traduccion san bernardino

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Post on 04-Nov-2015




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Traduccion San Bernardino


" CONVENT OF SAN BERNARDINO OF SIENA "Yucatan have a culture that invites you to visit his territory recreating a journey into the past and knowing events of great importance in the Yucatecan culture. Existist cities and prehispanic ceremonial centers give the region a important meaning. like the conquest was a difficult process for the Spanish people but even more for the Mayan population.but was not only a victory, the second was more hardest which is the spiritual scenario and the convent of San Bernardino de Siena was the place.

The Convent of San Bernardino de Siena , the second largest state only after the Convent of Izamal.This by its type of construction with considerably thick walls, imposing building for its resemblance to a strength, who was barracks where the Franciscan order for the mission to evangelizing of Valladolid and the Eastern region of the peninsula.

The legend, or a curse , enacted by local Mayans during construction of the Convent , predict that on Good Friday , during church services, all main chapel with church officials and the faithful alike, would collapse completely Clearly, the construction of the chapel above the sacred cenote Sis -Ha was not taken lightly by the Maya shamans of the time.From the beginning, the Franciscan friars promoted Christianity with the beliefs and mayan culture, resulting in the traditions mixed Catholic- Mayan so common today throughout the Yucatan Peninsula.Festival events focus on this rich and varied ancestral tradition.even the historical impact of the Franciscan evangelical fervor in the early colonization of the Yucatan Peninsula .And like European customs were mixed with Mayan resulting in the emergence of a unique peninsular culture.Discover the secrets of more than 10 .000 years of history resting in the depths of the Sis -Ha cenote , bone fragments from the Paleolithic to firearms of the Caste War .The Convent of San Bernardino de Siena was founded by Franciscans who arrive in yucatan and one of the best places in this colonial city , founded in 1552 , is located in the heart of the old town of Sisal,southeast of the main square of valladolid 450 years ago. It was the first headquarters of the Franciscan Order in the city of Valladolid , the Convent of San Bernardino de Siena -save jealously for more than four centuries within the walls of the temple of the parish a few vestiges of the pioneering forms of evangelization used by The Franciscan to convert a the decence of yucatan mayas , was the starting point for Franciscan apostolic activities; A short distance from the wheel, there is another mouth ' Sis -Ha cenote , which is a rim from where you can admire the stunning depth of the water .The entire assembly is made up of the church, the chapel, the former convent ,atrium and the garden ; in the principal entry During the Caste War the church was ransacked and damaged as much of the city, how ever, the Convent did not suffer much damage compared to the rest of its elements, as the bells were buried in front of the chapel of San Roque.In 1552 the construction starts under the direction of Fray Hernando de Guevara, Francisco de la Torre and Fray Juan de Mrida. Antique was named the church San Francisco , as the Order of Franciscans built and founded the monastery, occupies an area of 14.121 meters .At the front door you can see the coat of the Franciscan Order and below MDLX , meaning 1560. and corresponds to the date it was completed and the church was blessed;

The history of the Convent of Sisal as such concludes February 12, 1755 , Priest Jos Prudencio Dominguez for indications Bishop Ignacio de padilla Estrada.REFERENCES :Internet : .-Convent San Bernardino, San Bernardino Valladolid, Valladolid Yucatan.html.Ex Convent of San Bernardino de Siena, Valladolid , Yucatan, Mexico TravelBy .htmlhttp : // www .valladolid .com .mx / colonies / sisal / convent.htmlthesis:.-Guide Narrative of the convent of St. Bernardino of Siena Valladolid Yucatan Pool Noh by Juan de la Cruz