


    After defining the network and socio-economic characteristics for the network,

    the network is ready to be run through Tranplan to determine the loaded traffic

    volumes and travel speeds. The programs to perform this step of the process

    include a series of MapBasic and Fortran programs which will export the network

    information to text format and write out a Tranplan control file that contains all the

    necessary elements to perform a model run (Build the network, identifies skim

    trees, trip distribution, matrix operations, and assigns the traffic).

    A Guide to Transportation Modeling Using TRANPLAN for Computer Simulation

    of Strategies for Managing the Rural Road Infrastructure (PDF white paperlink)

    This City-wide traffic model was developed, using the TRANPLAN transportation

    modeling software. The model's network and zone system were developed to

    provide an appropriate level of detail for local circulation system planning, while

    incorporating the influences of regional through traffic on the City arterial system;this was accomplished by developing a focused model.

    Montana DOT white papers on Tranplan 21

    Trans CAD
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    TransCAD- TransCAD is the first and only Geographic Information System (GIS)

    designed specifically for use by transportation professionals to store, display, manage,

    and analyze transportation data. TransCAD combines GIS and transportation modeling

    capabilities in a single integrated platform, providing capabilities that are unmatched by

    any other package. TransCAD can be used for all modes of transportation, at any scale

    or level of detail. TransCAD provides:

    A powerful GIS engine with special extensions for transportation

    Mapping, visualization, and analysis tools designed for transportation applications

    Application modules for routing, travel demand forecasting, public transit, logistics, site

    location, and territory management.


    TransCAD is the first and only Geographic Information System (GIS) designed

    specifically for use by transportation professionals to store, display, manage, and

    analyze transportation data. TransCAD combines GIS and transportation modeling

    capabilities in a single integrated platform, providing capabilities that are unmatched by

    any other package. TransCAD can be used for all modes of transportation, at any

    geographic scale or level of detail. TransCAD provides:

    A powerful GIS engine with special extensions for transportation

    Mapping, visualization, and analysis tools designed for transportation applications

    State-of-the-art modules for travel demand forecasting, public transit, logistics,

    routing, site location, and territory management.

    TransCAD has applications for all types of transportation data and for all modes of

    transportation, and is ideal for building transportation information and decision support


    TransCAD runs on readily-available hardware under Microsoft Windows and embraces

    virtually all desktop computing standards.This has two important benefits:
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    You can acquire and install TransCAD at a much lower cost than any other integrated

    GIS and transportation modeling solution

    You dont have to build custom applications or complicated data

    interchange modules to perform transportation analysis with GIS data A Powerful GIS

    for Transportation TransCAD is the most capable GIS for transportation applications.

    With TransCAD

    you can create and customize maps, build and maintain geographic data sets, and

    perform many different types of spatial

    analysis. TransCAD includes sophisticated GIS features such as polygonoverlay,buffering, and geocoding, and has an open system architecture that supports

    data sharing on local- and wide-area networks.


    Transims - TMIP sponsors the research and development of the TRansportation

    ANalysis and SIMulation System (TRANSIMS). TRANSIMS is the next generation of

    travel modeling, microsimulation and air quality analysis tools. Through TMIP the

    planning community can stay up to date on the development and delivery of TRANSIMS


    TRANSIMS Open Source

    The Transportation Analysis and Simulation System (TRANSIMS), is an integrated set

    of tools developed to conduct regional transportation system analyses. With the goal ofestablishing TRANSIMS as an ongoing public resource available to the transportation

    community, TRANSIMS is made available under the NASA Open Source Agreement

    Version 1.3

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    Trans Modeler

    TransModeler- TransModeler is a powerful and versatile traffic simulation package

    applicable to a wide array of traffic planning and modeling tasks. TransModeler can

    simulate all kinds of road networks, from freeways to downtown areas, and can analyzewide area multimodal networks in great detail and with high fidelity. You can model and

    visualize the behavior of complex traffic systems in a 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional

    GIS environment to illustrate and evaluate traffic flow dynamics, traffic signal and ITS

    operations, and overall network performance.


    UTPS- Urban (or UMTA) Transportation Planning System

    Simulating Traffic for Incident Management and ITS Investment Decisions

    Considering Network Demand Issues in GIS Transportation Data Modeling


    Vissim - Visual Solutions' VisSim is the fastest and easiest-to-use dynamic simulation

    and model-based system development software available. VisSim is up to 10 times

    faster than competitive simulation products. The free VisSim Viewer lets anyone run

    VisSim diagrams.


    The core product, VisSim, is used for general modeling, simulation and control system

    design applications. VisSim is an award winning graphical block diagram language for

    modeling and simulating complex dynamic systems.
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    VisSim and addons

    VisSim's visual interface offers a simple method for constructing and simulating large-

    scale complex dynamic systems; its math engine provides fast, accurate solutions for

    linear, nonlinear, continuous time, discrete time, time varying and hybrid system


    With VisSim, you can quickly develop virtual prototypes of any dynamic system. Models

    are built by simply sliding blocks into the workarea and wiring them together with the

    mouse. Each block of the diagram performs a function. You can also create blocks in C,
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    Fortran or Pascal and add them to the VisSim block library. After a model is built, a click

    of the "Go" button immediately gives interactive results.

    Many Addons

    VisSim addon modules are pictured at right and extend the functionality of VisSim to

    areas like frequency domain analysis: VisSim/Analyze, real-time hardware-in-the-loop

    prototyping and control: VisSim/Real-TimePRO, and efficient C-code

    generation:VisSim/C-Code. The C code can be compiled and run on any platform that

    supports an ANSI C compiler.

    VisSim/Embedded Controls Developer

    VisSim/ECD is a bundle of VisSim + C-Code + Fixed-Point + Target Support to let you

    model, simulate, and build embedded systems. VisSim/ECD supports on-chip

    peripherals, including PWM, ADC, SPI, I2C, encoders, and capture. VisSim/ECD

    automatically converts the diagram to ANSI C code and compiles, links, and downloads

    the code to an embedded target. VisSim/ECD includes its own RTOS with background

    tasks, and can set the main sampling interrupt rate to over 1MHz.


    VisSim/StateCharts adds OMG UML 2.1 Compliant graphical state chart editing,

    simulation and code generation to the VisSim tool chain. Combined with a built-in C

    interpreter, this addon allows fast and reliable development of complex control

    applications. Whether you need to decode a serial protocol, or step through a complex

    start up or shut down sequence, VisSim/StateCharts is the perfect complement to any

    control development effort.


    VisSim/Comm is a bundle of VisSim + a comprehensive library of communication blocks.

    VisSim/Comm forms an integrated solution for the modeling and simulation of analog,

    digital, or mixed-mode, end-to-end communication systems. Pre-built blocks like signal
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    sources, encoders/decoders, modulators/demodulators, filters, channels, RF

    components and PLLs make it easy to build, maintain, and modify even the most

    complex communication system models.