transit oriented chicago: a prototype cta to metra rail transit connection corridor

TRANSIT ORIENTED CHICAGO: A PROTOTYPE CTA TO METRA RAIL TRANSIT CONNECTION CORRIDOR BY RYAN LAWBER Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture in the Graduate College of the Illinois Institute of Technology Approved _________________________________ Adviser Chicago, Illinois July 2008

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2008 Thesis at IIT. Transit oriented development focusing on a second level pedestrian connection corridor between two rail stations in Chicago, Illinois.


Page 1: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor





Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Architecture in the Graduate College of the Illinois Institute of Technology

Approved _________________________________ Adviser

Chicago, Illinois

July 2008

Page 2: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Page 3: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor



I would like to thank everyone who gave me the chance to complete this thesis.

First, a great amount of thanks to the Regional Transit Authority of Chicago. Without

them, this project couldn’t happen. Second, I owe a huge thank you to the Morgenstern

family for giving me the opportunity to continue my education. Also, a thank you to Prof.

George Schipporeit, who has guided, encouraged, and kept me on the right track during

the development of this thesis. I owe much thanks to the professors at Southern Illinois

University Carbondale and the Illinois Institute of Technology who have aided my

research. Most importantly, I’d like to thank my wife Erinn who has supported and

understood my thoughts and ideas through this work better than I could. Thank you.

Page 4: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor



Page ACKNOWLEDGMENT…………………………………………………………… iii LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………………. vi LIST OF DRAWINGS……………………………………………………………….. viii LIST OF RENDERINGS…………………………………………………………….. ix ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………. x CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………… 1 1.1 Chicago Urban Design…………………………………………… 1 1.2 Issues with Vehicles in Urban Environments……………………. 2 2. SITE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES………………………………………. 8 2.1 Current Transit Coverage in Chicago……………………………….. 8 2.2 Site Location and Phasing Plans…………………………………… 9 2.3 CTA Station…………………………………………………………. 13 2.4 Metra Station……………………………………………………… 13 3. DESIGN PARAMETERS..…………….………………………………. 16 3.1 Rail Transit Oriented City………………………………………….. 16 3.2 CTA Station…………………………………………………………. 18 3.3 Metra Station……………………………………………………… 19 3.4 Plaza Design……………………………………………………….. 20 3.5 Connection Corridor……………………………………………….. 23 3.6 Road and Alley Redesign………………………………………… 25 4. DESIGN IMAGERY…………………………………………………… 29 4.1 Chicago Site Analysis……………………………………………… 29 4.2 Western Avenue Site Analysis……………………………………… 30 4.3 Design Figures and Drawings……………………………………… 30 5. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………….. 65 5.1 Summary…………………………………………………………… 65 5.2 Conclusion………………………………………………………… 66

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BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………… 67

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LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1 Typical Chicago Street Grid Divisions…….………………………………. 1 1.2 Oil Usage Comparisons Between Countries……………………………… 3 2.1 Areas of Chicago Inaccessible by Rail Transit .…………….……………… 9 2.2 Site Location on Western Avenue…………………………………………… 10 2.3 Site of the Proposed CTA Green Line Station at Lake St. and Western Ave ………………………………………………… 14 2.4 November 2007 Ridership by Line………………………………………… 15 2.5 Current Western Avenue Metra Station…………………………………….. 15 3.1 Density Graph Showing Units per Acre Radiating from the Station Node…………………………………………… 16 3.2 A New City Density………………………………………………………… 17 3.3 A Transit City Density Based on the Half-mile Grid……………………… 18 3.4 Sketch of Land Use and Development of a Gridded Transit Area…………. 18 3.5 Pedestrian Bridge to Building Typical Connection………………………… 24 3.6 Chicago Green Alley Plan………………………………………………… 27 4.1 Chicago Boundaries………………………………………………………… 32 4.2 CTA Rail Line Locations…………………………………………………… 33 4.3 CTA Rail Station Locations…………………………………………………. 34 4.4 Metra Rail Line Locations………………………………………………… 35 4.5 Metra Rail Station Locations………………………………………………. 36 4.6 Areas Without CTA and Metra Rail Transit………………………………… 37 4.7 Areas Without CTA Rail Transit…………………………………………….. 38

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4.8 Half-mile Pedestrian Grid Overlay…………………………………………. 39 4.9 Density Map from 1990 Census…………………………………………….. 40 4.10 Density Map and Areas Without CTA Rail Transit……………………….. 41 4.11 Density Map and Half-mile Pedestrian Grid Overlay…………………….. 42 4.12 High Density Areas…………………………………………………………. 43 4.13 Proposed CTA Rail Station Locations……………………………………… 44 4.14 Site of Western Avenue Enlarged…………………………………………… 45 4.15 Western Avenue Site Analysis………………………………………………. 46

