trailer analysis


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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Trailer Analysis


Page 2: Trailer Analysis


• This film trailer offers frequent close ups of the characters inside of their cars, these close ups show the characters emotions and the intensity of the sequence taking place. Close ups in action film trailers are very frequent as they capture the facial expressions of the characters for a short moment showing their thoughts on the situation.

• This action trailer uses lots of tracking during chase sequences and stunts, this tracking follows the cars at the same speed they are travelling to emphasise the intensity of the chase and increase the excitement of the chase for the audience. Tracking in action films is often used in order to add the sense of hype to the audience for them to be excited about the chase and the film.

• In this film trailer there is a lot of high angle shots used during fast paced sequences, the high angle looks down on the action taking place to show the full picture of what is taking place. The high angle shots show the power of the explosions and the intensity of chase sequences and seems frequent in action film trailers. High angle shots help to add the excitement to the film showing the magnitude of explosions and the pace of car chases.

• This film trailer starts off with establishing shots to show the setting of the film, this shows the wealth of the characters that are seen as the heroes due to their success. Later on in the trailer another establishing shot is used to show the setting in which most of the action will take place. This seems frequent in action films as it tries to show the different settings that the film will use. This establishing shot is used to show a before and after idea, as the initial shot will show the setting to be nice looking and built up but then after the action sequences have taken place the setting will not look the same as it first did.

Page 3: Trailer Analysis


• This film trailer offers excessive use of cutting between different parts of the sequence, the cutting used shows the two sides that are fighting or racing in this instance. Cutting is used in all action films as it easily shows the different people in the action sequence and the pace of the cutting helps to add to the pace and intensity of the chase.

• This film trailer uses fade to transition from scene to scene, this is used in this trailer to show the different characters in the early parts of the trailer. This fading shows the characters facial expressions and it introduces the different characters in the film. Fading seems to be used often in action films for this reason and also to show a tragedy or set back, the camera will fade to black at a time when it looks like all is lost for the heroic characters but in the end they will overcome the odds and win.

• This film trailer uses match on action to show the stunt from different actions, this is used to show the car flipping over from different angles, this adds an excitement to the sequence rather than using the same shot for the whole stunt it uses different angles to make the stunt look more exaggerated and realistic at the same time.

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• This action film uses lots of conventional props for the genre of film it is. The use of fast cars in the trailer helps to add to the intensity of the chase sequences and create excitement for the audience. Cars seem to be very frequently used in action films as they are an easy method of adding hype to the sequence and exciting an audience.

• This action film trailer uses other props that are conventional for the genre such as guns. Guns are another easy way for action films to create excitement as if the hero gets wounded by a gun they look vulnerable and weak but again would overcome the odds and be victorious. Guns or some sort of weapon is used in almost every action film and it is hard to find an action film without a gun of sorts.

• This action film uses settings that are conventional for the action film genre. The use of settings in wealthy areas and popular cities shows the wealth of the characters and their luxurious lifestyles. Settings like this are often used in action films to show the contrast between the heroic characters and the villains in the film. The heroic characters will have a luxurious setting while the villains will have a darker setting possibly underground in a secret lair.

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• This film trailer conforms to the conventions of the action genre. The use of big city settings is conventional to the genre as it shows the success of the heroic characters. Franchise action films will use this to show how the characters have progressed over the years from their success and will show the contrast between the heroic characters and villainous characters.

• This film trailer conforms to the conventions of the action genre as the use cars and car chases is expected to be seen in action films. The use of fast cars and car chases adds to the intensity and excitement of the chase sequence in order to hype the audience.

• This trailer conforms to the conventions of the action genre as the use of exaggerated explosions creates tension and intensity within the sequence. Explosions in action films are often used to create a possibility of defeat for the main characters showing their hideout or houses to be blown up by the villainous characters.

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• This trailer conforms to the conventions of form of action film trailers as the production logo of the film is shown at the start of the trailer on a green screen. This will help with action films specifically as action films made by a big conglomerate like Universal will be benefitted by their reputation and almost guarantee the success of the film. If the film is produced by a studio that is not as well known then it wont be as successful due to its lack of success in previous years.

• This trailer conforms to the conventions of form of action film trailers as the use of social media at the end of the trailer is evident in this trailer. The use of Facebook links or Twitter 'hashtags' has become more common now since social media is bigger than it ever has been. These links promote the film and are able to target a much wider audience than ever before.

• This film trailer conforms to the conventions of form of action films as it clearly introduces each character in the film. Action film trailers introduce the characters in the film to the audience to show the Hollywood actors in the film which will help promote it.