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Drawing Page 4.1 Street Level Floor Plan of CTA Station.…………………………………… 47 4.2 Mezzanine Level Floor Plan of CTA Station………………………………… 48 4.3 Platform Level Floor Plan of CTA Station ……………………………….… 49 4.4 Section Through CTA Station Looking North………………………………. 50 4.5 Section Through CTA Station Looking West……………………………… 51 4.6 East Elevation of CTA Station…………………………………………….. 52 4.7 Roof Plan of Metra Station………………………………………………….. 53 4.8 Pedestrian Level Floor Plan of Metra Station……………………………… 54 4.9 Section Through Metra Station Looking West……………………………… 55 4.10 Section Through Metra Station Plaza and Sub-level Parking……………… 56 4.11 Section Through Western Avenue, Phase I of Street Design……………… 57 4.12 Section Through Western Avenue, Phase II of Street Design……………… 57 4.13 Section Through Western Avenue, Phase III of Street Design……………… 57 4.14 Section Through Pedestrian Bridge/Building Connection………………….. 58 4.15 Plan of Pedestrian Connection Near CTA Station…………………………. 59 4.16 Plan of Pedestrian Connection Near Metra Station……………………….. 60 4.17 Typical Plan of Pedestrian Bridge………………………………………….. 61

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Rendering Page 4.1 View from the Surface of the Pedestrian Bridge…………………………… 62 4.2 View from Below the Elevated Pedestrian Bridge………………………… 63 4.3 View of a Typical Middle Section of Elevated Pedestrian Bridge………… 64

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This project will examine a creation and composition of a prototype pedestrian infrastructure connecting two rail transit stations on an example site of Western Avenue. Nodal development of the proposed CTA and Metra stations and a connecting interior/exterior corridor will define the two areas, allowing Western Avenue to be explored as a unifying element in this development. The proposal will look at a high population residency, as well as parks, markets, pedestrian paths, playgrounds, communal areas, civic spaces, quiet areas, etc. all to create a positive relation to society. This development has a responsibility to the environment by minimizing vehicular traffic in the area and promoting a local density and community.

The site will be divided into three phases of development. The first phase is what can currently be realized in 2008. The second phase is the plan for 2050 and the third phase is a development plan for 2100. With the first phase of development, the site will be developed with a new CTA Green Line stop on Western Avenue and the initial plan of a pedestrian connection to the redeveloped Metra station. The second phase includes a reduced vehicular traffic flow on Western Avenue and a greater pedestrian presence in the area. In this phase, a pedestrian connection between the two train station nodes will be explored. This is the phase that will primarily be covered in this thesis. The third phase of development is based around a car-less Chicago around the year 2100, and the results necessitated from this: tram lines run on main streets, and a very dense development is produced. These phases will be described in more detail in their appropriate sections.

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1.1 Chicago Urban Design The Chicago street grid is based on a rectangular delineation of areas of the city

into manageable one mile blocks. These mile blocks are surrounded by heavily trafficked

streets. Dividing these blocks in half is a grid of secondary streets that typically are not as

heavily trafficked. The outcome of this grid is that every half mile alternates with a major

and secondary traffic street, and smaller tertiary streets are typically reserved for

residential developments and divide the half mile grid into manageable lot sizes. Each

mile block is divided into eight equal sections equivalent to a furlong. One furlong unit

sections typically divide the block by eight in one direction and 16 half furlong divisions

the perpendicular direction. This creates a grid of 330 feet by 660 feet that each block is

subdivided. These small blocks are in turn divided lengthwise in half by alleys for access

to carriage houses, vehicular parking, maintenance vehicles, and trash pickup.

Figure 1.1. Typical Chicago Street Grid Divisions.

Page 12: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Additionally, the streets placed in this grid are based on the rod measurement, where the

alleys are one rod (16.5 feet) in width and the small blocks bounded by streets that are

two rods in width (33 feet). The main and secondary arterial streets differ in width

between 50 and 80 feet in width, depending on the traffic flow.

Historically, Western Avenue was the western boundary of the city of Chicago

during the middle of the 19th century. At 23.5 miles in length, it is one of the longest

continuous north-south streets that exist in Chicago. Because of this uninterrupted

distance, it has become a congested artery of four-lane traffic passing through the west

side neighborhoods of the city. Western Avenue has grown into a freight truck highway,

as it tends to act as a ring road for motorists not wanting to take the expressways

downtown. Crossing Western Avenue by foot or cycle can become impossible and

dangerous if at a crosswalk not at a traffic signal. In addition to this, the speeds of traffic

on this road frequently reach illegal speeds much greater than the posted limits.

The gridded automobile infrastructure of Chicago was created for rapid expansion

of the city and has been a great success regarding the development compared to the

timeline of the city. However, the thought behind this vehicular development needs to be

redesigned to incorporate possibilities of a reduced vehicle traffic flow and an increased

pedestrian/transit oriented community.

1.2 Issues with Vehicles and Rail in Urban Environments

Without question, motor vehicles dominate urban areas, and most of the roadways

currently in use were planned when oil was limitless and inexpensive. But, now that we

are realizing the extinction of one of the planet’s most valuable materials, we are also

recognizing that long commutes, driving, and large expanses of concrete roadways are

Page 13: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor







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Page 14: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


communications between people are reduced to honking battles between metal boxes.

City streets, expanded to accommodate increased traffic flows, have become impassible

divisions and hazardous to pedestrians and cyclists susceptible to being struck by the

vehicles using the road. As a solution, urban population densities need to be raised around

rail transit nodes to facilitate mass transit commuting, without the need for personal


The United States has one of the safest driving records regarding deaths per mile

driven, but this record still caused 41,471 deaths related to automobiles in 1998. Data

shows that “5,157 pedestrians were killed on the nation’s streets in 1996” with 69% of

those deaths occurring on smaller residential streets. The amount of deaths in automobile

accidents during an average three month period is approximately equal to the amount of

deaths within the past 100 years for railroad incidents (Crawford 70-71).

There is a great power struggle between pedestrians/cyclists and motorists, and

due to the sheer size and armor of vehicles, they regularly maintain their peak status in

the hierarchy of the road. Both pedestrians and cyclists are at the mercy of drivers.

Bicycle lanes are typically placed between a row of parked cars and the fast moving

traffic of the roadway. In this position, cyclists need to be aware of the motorists passing

from behind, doors opening into the bicycle lane from parked cars, and pedestrians

walking between the parked cars and emerging into the bicycle lane. The infrastructure

cannot be considered successful unless both children and the elderly can feel safe using

the system.

Pedestrian traffic has a similar power struggle. Pedestrians are forced to walk to

block corners to cross the flow of vehicle traffic. This creates a linear division between

both sides of streets. While visually connected, locations on opposite sides of the street

Page 15: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


are legally inaccessible via the shortest natural route. This oftentimes leads to people

dangerously crossing the roadways mid-block.

Additionally, vehicles require large amounts of space. A single lane of traffic can

transport only 2,000 cars in an hour. With a typical occupancy load of 1.5 passengers per

vehicle, this translates to just 2500 people per hour, per lane of traffic (about 10-15 feet in

width). Increasing the amount of automobile traffic lanes reduces the amount of usable

land within the city, decreases population density, and promotes sprawl. If these lanes

were to allow only bicycles, over twice the amount of commuters (approximately 6000)

could operate on the same amount of roadway (assuming 13.5 square feet per cyclist, one

cyclist per bike, with room for movement). Furthermore, rail based systems can transport

50,000 passengers per hour on a single track 4 feet 8.5 inches wide (Crawford 39).

Additionally, these motorists require large amounts of parking spaces that should be

better utilized and increase population density (Crawford 76). It should be realized that

some people will require cars for transport, and small amounts of parking placed

throughout the city should be included in the design. Examples of persons who may need

automobiles include the elderly, ill, disabled, and emergency vehicles such as

ambulances, and fire trucks.

It should be noted, though, that replacing the current traffic situation with bicycle

traffic does not fix the issue with pedestrians. Although this is a step in a better direction,

streets would still be divided by a mass of cyclists, and become nearly as impassable as

they are with vehicles.

Because of the traffic problems created by an increasing amount of motorists, the

current bus transit system in Chicago has become unreliable. Buses in Chicago currently

run on the same roadways as car traffic. Bus arrival times at stops are varied with a

Page 16: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


schedule that is not adhered, since buses are subjected to the same road blocks and traffic

jams that motorists endure (which are oftentimes caused by the motorists themselves). A

successful bus route needs to be on time and reliable, and to accomplish this, a designated

bus lane is necessary at least during rush periods. A bus route needs to be able to travel

faster than the other vehicles on the road to give people incentive to ride.

The typical dwell time for a Chicago bus with on-board fare collection is 3

seconds per passenger. With an off-vehicle fare collection system, dwell time is reduced

to 0.4 seconds to 2.5 seconds per passenger depending on the amount of doors available

on the vehicle and the curb to bus step height of the bus (a curb at-level with the floor of

the bus allows for a quicker boarding time) (Regina 42). Problems with bus stops arise

when there are no buses for a prolonged period of time. If the wait is too long, perhaps 10

minutes with no notification of the next transport, people may find an alternate route (e.g.

taxis), decreasing transit ridership. When customers can have access to accurate

information about the transit routes and service, they can eliminate the uncertainty of

when the next bus will arrive, and are more likely to use the transit regularly (Regina

122). To do this, simple technologies will need to be implemented. Successful bus

systems need to utilize technology to gather a greater ridership. Straightforward GPS

tracking that can track the locations of all routes needs to be included on all buses, and

can be sent to bus stops and relayed onto a display, showing the estimated arrival times of

the next buses. This is currently being implemented around the city of Chicago, and also

includes the option of accessing the information online.

However, adding an additional lane of pavement to increase bus transit reliablilty

does not aid in the proposition to increase density and reduce paved areas. Buses are

relatively unreliable pieces of machinery, with diesel engine buses typically lasting 10-15

Page 17: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


years, while a train/rail car will last 30-40 years and not have as many maintenance

upkeep costs. Buses also tend to diminish the quality of life on the streets with the noise

and exhaust produced (Crawford 185). These aspects of design are especially important

to consider in a pedestrian oriented development. To develop the city as a livable area,

rail-based transit offers the best positions for increasing population density, reducing

personal vehicle transport, and maintaining a humanized development. Improved bus

transit should only be a temporary fix and eventually be phased out for a complete rail-

based system. A tram system would require the installation of rail for along the length of

Western Avenue and would replace the number 49 and X49 bus routes. The station stops

would remain the same as the current bus stops, but the curb heights will be raised to the

level of the tram, reducing dwell time of the service. Also, station stops at major

intersections or stops with a high ridership will have contained waiting shelters with

updated GPS information regarding the tram service and waiting times.

Page 18: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor




2.1 Current Transit Coverage in Chicago

The two primary rail transit infrastructures in the city of Chicago are the Chicago

Transit Authority (CTA) and Metra. The CTA is the urban rail that provides coverage

within the boundaries of Chicago, although it does travel to the suburbs of Evanston,

Skokie, Oak Park, and Cicero. The CTA operates eight rail lines around the city, two of

which run 24 hours a day. The 222 miles of track runs almost entirely elevated, except for

a few parts of the system that run at grade and the Dearborn and State Street subways that

run below the city (Chicago Transit Authority Website,

The Metra suburban rail infrastructure runs 12 rail lines radiating from the

Chicago Loop. Each route departs from one of four downtown Chicago stations

(Millenium, Ogilvie, LaSalle, and Union) and serves the counties of Cook, DuPage,

Lake, Will, McHenry, and Kane along its 495 miles of track (Metra Web Site,

At this time, combined rail transit coverage between the CTA and Metra is

satisfactory, but there are many areas of the city unreachable by rail and require

transferring to bus transport. Figure 2.1 displays the areas of Chicago inaccessible by

current rail transport (both CTA and Metra) with the propsed site location marked with in

red. This project is exploring these inaccessible areas and developing methods of making

them accessible. One of these sites is on Western Avenue approximately between

Madison Street and Grand Avenue.

Page 19: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 2.1. Areas of Chicago Inaccessible by Rail Transit.

2.2 Site Location and Phasing Plans The site of this proposal is located on Western Avenue with an approximate

boundary of Madison Street to the south and Grand Avenue to the north, with the

inclusion and development of the periphery (Figure 2.2). The site is the located within of

one of Chicago's manufacturing strips, the "Kinzie Industrial Corridor." This corridor is

approximately 675 acres of land and is currently declining in value as businesses that

were established by the freight rail in this location have moved further out from the city.

A connection between commuter rail transportation will be much more beneficial in

Page 20: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


developing the area rather than a constant band of decaying industry. The site consists of

many abandoned industrial buildings from this industrial corridor, and will be defined in

the project and aimed toward adaptive reuse.

This project will examine a creation and composition of a pedestrian/bicycling

infrastructure, with growth built around a human scale, nodal development of the

proposed CTA and Metra stations, and a connecting interior/exterior corridor defining the

Madison Street

Grand Avenue





Figure 2.2. Site Location on Western Avenue.

Page 21: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


two. While the elimination of Western Avenue from the site would be too ambitious, it

will be materialized with regard to current and future conditions and circumstances.

Currently, Western Avenue acts as a defining barrier slicing the proposed site in two, but

will be explored as a unifying element in this development. The proposal will look at a

high population residency, as well as parks, markets, pedestrian paths, playgrounds,

communal areas, civic spaces, quiet areas, etc. all to create a positive relation to society.

This development has a responsibility to the environment and community by minimizing

vehicular traffic in the area and promoting a local density and community.

The project will be divided into three general phases of development. The first

phase is what can currently be realized in the year 2008. The second phase is the plan for

the year 2050 and the third phase is a development plan for the year 2100.

With the first phase of development, the site can be developed with a new CTA

Green Line stop on Western Avenue and the initial plan of a pedestrian connection to the

redeveloped Metra station.

The second phase includes a reduced vehicular traffic flow on Western Avenue,

caused by outside effectors, and a greater pedestrian presence in the area. The

development in the second phase will include a more integrated pedestrian connection

between the Metra and CTA Green Line tracks with the implementation of a second level

pedestrian corridor. This second level will create an additional level of commercial/retail

business available to pedestrians on the elevated walkway, while still providing for the

first level of commercial/retail below and creating a greater density in the area within a

smaller architectural footprint. Additionally, above the commercial can be several stories

of commercial/business office locations and above this can be residential apartments and

condominiums. This high density would primarily be in the quarter mile radius

Page 22: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


surrounding the stations, gradate toward medium density between the quarter mile and

half mile radius, and outward to typical Chicago greystones and walk-ups. Past this,

outside the walkable radius, can be single family housing and large parks, as mentioned

previously. Phase two also includes a reduced automobile usage with vehicles only

travelling on the primary or secondary roadways outside of the half-mile walkable radius

from the transit stations. This is the phase that will be looked at into further depth within

the rest of the thesis.

The third phase of development is based around a car-less Chicago, and the

results necessitated from this; tram lines run on main streets, and a very dense, walkable

city is produced. Freight rail will need to be implemented to transfer large cargo

throughout the city, and alternative methods of transportation put into operation.

As stated, a CTA station stop at Western Avenue on the CTA Green Line has been

proposed. This will be examined with a pedestrian link to the current Western Avenue

Metra station on the Milwaukee District West Line and a proposed coupling of the Union

Pacific West Line at the same location, allowing the connection between the local and

suburban rail transit to define the origins of the residential development. The division

between the east and west sides of Western Avenue will be remedied by the raising of a

pedestrian street, allowing for human scale articulation on top of the vehicular artery and

a second level of development accessed by the pedestrian traffic above. Areas within one-

half mile of the rail stations will be developed to the greatest extent to allow for

pedestrian oriented growth, putting the more specific boundaries of the site at Grand

Avenue to the north, Leavitt Street to the east, Madison Street to the south, and Rockwell

Street to the west. By placing limits at a half mile radius from the transit centers,

everyone is within a 10 minute walk to the rail station. The furthest a person would have

Page 23: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


to walk in a city with this structure would be 1 mile (typically 20 minutes) from starting

location to destination within the walkable radius mentioned in 3.1 Rail Transit Oriented

City. This pedestrian oriented infrastructure will allow for a greater density and more

comfortable community network while maintaining a link to existing neighboring

locations along each of the functioning rail transit systems.

2.3 CTA Station

The CTA Green Line in the city of Chicago currently serves the west side of the

city along Lake Street to Oak Park and the south side of the city approximately along

Wabash Avenue south to 63rd Street. The average ridership in 2006 for the Lake Street

branch of the Green Line was nearly 23,000 people per weekday (Chicago Transit


Station stops on the Green Line are typically one half to one mile apart. However,

the distance between the Ashland and California stations (the stations on the East and

West of this site) measures 1.5 miles. This distance makes the area unsuitable for a

pedestrian oriented development. This plan is proposing station stops at half-mile

increments to promote a dense community, integrating stations on the primary and/or

secondary roadways throughout the city. On this site, the station placement is on Western

Avenue, which also allows for a quarter-mile transfer to Metra rail to travel to/from the

suburbs. Additionally, this station location at Western Avenue allows for an approximate

travel time of 6-8 minutes to the loop on rail.

2.4 Metra Station The Metra suburban rail service currently serves the suburbs of Chicago and has

Page 24: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor














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Page 25: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor




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Page 26: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor











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Page 27: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor













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Page 28: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor








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Page 29: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


The proposed station makes use of the surroundings and allows the circulation to

be integrated into the adjacent buildings. The station includes a ground level entrance at

the corner of Lake Street and Western Avenue, as well as an elevated entrance at the

elevation of the serviced tracks. This will facilitate a simpler access to the transit, and

allow for transit users to have immediate access to the second level retail. The transition

from the pedestrian connection to the station is discussed in Section 3.6 Connection


The design mimics the glass roof of the Metra station (discussed in 3.4 Metra

Station) to give the station a grand feel. Most stations on the Green Line are barebones

structures, redesigned in the 1990’s with a white steel structure, concrete platforms and

corrugated metal roofing. Developing this station (and future stations) with a unique style

could increase ridership along the stations as they become destinations, rather than

simplistic stations.

This station is designed as an integration into an “existing” building. This

building is not currently on the site, or anywhere in Chicago, but has been given a

generalized column grid and design to facilitate design guidelines. An actual building

produced on site would, of course, change the design of the proposed CTA station in

order to adapt to the column grid and design of the building created.

3.3 Metra Station The Metra rail station requires a platform length of approximately 600 feet to

accommodate the suburban rail service. Platforms connecting both the inbound and

outbound tracks of all accessed Metra lines (MD-W, MD-N, NCS, UP-W) are also

required for this station to function. Although there is onboard ticketing on the Metra

Page 30: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


trains, the inclusion of a ticket agent booth is incorporated into the design since the

station is servicing the inbound and outbound tracks of four rail lines. Unlike the CTA,

public access is allowed on the station property, but not aboard the trains. This allows for

the design of the station to become an extension and terminus of the pedestrian


Like the CTA station, this station would allow for straightforward access to trains

from the elevated pedestrian concourse, which branches off into the station and connects

to the trains below with stairs and elevators. The station would be a long span steel

structure with a glass canopy. This can be utilized as a retail center with kiosks for small

stores and larger businesses annexed in existing neighboring buildings. With future

development and financing, the station could expand to the west with room for

apartments and condominiums built over the large rail yard adjacent to the station, the A2

interlocker, and further develop the node into a neighborhood. This area can be developed

with air rights development as was done over the rail lines in downtown Chicago.

3.4 Plaza Design

The Plaza proposed for the southern entrance to the suburban rail station (Metra)

is designed to be a lively, energetic pedestrian area. Using the public data from the

Regional Transit Authority of the Chicagoland region, we can see that on average 676

passengers alight at the Western station currently, and with the proposed Union Pacific

West station included in the design we need to add an average of 42 passengers alighting

during the morning commute. Assuming that these people return to the station to

commute home, this would lead to a group of 718 passengers in the initial development

of the area. This is a relatively low number; however, rail ridership on the Metra has been

Page 31: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


steadily increasing. Within the past three years ridership on the Milwaukee District-North

line has increased 5% on average per year, 4.8% average per year on the Milwaukee

District-West line, 8.5% on the North Central Service, and 5.2% on the Union Pacific

West line. Taking this increased ridership trend, we can assume that in ten years, the

passengers alighting at the Western station will be up to approximately 6000 passengers

during the morning and evening commute. This is assuming a constant increase in

ridership and a constant level of personal vehicle commuters, as well without taking into

consideration outside factors such as fuel prices, automobile maintenance, bicycle

ridership, and train ticket costs.

By utilizing Alexander's Pedestrian Density pattern (Alexander, 123), a target

square footage per person between 150 and 300 is encouraged. This allows for the plaza

to be visually active and encouraging others to become engaged with the space as well.

We could calculate the area of the public plaza in ten years (2018) with 150 square feet

per person will need to be 750,000 square feet. However, this is clearly too large for the

location and not feasible for a walkable public plaza. It is also assuming that every

passenger will be utilizing the plaza and not passing though the shortest route to their

destination. The Piazza San Marco in Venice, one of the most well used public spaces in

the world, is only approximately 164,000 square feet in area (including the Piazzetta San

Marco). Additionally, the proposed location for the site would only allow for a plaza of

220,000 square feet at the largest.

For the plaza, I am proposing an initial usable space of approximately 100,000

square feet. After given the chance to develop, the area will be more vibrant and the plaza

utilized more by commuters and the local population. When needed, the plaza can be

expanded to the east and west up to a maximum of 220,000 square feet, although it

Page 32: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


should only be opened to a maximum of about 150,000 square feet, keeping the area

tightly scaled to human proportion. Taking into consideration Chicago's harsh winter

season, the area needs to be developed to minimize cold winter winds from the

southwest, but allowing for the cool summer breezes from the west.

The plaza also needs a method of identity from a distance. Kevin Lynch organizes

this as a landmark in his Image of the City (Lynch 80). By giving a landmark "spatial

prominence" and making the landmark visible from one-half of a mile away, the identity

of the area and its surroundings will be easily trekked by the local population and visiting

commuters. For this, I am proposing a redevelopment of the 1946 glass and steel

structure on the site which is currently used in metals recycling and processing. This will

act as a way finding device around the area, much as the Sears Tower does for the overall

city of Chicago. The structure can act as a beacon, lit up at night, as well as used for

multiple purposes such as Weekend markets, neighborhood sales, community organized

events, etc and become an attraction for the area and in turn define the character of the


The plaza will be paved with the building material collected from the demolition

of structures currently on the site. This material (alternate shades of yellow and red brick)

can be placed in a concrete mixture and sanded down, much like a terrazzo. Drainage

from the surface will funnel into a bio-swale on the western section of land and return to

the water table naturally. Underneath the plaza will be a minimal amount of parking,

accessed from Western Avenue. By keeping the parking underground, the effects of

vehicles on the area are kept minimal and non-invasive.

Page 33: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


3.5 Connection Corridor The connection corridor between the Metra and CTA station is elevated at the

same height as the elevated tracks of the rail systems above Western Avenue. This allows

for transit riders to alight from the trains and be at the same level as the connection

corridor, creating a simple connection to a new upper level retail between the stations,

and serving as a dual layer density for the area. The ground level of Western Avenue will

serve as a lower access to the storefronts, but main access should be accessible from the

upper level. Because the stores will be on multiple levels, they wouldn’t be required to be

as wide to maintain the same amount of square footage, and would allow for more

storefront access along the pedestrian route.

The building to bridge connection would act as a transition between structures.

What is produced for this project is similar to what is currently in place at the

Merchandise Mart CTA station, which utilizes a second level entrance to the retail stores

directly from the station. This connection uses the elevated track columns and adds steel

supports to the extended landing. A concrete slab is then attached to this bracing for the

pedestrian level. In the case of this connection corridor, wood decking will be placed on

top of the concrete slab to maintain a uniform appearance along the storefronts. Figure

3.5 demonstrates this transition.

While most of the corridor and storefront access will be overlaid with wood,

along the length of the elevated route alternate paving materials need to be utilized to

define areas of different use. As mentioned, most of the connection bridge will be clad

with wood decking. Wood decking has a very pedestrian-friendly feel, is softer than a

hard-paved surface underfoot, and is lightweight to minimize the steel underneath. This

Page 34: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


decking will also be simple to replace and repair if a retail store decides to add or remove

their second level entrance. Other areas, for example, the high traffic areas around both

the CTA and Metra station entrances will need to be paved in a stone tile paver that will

wear better in high traffic than the wood decking on the rest of the pedestrian bridge.

Additional examples of different paving defining areas include a concrete paved area to

encourage skateboarding to occur in the defined areas, and grassy areas to encourage a

park-like setting.

Elaborating on this park-like definition, areas along this pedestrian route should

be heavily planted and shaded with trees and trellises. An elevated forest where people

can shop, work, live, and play is what needs to result for this connection to be successful.

Figure 3.5. Bridge to Building Connection

Page 35: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Trees can be placed in planters and given at least 4 feet of necessary soil to grow. These

planters should have seating built in to allow for people to rest, read, or watch other

people stroll by.

From Alexander’s Pattern Language, this promenade should be a place for staying

in, not just passing through (Alexander 590). The faceted wooden decking is to allow a

slight undulation underfoot. This sloped surface would never reach a slope greater than

1:20 to prevent the promenade from becoming cluttered with guardrails and handrails.

The structure of this connection corridor mimics the CTA elevated rail, with steel

columns on either side of the roadway, and connected by large steel girders. Because of

the long distance of Western Avenue, and the placement of a park-like setting on the

elevated concourse, supporting columns need to be placed in the median of Western

Avenue, as well.

3.6 Road and Alley Redesign

Vehicular travel within cities is at its worst. Currently, streets in Chicago are

congested with traffic that impedes both pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles from

utilizing the roadway to its full potential. The answer many civil engineers would give is

to incorporate additional lanes into the design, but this only exacerbates the problem by

creating more lanes of traffic to cross and, usually, less sidewalk area for pedestrians. The

failure of streets can be heard through the honking of its vehicles.

Roadways have been implemented to get vehicles from point A to point B as

quickly as possible. However, this system is failing, and this proposal is acknowledging a

reduced personal vehicle usage/elimination of the personal vehicle from the city design.

Rail based transport is one of the most efficient forms of mass transport (aside from

Page 36: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


water-based transport) to be developed (Crawford 118).

A good roadway will differ according to environment. A major road such as

Western Avenue needs to have (by Phase II of the design) a set lane for freight vehicles, a

bus or tram line, bicycle lanes, and parking only if necessary. Street-side parking is very

dangerous for drivers and passengers of the vehicle, and to cyclists vulnerable to the

opening doors of the vehicle. This space would be much better utilized for the designated

bus lane or tram line on Western Avenue.

Smaller neighborhood roads should be closed to vehicle traffic by Phase II.

Granted, emergency vehicles, moving vans, and few other vehicles will be able to enter

when necessary. This eliminated traffic flow will create a much closer neighborhood with

people encouraged to interact with neighbors in the street to the front. Typically, these

smaller streets with parking on the sides are 42 feet in width, giving each Chicago block

approximately 11,550 to 25,200 extra square feet to use. This extra space can become a

cobbled area to walk, a playground for children, a grassy area to relax, or any number of

different things, allowing for a greater interaction among residents.

The alleys of Chicago will remain intact, as they are necessary for garbage,

recycling, and compost pickup as well as emergency vehicle access. However, the alleys

need to be redesigned to recharge the underground water table and produce a more

aesthetic backyard. The city of Chicago currently has proposed the idea of making "green

alleys" throughout the city's 1,900 miles of public alleys. This design includes a

permeable, high albedo, recycled pavement, dark sky lighting, and native vegetation

(City of Chicago 10). This design needs to be implemented on this site, and the rest of the

city, to the furthest extent. The coach houses typical to Chicago back yards adjacent the

alley and currently used for vehicle parking can be redeveloped as small apartments or

Page 37: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor















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Page 38: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


large parks in the area. While this is feasible, we need to be careful at what the park will

do for the neighborhoods. Currently, the expressways are only for vehicle transport, and

there is no way for a pedestrian to gain access to the expressways as they are either

elevated, below grade, or fenced off. Because of this, the established parks would need to

have specific access points for entering and exiting. This leads to a confined space that

may not become very inviting. Without a lot of site work I feel as this could be a terrible

mistake for the city, as a park system like this is sure to fail (Jacobs, 57). For these linear

sites, I am proposing freight train lines into and out of the city, as well as express trains to

specific destinations (e.g. O’Hare and Midway airports). The freight lines would stop

approximately every mile to deliver local supplies which would then be carried by

specific postal car rail transit running on the LRT rail to centers where packages are

delivered by hand cart or bike. All of this will work seamlessly if scheduled with

precision. Freight trains can meet the postal carriers at the same moment and deliver

freight between the two services, and not causing any delay within the transit system.

These freight lines on the reclaimed expressways can be bordered by bike paths to

create faster access for cyclists to downtown. This will help to alleviate any overflow of

the capacities of the rail transit systems.

Page 39: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor



DESIGN IMAGERY 4.1 Chicago Site Analysis The following images illustrate the development of the site analysis. The city of

Chicago has been analyzed with the development of a city-wide rail connection realized

through the use of the existing system as a base. All references for these figures are from

April 2008. Figure 4.1 displays the existing boundaries of the city of Chicago. Figure 4.2

illustrates the existing CTA rail lines in the city, with the proposed “circle line” shown

dashed in red. This line would connect most of the current lines in a large loop and

increase the service of the rail lines. Figure 4.3 shows the existing CTA rail stations.

Figures 4.4 and 4.5 illustrate the existing Metra lines and stations. Subtracting the entire

collection of CTA and Metra stations from the existing Chicago boundaries is shown in

Figure 4.6, and that same result without Metra stations is shown in the next figure. With

Figure 4.8, a half-mile walkable radius is overlaid onto the city. This grid is not entirely

accurate, as the entire area of locations like O’Hare and Midway Airports do not need to

be covered with CTA stations. One station will suffice. Figure 4.9 displays a density map

from the 1990 census. Red and orange areas are the densest with 7,491.63 – 33,850.46

and 4,049.19 – 7,491.62 people per square kilometer respectively. Yellow and green areas

are 1,987.90 – 4,049.18 and 3.21 – 1,987.89 people per square kilometer respectively.

Granted, this is the 1990 census and many areas have developed dramatically since then.

For instance, the South Loop is shown in green, when it has been seeing a great increase

in population with new residential towers built within the past few years. Figure 4.10

shows this same density map with the areas transited by the CTA removed. By overlaying

Page 40: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


the half-mile pedestrian grid, we can see approximately how many stations will be

necessary in Figure 4.11. Figure 4.12 is analyzing only the densest areas of the density

map and produces a visual of the areas needing the initial development of the transit

system. Figure 4.13 is displaying 71 additional stations needed (in blue) along with the

existing stations (green) overlaid onto the density map. These 71 new stations would be

created, for the most part, by extending existing CTA lines and branching off or looping

around at the current terminals.

4.2 Western Avenue Site Analysis

The site is located on Western Avenue between Grand Avenue and Lake Street and

is shown in Figure 4.14. Figure 1.15 is displaying the current primary streets (orange),

secondary streets (yellow) and tertiary streets (dark red) with the CTA rail line on the

southern portion of the map (green) and the Metra rail lines shown on the north portion of

the site (blue). The one way streets on the site are shown with arrows in their direction of


4.3 Design Figures and Drawings

The remaining images are the design produced and described in the previous

chapters and sections. Drawing 4.1 shows the ground level plan of the CTA station, and

drawing 4.2 shows the mezzanine level plan of the station. Drawing 4.3 displays the

platform level floor plan. This level acts as a connection between the CTA and the

pedestrian bridge. The station includes retail accessible from inside the turnstiles.

Drawing 4.4 is a section through the track and exterior portion of the station, looking

north. Drawing 4.5 is a section through the interior area of the station, looking west. The

Page 41: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


east elevation is shown in Drawing 4.6, and also cuts through the elevated pedestrian

bridge. The pedestrian bridge crosses at the same level as the tracks in this drawing. This

is done by removing the third rail that carries the electricity for the train in this section

and letting the train act as a conductor across the gap. Drawings 4.7 and 4.8 show the roof

and pedestrian level plans of the Metra station. This has been designed as a long span,

glass and steel structure. Drawing 4.9 is a section looking west through the glass and steel

canopy of the Metra station. The Plaza, acting as both a gathering place and an transition

from the elevated pedestrian level to ground level is shown in Drawing 4.10. Drawings

4.11, 12, and 13 show the transitions between phases I,II, and III by gradually removing

cars from the design of the area. Drawing 4.14 displays the typical bridge to building

connection that will occur along the length of the pedestrian bridge. Drawing 4.15

illustrates the pedestrian bridge plan near the CTA station, and Drawing 4.16 shows the

pedestrian bridge plan near the Metra station. Drawing 4.17is displaying the typical

middle section plan of the pedestrian bridge, and also shows the typical bridge to building

connections (direct, inset, court, arcade, and ramp).

The remaining images (Renderings 4.1-4.4) display several views of the

pedestrian bridge and areas around the connection.

Page 42: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.1. Chicago Boundaries.

Page 43: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.2. CTA Rail Line Locations.

Page 44: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.3. CTA Rail Station Locations.

Page 45: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.4. Metra Rail Line Locations.

Page 46: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.5. Metra Rail Station Locations.

Page 47: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.6. Areas Without CTA and Metra Rail Transit.

Page 48: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.7. Areas Without CTA Rail Transit.

Page 49: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.8. Half-mile Pedestrian Grid Overlay.

Page 50: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.9. Density Map from 1990 Census.

Page 51: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.10. Density Map and Areas Without CTA Rail Transit.

Page 52: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.11. Density Map and Half-mile Pedestrian Grid Overlay.

Page 53: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.12. High Density Areas.

Page 54: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.13. Proposed CTA Rail Station Locations (in blue).

Page 55: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.14. Site of Western Avenue Enlarged.

Page 56: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Figure 4.15. Western Avenue Site Analysis.

Page 57: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Drawing 4.1. Street Level Floor Plan of CTA Station (el: +0′).

Page 58: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Drawing 4.2. Mezzanine Level Floor Plan of CTA Station (el: +12′).

Page 59: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Drawing 4.3. Platform Level Floor Plan of CTA Station (elevations as noted).




Page 60: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor




g 4.

4. S


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Page 61: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor




g 4.

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Page 62: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor




g 4.

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Page 63: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Drawing 4.7. Roof Plan of Metra Station.

Page 64: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Drawing 4.8. Pedestrian Level Floor Plan of Metra Station.

Page 65: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor




g 4.

9. S


n Th


h M










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Page 66: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor




g 4.

10. S


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h M





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: +






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Page 67: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Drawing 4.11. Section Through Western Avenue, Phase I of Street Design.

Drawing 4.12. Section Through Western Avenue, Phase II of Street Design.

Drawing 4.13. Section Through Western Avenue, Phase III of Street Design.







Page 68: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Drawing 4.14. Section Through Pedestrian Bridge/Building Connection.

el: +24′

el: +0′

Page 69: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor




g 4.

15. P


of P










Page 70: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor




g 4.

16. P


of P







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Page 71: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor




g 4.

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Page 72: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor




g 4.

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Page 73: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor




g 4.

2. V




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ed P





Page 74: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


Rendering 4.3. View of a Typical Middle Section of Elevated Pedestrian Bridge.

Page 75: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor




5.1 Summary

With the prices of fuel steadily rising, there is an emerging shift in urban

demographics favoring higher densities. From this, we need to analyze at what population

density should a new CTA station be placed, and at what level they are most successful.

This proposal is meant to serve as an exemplary device for other possible rail

connections, as well. An additional example of where this type of connection could occur

is at the CTA Green line terminus at 63rd/Cottage Grove with a connection to the Metra

Electric and South Shore Lines. This location is currently vacant land that could benefit

both the CTA and Metra and the community in this location. Also, between the Red and

Green CTA lines and the Rock Island District and Southwest Service Metra lines at 35th

street could be developed similarly. The IIT campus could play a unique development in

this instance. A pedestrian connection at Roosevelt between the Red, Orange, and Green

CTA lines and the Metra Electric and South Shore Lines would give the growing south

loop a great pedestrian development. This could be expanded upon once the proposed

Circle Line is implemented. Another area that could be built up in this fashion is at either

the Western or Pulaski stations on the Pink Line, with a connection to the BNSF Metra

rail line. The current station at Western Avenue on the BNSF line is in need of

improvement, and developing it with a pedestrian oriented connection could improve the

community as well. Lastly, with an extension added to the CTA Brown line, there could

be a pedestrian connection between it and the Blue line (O’Hare Branch) and the

Milwaukee District- North Metra Line.

Page 76: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor


5.2 Conclusion

One issue with trying to analyze and construct a car-less city is that we attempt to

substitute our current means of transport with something that tries to mimic our current

standards and usually ends up as a second-rate system. For Chicago, or any city, to

become a successful, densely populated, car-less city, we need to be innovative and

rethink the way we live and the way we can live. Car-less cities need to function as

conveniently as current vehicle-centric cities, but without the danger and inefficiency of

them. By no means is this project concluded; this will be a work in progress for a very

long time, eventually emerging into a practical solution.

Page 77: Transit Oriented Chicago: A Prototype CTA to Metra Rail Transit Connection Corridor



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